HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020703Answer to Stanley Searle.pdf(1//1 STOEL ~~, RECEiVED illFiLED 2UUZ JUL - 3 AM f):(l$ 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1900 Boise, Idaho 83702 main 208.389.9000 fax 208.389,9040 www.stoel.com ATTORNEYS AT LAW mr'Hn \'UJUL- , UT1LH1ES' COr1t-l1SSiON July 2, 2002 MARY S. HOBSON Direct (208) 387-4277 mshobsonCfYstoel.com VIA HAND DELIVERY Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ill 83702-5983 RE:Docket No. P AC-O2- Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing with this Commission is an original and seven copies ofPACIFICORP' ANSWER TO PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION OF STANLEY SEARLE in the above referenced docket. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly ym)rs /Ii //ctJ1;! fk VI-- Mary s.dIobson :blg Enclosurescc: Scott Woodbury Eric Olsen Anthony J. Yankel Randall C. Budge James R. Smith Timothy Shurtz Conley E. Ward Oregon Washington California U l a h Boise-143433.10020017-00047 Idaho Page James F. Fell Erinn Kelley-SielSTOEL RIVES LLP 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 2600Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone: (503) 294-9343 Facsimile: (503) 220-2480 Mary S. Hobson STOEL RIVES LLP101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1900Boise, ID 83702-5958Telephone: (208) 389-4277 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 RECEIVED mFILED 2861 JUt -3 AM 8: ilJi.\hD ii;Hi UTILITIES CDMHl SSlON Attorneys for PacifiCorp dba Utah Power & Light Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp dba Utah Power & Light Company for Approval of Changes to its Electric Service Schedules PacifiCorp s Answer to Petition for Reconsideration of Stanley Searle P AC-02- COMES NOW PacifiCorp, dba Utah Power & Light Company ("PacifiCorp" or the Company ), by and through its attorneys of record and pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure 331 and 332 (IDAPA 332) and Idaho Code ~ 61-626, and files its Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Stanley Searle , dated June 22, 2002 and recorded with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) on June 25 , 2002. For reasons discussed below, Mr. Searle has failed to sustain his burden as a petitioner on reconsideration to show that the Commission s Order No. 29034 ("Order ) or any issue 1 Mr. Searle s Petition for Reconsideration was sent via U. S. Mail. See CommissionRule of Procedure 331 (providing that Answers to Petitions for Reconsideration be filed within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration) and Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 6(e)(1) (providing that three (3) additional days be added to prescribed period for filing when party is served by mail). PacifiCorp I S Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Stanley Searle Port1nd3-1406543.50020017-00047 STOEL RIVES LLP ATTORNEYS900 SW FIFTH A VENUE. SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268Telephone (503) 224-3380 Page decided in the Order is "unreasonable , unlawful, erroneous or not in conformity with the law (Rule of Procedure 331.01; Idaho Code ~ 61-626) and, accordingly, the Petition should be denied. ARGUMENT PACIFICORP'S AGREEMENT TO DISCUSS INDIVIDUAL INTERRUPTIBILITY OR LOAD-CONTROL CONTRACTS FOR THE 2002 IRRIGATION SEASON WITH NOT MORE THAN 15 LARGE IRRIGATORS IS REASONABLE AND NONDISCRIMINATORY. In his Petition, Mr. Searle argues that the Company s agreement in the Stipulation to discuss individual interruptibility or load control contracts with only 15 large irrigators amounts to "favoritism" by the Company. Mr. Searle does not provide any evidence or argument in support of that allegation, except to ask whether " only those with inside interest (will) have an opportunity (to participate)?" As relevant to Mr. Searle s question, the Stipulation approved by the Commission in its Order provides: In response to concerns from the (Idaho Irrigation Pumpers Association) concerning the loss of Schedule 10, Irrigation Season Rate C and its associated load control benefits , PacifiCorp agrees that it is willing to discuss individual interruptibility or load control contracts for the 2002 irrigation season with not more than 15 large irrigators (defined as irrigators having an individual meter registering more than 500 kilowatts during the last 12 months) on a first come-first served basis upon individual request of a member of said class of irrigators for such discussion. That agreement by the Company is intended to be a non-discriminatory approach (fIrst come-first served) to working with larger irrigation customers on a case-by-base basis regarding interruptible service for the 2002 irrigation season. PacifiCorp did not limit the number of large irrigators it would work with in this regard to 15 in order to discriminate among specific irrigators. Rather , the Company and the irrigators agreed that 15 was a reasonable number given the short duration of time remaining between the time the agreement PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Stanley Searle Port1nd3-1406543.50020017-00047 STOEL RIVES LLP ATTORNEYS900 SW FIFTH A VENUE, SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268Telephone (503) 224-3380 Page Even if Rule 102 bill-stuffer notice was required in this case and the Commission is authorized to impose a civil penalty for violation of that Rule 3 Mr. Searle s argument fails because the penalty provisions of the Idaho Code do not require imposition of the maximum penalty for a Rule violation and because Commission precedent and the circumstances of this case do not warrant imposition of the maximum penalty. Idaho Code ~ 61-706 provides that violation of a Commission rule may result in a civil penalty of "not more than $2000 for each and every offense." In other words , the statute contemplates assessment of a civil penalty amount below the statutory maximum. Finally, for the reasons stated in PacifiCorp s Petition for Reconsideration, any increase in the amount of the penalty would be excessive , unreasonable , unlawful and unsupported by the record. CONCLUSION For all of the foregoing reasons , the Petition for Reconsideration of Stanley Searle should be denied. DATED: July 2, 2002. ./U! James F ell Mary S. Hobson Erinn Kelley-Siel Of Attorneys for PacifiCorp dba Utah Power & Light Company 3 For the reasons stated in its Petition for Reconsideration, filed June 28 , 2002 , the Company does not agree that Rule 102 applies to this proceeding, neither does it agree that the Commission is authorized to impose a civil penalty for a Rule 102 violation. PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Stanley Searle Portlnd3-1406543.50020017-00047 STOEL RIVEs LLP ATTORNEYS900 SW FIFTH A VENUE, SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268Telephone (503) 224-3380 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this day of July, 2002, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served on the following via U SMail: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise , ID 83720-0074 Conley E. Ward Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6th St., Suite 200 PO Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Eric Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey PO Box 1391 201 E. Center Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 Anthony J. Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village , OH 44140 Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey PO Box 1391 201 E. Center Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 James R. Smith Senior Accounting Specialist Monsanto Company PO Box 816 Soda Springs , ID 83276 Timothy Shurtz 411 South Main Firth, ID 83236 jt-t~/;(r Boise-140921.1 0020017-00047 Page ~ 111 James F. Fell Erinn Kelley-Sie1 STOEL RIVES LLP 900 S.W. Fifth Avenue, Suite 2600 Portland, Oregon 97204 Phone: (503) 294-9343 Facsimile: (503) 220-2480 Mary S. Hobson STOEL RIVES LLP 101 S. Capitol Boulevard, Suite 1900 Boise, ID 83702-5958 Telephone: (208) 389-4277 Facsimile: (208) 389-9040 RECEIVED IT)FILED lllU2 JUL -3 AM B: I'D idtU ; C UTILITIES COf1MISSlON Attorneys for PacifiCorp dba Utah Power & Light Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION In the Matter of the Application of PacifiCorp dba Utah Power & Light Company for Approval of Changes to its Electric Service Schedules PAC-02- PacifiCorp s Answer to Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz COMES NOW PacifiCorp, dba Utah Power & Light Company ("PacifiCorp" or the Company ), by and through its attorneys of record and pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure 331 and 332 (IDAPA , 332) and Idaho Code ~ 61-626, and files its Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Intervenor Timothy Shurtz ("Petition ), dated June 23 , 2002 and recorded with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission ) on June 26 , 2002. 1 Mr. Shurtz s Petition for Reconsideration was sent via U.S. Mail. See Commission Rule of Procedure 331 (providing that Answers to Petitions for Reconsideration be filed within seven (7) days after any person has petitioned for reconsideration) and Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 6(e)(I) (providing that three (3) additional days be added to prescribed period for filing when party is served by mail). PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Ponlnd3-1406551.4 0020017-00047 STOEL RIVEs LLP ATTORNEYS900 SW FIFTH A VENUE ... SUlTE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268 Jelephone (503) 224-3380 Page For reasons discussed below, Mr. Shurtz has failed to sustain his burden as a petitioner on reconsideration to show that the Commission s Order No. 29034 ("Order ) or any issue decided in the Order is "unreasonable, unlawful, erroneous or not in conformity with the law (Rule of Procedure 331.01; Idaho Code ~ 61-626) and, accordingly, the Petition should be denied. ARGUMENT THE BPA CREDIT WAS TREATED SEPARATELY AND DID NOT AFFECT THE CALCULATION OF PACIFICORP'S EXCESS POWER COST RECOVERY. In his Petition Mr. Shurtz claims that the BP A Credit" should be treated as a separate issue" and "should have no baring (sic) on the amount of monies given to Utah Power in this case. " In fact , the BP A Credit was considered separately by the Commission which approved and implemented the credit in its Interlocutory Order No. 28946, issued January 31 , 2002. In the Order challenged here, the Commission merely reaffirmed Order No. 28946 and noted expressly that "(t)he BPA credit in its full amount remains intact and is unaffected by our Order today." Order at 3. Moreover, Mr. Shurtz s implied allegation that the BPA Credit somehow affected the amount of power cost recovery agreed to by the Parties to the Stipulation and approved by the Commission in its Order is unsubstantiated. As noted by the Commission, the BPA Credit qualifying Idaho customers are receiving "is by any measure extraordinary and far exceeds historic levels." Order at 2. The allocation of the credit which PacifiCorp proposed and the Commission accepted is just , reasonable and in the public interest. Determination of the amount of excess power costs PacifiCorp will be allowed to recover pursuant to the Stipulation approved in the Order was unaffected by the BP A Credit. Mr. Shurtz has failed to present any basis for his request for reconsidering the Commission decision on this issue and his request should be denied. PacifiCorp I S Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Portlnd3-140655 1.4 0020017-00047 STOEL RIVEs LLP ATTORNEYS900 SW FIFTH A VENUE, SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268Telephone (503) 224-3380 Page THE "MOST FAVORED NATION" PROVISION RELIED UPON BY MR. SHURTZ DOES NOT APPLY TO TillS PROCEEDING. In his Petition, Mr. Shurtz claims that the Company s excess power costs attributable to the failure of its Hunter 1 generating unit should be taken out of the excess power cost recovery approved in the Order and handled separately after the issues related thereto have been decided in PacifiCorp s other jurisdictions. As a basis for this request, Mr. Shurtz cites the so-called "most favored nation" provision adopted by the Commission in its order approving the PacifiCorp/ScottishPower merger, Order No. 29213, issued November 15 , 1999 in Case No. PAC-99-1 ("Merger Order 2 That provision, adopted as Merger Approval Condition No. 45 , provided: Pursuant to Idaho Code ~ 61 624 , the Commission, after notice and opportunity for hearing, may amend its fmal order to include as an additional conditions to the final order any system-wide benefit that may be ordered by another regulatory commission with jurisdiction to approve the transaction. Excluded from system wide benefits" are commitments or benefits that are unique to a particular jurisdiction and situations where , through negotiation in a particular jurisdiction, certain elements of the package may be enhanced while others are reduced to produce a total package that accommodates the unique requirements of that jurisdiction. Merger Order at 16. By its terms, the application of Merger Approval Condition No. 45 is limited to Commission amendment of its final order in the merger proceeding. As the Commission noted in the Merger Order, the "most favored nation" provision constitute(d) ScottishPower s commitment that any 'system benefits ' agreed to or imposed in other states will apply in Idaho. The effect of this is to ensure that PacifiCorp s Idaho customers 2 The Petition refers generally to a "'Most Favored Nation' clause in the stipulation but does not specify which" stipulation" to which it refers. Because the Stipulation approved in the Order at issue here does not contain a "most favored nation" clause , PacifiCorp assumes , for the sake of argument, that Mr. Shurtz is referring to Merger Approval Condition No. 45 adopted in the Merger Order. PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Portlnd3-1406551.40020017-00047 STOEL RIVES LLPATTORNEYS 900 SW FIFTH A VENUE, SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268Telephone (503) 224-3380 Page receive at least as favorable treatment as the Company customers in other states. Merger Order at 26. Thus , the intent of ScottishPower as expressed in the "most favored nation" provision was to ensure Idaho customers received certain benefits resulting from the merger received by customers in other states. The provision was not intended to apply outside that proceeding, and Mr. Shurtz does not provide any evidence to support his contention that it applies to the Stipulation adopted in this case. Because the "most favored nation" provision in the Merger Order did not apply outside the merger proceeding, Mr. Shurtz s request for reconsideration and/or clarification of the Commission s Order in this case based on that provision should be rejected. ALTHOUGH NOT BROKEN OUT INTO SPECIFIC COST COMPONENTS THE ORDER CORRECTLY FOUND THAT THE PROPOSED POWER SUPPLY COST SETTLEMENT AMOUNT IS FAIR, JUST AND REASONABLE. Mr. Shurtz also contends that "one of the problems with the Hunter Costs and the assessing of excess power costs in general is because these costs and issues were lumped into one charge to the customers. " It is true , as noted in the Order, that the Stipulation "does not attempt to assign blame or allocate a specific percentage of sharing for Hunter." Order at 14. Rather , " (t)he settlement provides a negotiated recovery figure (id. at 15) which the Commission accepted as fair, just and reasonable. Id. at 16-17. Mr. Shurtz has failed to provide any evidence to support his position that the Commission s conclusion in that regard is unreasonable , unlawful or erroneous. As evinced by the testimony of Commission Staff member Randy Lobb in this proceeding, the circumstances surrounding the Hunter 1 failure were considered and accounted 3 Indeed, the rate moratorium agreed to in the Merger Order , Merger Approval Condition No.2 (discussed below) was a benefit of the merger unique to Idaho and, for that reason, the Idaho Merger Order resulted in terms that were arguably superior to those enjoyed by customers in PacifiCorp s other jurisdictions. PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Pon1nd3-1406551.40020017-00047 STOEL RIVEs LLP ATTORNEYS900 SW FIFTH AVENUE. SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268Telephone (503) 224-3380 Page for in the power cost recovery amount agreed to in the Stipulation. Transcript Volume III Lobb Testimony pp. 311-314. In addition to costs related to the Hunter 1 outage, Staff's analysis of the Company s request for recovery of its excess power costs included an evaluation of "the normalized power supply costs allocated to the Idaho jurisdiction, the deferral period accrual amounts , (and) the impact of wholesale power sales contracts." Order at 16. The Commission s Order also found that the Parties to this proceeding considered multiple issues related to the Company s excess power costs , including the Company s short- term power purchase, wholesale power contracts , strategies in serving load, load growth, and individual assessments of the probability of a party prevailing on a challenge of imprudence. Id. at 16-17. Finally, the Commission also found "with certainty that many of the disallowances identified by Staff (Hunter 1 outage, wholesale contract costs, load growth and jurisdictional allocation) are included in the final Settlement figure.Id. at 17. In short, the Commission s finding that the settlement amount agreed to in the Stipulation is reasonable and in the public interest notwithstanding the fact that it does not contain a specific delineation of costs is reasonable, lawful and supported by substantial evidence. Mr. Shurtz has failed to demonstrate otherwise and, therefore, his request for reconsideration of this issue should be denied. THE COMMISSION CORRECTLY INTERPRETED MERGER CONDITION NO.2 TO ALLOW PACIFICORP TO RECOVER ITS EXCESS POWER COSTS IN RATES EFFECTIVE AFTER JANUARY 1, 2002. In his Petition, Mr. Shurtz reiterates his objection to PacifiCorp s recovery of its excess power costs in this proceeding as a violation of PacifiCorp/ScottishPower Merger Condition No., adopted by the Commission in its Merger Order. According to Mr. Shurtz, the Commission should have taken into consideration alleged representations made by Company representatives and, based on those representations , " thrown out" the excess power costs incurred during the two-year rate moratorium. PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Pon1nd3-1406551.40020017-00047 STOEL RIVEs LLP ATTORNEYS900 SW FIFTH AVENUE, SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268Telephone (503) 224-3380 Page Merger Condition No.2 provides: "At a minimum, ScottishPower shall not seek a general rate increase for its Idaho service territory effective prior to January 1 , 2002." Merger Order at 8. The Commission previously addressed that condition in response to a Petition for Clarification filed by Mr. Shurtz in this case. Order No. 28998 issued April 12, 2002. In that order , the Commission found that the condition had been fulfilled as the Company did not seek any increases in rates to be effective before 2002. Order No. 28998 at 3. Likewise, in Order No. 29034, the Commission found that recovery in this case did not violate the rate moratorium and that , " as long as rates did not change or become effective prior to January 1 2002 " the Company could have filed a general rate case in 2001. Order at 13; see also Transcript Volume III Shurtz Testimony, pp. 376-78 (wherein Commissioner Kjellander explains that any rate case filing for new rates effective January 1 , 2002 would have been based on costs incurred prior to January 1 , 2002, just as this case was based on costs incurred during that period). Merger Condition No.2 was a condition imposed upon the Company by the Commission, not a condition offered by ScottishPower. In this case , the Commission has correctly interpreted that provision in a manner that is fair and reasonable, both to ratepayers and to the Company. 4 Nevertheless, Mr. Shurtz challenges that interpretation based on what 4 As it found in its Order In this case, the Commission authorized a deferral accounting mechanism for extraordinary power costs incurred by PacifiCorp * * * to acquire adequate resources to meet its service obligation. As a regulatory body this Commission has a dual obligation, one to the utility to ensure that the utility is allowed such rates as will produce sufficient funds to meet necessary maintenance and operating expenses, and to provide it with an opportunity to earn a fair and reasonable rate of return on the value of its property devoted to the public service. On the other hand , the Commission has an obligation to customers to ensure that the service they receive is adequate, safe and reliable and that the rates they pay are fair, just and reasonable. Order at 14. PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Portlnd3-140655 1.4 0020017-00047 STOEL RIVEs LLP ATTORNEYS 900 SW FIFTH A VENUE, SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268 Telephone (503) 224-3380 Page he refers to as "misrepresentations" and "misinformation" provided by Company officials. Mr. Shurtz contends that "had * * * the benefits of this rate moratorium been clarified for the public there would have been a continued opposition to the merger. " As noted by the Commission in its Order , the record in the merger proceeding contains no evidence to support Mr. Shurtz s allegations that any " misrepresentations " occurred or that misinformation" was provided to the public. Order at 10. If customers believed ScottishPower had made promises to them regarding post-merger rates, they should have raised the issue in the merger proceeding, where PacifiCorp could have corrected any misunderstanding. By keeping silent, customers did not give PacifiCorp an opportunity to explain its position or the Commission an opportunity to incorporate different terms in the Merger Order. Neither were these allegations raised by any party or person in a request for reconsideration or clarification of the Merger Order. In short, the Commission correctly found in its Order that it is bound by its previous orders and the evidence of record that those decisions rested upon. The record in the PacifiCorp/ScottishPower merger proceeding is closed and the Commission s intent with respect to Merger Condition No.2 "was clearly articulated in the Merger Order." Order at 11. Mr. Shurtz s request that the Commission consider "evidence" outside that record to now effectively modify the Merger Order by giving it an interpretation contrary to its text must be rejected. THERE IS NO BASIS ON THE RECORD FOR INCREASING THE CIVIL PENALTY IMPOSED BY THE COMMISSION. In its Order , the Commission imposed a $1 087 720 civil penalty upon the Company for its failure to provide bill-stuffer notice to customers as required by Customer Information Rule 102 ("Rule 102" ). IDAPA According to Mr. Shurtz, the Company liability for the alleged violation of Rule 102 should be equal to the harm to customers , that is the amount of the cost recovery approved in the Order. Mr. Shurtz states that he "believe(s) PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Port1nd3-1406551.4 0020017-00047 STOEL RIVEs LLP ATTORNEYS900 SW FIFTH A VENUE ... SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268 lelephone (503) 224-3380 Page that many other customers would have been more involved had Utah Power followed commission rule 102 and notified the customers of their potential liabilities. There is no evidence to support Mr. Shurtz s contention. As noted in the Company Petition for Reconsideration (filed with the Commission June 28 , 2002), the record in this proceeding demonstrates that the public was on actual notice of PacifiCorp s Application; the attendance of customers and legislative representatives at the workshops and public hearings in Rigby and Preston would belie any finding to the contrary. 5 The issues regarding the requested cost recovery were thoroughly explained by the Staff and Company in the workshops and well aired in the public meetings. By the time the public meetings were concluded , there was no indication of any issues that could be productively addressed in further proceedings. Because Mr. Shurtz provides no evidence to support his contention that additional customer notice would have resulted in increased public participation, or that increased public participation would have provided additional information to the Commission that would warrant reconsideration of its Order , this ground for reconsideration is without merit. Finally, for the reasons stated in PacifiCorp s Petition for Reconsideration, any increase in the amount of the penalty would be excessive , unreasonable, unlawful and unsupported by the record. 5 Mr. Shurtz agrees that PacifiCorp complied with the statutory notice requirements provided by Idaho Code ~ 61-307 by filing its Application with the Commission and making it available for public inspection at its offices. He complains , however that field-office access to the Application is inadequate as a means of providing notice to customers. That complaint however , is more appropriately directed to the Idaho Legislature. 6 In addition, for the reasons stated in its Petition for Reconsideration, the Company submits that Rule 102 does not apply to this proceeding and that, therefore, no penalty for an alleged violation of that Rule applies. PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Portlnd3-140655 1.4 0020017-00047 STOEL RIVES LLPATTORNEYS 900 SW FIFTH A VENUE, SUITE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268 Telephone (503) 224-3380 Page CONCLUSION For all of the foregoing reasons, the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz should be denied. DATED: July 2, 2002. At~ James ell Mary S. Hobson Erinn Kelley-Siel Of Attorneys for PacifiCorp dba Utah Power & Light Company PacifiCorp s Answer to the Petition for Reconsideration of Timothy Shurtz Port1nd3-1406551.4 0020017-00047 STOEL RIVES UP ATTORNEYS 900 SW FIFTH AVENUE ... SUlTE 2600 PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1268 Jelephone (5031 224-3380 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this ):1 day of July, 2002, a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served on the following via U SMail: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise , ID 83720-0074 Conley E. Ward Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6th St., Suite 200 PO Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Eric Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey PO Box 1391 201 E. Center Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 Anthony J. Yankel 29814 Lake Road Bay Village , OH 44140 Randall C. Budge Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey PO Box 1391 201 E. Center Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 James R. Smith Senior Accounting Specialist Monsanto Company PO Box 816 Soda Springs, ID 83276 Timothy Shurtz 411 South Main Firth , ID 83236 ,-, Ii JUt/: !fr~ Boise-140921.l 0020017-00047