HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951221_1.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING December 21, 1995 - 10:00 a.m. In attendance at this time were Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Don Howell, Scott Woodbury, Ron Law, Bob Smith, Madonna Faunce, Gary Richardson, Stephanie Miller, Jim Long, Susan Hamlin, Marge Maxwell, Bill Eastlake, Tonya Clark, Dave Schunke, Treva Pline, Bev Barker, Weldon Stutzman and Myrna Walters.  Also in attendance were two representatives of Monsanto, Jeanette Bowman of Idaho Power Company and Neil Colwell of WWP. Commission President Ralph Nelson called the meeting to order. Items from the December 21, 1995 Decision Meeting Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1.  Regulated Carrier division Agenda dated December 21, 1995. Commissioner Hansen said he would make a motion to accept the items on the RCD Agenda.  Commissioner Smith seconded the motion; Commissioner Nelson concurred. 2.  Brad Purdy/Ron Law Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. UP-RR-95-2; Union Pacific's Proposed Abandonment of the Emmett Branch. Commissioner Nelson asked if modified procedure would be appropriate? Commissioner Hansen said he thought staff did a good job of talking to the shippers in other cases.  Think Ron has pointed out there doesn't appear to be any shippers on this line, feel it would be better to put it out on modified, also.  Probably wouldn't have anyone attend a hearing. Decision was:  solicit written comments under modified procedure. 3.  Tony Jones' December 14, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. WWP-E-94-11; Seventh Revision Sheet 66. Commissioner Nelson said it looked fine to him. Decision was to accept the Seventh Revision Sheet 66. 4.  Discussion on whether or not to issue a Notice of Inquiry in Generic Electric Case re:  Restructuring of the Electric Utility Industry.   Held until next decision meeting. 5.  Scott Woodbury/Keith Hessing December 19, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. UPL-E-95-4  Electric Service Contract--Monsanto Company. Commissioner Nelson said he had a question about the November 1 effective date. Scott Woodbury said this is a contract between two parties so you can give them latitude. Was filed November 8. Scott Woodbury suggested accepting the contract and no speaking to dates - accept as filed. Scott asked about the Irrigation Pumpers and Staff's suggestions. Commissioner Nelson said he thought that was something that could be dealt with in a future case (the Irrigators suggestion).  Regarding staff recommendation - that will be put in the order. Approved contract as filed. 6.  Scott Woodbury/Treva Pline  December 19, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. WWP-G-95-2  Gas Tracker  Modified Procedure-Comments. Approved - effective December 29. 7.  Scott Woodbury/Wayne Hart  Case NO. WWP-G-95-1  Natural Gas Integrated Resource Plan  Modified Procedure--Comments. Was discussion on how to handle the filing. Decision was:  send letter accepting IRP for filing and congratulate ourselves for getting it done in the same year it was filed. 8.  Case No. IPC-E-95-19 - Rupert/Glenns Ferry Cogeneration Project - Amendments to Firm Energy Sales Agreement. Held until next decision meeting. 9.  GTE Transmittal 95-18 - General Telephone Requests Changes in the Access Tariff relating to Digital Data Service and also requests approval of an Optional Payment Plan for the Digital Data Service Special Access Line. Commissioner Hansen had one concern - realize this is patterned after U S West, but seemed the default penalty seems to be stiff.  Why subject a stiff penalty?  Was just cautions about why such a stiff penalty? Jim Long replied - U S West and GTE, a common threat is they get discount up front for buying into a long term contract.  Thought is if they are going to get a discount there should be a penalty for default.  U S West just this year rolled most of theirs into 15%.  There is an incentive to get into it and disincentive to get out early. Commissioner Hansen asked if we had had any comments regarding U S West's? Commissioner Smith said she thought the termination clauses of contracts are usually pretty stiff. After discussion, approved the filing. 10. Hayden Pines Water Company DEQ water fee approval request. Commissioner Smith moved approval of staff recommendation.  Other commissioners concurred. 11. McGuire Estates Water DEQ water fee approval request. Filing was approved as submitted. 12. Discussion of Staff's Motion to Establish and Implement Rates - Packsaddle Development Corporation - GNR-W-95-1.   Susan Hamlin, attorney assigned to the case commented - one thing that wasn't included in this, is that the attorney for the Water Users had filed a motion that hasn't been withdrawn yet.  Has withdrawn the second motion on their possible settlement. **Was decided it is time to set rates. Commissioner Hansen said he thought the record was complete and the Commission in the very near future should determine rates - commissioners are now ready to deliberate. Commissioner Smith said she was ready to set rates today.  Staff recommended a flat $516 per customer, per year beginning in 1996, giving the customer options to pay.  Also suggested $28.00 per month rate in the interim for November and December.  Set them today at $28 a month - could collect for December. Bob Smith added:  $28.00 per month is currently in effect as an interim rate.  Staff testimony proposes a rate evenly across the board at $39 a month but because of the seasonal customers, it comes out to $43.00. Commissioner Hansen agreed we should move on.  People have been patient but think we do need to move on it.  By the end of next week there should be a decision. Commissioner Smith said that is the only number in the record.  Only about 30 are currently connected. Commissioner Nelson said if that is the only number in the record, why not go ahead and adopt staff recommendation. Commissioner Hansen said his only concern is we are taking into consideration the summer residents as well as the permanent residents.  Wonder if we needed to review that a little closer before making the final determination.  Maybe check with staff one more time. Decision was to have Susan start work on a order and it can be reviewed and firmed up next week. 13.  Pacificorp $750,000,000 Debt Issuance - Case No. PAC-S-93-3. and 14.  Pacificorp Common Stock Issuance - Case No. PAC-S-93-4. Commissioner Hansen moved approved of the two items - Commissioner Smith seconded the motion.  Commissioner Nelson concurred. Meeting was adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 22nd day of December, 1995. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary 19951221.min