HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951213_1.docx Minutes of Decision Meeting December 13, 1995 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance were Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Jim Long, Stephanie Miller, Gary Richardson, Birdelle Brown, Bev Barker, Ron Law, Joe Cusick, Eileen Benner Weldon Stutzman, Bob Horton and Myrna Walters. Items from the December 13, 1995 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1.  Robert Horton’s December 11, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Railroad Clearance Waiver Request  Case No. IN-RR-95-2. Commissioner Nelson said it appeared the only controversial issue is - should work rules be amended?  Had a question of Bob Horton.  What did Mr. Moll mean when he said he would take proper action to insure safety? Commissioner Hansen said he didn’t have a problem approving it with clearance signs posted.  Didn’t think requiring change in work rules would be necessary.  If Boise Cascade had a problem with that, OSHA could ... wouldn’t hesitate making such a dictate.  Would favor us approving this with clearance signs. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. **Approved the request with only addition being that they put in “impaired clearance” signs. 2.  Stephanie Miller’s December 7, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Proposed Changes to Annual Report Forms. Commissioner Hansen said he would take the staff person’s word that if it would be easier to complete and this is an improvement and it still gives the information needed, don’t have a problem with it. Commissioner Smith said she had a suggestion on the water company annual report - No. 18 - say “as required by”.  Also add “please”.   With those changes, Commissioners approved changes to the annual report forms. 3.  Jim Long’s December 8, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  U S West’s Advice No. 95-06-S Requests Exchange Boundary Modification for the Lava Hot Springs, Downey and Malad Exchanges. Commissioner Smith said she didn’t have a problem with Downey or the North Side but did have questions on the second part that would mean Downey would be part of Malad.  Concerns were:  You are taking these people and putting them in an exchange that is other than their own county and county seat.  It would be long distance to call Pocatello.  They would not be part of the Magic Valley EAS.  Also had concerns about school boundaries.  They would be long distance from their schools.  Wondered why we were doing this.  If there is nothing there now, why not leave it as is.  Make the case when there are people there.  Since there is no immediate need, wait until there are people.  If we don’t have to do it, lets wait. Commissioners will approve the request in Lava and deny at this time the request in the Malad Exchange. Commissioner Smith said if she is off base, they can get back to us.  If the company feels maligned, they can come back. 4.  Weldon Stutzman’s December 8, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. GTE-T-95-3  Application of GTE to Extend its Local Calling Plan to its Exchanges in Idaho. Commissioner Nelson asked if it would require more than modified procedure? Weldon Stutzman said there is a concern that we will not get customer input. Commissioner Smith would like to go modified but have four things to fix before that. 1.  Bovill, what happens to them is they get a rate increase to have what they have to day.  Don’t think that was a good way to win friends and influence people.  So Bovill should be treated like Deary and there ought to be community plus calling from Bovill to Moscow and Potlatch.  Didn’t understand why Deary to Potlatch was premium and Deary to Moscow was Community Plus.  Potlatch is closer than Moscow.  Think someone was looking at data and not a map. 2.  For Cora, this is another thing that is a glitch from Cora etc. is Premium and Moscow is Community Plus.  Leslie and Potlatch should be Community Plus.  Same is true for Wellseley and Cora; they are Premium - this is just a mistake. 3.  Same thing happened to Deary.  It is Premium to Potlatch but Community Plus to Moscow.  Think Potlatch should be Community Plus for Deary.  If they made those changes, she is willing to do it on modified but would like to go up there in 6 to 8 months and see how it is going.  Have other questions GTE should be working on.  There are several instances where it is not the same in a different direction.  Gave an example.  Think something needs to be done from Spirit Lake to Sandpoint, still have HooDoo Valley problem.  Have to do something about Plummer/Worley and Coeur d’Alene.  Company is willing to do anything.  Think that is something they need to work on.  In Wallace, Mullan and Kellogg, people in Wallace will see no change but will receive reduction.  People in Mullan and get Kellogg as additional calling are and they will get a 60 cent increase.  Kellogg gets Mullan and gets a 50 cent decrease.  There may be some overall scheme at work here that isn’t readily apparent from their filing.  They need to take some time and make some arrangements. 4.  There are gaps - Kellogg to Coeur d’Alene - Kellogg to Harrison. Would like to tell the company that this is good work and we are moving in the right direction.  Think the 23 mile rule ought to be a starting point before you start but it is not set in stone and maybe they should be more flexible.  Twenty three miles should not be hard and fast rule and they should do something about the interlata stuff.  Am excited about Moscow/Genessee and don’t want to hold that up. Commissioner Hansen said he had a question and concern about whether we are going to see neutrality or see everything come out revenue neutral.  Is concerned about whether or not the Commission is going to see some financial numbers on this. Weldon Stutzman said Madonna Faunce is doing an audit.  Don’t have information yet to know whether it is revenue neutral or not.  Company is faxing information to staff. **Staff will get more information. Commissioner Smith said to tell them that if they need to, they can file a rate case. **Process under modified with the changes suggested by Commissioner Smith. 5.  WWP’s Tax Adjustment Schedule in its Natural Gas Service Tariff and 6.  WWP’s Tax Adjustment Schedule in its Electric Service Tariff. Accepted for filing. Meeting was adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 18th day of December, 1995. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary 19951213.min