HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951207_2.docxMinutes of Decision Meeting December 7, 1995 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance at this time were Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Gary Richardson, Bob Smith, Bill Eastlake, Don Howell, Weldon Stutzman, Bev Barker, Susan Hamlin, Birdelle Brown, Eileen Benner, Terri Carlock, Randy Lobb, Stephanie Miller, Dave Schunke and Myrna Walters.   Also in attendance was John Souba of U S West. Commission President Ralph Nelson called the meeting to order. Commissioner Nelson noted that the December 12 Decision Meeting has been changed to December 13. Items from the December 7, 1995 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1. Susan Hamlin's December 1, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Application of Bitterroot Water Company for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, Case No. GNR-W-95-1. There was discussion of the interconnection of Bitterroot with another water system (the Rickle system). Commissioner Smith suggested issuing a certificate to Bitterroot and then advise them that the Commission will monitor them and tell them to see that they do meet DEQ requirements. Commissioner Hansen said he would agree to grant the certification based on that? Commissioner Smith said - have Bitterroot filed with the Commission whatever they receive from DEQ. Susan Hamlin explained the staff concerns about the Rickle system. Commissioner Smith said she thought the DEQ requirements were the same whether it is a private system of co-op system. Bob Smith interjected that he has talked to DEQ.  Bitterroot is in compliance with DEQ.  DEQ has no problems with them. Dave Schunke added:  Think the concern of the staff is that although they must meet requirements and right now it is a well-engineered system it is not complete developed yet.  Customers are not hooked up.  Rickles could hook up 300 customers and the two systems do overlap.  They share the same water sources.  Staff was concerned about the one water source.  ODn't know how many customers he intends to connect. Commissioner Smith said the issue of whether or not they get a certificate is separate from what is required in the water.  If they meet requirements for a certificate, it should be granted and they will be required to provide adequate service. Issuance of a certificate was approved unanimously. 2.  Birdelle Brown's December 4, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  U S West Tariff Advice 95-09-N to Introduce Full Toll Deny Service in Northern Idaho, effective December 1, 1995. It appears the problems have been postponed and there is no reason not to approve the tariff as submitted.  Approved, effective December 8, 1995. 3.  Birdelle Brown's December 4, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  GTE Advice 95-10; Toll Restriction Plan. Commissioner Smith made a motion to suspend the filing.  Other commissioners concurred. 4.  Eileen Benner's December 5, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Magic Valley Petition for EAS. Eileen Benner commented the Commission is getting more letters than just Lee Halprin's.  Main issue is does the Commission want to create a separate case or use the generic EAS case for this matter and also what the right promise might be to give them? Commissioner Nelson suggested opening a case.  Don't know if we can make promises at this time. Commissioner Smith commented the record is closed in the general case.  Think it is time the Commission started giving case numbers to other petitions we get and know that shortly we will have to deal with these route-specific cases.  Hope the generic order will go out the end of January.  That means we should be ready shortly after that to go out and hear these specific cases.  Think we have a pretty poor record for EAS cases for timing. **Give Magic Valley petitions a separate case number. Eileen Benner asked about the other concerns of the petitioners.   Marsha Smith asked Eileen Benner if the Commission should say much more in the order than there is an opportunity for marketing, where is the telephone company? Decision Meeting was then adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 11th day of December, 1995. Myrna J. Walters, Commission Secretary