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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190827Major Event Report.pdfY ROCKY MOUNTAIN m|yF*- - 1407 West North Temple EE6G4VEOuuh 8'rr16 ?0,9 ,{U0 27 Pil t: 2 t , ; i :i?i U$*ci,ti,! !8r, r*August 27,2019 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise, Idaho 83720-5983 RE: Rocky Mountain Power Major Event Report Dear: Ms. Hanian Rocky Mountain Power is requesting designation of the July 10,2019 outage atthe Montpelier substation and the consequences thereof to be classified as a major event and excluded from its performance results due to the day's performance, which exceeded the Company's Idaho reliability reporting region threshold of 1,238,872 customer minutes lost (15.09 SAIDI minutes) in a 24-hour period. Attached you will find details regarding the major event including restoration resources, number of customers off supply, total customer minutes lost, as well as SAIDI, and SAIFI figures. Rocky Mountain Power will exclude outage information for this event from its network performance reporting and from customer guarantee failure payments. If you require further information regarding this report, please contact Heide Caswell, Network Performance Director, at (503) 813-6216. Sincerely, bnrVr"rX fuarun*h Douglas N. Bennion, P.E. Vice President Engineering Services & Capital Investment Report to the ldaho Public Utility Commission Electric Service Reliability - Major Event Report !D-19-2 Event Date: Date Submitted: Primary Affected Locations: Primary Cause: Exclude from Reporting Status: Report Prepared by: Report Approved by: July 10, 2019 August 27,20L9 Montpelier Loss of Supply Yes April Brewer Heide Caswell/ Pete Singh / Kevin Freestone Event Description and Restoration Summary On the afternoon of July 70th,2019, Rocky Mountain Power customers in Montpelier, ldaho, experienced a loss of substation outage event when bushings failed on the substation power transformer at the Montpelier Substation. The event affected all three ef circuits fed from the Montpelier Substation, serving 2,215 customers. Field Personnel were quickly dispatched to the substation. Dispatch, area engineers, and management worked together to determine the optimal response to mitigate impacts to customers was to concurrently install a mobile transformer while simultaneously replacing the damaged bushings. ln addition, crews were able to begin some step restorations by switching power feeds from alternate sources. The first restoration occurred at 6:32 p.m. (1 hour 35 minutes from the start of the outage), energizing power to 72 customers using historic loading information. Shortly thereafter, personnel began receiving realtime loading information from operations, and as load levels decreased throughout the evening, it became possible to complete additional switching to restore further customers. From 8:19 p.m. to 11:40 p.m. in five additional switching steps crews were able to restore power to 1,076 more customers including all of the Montpelier 14 circuit. From 1:56 p.m. to 2:26 p.m. on July LLth, replacement of the damaged bushings was completed and crews were able to restore feed to the remaining 1,067 customers fed from the Montpelier Substation. During the event crews from across the region were called in to assist. An area engineer was utilized to determine loading and recommend switching for step restorations, while dispatch was used to communicate switching orders to the field. Local (Montpelier) wire crews worked to perform the field step restorations as well as to build shoeflies and help install the mobile transformer. Preston apparatus and relay technicians were needed to apply and test the transformer relay settings, install the mobile transformer and replace the bushings. ln addition crews from Salt Lake City transported and delivered the mobile transformer. The regional business representative coordinated with customers and city representatives to ensure customers without power had the support and resources needed. To date, there have been no company or commission customer complaints made regarding the major event. tof4 # lnterruptaons (sustained events)1L Total Customer !nterrupted (sustained events)2,485 Total Customer Minutes Lost 1,589,049 State Event SAIDI lmpact 20.58 Minutes CAIDI 580 Maior Event Start 7/L0/19 L2:00 AM 7/7U19 12:00 AMMajor Event End Event Outage Summary The graphic below displays the extent and restoration stages by duration for the outages experienced from the Montpelier Substation. Montpelier Substation Customer Outage Bv Restoration Time f on"o.o tor,.r,on CreilcrLll$lliv By Dundon (Ho.r3r l ot'o1* "O2t"t|*t' a<-nl[<6 i 6"o|ttt' a 8 <. r/.tlr < 2a 2of4 a. \11 \. 5t2 342 2,1432,485 Total Customer Sustained Outage Events (entire major event period) < 3 Hrs.3 - 24 Hrs. 24+ Hrs. Restoration Intervals Restoration Resources 1 State Estimated Major Event Costs 1 Major Event Declaration PacifiCorp designates these events and the consequences thereof a major event in accordance with docket PAC-E-04-07, where the company and commission agreed that determination of major events will be made by applying IEEE standard 1366-2003 methodology (commonly referred to as the 2.5 beta method), wherein a statistical outlier of these extreme events is based on the state daily SAIDI thresholds. The company's 2019 ldaho reliability reporting region threshold is 7,238,872 customer minutes lost (L5.09 SAIDI minutes) in a 24-hour period. 1 Data provided represents specific system records for personnel, resources, and costs; and is specific to the event, not inclusive of state delineation. However additional resources whose participation did not get individually captured in transaction recording systems were utilized during the event, thus the data presented here effectively understates the resources, including cost, involved in restoring the system to normal. Support Staff 1, Substation crewmembers 9 Engineer 1 3Bushings (69kV,400A) Personnel Resources Equipment S24,330 So 542 So s8,332 So 53,7t6 So S36,420 $o Capita! Expense s42 S8,332 S3,zts S36,420s24,330 Estimate $TOTALLaborContracts Materials Overhead 3 of 4 Total Event Details Customers Out vs. Time ldaho Major Event@1.t5 25@ 2r@ 6 B! !,5@ 1,000 50 ,Aolrgt,@lta TAol,/,a,.N 7ltolr99:x^r{ Tlrol,lrlt,.nt ,Aolt97tt27}, ,nvr9rr:orm ,,!rl,gau^n 7/rvtg**M ,/rvl9z.:,.tt Concurrent Outages vs. Time I9!iLE!!4-9!grr! rr ,rlorru:lrril -kdqt:6rt E!Is ,A0,lr9 rcrt Al,A rt*ffidoEF O mbffilI ?/to/xrtlorm ,Aollsaf lx 7^o/ltt:*ltl 'rlryt9,:{7.{, 'rAqlg7: zra ,avtgllolx ,lltlte.sN ,Avrtlrrl /lvtg}Ln Customer Mlnutes lnterrupted rrs. Tlme (cumul.tiEl 1100,0(D 1100,0@ 1/a00,00 1roo,o(D 1.firo,o(D 8m,m0 aD,oo am,(m 2(x),60 o Totrl curbffi Miouio lntcrruotrdl L5a9,Ol9 x{tc rrt'.a ,I -! E Y!I ; E = - C{trd.dwOrl -I{il:ffiftdrd _ a a*tril.rBrffs a ta&tlilor6mtat a Hflr lr:qrAM fr 2:24fra t20lM SAID!, SAlFl, CAID! by Reliability Reporting Region Please see the attached system-generated reports. ,/lo/19at2il 4of4 ,lLOl19at'r]$ r,2t5 -oEmBat-CffiU ambErdrtril 0 ,/r0/t9*20t*t 7 6 5 4 , 2 o o I @@ g oqo aa ou)oN E$.=aEEEiAEEEsUor6E !t+oo c!!rpB J,e !-gN J,e !-x$ e.Er<, 'v3 6 N .s E6 N ob@c=EE:€58 oro..i6 t=E +fi8f=o=tE =(J o o.o@@j Ee.sEgEE qa XlJ s EE EE= n6aN +tuoo oo o ooNoNo a'6 (5C o Eo loxoItoootrt.c TL co tLt o'(E' o o, o r d.o oo,o Euq) Eooo oE IE q)!o .c !o =oooo G! 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