HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140613Service Quality Report 2013.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN Po\'I/ER June 13,2014 VIA OWRNIGHT DELIVERY gr p: r-, tr l\/ | ll ?clq iuH l3 f,l't 9: 59 uT I JEfd scCli f! i;iE', o * 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Ms. Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702 Re: Rocky Mountain Power Service Quality Report for the period January I through December 31,2013. Dear Ms. Jewell: On June 10,2014 representatives of Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, met with Commission Staff and presented the above-referenced report. Attached is a final copy of the report. If there are any additional questions regarding this report please contact me at (801) 220- 2963. Sincerely, Ted Weston Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Enclosurescc: Rick Sterling Teni Carlock Beverly Barker ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PAC!FICORP IDAHO SERVTCE aUArrTY REVIEW January 1r December 31, 201 3 Report -ROCKY MOUNfAF.IYporv=n\^fficm Service Quality Review January - December 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.......... ...........2 EXECUTTVE SUMMARY ........... ........3 1 SERVICE STANDARDS PROGMM SUMMARY.......... .................3 1.1 ldaho Customer Guarantees ............... .....................3 1.2 ldaho Performance Standards............... ...................4 1.3 Reliability Definitions ..............5 2 RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE.... ..,.,...,..,,..,7 2.1 System Average lnterruption Duration lndex (SAlDl)...... ...........9 2.2 System Average Interruption Frequency lndex (SAlFl)...... ......10 2.3 Reliability History...... ............11 2.4 Momentary Average lnterruption Event Frequency lndex (MAIFIE) ...........12 2.5 Cause Code Analysis ...........16 2.5.1 Underlying Cause Analysis Table ...................17 2.5.2 Cause Category Analysis Charts ....................18 2.6 lmprove Worst Performing Circuits or Areas by Target Amount..... ...........19 2.7 Geographic Outage History of Under-performing Areas ..........20 2.8 Restore Service to 80% of Customers within 3 Hours..... .........23 2.9 Telephone Service and Response to Commission Complaints.............. ....................23 3 CUSTOMER GUARANTEES PROGMM STATUS ,....,.,.,.,.....,,,,24 Page2 of 24 ROCKY MOUNTAINFOWER Seruice Quality Review IDAHO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY January - December 2013 Rocky Mountain Power has a number of Customer Service Standards and Service Quality Measures with performance reporting mechanisms currently in place. These standards and measures define Rocky Mountain Power's target performance (both personnel and network reliability performance) in delivering quality customer service. The Company developed these standards and measures using relevant industry standards for collecting and reporting performance data. ln some cases, Rocky Mountain Power has expanded upon these standards. !n other cases, largely where the industry has no established standards, Rocky Mountain Power has developed metrics, targets and reporting. While industry standards are not focused around threshold performance levels, the Company has developed targets or performance levels against which it evaluates its performance. These standards and measures can be used over time, both historically and prospectively, to measure the service quality delivered to our customers. 1 SERVICE STANDARDS PROGRAM SUMMARYI 1.1 ldaho Customer Guarantees Customer Guarantee 1: Restoring Supply After an Outage The Company will restore supply after an outage within 24 hours of notification with certain exceptions as described in Rule 25. Customer Guarantee 2: Appointments The Company will keep mutually agreed upon appointments, which will be scheduled within a two- hour time window. Customer Guarantee 3: Switching on Power The Company will switch on power within 24 hours of the customer or applicant's request, provided no construction is required, all government inspections are met and communicated to the Company and required payments are made. Disconnections for nonpayment, subterfuge or thefUdiversion of service are excluded. Customer Guarantee 4: Estimates For New Supply The Company will provide an estimate for new supply to the applicant or customer within 15 working days after the initial meeting and all necessary information is provided to the Company. Customer Guarantee 5: Respond To Billing lnquiries The Company will respond to most billing inquiries at the time of the initial contact. For those that require further investigation, the Company will investigate and respond to the Customer within 10 workino davs. Customer Guarantee 6: Resolving Meter Problems The Company will investigate and respond to reported problems with a meter or conduct a meter test and report results to the customer within 10 workino davs. Customer Guarantee 7: Notification of Planned lnterruptions The Company will provide the customer with at least two days' notice prior to turning off power for planned interruotions. Nofe: See Rules for a complete description of terms and conditions for the Customer Guarantee Program. ' On June 29,2012, in Docket PAC-E-12-02 and Order 32583, the Commission ordered that Rocky Mountain Power had delivered upon commitments it made in pursuant to the MidAmerican transaction in PAC-E-05-08 and Order 29998. The Commission also ordered the acceptance of modifications to the Service Standards Program proposed by Rocky Mountain Power, as shown on Page 4 of 15. PageS of24 ROCKY MOLT$TAIN FOUIER Seruice Quality Review IDAHO January - December 2013 1.2 Note:o Pertormance Standards 1, 2 & 4 are for underlying pefformance days and exclude fhose c/asslf,ed as Major Events. 'When in the future, the Company discovers that marginal improvement costs outweigh marginal improvement benefits, the Company can propose modifications to the Performance Standards Program to recognize that maintaining performance levels is appropriate. " Reliability performance indicators (RPl) will be calculated by aggregating customer transformer level SAlDl, SAlFl, and MAlFl, and are exclusive of major events as calculated by IEEE 1366-20'12; they are a modification to the Company's historic CPl. RPI excludes breaker lockout events.a Prospectively, the Company will work with Commission Staff to determine methods to report the target area performance and cost-benefit results. Page 4 of 24 ldaho Performance Standards Network Performance Standard 1: Report System Average lnterruption Duration lndex (sArDr) The Company will report Total, Underlying, and Controllable SAIDI and identify annual Underlying baseline performance targets for the reporting period. For actual performance variations from baseline, explanations of performance will be provided. The Company will also report rolling twelve month performance for Controllable, Non- Controllable and Underlvinq distribution events. Network Performance Standard 2: Report System Average lnterruption Frequency lndex (SAlFl) The Company will report Total, Underlying, and Controllable SAIFI and identify annual Underlying baseline performance targets for the reporting period. For actual performance variations from baseline, explanations of performance will be provided. The Company will also report rolling twelve month performance for Controllable, Non- Controllable and Underlvino distribution events. Network Performance Standard 3: lmprove' Under-Performing Areas Annually the Company will select at least one underperforming are? based upon a reliability performance indicatoro (RPl). Within five years after selection the Company will reduce the RPI by an average ol 10o/o for the areas selected in a given year. The Company will identify the criteria used for determining these areas and the planso to address them. Network Performance Standard 4: Supply Restoration The Company will restore power outages due to loss of supply or damage to the distribution system within three hours to 80% of customers on averaqe. Customer Service Performance Standard 5: Telephone Service Level The Gompany will answer 80% of telephone calls within 30 seconds. The Company will monitor customer satisfaction with the Company's Customer Service Associates and quality of response received by customers through the Company's eQuality monitorinq svstem. Customer Service Performance Standard 6: Commission Complaint Response / Resolution The Company will a) respond to at least 95% of non- disconnect Commission complaints within three working days and will b) respond to at least 95% of disconnect Commission complaints within four working hours, and will c) resolve 95o/o of informal Commission comolaints within 30 davs. ROCKY MOI,NTANPo\'YER Service Quality Review IDAHO January - December 2013 1.3 ReliabilityDefinitions This section wil! define the various terms used when referring to intenuption types, performance metrics and the internal measures developed to meet its performance plans. lnterruption Tvpes Below are the definitions for interruption events. For further details, refer to IEEE 1366-2003t20125 Standard for Reliability lndices. Susfarned Outage A sustained outage is defined as an outage greater than 5 minutes in duration. Momentary Outage Event A momentary outage event is defined as an outage equal to or less than 5 minutes in duration, and comprises all operations of the device during the momentary duration; if a breaker goes to lockout (it is unable to clear the faulted condition after the equipment's prescribed number of operations) the momentary operations are part of the ensuing sustained interruption. This sequence of events typically occurs when the system is trying to re-establish energy flow after a faulted condition, and is associated with circuit breakers or other automatic reclosing devices. Rocky Mountain Power uses the locations where SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) exists and calculates consistent with IEEE 1366-200312012. Where no substation breaker SCADA exists, fault counts at substation breakers are to be used. Reliabilitv lndices SAIDI SAIDI (system average interruption duration index) is an industry-defined term to define the average duration summed for all sustained outages a customer experiences in a given period. !t is calculated by summing all customer minutes lost for sustained outages (those exceeding 5 minutes) and dividing by all customers served within the study area. When not explicitly stated otherwise, this value can be assumed to be for a one-year period. Daily SAIDI ln order to evaluate trends during a year and to establish Major Event Thresholds, a daily SAIDI value is often used as a measure. This concept is contained IEEE Standard 1366-2012. This is the day's total customer minutes out of service divided by the static customer count for the year. lt is the total average outage duration customers experienced for that given day. When these daily values are accumulated through the year, it yields the year's SAIDI results. SAIFI SAIFI (system average interruption frequency index) is an industry-defined term that attempts to identify the frequency of all sustained outages that the average customer experiences during a given period. lt is calculated by summing all customer interruptions for sustained outages (those exceeding 5 minutes in duration) and dividing by all customers served within the study area. CAIDI CAIDI (customer average interruption duration index) is an industry standard index that is the result of dividing the duration of the average customer's sustained outages by frequency of outages for that average customer. While the Company did not originally specify this metric under the umbrella of the Performance Standards Program within the context of the Service Standards Commitments, it has since been determined to be valuable for reporting purposes. lt is derived by dividing PS1 (SAlDl) by PS2 (SArFr). u tEEE 1366-2003/2012 was first adopted by the IEEE Commissioners on Decemb er 23,2003. The definitions and methodology detailed therein are now industry standards, which have since been affirmed in recent balloting activities. Page 5 ot 24 ROCKY MOUNTAINF'ol'I'ER Service Quality Review IDAHO MAIFIE January - December 2013 MAIFIE (momentary average interruption event frequency index) is an industry standard index that quantifies the frequency of all momentary intenuption events that the average customer experiences during a given time-frame. lt is calculated by counting all momentary interruptions which occur within a 5 minute time period, as long as the interruption event did not result in a device experiencing a sustained interruption. CEMI CEMI is an acronym for Customers Experiencing Multiple (Sustained and Momentary) lnterruptions. This index depicts repetition of outages across the period being reported and can be an indicator of recent portions of the system that have experienced reliability challenges. This metric is used to evaluate customer-specifi c reliability. cPt99 CPl99 is an acronym for Circuit Performance lndicator, which uses key reliability metrics of the circuit to identify underperforming circuits. !t excludes Major Event and Loss of Supply or Transmission outages. The variables and equation for calculating CPI are: cpl =lndex*((sAlDt*wF*NF)+(sAlFl*wF*NF)+(MAlFl*wF*NF)+(Lockouts*wF*NF)) Index: 10.645 SAIDI: Weighting Factor 0.30, Normalizing Factor 0.029 SAIFI: Weighting Factor 0.30, Normalizing Factor 2.439 MAIFI: Weighting Factor 0.20, Normalizing Factor 0.70 Lockouts: Weighting Factor 0.20, Normalizing Factor 2.00 Therefore, 10.645 * ((3-yearSAlDl * +(3-yearSAlFl * 0.30 * 2.439) +(3-yearMAlFl * 0.20 * 0.70) + (3-year breaker lockouts * 0.20. 2.00)) = CP! Score cPt05 CPl05 is an acronym for Circuit Performance lndicator, which uses key reliability metrics of the circuit to identify underperforming circuits. Unlike CPl99 it includes Major Event and Loss of Supply or Transmission outages. The calculation of CPl05 uses the same weighting and normalizing factors as cPr99. RPI RPI is an acronym for Reliability Performance lndicator, which measures reliability performance on a specific segment of a circuit to identify underperforming circuit segments rather than measuring performance of the whole circuit. This is the company's refinement to its historic CPl, more granular. Performance Tvpes & Commitments Rocky Mountain Power recognizes two categories of performance: underlying performance and major events. Major events represent the atypical, with extraordinary numbers and durations for outages beyond the usual. Ordinary outages are incorporated within underlying performance. These types of events are further defined below. Major Events A Major Event is defined as a 24-hour period where SAIDI exceeds a statistically derived threshold value, Reliability Standard I EEE 1 366-200312012. Underlying Events Within the industry, there has been a great need to develop methodologies to evaluate year-on-year performance. This has led to the development of methods for segregating outlier days, via the approaches described above. Those days that fall below the statistically derived threshold represent "underlying" performance and are valid (with some minor considerations for changes in reporting practices) for establishing and evaluating meaningful performance trends over time. Page6 of24 ROCKY MOUNTAINPO/I'ER Service Quality Review IDAHO January - December 2013 2 RELIABI LITY PERFORMANC E Despite better than plan performance during the first half of 2013, at the end of the year, the Company experienced underlying interruption duration (SAlDl) and interruption frequency (SAIFI) results that were off plan. Performance results for ldaho underlying performance can be seen in subsections 2.1 and 2.2below. Four events during the reporting period met the Company's ldaho major event threshold levelG for an exclusion of 347 state SAIDI minutes from underlying performance results. Major Event General Descriptions o On January 14, 2013, a loss of supply event occurred to a transmission line between Ricks Junction and St. Anthony; this was due to a broken conductor, and resulted in loss of power to Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") customers served by Moody, Canyon Creek, Newdale, St. Anthony, Ashton, Targhee, Sugar City, and Rexburg substations. Twenty-eight circuits experienced sustained interruptions, affecting 47% of the Company's Rexburg customers (20% of its ldaho customers).. On April 29, 2013, strong winds caused damage to Rocky Mountain Power's facilities resulting in significant outages to its customers in ldaho due to poles and conductor falling, airborne objects blown into facilities, pole fires, and high winds whipping lines into other lines or vegetation. ln addition, a circuit breaker at Goshen substation failed catastrophically, accounting for about a third of the total event customer minutes lost. Twenty-six substations and 42 circuits experienced sustained interruptions, affecting 41% ol the Company's Shelley customers (160/o of its ldaho customers). Facilities replacement included one distribution pole and 6 crossarms.. On August 22, 2013, summer storms with substantial lightning caused damage to Rocky Mountain Powe/s facilities resulting in significant outages to its customers in ldaho, especially in Rexburg. These included numerous fuse operations, burnt cutouts, and a pole fire; however, loss of transmission on the Rigby-Saint Anthony 69kV line about 10:30pm accounted for the majority of the event total customer minutes lost, as the transmission wire fell into the distribution below.o ln late November 2013, Rocky Mountain Power identified a need to inspect and maintain a Goshen substation breaker whose family's operating history had been somewhat unreliable. The reliability coordinator and the company evaluated a variety of scenarios and determined that the maintenance would be scheduled, but if certain parameters occurred, might result in load shedding operations to maintain the reliability and integrity of the bulk power system. On December 4, 20'13, in the early hours of the morning, the company and the reliability coordinator determined that conditions were moving in such a way that load shedding may be required. Then, as temperatures continued to fall, moming loads began to build, and local wind generation resources abated, it was determined that load shedding actions would be necessary to maintain the integrity of the bulk power system. Those actions were invoked. u ln 2005, the Company adopted via its Service Standard Program filing, the use of IEEE 1366-2003, wherein a statistically based threshold for a Major Event Day is developed. At the time of the development of the Merger Commitment targets and pre-merger baselines, it was estimated that approximately 39 SAIDI minutes and 0.4 SAIFI events were embedded in these metrics. The charts included do not reflect the exclusion of these minutes. PageT of24 PRIMARY CAUSE Loss of Substation (storm R(XKY MOUNTAF'I Seruice Quality Review IDAHO January - December 2013 ln 2013, sixteen significant event daysT were recorded, which account for 112 SAIDI minutes, about4To/o of the reporting period's underlying 240 SAIDI minutes. Significant event days add substantially to year on year cumulative performance results. Fewer counts of significant event days generally result in better reliability, while more significant event days generally mean poorer reliability results. DATE EVENT SAIDI PERCENT OF ANNUAL sArDr(240) PRIMARY CAUSE oL/29/20L3 4 2%Vehicle, Equipment o3l0i6/20L3 A 2%Loss of substation ulo8/20L3 E 201 Loss of transmission oi6129120L3 C 3%Substation testine 07lL6l20L3 LC 7%Loss of transmission 07/28/20L3 4 2%Loss of substation 07/29120L3 13 So/c Loss of transmission o8l06/20L3 A 2o/c Loss of transmission 08/27/2013 4 2o/c Vehicle lnterference 0/9/ozl20L3 8 3%Loss of substation 0/9/o3120L3 3%Liehtnine 09/L3/20L3 c Zo/c Loss of transmission 09/L8/20L3 5 2%Pole Fire o9130120L3 L2 5%Weather L2/O8120L3 5 z%o Loss of transmission Lzltsl20L3 LL 5Y"Loss of substation TOTAL Lt2 4m Significant Event General Descriptions 112912013: Lava 11 broken insulator pin burned crossarm; Shelley 13 car hit pole, wire down 31612013: Loss of Ammon substation due to 2 poles down on Goshen-Ammon 69kV; Rigby 12 due to pole flre on transmission pole with distribution underbuild 41812013: Loss of transmission due to storm with 2 poles down on Jefferson-Osgood 69kV 612912013: Emergency damage repair Winsper 21 and 22, deenergized substation for testing, installed mobile 7116113: Lightning, loss of 230kV Antelope line and 69kV Goshen line 7128113: Squirre! in St Anthony substation 7129113: Lightning strike close to Grace substation, and 46kV wire down on Fishcreek to Grace 816113: Poles down on Winsper tap Amps-Mudlake 69kV 8127113: Car hit pole, tore wire down on Thornton 11 912113: Lightning hit inside Grace substaton 913113: Lightning hit a pole on Sandcreek 14 9113113: Lightning burned down wires between Central Switch Rack and Fishcreek tap 9/18/13: Pole fire on Newdale 12 9/30/13: Windstorm through Rexburg and Shelley 1218113: Wires down on Winsper tap Amps-Mudlake 69kV 12115113: Two blown power fuses at Ammon substation 7 On a trial basis, the Company established a variable ot 1.75 times the standard deviation of its natural log SAIDI results. PageB ot24 a a o a o a a ROCKY MOI'TITAIN POWERamdffi Seruice Quality Review January - December 2013 2.1 System Average lnterruption Duration lndex (SAlDl) The Company's underlying interruption duration performance tracked significantly better than plan, until summer, when a barrage of lightning storms caused a record number of significant event days, which pushed performance off plan for the remainder of the year. 2013 SAIDI Plan (a (a (') ao (q (fj (q cD (',ooooooooo(\I(\I(\INNNN(\16I (Y) ai, 0,, (', (?) (i, g) (i, ('1, e, (D (DR RE R R R R R R E E E IDAHO SAIDI Comperlron to Phn (excludes Prearanged and Custorner Requested) Maior Events: OOJan l4LossofSupply(nest) !Apr29Wlnd Aug22 LossofSupply t Dec 4 WECC Loadshed !I I o o olnduding Mairr Evenb Page 9 of 24 ROCKY MOUNTA|NFOWER Seruice Quality Review January - December 2013 2.2 System Average lnterruption Frequency lndex (SAlFl) During the first half of the year, the Company's underlying interruption frequency performance tracked significantly better than plan; however, summer lightning events took performance off track, and the year ended jus!htly better than IDAHO SAlFlActual 2013 SAIFI Plan Total 3.37 Underlying 2.12 2.15 Controllable 0.31 IDAHO SAIFI (excludes Preananged and Customer Requested) ooooooo(qooo(f,ooooooooooooNNNNNNNNNNNN NO=A@N600N 2.5 2.0 aE 't.5 0, {, E 4A th 0.5 0.0 30 2.5 oE z.o til 1.5 r0 0.5 0.0 Maior Events: :r:i Jan l4lossofSupply(ncst) . i Apr 29 Wind "uf; -ODanline Pt.nTffi.t ----- lndudne H ajor C Ent3 - E:dudine Ulirr Evdb IDAHO SAlFl Comparlron to Plen (exclu&s Preananged and Gudorner Requeste<l) (o o (v) (', (D (v) (r) ai, (9 (v, (ar (')R RR R R R R R R 8 R E Page 10 ot 24 R(TKY M(X,NTAN Service Quality Review IDAHO January - December 2013 2.3 Reliability History Depicted below is the history of reliability in ldaho. ln 2002, the Company implemented an automated outage management system which provided the background information from which to engineer solutions for improved performance. Since the development of this foundational information, the Company has been in a position to improve performance, both in underlying and in extreme weather conditions. These improvements have included the application of geospatial tools to analyze reliability, development of web-based notifications when devices operate more than optimal, focus on operational responses via CAIDI metric analysis, in addition to feeder hardening programs when specific feeders have significantly impacted reliability performance. ln 2013 significant days and major events substantially impact the yea/s performance and apparently eroded some of the improvements the Company had previously delivered. ldaho Reliability History - lncluding Major Events -SAIDI TCAIDI +SAIFI 4 3occ, IJJ 2 1 0 600 500 o4009 .g =300 200 100 0cy03 cy04 cY05 cY06 cY07 cY08 cY09 cy10 cy11 cy12 cy13 4 3 an It ul2 1 0 ldaho Reliability History - Excluding Maior Events -SAlDl -CAlDl +SAlFl cY03 cY04 cY10 cY11 CY12 CY13 400 300,g3.g 200 100 0 Page11ot24 R(XKY Ilot.iTITANFilERlmdm Seruice Quality Review IDAHO January - December2013 2.4 Momentary Average lnterruption Event Frequency lndex (MAlFlE) The Company annual reports the occurrence of short intenuptions using two different metrics. The first chart below displays, for the circuits with SCADA devices, the operating area weighted MAIFIE performance. ln the table below, all circuits that do not have SCADA are evaluated for performance, and where the breaker counters appear unusual, these counts are investigated and necessary conections undertaken. Highlights of current findings for breakers with unusual levels of counter operation are summarized here.o lndian Creek #1 1: Under investigation, however based on review with customers fed from this circuit reportedly no more than 8 momentary events have occuned over the past year.o Sandune#21 &#22: Rodents chewed up the breaker contro! cables, shorting them out, which caused the breakers to roll continuously until crews arrived to isolate the problem; problem has been permanently resolved.. Hayes #13: Recording enor on the trip counter. Reading was 297, recorded as 397. Records are being conected.o Webster #14: This circuit had an issue that was corrected by replacing crossarms, tightening some slack spans and re-sagging a section of wire. January { - December 31, 20{3 Page 12 ol 24 R(TKY MOTJNTAIN FOvt,ER Service Quality Review IDAHO - December 2013 January I through Decomber 31,2013 (includes Major Events) Operating Area Circuit Name Gircuit lD Operations MONTPELIER ALEXANDER #11 ALX11 MONTPELIER ARTMO #11 ARM11 MONTPELIER ARTMO #12 ARM12 2! MONTPELIER BANCROFT#11 BAN11 MONTPELIER BANCROFT#12 BAN12 MONTPELIER CHESTERFIELD #11 CHS11 MONTPELIER CHESTERFIELD #12 HATCH CHS12 MONTPELIER COVE #12 cov12 MONTPELIER EIGHT MILE #11 EGT11 MONTPELIER GEORGETOWN #11 GRG11 MONTPELIER GRACE #11 GCE11 MONTPELIER GRACE #12 GCE12 MONTPELIER HEN RY #11 HRY11 MONTPELIER HORSLEY#11 HRS11 MONTPELIER INDIAN CREEKf1l IND11 10r MONTPELIER LAVA f11 LVA11 MONTPELIER LUND #11 LND11 MONTPELIER MCCAMMON #11 MCC11 MONTPELIER MCCAMMON f12 MCC12 MONTPELIER MONTPELIER #11 MNT11 MONTPELIER MONTPELIER #13 MNT13 MONTPELIER MONTPELIER S14 MNT14 MONTPELIER RAYMOND #11 NORTH TO GENEVA RAY11 31 MONTPELIER RAYMOND #12 SOUTH TO PEGRAM RAY12 MONTPELIER ST CHARLES #11 sTc11 PRESTON CLIFTON #11 DAYTON & BANIDA CLF11 PRESTON CLI FTON #12 CLIFTON/OXFORD/SWAN LAKE CLFL2 PRESTON DOWNEY#11 DWN11 71 PRESTON DOWNEY#12 DWN12 7( PRESTON HOLBROOK #11 HLB11 7( PRESTON MALAD #11 MLD11 PRESTON MALAD #12 MLD12 PRESTON PRESTON #11 PRS11 PRESTON PRESTON #12 PRS12 PRESTON PRESTON #13 PRS13 PRESTON TANNER #11 MINK CREEK TNR11 PRESTON TAN N ER #12 RIVERDALE/TREASURETON TNR12 PRESTON WESTON #12 NORTH TO DAYTON wsT12 PRESTON WESTON#11 SOUTH - WESTON/FAIRVEW wsT11 REXBURG ANDERSON #11 WEST AND11 REXBURG ANDERSON #12 EASTAND NORTH AND12 3t REXBURG ANDERSON #13 NORTH AND13 4 REXBURG ARCO #11 ARC11 REXBURG ARCO #12 ARC12 REXBURG ARCO #13 ARC13 REXBURG ASHTON #11 ASH11 REXBURG BELSON #11 BLS11 REXBURG BETSON #12 BLS12 REXBURG BERENICE #21 BRN21 REXBURG BERENICE #22 BRN22 REXBURG CAMAS #11 cMs11 L2 REXBURG CAMAS #12 CMS12 REXBURG CANYON CREEK # 22 CNY22 1C REXBURG CANYON CREEK #21 CNY21 Page 13 of 24 Seruice Quality Review IDAHO December 2013 January I Orrough December 31,2013 (includes taJor Events) Operating Area Circuit Name Gircuit lD Operations REXBURG DUBOIS #11 DBS11 REXBURG DUBOTS #12 DBS12 REXBURG EASTMONT#11 EST11 REXBURG EASTMONT#12 EST12 REXBURG EGIN #11 EGN11 REXBURG EGIN #12 EGN12 REXBURG HAMER #11 HMR11 2e REXBURG HAMER#12 HMR12 4 REXBURG MENAN f11 MNN11 REXBURG MENAN f12 MNN12 REXBURG MENAN #1:!MNN13 REXBURG MILLER #11 MLL11 REXBURG MILLER #12 MLL12 REXBURG MOODY#11 MDY11 REXBURG MOODY#12 MDY12 REXBURG MOODY#13 MDYilI REXBURG MUDI.AKE #11 MDL11 REXBURG MUDIAKE #12 MDL12 C REXBURG NEWDALE #11 NWD11 REXBURG NEWDALE #12 NWD12 4 REXBURG NEWDALE #13 NWD13 1C REXBURG RENO #11 REN11 L7 REXBURG RENO #12 REN12 TEXBURG RENO #13 REN13 2 IEXBURG REXBURG #11 RXB11 C IEXBURG REXBURG #12 RXB12 IEXBURG REXBURG #13 RXB13 8 REXBURG REXBURG #14 RXB14 54 REXBURG REXBURG #15 RXB15 REXBURG REXBURG #16 RXB16 6 REXBURG RIGBY #11 RGB11 A REXBURG RIGBY #12 RGB12 5 REXBURG RIGBY#1:}RGB13 E REXBURG RIGBYSl4 RGB14 REXBURG RtRtE #12 RIR12 c REXBURG ROBERTS #11 RBR11 REXBURG ROEERTS #12 RBR12 REXBURG rUBY#11 RBY11 REXBURG iANDUNE#21 SDN21 56i REXBURG ;ANDUNE#22 SDN22 ,.65( REXBURG sMtTH #11 SMT11 REXBURG sMtTH #13 SMT13 REXBURG SMITH #14 SMT14 REXBURG SOUTH FORK #11 IDAHO PACIFIC POTATO SFK11 REXBURG SOUTH FORK #13 ANTELOPE FLATS SFK13 REXBURG STANTHONY#11 STA11 REXBURG STANTHONY#12 STA12 REXBURG STANTHONY#13 STA1:I REXBURG SUGAR CITY#11 SGR11 REXBURG SUGAR CITY#12 SGR12 REXBURG SUGAR CITY#]j}SGRIj}c REXBURG SUGAR CITY#14 SGR14 REXBURG SUNNYDELL#11 SNN11 1 REXBURG SUNNYDELL#12 SNN12 A Page 14 of 24 ROCKY MOUNTAN Seruice Quality Review IDAHO December 2013 January I through Eecember 31, 2013 (includes taior Events) Operating Area Carcuat Name Circuit !D Ooeraffons REXBURG TARGHEE #11 TRG11 REXBURG TARGHEE #12 TRG12 REXBURG THORNTON #11 THR11 7 REXBURG THORNTON #12 THR12 25 REXBURG WATKINS #11 NORTH AND EAST WTK11 6 TEXBURG WEBSTER #11 EAST AN D SOUTH wBs11 L4 IEXBURG WEBSTER#12 NORTH wBs12 L2 IEXBURG WEBSTER #14 wBs14 L#t IEXBURG WINSPERf2I wNs21 5 IEXBURG WINSPER #22 wNs22 6 ;HELLEY AMMON #11 AMM11 ;HELLEY qMMON #12 AMM12 L4 ;HELLEY Cinder Butte #11 ctB11 iHELLEY CINDER BUTTE #13 ctB13 25 iHELLEY Cinder Butte #17 ctB17 ;HELLEY CLEMENTS #11 CLE11 iHELLEY :LEMENTS #12 CLE12 6 ;HELLEY COSHEN #11 GSH11 ;HELLEY 60SHEN #13 GSHil}53 'HELLEY HAYES f11 HYS11 iHELLEY HAYES f12 HYS12 LI 'HELLEY HAYES #]:}HYSff}ltr ;HELLEY HOOPES f11 WEST HPS11 c ;HELLEY HOOPES #12 NORTH HPS12 c iHELLEY IDAHO FALTS f11 IDF11 iHELLEY IDAHO FALIS #12 IDF12 iHELLEY IDAHO FALLS#13 IDF13 ;HELLEY IDAHO FALI-S#14 IDF14 c ;HELLEY TEFFCO f21 IFF2L 47 ;HELLEY TEFFCO*22 TFF22 18 ;HELLEY KETTLE f21 KTT21 15 ;HELLEY KETTLE #22 Kff22 6 iHELLEY MERRILL#11 MRR11 5 ;HELLEY MERRILL#12 MRR12 1t iHELLEY MERRILLf1:}MRR13 L7 ;HELLEY MERRILLfI4 MRR14 iHELLEY cscooD #11 osG11 22 ;HELLEY cscooD #12 osG12 iHELLEY cscooD #13 osG13 iHELLEY cscooD #14 osc14 5 ;HELLEY SANDCREEK #11 SND11.c 'HELLEY iANDCREEK #12 SND12 c iHELLEY iANDCREEK #13 SND13 'HELLEY SANDCREEK #14 SND14 27 iHELLEY SANDCREEK #15 SND15 ;HELLEY SANDCREEK #15 SND16 A 'HELLEY SHELLEY #11 SHL11 2 ;HELLEY SHELLEY #12 SHL12 c ;HELLEY SHELLEY #13 SHL13 4 iHELLEY SHELLEY #14 SHL14 ;HELLEY UCON #11 UCN11 6 ;HELLEY ucoN #12 UCN12 L2 iHELLEY WATKINS #12 SOUTH THEN EAST WTK12 I Page 15 of24 ROCKY MOI,JNTAINFo\'VER ^fficw Seruice Quality Review IDAHO January - December 2013 2.5 Gause Code Analysis The tables below outlines categories used in outage data collection. Subsequent charts and table use these groupings to develop patterns for outage performance. Environment Contamination or Airborne Deposit (i.e. salt, trona, ash, other chemical dust, sawdust, etc.); corrosive environment; flooding due to rivers, broken water main, etc.; fire/smoke related to forest, brush or building fires (not including fires due to faults or liqhtnins). Weather \Mnd (excluding windborne material); snow, sleet or blizzard; ice; freezing fog; frost: liohtnino. Equipment Failure Structural deterioration due to age (incl. pole ro0; electrical load above limits; failure for no apparent reason; conditions resulting in a pole/cross arm fire due to reduced insulation qualities; equipment affected by fault on nearby equipment (i.e. broken conductor hits another line). lnterference Willful damage, interference ortheft; such as gun shots, rock throwing, etc; customer, contractor or other utility dig-in; contact by outside utility, contractor or other third-party individual; vehicle accident, including car, truck, tractor, aircraft, manned balloon: other interferino obiect such as straw. shoes. strino. balloon. Animals and Birds Any problem nest that requires removal, relocation, trimming, etc; any birds, squirrels or other animals, whether or not remains found. Operational Accidental Contact by PacifiCorp or PacifiCorp's Contractors (including live-line work); switching error; testing or commissioning error; relay setting enor, including wrong fuse size, equipment by-passed; incorrect circuit records or identification; faultv installation or construction: ooerational or safetv restriction. Loss of Supply Failure of supply from Generator or Transmission system; failure of distribution substation eouioment. Planned Transmission requested, affects distribution sub and distribution circuits; Company outage taken to make repairs afier storm damage, car hit pole, etc.; construction work. reoardless if notice is oiven: rollino blackouts. Trees Growing or falling trees Other Cause Unknown; use @mments field if there are some possible reasons. The table and charts below show the total customer minutes lost by cause and the total sustained interruptions by cause. The charts show each cause category's role in performance results and illustrate that certain types of outages account for a high amount of customer minutes lost but are infrequent, while others tend to be more frequent but account for few customer minutes lost. The Underlying cause analysis table includes prearranged outages (Customer Requested and Customer Notice Given line items) with subtotals for their inclusion, while the grand totals in the table exclude these prearranged outages so that grand totals align with reported SAIDI and SAIFI metrics for the period. However, for ease of charting, the pie charts reflect the rollup-level cause category rather than the detail-level direct cause within each category. Therefore, the pie charts for Underlying include prearranged causes (listed within the Planned category). Following the pie charts, a table of definitions provides descriptive examples for each direct cause category. Page 16 ot 24 ROCKY MOUNTAN Seruice Quality Review IDAHO January - December 2013 2.5.1 Underlying Cause Analysis Table fjirect Cause Category Description Drcct Cause Customer Minutes Lost fur lncident Customers ln lncident Sustained Sustained lncident Count ANIMALS qNIMALS 218,386.27 r,c6i 16/ BIRD MORTALITY (NON-PROIECTED SPECIES)35,425.8€605 u BIRO MORTALMY EROTECIED SPECIES) (BMTS)28,993.2(41€1! BIRD NEST (BMTS)3,786.6t 29 BIRD SUSPECTED, NO MORTALITY 89,656.0!1,2N E( EiIVIRONMENT trIRE/SMOKE (NOT DIJE TO FAULTS)0.0c EOUIPMENT FAILURE B/O EOUIPMENT 748,033.83 6,435 241 DETERIORANON OR ROTNNG 2,O14,Eo4..52 11,94!79S NEARBY FAULT 1,66E.O:21 CVERLOAD 9,/160.1:91 21 POLE FIRE 931,654.7(3,229 3! 5 I ttuu I ui<E!t, tNliutA I uKlj, uuNuuu t9K 2,718.0(12 1 REISYS, BREAKERS, SWITCHES 0.0(c INTERFERENCE DtG-tN (NON-PAC|F|CORP PEFaSONNEL)34,090.4t 2W 4( )THER INTERFERING OBJECT 69,263.Ei 437 f, fi ER UTILITY/CONTRACTOR 43,392.5{767 r'ANDALISM OR THEFT 5,33.1:5€ r'EHGLE ACCIDENT 517,721.4t 3,302 n LOSS OF SUPPLY =AILURE ON OTHER LINE OR STATION 0.0(c -OSS OF SUBSTATION 1,701,857.5i 't 1,991 2(. .OSS OF TRANSMISSION LINE 4,983,367.3(56,491 18S SYSTEM PROTECTION 268.fi 4 OPERATIONAL ;AULTY INSTALL 222.4t MPROPEFT PROTEGTME GOQRDINATION 13,2&+.9:4 NCORRECTRECORDS 575.74 NTERML CONTRACTOR +,051.7:508 JA(.;IFIG(JT{P EMPLUYEE . FIELU 1,701.4'1 13i OTHER )THER, KNO\A'N CAUSE 75,068.4t 741 3i JNKNOWN /Y1,094.2(7,86S 358 PLANNED ]ONSTRUCTION 184,463.4:77(88 ;onstruction - scheouled swtcilng Jrc,cv/. /2Z 51 ]USIOMER NOTICE GMEN 2,o82,509.3{1 0,1 9[14S ]USTOMER REQUESTED 24,510.71 27t 19€ =MERGENCY DAMAGE REPAIR 2,031,920.81 19,732 2U =NERGY EMERGENCY INTERRUPTION 131,797.62 3,431 NTENTIONAL TO CLEAR TROUBLE 59,730.8t 1,741 11 VIAINTENANCE 10,47E.0(1 IRANSMISSION REOUESTED 154.,227.52 I,C]i TREES I REE - NUN.I'T(EVEN IAt'LE 658,503.24 5,10t ol 55,457.0t 73(12 WEATHER :REEZNG FOG & FROST u,u/+ /.ol 1t CE I 'Y.UCZ.U{ I,C'll 1 -IGHTNING 1,211 , tJt .U1 't,J/214 JNUW, I'LEE I ANU t'LIZZAI(U 146,274.9i 44t 27 A/IND 1,052,368.6t 6,s8(12C ldaho I ncludlng Preatrenged 20,670,087.51 l7l,65t 3,5:t7 ldaho Underlylng 18,47,169.627 161,15t s,141 ldaho SAIDI SAIFI 2L 2.11 Note: Direct Causes are not listed if there were no outrages classified within the cause during the reporting period. Page 17 ot24 -ROCKY lrllot.trrlTAlN\ffi* S"-i"" Ou"litv n"rl January - December 2013 2.5.2 Gause Gategory Analysis Gharts ldaho 2Ol3 Cause Analysls - SAIDI I weathar 13!t6 I Anlmals I Envlronment2txo* v Tnecs 496 I EqulpmCnt F.llurr 1896 r tnterfrrencc ?16 r Planncd 2416 E othcr 496 r Loss of Supply 32%r OpeEtlon.l tdaho 2OLil Cause Analysls - SAIFI E Weethcr ,,296 I Anlmeb I Envtronmcnt2x oge ia Trcca 396 I Equlpment Fallurc t3%t lntcrfarcnce 316 r Planncd22* E Othcr 596 r [o$ of Supply 8t 6I Opar.tlon.l ldaho 2013 Cause Analysls - lncldents E We.thcr tt96 I Anlmalstw E TNGC3 316 r Envlronmanto* r Planncd 2216 r Equlpmcnt Fallurc 3216 E Other 1116 r Opcr.tlon.lt6 rf Supply 6% I lntarfer€ncc 4% Page 18 ot24 ROCKY MOITVTAh| POWER Service Quality Review IDAHO January - December 2013 2.6 Improve Worst Performing Circuits or Areas by Target Amount ln 2012 the Company modified its program with regards to selecting areas for improvement. Delivery of tools has allowed more targeted improvement areas. As a result, the Service Standard Program was modified to reflect this change. Prior to 2012, the company selected circuits as its most granular improvement focus; since then, groupings of service transformers are selected, however, if warranted entire distribution or transmission circuits could be selected. Circuit Performance Improvement (prior to 1213112011) On a routine basis, the Company reviews circuits for performance. One measure that it uses is called circuit performance indicator (CPl), which is a blended weighting of key reliability metrics covering a three-year period. The higher the number, the poorer the blended performance the circuit is delivering. As part of the Company's Performance Standards Program, it annually selects a set of Worst Performing Circuits for targeted improvement. The improvement projects are generally completed within two years of selection. Within five years of selection, the average performance of the selection set must improve by at least 20o/o against baseline performance. Rel iability Perform ance I m provement (post 12131 1201 1) On an annual routine basis, the Company reviews areas for performance. Utilizing a new measure called reliability performance indicator (RPl), which is a blended weighting of underlying reliability metrics covering a three-year period, calculated at the service transformer, excluding loss of supply outages. The higher the number, the poorer the blended performance the area has received. As part of the Company's Performance Standards Program, it annually selects Underperforming Areas for targeted improvement. The improvement projects are generally completed within two years of selection. Within five years of selection, the average performance of the selection set must improve by at least 10% against baseline performance. Gircuit Performance lndicator 2Oo5 (CPt05) Method PROGRAM YEAR 12 Grace 12 124 COMPLETED 186 Preston 13 102 COMPLETED 56 TARGET SCORE = 90 113 121 Region Performance lndicator 2012 (RPl12) Method PROGRAM YEAR 13 Mudlake 12 248 COMPLETED 130 Goshen 13 100 COMPLETED 106 TARGET SCORE = 157 174 GOAL MET 118 PROGRAM YEAR 14 Berenice 21 (Fiqure |D-1A-C)290 COMPLETED 275 Malad 13 (Fisure lD-2A-C)122 IN PROGRESS 111 TARGET SCORE = 185 206 193 (lmprovement targets for circuits in Program Years 1 through 11 have been met and filed in prior reports.) Page 19 of 24 VROCKY MOI'NTAINXH9[E.E- Service Qualiw Review IDAHO January - December 2013 2.7 Geographic Outage History of Under-performing Areas a.a456r[5!iraiattaEtortatr50,54iro ab!a.aa5aItrt!tlrttrE50rorrt tao 0 Figure ID-IA: Berenice 21 Controllable View Figure 1B: Berenice 21 Non-Controllable View Page20 ot24 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POVVER Service Quality Review January - December 2013 Figure lC: Berenice 21 Underlying View excluding Loss of Supply daa o Figure 24: Malad 13 Controllable View Page21 of 24 ,ROCKY MOUNTAIN FolTYER Figure 38: Malad 13 Non-Controllable View Figure 2C: Malad 13 Underlying View excluding Loss of Supply Service Qual January - December 2013 - o-ic lnal t lnra -*E* !- Page22 of 24 xffiouNrAN Service Quality Review January - December 2013 2.8 Restore Seruice to 80% of Customers within 3 Hours 2.9 Telephone Service and Response to Commission Complaints January 1 - December 31 ,2013 = 86% PS5-Answer calls within 30 seconds PSGa) Respond to commission complaints within 3 days PSOb) Respond to commission complaints regarding service disconnects within 4 hours PS6c) Resolve commission complaints within 30 days Page23 ot 24 ROCKY MOUNTANPOWERAreOffi Service Quality Review IDAHO3 CUSTOMER GUARANTEES PROGRAM custom erguaranfees January - December 20'13 STATUS Januaryto December2013 ldaho cGl CG2 cG3 cG4 cG5 cG6 cG7 Major Events are excluded from the Customer Guarantees program. 2013 B,Ents F.llures 96success Pald 160,491 0 812 0 816 0 248 1 496 1 183 0 8,005 6 10o/o $0 '100o/o $0 '100o/o $0 99.6% $50 99.8% $50 100o/o $0 99.97o $300 to Billing lnquiries to ttbter Problems 0 100% $0 1 99.9% $s0 0 100% $0 0 100% $0't 99.8% $50 0 't00% $0 3 99.9% $150 108,7S6 882 956 250 502 146 5,384 116.916 5 99.9% $250 Page24 ot24