HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170501DSM 2016 Report.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ,l: i") [ lll i: n ': l' "-" r Ftr ^- ^aiiil;i.,, -l jirj Y:UC 1407 West North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 . ::.,r;iiii-",i,: May 1,2017 VA OVERNIGHT DELIWRY Diane Hanian Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Re: Idaho 2016 Annual Demand Side Management Report Dear Ms. Hanian: Rocky Mountain Power hereby submits for filing seven (7) copies of the 2016 Annual Demand Side Management Report, pursuant to Order No. 29976 from Case No. PAC-E-05-10. All formal correspondence and requests regarding this filing should be addressed to one of the following: By E-mail (preferred): datarequest@fracificorp.com By regulator mail Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Blvd., Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 For any informal questions, please contact Michael Snow, Customer Solutions, at (801) 220-4214 or Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Affairs Manager, at (801) 220-2963. Sincerely, Bill Comeau Director, Demand Side Management Enclosures Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report January 1,2016 - December 31, 2016 Issued May 1,20L7 XFtrHMot'NrAnn l-ctswm drc onsrrcrs oa Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Table of Contents Tlnln oF CoNTENTS List of Abbreviations and Acronyms 4 5 7 9 Executive Summary Regulatory Activities Planning Process l0 l3 t4 l5 18 20 22 27 JJ 35 4t Energy Efficiency Programs Residential Programs Home Energt Saver Program Home Energt Reports Program Refr i ger at or r e cy c I ing P r o gr am Low Income Weatherization Program Non-Residential Enerry Efficiency Peak Reduction Program Communications, Outreach and Education............... Page 3 of41 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Abbreviations and Acronyms a CFL CAPAT DSM EICAP GWh HVAC IDHW IRP kwh LED LIHEAP MW PCT PTRC RIM SEICAA TRC UCT VFD Lrsr or AnnnnvmrroNs AND AcRoNYMS Compact Fluorescent Lighting Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho Demand-Side Management Eastern Idaho Community Action Plan Gigawatt-hour Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Integrated Resource Plan Kilowatt hour Light-emitting Diode Low Income Home Energy Assistance Megawatt Participant Cost Test PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test with l0 percent adder Ratepayer Impact Measure Test South Eastern Idaho Community Action Agency Total Resource Cost Test Utility cost Test Variable Frequency Drive Page 4 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Executive Summary Exncurrvn SUMMARY PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power ('oCompany") is a multi-jurisdictional electric utility providing retail service to customers in California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Power serves approximately 75,000 customers in southeastern Idaho. The Company, working in partnership with its retail customers and with the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), acquires energy efficiency and peak reduction resources as cost-effective alternatives to the acquisition ofsupply-side resources. These resources assist the Company in efficiently addressing load growth and contribute to the Company's ability to meet system peak requirements. Company energy efficiency and peak reduction progrcms provide participating Idaho customers with tools that enable them to reduce or assist in the management of their energy usage while reducing the overall costs to the Company's customers. These resources are relied upon in resource planning as a least cost altemative to supply-side resources. This report provides details on program results, activities, expenditures, and the current status of the demand-side management ("DSM") Tariff Rider, Customer Efficiency Service Charge - Schedule 191 ("Schedule 191") for the reporting period from January 1,2016, through December 3I,2016. The Company, on behalf of its customers, invested $4.5 million in energy efficiency resource acquisitions during the reporting period. The investment yielded approximately 21.6 gigawatt-hours ("GWh") in first year savingsl and approximately 4.2 megawatts ("MW") of capacity reduction from energy efficiency.2 Net benefits based on the projected value of the energy efficiency program savings over the life of the individual measures are estimated at $5.5 million.3 Overall, portfolio savings increased by 24 percent from 2015 levels, from 15.7 GWh compared to the acquisition of 19.5 GWh in2016. Total portfolio expenditures increased by six percent from $4.2 million in 2015 to $4.5 million in2016. The Commission ordered that the costs for the Idaho lrrigation Load Control Program should be system allocated. Therefore, these costs are not recovered through Schedule l9l. However, additional information on the lrrigation Load Control Program is provided later in this report. The energy efficiency portfolio was cost effective based on four of five standard cost effectiveness tests for the reporting period. The ratepayer impact measure test was less than 1.0, indicating near- term upward pressure was placed on the price per kilowatt-hour given a reduction in sales. Table I provides the cost effectiveness of the energy efficiency portfolio. 1 Reported savings at the generator. For line losses, see footnote 19. 2 See Planning Section for explanation on how the capacity contribution savings values are calculated. 3 See Table I - Utility Cost Test Net Benefits. Page 5 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Executive Summary Table I Cost Effectiveness Energy Efficiency Portfolio (includes non-energy benefits) Benefit/Cost Test Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test plus 10 percent ("PTRC")4 1.75 Ss,1so,99o Total Resource Cost Test ("TRC")s 1.59 s4,090,477 Utility Cost Test ("UCT")5 2.22 S5,468,662 Participant Cost Test ("PCT"|1 3.29 S12,070,986 Ratepayer lmpact Test ("RlM")8 0.s8 |t57,757,3271 Portfolio-level cost effectiveness includes portfolio costs such as the Potential Assessment and DSM system database. Sector-level cost effectiveness, reported in the Residential and Non- Residential sections of this document, includes sector-specific EM&V (evaluation, measurement and verification) expenditures. The Company includes quantifiable non-energy benefits at the portfolio and residential level, as well as the Home Energy Saver and Low Income Weatherization program level. Appendix I provides 2016 cost effectiveness performance. The Company, working with its third-party delivery administratorse collaborates with the following number of retailers, contractors, and vendors in the delivery of its energy efficiency programs in the state of Idaho. Table 2 shows the number of retailers, contractors and vendors by measure type. Table 2 Energy Effi ciency Infrastructure Sector Tvpe No Residential Lighting Mid/Upstrea m Retailers 22 Downstream Retailers 23 HVAC Trade Allies 10 Manufactured Homes Trade Allies 7 Weatherization Trade All ies L4 Commercial and lndustrial Lighting Trade Allies 75 HVAC Trade Allies 50 Motors & VFD Trade Allies 54 4 The PTRC plus 10 percent includes a benefit adder to account for non-quantified environmental and non-energy benefits of conservation resources over supply-side alternatives. s The TRC compares the total cost ofa supply-side resource to the total cost ofenergy effrciency resources, including costs paid by the customer in excess ofthe program incentives. The test is used to determine ifan energy efficiency program is cost effective from a total cost perspective. 6 The UCT compares the total cost incurred by the utility to the benefits associated with displacing or deferring supply- side resources. 7 The PCT compares the resource paid directly by participants to the savings realized by the participants. 8 The RIM examines the impact of energy efficiency on utility rates. Unlike supply-side investments, energy efficiency programs reduce energy sales. Reduced energy sales lowers revenues putting upward pressure on rates as the remaining fixed costs are spread over fewer kilowatt-hours. e See program specific sections for backgrounds on third-party administrators. Page 6 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Regulatory Activities Rrcur,,q.roRY AcrrvITIEs During the 2016 reporting period the Company filed a number of compliance and/or informational reports, updates, notices, and requests with the Commission in support of Company DSM programs. The following is a list of those activities: On January 19,2016, the Company filed Advice No. 16-02 requesting approval to make changes to the Low Income Weatherization Program, administered through Electric Service Schedule 2l.Key changes included l) increasing income eligibility to 200 percent of federal poverty guidelines, 2) adding smart thermostats and light emitting diodes/fixtures as new offerings, 3) removing compact fluorescent ligh* as an eligible offering, and 4) other minor updates to the program. The requested modifications went into effect March 1,2016 pursuant to the consent agenda approval at the decision meeting held February 29,2016. a On January 19,2016, the Company filed to adjust the Electric Service Schedule l9l rate from 2.1 percent to 2.7 percent. The requested rate adjustment went into effect April l, 2016 pursuant to Order No. 33491 issued March 31,2016. On January 27,2016, the Company filed to cancel the See ya later, Refrigerator program administered through Electric Service Schedule ll7. The Commission approved the cancelation pursuant to Order No. 33497, effective March 1,2016. On March 30,2016, consistent with the flexible tariff processl0 for the wattsmart Business program approved in Order No. 32594, a notice of changes to the program was posted on the program websitell 45 days prior to going into effect May 14, 2016. Key changes included lowering lighting incentives. On April 28, 2016, pursuant to Order No. 29976, the Company submiued its 201 5 ldaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report. On October ll, 2016, the Company filed an application in Case No. PAC-E-16-14 requesting an order designating the Company's DSM expenses in the amount of $7.4m as prudently incurred for 2014 and 2015 program years. On November 7 ,2016, consistent with the flexible tariffprocess for the wattsmart Business program approved in Order No. 32594, a notice of changes to the program was posted on the program website 45 days prior to going into effect December 22,2016. Key changes included restructuring the enhanced offering for small business lighting into a small business direct install offering. r0 See Direct Testimony ofNancy Goddard pp. 16-18 and Attachment C in Case No. PAC-E-12-10 ,t o a a a a PageT of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Regulatory Activities On December 5, 2016, the Company circulated its 2017 Communications Plan to Commission Staff for informational purposes. Meetings with ldaho Public Utilities Commission StuIf (Idaho Staff') The Company consulted with Idaho Staff throughout 2016, with formal presentations on the following matters: October 25. 2016o Discussed the Company's 2015 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report;o Provided an overview of the Company's Application for prudency review of DSM expenditures incurred for 201 4-201 5 program years ;o Reviewed results from program evaluations for the 2013-2014 Refrigerator Recycling and Home Energy Savings programs; o Reviewed results from the most recent Class 2 DSM Decrement Study;o Reviewed year-to-date DSM activity for 2016;o Discussed the 2017 Idaho Strategic Plan including forecast savings and program strategies; ando Discussed upcoming changes to the wattsmart Business Program to be implemented through the 45-day flexible tariffprocess. a Page 8 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report DSM Expenditures DSM ExppxomuREs In Case Number PAC-E-05-10, approved in Order No. 29976, the Commission allowed the recovery of all DSM program costs through Schedule l9l, with exception of the expenses associated with the Irrigation Load Control Program.12 Schedule l9l charges appear as a line item on customer bills. The Company books eligible DSM program costs as incurred to the balancing account. Schedule 191 balancing account activity for 2016 is outlined in Table 3. Table 3 Schedule l9l Balancing Account Activity Column Explanations: Monthly Proeram Costs: Monthly expenditures for all energy efficiency program activities. Monthly Net Accrued Costs: Monthly net change of program costs incurred during the period not yet posted. Rate Recovery: Revenue collected through Schedule 19l. Carryine Charee: Monthly "interest" charge based on "Cash Basis Accumulated Balance" of the account. The current "interest rate" for the Accumulated Balance is I percent per year. Cash Basis Accumulated Balance: A running total of account activities. A negative accumulative balance means cumulative revenue exceeds cumulative expendifures; positive accumulative balance means cumulative expenditures exceed cumulative revenue. Accrual Basis Accumulative Balance: Current balance of account including accrued costs. r2 Commission Order No. 32196 in Case No. PAC-E-10-07 ruled that costs associated with the Idaho Irrigation Load Conhol Program should be system allocated and not situs assigned to Idaho customers. The Commission recommended the Company treat the benefits ofthe program as a system resource for cost recovery purposes. Month Monthly Program Costs - Fixed Assets Monthly Net Aocrued Costs Rate Recovery Carrying Charge Accrual Basis Accumulated Balance Cash Basis Accumulated Balance Dec-15 s 406,931 s 7L4,687 Jan-16 S gos,+sa S B4,tr4 S (278,963)$ ssr 5 436,8L7 S szs,saz Feb-15 s 293,643 S (70,820)S (2s4,38s)S sao s 476.4ss s 797.sos Mar-16 s 289,163 S 2s,o7s s (222,8791 5 qzs s s43,L64 5 egz,zsq Apr-16 s 276,899 s 62,898 5 Q34,7881 $ qto S sas,z+o 5 998,773 May-16 S lzz,ttt 5 qt,ssq S (3s3,ss3)5 qts s s5s.388 s 1.020.35s Jun-16 s sss,4o7 s (4,901)s (ss6,401)5 ttt s 564,865 s L,OL4,945 Jul-16 S sos,sa+s (112,406)5 $47,8L41 S aza 5 222,924 S s6o,s97 Aug-16 S 369,282 S (2,s98)S (710,156)S 44 s (117,916)s 217,L60 Sep-16 5 367,84s s (62,38s)s (s38,824)s (170)s (28s,06s)S $6,374) Oct-15 5 267,LL7 5 22,633 s (3s8,s13)5 Qle)S (380,746)5 @s,qzz) Nov-16 s 281,838 S 55,020 S (2s8,6o4)s (324)s (397,836)S @7,4921 Dec-16 5 661,4s2 S (78,ss7)S (340,253)s (1e8)S (76.84s)S L94,942 2O15 Totals s 4,509,4OO s (35,959)s (4,995,153)5 t,stt Page 9 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planning Process Pr,axxrxc Pnocnss Integrated Resource Plan The Company develops a biennial integrated resource plan ("IRP") as a means of balancing cost, risk, uncertainty, supply reliability/deliverability and long-run public policy goals.l3 The plan presents a framework of future actions to ensure the Company continues to provide reliable, reasonable-cost service with manageable risks to the Company's customers. Energy efficiency and peak management opportunities are incorporated into the [RP based on their availability, characteristics and costs. Energy efficiency and peak management resources are divided into four general classes: Class I DSM (resources from fully dispatchable or scheduled firm capacity product offerings/programs) - Capacity savings occur as a result of active Company control or advanced scheduling. After customers agree to participate, the timing and persistence of the load reduction are dispatched within the agreed limits and parameters. Class 2 DSM (resources from non-dispatchable, firm energy and capacity product offerings/programs) - Sustainable energy and related capacity savings are achieved through facilitation of technological advancements in equipment, appliances, lighting and structures or repeatable and predictable voluntary actions by customers to manage the energy use at their facility or home, also commonly referred to as energy effrciency resources. Class 3 DSM (resources from price responsive energy and capacity product offerings/programs) - Short-duration energy and capacity savings from actions taken by customers voluntarily based on pricing incentives or signals. Class 4 DSM (resources from non-incented behavioral-based savings achieved through broad energy education and communication efforts) - Energy and/or capacity reduction typically achieved from voluntary actions taken by customers to reduce costs or benefit the environment through education, communication and/or public pleas. Class, 1,2 and 3 DSM resources are included as resource options in the resource planning process. Class 4 DSM actions are not considered explicitly in the resource planning process, however, the impacts are captured naturally in long-term load growth patterns and forecasts. As technical support for the IRP, a third-party demand-side resource potential assessment (Potentials Assessment) is conducted to estimate the magnitude, timing and cost of energy efficiency and peak management resources.14 The main focus of the Potentials Assessment is on resources with suffrcient reliability characteristics that are anticipated to be technically feasible and assumed achievable during the IRP's 2O-year planning horizon. The estimated achievable energy efficiency potential identified in the 2015 Potentials Assessment for Idaho is 468 gigawatt 13 Information on the Company's integrated resource planning process can be found at the following address: http ://www.pacifi corp.com/es/im.html ra PacifiCorp Demand-Side Resource Potential Assessment for 2015-2034: http://www.oacificorp.com/es/dsm.html. a a a a Page 10 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planning Process hours (GWh) by 2034, or 20 percent of projected baseline loads. rs By definition this is the energy efficiency potential that may be achievable to acquire during the 20-year planning horizon; prior to screening for cost-effectiveness through the Company's integrated resource planning process. The achievable technical potential of Class 2 (eneryy efficiency) resources for Idaho by sector is shown in Table 4. The 2015 Potentials Assessment indicates that approximately 4 percent of the achievable technical potential for the Company, excluding Oregon,l6 is available within its Idaho service area.l1 Table 4 Idaho Energy Efficiency Achievable Technical Potential by Sector Sector Cumulative GWh in 2034 Percent of Baseline Sales Residential 784 2lo/o Commercial 195 29% lndustrial 33 t2o/o lrrisation 54 LO% Street Lighting 7 34% Demand-side resources vary in their reliability, load reduction and persistence over time. Based on the significant number of measures and resource options reviewed and evaluated in the Potentials Assessment, it is impractical to incorporate each as a stand-alone resource in the IRP. To address this issue, Class 2 DSM measures and Class I DSM programs are bundled by cost for modeling against competing supply-side resource options reducing the number of discrete resource options the IRP must consider to a more manageable number. The Company evaluates program implementation cost-effectiveness (both prospectively and retrospectively) under a variety of tests to identify the relative impact and/or value (e.g. near-term rate impact, program value to participants, etc.) to customers and the Company. Estimoted Peak Contributions The reported capacity reduction of 21.6 MW (at generation) for energy efficiency programs during 2016 represents the estimated MW impact of the energy efficiency portfolio during PacifiCorp's system peak period. An energy-to-capacity conversion factor developed from Class 2 DSM selections in the 2015 IRP is used to translate 2016 energy savings to estimated demand reduction during the system peak. The utilization of this factor in the MW calculation assumes that the energy efficiency resources acquired through the Company's programs have the same average load profile as those energy efficiency resources selected in the 2015 IRP. Utilization of this factor in ls Ibid, Volume 2, page 4-2. 16 Oregon energy efficiency potentials assessments are performed by the Energy Trust of Oregon. 17 Volume l, Page 4-2,PacifiCorp Demand-Side Resource Potential Assessment for 2015-2034. Page 1 I of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planninghcess det€rnining the MW contribution of energy efficiency programs for 2016 is detailed in Table 5 below. Table 5 Estimated Peak Contribution First year energy efficiency program MWh savings acquired during 2015 21,551 0.0001!)6Conversion factor: Coincident MWMWh Estimated coincident peak MW contribution of 2016 ldaho energy efficiency acquisitions 4.2? Fage 12 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Energy Effi ciency Programs EnBRcv ErrrcmxcY PRocRAMS Energy efficiency programs are offered to all major customer sectors: residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural. The overall energy efficiency portfolio included five programs: Home Energt Saver - Schedule ll8, Residential Refrigerator Recycling- Schedule ll7, Low Income Weatherization* Schedule 21, Home Energt Reports, andwattsmart Business - Schedule 140. Program savings and cost results for 2016 are provided in Table 6 below18. Table 6 Idaho Program Results for January 1,2016 - Decembe r 3l ,20l6te Program kWh/Yr Savings (at site) kWhTYr Savings (at generator) Program Expenditures Low lncome Weatherization 140,059 7s6,129 S 247,333 Refriserator Recvcling 5,LzL 5,708 S z,rss Home Energy Reporting 3.422,891 3,815,360 5 726,740 Home Energv Saver 1,694,153 1,888,40s S s98,378 Tota! Residential 5,262,234 5,865,602 S 974,004 wattsmart Business 14,187,885 15,685,790 S 2,940,398 Total Energy Efficiency 19,450,119 2L,55L,392 S 3,914,402 Commercial & lndustrial Evaluation Costs S zu,sqt Residential Evaluation Costs s 149,526 Low lncome Energy Conservation Education S zs,ooo Outreach & Communications - WSB s 126.990 Potential Study S ss,qos Technical Reference Library S 4,798 DSM Central S g,sss Total System benefit Expenditures - A!! Programs S 4,500,332 See Appendix 2 for breakdown of program expenditures by category. rEActive Idaho energy efficiency measures are reported in Appendix 6. le The values at generation include line losses between the customer site and the generation source. The Company's line losses by sector for 2016 are I 1.47 percent for residential, 10.75 percent for commercial, 7.52 percent for indushial and I 1.45 percent for inigation. Page l3 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs RnsrurNuAl PRocRAMS The residential energy efficiency portfolio is comprised of four programs: Home Energt Saver, Home Energt Reports, Residential Refrigerator Recycling, and Low Income Weatherization. As shown in Table 7, the residential portfolio was cost effective based on four of the five standard cost effectiveness tests for the 2016 reporting period. The ratepayer impact test was less than 1.0 indicating that there is near term upward pressure placed on the price per kilowatt-hour given a reduction in sales. Table 7 Cost Effectiveness for Residential Portfolio (Including Non-Energy Benefits) Benefit/Cost Test Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits PTRC 2.LL 51,416,27t TRC 1.95 S1,204,690 UCT 7.29 s331,089 PCT 7.28 52,s62,448 RIM 0.47 (S1,637,96s) Total Residential savings decreased by 35 percent when compared to 2015 performance, from 8,137,029 kWhin20l5to 5,262,234kWhin20l6.Thedecreasewasledbyasignificantreduction in CFL lighting for the Home Energy Saver program, and the elimination of the Residential Refrigerator Recycling program. Information related to individual program performance, program management and program infrastructure is provided on the following pages. Page 14 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Houz Errtoner S.awR PRoGRAM The Home Energt Saver program provides incentives for more efficient products and services installed or received by customers in new or existing homes, multi-family housing units or manufactured homes for residential customers under Electric Service Schedules I or 36. Landlords who own property where the tenant is billed under Electric Service Schedules I or 36 also qualify for the program. Program participation by measure category is provided in Table 8. Table 8 Eligible Program Measures (Units) The program was cost effective as shown in Table 9 Table 9 Cost Effectiveness for Home Energy Saver Program (includes non-energy benefits) Benefit/Cost Test Benefit/Cost Ratlo Net Benefits PTRC 3.O7 s1,496,483 TRC 2.84 s7.324.237 UCT 1.82 S487,893 PCT s.28 5L,748,979 RIM 0.5s (S890,246) Program savings decrease in 2016 compared to 2015 was primarily due to a decrease in CFL lighting. The largest participating retail chain in the Company's Idaho service territory moved away from CFL products early in2016, contributing to a decrease in CFL availability. Secondly, the primary manufacturer of LEDs for independent retailers in the service territory was slow to adapt to static incentive levels for LEDs during the program year, which contributed to reduced savings from LED lighting. Measure Category kWhTYrSavings (@Sitel Total !ncentive Total Quantity Appliances 13,rrc8 s 5,810 91 Buildine Shell 31,661 5 u,azt 31,2145 (sq. ft) Enersv Kits 190,048 S g.zsa 475 HVAC 874,7U 5 7zo,2oz 292 Lighting s73,3lm S sg,z68 31,848 Whole Home 11,511 S 4.soo 3 Grand Total L694,153 s rgg,9o4 g,(xA Page l5 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Home Energt Saver program in Idaho is also responsible for the program in Utah and Wyoming. For each program and in each state the program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the program, identi$ing and contracting with the program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set out in the tariff. Pro sram Administration The Home Energt Saver program is administered by CLEAResult. CLEAResult is responsible for the following: o Retailer and trade ally engagement - CLEAResult identifies, recruits, supports and assists retailers to increase the sale of energy efficient lighting, appliances and electronics. CLEAResult enters into promotion agreements with each lighting manufacturer and retailer for the promotion of discounted CFL and LED bulbs. The agreements include specific retail locations, lighting products receiving incentives and not-to-exceed annual budgets. Weatherization and HVAC trade allies engaged with the program are provided with program materials, training, and regular updates.o lnspections - CLEAResult recruits and hires inspectors to verify on an on-going basis the installation of measures. A summary of the inspection process is in Appendix 3.o Managing savings acquisition to targets within budget.o Continual improvement of program operations and customer satisfaction.o Incentive processing and call-center operations - CLEAResult receives all requests for incentives, determines whether the applications are complete, works directly with customers when information is incorrect and/or missing from the application and processes the application for payment.o Program specific customer communication and outreach - A summary of the communication and outreach conducted by CLEAResult on behalf of the Company is outlined in the Communication, Outreach, and Education section of this report. The contract for Home Energt Saver program administration services for all states expired in March 2016. As a result, the Company initiated a request for proposal in 2015. CLEAResult was awarded a new contract which was effective April 1,2016. Infrastructure The total number of retailers and trade allies participating in the program is currently 70. Detail of participating retailers by delivery channel and measure type is available in Appendix 4. Program Changes The Home Energy Saver program made changes to existing measures in its flexible tariff filing. The updated changes were made to better align with current market practices. The program also Page 16 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs added new offerings for smart thermostats and new homes, including new manufactured homes Notice of program changes were effective January 30,2016. Evaluation A process and impact evaluation for program years 2013-2014 was completed and published in 2016. Key finding include: o Gross realizationrate of 9l percent,o Net-to-Gross of 75 percent, . High program satisfaction with the non-lighting participants at97 percent (lighting was upstream, therefore no surveys),o The most commonly cited sources of program awareness for non-lighting participants were retailers at 43 percent,o Including non-energy benefits, the program over the two year period was cost effective from the TRC perspective at2.6l. A complete list of program evaluation recommendations and the Company's response is provided in Appendix 7. Page 17 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Hotto ENonGY REPoRTS PRoGRAM The Home Energt Reports program is a behavioral program designed to decrease participant energy usage by providing comparative energy usage data for similar homes located in the same geographical area. Additionally, the report provides the participant with information on how to decrease their energy usage. Equipped with this information, participants can modify behavior and/or make structural equipment, lighting or appliance modifications to reduce their overall electric energy consumption. The program achieved 3,422,891 kWh of savings in 20 I 6. Program cost effectiveness is provided in Table 10. Table l0 Cost Effectiveness for Home Energy Reports Program Benefrt/Cost Test Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits PTRC 1.69 s86,4s6 TRC 1.53 s67,L29 UCT 1.53 567,r29 PCT N/A N/A RIM 0.40 (s29s.964) Reports were initially provided to approximately 17,600 customers in December 2014. The number of participant's decreases over time due to customer attrition related to general customer churn (customer move-outs) and customers requesting to be removed from the program. Since inception ofthe program, only 0.8% of customers have requested to be removed from the program. As of December 2016,14,500 customers were active recipients of Home Energy Reports. ln20l6, 40 total customers opted out of the program. All participating customers may request an electronic report delivered via email as well as access to a web portal containing the same information about their usage provided in the report. In addition, all Idaho residential customers (including non-participants) have access to the web portal which contains other benefits such as a home energy audit tool, the ability for customers to update their home profile (for more accurate comparisons), and suggestions on ways to save energy. Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Home Energt Reports program in Idaho is also responsible for the program in Utah and Wyoming as well as Irrigation Load Control program in Idaho and Utah and Cool Keeper program in Utah. For each program and in each state the program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the program, identiffing and contracting with the program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set in each state' s compliance requirements. Page l8 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Program Administration The Home Energt Reports program is administered by Oracle. Oracle's software creates individualized energy reports for utility customers that analyzes their energy usage and offers recommendations on how to save energy and money by making small behavioral changes to their energy consumption. The Company contracts with Oracle to provide energy savings, software services, and printing and delivery of energy reports to customers. Oracle is responsible for the following: o Selecting Qualifying Customers - Oracle conducts an analysis to identify qualifying customers that are then randomly selected into the program's treatment (those who will receive reports) and control groups (for measurement and verification).o Customer Comparison Analysis - Oracle conducts statistical analysis to perform pattern recognition in order to derive actionable insights to selected customers. Oracle uses information about customers' homes (e.9., size, heat type, home type) to find similar homes for comparison.. Energy Report Delivery - By mail or email.o Web Portal Design and Support - Oracle operates and maintains a customer Web portal for participants to visit for additional information about their energy usage and saving opportunities. Evaluation A process and impact evaluation will be published in2017. Page l9 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Rn rrucnn qroR REcYCLING Pnoen qtur The Refrigerator Recycling program. also known as "See ya later, refrigerator@," was designed to decrease electricity use through the voluntary removal and recycling of inefficient refrigerators and freezers. The program was available to residential, business customers and retailers. On December 3, 2015, the Company filed to suspend the program due to the program administrator, JACO Environmental, effectively going out of business and thus unable to administer the program. Suspension of the program was granted effective December 7,2015. During December 2015, the Company began an expedited sole source procurement process to contract for remedial or "clean-up" appliance recycling services for customers that had signed up for the program, but were unable to be serviced due to JACO going out of business. A contract with Appliance Recycling Centers of America ("ARCA") was executed December 30,2015, and customer outreach began in January 2016. ARCA contacted customers who had pick-ups scheduled with JACO that were canceled in late November and December 2015 and, if the customer was still interested, offer the same removal service and incentive. Clean-up services rendered by ARCA were conducted through March 2016. On January 27,2016, the Company filed to cancel the program due to the inability to administer the program cost effectively. The Commission granted the Company's request to cancel the program in Order No. 33497, effective March 1,2016. Customer participation in ARCA's clean-up services by measure is provided in Table I l. Table I I Clean-up Services Participation - Measures (Units) Measures Total kWh/Yr Savings @ Site Total Incentive Measure Quantity Freezer Recvcling 1,033 Sso 1 Refrigerator Recycling 4,088 S zoo 4 Total 5,L2t s 2s0 5 Program level cost effectiveness was not calculated due to its cancellation. However, the minimal expenditures and savings are included in the residential level and portfolio level cost effectiveness calculations. Evaluation A process and impact evaluation for program years 2013-2014 was published in April 2016. Key findings include: The program achieved 1,273,559 kWh evaluated gross savings; 95% of reported gross savings. a Page 20 of 41 a a Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Overall net to gross decreased from 52% lrl.the 201l-2012 evaluation to 4l%o. The evaluation found high free ridership levels due to 45% of respondents claiming they would have disposed of their units without the program. Program satisfaction remained high. Page 21 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs L ow I r'tc ou o W rern n Nz,erIoN P Ro GRAM The Low Income Weatherization program provides energy efficiency services through a partnership between the Company and local non-profit agencies to residential customers who meet income-eligible guidelines. Services are at no cost to the program participants. ln20l6,the program achieved 140,069 kWh of savings and treated 66 homes. Total homes treated as well as the type and frequency of specific energy efficiency measures installed in each home is provided in Table 12. Table l2 Homes Receiving Specific Measures Participation - Total f of Completed/Treated Homes 66 Number of Homes Receiving Specific Measures Attic Ventilation 45 Ceiling lnsulation 50 CFL Bulbs 58 LED Lisht Bulbs 7 Duct lnsulation 15 Floor lnsulation 22 Furnace Repair 26 Furnace Replacements 9 Health & Safety Measures 55 lnfiltration 65 Refrigerators 44 Replacement Windows 29 Thermal Doors 45 Wall lnsulation 11 Water Heater Repair 28 Water Heater Replacement 1 Water Pipe lnsulation 55 The Low Income Weatherization program was cost effective from the PTRC perspective of 1.04, but failed the TRC, UCT and RIM.20 The marginal cost effectiveness of the program is largely due to the reduction in decrement values calculated for the 2015 IRP.2I The Company will continue to monitor program savings and participation going forward. Table 13 shows 2016 program cost effectiveness. 20 The Low Income Energy Conservation Education funding of $25,000 was excluded from the cost effectiveness. 2l Decrement values represent the value of saved energy for assessing benefits from the PTRC, TRC, UCT, and RIM perspectives at the measure category, program, and/or portfolio level. The values and methodology used to develop them are presented in PacifiCorp's 2015 Class 2 Decrement Study: httlr://www.pacificoro.com/content/dam/pacificom/doc/Energ.v Sources/Demand Side-ManaeemenV20l5/2Ol5 Cl ass 2 DSM Decrement-Stud),.pdf Page 22 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Table 13 Cost Effectiveness for Low Income Weatherization (includes non-energy benefits) Benefit/Cost Test Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits PTRC 1.04 s9,234 TRC 0.96 (S10,704) UCT 0.81 (s47) PCT N/A N/A RIM o.42 {.5274,s62l Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Low Income Weatherization program in Idaho is also responsible for the program in California, Utah, Washington and Wyoming; energy assistance programs in Idaho, Califomia, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming; and bill discount programs in Califomia, Utah and Washington. The program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the weatherization program in each state, partnerships and agreements in place with local agencies that serve income eligible households, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set out in the agency contracts and state specific tariffs. Proeram Administration The Company contracts with Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership ("EICAP") and South Eastern Idaho Community Action Agency ("SEICAA") to provide services. The two agencies receive federal funds allocated to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare ("IDHW") and administered by the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"). Energy efficiency measures are installed in the homes of income eligible households throughout the Company's service territory by EICAP and SEICAA. The Company funds 85 percent of the cost of approved measures. Agencies cover remaining costs with the funding received by IDHW. EICAP and SEICAA are responsible for the following: . Income Verification - Agencies determine participant income eligibility based on CAPAI guidelines. Household's interested in obtaining weatherization services apply through the agencies. The 2016 income guidelines can be viewed at CAPAI'swebsite htto://www.idahocommunityaction.ors/proqrams/weatherization- html/weatherization-as si stance-pro gram-income- guide I ines-htmVo Energy Audit - Agencies use a United States Department of Energy approved audit tool to determine the cost effective measures to install in the participant's homes (audit results must indicate a savings to investment ratio of 1.0 or greater).o Installation of Measures - Agencies install the energy efficiency measures.o Post Inspections - Agencies inspect 100 percent of completed homes. CAPAI also inspects a random sample of homes. See Appendix 3 for verification summary. Page 23 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Billing Notification - Agencies are required to submit a billing to Company within 120 days after job completion. The agencies include a form indicating the measures installed and associated cost on each completed home along with their invoice. a Low Income Energy Conservation Education Commission Order No. 32788 mandated the Company to fund the Low Income Energt Conservation Education with $25,000 annually. These education services are provided by EICAP and SEICAA and target participants who receive Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) funds. EICAP, SEICAA and the Company discussed the allocation of the annual funding amount with the agencies determining the efficiency measures to distribute. EICAP received $16,000 and SEICAA $9,000 for a total of $25,000 prior to the beginning of their 201612017 LIHEAP program year. While the conservation education activities do result in energy savings, the savings are not considered when calculating the performance results of the Low Income Weatherization program, other energy efficiency programs or portfolios results.22 The agencies provided a conservation education curriculum to households and reported the following activities and program specifics for 2016 in Table 14. Table 14 20 I 6 Conservation Education Activities EICAP sErccA Annual Funds s16,000 Se,ooo Expenditures S15,369 (EICAP used funds from 2015) No Expenditures in 2015 (SEICCA used existing stock of measures) 2016 Unspent Funds S16,ooo s9,ooo Households served 29 310 Distribution EICAP distributed 29 kits that included a thermostat,2LED light bulbs and a clothesline. A total of 340 kits remain in stock. EICAP reported the following: They were unable to staff an employee to provide energy conservation education throughout 2016 as they had originally planned due to other funding source issues and internal staffing changes. In 2017, they have an employee that will contact LIHEAP participants and invite them to receive energy conservation education and a kit upon completion. Idaho LIHEAP procedures are now streamlined to significantly decrease face to face appointments which forces them to contact customers that are not seen in person. The $16,000 received in2016 was their ending balance as of 1213l/16 and will be applied in 2017 on additional efficiency measures. 22 Order No. 32788 Page 24 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs SEICAA distributed the following measures in20l6:o A total of 640 shower timers (53 remain in inventory) and239 night lights (depleted stock) that were purchased in 2013;o A total of 254 CFLs and 37 power timers that were purchased in 2014 (depleted stock of these items);. A total of 140 window kits (30 remain in inventory),139 LED night lights (104 remain in inventory), 202 weather-stripping tape (32 remain in inventory), 19 l3-watt CFLs (175 remain in inventory) and 6l conservation sockets (160 remain in inventory) purchased in 2015.o A total of 1,731 measures were distributed to 3 I 0 households. SEICAA reported the following: They did not purchase efficiency measures in2016. Their efforts were centered on depleting their remaining stock of measures which will allow for less confusion in tracking inventory in the future. SEICAA intends to purchase complete kits packaged in boxes that will be distributed to income eligible Rocky Mountain Power customers prior to the receipt of their 2017 funding. With the aforementioned LIHEAP procedure changes, SEICAA no longer sees more than 50% of LIHEAP participants in their office. Pre-packaged efficiency kits will be mailed to the participants that do not visit their office, with kit and postage costs covered by Company funds. Table 15 provides information regarding the education offered by the agencies. Iable l5 Additional Information on Education by Agencies EICAP SE!CAA Program Design Educate Rocky Mountain Power customers about how to conserve energy and understand their bill. Reduce electricity usage and monthly bills for participants of the LIHEAP program. Target Audience Rocky Mountain Power customers who receive energy assistance. LIHEAP recipients who have not received weatherization program services are a priority Households can also be identified through SEICAA's other programs. How Company Funds Were Used Energy efficiency measures purchased with 2015 funds. Purchased and distributed energy conservation measures with 2016 funding prior to 2076/20t7 LIHEAP prosram vear. Program Benefits to Participants Households receive useful tips and tools to help them save energy while applying for LIHEAP. Households are educated on how they can reduce kWh usage through behavioral changes in addition to the energy savings benefits of installing energy conservation measures they receive during LIHEAP intake. All conservation items are easy-to-install measures. Page 25 of 41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Evaluation No Low lncome Weatherization evaluation activities occurred in2016. The Company anticipates a process and impact evaluation for program years 2013-2015 to be publishedin20lT. Page 26 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Energy Efficiency NoN-RrsrDENTrAL ENnncv Ennrcrnxcy The commercial, industrial and agricultural energy efficiency program portfolio is offered through a single Non-Residential Energy Efficiency program called wattsmart Business. The wattsmart Business program is intended to maximize the efficient use of electricity for new and existing non-residential customers through the installation of energy efficiency measures and energy management protocols. Qualifying measures include any measures which, when implemented in an eligible facility, result in verifiable electric energy efficient improvements. Total non-residential program savings increased 8802, from 7 ,554,665 kWh in 2015 to 14,187,885 kWh in 2016. Energy savings from the commercial sector had the largest savings increase due to the downward trend in the price of LED lighting. Total incentives, savings and completed projects are provided in Table l6 by customer sector Table 16 Savings by Sector Sector Total kWh/Yr Savings (@ Site) Total kW Savings (@ Site) Total lncentive Total Projects Agricu ltu ra I 2,770,629 2L6 S 321.3s8 54 Commercial L0,736,202 1,550 s 1.384,526 230 I ndustrial L,281,054 166 S L78,649 t4 Grand Total 14,187,885 2,O31 s 1.884.s33 298 Services offered through the wattsmart Business program include Typical Upgrades: provides streamlined incentives for lighting, HVAC, compressed air and other equipment upgrades that increase electrical energy efficiency and exceed code requirements. Small Business Lighting: provides enhanced incentives for lighting retrofits installed by approved trade allies at eligible small business customer facilities. Custom Analysis: offers investment-grade energy analysis studies and recommendations for more complex projects. Energy Management: provides expert facility and process analysis to help lower energy costs by optimizing customer's energy use. Energy Project Manager Co-funding: available to customers who can commit to an annual goal of completing projects resulting in a minimum of 1,000,000 kwh per year in energy savings. a a a a a Total incentives and savings by measure category is provided in Table 17. Page27 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Table l7 Savings by Measure Category23 Measure Category Totalkwh/Yr Savings (@ Sitel Total kw Savings (@ Sitel Total lncentive Total Proiects Buildine Shell 93,498 il s 29,384 6 Compressed Air L2L,290 S 18,194 t Farm & Dairy 354,914 4 S +s,soo 10 Food Service Equipment L8L,4L2 28 S 16,07s 9 HVAC 998,6ss 22t S 160.97s 13 lrrigation 2,085.568 203 s 309.989 6 Lightine 9,799,714 L,67 S r,zss,6os 2L3 Motors 2y,897 32 5 32,74 10 Refriseration 307,937 13 S ss,gsz 2 Grand Total 1418288s 2,031 S Las4,srg 310 The Non-Residential Portfolio was cost effective with a calculated TRC of 1.57 and UCT of 2.69 Program performance results for 2016 are provided in Table 18 below. Table 18 Cost Effectiveness for N on-Residential Portfo I io Benefit/Cost Test lncludes Portfolio Costs Excludes Portfolio Costs Beneflt/Cost Ratio Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratlo Net Benefits PTRC L.73 S3,931,47s 1.80 54,L46,722 TRC L.57 S3,082,538 7.64 53,297,L84 UCT 2.69 Ss.334,330 2.89 5s.s48,977 PCT 2.95 s9,s08,s38 2.9s s9,s08,s38 RIM 0.51 (Ss,322,60s)0.62 (ss,107,9ss) Program Management The program manager overseeing the business energy efficiency program activity in Idaho is also responsible for the programs in Utah and Wyoming. For each state the program manager is responsible for the management of the program administrators, cost effectiveness, identifying and contracting with the program administrators through a competitive bid process, program marketing, achieving and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions of the program. 23 Total project counts do not match measure category tables because projects can be in multiple categories. Page 28 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Proeram Administration The program is primarily administered through two delivery channels that are differentiated based upon customer needs: contracted DSM delivery and internal DSM delivery. C ontr ac te d D S M De livery The Contracted DSM Delivery channel generally targets typical opportunities which serves small to medium sized business customers and, to a lesser extent, large business customers. Administration is provided through Company contracts withNexant, Inc. ("Nexant") and Cascade Energy ("Cascade") who manage trade ally coordination, training and application processing services for commercial measures and industriaUagricultural measures respectively. Nexant and Cascade are responsible for the following: o Trade ally engagement - includes identification, recruiting, training, supporting and assisting trade allies to increase sales and installation of energy efficient equipment at qualifying business customer facilities.o Incentive processing and administrative support - includes handling incoming inquiries as assigned, processing incentive applications, developing and maintaining standardized analysis tools, providing program design services, and evaluation and regulatory support upon request.o Custom analysis and project facilitation for small/medium customer projects.o Managing savings acquisition to targets within budget.o Continual improvement of program operations and customer satisfaction.o Inspections - includes verifying on an on-going basis the installation of measures. A summary of the inspection process is in Appendix 3. Internal DSM Delivery The Internal DSM Delivery channel targets large energy users who generally have multiple opportunities for energy efficiency improvements, such as those that require complex custom analysis. These large projects are administered by internal Company project managers and allows for a single point of contact to assist customers with their various opportunities. In this delivery channel, project managers are responsible for the following: o Single point of contact for large customers to assist with their energy efficiency projects.o Provide customer outreach and education of energy efficiency opportunities.o Facilitate custom energy efficiency analysis, quality assurance and verification of savings through a pre-contracted group of engineering firms. (See Table 20 below.)o Manage engineering firms to ensure program compliance, quality of work and customer satisfaction.o Manage wattsmart Business projects through the whole project lifecycle. Page 29 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Energy Efficiency The contracts for the outsourced delivery channel expired June 30, 2016. Following a competitive bid process, these contracts were awarded to Nexant and Cascade for another 3-year term. A third contract, awarded to Willdan Energy Solutions ("Willdan"), will administer the Small Business Direct Installation offer within the wattsmart Business Program. Additional information is included in the Program Changes section. Infrastructure Contracted DSM Delivery To help increase and improve the supplier and installation contractor infrastructure for energy- efficient equipment and services, the Company established and developed trade ally networks for lighting, HVAC and motors/VFDs. This work includes identifying and recruiting trade allies, providing program and technical training and providing sales support on an ongoing basis. The current list of trade allies who have applied and been approved as participating vendors are posted on the Company website and is included as Appendix 5 to this report. In most cases, customers are not required to select a vendor from these lists to receive an incentive.2a The current count of participating trade allies by technology is in Table 19. Table l9 Participating Trade Allies2s Lighting trade allies HVAC trade allies Motor and VFD trade allies 75 50 54 Internal DSM Delivery Given the diversity of the non-residential customers served by the Company, a pre-approved, pre- contracted group of engineering firms are used to perform facility specific energy efficiency analysis, quality assurance and verification services. Each customer's project is directly managed by one of the Company's in-house project managers. The project manager works directly with the customer or through the appropriate Company regional business manager located in Idaho. On October 31,2016 the contracts for engineering firms providing these services expired; consequently, the Company initiated a request for proposals in early 2016 to obtain contracts with qualified firms to provide these services to customers. Twelve firms were selected. Table 20 lists the engineering firms under contract with the Company both before this bid cycle and afterward. 2a Customers receiving Small Business Lighting incentives do need to use an approved contractor that has been selected from a competitive request for bid process. 25 Some trade allies may participate in more than one technology so the count of unique participating firms is less than the total count by technology. Page 30 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Energy Effrciency Table 20 Firms Program Chanses Several notable changes occurred within the wattsmart Business Program in2016 that targeted the small business sector and lighting. These changes include the redesign of the Small Business Lighting offering to the Small Business Direct Installation offering, and a restructuring of LED lighting incentives. Small Business Lighting was restructured to the Small Business Direct Installation. The program change was designed to expand the program offering from lighting to additional energy efficient measures. The intent is to serve the hard-to-reach small business market segment through offering an incentive, in the form of a direct installation of energy efficient measures, by a certified and/or licensed contractor. This program will be provided to targeted geographical areas and is intended to include energy audits of customers' facilities identiffing qualifying energy savings measures that could be installed, and the associated costs. Project proposals based on completed audits will be provided that fit within customers' operational and budgetary parameters. Customers can then choose to move forward with the entire project installing all qualifying upgrades, or select a portion of qualifying upgrades from the project proposal. Depending on the size and demographics of each area, the following tactics may be used to engage with small business customers: Engineering Firm Main Oflice Location Contracted prior to t0t3ut6 Contracted after tu01n6 Abacus Resource Management Company Beaverton. OR x Fort Collins. COBrendle Group x x Cascade Enerry Engineering Cedar Hills, UT x x Compression Engineering Corp Salt Lake Ciry, UT x Ecova Portland, OR x EMP2,Inc Richland, VA x x Energv Resource Integration, LLC Sausalito. CA x X Energy and Resource Solutions North Andover, MA x EnerNOC Inc.Portland, OR x EnSave, Incorporated Richmond, VT x x ETC Group, Incorporated Salt Lake City. UT x x Evergreen Consulting Group Beaverton, OR x x Fazio Eneineering Weston. OR x kW Engineering, Inc.Salt Lake City, UT x X Lincus Incorporated Tempe, AZ x Nexant, Incorporated Salt Lake City, UT x x QEI Energy Management, Inc.Beaverton, OR x RM Energy Consulting Pleasant Grove, UT x x Rick Rumsev.LLC Ammon.lD x x SBW Consulting, Inc.Bellevue, WA x Solarc Architecture & Engineering, Inc.Eugene, OR x x Triple Point Energy Portland, OR x Page 31 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Energy Efficiency o Direct customer events,o Community fairs, street fairs, and "Main Street" events,o Geo-targeted pop-up events and workshops,. City Council and Chamber of Commerce Meetings,o Trade/BusinessAssociation Events,o Door to door (in person and print),o Digital (website), ando Direct-mail, email blasts or print media. The newly designed Small Business Direct Install offer is structured to increase participation, particularly in rural communities where program participation has historically been lower than urban communities. As mentioned in the Program Administration section, a new outsourced delivery contractor, Willdan, will administer this program. The Company also restructured LED lighting. LED technology has become the predominant lighting technology in energy efficiency projects, and that trend is anticipated to continue. Long lamp life (30,000 hours*), reduced lifetime maintenance costs, absence of hazardous materials (i.e. mercury), controllability, higher efficacy (lumens/watt) and decreasing costs relative to traditional technologies have contributed to a shift toward using LED products on most energy efficiency projects. To address the continuing and rapid shift to more efficient LED technologies, the Company revamped the form and value of lighting incentives listed in the lighting retrofits table on the website26. The Company moved away from incenting lighting in technology-specific categories and transitioned to a true pay-for-savings approach. Under the new incentive structure interior, exterior and streeVpole lighting are all incentivized at a specific cost per kWh saved, regardless of what type of technology is installed. Lighting incentives were also lowered proportionately due to decreasing costs for LED technology. Other minimal changes to the program that occurred in 2016 include methodology changes for calculating VFD savings for dairy vacuum pumps, as well as changes to the incentive structures for potato/onion storage fan VFD. Evaluation The wattsmart Business program evaluation for program years 2014-2015 was performed in2016 and published in early 2017. The evaluation is available on the Company's website at http ://www.pacifi corp. com/es/dsm/idaho.html. 26 https://www.rockymountainpower.net/bus/se/idaho/il/lighting/lighting-retrofits.htrnl Page 32 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Peak Reduction Program Peer RsoucrroN PRoGRAM Peak Reduction programs assist the Company in balancing customer energy use during heavy peak summer hours. Further, it assists in defening the need for higher cost investments in delivery infrastructure and generation resources that would otherwise be needed to serve those loads for a select few hours each year. These programs help the Company maximize the efficiency of the Company's existing electrical system and reduce costs for all customers. Irrigation Load Control The lrrigation Load Control program is offered to irrigation customers receiving electric service on Schedule 10, Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service. Participants enrolled with a third party administrator to allow the curtailment of their electricity usage in exchange for an incentive. Customer incentives are based on a site's average available load during load control program hours adjusted for the number of opt outs or non-participation. The program hours are 12pm to 8pm Mountain Time, Monday through Friday, and exclude holidays. For most participants, their irrigation equipment is set up with a dispatchable two-way control system giving the Company control of the equipment. Under this control option, participants are provided a day- ahead notification of control events and have the choice to opt-out of a limited number of dispatch events per season. A summary of the program performance, participation and cost effectiveness results for the program period of May 31,2016 -August 19,2016 are provided in Tables 2l and22. Table 2l Irrigation Load Control Program Performance Total Enrolled MW (Gross - at Gen)257 Average Realized Load MW (at Gen)109 Maximum Realized Load MW (at Gen)163 Participation Customers 207 Participation (Sites)1,340 Table22 Cost Effectiveness for Irrigation Load Control Benefit/Cost Test Benefit/Cost Ratio PTRC Pass TRC Pass UCT Pass PCT N/A RIM Pass Page 33 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Peak Reduction Program Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Iruigation Load Control program in Idaho is also responsible for the ltigation Load Control and Cool Keeper programs in Utah along with Home Energt Report in Idaho, Utah and Wyoming. For each state the program manager is responsible for managing the program administrator, the cost effectiveness of the program, contracting with program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes to increase participation. Proeram Administration EnerNoc administers and manages the ltigation Load Control program through a pay-for- performance structure and is responsible for all aspects of the program. Load Control Events and Performance There were seven control events initiated in20l6. The date, time and estimated impact for each event is provided in Table 23. Table 23 Irrigation Load Control Events Evaluation No evaluation activities occurred during 2016. Date Event Event Times Estimated Load Reduction - ldaho at Gen (MWl June2L,20tG I 3pm-7pm MDT 161 June27,2076 2 3pm-7pm MDT 163 June 29, 2015 3 3pm-7pm MDT 153 July 2\,20L6 4 3pm-7pm MDT 98 Julv 26,20LG 5 3pm-7pm MDT 74 July 28, 2015 6 3pm-7pm MDT 78 August 15,20LG 7 3pm-7pm MDT 65 Ausust 17,20L6 8 3pm-7pm MDT 80 Page 34 of 4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication CotuvtuNICATroNS, OutRnacH AND Eouc.q,rIoN The Company uses earned media, customer communications, paid media, and program specific media to communicate the value of energy efficiency and provide information regarding low-cost, no-cost energy efficiency measures. The Company endeavors to educate customers on the availability of technical assistance, services and incentives with the overall goal to engage customers in reducing their energy usage. The Company calls this multi-faceted campaign "wattsmart" and shares a common theme: Rocky Mountain Power wants to help you save money and energy. Customer Communications As part of the Company's regular communications to its customers, newsletters across all customer classes promote energy efficiency initiatives and case studies. Inserts and outer envelopes are also used consistently to feature energy efficiency messages and programs. In 2016, the Company issued two newsletters focused on seasonal energy efficiency information targeted for the fall and spring. Table 24 shows the communication source and the frequency of the message. Table 24 Communication Source and Frequency Communication Source Frequencv of Messace Web: rockymountainpower.net/wattsmart and promotional URL wattsmart.com link directly to the energy efficiency landing page. Once there customers can self-select their state for specific programs and incentives. Messages rotate each month based on the season Twitter Tweets posted on a weekly basis. Facebook lnformation and tips posted three - five times a week. Promoted posts and mobile ads are also used where appropriate. Vorces residential newsletter Newsletters are sent via bill insert and email six times a year; each issue includes energy efficiency tips and incentive program information. wattsup insert - seasonal change inserts dedicated to energy efficiency. May and October Home Enersv Saver/wattsmart Starter Kit program inserts 2-3 per vear Energy Connections, Energy lnsights - newsletters to businesses and communities. Articles appear in both monthly and q uarterlv publications. Page 35 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication Paid Media/ wattsmart ramp4lg In 2016, the Company continued to use the wattsmart advertising campaign that was originally developed in late 2014.The overall paid media plan objective is to effectively reach our customers through a multi-media mix that extends both reach and frequency. Tapping into all resources with consistent messaging has been the Company's approach and will continue to be refined. Key strategies include:. Implement an advertising campaign that featured wattsmart energy efficiency messaging. o Promote customer conservation (behavioral changes) and increase participation and savings through the Company's wattsmart DSM programs. o Motivate customers in Idaho to reduce consumption independently or to do so by participating in the Company's waffsmart DSM programs. o Educate customers on how these programs can help them save money on their utility bills, reduce energy consumption and keep costs down for customers. The audiences for these messages were prioritized as follows:o Residentialcustomerso Low-income customerso Small/mid-sizebusinesscustomerso Large commercial/industrial customerso Retailers, contractors & trade allies Generol key messages: o Using energy wisely at home and in your business saves you money.o Rocky Mountain Power is your energy partner o We want to help you keep your costs down.o We offer wattsmart programs and cash incentives to help you save money and energy in your home or business. To reach residential customers, the Company used TV, radio, social, and digital. We reminded customers about Wattsmart, Idaho - the right place for savings. In Wattsmart, folks turn off lights and electronics when not in use. They only use efficient appliances and make sure their homes are well insulated. The payoff for the campaign is- You may not live in Wattsmart, but you can learn to live wattsmart. Each of the ads is focused on a different piece of messaging:o Incentiveso Weatherizationo Lighting (LED)o Turning off the lights and unplugging electronics when not in use. Keeping the thermostat set to 68 degrees in the winter Page 36 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication New creative was developed to target business customers to include TV, radio, print, social, and digital. Ads were case study focused and highlighted business customers that saved energy and money by being wattsmart. Table 25 outlines each communication channel and provides the overall impressions achieved in 2016. Table 25 Communication Channel s *Radio impressions are not quantified. Impression is estimated. The total number impressions for the wattsmart campaign were 4,908,586 impressions. Residential Creative Links TV. Wattsmart. Idaho - 68 degrees. Wattsmart. Idaho - Apple pie Communication Channel Value to Communication Portfolio lmpressions to date Television Television has the broadest reach and works as the most effective media channel. ldaho Falls: A selection of ads ran at 30 and l5-second spots. o 770,000 residential impressions o 1,203,000 business impressions Radio Given the cost relative to television, radio builds on communications delivered via television while providing for increased frequency of messages. ldaho Falls: o 605 spotsr 585,000 estimated impressions* Newspaper Supports broadcast messages and guarantees coverage in areas harder to reach with broadcast. A total of 35 insertions targeting business customers were provided to: o Jefferson StarAhelley Pioneer o ldaho State Journal o ldaho Falls Post Register o News-Examiner . Preston Citizenr RexburB Standard Journalr 899,842 total impressions Digital Display lnclude banner ads on local sites, blogs, behavioral ad targeting, and pay-per-cl ick ad placements. 1,045,505 total impressions lnternet Search (i.e. Google)20,522 total impressions 20,622 total impressions Twitter (@RMP_ldaho)Tweets energy efficiency tips, Tweets posted on a weeklv basis 1,011 Twitter followers Facebook www.facebook.com/ rockvmountai noower.wattsmart Awareness regarding energy efficiency tips and a location to share information. Facebook advertising -384,677 total impressions Page37 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication o Wattsmart.Idaho - Caulking gun Print Radio. Wattsmart.Idaho - The Festival. Wattsmart. Idaho - Good place Online. Wattsman.Idaho (58 deerees). Wattsmart ldaho - turn off lights and electronicso Wattsmart ldaho - Powerstrio Business Creative Links TV. Countryside Veterinar.v case study TV Radio. Countrvside Veterinar.v Radio . Walters Farm and Produce. CountysideVeterinar.v Online. Walters Farm and Produce Program Specific All energy efficiency program marketing and communications are under the wattsmart umbrella to ensure a seamless transition from changing customer behavior to the actions they could take by participating in specific programs. Separate marketing activities administered by and specific to the programs ran in conjunction with the wattsmart campaign. Home Energt Saver lnformation on the Home Energt Saver program is communicated to customers, retailers and trade allies through a variety of channels, including bill inserts, newsletters, emails, website and social media. In January 2016, the Company ran Facebook ads to promote the free wattsmart Starter Kits for customers. This resulted in approximately 646 clicks. Page 38 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication A bill insert encouraging customers to take advantage of the $100 smart thermostat incentive was distributed in February bills. During 2016, program communications delivered approximately 154,475 impressions. A breakdown of estimated impressions by channel is shown in Table 26. These estimates do not reflect all of the customer, retailer and trade ally touchpoints. Table 26 Communication Channels Communications Channel 2016 Estimated lmpressions Facebook ads - kits 48,475 Bill insert - smart thermostat 106,000 Home Energt Reports program The reports provide information about the household's energy use compared to other similar households, and offer personalized energy- saving tips. Customers can also login to the program website to access tools including a progress tracker, bill comparison, home energy assessment and more. In 2016, the Company included information in the reports to promote insulation incentives and renewable energy choices. wattsmart Business Smart thermostats have your comfort in mind. -.* yoLr hearE rld .oorr I sysl.n, io r riLw h!.f .srf(rt.trild ild cllir0,(yE*r (lsf &.k vhen FLr rmk,etu M..h loa rrm th.rmond. GffiYM&!ffi \sg.* El,tuddhiffiry Hks&c* -"- -* -- l*" -., , ,,': , , , ., During 2016, communications reminded customers to inquire about incentives for lighting, HVAC, compressed air, and other energy efficiency measures. Radio and print ads featured case study examples from program participants which were repurposed in social media. Eblasts and digital search directed viewers to the Company's website.2T This was in addition to customer direct contact by Company project managers and corporate and community managers, trade ally partners, articles in the Company newsletters, Chamber newsletter outreach and content on the Company website and on Facebook. 27 www.wattsmart.com Page 39 of41 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication Emails focused on vertical markets were sent to office/retail, grocery/convenience stores and restaurant/lodging businesses. A separate webinar was held for restaurants and food service customers to educate and inform them about incentives and savings available to their industry. One customer was recognized as wattsmart Business Partner of the year and presented with a trophy. A second customer was recognized for savings achievements. Both of these accomplishments were announced in a press release.2s The Company continued to use a wattsmart "open sign" for businesses and approved vendors to display. Customers were photographed with the "open sign" and the photos were used in the case studies, newsletter articles and on Facebook. The program's breakdown of impressions by media type is shown inTable 27 Table2T Impressions by Media Type Communicatlons Channel 2016 Radio 273,000 Print 425,880 Eblasts 7,974 Search 537 28 httos://www.rockymountainpower.neUabouUnr/nr20l6lrocky-mountain-power-honors-golden-valley-natural-byu- idaho.html Page 40 of4l Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Evaluations EvaI,ulrroNs Evaluations are performed by independent extemal evaluators to validate energy and demand savings derived from the Company's energy efficiency programs. Industry best practices are adopted by the Company with regards to principles of operation, methodologies, evaluation methods, definitions of terms, and protocols including those outlined in the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Program Impact Evaluation and the California Evaluation Framework guides. A component of the overall evaluation efforts is aimed at the reasonable verification of installations of energy efficient measures through review of documentation, surveys and/or ongoing onsite inspections. Verification of the potential to achieve savings involves regular inspection and commissioning of equipment. The Company engages in programmatic verification activities, including inspections, quality assurance reviews, and tracking checks and balances as part of routine program implementation and may rely upon these practices in the verification of installation information for the purposes of savings verifications in advance of more formal impact evaluation results. A summary of the inspection process is included in Appendix 3. Evaluation, measurement and verification tasks are segregated within the Company organization to ensure they are performed and managed by personnel who are not responsible for program management. Information on evaluation activities completed or in progress during 2016 is summarized in Table 28 below. Summaries of the recommendations are provided in Appendix 7. The evaluation report is available at www.pacificom.com/es/dsm/idaho.html. Table 28 Program Evaluations Pro8ram Years Evaluated Evaluator Progress Status Home Energy Saver 20t3 -2074 Cadmus Completed See va, Later Refrigerator 2013 -2074 Cadmus Completed wattsmart Business 20t4 -2075 Cadmus Completed 2017 Home Energy Saver 20L5 -2076 Cadmus ln Progress Low lncome Weatherization 20t3 - 2075 Opinion Dvnamics ln Proqress Page 41 of41 Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN FrotlnfER A DII'ISION OF FNCXHCORP 1 Idaho Cost Effectiveness NAVIGANT Memorandum To: From Date: Re: Nikki Karpavich, PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain Power David Basak, Navigant April 1 1,2017 Cost-Effectiveness for the Portfolio and Sector Level - ldaho Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness for the overall energy efficiency portfolio and component sectors, based on 2016 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall energy efficiency portfolio and the two sector components. The portfolio passes the cost-effectiveness for allthe tests except the RIM test. The memo consists of the following tables. Tablel-Utilitylnputs Table 2 - Portfolio Level Costs 2016 Table 3 - BenefiUCost Ratios by Portfolio Type Table 4 -2016 Total Portfolio (lncluding NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 5 - 2016 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - 20'16 C&l Energy Efficiency Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - 2016 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio (lncluding NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - 2016 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 9 - Low lncome Non-Energy Benefits (2016) Table 10 - Home Energy Savings Non-Energy Benefits by Measure 1375 Walnut Street Suite 200 I Boulder, CO 80302 303.728.2500 main navigant.com PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Portfolio April 11,2017 Page 2 of 5 Table 1 - Discount Rate Residential Line Loss Commercial Line Loss lndustrial Line Loss lrrigation Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) Commercial Energy Rate ($/kWh) lndustrial Energy Rate ($/kWh) lrrigation Energy Rate ($/kWh) lnflation Ratel 6.66% 11.47o/o 10.750/o 7.52o/o 11.45o/o $0.1041 $0.0892 $0.0656 $0.0905 1.9o/o 1 Future rates determined using a L.9% annual escalator Table 2 - Portfolio Level Costs 2016 Commercial and lndustrial Evaluation Costs Residential Evaluation Costs Low lncome Energy Conservation Education Outreach & Communications Wattsmart Technical Reference Library and Potential Study DSM Central TotalCosts $214,647 $149,526 $25,000 $126,990 $60,204 $9,563 $585,929 Table 3 - BenefiUCost Ratios Portfolio Total Portfolio (lncluding NEBs) TotalPortfolio C&l Programs Residential Programs (lncluding NEBs) Residential Programs 1.75 1.59 1.73 2.11 1.28 1.59 1.45 1.57 1.95 1.16 2.22 2.22 2.69 1.29 1.29 3.29 3.23 2.95 7.28 6.48 0.58 0.58 0.61 0.47 0.47 Parameter Value Expense Cost Measure Group PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Portfolio April 11,2017 Page 3 of 5 Table 4 - 2016 Total Portfolio Gost-Effectiveness Resu lts $6,875,190 $12,026,179 $5,150,990 1.75 $6,875,190 $10,965,661 $4,090,471 1.59 $0.0521 $0.0521 $0.0341 Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $4,500,332 $17,126,321 $5,277,519 $9,968,994 $9,968,994 $17,348,505 $5,468,662 2.22 -$7,157,327 0.58 $12,070,986 3.29 $0.0001 731 074 Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiven ess Test Costs Benefits Table 5 -2016 TotalPortfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $6,875,190 $10,965,893 $4,090,704 1.59 $6,875,190 $9,968,994 $3,093,804 1.45 $0.0521 $0.0521 $0.0341 $4,500,332 $17,126,321 $5,277,519 $9,968,994 $9,968,994 $17,025,286 $5,468,662 2.22 -$7,157,327 0.58 $11,747,767 3.23 $0.0001 731 074 Table 6 -2016 C&l En Efficie Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Resu lts $5,406,837 $9,338,313 $3,931,475 1.73Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $0.0473 $0.0473 $0.0276 $5,406,837 $3,155,045 $13,811,980 $4,869,198 $8,489,375 $8,489,37s $8,489,375 $14,377,736 $3,082,538 1.57 $5,334,330 2.69 -$5,322,605 0.61 $9,508,538 2.9s $0.0001 1 80057 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Portfolio April 11,2017 Page 4 of 5 Table 7 -2016 ResidentialEnergy Efficiency Portfolio (lncluding NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiven ess Test BenefitsCosts Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $1,271,595 $2,687,867 $1,416,271 2.11$0.0721 $0.0721 $0.0651 $1,271,595 $1,148,530 $3,117,584 $408,321 $2,476,286 $1,479,619 $1,479,619 $2,970,769 $1,204,690 1.95 $331,089 1.29 -$1,637,965 0.47 $2,562,448 7.28 $0.0000681456 Table 8 -2016 Residentia! Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Portfolio Gost-Effectiveness Results $1,271,595 $1,627,581 $355,985 1.28$0.0721 $0.072'l $0.0651 $1,271,595 $1,148,530 $3,117,584 $408,321 $1,479,619 $1,479,619 $1,479,619 $2,647,550 $208,024 1.16 $331,089 1.29 -$1,637,965 0.47 $2,239,229 6.48 $0.0000681456 Cost-Effectiven ess Test Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioBenefitsCosts The tables below summarize the non-energy benefits for the Low lncome and Home Energy Savings programs. Table 9 - Low lncome Non-E Benefits 1 Health & Safety Benefit TotalNEB Tota! $35,758.42 $1,498.86 $37,257.28 PTRC, TRC PTRC, TRC Non-Energy Benefit Program lmpact Perspective Adjusted PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Portfolio April 11,2017 Page 5 of 5 Table 10 - Home No Benefits Measure Appliances Energy Kits - DHW Energy Kits - Lighting Lighting $2,s62 $9,567 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,163 $24,884 91 415 415 31 848 $2,562 $9,567 $1,163 $24,884 6.66% 6.66% 6.66% 6.66% $24,207.66 $73,276.16 $8,904.06 $171,294.96 13.8 10.1 10.1 8.7 Non- Energy Benefits Water ($/Yr1 Non- Energy Benefits Quantity Other ($/Yr; Total NEBs ($/Yr1 Total Net Present Value Benef its Measure Name Measure Life Discount Rate NA/IGANT Memorandum To: From Date: Re: 1375 Walnut Street Suite200 I Boulder, CO80302 303.728.2500 main naviBant.com Nikki Karpavich, PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain Power David Basak, Navigant April4,20'17 Cost-Effectiveness Results for the Wattsmart Business Program - ldaho Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the ldaho Wattsmart Business Program, based on 2016 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost- effectiveness results for the overall program and for the 9 measure categories. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2015 IRP east system load shape decrement. The program passes PTRC, TRC, UCT and PCT cost-effectiveness tests. The memo consists of the following tables. Tablel-Utilitylnputs Table 2 - Annual Wattsmart Business Program Costs by Measure Category Table 3 - Annual Wattsmart Business Program Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - Waftsmart Business Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - Wattsmart Business Building Shell Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - Wattsmart Business Compressed Air Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - Wattsmart Business Farm & Dairy Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 9 - Wattsmart Business Food Service Equipment Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 10 - Wattsmart Business HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 11 - Wattsmart Business lrrigation Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 12 - Wattsmart Business Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 13 - Wattsmart Business Motors Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 14 - Wattsmart Business lrrigation Cost-Effectiveness Results PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Wattsmart Business Aprll 4,2017 Page 2 of 7 Table 1 - Uti Discount Rate Residential Line Loss CommercialLine Loss lndustrial Line Loss lrrigation Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) Commercial Energy Rate ($/kWh) lndustrial Energy Rate ($/kWh) lrrigation Energy Rate ($/kWh) lnflation Ratel $694 $900 $2,634 $1,346 $7,411 $15,478 $72,653 $1,892 $2,285 $105,294 $267 $347 $1,014 $518 $2,853 $5,959 $27,972 $728 $880 $40,539 $3,799 $5,578 $16,321 $7,181 $104,185 $136,413 $492,258 $7,718 $0 $773,452 6.66% 11.47% 10.75o/o 7.52o/o 11.45o/o $0.1041 $0.0892 $0.0656 $0.0905 1.9o/o 1 Future rates determined using a 1.9% annual escalator. Table 2 - Annual Wattsmart Business ram Costs Measure Building Shell Compressed Air Farm & Dairy Food Service Equipment HVAC lrrigation Lighting Motors Refrigeration Total $900 $1,168 $3,417 $1,746 $9,614 $20,077 $94,241 $2,454 $2,964 $136,580 $29,384 $18,194 $45,606 $16,075 $160,975 $309,989 $1,235,605 $32,744 $35,962 $1,884,533 $35,044 $26,1 85 $68,992 $26,867 $285,039 $487,915 $1,922,730 $45,535 $42,092 $2,940,398 $98,912 $57,013 $1 13,855 $57,1 99 $543,518 $764,669 $2,981,459 $117,434 $135,139 $4,869,198 Parameter Value Engineering Costs Utility Admin Program Admin Program Dev. Total Utility Costs Gross Customer Costs Measure Group lncentives PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Wattsmart Business April4,2017 Page 3 of 7 Table 3 - Annual Wattsmart Business ram Savi Measure Building Shell Compressed Air Farm & Dairy Food Service Equipment HVAC lrrigation Lighting Motors Refrigeration Total 93,498 121,290 354,914 181,412 998,655 2,085,568 9,789,714 254,897 307,937 14,187,885 93,498 121,290 354,914 't81,412 998,655 2,085,568 9,789,714 254,897 307,937 14,187,885 76,668 99,458 291,029 148,758 818,897 1,710,166 8,419,154 209,016 307,937 12,081,083 100% 100% 100o/o 100o/o 100o/o 100Yo 100Yo 100o/o 100o/o 1O0o/o 82o/o 82o/o 82o/o 82o/o 82o/o 82o/o 860/o 82o/o 't000/o 85o/o 15 15 15 6 15 7 14 15 '15 13 Gross kwh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross kWh Savings Net to Gross Ratio Net kWh Savings Measure LifeMeasure Group Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios Measure Building Shell Compressed Air Farm & Dairy Food Service Equipment HVAC lrrigation Lighting Motors Refrigeration Total 0.77 1.48 2.01 0.96 1.26 1.05 2.13 1.44 1.78 1.80 0.70 1.35 1.83 0.87 1.14 0.95 1.94 1.31 1.62 1.64 1.74 2.81 3.09 1.87 2.28 1.57 3.28 3.15 5.44 2.89 0.54 0.58 0.59 0.50 0.59 0.53 0.64 0.69 0.80 0.62 1.25 2.47 3.52 1.83 2.14 1.95 3.s0 1.96 2.08 2.95 Measure Group TRC UCT RIM PCTPTRC PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Wattsmart Business April 4,2017 Page 4 of 7 Table 5 - Waftsmart Business ram Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $0.0454 $0.0454 $0.02s7 $5,1 92, 1 91 $5,192,191 $2,940,398 $13,597,334 $4,869,198 $9,338,313 $8,489,375 $8,489,375 $8,489,375 $14,377,736 $4,146,122 1.80 $3,297,184 1.64 $5,548,977 2.89 -$5,107,959 0.62 $9,508,538 2.95 $0.0001 132468 Levelized $/kwh BenefiUCost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits Net Benefits Table 6 through Table 14 provide cost-effectiveness results for all 9 measures. Table 6 - Wattsmart Business Building Shell Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East - 40o/o Load - HVAC Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $86,768 $67,131 -$19,637 0.77 $86,768 $61,028 -$25,740 0.70 $0.1 073 $0.1073 $0.0433 $35,044 $112,467 $98,912 $61,028 $61,028 $123,802 $25,985 -$51,438 $24,890 1.74 0.54 1.25 $0.0000009869 12.92 Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCosts Benefits Table 7 - Wattsmart Business Gompressed Air Gost-Effectiveness Results rement - East Load - lndustrial G Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0522 $0.0522 $0.0250 $54,742 $26,1 85 $126,622 $57,013 $73,687 $73,687 $73,687 $140,677 $54,742 $81,055 $26,313 1.48 $18,944 1.35 $47,501 2.81 -$52,935 0.58 $83,665 2.47 $0.000001 01 56 4.67 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Wattsmart Business April 4,2017 Page 5 of 7 Table 8 - Wattsmart Business Farm & Dairy Cost-Effectiveness Results rement - East - 40o/o Load - Industrial Mach Genera Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $116,746 $234,726 $117,980 2.01 $116,746 $213,387 $96,641 1.83 $0.0384 $0.0384 $0.0227 $68,992 $360,495 $113,855 $213,387 $213,387 $401,099 $144,396 3.09 -$147,108 0.59 $287,244 3.52 $0.0000028225 2.68 Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCosts Benefits Table 9 - Wattsmart Business Food Service Equipment Cost-Effectiveness Results nt - East - 40o/o Load - !ndustrial Ge Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $57,695 $55,187 -$2,508 0.96$0.0758 $0.0758 $0.0353 $57,695 $26,867 $99,464 $57,1 99 $50,170 -$7,525 0.87 $50,170 $50,170 $104,608 $23,303 1.87 -$49,295 0.50 $47,409 1.83 $0.0000023799 3.20 Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits Table 10 - Wattsmart Business HVAC Gost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East - 40o/o Load - HVAC Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0659 $0.0659 $0.0330 $569,748 $569,748 $285,039 $1,105,424 $543,518 $716,402 $6s1,27s $651,275 $651,275 $1,161,445 $146,655 $81,527 $366,236 $454,149 $617,928 1.26 1.14 2.28 0.59 2.14 $0.00000871 35 5.77 Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits BenefiUCost RatioCosts Benefits PY20'16 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Wattsmart Business April4,2017 Page 6 of 7 Table 11 - Wattsmart Business lrrigation Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Load Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0806 $0.0806 $0.0489 $804,955 $804,955 $487,915 $1,454,601 $764,669 $844,884 $768,076 $768,076 $768,076 $1,488,875 $39,929 -$36,878 $280,162 $686,525 $724,206 1.05 0.95 1.57 0.53 1.95 $0.0000283957 3.02 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits BenefiUCost RatioCost-Effectiven ess Test Costs Benef its Table 12 - Wattsmart Business Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Load Sha - Gommercial Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0384 $0.0384 $0.0227 $3,251,180 $3,251,180 $1,922,730 $9,843,668 $2,981,459 $6,929,244 $6,299,313 $6,299,313 $6,299,313 $10,445,999 $3,678,065 $3,048,133 $4,376,583 $3,544,356 $7,464,540 2.13 1.94 3.28 0.64 3.50 $0.0000729148 2.41 Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its BenefiUCost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits Table 13 - Waftsmart Business Motors Cost-Effectiveness Results - East m-Load Sh - lndustrial Machin General Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $109,088 $1s7 ,577 $48,489 1.44$0.0522 $0.0522 $0.0218 $109,088 $45,535 $207,536 $1',17,434 $143,252 $143,252 $143,252 $230,30s $34,164 $97,716 -$64,284 $112,871 1.31 3.15 0.69 1.96 $0.0000012334 6.28 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Wattsmart Business April4,2017 PageT of 7 Table 14 - Wattsmart Business Refrigeration Gost-Effectiveness Results - East Load S - Commercial n Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $141 ,269 $252, 1 05 $1 1 0,837 1 .78 $141,269 $229,187 $87,918 1.62 $0.0435 $0.0435 $0.0130 $42,092 $287,055 $135,139 $229,187 $229,187 $280,926 $187,095 5.44 -$57,868 0.80 $'t45,787 2.08 $0.000001 1 103 4.92 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits N VIGANT Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Nikki Karpavich, PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain Power David Basak, Navigant April3, 2017 Cost-Effectiveness Results for the Home Energy Savings Program - ldaho Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the ldaho Home Energy Savings Program, based on 2016 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost- effectiveness results for the overall program and for the 7 measure categories. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2015 IRP east residential whole house 31% and east residential lighting 47o/o decrements. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM test. The memo consists of the following tables. Table 1 - Home Energy Savings lnputs Table 2 - Home Energy Savings Annual Program Costs Table 3 - Home Energy Savings - Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - Home Energy Savings Program Level (without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - Home Energy Savings Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - Home Energy Savings Building Shell Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits - DHW CosGEffectiveness Results Table 9 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits - Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 10 - Home Energy Savings HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 11 - Home Energy Savings Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 12 - Home Energy Savings Whole Home Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 13 - Home Energy Savings Non-Energy Benefits Table 14 - Home Energy Savings Program (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 15 - Home Energy Savings Appliances (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 16 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits - DHW (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 17 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits - Lighting (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 18 - Home Energy Savings Lighting (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results 1375 Walnut Street Suite200 I Boulder, CO80302 30.3.728.2500 main navigant.com PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Home Energy Savings April3,2017 Page 2 of 8 Tablel-HomeEn Discount Rate Residential Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) lnflation Rate' 1 Future rates determined using a t.9% annual escalator Table 2 - Home Annual P ram Gosts 6.66% 11.47% $0.1041 1.9Yo Appliances Building Shell Energy Kits - DHW Energy Kits - Lighting HVAC Lighting Whole Home Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $136 $321 $1,806 $122 $8,868 $5,816 $1 17 $17,186 $4,296 $10,144 $27,924 $1,878 $280,094 $53,295 $3,688 $381,319 $47 $112 $627 $42 $3,080 $2,020 $41 $5,969 $s,810 $14,827 $7,730 $2,068 $120,202 $38,768 $4,500 $193,904 $10,289 $25,404 $38,087 $4,110 $412,243 $99,898 $8,346 $598,378 $16,095 $29,300 $8,528 $2,492 $163,041 $183,818 $5,047 $408,321 Parameter Value Engineering Costs Utility Admin Program Delivery Program Dev. Total Utility Costs Gross Customer Costs lncentivesMeasure Group Appliances Building Shell Energy Kits - DHW Energy Kits - Lighting HVAC Lighting Whole Home Total Table3-HomeE 13,408 31,661 '178,071 11,978 874,184 573,340 11,511 1,694,153 Measure 100Yo 100o/o 79o/o 79o/o 82o/o lOOo/o 100o/o 88o/o 13,408 31,661 140,676 9,462 716,831 573,340 11,511 1,496,890 't000/o 100o/o 90% 90o/o 960/o 55o/o 80o/o 80Yo 13,408 31,661 126,608 8,516 688,158 315,337 9,209 1,192,897 14 35 10 9 18 I 32 14 Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross kWh Savings Net to Gross Ratio Net kWh Savings Measu re LifeMeasure Group PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Home Energy Savings April3, 2017 Page 3 of 8 Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios Measure Appliances with NEBs Appliances Building Shell Energy Kits with NEBs - DHW Energy Kits - DHW Energy Kits with NEBs - Lighting Energy Kits - Lighting HVAC Lighting with NEBs Lighting Whole Home Total(with NEBs) Total 1.68 0.51 1.48 3.87 'l.94 3.14 1.06 1.93 6.68 1.03 1.49 3.07 1.66 0.92 0.92 2.11 1.76 1.76 1.00 1.00 1.91 1.53 1.53 1.28 1.82 1.82 0.37 0.37 0.63 0.45 0.45 0.38 0.38 0.59 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.55 0.55 1.64 0.46 1.34 3.69 1.77 3.04 0.96 1.76 6.20 0.94 1.36 2.84 1.51 2.80 1.30 2.55 23.87 15.28 7.44 3.87 6.59 3.89 2.71 5.06 5.28 4.49 Measure Group PTRC UCT RIMTRC PCT TableS-HomeE Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) ram Level utN Cost-Effectiveness Res u lts $0.058s $0.0585 $0.0485 $721,443 $598,378 $1,976,517 $408,321 $1,086,271 $1,086,271 $1,086,271 $1,834,081 $364,827 $487,893 -$890,246 $1,425,760 1.51 't.82 0.55 4.49 $0.0000171858 1.73 $721,443 $1,194,898 $473,455 1.66 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Home Energy Savings April 3, 2017 Page 4 of 8 Table 6 through Table 12 provides cost-effectiveness results without NEBs for all 7 measures. Table 6 - Home Energy Savings Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results rement - East Residential Whole House - 31%Load S - Water Heatin Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $20,574 $10,398 -$10,176 0.51$0.1526 $0.1526 $0.0763 $20,574 $10,289 $25,341 $16,095 $9,453 $9,4s3 $9,453 $20,861 -$11J22 -$837 -$15,888 $4,766 0.46 0.92 0.37 1.30 $0.0000003067 8.55 Cost-Effectiveness Test Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCosts Benefits Table 7 - Home Energy Savings Building ShellCost-Effectiveness Results rement - East ResidentialWhole House - 31%Load - Cooli Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $39,877 $s8,972 $19,095 1.48$0.0746 $0.0746 $0.0475 $39,877 $25,404 $85,435 $29,300 $53,611 $53,611 $53,611 $74,858 $13,734 $28,207 -$31,824 $45,558 1.34 2.11 0.63 2.55 $0.0000002536 4.69 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effective n ess Test Costs Benefits Table 8 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits - DHW Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East ResidentialWhole House - 31 Load Sha - Water Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $38,033 $73,870 $35,837 1.94 $38,033 $67,154 $29,122 1.77 $0.0385 $0.0385 $0.0385 $38,087 $148,391 $8,528 $67,1 54 $67,1 54 $130,289 $29,067 -$81,237 $121,761 1.76 0.45 15.28 $0.0000021450 0.06 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiven ess Test Costs Benefits PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Home Energy Savings April3,2017 Page 5 of 8 Tabte 9 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits - Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East Residential L Load Sh Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $4,285 $4,531 $246 $4,285 $4,119 -$166 $0.0700 $0.0700 $0.0672 1.06 0.96 1.00 0.38 3.87 $0.0000001980 0.47 $4,110 $10,930 $2,492 $4,119 $4,119 $9,646 $e -$6,812 $7,154 Levelized $/kwh Net Ben ef its Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits Table 10 - Home Energy Savings HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East ResidentialWhole House - 31 Load Sh - Cool Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $448,561 $867,578 $419,017 1.93 $448,561 $788,707 $0.0547 $0.0547 $0.0503 $340,146 $376,464 -$540,109 $911,924 1.76 1.91 0.59 6.59 $0.0000082065 0.59 $412,243 $1,328,816 $163,041 $788,707 $788,707 $1,074,965 Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its Benef it/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits Table 11 - Home Energy Savings Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Residential -4 Load Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $162,231 $167,767 $5,537$0.0716 $0.0716 $0.0441 $162,231 $99,898 $352,448 $183,818 $152,516 $152,s16 $152,516 $497,948 -$9,715 $52,617 -$199,932 $314,1 30 1.03 0.94 1.53 0.43 2.71 $0.00000581 1 1 4.72 Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its Benef it/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Home Energy Savings April3,2017 Page 6 of 8 Table 12 - Home Energy Savings Whole Home Gost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East ResidentialWhole House - 3l Load Sh -Whole Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $7,883 $11,781 $3,899 1.49 $7,883 $10,710 $2,828 1.36 $0.0526 $0.0526 $0.0557 $8,346 $25,1 56 $5,047 $10,710 $10,710 $25,513 $2,365 -$14,445 $20,466 1.28 0.43 5.06 $0.0000001 257 0.56 ln addition to the energy benefits reported above, appliances, energy savings kits and lighting in the Home Energy Savings program offer significant non-energy benefits (NEBs). Table 13 through Table 17 detail the non-energy benefits and cost-effectiveness results. Table 13 - Home Non-En Benefits Measure Appliances Energy Kits - DHW Energy Kits - Lighting Lighting $2,562 $9,567 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,163 $24,884 91 415 415 31 848 13.8 10.1 10.1 8.7 $2,562 $9,567 $1,163 $24,884 6.66% 6.66% 6.66% 6.66% $24,207.66 $73,276.16 $8,904.06 $171,294.96 Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benef its Non- Energy Benef its Water ($rY4 Non- Energy Benef its Quantity Other ($rY4 Total Net Present Value Benefits Measure Name Measure Life Total NEBs ($/Yr1 Discou nt Rate PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Home Energy Savings April3,2017 Page 7 of 8 The following tables provide the cost-effectiveness results after adding in the non-energy benefits detailed above beginning with the overall program results. Table {4 - Home Energy Savings Program (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Residential htin Load n Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $721,443 $2,217,926 $1,496,483 3.07$0.0s85 $0.0585 $0.0485 $721,443 $598,378 $1,976,517 $408,321 $2,045,680 $1,086,271 $1,086,271 $2,157,299 $1,324,237 2.84 $487,893 1.82 -$890,246 0.55 $1,748,979 5.28 $0.000001 91 56 1.73 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiven ess Test Costs Benefits Table l5 - Home Energy Savings Appliances (with NEBs)Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East ResidentialWhole House - 31 Load Sha - Water Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $20,574 $34,606 $14,031 1.68$0.1526 $0.1526 $0.0763 $20,574 $10,289 $25,341 $16,095 $33,660 $9,453 $9,453 $45,069 $13,086 -$837 -$1s,888 $28,974 1.64 0.92 0.37 2.80 $0.0000003067 8.55 Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its Benefit/Cost RatioCostsCost-Effectiveness Test Benefits PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Home Energy Savings April3,2017 Page I of 8 Table 16 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kat - DHW (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East ResidentialWhole House - 31 Load Sha - Water Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $38,033 $147,146 $109,113 3.87$0.0385 $0.0385 $0.0385 $38,033 $38,087 $148,391 $8,528 $140,431 $67,1 54 $67,1 54 $203,566 $102,398 $29,067 -$81,237 $195,038 3.69 1.76 0.45 23.87 $0.0000021450 0.06 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benef its Table f 7 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kit - Lighting (with NEBs) Gost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East Residential -4 Load Sha Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test ORC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $4,285 $13,435 $9,150$0.0700 $0.0700 $0.0672 $4,285 $4,110 $10,930 $2,492 $13,023 $4,119 $4,1 19 $18,550 $8,738 $e -$6,812 $16,058 3.14 3.04 1.00 0.38 7.44 $0.0000001 980 0.47 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits Table 18 - Home Energy Savings Lighting (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East Residentia!Load Sh Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0716 $0.0716 $0.0441 $162,231 $162,231 $99,898 $352,448 $183,818 $1,084,408 $1,005,537 $152,516 $152,516 $714,779 $922,177 $843,307 $52,617 -$199,932 $530,960 6.68 6.20 1.53 0.43 3.89 $0.00000581 1 1 4.72 Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benefits N VIGANT Memorandum To: From Date: Re: 1375 Walnut Street Suite 200 I Boulder, CO 80302 303.728.2500 main navigant.com Nikki Karpavich, Pacifi Corp/Rocky Mountain Power David Basak, Navigant April3,2017 Cost-Effectiveness Results for the Low lncome Weatherization Program - ldaho Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the ldaho Low lncome Weatherization Program, based on 2016 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost- effectiveness results for the overall program. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2015 IRP east residential whole house 31% load factor decrement. The program does not pass any of the cost-effectiveness tests. Table 1 - Low lncome Weatherization lnputs Table 2 - Low lncome Weatherization Annual Program Costs Table 3 - Low lncome Weatherization Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - Low lncome Weatherization Program Level (without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Table 6 - Low lncome Weatherization Non-Energy Benefits Table 7 - Low lncome Weatherization Program (with NEBs) Level Cost-Effectiveness Results PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Low lncome Weatherization April3, 2017 Page 2 of 3 Table I - Low lncome Weatherization ln Discount Rate Residential Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2016) lnflation Rater ' Future rates determined using a L.9o/o annual escalator. Table 2 - Low lncome Weatherization Annual ram Costs 6.66% 11.47% $0.1041 1.9o/o Low lncome Weatherization Total $12,986 $12,986 $13,429 $13,429 $220,561 $220,561 $247,333 $247,333 $0 $0 $0 $0 $357 $357 Pa ra mete r Value Measure Grou p Eng ineering Costs Utility Admin Program Delivery Program Admin Total Utility Costs Gross Customer Costs lncentives Table 3 - Low lncome Weatherization Savi Measure Low lncome Weatherization Total 140,069 140,069 ''000/o 100% 140,069 {40,069 100% 100Yo 140,069 140,069 25 25 Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross kWh Savings Net to Gross Ratio Net kwh Savings Measu re LifeMeasure Group Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios Measure Low lncome Weatherization with NEBs Low lncome Weatherization 1.04 0.89 0.96 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.42 0.42 nla nla Table 5 - Low lncome Weatherization Program Level (without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Decrement - East ResidentialWhole House - 31 Load S - Coo Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $247,333 $219,310 -$28,024$0.1223 $0.1223 $0.1223 $247,333 $247,333 $473,935 $0 $199,372 $199,372 $199,372 $447,163 -$47,961 -$47,961 -$274,562 $447,163 0.89 0.81 0.81 0.42 nla $0.0000030377 nla Measure Group PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its BenefitiCost RatioCost-Effectiven ess Test Costs Benef its PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Low lncome Weatherization April3,2017 Page 3 of 3 ln addition to the energy benefits reported above, the Low lncome program offers significant non- energy benefits (NEBs). Table 6 details the non-energy benefits and Table 7 provides the cost- effectiveness results. Table 6 - Low lncome Weatherization Non-E Benefits Health and Safety Benefit TotalNEB $35,758.42 $1,498.86 PTRC, TRC PTRC, TRC Total $37,257.28 Table 7 - Low lncome Weatherization Program (with NEBs) Level Cost-Effectiveness Results - East ResidentialWhole House - 31%Load S - Coolin Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.1223 $0.1 223 $0.1223 $247,333 $247,333 $473,935 $0 $236,630 $199,372 $199,372 $447,163 -$10,704 -$47,961 $274,562 $447,163 0.96 0.81 0.42 nla $0.0000030377 nla $247,333 $256,567 $9,234 1.04 Non-Energy Benefit Program lmpact Perspective Adjusted Levelized $/kwh Net Benef its Benef it/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benef its N VIGANT Memorandum To: From: Date: Re: Nikki Karpavich, Pacifi Corp/Rocky Mountain Power David Basak, Navigant April3,2017 Cost-Effectiveness Results for the Home Energy Reporting Program - ldaho Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the ldaho Home Energy Reporting Program, based on 2016 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost- effectiveness results for the overall program. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2015 IRP east residential whole house 31% load factor decrement. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM and PCT tests. Table 1 - Home Energy Reporting lnputs Table 2 - Home Energy Reporting Annual Program Costs Table 3 - Home Energy Reporting Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Home Energy Reporting Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results 1375 Walnut Street Suite200 I Boulder, CO80302 303.728.2500 main navigant.com Parameter Value PY2016 ldaho Cost-Effectiveness Results - Home Energy Reporting April3,2017 Page 2 ol 2 Tablel-HomeE ln Discount Rate ResidentialLine Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh) lnflation Rater 6.66% 11.470/o $0.1041 1.9o/o 1 Future rates determined using a L.9% annual escalator Table 2 - Home Annua!Gosts Home Energy Reports Total $0 $o $7,648 $7,648 $802 $802 $117,690 $117,690 $o $0 $126,140 $126,140 $0 $0 Table3-HomeEne Re Savin Measure Home Energy Reports Total 3,422,891 3,422,991 100o/o 100o/o 3,422,891 3,422,891 100o/o lOOo/o 3,422,891 3,422,891 1 1 Table 4 - Home Energy Reporting Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results - East ResidentialWhole House - 31 Load - Whole Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conservation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0386 $0.0386 $0.0386 $126,140 $212,596 $86,456 1.69 $126,140 $126,140 $489,233 $0 $193,269 $193,269 $193,269 $363,093 $67,129 $67,129 -$295,964 $363,093 1.53 1.53 0.40 nla $0.0000431 967 0.00 Eng ineering Costs Utility Admin Program Dev. Program Delivery Total Utility Costs Gross Customer Costs Measure Group lncentives Gross kWh Savings Realization Rate Adjusted Gross kWh Savings Net to Gross Ratio Net kWh Savings Measure LifeMeasure Group Levelized $/kwh Net Benefits Benefit/Cost RatioCost-Effectiveness Test Costs Benef its \ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OMSION OF PACIflCORP Appendix2 Program Expenditures by Category 20t6 ao9- E_€b0Fo lr F-o\ 4 o co e4 alt g, \o$ g1 a.t+a @ 6rao\ o\ G b0 ES,i3 0;F=2 or- 94 €$c{ e o\ 4 + e4 $ 4 ooo,co \o cO ea aaco cO\oN g, 6liaF. =\o e o =i!6F rd o N ga N g4 c.l g1 o o\+oo @ 4 a.)+o\ e1 c.lc)N @ Noo+ aaao 94 ?7)al N6(?l 4 6l otr u0 ooE qD ri o' n^ao g4 No\ $ v4 t-O\o \o 4 io\Nia o o9E.zdaaL E-Lrard .EEF6t >rE= ra)$(\t o\ 6 lata{ o\?") o EE= E gE o\ 9$ 6 \o Nal 94 coco g, oo ca Nco 94 \oN +aaa e o\+\o ooF- @ \o€t- o\ta N 6 6a?.=fiE> 1= oo$\o F- g \o00 r-. a \o€o\ c.l e4 ooo. a.t e4 $ r-, sa N F- t- a r+ \O. cON a a]€ o\ 6 l'. \o 6 r-+c.l @ oo .+ ea o€ 94 ao \o c.) 94 +t \o 9i a{o\ia = 6 , Elh.E r! 5" E F'+ E<Ee- O \or- 6 o\ c.) @ao 6 o\N+ co s4 ooco 4 c.l|r)t cot.F.. e g+ \o aoa g4 oo\o e4 \oo\ co g1 0a oo oo* ea €\t, t--o\(tl o 6t otr Eoo + \oN 6 €F..c.) @o\ a cocor-$o.t g+ oo N 6 co N ea Nco g4 t'-\oe.l caaav) 6 N++. o\+N 4 +N ctoo 4 Oo\o\\oc{ ea ao\o o\ G ooo\l'-+ e4 \o +. g1 r-.+\o.+ N 94 \oNv) o\t ga GI(.,?.l rai o GI a0oLtr UI tio0od bI C) rqo bI c,U) bt o rI] C) o (BN C) (E C) () o() 'o-] cl() !rI] o) oo 'oJ Eo dEC)OI 4r 0.) odJ c, {)o)a (! o OI C)tr m d cg ' oEo oU I d) a o G, cl B d q E I c) o G' d B € o I o o ca L(! a CE B EC, B I oU€ o(Bil) o cB C)U 2(/)o I € 0. -]&,F Io € o (h d 0)oo. Io -o o €O I o (l (, r4o _o o (0 C)t o& o (B d r!o ,.9 !o o d bt (! o 6l o- E6tLLd40(l)g>tr \o oel \o Oc.l \o a.l \o a] \o o(\I \o N \o Oc.l \o o.l \o oa.l \o N \o cq \o N \o N \o N \ooN ROCKY MOUNTAIN AUVtSDil0f nnoflcofiP Appendix 3 Idaho Energy Efficiency Measure Installation Verifi cations Idaho Measure Installation Verifications Low Income Weatherization All projectso All measures are qualified through US Department of Energy approved audit tool.o 100 percent inspection by agency inspector of all homes treated, reconciling work completed and quality (corrective action includes measure verification) prior to invoicing Company.o Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAD follows with random inspections.o Company program manager joins CAPAI and state inspectors during their monitoring session provided their random selection of homes includes dwellings funded by Rocky Mountain Power. Home Energy Saver Site inspections are performed by Program Administrator stafffor the following retrofit measures. Inspections are performed on > 5 percent of single family homes, > 5 percent of manufactured homes, and 100 percent of multifamily projects.o Duct sealingo Duct sealing and insulationo Ductless heat pumps o Gas furnace with electrically commutated motor (ECM) o Ground source heat pumps o Heat pumpso Heat pump best practices installation and proper sizingo Heat pump tune-upso Heat pump water heaterso Insulationo Windows Site inspections are not conducted for the following measures. However, all post-purchase incented measures undergo a quality assurance review prior to the issuance of the customer/dealer incentive and recording of savings (e.9. proof of purchase receipt review) and eligible equipment review. Additionally, customer account and customer address are checked to ensure the Company does not double pay for the same measure or double count measure savings.o Central air conditionerso Clothes washerso Evaporative coolerso Freezerso Refrigerators Site inspections are not conducted for the following measures, which are delivered via an upstream, manufacturer buy-down model. Promotion agreement contracts are signed with manufacturers and retailers to set incentive levels, final product prices, and limits to the total number of units that can be purchased per customer. Program Administrator verifies measures for product eligibility and correct pricing. Pricing is also verified by Program Administrator field visits to retail locations.o CFL bulbso LED bulbso Light fixtureso Room air conditionerso Advanced power strips Customer eligibility for wattsmart Starter Kits is verified using the customer's account number and last name, and cross-verifying with the current PacifiCorp customer database. wattsmart Business For projects delivered by third party program administrator Lighting projectso Retrofits - 100 percent pre- and post-installation site inspections by third party consultant of all projects with incentives over a specified dollar amount. Project cost documentation reviewed for all projects. o New construction - 100 percent post-installation site inspections by third party consultant of all projects with incentives over a specified dollar amount.. A percent of post-installation site inspections by program administrator of projects with incentives under a specified dollar amount. Non-lighting projects (typical upgrades/listed measures, custom measures)o 100 percent of applications with an incentive that exceeds a specified dollar amount will be inspected (via site inspection) by program administrator.o A minimum of a specified percent ofremaining non-lighting applications will be inspected, either in person or via telephone interview, by program administrator. For Company in-house project manager delivered projects Lighting and non-lightingo 100 percent pre/post-installation site inspections by third party consulting engineering firms, invoice reconciled to inspection results.o No pre-inspection for new construction All Programs As part of the third-party program evaluations (two-year cycle) process, the Company has implementing semi-annual customer surveys to collect evaluation-relevant data, more frequently to cure for memory loss and other detractors such as customers moving and data not be readily available at evaluation time. This will serve as a further check verifying customer participation and measures installed. Additional record reviews and site inspections (including metering/data logging) is conducted as part of the process and impact evaluations, a final verification of measure installations. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION Of RACIH@RP Appendix 4 Home Energy Savings Retailers 2016 1 Table of Contents Table 1: 2016 Participating Midstroam/Upsfeam Retailers Table 2: 2016 Participating Downstream Retailers Table 3: 2016 Participating Idaho I{VAC Trade Allies Table 4: 2016 Participating Idaho Weatherization Trade A11ies.......... Table 5: 2016 Participating Idaho Manufactured Homes Trade Allies 3 4 6 7 8 2 Table l: 2016 Participating Midstream/Upstream Retailers Retailer State CFts LEDs Fixtures Ace Hardware #14355 Rexburg ID x x Ace Hardware #15881 Lava Hot Spring ID x Broulim's Fresh Foods #1 Montpelier ID x x Broulim's Fresh Foods #2 RexburB ID x Costco f1033 Pocatello ID x x x Do lt Best - Malad City Malad City ID x x x Do lt Best - Yellowstone Rigby ID x x Dollar Tree #2762 Pocatello ID x Dollar Tree #3691 Rexburg ID x Downey Food Center #1 Downey ID x x Family Dollar #6790 Montpelier ID x Family Dollar f8427 Malad CiW ID x x Home Depot #1807 Chubbuck ID x x Lowe's #2587 Pocatello ID x x Stokes Marketplace Preston ID x Thomas Market lnc. f1 Malad City ID x x True Value Agri - Service Terreton ID x x True Value Hardware #L02L7 Montpelier ID x x True Value Hardware #10919 Rieby ID x x Wal-Mart - Supercenter f1995 Chubbuck ID x x Wal-Mart #1878 Rexburg ID x x x Wal-Mart #1905 Blackfoot ID x x 3 Table 2: 2016 Participating Downstream Retailers Paniclpating Retailer (Retallers who are actively enrolled ln the programl ciw'l State oEua! 3uot !(J o aoo o r., l! 6o E o to Evl o .E ou! oc oxoo N o a -cooto G oCLo t4r ooo- o .E =c E A oo- o l!o -ELOo=f,.s3Eo. li EE GoE t Ito .!t0c g otA .9-tds= .E 13 -g 6c l! =ago a!taac 03oItc; rOdoN .E6tro IL Eo!oc,o2 Home Depot #1802 ldaho Falls ID x x x x x x Home Depot #4401 Riverdale ID x Home Depot #44L4*Logan UT x x Home Depot #4421*Sandy UT x Lowe's S1501'*Logan UT x Lowe's #1906 ldaho Falls ID x x x x Sears f2278 ldaho Falls ID x Best Buy f944 ldaho Falls ID x Denning's Showcase ldaho Falls ID x Sears #3290 Rexburg ID x Sears #3539*Logan UT x Lowe's of Pocatello Pocatello ID x x Wal-Mart #1902 ldaho Falls ID x Retailer located in Utah but participated in the program 4 Redemptions from Non- Participating Retailer's (Retailer may not be Iocated ln the service territory) City*State osIA(E =a^os -9(, oict0os -9I G0o E oE t! E1h o a! oU oG oNoo t{ o Ig ooIo.z l! oql! lr,l o ooI o G =c E =A Go- o l!o4!LOo=E.s}E9E534 lEo t Ico .!t1rlE + o,.it stro .! 1Atr =(! ?tro G,otr o 'o! .E3 Amazon.com Online N/A x BestBuy.com Online N/A x x x Bomgaars Preston ID x Brand Source Rexburg ID x HomeDepot.com Online N/A x Lowe's of Wilkesboro Wilkesboro NC x Lowes.com Online N/A x Sears.com Online N/A x Stronks & Sons Do lt Best Ashton ID x Yellowstone Doit Center LLC Rigby ID x 5 Table 3: 20L6 Participating Idaho HVAC Trade Allies Trade Ally Name (Trade ally may be located outside of the territory)ciw State co Ec3C'UI oco Ecolr, E coIJ co l! =oc €str a!ot^ t =o =IUJE 'oI.Ec =It llo(!, tr.gr, t! ooto(, =o-rrb 9'A =oo>(966(J+,8EEo=fiB th .g C'gut oo ou =o-tr: ETegeE6Ua.OEEo=fia. IA .c C'g l! e E a- 8.E-l-o.a.c EE;o,xE.:Etoul q E !.r8.EEl-olPe, E€;o,;=.sE IJg ut N o I oo0(., o a! oo.a! UT Iotla! too.f IL E =E .!o o e E3E .!o I( F 6tl -9 C'tac EI4 (!o oog tta E(!o-I 3 =o E A ooE tt6 -9t =o EooE d,t!tr .Ac E,A l!oI Alpha Mechanical Heating &AC ldaho Falls ID x Alpine Heating ldaho Falls ID x x x Conan Heating lnc. ldaho Falls ID x x x x Excellence Heating & Cooline ldaho Falls ID x First Call Jewel lnc. ldaho Falls ID x x x x Modern Plumbing Heating & Electric Rieby ID x Sermon Service & Electric ldaho Falls ID x Sprinter Heating and Hydronics Riebv ID x Young Electric, Heatin& and Air ldaho Falls ID x Mathews Plumbing & Heating lnc Shelley ID x 5 Table 4z 2016 Participating ldaho Weatherization Trade Allies Trade Ally Name (Trade ally may be located outside of the terrltory)City State I Ico .E =oc 0o Iao .E ahc (! ?co (! =0 g,o!t = ro oll .E6tro o. EoItoco2 Advanced lnsulation ldaho Falls ID x x x BMC West ldaho Falls ID x x Bruce Allsop lnsulation Hvrum UT x x x Camobell's Qualitv Exteriors ldaho Falls ID x Chris Kent lnc ldaho Falls ID x Green Acres Home lmprovement ldaho Falls ID x High Country Glass & Mirror, lnc.St. Anthony ID x Johnson Brothers, lnc ldaho Falls ID x K-Designers Billines MT x Mountain River Homes Rexburg ID x Newt Construction LLC ldaho Falls ID x USI Cardalls LLC Logan UT x Valley Glass ldaho Falls ID x American Exteriors LLC West Valley City UT x 7 Table 5:2016 Participating Idaho Manufactured Homes Trade Allies Trade AllY l{ame (trade alh may be locatcd outlde of the territoryl ow Stete tio E9u.EIE EE E- roia.oa{g oEo o. Eo!o o2 Home Energv Experts Centerville UT x 8 Energy Efficiency Alliance The following is a list of contradors, distributors and other businesses participating in Rocky Mountain Poiveds Energy Efficiency Alliance displayed in random order (unless sorted by the user) based on the search criteria selecled. This listing is provided solely as a convenience to our customers. Rocky Mountain Power does not warrant or guarantee the work performed by these participating vendors. You are solely responsible for any contract with a participating vendor and the performance of any vendor you have chosen. An asterisk (*) indicates Rocky Mountain Power Outstanding Contribution Award winning trade allies in 2013,2014 and/or 2015. XFffiEIMot'NrArN Search Criterta: Selectod Stete(3): SpecieltioE: Allred's lnconoratod - Logan 642 North 1000 West Unit # 104 Logan, UT - 84321 Phonei 435-774-1200 Website: www.allreds.net Amerlcan techanlcat Systems Service, LLC 7530 South State Sfeet Midvale, UT - 8/,047 Phone: 801-428-0400 \A/ebsite: www. ams-ut.com Architectural Nexus, lnc. 2505 East Parleys Way Salt Lake City, UT - 84109 Phone: 801-924-5000 Website: www. archnexus. com Aspen Englneerlng and Environmental LLC '140 Aspen CirdePark City, UT - 84098 Phone: 435-565-1 535 Website: www.a2e-llc.com Gase, Lowe & Hart, lnc. 2484 Washington Blvd. Suite 510, Ogden, UT - 84401 Phone: 801-399-5821 Website: www.clhae.com Colvin Engineefing A$ociates, lnc. 244 W300 N Suite 200, Salt Lake City, UT - 84103 Phone: 80'l-322-2400 Conan's lnc. 429 W. 18th Street P.O. Box 2253, ldaho Falls, lD - 83402Phone:208-522-3372 Coolerado Corporation 4700 W. 60th Ave., Ste. 3 Arvada, CO - 80003 Phone: 303-375-0878 Website: coolerado.com Specialties HVAC - unitary Business Type Distributor Specialties Controls HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Business Type Contractor Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Office Equipment Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Business Type Architect Business Type Join Date Engineering Firm 03118D013 Projects Completed Business Type Join Date Projects Completed ldaho HVAC. HVAC - -.ANY- evaporative unitary Butin63B Type: Searcf Resulfs; 12 - Date and Time: 03/30/2017 02:54:06 PM Join Date o5111t201',| Join Date 11t3012012 Join Date0a1a20u 05t17t2013 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Conhols HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls Architect Engineering Firm HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Other: Other Specialty Business Type Join DateArchitect 04nU2013 Engineering Firm Projects Completed Business Type Join DateContractor 0211212015 Projects Completed Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Soecialties HVAC - evaporative I-IVAC - unitary Business Type Distributor Join Date 03n1DOO7 Manufacturer - Rep O20la ReXy Mount.in Pilei . divilion ot PdfiCorp .nd p.i ol MldAm..lc.n En.Oy HoHlng. Comp.ny Projects Completed Energy Efficiency Alliance xROCKY MOUNTAIN FOTI/ER DesignTek Consulting Group, LLC 1600 w 2200 s. Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-255-5449 Website: www. designtekconsulting.com Encentlv Energy, LLC 1501 Ardmore Blvd. Suite 102, Pittsburgh, PA - 1522'l Phone:412-723-1516 Website: www.encentivenergy.com Energy Management Corporation' 501 West 700 South Salt Lake City, UT - 84101 Phone: 801-366-41 00 Website: emcsolutions.com Engineered Systems Assoc., lnc. '1355 E. Center Street Pocatello, lD - 83201 Phone: 208-233-0501 Engineering Economica, lnc. 780 Simms Street Suite 210 Golden, CO - 80401 Phone: 800-869-6902 Engineering System Solutlons DBA ES2 4943 N 29 E Suite A ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 20&552-9874\ /ebsite: www.es2eng.com Green Planet Company 63 East 1 1400 South #257 Sandy,UT-84070 Phone: 80'l-980-1518 Website: www. greenplanetcompany. com Gustave A. Larcon Company 1395 Northgate Mile ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone:208-522-3270 \A/ebsite: galarson. com Harris Mechanical lntermountain 1925 South Milestone Drive Suite E, Salt Lake City, UT - 84104 Phone: 801-433-2640 Website: www.hm@.com HD Supply Facilities talntenance, Ltd. Specialties Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Business Type Contractor Engineering Firm Business Type Other: Energy Efficiency Analytics Other: Energy Efficiency Rebate Processing Business Type Distributor Join Date 11t11t2013 Join Date 1',tn1nus Join Date 05t01t2004 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Gompleted Projects Completed Projects Completed 14 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Specialties Controls Business Tvoe Joln Date Engineering firin 01110t2014 HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary HVAC - evaporative I-IVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Appliances HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Business Engineering Business Type Distributor Manufaclurer - Rep Join Date 01t20t2014 Join Date 05n8D014 Join Date o5to7t20't4 Join Date 01127t2014 Join Date un2r2014 Join Date 06118t2014 TJPe Frrm Projects Completed Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls Business Type Engineering Firm Projects Completed Specialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Contractor Specialties Appliances HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Distributor Business Type Join Date Projects CompletedDistributor09/0'1/2008 10&l1 Scripps Summit Court San Diego, CA - 92131 Phone: 85&83'l-2231 \A/ebsite: www. hdsupplysolutions. com Hlgh Country Heating 3939 E 240 N Rigby, lD - 83442 Phone: 208-745-7021 Website: www. modernphe.com Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Contractor 02014 Rcky Mount.ir PMer, rdivirbn ot PelfrCorp rnd p.dolMldAmrlc.n En.ryy HoHlngr Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance YFffiX MOUNTAIN Honeywell lntemational 2371 S. Presidents Way Suite A Salt Lake City, UT - 84120 Phone: 801-978-71 36 Website: honeywell.com Hugsmann Corporation '1385 W 2200 St Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 805-458-76'15 Website: hussmann.com Johnson Controls, lnc, 2255 Technology Parl0vay West Valley City, UT - 841 19 Phone: 801-903-7532 Lennox 1008 w2780 S Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-556-6'1 14 Website: lennoxcommercial.com Lewis Corporation 15136 Hunziker Pocatello, lD - 83202 Phone: 208-238-1202 Website: lcrrp.com Lux Energy Group '1111 South 120 East Farmington, UT - 84025 Phone: 801-989-8375 McKinstry Eosention, LLC 112 N. Rubey Dr. Suite 200, Golden, CO - 80403 Phone: 435-632-8433 Website: www. mckinstry.com Midgley.Huber, lnc.r 2465 Progress Drive Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-972-501 t Website: Migley-huber.com MKK Consultlng Engineer lnc. 4760 S. Highland Drive Suite 106 Salt Lake City, UT - 84115 Phone: 303-796-6000 Business Type Join Date Distributor 11tolt2005 Join Date 08t/01/2008 Join Date1U13n015 Join Date 021't22014 Business Type Engineering Firm Other: Energy Resource Managers Projects Completed Specialties Business Type HVAC - unitary Confactor Projects Completed Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitarv Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties HVAC - unitary Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls FIVAC - evaporative FIVAC - unitary lnigation Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Contraclor Distributor Manuhcturer - Rep Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contractor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Join Date 0s/01t2006 Join Date o'U't4t2015 Join Date 06t0112007 Join Date 05t01t2007 Join Date 01t1812016 Join Date 03t17t2014 Projects Gompleted Projects Completed Projects Gompleted Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Business Type Engineering Firm Projects Completed Soecialties C6mpressed Air Controls FIVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs SpecialtiesHVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Mountain West Mechanical 2336 W. 5200 S. Rexburg, lD - 83440 Phone: 208-356-0370 Website: www. mountainwestmechanical. com O201a Rcky Mounhln Pdcr, . dlvbion of P&ffiCo.p .nd P.n ot MHAGft.n Enaoy Hotslng. Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Al liance YFtrEX MOUNTAIN Musgrove Englneering, PA 234 \Mrispenrood Way Boise, lD - 83709 Phone: 208-384-0585 Website: musgrovepa.com Norbryhn Equipment Company 3711 E. Newby St. Nampa, lD - 83687 Phone: 208-465-5700 Website: norbryhn.com Optica Energy }lanagement, LLC '1772 Ross Or Ogden, UT - 84403 Phone: 888-442-4866 Website: lvww. opticaenergy. com PVE, lnc' 1040 North 2200 West, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, UT - 84107 Phone: 801 -359-3'1 58 Realwinwin, lnc. 1926 Arch Street, 4F Philadelphia, PA - 19103 Phone:21*7324480 x 349 Website: www. realwinwin. com Royal Engineering, lnc. 2335 S. State Street Suite'100, Provo, UT - 84606 Phone: 80'l-375-2228 Website: www. royaleng.com Site Ba3ed Eneryy 105 Lewis St, Suite 102 Ketchum, lD - 83340 Phone: 208-30'l-2293 Website: www. SiteBasedEnergy.com Smart Building Solutions 2876 South 460 West Salt Lake City, UT - 841 15 Phone: 80'l -733-6000 Website: www. intellivex. com Trano' 2817 S. 1030 W Salt Lake City, UT - 841 19 Phone: 801-486-0500 Website: www.trane.com Utah Yamas Controls lnc.* 'l 3526 S. 1 10 W Draper, UT - 84020Phone: 801-990-1950 Website: www. utahyamas. com Air Business Type Engineering Firm Projects Completed Specialties Compressed Controls Join Date 07n8t201s Join Date o5to1t2012 Join Date 04n1n013 Join Date 07/29n01'3 Join Date 't0t1412013 Join Date 12131t2014 Projects Completed Projects Completed 17 Soecialties HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Other: Other Specialty Business Type Distributor Other: Energy Management Company Business Type Other: Energy Efficiency lncentive Administration and Consultation Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Specialties Business Type HVAC - unitary Distributor Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Farm and Dairy HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Office Equipment Other: Other Specialty Specialties Controls HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Projects Completed 43 Business Type Engineering Firm Projects Completed Business Type Engineering Firm Projects Completed Specialties Business Type Building envelope ContractorControls Distributor Business Type Distributor Join Date 05111t2015 Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Join Date 03t04t2015 Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Join Date Distributor 03/01/2005 Manufacturer - Rep Join Date 01t21t2013 Projects Completed 2 Projects Completed Projects Completed 02014 R6ky Mount.in Pder,. dlvlalon ot P*lfcorp rnd p.dotMldAmrlc.n Encryy Holdlngt Comp.ny Projects Completed Energy Efficiency Alliance VROCKY MO[NTAN FFoUYER Van Boorum & Frank Aeaociates 330 South 300 East Salt Lake City, UT - 8411 1 Phone: 801-530-3148 \Abbsite: www.vbfa. com WHW Englneering lnc. 861 9 Sandy Parkway #1 01 Sandy, UT - 84070 Phone: 801-466-4021 Young Electric, Heating & Alr, lnc. 1573 W. Sunnyside Road ldaho Falls,, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-357-1899 \A/ebsite: www.youngehainc.com Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFEIS Soecialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Business Type Join DateContractor 1210312014 Business Type ArchiEct Projects Completed Join Date 01t01D012 Join Date o2t2312015 Engineering Other Firm Business Type Engineering Firm Projects Completed Projects Completed O2olia RGky Mouil.ln Pder, . divi.br of Peilicorp .nd p.il of MEAffian Enarly Holdhga Cofrp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance MOt,lNTAIN The following is a list of contraclors, distributors and other businesses participating in Rocky Mountain Poweds Energy Efficiency Alliance displayed in random order (unless sorted by the user) based on the search criteria selec{ed. This listing is provided solely as a convenience to our customers. Rocky Mountain Power does not warrant or guarantee the work performed by these participating vendors. You are solely responsible for any contract with a participating vendor and the performance of any vendor you have chosen. An asterisk (*) indicates Rocky Mountain Power Outstanding Conhibution Award winning trade allies in 2013,2014 andlot 2015 Search Criteria: xEtrH Selectod State(s): Specialtles: Businers Type: Search Results.' 69 - Date and Time: 03/30/2017 02:55:31 PM ldaho Lighting _ANY- Advanced Lighting, lnc. - ldaho' 3099 south '1030 west Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 80 1-972-9530 All American Lighting lnc. P.O. Box 2996 ldaho Falls, lD - 83206Phong208-237-21il Alloway Commercial Lighting 1420 Grove Street Boise, lD - 83702 Phone:208-3/,4-2507 Website: www.allowaylighting.com American Electric Company, lnc. 78 West 13775 South, Suite 9 Draper, UT - 84020 Phone: 801-254-0782 Website: www. americaneledric.cc Architectural Nexus, lnc. 2505 East Parleys Way Salt Lake City, UT - 84109 Phone: 801-924-5000 Website: www.archnexus.com Bastion Technologies, LLC 175 W 7065 S Midvale, UT -U047 Phone: 80G328-6024 Website: www. bastiontech.com BKJ Holdings, LLC 3458 E Fainvay Lane Spanish Fork, UT - 84660 Phone: 801-636-5969 Bradley Engineering 382 Walnut Street ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2862 Website: www. bradleyengineering.com Specialties Business TypeLighting Distributor Projects Completed 7 Specialties Business TypeLighting Distributor Specialties Business TypeLighting Distributor Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls LightingMotors and VFDS Business Type Confactor Other: Oher Specialty Specialties Business TypeAppliances Architect Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Specialties Lighting Business Type Distributor Manubcturer - RepOther consultant Business Type Distributor Manufac'turer - Rep Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date 04128t2014 Join Date 03101t2010 Join Date 09t26t2012 Join Date04n6nu5 Join Date 08t18t2014 Join Date07t30ao14 Join Date o'u06t2015 Join Date 09t22n012 Projects Completed Projects Completed 1 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 24 Specialties Lighting Specialties Lighting Projects Completed Projects Completed mla Rcky Mourbln Pnd, . dlvlrbn ot P&licorp .nd pen ot MEhtuh En.Ey Hotslng. Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance VROCKY MOI'NTAIN IPorvER Bright Star Enersy Manasement, f,3;f;;"n,"" Business Type Join Date 07t01t2012 Join Datefin6nu5 Join Date 06t27D013 Join Date 09t24t2012 Joln Date 03/26n005 Joan Date '12,1312012 Join Date 12t01t2008 Join Date o4t20t2015 Join Date 01t23t2013 Projects Completed 18 Projects Completed Projects Completed 21 Projects Completed 7',l ProJects Completed 48 Specialties Controls Lighting Consolidated Electrical Oistributors Soecialties.ldaho Falls' t-ibnting 865 Pancheri ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone:208-523-2022 Comolldated Electrical Distributors - Logan, UT* 636 N. 600 W. Logan, UT- 84321 Phone: 43$752-8905 214 S. Cole Rd. Boise, lD - 83709 Phone: 208-922-6460 Website: brightstarenergy. net Candle3 LLC 6385 Corporate Dr. Colorado Springs, CO - 80919 Phone: 719-930-9099 Website: www.candle3. com CAO Group, lnc. 4628 W. Skyhawk Drive West Jordan, UT - 840M Phone: 801-256-9282 Website: ww\,v.caolighting.com Codale Electric Supply, lnc - Caspef 3131 \Alood Court Casper, \AfY - 82601 Phone: 702-26'1-8900 Website: www.codale.com Cooper Lighting 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree, GA - 30269 Phone: 770-486-3092 Website: www. cooperli ghting. com D&S Electrlcal 363 West Chubbuck Road Pocatello, lD - 83202 Phone: 208-731-3701 David Petersen Electric 78N285E Blackfoot, lD-83221 Phone: 208-680-5424 Delta T Corporation 2348 lnnovation Drive Lexington, KY - 405't 1 Phone'.877-244-3267 lA/ebsite: www. bigasssolutions.com DesignTek Gonsulting Group, LLC 1600 w. 2200 s. Salt Lake City, UT - 841'19 Phone: 801-255-5449 Website: www. desi gntekconsulting.com DlVl Energy, LLC' 191 North 290 West Lindon, UT - 84042 Phone:801-243-1811 Business Type Join DateDistributor 11n1l2014 Manufacturer - Rep Specialties Business TypeLighting Engineering Firm Other: Manufacturer Projects Completed 4 Specialties Business TypeLighting Distributor Projects Completed 1 Business Type Distributor Specialties Business Type Farm and Dairy Distributor lnigation Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Speclalties Business TypeLighting Distributor Motors and VFDs Specialties Business TypeControls Contractor Lighting Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Projects Completed Specialties Lishting Other: Oher Specialty Business Type Distributor 11t16t2015 Specialties Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Lighting Business Type Manufiacturer - Rep Other Projects Completed Projects Gompleted Projects Completed Projects Completed 98 Join Date Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Join Date Contractor 1',111'U2013 Engineering Firm m14 RGky lrouil.ln Pfl.i . dlvl.lon ot PelfiCorp rnd Fd of MUAmrb.r En.Oy HoHlng. Comp.ny Energy Efficiency AI I iance XFtrEHMot'NrArN Eco Safe Lighting 4600 NWCamas Meadows Drive, Suite 210 Camas, WA - 98607 Phone: 360-567-1923 Website: http:/ /vww.est- lights.com/about-us/ Electrical illarketing Solutions (DBA) $p66i6l1iegEMS C6ntrols Lighting Specialties Business TypeLighting Distributor Projects Completed SpecialtiesFarm and Dairy lrrigation Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Contractor Join Date o2111t2013 Join Date 12f31t2014 Join Date 09t22t2012 Join Date 09D212012 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Buslness Type Manufacturer - Rep Projects Completed 52139 S West Temple Salt Lake City, UT - 841 15 Phone: 80'1-869-1445 Website: htp://emsreps. com/ Electrical Support Services LLC '1037 E 1400 N. Shelly, lD - 83274Phone:208-251-6022 Electrical Wholesale Supply Co,, lnc. - Blackfoof 560 Jensen Grove Rd. Blacktoot, lD - 8322'l Phone: 20&542.4995 \Alebsite: www.ewscoinc.com Electrical Wholessle Supply Co., Inc. - Corporate* 1355 FremontAve ldaho Falls, lD - 83405 Phone: 208-523-2901 Website: www.ewscoinc.@m Electrlcal Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Driggs' 83C Rocky Road lnd Lp. Driggs, lD - 83422 Phone: 20&354-1228 Website: www.ews@inc.com Electrical Ullholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Home Lighting' 650 W Sunnyside Rd. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2300 Website: www. homelightingcenter.com Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - ldaho Falls* 3140 McNeil Dr. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 20&523-2800 \A/ebsite: www.ewscoinc.com Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Pocatello' 220 West Maple Pocatello, lD - 83206 Phone: 208-233-'1 362 Website: www. ewscoinc. com Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc.. Rexburg' 899 Jetstream Dr. Ro<burg, lD - 83440 Phone: 20&356-7282 \A/ebsite: www. afls@inc. com Elysium Energy LLC 'lzt466 South Long Ridge Drive Herriman, UT-84096Phone: 80'l-440-682'l Type Join Date 03t12t2015 Business Type Distributor Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Distributor Soecialties Cbntrols Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Join DateContaclor 09n?J20'12 Distributor Projects Completed 26 Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Join Date Distributor 09t22t2012 Join Date 09n2r20't2 Projects Completed Specialties Business TypeLighting Distributor Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Projects Gompleted 46 Business Type Join DateDistributor 0912212012 Projects Completed Soeclalties Cbntrols Lighting Motors and VFDS Business Type Distributor Specialties Business TypeLighting Other Other: Other Specialty Join Date 09n2/2012 Join Date 04t30t2015 Projects Completed 29 Projects Completed 17 O201a Rcky Mount lr Pmr, . dlvl'lon ol PcifiCo.p .nd p.i o, MbAm&.n En.Ey Holdlngr Comp.ry Energy Efficiency Alliance \ ROCKY MOI,NTAN FOU'ER Encentlv Energy, LLC 1501 Ardmore Blvd. Suite 102, Pittsburgh, PA - 1522'l Phone: 412-723-1516 Website: www.encentivenergy.com Energy Planning Associates, lnc(DBA) Envirobrite "148 Maritime Dr Sanford, FL-32771 Phone: 407-302-0001 Website: www.envi robrite. net Engineering System Solutions DBA ES2 4943 N 29 E Suite A ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 20&552-9874 Website: www.es2eng.com Express Lighting LLC 7050 South State Street Midvale, UT - 8/,047 Phone:801-617-1'133 Website: www.express. lighting Fanllght Corp 2000 S Grove Ave Bldg B Ontario, CA - 91761 Phone: 90$930-6868 \A/ebsite: plusriteusa.com / mynaturazled.com GE 664 East 1300 North Pleasant Grove, UT - 84062 Phone: 801-785-8838 Website: www. gelighting.com Green Llght National, LLC' 1001 South 400 East Orem, UT - 84077 Phonei 801-722-8677 Website: www. greenlightnational.com Green Planet Company 63 East 1 1400 South #257Sandy,UT-84070 Phone: 801-980-1518 Website: www. greenplanetcompany. com Harls Llghting Products 1405 W. 800 N. Preston, lD - 83263 Phone: 20&852-2890 Hatch Lighting 4133 N 45 E ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 208-200-3000 Hussmann Corporation 1385 W 2200 St Salt Lake City, UT - 841 19 Phone: 805-458-7615 Website: hussmann.com Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Lighting Business Type Other: Energy Efficiency Analytics Other: Energy Efficiency Rebate Processing Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls Business Type Engineering Firm Projects Completed I-IVAC - evaporative I-IVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Projects Completed Projects Completed 4 Join Date 11t1'.v2015 Join Date 07t24t2015 Join Date05n8nu4 Join Date 02n8n015 Join Date 05107nu4 Join Date 04t01t2007 Join Date 05t06t2014 Join DatE 01t't412015 Projects Gompleted Specialties Business TypeLighting Manuf,acturer - Rep Projects Completed Business Type Join Date Distributor 12/01t2015 Manufacturer - Rep Join Date 02122t2016 Join Date 09t04t2014 Specialties Business TypeControls Manufacturer - Rep Lighting Projects Completed Specialtles Lighting Business Type Confactor Distributor Business Type Distributor Manufaciurer - Rep Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Projects Completed 40 Projects Completed 14 Projects Gompleted 78 Projects Completed 12 Specialties Appliances HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Lighting Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Manuhcturer - Rep Projects Completed Energy Efficiency Al Iiance xFtrffi MOI.INTAIN Laeen Electric, LLC 250 Laurel Lane Chubbuck, lO - 83202 Phone: 208-237-2058 Website: larsenelectric.net Loeb Lighting Servicee 1800 E Sth Ave Columbia, OH - 43219 Phone: 80G866-5616 Lux Energy Group 1'111 South '120 East Farmington, UT - 84025 Phone: 801-989-8375 Specialties Business TypeLighting Contractor Join Date 03t23t2016 Projects Completed Specialties Business Type Distributor Join Date$t16nu5 Projects CompletedControls Lighting Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Engineering Firm Other: Energy Resource Managers Join Date 10t13t2015 Projects Completed tark Ctary 2302 \rGst 8540 South West Jordan, UT - 84088 Phone: 80't-233-0882 MKK Consulting Engineere lnc. 4760 S. Highland Drive Suite 106 Salt Lake City, UT - 84115 Phone: 303-796-6000 Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Business Type Arcfiitect Join Date 08/08/201 3 Projects Completed Specialties Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date Projects Completed01t18t2016 Nulite Electric LLC 3570 Brookfield Ln. Ammon, lD - 83406 Phone: 20&680-9990 Website: nourlsited.org Optica Energy Management, LLC 1772 Ross Dr Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Join Date ProjectsCompleted ,| Contrac{or 0u26no14 Specialties HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Distributor Other: Energy Management Company Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date 04t11t2013 Projects Completed 17 Ogden, Phone: uT - 84403 888-4424866 Website: www.opticaenergy.com Ovation Engineering & Consulting 1 1 13 N Victoria Way Salt Lake City, UT - 84116 Phone: 801-871-0900 Pacheco Company LLG 3646 E. Summer Hill Salt Lake City, UT - 84121 Phone: 801-541-3375 Website: www. pache@co.com Patriot Electric, Heating & Alr lnc. SpecialtiesControls Join Date Projects12108120'14 Gompleted Lighting Specialties Lighting Other: Other Business Type Contractor Specialty Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Join Date 0?/12n015 Projects Completed SpecialtiesControls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Confactor Type Join Date o8n6t2014 Projects Completed'131347 E 1500 N Teneton, lD - 83450 Phone: 20&680-7345 \A/ebsite: www. facebook. corn/PtriotElectricHeati n gAir Platt Electric Supply - ldaho Falls' 919 Pancheri Street ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-524-6171 Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Business Type Distributor Join Date 01t01t2009 Projects Completed 17 Oml4 Reky Mount.ln Pfl.(.dlvirlon of Pelfcop rnd p.frdMHhrban Ehcrgy Ho6lnes Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance xEtrEr MOI,'NTAIN PVE, lnc* 1040North2200l /est, Salt Lake City, UT - 841 Phone: 801-359-3158 Specialties Controls I-IVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Specialties Controls Lighting Business Engineering Business Type Other: Energy Effciency lncentive Administration and Consultation Business Type Conhactor Engineering Firm Join Date 07D9DO13 Join Date 10t14t2013 Join Date 't0t14D014 Join Date o8t27t2014 Projects Completed 43 TJpe Frrm Projects CompletedSuite 100 07 RealWinWin, lnc. 1926 Arch Street, 4F Philadelphia, PA - 19t03 Phone: 2'l 5-7 32-4480 x 349 Website: www. realwi nwin.com RtE, lnc 8685 W State St Boise, lD - 83714 Phone: 20&853-2968 Website: rmeinc.net Rocky Mountain Electric - ldaho Fallg 6698 N. 25th E ldaho Falls, lD - 8340'l Phone: 208-587-9682 x 6 Royal Engineering, lnc. 2335 S. State Street Suite 100, Provo, UT - 84606 Phone:801-375-2228 Website: www. royaleng.com Royal Wholesale Electric - Logan' 917 W600 N Ste 101 Logan, UT - 84321 Phone: 43$752-7692 Website: royalutah.com Site Based Energy 105 Lewis St, Suite 102 Ketchum, lD - 83340 Phone: 208-301-2293 Website: www. SiteBasedEnergy.com Smart Building Solutions 2876 South 460 West Salt Lake City, UT - 84115 Phone: 801-7336000 Website: www. intel livex.com Tltan LEO - North Logan 641 E2200 N North Logan, UT - UU'l Phone: 801-784-8260 Website: www.titanled. net Town & Country Electric, lnc. 1223 1llh Ave. North Nampa, lD - 83687 Phone:208-467-2148 Website: town-and-country-electric.com Specialties Business TypeLighting Contractor Projects Completed Projects Completed Soecialties Biilding envelope Controls HVAC - €vaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Business Engineering Business Type Distributor Join Date 1231t2014 Join Date 01/09/2008 Join Date ost't112015 Join Date 03t04t2015 Join Date 07t0812014 Projects Completed'19 TJpe Frrm Projects Completed Specialties Building envelope Farm and Dairy HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Other: Other Specialg Specialties Lighting Business Type Distributor Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Projects Completed Projects Completed Business Type Manuhdurer - Rep Projects Completed Specialties Business Type Join DateLighting Contractor 0110112009 Projects Completed @01a Reky llosd.ln Pmi a dMabn ot P*ltrCorp .hd p.il ot MilArcdc.n Enqly HoHlnga Conp.ny Energy Efficiency A!liance xFffiffiMOTJNTAIN Utah Yamas Controls lnc.' 13526 S. 110 W. Draper, UT - 84020 Phone: 801-990-'1950 Website: www. utahyamas.@m Voss Electric Co. 6547 S Racine Circle, Suite 100 Centennial ,CO-80111 Phone: 303-243-5503 Website: vosslighting.com We3tem Land tanagement LLC 2815 East Linwood Lane Manila, UT - 84046 Phone: 949285-9454 Wheeler Electric 469 West't6th St. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-522-1906 Website: wheelerelectric.com YESCO LLC - Young Electric Sign Co. - Salt Lake Clty, Uf 1605 S. Gramercy Road Salt Lake City, UT - 84104 Phone: 801464&13 \A/ebsite: www.yes@.com Young Electric, Heating & Air, inc. 1573 W. Sunnyside Road ldaho Falls,, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-357-1899 Website: www.youngehainc.com Business Type Join Date Projects09/09/2016 Completed Specialties Building envelope Gontrols HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Specialties Controls Lighting Soecialtles F6od Service Ughting Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls Farm and Dairy Food Service Lighting Motors and VFDS Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Business Type Contractor Distributor Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Joln DatE 01t2'U2013 Join DatEun9t2016 Joln Date09DA2U2 Join Date 12t03t2014 Prolects Completed Projects Completed Proiects Completed Distributor Specialtles Appliances Controls Business Type Join Date Contractor 01t01t2007 Business Type Disbibutor Business Type Contractor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contractor Projects Completed 70 Projects Completed Ojlola Reky Mouffiln Pffi, . divltbn o, Peiico.p .nd p.n of MUAmrb.n Encrgy Holdhgt ConPsy Energy Efficiency Alliance ROCKY Mq,,INTAIN FOi/ER The following is a list of contractors, distributors and other businesses participating in Rocky Mountain Powe/s Energy Efficiency Alliance displayed in random order (unless sorted by the user) based on the search criteria selected. This listing is provided solely as a convenience to our customers. Rocky Mountain Power does not warrant or guarantee the work performed by these participating vendors. You are solely responsible for any contract with a participating vendor and the performance of any vendor you have chosen. An asterisk (*) indicates Rocky Mountain Power Outstanding Contribution Award winning trade allies in2013,2014 andlot 2015. Search Criteria: selected state(s): ldaho Speclaltles: Motors and VFDS Bu3ines3 Type: -ANY- Search Results; 47 - Date and Time: 03/30/2017 02:51:35 PM Architectural Nexus, lnc. 2505 East Parleys Way Salt Lake City, UT - 84109 Phone: 801-924-5000 Website: www.archnexus.com Lux Energy Group 1 I11 South 120 East Farmington, UT - 8/,025 Phone: 80'l-989-8375 Engineerod Systems Assoc., lnc. 1355 E. CenterStreet Pocatello, lD - 8320'1 Phone: 208-233-0501 Utah Yamas Controls lnc.' 13526 S. 110 W. Draper, UT - 84020 Phone: 801-990-'t950 Website: www. utahyamas.com Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Corporate* 1355 Fremont Ave ldaho Falls, lD - 83405 Phone: 208-523-290 1 Website: www.ewscoinc.@m Encentlv Energy, LLC 1501 Ardmore Blvd. Suite 102, Pittsburgh, PA- 1522'l Phone: 412-723-1516 Website: www.encentivenergy. com Honeyrell lntemational 2371 S. Presidents Way Suite A Salt Lake City, UT - 84120 Phone: 801-978-7136 Website: honeywell.com Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Other: Other Specialty Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Business Type Join Date Building envelope Engineering Firm 'l0l13nVs Compressed Air Other: EnergyControls Resource Managers HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties Building envelope Controls Business Type Engineering Firm Projects Completed Business Type Architect Business TypeConfactor Distributor Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Join Date 08t18t2014 Join Dateut10nu4 Join DateuD1nu3 Join Date 09t2212012 Join Date 't'U1112015 Join Date 05/01/2006 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Business Type Other: Energy Efficiency Analytics Other: Energy Efficiency Rebate Processing Business Type Contractor Distributor Manufacturer - Rep @1a Rcky Mourhln Pdcr, . dlvltbn ol PrclllCo.p .d p.d ot MEAmtun EncEy Hotslngr Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance VROCKY MOUNTAINr(PowER KEE Engineering and Consulting LLC 695 W 1980 So Price, UT - 84501 Phone:435-613-1220 Website: www. keeengineering.com Valley lmplement 2570 N Main Logan, UT - 84341 Phone: 435-787-1586 Website: valley-implement.com Optica Energy Management, LLC 1772 Ross Dr Ogden, UT - 84403 Phone: 88&442.4866 Website: www.opticaenergy.com Johnson Controls, lnc. 2255 Technology Parkway West Valley City, UT - 841 19 Phone: 801-903-7532 Van Boerum & Frank Associateo 330 South 300 East Salt Lake City, UT - 84111 Phone: 801-530-3148 Website: www.vbfa.com Patriot Electric, Heating & Air lnc. 1347 E 1500 N Terreton, lD - 83450 Phone: 208-680-7345 Website: www.facebook. com/PtriotElectricHeatingAir DesignTek Consulting Group, LLC 1600 w. 2200 s. Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-255-5449 Website: www.designtekconsulting.com Trane' 2817 S. "t030 W. Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-486-0500 Website: www.trane.com Aspen Engineering and Environmental LLC 140 Aspen Cirde Park City, UT - 84098 Phone: 435.565-1 535Website: www.a2e-llc.com Electrical Support Services LLC 1037 E 1400 N. Shelly, lD - 83274 Phone:208-251-6022 American Electric Company, lnc. 78 West 13775 South, Suite 9 Draper, UT - 84020 Phone: 801-254-0782 Website: www. americaneleclric.cc Specialties Business TypeControls Engineering Firm Motors and VFDS Proiects Completed Specialties Controls Farm and Dairy lrrigation Motors and VFDs Specialties HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Business Type Distributor Other: Energy Management Company Business Type Contractor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Architect Engineering Other Join Date 03114t2016 Join Date ut11t2013 Join Date 06101t2007 Join Date 01to1no12 Join Date 08n6t2014 Join Date 't1t't112013 Join Date 03/01/2005 Projects Completed 't7 Projects Completed Projects Completed Business Type Join DateContractor 1210512012 Projects Completed null Firm Business Type Contractor Projects Completed '13 Specialties Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Business Type Contractor Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Projects Completed Projects Completed Specialties Business Type Join Date Building envelope Engineering Firm 03n8n013 Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Business Type Farm and Dairy Contractor lrrigation Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Business Contractor Join Date03t1i,2u5 Type Join Date 04to6no'.ls Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed @014 RcXy Mount.in Pdci . divirlon o, PrclfiCom .nd p.i ol MldAm.ic.n En.Oy Holdlno. Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance VROCKY MOI'NTAIN\(PowER ],KK Consulting Engineers lnc. 4760 S. Highland Drive Suite 106 Salt Lake City, UT - 84115 Phone: 303-796-6000 Spectrum Energy Sotutions 8050 N Palm Ave #106, Fresno, CA - 9371 1 Phone: 55$438-2700 Website: www.speclrum-nrg.@m Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Blacktoot' 560 Jensen Grove Rd. Blackfoot, lD-83221 Phone: 208-542-4995 Website: www. ewscoi nc. com Site Based Energy 105 Lewis St Suite 102 Ketchum, lD - 83340 Phone: 20&301-2293 \Alebsite: www.SiteBasedEnergy.com Electrical Wholesale Supply co., lnc.. Driggs* 83C Rocky Road lnd Lp. Driggs, lD - 83422 Phone:208-354-1228 Website: www.ewscoinc.com Grcen Planet Company 63 East 1 1400 South #257Sandy,UT-84070 Phone: 801-980-1518 Website: www. greenplanetcompany. com Smart Building Solutions 2876 South 460 West Salt Lake City, UT - 84115 Phone: 80 1-733-6000 Website: www. intellivex. com Valley lmplement 213 West 8th NorthPreston, lD - 83263 Phone: 208-852-0430 Website: valley-implement.com Platt Electric Supply .ldaho Falls' 919 Pancheri Street ldaho Falls, lD - 83402Phone:208-524-6171 Hussmann Corporatlon 1385 W2200 St Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 805-458-7615 Website: hussmann.com Specialties Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Farm and Dairy lnigation Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Join Date Distributor o9t2212012 Specialties Appliances HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Projects Completed 14 Specialties Building envelope Farm and Dairy HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Projects Completed Projects Completed 26 Projects Completed Projects Completed null ProjectsGompleted 17 Business Type Contractor Engineering Firm Other: consultant Business Type Distributor Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Distributor Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contractor Business Type Distributor Proiects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Business Engineering TJPe Frrm Join Date 01t18t2016 Joln DateMt'lonu4 Join Date 05t11nu5 Join Date o9t2212012 Join Date 05107t2014 Join Date 03t04t2015 Join Date 12t05t2012 Join Date 01t01t2009 Join Date 01t14t2015 Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Other: Other Specialty Specialtles Controls lnigation Motors and VFDS SpecialtiesControls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Projects Completed O20la R@ky Mount.ln Pdcr, . divirlon o, P.ciicorp .nd p.i ot MUAmdon En.Ey HoElng. comp.ny Energy Efficiency Al liance xROCKY MOUNTAIN PIWUER Realwinwin, lnc. 1926 Arch Street, 4F Philadelphia, PA - 19103 Phonet 215-732-4480 x 349 Website: www.realwinwin-com Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Soecialties C6ntrols Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Other: Energy Efficiency lncentive Administration and Consultation Join Date 10t14t2013 Projects Completed 43 Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc, - Homo Lighting' 650 W. Sunnyside Rd. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 20&523-2300 Website: www.homelightingcenbr.com Musgrove Engineering, PA 234 \Mrisperurtood Way Eioise, lD - 83709 Phone: 208-384-0585 Website: musgrovepa.@m Business Type Distributor Join Date 09n?,2012 Projects Completed Specialties Compressed Air Controls Food Service Business Engineering TJpe hrrm Join Date 07t28t2015 Projects Completed HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Office Equipment Energy Management Corporation' 501 West 700 South Salt Lake City, UT - 84101 Phone: 80'l-366*4100 \A/ebsite: emcsolutions.com Case, Lowe & Hart, lnc. 2484 Washington Blvd. Suite 510, Ogden, UT - 84401 Phone: 801-399-5821 Website: www. clhae. com Gustave A. Laeon Company Specialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Business Type Join Date Projects CompletedDistributoro5t0112004 Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative Business Type Architect Engineering Firm Join Date 05t17t2013 Projects Completed HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Soecialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Business Type Distributor Join Date 09/01/2008 Projects Completed1395 Northgate Mile ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone:208-522-3270 \A/ebsite: galarson.com WHW Engineering lnc. 8619 Sandy Parkway #101 Sandy, UT - 84070 Phone: 801-466-4021 PVE, lnc' Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Business Engineering TJpe l-rrm Join Date Projects Completed02i2312015 '1040 North 2200 West, Salt Lake City, UT - 84'l Phone: 801-359-3'1 58 Suite'100 07 Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Business Type Join Date Engineering Firm 0712912013 Projects Completed Enlineering System Solutions DBA 4943 N 29 E Suite A ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 208-552-9874 Website: www.es2eng.com Business Engineering TJpe l-trm Join Date Projects Completed05t0812014 American Mechanlcal Systems Sen ice, LLC 7530 South State Street Midvale, UT - 84047 Phone: 801-428-0400 Website: www.ams-ut.@m Business TypeConfactor Join Date 11R0t20',t2 Projects Completed @m1a R@ky Mount.ln Pil.r, a dlvlabn ot PrclfiCorp .nd p.i ot MHAmftan Eh.rgy HoHlng. Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance xEffiEX MOUNTAIN Norbryhn Equipment Company 371"1 E. Newby St. Nampa, lD - 83687 Phone: 208-465-5700 Website: norbryhn.com McKinstry Essention, LLC 112 N. Rubey Dr. Suite 200, Golden, CO - 80403 Phone: 43$.632-8433 Website: www.mckinstry.com Electrical Wholesale - Rexburg'Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Spegialties Business Type HVAC - unitary Distributor Motors and VFDs Proiects Completed Join Date 05101t2012 Join Date 02J12n014 Specialties Business TypeBuildingenvelope EngineeringFirm Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary lnigation Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Supply Co., lnc. Specialties Business Type Join DateDistributor 0912212012 Projects Gompleted Projects Completed 29899 Jetstream Dr. Rexburg, lD - 83440 Phone: 208-356-7282 Website: www.ewscoinc.@m Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Pocatellor 220 West Maple Pocatello, lD - 83206 Phone: 208-233-1362 Website: www.ewscoinc.com D&S Electrical 363 West Chubbuck Road Pocatello, lD - 83202 Phone: 208-731-370'l Wheeler Electric 469 \ /est 16th St. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 20&522-1906 \AIebsite: wheelerelectric.com Specialties Business TypeLighting Distributor Motors and VFDs Business Type Join Date Distributor 0912212012 Join Date 12101t2008 Soecialties C6ntrols Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Gompressed Alr Controls Farm and Dairy Food Service Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Projects Completed Business Contractor Projects Completed 48 Projects Completed 5 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 70 Type Join Date 0'Uo1t2007 Nulite Electric LLC 3570 Brookfield Ln. Ammon, lD - 83406 Phone: 208-680-9990 Website: nourlsited.org Royal Engineering, lnc. 2335 S. State Street Suite 1 Provo, 00, UT 84606 Business Type Contractor Join Date 08t26nu4 Specialties Business Type Join Date Building envelope Engineering Firm 12B1nU4 Controls HVAC.HVAC.evaporative unitaryPhone: 801-375-2228 Website: www. royaleng.com YESCO LLC - Young Electric Sign Co. - Salt Lake City, Uf '1605 S. Gramercy Road Salt Lake City, UT - 84104 Phone: 801-464-6413 Website: www.yes@.@m Business Type Join DateContractor 0912212012 Manufacturer - Rep Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Appliances Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs O2014 kky Mouildn Pd.., . dlvblon ot Prcifcorp .nd p.d of llklAffin Endly Holdlng. Cffip.ny x ROCKYMOUNTAIN POWERAil\fi8oilof ilctHoof,P Appendix 6 Idaho Measures 7 ob o ooGa- N oE $o; Gotoo.oG o- 6o o lq6o o a oo = o l oo = o f 6o) o f 6o o l (!o = o l (!o = I =6o = Il 6o = E =6o = o fo6o = o =o6o = o =6c) o f 6o o:aGo o l Go = s c! s N.oo@ oo@ $N-$N o $^ @ $- N N. N N- oo\o@ f.-_ ooo- ooo- oo\oo\o o- EoEooo IFd EoEooo IFt EoEooo LFd DoEooo LFt ooEooo LFt E(, E(,oo LFtr EoE(,oo LFt EoEooouFe !oEooo LFt EoEoo)o LFd Eq) Eoo)o IFd EoEooo LFE. 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Sa. Got o GoI o .G = o f (!o = o f Go = +@ No DoEooouFd. EoEooouFd @ oNoN o @ oNoN o oE o;oo, oo co'o o ooct! o oao 6(, 06 tsIoo oo uJ N .oF tIJulo oot 63 osoIt oEoo3 oEoE cooEo ooE!J o oao 6(9 o5 =Ioo,E oo uJ .9F trJtIJO oso6 =oEo() E tropoot oboo oo UJ€ =IaoG(, o taGi oo o (., 6o t0 s|,o oo Ef (!o = o f 6o = o6 oo o(, Eoo)o IFd EoEooorFd o oNoo o @oNoo o oE G3 oEoE a .!PoEo PocuJ o>oo'Eoo[!€ =Ioo'coo UJ o oo EC6N oF uJuJo o=G =oc6o oE 63 otoE c.oo o PoCuJ o oao .9 oo UJ o5 =Ioo.E o -9UJ otr UJ UJo oE 6 =oEo 6 troItoou obo utG(! o! =Ioo oo IJJ o t4G =tao oo o taGt v,o oo =cf oc'=6a (!-f> 65 G= caoo EEoq.EooE 9o(9o Eo9o+Eo)>EaE g' auofcouJ6o o Goo ootsUJ 6 Eo!oot o oolll oOitoo go tr.t () qG =t4o oo eo |,G =u,I oo N oa So oo.t ooEl! e ao = o (E =o oo foGo =oc.go UJ E')(,tr IIJ o3oo-c .E tr)o =.Y(,ot ob oNooGq. Noq \o; Gotoa.ot oU' @o oc)Eooo IFE @oNoo o oo5 coO c.9 6l ,Eo-6 o Eo U)oc 6o-u L .o oo I.IJ .9 co 6 f c 6 cotoot o G Su, o o GSto o f oo o o- =cl oE't(!a E oc (5oo o -9o G =cc6 Eco,Eoo.c oo Ilo6c) = oa Go = olaoo = El 6o = E- 6o = o a 6o o f 6o) o l oo olaGo ol G(, o f (!o o l Go ol Go ol Go) o)o(5(, o l oo = o loGo ol Go = o l (!o o l (!o E)o6o = If 6(, Ef 6o = Il 6o oNo- oNo- N@tf_ N@$- oN@- oF.o-oo-o@- No@- Nn@- (oo-o- N@@- No@- noo- o@o_o@- oo@- a$o- o$a- N@q N@q @@(o- @@@- EoEooo LFt Ea99!ro>tro6>=g) a!ofcoIIJ Eo DoEooo IFn Eo Eooo LF-tr Eo Eooo LFE. Eo EooorFt Eo E oorFt E Eooo LFt Eo EooouFtr Eo Eo)oo LFd Eo Eooo IFt Eo Eo)oo LFt Eo E(,oo IFt Eo Eooo IFt Eo E(,oo IFt po Eooo IFt !o Eooo LFd Eo Eooo IFt Eo E(,(,o IFt Eo Eooo LFt po Eooo LFt Eo Eooo LFt Eo Eooot!Fd. 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Noc +o o Ga Eoaotr oo oo oo Nosi (oq tq olt E0,(,o u-Ft Eo E()oolt-Ftr oo) Eooor!Fd @oNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o N .tPF BoEc =oo6 f, Bo 6aE o Eo oocE6o-l! Lo oo uJ NNo f N otr;oEcE N .oF;ooc; ooo f Bo o c o Eoo U'oc (5 o)!o EIc ooIo oo uJ NN ct f N otr 3oDcE N .oF;oEc =ooG f,;o o c o Eo oocE6o-EEoNo oo uJ NNo:) N oi: 3oEcE E Eotoot rtr oo oo gtt qo (|o No Ed) Eoq)o LFn E0) Eooo tLFt !o Eo!t)olrFd @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o .qF BoEc.; ooo f B -9 6oc o Eo oocFoo-lr Lo oo llJ ooo f d)F;oEcE .!PF BoEc =ooG l B -9 o E o Eooooc (,oIo E =(L 6oIo oo LrJ ooof otr;oEcE .oF;oEC; ooG f B -9 6 c o Eo ooE oo-EcoNo o!u t,lJ oool otr 3oEEE o l\ 6Io! solo!trs E ot,oot ol\oIoEcsqlo! T ga E Eia go No 6i *oq @q Eo Eooo LFt Eo Eooo IFt oo E(,oo l!Ft @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNo o o EoEioE .E oBo:oo -=6 f Nol oaBoEc =6 E o L Lo.E o -!9uJ Nc!ol o =oEc E oEo! =q, o EoE 3oc .g o3o:oo!G lNc,{ o 3oE.E3 6oc o 6q, I 6coNo.E o -9uJ Nc!o l ;oEg =oEo- Bo o EoE Bog .E oBo:oo-=o =Nc! ooBoEc =6 E e EooooE =(L 6o)! Nc,{o l @;oEE =oEoI;o E copooe. qtoEIqo ot!o+bitoE S rtr da cia E da @o6i o\N oi !o EooouFt oo Eooo IFd Eo Eooo LFt @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o oog coo g.oo f .g G3 6oc o Eo ooc 6oIu ro.E oo IJJ 6B co (,loE oo Ecoo E.9o f ,E (E 3 o c e Eo U'oc 6oIo E =(! (E(,Io'Eoor! 63 co of g oog coo c.o (5 l ,= o; 6oc o Eo ooE ooI 6coNo.E o .!P t.lJ 6B co (! f c Itr go q U)6u) ltr ciU) ltr cia 6o @q ao oq @q ao oq Eo Eoo,o LFt oo EooouFd Eo Eooo LFe Do Eooo IFt oo Eooo IFt Eo Eooo LFE. (o oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o oo6 coo Eo 6l .E ooE G c o Eo ooE 6o)I L L .o oo uJ ooI co-l9l c ooo cooco 6lo.E ooG (, E o Eo ooc (5o Io El(L oo ! .o oot! ooL EoFl9foc oo(5 co() Eo 6f .c ooE 6 c o Eo aoEF(!o-EEoNo oo UJ ooL EoFsf c G c =ooco ol .s ooG 6 c o Eq) U)oE 6o-L Lo o _guJ 6 E =o)o ooL co (E =oq G s =ooco -gl .= ooE 6 E e Eoo oocFoo IoEfL 6oIo'Eo -9uJ 6 c =o)o ool! co o =oq o E =ooco -g) .E ooE 6 E o Eo aoc ooI EEoNo oo LrJ 6 c =luU) ooIt co o =oE E copoou. o G It, G =o g ID G oEooG 6o =cl oc Ga oo qo rU) qo ooci C < =x oE't(Eao oo)o clcE6 EEll) Eoo.E oIo qo \tqo o ci qo EoEooo IFt Eq9o+EiD>tr6- 3.EPi5ofcoUJEo EoEooo tLFd EoEo(,orFt EoEooo LFd Eo Eooo LFd @ oNoo o o(!oo ootsuJ @oNoo o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o oo ECoo coFsf .Eo 6 o Eo aoc oo !o E =(L 6o!o'Eo.(, uJ oE oog co() co Ga .c .o 6 6 c o Eo ooEF6oI 6CoNo oo uJ o c.9o =oc G .Eer o)o C.96l .Eo 6 6oc e Eo U)oc 6oI I I o.E oo T'J o s =oo o coE_gaoc E E.? =oa co -g) .co 6 6 c o Eo ooc ooIo Ef(! ooIo ootr 6 s =oa .9 co 6faC E c ba Co (! f .q .9 6 6 c o Eo aoc (!oI EqoN .9 o -9IU 6 s =oo o c.9 6fac o G St4 oo rL o G Sto NoE s6 oo qoEurqo It4ao = oEG!, o oo =oGo =(,tr .9(, IIJ E" ocut o 'oo- tr (E c o =--oot ob o\oo,G0- o =G(, o =o(, sIN :f q*oN EoEooo(L =t EoEooo (L t oN* o oN$ o u?ot'oOE!6He OY56--cxo>Eo_9ot6E.6 -Eq,> il5oE: +9,s =oroqcPb =9(5roE>o9=PftJJ (, o Eoo Eo6 o o(D E oE'= 6o oocilt Nt'o Eo6 6oto €E 3=:6-oo?_ UN ;3:E+s =E!oa99E, =sEa=i FEgEo Iuo a o Eoo E 6oN o o)d) E oc Go o C)crt N oE +: o aatoaot oa (5o = o =(Eo = @coos Nq @N EoEoruo =t EoEooo(L =t o oNoooo o oNoo o OEE3OE66 EE9; =E=EbEof=-=o(! Eg B=_qb PE+E =cxoaQPE E8a>e*p; uJd o Eoo E 6dl odl v oc oo o q)Ert jo Eo6 6oco9r =E>go--o= "?B--o 8-;UJN)ui =bAEob "(!.E -ojz9oEois.- E= Ho()-E>o:Poigci 0UN 4 o Eoo E 6d] N oo(D ? oc oo oocrt G oItoot Y o oa E) e S 0-E GB) Et*l Ef 6o = o f (!o = $qN $ q\toN EoEooo o- =t poEooo (L t $ oN{' so soN$ o oot'oooo Eot€oIG =eo-io:oo-E o;,= 6o =:+B'E=oro QCPE =eGEoE>-o_EiuJo o Eoo E 6dl .o (,(ll ?-Y oc oU' ooclt Nt'ogoa6E_obPCEoo =a?"5=:3-aul- LNO/t >o-g+E EEYOaQo= EEa> a3PouJ ci o EoeE (5 co N .9 (5dl =Y oc'= 6U) oocIl G tro ood Y ooa EI a ES 0.E GB) GEt .J G otto(,t If 6o = N\oo EoEoooc =t o oNoooo otU) Eqo = oc'= G o ouJJ =Y o.E Ga oocrt YooGo E)co q. E aB) O) .J E o15 oot Yol!-tE, E) .J El 6o = oqoo EoEoC)oI =E \t oq{{o )Io =o $ z oE't(! o)Io --Yao.c 6a Iocrt E coEoou YJlLo EI .gr -.1 o =6o = o =o6o = oN oN DoEooo LFt E(, E(,oo IFt oNoo o @ oNo o o.E a o;o(! EoocG o o G E oo 6 o.E coo ocGo =ooo o o q);o(L Eo)oc6 ! q'Ea o =o(L EoocG E o 6 :C oc3o o.E coa ocGo =oo o o q)3o(L EooE6 E G ot,ood 6 tropootr oioo-Eoo G5E q Ga.Sooo oa lt, olo0-Eoo G Est4a. v, oio0.!o(J G b o to oa4EGo.J toa. art o:oo. oa (5o El 6o = o$oo EoEooo IFt EoEooo LFtr @oNoo o @ oNoo o o o o3o(I EooE5 E o G c o E oc'6coaE(EoJ o a o =oo-!ooc6 E o.E o oBoo-oooEo E o 6 c oE =o oE'6coa E(!oJ q a o;o(! EooE6 E Ef 6o = o, 6o = (o N @ N ooEooo LFt EoEooo LFt @ oNoo o @oNoo o o'E U) o =o(! EooEo E o 6 E oo.=o o.q cood o a o =o(Loooc6 E o a (, =oLEooc6 E o 6 c oEBo oE'6goat o o oBo(Loooc6 E G tl,E'oot tr o:oq. Eoo G E to.S a0 oioo-!oo G5! =cfooc't 6a o)Ec6 Eco EIo.s oo(, c =o.c (5 .o ooo oaQo!ciD>trG- ?Eg) i!ofqo!.r 6o oooo oo TU Noq +o o o otl{ e Go = o !(U!, o oo Jo(Eo =oc .9o u.t Po uJ 0) =oo- tr(! =o =-t(,ot fc ooo !oEoIDo (L =t @oNoo o o oE ,Noococ.9 .g6 E oo=o6 IL odlc=BoEf(! (!oI o EoI =o E =6o = E =(Eo = El oo = o l (!o = o fo(to = lc ac =c No@-o NN si oo oi \tNt-N ooosi o N(oNo N@No E() Eooo l!Ft Eo) Ell)oorFt Eo Eruoo IFE. Eo Eruq)o IFE EoEooouFt EoEooo (L =t EoEoo)oc t EoEooo(!. =t (o oNoo o NoNoN @o N oNoN @o o oNoo o NoNoNoo @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o Yo; ofoocF.9, oo61 .cEc(! i6oI o (!o Io'E oo uJ E.9 6los 06o.EEoo ol ofEEosf .E E(L o3olEo.E 'io Eo)U' e o oE=BI Io oo uJ ofooo6aoso IL Eoo,E6oo of oofoDo .(E =c.T E(L o;ofEo.E .9.xo6oa o o o foE=;L Lo.E oo uJ o =oEool c o (L coo.g6oo of o;o =ooEa'=o6oa o 6oIo.E oo uJ ofo !o Gfoc o(L coo.g6oo of o5EEo Gl E.ToI o3ofEoc o'to-oo o Eo oc 6oIoEl(L 6o-o.E o-guI ofo E .9(!a c o(L coo.cffoo ol oB ofEocE.gxo oF o co aoF 6 E oo.=o o.E6oo o =o oEor q, oq oo Yo]olooE ioo(! foEoc(!E6p EE J(!a=oE e o + c cGto(t co Eoc(co o oo oo oF o c oo,=o o,EGoo olo oEoI Eo foolC6s Io =ofEoc 'ioo 6l .gEc(E Eoo oo-L Ec6 6oU' oF (E s oI i5 o.c6oo olo oEoI E9of- E*C=60s;c E =(Eo = oo E(, Eooo(! =t (o oNoo o oc.o=Ecoo.=6 Eoo cooEo o oco Ecoo Eoo ob obooGa. No! *o; GoEoa-oq 6 oEooE. oq IoU, a. Ia- GoIa 50- GoT (, tropoot o G Go oo o E0. ooa EL So- Go\ a. Ia. GoI 6 Eot,ooG, o G Su,c ot Go Goto oIo E) (,Ia 6 otoou. oso Esoo ooq G oEtaot E, ooo G Eotoot oooo t! otoot o o E o(.,'\ a ooo ooo G oEood G t4o co l-o G t4o co l-EcGoo oo No{ +6 oo ooEurq e5qGo = o.c(EI o oo =oGo =oc .9(, IIJ IotrIIJ 6,]oo. tr(! tr =o =.YooE o =o6o = o =q6o = o faoo = o N o@o @@o !() Eluoo(L =t Eo Eo)o)o(L =d Eo Eooo (L =t @oNo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o I.9oooo ooo(! uJ o =Looo$-o ooo6i ooooo goo(! g. -9oooo 6oo(! uJ o =tLoooo-o .c = ooooo goo(5 ooooo Goo(E I.JJ o ooE =oo =tLoooo_o .c = ooooo 6oo(! o l 6o = oc,{o@ Eo Eooo(L =e @oNoo o o .Ec.q=Eqoo '6 6 coo Eo'o o o oco ECoo ac -c fE o(oq @tfs- ooo- EoEoooI =e. Eo Eooo .L =t Eo Eoooc =t ooNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o oE 6 cooo "9=Eotoq oo.NEo aoo q)ofoc oE 6 Cooo olEoEoooo.NEoo oo oo =luc E Eooo (!E oo'toEo gooo 6 .EEooGE E Eooo do.o(,Eo oE E cooo -9fEoEo 6o.NEoofoo q) ao! o o o + L I!J; 66+ o L LuJ; 6 i o (L Io 3 6 F --c =oc'too o =E (u E EoE Eo.Eq o(, c 5 aoc't Goo.E o -!Po Do9O:tgo)>E 3EParolcoulEo o 6oo Eoo uJ oa o6oE'Gq. No{\o oootottot I 6o = I)q6ru = I, oo = o f@6() = @co No9N @@oi @@oi EoEooo(r t EoEooo(! =t Eq, Eooo(]. =d !oEooo(! =d $oN <t \to !t oNrt*o $oNt \to $oNtt \to o oo f(r 6 c)co(9 oE6J cooooo)I o(5o Eoo Eo)oEll) PocuJ o 6ot 6 =o ii E6) o oo)(L Eoco(, Jua) o oo)(L Eocil)(9 oE6J cooooo:L o(to Eo(-) CooEo o (ncuJ e Gos o .go G3 ii E6)t o oo f(r Eoco(9 Jua) o oo)(r 6oEoo oEo) coo oo:L o(5o Eoo EQ)oEo oocuJ o oluot dl (! =o (,3 ii E6) o oe-lr EocooJL o oo f(! EoEo() oEo) cooooolI o(5o Eoo Eo'6 Eil, P(,ctJJ e 6ot o (,; ii Eo) o oo f(L EoEo(,)L i co =ood E =(Eo = tqo{ EoEooo(! =d * oN$*o I:xEo!JJ g zo, Eq)Eoo d Fa o t Fo (,ttUzt! o =.xIo tJJ Ju-ot,EL G -.1ootov, Go oo E co =ooe. E =(!o = (oqo{. EoEooo(r =E $oNif \to ElxEJl!o g z(, 6ocood Fo o t Fo (9e.t!z!.J I =.xIJL oll|.J too s.tII oa EoU, Go oo E Eo =ooE, o I 6o = oNo EoEooo(I =d @oNoo o soo -_E o3oE ooog J o o;oa ot! --;oooc fu o(9 s@ J(o oo 5 lr- ootoat, Go oo Glto(J G 5|r- o G s ol (Eo = {q !oEooo tl-Fe @oNoo o EcGEo -66 .E 8 ogo oos=;oElo oPo-c3E P'6 E860:o o oc :Eo ooo (LoEGc.9 6 Eas o.9o6(L odloEf(L 6oT (, trotoot o foGo = o) (!o = sNs^N NoN.rt EoEooouFtr EruEo)oo IFt @oNoo o ooNoo o o Efo ooEoo =o EclIoo q,ooc .=6oooo o'EoooEo Eoo o o o foE= =l! l! Eo c.9 o coo(! !orq o Elo 6ocoo fo EcfooE=3oEfo 6oEocloo 6oo.goot o (L Ia Eo oE6oqlLIo(D G Eotootr 6 oE'oot oeioutE Ioo o G G t4 \ G o a. Sa- Got a.E5q. Got Got e. So. GoI oa(!o = ol (Eo = @ o- o@o-o EoEooorFtr ooE(,0,o (L =t @oNo o @oNoo o o E)(L 6oI o olo 6 6 E o oEf(! 6oI oo ol o a Ef(L Go I o ofo oEo- =oz o o E =(L 6o)I o ofo o Eo-3o 6 EoEoo G, o fo(!o = =c =oq'5 (5o o laoo = o- (5o = E) oo o =oo = oN$- @ Ec EEE5cqoocc E=o6.SoqE PEoo Nf.-o- @ oo\t- @ $ @ ot.o- oo Eooo LFd EoE() Eco (5 =o6o qoc 6a P0)cuJ Eq) Eooo IFE. E(, Eooo IFt EoEooo l!Fd EoEooo(]. =d ,l i lo;to,IN: 16ilo i loiI;, o6oo oo UJ @oNoo o @oNoo o o oNoo o @oNoo o oE =o o)Ifoo o (.) o EtL Io o -luuJ o)tr c.9 o qo()o E =(! o Eao (!ocoo)o .:6o oo6c) '6 Eooo o oooEo CoO o o o)os=B lJ- lJ- .9 oo UJ .oF co'6 ocooo Ea.L 6o- o Efo 6q)too lo '6 o oo(,c l '6 Eooo .o oo)otocoo o o oc;I Lo oo U.,l N otr c.9g o) coooEl0 (!oT o Eaq GoEoI,o .=oo oo6E f .=6Eoco o.E o -go, o coo o C) (.) foE=;L Io o .!ul,tJ N .9F c.9 o goooE =(! 6oT oc6o.c .N oo=ogo rl)ot=;q)oEoqfo Eao GoGco.9 o=ECoq.r C e ocN'6 06 o ,Eoo-o Eq oco BoEo o)oloEf(! 6oT totao oIa a. ESo. GoIeESo. GoI Noe so oo.t ooLur EIt,ao = o !Gs o og =oGo =(,tr .g(, l! ED otrul o =oo- tr (E tr =o =.Yoot ilttI l9 i1aI t(,ltoi l=tttl =c- oc'=6a o)o6o = o looo = I =o(5o = E =o(5o = E- oo = Ef oo = o fq(so = o fo6o = o =o(5o If Go I =oGo = oloGo o looo = oaoo(, oa Go = o fo6(, = o fqoo = o fooo = o fooo = o fo6o = o fo6ID = Ne? N o- c>6B 60cooocc EEo6.EoaEoo9o()o Nqo Nqo @qoN oco aqo tqo @oqt (o oqt N o\N o\N u?oN q F. qt. oq\t @o qo ooo ooo @co Nq N EoEooo(L =t EoQo!EO>F 3Eg) a[ofcouJ6o EoEooo(! t Eo Eooo(L t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eoo)o(L =t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =d o!u Eoluo .L =tr Eo Eoo)o .L =t Eo Eooo(! =t oo Eo(,o(r =t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(r t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo) E!l)oo(L =d Eo Eooo(L =t Eo, Eooo(L =d Eo) EIDoo(L =d Eo) E6)oo(L d. Eo Eooo(L =t po Eooo(L t $oN\f \fo llIl tl ll oooo ooEuJ *oNt $o t oN\t $o $oN\t \to $oNr+ to \toNs*o *oN$ 3o :toN$ $o $oNs $o $oN$ rfo toNt to $oNrf to oN rto soN\t o $oNr+ \'o toNt to $oN<t $o toNt to $oNt to $oN\f {'o $oN\f \fo toN* \to o 6 g oo i5 6 =o aE6J+ o ool(L 6oEo(9 J oaooaL6oCo(, oE(!) Eoooo)L oGoEoo coo o ooELu o olood. dl (5 (E 3o iiE([J o oo =(L Eoco)o JL() o oo l.L6oco(9 aE6J coooooftr o6aEoo Eo'o Eo oocL o 6ot 63o iiE6J o od f(L Eo)Cq)o)L() oooo fo- EoEo)(, o E(,J Coo oo:L oooEoo c .!9o o Ioc LrJ o 6 os oo i5 6 =$ it EoJt o oo)(L 6oco(9 JL oaoo L EoCo(,oo EoJ Eoo ooltr oooEoo co'o Eiu goc r,rJ o o doE co o = (E Bs ii E(!Jt o oo)(! Eocoo JL oooo fo6oEoo o E(!J coo oo)L o(!oEoo c(,o o o(,CUJ o (,ot (, B{. ii E(!)t o oo l(r Eoco(9)lJ- o oo f(! Eogo(9 o E6J coo oo)u o(!oEoo Eoo o o(,E!J o 6 s o .go o (, =o ii E(s) o oo-.L Eocoo)r oaoo ft!6oco(9 o E6J Eoo oolL oGoEoo goo o oocUJ o oaoot dl G =o (!;o 6- E6J oaoef(! Eoco(9 JI o oo =(! 6oEo(9 o E(5) coooEo =r o(!oEoo co)o o ooEuJ o 6ot a (! 3o ii E6J o oo =(L Eoco(9 JI o oo f(r E oEoo o EoJ coo oofI oooEoo Eoo o ooEut o 6 s o .9o o (5 3o ii E(E) oqoo =(! Eocoo)I o oo frL6 ruco(9 o E6) EooooolI o(,oEo cooEo oocJJ o oaooE. d) o (E 3o ii E(!)t o oo I(! Eocoo)L o oo f(! 6oEoo o E(EJ coo oo =L oooEo co'o o ooct! o (5ot o G =o ii E(,J+ oooo f(L Eocoo Jr! o oo f(L Eocoo o EGJ Eoo oolL oooEoo co'o o oocIJJ e G E oo i5 o (! =oN ii EGJt o oo f(! EoEo(, Jl! ()ooo f(L Eoco(,qo E6) Eoo oolI oooEo co'o o PocuJ o ofqod. d) 6 = 6;oN ii EG)t oooo l(L EoEo(, Jlr oooo fIL EoCo(, o EoJ coo oo:I o6oEoo cooEo PocuJ o 6ot (E =oN ii EoJt o oo fc Eoc0)o)L o oo =(L Eoco(,oo E(!J coo oolI oGoEoO c .!Po o IocuJ o 6 E o Ei5 6;oii EGJt oooo =I Eocoo Jl! oqoo f(L Eoco(, o EoJ Coo oo:I o6oEoo c(,'6 o Po)EuJ o () fo()t c0 6 =o o,oii E(!Jt o oo Jo- Eocoo)lt oooo & Eoco(, o EGJ coo oolL oooEoo co'o o Ioc LIJ o Got 6 =oii EGJt o oo f(! Eocoo)II o oo f(L Goco(,oo E(!J Coo oofI oooEoo c.9oEo Poc LIJ o G E oo o 6;o .Eoo o oo)(! Eocoo JlJ- oaoo f(L Eoco(, o EGJ goo ooltr oooEoo co'6 Eo gocUJ o ofoot d) 6 = 6 =o 6.!oo o oo =(! Eoco(,)IL o oo lIL Eoco(, o EoJ Eoo oo:I o6oEoo cooEo Poc[J o 6ot 63o 6.!oo o oo f(! Eocoo JlJ- oqoo f(L Eoco(,oo EC'J Eoo ooltr oooEo Eo'o o Po)cuJ o 6 E oo o 6; 6.=oo o oo f.L EoEo)(, Jlr ab oN oO)Gq- N oq so;aotoa.o( N 6E s Eoo otII o GoE ot(t,s o oo =o(!o =otr .9(, uJ E) ocu.t o =oo- tr a! tr3o =.Yootr ob o6oB,Go- o fo6o = =clooc't Go Elo(Eo = oa 6o = olo6(, = E =(!(, = of 6o = o J oo = o lq6(, = o fq6o) = o f 6o) El 6o o l oo o lo6o = o foGo = Elo6() = Il (!o = EJ (!o = El oo = o =(!o = o l 6o = o fo6o = o-o6o = oqo C E aoc't 6 o o -g(, 6fcEotcoEoo.E o (9 o@oi ni Nqo Noot Nc? N Nqo Nqo @qoN o o oo6 Nq NN @ ciN @ c;N oq $N No a; No ai Nc!$N sqo $qo qoN u'l N ooEo)oo (L =t oocoEE.9 6fo6o oc oo o 0)cUJ ooEooo .L t EoEooo0 =t Eo)Eooo(! =t EoEooo(L t EoEooo(L =d Eo EodloI =d oo E() o)o(r =t Eo Eo)o)o(L =d Eo Eooo(L =t Eo) Eo(,o(! =t Eo Eooo(L =t E(, Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo(L =tr Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo .L =tr oo Eooo(L =d Eo Eo()o(L =d Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =d Eo Eooo(r =d Eo Eooo(! =t $oN $ $o o6oo oo ul oN{ \fo t oNt to s oN\' \to $oN$ \to $oNrt to $oNt $o $oN$ to toNt $o soNlf to $ oN$ $o soN$ $o $ oNs $o soN\t $o \t oN$ $o { oN{ o \toN\t {'o toN\t \fo tfoN$ to !toN$ rfo $oNt sfo toNt to o oofoot d) o = (! 3 .goa oooq f.L Eo)co(, o oo f(! EoEoo oEGJ coo ooatr o(5o Eoo Eo'o o ooc LrJ o 6ot 63 6'ao o ooa(L EocooJu oooo a1- 6ocoI oEoJ coo gol I o6o Eor.) g o)oEo) o ocul e 6 s oo).=o o3N .Eoa (,ooo f(! EoEo(9 JLa) o oo fL6oCo(,qoE(,J Coo oo =tr o(EoEoo E.oo o P(,c uJ o ofgot d) (! = 63 N E'ao o oo:(Ltocoo)L(l o oo f(L 6(,co(9 oE(!J coo oo!L oooEoo c.9o o ooE LrJ o 6ot at6B N g oo o oo f(L Eocoo)L() oooo f(L Eoc(,(, oE6J cooqooatr o6oEoo co'o o ooEuJ e 6 E oo).=o o (E =o 6'aa o ool(L Eoco(9 Jlr(! oooo f!! Eoco(9qo E6J Eoo Eo2I oooEoo goo o oocrlJ o olu-ood d) (! = o3o 6.=aa o oo f(! Eo,Eo(9 Jl!(, oooo)0- 6oco(, o EG) coo@ Eo) LL o6oEoo co)'6 Eo ooctrL o (E c)d (Eio .Eoa o oo-lr EogooJlLt) o oa f(L doEooqo E6J Eoo Eo =I oooEoo Co'6 Eo PoCt[ o 6 s o .9o a 6; $ .goa o oo f(! 6oEo(,)L() oooo l!-6oco0 o E(!J qoo oo =I o6aEo co6tso Poc UJ o (,loot dl (E o 63 $ .goa o oo (! 6oco(, JLt) o oo fIL6oco(,qo EGJ Coo oofI oooEoo co'6 o Po)E IJJ o 6od G =$ .goo o oo =.L 6oEoo Jr() o oo frL EoEoo o E(5J EI oo =tr oGoEoo co'6 Eo IoEul Q 6os oo.=o (, Bo .Eoa o oo =(L Eocoo Ju() o oo =o- EoEoooo E([J Eoo oofL o(!oEoo Eo'o o PoC!u o qofoot d) G lo Gio .goa oooo f(L E IDcoo JL() oooq)L 6ocoI o E6J cooqoo =I o(EoEo cootso P(,E!l o ood oBo G.=oa oooo f(L 6oco(, JI() (,ooo =IL6 ruEo(9 o E(!J coo ooftr o(!oEoO co'o Eo IoC UJ e 6oc o .go 6B6 .goo oooo lo- Eocoo JL() oaoo lo- Eoco(9 o EoJ Coo ooftr oGoEoo E.qo o oocL e olqot dl (! =a 6!o .goo o oo f(! Eocoo)L oaooa(! 6ocoo o E(,J cq)oaoo2tr o(,oEo() Eo'o o oocIu o 6()t 6;6 g'6.o o oo f(L Eocoo JL oooo l0-6o o(9 o Eo) Eoo oo2I oooEoo coo o ooEuJ o 6 s oo o 6;o g'ao ooool(L Eoc0)o)L o oo 5(L 6oco(9 o E6J coo oo:L o(!oEoo co'o o ooEuJ e oofoot (ll 6 = 63o 6 oo o oolI Eoaoo JL ooooa!L6oc6)., o E6J coo oo =I o6oEoo Coo o oocUJ o 6ot 63o 6'ao o oo l(r EocooJlr- ooooaL6oc0)(, oo E6J c(,o oo)tr o6oEoO co'o o oocul o 6 E o(,.=o (E =oN 6'ao oqoo f(! Eoco(9 JTL o oo l(L Eoco() oq E6) coooEoftr o6q Eooco'6 o gocuJ o oofootr co o = 6 =oN 6.=oa o oq a.L 6ocoo JI N oE $o; Gotoaoq No{ +o oo aoEl! oI Go = o IE =o oo =ooo =(,tr .9t)E UJ E) otr IJJ oioo.c (E tr5o =.Yoot oo ooo.',G0- NoE $o;aatoa.oc o f oo) --C) oc't(!a El 6o = o) oo = o =(!o o a 6o = El 6o = Ea oo = o f 6o = o l Go = El oo = El 6o Il 6o = Ef 6o = o f oo If 6o = El 6o = El (!o = o f 6o = El 6o = oa 6o = o l 6o = o f 6o q N Ec h=E5caoocc EEo6.EoaEp8(ro oqoo @q NN (ocNN Nqo oo @N o(oN q o @N oN o s N.toN NaoN oao tq $N rfq$N N\N asN a N @q N ooqoN oq N ooEooo (L =t Eo oEg .9 -6lo6o oc 6o ooc LrJ EoEooo(L =d EoEooo(L d. EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(r d EoEooo(! =d €oEooo(L =d EoEooo(L t Do)Eooo(L =t EoErl)rl)o(L =i EoEooo(! =tr EoEooo(L =d EoEooo(L =d EoEooo(! =d !oEoo)o(L =t EoE(,(,o(L =n EoEo)o)o(r =n E(, Eooo(! =t E(, E(,oo(L =t o(, Eo(,o(I =t !oEorl)o(L =t EoEooo(L =t $oN $*o o6oo Eoo IJ @oNoo o @ oNoo o oN ${o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o $ oNt {'o rt oNt \to t oNt \to \t oNif{o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o t oN\t $o @ oNoo o (o oNoo o \t oN\t o rf oN{ o \t oN**o \t oN* \to * oN* o t oN\t o t oN**o o 6otr 6;oN 6.=oa o oo-(L Eoco(9 JI aqoo f(L Eocoo o E(5J coo oo =u ooo Eo E()o o ooc lJJ o 6 E oo).=o p o3 N E'ao o oq f(L EocooJL oooo a(L E o)co)(9 oEoJ coo Eof L o6oEoo c.9o o o oc uJ e o)fgot c0 6 =4' G3 N E'aa o oo f(L 6ocooJL o oo)0-6ogoo oEoJ Eoo oo2I oooEoocIoEo PoEU o 6oE 6; N .Eoo o ool(L Eoco(9)I oooo f(L E c)coo oE(oJ coo ooltr oooEoo co'6 o Po)ct! o JE E oo o a 6;NN .Eoo o oo f(! 6oCooJua! o oa-(L 6 o)EluoooE6J Eoo oolL o C'oEoo Co)o o oocuJ e oo-oo)d d) r! = 6;NN .goo o oa (! Eocoo)r o oo =IL 6 o)Eo)I oE6J coo EofI oGoEo co6Eo o oc uJ I ood t4 o;NN Eoo o oo f(! EoCoo)La) o oo =IL6(,co(9 oE6J coo EofL o6oEoC) co'6 Eo o ruc I.IJ o 6 s o .go (E 3oN g oa o oo f(L EoEo(9 JL() o oo f(L EoEoo oEo) coo EofL o6oEoo co'6 Eo ooE LrJ o qolqot dt (5 = (E 3oN g oo o oo l(L E o,co(9 JL() o o =(L 6oco() oE6) co oolL 6oEoo Eo'o Eo ooc uJ o oot a (, 3oN goo o ool(L EoEo(9 Ju() oaoq f!L6oco(9 oE6J Coo EofI o6aEoo Eo6Eo ooc LU o 6 s o .eo 63$N g'6. U) o oo =(L 6oco(.))L() oooq =(L E o)coo oEoJ co)o IofI o6oEo coo o ooc uJ e oofoo)t o G = !r, 63tN E'ao o oo f.L EoCooJL() o G s oo.=o o3oN g'ao o oq-(L Eocoo oooo f(L 6(,co(9 oE6) c(,ooIo =L o(5oEoo cooEo o 6oE. 6;$N E'ao o oq =(! Eocoo o oq fIL6oco)(9 oE6J co)o oofI o(EoEoo Eo,oEo ooc uJ a oq)fgot d) o = 6 =oN E'6_ U) o oo)(L Eoco(9 JIa) oooo =(L 6(,c(,o oE6J coo EofI o(5oEoo EooEo ooc!J o o(,x. o3oN g'6.o o oo =(r EoEo(9 JLll o oo f(L 6ocoo oE6J coo Eofu oGoEoo qo'oEo ooE LrJ o 6 E oo.!o a 63 N g'ao o oo ftL Eoco(9 Jr() il)ooo =IL6oco(9 oE6J cooo Eo =I o6oEot) co6Eo o ruc u.I o o) =oot co (E = (E; @N .goU' o oo l(L EoCo(, JL() oqoo f(L 6oc0,(9 oE6J cooqIo =I o6oEoo co'6 Eo ooc uJ o 6oi a oB @N goU' o ool(L EoEo(9 Jua) o oo fIL6(,co, 19ooE6J cooqIo =I o6oEon co6Eo ooc uJ o 6 s o .go o (! =NN g oa o oo f(L EoEo(9 JL() oooo =L6 o)co)(9ooEoJ coo Io =L o6oEoo c .oo o ooc uJ o olooE. d) (5 a G =NN g'aa o ool(L E o,Eo(9 Jra) o oo a(L Eoco(9 oE6J coo oo5tr o5q Eo(.) c.9oEo oocuJ o oot o G =rN g oa o oo f(L Eocoo)L() N Ge\o oo.t otui EIq Go = oEGs o oo oGo =(,c .co IU C')oc UJ o3oo- tr(! c3o =.Yoot ob oo oEG0- Noe +o; Gatoa.oq o =a6o =El oE't (E U) o fo(,o) = o fo6o o f oo = o =Go = oa Go o) 6o o =Go = o I 6o = o f 6o = If 6o Efq6o = olo(E(, = olo(5o = o f (!o = o fo(!o = o f (!o = o lo(5 o) o fo(,(, Efq(s(, E =o6o = Elooo = rqc o Ec E5E5cqoocc EEoa.EooEob9o(ro oa?oN oc? N oqo Noq NN N@niN ooa; No(o No(o NqoN @c! NN oc! NN c!oN o\ N o\ N oaoN Nq N Nc! N @o$ t':$':q N ooEoq)o (L =t EocoEE.o 6 =ll6o oc 6o ooc IJJ EoEooo IL =E EoEooo(L =t EoEoooI =n EoE0)ooI =t EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(r =tr ooEo)o)o(L =d EoEoooe =d EoEooo o- =d EoEq) ruo(! =x. EoEooo o- =t EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(L =t Eo)Eooo (L t Eo)Eooo IL =t ooEooo(! =t Ed,E(,oo(! =d E() Eooo(r =t EoE1l)o)o .L =d EoEooo(r =t \t oN <f{o o6oo oo IJJ $oN$ $o $oN\t $o $ oNrt*o t oN$ to 3 oN3*o $ oN $ o t oN$ rto * oN{ sto toNt \to rt oN$ \to tt oN!t o toN t :fo :t oN\f to \t oN* $o toN\' so $oN\t $o toN$ o toNt to toN$ to \' oN \t Io \t oN{ o o 6qs olu.=o aE6 =oN .goa oooo l(L Eoco(, JI o oo =(L EoEoo o E(!J Eooqool tL o6o Eoo cru'6 o Pocl,tJ o oolgotr d! (! = oB 6N g'do o,oool(L EoEo(,)lJ- o oo lt!6oco(9 oE6J coo oof L oGo Eoo c .q)o o o 0)EuJ o 6ot 6 =@N 6'ao oooo =I E !Ucoo)u o oo l(L Eoco(9 oE6) coo oof L o6o Eoo coo o o c,c uJ e 6 E oo.=o 6;oN 6.!oa ooooa(L EoEo(9 JI @ oo f(L 6oco(9 ooE6J cooooofL o6o Eo(_) cooEo o oE IJJ e o!u =olud dt o = t63oN G.:oa o ooaL Eoco(, JIa! o oo f(L EoEo(,qoE(gJ coooooltr ooo Eoo CooEo IocuJ o ood o3oN .Eoo o oo =IL EoCo(, JLa) o oo =(L EoCo(, oE6J coo ooltr o6o Eoo Co'6 Eo goc r,rJ o 6 s oo.!o o3o .goo (, oo (! Elucq)oJua1 o oo f(L Eoco(, oEoJ Eoo oof l! o6o Eoo E(,oEo Poc LrJ Q ofgod dt G = G =o .goo o oo (! Eoco(9 JLa) oooo =(L EocooooEGJ cooooofr oGo Eoo CooEo ooc[! o Got G3o .goo o ool(! EoEo(9)Ia) o oo)(L Eoco(, oEoJ Eoo@oofI o6o Eoo cooEo ooc UJ o 6 E oo.=o G Boo .Eoa oaoo =(! Eoco(9 JLa1 oooo lIL6oco(, aE6J coo oo2I o6o Eoo EooEo o q,c LIJ o oofooi d) 6 =I 6 =o 6.!o U> oooo =o- EoEo(9 JL @ oo f(L 6oc(,(9qoEoJ coo ool L o(!o Eoo coo o o ocIIJ o 6ot 6]oo 6.=oa oqoo =(L EoEooJl! @ oo l(r 6oEo(9 oEoJ coo ooftr o(!o Eoo c .q,o o o ocuJ o 6 E oo.=o 6 =o 6'ao o oo fIL Eocoo)u o oo f(L 6 o)co)(9 oo E6J qoo oo-L oGo Eoo E.9o o o o LrJ o oluot dt 6 = 6; o goo o oo =(L 6 ocoo)u @ooo lrL6oco(9 ooE6J coo o)of L o(,o Eoo c.oo o o oc IIJ o 6ot 6; o 6'ao oooo =(L EoEo(9)Ia1 a oo f(r 6oEo(9 oEo) Eoo ooftr o(!o Eoo c.oo o o o uJ e 6 E oo.=o 6;No E'ao o ool(L E oco(9 JL oqoo f.L6 o)co(9 oo E6J cooo Eo-u oGo EoO c .!Po o o og!J o ol6ot dl o =6 6 =No 6'ao C)oool(L Eruco(,)L aooo fl! EocooooEoJ coo Io =L o(!o Eoo c.oo o o o)EuJ o 6og. q (5 =No Eoo ooool(L E oco(, JL o oo a(! 6ocoo o E6) goo Eo =u ooo Eoo c.oo o o ru uJ e 6oc oo.=o ot6;t E'ao o oo l(L Eoco(, Ju o oo f(r 6oco() o EG) coo Eo =L ooo Eoo c .!9o o o()cuJ o (,loo,d dl 6 ofr6;t Eoo o) oo l(L Eocoo)u o oo lL 6oco(9 o E(!J goo Eo =I o6o Eoo c .tuoEo o oc I,IJ o 6ot t6;s Eoo o oo f(L 6 ocooJL 0qoo f.L6()co(9 oo E(!J Cooo Eof L oGo Eoo E.ooEo o o uJ o 6oC oo E 6;o g'ao ooooaI Eq)Eoo)u Noe\6 oo ooEur o:q Go = o.c(Es o oo =oGo =oc .go ul ED otrIIJ o3ooc'6 c =o =.Yoot oh o oE,Gq. o f(,o = o) 6o = of 6o = ol 6o = El 6o = El 6o = ofq6o = o =q6o qoN q N u? N o aiN o riN o riN o\NN o\NN EoEooo .L =d Eo)Eq)oo .L =d Eo)Eooo .L =d EoEooo(L =t ooEooor! =t o(, Eooo(L =E EoEooo(L =t EoEooo .L =d o oNoo o @ oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o oqoo f(L EoEoo oE(EJ il)o.oooq F E tJJ E .s,) gooEo ooEuJ o 6 c oo o 6 =o iD oo f(L E0)cq)(9 ouJ o oo)!r6ogo(9 oE(!J Q)oIooCF EuJ E 9)J Eo6Eo ooE lrJ o oarotr dl 6 = 6 =o ai oo f(L EocooouJ oqoo fIL Eq,Eo(9 oE(5J o,1C.oooc E LIJ c ,9,J co'6 Eo oocul o 6ot ll 63o o oo fo- EruEo)(9 ouJ o oo f(L 6 q)C()(9ooE(5) o,o.9ooc E UJ c .s,J c.ooEo ooE u.t o 6 s o Ei5 6 =oo o oo fI EoCo)(,olrJ oooo fIL 6oco)(9ooE6J o)o.9ooE --E UJ c .g)J c .oo o ooc u.I o olgod co 6 =o 6Boo ai oo f(! 6 !uco)oouJ o oo lo- 6oco(9 oE6)oE,9ooc€=Eul c .g)J c .oo o Poc uJ o oot o 63qo oooo f(L 6oCo(,o l,lJ o oo l(! 6oco(9 oE6JoE.oooc EuJ t .9)J co'o o gocuJ e Gos oo.=o 6 = o) oo =(L 6ocooo tJJ (E oco(, oE6Joo.oooE EuJ E .9)J co'6 o ooc UJ o oofoot o 6 = G = iri oo =(I Eocooo tJJ l! Eopootr N oE $o;aotoa.oc ootoa4 IoEo(c o f (,o = =cf oc.; 6o Ef 6o = oa oo = o lo6(, = o =6o) = o Go = o f Go = ol(,o ol (!o = ol(to = ol (uo = of 6o of (!o = o fo(,o = @c!o Ec E=65coooCE9eo6.EooE ET(9(l) @c!o oa? @ c! N c! N F.qo t-c Nq @q$ *r t.:oc!tf qo qo Eo Eoo)o.L =E ooE() E Eovo =l26o qoc'= 6o oocul E6) Eooo (L =E. EoEooo (L =t !oEooo .L =d EoEooo .L t EoEoooL =t EoEooo o- =t EoEoooc t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(! =E. EoEo0)o(L n EoEooo(! d poEooo(r t ooE(,ooc =E oNrf to o(!oo oo uJ $oNrf $o s oNs $o t oN{ to { oNrt :to s oN $ !to \t oN$ to $ oNt to t oN t $o $ oN $ $o * oN $ $o * oN$ o \t oNs $o \' oNs $o Goao(, ao EoJ cooaooltr o6o Eo(J cooEo) o oaoot 6 6 = 6 =o E'do o oo f(! Eoco)(, oooo fc_ 6oco9 o E6J Eo)ooEo =I o6o Eo cootso PocuJ o 6(,t o (E;o 6'aa (,ooo f(L Eogo(9 JI ooooaIL 6oEo)(, qo E6J Cq)o o o2L ooo Eoo Eoo o oocUJ o 6qc oI i5 a (5 3(o .Eoo oqoo =(! Ec)cooJIL @ oo l(L 6 o)coo o E(!J coo Eo =L o6d Eoo co'o Eo o oEUJ o ofood co G = 63 @ soo o oq f(! EocooJu oooo f(! Eocoooo E6) coo Eo =L o6o Eoo co'6 o o oc uJ o ([ot o; @ 6'aa o oo f(L 6ocooJL o oo lL6oEo(, oo EoJ coo oo:I oooEoo coo o Poc I,IJ e oos oo.Eo ofr63N 6.:oa o) oo l(! Eoco(, Jl!a! o oo f(L 6ocoo o E6) Eoo oo:L oooEoo Eoo o o oE UJ o o =qo,t dt 6 =ofr(! 3N .goo oooo l(! Eocoo)l! oooo f(L E(,coo o EoJ coo oofI o(EoEoo Eoo o ooqu! o 6ot a 6!N .goo oaoo-(! EocooJlJ- o oa fIL6ocoo o EoJ coo ooftr oGoEoo cooEo ooc irJ o 6oE oo.=o 6B€ g'6.o o oq f(! Eoco(,)r o oo fIL6oco(, o E6J coo ooftr o(uoEoo co'6 Eo ooc[! o olgot (D 6 a 63o g'do o oo-(! EoCooJLt) ruooo f(L 6oco(, o E(!J coo ooftr oooEoo go'6Eo ooc UJ o 6od G;o .goo o oo =.L Eoco)(, JIa) oooq fr 6ococ o EGJ cooaoof I o(5oEoo co6Eo ooc UJ o Noc oI i5 (5 Bo .goo o oo)(! Eoco(, JLal oooo =L6oco(9 o E6J q o,o oolI oooEoo EooEo) oocul o o) =q o)tr c) 6 tll (,;o .Eoo o oo f(r Eoco,(, Jra! o oo)L6oco(, o EGJ coo oofI oooEoOcoo o oocul o 6 0,d lrl G3o .goo o oo f(! Eq)co,oJlJ-a) N oE +6 oo ooEui o Iq Go = o !o =o oo JoGo =oc.9(, ru aD octu o3oo- tr (E tr =o =--oot ?-cfooE'= 6a E =o6o = o fo(5o = ol 6o = o f Go = o f oo = o =(5o = El oo = El 6o = El 6o = o fooo = o l 6o = oa oc) = El 6o = o) Go = o foGo) = o l(!{) = o =q(,o = o qoo) = o fo(E() = o (,o = o: (!o = o lo(5o = E =oc'= (5 o.E ooo E =cq (E EEoEIo.g o(, o\NN @qNN ocNN oq NN Nc? N Na? N Na? N Fc? N Na? N Na N (oqoN @qoN (oqoN tqo $o?o tqo @q @N @o(oN @q @N 6 oio @ o @ oo Eo9g,t!o>Eo6 g) a!ofcoIIJ Eo EoEooo(L =t Eo)Eo)o)o(L =x. ooEooo(L =t EoEooo o- =tr Eo Eooo(L =tr Eo Eruoo(L tr Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(I =d oo Eooo(! =d Eo Eoluo(L =d Eo Eooo(L =e Eo Eooo(! =d Eo Eooo(L =d Eo Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo o- =t Eo Eooo(L =t E(, E(,oo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t o) 6oo oo tr, @ oNoo o o oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNo o o oo =0-6oco(, oEoJoooooc !- EuJ cs)J cooEo ooc[J o 6ot 6 = ai oo =(r EoEo(, ouJ o oo l(L 6ocoo oE6)oo.9ooq EuJ E.s,) co'o o oog uJ e 6 g oo.=o 63N a, oo f.L EoEo(,otu o ooa(! GoEoo o E6) o)E.9oocE.E lrJ E.s,)co)'6 Eo ooEt! o oo)food cl 6 =lo 63N iri ool(L 6oEo(9otiJ 0,ooo =!L6 o,co o E(EJoooooC /_ E UJ Eg,J cooEo ooct! o 6ot o 63N id ool(L EluEo)(,ouJ oooo fIL Eocooqo E(!Joo,9ooE Eu.I t .q)J c .ooEo Po)c uJ o 6oC oo o 63o ai ool(! 6ogooo!.J oooo =(L Eocoo o E(EJoo.oooC E u.J g .s)J c.ooEo PoEUJ o ofqot co G = 6Bo ai oo f(r Eoco(9o I.IJ oooo L Eococ o E(!Joo9ooc EIJ E9)J coo o ooC JJ o ood 6;o q)ooo f(L 6 o)Eo(9ouJ q)ooo =IL EoEo(9 o E(5J(,o.oooE Ell,l s.s,J co,o o o(,EuJ e 6 s o E5 6c.ooop CEo.a Eoo G3o o oo)L6oco(9ot! o oo-(L Gocoo o E(5J 0)E.9ooE EuJ t .9)J co'o o o()ELll e ofoot dl o = 6c.ooo.=pcEo.f Eoo o3o CJooo =(L Eoco(9ouJ o oo)(L Eocoo o E6) o)!.oooc .E uJ E.s)J Eo'o q) Po)E IJJ e 6od Ec.ooo).=pcEo.l Eo,o t63o 6ooo f(L E o,co)(9ouJ oooo fIL Eoco(9 o E6Joooooq EU gq)) co6Eo Pocul o 6 E oo.=o GBtt ai oo f(! Eocooo LrJ o oo L EoCoo q E6Joo.9ooc EIIJ E.s)J co'o o ooCuJ o o =qot co (! = o]* U oo f(! Eoco(9o[! o) oo f(L Eoco(9 ao. E(5J(,E.9ooc EuJ s .9)J cq)'6 Eq, Ioc IJJ o oot 6;rt ai ool(I 6oco(,otIJ oooo:(L Eoqo(9 o E6JoE.9ooc E LrJ E .q)) co'o Eo ooC IJJ o 6 E oo.=o frGBo o oo fo- EoEooouJ oooo 0- 6oCo() o E6JooIooC EIIJ Es,J coo o ooCul o @!l) =god o o = 6 =a (,ooo =o- E o)Eo(9ouJ o oo f(L G()Eo)o o E6J 0)E.oooE EuJ .9)J cd)o o Pocu! o (,od tsG;o oooo =o- E o)Eo)(9ouJ o oo =(L Eocoo o EG)oE.9ooC= EuJ E .9)) coo o oocL o 6 s oo.!o ot6 =@ oooo =o- E o)Eo,(9oul oqoo)!! 6oco(9 o EoJooIooc Eul cg)J cooEo ooc UJ o o)food dl (, =o o3 @ q)ooo =o-6 o)Eo(9o[! o ooa(! 6oqo(9 o E6JoE.ooocE.E ul c.9,J cooEo oocL o 6 !l)t o o; @ q)ooo =(L 6 o)Eru(9ouJ o oef(L Eocoooo E6)oE.oooc .E uJ .9,) gooE6' oocL e 6 E oo,:o o 6;N o@oo-(L GoEo(,oul o oeft! Goco(, o E(,Joo,oooc EIrl E ,9,J co)oEo ooEuJ o ooloq)t trt (! = (! 3N oooo (L 6 oco(9ot! Goco(9 o EGJ !l)E.9ooE .E l,lJ E .9)) co'6 Eo oocuJ e Got o(! =t. idooo)(L Eoqo(9ouJ qs o oEtGq- N oq \o oaoEoo.oc NoE so oo aotlll e ao = o GI o oo =oGo =o .9o uJ E" otrlrJ 0, =oo-c .E tr =o =.Y(,ot ob o ooG0. N oE +o o Gotoa,oq =E =@oq't Go Ea 6o = o:oGo = Elo6o E)o6o o-o6o = o f oru oaq(!o = ol 6o = o fo(!o o foGo = o f (Eo = o f (Eo E =o(go o f 6o = o foGo = o foGo = E oa!o = Ef 6o = o =oGo = o aa6o = Efoo(, = ol (Eo = C EI o)E't G .9 ooo olcE(! EEo E Eo.Eo eo @aoo @Ioo @9@ o\N o\No o\F.o @a? @ @o? @ oq @ q <fo a.to o?to NcNN f..INN F-q F-N oq (o oq @ 6 (o N@,6 Nq 6 Nq 6 (o + Eq9.o:Ea)>EoE PGofeotIJ E(J !oEluluo .L =e. EoEooo (L =t E(, Eooo(L =t EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(L =d !oEooo(L d EoEil)oo(L =t Eru Eiuoo(L =t EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(! =t EoEoluo IL =d EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(! =d EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(! =d EoEooo .L =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(! tr o 6oo oots LrJ @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o o oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o oooo:(! E oCo(9 ooEoJoE.ooocF E u.J E .s,J co'6 o ooc uJ o G s ooo 63 @ ooo f(! Eoco(,o UJ oooo lIL6 oco(, oEoJoo9ooc EuJ EaJ c t9o o Iocul o ooaq 0,t to 6 = oB @ ti oo)(L 6oEooot! q)qoo f(L 6 o)cruoaoEGJoE.9ooCE EIU s .9)) EooEo ooEL o 6ot lrl63o (,ooo-(L E o)co(9ouJ o oo f(! EoCo(9 aE(!JoE.oooc EUJ E.s,J c(,'6 Eo oocL o 6oE o .go 63o oooo1(L Eoco(9ot! o oo f(r 6oco(9 oE6JoE.oooc =EuJ .s,J c.oo o o q)cL o ooaoot dl 6 = 63o hi oo lo Eoco(9ouJ o oo f(! 6oCo(, oE6JoE,oooc EuJ c ,9,J c.oo o oocuJ o 6ot G3o o ooa(! EoCo(,o!J o)oea(L 6 q)co(9 oE6JoE.eooc =E LrJ t.s,J c.9o o oocul o 6 :C oo.=o 6co oo,.=p E Eo.aEoo 6;N irt oo f(! Eruco)()ouJ o oo f(! Eoco(9 oE6)oE.oooE EuJ E.9,J c.oo o o lucuJ o oo)lgod d) o = Gco oo.=p E Eo.lEoo 63N id oo f(r Eoqooo!J 0) oo f(L 6oco(9 ooE6J o)E,9ooc EuJ c.9,J c .!uo () ooEIIJ o ood Gco oo.=pc Eo.lEoo o;N a, ooa(! EocooouJ o oo l(! Eoco(9 oE6J o)E.9ooE E ITJ c.s)) E.qo o ooqL o 6oE o .go 6;oN oooo)L EoCo)(,ouJ o oo fIEoco(9 aEGJoE.oooc =EuJ c.9,J co'6 Eo oocL o olgot d) o = 6;oN aiooo f(L Eocooo lL,l o oo fo- EoEo(, oEG)oE.9oocF EuJ E.9,J co'6 Eo oocL o 6oE (!BoN CJ oo =(L 6oco(9ot! oooo fL 6ocooooE(!Joo.oooq EuJ c .9)J Eo)oEo) oo L o 6 s oo.=o o (!3o C,ooo-(L 6oco(,ouJ o oo o- EoEoo oEoJoo.oooc= Euj E.s,J gooEo oocL o ofood d) o = a!3o iD oo a(L GoEo(,olrJ o oo (L Eo,cooooEG)oE.9oocE EUJ t.s,J cooEo oocL o 6()t t(, Bo iuooo =&6 lUco(9ot! o oo L 6(,c(,(9 qoEoJoo.9ooE= EuJ E .9)J Eo)oEru o(,EL o 6 s o .go {G3 @ inooo)(L 6ocq)(9oul oqoo (L EoEoo oEG)o€.9oo = EuJ s.s,J CooEo ooqL o oo)oq)t dt s =ot(, B(o oooo =(L 6 o)Eo(9o LrJ oqoo (L EoEoo oE(!JoE.oooc E!J E.q,J EooEo oocL o (, o)t uG3(o id oo l(L 6 o)Eo(9o UJ q) oo (L EoEoo oEGJoo.oo o,E EuJ s.9,J gooEo oocL e 6 s oo.:o nGBN in oo =(I 6 o)Elu(9o UJ oooo f(L Eoco(9 oE(!JoE.oo o)g EuJ E.s)J gooEo) ooqL o o)aood m G = G =Nii oo a(L 6oEo(,o UJ il)aoo (L Eocoo oE(,JoE.9o o)cF.E uJ s .9)) Co)oE(, o 0,EuJ o 6ot o o3 F. C,ooo f(L 6 o)co(9oul goElu(9 oE([JoE.9ooc .E ITJ .s)) co)'o o ooEl,lJ o 6 s oo.=o o (Eio C,ooo f(L 6oEo(9ot! N ot +o cog ooEul eS Go = o.C(Et o oo =oa!o =(Jtr .9o IJJ E') otrIIJ oioo- '6 c Jo =.Y(,ot oh ot otrG0- o looo = o f Go = oao(!o = o l oo = o looo = E) (5o = Efo(!o = Elo(5o = Ef@oC) = Ef oo o fo6o Ef 6o = o fo6!u = oqoo oaNt 0aN\t \No @o,.i\t @olN\t @q @o oaN\t oaNt @c2 o osNt 6aN$ Nc! @o EoEooo (L =d EoEooo(L =tr ooEooo(L =d. EoEooo(r =t EoEooo o- =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo IL =t EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(L =t !oE(,oo(L =t Eiu Eooo(r =t Eo Eo)ooG E oo Eooo(! =t v oN\' so toN\t{o $ oN o o $ oN{ $o s oN\t so t oN o o s oNrf*o * oNtt \to $ oN o o \t oN $ \fo oN!l \to \t oN o o :t oNt r+o E'6ooo oE6J coo ooftr o6o Eoo Eo'6 o ooc uJ o 6 c oE6 6B @N.o6Lo;63 EoooaJu-() Eoooo q E6) coooooftr o6o Eoo Eoi'o o ooc uJ o oofuoi (Il o = 6; @N-oN.o;63 Eoooa)lt-al ii'oooo o E6J Eooooo:I o6o Eoo Ec)oEo ooc tJJ o 6od t4 6;oNoryo >G =o tGoo)ooJL() i6'6ooo o EoJ Cooooo:L o6o Eoo coo o ooE LrJ o ooE oIi5 a 63 @oto 6i >63o a6ooo.aJI() E'6ooo a E6) EooqoofL o6o Eoo coo o ooc uJ o oloot dt (! = 6! @N-o si I6Eo iioooa)u() eG'o q)oU) o E(EJ gIooofI o6o Eo(.) oo o o o)c uJ o 6ot 63oN-o ni;6Eo tG'6 c)ao)ua) E.qoq)oU) o E(5J Eoo EofI o6o Eoo EooEo ooc uJ o 6 ;oEi5 E63 @N.oNsi;6Bo E'6 o)oo)u() e(!'oooo o E(,) goooIoltr o6o Eoo c0)o !l) oocuJ e ooaood co 6 = 63 @N.oN N >6Eo EooooJL() e6'oooU) o EGJ Cooo EolIL oGoEoo co'o Eo PocuJ e 6ot ltl 6] @6roN.i;6Eo a.(!ooooJu() i6'6ooa o E(!J Eoo Eolu- o6oEoo co'o Eo IocuJ o 6 s oll).=o o o =oo{oN ST >6Eo i.(tooooJI() 6'oooa o EG) Eoo EoaL oGoEoo Eo'o o Poc IJJ o ooloon dt 6 =u, o3ootoN N;6Eo e .GooooJu() E6'oooa o E(5J coo oo)L o6oEoo c.ooEo PocUI o 6ot o3oo{oN6i;6Bo EooooJI() E'oooa o E6) co)oooofu o(!oEoOc .!Po o oocuJ Q 6 E oo.:o a (E; c.lo- N. N;6B 6'6oooJL() 6 troEoot N oE $o; Gatoa.ot l:,'''1.,,'Elr l::::::,,:q 1....:.::.::O i-,i'::'t 1,,:.,:,:,,6i""at I i: ::I oa Go) o-o6o = o-(!o = I) (!o = o- 6o = o f oo = o f (E c) = o l (!o = o f (!o = o lqGo = o =6o = Ec E5E5cqooCE E=oo.gooEoo9d)oo @qs @qs @q\t @q $ (oq oqs oq $ oc!s 6c!$ oc,{$ oc!s [':....' ,,l,:":o l';."'o9lo:t.Eo I>E iG- I3Eip.[ ro f !:''::::,,:c o i ,:'::',uJ6 i,::.o i,.,:::,i,,::t,,i; EoEooo(L =t EoEo)o)o (L =t EoE(,oo I =t oru Eooo (L =t EoEooo(! =d EoEooo(L =d Eo)Eooo(r =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(r =d EoEooo(L =tr EoEooo o- =d o(5oo oo uJ @oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o o oo =(L 6oco(9 oEG)oE.9ooc E UJ E.9)) c.9oEo PocuJ o oa6ot dl (! =otG3@ id oo l(L E()co(, o uJ o oo f(L 6oco(, oEo)o!.9ooEF EIIJ E.9)J qo'o o o luEUJ o 6 ot 6;o o, oo f(L Eocooo uJ o oo fIL6oco(9 oEGJoo.oooc E UJc.g)J EooEo o ocuJ o 6oc oo,=o 6EoEogpc Eo.f Eoo 6]o ai oa =IL6oCo(9 ot! o oo f(! 6 oco(9 oE(!JoE.9ooc .E UJ E.s,) c.ooEo IoCUJ ofdot co (! EEo oo.:pE Eo.l EoU) ofrG3 @ ir, oo f(L foco(,ollJ a o oo f.L E oEoo oE(!JoE.9ooc =E u.J .9,J c.()oEo IoClrJ o oot 6E.9oo.=pc Eo.lEoo 6io inoooa(! 6ocooo LrJ o) oo:!L6 oEo)(9 oo E(!Joo9ooc E[J g,J qoo o oocU.l o 6 E oo 5 11, 63o o oo fo- Eocoooul ruooo lL6oEo(9 o E6JoE.9oocE E UJc .9)J coo o ooc uJ o o,:uot ao (5 = 6 =o dqoo f(L E(,co(9 ouJ o oo l(L 6oq o)(9 o E6)oE.oooc E UJc ,9,J c(,o o ooc uJ o 6ot 63o C' oo f(L E(,co(9 o UJ o oo fL6oEol,oo E6Jouoooc E UJcg,J EooEo ooc uJ e 6 c oo o 6Eo ogpq Eo1Eoo 63o a,ooo fIL 6oCo(, o UJ oooo l!L6oEo(, o E6J ruoIooE EuJ E .9)J Eo)o o ooc I,IJ oluot d) 6 6Eoaogpc Eo.lEoo 6 =o a,ooo,IL 6oco(9 oUl^ o ool(L E o)co(9 o E6Joo.oooc EUJ c .s,J Eo'6 o ooct! o Got Eco o .g =E Eo.fEoa 6 =o ili oo-(L EoEooouJ Noa\o GoI Iots UJ o qao = o Gs o oo =oGo = r.)tr .9o uJ E) otr IIJ oioo. tr.E tr o =.Yoot oa 6o =cl @oc'5oo o-q6o = o f Go = o: 6o = o lo6o = Ef oo) = o =(!o = o l (!o = ol (Eo = o f Go = ol (Eo = o f oo = oa (!o = o f oo = o l (5o = o a oo = o f (,o = o-(to = o l oo = oa Go = o f oo = o l (to = o l (!o = o) =o(,q) = o f Go = o f oo = o f (!o = o =(to = o =Go = o f (5o = No? rt E oE't6oo.E o()o (Elcc(, 6co)E Eo.goooo Nq $ @qoo oc? t oq $ ooqto @oqo\t @6ost @q(on 6j Nt 6aN\t \No oq N\t oq N\t \N6 oc!oo @qoo Naoo o\oo o\oo Na? N Nq N Nqo N6. 6 @qoN oa? 6 oa?o (oc(oN oqo oqo Eo Eooo(L t Eo9o!Et)>E6- 9EPisolEO!J6(-) Eo Eo)oo(L =t Eo Eoo)o(L =d EoE(,oo(r t EoEooo(r =t E(, Eooo o- =t EoEooo(! =d EoEooo lL =d EoEooo l! =d EoEooo(L =d EoEooo(r =t E0)Eoruo .L =d EoEooo(I =t EoEooo .L =t Eoeooo (L =t EoEooo(r =d EoEo()o .L =d EoEooo (L =t. ooEooo(! =d EoEooo(! =d EoEooo(! =d Eo)Eoluo tL =d EoEooo L =t EoEooo(! =tr EoEooo(! =tr EoEooo(r =t E{)Eooo(r =d Eo)Eooo(]. =d EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =t $oN$*o oooo ooEUJ \t oq o o $oNt \to oN$ \to toN o o rt oNrt o $oNt to rt oN o o $oN$ \to toN$ o toN o o toNt $o $oNs rfo $oN o o $oN!t rto toN$ to $oN o o rf oNrt*o toNlf \to $oN o o @oNoo o $oNt{o $oN t <fo $oN o o soNrf rfo $oN{ r+o oN o o $oN$ to soNs 3o $oN o o Eoo oo =L c.ooEo o o=oot d) 6 = (E =No- N6i;6Eo E6'6 ruo(n a.qooooqo E(,) cooaooatr o6oEoo Eo)o o oocl,u o (! 11)d tll 6 =No- Nni;6 = Eoooa JL() E.(!oo,oo o E6J coooEoltr oooEoo co'6 Eo oocuJ o 6oE o E i5 a 6 =oo- NryN;o =o 6'oooo Ju- a6o(1,oaoo E6J Eoo oolr o(!oeoo c.oo o P(,c[! o olgod dl 6 = 6 =oo- NN.N;6 tso i.goooo JI EGooooqo E(!) Eoooooatr o(!q Eoo Eo'o o ooClJl o 6ot a o =oo- No{N;63o E'6ooa)L Eoooo o E(!) coo oo:I o6o Eoo co'o o o ocu.,l o (! E oo E 63oN.oNsi;6 =o t6ooo-oJL P.qoooU)oo Eo) Eoo oo:L o6o Eoo Coo o o oE LrJ o ofoot d) (! =ttl o;oN.oN6t;G =o Eooo-o)l! E.qoooU' o Eo) Eoo ool I o6o Eoo goo o o oE LrJ o God 63oN.oN.N >o =o 6oooo)l! E(!'ooo- U) o EC')coo ool L o6o Eoo Eoo o o oE LrJ o o s o E5 a o3oN-oN.o;G =o E'6ooo)l! io'o 0,oU'oo E6J cooo Eoftr o6o Eo(J co'6 Eo o c,cuJ o q o)fgon dt (5 =q, 6 =oN.ooto;oEo EoooU)JtL t6'oo6-o o E6) cI Eo)tr oGo Eoo Eo'6 Eo ooE LrJ o Gotr 6 BoN.oryo;6Bo EooooJtL i(['o lt)o.U)oo E6J coooIoltr ooo Eoo c.ooEo o c)cuJ o 6 oE oIE o 6 =c{o-o{;GBo i.gooo(n JL E'6ooa o E6J cooq Eoftr ooo Eoo c.9o o ooctJJ o oo1uot dt (E = o3No-o d;6 =o a.6ooooJtL E. .goooooo EoJcoo oof L o6o Eoo co'6 o o oEuJ o Gq) d q, 63No-o tf >6 =o a.qoooo)L E'6ooU' o E6J cooo Eol I o6o Eoo Eo'o L-o o octJJ o 6 E o E i5 6 =o$-oNd;o =o t.oooooJr E'oooo o E6)coo ool I o6o Eoo EooEo o oEuJ o oloot 6 G 6;o$_ @Nd;G =o E'oooo)tl- E .(5oooU) o E(5) Ell)ooIogL o6o Eoo Eoo o o ocuJ o oon !\ 6;ot- @No;G =o 6'o()aoJTL Eooo(!) o E(s) cooooof I o6o Eo() c(,o o o ocuJ o (5qs oo i5 6;No-oN @;6 =o E.6oooa)l! Eooao o E(!J coo oo:L o6o Eoo Eo'o o o ocul o oagot d) o = 6;No-oN @;6 = a6ooooJl! e.qoooo o EG)cooooof I o6o Eoo cooEo o ocuJ o (! lud t4 6!No-nN @;6 =o tGooaU)Jlr e.qoooo o EGJ coo oof I o6o Eoo cooEo o oE LrJ o 6 s oo i5 (E; go(!oEc(!o Eoooo)l! e .(5oluoU)oo E6J Eoooo of L o6o Eoo co)o o) o ocuJ o (,oE oo i5 (!;o En(!ooEGo i. GooooJl! i.(!o(,oU) o E(5) Eooooof I o6o Eo(_) cooEo o ocuJ o ofqq,t dt 6 = E(, B EoGEEE(5o t6'6oooJTL P(!'oooo o E6)coo ool I o6o Eoo Eoo o ooc LrJ o 6od a G;o EoooEg Go E'o o)oo)lt- 6'oooU) o E6J cooq Eo)I o6o Eoo goo o o ocuJ o 6 s oo.=o (E3 Eo(!oEg(!o E'oooo)u- a6'6 o)oU' o E6J cooo Eoa L o6o Eoo co'o Eo o oEUJ o o =qot dt 6 = Eo =\t Eo66Ec6(-) a .(EooooJL E6'6(,oaoo E6J Eooo Eoltr o6o Eoo co'6 Eo oocuJ o 6(,t (,3t E3(tooc6o EooooJlt- i6'6oo(t) o E6J cooq Eoftr oGo Eoo c .!9oEo Poc LrJ o 6 E oo).=o 6;o EoGoEc6o a.gooooJL 6'6ooa o E6J coo Eo =I ooo Eoo c.ooEo Pocul o olgot dl 6 = 6 =o Eo(5oEc6o EooooJL tooooa q E6)cooaooaL o6o Eoo E.qo o oocuJ o Got 63o idoooEE6o E.qooooJr ob ob oElGo. N oE $o; oatoo.oc Noq +6 soo.: ottll e qeo = o !oI o oo =o(!o =(,c.c(, l! E') otr UJ oi0o. tr'6 tr =o =.loot o f (!o =c aoE'too o =6c) oa Go o l (!o = E q6o = o f oo = o)aoo = o fo(Eo = o f (!o) = oa(!o = o l oo = o =oGo = oa 6o = o f 6o = o l (Uo = Efaoo = E =q5o = Efooo = E)ooo = E =ooo = o fooo = o fo([o = Ela(5o = o fo(!o = o f (!o = o f (!o = o f (!o = o lo(!o = o foGo = oa (5o = oc! 6- E=E5cooocc EEQO.EoOEoo9o(ro qo @o c?oN q N q N @q NN @.q @ ea@ NC? N Nqo Nqo Na? N Nqs Nqo @qoN oa?o oa?o \tqo @q $ @q ool:tN F.u? @ F.u? @ N c-\1$N :fIo q @ u? ON o N u? N Eo Eooo(L =t Eoco E E.9 -gao6o oC 6a oocuJ Eo Eooo(! t Eo Eooo(L =d Eo Eooo (L =d EoEooo I =E !oEooo (}. =E. EoE(,o)o (L =i EoEooo (L d EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(! =d ooEooo (L =t EoEooo(! =t DoEo)oo (L =d EoEooolr t Eo)Eo)oo (L =E EoEooo (L =t EoEooot! =t Ec)Eo)oo (L =t E(, E(,(,oc =t EoEooo I =E. EoEooo o- =t EoEoooo =t EoEo)oo (L =t EoEooo(! =t EoEod)o(r =t EoE(,0,o o- =E. ooEq)oo o- E. EoEooo o, =t Eo)Eoil)o o- =t EoEoooo =t soNrf {.o o)6oq, oo uJ $oN$ \to rl oN o o $oN$ so oNt $o toN o o :f oNt o \t oN$ to \t oN o o $ oN\t tto {oNt to *oN o o \t oN$ to \t oN$ $o toN o o \t oN \to \' oNtl rto \' oN o o $oNt{o voNrt*o \t oN o o l'oN tf \'o toNt $o :f oN o o \t oN$ \to toN$ rfo rt oN o o soN$\'o {oNt to $oN o o 6'6ooo o EG) cooooofI o6oEooco'6 Eo o G E oo i5 (E3o Eo6EEE(5o 6oo)oa Eoooa o E(!J qoo oo-I o(!oEoo c .c,oE(, ooEuJ o o =q o)n d! 6 = 6;o Eoso!c6o i6'o ruoU))u() E'6ooo o E6) Eoo Eo =tr o6oEoo EooEo oogul o 6on 63o hio(5oocoo Eoooo JI t'oooooo Eo)coo@oo:L o6o Eoo Eoo o ooE!J o (! c oo.=o (!3ts ilioGEEc(5o 6oooa JlJ- i6oooU'qo E6J coo oo =tJ_ o6o Eoo c.ooEo oq,cuJ e ofgot co 6 = dBN E-soEE6o Eoooo JL E'oooa o EGJ coo@oolr oGo Eoo c .!PoEo ooCuJ o Got 6;N gosoEc6o E'oooo JL E. .ooq)oa o E6J co(, Eo =r ooo Eo() c .q)o o PocuJ e 6 E oo).=o t6 =o EoGoEcGo E.qoooo JL t.oo(,oa o E6) Eoo Eo =u ooo Eoo c.9o o P0,cuJ e o=uoE. d) G = s =o doGoEcGo E'ooooJL a .(Eo(,oa o E(5J goo Eo-L o(!o Eoo c.(,oEo P0,cuJ o (, 0)t G =o do(,oEcoo E .GooooJL Eoooa o EoJ gooaEof L ooo Eoo co'o Eo IocuJ o 6 s oo i5 o3o,Eo 6o EooooJI i.6oo)oo o E(!J Eoo Eo=tr ooo Eoo c .q)o o P0)E l,tJ o o =oot d) o =o o =o IEg Go Eooo(n Ju Eoq)oa o E(!) coo Eofu o(Eo Eoo E.ooEo IoEUJ o 6ot o]o !EI oo e(!'6(,oo)I io'oooo o E(!J Coo oolu oso Eoo c .!Po o PocuJ o 6 s oo i5 oB !EI oo E ooo JL a6'6ooa o E(!J qoo Eof L o(!o Eoo c.ooEo oocuJ o o =o(,t d) o = 6 =o utI 6o i.(,oooo JL E'6ooa o EG) Cooqoofr oGo Eoo E .tPoEo ooc LrJ o Got 6;o,cg Go Eoooo)L a6oq)oaqo E(!J qooooo =L ooo Eoo c.ooEo oocuJ o 6 s oc) i5 63t u!g 6o G'6ooo)L E'ooqo o EG) coo oofu o(!o Eoo c.ooEo ooctIJ o ofood. dt 6 = 6]\t !EI 6o Eoooo JL EoooU) o E6J coo o olL ooo Eoo Eo'o Eo oocuJ o Got 6;\f !EI 6o 6'oooo JL tGoooU)qo EGJ coo oofr ooo Eoo c .!qoEo oocuJ o G g o .go 63o !Eg 6o E'oooo JL i6oooa o EoJ E 8oool L o6o Eoo c.ooEo oocuJ o q) =r(,t d) 6 = 63o ucI 6o ii'6 o)oo JL E6oooU'oo E6J cooaoof I o6o Eoo c.ooEo oq)cuJ e 6()t. 63o !EI oo Eoq)oU) Ju 6oooa o EGJ coo oof L ooo Eoo c.ooEo oocu.I o 6 E oo i5 6i @ TcI 6o E'6ooo Jr EoooU) o EGJ coo@oof L oGo Eoo E.9oEo ooc I.JJ o ofoot d) 6 = 6;o !cg 6o Eoooo Ju aooooaao E(5J E 8ooo =L o6o Eoo c.ooEo) oq,EuJ o 6od 6 =@ uEI 6o i.ooooo JL 6oluoaqo E6J Eooqoof I ooo Eoo c .tuoEo oocuJ o G s oo).=o 6 =o uEI 6o EoooU))u 6oooooo EoJ Eoo oof L ooo Eoo Eo'o Eo ooE LrJ o ofdot co 6 = 6;o !Eg 6o E'6ooo)L EoooU) o EGJ coo oofu o6o Eoo Eo'o Eo ooctU o 6ot 6;o !EI 6o Eoooo JL a6oooa o E(!J Eoo oo)L oGo Eoo co'6 Eo oocul o 6 5 o0,.=o 6;oN!cI 6o 6'oooo JL Eoooo o E6J Eooq Eo =u ooo Eoo c .tuoEo ooc LrJ o o-goE d) o = 63oN!EI oo EG'ooo <t))u a6oooa o E(!J CoooEo =L o(!o Eoo C.ooEo oocuJ o 6oi o]oN !EI 6o a .(Eoooo JI ob o€ otrlGq. Noe +a;aatoa-oq N a{ so soo.I ootlu eI Go = o oI o oo foa!o =(,tr.9(, lr.t E' oc lrJ o3oo- .Eo tr =o =.YooE o Go = =c =oc'= 6a oa 6(, Il 6o o, Go = oa (5o o3 (!o = El 6o = E =o6o = I =6(, Ef 6o = Ef 6o Ef oo = El 6o El 6o Ef 6o El oo o l 6o Ef 6o) = I- 6(, = If oo = E)a6o = Ef Go = Efo6o = Il 6o = I)o6o = I- 6o = Iao6o = Ef oo) = E)o6o = o f Eo = Nqoo Ec 6Bl65coooEE EEQA.EooE@oPo(,o ou?oN q @N q $o @N @N o +o NaoN NaoN oaO qtN sqrtN t.\No a$N a*N oq No ooqoN @oqoN @cNN na@ oa@ @qoN oa?o oa?6 N\No 1\tN a\tN 6INo @oqoN ooqoN Eo Eooo(r tr EoEo Eco Glo(!o oc't GU) ooctu E(, Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(! =d Eo Eooo(! =d Eo Eooo (L t Eo Eooo (L =t ooEooo (L =t ooEooo(r =n EoE(,oo I =t EoEooo(! =d EoE(,oo (L =t EoEooo(! =t !oEooo o- =d EoE0)(,o (L =t EoEooo (L =d EoE(,oo (L =t EoEooo o- =e EoEooo (L =E. EoEooo& =E. EoE()oo (L =t ooEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t ooEooo (L =d EoEooo (L =d EoEooo o- =d EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(r =d Eq) Eooo o- =G EoEo)oo(! =t t1tt l(oI t5INi toI loI l5ittt o(!oo oo TIJ @ oNoo o $oN o o soN$ $o :t oN to rl oN o o @oNoo o ooNoo o $oNrt o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o toN$ so soN to $oN o o toN \t $o !t oN \t $o !t oN o o $oNt{o $oN\t o toN o o tl oN\' to toN <l so oN o o toNrf to tf oNt to $oN o o $oN\t +o $oN tf{o $oN o o aG'6 ooo o EG) Eoo oo:L o6oEoo co'o o o o C oo.=o (!3NNucI oo t6'6ooo e6'6ooa o E6J cooooollL o6oEo(-) Eoo lt) oocuJ o o)oo)t d) 6 6BNN!Eg Go E'oooa)L Eoooo o E(!) coo oo,u oGoEoo E.ooEo ooCt! o (! ot 63NN!tg 6o t.gooooJlr Eoooo o EGJ Coo ooftr oGaEoo c.ooEo IocuI o o C o .go (!; NucI oo e6'6ooU')L a.(!oooaoo E(5) co,oooo:L o6o Eoo co'6 o o o)ElrJ o oo =g o)t (I] o = (! BoN,cg Go 6'oooaJL Eooqaoo E6)coo ool tl- o6o Eoo cooEo ooE!J o 6ot 6BoN!EI oo 6o(,oo)L E6'6(,oo o E6) cooqoo =tl o6o Eoo Eo)o o o q)cl,lJ o 6 s oo.=o 6;\tN!tg 6o 6'ooooJI i6'6ooaqo EGJ coo oo =L oGo Eo(J Cll)'o o o oEl,lJ o oaoot d) o = 63tN!tg 6o 6'6oooJl! t6'6(,oooo E6J cooq Eof I ooo Eoo Eo)'o o o oEuJ o 6od 6 =tlN Isg 6o 6'ooooJl! E'6ooooo EGJ coooEo)r o6o Eoo Eo'o Eo o ocuJ o 6 s o(, i5 6 =@N !tI 6o a.(!ooooJl! a6'o(,oo o E6J coo Eof L oGo Eoo co'o o o !l)cl,lJ o ofooE. co 6 = 6;oN IEP 6o EooooJl! 6'oooo o EGJ Eoo Eofr o6o Eoo go'6 Eo o q)cuJ o oon 63oNItI 6o i.qoooo)lr t6'oooo o EoJ coooEofr ooo Eoo CooEo o oc LrJ o 6 s oo 6 6: @N,sg 6o Eoooo)l! t6'6oooao E6) cooq Eof I o6o Eo(J Eo)o o o ocuJ o ooloo)E. d) 6 = 63oN !Eg 6o E'oooo)lr 6'6oaooo Eo)coo ool L oGo Eoo CooEo o ocuJ o 6od 6;oN !EI 6o 6'6oooJlr t .(5o(,ooqo E6) cooqoolr oGo Eoo Ell)oElu o ocuJ o 6 s oo) 6 63NN!tg oo Eoooo)L EoooooCL E6)coo oo) tL o6o Eoo c(,oEo o oc!.I o ofr(, G d! 6 6;NNuEg (5o t6oo)ooJlr Eooao CL EoJcoo oo1lr o6o Eoo CooEo o oEl,Ll o 6ot 6BNN-Eg (Eo 6oooo)I e.go(noa o Eo)coo ooltr o6o Eoo CooEo o ocUJ o 6 s oo.=o 6 =o,Eg Go 6'ooooJI a .(5ooooqo. E6) coooool l! o6o Eoo Eo)oElt o ocuJ o rU)oo)t d! 6 lt 63o !Eg Go 6oooo)L e6'6 0)oaoo E6) Eoo oollr oGo Eoo EooEo o lUcuJ o 6od .1, 63o!cg Go Eoooo)l! Eoooo o. E6J coo oo)tr ooo Eoo CooEo o oc lJ.J o (5 E o E E 63 iriE(5 EEi5 E6oo)ooJlr e.qoooooo" EoJ Coo oo =lJ- o6o Eoo cooEo o oc I.JJ o olgot dt (! = o3 idoo EEi5 aooooo)I a(!'6ooooo. E6) coooool LL o6o Eoo co)oElu o ocuJ o 6od o o3 iljoG EEi5 Eoooo)L a.ooodo o" E6J Eoo oofr o6o Eoo CooEo oocI,IJ o o s o E i5 F63{ aioo EEi5 Eoooo)l! E.qooqo o. E6) Eoo ooltr oGo Eoo cooEo o oEuJ o olgot co o = 6 =s iDao EEi5 EooooJI Eooqa o E6)coo oof l! oGo Eoo gooEo o oc I.JJ o 6ot 6;* inEo EEE a6ooooJI 6'oooo o. EoJ coooooa TL o6o Eoo E0,oEo o ocuJ o (! E oI i5 o 6;o inoo EEi5 E.6oooo)lr aG'o ll)ao o Eo) coooEof lJ- o6o Eoo CooEo o oE LrJ o ofoot co o = G =o aioo EEi5 6oooo)L 6oooo o E6J coooEo =I o6o Eoo Eo)'6 Eo oocuJ e 6od o 63o ido(5 EE6 t6orUooJl! ob oN oBrGq. Nae +o; aotoa,ot N oE so oo aottu e ao = o (EI o ooL)oGo =(,tr.9o IIJ Potr LrJ o =oo tr(! tr o =.Yoot o) (!o = tl Itl Itl --cf oc't 6o E =o6o = o f 6o = o) (!o = Efooo = o fo6o = o f (!ru = o fo(to o fo(,o o) (Eo = olo(t 0) E) (Eo = o fo(!o ol (Eo = Ifo(,o = E =o(Eo o l (!o = El oq) = Efoo(, Elooo = E =ooo = Ef oo o fo(!o = Eaooo = o =ooo = o fqoo = o foGq, = o f oo = o o6o = oao(!o = N EcE>6E 63cqooCC EEoo.EoqE PEoo o\N o\N oa@N Nq N Nc! N ooq \fo @09ot @eorf o +n oc?ot C?orf o\oo \Na (oc!oo (oc\oo No o\€o o\oo @qoN oc@ oa?o {qo (oqs @oqt @qoN oco oco rto o, @o+ orl) Eoooo g. ootoEco 6lo(to oE'5(,(/) oocl,lJ Eo Eooo(L t oo) Eo)o)o(L =d Eo EoooI =t Eo Eooo(L =e Eo E(,oo(L =E. Eo Eooo(L =tr Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =tr Elu Eluoo IL =d Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eo{,o& =d. Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(r =d Eo Eooo(L =c. !lu Eoluo(L =tr Eo E(,(,o(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(I =d Eo Eooo(L =t Eo E(,oo IL =d Eo E(,ooL =t Eo EoooG =E Eo Eoooo =t Eo Eooo o- =t EoEoooL =t EoErl)oo .L t EoEooo(! =t !oEooo o- =d toN\t*o o 6oo oo t! t oNt to \t oN o o t oN o $oN$ so toN o o \toNt sto \toN\t \'o \toN o o {oN$ to \'oN$ !to $oN o o ooN o N *oNt rto \toN rlo \toN o o toN$ to toNI \to :loN o o \'oNs tto \'oN\t $o toN o o !f oNt to rtoN$ $o ttoN o o rtoN {o toNt{o $oN o o *oN:f $o \toN\'*o a.(!oooo oE(EJ coo oo =L ooo Eoo co'6 Eo o o E oo.=o (!3 @ oo6EE i5 E'6ooa E6'oooo oE6) cooooofL o(5o Eoo co'6 E() oocuJ o lufoo)t d! (, =o 6 =@ oo6E .Eo aoooooJL(l i6oooaoo E6J cq,o ooflL o6oEooc.ooEo ooct! o 6otr (!3(o aio(! E E i5 a .(EooooJL() Eo(,oo o EoJ coo oofL o(!oEoocooEo Pocul o 6 s oo.=o (!3oN C,o6E E i5 6'oooaJlr-() E'oooo o EC') EooooofL o(toEo() Co)oEo o o,E!!L o ofoo)t d) (t = tt, 6;oN o-6E .Eo i6oo)oo JL() a6oooooo E6J cooooo:L o(EoEoo E.ooEo oocul o 6ot 6;oN oo6E .Eo E'oooo Ju() Eoooo o E6J coo EolL oooEo(-) E .!PoEq) oq)cuJ o 6 s oo i5 6 =N in5GE .Eo E.qoooo JL EoooU) o EGJ coo ooaIL oGq Eoo E .!po o ooclrJ o oolood dt 6 = E6BoN idoGE E6 EG'o !uoo JI Eoooo o EGJ cooooolr oooEoo E .tuo o oocl,lJ o 6ot EG =oN id3(, E .Eo t(t'oooo JL t6'oooaoo EoJ Eoo oo =I oooEooc.ooEo oocuJ o 6oE oo.!o o(! 3*N ido(! E Ei5 Eooao Ju Eoooaoo EoJ Eoo oo =r oGoEoo c.9o o EocuJ o olood co o = GBrfN ipoGE Ei5 to'oq)oo JL 6'6 q)o U>oo E6) Eoo oo =r o6oEoo cq,'6 o oocuJ o Got (, =tN ido(, E E i5 (E'oooo JI E. Goooaoo EGJ goo oofr oooEoo E.9oEo oocuJ o 6 od (!;oN ato(! E .Eo (!'oooo JL E'6ooa o EGJ Coo oolL o6oEoo E .t9o q) o !l)cuJ e 6 s oll).=o t6 =(oN ido6E E6 E. .(5oooU' JI a6'6ooaoo EoJ Eoo oo =L oGoEoo co'o Eo oocUJ o olqot co 6 = 6] @N bioGE .Eo 6'oooo JL E'6ooa o E6J Eooooolr oGoEoo Eo'6 o ooctrJ o 6ot t(E B(oN ido(! E .Eo a.(,ooo(/,)I E.o'oooaoo EoJ Eooooo =I oooEoo c .q,oEo oq,EuJ o 6oE oo i5 6 =F.N ido(E E E6 EoooU' JL E6ooou) o E6J gooooofI o6oEooc.ooEq, oq,clrr o rulo() G d! 6 = 6; F.N ido6E .Eo i.qooott) Ju EoooU' o E(EJ Eoo Po)lr- oGoEooc.ooEo oocuJ o 6od Eo3NNtio(! E .Eo P.qooott) JL aG'oooooo EGJ qoo oolL o6oEoo E .t9o o oocuJ e GoE oo i5 (,3 irtooo E6'oooU' JI E'ooaooo E(!J cooooo-L o6oEoo co'o o oocuJ o ofgot d) o = GB ir,!.9o E.(,'oq)o(/, JL t(!'6()o U>oo E6J cooooofI oooEooc.oo o oocuJ o 6od q (! B idooo EoooU) JL 6'6 q)oo o E6J co,oooofL o(!oEooc.oo o o o,cuJ o 6 s oo o (! BN oooo (!'oooo)L E'o 8.o o EGJ cooooo tr o(EoEoo co'o o oocUJ o olo-ot dl 6 =o (,BN iri.oo(9 ifi,'oq,o U)Jl! a.(!ooo-o o EoJ coo ooJL oGoEoo co'o o oocuJ o 6ot o GBN irtooo }.o'o luoU)Jlr a.6oooo a E(!J coo oo tr o(!oEoo co'o o ooE LIJ o o s oo.=o o 6!s aiooo G'6ooaJlr a.qoo,oooo E(5J cooooo tr oooEoocoo o ooq!u o ofgot dl o = (!i\t biooo E'ooqa)l! E'ooo-oao E(,J cIooo tr o(toEoo qoo o o o)Cl,tl o 6ot a(t 3{ idoo(9 a .(soC)oaJlr t(!'6oo-o o EoJ Eoo oo:L oooEoO cooEo Ioglrt o 6 s oo.=o 6in inooo 6ooao Ju- E'oooo o EG)coo@oo2L o(toEoo Eo)o 0) Io)CIJI e oo =ro)t dl o = u6;o o,oo(9 Eooo.o JLL ob oa oOlGa- N oq io o Gotoo.ot N oE +o oo ooLltt es Go = o GI o oo =o(!o =o .g(, IIJ PotrIIJ o3oo- tr(! c Jo =.Ya,0d o f(,o = =El oc't(,o o =6o El Go = oa (oo = of 6o = EfoGo = Ef Go = E a(!o = o qoo = o f (Elu o 1 oo = o f oo = o f oo = o f Go = o l 6o = o f 6o = o f (!o = ola(Eo = o f oo = o f (5o = o a oo = o lo(!o = o l 6o = o fo6o = o fo6o = o f 6o = o l 6o o) 6o = o lo6o) I =6o = @oq\t E =aoE (! o o -9o 6=Ec6 EcoEoo.g oo to?o @oq $ aoq\t ocNN orq @ oa@ @qoN ooo oa?o oc!o oq*oc t.\No a\fN a\fN bq No ooqoN oo9oN oi Noo Noo q tfo (oN (oN oq NN oso na@ oIo @qo EoEooo (L =d Eo9.o!qA)>tr6- 3EparolcouJEo EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(]. =d EoEooo(L t Eo)E(,ooc =t ooEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =t Eo)Eooo(L =t ooEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =t !ru Eruoo o- =t EoEooo(L t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L t ooEc,oo(L t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =t !oEq)oo(L =t E(, E(,oo(L =t EoEo,q)o(L =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =t E(, Eooo(! =t Eo) Eooo o- =tr Eo) Eo)oo(L tr Eo Eooo(! =t Eo) Eooo(! =t Eo) Eo)o)o(L =d Eo Eooo(L =t $oN o o lltl tlt:,,::: Iti|l [;::;: : ::::::::] o (5oo ootsuJ rt oN$ $o s oN $ $o $ oN o o tf oN\' \to $oN* rto \toN o o \toN\t +o \toN\t \to toN o o rtoN\t \to $oNrf to !+ oN o o $oN* \to toN{ \to *oN o o $oNt \to \foN\f to {oN o o ttoN* {'o tloNrf rto $oN o o $oN$ to $oNrt rto q oN o o $oN* to $oN{ rto soN o o $oN$ so soNs $o e.6oo)oaoo E6J Eoo ooftr o(!o Eoo c.ooEo o 6ot 6 =o irio -9o E'6ooa)I ftoo)oooo E6J Eooq Eo2I ooo Eoo Eru'o o o oc!J o o E oo.=o G3eN tiooo Eoooa)l! E (E'6ooo o E(!J Coo oof L o(!o Eoo goo o o ocuJ o ofrot c0 6 =o 63oN (,oo (9 a.goluooJL Eoooaoo.E6J coo oo tr o(Eo Eoo co'6 Eo Iocul o 6od 6 =oN C'o -9(, e6'oooa)Ial E'ooooqoE6J cooooo:L o6o Eoo Eo'o o o o)c uJ o o =oo i5 GBo idooo E'oooo)l!a) i6oooo oEoJ c 8 EolI oGoEoOco'6 o ooc LrJ o o) =qot dl (5 = o =o ctoo(9 6'6oooJIa) EooooooE(!J coo o)o)u o(EoEoo EooEtU oocuJ o 6ot (! Bo nioo(9 E.qooooJL() ii'oooo oEG) Coo oo =L o(EoEoo Coo o oocuJ o o s oo i5 G3 IooEfo e.qooooJu() Eo'oooo oEG) Eooooo =L o(!oEoo Eo)'6 lU ooc uJ o ofgotr dl o = 63 IooElo E6'ooooJL() i.(!oooaooE(!) coo oo =u o(!oEoo co'o o IocLll o 6ot (,3 uooE-o i6'oooo Jl!(! eG'oooo oE6J coooo tr oGoEoo E .!po o P0)cUJ o 6 c o .go o = cooE fo Eoooa)lr(l a .(5oq)oaooE6) coooooltr o(5oEoo c.ooEo PoCul o oof6od c0 (, =o G3o LooEfo i6oooa Jl!() t(!'6ooaooE6) Eoooooftr 6oEoo c .!PoEo Pocul o 6ot o (! Bo uooEao 6oooo Jl!() E'ooooooE6) coooooltr o(5oEoo c.oo o Poc UJ o G E o .go G =\t UooE fo 6oooo Jl!() . .(Eooqa oE6J coooooatr o(!oEoo q .9o o Poc LIJ o oofrot (Il (! =a (! B\f uooE =o Eoooa Jl!(l E6'oooo oE6) coooooftr o(EoEoo E.oo o P0)c UJ o 6ot 63s Uoooao 6'6oqo Jl!() a6'6ooaooE6) coooo =tr o(5oEoo c.ooEo PocUI o (! o5 o .go o G =o UooEao iGoo)oo Jl!(J Eooou)ooE(E) coooooltr o(5oEoo Eo o Pocul o o)luon dl (E = (E Bo uooElo 6oooa Jl!() E .(Eoooa oE6J Eoo ooftr o(!oEoo Eo'o o ooclll o 6od (!io UooE =o Eoooo)l!() E6'ooqoooE6J Eooooo2I o6oEo(.) co'o o PoEtll o (! g o .go GBoNTooE fo tGoo)ooJlr() Eoooo oEo) Eoo oo:L oooEoo Eo'o o PoE!T o of6ot dl G = 6 =oN IooEao aGoooo)u-() t'6'o 0)ooqo E6J cooqoo:I o6oEoo c.oo o ooEut e 6od 6 =oN UooE =o a6ooooJtL(t a6oooooo E6J coo oolI oooEoo co'o o oog lJl o 6os oo.=o 6i @N UooE =o ii'6ooo Ju() toooooqo E6J coo EoaL o6oEoo Eo'o o oo t! o o =got co 6 =a 6B @N UooE fo E(E'6oo(n JL(l Eooooao E6J cooa EolI o6oEoOco'6 o o{,cIJI o 6oE 6; @Nuooo fo E.qoooU) Ju() a6oooo o EoJ cooa Eoltr o6oEo() Eo'6 Eo ooct! o 6 s o Ei5 o o =o Uooo fo Eoooo JL iooooo o E6J coo ool TL oooEoC) cooEo ooEuJ o o)fuod. ao 6 =o o =o Uooo =o E.(!oooo JL 6oooo o E6J coo Eoltr oooEoo qooEo oocIJI o (!otr 6 =oilooE lo i6-5()oo JI E'oooooo EoJ coo oofL oGoEoo gooEo PoEIU o 6 5 oo i5 6B Iooo ot E'oooo Ju E.qoooooo E(,) coo oolr o(,oEoo coo o oocUJ o oloot ao G =ltl 6 = IoooGoE E'6ooa JI oh oo oO)G0- Noe\o; Gotoa.oq No{ +o oo otIU e Go = o ,,EGp o oo =ooo =(, .9o IIJ E) otr IIJ o3oo. tr .E trfo =.Y(,oE o f oo @ oo EoEooo(L =t @oNoo o Eg E;oo o EoJoE.9ooC Et! E .s,) Eo)o !) o 6 E o .go (! Bo #Eg E3ooouJ ob oo otrrG0. N oE io; GotoILot E topoot oul-loa, G-l\ GooCLa4 Noc +o o!otl! e Go = os(!I o oo =oGo =(, .g(, lrl ED oc IIJ o!oo.c a! tr)o =.Y(,ot -I = IOb L la.= [ loe L l=u)ll LIII o l 6o o =6o) = o f (5o = E =6o = o f 6o = o (t o) o f (t OJ = o f (Eo = o) (5o = o fo(! o) = El (!o = E)ooo = E =(so = Ef 6o = I =6(, = E) 6o = Ef (!o = Ef 6o = o foGo = o =(!(, = o l Go = o Go = o l (!o = o (! o) = oa (E o) o l(, o) = o foGo = @qo E oE't 6oo ooo 6fEcG EcoEo(., .c I(, oa?oo oq NN oq NN Nq 6 oq @N oq @N q @N oN qo\t $noo sc\oo oqoo \oN \oN o o @ oN a oN N\N* oqo oqo oqo$ @qo @qo @q$ $':$': Do Eooo(L d Eo9o!EiD>tro3 gt iEo=couJ6o Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eoo)oL =t oo Eooo(L =d EoEluoo IL E. ooEooo (L =t EoEooo(L t EoEoooc =t !oEoooA =d EoE(,oo(! t EoEooo(L =d EoEooo (L =n EoE(,oo(! =t DoEooo (L n EoEooo(L =tr EoEooo(L =t p(, Ec,(,o (L t p(, Ec,()o (L =t EoEooo(L =e. Eo)Eo)o)o (L =t EoEooo(L d EoE0)(,o (L =t o(, Eo(,o (L =d EoEo)oo o- =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(! =t E6)Eooo(L =t Elu Eooo(r =t if oN o oil | "'"...,1 o6oo oo t! oNrl so $oNs rto rt oN o o oNt so soN**o \t oN o o rt oN$*o rf oN* $o toN o o * oNt to s oN\' so oN o o t oN\t so t oNrf $o { oN o o $ oNtl \to t oN!t \to $ oN o o t oNt :to t oN${o oN o o $ oN$\'o t oN$ rto $ oN o o \' oN$ rto \t oN\i to :t oN o o Eoooa o E(EJ coo oo =L oGoEooco'6 o e 6ot (5 3 Looo ot 6'6ooa) E'oooo q EoJ EoooEo:L o6oEooco'6 Eo ooE!J o 6 E oo.=o 63s Iooo od i.qoo)aa)I(l 6oooU) o E(EJ Eoo oofL o6o Eoo c.9o o PoE LrJ o lu =got tll (E =ttl (,3t Uoo(,Gon a6'6ooo JI() i.ooq,oo o E6) cooooo=tr oGo Eoo Coo o poctU o 6od o 63 t IooruEot aooooa JL E'oooo o E6) cooq Eo:L o6o Eoo cooEo o (1,c!J o 6 s oo.=o o;0 IoooEod Eoooo Jr E6oooo o E6J coo Io) rL o(5q Eoo c.qoEo ooEuJ o o =got dl 6 = 63o Looo otr Eoooo JL 6oooa o EGJ Coo EolL o6a Eo C) c .19o o oocuJ o oot (!;n ToooGot E6'ooooJL 6'oooa o EG) coo oofr o6o Eoo c .q,o o Pq,cu,l o 6 E o .9o (!;o IoooEoE E'ooooJL E'oooa o EoJ Eoo oofr oGo Eoo co'o o PocuJ o ooloot d! (E = (!3 @ UoooEod 6'ooooJL E.qooqo oE(5) coo ooftr ooo Eoo EooEo pocul e God o r,3 @ roooEoE. aoo(,oaJl! Eooao oE(!J coo ooatr oGo Eoo Eo)oEll) p lt)cUJ o 6 s o E i5 6i @ IoooEoe. aGooaa)l! E.qooqo oE(!J Eoooooftr o(,o Eo() cooEo oocUI o ofroE. co o = ltl o3 @ IoooEod i6oq,oaJtL i.oooqo oE6) cooooo:I o(!o Eoo C(,oEC) oocul o 6ot 6; @ IoooEot Eo0,ooJIL Eooqo oE6) Eoo oo:tr oGo Eoo cooEo o(,EUJ o G s oo i5 6;o ToooEod iE'6 o)oa)TL i.goooo oE6) cooooo:L o(!o Eoo CooEo oocul o ofg o)E. d) o =o N3o IoooEot 6'6 o)ooJI Eoooo oE6J coo oo:L ooo Eoo Eo)oEo o 0)Eul o 6ot 6 =o IoooEod tG'6oao)L Eooao oEo) coooooaI o(5o Eoo gooEo ooEt! o 6 s oo i5 oBoNIoooEot a(E'ooooJL E.qooqo oEoJ coo oo:L o(!o Eoo gooEo ooEUJ o ofg c)t co 6 = vl oBoNIoooEot a6o0,ooJu- a(s'o 0)oU) oEGJ cooooo:L o(!a Eoo CooEo oocl,tJ o 6ot a 63oNIoooEot 6'oooo)L t6'6 o)oo oE6J coo oofI ooo Eoo co)oEo o o)EuJ o 6 s oo.!o 63 N Iooo od E.qoooU))L t6'o o)oo oE6J qoo EoaI o6o Eoo EooEo o oCuJ o ofoot dl 6 = 6] N Iooo ot EooooJu 6'oooo q E6) coo Ioltr o6o Eoo co'6 Eo o oEuJ o 6ot o3oN uooo) ot a(,'6oooJI 6oooo oEG) Eooooolt! o6oEoo c.ooEo o ocUI o 6 E oo.!o ,(!3(oN uooo) ot e6'6ooo)I i6oooo oE(!J goo oolL oGoEoo E .tuo q) o ocuJ o ofoot dl 6 = (! B @N Iooo ot E.qooooJL t6oooU'qoE(,J Eoo oo)L o6oEooco'6 Eo o oc LrJ Q ood. (!](oNuooo ot E6'ooooJL Eo(,oU)ooE6J cooooo =r oooEooc.oo o o octIJ o 6 s oo.:o (!Bo Iooo ot e(!'oooo)L EoooaqoEGJ EooooofL o6oEo() E.ooEo o ocul o ofgoE co G = E6;o uooo o)t a6'ooooJI 6oooo oEo) coo oo-u o6oEoo c.go o o ocuJ o 6ot 6 =oToooGot Es'oooo)l!al oao6o = =cfooE't(!U) E =o(Eo = o o6o = Eao(!o o 6o = o fq6o = o) (!o Elo(!o = o fo6o = o Go = o o6o = o foGo = o =o6o = o fo6o = oao(!o = olo(!o = Ifo(!o = o fo(5o = El (!o = o fooo = o o6o ofo(Eo = oao(E(, = o foGo = o fo(!o = o f 6o = o l (!o = Elo(to = Ia oo = o o6o = o oo sq EIE5cqooCE E=o6.gooEoopooo @ oo oqo\t oqorf ood$ o\No o\No o\No tcNo tlcN rtq N oo @ @ oc?(oo Nqo Nqoo Nq 6 oq N\t oq Nst ocN$ a? rt q rt q $ @ot @o$ qo$ ooqoo ooqo o,oqoo o o;o Ell) Eo)oo(L =d EoEoEc.9o =o6o qoc 6U) o q)cuJ Eo Eooo(L =t E!l) Eoq)o(L =d Eo) Elto)oIL =t Eo Eooo (L =t !q) Eooo o- =E. ooEooo(! =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =tr EoEolto .L =d. EoEooo(r =t EoEooo .L =d EoEooo (L =t ooEooo(! =c. DoEooo (L =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =tr Eo)Eq) o)o (L =t E(, E0,(,o (L =t EoEooo(L =c. ooE o)Q)o(! =d EoEoooc =t ooEooo(L =d EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =d Ell)Eooo .L =t Eo)Eo)o)o .L =d EoEooo(r =tr EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(! =t @oNoo o o6oo ootsUJ @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNo o o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o (o oNoo o @ oNo o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoe o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o ooNo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNo o Eg E =oooo Eo)oo.9ooc EuJ t .g)) c .!qoEo o oll, =ootr dl 6 6 =o uEIc =oo EIc =oo o E6J o,E.9oocF Eu! E.qtJ co'o o ooc!J o Got o3o,Egc3ooouJ -IC;oooo E(!JoE.9ooC .E UJ E.s,) CooEo oocuJ e 6 s oo.!o o 63 utIC =oool,lJ ggg =oo o EG)oE.9ooc ?-EuJ E.9,J E.qoEo ooctrJ e oo =d0,tr dl 6 G =,EPc =ooo uJ Egc;ooooE6JoE.9ooc Eul E.s,J c.oo o Poc!.t o 6ot o; usgc3ooouJ Eg EBoo oE6JoE.9ooc E UJ t.s)) co'6 o o oquJ o 6 s oo,.=o o (, 3N !Eg E3ooo uJ !gc =ooooE6JoE.oooq .E uJ E.s,) q o)oEo o oc uJ o ofqot co o = 6B N IEgg;ooouJ !gc =oo oE6) r1)E.oooEE EuJ E.9)J EooEo o oc uJ o 6ot 6; N uEg E;oootu Eg EBooooE(,JoE.oooc= E uJ t.9,J gooEo o oE UJ o o s o .go 6;o !EIc;ooouJ ggg3ooaoEGJoE.oooEE EuJ E.s)J go'o Eo o ocuJ o o!ufoo)t cl 6 6 =o uEo c3ooo uJ EIC3oo oE(,J ruE.oooc EuJ t.s,J clt)'o o ooc LIJ o 6ot 6Bo,tgc3ooouJ Gg E;oo oE(!)oE.oooc E UJ c.s,J c.ooEo oocul o G c oo i5 6 =$ uEIE =ooouJ Egc =oo o.EoJoE.9ooc .E UJ E.s)J co'6 Eo ooc UJ o ooar0)t dl 6 = o3t uEPc]ooo uJ EIg3oo oE(!J q,E.oooc E- uJ c.s)J Eo'6 Eo ooCr,! o 6ot G3 $ !EgcBoooul Egc]ooooEo)oE.9ooc EuJ E.g)) qo'6 Eo o (ncul o 6oc oo i5 6 =o !Egc =ooor.! EIc3ooooE(5JoE.9ooc EuJ E.9)J E.ooEo ooc uJ o olrot dl 6 = o3o !Egc3ooo LIJ tIc;oo oE(!JoE.9ooc EuJ E.s,J qo'o Eo o oc r.lJ o 6od 63o IE.9cBooo uJ sgc =oo oE(!JoEo6oE =EuJ E.s)J go'o Eo o ocul o 6 c o .go 6. @ !tgc!ooo uJ Egc3oooaEoJoE.9ooc .E l,lJ E.g!) co'6 q) oocuJ o oofdo)t dl 6 = 6 =@,Egc3ooo Lrl cIc3ooooEGJoo.9ooc E uJ E.9)J co'6 Eq, o o)ElrJ o 6otr 6; @ IEg EBoooul E.9 EBooooE6Jo!.9ooE EuJ E.s)J E .!uo lu o o)E uJ o 6 s oo i5 (E] N uEg E;oooul EIc;oo oE6J IDE.9ooc Et! E.9)J c.ooEo ooElJl o oo-ooE 6 G = G; N sEIcBooo IJJ cIcioo oEoJoE.9ooc Eut E.q)J co'o Eo poCul o 6ot o (t3 N !tg;ooo!J EIE =ooooEGJ o)o.9ooEF.E UJ E.s)J Eo'o o Ioc lL,l o 6oE oo i5 o3o IEgc =oooUJ Eg E =ooooE6J o)E.9oocE EUJ t.s)J co'o o g IDE l,lJ o ofgod. d) 6 = (!3o,gc3ooo!J tgc3ooooE6Jot,.9oocE.E lrJ E.s)J Eo'o o IoE l,,lJ e oot (!3o !cgc =ooo!J tg CBoo oEoJoE.9ooC .E !Js.q)J E.oo o ooC LrJ o 6 s oo.!o o (t3o !tIEBooo!.I Eg E3ooqoEoJoE.9ooq .E u.I E.s,J co'6 o PocuJ o ofood co G = (! =o uEIq BooouJ EgcBoo oEG)oE.9ooc E[! E.9)) coo o o q)cuJ o (!ot o 63o uEIg!oootu EIg;oo oE(5Jq,E.oooE EuJ c .9,J E0)oEo oocul o (! os oo.=o 6 =oNI!IcBooouJ oa o oEG0. N oE +o;gaEoa.oq N o{ i6 Eoo.l ooEurooIoGoE o G =o oo foGo =otr.9o UI E') otrUI o3oo- tr6 trfo =.Y(,otr Il 6o = =c =oE't6a o f(to = o f 6o = o) oo = o l (,oE o l oo = o =6o = E =o6o, = EfoC'o = o foGo = o =(Eo = o f (!o = o oo = o fqGo = o (5o = o a(!o = o f (,o = o lo(to o (Eo = o f Go = o =(!o = o f (Eo = o lo(s(, = o f (!o = o f (!o = o =oo = o =oo = o =o6(, = o lo6o = Efoo(, = @ oi QC E5E5cooocq E=oq.EooE E8(,o o oo N\Ntt N\Nt N\N\t @oqot @oqo$ o@ oirt @ o$ o o,t a o$ €o(o @o(o @a?(o (o e? @N (ocl(oN (o e?(oN ooqoo ooqoo ooqoo oq @n 6o? @o oo? @o tq No oq @o oa? @ oo? @ @a? @ @q\t @q $ EoEooo(! =tr poE ID Ec.9 (E fo 6o ooc 6a PoEul Eo Eoo)o(L =g. E(, Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo o- =t oo EoooI =t Eo Eooo .L =d Eo Eooo .L =d EoEooo .L =d EoEooo (L =E. EoEooo (L d EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(I d EoEo)o)o (L t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L t EoE(,oo (L =t EoEooo o- =tr EoEooo (L =t !oEo)oo (L =t EoEooo (L =t EiuEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t .L =l G uJqfEE(E(J t! == 6 LrJqlEENo EoEooo (L =t ooEooo o- =t Ed,Eooo(! =d EoEooo(r =d EoEq,q,o(! =t @oNoo o oooo oots I.TJ @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o (o oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o tIc =oo @oEG)()o.9ooc .E tJJ E.s,J cooEo o o =goE dI 6 = 6;oN,cgc;oo cgg Boo oEoJoE.oooc EtU E.s)) C.qoEo) ooc l,,lJ o 6()t o (E =oNus.9EBooouJ EIE;oooo EoJoE.9ooc=.E uJ s.s,J co'o o Plt)EuJ o (! oE oo a 63oN!tgc3oooIIJ EIc3oo @o E(!)q)E.9ooE=EtrJ c.s,) cooEo ooEul o o =dot d) 6 = 6]oN !cIE;oooUJ cg E =oo o E(EJoE.oooc .E uJ E.s)J Eo'o Eo ooEtll o C' !)t o (E =oN !EIcBooo[! tg EBoo q EGJoE.9ooc EuJ E.9)J E.ooEo o q)cul o G s oo.!o o;o,tgE;oootll tIc3oo o E6JoE.oooc ?_EuJ s.s)J co'o Eo oocuJ o oo =gotr dl 6 = (, =o#sgc3ooouJ EIc =oooo E6JoE.oooE E I.JJ s.q,J co'o o PoCuJ o 6od. o(, 3o!EgE3ooolrJ Egc =oooo E6JoE.oooc EuJ E.s)J co'6 o IocuJ e G oE oIi5 o 6B @ IEgE =ooouJ sgc3oo o EGJoE.9ooc .E uJ E.s,) cooEo) o lt)cuJ o olooE, dt 6 = 6; @-cgc;ooot! cIc =oooo EoJ(,E.9ooc- Eul c.q,J cooEo ooC LIJ o 6ot lt 6; @uE.9c;ooouJ sgc3oo o E6JoE.9ooC EuJ E.s,J coo o) p ll)c arJ o 6 oE o E5 6;N !cg EBoooUJ sIc3oooo EGJoE.9ooc EuJ c.9,J cooEo oocuJ o oaoot dl o = !1, G!NuEIc;oooUJ EIc;oo o E6JoE.9ooC EuJ E.s)J coo o EocuJ e 6q)t o 6;NutIcBooouJ EIcBoooo E6) ruo.9ooc= EuJ c.9,) co,o o oocul o 6 E oo i5 6!o !Egc;ooo LrJ sIc]oooo E(EJoo.9ooC EuJ E.s,) cooEo oocul o ofro)t .D 6 =o o; @uEgc;ooouJ tgcioo o E(!)oE.9ooC .E uJ E.s,) cooEo) o ll)cuJ o 6oE 63@-cgE;ooo tJJ Eg EBoo o EG)q)E.9ooE EuJ .s,) E.9o o) o o)cuJ o 6 s o Ei5 6io IEgE;ooo IJJ Egc;oooo E6)q)E.9oogE EUJ c.s,J cooEo ooq uJ o o =oot o G =o o;ouEgc;ooouJ cg E;oooo E(EJoE.9oocE EuJ E .91) cooEo) ooC-lu o 6q)t q 6;o,Eg E;ooouJ Eoq)oooo E(5JoE.9oocE Eul c.s)J cooEo ooc IJJ o oos oo.:o q 6;oN>6 =o i6ooooouJ 6'oooo o E(!JoE.9oocE.E l.tJ E.s,J clt)oEo ooCu.l o aofood d) 6 = o3oN;63o a6oooooUJ Eoo6-a @o EGJot,.9ooc E uJ E.g)J E(,oEo oocuJ o (!ot 63oN>GBo E6ooq U)ouJ Eoooaoo E(!JoE.oooc EIU t.s)) co'6 Eo oocuJ o 6ot qn6; @ o:o;6 =o tooo)o.oor.! Eolt)o.o o E(tJoE.oooc E!J E.9)J go'o Eo oo .!Jl o 6od oBoN.o-o;63o i6ooo-ao r,rJ E.qoo6-ooo E(tJoo.9ooE Eut E.s)J co'6 Eo oocuJ o oaE oo.Eo q 6 =N idos0)EEoo E6ooo-a,ol! e.goooo @o Eo) o)E.9ooE EuJ E.9)J c.(,oEo oq)cuI o ofoot dt o =t4 63 N iriosoEE(!o eGoo)ooo LrJ Eoooo o E(!JoE.9ooc EuJ E.9)J C .!qo q) oq)cuJ e (tot 6i N ido -goEc(!o 6oooao!J e.goo)ao o E(5JoE.oooc Eut E.q)J c.oo o oocuJ o 6 E oo i5 GB !' iri!(E q)EE(5o E(E'6 o,ooouJ a.Eoooo oE6JoE.9ooc EuJ t.9)J co'o o Eocl,tJ o o)food dt 6 = 6;:t Eo(!oEcoo o'oooootu ob o oEGq. NoE +o; Gotoaoq N oE so oo.l otur o SIoo = o .E =Lo o E =oGo =otr.9o iEut cD oc IJJ o =oo-c Gc3o =.Yootr ob o oEGq- N oE +o oaotoa.oe o f (!o = =c =oc.; oo o fo6o = o =o(Eo = oa (5o = Elo6o = Ef 6o = o =(!o = o I Go = o f(,o = o l (!o = o aoGo o 1 (! o) = o f (5o = o 1o(5o = o fo(!o = oao(!o = o a(!o = o foGo = o fo(,o = o l (!o = o =(Eo = o =oo = o fo(!o = o f oo = o l (!o = oao(!o = o ao(5o o fo(!o = o-o(5() = o f oo = (ool$ E = oc G .9 ooo ftfccGEcoEoo.= eo oq $N oqsN oq$N IoN (loN ociN Na? N Na? N F.q N 6g? @ oo @ oo @ @q\'@q $ (oq $ oo+N oqtN oq{N NN+N NN+sl Nq $N oN6iN o\NN oNsiGI oo{N oq $N oqtN N@ai Noa; Eo Eooo(L =d oo9O:tEiI)>FG.oE PauofqouJ6o Eo Eooo(! =d. EoEooo (L =d DoEooo(r =E. EoEc)oo(! =E. !oEooo .L =t EoEooo(! =d ooEooo(I =d EoEooo (L =t !,oEooo(L =t Eil) Eo(,o (L =t !,oEooo(L =tr EoEc)oo o- =t E'oEooo(! =t ooEooo(L =d EoEooo IL =t !,oEooo(! t 1'oEooo (L =t 1'oEooo IL =d EoEooo(r =tr €oE(,(,o (L =n EoEooo(r =t 1'oEooo(r =t 1'oEooo(r =t 13oE0,(,o IL =d EoEorl,o(L =d ?luEooo(]. =e 1'oEooo(L =t ooEo0)o IL =d EoEooo o- =E @oNoo o o(5oo oo l,lJ @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o (o oNo o oo.9o co)oEo o o o)t I (E 3$iioC'oECGo Eoooa o EoJoE.oooc =E UJ E.q,J c.ooEo PocuJ o 6 E oo i5 (E 3o E06ooc6(.) i(5'o c,oao UJ t.goooo oE6JoE.9ooE EuJ t.9)) co'o o oocIJJ o oo-oot ao G =a o;o EosoEc6o 6oooaoul e.qoruoU)ooEo)oE.9ooE .E ul E.9)J cooE0, o o)c l,lJ o G o)t ot(!3oiioGoEEGo EoooooIU Eoooa oE(EJoE.ooocF E !.1 E .q,J co'o Eo ooC UJ o 6 E oEi5 6; F. Eo6opc6o a .(5ooooouJ E. .Eo1l)oaooE(,J q)E.9ooE .E l,lJ E.s,J Co'6 o EocuJ o .lt (, =N Eo6oEcoo c'ooooo LrJ Eoooo aE(!JoE.oooc ?- EtIJ E.s,J E.ooEo IoEl.rl o ofgot d, (! =q 63 N Eol9(,Ec6(.) E.6'oq,oao TJJ a.goooo oE([JoE.9ooc z E uJ c .9,J co'6 o oocul o 6 c oo.:o q o;o doo(9 ii'6 OJoU)o T'J Eoooo oEGJoo.9ooc ?_ Et! E .s)J c.oo o ooE UJ o ol6ot dl 6 =o o]o doo(, i6o(,oaouJ Eoooo aE6JoE.9oocE Eul t .9)) EG)'o o ooEt! o 6ot o 6Bo nioo(, Eoooaot! Eoooo oE6Joo.9ooE E uJ c .g)J co'6 o ooglrr o 6 E oo E q (5 3N C'oo(, 6ooo-aouJ Eoooo oE(!Jo1'.9ooc Eul t .9,J Eo'o o oogt! o ofooE. d) o = (! 3N nioo(, 6oooooul Eoq)oo oEoJo!.9ooc =EuJ E .s)J co'o o o c)ct! e 6ot t, (u 3N idoo(, 6oooaouj Eoooo oE(!JoE.9ooc E UJ c .s,J c.ooEo Pogul o 6 E oo i5 (! 3\t 6oo(, i;ooo"aoUJ i.goluo(n oE(5Jo!.9ooE --EuJ ! .9,J co'o o Eo)cllJ o oofoot CO o =vl G =t inoo(9 6'oooaoUJ Eoooo oE(!JoE.oooc --E uJ c .g)J c.ooEo PoEt! o oot o (,3t C,o.9(, a(!'6q,ooo IJJ a.goooo q Eo)oE.9ooc =E LrJ E .g)) c.9oEo EoElrl o 6 oE oo i5 oEo3o il)o -9(, (!'ooooo IJJ EooooaoEGJoo.9ooE EuJ c .s,) E.9oEo PocuJ o oa6ot tD 6 =.n 63o iDo -9(9 (!'oooU)o UJ Eoooo oE(!JoD.9ooE EuJ E .s)) E .!9o q) P0)c LIJ e 6q)d lt o3o ido -9(9 E.(,'oooU'ou.l Eoooo q E(!JoE.9ooC ?- EIIJ E .9,) E.ooEo PoEuJ o 6 oE oo i5 o(! 3(o o,oo(9 t'oooaoul a.goooo oE(!Joo.oooE E uJ E .g)J E.ooEo Pocul o oo =rot EO 6 =o 63(o ido -9(9 t(!'oooaouJ Eoooooq Eo)oE.9ooc E LrJ E .9,) E.9oEo oocuJ o 6ot Fo =(o iDo -9(, (!'ooooo UJ Eoooo aEo)o€.9ooc EuJ E.s,) c.9oEo EocuJ o 6 os oo i5 @ (! Bo il)o -9(, (!'6ooaol,iJ EooooooE(!JoE.9ooc E UJ E.s,J E.ooEo IoEuJ o o =rot d! 6 = (! 36 C,o -e(9 aG'ooq U'oul Eoooo oE(!JoE.9ooc EuJ E .s)J E .!9oEo Poqu, o 6ot (t36 6o.9(9 i(!'oq,o U)o UJ Eolt,oo oE(tJoo.9ooc EuJ ! .s)J Co'o q, o IDC trJ e 6os oo i5 .!t (, 3o uoooGrud t(5'oooU'o IJJ Eoruoo oEo)oE.9ooc ?- E LrJ E .9,) C.9oEo EoClrl o o oo,t d! o =tlt G3o uoooEod t(,'oq)q U)oru Eoooo oEoJoE.9ooc E[! E .g)J E.ooEo IoCuJ o 6ot (!io qoooEotr ao'oooaou.l i.go(,oo oENJ o)o.9ooc .E uJ E .g)J cq)'o ll) Plt)Elrl o 6oE o Ei5 o 63$IoooElud i.qooooo TU E6'oooo oE6JoE.9ooc Eul E .9)J co'o o oo IrL o o)got d) G = 6!rt Uooo ot ftoooooul Noe io oo.:ooEurqo I Go = ot(! =o oo =oa!o =oc .g(, ul CD oc IIJ 0,;oo- tr(! c =o =.YooE. ob o NoErG0- N oq io; Gotoa.ot Ia (Eo = o l (!o o f oo = NNN oN No EoE()oouFt EoEooo LFE. EoEooo IFi *oNt $o \t oN $ $o s oNv o EooEo3oEa =oL =o) 6 6 c o Eooo\ coo'Eoo IIJ 6 c oIo o(! lUto =oEo =oL =o E(!oto =oEo =oI;oJ 6 (E E E Ec o\ E =r ooI o6 =c o)ood dl G oGoEo;oEoio L;o E6oto =oEo =otr =oJo 6 E Eooo\ Eo .9 oo uJ olood co G =!6luE ru3oEo 3o I 3o G o =oot a.EiloN F bGo olo U'6EGo oio tniori:o -.1 of 6o = o f Go = o f (5o = o l (!o = No oN o@N Na !oEooo LLFd oo)Eooo IFt E(, Eo11)o IFt DoEooo IFt oNrf io oN t :fo oN l' $o oNt \to E(E(,co;oca 3otr =o) 6 6 s o EoooI .>co .C o-9ul 6ac E i5 E(EoEo 'oto Botr 3o o(!oc() BoEa Bou;o) 6 6 s oq baL 6o- oGE c ofood d) 6 =D([ o)Eo3ocoB^o=tr,}Eoo E(!oco;oEa 3oL 3o) 6 6 s s Eoooq? coo olu UJ ofUot lll 6 o(!oco]oco Botr]o EGo)co =oEa 3ou =o) 6 6 E o Eoooq 6,L (!or oGE c 6ot EGoto3oEo 3oL =o o co ootr a.Eio() EGo olo an 6EGo oio a4!ori!o-t o =Go = o-oo = o fs0)E o la6o = NIo oq N N\oN oq EoEooo(L =t EoEooo (L t EoEooo(r =E EoEooo(L =d $oN \l*o soN\t \to $os\t \to toN$ $o ooo 3o L =oJ 6 c o Eooq qoo oo uJ o c oo.=o oo(, Botr 3o o Go 3o L Bo) 6 c e Eooq 6-I 6oI o GI c ofqot lll 6 = ooo 3otr;o ooo Botr Bo) 6 c o Eooq Eoo oo I,IJ olqon d] 6 = o (E OJ Botr;o o (E(, 3otr 3oJ 6 c o EooI EfI (5oI o63 c 6oi og C) ;otr =o o copood El 6o = o f (!o = o, 6o) = o f (to = N jN Nqoo oq N@ oc! @N EoEo()o (L tr EoEc)c)o (L =t EoEc)ll,o (L =t EoEooo(L =t soN* $o $oN\t*o $oN{ +o soN$ o ooo 3ou Bo) 6 c e Eoooo coo,E oo trJ G c oo.=o o(, o Botr 3o o6o 3o L =oJ 6 c o EooIo 6 =L 6oI o6 =c ofgo co 6 ooo 3otr =o ooo BoL BoJ 6 C o Eoooo co .o oo) uJ ofqot d) 6 o G o) =otr =o o6o 3o I 3oJ 6 c o Eooqo ElI 6oI o6 E c 6ot o(5 o 3otr Bo a.t,I)F o GoT o qo !o\!o*t G copoot o) 6o = Nqo =Ef oc., oU) 6Cfi E5E5CQoocc Eeo6.SooE PE(,o o f Go = o =6o o5 (5o = Il (!o = o =6o = o a 6o = oq N oq N oq N N N N Eo Eoo)o(L =n Eq9.o! =Poco g) a!ofcouJ6(-) oo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(). t oo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo (L t Eo Eruoo o- =t EoEooo(I =t @oNo o oE.9ooE Eul c.9o o o 6ot G =\'uoooEot o6o o) oo tU @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o @oNo o @ oNoo o a.goooU) o E(!)oD.9oocE EuJ t.s,) co'6 (, oocuJ o o c oo.=o ql G =o Uooo ot a6'ooo U>o UJ Eoooa o E6JoE.oooc --Eul .s,J Eoo o ooctIJ o oadotr d) (! = 6 =o UoooEod. i6oooao UJ Eo(,oo oE6JoE.oooc E UJ c.s)J c.9o o IocUJ o 6ot 6 =o oooEod. 6'ooooo LU Eoooo oEE)o!.oooc= EtiJ c.s)) c.oo o oocUJ o 6 c oo.:o o3 @ iloo(, ot a .(5ooooo UJ Eoruoo oEGJoE.9ooc E u.J .slJ co'6 o ooEuJ o ofgot (D o = G3 @ CoooEoE. EoooU)o LrJ Eooqa oEoJoo,9ooEF=EuJ E.9)J qoo o o oEuJ e GoE. 6 =@ UoooEot i6ooooo LrJ aEik,ci o (BoTo o qo i6IIio*t Noe s oo.l otsUI e Go = o .EE o oo Joa!o =o .9(., IIJ E) otr IJJ 0, 'oo- tr(! tr =o =.Yoou oh obNotrrG0- N oE +o;aotoa-otr d troEoot o f (!o = Efo(5o = o fqoo = o lo6o o =so = o laoo o =oo = ol (Eo = o f 6(, = o) (!o = E) (Eo Efo(!o = Ia (Eo o I 6o = o fa6o = o 5a6o o a 6o \t N^ $ ry o@@ o@@ N N- N N. ooN. ooN. ooo- ooo- o@N- ooN. o o- o o- oNa- oNo- No\f_ EoEooo ILFn EoEooo IFd EoEooorFtr EoEoq)o IFn EoEoruorFt EoEooo LFE EoEoruo IFt EoEooo LFtr E() Eooo IFt EoEooo LFE. EoEooouFd Eo)Eooo LFt EoEooo IFt E0)Eo)q)o LFd. EoEooo LFt EoEooo LFt E0)Eooo LFt @oNo o @oNo o @ oNoo o o oNo o @ oNoo o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o o oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNo o @ oNo o @ oNo o @ oNo o oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o o6oE o6;o Efo (!q)co'Eoo uJ o c -9ooooo Eo) E(, 6dl .oF- =(LIao Eof =o7 o6ot o0;o Elo 6q)co'Eoo UJ o 6 s =oa c -9Goooo Eo Eo 6d) .oF- =(LIao Eof;o7 o,6oc o63o E)o 6oco.E oo LrJ o c -e(! oaooo66o .qF- =(L I o) EoI =o7 oooE oG3q Elq 6oEo'E oq) uJ o 6 s =oo co6oooo o)o6 6o .tDF- =(L Iq c) E =o7 oooc oo =o E =o 6oEo.E o() UJ o co G(,ooooE)(L o(,I ooEE .9F- =(L I o EoI 3o7 o 6oc oo B Efo 6oE .E ooulo 6 c =oo co6(,ooooEl(L (E o)I ooE5 .o)F- =(L o EoI 3o7 oooE o G;o Efo 6oEo'EooE o co6oooo co Eo od)N .(,F- =(L qo EoL Bo7 o(tot o (E 3o Efo ooEo ootr e 6 E =oo c _9 Goooo goEo o@N .9FI3I- q) EoI =o7 o(!oE o N3oE =o (!oEo.E o -9!! oc -96oooo 6o I o)oc6 .!2 ot .o oo UJEooloN tr I B(LI o EoI B9o o (5 c)E o 63oE-o GoE .9 o "!9UJ E _96oooo o(,Iooc6 .9 ot .9 oo LrJEooaoN .!gF I3 IO o-EEo6lc3Ioo76 o 6rut o 6ioEfo GoE .9 oo LrJ o oc -96(,6oo GoI o !oolo N o)F-ts(L I o EoT, 3ru7 o 6ot o 63aElo 6oco.E o(, tJJ o o s =oo c -9G(,oDo GoI 6oEoolo N .oF- =(LI () EoI 3o2 o 6oc oo]oEao (5oco.E ooq o c -96ooooo E =(! 6oIEoofo N .!PF- =(L I o EoI =oz o 6oc o 63q Elq 6oEo.E oo uJ o 6 c =oU' c _96oooo El(! 6o-Eoolo N .!PF- =(L I (, EoI]o c)ooE o (E3oE =o 6oEo.E oo uJ o qcoE(,ooooo6 6oN ,qF- =o- I oEoI 3o q) (E o)E c) (53oe =o 6tUt .E ootr e o c =oa coEooooooo GoN .9F-3(! 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(!oo .oF- =(LIooEoI 3o o6ot o GBo Elo GoE .9 o -!ut! E -9ooooo 6oIooEG '6oto ootr ooEso .9F- =IIolu EoI;o-2u oooE q) (!;o Efo. Nq)E .o o -g TJJ c96Iooo 6q) Iooc6 6oVo ootr oooEo oI =BILre o-EEo6!c3Ioo o6oE oG3o E =o GoEo.E o -!![! o oco6(,ooo 6oI 6o oooso .!9F- =(L Ioo EoI =o? o 6oE o(! 3o EJo (Eoco.E o -9!.1 o 6 s =oo co6(9ooo 6o o6o ooos .oFI =LI o EoIio ooo,s ooBo E =o (!oEo.E o(, uJ o q -9o @@ooEl(L (5oI ooEs .9F-3(LI o EoI =o o 6os o G3o Efo 6oco.E oo!Jo G C Eo(D g -96Io@ooE =(I (5 o)r ooEso .9F- =(L- o EoI;o2 ooos o G3aEfo 6oEo.E oo u.l C -9o(9ooo 6o-ooc(! '6oto,E oo u.l ooos .9FI =ILI o EoI 3o- o 6oE o 6!oEfa 6oEo.E oo uJ c -9Goooo Go-ooc(! '6otro.E oo uJ ooEE .!9F-ts(L-e o-EToiIC3ioc o(EoE o 63oE)o 6oto'Eoo uJ o c -9o(,ooo 6oI (E ooEc .oF =E(LI o Eo =3o7 o Go o 6;q Efo ooto oo tJJ 6oc =oa cI Goooo 6oI Go ooEc otr I =o-- o EoI Bo7 N aE\o coo ot 1Uq eIqao = o.cc,I o ooL JoGo =(,tr.9o ul Eocul oioo-c (E tr Jo =.Y(,ot oh oNNoarlG0. N oe $o; Gotoaoc o-o6o) = o f (!o = o o E(, Eoq)o (L =t Ed) Eo)0)o (L =t @oNoo o @oNoo o o.gEo 06 CoFo =.g ofEEg(! c; .c_.N ECo (! .c oE =o oEfo o Eo'6 o Eooo Ef(! Go- oo6 oo(L oE Eoo oEoI o (,E6oo =o El(I (!0)I oo6Io(E(L oogooloEo- G cop ctod fc \t EoE(,q,o l!Ft @oNoo o o ooEoIE E =o6)C6 oog6 E €o(! E.9I o oEo-Eo o6 fE6 =oogoEoEo(L E .s)Iio sE o. (!ot o otooto otoo = E topoou !o =a).ES G =ootrG s €o0. ttt oo EoI!o =I otoo = =c fc fc N6o-o o oCi o\tq EoEooo l"LFtr EoEooo tJ-Ft EoEooo l!Fd @oNo o @oNo o @oNoo o o L Lo oo uJ oa Pocl,u oEoIEo foGfEG =;oz o u- Lo oo l,lJ Go o o)EuJ oEoI Eo =o6 =E6 =Bo o Ef(L Go Io'Coo uJ 6a oocuJ oEoIoo foGfE(, =Bo-z= o o Ef(L G!t)Io.E o0) l,lJ Go oocuJ oEoI Eo foGfEo =Bo e oo6c =I (5(9 6a IoEuJ oEoIEoloo fc(5 =3oz o oo(5E =L 6(9 (5o o(,cuJ q) EoI Eo loG =c6 =;o7 E co =ood !o I() .PIEG =G a4 Po UJ IDo otio =oE oToo = =c lc lc t-o@ @ o$o- Nt-o- @ EoEooo lJ-Fd Eru Eooo lJ-Ft Eru Eo(,o l!Ft @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o o l! Io.E o(, uJ aoEoIE(, 6 oouJoEoIEo)oo =c6 = =o o oo6c fLo6o oEoIEo6 oouJoEoIEo foofE6 =;o o o E)(L Go- oEoIEo6 oo LrJoEoI Eo fo6 =co =;o2 Ef 6o = o f oo = ol (Eo = NN\{ot-@ 6 ooEooo (L =t EoEooo(! =t EoEooo .L E. @oNoo o o oNoo o @ oNoo o oogoo =aoo oo6 Eoo oooEoEooqco(!F =ob=ooocOcioe-<b o .qFt 6o- o)oEoEo o(LoEo-oo-E oEo-io oocoo E =oo q oog coo o Eot 0)Eoouco.6E;c E.OJooocot'iooF<t o N .9FE 6oooc6EoEocoEoIoo 5 oEo-3o2 ooc0)o Efoo oog coo o EoEoEoo6EO6E;o E.o5oooEob'ioo- <ip o .(,Fco(L oocoEoE(,(! oEoIo6 E oEo!;o2 G copooE, Eo SoG5EGE!o q oottJ oo otio =E o\oo = G copooe ?-cf oc GU' ftaEc66coEoo,Eo I(9 E qoc (Eoo ooo EqQo! =s3Egt aEolEOuj 6o oooo ootsuJ Gq. oo G to oa- o ot!o =o EoIoo = N aE so cooiotlu o 5 Go = o ! aus o oo oGo =oc.9o IE lrJ E') oc IJJ o]ooc'6 tr =o =.Yoot ob o6NoE}G0. o EoI g t.( C E e c .9 CN.E oE(gs o .gEoEaE.c o.c 6a E(, Eooo (L t oN o o o oooo ool G =o E=; 3oEE =EoEoo6Eot o Co Eoosoot 6oooloo N NoE $:oaatoa.oq o Eootr IoJ GE o ,-o ot o EoI o Eo Eooo (L E. l'oN o o o fo6oEc.oo o ooCo (Eo .Eo 6 ooooc o oo .E6oodoEoT :o ooG a-oq !oE =6:oE : o EoI oo ot Eo Eooo (L =tr @oN o o Po EE 3q B5OY666ots6gE o! GO-orOoEo:!o *booE;6.sE=ES E,S6aaue=ooEEFo o Co 6.NoE (Eo =o o Eoo ;oJ 6EEoBoot o G o Goto oI o G't o Go = G ot,ood to G'to Goto ot o G.N o Go = o EoI o Do Eooo (L d $oN o o co 6 Eo o c.o6 Eo .o o oEoI I = =6-o.EE Eb f, EEoGONC'E'r9o=0)6g Eo Eooo (L E. $oN o o coF(E fq .c 6E o E.oo =E 6 =o o Eootr;oJ G5troBoot o G o o Eo G o o EoI : nco E e c .9c\ otcg o EEoEfE.E oc't oo ooEooo (L =t soN o o c.9 6fa.E oo o coF(E =E ooL o Eoo ;oJ 65troBoot o G u, G =o G t4 o EoI o =6oE o c.9 6N otog o Eooof6c oEtoo EoEooo L =t oN o o Eo Gao ._qo.s'6o o c.o (E f c o.s'd()o oEoo ;oJ GE oBood o G t, oo u- o G c, o oos 'oJ G5copoou o G ta EI oo o GIt4 o EoI o EoEooo(! t l'oN o o co (! f ,E ooGs=3E _oo .c EoE; o oo o o:oEclo (9 @ o EoI c! nCc E E c .9 cN.E C! GG3 o -gEoE =E.s og't (5o EoEooo(! t \t oN o o ooE G E o)E-E o ooo6 EocF oEooE =oJ GE opoou otooE I eo E Ioo oEoI E =q6oE a tr.9sN oEftes o.E ooof6c oct6o !oEooo(! =d <.oN o o oc 6o a o EoFg =EE Eo Goa @ o EooE 'oJ GEtopoou 6 ooa G to l- aooo o EooE;oJ GE oBoot ru EoI C: C(; E e c .q C\ C]! GC = o .gEoEfE.Eaoc'too oo Eooo(I d @oN ooo q o(! oo.E I 6a oocuJ o qo Eoo6Eot o 6o.9) ot o o G to Gov,.\IE} Goto oEoo ;oJ GE opoot =cl oc't6a o- EEE5cooo,cc E=o6.SooEqo9o(9o EoEo E Eo (Elooo oc'too ooqul o6oo ootsu.,l o Gotr)tot qo qoEr oq N o\ +G oo goEurq EIVtEo = o (!p o o0, =oGo =oc.9(, IIJ tr otrIU o =ootr 6 tr Jo =-tooE oh oq oE,Ga- N oe so;aotoa.ot oEoo5,oJ GEcopoou. of 6o ol ooE e c.9 GN'tros 6g o sooofoE ooc5(5a EoEooo (L =t oN o o E6oEoBoto o Eoo I o3oEa 3o L 3oJ o GIt4 oa.q o GSta oo o- o =Go o l =6.EE 3ZlE-f,6EcO'-Fo6o.NEg'=96!(r6g poEoooI =t t oN o o g.ogo6 oof6 o o 6o oo =GL o o Eoos 'oJ G! oBood !Got oio v,iol,l-lo-I o oololt o Eo0s 'oJ GEEoBooE, eo Go o(JiG\ o oolo II o EoI o EoI o =(o E e c .9(.\ oC( $ o .Eooo)E.E oE'5(!a E =oR .trE EbE-ll EEo6ONEE'=9o!(r6I EoEooo(L d EoEooo(! =t @ oN o o @ oN ooo oul) 6a Poc LrJ o o =d)oul)o UJ e olxiI ! .9)Jot!J o l .xu E .9)) oIoIE!oJ 65 o =ood otlJ.I uta. G*looIov, Go o(5 o Eo- o f GoE e c.9sN'tro! eo = o soooloc oqt(Eo Eq, Eooo (L t o oN oOo )Lo 6a ooc uJ o o =d)JIo oa oo) = o f =o_o.cE EhE-f, EEo6ONcE't9o!(, (! g Eil) E(,6)o (L d $ oN o o c() Eoo(!oo oooc f o.C ootr o co EooGoodoo6E fu NN o Eoo ;oJ 6E o =oot o oo ;oJ E (,Boot Jlto t4a. G -,1oo\ oU' eo oo o f 6o = o: Go E e E.9(.\ ot G * o EEoo =o.c oE'too !oEoo)o (L =t $ oN o o .=6o Eoo(!cl o'Eootr o .=6ootoo6c lI N o EoI 0) EoI EfP3_o.cE EbE-t, EE4(!ONC,C'59 (/) (! g o €ooo =6c oc5Go o l GoE e c.9 6.! ot og EoEo0)o (L =d EoEooo(L d $ oN o o $ oN o o c.96l .E olo o c.9 Ga so,E6o)oco (u f E oaoo oE 6o) olo o o.EEoo olo @ o Eoo ;oJ GE opoot Ga.oq ooG Iu- Et GoI o Eoo ;oJ 6E opoot o G lt, ot G B) Goa, ol (Eo p =ao E e c.9cN'tro(gs :- .gooEaE,E octsa EoEooo(! =t \t oN o o 6 o Eot Eo)Ei= o o oE oEF ooot otrooE]oJ 6EcoBoot G too to 1- o G vto tro h E G6o oo oEo f o oo) Eoc)o(r =t { oN o o oo6 =o o -9oo Eo GI o fa6oE o 6 EE6 o o (5oEc6E 6o =\tF --C=oE'too 6fcCoEcoEoo.c oo (9 E oc't (E o.E ooo Eoco Ec.9 6fo Go oc Go oocul o6o o) oo [! o EooE]oJ GEcoBootr .Eo GutEcG GoT E.o oU'E G GoT \ oE so oo aoE UJ e Go = o aup o oo fo(Uo =(,tr.9o iE IIJ E' otr uJ o;ooc (E trfo =.Yoo E, ob oooooG0. N oE $o;aa oa.oe o =oo = E =Go E e tr.9 ftN'troE ftg o EooofE ,Eoo,E (!o Eo Eooo o- =d toN o o e Y EoEoofouJ EoF(ozo)oEoo ooE oto(,s 'oJ GEcoBood oEoteoto Eotoo s oaooo = Eo) Eooo .L =t t oN o o EoEoooE.o o(!oE o 6 =o oo uJ o EoEoo6oot oooI o)G3oN If r!o = c =co E e c.9cN.E oE( g oiEoE =o.cooc'5(!o EoEooo (L =t t oN o o .=(!oo o(!os ot!Bo.E o -9q o .!6oot o)(5 o) I o63ot o EooE 'oJ GEtopood. co ooGaoq o Got o s ooot o G = o Eoa, ;oJ 6Etopoot .\Ga-o CE o GoI o sijoaot o .G = =c oE't(!o o Eo- o- =EEiE5coooccE;o6.EooE PE(,o ooE 0)Eco (o lll6o ooc Go oq)EuJ EoEooo(! =t o(,oo Eoo t,J \t oN o o o6 =oo'a o o Ico(! =c ooiI N N 6E io oo otulq EIta E IE o oI o o E =o(!o =(,tr .9o LrI E" otr UJ o =oo. .E.E =o =-lootr ob o obG0- N oE +o oaotoa.oq 6 Eot'6odcoz o fo(,0) = o fo6o = oc!oo oqoo EC)Eooo(L =t EoEq)oo TL =t toN oNo \t oN o o = o)c'5 (5o oocuJ e oooE fo(, .EEo@f 6 copo E Yooc G@ oocll -- oo)c'5(!o ooc IJJ e =Yooc (!a, ooc!rl Y oo Eou, eo oo ol C'o = NNo- EoEooo .L =d r' oN oNo o=q E E0)poo coc c, =El EEopoo c;.EE oo o Eoo.E ot e oooC'6 f-G .EEo f E copoo o .EoooG. o eo.g) otl G otoot Eoz g, o ooq o EoE,Eo( G oEooc Qo EoErEoc o fooo = moo- EC)Eooo(L =t tf oN oNo o'6 Ecopoo Eoc 6 E =E cop E E; ,EEo E o ooocafo (E .cEooff=copoo o .EEo(r)t oNoo o f (!o = o fo(o 0) = stNo- NNo- E0)Eq)oo o- =d EoEooo(! =d \t oN oNo toN oNo oq o oo o 6oo otr o o.Co oot o Go.g) ot o =!.9o o 6 E c;.Eo oo o 6oo'Eot o Eo E6)e(r,s o) (, =(tEcoo!uU) CD.Eo oot o6 0).s) 0,n G Eot,oot oz 6 EopooG I o\ooq o oeu- G €oog Qo oot o fo(5o = E5o(!o = ooq ooq EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =d \' oN oNo tl oN oNo oE o oo oNoo o o.co ootr oNoo o =Y.oo I6o c;.Eo oo !uN0,E-L o Co qoeoc ox 6 =.oEEoooa o .Eo oot oNoo E cosooE, =E =oc't(!o EfgE66goE Eo ,E o(, E tsx oo)c., 6 o.E o .!9o Ea9.o!.Eo>E ?EPi!ofEOuJ6o o 6oo ootsul EI q\goq o oo u-6o oo 'f Noa\o coo otr{ eIqtRo- o filI o oo =o(!o =(,tr .E(, ul U' o UJ o =oo-c a! tr Jo =.Yootr o5 o oE)G0- E =6o = o- (5o = oa Giu o f Go o f 6o = \f ry t N.oo@ oo@ tN'-: Eo EooouFtr Eo E()oouFt Eo Eooo TLFn Eo Eooo ILFt Eo Eooo tLFt @ oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o o 6oc oo3o E =o 6oco.E o -!uUJ o aoc'6ao6 ,Eool Ecrup o co 6ooo o coEo 6d) oF = =Lf o Goc o6;o Efo (Eoc .o oo uJ 6 .sEo f6 Eop o G s oo cI Goooo coEo 6co-oo',6 -o>c>6-= o (5oc o)6;oEfo (,oE .9 ootr o ooE'6 fo(! ,EDo l6cos E co6(, 6oooo E6o ol:I =IL? o(,o=o6ioEao (!oto.E ootr 6 ,EEo f6FEoE'6o o c =ooqco 6(,ooooo E6(,-o.o^la IO>c =6 o(!ot o6;o Elo (Eoto.E ootr G copoo goE() Dao ooIooco '6odo'tr oo^fr= 96:a:lo:c-a.l6ol=6T,EEo<a+o N oe +a; Ga Eoctoc G opoottoz E =6o @ Ec) EooorFt @ oN* oo oE 63 oE ooco'6 o ooc c o o o GoT o G =a, S0. GoIto GoI o G = G copood troz tnGo qa =Io toG(, o to.Gi tno oo G oE taoc 6I taG =t4o oo E 6o = @o !o Eooo LFt @oN\t oo o 6; ocoo EooEo ooEtil oaooEoo[! o5 =ro (,c .s,! o I uJ =Nd ruco63 G oEoot troz caiIo|,Go oct4.Gt v,I oo G otoot qocoG =toocoo o =6o) = to Eo Eooo IFt @oN t 6o q o,c 63 oEoE co'o o oocrt o o o5 o t! troEoot troz €iIao oo u.t o tuG =t4o oo G oE tooq go tDG =too oo o- Go = o$ Eo Eooo l!Ft @oN t 6o o)too3ooEoE qo'6 o Pocrt o (, tropootco2 € =Ioo.I ()o ut I IDG =too oo G oEooq 6o q.G =tao oo o l (!o = t\t(o D0) Eoool!Fd @oN* 0o oEo6 B oEoo oq .q)o uJ E .9)IEoEofo (!o P(,crl oE (!oI o63o.E oo uJo 6E l =oE 6 = oEo'6 uJ Eo .gcotooecoz oE'ooooo=U' oE'6oo o--o cc q cEqcC E .E-b6 ooc't6a E >.9o6 o6>E6Cooco't 6a c.9 -g,lloo(! =t c.osao Go(L =t NoN o o NoN o o .oooE Eoooo6 Ec6 E fE.c o oc.Eoo).coco Eoofo o Eo =o opo();EoEol oEo(.) =oz o ecoo oE .oooE Eoooo -gDc6 E.E f! .E ooE oo .Eoco Eoofo o Eo fo oEooo;n oz od Eo ot oo coo oE o t4G =oo oo Gq o oo6o q s tao oo G Eopoot tro2 oo coo o o o oSo oE'6 oo o?-a o'6oo o=o 6 c- >.9o6>! 9EaCoOCOtoo co slocoo 6 c oa6 oc5(!,o coEG fo6(, (L =t co 6aoEo(L t NoN o o NoN o o 6'6 oEEo oo(! Eco E.E fE,E o oc ooc'6,co Eoa o o Eo fo oEoo =c.9oa ocoo;oz Eo o -qoo f 6ooEEoooo6 Ec(! 6.E )E.g ooc.E oo),=oco Eo)o o Eo =o o€oooBt =oz od Eo ot co -9oo o ?_cl oC't(Eo olcq66 CrUEoo.E o(, Ex oC't6oo o -!uo Eo9o):tEo>Eo_ 3.Epi!ofCO!JEO o Goo Eoo uJ G cot,6 ot troz o (,o oo oSo Eo o5o Noe\6 oo qoEul eI GoE oEG =o o E JoGo =(,c.g(, UJ E) otr IIJ oioo.c (E c =o =.Y(,oE, o() o ooo,Gq. N oe io oaotoa.oq o fo6o, = =Ef oq'5 Go o =Go = o a 6o = o f oo = Il (!o = El (!o = o f oo = o fo6o = o fq6o = o f 6o oa 6o = o =o6o = o =@oo o fo6o = o fqo(, = o oo = o fq(Eo = o (Eo = o o(!o = o q6o = o faGo = ol (5o = tN.: E B oo)E'= (Eoo o -!ult 6fcc(E 6qruEoo.E oo(, o $- @ \t- N ry N ry oo\ooF-- ooo_ ooo- @@N- o6\o a_ o o_ oNo- otso- N@tf- N(oq oN@- oF-@-o@-o@- No@- po Eo)o)o LFE Eo9.o! =s3.EPi!o=couJEo Eo Eooo l!Ft Eo EooouFd DoEooo LFt oluEooo tLFt EoEooouFt EoEooo LFd !oEo()o LFt !oEooo LFt !oEooo Lt-E. o(, Eooo LFE. EoEooo LFt ooEooo LFt EoEooo LFt EoEooo LFd oluEluruo LFt !oEooo LFt EoEooo l!Ft EoE(,!uo LFd E(, Eooo LFt EoEooo lLFtr EoEooo LFE (o oNoo o o6oo oo u.l @oNoo o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o ooNoo o (o oNo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o oooE oo =oElo(,oE o 6oE o6]oE)o 6oEo.E oo LrJ e oc'a G ,E Eo (o?crupa E qE -9(!(,ooo (toIo(,(9 ooDs .oF E(Lr o(!oE o (E;o E =o (Eoto o -gUJ Eo f 6Ecop o 6 s =o)ooc _96(9o6o 6o)I 6o o€e5, 6e 5E6:(! -c o GoE o6io Ele 6o! _o oo uJ (, .cooa Ecop o qcoEooooo Ef(r 6oI ooEs oF-3(LT o6oE o6Bo Efo 0lt)!o.E o() uJoo f 6FCop o 6oE o)o c -9G(9oooo El(r 6o I oo^E=E. ,a6q t=5!f,cTC o6oE o6;o. E =o 6oto ooul o ooE foo .EEo f 6EEoE E oco 6o6oo E(, Eo 6d) N o)tr g TLT oooE o6;o E o (!oEo.E oo u.l e qoo.Ea = 6 .EEo f 6.F copoo G og =oooco6oooo Eo Eo (EdlN lt F:I =(LT o GoE o G =o Efo GoEo o .!PuJ e a o .Eqf!ft .E !oq 6 cop o c .9o(9ooo 6oIooE6 .9. oto o.9 I.JJooo:o N .oF- =ILr ooot o6;o Eao GoEo'C ootr E g =oooEI Goooo 6o!oocG o-ordi.oq.EC o.=aquJiE(o_6.!odo3 .!9 .qrcTOSr>7(LdT! o6os o G3o Efo GoEo oeUJ 6 .cool E cop E qo Eoooo GoI s(, EoofoqO .!P -la -o>c-'a--; oolt)E o(t;o Efo (toEo o -clrJ oo =6 co9oo (! g =oo cIooooo GoI 6(9ooiJo NObE ag; f,oic o(!og o63o Efo (!oto o -9!J e q C .Eq G .aoo f6cop o) oc -96 ooooEf(L (5 0)!ooo)o N q)F-3(LT o6ot oo =o Elo (EoEo.E o -gU.I o ooo .E f!o .EEoo 6aco =o (t 5 =oaoc -96oooooEl(L GoIEoofo N oF-3(L f o6o)t o63o Efo 6oto.E o -qUI o oE'6 lo6 .E Eo =EcoE'6o c -96oeooooE(t(9 N .!qF-3(LT oooE o(! 3o Elo ooco.E o -9!J e qqo .Ea = (! Eoo a 6FCo)p o 6oE!oooE .9o(9ooo 0)og(!(9 N .oF =ELi o GoE o(,3o Eao 6oEo.E oo) l,lJ E cc'4 E G .E Ioc Ecop o oE -9E(9 @oo 6oIooco '6ot .o oo uJ ooE- oF E(LT () (5oE o63o Elo 6oE .9 oo uJ 6os oU' c -96oooo 6o-ooc fieo^ta.eE!c6aofEoL(!o-o.=!u:o)r3 .9.orcroSDEE ooq)E o(, 3o E =o 6oEo.E oo lrJ 6 .E !ll,o =EcoE'6 E ce6oooo oo- (u(9 ooEs N oF E(!T o GoE ooBo Elo 6oso.E oo uJ o(noa E Eop o 6 E =oo cI6(,o6o(!oI (!(, o€os,o6do E;IoTE oooE o6io Efo ooto.E oo uJ e ooo ,Ea = G .EE6) =E Eopoo qE -96(9ooooEf(L 6oI ooos N otr E(!T o6ot o6 =o Efo ooEo.E ootroo@f GECop o 6 s =oooc.9 6(9ooooEf(! Go ! oo^o=s, NO E9 r=5!f,cTC o6oE o)6 =o E =o (EoEo'Eootr o o oc'6ao6 .cEo f 6Fcopo E E _96oooo EoEo odt o)tr =(LT N o{\o oo 0oEur o Go = o.Cott o oo JoGo =(,tr.9o iE IJJ Po IIJ o!oo tr anc =o =.Y(,otr os o! oUtG0- NoE $o;aatoaoq 6 ottoou oz E) G(c o 6 o oE'ooo o=a oEooo o=a 6 c->.qo6 >,E6cooCQt6o C.9( =oEcoC 6 ,E o-(5 oc'too co 5loGo(! t coF6lo6o(r n NoN o o NoN o o 6'6 oEEoo c,o (E EcG E aD .c_ o oc oo.E co Eo fO e Eo fo oEoo =c.9o) Eoo 3oz o.cD6Ea o ox 6'6 oEEoooo6 Ec6 E.E =E.c o oc.Eooc'6,co Eoafo o Eoafo opooo =t o2 od Eeot o,E!oEo o o 6 o =oot oz oE'ooo o=o oEooo o=o c.9 sloEcoo 6 E oaG oc;6'a c .9 G 6Etrcc 6 ,E oaG oct6o qo G:o6 (I =t Eo 6fo6o IL =t N oN o o N oN o o .gooEEoooo G EEG E l!.c o oc,Eoo.coco Eo =o o Eo fo oEo() Bcooa coo 3oz ooE. Eo 6'o oEEoooo 6 pEG E lE.E o oE,E q)o.coco Eo = o Eo l 6Eooo3t =(Jz 06 EIot oot Eo E) !! a4 o o ITJ o thSo G EopooGcoz ooq ooo Eoo o o =6o = Noa- DoEooo LFt --C) oc'too Ec EEE5cqooCC EAoa.EoqEoo9-9(9o EoEoEEo olo6o oq 6a oocuJ oa oo E =6o = o f oo Ia 6o = o =6o = o a oo) o foGo o f oo o l Go o l 6o = I- 6o El 6o I =6o = Ea 6o o,@c? N@@- N@@- o@o- oo6- ao - oo @_ oIo- o\to- N@o- N@o- @@ @- @@ .j Do)Eooo LFt !oEo)oo IFt Eo)EooorFt Ec)EooorFd Eo Eo)oo IFt Eo Eoo)o LFt Eo Ec)oo ILFt Eo Ec)oo IFi oo Eooo IFd oo Eooo LFt Do Eooo IFt !o Eo)o)o IFt !o Eo)q)orFd Eo Eruoo IFt @ oNoo o o(!oE o 6 =o Efo Go- e 6 .c Eo, l EEcop o 6 E =rua coEoeao coEc) 6 aoo oF-3(L o 6oo oo [U @ oNoo o @oNo o oNoo o oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o ooNom o o oNoo o @ oNoo o oNoo o @oNo o ooNo o @ oNo o o6oE oo3o E =o 6oE .o o _9 UJ I oc'afI 6 .gE q o Eop'6o c -9o(9 ooo 6oIooco .9. o)to'Eoo tJJpooloo oi= = (LT oooE o 6 =oE =o (,oEo.E oo uJ 6 E =oo c -96(9ooo 6c)IooE6 oltGoq'-oqc tsquJ.-oco_o.-Itooo! .9 .s rd =EAtr o 6oc o 6 =Elo 6oEo.C ootr o .gEo l EFcop E coE(, ooo Go- 6oEooaoeO .o^ TO>c =a o 6oc c) (E =oElo 6oEo.E ()oLtr 6oq3 oFCoo'6o 6 o 6o co 6 C'o d GoI o6o Eaoo5-o' 09F; If =o<6TC o 6oE o GBoEfo ooco ool! e o.gql 6 ,Eo(, f Ec(,p o co G(9 @@oo ElrL 6(,Iooo-oo tr = =IT oooc o6BoEfo oc)E 'E oot! .(5cop o 6 E =oo co its(9oooo E-(L 6fe olo,^layqdPod.f6oFG -c?o<a =a oo(,E o6;o Efo GC)E 6 o GoE o6;q Efo ooc 'E otr e o,g = 6coo) f6FcoI o 6 c =oa co G ooo ruog 6(9o oF =B o Go)c o63o Elo ooco.E oo uJ e qoc'a E G .9 Eo! 6FtroD'6I co6(9ooo 6o Iooc6 .9 o)(. o,tr oo IJJ ooDC o oF E(LT oq E o6 =oEao 6o!o.E oo IIJ E c =oo Eo Eoaao Go IooE66O o^t6.eEoaO=[i n gGo-o.:!o!oo! .o .(!,cTOSE>aqo o Go o6 =o Efo Goto.E o0tr o .coo =6FcIt)p o c _9o ooo (EoI (Eo o Ec o oF E(L- o GoE o6iq Eao Go)Eo'Eoo LlJ e oc'4, ! ftc oo f 6Ecop o G c =oa c -9ooooo (!or 6o oooc o oFIB(LT o GoE o6;q Efo Go!o'Eo o) uJ 6 .E Eo f E cop I cI o(9o@ooE =(! 6oI ooEc oQb, -o>c-6 ooot o63o Efa (!oto'EootrEo) 56ucoE'6o o s =c)o coE(,aooo Ef(L 6C) oOnE=C, oo oO:-E 4.rf,o -c Noq +o oo.l o*u] eI ao = o!(!!, o oo =oGo =otr .9o iE IJJ ED ocIIJ o3oo.c.E tr JoE .Y(,ot oE'6oo o!-o oE'6oo o) o 6oc- >.9oE>=6x>'= OQ't6a C.96 foEcoo E oeG oE =6a c.os fo GoL t c.9 GfoGo(L =d. N oN o o N oN o o EooEEoooPo Ec6 E.E =E.c o oc.E oc).coco Eoafo o Eo a(.) oEoo =EoEo =qcoo 3oz co 6ls 6 = EooEEoooIG Ec6 E.E =E,E o oc,E oo.coco Eo =o o Eo lo oEooo = oz 06 FIot. coFo)aE 6 = ob oh ooGa. N oE\:o aotoaoq 6 oEoot o2 o EooGaotr!oEEs 6.o! s o =-oo o--a cc q cEEcc 6 ,E oeG oc't Go co 6)ooo(L i @oN oo E L 3oEC = o o =oEc =oc=.9.xuJ;E L 3oEE E (! co =oot troz \io! T 6ioE S 6a cia ooo o ci Eo Eooo o- =& Eo Eooo(! =E @oNt oo @oN$ oo oEEoeo ooEo oon6oo c.oo =ocoo 3oz o co=ol coo 3oz ooE. 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E otoou o2 E otoot oz Eoa Eoa o\@ oNci EoEq)q)o 0- =d poEoruo o- t $oNo toN o=E G =oo ooo6o .c o=Eqooo f oo 3o o c.oof coo =oz o=Eoooo = Io]o o= o foo ooo6o ,E o EooEo f oo =o Q Eo c)t o=ooE C) l Eo =o o o{GE GoEo5o Eot4tao a. oo oNo (, f Eco oc.9olE E 6o oio GcoE co6,oo EcoEoEl o oEooo o=o 6 c- >.Qo6>: 9PaCP8't Go c F6foEo (L t o Eo ot co o =Eoto :foc!J 6 trotoot o2 da oa *q oq ooEooo o- =t EoEooo(! t @ oN$ oo @ oN* ao 3oE,c BEq)oEo 6oo EoFol coo =oz o oEc)q E.o oa co Boz 3oEcE =opc ==loo-- co o) coo;oz e =foo=o;o o- coo =oz 3oEEE o o Eo oq ! o GEot4qo a. oo Eot4ta ea. oo E oE'o(l, G. Eoz oEG E)o-5ioE =,iIoE T --cl oc'too ts Eia oo oNa$ o@o+ GfccG EcoEoo.c oo E ooc'to o.E ooo EAQo+:EO>Eat g) a!ofcouJ6o ooEooo (L =t EoEooo(! =d o 6oo>oo tU @ oNt oo @ oN$ oo 3oEc =E -!un Eo 6oo 3ooc ==foo=a o oEo !EIox. o =ad)o=oio od N G{ So oo otLll Ei Go = oG.Ett o o E =oGo =oc .9o uJ E') otr IJJ oioo-c,E trfoE .YooE ob oN oB,G0- Noq i6; Gotoctoq o'6oo o6 o G =oEEoo 6o,c o a(! oc't(!o .os =o (Eo(r =t NoN o o oo o)E Eoo o)o -gEc6E fE.c o oc ()o.E CDco) Eo lo e Eo =oo.sq .oa!2 E Eooo)t co ..2 o oE'6oo ozo (Eo >.9oi>=6;>E6cooCQt(En EoE -gfo Go(L =t NoN o o 6ooE Eoooo (5 Ec(t 6.E q =E .E o oc.E luID.soc() Eo fo o Eo aoo.EC.9o.9,EEooo)d G.C fEC E Eopoodco2 UIc trooo Eoooq o5 eoa. o oSo E Eopoottoz oEooo o=o =c @oN oo o.E @ o =o(LEoco E ocE.9)J o o E E.9o oc'6 fdl o Eo o o 0,3o(L Eooc6 E o o toq Eooo( G lhSEc o oSo o o6o = @ EoEooo(r =t @oN* oo oEE ojoc(,oE6o .o ooot'ogoq oc6olooo E6 oE olo ! ooE.gaooEG.!! -9fooooo)cEoo o o o o oof TL E Eottootr oz E tropootr troz a. t4 o.oa.EoocG E EGo.J ElrI[ ooto oEooo ozo Eo Eooo oe(! lc ooN oo Ff o s o Ei5 o).gofd) 6 Eo oc 6o oo'6' (L o G s o E6a oE aco 6Eo oc 6o ooo o 'ooo o)--o o 'ooo o)=o 6 >.9:.E 9E6cP8 6o co s =o troo GaE ob6 o)E;Go qo 6lo6o(! =t qo 6Jo6o(r d NoN o o NoN o o 6'6 oE Eoooo6 Ec(! E'E fE .E o oc.Eoo.coco Eo l(-) e Eoqfo (,Eo() 3cool Eo(J =oz oooooEoooL 6'6 q, E Eoooo6 Ec6 6'EofE .E o oc.Eoo.co,co Eo fo e Eo-o luEo(_)o3t =oz od Eo ot oo ooEoooL E Eo =ooutoz Gotr ()o a o taSo E to =ooEco2 oEotuo o6 o '6oo (,6 c.9 6 =oECoo 6oE oe6 ooE't 6a c.9 s:o ccc 6o ,E ob6 oc't 6a Co (E ao6o(! =t co (! fo6o(! =t NoN o o NoN o o 6 oE Eoooo(! Ec(! E.E fE .E ooc'coo.gogo Eoalo o Eoofo q)oo(.) 3E.oo =qcoo;oz Eo) Eo IoE 6'6 oE Eoooo 6 EEoE.E =o .E ooc.Eoo ._cogo Eoafo o Eoo =C) q)Eooo3t =oz o5 EIox. co Eo eoE otoo Ea Eooos o oSo G troEoou. oz o'6oooo6 oE'ooq o--o c .9 s =o cco 6o ,E oe6 ooE't 6a E >,9!E GX>Eacooco,' Go Eo 6lo6o(L =t c.9 -q=o (Eo(L =t NoN o o NoN o o 6ooE Eoooo6 Ec6 6'E =E .E o oc oo,Eoco Eo)o o Eo ao oEoo =co=ol oEoo;oz 6 co .GooE Eoo !uooEE66.E ofo.s o oc.Eolt)E'6, Eo Eooao o Eo fo oEooo3t =oz€ =obot Eco q o o eCL o oto 6 troEoot troz =C =ao.E (5o Ef oo = o=Eq6 EcoEoo.E I(, EBI ooE't (Eao.E ooo Na? (o6N Eo9o):EiD>Fo3 Pi!ofCOr!Eo Eo Eooo(L =d. o Goo ootsUJ toNo o zIod .EEEo6 goEgoo o o oo EooSo NoE\6 Eoo ooGtll o GoE o!a!p o o E o.Eo =oc.9o IIJ Iotr lr.t o =oo tr (E trto =.Yoot ob oa otrG0. .gcoBootco2 N aq\o; Go Eoa.ot troq to o G o\o ooEo olto Gtt_ E) 6o = o)o6o = o l 60 = o) 6o = o f 6o = o l 6o = Ef oo) = o t o $ ooN oaN ooo^ ooo^ ooo- Eo Eooo (L =t EoEooo o- n EoEooo (L t Eq) Eooo(L t DoE oo (L =t Eo Eooo (L t po Eooo (L =t $ oNo s oNo oNo s oNo s oNo s oNo * oNo q) oE,GE oN N (! E i6 coEGFco coo- coo 3oz oo E.gE oN N;Eo c.9s Eo oc.oo o Eofo ooE.qE N N (! E c6 coF(! Fco o Eo ot oo E.gE N N IEo oc.96 co oc.9o o E .9)T oo E.6E o tN E=EoE c6 co oEco c.oof coO 3oz oo Eguoo N;Eo cI6 co ocooEo c9)T c c.9ol coo =oz oo E.6E N* o Eo c.o6 co oo E.gDso N EfEoEi6 ooE.6E N* @o oo6 cs ' Eo otr oo E.6E oo\tN IEo c.o6 co (,oE.6E N* @o (,o 6 f6 co 6EEo e Eo ot oo E.6E Nt @;Eo oco oFco oq .()o o E .9)T ooE.Go o$I oo 6 g ofo c.o6 co Boz ooE.6E @$I Eo c FoEco oco'6 Eo E .9)T Ef oo = o l 6o = oNo- oNo- !o)Eoq)o (L d Eru Eooo (L =t oNo $ oNo E6 E.96aco oo.EEo =.9oEo fo o oE Eoo o c.9ol c o 3oz C) Eca c.96 co 0)-6EEgoo c6 co 6 co oo,cEo-- =o oEo f(E o _go Eo o Eo ot o6 cooc.9o co -go6EEgoon o f oo o f oo o f o(, o f Go o f 6o = o fa6o Efso) o ao6o = o o $ @o:t @os Noo Noo oo\t- o@$- Eo Eooo o- =t Eo EoooI =t po EoooI =t Eo Eooo (L =E Eo Eooo 0- =t Eo Eooo (L tr Eo Eooo (L tr poEoruo (L =n oNo $ oNo :t oNo oNo \f oNo \t oNo \t oNo $ oNo oo E.6o N N oE i6 c.o6 ? o o c.ool coo 3oz ooE6D oNN Eo oE (! =I i-5 oo E.6E oNN oE tr6 E.o 6fo e Eo od o o)E.gDoN N Eo oE (!ao i-5 o o)E,GD oo$N E.lEo Ec6 co 6 fo o Q Eo=of coo]oz ooE.gEoo\tN cooc (! =I i-5 ooE.6E @o $N E.-Eq) EiG c.9 6I o o EIon ooE .6o ootN co oc G lci- ooE.g! Ns @ ooo tro co 6 f () a co oa Coo =oz ooE.gE N$ @o cG oE G fe i-5 ooE.6E N$ @ oPG c6 c.o 5o o o EI o)u. ooE.6E N* o cooc (,-I i-5 ooE.qE @ttil oo (E g xo clG c.9 6lo.=o o coF f coo 3o2 ooE.6E o$il c6oc (!tY i-5 ooE ,GE @$il q,oo g xoi6 c.o 6 =o.bo o : e o)d ooE.gE o$il c6oc -gfo.=() o 25o CD GEtroBootco2 o o ooocGlr- E ! o ED E opoou o2 G ot,ooe.coz G Ul G So oo G|I oE o Go*ooa g .! So'tr tD eo t-Iooa Ef 6o = a Go = N o N o EoEooo (L t po Eooo o- E oNo oNo o6oE ooEo.coco E ==fo,Eo(!oc o o o o Etr o E.ool coo =oz oEF o Go oooo,E go Ef lo'Eo o6oE ooEo.cocoE l=l.ooGo.cEo o o EE o Eo ot oE o Go)c oo!q) .CoEo E = =,E o oEoo)o C)o cc C o ccc 6 ,E oeG o,9 6a coF6lo6o(r =t N oN o o Eoo E Eo oo (E Dc6 E aE.g o oc ooc'6, Eo Eo ao o Eo fo co Eoo6c(! ooc uJ .ooo 6 6 ot,ooa, o2 E copootr Eoz oEooo o=o 6 E o.G oc5oa co e =oEcoo c.o -q=oEo(L =tr roN o o E'o oE Eoooo 6 Eco E'E fE ,E ooE.Eoo.=oco Eo l o Eo = o.EE,9 .9.EEooo EtD =\Po IJJotto G v, o65o =Ef oE., 6U) olcEo Eco E Eo.c I(, E oc't 6 o ooo Eo9o!EiD>E ?EPaoofcouJ6o o 6o c) oo uJ N o! so o o aoEul EI Go = o os o oG)L =ooo =oc .go lrJ E" otrIIJ oioo- '6 J0 =-t(,ot qb oo otrtG0. Noq so; Gatoa,oc o f 6o o$o_N EoEooo tLFt oNs oo o6oJ 6oI t=3qo oco 6cb Eooo.E oo u.J co'-> o6EoOEIru o EoooN @ co oc.9 6EE EoOo.E oo o =6o ooo-N DoEoo)o o- =E @oN$ oo ouEE(9 o oo) uJooE6lE N .oF 5a PC)c UJ oco EUJ E.s, I o N .9F o-p (, o'troo E co =oot troz o o o EasttllJ ol Iooo E o!,ood o2 E Eopoot Eoz o lo6o = o l 6o = oo@-@@- N EoE o)oo(! =t EoEruoo(! t @oNt oo ooN$ oo oaTL g q il o6t oocUJoE Ec6se@ il oc.9o tJJoc =ooO 6 o .9Filoer EcoE Eooo.E oo o N .oFuo-L 6'6 oE Eoo .o oo oEE o o Eo-sl!tr.t trl{ooo ox lr- o a. arl{ oE oo o--a oEooo o=a 6 c->qoE OF>,=6cooco56a c.9 N =oEcoo 6 c oaG oct6a co -gfo6 (L n co -6)o6o(L t $oN oNo o(5 3 ooco o coEcooc.9goo.C o Eo 6ot E'6 Eotr o c.ool coO 3oz >o ooo) (!oT o6; 6oEo o) cooEooc.og ruo.E o, Eo 6oE E'6 Eod o Eo o,t bo o o GoT o gfoLcD E o =oot tro2 o Goo GoI E) GoI o Gt o'ooq o= Ec- >,Qo6>!6=>,E6cP8't Ga coF6lo6o(L tr @ oNNN N o E:q Effo6 a6Eo oL DE e Eo Eo o oE =o Ef =oo a'6E o o E oco =qru oo(! (g 6 opoot oz oE 0)ooo--a E'6o o=a 6 c- >Qofr 6E 6c60-OtG,a c.9 sl Ecoo 6 ,c o-o oE't Ga co 6 =o6 (L t coF6 fo6o(L =t oN 3oNo C.9 Eoo.E Eo .9a o 63 o3t=3! E 6ooo(! o co o = co(-) 3oz 0Eo Eo =s co Eo)o,E Eo .o o 6 =o3c=;I E Eooo o o ot oEoo co:s oo o o oitto IL oeG'tr s a. E5o. ssos o =oo = Noo UoEooo o- t t oNo o 6 o E o Eo Eo o oo 6 o E o gfo E' E o =oot o2 E (,poot oz oooota.* =o G otlrtoq too*E o* =eo* = o l 6o Il 6o ooN. ooN- ooEooo (L n EoEooo (L =n soN * oNo oo 63 oo o oco'6 oc .9)I e co=o = coo 3oz oo 63 oo o oco'6 o G .91T o)o 63 oo o oEooEo)!.g)I e Eo ot oo 63 oo o) oc.oo o,E.9)T E tropootcoz oo Gi*oo tao {oo tng .J oc Oo': oo EoooL =d ooNNN N oo 6oo 3oc o o oco5 o ou c6 ooGoaE.9co oo GoI o)f 6o = --Ef oc't(!o (!lcEo Eco Eoo.E o (9 5I oc't G o ooo ooo^o Eo Eq)oo o- =E Eq9.o!qq)>tr 3EParofcoutE o 6oo ootsuJ oNo o c)E.qo @sil o)os 6 oi6 o o Eo ot ooE.gE o ll;Eo c.96 co G opooE oz o'to o or E\oaG s 2 GIl- NsE +o oo Eootu] o 5 Go = otG!, o oo =oGo =oc.9(, IJJ C') oc IJJ o3oo- ,EG tr Jo =.Yoot ob oo!ooaa- NoE $o o Gotoa'oq E ot,ooGcoz o I 6o = oo- Eo Eooo (L t toN c9o6oqv E?FV Eaoo cG6r EOOFE5E9UggO6E69>.Eo-E6fii>;OqcoON'n d-EEEure-sO.-s,8 EIQII o oo il oo UoNooL ooo co6o cG F 6ooE Eo q o oo o eotttoq o GoctToc boooo E tr{)!lood oz Ea 6o = oa (5o = oa (5o o =Go) = o f oo o =oo = oa 6o = I =6o = @osNN N No oooq N at ooN. o o-v o\t@^t ooo-N EoEooo(L =E EoEooo(! =t EoEooo (L =t EoErUoo(! =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(! =t Eq) Eooo o. =t Eo Eq) o)o (L t @ oN oo @ oN\t oo @ oN$ oo oN$ oo @oN $ oo (o oNs oo @oN I oo @oN$ oo o'EooEc-o=E=ELoqL =;gd6Gz; =-4.9T?E a*Eo >-E6E -O odo'0tE 6.c 2E;Eo.=oo= oa=:!oc :UEgE!5-rrJ 6ge QA-oE erp5 o o ocoo coF0E. E : B-o .9 oo LrJ oE 63E .9.o 6'o oE Eo o.E oo,cEo_ oiOgLE996; oeg 3 6aE oot2EA;tre9 -o66 rt O,^-E E* 'FPE606o 9o) a63hocUEgE15*u6-g- Qo-ntr Oi'E I o o o qoo c.(!Fooco IB Ioo.E oo LrJ otooBE.9.o E'6 oE Eoa! EFO6qiiE *9E- rO X=EY6(!0=f -og!o E E6e!H6)ol P(rEu- IEHF E >.= E PEooo BE=oEstgE€EerrrEXE OE@E =.eE; gc(EF -go.co v_o(!da6E.9 6oi-oo.E 6o u.J or o;toi5e6,'-OYOo.>EFEOoo p oE6o6EqEEOaJ!€o(EO=-q=k!.6bEakgitlofrEE_a cc-:p9;dEotrioEE66b9(JE-- c> OJ65Eg'iio EE3 = 4PgEs e o cfoooEcf 9Ioo oo lrJ (,E G3E.oo 6soE Eo oEo -goE-o-E= Eb (! (! e": -Loos6E@-10$;o>:t UOEE9€'6Fr b.6 ItrF 6EoP:d-d=fr 90c :UEgL$,rrJ6g -oE 9+o: o o o aoo c6Foo =i Io 6(, ot 6 =c.ao E'6 o)E Eo o.E ooEOo- o3OLE9c;]Got -E5*(ao 3 ooE E OEg5E.qoEB:EE8 RE', i d 9,3a6:Eg;.!1ts lLO-rrJ69 - da-oE I+o! o o o cooIc6Fooc @i Io 6(, os o;E.9o G'6 oE Eo .o o-trPq€olEPE6 =00GOcBgghho iEHiro= e6ottlVH ESs !u >.= E E8ooooE- 06Eb9u EE3UOE.cqEooE o:iI.e i5 : oo Ic6FooEo oGt.a(5Eo ooi Io 6o oE 6;c.ao E'9o o-E'EO R.= p trE tOoEoa)EOE6o?E:u) 4) 63EE!ru.g s -o J6Lope;o=o E8E6 bEoD!a5fi6 e.g'6EaEiuq: e;.qE =-O= o ocaoo oEg =i Io (5 oE 63E.oo6o o,E Eo o oo lt- Go o oo o oo Ll_ E tropoodcoz o tuGl q a G eotr oo o taGi oa o f 6o = o f (!o = o@N @ N oo EoE(,oo (L =t EoEo,(,o (L =t @ oN\t oo @ oq\t oo u 6o ooc uJ oc.oo uJ soo I 6 Q oi= o.N c6oopE6 o Uo ooo EGo U)o'Eooill o N otr o.N cGo @Ec6 o Uo oo(.) E(,ooo'Eoort E co =oot Eoz =Efooc't 6o o =Go = o =6o = Elo6o = o@@- N oNoo ooo-o Ec E5E5cqoocc E= .EoO,Epi (g o, EoEo EEo G fo Go oE't 6o oocuJ €o EooouFd Eo) Eooo (L =t Eo Ec,q)o (L =t @oN I oo (, 6o() oo tiJ @ oN \t @o @oN$ 0o coo E.ooo coo .g o -!!UJ oCo'o uJ co oc.ooo coo .o oo)ul ocoo IIJ o ocNoo @;o oc.9o .c_! Eoo e o,N U') =u co oc.9oo coo o o.No oI Ho ogo oo coo oIooo Go a4 co o-rIJJ U,*ooo NoE\o Eoo aoEIUqo: Go: oEGI o oo 3oGo =otr .9o IIJ E') otrLll o,3oo-c.G 3o =.Yoot qs o oEtGa. Noq s:oaa Eoa,oq Eo coF ooci NoN EoEooo (L t EoEooo =t oN* oo oN$ oo oE oo(, o 6oo6 uJ oo.!o ooo Ec o o o Eo o.c6 o .c_ =a! oE6o 6Eo)EfE.c oo o o.c6oo o Iod ooo o (L 6 otoot troz ooooo G oa.G uj tr) ooo oEooo oo C .9 C =oEcI G c o.6 oc'; 6o coF6 fo6o(L =e. @oN oo g Eo oco'6 IJJt.9 I o o t o) o(, o o- EoEooo (L t @oNt oo 3 tropoot troz 6qoEotF .9o(! EEGo (L 6o Eo Go ocGofooo o 6 oEocFoE6 E E!!a,e(L 6E o o E) ooo 6 tropootr Eoz o f 6o = Eq) Eq)oo =d o oNt oo .9 oc E 3 o,N o 9tCCoo OE<.:FAo--(Lo LEirI ExRiloiidr 8sa=oxo6 o 6 cooo F(L(r-F(IpooGd) ocGoaoo G tao trocl-q G t4oto t\ ! Goo oo 6 oItoot troz oa 6o = 6 c- >QoE 6;>r=aCoocQ'too c.o o =ooo =t @oN$ oo c.o6 co coco?_YE _9o coooc(5 Eoo o co o co coEo?-Yp _9o EooEE6Eo o o Eoo 6 G taoE o t-E G6 6 o(, G EoEoou o2 o G o o o Y o G E El 6ru = o l 6o o f 6o = o fo6o @$N o *-N 0so- @N@ct Eo EooorI =t o(, EoooI =t E(l, Eooo(L =t oo Eooo(! =t @oNt oo @oN oo @oN$ oo oN$ oo 6E oo oooocGc qa oo 5.e6F lrJ Ec>9kI< oo;6c 3 o,cEo6E e;oE6ag 6o oocuJ 9 6oboooo o6t oa6I I .!PF^coooooO o.cEo6 o)o o;t--i>a,S EE6: =3oollcpPo- EgJGqE E9 UDOeebEc!ur3 oo 6.e'6A rrJ Et>gh o GE;oooo il o6d q)t6I ;j .oF^co Eooo() ,:_ o.Et 6 o o)o c6 c=Boczoo o;,9> =6EP =6ODsJ .E3FculGr.r 5()a a6Ee'6(5 rrJ EgEI< o o! !ooo o6d otoI oi .o)F^co Eoooo,:. o.cco6 =oo oeaoonc(!E o Goo o E =oooo6e6$E;rrJ Et>9E!c oo;6 E=3o.sEoG =oo EoE6)u N oF uJ uJ() o (5E o ooo il o6tr oa6I ai .o)F^co EoEoo o.cEo6 oo 6 trotootr oz o f 6o = o l 6o Il Go oNN-N oo@ tN@o oo EoC)o(L =t o0) Eooo(! E Eo Eooo(L t ooN$ oo @ oNs oo ooN$ oo EEGe =.oqoc=-o9oEN$vtr> &uOos:ooooAF 66=>q-.Gotropt>,EP<o=fi:>q coOo6()!oUCcEe)6 II o )o @N il !o.E!6oo.cEoI Eo 6 =c .o oo ll o.EIoIEo 6l c! es8.9oatrBpr EX 366Eac>Q bE uJd aECEo='o3 Ep<,=.oftIO o jo IoEEGoocEoIDo6f c .E oo,It .9!loooN-ll6^OEiloo9NEa=-o=>LEoFEE 6-fc L}6-6P>.;9,6o(),fio OYco.9-,90EOrrJ E E,E t -cO e I jooN il uc,.co6 .EEoIEo6 f so.C oorl o oG =oo o oG =oo E Eopoot troz (5oc = =cfooc.; 6a oo.E) 6C.f> E= o9-coooCE u=oa.EooEaopo(ro a@No oqNoN EaQo!.Eo>E 3Eg) a!ofcorJJ 6o !oE(,oo IFt o0)Eooo LFt oNt oo o 6oo oo tu @ oN 6o o EoF 3oJ LFdIe E o o (EoI o EoFEo LFto e Coo o 6o ! o o EoF 3oJ qo EoO o(5 o)I o q EoFDo =Io coo o(!o I o e(!o tr) E otEo GtI +:o eGo EI EoI No{ so oo.:qoEIJ e ooE o.c.E =o o E)ooo =(,tr .9(, IIJ E') (,truJ o;oo- .E tr3o =.Yoot ob oN oBlGq. N oE +s; aatoa.o( oE'6oo o6 oEooo o--a E c- >.9oi>E 9Eac E'8,o,o E .c_ !bo ooC't Go coF(5 =lloo(L =t co (E f 12(5o(r t NoN o o N oN o o 6'6 o)EEoooo -6!E(! E.E lE.E o oc oo.EoEo Eoofo o Eo =o oEoo3co of oEoo =oz g 6poEEoooosEc(! E.E fE.E o oc.EooE'6,qo Eoolo o Eo =o oEooo =d =oz od Eo oE _(l) E G tottoot oz o o ooSo oEooooo6 oEooo o6 6 c ob6 ooct6,o co sfocoo 6 .c ob6 ooc'too g .9 g- ccc co=(, =ll6o .L =d co=G =ll(to =d @oN{. oo ooN\t oo oco =Ecoo ocooEUIto oF IJJ uJo oo(! o6(L .9oc6 ao.No coE.gluo ^oo =o oaG Eo e (,t: uJuJo Eo a -oo ooNo coEg fEo :o63 o C)aG E C' EoE,6 ot Eoz ! G o G =lrio o Esoo .s eo oo b€ 5Isooo o!€ooo o=o o!Eooo o=o o!Eooo o=o oE'6oo o=o oEoo)oooo oEooo o6 6 c- >.9oE>! EE6CoOEQt6o 6 .c ob6 ooc't 6o c .9 G =oEcoo E .Ec>.Qt-E 9E6CP8 6o Eo.E ob6 ooc'too cc g E ccc 6 >.9oE>!gE 6CP8 6o 6 .c ob6 oc,' oo co s =oEcoo Eo (! o6o(! =t c.o(! =o(! C)(L =t co?o =oEo(L =n EoE(! fo6o(! =t c.9 G fooo(L =d co G foEo(L =t @ oN\t oo ooN\t oo @oN{ oo @oN$ oo @oN$ oo @ oN{ oo q)q .o E .9)I si .oF q)c.o N o N o@: 3o o aoo ooG:o6(! oo.ca:o 6sooo E o.N co E.g)go ^a o lgo fo0) coF coF goF coF coF EoF coF coF N N NN NN o o$oN @N Eo Eooo(L =E Eo Eoo)o IL t oo Eo()o(! =d Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(L =t oo Eooo(L =d !o Eooo(L =d. Eo EooolL =d @oNv oo toNo @oNs oo $ oNo @ oN oo $ oNo @ oN\t 6o *oNo ooo- @I oq .o?_EEoo .Eo 6.c Eo ooo60!6OJNOdG-ooo .oE ea,oi -Eof Id) o ooG o6ooo.co It =dtoooo lt o F ooo-o lt oco €Eoo.=G E.g Eo ooo60IC' 60o6-ooo .9E etDoi -cof Id) o (,o(! o(,o -go.qo Ut f aooooo il o F oon- g.oco =oEoo 6 6,E Eo 9,.GOYGo!GOOG>ooo oE :2 l^ OL o=I@ o ooG o(,oooco UEf d)oo6- o F oooo g.oco =Ecoo G Ec Eo 8,n60xcor6Coc>coo .oE eaOLc{o= =6 o oo(E o6oooco ilEf d) oooo o F ooo- @ I(,co =oEOc68t.o.eo _oqE.!cEao;!to=E6ox8E>9oEVe-OFE6IDL ofi6 o oo6Io6oooc6 Ic: coooo-o oc6 tldlooo-o o F ooo-o eoEoEoUOCG8f.6 !;6E!cecio;o=E6o=8E>9oEVo-OEEGOL o=Ico o oo6vo6o o,oc6 uEaoooo-o Eq6 E f coooo_ @ o F ooo P I c,0)Fo E!coO6ooE* 6.S.=aE.o<!lg6 GO H3oo oIEVo-'6: LftOLc€olf6 o oo6voooooc6 us fooobo I Ec6 E) dlooo-o lt o oooo I eoFo EEcoo6oo E€6.!.=oEeo<,=g;6oo.xoHu?OQ oICV.ono=LOOg .oEIdt o oo6!o6o -!PoE6 CE f cooooo il EcG t f dlooo-o I o (, coE,6 ot troz Eoooo{ 6o o E oo Go o oo bG 5 Ertr ooo G otoodtoz tr) ooo o t\s\o 6 t oo G E ol-oo|GIoG+o ooo -_Ef oc't 6o oEooooo=o QC E5E5cooo,cc EEoa.SoaEo69ooo c _9( =oEcoo Go,E o >6 ooE'too ootoE Eo G fo(t(J oc (,o ooEuJ E.o 6ao6(,(! t o 6oo oo r! @ oN$ ao coo o)aEoEcoo Eo =E EoEo G E o.9oooo Eoo6 tJJ oo.=E oo oE o (-) uJo o.=6ooo 6ooo tu oEi5 oo.=Ec N 6E\6 oo o*ul e Go = o GI o og =ooo =oc .9(, IJJ cD ocIIJ o!oo. tr .E tr Jo =.Yo0t ob o !oarlG0. o'6oo- o)=o oE'6oo o=o 6 >.Qo6 6;>E6cP8'5(to 6 ._c oa6 CDc't Go co=Nfo(Eo(r =d co ol -9(,o (L =t NoN o o F.oN o o GooE EoooPoEEG 6.E o)o.c ooc.Eoo.coco Eo fo o Eo,o oEooBE.9o =ocoo 3oz ogo(, c(!Loooo66(\ EooE EoooEooco 6.E olE.q o oc oo,=oco Eo fll o Eo fo oEooo;d =(Jz 06 o od coo E6IooooEotl Noe\6; aatoa.oq E Eotootcoz oEooooo6 o.E !uooo6 co sloE oo Nq E o b(! qoct6o 6 c- >.qoi; 6i>,E ooc9't 6o C.9 Gao6o(L =d E.9 G fooo(I =d NoN o o NoN o o 6ooE Eoooo -gEc6E.E -E.s ooc.E ll,o.qoco Eo =o o Eo fo oEoo3c.9ol Eoo =oz Eo)q,io(L c6 oooE EoooosEc6E E.g ooE.Eoq) .Eoqo Eoofo o Eo o oEoooBt =oz 06 EIot ooo;o(L q6 o oo Gu-ooooG G(, ooSo E coPootrco2 sEo oioa-A Gu- o 6lo oE(.,oooo=o oEooooo=o c.9 s =o cco oo,E o b6 oo)c,' (5a cc q E ccC oa.E o b(s o)E't 6a co -gfllGo(L d c.9 .c =Ioo(L =t NoN o o NoN o o .(!coE Eoooo6 EcGt.E ofE .E ooE luo.coc0) Eo lo o Eo fo oEoo3E.9o) Eoo 3oz .9.o Eooc(5 (5poE Eoooo6 Eco 6 ofE .E ooc q)o.coco Eo f() o Eo fo oEooo;t =o2 06 =Iot .9.I Eoo E(5 E Eopooe Eoz oo Eoo Glr- Eo oSo o 'ooo. o=a o 'ooo o=o c .9(: EEEcc t .E ! b(5 ooc'too E.9 Efo Eoo 6 .g oe6 og't GU) co (! lo Go(L =x. Eo 6fl1(Eo(! =t NoN o o t.oN o o (E'6 oE EoooPG EcG 6.E fE.c oo 'Eo)o.cog 6' Eoolo o Eo)o o!oo3c.9of coo 3oz -coooo agoo6 .qooE EoooEooE6 6.E oaE.c o oc oo ._coco Eo ao o Eo fo o€ooo3tr =oz 06 EI q)t -9oooo Fgoo6 E EopooEcoz oEooooo=o o 'ooo- o=a 6 c->-9oft>!!E OQCUtoo c.9c oEccc 6 ;o a(! oE't (Eo coF(E ao6o(L t coE(, fo Go(L =x. NoN o o NoN o o Go 0,E Eoooo -gEEo E:E .E ooC.Eoo)c'6,c!U Eoofo o Eoofo oEoo;Eoof Coo 3oz o,NEoEoo o'6 oE EoooPG EE6 6.E ao.c o oc.E(,o,.coq o) Eoafo o Eoafo oEooo3 E, =oz od Eo q)t o.N Eocoo ooooo Goe.a l! o t^So E to!aoe.coz o.! o ooll| o oIo oE'ooooo o oEooooo 6 cc slo Ccc 6o,E o.6 ooct6a Eoc- >QoE 6x>'=acoocQ'too E.o (Elo6o(! =t c.9oaooo(! =t NoN o o NoN o o 6o q) E Eoo o)o -gEc66.E fE.c o og.Eoo .EoEo Eo ao e Eo lo ooooBE.oo) Eoo =oz oo oooE Eoooosoco E aE .E o oE.E lt)o).coEo Eoql(-) o Eo)C) oEooo;t oz oa Eo ot oo o EoEooEcoz oo Q oqSo oEooq o=U) o'6oooo=o 6 ,Ec>.Qt-E 9E6CP8'56o Eo >.9 3.E 9E6CP8t(Ea co 6 =o (Eo(L t co -g)llGo(! =d t-oN o o NoN o o .qeoEEoo(,P(5 oc66.E fE .a_ o oc oo .c_oco Eoafo o Eoo =o o)Eoo3co=of qcoo;oz couoL o;oFo.E6o 6poEEoooo (u Eco6.E fE.E o oc.C oo.coco) Eo fo o Eoofo oEooo =d =oz o5 eot EoLoL q) BoFo.coo G Eopoot Eoz oEooo ot-o o'6 (1,o o=o c.96 foEtroo 6 E oa(, ooctoo co s =o coo 6o ,E ob6 ooc't(5a EoF6loGo(L =d coEG =o C'o(L =tr NoN o o N oN o o EooEEoooE6 EcG E.E lo.E o oc,Eoo.coco Eo =() o Eo lo oEoo3c.9ol Eoo =o2 p Eoo N () 6ooEEoooosEc6 E q-E.c o oq.Eoo.coEo Eo lo o Eo lo oEooo =d oz o, Eo od o6 co() No(l Gtr_os oIot\ P) ooo EooSo E EoE'6oe. Eo2 6o oo q oo ooSo =cf oc't 6o olcE(5 Eco Eoo.s Io =oc (5 o.C ooo Eq9.o:t =s9.EPi!ofEOuJ6o o (Eoo oo uJ Noe so oo otsut o oGo = o!a!p o o(, foGo =otr .9o UJ E" otr IJJ Lo3oo- tr .E tr)o =.Yoot oh o oU,Gq. N oe +o; Ga Eoaoq oEooo o o oE'6oa o=o c.9 s =Ecco 6 ,E aao oct6a o .c o-(5 oc't 6o co o fooo 0- d Eo (!)o(!(.) o- =il NoN o o N oN o o EooE Eoooo 6 !c(! E.E )o .c_ o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eoaao o Eo fo oEoo =coEof coo =oz GpoE EoooP6 !c6E a =E.= ooc.Eoo.Eoco Eo a() o Eo lo oEooo3d oz oa EoEot G trottoot oz oEooq o o o!€ooq o6 cc q E ccC s ,E o>G oc't 6a c,9 s =oEcoo 6 g oao oEt6a E.9 GfoEo(! t E.9 G fo Go(! t NoN o o NoN o o EooE Eoooo6 EcGE'c =E.c ooc.Eoo.Eocc) Eo)o o Eoalo oEo 3coEo = coo 3oz fFt E.= Eo .aooE Eoooo6 Ec(! E =E.c o oc'Eoc).EoE C) Eo lo o Eo-o oEo o3t =z 06 o ot)Ft E.= Eo s ooS() E ottoon troz 5t-q oI o ID o o'ooo o=a oEooq o o 6 >.9o6>=Ed acooc9't 6a 6 >.9t-E 6;i>EaCoocQt6a E.9 Glo6 (L =d E.9 Glo Go(! =t NoN o o NoN o o .gooE Eoooo6 Eco (5.E ao.c o oc.Eoo.coco Eo lo o Eo =o oEoo3co o = coo =oz -ooGoo .qooE Eoooo6 Ec(! 6.E aE.c o oc'Eoc).EoEo Eoq-o o Eo lo opooo;t od Eo ot o IooGo6 E co =ooe. Eoz oE'oooq o)=a o'ooo o=o 6 >.9o6>=6;>EaCoocOt6a c.9 s =oEtroo 6 .g ob6 oCt6a g .oolo6o(! t .ooaooo(). =t NoN o o NoN o o .oo c)E Eoooo 6 Eco (! oaE.c o oc'troc) ,Eoco Eo lo o Eo ao oEoo =c.9 l coo 3oz o I oE6 .oo o)E Eoo o)o 6 DEo G'E lD,g ooE.Eoo.Eoco Eo fo o Eo lo oEo o;t =oz 06 o ot O r oE6 o sIoo)GIoGq- EooSo E oEooe. oz o st o o EooSo oEoruo ()--a oEooo o=a cc e EEccc 6 ,_c ob6 oc't(!a 6 >.9 -6 >r=6CoocO't 6o c.9 Glo6o(I =t c.oo =ooo =d NoN o o NoN o o .qooE Eo oo6 Ec6E.E o)o.c ooc'Eoo.cocc) Eo =o o Eo lo oEoo3c.oo = coo;oz Dcoo ,= d lrlc .9)T .qooE Eoooo6 Dc(! E.E =E .E o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo lo o Eo lo oEooo3t =oz€ r-o ot TJcoO o t!E.s,T 6 {,toe,t troz oE.o oo o):-o oEooo o--a 6 c- >.9oE>! 9E6CoocO 6a co e!oEcoo 6 E o b6 oct6a c.o(!)oEo(L =t c.9 Glo6o(! =d NoN o o NoN o o EooE Eoooo -6oc6E'E fo.c ooE,Eoo.EoEo Eo =o o Eo l(_) oEoo;co of coo 3oz bo oood GoT .qooE EoooooEco6.E fo .E ooc.EoC) .c_oco Eo ao o Eo)o oEooo!t oz od obot-o ooot 6o)T $ oo ,g +sErI EooIo E troPootcoz to!oooq Got o 6 o G o!oou troz Got ooSo oEooo o?-o oEooa o U) G c o-(! oEtoo c.9 6 =oEcI 6 .E o.6 oE't(!o C.9 C =oEccC Eo 6)o6o(L t E.o 6lo6o(L =d NoN o o NoN o o .6ooE Eoooo 6oc(5 E.E )E.c o oc'E(,o).coco Eo l(_) o Eo ao oEoo;coaol coo 3ozoEf 6oT .qooE Eoooo6 Dc(E E olE .E o oE.E()() .Eoc C) Eo lo o Eooao ooooo3n =oz€ Eo.:o)E q E =(L 6oT oEooo o=o oEoooao=a cc G =cEccC 6 .c o.6 oc'too 6 >.9!t o;>E6c60cg't 6a C.o -g =ooo(). =t Eo=(, =ll(,O o- =n NoN o o NoN o o G'6 o)E Eoo o)Io Ec66.E =o.c o oc ooc'6, co Eo fool Eo fo oEoO3c.9ol coO =oz o Ef(! 6oIocfoo c)6Bocfo 6'6 q) E Eoooo G Ec6 E'E f!.g o oc oo.goEo Eo ao Eo fo oEoooBt =oz od Eo ot ao E)(L 6oIoo loa o6 =Ecfo,io G otood. oz =Ef oc't (Ea Ec hE 69 EOooCC E= .EooEoo9_9(9o co 6 =oEco Eoco Eco (! Io6o oc't Go Pocul o Goo oo ul t4a. a. Gotoo Sou,{o G:E So o Eo oSo NoE +o oo aoEIU o EoE o !(!p o o E Jo(Uo =otr.9o lrJ E') otr uJ o =oo-c (E tr =o =.Yoot ob ob!oE}Go. oEooo o-_u) oEoooq o--U) o!Eooq o=o oEooqoo=U) 6 c ob6 octoo c .9 e:oEtroo 6 c->.9o6 s62E OQEO,' 6o 6 Ec>.9o6>!gE P8t6a 6 ,E ob6 oEt6o c .9 sfoEcI Eo o fo(,o d co o fIJ(,O o- =t EoE6aoEo o- =t co 6)ooo(I =t (o oN $ 6o (o oNtf oo @ oN$ oo (o oN $ oo oEfo GoE oElo N .=6oE =o ooEoo6I 6(r ooo t.s) .9F o Eao c =d)ooo o@ ooGEo -goco ^c) 6cooot E =dlooo o@ ^oEo =o.c6o(.) odocFoo E o!,ood troz G o1'ootr oz N oq +o; aatoa-oqo!o =E) GoI Eoooo.s u,a. Ia- Got a. 0. Got oEo = Eoooorl- Got coF coF coF EoF @oN oNo ooN oo Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =d. Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t (o oN$ oo (o oN t 6o @ oNrt oo @ oN $ oo ooo-o o E)o 6oE oE Eo oEe5oqi aoCOOEocEOJj ol E l d)ooo-o o Elo 6oE (! E Eo ooGYoGo ocIoEuJcg)T ooft ooooo .Ea t f @oooo Ec cl dlooo-o I o E =o 6oE (5 .E Eo ooo o(Eo oc.oo IJJ .s,T ooG c(c oo.sa E =(!oo4o il !c o ooG oGoooc6Ts fdlooo- @ il:oEo =oc ooo o5oE 6o- (L-F o oo(E*(!o -go.Eous =c0ooo- :oEo =oc ooo 06oq 6oI (L IF UE =dlooo-o I Ec6 oo6-o il:o,Eo odoc 6oI ooo-o il oo Elo 6oE c.E Eo ooGIooo oE.qo UJ 6 tropoot troz coF oEo(,o o=a coF oo cc s =oEcI 6 .c ob(E oc,; 6a No@ p(, E(,oo(L =t co 6 =ll(5oI t Eo) Eooo(L =t @ oN{ oo @ oN $ oo oN $ oo oo -9oo oo qooJo E =I 6q, I oo foaEcfoo o oooJ Eo oo:oEo =oE ooo oaoc 6o! !cfo(, (LT co63oc =oo ooo fo ocIo(, o Efo oq,E oc.oo uJc .9)I s oIfoa DEfo (9 ci Ea(! 6o I:ooo =oE ooo o5oc 6oI oEfo(, !LT qoocooooooJo Ef(! 6o Ioo foo o63Ec =eo o ooo) cooo,<oEo oc ooo 06 oc 6oI Ecfo(, (LT G ot-toEIGToGq- a,ESo. GoI a. Iq Got oEooo o?-a oEooo o)=a Ec g EEc E E .E Eb6 oc'too E .Ec>.9o6 iE P8't oo c.9 6fo(5o(! =E. co .gfg GO o_ E N oN o o ts oN o o Eco EEoooo6 EcG E.E fE.E o oC.E c)o.=oco Eo fo o Eo =C) oEo()3c.oo) co ,ozoEf(L ooIoooJ o 6? Eoo EEoooPG€cG G.E fE.g o oc oo.=oEo Eo -o o Eo,o oEoooBt =O2 od =o otoEf(L 6ofooo) 6? o tr(,po(,t troz oo 5oao E Soo a. Sa. oq,Iq. S0. Got 6 otootr Eoz t! tropoot tro2 El. Sq- GoIa.oo.J{o G =ooSo os EooSo o'o ruo o=a oEooa o--a 6 c- >.qoE E;>,E6C6O 6n 6 ,E o b(! oc 6o co I =oEcoo EoF6 foEo(L =t co 6alloo(! =t N oN o o N oN o o E'o o E EoooPG EE6 E o)E.E o oc.E 0)oE'6,co Eo fo o Eo) oEoo3c.oof coo 3oz o E =(LotL E'6 o EEoooPo Ec6 6.E fE,E o oE.Eooc'6) Eo Eo fo o Eoofo oE oo =u =oz 06 EIoto EfIoI oEooo o=a oE'ooooo=a co e =Ecoo o .c o h(, oc,; 6o cc C =c ccC o .c oa6 oE't (Eo c.o _g =o6()(r t E.o G fo6o (L =t N oN o o N oN o o G Eq) E Eooog G Eco E.E l!.E o oc oo,coco Eo lo o Eoofo oEoo =c.9ol coo 3oz c6roL 6oo E Eoooo -gEc6 E fo.c o oC'Eoq, .coco Eo lo o Eo lO oEoOoB E, =oz€ =eotr c6LoL t! opoottroz =cl olE'5oo 6lcc(E ocoEoo.E eo 5 oc ooo oo)o coFgaoEcoo Eo9o:qi)>tro3 gt i!ofgouJ6o o 6oo oo [U EGIl.o * Eo tnso NoE\6 oo ootIU e ao = o-cGE o o E Jooo =otr .9o IJJ IotruJ o =oo-c(! cJo =.Y(,ot ob ootoo,G0- N oE $o; Gotoaoq o5ooo o--a cc q cEEcc o .c oa(! qoc'too E.e G fll6o(L =n NoN o o Eo o ocoq =.9 oooc'6 (Eoo o o ocoo!oz o Eo ot Eo oo o =ooocoGo.otr o (! oco() G ot,oot Eoz oT.oL \'o oo EoEo)oo(L t !oEooo(L =t (o oNs oo @oN{ @o E6 E .0)oo6o I E6o €o cooo.Eo oEo =o(, Loo(5.E 6 oE)aE.9ao(! o IE6o.g o cooo 'Eo oEolgoLoo(,E6 Uo);oooooEoo il ,-o E =oEco c6 I IDEo 6\vt Go -lEsG6 o a- o 6So E totood oz G toEootrco2 aa. Iq E Gt4tG oss too o\ocoiro\ d,aG Eo oo = oeSoar,{o s Gor o'ooo o=o oEooo o=U) 6 c- >.Qt-E EEaCP8 Go 6 c- >-9-rE >,E P8t6o Eos)o6o o- =t co 6lo6o d @ oN{ oo @ oNs oo o Elo (!oEoo fo o, 63 oC.ooEtrJ ! .9)- .9F UJ LUo otr tIJUJo Ic =dlooooo xluEo =oc ooooq6oc 6oI o 6 =(L^ o Elo o(,Eoo foo o 63 oE .!po l,tJE .s)I otr tJJ I.IJo o .(,FuluJo uEf dl oooso xoEo =oc (EoI oo =(LT oEooq oo o ,E ob6 aoc't(!o cc s =oEcI coF6lo6oI =t @ oN\f oo oEfo .9F ooo-oo iio)Eo o.cooo o5oE oo-oEl(r 6oI (, troE'6ot tro2 oEooo o?_o 6 c- >.9oft CF>'=6aoocOt6a c.9(! fo6o(L =i @ oe$ 6o oE =o 6(,g]o q6oo.E o on6.E G ocoo t!-.s,I ,j !Eooi=E irJ Iul-o6 o .oF uJ UJo:oDo oE ooo oaoc 6oIoE =IL ooIoooooI It !oooo{o .G =II s oo. sq. Got a. Sq. oot G opoot Eoz Eo ooo{. \s oa 5q. Go a. Ia. GoI EEl oc't 6CD I lo lotoloto.:':,,r,1 o :::,::1 6:j: t: a.1 o'ooo o=o oE'ooo o U' oEooo o=o oE'6 q)o o--o oEooo o)=o oE'6oo o=o oEooo o--o E oc't G o.E ooo 6lcE(, 6co)EEo.coooo ,':::.::1 lGloI.E cl>Qlofr ]FE llitirtrE,Er1r iilli t:16 . ,...,,.,1, ,,,1 C .9 s1oEcoo 6 E o z"(5 oc (E,o q .9 slo coo 6o ,E obo oc't(5o E c->.qoE>=6;>r=aCoocQ't 6a 6 c- >.Qo6 G3, P8't 6o E c- >.Qot G6, 6CP8'5 6o E .Ec>.Qot>!FB 6EoOcg'5 6o iE c->.9"-E E.g,aCoocQ'too Eo9o:EO>Eo3 g) a!ofcoru6o .:l ::1 :,::'l ',:::,1:tit,:: ,1 ::':t!! o l6 ioI6I()I(Ll=It I,.,'] c.9 -gfo Go(L =t E.o G)oooIL =t coF6 =o6o (L =t co 6fo6o (L =n co 6-o6(J (L =t co 6lo(5(J L =t co=6 fo(!o (L =t o(!oo ootstIJ @ oN$ oo @ oN\t oo @ oNt oo @ oN$ oo (o oN$ oo o oNs oo (o oN $ Do @ oN* oo od '6oElo --oa:o) 6coooC'6 E I coooo oo :ooo =oE6oo,(JN o6u 6,!9CFEurduJI() rcao T6 ooooo.!6oElo Grl)t Eo o ,"g>qPI.9o.9EiEcu6 q,E lf cidlLOooi=oulouJ(o()v .!6oE)o Go)Eoo6vo,so OG-o*cv(,E >:P!9ts LJJ cotooo =ooiEovi:oU9UJHOUoo.caxo 6Eo o)oEg tadlooo 6@ :()oo =o 6-:.9- 06.9oF.gUJ; IJJoO YoEE o-HTI oq6Eooot E =cooood@(J \1 o N _!eF tu UJo Eo Eoooo Go E,o 6oE Eooa?-oo oEo'6 lrJE .9)-6i otr tULU =E.o^o 6cooo)c t =dlooort@ ^oEo o.E6oo€oc=(5o! (IT o (!coooEo .lolDt= QUJ!2u;-o @E ,{EaOooBE =5ooc=6 tr- .q &, 06b OPEL(5NO-I,Yoi8 -oL6 -.=6Iootro =Eof+oE:oI PioYS $€olL-g':6;>codco='5= bco -oE,3ro-@ oIrr IOnEi:o o H€ Euo-ooco oEs'6 .= d6tsofooo EB!oo3O"966s60(LEor-P56; >cOGcOEo> E!0 FOE,3ro _-@ -llOAFq ort :! o ^tr 8e900ooco oo6toooEo iodr i=9uJtslt (o! rE:oooEEo=>5ot.E,6 tr-8ho5b OE.E l.(!No$T.-'" oAR aH ooo9o:E'65 q.=E6 =Lqo -oOEo=!oEog= 9.:'Ao Iooo>+9;-bF EpuJ6 s)+ -f-d)Iq.e3Fo a l+l @ 3o;t E =E-o^o oEqoEge 5iO.O6F3H3? ll e ^61Ls8gE oo-6 =;OLo&)o.s P€El"ONI- <h +-* !ooo698aLIU'cgoEE=AIER,P!E89oE32b 8E FSd$'6_ UJG -sr€ -dl-oE3 uJollJ rro^ =E.o i-o 6EqoI9QE. dl .!P6F 8_E3g ll g ^6:rs8OE =EooC9636tL oas s€ EF'O l.-I* <h dg.Tth N o{\6 oI qotIU o oGo: o.cGp o oo Jooo =oc .9o IIJ E') otrI! o3oo. tr .E trf0 =.Yoot ab oN!oU,G0- N oq +G; aa Eoa.oq E opooG, Eoz o oo tr) Eo o oxqt 6 e oo oEoooa o=o 6 c->.q spacooCQ't 6o Eo Gao(!o(L tr @oN$ oo - 6t *oo 6=o-oP:' E-3E9 =-gobbB.>opc E-=o3= EEfox= !O.9ogoCE=-9o C6\oooo -aa]E =E o Eo ot E Eooo,c!I o- E tropoot troz oEooo o=a 6 ,E oa(E oE (5o c .9I =oEccc co=(! fo6o o, =t @oNs oo goco(9 o Eo fo Eo otr E coooCEc.s,JcoF(5 .EE = o ootrc tD Ga6 e oo E Eopoot Eoz oE'ooo o6 E >-9!E>:!oo aCoOcQ'=6a coE6lo6o(I =E @ oN$ oo o co ocoo =oooc6 to!o6 oo oo.E .c oocofo() 6 coo It) E6aoE oE6q oooq =6ooo oocct o E ot EcoooE=E.q);6o o u,Soq o oo E tro ootcoz oEooo o=o >o co 6lo6o(L =t *oNo Eo Boc 6oo o 6foE E =o oo 6:gt'-= od 9s6_;>460za o Eo fo oo(E oo(! oo =ooto f E()' -gxc.Eo o oo B) B,\GoEo(J G E oo oo 6 otood. oz 6 otoot oz o .JE G\o -loot o o o o a. SIttll o q. o ooii ocELIl!l! o € oa o s oEooo o=o 6 ._c o.G o.c 6o c .9 q- ccc c.osfoGo(I =d NoN o o oo()c c(,cooEoo ooc6 lio.E-E6E lio.E ooE3oo6E.ot o Eo ot EoE.gfot!oc =oc6I oc =ooE =oEooo o =ooo o=o coE6lo Coo 6 E oa(! oEt6o c.oo fo(!o(L =t NoN o o o E =q coE(! .9) .=o ou EE o oI oEl(! coFoo.E G oEoou troz o'6 oo o=o oEoooa rt)=U) o'ooo o!-o c.9ft!oEcoo 6 ,c obo oc't oo E .5c>.9t-E EE6CP8't (Eo 6 c- >.9t-E cX>,EaCoOcQtGo c.o G fo(5O(L tr co Gfo6oI =t coaG fo(5() (L =t NoN o o NoN o o NoN o o .qooEEoooPG pc(! E'Eo =o.c o oc.Eoo.Eoco, Eo fO o Eo fo oooo =Eo ol coo =oz c .9) oEotr Eo .oooEEoooPG !EG E.E olE.E o oc.Eoo .Eoco Eoo =o I Eo lo oE oo =t =oz od EIot_ E.s, oEod. Eo co E.gfoocoFfo.E .oEocElE.c Eo) coEG.s,':c.a ooot e Eo ot q .9)o Eot E() a tao'toxocoIC}o u_ooG'tr s 6 os() G o =oot oz oEoo)o o)=a oEooo o=a oEooo o6 c.9 s =oEcoo 6 .c ob6 oc't6o qcEq E ccC E .c o>6 ooE't6a 6oc- >.qoE>=6=>E6coOcQ'5oo Co 6)(., 6o(! =t coEsaoEo(]. =d coFGflloo(L =t NoN o o NoN o o NoN o o oE =oc.ooo.E.= =foo o q)olsoot o Eo q)d D'=oot coEoo6E.odo Ef E'o (, EEoooosEco6.E fE.E o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo)o e Eo lo oEoO =c.9ol co(.) 3o2 oEgooloE = E'6 (, EEoooo (5 Ec6 E fE.E o oE.Eoo.Eoco Eo -o e Eo !o oEooo;t =oz oU Iot oEgoo oEa .9ooEoq o l^ v, o oIo 6 troEootco2 oEooo o:a --Cf oC't Go GfEcG 6 co Eoo.E eo 5 ooc 6 o ooo b6 oc 6a o E c,9s =oGo(L =d. po9o!Ei)>E6- EEg)(5ofqouJEo o(!oo oo UJ NoN o o (Eo.E o o ocoooo o6o o Eo o =o otr coEoo6E.otoo6oo(L u,oEG o, CL5 EL q. ooIo \ o{\o o!ootui o I Go = o Gt o ooL ooo =otr.9o u.t E') o uJ oioo-c (E JoE -loou ab oa!ooGa- N oq +o; Gatoqoq oEooo o=o o!Eooo o=o C .9 6 loEtroo 6 c oa6 oE 6o cc( cEEcc 6 ,E oao oc'too C.9 6lo6O(L =t c,oo =o6oL =t N oN o o @oN $ @o o o.Eo uJ Eo otoct.9) o Eo o)t oE c.g)J .oo rl lL o o6(L o E o fo6o = o =6o = o f 6o o f Go = o f Go = o f Go) = Ia 6o I =(5 c) o@ oNo o':o@$ aoo- o@N.o o@$ No@ EoEooo(! 4 EoEooo(! t Ell)Eooo o_ =t Eo)Eooo(! =n EoEoq)o (L =t EoEooo (L d DoEooo(L d EoEooo(r =t @oNs oo ooN$ oo @oN oo oNs so @ oN\t oo oN oo @ oN{ oo @ oN$ oo oo ooc6oouJJ o'Eoxoc.oo oqo o'a Ecooa cooo;=o= o co 6 ocot o'd EoFol EoO =oz o f .xL oa aocGoo uJ Eo =EooLo l,,tJ) o'Eoxq) c.9o oco o6Eco>E>o-Jo6?cvooo =:o= co o ocot o'(5' E.ool coo;oz Eoo El iI Eo =EooLoLUa EofoooIo L'JJ oEoxoco o oqo o o-'E>>o>Io:zoJ-oICAoOO>=o= co 6 oCot o6-' =q ,oo =aEoo 3o2 Eoo il o f iI co =Dooro^l'U= oploo UJJ o.Eo:ocoEo)6=>.tOxEE9o.qtEb:86D EEcB7R E&3booZL =oz 3sN o l .XLo 6 o=oo_uo >E6GEBxodEo.9o6o-= 85pb ffo; Ocu] 3 oo ooE)oouJJ o.E o) oco EEoocOONirrovg'c; EEo>]G!i<28 b$ipza o'd =EoEol Eoo 3oz =ooNI o f iI o3DootolF"5T€5 f6 3Eu] '9 6o) olcouJJ oEo) XoEo 6-BscooogNbnEoi EEo>ro!iqigG8p Epz6 o6' coEof Eoo Boz tsooN If E (53o6ot .98eE'OEdU fdo>oEUO o6(! 63o[!J ,9o oEoF6 oco o'6-' E CoEEPo-q0CVoOO359Eo c.9 G ocot oa =Eoo = coo;oz =oo o =.xu Io6(L 6 =ouJ o6(! 6BoUJJ .9o oco 6 oco o'6' Eco>E>9oCn alEAoooBio;ZE o c.9 G ocot o'6-' E,oof coo;oz =oo il o =.xI o6(L o =o UJ t! opoot oz E troPoot troz o'troxIU tr) tt -.t o o t( UJoo G E Go o(, Il 60) No oc)Eo()o (L =t ooN$ oo o)a Eco o)o.c o'-o oc.oo oc E o6Eq .ool coo 3oz o c.o 6 ocot o'6' =coEof coo Boz El .xLc.oolEc 6 otooG, oz oEooo o -_o G c->.9o6>=6=>r=aCoocO't 6a c.o 6lo6() (L =t ooN oo o E xILso o E EI E) -l o oxt! E Eopoot Eoz o|, o .,, .9) -T o.\oxlrt o f oo = @lto EoEooo (L d o oN oo o6o 6 tsouJ) .9oxoc.9 G oq E o'6' E c.9of Eoo Boz o coF(! ocq) o'6-' coFo = coo;oz o6(L =JI G o =oot troz J1(oI tD -I o o lu Eooo o--U) oEooo o,=o 6 a- >.q -6 g.g 6CoocQtoo co efoEEoo E .E oaG oc'too c.9 Gfooo(! E co (E lllG (r i oN$ oo oN* oo EfxEoE=EIo ,Eoo 6oo .c jo coa oc(!o)oo Eooc cooFE)ota- o Eooc Eo ot E co oc6ofoo o Eo0)FEfoEc6t o- EIot 6 coo ocoqaoo 6 tro oou oz =Cf oE,6o oa Go = 6 cq6 E EoEoo.E oo E oc't(! .9 ooo N\to Ea9.o!Eo>F6- 3EPiuolCOuJ6 Eo Eooo(! =d oooo oo uJ @ oN @o oc co)r =o E.9)co 6oogoO oEE: E!EE:EoqLlooe6FE OE o\oDONo>6.E o f Eoo)oo Eq(! EocloEo fx o o) l EoIUJo Eoo .c xoc6 e co 6 ocot o'o-' =co o) co =oz 6 co oc E .Eo Q oo ocGa.Iooo 6o oo N oE +o oo ooLur EI oo = oEG!, o oo fo(go =(,tr.9o UJ E" otr UJ o30o-c IE o =.Y(,0t oh oo!otrao. oE,6 oq o=a o .g o b6 oc't 6a coF6)oEo (L =t @ oN\t @o oo) E cic E.s,Jc.o6.c El 6oco(9 qoz o Eo 2o Ee()t og E.9)ooq6E f Eoco(, co7 N oe +o o Go Eoa.ot G topood oz o 6 ooo Gtr Ro oo o = oEooq o=a oE'ooo o=a c.9( oEccc G .c ob(E oE'; (E U) G >.9o6 GE>r= ooco.; 6a co Glooo(! =t co 6)o6o(! =t $oN soNo o ,EE6 =q o o cooE Eo =o ooc6o= =EOEE!qEfpo! o t =ozoc=E.s, oo6 oG o.q ofo o o coo.c Eo fo oEc6o=>iOE.F -E 9F alo: h-E o Eo oE.oE E .9)Joo o6 E Eopood Eoz o ED -.toEIGI()Gq. E) .9J oEooq o=a 6 c- >.9oE>=9e6CoocO';(5a co 6foGo (L t (o oNs oo o.cEElo o o coo.c Eo o oEc6o=.EEoE'Eo o8 aEo=h€ o d =oz E cooo.Eco =EcG cEE.9)) o.Coc E copoog, coz tr) ED -to o O) .9J oE'6 o)o o 6 co e =oEcoo G .c ob6 oc't 6a Eo Gloo(.)(r =E. oN$ oo oEoo oocoo ooo-l oEoc cg o,Eo .c cic cof Eo)o o Eo lo Eo G ocot o'6-' c.oo = coo;oz oc=c,9J o oc 6 6 oE fE E op6ot oz ooSoo O) -J o'tro oE'o(,o o,=a oEo C)o o 6 b6 oc )c @oN oo @oN oo o oo f(! d oco q EGJoE.9ooc= EuJ c .9)J co'6 o o o,clrJ o 6 E oo.=o o .E =d) 6Eo (, oo f(L Eoco(9 ouJ po 6o .E(L oE6J()E.ooocE EuJ c .s, -ci=6o'6> bs>EPHoEcO!J- o 6 s oo oa o.E)d) 6Ea o 6co .E(IoUJ E opo()t oz oE'o o,o (,--a 6o,c o >6 oc'= 6a tro E =o coo co olo6(, o_ =t ooNs oo oc o Iot ol EoE.9)6co o UJ-It4q. G-too'i oa4 Goso(9 E tropoot troz oEooooo--a E'ooo o=a oE'6oq o)6 oEoooa rD=a oE'6oo o) 6 oE'ooo o=a oEooo o--a bG DbG oc DoEq)oo !b6 oc >6 oc b6 oc ooEooo !l6 b6 oc ooEooo =c lE aE lc lc lc lc @oN oo @oN oo @oN oo (o oN oo (o oN oo @oN oo @oN oo .9.) EoE =o o)E coo! a =o) ,xLo[! e G c oo 5 oc6am (! Ea o6L 6 =oaxu- o oxuJ o uJ .9)EoEaooE Eoo! f =a,a .xuouJ o 6 c oo.=o o.c adl 6Eo EooI6I o f .xI o (,xuJ o UJ .9)ooEaoo! co q)o a a, a .xLo[! =6 c oo i5 o)c'6 fdl o Eo !o6(! 6B oi cuJ o f .xI o.E o)x[U o^uJ= 6dl 3oJpcoc.9)I ol .xLo uJ) (E c0 3oJEcoc.9)I . G c oI5 oc6 =o oEo 6o =oJ oc6Eg, ! Iox. o f Io{o .9.)EoElaoE Eooo af =o, l .xro[! oc'6 l(D 6Eo o GE 'EL @sq E6) $ =Y o eF o o^E= o* oBq; o ool(L E o)c(,o oE6J q)Eo6oE Eul to =c.oo uJ o o)c uJ o Eo o.c Jd] 6Eo =Yo f .xLo I oc6oI o I(,t o=^.x, ^c1Z oooo l(I itsoc0)(, oE6Jop .oooc,z E TIJ c .s,J Eo o ooct! o 6qc oIo oc'65d) (5 Eo Eo ot 6loaFoUJ ot o€l Er o o =oo G 5 !Eo oo oEoooao--a oE n)o o)=a qc s =oEcc o ._c oao ao ,E Go 6 c->9:E gE aC6OEO't 6o g .9 Gfo6oI =E co=6lo6o(r =t NoN o o @oN\f oo o .oo5 Eo oEo_c E.9 o Eo ot og !.9)) o o)E o 'EE o osoooz li o =o I oEo=oaE EooG (E3,oEEEq6 o oE -gotouJ)L 6 otootto2 oUI-lootG s Go oo =Ef oE 6o EcE>c,t6E 6=cooocc9eo6.EoaEob9ooo) EoEoEc.o 6-o Go oE'56a o()c!J o6oo oo uJ 6 troPootco2 otr trlio'troc oo G tr S Go o(9 N oE so o! ootuJ eI ao = o.cGs o oo 5oGo =(,tr.9o u.t E') ocIIJ o =oo- tr (E tr =o =.l(,otr o ooboBrG0- oE oo o @ E .E o>6 oc'= 6a co=6fooo o_ =t NoN o o 6'6 oE Eoooo6pcGE.E o-E.c o oc.Eoo.=oCo o Eo ao oEoo;coEoa coo 3oz oo =q)! Noq $o; Gatoa.oc E opooE oz qoo =o o oo5(.) oE'6oq o=o oEooq o6 co ft-oEcoo E c o.G oE =(!o c .9(: EEcc E ,E o.G aoE't G0 c.o Gfo6o IL t c.9 (5 fo6O(L t NoN o o NoN o o .gooE EoooIo Eco G lo.g o oq.E oc'6, co Eo fOo Eo fo oEoo3co.Foa coo Boz oo E0) G f E EoOt6o.E eoo 6'6 oE EoooP(! Ec6 E lt ,E o oc ooE'5, Eo Eoafo Q Eo lo ooo(')o;V =oz oa Eo ot oo oo6 =E EoO.6oEIoo E o =oot oz oE'6 o)o o)a oE oo c)o oEooo oo E'ooo c)o >6 Eo Eooo oi6 a6 aoI >o lE =c lc fE @oN oo @oN oo @oN oo @oN oo Eoooa oE6Joo.ooocE E uJ c.9)J E .o)o o o o)EuJ o 6 s oo.:o oc)@ GEo t (I ot! Eoooa oE6)oE.9ooc==E uJ c.9)J c.oo o o o)c!J o 6 E oo b o)c'5 dl 6Ea q EG) oooEoE. Eo 6o EEo UJ Eoooa oE6)oE.9ooc E uJ E.s,J c.9o o o o)c U.J o 6 c o E i5 ()E'6 fm o EU' Gooo co() E ,Goooao UJ EoooaooE6J c)o.9ooE E uJ c.9)J c.9o o o OJq uJ o o c oo o oc6fd) 6Ea o t = Eoq)oootIJ oo =Eo G S Eoo5|!q o oot! 6o5o 6o.cJ (!o _c) (!ocJ @ N@ @d EoEooo(! =i. p Eooo(I t EoEooo(! d oNs oo @oN$ ao (o oN$ oo o LrJJ oo 6oEo G ss,E-ocLO.cE_o E8!o 8EEEov GOOEEO8E Etg 6ouJ=JE o co Eo ot o) 6(J Eoqooc=Eo =o oOo I.JJ ouJJ ooq6oEo(! $s EE.cE^.oE8-=o EEEEboEOor,EO8E Ee 6AuJ=JE o co Eeot oo6o .E EoGotoc E.9)Jo ooo lJJ oC EIoulJt--;() 6oEoo(, .9) Ioc .qx(, .q E _9(! c o co Eo oE. o Eoa oEGoaooooa6 Eo6oo.E o E ot,ooG oz ol! -Joa. G.J5 G()oa.ah 6 co oot oz BI tD -lotaGo!o eotDtoq oosG E5= eoEoo o = (5ocJ E oo C) (t, 6o.E) o f oo N E c- >.q -6 66>r=6coOcQ't 6a N Ns poEooo(I t EoE6lo Go(I t EoEq)oo o- E. EoEoo)o(! =E. (o oN t @o ooN @o @ oNs 0o o oN\t oo cc'a OoLU+Jl! o eot c .91o c) oJ occot oul 6cE6Eo6 .c o Eo coo Io =E ocoococ 'xooc'oooo o coo (,Ec6o.coc'66o Ec.9, =o Eoooc.c .9tr.o E6O!tEdo.o6E il9 o Eo ot c.9)o -- uJo uJ oool6 G E Gc oc c _9 Eoo oolEocFq ooE_6:g;p6-c UJ6 e Eo ot c.9)o oc56 oolg(5 ouJ oo6 ooE6 ._coo E6 goooooc6o,coca.q ooc'Oc -EodAp--o 5i o Go ot c .9)a ocoooo6 @o =o u.J E opoot oz o'ooo o=o E c- >.Qot Fd, 6C6Oao'too co 6 =oo(.) =d @ oN$ oo o - xE9E -=o)oSE;.EE6p; =kqtUo c i?E_gbooc o.c?o6PEE siI-E-oE: o -OErSEEBEi SE -Eod -=ooE5 E E il6o-. - oo\ o =oo--b c'- @c'- >6oooEoo h oEEXH ==od2EOO o Eo od 6 coooc E .Eo .9o ol!.JooEG S go o(, oz .g tropoot troz o oo E) tt -J o.E o T IJJoo G eoqo(9 oz =cf oc'too GaEcG6coE Eo .E oo E o .E 6 .9 ooo c.96loEcoo Eo9otEO>F6- ?Eg) a!ofcoutEO ooo o) oo I,JJ o!G o coo .c_ .E 6 .c_Eo .9 oE NoE\o oo.t otlr,l e ao = o GI o ooL3oGo =(,c.9(, uJ C') oc IJJ o3oo- tr(! tr)o =.Yootr qb o aoErG0- N oq \o; Gatoa.oq o a 6o o: Go o l (!o E) (Eo = oto- N o N6': ooo-o EoEooo IFi EoEooo l!Ft. EoE(,oo IFd EoEooo LFt @oNs oo o oN$ oo o oNt bo ooN \t 6o EEEE =oEo6oc.EofEa)c E3OEEO E3oaco=oPE-oOOb9 6€8otr)ao PhcE-P.= =:EE o otoo .i-o f=l.ooS oc;ot oo coIrl 9E =q)=9ot FE -o.=CEdof36qdo5ELLO9q)E_Oca'=oa9d.;oo EEsEaoo!r2oE9oP6! =OoEEe:i:E9 o osooo ,io ==f.oog oc;C)t oo =coorl EE!E=-_.9b6o6oc.S !fEaJc EgOEEO E3odco'=opi .C'o!Eezl6 6€ffotr!e 9E !:cbl=:EE o o!oN xo ==lo.Eo Ec.E ot oo =coo(1 Oo =o =Eo= P8-oodo=9> odoEEE LO,9so€EA EHx.; io5e EEUoo9otrpoPE o E.Eo>>N66 o oEonN:o f fo'Eog oE =ot oo =c()o(n G opoou oz p S o'trEISoE ioq oo =ooo titriot oo =ooo 6 = qr a?o oo@ 6i Eq) Eooo o- =t EoEoc)o(I =E ooN!t oo @oN$ oo o c(, .cEo f oo Eo (E fE EoC) il co 6.9ooGo ! Uo3ooo 2.oE il uoo = G otootr oz Eo G E Eoo\ Go Poo tr.t o o =Eo G5 oo5 Gg o ()o tu oEo OJo o=a oEooo o 6 c.9cloGcI 6 .E o ao oc't 6a c .9 C:-Ec E 6 .E !-(! aoE 6a c.9 Gfo6o t c.o (Elo6 (L t NoN o o NoN o o .qooE Eoooo6 Ec6 E.E al! .E ooE,Eoo .Eoco Eo =o o Eo lo oEoo =coEoa qEo(.) =oz oo .qooE Eoooo -oDc6 E.E lE .E o oc.Eoo.coco Eo)o o Eo fo o)Eooo =n =z o0 Eo ot oo G oEooE,coz aI co 65o o 'ooo o--U) o 'ooo o=a E C- >.QtrE 9E6CoOao (5a E c- >.9oE>:6;>'=6CP8 =6a E.9 6 =o6o(L d E.o(! ao6O(L t NoN o o NoN o o (!'o oE Eoooo6 Ec6 6.C fE .E ooE.Eoo .EoEo Eo l(, o Eo fo oEoo =c.9oa Eoo =oz oo =oL .qooE Eoooo 6 EE6 E.E fE.c o oc.Eoo.coco Eo fo o Eoa =o oDooo3t oz 06 e q,t oo ou 6 otootr oz a oo =oIr o 6 o oE'6o ao--o E'ooo o=o 6qc- >.90; >r= oQCUt(5o co s =o ccc 6o ,E o b6 qoc't (5o co -gfo Go(L =t c.9 G =o6o(L N oN o o NoN o o 6ooEEoooP(5 EE(! 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Ee =6y)co!loE!o-P:96 3EE o oEoo:o l==.qo Ec =otr oo =coo o _gIcoooc f oco'o Eo -!P€ oo o o oo E o oEoooo^o f=foosopctrud oo = ooE E -gecooo.sal oE.9o ooo'6 oo ooo oo E o otooo:o f==o.Eo Ec =ot oo = ol=-ooG .EEo f ooE o Ec =ot oo = oc E q;: -c =p=EEAoooccd ErJO b.0E5 OQ -aEO'=o (ro L! Ee ='o Ic6!iotr!o-P6gtos E 3EE o oEo(o:o f=fo.Eog Ec;od oo coo EEEE){_.9bao6oC,E pf3='fExo);ooccoE*odco'=op* -oO! EB 6Effotr!o pE EEEol=3E0 o ocooo^Ef=lo.Eog Ec;ot oo coo EE!E '=o6)o6oc.E E]Ea)c E3OGtro E8odco'=op* -oOO60EI,cYt4ooEPEHo qrE <EEo=;XEE o ocooNi-I ===o'EoS oc;rl)t oo =coo (D o 6; -o)E8;<o'=ooo6ccd Eara b:aE5Eo EEooco EoodagoO^6E =.8 3coqlotr9,q;E otr E REO o oEaN i-If=)o.Eos oq =ot oo =co E(r, EEEEa,-.9bEo6oc.E EfEarc EgOEEO E3oacq'=opi b360E!.88fr9E3(9 qrb tsEEol=3E0 o ocoo@ji E ==fo'Eos EE;ot oo =Eo E(D Noa to o Go tsoaoq N oE $o 6!o€l! o I ao = oEos o oo Jo(Uo =otr.9o L uJ E') otr IIJ o =0o- .G o =.Y(,ot o f (5o = E) 6o = o Iaoo oa Go = o f(,o = ol (!o = ol (!o = oao(Eo = Ifo6o = ol 6o = Ef (E(, = Ifqoo = E- Go) ooo6i NN{N @ o-N oNooN o(o o@oo o6oo tsoq \t soo ooo 'f \to\t- Nt oort@ Noo_ EoEooo l!Ftr 6oEooo LFtr EoEooo LFE EoEooo IFt EoEooolrFd EoEooo LFt EoEooolrFn EoEooo l!Fd DoEq)oolrFd Eo Ell)oor!Fd Eo Eooo lr-Ft Eo Eooo LFtr Eo Eooo LFt @oN\t oo @oNtt oo @oNs no (o oNs oo @oNt oo @oN:f oo (o oN\' oo (o oNs oo (o oNlf oo @ oNt oo @ oN\t oo @ oNrt oo @oN$ oo _oc.E'E,n f>EOcc'-o EP .EOEo)qe E8o!casoE:p:-!o76fr#E8. ooIJ.= o s5Etrpio-oo iL6EE -o.g EoaEo oo -60 o ocoo -6 aEc EE;ot oo =co Erq EP6aarD>co'-Eco66 .cEEooo9n E8ooE- E3p9 6€so.E9l E eEo.= oEtu_fcbE=o-o v oE =ofi *o=-:o oto oorOO o osooo -.(! =Eg Ec;od oo =qoo(1 _o6C =>oocc'-o EP.!ooogE EEoec6LoE:pi.:o)63&E8- ooI.E b E !ecFEo-ooiL5E8 -oEEo ocN OOr6O o oEoN;6.E fEg EC- c)t oo =Eoo at 6o 6Q)ro>co-CEO('6cEoooooa E8qq Eg9B!-iEclrtro a ocO=ci 5:og)]o-d iiro ocN OCFOC o ocooN -6.E afEc EE;ot oo =coo tq o -E66'=l6>roECco':6 EE E; UE E_eoqcoso ,EsE:cYa'=o4BE8d oo ! Eryfc<pic-ooiLI6e x8E - oco oor6O o oEo:6.E aEE Egtot oo =Eoo(4 _oc.E'46 :>EOcc'-o EE.LOEOg_E E8.o!c6goE:9:.=o,63flE8:99 o F->fE 3E Eo--L5EE -oEEo oco oo -GO Q ocoo -6.E )oc=oq =ot oo =co Ero 6o6s =ro>EO-cCOc6EEoooo9A E8oo Egpp i€sEtroJ E PEo=o? !eo9ao-o iE€o oco ooFGO o oEooo -6.E lEc=oEE;ot oo =coo t?) Eo 6A =rE>co'-EgoG6.EEE(,oo9A EUoo E8eg 6EsfItra--oo Pgo=o E 5: HE= =.8 €o ocN OO-6o o oEooF- =6.E oaEc EEtot oo =Eoo (r) o -.EOo'-l foEEco':6 :E'-oEiiua-obo-o -qEOLo .EBEh =Es6Egoa oo E Ep>6 =c'6qli'g.o ? 3EETEEo aoN60 o oEoN-6 foE Ectot oo =co) E(o _oc.E'Eo f>ooqq'-o EP.!ooo)o; 9Eo-caLOE:!:.!o EE$- oo.9E6 s5Ec9io-oois(5.E E -'E Eo oco ooN60 o o!ooN =o fEE EE;ot oo =co E(r) EP6Q =Jo>coco6octEooooEE EUoo9- E.899 E"efr E PEo.= oEEo_fcbE=o-o v oE :'E to qco ooN60 o oEoooN56 fEc Ec;ot oo coo(o EP64aJo>coco66EEoooo9i E8ooE5 E3sg tE s,EtrOx l86EEE Eo_=cbE=o-o v oE ='fi # o ocN OON60 o oEooNN-6 aEC Ectot oo =coo (r) o gs foocEO':6 !E.:oE; ua booocoLO ,Ep cx i'=oaaE8E oc IJ tr- =plE-Oo--LEETvG=o.9 I- oao ocNOC o oE @N;(E =oc oc't od ooE Eoo(t o6 o!aoE)G0- N oE +o; oatoa.oq E EoPoou. Eoz G 6IE =6E Ioq ooE ooo 6tt:oq o o =oo(, =c =oc't Ga oa (,o = No 6fcEoEEoEoo .E o(, tBx ooc't 6oo.E ooo 3o9o*=Ea)>F6- ?EPi5o=EOut6o !o Eooo lJ-Ft o Goo ootsuJ @oN:t oo Eo6 coooq'6l oc.ooEooD'6 oo ooo ooE El=foo(g .E e oEoooxo f=fo.Eo5 EE =ot oo NoE s6 Eoo oeluoo Iq Go = o (!p o o0) =oCIo =otr.9o IJJ E" oc UJ o;oo- tr(! fo =-tooE, qq obboEGo. N oE +o o Gatoa.ot o- Go NNo- =cl oc't 6o Ec E= 6-vcaoocc EAoo.EoqE@o9ooo) o la6o = oa Go o =o(, = o a (!o) o l oo = o f oo, = o =oo = Ea 6o = o f oo = El 6o = E =6o = o f o() Il (5o = o l oo = oN@- @o O oo o N* oN o o- N@@- 6 o o? @t@ N soooo @- @ o@\o @ $^ \'o@^ o o @ poEo(,o IFt @ oN{ oo oE'6a oco'6 Eoo '6 oo ooo oo Eoc.E lo o oEooN-.o lEE Ectot oo = co EocoEco G foGo oooo oo uJ o.E oo o 6)q tIJ Eo)Eruruo IFt EoEooo IFd EoEooouFtr poE(,(,orFt EoEooouFt EoEooo LFt oc)Eooo LFd ooEoruo LFt Do)EooouFt ooEo)oo IFd EoEooo IFt EoEo)oo LFt o0Eooo LFd EoEooo lLFt oN $ oo oN\f oo @oq\t oo @oNt oo @ oN\t oo @ oNs oo @ oNt oo (o oN $ oo (o oN $ oo @ oN$ no @ oNs ao o oNrf no o oN t 6o @ oNt oo Eo 69 E>co'-cqo66 .EEEooo ;3.ll oqo E899 6Es0.tra 6 OOo.= aE tr_=cdalo-ov oE6E OE-,q =o oco ooN60 o ocoooN;(!'E =Eg EE =od oo =coo o .s0t;>foPEco':6 :6 E= ua-o E-ocOLo ,EEo: =Es6E8u oo !Eo56=c-oqf'g.o Evo=o.9 Y- oco oooGo o oEoo;6 lEc Ec;ot oo co E _o6C f>EOCE'-o EE .E 0)DOgE E8O+LoE: !:.90,23&E8- oooExo ts-> :.cc9]o-o9f-o3E .oEEo oco ooooo o qE oo -6 )Ec Ectod oo =co) E EP69 =rE>co'-ccooo.cEEooooa lroooE- 69!9 >oEEfrE;8o=oE5ebE =o-o :EEc-,q =o oco ooo60 o oEoooo;6,C lEc E.E3ot oo =coo _o6C =>EOcc'-o EP.=o!ogE Ego!caLOe;e:.soa6a#E8- ocOE:o !->EEc9io-ooiL5Etoo=c.9 !O Oco ooo60 o osoo -6'E 5Ec Ectot oo co E E964 =JE>EO'-EEO66.EEEoooa7 :JOootrP !o P9>o EEfr--oo ooo.= oE to_=cograI --9v oE-'E: o oco ooo60 o ocoooo =6'E)Ec !c =ot oo Eo E o_c6AEf foEg.9.9-o6E_o.=oRE43 bo-o -ocOLo B9E: =83dEgtr oo PEu <9;c-oEc-,He8xuE- oao aos60 o oEo 5(!.E aEE=€ctot oo =Eoo _o(!.E l>DOEC'-o EE_!oEO'o; :a9tso!c6Loe;p:.:ot6fr#E8- oc.9EEs5E 6EApi'oeE =oEEo qco qot60 o oEoo$5.q fEc Ec =ot oo =qoo 6o6e=rD>co EO66.!EEooo)AE.aE8 P-o E39B EE m--oa ooo.= oE to oP;o-ov oEoE -lP: UEo oco oo!t G i.) o qtooo*5G.E loc Ec =od oo =qoo _o .G .E l>ooEC'-o EP!oEOgE E8o!c6LoE:!:.=o,63#E8- oo.9Es5Ec9io-oo --L5EE -oEEo oc6 00sGo o oEoos-.q lEc oE .c_;od. oo =coo(.) EP69a)E>co'-cco66.!tsEooo)4E EAooE- E3P9>o PEfr--oI Peo.= o5 to -fc6pao-o :€E =8Eo oco oo+60 o oEooo* =.a o)Ec Ec =c)t oo =coo o_coA'E36>foDCEO:6 :E,-oET fra 5oz6coLne9p5 =636E8tr 60 b.= o = EE <p;c-aDo--LfEtx8ET E-Eo ooaGo o qE on-6 lEc Ec;ot oo =coo(0 _o6C =>EOcc'- o,EP .!oEO3E .Eeo-c6LoE:!:.!o,63#E8- ooOE:o E- = E.Ec9io-o9i-oeE -oEEo oco ooo60 e q =oon-5 alEc ECtotr oo =coo(t E'E a€.E CG .gooo .oE8ooE- E3E9.!->oobE,E oOo.= =!cio!Do_o8OFElIIotsooooID-III o o oooo-o =Ec !ctot oo =co E(D N oe +o oo oGul e Go = o!.Es o oo foGo =oc.go IJJ E" otr IJJ o;oo. tr (E tr =o =.Yoot ob oehotrrGa. No{ $o; Gotoaot '6()o o=U' G c coF6 =o6oo- =d NoN o o 6 oE Eoooo6 DcGE a =E.g o oc ooc.E, co o Eo fo o)EoO =co of coo =oz oo!foaN ooEEooooooaaoo=--oo ao o -cQ>Eo 6,EE2 OoO,E 6o coE6lo6o(L =t c F6lo6o(L t NoN o o NoN o o EpoE Eoo ruPG Eco 6.E =o.c o oc.Eooc'6,co 6'6 oE Eooog G Ec6E olo.c o oc'Eooc'6,co Q Eo ao o)Eo(-);coFof coo 3oz oE E.9))o6o o Eo f ooo o3d ()z o5 Eo o oc .9))ooo o 6 tro ootr Coz oaa ot4 oo oo o 6 o =ooe oz o Gat, o o$oc,Go oq5o oEooooo=o oEooo o=U) E.9 G fEEtoo o c o-6 aoEt6o G c->q-E>=6d g8'= 6o coE6lo6 (L =t coE6lo6o(L d NoN o o NoN o o E'6 oE EoooPo Ec6 E lo.c o oc.Eo(,c'6,co Eo =(J e Eo fo oDoo;coo = coo;oz EoEGfs o 6'o oE Eooog Gpc6 E lE.E ooc'Eooc'd,co Eo f,o o Eo lo (1,Eooo3d =(-)z od IoE. co=Gfsxo o G qt xoo o o o o'6oo o=c) Eooooo=o c .9(: EEccc G .E o b6 oc'= 6o G c- >.QoE 6X>r=6CoocO't 6o co 6lo6o =d co 6lo6 (L =n NoN o o NoN o o 6'5 oE Eooog 6 pc6E.E o)E.E ooc.E 0.)oc'6, Eo Eo fo o Eo l o,EoO =coo = coo 3oz ,gEo E E oo6o E'6 q) E EoooIG !Eo E lE,E ooE.EooE'6,co Eo lo o Eo l() il)EoooBt =z oa Eo od. .6EoE E o)o6o € oE'ooG oz 6 troooot oz oEooo o=a G .E o-6 octoo c.9( =oEcI co 6 =o6o(! =d $oN o o Eo ot (, E cooco 6oo o)do ooD G otr tr ooG u, N ooSo =cl o)E't Go E =oo o =6o = o-aoo I =a(5([, ol (5o ol (!o = Ec E=c5-cqoocc EEoq.EoqE PEoo @N$- o@@ $ o@o-N o I @\f-o N o. N l ..: I Eoc(, Ec.o6)o Go oc'= (5a o 0)cuJ EoEooouFt EoEooo IFd EoEooo LFt ooE(!)oo IFt ooE(,oo LFt EoEc)oo LFt o6oo oo U @oN oo oN\t oo @oN$ oo @oN$ oo @ oN $ @o o oN oo I I I I I I I I I I l 1^ lolololol6 l]lo IE'lo lo lclo. tor,i lo 1fl>tolcloloIElo $o6E{tI0ts6 Es s:Efrll} s o_c.eE lo!cco':6!5.=o E= 48 E9oqcoLO ,EE90'<oaaE8tr oo €E; zp;E-OoiLE6s XEE - Oco oo@oo o oEo@;6.E fpc Ec =ot oo =coo _o.q .gbq :>oo;9ctssboogE bH.o-caLOE;9-.!o>63#E8- oo9=E-9 Lo> g.Ec9io-og) f -oeE .oEEo oco oo@GO o otoo@-.q )oc oE;ot oo =coErq _oc.E'Eo f>DOEC'-o EE_!oEOo= E8.o!CALoE: !:.!o>6 A&E8- ococ:6tr- ==Ec9io-ooiL(5Et PEEo oco ocN60 o oEooN:E.E foc= E.c3ot oo coo (D o_c6A loPEqo':6 6Eco'- q)E=49-obooocoLo ,EBEhSEfi6Egtr oo oF" <p= o iLE O3v d=o.9 P - oco ooN60 o qEsN;6.E fpc pc;ot oo Eoo(1 _o6.9'Eo f>EOCE'-o EE .E o)oogE E8.OrcaLOe;!-.!oj6g#E8- oooEXo F->=E.E;o-ooiL5Eto(!= o gco oo@60 o o oo@:6.E =Ec Ec =ot oo coo(1 _o6.EEo f,>oocc'-o EP EA)DO3E E&O+caLoE:9:.!ot:o8#E8- oooc: -9 to> =.trcpBo-oo iL5gE -',9 Eo oco ooooo o qEooo ^G.E fpc Ec =od oo coo(1 o otoot oz o o coo Eo eoEr oto a.Gt go oo Noq sa oo otsurq E GoE o (E!, o oo oGo =(,tr .9o 5 UJ E' otrIIJ 0) =oo- 'i c3o =.Yoot oEooa o?-o 6 .c oi(, oc't(!o C.9 6fo6o(L =t N oN o o E'o o E Eoooo (E EcGE fE.E o oE oo.coEo o Eo fo oEo() 3coo =aEoo =oz oh oNbotrrGo. G opoot o2 N oe +o; Gato$t tro 6 an oE'6oooo=o oE'6oooo=o 6ac- >.9!E G;>r=acooCQ't 6a 6 E. >.9oE OF>EacooCQt6o c.9 G =o Go(L =d c.9(, ao(5(J (L =t N oN o o N oN o o Eco E EoooPs Eg G6.E fE.E o oE.Eoo.goEo Eo fo o Eo fo ooo(J 3EoEo =ocoo =oz oL E(!lr- o Eoqo It Eeo E EoooPG EE6E.E aaE.g o oc'Ell)o.Eoco Eo lo o Eo fo oEooo3t oz 06 Eo ot oL CGr o Eoo6 ilt o Eo!,ootr oz o'ooo oo o'6oo o6 cc g c c E 6 @.c ob6 @oc,' 6a o sfo troo 6q E o b6 o)Et6a co GfllGo t]. =d Eoo fll(,o(L g. N oN o o N oN o o 6'o o E Eoooo -6Eco 6.E lE.E o oE.Eoo.Eoco Eoo =o o Eoofo ooo(J 3qo oe Eoo 3oz oqc)Ecoo6oe o5o6It Eeo E Eoooo -goC6 6.E ofE.E o oC olu.coco Eoqao o Eoofo oEoooBtr =oz od Eo ot o CoEcoo6oe o5q6 lt 6s Gu- o eoa.G ltJ ot,Io E Eo =ooe.troz oEooo o=o o'6oo o=o o >-9oE 6;>E6CP8tG,o qo E:6 trcd oq .c o bo ooc oo co 6lo6o(L =t co lsfll(Eo(L =t N oN o o N oN o o Eoo E EoooooEE6E l!.E o oc oo.Eo)Eo Eoo =(.) o Eo fo oEoo;c.oo P coo Boz .9.'6o o6 oo6 IJJ uJtrl G'6 o E Eoo luo6 Ec([ E.E olE.c o oE.Eoo.Eoco Eoo =o o Eo fo oEooo; E, =oz 06?-o od o'6o o6od6 uJ uJrl o 9.oEsoo ooo ra CLG UJ ooSo E Eo '-oot Eoz E copoot Eoz go oo oq =o 6 oo o Eoq.G ut Urg{ 6oIo oE'oooq o=o oEooo o?-o G ,E o b6 aoE',(!o c.9(:cEccc oo >.QtrE 9E6CP8't (5U' EoF6lo6 C)(L =E. co=6aooo(! t N oN o o N oN o o Eoo E Eoooo(! Ec6E.C olE.E ooE.Eoo,EoEo Eoo =() o Eoqfo oEoo]c.oo) coo =oz co 6o.9, oto e Eo() EooE Eoooo(t Ec(5 6 lE.s ooE o() .Eoc(, Eo =o o Eo fo oEooo3t =oz oo Eo oE co Eoo.E od o.Icoal oEooo o)=o oE'6oo o--o 6 >.9oE >r= oOEO't (5U' o >.9t-E EE6CP85(!o Eo=6lo6o(L =E co=Nfo6(.)(! t N oN o o N oN o o 6o(, E Eoooo(! Ec(! 6 E .E o oC.Eoo.Eoco Eoafo Q Eoolo oooo3coo = coo =oz coo o (Lo.ccoEEot) 6oo E Eoooo G EEG G fE,= ooc.Eoo.EoEo Eoo =o o Eo l(.) ooooo;t =oz 06 Eo oe coo oLo .EqcoEcot) E topootcoz o 'o tuo o 6 oEooo o=o co s =oE oo 6 E o a(! o,Ct(!o c.9c oEccc 6 ;o e(! ooE't (Eo C.9(! fo Go(L =t Co=G fooo& =E. NoN o o N oN o o EgoE EoooE6 Etro E fE .E o o)c.Eoo ._EoEo Eo fo o Eo fo oEoo;co of Eoo Boz oI g(sL oo (,Eco 6'6 oE EoooIoEc(! E fE .E ooE.Eo0).soco Eoofo e Eo f() (,EoooBn =oz od Eo (,t oI c6L ocoEco o(,t,oo 0. E) to oE oo ooIo E trotoot troz taos Gl,l- ot4toE oo tro 65(, G tro!'6od tro2 os oEooo o--o oEooo. o=U' o ;o e6 oE't (5o c.9c =o ccc G .Ec>.QtrE 9E6CP8 6o qoF6fooo(L =t co -9 =ll(!o(L =E NoN o o NoN o o 6ooE Eooooo EEG E lE .E o oc.Eoo.cocrl) Eooao o Eoa =o oEoo3cool coo;oz oL o Eo Eo 6'6 o)E Eooooo EE6 in.E o-E .E ooq.Eooc'6) E0) Eo =o o Eo lo o!ooo3t =oz€ Eo oE oL o aoo Eo =El oc't Go oEo(,o o-_o GfEcG G EoEoo.EooIo E =oC't(!oo.E oo)o Eo EfoEEoo b6 oq9o!.go>E 3Eg' aso=coru iio co _g =ll(Eo(L d o(!ooEoo [! N oN o o o'6 (l, EEoooo6 Ec6 E.E o)E.E o oE ooc'6, Eo o Eooao oEooo =d =oz o5 Eo od ooo =oa Noe +6 o .c ottlt eI ao = o !a!I o oo =o(lo =oc.co ul E" o UJ Ioo- .=o trfo =.Yootr ob oaboE,Gq- No\\o; Gotoa.oq oEooo o=o 6 .c o-6 o.c Go Eo 6fo6o(]. =E. N oN o o E'o o E Eoooo 6oc6E afo.E o oc oc)c'6, co o Eo =o oEoo3coFof co(-) 3oz 6q) BU),]c o .9. =EaT E Eotoot oz GoiU,.t G6t.: t o tnSo oEooo o--o Eooo o o co G =oEcoo o E o.6 oE Go cc c =cEccC E .c o >6 o,c 6o Co oao6o(L E c.oo fo6oc =t N oN o o ts oN o o E'o o E Eoooo6 EcoE.E =E,c o oc'Eooc'6, Eo Eo fo Q Eo lo oEooBc.9of EoO;z o Go ci ul E.9)T E'6 o E E ooo6 EcGE.E a)E.E ooc'E o)oE'6, co Eo l o Eo f oEo()o3t (-)z o5 Eo o o Go o LrlE.9)T E ottoot oz oEooo o=U' Eo0)o o=o c.9 6 =o coo o .c o >6 o.c oU) o c- >.9aE>: EEaCoocO't Go Eo=6fo6o(I =t E.9 6fo6oo =E N oN o o N oN o o E'o o E Eoooo 6oc(! E'E =E.c o oE'EooE'6, Eo Eo lo e Eo lo oEooBco ol ocoo =oz oooDC)ooat.s,T E'6 o E Eoooo6 EC(5 E.E )E.c o oE'EooE'6,co Eo lo e Eo lo o)!o()o =d =oz oa Eo ot oooEoooU)t.9)T ooutG(.) dtl!l' ErT o to (.) oEooo o=o oEooo o--o c .9c EEccC o .c o >o oc't Go Gac- >.QoE>=9E6coocQ't Go Eo 6lo6o(! E. EoF6 fo6o(! =t N oN o o ts oN o o E'o o E Eoooo6 EcGE.E IE.c o oc.Eooc'6,qo Eo l o Eo l(, oEoO;c,oof coo;oz oof oooEf(r ooT 6'6 o E Eoooo6 Ec(! E.E alo.g o oc.Eooc'6, Eo Eoq)o o Eo fo oEoooit =oz 06 Eo ot oof oooEf 6oT E ottoot troz g oooEooa.ar, .g') oq o G o oot oz oEoo)q o)7-a o5ooo oza 6 >.Q-6 !uo aCoocOt6'J) c.9 e-oEcoo 6 ,E o.o oq';6o co 6lo6o(L =t coE6ao6o 0- E. N oN o o N oN o o Eoo E Eooooo Ec66.C =o.E o oc,Eooc6,co Eo l(.) e Eo =o oDoo3Eool co =oz cGLo 6oo(5 UJt!T 6'6 o E Eoooo 6oc(!6.E fE.E oc.E o)c'6, co Eo lo o Eo =o oEooo3t =oz 06 Eo od cGLo gooG t! uJT oELSooaa tq. GoT o thSo G copoouco2 oG'6oo o a oE'6 o)o o=a co s =oEcoo 6 ,E ae6 oct6a cc q EEEcc 6 .g !-o oc't6o c.9 6 =oEo (L d C.o 6fo o(L =d. N oN o o N oN o o Eoo EEoo o)Pooc6 E aE.q o oc oo,EoEo Eo fo o Eo =() oEoo;coE l ocoo Boz 6 coocoofU'ocF6o E o EEo c)g6 Ec6 E )E.E o oc.Coo.coco Eo l o Eo lo o)Do(J;d =Oz o5 Eo ot 6 cooEoo =ooEF6o Glr.o =G oa.G ur TUt EoaSo o opoot o2 E 0)o (, a oF'6ooao--a cc G =c ccc 6 .g o b6 oc't6a 6 c- >.9 6^>'=aCoocO'= 6a c.o 6 =oE L =t E.9 6loEo (L =t N oN o o N oN o o Eo o) EEoo o)PGoc66'C =D,E o oE,Eoo) ,EoEo Eo l o Eo fo oEoo3co*a c o =o co o(L E6oIoEF(!o Eoo EEoooPG Ec6 E aE,c o c q)o,Eoco Eo Io o Eo fo o!oOoB E. =oz€ Eeod cooooo(L o6o ocF(5o o oo o a5a4 EI Go lL Eoo o E copootr o2 '6ooao--U) oEooq o 6 G c->.9trE g.g 6CooCO't Go c.9 s-oEcoo 6 .= o-G oct6o co 6lo6o(I =t EoE6loso o_ =t N oN o o N oN o o 6'6 o E Eoooo6 EcoE.E aE,c o oc'EooE'6) Eo) Eo fo o Eooao oEoo =c.9of coo 3oz oI c6 E'o o E EoooPsEC6 6.E fD.E o oc.Eooc'6, Eo Eo lo o Eo) oEo o3t =oz oa Eo od oL c6 o(.) t4qo 0-EGo B) Golr oqso 6 tro ooucoz oos G\ o toIo --Ea oc'too oE'6 o)o o=o Ec E5E5cooocc EEoo.EoqE PEoo c.9 EloEEoo 6 .E o bG EoEoEcoFG =oGo oc'too ooct! c.o -6=oE(.) L =d o Goo oo t! N oN o o ,qooE EoooIG Dc6E aE.9 ooc oo.sogo o Eo ao oEo o3d =z od Eo q,t Eo a NoE\6 coo ootuJ o Go = o Gt o oo)o(!o =oc .9(, IIJ IotrlrJ oioo- .E =o =.Yoot o6 ooboE,Ga- Noq $o;aotoaoq o'6ooq o6 a6 co Gao Go(L =t tf oN o oo =o oll)oc EEll)ECoxoE;c.96 o)6 ooxo EED o Eo ot os)o5oo)C6dEoEqo rl E coE'6od toz G cot6oe.coz ooo o Go o G.o oG = IG\ oooot oq u,t!( oE'6(,o o=o E c- >.Q "-E EE,6CP8't 6(t CosfoE()(r =t ioN 6 E=3 ooEoEt= =6;bco o cGEfoo oE e =Iot ooooc o oEooo o)=a oEoooq o=a tro s =oEcoo 6oc o>o oct6o Cc s oEcco 6a ,E oa(! ooc,' 6o co 6 =o6o(r =t coslooo(! =E NoN o o NoN o o 6ooE EoooosEc6E lE.s o oc.Eoo.goco Eo f(.) o Eo fo oDoo;coof Coo 3oz o o)o 6(9 E 6 = GooE Eoooo -oEc6E fE.g o oC.Eoo.qoqo Eo fo o Eo fo oDo(JoBd =oz od Eo ot o oo (!(9 E 6e oEooo o?-a oEoq)o o=a cc q EEccc 6 ,E oa(! oc't 6o 6qc->.9o6 6;i>,E P8.; 6o co 6lo6o(L =t co 6)o6() (L =t NoN o o NoN o o o'o oE Eoo(,osEC6 6 lE.c o oC.Eoo.Eoco Eo fo o Eo fo oEoo;c.9o) Eoo Boz o Eoo.E od ooop o 6ooE Eoooo 6 EC6E fE.E o oc.Eoo.soco Eo fo o Eo fo oDo(,o;t =oz oa Eeot o Eoo.E ot ooop o E coPoot Eoz t4o ootoGo EGt ooSo E co =ootrcoz o eoEl+oc ooaE oa4 Eo 65o o!Eooo o?-a oEooo o=a Eo g foEcoo 6 .E oeG oE't 6o tro sfoEcoo 6 E oa([ octoo Eo 6looo(r =d. co 6fo6o(r =t NoN o o NoN o o 6ooE Eooooooc6E lo.c o oc ooc'6,co Eo fo o Eo lo oEoo]c.oo =ocoo Boz -!Poooo6 6ooE EoooooEc6E :E.E ooc.Eoo.soco Eo fO e Eo fo oEooo3t =oz oa Eo ot .lcooo ll)(5n E EoPootco2 ooooo G a- ooSo o'ooo o=o o!Eooo o--a co s =oEqoo 6 g obo oc,6a qc s oEEcc 6 ,E obo ooE't(!a E.9(! fo6o(L =e. Eo=6fo6o(L =d N oN o o NoEo o oo q) E Eoooo 6 Eco E.E fE.c ooc'=oo.coco Eo lo o Eo ao ruEoo3co oa Eoo 3oz c.96 il).s, otoo(! o6 oo () E EoooooEc(5 6.E lE.c o oc oo.goEo Eo lo o Eo fo oEoooBE =oz od Eo ot c.96oo).E otooo oo E Eo =ooG,go2 oEoooo(,=a oEooo o6 c .9c =cEccc 6o .c_ oa6 oE'toa 6 c- >.9!6>! 9E6CoocO't(! U) co 6 =o6o IL =t E.o Gflloo o- =t NoN o o NoN o o .(!ooE Eoooo -gEc6 E =E .C ooc.Eoo.go o Eo ao o Eo o oEoo =coof coo 3oz E.9 Eoo.E ot ota) 6 soE Eoo !uo(, !EG E.E =E.c o oc'E o)lt).coco Eoqfo o Eo fo oEoooBt =oz od FIot c.o6q)o.E o)t oc6 o G og!+otoE|GIoG0. ooS(, .Eco =ooe.coz o G rt)Elsoq oco o IDSo =cfooc 6o oE'o oo o=o EfEc6EEo EIo.c I(9 - = oc't (5 o.E ooo co g loEcoo i6 Eo9o=Eo>tro3 g)co=cotIJ Eo qoF -gfll(!O(L d o6oo oots l,,lJ NoN o o .qeluEEoooP(t oco E.E qfD.c o oc rl)o.coco o Eo l(-) oEooo3t =(,z od Eo o,t (5o3o.fq 6 .9.p E = N 6E\6 oo goLlriqo 5q Go = o.c(Es o oo foa!o =oc.9(, IIJ Ioclu o =oo-c .Ec oE .Yoot \ ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A D{VISION OF PACIFICOFP ! AppendixT Idaho Program Evaluation Recommendations and Responses Idaho 2016 Evaluations Program Evaluation Recommendations and Company Responses Evaluation reports provide detailed information on the process and impact evaluations performed on each program, summarizing the methodology used to calculate the evaluated savings as well as providing recommendations for the Company to consider for improving the process or impact of the program, as well as customer satisfaction. Outlined below is a list of the programs, the years that were evaluated during 2016, and the third party evaluator who completed the evaluation. Program evaluations are available for review at www.pacifi corp.com/es/dsm/idaho.html Program Years Evaluated Evaluator Home Energy Savings 2013-2014 Cadmus *See ya later, Refrigerator 2013-2014 Cadmus The third party evaluator's recommendations and Company's responses are provided in the tables below. *Because the Company filed, and was granted permission, to cancel the program effective March 20l6,the Company has not formulated responses to the evaluator's recommendations. Table I Home Energy Savings Evaluation Recommendations Evaluation Recommendations Rocky Mountain Power Action Plan Assign measure categories by end use (instead of delivery channel) to ensure the most appropriate cost- effectiveness results instead of delivery channel. The Company implemented the Technical Resource Library which includes measure categorization. The program administrator now follows the same categorization. When calculating clothes washer energy savings, use the federal standard baseline. Cadmus used the federal baseline, but the Company used the RTF's current practice baseline, leading to a high 288o/o realization rate. The current practice baseline was more efficient than the federal standard. The Company has been given guidance from the Commission staffthat RTF is the prefened methodology. The Company will continue to use this methodology going forward, unless directed otherwise. Track all upstream lighting data in a consistent manner throughout each two-year program evaluation period. Cadmus had difficulty mapping the program administrator's liehtine trackine database to the orice The evaluation acknowledged that the system improved in2014; the program administrator will standardize upstream lighting database tracking to ensure that all data provided is consistent and accurate. Evaluation Recommendations Rocliv Mountain Power Action Plan scheduling database (inconsistent use of SKU's and model numbers). Consider accounting for commercial installation of upstream bulbs in the reported savings. Currently, RMP does not account for cross-sector sales from the upstream lighting incentives. Cadmus estimated that 3.9% of efficient bulbs purchased at retail stores would be installed in commercial applications. These bulbs produce higher first-year savings than bulbs installed in a residential space because commercial locations typicallv have hieher daily hours ofuse. The program evaluation covered a period before the Company began offering instant incentives for LED lighting to non-residential customers. Given the changing nature ofthe lighting market and the new offering for non-residential customers, the Company does not plan to adjust savings for cross-sector sales at this time, but will continue to monitor this trend in fufure evaluations. Consider using nonparticipant spillover analysis in the NTG estimation for all programs. Nonparticipant spillover results in energy savings caused by, but not rebated through, a utility's demand-side management activities. Through responses to the general population survey, Cadmus estimated nonparticipant spillover as 5% of HES program savings. These savings were not included because this estimation is relatively new in the indusfi. The Company will consider this recommendation and will most likely incorporate nonparticipant spillover in the NTG estimation in the next round of evaluations. Rocky Mountain Power should continue using the Retail Sales Allocation Tool (RSAT) to determine which stores in their tenitory should be included as particioatine stores in the propram. The RSAT will continue to be used for this program. Continue to pursue a multi-touch marketing strategy, using a mix of bill inserts and retailer/contractor training. Civen the large percentage of customers who learned of wattsmart offbrings through bill inserts, examine the proportion of customers selecting to receive online bills and ensure these online channels proportionately advertise the programs with the messages that motivated customers to participate: long- lasting products, saving energy, replacing equipment and reducine costs. The Company will continue to pursue a multi-touch marketing strategy. Additionally, the bill insert is available to online bill customers and there is a link for energy programs and tips. Continue regular trainings with trade allies (e.g., distributors, retailers, sales associates, contractors), updating them on tariffchanges and, where appropriate, supporting them with sales and marketing training. Analyze success ofefforts to register non- registered contractors who worked with rebate participants within 90 days to determine whether the additional outreach mitigated the number of rejected applications due to non-qualifi ed contractors. Program will continue to send quarterly trade ally newsletters, provide roundtable events bi-annually, and identif areas for additional training where feasible and cost-effective. For the energy efficiency kit offering, allow customers to opt out of the water-saving measures if they do not have a shower or if they already have efftcient showerheads or faucet aerators to reduce unnecessary Drosram cost. The Company will review the offerings to determine the most appropriate kit offerings. However, the program has an LED only option available in the wattsmart Kits program.