HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160428DSM 2015 Report.pdfROCKY MOUNTAIN F,ECSVEDFOITIIERADrvrsoNoFPAcrFrconP ?0lE APR 28 fiH 9: 05 llll#-T'Jfll,]iT!',";.tuite 330 .,,,',fii',., *tiii*?&l8r,o* Apil28,2016 VA OWRNIGHT DELIWRY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Re: Idaho 2015 Annual Demand Side Management Report Dear Ms. Jewell: Rocky Mountain Power hereby submits for filing seven (7) copies of the 2015 Annual Demand Side Management Report, pursuant to Order No. 29976 from Case No. PAC-E-05-10. All formal correspondence and requests regarding this filing should be addressed to one of the following: By E-mail (prefened): datarequest@pacificorp.com By regulator mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Blvd., Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 For any informal questions, please contact Ted Weston, Idatro Regulatory Affairs Manager, at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, Brt( Carr"l/////3("d Bill Comeau Director, Demand Side Management Enclosures F.EC E IVED 201[ fiPR 28 fiH 9: 05 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report January 1,2015 - December 31,2015 Issued April 29,2016 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POU'ER Letb tum the onswerc on Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Table of Contents Tlnr,r or Coxroxrs List of Abbreviations and Acronyms .................. ...........4 Integrated Resource Plan .........,.. .......11 Estimated Peak Contributions .............. .................13 Energy Efficiency Programs..... ...............L4 Home Energy Sovings Program .........16 Home Energy Reports Progrom .........19 Relrigerotor recycling Progrom .........27 Low lncome Weatherization Program... ................24 Non-Residential Energy Efficiency ........29 Peak Reduction Program ........................34 Communications, Outreach and Education ...............36 Page3 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Abbreviations and Acronyms Lrsr or AnnnrvtlrloNs AND AcRoNyMS CFL Compact Fluorescent Lighting CAPAI Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho DSM Demand-Side Management EICAP Eastem Idaho Community Action Plan GWh Gigawaff-hour HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning IDHW Idaho Department of Health and Welfare IRP lntegrated Resource Plan kwh Kilowatt hour LED Light-emitting Diode LIHEAP Low Income Home Energy Assistance MW Megawatt PCT Participant Cost Test PTRC Total Resource Cost Test with l0 percent adder RIM Ratepayer Impact Measure Test Schedule l9l Customer Efficiency Services Rate SEICAA SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency TRC Total Resource Cost Test UCT Utility Cost Test VFD Variable Frequency Drive Page 4 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Executive Summary ExrcurrvE SUMMARY PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") is a multi-jurisdictional electric utility providing retail service to customers in Califomia, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Rocky Mountain Power serves approximately 76,750 customers in southeastern Idaho. The Company, working in partnership with its retail customers and with the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), acquires energy efficiency and peak reduction resources as cost-effective alternatives to the acquisition of supply-side resources. These resources assist the Company in efficiently addressing load growth and contribute to the Company's ability to meet system peak requirements. Company energy efficiency and peak reduction programs provide participating Idaho customers with tools that enable them to reduce or assist in the management of their energy usage while reducing the overall costs to the Company's customers. These resources are relied upon in resource planning as a least cost alternative to supply-side resources. This report provides details on program results, activities, expenditures, and the current status of the DSM TariffRider, Customer Efficiency Service Charge - Schedule l9l ("Schedule l9l") for the reporting period from January 1,2015, through December 31,2015. The Company, on behalf of its customers, invested $4.2 million in energy efficiency resource acquisitions during the reporting period. The investment yielded approximately 15.7 gigawatt-hours ("GWh") in first year savingsl and approximately 3.4 megawatts ("MW") of capacity reduction from energy efficiency.2 Net benefits based on the projected value of the energy efficiency program savings over the life of the individual measures are estimated at $ 1.8 million3. Overall, portfolio savings increased by 38 percent from 2014 levels, ftom 12.7 GWh compared to the acquisition of 15.7 GWh in 2015. Total portfolio expenditures increased by 32 percent from $3.2 million in2014 to $4.2 million in 2015. The Commission ordered that the costs for the Idaho irrigation load control program should be system allocated. Therefore, these costs are not recovered through Schedule l9l. Additional information on the inigation load control program is provided later in this report. The energy efficiency portfolio was cost effective based on four of five standard cost effectiveness tests for the reporting period. The ratepayer impact measure test was less than 1.0, indicating near-term upward pressure was placed on the price per kilowatt-hour given a reduction in sales. Table I provides the cost effectiveness of the energy efficiency portfolio. I Reported savings at site. 2 See Planning section for explanation on how the capacity contribution savings values are calculated. ' See Table I - Utilitv Cost Test Net Benefits. Page 5 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Executive Summary Table I Cost Eflbctiveness Energy Etticiency Porttolto (inc udes non-energy benetrts Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits PacifiCoro Total Resource Cost Test plus 10 percent ("PTRC")'1.40 S2,3ss,1oo Total Resource Cost Test ("TRC")'L.29 s7,746,042 Utility Cost Test ("UCT")"7.44 S1,8s1,983 Participant Cost Test ("PCT'\'3.07 s9,648,428 Ratepayer lmpact Test ("RlM")"0.49 (s6,434,846) Portfolio-level cost effectiveness includes portfolio costs such as the Potential Assessment and DSM system database. Sector-level cost effectiveness, reported in the Residential and Non- Residential sections of this document includes sector-specific expenditures including EM&V (evaluation, measurement and verification), marketing, program administrative and development expenditures. The Company includes quantifiable non-energy benefits at the portfolio and residential level, as well as the Home Energy Savings and Low Income Weatherization program level. Appendix I provides 2015 cost effectiveness performance. On November 13, 2014, the Commission approved the consolidation of Electric Service Schedule No. 140, Non-Residential Energy Efficiency and canceled Electric Service Schedules: No. 115 - FinAnswer Express; No. 125 - Energy FinAnswer; and No. 155 - Agricultural Energy Services. This report consolidates the Non-residential program results into one program hereafter referred to as wattsmart Business. The Company, working with its third-party delivery administratorse collaborates with the following number of retailers, contractors, and vendors in the delivery of its energy efficiency programs in the state of Idaho. Table2 shows the number of retailers, contractors and vendors by measure type. Table 2 Effi ciency Infrastructurelglenov tn Sector Tvpe No. Residential Upstream Retailers 19 Downstream Retailers 23 HVAC Contractors 20 Plumbine Contractors t2 Weatherization Trade Allies 22 a The PTRC plus 10 percent includes a benefit adder to account for non-quantified environmental and non-energy benefits of conservation resources over supply-side alternatives.5 The TRC compares the total cost of a supply-side resource to the total cost of energy efficiency resources, including costs paid by the customer in excess ofthe program incentives. The test is used to determine ifan energy efficiency program is cost effective from a total cost perspective. " The UCT compares the total cost incurred by the utility to the benefits associated with displacing or deferring supply-side resources. 'The PCT compares the resource paid directly by participants to the savings realizedby the participants.t The RIM examines the impact of energy efficiency on utility rates. Unlike supply-side investments, energy efficiency programs reduce energy sales. Reduced energy sales lowers revenues putting upward pressure on rates as the remaining fixed costs are spread over fewer kilowatt-hours. 'See program specific sections for backgrounds on third-party administrators. Page 6 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Executive Summary Commercial and lndustrial Lichtins Trade Allies 83 HVACTrade Allies 42 Motors & VFD Trade Allies 46 Ensineerins Firms 22 PageT of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Regulatory Activities RBc uL.q.ToRY ACTIvITIES During the 2015 reporting period the Company filed a number of compliance and/or informational reports, updates and requests with the Commission in support of Company Demand-side Management ("DSM") programs. The following is a list of those filings: o Consistent with the flexible tariff process'o for the wattsmart Business program approved in Order No. 32594, a notice of changes to the program was posted on the program websitell April 1,2015,45 dayspriortogoingintoeffectonMay 16,2015. Program changes were intended to l) clarify that energy efficiency incentives may be adjusted such that participants do not receive more than 100% of energy efficiency measure costs in total incentives from wattsmart Business and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program, 2) make clarifications regarding new construction and major renovation lighting projects, and 3) update small air conditioner and heat pump measures to align with updated federal standards. . On April 30, 2015, pursuant to Order No. 29976, the Company submitted its 2014 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report. . On November 19,2015, the Company's 2016 wattsmart Communications, Education and Outreach Plan was shared with Idaho Stafffor review and comment. On December 3, 2015, the Company filed Advice No. 15-05 requesting approval to suspend the See ya later, refrigerator@ appliance recycling program administered through Schedule ll7, due to the Company's program administrator going out of business. The Commission approved the request in Order No. 33497. Consistent with the flexible tariff change process for the Home Energy Savings program, approved in Order No. 29976 in Case No. PAC-E-05-10, a notice of changes to the program was posted on the program websitel2 December 16,2015,45 days prior to going into effect on January 30,2016. Program changes were designed to l) improve customer participation, 2) comply with changes to codes and standards, 3) align incentives with changing measure costs and savings estimates, and 4) add measures for new manufactured home construction. r0 See Direct Testimony of Nancy Goddard pp. 16-18 and Attachment C in Case No. PAC-E-12-10. 11 http://www.rockymountainpower.net/wattsmart 12 http://www.homeenergysavines.net/ldaho Page 8 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Regulatory Activities Meetings with Idaho Public Utilities Commission Stoff ("Idaho Staff') The Company consulted with Idaho Staff throughout 2015, with formal presentations on the following matters: March 19.2015o Reviewed Idaho Staff s recommendations from 2010-2013 DSM prudency review;o Presented and reviewed marketing plan for commercial and industrial ("C&I") customers;o Reviewed results from 2015 Conservation Potential Assessment;o Reviewed results from 2015 IRP Preferred Portfolio and State lmplementation Plans;o Discussed opportunities with commercial Midstream LED Lighting;o Reviewed Commercial Building Benchmarking Software to be offered in 2015; o Reviewed New Homes measures to be added to the Home Energy Savings Program;o Provided update on Home Energy Reports including participation, media coverage and future plans;o Provided an overview of completed program evaluations and schedule for future evaluations; ando Provided overview of DSM Account Balance. December 16.2015o Reviewed Company's DSM Organization updates;o Provided Appliance Recycling overview and updates;o Discussed2016Idaho Strategic Plan including forecasted savings and program strategies;o Reviewed Schedule 191 Surcharge Analysis;o Discussed DSM Memorandum of Understanding Status; ando Presented upcoming Regulatory Filings. Page9 of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report DSM Expenditures DSM ExpBNuruRES In Case Number PAC-E-05-10, approved in Order No. 29976, the Commission allowed the recovery of all DSM program costs through Schedule l9l, with exception of the expenses associated with the irrigation load control program." Schedule l9l charges appear as a line item on customer bills. The Company books eligible DSM program costs as incurred to the balancing account. Schedule l9l balancing account activity for 2015 is outlined in Table 3. Table 3 Schedule Balancinq Account Column Explanations: Monthlv Program Costs: Monthly expenditures for all energy efficiency program activities. Monthly Net Accrued Costs: Monthly net change of program costs incurred during the period not yet posted. Rate Recovery: Revenue collected through Schedule 19l. Carryine Charge: Monthly "interest" charge based on "Cash Basis Accumulated Balance" of the account. The current "interest rate" for the Accumulated Balance is I percent per year. Cash Basis Accumulated Balance: A running total of account activities. A negative accumulative balance means cumulative revenue exceeds cumulative expenditures; positive accumulative balance means cumulative expenditures exceed cumulative revenue. Accrual Basis Accumulative Balance: Current balance of account including accrued costs. 13 Commission Order No. 32196, in Case No. PAC-E-10-07, ruled that costs associated with the Idaho Irrigation Load Control Program should be system allocated and not situs assigned to Idaho customers. The Commission recommended the Company treat the benefits ofthe program as a system resource for cost recovery purposes. Month Monthly Program Cost - Fixed Assets tulonthly t{et Asued Costs *Rate Recovery Carrying Charge Cah Basis Aocumulated Balane Accrual Bris Aormulated Balanoe )ec-14 s (1s4,871)5 347,97s la n-15 S 196,397 s (31,42s)s 256,90t S (1s4)s (21s,s29)s 255,892 Feb-15 S 41s,s68 s (7s,28s)s 222 t20)s leTl s (18,178)s 377,9ss Vla r-15 s 411,78s s (373)5 200,202 s 73 5 193,478 s s89,242 {or-15 s 580,982 s Q2s,67Ll s 207,514 S srz 5 s57,263 5 737,356 Vav-15 s 2O3,s4L 5 223,4Os s 310,098 s 428 s 461,134 s 8s4,632 lun-15 5 qaaj-tz s .122,743t,s 378,575 s 429 s s69,1oo s 839,855 lul-15 S 246,092 s s6,391 s (628,494)s 31s s 187,013 s s14,1s9 Aus-15 5 342,460 s 97,403 5 (434,2221 s 118 s 9s,369 s s19,918 Seo-15 s 4s1,406 S (21,308)5 @ts,72el s 93 S tzt,tzg s s30,379 3ct-15 S 35s,84s s (s5,342)5 Q77,Ls6)s 139 s 20s,956 s ss2,86s Nov-15 S 348,s34 s (s4,443)5 (23s,4s9)s 21s s 319,261 5 61t,717 Dec-15 S 3s2,648 s 1s,300 s (25s,280)s 302 s 406,931 s 714,687 2015 Totals s 4,395,370 S (les,ogol s (3,835,750)S z,rgz Page l0 of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planning Process Pt,,lxxrxc PRocrss Integrated Resource Plan The Company develops a biennial integrated resource plan ("IRP") as a means of balancing cost, risk, uncirtainty, supply reliability/deliverability and long-run public policy goals.la The plan presents a framework of future actions to ensure the Company continues to provide reliable, reasonable-cost service with manageable risks to the Company's customers. Energy efficiency and peak management opportunities are incorporated into the IRP based on their availability, characteristics and costs. Energy efficiency and peak management resources are divided into four general classes: o Class 1 DSM (resources from fully dispatchable or scheduled firm capacity product offerings/programs) - Capacity savings occur as a result of active Company control or advanced scheduling. After customers agree to participate, the timing and persistence of the load reduction are dispatched within the agreed limits and parameters.o Class 2 DSM (resources from non-dispatchable, firm energy and capacity product offerings/programs) - Sustainable energy and related capacity savings are achieved through facilitation of technological advancements in equipment, appliances, lighting and structures or repeatable and predictable voluntary actions by customers to manage the energy use at their facility or home, also commonly referred to as energy efficiency resources.o Class 3 DSM (resources from price responsive energy and capacity product offerings/programs) - Short-duration energy and capacity savings from actions taken by customers voluntarily based on pricing incentives or signals.o Class 4 DSM (resources from non-incented behavioral-based savings achieved through broad energy education and communication efforts) - Energy and/or capacity reduction typically achieved from voluntary actions taken by customers to reduce costs or benefit the environment through education, communication and/or public pleas. Class, l, 2 and 3 DSM resources are included as resource options in the resource planning process. Class 4 DSM actions are not considered explicitly in the resource planning process, however, the impacts are captured naturally in long-term load growth patterns and forecasts. As technical support for the IRP, a third-party demand-side resource potential assessment (Potentials Assessment) is conducted to estimate the magnitude, timing and cost of energy efficiency and peak management resources.ls The main focus of the Potentials Assessment is on resources with sufficient reliability characteristics that are anticipated to be technically feasible and assumed achievable during the IRP's 20-year planning horizon. The estimated achievable energy efficiency potential identified in the 2015 Potentials Assessment for Idaho is 468 1a Information on the Company's integrated resource planning process can be found at the following address: htto ://www.oaci f,rcoro.com/es/irp. html rs PacifiCorp Demand-Side Resource Potential Assessment for 2015-2034: http://www.pacificorp.com/es/dsm.html. Page l1 of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planning Process gigawaff hours (GWh)by 2034, or 20 percent of projected baseline loads.16 By definition this is the energy efficiency potential that may be achievable to acquire during the 2}-year planning horizon; prior to screening for cost-effectiveness through the Company's integtated resource planning process. The achievable technical potential of Class 2 (energy efficiency) resources for Idaho by sector is shown in Table 4. The 2015 Potentials Assessment indicates that approximately 4 percent of the achievable technical potential for the Company, excluding Oregon,lT is available within its ldaho service area." Table 4 Idaho Energy Efficiency Achievable Technical Potential by Sector Sector Cumulative GWh in 2034 Percent of Baseline Sales Residential 184 2lo/o Commercial 195 29o/o Industrial 33 l2o/o Irrigation 54 l0o/o Street Lishtine I 34o/o Demand-side resources vary in their reliability, load reduction and persistence over time. Based on the significant number of measures and resource options reviewed and evaluated in the Potentials Assessment, it is impractical to incorporate each as a stand-alone resource in the IRP. To address this issue, Class 2 DSM measures and Class I DSM programs are bundled by cost for modeling against competing supply-side resource options reducing the number of discrete resource options the IRP must consider to a more manageable number. The evaluation of Class 2 DSM (energy efficiency) resources within the IRP is also informed by state-specific evaluation criteria in the development of supply-curves. While all states generally use commonly accepted cost-effectiveness tests to evaluate DSM resources, some states require variations in calculating or prioritizing the tests: o Idaho, Oregon, and Washington utilize the TRC test and consider the inclusion of quantifi able non-energy benefi ts. Utah utilizes the UCT as the primary determination of cost effectiveness. Oregon and Washington, in addition to considering quantifiable non-energy benefits, apply an additional l0% benefit to account for non-quantifiable externalities, consistent with the Northwest Power Act. Wyoming and Califomia utilize the standard TRC test excluding quantifiable non-energy benefits and the l0% benefit adder Oregon and Washington consider. 16 Ibid, volum e 2, page 4-2. '' Oregon energy efficiency potentials assessments are performed by the Energy Trust of Oregon. 'o Volume l, Page 4-2,PacifiCorp Demand-Side Resource Potential Assessment for 2015-2034. a a Page 12 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planning Process The Company evaluates program implementation cost-effectiveness (both prospectively and retrospectively) under a variety of tests to identi$ the relative impact and/or value (e.g. near- term rate impact, program value to participants, etc.) to customers and the Company. E stimate d Pe a k C o ntrib utio ns The reported capacity reduction of 3.41 MW (at generation) for energy efficiency programs during 2015 represents the estimated MW impact of the energy efficiency portfolio during PacifiCorp's system peak period. An energy-to-capacity conversion factor developed from Class 2 DSM selections in the 2015 IRP is used to translate 2015 energy savings to estimated demand reduction during the system peak. The utilization of this factor in the MW calculation assumes that the energy efficiency resources acquired through the Company's programs have the same average load profile as those energy efficiency resources selected in the 2015 IRP. Utilization of this factor in determining the MW contribution of energy efficiency programs for 2015 is detailed in Table 5 below. Table 5 Estimated Peak Contribution Descrlptlon Value First vear energv efficiency program MWh savings acquired during 2015 L7.4t4 Conversion factor: Coincident MWMWh 0.000195 Estimated coincident peak MW contribution of 2015 ldaho energy efficiency acouisitions 3.41 Page 13 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Energy Efficiency Programs ExBRcy ET.nIcIBNcY PRoGRAMS Energy efficiency programs are offered to major customer sectors: residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural. The overall energy efficiency portfolio included five programs:. Home Energt Sovings - Schedule ll8, Residential Refrigerator Recycling - Schedule ll7, Low Income lf/eatherizatron - Schedule 21, Home Energ,t Reports, and wattsmart Business - Schedule 140. Overall, portfolio savings increased 38 percent from 2014. Program savings and cost results for 2015 are provided in Table 6 belowr'. Table 6 Idaho Program Results for January l,2Ol5 - December 31,201520 Program kWh/Yr Savings (d sitel kWh/Yr Sanlngs (at generatorl Program Etpenditures Low I ncome Weatherization 68,016 75,815 s 2ss,5s3 Refrigerator Recycl i ng 807,020 899,508 s 116,s37 Home Energy Reporting 3,460,567 3.857,356 s LO4,6s7 Home Energy Savi ngs 3,80L,426 4,237,298 s 694,68s Iotal Residential 8,137,029 9,069,976 $ L,l7L,sg2 wattsmart Business 7,554,665 g,?44,079 s 2,s65,574 Total Enerry Efficienry 15,691,694 17AL4,05S 5 3,737,LO6 Commercial & lndustrial Evaluation Costs s L84,448 Residential Evaluation Costs s 116.371 Low lncome Energy Conservation Education s 2s,000 Outreach & Communications s 1s2,61s Potential Studt S o,ora Technical Reference Ll bran S tlta DSM Central 5 13,270 Total Svstem benefrt Expenditures - All Programs s 4,238,500 See Appendix 2 for breakdown of program expenditures by category. 'nThe energy efficiency measure report is provided in Appendix 7. 20 The values at generation include line losses between the customer site and the generation source. The Company's line fosses by sector for 2015 are 11.47 percent for residential, 10.75 percent for commercial,7.52 percent for industrial and I 1.45 percent for irrigation. Page 14 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs RnsrorxrrAl PRocRAMS The residential energy efficiency portfolio is comprised of four programs: Home Energt Savings, Home Energt Reports, Residential Refrigerator Recycling, and Low Income Weatherization. As shown in Table 7,the residential portfolio was cost effective based on four of the five standard cost effectiveness tests for the 201 5 reporting period. The ratepayer impact test was less than I .0 indicating that there is near term upward pressure placed on the price per kilowatt-hour given a reduction in sales. Table 7 Cost Effectiveness for Residential Portfolio (Including Non-Energy Benefits) Total Residential savings increased by 46 percent, from 5,569,109 kwh in2014to 8,137,029 kWh in 20l5.Individual program performance, program management and program infrastructure is provided on the following pages. Total Resource Test plus 10 Total Resource Cost Test Page 15 of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Hour ENtnGY SAqNGS PRoGRAM The Home Energt Savings program provides incentives for more effrcient products and services installed or received by customers in new or existing homes, multi-family housing units or manufactured homes for residential customers under Electric Service Schedules I or 36. Landlords who own property where the tenant is billed under Electric Service Schedules I or 36 also qualiff for the program. Program participation by measure category is provided in Table 8. Table 8 Elrgrbte Measures ( Unlts Measure Catetory kWh/Yr tryln6@ Slte Total lncentlve Measure Quantity Appl i a nces L2,373 s 5,590 774 Bui I di ng Shel I 23,912 S 1o,o1o 16859 (sq ft) El ectroni cs 7,770 s 3,885 259 Energy Kits 1,015,442 5 tz,ozg 2,4ffi HVAC 784,460 s 110,644 272 Li ghti ng 7,954,442 S rss,rsz 105,3@ Water Heating 3,087 s 1,000 13 Iotal 3,8O1,426 $ grs,sze The program was cost effective as shown in Table 9. Table 9 Cost Effectiveness for Home Energy Savings Program (includes non-energy benefits) Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits PacifiCoro Total Resource Cost Test olus 10 oercent 3.28 S2,09s,448 Total Resource Cost Test 3.13 s1.963.376 utility cost Test 1.90 s626,038 Participant Cost Test 6.85 s4.27t,630 Rate Paver lmpact Cost Test o.42 (s1,861,249) Page 16 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Residential Programs Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Home Energt Savings program in Idaho is also responsible for the program in Utah and Wyoming and the New Homes program in Utah. For each program and in each state the program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the program, identiffing and contracting with the program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set out in the tariff. Prosram Administration The Home Energt Smings program is administered by CLEAResult. CLEAResult is responsible for the following: o Retailer and trade ally engagement - CLEAResult identifies, recruits, supports and assists retailers to increase the sale of energy efficient lighting, appliances and electronics. CLEAResult enters into promotion agreements with each lighting manufacturer and retailer for the promotion of discounted CFL and LED bulbs. The agreements include specific retail locations, lighting products receiving incentives and not-to-exceed annual budgets. Weatherization and HVAC trade allies engaged with the program are provided with program materials, training, and regular updates.o Inspections - CLEAResult recruits and hires inspectors to verifr on an on-going basis the installation of measures. A summary of the inspection process is in Appendix 3.o Managing savings acquisition to targets within budget.o Continual improvement of program operations and customer satisfaction.o Incentive processing and call-center operations - CLEAResult receives all requests for incentives, determines whether the applications are completed, works directly with customers when information is incorrect and/or missing from the application and processes the application for payment. o Program specific customer communication and outreach A summary of the communication and outreach conducted by CLEAResult on behalf of the Company is outlined in the Communication, Outreach, and Education section of this report. The contract for Home Energt Sovings program administration services for all states expires in early 2016. As a result, the Company initiated a request for proposal in 2015. A new contract will be in place in early 2016. Infrastructure The total number of retailers participating in the program is currently 108. Detail of participating retailers by delivery channel and measure type is available in Appendix 4. Prosram Chanqes The Home Energy Savings program made numerous changes to existing measures in its flexible tariff filing. The updated changes were made to better align with current market practices. The PagelT of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs program also added new offerings to expand to the new manufactured home construction market. These changes were intended to increase participation for high performance, Energy Star and eco-rated new manufactured homes. Notice of program changes were posted on the program website December 16,2015, with an effective date of January 30,2016. Evaluation A process and impact evaluation for program years 2013-2014 is currently being conducted by a third party evaluator. Page 18 of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Ho*rc ENTpGY REPaRTS PRoGRAM The Home Energt Reports program is a behavioral program designed to decrease participant energy usage by providing comparative energy usage data for similar homes located in the same geographical area. Additionally, the report provides the participant with information on how to decrease their energy usage. Equipped with this information, participants can modifr behavior and/or make structural equipment, lighting or appliance modifications to reduce their overall electric energy consumption. In 2015, the program had total kWh savings of 3,460,567 kwh. Program cost effectiveness is provided in Table 10. Table 10 Cost Effectiveness for Home Energy Reports Program Benefrt/Cost Ratlo Net Benefits PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test plus 10 percent 1.86 Seo,19s Total Resource Cost Test 1.59 572,487 Utilitv Cost Test 1.69 572,487 Particioant Cost Test N/A s369,ss8 Ratepaver lmpact Cost Test 0.37 15297,0771 Reports were initially provided to approximately 17,600 customers in December 2014. The number of participant's decreases over time due to customer affrition related to general customer churn (customer move-outs) and customers requesting to be removed from the program. Since inception of the program, only 0.6%o of customers have requested to be removed from the program. As of December 2015, 15,900 customers were active recipients of Home Energy Reports. In 2015, 93 total customers opted out of the program. All new participants receive mailed monthly reports for the initial three months in order to build program awareness. Following this initial three month period, report frequency is reduced to a bi-monthly schedule for the remainder of the treatment period. In 2015, reports were sent on a bi-monthly schedule until August 23'd. An analysis was performed to determine the impact on savings persistence by reducing the frequency of the reports. It was determined there was no impact to savings. As a result, the Company resumed the reports in January 2016 on a quarterly cadence. All participating customers may request an electronic version delivered via email and have access to a web portal containing the same information about their usage provided in the report. In addition, all Idaho customers (including non-participants) have access to the web portal which contains other benefits such as a home energy audit tool, the ability for customers to update their home profile (for more accurate comparisons), and suggestions on ways to save energy. Page 19 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Residential Programs Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Home Energt Reports program in Idaho is also responsible for the program in Utah and Wyoming as well as lruigation Load Control and Cool Keeper programs in Utah. For each program and in each state the program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the program, identiffing and contracting with the program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set in each state' s compliance requirements. Proeram Administration The Home Energ,t Reports program is administered by Opower. Opower's software creates individualized energy reports for utility customers that analyze their energy usage and offers recommendations on how to save energy and money by making small changes to their energy consumption. The Company contracts with Opower to provide energy savings, software services, and printing and delivery of energy reports to customers. Opower is responsible for the following: o Selecting Qualifying Customers - Opower conducts an analysis to identifu qualiffing customers that are then randomly selected into the program's heatment (those who will receive reports) and control groups (for measurement and verification).o Customer Comparison Analysis - Opower conducts statistical analysis to perform pattern recognition in order to derive actionable insights to selected customers. Opower uses information about customers' homes (e.g., size, heat type, home type) to find similar homes for comparison.. Energy Report Delivery - By mail or email.o Web Portal Design and Support - Opower operates and maintains a customer Web portal for participants to visit for additional information about their energy usage and saving opportunities. Evaluation Process and impact evaluation will be performed in 2017 after there is two years of data is available. Page20 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Rr rrucnn troR RECYCLING PRoGRAM The Refrigerator Recycling program. also known as "See ya later, refrigerator@," was designed to decrease electricity use through the voluntary removal and recycling of inefficient refrigerators and freezers. The appliances had a minimum size requirement of l0 cubic feet and a maximum of 32 cubic feet. Participants received a $50 incentive for each qualifuing refrigerator or freezer recycled through the program and an energy-saving kit that included two CFLs, a refrigerator thermometer card, energy-savings educational materials, and information on other efficiency programs relevant to residential, commercial and industrial customers. The program was available to residential, business customers and retailers. Participating retailers received an incentive of up to $20 for each qualiffing refrigerator or freezer picked up. Program participation by measure is provided in Table I l. Table 1l Program Participation - Measures (Units) Measures Total kwh/Yr Sarings @ Site Iotal lncentlve Measure Quantlty Energy Savings Kit 21,707 5 4,146 698 Energy Savings Kit (business)t2t s 24 4 Freezer Recycl i ng 180,775 S a,zso 175 Refri gerator Recycl i ng 598,892 s 29,300 s86 Refri gerator Recycl i ng (busi ness)6,732 s 300 6 Total 8O7,O2O 5 42,520 t A69 The program was not cost effective in 2015 with a calculated TRC of 0.91. This change in cost effectiveness from 2014 is largely due to the reduction in decrement values from the 2015 m.P.2l Results are provided in Table 12. Table l2 ffect forCost Effectiveness Re Rec ln Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Beneflts PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test plus 10 percent 1.00 (s300) Total Resource Cost Test 0.91 (s10.867) Utilitv Cost Test 0.91 (S10,867) Particioant Cost Test "N/A s539,008 Ratepaver lmpact Test 0,27 1s279,2711 21 Decrement values represent the value of saved energy for assessing benefits from the PTRC, TRC, UCT, and RIM perspectives at the measure category, program, and/or portfolio level. The values, and methodology used to develop them, are presented in PacifiCorp 2015 Class 2 DSM Decrement Study: http://www.pacificorp.com/contenUdam/pacificoro/doc/Enerev_Sources/Demand_Side Manaeement/2015/2015_Cl ass 2_DSM_Decrement_Study.pdf 22 Participants in See ya later, refrigeralor@ program incurred no costs. Page2l of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs In 2015, more than 1.7 million pounds of metal, 271,000 pounds of plastics, and32,400 pounds of tempered glass were recycled. In addition, the capture, recovery or destruction of more than 15,000 pounds ofozone depleting Chlorofluorocarbons (greenhouse gases), Hydrofluorocarbons, and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons, commonly used in refrigerants and foam insulation equates to more than 32,500 metric tons of carbon dioxide avoided. Program Management The program manager responsible for the Refrigerator Recycling program in Idaho was also responsible for the program in Utah and Wyoming. For each program and in each state the program manager was responsible for the cost effectiveness of the program, identifying and contracting with the program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set out in the tariff. In Q4 2014, the program manager identified media placement expenditures were not allocated correctly to JACO. Accordingly, JACO issued a credit to the program in 2015 which was allocated to all states based upon the percentage of media expenditures incurred. Program Administration The Refrigerator Recycling program was administered by JACO Environmental ("JACO") in 2015. JACO was one of the largest recyclers of house-hold appliances in the United States until going out of business in the fourth quarter of 2015. The Company contracted with JACO to provide customer scheduling, pick-up, incentive processing and marketing services for the See ya I at e r, refr i ge r at o r pr o gr am. JACO's process ensured that over 95 percent of the components and materials of a discarded appliance were either recycled for beneficial uses or eliminated in an environmentally responsible way. The remaining 5 percent could then be productively used as "fluff'to facilitate the decomposition of biodegradable landfill material. JACO was responsible for the following: . Appliance Pick-up - JACO handled all customer and field service operations for the program, including pick-up of refrigerators and freezers from customers and transporting units to the de-manufacturing facility.o Incentive processing and call-center operations - Customer service calls, pick-up scheduling and incentive processing. o Progtam specific customer communication and outreach - Working in close coordination with the Company, JACO handled all the marketing for the program. The program was marketed through bill inserts, customer newsletters and TV, newspaper and online advertising. Page 22 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs As part of the program control process, the Company contracted with third-party independent inspectors to conduct ongoing oversight of the program's appliance recycling process, from verification that the units being recycled met the program eligibility criteria to verifying they were being recycled and that the program records were accurate. A summary of the inspection process is included in Appendix 3. Infrastructure A crew from Salt Lake City, Utah, picked up units collected through the program in Idaho and transported the units to a JACO facility in Salt Lake City, Utah for disassembly and recycling. Program Changes On November 19, 2015, the Company was notified by JACO that they entered into a voluntary receivership, but customer pickups would continue. On November 21, the Company was notified pickups were canceled due to complications with transferring the receivership. On November 23, the Company was verbally notified that operations had ceased, and received formal correspondence confirming this on November 24. The Company immediately posted this information on the program web site and used another vendor to contact the affected customers to inform them their pickup was canceled. Initial data indicated this impacted 8 Idaho customers. The Company also learned that JACO's bank accounts had been closed impacting the cashing of checks and customers who were recent participants would experience delays in receiving their checks. On November 23, 2015, the Company notified Idaho Staff of the recent developments with JACO, the unavailability of the program offer, and the Company's plan to make a filing requesting approval to suspend the appliance recycling offer and allow time to evaluate the options for this program. Due to JACO closing its bank account the Company developed a process to pay outstanding incentives and any bank fees incurred by customers. The process was communicated to affected customers on December 9,2015. During December 2015, the Company began an expedited sole source procurement process to contract for remedial or "clean-up" appliance recycling services. This provider would contact customers who had pick-ups scheduled with JACO that were canceled in late November and December and, if the customer was still interested, offer the same removal service and incentive. A contract with Appliance Recycling Centers of America was executed December 30, 2015, and customer outreach began in January 2016. On December 3,2015, the Company filed a request with the Commission to suspend the program. Evaluation A process and impact evaluation was conducted by a third party evaluator in 2015. A final evaluation has not been published as of the date of this Annual Report. Page23 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs L ow I rvcoru r W rerN C NIZATI ON P ROG RAM The Low Income Weatherization program provides energy efficiency services through a partnership between the Company and local non-profit agencies to residential customers who meet income-eligible guidelines. Services are at no cost to the program participants. Total homes treated under the program in 2015, as well as the type and frequency of specific energy efficiency measures installed in each home, is provided in Table 13. Table l3 Homes Receiving Specific Measures Participation - Total # of Completed/Treated Homes 53 Number of Homes Receiving Specific Measures Attic Ventilation 21 Ceilins Insulation 2',7 Comoact Fluorescent Lieht Bulbs 49 Duct Insulation l0 Floor Insulation 2t Furnace Repair 29 Health & Safety Measures 30 Infiltration 44 Refrigerators 8 Replacement Windows 39 Thermal Doors JJ Wall Insulation 5 Water Heater Repair 9 Water Heater Replacement I Water Pipe Insulation 49 The Low Income Weatherization program was not cost effective in 2015, with a calculated PTRC of 0.48. The most recent Low Income Weatherization evaluation (program years 2010-2012) calculated a PTRC of 13423 (including non-energy benefits). This significant change in cost effectiveness is largely due to the reduction in decrement values calculated forthe 2015 RP.24 Further, the number of homes served and measures installed decreased by approximately 45 percent where program cost only decreased by I I percent. The Company will continue to monitor program savings and participation going forward. Table 14 shows 2015 program cost effectiveness. 23 The Low Income Energy Conservation Education funding of $25,000 was excluded from the cost effectiveness 2a See footnote 21. Page24 of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Table l4 Cost Effectiveness for Low Income Weatherization (includes non-energy benefits) Beneftt/Cost Ratao Net Benefits PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test plus 10 percent 0.48 (s132,903) Total Resource Cost Test o.44 $L47,9441 Utility Cost Test 0.35 (s16s,241) Particioant Cost Test N/A S326,131 Rateoaver lmpact Cost Test 0.25 (s276,016) Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Low Income l(eatherization program in ldaho is also responsible for the program in California, Utah, Washington and Wyoming; energy assistance programs in Idaho, Califomia, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming; and bill discount programs in California, Utah and Washington. The program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the weatherization program in each state, partnerships and agreements in place with local agencies that serve income eligible households, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set out in the agency contracts and state specific tariffs. Pro gram Adm inistration The Company contracts with Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership ("EICAP") and SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency ("SEICAA") to provide services. The two agencies receive federal funds allocated to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare ("IDHW") and administered by the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI"). Energy efficiency measures are installed in the homes of income eligible households throughout the Company's service territory by EICAP and SEICAA. The Company funds 85 percent of the cost of approved measures and is further leveraged by the agencies with the funding received by IDHW. EICAP and SEICAA are responsible for the following: Income Verification - Agencies determine participant income eligibility based on CAPAI guidelines. Household's interested in obtaining weatherization services apply through the agencies. The 2015 income guidelines can be viewed at CAPAI's website http://www.idahocommunityaction.org/proerams/weatherization-html/weatherization- assistance-pro gram-income- guidelines-htm l/ Energy Audit - Agencies use a United States Department of Energy approved audit tool to determine the cost effective measures to install in the participant's homes (audit results must indicate a savings to investment ratio of 1.0 or greater). Installation of Measures - Agencies install the energy efficiency measures. Page25 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Residential Programs o Post Inspections - Agencies inspect 100 percent of completed homes. IDHW and CAPAI also inspect a random sample of homes. See Appendix 3 for verifrcation summary. o Billing Notification - Agencies are required to submit a billing to Company within 120 days after job completion. The agencies include a form indicating the measures installed and associated cost on each completed home along with their invoice. Evaluation The results of an independent third-party process and impact evaluation of the Company's non- residential programs for prog.u, years 2010-2012 can be found on the Company's website25. Several key findings from this evaluation included: o The program is operating as planned. o The program exemplifies a utility best practice in that it is coordinated with United States Department of Energy, United States Department of Health and Human Services and Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. The partnership leverages each utility dollar to serve low income customers.o The partnership between Low Income Home Energy Assistance ("LIHEAP") and Weatherization Assistance Program is beneficial to both programs. Low Income Energy Conservation Education Commission Order No. 32788 ordered the Company to fund the Low Income Energt Conservation Education $25,000 annually. These education services are provided by EICAP and SEICAA and target participants who receive LIHEAP funds. EICAP, SEICAA and the Company discussed the allocation of the annual funding amount with the agencies determining the efficiency measures to distribute. EICAP received $13,250 and SEICAA $11,750 for a total of $25,000 prior to the beginning of their 201512016 LIHEAP program year. While the conservation education activities do result in energy savings, the savings are not considered when calculating the performance results of the Low Income Weatherization program, other energy efficiency programs or portfolios results.26 The agencies provided a conservation education curriculum to households and reported the following activities and program specifics for 2015: EICAP Annual funds: $13,250 2s http ://www.pacifi corp.com/es/dsm/idaho.html " Order No. 32788 SEICAA $11,750 Page26 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs EICAP SEICAA Expenditures: 2014 unspent funds : $3,119 400 CFLs (l3w) : $552 To be spent in 2016: $16,369 400 Window Kits : $1,300 (to purchase programmable 400 LED Night Lights: $500 thermostats, 9 watt LEDs, 400 Weather-stripping: $800 indoor clotheslines) 350 Conservation Sockets: $4,375 Staff Labor: $2,000 Remaining Funds : $2,223 Households served: 296 556 Distribution EICAP reported that there were major changes made to their process of distributing LIHEAP funds beginning in the fall of 2015, in addition to staffing changes. This resulted in a slow rollout of their conservation education component. To date, EICAP has not spent the $13,250 from the 2015 payment, or the $3,119 carryover from 2014. However, EICAP plans to purchase programmable thermostats, LED light bulbs and indoor clotheslines by the end of March 2016. Eligible LIHEAP clients were provided items from previous purchases including 3-pack CFL light bulbs, conservation sockets and smart strips. They provided energy conservation education to 296 households in 2015. SEICAA distributed the following measures in 2015:o A total of 226 shower timers and 469 night lights that was purchased in2013;o A total of 224 CFLs and 489 power timers that was purchased in2014;o A total of 230 window kits, 157 LED night lights, 166 weather-stripping, 206 (13) watt CFLs and 129 conservation sockets purchased in 2015.o A total of 2,296 measures were distributed to 556 households. Page27 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Residential Programs Table l5 provides additional information regarding the education offered by the agencies. Table l5 Additional Information on Education by Agencies EICAP SEICAA Program Design Educate Rocky Mountain Power customers about how to conserye enersv and understand their bill. Reduce electricity usage and monthly bills for participants of the LIHEAP program. Target Audience Rocky Mountain Power customers receiving energy assistance. LIHEAP recipients that have not had weatherization program services are a priority. Households can also be identified through SEICAA's other proerams. Success in Meeting Goals Acceptance of energy conservation tools after education. Periodic reporting and participant surveys. How Company Funds Were Used Tools that encourage energy conservation. To purchase energy conservation measures. Funds are also used for educator salaries. Program Benefits to Participants Households receive useful tips and tools to help them save energy while applying for LIHEAP. Households are educated on how they can reduce kWh usage through behavioral changes as well as the installation and benefits of the energy conservation measures they receive during LIHEAP intake. All conservation items are easily installed and instantly create savings for participants upon installation. Page29 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs NoN.RBSIDENTIAL ENBncy ErrlcInNcy The commercial and industrial energy efficiency program portfolio was consolidated into a single Non-Residential Energt Efficiency program, Schedule 140, which became effective November 13,2014. These changes were made in an effort to streamline program administration, as well as provide a single customer facing program brand within the marketplace. The intent of the consolidation was to provide customers with a "one-stop-shop" program, alleviating confusion or perceptions of complexity. The consolidated Non-Residential Energ,t Efficiency program is promoted to the Company's customers as wattsmart Business. The wattsmart Business program is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of electricity for new and existing non-residential customers through the installation of energy efficiency measures and energy management protocols. Qualifuing measures arc any measures which, when implemented in an eligible facility, result in verifiable electric energy efficiency improvements. Total non-residential program savings increased 29%o, from 5,841,257 kWh in 2014 to 7,554,665 kWh in 2015. Total incentives, savings and completed projects are provided in Table 16 by customer sector. Table l6 ects Com S€ctor Total kwh/Yr Savlngp @ She Total kW SMngs @ Slte Total lncentive Total ProJects Asri cultura I t.875.520 324 5 239,679 5C 3ommercial 4,57t,390 886 s 1.21s.525 289 I nd ustri a I r,707.755 226 s 151.019 13 lotal 7.554.665 1.4?6 s 1,606,322 352 Services offered through the wattsmart Business program include: Typical Upgrades: Provides streamlined incentives for lighting, HVAC, compressed air and other equipment upgrades that increase electrical energy efficiency and exceed code requirements. Small Business Lighting: Provides enhanced incentives for lighting retrofits installed by approved trade allies at eligible small business customer facilities. Custom Analysis: Offers investment-grade energy analysis studies and recommendations for more complex projects. Energy Management: Provides expert facility and process analysis to help lower energy costs by optimizing customer's energy use. Energy Project Manager Co-funding: Available to customers who can commit to an annual goal of completing projects resulting in a minimum of 1,000,000 kwh per year in energy savings. Page29 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs Total incentives and savings by measure group are provided in Table 17. Table l7 Savings by Measure Category Measure Category Total kwh/Yl Savings t@ Sfte Total lrW Savings @ Site Totd lncentive Buildine Shell t46,784 77 s 58,481 Comoressed Air 51.535 1 s 7.033 Conta i ner 31,915 8 s 3,803 Farm & Dairv 46.503 9 s 4.s90 :ood Service Equipment 74.423 13 S 8.210 HVAC 7L7.629 64 s 64.834 rri eati on t,726,674 290 s 222,392 -i ehti ns 4.363.774 940 s 1.186.407 Motors 391,s28 34 s s0.s72 Total 7.554.665 L,436 s 1.506.322 The program was cost effective with a calculated TRC of 1.04 and UCT of 1.60, despite a significant decrease in decrement values. Program performance results for 2015 are provided in Table l8 below. Table l8 Cost Effectiveness for Non-Residential Energy Efficiency lncludes Portfolio Costs Excludes Portfollo Costs Beneflt/Cost Ratlo Net Beneflts Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Eonefits Total Resource Test plus 10 percent 1.15 s619,706 L,20 s804,1s4 Total Resource Cost Test 1.04 S180,042 1.09 S354,490 Utilitv Cost Test 1.60 s7.646,677 1.77 s1.831.065 Participant Cost Test 2.05 54,L42,ro]-2.Os 54,t42,701 Ratepayer lmpact Test 0.s5 (s3,404,187)0,58 (s3,219,739) Program Management The program manager overseeing the business energy efficiency program activity in Idaho is also responsible for the programs in Utah and Wyoming. For each state the program manager is responsible for the management of the program administrators, cost effectiveness, identifying and contracting with the program administrators through a competitive bid process, program marketing, achieving and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions of the program. Page 30 of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs Proeram Administration The program is primarily administered through two channels that are differentiated based upon customer needs. The first channel generally targets typical opportunities which serve small to medium sized business customers and to lesser extent large business customers. Administration is provided through Company contracts with Nexant, Inc. ('Nexant") and Cascade Energy (o'Cascade") who manage trade ally coordination, training and application processing services for commercial measures and industrial/agricultural measures respectively. The second channel targets large energy users who generally have multiple opportunities for energy efficiency improvements, such as those that require custom analysis, is administered by internal project managers allowing for a single point of contact to assist customers with their various opportunities. Nexant and Cascade are responsible for the following: o Trade ally engagement - includes identification, recruiting, training, supporting and assisting trade allies to increase sales and installation of energy efficient equipment at qualiffing business customer facilities.o Incentive processing and administrative support - includes handling incoming inquiries as assigned, processing incentive applications, developing and maintaining standardized analysis tools, providing program design services, and evaluation and regulatory support upon request.o Custom analysis and project facilitation for small/medium customer projects.o Managing savings acquisition to targets within budget.o Continual improvement of program operations and customer satisfaction.o Inspections - includes verifuing on an on-going basis the installation of measures. Summary of the inspection process is in Appendix 3. The program is also administered by internal project managers. In this delivery channel, project managers are responsible for the following: o Single point of contact for large customers to assist with their energy efficiency projects.o Large customer outreach and education of energy efficiency opportunities.o Providing custom energy efficiency analysis, quality assurance and verification of savings through a pre-contracted group of engineering firms.o Managing engineering firms to ensure program compliance, quality of work, and customer satisfaction.. Managingwattsmart Business projects through the whole project lifecycle. The wattsmart Business program administration contracts expire in 2016 for all states. As a result, the Company initiated a request for proposal in 2015 and new contracts will be in place by mid-2016. Page3l of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs Infrastructure To help increase and improve the supplier and installation contractor infrastructure for energy- effrcient equipment and services, the Company established and developed trade ally networks for lighting, HVAC and motorsA/FDs. This work includes identifuing and recruiting trade allies, providing program and technical training and providing sales support on an ongoing basis. The current list of the trade allies who have applied and been approved as participating vendors are posted on the Company website and is included as Appendix 6 to this report. In most cases, customers are not required to select a vendor from these lists to receive an incentive.2T The current count of participating trade allies by technology is in Table 19. Table l9 Participating Trade All ies28 Lighting trade allies IMC trade allies Motor and VFD trade allies 83 42 46 Given the diversity of the non-residential customers served by the Company, a pre-approved, pre-contracted group of engineering firms are used to perform facility specific energy efficiency analysis, quality assurance and verification services. Each customer's project is directly managed by one of the Company's in-house project managers. The project manager works directly with the customer or through the appropriate Company regional business manager located in Idaho. Table 20 lists the engineering firms currently under contract with the Company. Table 20 II rIII Ensineerins Firm Main Ollice Location Abacus Resource Management Company Beaverton. OR Brendle Group Fort Collins, CO Cascade Energy Engineering Cedar Hills. UT Comoression Ensineerins Corp Salt Lake Citv. UT Ecova Portland. OR EMP2.lnc Richland. VA Enersy Resource Integration, LLC Sausalito, CA Enerw and Resource Solutions North Andover. MA EnerNOC Inc.Portland. OR EnSave. Incomorated Richmond. VT ETC Grouo. Incomorated Salt Lake Citv, Ut Evergreen Consulting Group Beaverton, OR Fazio Ensineerine Weston, OR Fi 27 Customers receiving Small Business Lighting incentives do need to use an approved contractor selected from a competitive request for bid process. " Some trade allies may participate in more than one technology so the count of unique participating firms is less than the total count by technology. Page 32 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs EncineerinsFim Main Offielocation kW Ensineerins. Inc.Salt Lake Citv- UT Lincus Incorporated Temoe^ AZ Nexant. Incomorated Salt Lake Cirv- UT OEI Enerey Management, Inc.Beaverton. OR RM Enersy Consultins Pleasant Grove, UT Rick Rumsev. LLC Ammon.ID SBW Consultine. Inc.Bellevue. WA Solarc Architecture & Ensineerins. Inc.Eusene. OR Triole Point Enersy Portland, OR Evaluation The results of an independent third-party process and impact evaluation of the Company's non- residential programs for program years 2012-2013 can be found on the Company's website. Several key findings from this evaluation included: o Program satisfaction was high for participants. o The program has very high repeat participation. o Participants report experiencing non-energy benefits stemming from their projects.o The program successfully leverages trade allies as a marketing source.o Financial incentives and economic information were the most influential components of the program. Page 33 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Peak Reduction Program Pper RspucrroN PRoGRAM Peak Reduction programs assist the Company in balancing customer energy use during heavy peak summer hours. Further, it assists in deferring the need for higher cost investments in delivery infrastructure and generation resources that would otherwise be needed to serve those loads for a select few hours each year. These programs help the Company maximize the efficiency of the Company's existing electrical system and reduce costs for all customers. Irri gation Load Control The lrrigation Load Control program is offered to irrigation customers receiving electric service on Schedule 10, Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service. Participants enrolled with a third party administrator to allow the curtailment of their electricity usage in exchange for an incentive. Customer incentives are based on a site's average available load during load control program hours adjusted for the number of opt outs or non-participation. The program hours are 12 to 8pm Mountain Time, Monday through Friday, and do not include holidays. For most participants, their irrigation equipment is set up with a dispatchable two-way control system giving the Company control of the equipment. Under this control option, participants are provided a day-ahead notification of control events and have the choice to opt-out of a limited number of dispatch events per season. Based on participant feedback and a focus on continual improvement, the program availability expanded from l0 weeks to 12 weeks. Expanding the program by two weeks provides the Company more flexibility to dispatch events and benefits the participants by potentially increasing their availability average which increases their payments. A summary of the program performance, participation and cost effectiveness results for the program period of June 1,2015 -August 21,2015 are provided in Tables 2l and22. Table 2l Irrigation Load Control Program Performance Total Enrolled MW (Gross - at Gen)278 Averase Realized Load MW (at Gen)155 Maximum Realized Load MW (at Gen)159 Participation Customers 193 Participation (Sites)1,t22 Table22 Cost Effectiveness for Irrigation Load Control Beneftt/Cost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test plus 10 percent Pass Total Resource Cost Test Pass Utility Cost Test Pass Participant Cost Test N/A RateDaver lmoact Test Pass Page 34 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Peak Reduction Program Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Irrigation Load Control program in Idaho is also responsible for the lruigation Load Control and Cool Keeper programs in Utah along with Home Energy Report in ldaho, Utah and Wyoming. For each state the program manager is responsible for managing the program administrator, the cost effectiveness of the program, contracting with program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes to increase participation. Prosram Administration EnerNoc administers and manages the lrrigation Load Control program through a pay-for- performance structure and is responsible for all aspects of the program. Load Control Events and Performance There were seven control events initiated in 2015. The date, time and estimated impact for each event is provided in Table 23. Table23 Irrigation Load Control Events Date Event Event Tlmes Estlmated Load Reductlon - ldaho at Gen (MWl June 16, 2015 1 4pm-8pm MDT 137 June 18, 2015 2 4om-8om MDT 151 June22,2075 3 4om-8om MDT 160 June 25, 2015 4 4om-8om MDT 162 June 26, 2015 5 4om-8om MDT 746 June 29, 2015 6 3om-7om MDT 169 Julv 1. 2015 7 4pm-8om MDT 158 Evaluation No evaluation activities occurred during 20 I 5. Page 35 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication CoumuxtcATIoNS, OurnnacH AND Enucnrtox The Company utilizes earned media, customer communications, paid media and program specific media in an effort to communicate the value of energy efficiency, provide information regarding low-cost, no-cost energy efficiency measures, and to educate customers on the availability of technical assistance, services and incentives. The overall goal is to engage customers in reducing their energy usage through behavioral changes. wattsmart is a multi-faceted campaign that shares a common theme: Rocky Mountain Power wants to help you save money and energy. Customer Communications As part of the Company's regular communications to its customers, newsletters across all customer classes promote energy efficiency initiatives and case studies on a regular basis. Inserts and outer envelopes featuring energy efficiency messages and programs have also been used on a consistent basis. In 2015, the Company issued two newsletters focused entirely on seasonal energy efficiency information targeted in the fall and spring. Table 24 shows the communication source and the frequency of the message. Table 24 Communication Source and Frequency Communication Source Frequency of Messale Web: rockymountainpower.net/wattsmart and promotional URL wattsmart.com link directly to the energy efficiency landing page. Once there customers can self-select their state for specific prosrams and incentives. Messages rotate each month based on the season Twitter Tweets posted on a weekly basis Facebook lnformation and tips posted three - five times a week. Promoted posts and mobile ads are also utilized where aoorooriate. Voices residential newsletter Newsletters are sent via bill insert and email six times a year; each issue includes energy efficiency tips and incentive proaram information wattsup insert - seasonal change inserts dedicated to energy efficiencv May and October Home Energy Savings/wattsmart Starter Kit program inserts 2-3 per vear See vo later, refriaerotor orogram inserts 1-3 oer vear Energy Connections, Energy lnsights -- newsletters to businesses and communities Articles appear in both monthly and quarterlv publications Page 36 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication Paid Media/ waffsmart campaisx In 2015, the Company continued to utilize the wattsmart advertising campaign that was originally developed in late 2014. The overall paid media plan objective is to effectively reach our customers through a multi-media mix that extends both reach and frequency. Tapping into all resources with consistent messaging has been the Company's approach and will continue to be refined. Key strategies include:o Implementing an advertising campaign featuring wattsmart energy efficiency messaging. o Promoting customer conservation (behavioral changes) and increasing participation and savings through the Company's wattsmart DSM programs. o Motivating customers in Idaho to reduce consumption independently or to do so by participating in the Company's wattsmart DSM programs. o Educating customers on how these programs can help them save money on their utility bills, reduce energy consumption and keep costs down for customers. The audiences for these messages were prioritized as follows:o Residential customerso Low-income customerso Small/mid-sizebusinesscustomerso Large commercial/industrial customerso Retailers, contractors & trade allies General key messages:o Using energy wisely at home and in your business saves you money.o Rocky Mountain Power is your energy partner o We want to help you keep your costs down. o We offer wattsmart programs and cash incentives to help you save money and energy in your home or business. New creative ways developed in late 2014 which included TV, radio, print and digital. We introduced customers to Wattsmart, Idaho - the right place for savings. In Wattsmart, folks turn off lights and electronics when not in use. They only use efficient appliances and make sure their homes are well insulated. Kids eat all their veggies and everyone gets along while sharing their chores. The payoff for the campaign is - You may not live in wattsmar4 but you can learn to live wattsmart. Each of the ads is focused on a different piece of messaging that we want to deliver to customers.r lncentiveso Weatherizationo Lighting (LED)o Turning off the lights and unplugging electronics when not in useo Keeping the thermostat set to 68 degrees in the winter Page37 of42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication Table25 outlines the value each communication channel provides the overall effort and the impressions achieved in 2015. Table 25 Communication Channels *Radio impressions are not quantified. Impression is estimated. The total number impressions for the wattsmart campaign werc 6,046,574 impressions. Residential Creative Links TV. Wattsmart,. Wattsmart,. Wattsmart, Idaho - 68 degrees Idaho - Apple pie Idaho - Caulking gun Communication Channel Value to Communication Portfolio lmoressions to date Television Television has the broadest reach and works as the most effective media channel. ldaho Falls: A selection of ads ran at 30 and 15-second spots.. 1,058 total spots o 1,710,000 total impressions Radio Given the cost relative to television, radio builds on communications delivered via television while providing for increased freouencv of messases. ldaho Falls: o 800 spotsr 780,000 estimated impressions* Newspaper Supports broadcast messages and guarantees coverage in areas harder to reach with broadcast. A total of 72 insertions were provided to: o Jefferson Star/Shelley Pioneer o ldaho State Journal o ldaho Falls Post Register o News-Examiner o Preston Citizenr Rexburg Standard Journal 1,453,838 Total lmpressions Digital Display lnclude banner ads on local sites, blogs, behavioral ad targeting, and oav-oer-click ad olacements. 1,807,953 total impressions lnternet Search (i.e. Gooele)23,053 total impressions Twitter (@RMP_ldaho)Tweets energy efficiency tips, Tweets posted on a weekly basis 857 Twitter followers Facebook www.facebook.com/ rockvmou ntain oower.watts mart Awareness regarding energy efficiency tips and a location to share information. Facebook advertising - 27 7,7 30 tolal impressions Page38 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication Radio. Wattsmart, Idaho - The Festival. Wattsmart, Idaho - Good place Print. Wattsmart Idaho - 68 degrees. Waffsmart Idaho - Caulking Capital. Wattsmart Idaho - well-insulated homes Online. Wattsmart, Idaho (68 degrees). Waffsmart Idaho - Caulking capital (static) Proeram Specific All energy efficiency program marketing and communications are under the wattsmart umbrella to ensure a seamless transition from changing customer behavior to the actions they could take by participating in specific programs. Separate marketing activities administered by and specific to the programs ran in conjunction with the wattsmart campaign. Home Enersv Savings Information on the Home Energt Savings program is communicated to customers, retailers and trade allies through a variety of channels. Using a strategic approach, the Company communicates select proglam measures during key selling seasons and promotes wattsmart Starter Kits to targeted customers throughout the year to achieve savings goals. Messaging shifted to cooling as summer approached. The Company provided information on shopping for a new room air conditioner and highlighted discounts available at local retailers. In June and July, the Company promoted ductless heat pumps and provided detailed information on the website to educate customers about the benefits of these high-efficiency heating and cooling systems. Customers received information about incentives for ductless heat pumps and insulation through a bill insert, website and social media. Throughout the year, targeted customer communications were distributed to promote wattsmart Starter kits through direct mail, email and Facebook ads. During 2015, program communications delivered approximately 152,779 impressions. A breakdown of estimated impressions by channel is shown in Table 26. These estimates do not reflect all of the customer, retailer and trade ally touchpoints. Page 39 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication Table26 Communication Channels Communlcatlons Channel 2015 Estlmated lmoressions Facebook ads 69,779 Bill inserts 76,000 Direct mail 7,000 Home Enersy Reports prosram In January 2015, the Company introduced Home Energy Reports to [daho residential customers. The reports provide information about the household's energy use compared to other similar households, and offer personalized energy-saving tips. Customers can also login to the program website to access tools including a progress tracker, bill comparison, home energy assessment and more. lr$c* gfr.rl@ 658* a [nry m r -:ilEItr^-ii]ii;.iiF The Company included information in the reports to promote .:l refrigerator recycling in the spring. I Refri gerator Rec),cl in e In 2015, See ya later, refrigerator communications consisted of print and digital advertising, bill inserts and social media. On November 23,2015, the Company received notice that the program administrator, JACO, was going out of business. The Company posted a notice on the website to let customers know the program was suspended until further notice. Affected customers also received a direct mail letter and an email to let them know about the situation and that the Company would have replacement incentive checks issued, if necessary. lrarlsmart Business During 2015, communications reminded customers to inquire about incentives for lighting, HVAC, compressed air and other energy efficiency measures. Radio communications encouraged business customers to make energy efficiency upgrades and print ads featured case study examples from program participants which were repurposed in social media. Quarterly eblasts directed viewers to the Company's website.2e This was in addition to customer direct contact by Company project managers and corporate and community managers, trade ally 2e www.4ryg.com Page 40 of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication partners, articles in the Company newsletters, Chamber newsletter outreach and content on the Company website and on Facebook. Working with the Preston, Idaho Chamber of Commerce, a "lunch and learn" event focused on lighting was held in May to inform small and mid-size business customers about incentives for lighting upgrades. In June, a bill insert focused on energy savings and incentives for cooling systems was inserted in bills for business customers (excluding irrigation). During the same period, an email on the cooling was sent. The Company continued to utilize a wattsmarto'open sign" for businesses and approved vendors to display. Customers were photographed with the "open sign" and the photos were used in the print advertising, case studies, newsletter articles, and on Facebook. The program's breakdown of impressions by media type is shown inTable2T. 1trSS* 6ntffi- '.@ 't.l!ed';-'; '' ' \*Eq*"h5t-- - Table 27 Impressions by Media Type Communications Channel 2015 Radio 487,500 Print 323,940 Eblasts 4,639 Bill insert 7,028 Page 4l of 42 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Evaluations EvnLulrroxs Evaluations are performed by independent external evaluators to validate energy and demand savings derived from the Company's energy efficiency programs. Industry best practices are adopted by the Company with regards to principles of operation, methodologies, evaluation methods, definitions of terms, and protocols including those outlined in the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Program Impact Evaluation and the California Evaluation Framework guides. A component of the overall evaluation efforts is aimed at the reasonable verification of installations of energy efficient measures through review of documentation, surveys and/or ongoing onsite inspections. Verification of the potential to achieve savings involves regular inspection and commissioning of equipment. The Company engages in programmatic verification activities, including inspections, quality assurance reviews, and tracking checks and balances as part of routine program implementation and may rely upon these practices in the verification of installation information for the purposes of savings verifications in advance of more formal impact evaluation results. A summary of the inspection process is included in Appendix 3. Evaluation, measurement and verification tasks are segregated within the Company organization to ensure they are performed and managed by personnel who are not responsible for program management. In 2015, the Company awarded a multi-year contract to evaluate the Company's energy efliciency programs for all states for Home Energt Savings, Appliance Recycling and wattsmart Business programs. The contract was awarded through a competitive bid process. Information on evaluation activities completed or in progress during 2015 is summarized in Table 28 below. Summaries of the recommendations are provided in Appendix 5. The evaluation report is available at www.pac ifi corp.com/es/dsm/idaho.htm I Table 28 Program Evaluations Program Years Evaluated Evaluator ProEress Status Low lncome Weatherization 2010 -2012 Smith & Lehmann Completed Enersv FinAnswer 2072 -20t3 Navigant Completed FinAnswer Express 2072 -2073 Navigant Completed Home Energv Savings 2073 - 2074 Cadmus ln Prosress See Va, Later Refrigerator 2073 -2014 Cadmus ln Prosress Page 42 of 42 ROCKY MOUNHIN POWER A DIVISION OF FACIFICORP Appendix I Idaho Cost Effectiveness Table of Contents Portfolio and Sector Level Cost Effectiveness ................ 3 Program Level Cost Effectiveness....... .........8 Home Energy Savers Program..... ...........8 Refrigerator Recycling (See ya later, refrigerator) ......... ............ 16 Low Income Weatherization.......... .......20 Home Energy Reporting .......................23 wattsmart Business.... .........25 Portfolio and Sector Level Cost Effectiveness Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness for the overall energy efficiency portfolio and component sectors, based on 2015 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall energy efficiency portfolio and the two sector components. The portfolio passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the TRC and RIM test. The memo consists of the following tables. Table I -Utilitylnputs Table 2 - Portfolio Level Costs 2015 Table 3 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Portfolio Type Table 4 -2015 Total Portfolio (Including NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 5 - 2015 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 -2015 C&I Energy Efficiency Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 -2015 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio (Including NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Table 8 - 2015 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 9 - Low Income Non-Energy Benefits (2015) Table 10 - Home Energy Savings Appliance Non-Energy Benefits Table I I - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits Non-Energy Benefits Table 12 - Home Energy Savings Lighting Non-Energy Benefits Discount Rate Residential Line Loss Commercial Line Loss lndustrial Line Loss lrrigation Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) Commercial Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) lndustrial Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) lrrigation Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) lnflation Ratei 6.66% 11.47o/o 10.75o/o 7.520/o 11.45o/o $0.1 048 $0.0872 $0.0653 $0.0922 1.9o/o 1 Future rates determined using a L.9% annual escalator, Commercial and lndustrial Evaluation Costs Residential Evaluation Costs Low lncome Energy Conservation Education Outreach & Communications Wattsmart Technical Reference Library and Potential Study DSM Central TotalCosts $184,448 $116,371 $25,000 $152,615 $9,790 $13,270 $501,494 Total Portfolio (lncluding NEBs) TotalPortfolio C&l Programs Residential Programs (lncluding NEBs) Residential Programs 1.40 1.13 1.15 2.24 1.2'.1 1.29 1.03 't.04 2.13 1.10 1.44 1.44 1.60 1.29 1.29 0.49 0.49 0.56 0.37 0.37 3.07 2.73 2.05 8.54 6.40 Table 2 - Portfolio Level Costs 2015 Table 4 -2015 Total Portfolio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) $O.O7O4+ Conversation Adder $0.0704 $0.0503 $5,931,180 $5,931 ,180 $4,238,600 $12,525,429 $4.669,955 $8,286,280 $7,677,222 $6,090,583 $6,090,583 $14,318,383 $2,355,100 $1,746,042 $1,851 ,983 -$6,434,846 $9,648,428 1.40 1.29 1.44 0.49 3.07 $0.0002079867 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Table 5 - 2015 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $5,931,180 $6,699,641 $5,931,180 $6,090,583 $4,238,600 $6,090,583 $12,525,429 $6,090,583 $4,669,955 $12,755,040 $0.0704 $0.0704 $0.0503 $768,462 $159,403 $1,851,983 -$6,434,846 $8,085,086 1.'13 1.03 1.44 0.49 2.73 $0.0002079867 Table6-2015C&l Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $0.0761 $0.0761 $0.0497 $4,216,597 $4,216,s97 $2,750,022 $7,800,827 $3,939,611 $4,836,303 $4,396,640 $4,396,640 $4,396,640 $8,081,713 $619,706 $180,042 $1,646,617 -$3,404,187 $4,142,101 1.15 1.04 1.60 0.56 2.05 $0.0000759447 Table 7 - 2015 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio (lnctuding NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) $O.OS34+ Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) $0.0534No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) $0.0456 Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $1,538,908 $1,538,908 $1,312,903 $4,548,927 $730,343 $3,449,977 $3,280,582 $1,693,944 $1,693,944 $6,236,670 $1,911,069 $1,741,675 $381,040 -$2,854,984 $5,506,327 2.24 2.13 1.29 0.37 8.54 $0.0001 386385 Table 8 -2015 Residential Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $1,538,908 $1,863,338 $324,430 1.21$0.0534 $0.0534 $0.0456 $1,538,908 $1,312,903 $4,548,927 $730,343 $1,693,944 $155,036 $1,693,944 $381 ,040 $1,693,944 -$2,854,984 $4,673,328 $3,942,984 1.10 1.29 0.37 6.40 $0.0001 386385 The tables below summarize the non-energy benefits for the Low lncome and Home Energy Savings programs. $23,296.63 $23,296.63 Table9-Lowlncome Clothes Washer - 3.2 MEF or Higher Energy Savings Kit - Basic and Better - 1 Bath Energy Savings Kit - Basic and Better - 2 Balh Energy Savings Kit - Best - 1 Bath Energy Savings Kit - Best - 2 Bath LED Energy Savings Kit CFL General Purpose CFL General Purpose CFL Energy Savings Kit CFL Specialty LED Downlight & Specialty LED Gen Purpose Retail LED Gen Purpose Retail LED Specialty $41.64 $0.00 $41.64 $41,628.24 $20.53 $41.06 $41.06 $82.12 $0.00 $3.08 $3.08 $5.20 $5.20 $5.20 352 31 119 121 9.6 10.5 10.5 12 $23.61 $44.14 $46.26 $87.32 $5.20 9.2 $59,551.59 $310,250.80 $11,296.30 $81,852.04 $5,428.32 $1,175.81 $548,464.80 $'t2,043.57 $42,677.76 $258,129.70 $170,670.15 $9,904.17 $10,268.94 951 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.77 $1.54 $3.08 $1 .18 $6.40 $2.05 $1.40 $3.64 346 80697 886 81 95 4675 9650 820 327 $0.77 $1.s4 $3.08 $1 .18 $6.40 $2.0s $1.40 $3.64 5 5 5 5 12 12 12 12 Table 11 - Home Table 12 - Home Program Level Cost Effectiveness Home Energy Savers Program Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho Home Energy Savings Program, based on 2015 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall program and for the 7 measure categories. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2015 IRP east residential whole house 3lYo, east residential lighting 47Yo, and east water heating 53Yo load factor decrements. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM test. The memo consists of the following tables. Table I - Home Energy Savings Inputs Table 2 - Home Energy Savings Annual Program Costs Table 3 - Home Energy Savings - Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - Home Energy Savings Program Level (without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - Home Energy Savings Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - Home Energy Savings Building Shell Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - Home Energy Savings Electronics Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 9 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 10 - Home Energy Savings HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 1l - Home Energy Savings Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 12 - Home Energy Savings Water Heating Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l3 - Home Energy Savings Appliance Non-Energy Benefits Table 14 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits Non-Energy Benefits Table 15 - Home Energy Savings Lighting Non-Energy Benefits Table 16 - Home Energy Savings Program (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 17 - Home Energy Savings Appliances (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l8 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 19 - Home Energy Savings Lighting (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Discount Rate Residential Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) lnflation Rater 6.66% 11.47o/o $0.1048 1.9o/o 1 Future rates determined using a L.9Yo annual escalator. Appliances Building Shell Electronics Energy Kits HVAC Lighting Water Heating Total $145 $282 $92 $11,967 $9,245 $23,034 $36 $t14,801 $3,475 $6,749 $2,1 93 $56,464 $221,422 $42,384 $871 $333,559 $5,590 $10,010 $3,885 $32,029 $110,644 $1 53,1 67 $1,000 $3{6,326 $9,211 $17,041 $6,170 $100,460 $341,311 $218,584 $1,908 $694,685 $24,791 $11,804 $8,288 $34,912 $150,561 $498,267 $1,721 $730,343 $0 $0 $0 $o $o $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $o $0 $0 Appliances Building Shell Electronics Energy Kits HVAC Lighting Water Heating Total 12,313 23,912 7,770 1,015,442 784,460 1,954,442 3,087 3,801,426 99o/o 95o/o 88o/o 100o/o 100Yo 100o/o 90o/o lOOo/o 12,149 22,7',t6 6,838 1,015,442 783,1 93 1,954,442 2,764 3,797,5M 89o/o 100o/o 100o/o 78o/o 95o/o 660/o 100o/o 75o/o '10,783 22,716 6,838 792,389 740,813 1,289,932 2,764 2,866,234 14 30 5 I 18 6 15 9 Table 4 - BenefiUcost Ratios Appliances with NEBs Appliances Building Shell Electronics Energy Kits with NEBs Energy Kits HVAC Lighting with NEBs Lighting Water Heating Total(with NEBs) Total 1.92 0.30 1.32 0.18 9.01 3.98 't.57 3.78 1.14 0.72 3.28 1.58 1.89 0.27 1.20 0.16 8.64 3.62 1.43 3.68 1.04 0.65 3.13 1.43 0.75 0.75 1.33 0.28 3.45 3.45 1.56 1.87 1.87 0.90 1.90 1.90 0.32 0.32 0.39 0.18 0.44 0.44 0.40 0.43 0.43 0.33 0.42 0.42 2.46 0.78 4.28 0.87 40.19 26.43 7.71 4.65 2.56 2.49 6.85 4.71 Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $920,690 $1,452,796 $920,690 $1,320,724 $694,685 $1,320,724 $3,181 ,972 $1,320,724 $730,343 $3,438,631 $626,038 1.90 -$1,861,249 0.42 $2,708,287 4.71 $0.0000540978 1.37 $0.0416 $0.0416 $0.0314 $532,106 $400,034 1.58 1.43 10 Table 6 through Table 12 provides cost-effectiveness results without NEBs for all 7 measures. - East ResidentialWhole House - Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.2364 $25,625 $0.2364 $25,625 $0.0850 $9,211 $21,397 $24,79',1 $7,601 -$18,024 $6,910 -$18,715 $6,910 -$2,300 $6,910 -$14,486 $19,319 -$5,471 0.30 0.27 0.75 0.32 0.78 $0.0000002998 nla Table 6 - Home Energy Savings Appliances Gost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - Home Energy Savings Building Shell Gost-Effectiveness Results - East Residential Whole House - 31%, Load Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0525 $0.0525 $0.0475 $18,835 $18,835 $17,041 $57,582 $11,804 $22,641 $22,641 $22,641 $50,551 $3,807 $5,600 -$34,940 s38,747 1.32 1.20 1.33 0.39 4.28 $0.0000003346 $24,906 $6,071 nla Table 8 - Home Energy Savings Electronics Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Residential Whole House - 31%. Load Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.3548 $0.3548 $0.2070 -$8,668 -$8,841 0.18 0.16 $10,573 $1,904 $10,573 $1,731 $6,170 $1,731 $9,509 $1,731 $8,288 $7,224 -$4,438 0.28 -$7 ,778 0.18 -$1,064 0.87 $0.0000004535 nla Table 9 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Water Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) - 53%, Load - Water $95,675 $381 ,135 $285,460 $95,675 $346,486 $250,812 $100,460 $346,486 $246,026 $795,449 $346,486 -$448,963 $34,912 $922,654 $887,742 $0.0155 $0.0155 $0.0162 3.98 3.62 3.45 0.44 26.43 $0.00001 30492 0.04 *Energy kits with lighting measures utilized the lighting decrement and load shape. rement - East ResidentialWhole House - 31%. Load - Heat Pum Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0423 $0.0423 $0.0387 $373,081 $373,081 $341,311 $1,334,652 $150,561 $585,854 $532,595 $532,595 $s32,595 $1 ,160,81 1 $212,773 1.57 $159,514 1.43 $191 ,284 1 .56 -$802,057 0.40 $1,010,250 7.71 $0.00001 28731 0.50 Table l0 - Home Energy Savings HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Table I I - Home Energy Savings Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East Residential Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/fWn; Discounted Participant Payback (years) - 47o/o. Load $0.0598 $0.0598 $0.0331 $394,273 $394,273 $218,584 $958,1 97 $498,267 $449,509 $408,645 $408,645 $408,645 $1,273,792 $5s,236 $14,372 $190,060 -$549,552 $775,525 1.14 1.04 1.87 0.43 2.56 $0.0000266863 t2 2.60 Table 12 - Home Energy Savings Water Heating Cost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East Water Heatinq - 53o/o. Load Shape - Water Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0902 $2,628 $1,886 -$743 0.72 -$914 0.65 -$193 0.90 -$3,472 0.33 $2,5s8 2.49 $0.0000000670 nla $0.0902 $0.0654 $2,628 $1,714 $1 ,908 $1,714 $5, 1 87 $1 ,714 $1,721 $4,279 ln addition to the energy benefits reported above, appliances, energy savings kits and lighting in the Home Energy Savings program offer significant non-energy benefits (NEBs). Table 13 through Table 19 detailthe non-energy benefits and the cost-effectiveness results. Clothes Washer - 3.2 MEF or Hiqher $41.64 $41.64 $41,628.24 Table 13 - Home Table 14 - Home Energy Savings Kit - Basic and Befter - 1 Bath Energy Savings Kit - Basic and Befter - 2 Bath Energy Savings Kit - Best - 1 Bath Energy Savings Kit - Best - 2 Bath LED Energy Savings Kit $20.53 $41.06 $41.06 $82.12 $0.00 $3.08 $3.08 $5.20 $5.20 $s.20 9.6 10.5 10.5 12 $23.61 $44.14 $46.26 $87.32 $5.20 951 352 9.2 $59,551.59 $310,250.80 $11,296.30 $81,852.04 $5,428.32 31 119 121 13 CFL General Purpose CFL General Purpose CFL Energy Savings Kit CFL Specialty LED Downlight & Specialty LED Gen Purpose Retail LED Gen Purpose Retail LED Specialty $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.77 $1.54 $3.08 $1.18 $6.40 $2.05 $1.40 $3.64 346 80697 886 81 95 4675 9650 820 327 5 5 5 5 12 12 12 12 $0.77 $1.54 $3.08 $1 .18 $6.40 $2.05 $1.40 $3.64 $1,175.81 $548,464.80 $12,043.57 $42,677.76 $258,129.70 $170,670.15 $9,904.17 $10,268.94 The following tables provide the cost-effectiveness results after adding in the non-energy benefits detailed above beginning with the overall program results. Table 16 - Home Cost-Effectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $920,690 $3,016,138 $2,095,448 3.28 $920,690 $2,884,066 $1 ,963,376 3.13 $694,685 $1,320,724 $626,038 1.90 $3,181,972 $1,320,724 -$1,861,249 0.42 $730,343 $5,001,973 $4,271,630 6.85 $0.0000601 592 1.37 $0.0416 $0.0416 $0.0314 t4 Table 17 - Home Energy Savings Appliances (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results - East ResidentialWhole House - 31%. Load Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.2364 $25,625 $49,230 $0.2364 $0.0850 $25,625 $48,539 $9,211 $6,910 $21 ,397 $6,910 $24,791 $60,948 $23,605 $22,914 -$2,300 -$14,486 $36,157 1.92 1.89 0.75 0.32 2.46 $0.0000002998 nla Table 18 - Home Energy Savings Energy Kits (with NEBs) Gost-Effectiveness Results - East Water Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) - 53%. Load - Water $0.0155 $95,675 $0.0155 $0.0162 $95,675 $100,460 $795,449 $34,912 $861,558 $826,909 $346,486 $346,486 $1,403,077 $765,883 $731,234 $246,026 -$448,963 $1,368,164 9.01 8.64 3.45 0.44 40.1 I $0.0000122602 0.02 *Energy kits with lighting measures utilized the lighting decrement and load shape. Table 19 - Home Energy Savings Lighting (with NEBs) Gost-Effectiveness Results - East Residential Load Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0598 $394,273 $1,490,801 $1,096,527 $0.0598 $394,273 $1,449,936 $1,055,663 $0.0331 $218,584 $408,645 $190,060 $958,197 $408,645 -$549,552 $498,267 $2,315,084 $1,816,817 3.78 3.68 1.87 0.43 4.65 $0.0000266863 2.60 15 Refrigerator Recycling (See ya later' refrigerator) Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho See Ya Later Refrigerator (SYLR) Program, based on 2015 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall program and for the 3 measure categories. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2015 IRP east plug load TlYo and east residential lighting 47%o load factor decrements. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM and PCT tests. The memo consists of the following tables. Table l -SYLRlnputs Table 2 - SYLR Annual Program Costs Table 3 - SYLR Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - SYLR Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - SYLR Refrigerators Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - SYLR Freezers Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - SYLR Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results 1,6 Discount Rate 6.66% ResidentialLine Loss 11.47o/o Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) $0.1048 lnflationRate l.9o/o I Future rates determined using a 7.9% annual escalator. Refrigerators Freezers Kits Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $7,493 $47,376 $2,239 $14,155 $263 $1,662 $9,995 $63,193 $621 $186 $22 $828 $29,600 $8,750 $4,1 70 $42,520 $85,090 $25,330 $6,116 $116,537 Refrigerators Freezers Kits Total 605,024 180,775 21,22',1 807,020 100o/o 100o/o 100o/o lOOo/o 605,024 180,775 21,221 807,020 54o/o 48o/o 100o/o 54o/o 326,713 86,772 21,221 434,706 7 5 6 7 Refrigerators Freezers Kits Total 1.07 0.69 1.2',1 1.00 0.98 0.62 1.10 0.91 0.98 0.62 1.10 0.9r 0.28 0.23 0.37 0.27 nla nla nla nla 77 Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0487 $0.0487 $0.0487 $116,537 $116,537 $116,537 $384,941 $0 $116,237 $105,670 $105,670 $105,670 $539,008 -$300 -$10,867 -$10,867 -$279,271 $539,008 1.00 0.91 0.91 0.27 nla $0.00001 161 87 nla Table 6 through Table 8 provides cost-effectiveness results for all 3 measures. Load - 71o/o, Load Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0446 $85,090 $0.0446 $85,090 $0.0446 $85,090 $298,949 $0 $91,445 $83,1 31 $83,1 31 $83,1 31 $425,634 $6,354 -$1,959 -$1,9s9 -$215,818 $425,634 1.07 0.98 0.98 0.28 nla $0.0000089788 nla Table 6 - SYLR Refrigeratorc Gost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - SYLR Freezerc Cost-Effectiveness Results Load - 71o/o. Load Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0670 $0.0670 $0.0670 $25,330 $25,330 $25,330 $67,707 $0 $17,397 $15,815 $15,815 $15,815 $97,036 -$7,933 -$9,515 -$9,515 -$51,892 $97,036 0.69 0.62 0.62 0.23 nla $0.0000030259 nla 18 Table 8 - SYLR Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0563 $6,116 $7,395 $0.0563 $6,116 $6,723 $0.0563 $6,116 $6,723 $18,284 $6,723 $o $16,338 $1,279 $607 $607 -$1 1,561 $16,338 1.21 1.10 1.10 0.37 nla $0.0000005614 nla 19 Low Income Weatherization Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho Low Income Weatherization Program, based on 2015 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall program. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2015 IRP east residential whole house 3lYo load factor decrement. The program does not pass any of the cost-effectiveness tests. Table I - Low Income Weatherization lnputs Table 2 -Low lncome Weatherization Annual Program Costs Table 3 - Low lncome Weatherization Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - Low Income Weatherization Program Level (without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Table 6 - Low lncome Weatherization Non-Energy Benefits Table 7 -Low Income Weatherization Program (with NEBs) Level Cost-Effectiveness Results 20 Table 1- Low lncome Weatherization Discount Rate 6.66% Residential Line Loss 11.47o/o Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 201 5) $0.1 048 lnflation Rater 1.9o/o 1 Future rates determined using a t.9% annual escalator. Low lncome Weatherization Total $20,502 $16,697 $20,502 $16,697 $215,356 $255,653 $215,356 $255,653 $3,099 $3,099 Table 2 - Low lncome Weatherization Annual Table 3 - Low lncome Weatherization Low lncome Weatherization Total 68,016 68,0{6 100o/o lOOo/o 68,016 68,016 100o/o 100% 68,016 68,016 Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios Low lncome Weatherization with NEBs Low lncome Weatherization 0.48 0.39 0.44 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.25 0.2s nla nla Table s - Low lncome Weatherization Program Level (without NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness - East Residential Whole House - 31%, Load Shape - Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.2603 $255,653 $99,454 -$156,199 $0.2603 $0.2603 $255,653 $90,413 -$165,241 $255,653 $90,413 -$165,241 $366,429 $90,413 -$276,016 $o $326,131 $326,131 0.39 0.35 0.35 0.25 nla $0.0000031 771 nla 21. In addition to the energy benefits reported above, the Low Income program offers significant non-energy benefits (NEBs). Table 6 details the non-energy benefits and Table 7 provides the cost-effectiveness results. Health and Safety Measure Reimbursement Total $23,296.63 $23,296.63 PTRC, TRC Table 7 - Low lncome Weatherization Program (with NEBs) Level Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Residential Whole House - 31%, Load Shape - Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.2603 $255,653 $122,751 -$132,903 $0.2603 $0.2603 $255,653 $1 13,710 -$141,944 $25s,6s3 $90,413 -$165,241 $366,429 $90,413 -$276,016 $o $326,131 $326,131 0.48 0.44 0.35 0.25 nla $0.0000031 771 nla Table 5 - Low lncome Weatherization 22 Home Energy Reporting Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho Home Energy Reporting Program, based on 2015 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall program. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2015 IRP east residential whole house 3lYo load, factor decrement. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM and PCT tests. Table I - Home Energy Reporting Inputs Table 2 - Home Energy Reporting Annual Program Costs Table 3 - Home Energy Reporting Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Home Energy Reporting Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results 23 Discount Rate Residential Line Loss 6.66% 11.470/o Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 201 5) $0. 1 048 lnflation Ratel 1.9o/o 1 Future rates determined using a L.9o/o annual escalator. Home Energy Reports Total $'10,253 $10,253 $651 $6sl $93,752 $93,752 $104,657 $104,657 Table 3 - Home Home Energy Reports Total 3,460,567 3,460,567 100o/o 1O0o/o 3,460,567 3,460.567 100% 3,460,567 1000/0 3,460,567 Table 4 - Home Energy Reporting Program LevelCost-Effectiveness Results - East Residential Whole House - 31o/o, Load Shape - Whole Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0317 $104,657 $194,851 $0.0317 $0.0317 $104,657 $177,137 $104,657 $177,137 $474,215 $177,137 $0 $369,558 $90,1 95 $72,481 $72,481 -$297,077 $369,558 1.86 1.69 1.69 0.37 nla $0.0000868223 nla 24 wattsmart Business Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho Wattsmart Business Program, based on 2015 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall program and for the 9 measure categories. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 201 5 IRP east industrial 40o/o, east commercial cooling - l4yo, and east commercial lighting - 53% load factor decrement. The program passes PTRC, UCT and PCT cost-effectiveness tests. The memo consists of the following tables. Table 1-Utilitylnputs Table 2 - Annual Wattsmart Business Program Costs by Measure Category Table 3 - Annual Wattsmart Business Program Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - Wattsmart Business Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - Wattsmart Business Building Shell Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - Wattsmart Business Compressed Air Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - Wattsmart Business Container Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 9 - Wattsmart Business Farm and Dairy Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 10 - Waffsmart Business Food Service Equipment Cost-Effectiveness Results Table I I - Wattsmart Business HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l2 - Wattsmart Business Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 13 - Wattsmart Business Motors Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l4 - Waffsmart Business Inigation Cost-Effectiveness Results Discount Rate 6.66% Residential Line Loss 11.47o/o CommercialLine Loss 10.75o/o lndustrialLine Loss 7.52o/o lrrigation Line Loss 11.45o/o Residential Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) $0.1048 Commercial Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) $0.0872 lndustrial Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) $0.0653 lrrigation Energy Rate ($/kWh)(base year 2015) $0.0922 lnflation Rater 1.9o/o 1 Future rates determined using a 7.9% annual escalator. Table 2 - Annual Wattsmart Business Building Shell Compressed Air Container Farm & Dairy Food Service Equipment HVAC Lighting Motors lrrigation Total $3,123 $1 ,1 03 $682 $993 $1,684 $15,331 $93,227 $8,365 $36,888 $161,397 $2,190 $773 $478 $697 $1 ,1 81 $10,749 $65,364 $5,865 $25,863 $113.159 $12,220 $4,316 $2,668 $3,887 $6,589 $59,990 $364,791 $32,730 $144,342 $631,535 $1,029 $363 $225 $327 $555 $5,050 $30,707 $2,755 $12, I 50 $53,161 $58,481 $7,033 $3,803 $4,590 $8,210 $64,834 $1,186,407 $50,572 $222,392 $1,606,322 $77,043 $13,589 $7,855 $10,495 $18,219 $155,955 $1,740,496 $100,287 $441,636 $2,565,574 $141,s55 $11,895 $7,605 $13,664 $26,486 $199,060 $2,168,147 $209,729 $'t,161,471 $3,939,61I 26 Table 3 - Annual Wattsmart Business Building Shell Compressed Air Container Farm & Dairy Food Service Equipment HVAC Lighting Motors lrrigation Total 146,184 51,635 31,915 46,503 78,823 717,629 4,363,774 391,528 1,726,674 7,554,665 98Yo 98% 98% 98o/o 98o/o 98o/o 98o/o 98o/o 98% 98% 143,260 50,602 31,277 45,573 77,247 703,276 4,276,499 383,697 1,692,141 7,403,572 78o/o 78o/o 78o/o 78o/o 78o/o 111,743 39,470 24,396 35,547 60,252 548,556 3,335,669 299,284 1 ,319,870 5,774,786 12 15 12 12 5 78o/o 78o/o 78% 78o/o 78o/o 12 14 15 11 13 Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios Measure Building Shell Compressed Air Container Farm & Dairy Food Service Equipment HVAC Lighting Motors lrrigation Total 0.59 1.85 1.53 1.34 0.55 1.81 1.02 1.80 1.38 1.20 0.54 1.69 1.39 1.22 0.50 1.64 0.93 1.63 1.25 1.09 0.90 1.96 1.77 1.93 0.84 2.60 1.20 3.48 3.19 1.71 0.42 0.51 0.47 0.48 0.36 0.63 0.44 0.91 0.92 0.s8 1.22 4.79 4.15 3.30 1.50 3.48 2.31 1.98 1.40 2.05 27 Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) $0.0728 $4,032,149 $0.0728 $4,032,149 $0.0463 $2,565,574 $7,616,379 $3,939,611 $4,836,303 $4,396,640 $4,396,640 $4,396,640 $8,081 ,71 3 $804,154 $364,490 $1,831,065 -$3,219,739 $4,142,101 1.20 1,09 1.71 0.58 2.05 $0.000071 8298 Table 6 through Table 't4 provide cost-effectiveness results for all 9 measures. Table 6 - Wattsmart Business Building Shell Gost-Effectiveness Results Decrement - East lndustrial - 40o/o, Load Shape - HV Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.1236 $128,974 $75,925 $0.1 236 $0.0738 $128,974 $69,023 $77,043 $69,023 $166,194 $69,023 $141,555 $172,778 -$53,049 -$59,951 -$8,020 -$97,171 $31,223 0.59 0.54 0.90 0.42 'l .22 $0.0000023502 11.57 Table 7 - Wattsmart Business Compressed Air Cost-Effectiveness Results - East lndustrial - 40Yo. Load Shape - lndustrial Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($ikwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0380 $0.0380 $0.0326 $1s,834 $15,834 $13,589 $52,554 $1 1,895 $29,365 $26,696 $26,696 $26,696 $56,987 $13,531 $10,862 $1 3,1 07 -$25,858 $45,093 1.85 1.69 1.96 0.51 4.79 $0.0000004992 1.41 28 I Table 8 - Wattsmart Business Container Cost-Effectiveness Results - East lndustrial - 40o/o. Load Shape - lndustrial Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0456 $0.0456 $9,984 $15,257 $9,984 $13,870 1.53 1.39 1.77 0.47 4.15 $0.0000003785 1.69 $s,273 $3,886 $0.0358 $7,855 $29,519 $7,605 $13,870 $6,015 $13,870 -$15,649 $31,576 $23,971 Table s - Wattsmart Business Farm and Dairy Cost-Effectiveness Results - East lndustrial - 40%, Load - lndustrial Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0519 $0.0519 $0.0329 $16,563 $22,231 $16,563 $20,210 $10,495 $20,210 $42,061 $20,210 $13,664 $45,059 $s,668 $3,647 $9,715 -$21,851 $31,395 ,t.34 1.22 1.93 0.48 3.30 $0.0000005285 2.84 Table l0 - Waftsmart Business Food Service Equipment Cost-Effectiveness Results Load Shape - lndustrial Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.1168 $0.1168 $0.0694 $30,668 $30,668 $18,219 $42,703 $26,486 $16,921 $15,383 $15,383 $15,383 $39,600 -$13,747 -$1s,285 -$2,836 -$27,320 $13.114 0.55 0.50 0.84 0.36 1.50 $0.000001 5931 3.63 29 Table 1l - Wattsmart Business HVAC Gost-Effectiveness Results - East lndustrial - 40%. Load Shape - HV Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0462 $0.0462 $0.0293 $246,388 $246,388 $155,955 $645,322 $199,060 $445,306 $404,824 $404,824 $404,824 $692,228 $198,919 $158,436 $248,869 -$240,498 $493,168 1.81 1.64 2.60 0.63 3.48 $0.0000058167 2.93 *HVAC measures categorized as motors used the lndustrial decrement and cooling load shape. Table 12 - Wattsmart Business Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Commercial Liohtino - 53%. Load - Commercial Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0670 $2,245,244 $2,298,008 $0.0670 $0.0519 $2,245,244 $2,089,098 $1,740,496 $2,089,098 $4,71s,4s1 $2,089,098 $2,168,147 $5,000,451 $s2,764 -$1 56,146 $348,601 -$2,626,353 $2,832,304 1.02 0.93 1.20 0.44 2.31 $0.0000543614 3.72 Table l3 - Wattsmart Business Motorc Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Gommercial Coolinq - 14Yo,Load - Commercial Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0676 $0.0676 $0.0318 $213,303 $213,303 $100,287 $383,935 $209,729 $383,571 $348,701 $348,701 $348,701 $414,225 $170,268 $135,398 $248,414 -$35,234 $204,496 1.80 1.63 3.48 0.91 1.98 $0.0000006802 30 7.',t5 Table 14 - Wattsmart Business lrrigation Cost-Effectiveness Results - East Commercial Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate lmpact Test (RlM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue lmpacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) - l4oloYo, Load $1,125,191 $1,549,719 $424,528 $1,125,191 $1,408,836 $283,645 $441,636 $1,408,836 $967,199 $1,538,641 $1,408,836 -$129,805 $1,161,471 $1,628,808 $467,337 $0.1013 $0.1013 $0.0398 1.38 1.25 3.19 0.92 1.40 $0.0000034274 9.05 31 ZROCKYMq'NTAIN POIflER ADtvEtor0f mmRP Appendix 2 Program Expenditures by Category 2015 Eto E!"Eoo r/)(I) o r\01ol d la oNol N 6mm {/}0 rn 0 6 st 1r' lnOlln+ tr\<t IA roo vl u EE 6F = rF(rl otr 6 oOtsf 6 6 q orN\ <t v} 00 ^lNr) IA IA loulq to g co EEJO6F r IA NN(n l/l a,0 6 <ut mou'l rrl i/!<tt lrt rt ln(l)..1 N€ N(Dq 6N <U' o ro !o .E E=co'6FEu tt {/}v,VI VI w) ooF N (/) <tsfN Noo G (a F v!v) oi drod (^ oo!tCEEUE.gEE8;oE N oo O!(nN (o6dlln N wl th t,lt\th 0 H t,tr,ltt .tl Eg':!o:r>tcrJo E v, (')o6dts vt oc.lul Nst q 6 <tNq N odl6 N oOr€@ @aonNts 6 Hla r,! H v! 6 e-O E>!ri<E = ml/)Nci rn<. dm N u') N cC fA rn('rOroi ol 00ro(n F @rno N F.I 6 (n N U) no_lo. 00 nN orornoisi 6 oq(oN rtm(n rt€ G roo)(l) fl (nFN m€ N oto r,| q t!!A 6 ECE TEr>.igEOEo Nnr ot 1r| Otftrl mmm Noq ro IA mor di(o vl ltl mo+.nNd VI rn ddr/) v}IA co!c ooo stts ln lon! loln.1 H ul (! o !to E rr)(l}+o lnoOqsiorro rn mrnq6r)N <rt ooqlnN <rt rmln(odd rrmqr oorodl N oolnq N r\a<f o) N ln ndm F\oN <r<fc.l coNN 6@u)oNm H oNlf.oooN oroo)No!n ln ro o,l'ln oNo,l(nd loN\m sido(ri dN(n (o cto10o ri Ea! t0oc o(cEoCIo4 o( o,cro Eo L cc o ulocUo EoI c .9oN oE 6o =o EoIE 3o) E.9 oI =Ero EoIc 3oJ o G !u!/ oe ooJ G tuo ooo E Eo(J o3c c otocr o E'; o3c CiI olo U G:!fI OI ooxU o3c c EIo E Eo(J ooxU o3c c E =T'c iu oxU 4);c ciI o o OT ocr o oa( E 3! =o bt (uc E'o o E EoU (uE G !,c oc .96too oc tG E G3 E EoU oa tIGo =o E colJ o .9E tsoo- JGF .9otoo- !,f .ecooL .96 oC oaL) c .9 G =E U .9Etoa G ctutt od, co G Er .95 or Eo .Ioo 6 o 6 e fcotG E G = @ G E G = ao E E G3 =d)to E o B Eshtoo9>A utdoN u)doN tloN r/)oN t,)oN rnoN tloN tJ) oN noN t c lnoN lnoN lnoN uloN utoN utdoN rni N lnoN lnof{ lnoN r/)oN 'ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ADnnsoil0f moHclRP Appendix 3 Idaho Energy Efficiency Meastrre Installation Verifi cations Idaho Measure Installation Verifications Low Income Weatherization All projectso All measures are qualified through US Department of Energy approved audit tool. 100 percent inspection by agency inspector of all homes treated, reconciling work completed and quality (corrective action includes measure verification) prior to invoicing Company. Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) and state inspector follows with random inspections. Company program manager joins CAPAI and state inspectors during their monitoring session provided their random selection of homes includes dwellings funded by Rocky Mountain Power. Home Energy Savings Site inspections are performed by Program Administrator staff for the following retrofit measures. Inspections are performed on > 5 percent of single family homes, > 5 percent of manufactured homes, and 100 percent of multifamily projects. o Duct sealingo Duct sealing and insulationo Ductless heat pumps o Gas furnace with electrically commutated motor (ECM) o Ground source heat pumps o Heat pumps o Heat pump best practices installation and proper sizingo Heat pump tune-upso Heat pump water heaterso Insulationo Windows Site inspections are not conducted for the following measures. However, all post-purchase incented measures undergo a quality assurance review prior to the issuance of the customer/dealer incentive and recording of savings (e.g. proof of purchase receipt review) and eligible equipment review. Additionally, customer account and customer address are checked to ensure the Company does not double pay for the same measure or double count measure savings.o Central air conditionerso Clothes washerso Electric water heatero Evaporative coolerso Freezerso Refrigerators Site inspections are not conducted for the following measures, which are delivered via an upstream, manufacturer buy-down model. Promotion agreement contracts are signed with manufacturers and retailers to set incentive levels, final product prices, and limits to the total number of units that can be purchased per customer. Program Administrator verifies measures for product eligibility and correct pricing. Pricing is also verified by Program Administrator field visits to retail locations.o CFL bulbso LED bulbs. Light fixtureso Room air conditionerso Advanced power strips Customer eligibility for wattsmart Starter Kits is verified using the customer's account number and last name, and cross-verifuing with the current PacifiCorp customer database. Refrigerator Recycling Company hired an independent inspector to phone survey > 5 percent of program participants and to site inspect > 5 percent ofprogram participants in order to verifu program participation, eligibility of equipment, that vendor pick-up procedures are followed (equipment is disabled at site, kits distributed, etc.) and to survey customer experience. wattsmart Business For projects delivered by third partv proeram administrator Lighting projectso Retrofits - 100 percent pre- and post-installation site inspections by third party consultant of all projects with incentives over a specified dollar amount. Project cost documentation reviewed for all projects. o New construction - 100 percent post-installation site inspections by third party consultant of all projects with incentives over a specified dollar amount.o A percent of post-installation site inspections by program administrator of projects with incentives under a specified dollar amount. Non-lighting projects (typical upgrades/listed measures, custom measures)o 100 percent of applications with an incentive that exceeds a specified dollar amount will be inspected (via site inspection) by program administrator. o A minimum of a specified percent of remaining non-lighting applications will be inspected, either in person or via telephone interview, by program administrator. For Company in-house proiect manaeer delivered oroiects Lighting and non-lightingo 100 percent pre/post-installation site inspections by third party consulting engineering firms, invoice reconciled to inspection results. o No pre-inspection for new construction All Programs As part of the third-party progmm evaluations (two-year cycle) process, the Company is implementing semi-annual customer surveys to collect evaluation-relevant data, more frequently to cure for memory loss and other deffactors such as customers moving and data not be readily available at evaluation time. This will serve as a further check verifying customer participation and measures installed. Additional record reviews and site inspections (including metering/data logging) is conducted as part of the process and impact evaluations, a final verification of measure installations. RffiKYMOT'NTAIN AOVrSroil0rmcHcmP Appendix 5 Home Energy Savings Retailers 2015 Table of Contents Table I : 2015 Participating ldaho Upsffeam Retailers ......... 3 Table 2: 2015 Participating Idaho Downstream Retailers ....................... 4 Table 3: 2015 Participating Idaho HVAC Trade A11ies......... ..................5 Table 4: 2015 Participating Idaho Weatherization Trade Allies .............6 Table 5: 2015 Participating Idaho Plumbing Trade Allies .......................7 Table l: 2015 Participating Idaho Upstream Retailers Ace Hardware #14355 Rexburg v v v Ace Hardware #15881 Lava Hot Spring v v v Broulim's Fresh Foods #1 Montpelier v v v Broulim's Fresh Foods #2 Rexburg v v v Do lt Best - Malad City Malad City v v v Do lt Best - Yellowstone Rigby v v v Dollar Tree f3691 Rexburg v v v Downey Food Center #1 Downey v v v Family Dollar #5349 Preston v v Family Dollar #5777 Rexburg v v Family Dollar #5790 Montpelier v v Family Dollar #8427 Malad City v v Hess Lumber Co Malad City v v Stokes Marketplace Preston v v v Thomas Market lnc. #1 Malad City v v v True Value Agri - Service Terreton v v v True Value Hardware tt'02l7 Montpelier v v v True Value Hardware fr10919 Rigby v v v Wd-Mart#1E78 Rexburg ./{{ Table 2: 2015 Participating ldaho Downstream Retailers Retailer Citv o (Eo4 o l!3I toul o 6t! =6o o tr, o1{oot! ogo .!P oG !a o I o00IJo t! oo.l! Bl N o I ooo(J o,.: (! oo.o UJ |J Eo (!,oC tlo o 6Gdo.Ao o a! =6t o3Ico (! 6c 0io!tC = la or{5o o tL EoItoEoz Ace Hardware #14355 Rexburg V Best Buy #944 ldaho Falls v Bingham & Sons Furniture and Appliance Rexburg v Blacker's Home Furnishings ldaho Falls v Denning's Showcase ldaho Falls V Do lt Best - Stronks and Sons Ashton Do lt Best - Yellowstone Rigby v El Gene's TV and Appliance Rexburg V Falls Plumbing Supply ldaho Falls v Ferguson Enterprises lnc ldaho Falls v First Street Plumbing ldaho Falls v Harrington & Company ldaho Falls Home Depot #1802 ldaho Falls v v v v v v Lowe's #1906 ldaho Falls v Northgate Appliance ldaho Falls v Rocknacks Hardware Plus ldaho Falls v Sanders Furniture Soda Springs V Sears #2278 ldaho Falls v Sears #3290 Rexburg v Thomas Electric & Furniture Malad City v True Value Hardware #70277 Montpelier v U&l Furniture Preston v Wolfe Lighting #1 Rexburg v Table 3: 2015 Participating Idaho HVAC Trade Allies Malad Heating and Cooling LLC. Mountain Valley Heating & Air Palmer Heating & Cooling Quantum Group Engineering, PC Sprinter Heating and Hydronics Young Electric, Heating, and Air Table 4z 2015 Participating Idaho Wcatherization Trade Allies Advanced lnsulation ldaho Falls v BDI lnsulation of tdaho Falls ldaho Falls v Bi-State Siding & Window Inc.Lewiston { BMC West ldaho Falls v Campbell's Quality Exteriors ldaho Falls { Chris Kent lnc ldaho Falls v Doug's Repair Rexburg v Eco lnsulation St Geor8e v First Call Jewel lnc.ldaho Falls v Go Green lnsulation Caldwell v Green Acres Home lmprovement ldaho Falls v Hallmark Exterisrs Ammon v High Country Glass & Mirror, lnc.St. Anthony v Holeshot Plumbing Ammon v Home Energy Experts Clearfield, UT v ldaho Home and Energy, lnc.Boise v Johnson Brothers, lnc ldaho Falls v Kenneth Hollingsworth llC Preston v Newt Construction LLC ldaho Falls v Precision Glass Pocatello v USlCardalls LtC lo8an, UT v v Valley Glass ldaho Falls \, Table 5:2015 Participating Idaho Plumbing Trade Allies Advanced lnsulation ldaho Falls v BDI lnsulation of ldaho Falls ldaho Falls v Bi-State Siding & Window, lnc.Lewiston v BMCWest ldaho Falls v Campbell's Quality Exteriors ldaho Falls v Chris Kent lnc ldaho Falls v Doug's Repair Rexburg v Eco lnsulation St George v First Call Jewel Inc.ldaho Falls v Go Green lnsulation Caldwell v Green Acres Home lmprovement ldaho Falls v Hallmark Exteriorc Ammon v High Country Glass & Minor, lnc.St. Anthony v Holeshot Plumbing Ammon v Home Energy Experts Clearfield, UT v ldaho Home and Energy, lnc.Boise v Johnson Brothers, lnc ldaho Falls v Kenneth Hollingsworth LLC Preston v Newt Construction LLC ldaho Falls v Precision Glass Pocatello v USlCardalls [tC Logan, UT v v Valley 6lass ldaho Falls v ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DMSION OF PACIFICORP Appendix 5 Idaho Program Evaluation Recommendations and Responses Idaho 2015 Evaluations Program Evaluation Recommendations and Company Responses Evaluation reports provide detailed information on the process and impact evaluations performed on each program, summarizing the methodology used to calculate the evaluated savings as well as providing recommendations for the Company to consider for improving the process or impact of the program, as well as customer satisfaction. Outlined below is a list of the programs, the years that were evaluated during 2015, and the third party evaluator who completed the evaluation. Program evaluations are available for review at www.pacifi corp.com/es/dsm/idaho.html Program Years Evaluated Evaluator Low Income Weatherization 2010-2012 Smith & Lehmann Consulting Energy FinAnswer 2012-2013 Navigant Consulting FinAnswer Express 2012-2013 Navigant Consulting The third party evaluator's recommendations and Company's responses are provided in the tables below. Table I Low Income Weatherization Evaluation Recommendations Evaluation Recom mendations Rocky Mountain Power Action Plan Accurate recall by weatherization recipients in answering survey questions is a concern. During the next RFP for Low Income, SOW will look at surveys being done semi-annually and the impact to cost. Client surveys indicated a small number of CFLs were replaced by program participant. Of participants who replaced bulbs, most reported renlacement because the bulbs had burned out Program manager will work with agencies to determine if they can ascertain the bum out rate of the CFLs they install. Client survey results indicate 3 percent of participants remember or recognize that RMP contributed to the weatherization work they received. RMP should consider whether it is important that customers recognize RMP's contribution. Thank you letters with RMP magnet mailed to participants beginning Ql 2015, and continuing monthly. RMP also providing yard signs for placement in front of homes being served (with permission from the customer) in 022015. Both illustrate RMP involvement. Evaluation Recommendations Rockv Mountain Power Action Plan The evaluator recommends that agency's wait- lists be updated semi-annually to remove past- dated applicants and be available to Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program managers. Program manager will work with agencies to determine if they are able to update their wait lists semi-annually. Iable 2 Energy FinAnswer Evaluation Recommendations Evaluation Recommendations Rockv Mountain Power Action Plan Include demand savings in tracking database.RMP has implemented a new program management and tracking software that tracks and reports demand savings. Leverage available marketing channels to improve program awareness. Through the w attsmart Business Program, Rocky Mountain Power has included face to face interactions, industry association interaction, improved collateral material and specific targeting of high-intensity energy use marketing segments. RMP is completing a Comprehensive Web and Mobile Strategy which aims to improve customer interaction throush disital olatforms. Verify that post-installation inspections are occurring as expected and that quality control and assurance procedures are in place to validate suffi cient post inspections. RMP receives monthly inspection reports from outsourced delivery contractors listing all inspections performed and the overall o/o of projects being inspected. Through an established quarterly administrative procedure RMP staff requests, obtains and reviews a random sampling of program files and inspection results for in-depth verification of accuracy from all outsourced delivery contractors. Table 3 FinAnswer Express Evaluation Recommendations Evaluation Recommendations Rockv Mountain Power Action Plan When entering lighting project details into the program tracking database, use measure sub- types that allow for greater resolution in the application of effective useful life (EUL) values. RMP has implemented its Technical Resource Library GRL) and DSM Central software. These two applications assist in providing the administrative checks and balances to manase measure classification. Use greater resolution in the application of EUL values in the program tracking database. RMP has implemented recommended changes due to the TRL and DSM Central. The TRL breaks out lighting measures into subtypes and can assisn them an individual EUL. Review and enhance the usability ofthe website. RMP recently completed a web usability study and is in the final stages of completing its Comprehensive Web and Mobile Strategy. This strategy aims to provide a working plan of improvement to customer interaction throush disital olatforms. Energy Efficiency AIIiance ROCKY MOUNTAINFOI'ER The following is a list of contractors, distributors and other businesses participating in Rocky Mountain Power's Energy Efficiency Alliance displayed in random order (unless sorted by the user) based on the search criteria selected. This listing is provided solely as a convenience to our customers. Rocky Mountain Power does not warrant or guarantee the work performed by these participating vendors. You are solely responsible for any contract with a participating vendor and the performance of any vendor you have chosen. An asterisk (*) indicates Rocky Mountain Power Outstanding Contribution Award winning trade allies in 2009, 2010, 2011,2012and|or 2013. Search Criteria: Selected State(s): Specialties: Business Type: Fanlight Corp 2000 S Grove Ave Bldg B Ontario, CA - 91761 Phone: 909-930-6868 Website: plusriteusa.com / mynaturazled.com Tirrell's Electric, lnc. 770 E. Sunnyside Rd. ldaho Falls, lD - 83404 Phone:208-524-2456 Norbryhn Equipment Company 37'll E. Newby St.Nampa, lD - 83687 Phone: 208-465-5700 Website: norbryhn.com Catalyst LED Lighting Solutions 5936 N 16th St Dalton Gardens, lD - 83815 Phone: 480-789-3773 Website: http:/Awww.catalystleds.com Elysium Energy LLC 14466 South Long Ridge DriveHeffiman,UT-84096 Phone: 801-440-6821 Sika Sarnafil lncorporated 2881 South 900 West Salt Lake City, UT - 841 19 Phone: 80'1-575-8648 Website: usa.samafi l.sika.com CAO Group, lnc. 4628 W. Skyhawk Drive WestJordan, UT-84084 Phone: 801 -256-9282 Website: www.caolighting.com Specialties Lighting Business Type Manufacturer - Rep ldaho Lighting HVAC - unitary HVAC - evaporative Motors and VFDs Controls Building envelope Appliances Office Equipment Food Service Compressed Air Farm and Dairy lnigation Other -ANY-- Search Results.' 119 - Date and Time: 03/10/2016 02:44:rM PM Specialties Lighting Specialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Lighting Other: Other Specialty Specialties Building envelope Business Type Contractor Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Other Business Type Contractor Join Date 02t22t2016 Join Date 03/01/2009 Join Date 05t01t2012 Join Date 05t01t20't4 Join Date 04B0nu5 Join Date 11t01t2011 Join Date 11t16t2015 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completedo Projects Completed Projects Completed Specialties Lighting Business Type Engineering Firm Other: Manufacturer @2014 Rocky Moud.ln Ptrlr, e dlvirion ot PacifiCorp and pai of Miffmilcen En.rgy Holdln$ Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Aspen Engineering and Environmental LLC 140 Aspen Circle Park City, UT - 84098 Phone: 435-565-1 535 Website: www.a2ellc.com ESL Vision LLC 391 Lawndale Dr Salt Lake City, UT - 841 15 Phone: 801-415-5177 Website: www.eslvision.com Consolidated Eleclrical Distributors - Logan, UT 636 N. 600 W. Logan, UT - 84321 Phone: 435-752-8905 Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Blackfoot 560 Jensen Grove Rd. Blackfoot, lD - 83221 Phone: 208-542-4995 Website: www.ewscoinc.com Hanis Mechanical lntermountain 1925 South Milestone Drive Suite E, Salt Lake City, UT - 84104 Phone: 801-433-2640 Website: www.hmcc.com Site Based Energy 105 Lewis St, Suite 1 02 Ketchum, lD - 83340Phone: 208-30'l -2293 Website: www.SiteBasedEnergy.com Eco Safe Lighting 4600 NWCamas Meadows Drive, Suite 210 Camas, WA - 98607 Phone: 360-567-1923 Website: http:/ ^,ww. est- lights.com/about-uY Green Creative LLC 533 Airport Blvd., Suite 212 Burlingame, CA - 940',l0 Phone: 866-774-5433 Website: www. gc-lighting.com American Mechanical Systoms Service, LLC 7530 South State Street Midvale, UT - 84047 Phone: 801-428-0400 Website: www. ams-ut. com Ovation Engineering & Consulting 1'113 N Victoria Way Salt Lake City, UT - 84116 Phone: 801-871-0900 Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Farm and Dairy lrrigation Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Join Date 03t18t2013 Join Date 01t13t20'13 Join Date 03t26t2005 Join Date 09t22,2012 Join Date 01t27t2014 Join Date 05t't1t2015 Join Date 02t1'u2013 Join Date 06t25t2013 Join Date 11130t2012 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 64 Projects Completed null Projects Completed Specialties Building envelope Farm and Dairy HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Business Type Distributor Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Projects Completed Proiects Completed Specialties Lighting Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Projects Completed Projects CompletedSpecialties Controls HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Lighting Business Type Contractor Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date Projects1210812014 Completed O20ia R*ky Moud.ar Pmr, r dlvl.lon of P.clfcorp .nd p.i of MldAmilc.n Encrgy Holdhg. Comprny Energy Efficiency AI I iance ROCKY MOI'NTAIN FOUVER Patriot Electric, Heating & Air Inc. 1347 E 1s00 N Terreton, lD - 83450 Phone: 208680-7345 Website: www. hcebook.com/PtriotElectricHeatingAir Architectural Nexus, lnc. 2505 East Parleys Way Salt Lake City, UT - 84109 Phone: 801-924-5000 Website: www.archnexus.com Compressor - Pump & Service, lnc. 3333 W. 2400 S. Salt Lake City, UT - 841 19 Phone: 801-973-0154 Website: www. compressor-pump.com High Country Heating 3939 E 240 N Rigby, lD - 83442 Phone: 208-745-7021 Website: www. modernphe.com Electrical Marketing Solutions (DBA) EMS 2139 S West Temple Salt Lake City, UT - 84115 Phone: 801-869-1445 Website: http://emsreps. corn/ HD Supply Facilities Maintenance,Ltd. 10641 Soipps Summit Court San Diego, CA - 921 31 Phone: 858-831 -223 1 Website: www. hdsupplysolutions.com Johnson Controls, lnc. 2255 Technology Parkvvay West Valley City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-946-4059 Royal Engineering, lnc. 2335 S. State Street Suite'100, Provo, UT - 84606 Phone:801-375-2228 Website: www.royaleng.com Alled's lncorporated - Logan 642 North 1000 West Unit # 104 Logan, UT - 8432'l Phone:435-774-1200 Website: www.allreds.net RealWinwin, lnc. 1926 Arch Street, 4F Philadelphia, PA -'19'103 Phone: 21 5-7 32-4480 x 349 Website: www. realwinwin.com Join Date Projects08ndl20'14 CompletedI Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Business TypeContractor Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Office Equipment Specialties Compressed Air Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Specialties Controls Lighting Business Type Architect Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Join Date 08t18t2014 Join Date10n1i2013 Join Date 06t18t2014 Join Date 12t31t2014 Join Date 01t22t2014 Join Date 06101t2007 Join Date 12131t2014 Join Date 05t11t2011 Join Date 10t14t2013 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Specialties Appliances HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties HVAC - unitary Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Manuhclurer - Rep Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Projects Completed ProjectsCompleted Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls Food ServiceHVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Office Equipment Business Type Other: Energy Efficiency lncentive Administration and Consultation Projects Gompleted Projects Completed 36 qlola Rocky Moud.ln Pmr,. dlvlrlon ol PrcifiCorp .nd p.d of MiGmic.n E.argy Holdlngt Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance UROCKY MOUNTAIN {nowen Green Light National, LLC 100'l South 400 East Orem, UT - 84077 Phonei 801-722-8677 Website: www. greenlightnational.com McKinstry Essention, LLC 112 N. Rubey Dr. Suite 200, Golden, CO - 80403 Phone: 435-632-8433 Website: www.mckinstry.com Spectrum Energy Solutions 8050 N Palm Ave #106, Fresno, CA - 937'l l Phone: 559-438-2700 Website: www. spectrum-nrg.com Utah Yamas Controls Inc. 1 3526 S. 1 10 W. Draper, UT - 84020 Phone: 801-990-1950 Website: www. utahyamas.com Lux Energy Group 1111 South 120 East Farmington, UT - 84025 Phone: 80'l-989-8375 Nulite Electric LLC 3570 Brookfield Ln- Ammon, lD - 83406 Phone: 208-680-9990 Website: nourlsited.org Clark's Quality Roofing, lnc. 334 W. Anderson Avenue Salt Lake City, UT - 84107 Phone: 80 ,| -266-3575 Wbbsite: clarkroof.com YESCO LLC - Young Electric Sign Co. - Salt Lake City, UT 1605 S. Gramercy Road Salt Lake City, UT - 84104 Phone: 801-464-6413 Website: www.yesco.com Felt Lighting lnc. 1220 East 3300 South Salt Lake City, UT - 84106 Phone: 80'l-484-8571 Website: www.feltlighting.com Engineering System Solutions OBA ES2 4943 N 29 E Suite A ldaho Falls, lD - 8340'l Phone: 208-552-9874 Website: www.es2eng.com Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary lnigation Lighting Motors and VFDS Other: Other Specialty Specialties Farm and Dairy lnigation Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Confds HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Specialties Lighting Specialties Appliances Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Contols Lighting Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Contractor Distributor Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Engineering Firm Other: consultant Business Type Contractor Distributor Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Business Type tsngrneenng Frrm Other: Energy Resource Managers Business Type Contractor Business Type Contractor Business Type Contractor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date 02t18t20't5 Join Date 02t1212014 Join Date 04t10t20't4 Join Date 01t21t2013 Join Dat€ 10t13t20't5 Join Date 08t26t2014 Join Date 09t19t20't2 Join Date 09t22t2012 Join Date 11n7nU3 Join Date 05t08t2014 Projects Completed 34 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 66 Projects Completed Projects Completed O20ia Rdky Moud.ln Pmr, t dlvl.lon ot P.dfCoP .nd P.n ot MldAmic.n EmEy HoldlngE Comp.ny Energy Efficiency A! I iance ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOTI'ER Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Pocatello 220 West Maple Pocatello, lD - 83206 Phone: 208-233-1 362 VVebsite: www.ewscoinc. @m All American Lighting lnc. P.O. Box 2996 ldaho Falls, lD - 83206 Phone:2Q8-237-2164 D&S Electrical 363 West Chubbuck Road Pocatello, lD - 83202 Phone: 208-731-3701 Mark Clary 2302 West 8540 South WestJordan, UT- 84088 Phone: 801 -233-0882 GE 664 East 1300 North Pleasant Grove, UT - 84062 Phone: 801-785-8838 Website: www. gelighting.com Trane 2817 S. 1030 W. Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-486-0500 Website: www.trane. crm Advanced Lighting, lnc. - ldaho 3099 south 1030 west Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-972-9530 Western Land Management LLC 2815 East Linwood LaneManila, UT - 84046 Phone: 949-285-9454 DiVi Energy, LLC 191 North 290 West Lindon, UT - 84042 Phone: 801-243-18'l'l Restaurant and Store EquipmentCompany 230 West 700 South Salt Lake City, UT - 84101 Phone: 801-364-1 981 Website: res@slc.com LEPCO (Leonard Petroleum Equipment ) P.O. Box 170219 Boise, lD - 837'17 Phone: 208-336-1 155 Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Rexburg 899 Jetstream Dr. Rexburg, lD - 83440 Phone: 208-356-7282 Website: www.ewscoinc.com Specialties Contrds Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Lishtins Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Controls HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Food Service Lighting Specialties Lighting SpecialtiesAppliances Food Service Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Architect Business Type Manufadurer - Rep Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Other Business Type Distributor Join Date09mno12 Join Date 03101t2010 Join Date 1201.12008 Join Date 08t08t2013 Join Dateo9tmt2014 Join Date 03t01t2005 Join Date 04D8t2014 Join Date 01t29t2016 Join Date 10t15t2013 Join Dateo9n4t2012 Join Date 09t22t2012 Projects Completed null Business Type Join Date Manufacturer - Rep 01n312013 Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Contractor Business Type Distributor Projects Completed 7 Projects Completed 45 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 7 Projects Completed Projects Completed 76 Projects Gompleted Projects Completed 2 Projects Completed 26 Energy Efficiency Alliance VROCKY MOUNTAIN xFoffER Bright Star Energy Management" LLC 214 S. Cole Rd. Boise, lD - 83709 Phone: 208-922-6460 Website: brightstarenergy. net Verismic Software lnc. 65 Enterprise Aliso Viejo, CA - 92656 Phone: 949-270-1903 x 4736 Website: www.verismic. com Network Con3ulting Service8, inc. 563 West 500 South Suite 245, Bountiful, UT - 84010 Phone: 801-295-7555 Website: http://www. ncsi. us Candle3 LLC 6385 Corporate Dr. Colorado Springs, CO - 80919 Phone: 71 9-930-9099 Website: www.candle3.com Skyview Eloctric lnc 2299 W Omni Dr ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-542-032 t Consolidated Electrical Distributors - ldaho Falls 865 Pancheri ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone:208-523-2022 Hussmann Comoration 138s W2200 St Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 805-458-7615 Website: hussmann.com American Electric Company, lnc. 78 West 13775 South, Suite 9 Draper, UT - 84020 Phone: 80 1 -254-0782 Website: www.americanelectric.cc Precision-Paragon [P2] 23281 La Palma Ave Yorba Linda, CA- 92887 Phone: 714-386-5550 Website: www.p-2.com LDP Associates lnc. 3908 Smith Ranch Rd Eagle Mountain, UT - 84005 Phone: 801-597-0618 Website: http:/Aaruar. ldpassociates.com/ Engineering Economica, lnc. 780 Simms Steet Suite 210 Golden, CO - 80401 Phone: 800-8696902 Specialties Lighting Specialties Office Equipment Other: Other Specialty Specialties Office Equipment Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Lighting Specialties Lishting Business Type Other Business Type Contractor Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Other Business Type Architect Conbactor Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contractor Business Type Distributor Join Date Projects0710112012 Crompleted Join Dateuh6nu3 Join Date 04t29t2013 Join Date 11t21t2014 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Join Date Projects0210112009 Completed Join Date Projects09t24t2012 Completed 15 Specialties Confols Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Appliances Building envelope Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Other: Other Specialty Specialties Lighting Specialties Other: Other Specialty Join Date Projects0410612015 Completed Business Tvoe Manuhctureri hep Other: Manufacturer Business Type Architect Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date o311312013 Join Date 06t2712014 Join DateuP0nu4 Projects Completed Projects Completed Specialties Building envelope Confols HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Proiects Completed Business Type Joln Date Projects Manuhclurer - Rep 0'111412015 Completed Business Type Contractor @2014 Roclry Mouilaln Pdcr, s dlvlslon ot P.clflCorp .nd p.rt ot Mlilmdc.n En.rgy lloldlng. Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Al I iance UROCKY MOUNTAIN XPotirER TreeFrog LED, lnc. 7594 North Swansea Court Eagle Mountain, UT - 84005 Phone: 80 1 -372-8720 Website: www.treefrogled.com Northern Lights Electric LLC 3473 E. 20th N. Unit A ldaho Falls, lD - 83401Phone:208-757-9473 DesignTek Consulting Group, LLC 1600 w. 2200 s. Salt Lake City, UT - 841 19 Phone: 801-255-5449 Website: www. designtekconsulting.com Loeb Lighting Services 1800 E Sth Ave Columbia, OH - 43219 Phone: 800-866-5616 Gustave A. Larson Company 1395 Northgate Mile ldaho Falls, lD - 83401Phone:208-522-3270 Website: galarson.com Colvin Engineering Associates, lnc. 244 W 300 N Suite 200, Salt Lake City, UT - 84103 Phone: 801-322-2400 Energy Management Corporation 501 West 700 South Salt Lake City, UT - 84101 Phone: 801-366-4100 Website: emcsolutions.com Encentiv Energy, LLC 't501 Ardmore Blvd.Suite 102, Pittsburgh, PA - 15221 Phone: 412-723-15'16 Website: www.encentivenergy. com Larsen Electric, LLC P.O. Box 2871 Pocatello, lD - 83206 Phone: 208-237-2058 RIllE, lnc 8685 Wstate St Boise, lD - 837'14 Phone: 208-853-2968 Website: rmeinc.net Case, Lowe & Hart, lnc. 2484 Washington Blvd. Suite 510, Ogden, UT - 84401 Phone: 801-399-5821 Website: www.clhae.com Specialties Lighting Specialties Lighting Specialties Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Other: Other Specialty Specialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Contols HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Contols Lighting Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Join Date Projects0510112004 Completed Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Business Type Contractor Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Architect Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Join Date 07t29no13 Join Date 04t0112009 Join Date 11111t2013 Join Date 03/16/2015 Join Date 09/01/2008 Join Date 04t29t20't3 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Business Type Other: Energy Efficiency Analytics Other: Energy Efficiency Rebate Processing Business Type Contractor Business Type Confactor Engineering Firm Business Type Architect Engineering Firm Join Date Proiectsfinln}1s Corirpleted Join Date Projects0912212012 Completed Join Date Projects1011412014 Completed Join Date Projects05t17t2013 Completed Energy Efficiency Al I iance ROCKY MOIJNTAIN FOTi'ER Valley lmplement 2570 N Main Logan, UT - 84341 Phone: 435-787-1 586 \A/ebsite: valley-implement.com Mountain West Mechanical 2336 W. 5200 S. Rexburg, lD - 83440 Phone: 208-356-0370 Website: www. mountainwestmechanical. com Alloway Commercial Lighting 1420 Grove Street Boise, lD - 83702 Phone: 208-344-2507 Website: www. allowaylighting.com Green Planet Company 63 East I 1400 South #257 Sandy, UT - 84070 Phone:801-980-1518 Website: www. greenplanetcompany. com Optica Energy Management, LLC '1772 Ross Dr Ogden, UT - 84403 Phone: 888-442-4866 Website: www.opticaenergy. com Harris Lighting Products 1405 W. 800 N. Preston, lD - 83253 Phone: 208-852-2890 Codale Electric Supply, lnc - Casper 3131 Wood Court Casper, VU/ - 82601 Phone: 702-26't-8900 Website: www.codale.com Conan's lnc. 429 W. 18th Street P.O. Box 2253, ldaho Falls, lD - 83402Phone:208-522-3372 Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Home Lighting 650 W Sunnyside Rd. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2300 Website: www. homelightingcenter.com Musgrove Engineedng, PA 234 WhispeMood Way tioise, lD - 83709 Phone: 208-384-0585 Website: musgrovepa.com JRW & Associates, PLLC 1'152 Bond Ave Rexburg, lO - 83440 Phone: 208-359-2309 Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary SpecialtiesContrds Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Compressed Air Controls Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Office Equipment Specialties Building envelope Specialties Controls Farm and Dairy lnigation Motors and VFDS Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Projects Completed null Proiects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed ProJects Completed 17 Projects Completed 51 Projec6 Completed 1 Projects Completed Projects Completed null Join Date o3t1712014 Join Date 09t26t20't2 Join Date 05t07t2014 Join Date 04t1112013 Join Date 04t01t2007 Join Dateo8n7D013 Join Date o2t1212015 Join Date o9n2n012 Join Date 07t28t2015 Join Date 10t2112013 Business Type Join DateContractor 12105120'12 Business Type Contractor Specialties Lighting Specialties Appliances HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Lighting Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Manufucturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Other: Energy Management Company Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Busines TypeDistributor Business Type Contractor Business Type Distibutor Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Architect Projects Completed Projects Completed @0la R@ky Mouil.ln Pdtr,. dlvlrlon of P.clffCorp .nd p.i ot Mlilmdc.n Enlrgy Holdlng. Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance ;ROCKY MOUNTAIN PO\'VER Energy Planning Associates, lnc (DBA) Envirobrite 148 Maritime Dr Sanford, FL-32771 Phone: 407-302-0001 Website: www.envirobrite. net Valley lmplement 213 West 8th North Preston, lD - 83263 Phone: 208-852-0430 Website: valley-i mplement.com Electrical Support Services LLC '1037 E 1400 N. Shelly, lD - 83274 Phone:208-251-6Q22 PVE, lnc 1040 North 2200 West, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, UT - 84107 Phone: 801-359-31 58 Pacheco Company LLC 3646 E. Summer Hill Salt Lake City, UT - 84121 Phone:801-54'l-3375 Website: www. pachecoco. com H-C Design & Consulting P.O. Box 10545 Bozeman, MT - 59719 Phone: 406-522-7700 Express Lighting LLC 7050 South State Street Midvale, UT - 84047 Phone: 801-617-1 133 Website: www.express. lighting Bateman-Hall, lnc. 1405 Foote Drive ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2681 Website: www. bateman-hall.com Lennox 1 008 w 2780 S Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-556-6'l 14 Website: lennoxcommercial.com Honeywell lntemational 2371 S. Presidents Way Suite A Salt Lake City, UT - 84120 Phone: 801-978-7136 \Abbsite: honeywell.com MKK Consulting Engineers lnc. 4760 S. Highland Drive Suite 106 Salt Lake City, UT - 841 15 Phone: 303-796-6000 Bradley Engineering 382 Walnut Street ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2862 Website: www. bradleyengineering.com Specialties Business Type Join DateLighting Contractor 02r'1212015 Other: Other Specialty Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Specialties Lighting Specialties Confols lnigation Motors and VFDs Specialties Farm and Dairy lrrigation Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Food Service Specialties Lighting Specialties Other: Other Specialty Specialties HVAC - unitary Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contactor Business Type Contractor Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contrac'tor Business Type Distributor Join Date 07t24t2015 Join Date 1?,05t2012 Join Date 03t1212015 Join Date 07/29n013 Join Date 12101t2015 Join Dateoz18no14 Join Date 11t0112005 Join Date 05/01/2006 Join Date 01118t2016 Join Date 09t22t2012 Projects Completed Projects Gompleted null Projects Completed 1 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects CompletedI Business Tvoe Join DateManufacturerihep 07lo1l2}13 Specialties Business TypeControls Contractor HVAC - evaporative Distributor HVAC - unitary Manufuc{urer - Rep Motors and VFDS Specialties Business Type Compressed Air Engineering Firm Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Business TypeLighting Engineering Firm Omta RGky Moudrln Pom., . dlvidon ot P.cifiCorp sd prn ol Mlilmdc.n En.Ey Holdlng. Comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance V,ROCKY MOI.INTAIN XPouvER Van Boerum & Frank Associates 330 South 300 East Salt Lake City, UT - 84111 Phone: 801-530-3148 Website: www.vbfia.com Bastion Technologiee, LLC 175 W 7065 S Midvale, UT - 84047 Phone: 800-328-6024 Website: www. bastiontech. com Town & Country Electric, lnc. 1223 'l1th Ave. North Nampa, lD - 83687 Phone:208467-2148 Website: town-and-country-electric.com Lewis Corporation 15136 Hunziker Pocatello, lD - 83202 Phone: 208-238-1202 \A/ebsite: lcorp.com BKJ Holdings, LLC 3458 E Fairuay Lane Spanish Fork, UT - 84660 Phone: 80'l-636-5969 Goolerado Corporation 4700 W. 60th Ave., Ste. 3 Arvada, CO - 80003 Phone: 303-375-0878 Website: coolerado.com Young Electric, Heating & Air, inc. 1573 W. Sunnyside Road ldaho Falls,, lO - 83402 Phone: 208-357-1899 Website: www.youngehainc.com Electrical Wholesale Supply Co,, lnc. - Corporate 1355 FremontAve ldaho Falls, lD - 83405 Phone: 208-523-290'1 Website: www.ewsminc.com Pete's Lighting 227 S. Johnson Ave. Pocatello, lD - 83204 Phone: 208-233-0220 Platt Eloctric Supply - ldaho Falls 919 Pancheri Street ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone:208-524-6'171 Royal Wholesale Electric - Logan 917 W 600 N Ste 101 Logan, UT - 84321 Phone'.435-752-7692 Website: royalutah.com Engineend Systems Assoc., lnc. 1355 E. Center Street Pocatello, lD - 83201 Phone: 208-233-0501 Specialties Business Type HVAC - evaporative Distributor HVAC - unitary Manufacturer - Rep Join Date Projects0310112007 Completed Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specaalties Lighting Specialties Lighting Specialties HVAC - unitary Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Business Type Architect Engineering Firm Other Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Other: consultant Business Type Contractor Business Type Contractor Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contractor Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Join Date 01t01t2012 Join Date 07t30t2014 Join Date 01/01/2009 Join Date 08/01/2008 Join Date 0110612015 Join Date 12t03t2014 Join Date 01101t2009 Projects Completed 16 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 2 Projects Completed Projects Completed Join Date Projects09122120'12 Cuompleted Join Date Projects09t0112010 Completed 1 Projects Completed 13 Join Date Projects01/09/2008 Completed 17 Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Business Type Join Date Projects Engineering Firm 011'1012014 Completed @201/t Rocky Mounttln Porer, a dlvitlon d P.cifiCorp .nd p.d oI MldAmrlc.n Encrey Holdlner comp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance ROCKY MOI'NTAIN PO\,YER Smart Building Solutions 2876 South 460 West Salt Lake City, UT - 84115 Phone: 801-733-6000 Website: www. intellivex.com Midgley.Huber, lnc. 2465 Progress Drive Salt Lake City, UT - 841 19 Phone: 801 -972-501 1 Website: Migley-huber.com Hatch Lighting 4133 N 45 E ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 208-200-3000 WHW Engineering lnc. 8619 Sandy Parkway #101 Sandy, UT-84070 Phone: 801-466-4021 Cooper Lighting 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree, GA - 30269 Phone: 770-486-3092 Website: www.cooperlighting.com D.W. Electric 4565 E. 75th N. Rigby, lD - 83442 Phone: 20868'1-7006 Electrical Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - ldaho Falls 3140 McNeil Dr. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2800 Website: www.ewscoinc.@m Eloctdcal Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Driggs 83C Rocky Road lnd Lp. Driggs, lD - 83422 Phone:208-354.,1228 Website: www.ewscoinc.@m David Petersen Electric 78N285E Blackfoot, lO - 8322'l Phone: 208-680-5424 Electrical Equipment Com pany 540 W. 20th st. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone:208-5224732 Website: electricalequipment. com Titan LED - North Logan 641 E 2200 N North Logan, UT - 84341 Phone: 801-784-8260 Website: www.titanled.net Rocky Mountain Electric - ldaho Falls 6698 N. 25th E ldaho Falls, lD - 8340't Phone: 208-587-9682 x 6 Specialties Business Type Building envelope DistributorControls Manufac'turer - Rep HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Other: Other Specialty Specialties Business Type HVAC - evaporative Manufacturer - Rep HVAC - unitary Join Date Projects03t0412015 Completed Join Date Projects0510112007 Completed Business Type Distributor Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date 05t06t2014 Join Date o2t23t201s Projects Completed 7 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 1 Projects Completed 32 Projects Completed 2',1 Projects Completed Projects Completed 1 Projects Completed 5 Projects Completed Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls Lighting Business Type Join Date Manufaclurer - Rep 12/1312012 Business Type Join DatoContractor 0510112011 Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Lighting Other: Other Specialty Specialties Lighting Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Business Type Conbactor Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Join Date 09t2212012 Join Date 09t2212012 Join Date 04t20t2015 Join Date 01t01D012 Join Date 07t08t2014 Join Date08127nu4Specialties Lighting Business Type Contractor @201a R@Xy Mouil.ln Porur, r divi.ion o, P.cifiCorp rnd p.d ol Mlilmic.n Energy Holdlng! Comprny Energy Efficiency Alliance VROCKY MOT.rTAN \FortER Wheelor Electric Soecialties Business Tvoe Join Date Prolects Brlildins envelope Contactor ,- O'llO'll2OO7 Codroleted469 West 16th St. Compressed Aii 5ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Cond.olsPhone:208-522-1906 Farm and Dairv\Abbsite: wheelerelectric.com Food Service ' Lighting Motors and VFDs Omta Rod.y liooil.h Pil, . dlvLloo ol pffiorD .rrd p.n ol i,ldAmdo Emrty Hotdtne. cmpy 6 o oot o la6o) = Elo6o = Ifooo oa oo = o f oo = o f (Eo = oa (!o = o =(,o = ol (!o = olo6o) = Ef 6o = Efq6o = olo6o oa@(Eq, o f oo o =(Eo = o-o6o = Ifo6o = Efo6o = o ao6o o fo6C' o f (,o = s N. t N-oo@ oo@ YN-sN--: o \t- @ \t- N N. N ry ooN. ooN. ooo_ ooo- ooN. ooN. o o_ o 0^ oNo- oNo- N@tl-- N@!t- EoEooo LFt EoEooo IFt E 11) EooouFt EoEooo LFt EoEooo LFt EoEooo LFd !oEooo IFx. EoEooo LFt EoEo(,o IFd EoEooo LFt EoEooouFt EoEooo LFd EoEooo LFd EoEooo LFe. EoEooo LFt !oEooo LFd EoEon)o LFd. EoEooo LFd Eo Eooo l!Ft Eo Eooo LFt !o Eo)q)oItFt Eo Eooo lLFt ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNo o @oNo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNo o o GoE o53q Efo 6ot .E oo o (EoE o 6BoE =o 6oEo oo o (5oE o 63oEfo 6oEo oo o (5oc o 63oElo 6oE .o oo o(!oE o 6 =oE =o 6og .9 oo o GoE o(!3oEfo 6oc o o (EoE (, (5 =o Efo (!oco oq) o (5oE o (E = E,o 6oc .o oo o(!oE o(, 3o Efo 60ic .9 oo oooE o (5 3o E =o (5oc .o oo o(!oE o (5 =o Efo 6oc .o oo o 6(,t oo =o Efo Goc .o oo oooE o (E;o Efo (!oc .o oo ooos () o3o Efo (E(,c .o oo oooE o (E 3o Efo 6oc .o oo o 6os oo3o E,o 6oc .o oo o GoE o(! 3o E =o 6oc .9 oo o Go o (E 3o Efo 6oc .o oo o (EoE o) (5 =o E =o 6o!o olu o GoE (, (E =o E =o 6oE .9 oo o(!oE o (5 =o Efo 6oE .E oo o (EoE o 63oE =o 6oEo oo o Got o Gt a. 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C'ot qb o oE'G0- ooe6 Y6; Gotoaot o tropootr o 6o = of (!o = @ N N EoEooo LFt EoEooo LFt @oNoo o @oNoo o o.E o o3o(].oooc6 D o'co o!o(L EooEG E t t4a.tr,1, o:o\!oos6 Esoa V, o:o\Eo(J G E o 6 s oo.!o o.c Coo e. o o o;o(! !ooE(5 D o 6qs oc3o t o o o;o(L oo oo oo N oi @a?oq EoEooo IFd EoEooo LFd Eo)Eooo l!Ft @oNo o ooNoo o ooNoo o N .oF 3oEc- oo6 l Bo 6 c N .oF]oEct oo6 = =o 6oE N .!qF 3oEC =oo6 Bo 6 c o Eo aoc (!o! L r .o ooul NNof N .oF 3ooc o Eo)oooc=6oIo Ea(L 6oI .o oo ut NNof N .9F;oEc o Eo oogFoo-EEoN .9 oo IJJ NNo l N .oF 3oEc 6 otoou G cia ltr cia iE cia oo oo \o EoEooouFt EoEoooLFt EoEooouFt @ oNo o o oNoo o o oNoo o ,oF;ooc; oo6 ;o =E c otr ioEct oo6 =;o =Eoc It)tr;o€ct oo6 f;o =E c o Eo a oE 6oI L L _9 oo uJ ooof, .(,F 3oEc o Eo) aoE (,oIo E =o- 6oI .o oo UJ oocif otr 3oEc5 o Eoo U)oc GoI 6coN .9 oo UJ ooof, otr BoEE5 ot\o}o! : 3oE = G EoEood oa qa oU' No.i $oq @e Eo Eo(,oIFt Eo Eoo)o lJ-Ft Eo EoooLFt @oNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o oEoE;oE .g oB -9 o 0)l 6 l Nc! o 3oEE =(5oC oEoc!oE .g oB -9 oo:G lNc,{ o;oEct (toc oEoE 3o,c .c o =-9 oof 6 f, Nc! o BoEC =6 c o L Lo oo uJ Nc!o l =oEc =oEo! 3o o Go-EcoNo otr Nc!o =;oEc =oEoI 3o o Eo) ooEacso! Nc!o l ;oEc =oEoI;o oi: 6:o! E go! = EcoBooe. oa E ci(t) ltr 6a (oq N o\N N Eo Eooo LFt Eo Eooo l!Fd Eru Eooo tr-Ft @oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o oog coo E.9 G f ._c (! 3 6 c oo EEoo co N fo.c oB oo- oog Eoo c.o6lo.c 63 6oc o Eo ooc 60)Iu lr .E oo Lr.J 6 =co 6- o Eo) ooc (!oIoEf(L 6oIo.E oot! G3 co Gao o Eo aocFGruI EcoNo.E oo UJ 6 =Eo (! lo 6:oE Too Eotlo =g oE T G topoot E do qa E Cio oU) E oo Eoo @q d oq @q ao oq ooEoc)olrFt EoEooo LFt ooEo)oo IFt !ll) Eooo lJ-Ft Eo Eoo)o IFt Eo) Eooo LFd (o oNoo o @oNoo o (o oNo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o oo6 Eoo E.o(! f .c ooE 6oE ooG Eoo E.9 -gf .= ooE 6 oo Ecooc.osf .q oo oo 6 E =luo E.oo f .c ooE 6o E s =!uoc.o65o.s ooE 6 6 s =ll)aco _g =o.c ooE 6 C o Eo aoc C'oI LL L .9 oo l,lJ ooL co(, foc o Eoq aocEGoro E1(L (Eo o o -9uJ o -9L EoE6aoc o Eo aoc 6oI EEoN .9 oo uJ ooL Eo=sf c o Eo aoc GoIu uo o -!!uJ o s =oU) ooL co (5) c o Eo ooE 6oIo Ef(L 6o-o o -9uJ Gas oU) ooL co 6loc o Eo aoE 6o-6EoNo.E ootll 6 E =oa o.9l! Eo? -gf o G5o s o GIt4c Ec EEE5cqoocC E=o6.SoaE EE(,o I 'lrl G o oo:,,,t,t o GSto oo IL o G Ttac o .Es o oo oGo =>soo .98rJi IIJ E>99rEo6CFul ru-Bo\IEo.= .Eo tr =o =!ootr qa o\ottG0- oq€a 6; Gotoa-oq lc =c o(oo- @<t*- Ec) Eooo o- =t Eo Eooo =t @oNo o @oNoo o EE-oEi>oo!EC68R EEfci:oocEET Eo=oGS -EgfEtrCE9EG O! E,3;o,= Eq:€ q.Ic: (oohiI}E.aoF>>: a Gc-qo4'=toloc 9a 8ro= G(ct:C 6!OqE(G.!EECC6/ E':o+ BE€!6; Itlc o (LIo E 6oFto E o O O +u L tJJ 6 Fto E G o =ood G tao so E o G tlto Eo EE Goo Eoo 6 Eottoot E =6o = o l 6() so6i t m* N Eo) Eo)oo(L =d. Ed) Eooo(L t oNrf o voNrf $o ot'9GE EE b95a >9o-q vE6C'Get ut> =(Lbo3: +9,E =oYOqePb =9oto6>6P=gf N jogoG 5pco EE<6 b=^o-",| (9 _oo?_ INout >oPE+3 =EvoaQo= =8Io5i FE!Eo ! x E G E) ct J o Eoo E Gd] o odl =oc'too o o)c o Eooc(!(D N o o)ID --Y oE'too o o)E o f Go = o l oo = @ooiot Nq @N po Eooo(! d Eo Eooo(I =d aoNoooo o oNoo o o co!tootr aoo B) a S a.! G OE=oi:oos EE2oEE5(l)itiE^ott_ E--=oo-I ,lj; q3 i6l-o{6 =Ecoa9g,_E t8q> a3Pn ogo(! 5=<oQT =E>93;e3loo:o.'UJNJd =E9EqB .E-oi:eoEPAga> Fo(Ii>o;f-iPq F o Eooc6dl oc0 cooc oo ooc o Eoo E6dl N oo =Yqoc'too ooE oa 6o o- 6o = q N{ qsoN po Eooo(r d Eo Eooo(! =t oNrq so osrl so o o 6o6coEo YC>:(Iioioc.t q= =o6c3: +s,s =CYGqco! >iorot>!P=Pf N jI Eao6D_ob9EtoosE F55=:3-osl- !NJd; >oPE+s tEYOoQo> Eso> abPo o Eooc6dl o'66dl --Y oE't 6o ooc o Eooc6dlN o'66d! =oc't 6a Poc YotoGa E) a 0-E r! E) Ct) -t YoUJ-lE} Bl -t E) 6o = o-so = oN oN EoEooo lJ-Ft EoEooorFE. @oNoo o @ oNoo o o.E o o3o(L EooE6 o o.E o o;o(! EooEG ! o 6 E o .qo oq'6 Eoa oE6oaooo o o o =o(roooE6 E o 6 c oc3o oc'6coa ocGo) oo o o 0) =o(L Eooc6 E o Ga.Sooo toa. U, oioa.!oo G Esoa. U, olo0.!oo G E Eo9o!EiD>tr6-ot>EPaEofcotJJ Eo o Goo oo uJ 66.tIG(t, BrIot $ :;Ea(DI o a!o o oo,oGo =>s(roCQo9o*i=6 rrJ 6>9,g|.s9J 'iE-Bo: EBo-E .EGc o =v(,ot oa oaooGo- ooe +5; Gotoa.oq G ottoot o-q Go = o f Go = o f(,o = E) 6o = oN$(o |.-No @ oot @ * @ Eq) Eo)q)o LFd EoEruoo LFd EoEc)il,o LFt EoEooo LFd @ oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o BoE =o (Eocoo o.:o.! =u.6seeosHoCT iC o.so;O=odoo!co-=U59t9 .:o(EIooctoo oE =o 6oc(,olo .=6o oo6c) oEoo o .o o.9o ru co oEfo oocoo fo =oo oo6Ef (!ooo o oEooo o co oEfo 6otoclo '6 o oo(EEa .=(Eooo o o'E oo ruEo co ooIoU, q Go! o o os; L Lo.C oo!J .qF E,9oo co(.)o EfA 6o o o o foE-- =L L .9 oo uJ .9F c.9 o cooo Ea (E(l, o o o E; L Lo.E oo) uJ N .oF c.o o co()o E)(L 6o o o o loEz; lJ- L .9 oc) uJ N .9F c.9 o gooo El(r Go E o ooY ac @o EoEooo(! t @ oNoo o Ec6qo o E s oo oo(I otudls=3o Ef(I 6oI o-FLOrIsi.so.5 o o.E.Nooc6co _(!o c oo-o6 (L oodlE--Bo Ef(! 6oI oEor 3o o G Gt, og oe\ ooa GoIa E5q- Go! oa oo = o =6o = o f Go = o l 6o = o l 6o = fc fE ac Noo-o NN ci oo si $N*- N ooo-N o N@No N(oNo Eo EooouFt Eo Eooo LFE E(, Eooo IFt Eo Eooo LFt !o E(,oo LFd oo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eq) Eoo)o o- =t @oNo o NoNoNoo NoN oN @o @oNo o NoN oNoo @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o (, coEootr o GIta ot G Io3ofEoc .9xoo 6lo.E Ec6co olEEoo f .gI(! oB oaooqE'xo (!o o)EEo G =.E E(! oB olEoc .9 o Go o3 ofEoEE'io Go ofEEo (E fac I(L o; olooc='io (5o o3of!oc .t4.xo o 0) oo o Ji o3 lootr Ix0)og fo E oEtd9OE,t JC9i o =o)Eog .9.xoooI .EEcG6oa o e oo Io oo uJ co (E ls od o.EEou, of c i.)E =! II oo JJ olo Doo =c EIL Ecoc6oo ol o o o aoE=;I II ooul olo Eoo =c oL Eoo.c6oo o = o 6o-.9 oo UJ olo !o G =E EIL Eoo.cfro)o o = oc 6oLa El(r 6or .9 oo UJ ofoEoo =E-E(r Coo.ECGo_at-oo; o co oF ooE oo.=o o.sooo o =o oEoIEo fo6)c(5 0) oo o) 9 o E oo =l o!E,6ao;/)+a! )1 'Cq;(Eioctuo+OE =cvc r,!ccoc oE6 6oo oF 6 c oo 5 o ,E6ooofo oEoIo9c Ei 6q o =Go = o) (Eo = oa 6o = o N o@o @@ oo E()(,o(r =t Eo Eooo(L t Eo) Eo)o)o(L =n @ oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o ooooo Eoo6 ooooo Egoo6 ooooo Fgooo o =Looo$-o ooo-N q)oooo Fgoo(! o =Looooo .c = o6ooo 6oo6 o ooc =oo =Iooooo .E = o6ooo oooo G trolcoot ooooo Qoa.G uJ pr ooo fc o o_ o(, Eoq)oo =tr @ oNo o 6E(,E =oEoaIc c)eoc oE oo fgoo Eo E5q;gi>oo!EC68i =oL:! cU.!P Ss€:(E(l)CEEt aq=o6tE&fEECEO:60r 8q i o!= dETE6ici (o;hL}E*e F o L L uJ > (o F o E Ec hE 6--caooCEE=o@.SooE EE(9() 6g, .!IEta\ B6oEoT E Eti E o!Gp o oo,o(Eo =>s(Jocs.oFot 1r.r E>9p, .E 6)6 ul ru-Bo\IEo.= tr (E c o =.Y(,ot oh oooEG0- oo bq o; Gotoaoq E otooe. o =oo = ol (Eo) = o) 6o = o) oo = o f Go = o l 6o = Ef 6c) o5 oo = @qo Noq N o@o oooi ro N Nclo Nqa @qoN EoEooo(I =E. EoEooo L =t EoE()oo(! t EoEooo(! =t EoEo,oo(! =t Eq, Eo,oo (L d. poEooo d. EoEo(,o(! t $oN$ $o $oNrt $o soN9 so soNt so s oNs $o oN$ $o toN{ o $oN o o oaaL 6 0)Co o EoJ troo 0)o =L oNaEoJ c0)o 0 o(,c oo l! 6 o)coI o E6J Eoo o)o =L o6o Eo -)co)oEo) ooc oo l(! 6 o)co(, o EGJ coo o)ol I o6q Eoo co'o o ooc oo f(! EoEo)o q EGJ Eoo ooaL o6o Eo E.oo o Eoc oo)!L EoEo(, q E6J Eoo Eol I oGo Eoo co6E(, Poc oq f(L Eocoo o E6) cooaEofu oGo EoO Eo'6 o ooc oo =L Eo)Eo)I o E6J coo o o =L ooo Eo) Eo6Eo) ooc oa f(! i6oco(, o E6)coo ooatr oGo Eoo Eoo o o oc oo.E ov, R o oo o 6 o)d o;o ii E6) o oo-(L Eoco JlJ- o G E oIE o3 it E6) o ool(I Ec)Eo(,)L o o)ood @ G = G; ii E6J o oo fI EocooJI o 6oE G3 ii E6) o oo f EoEo(9 JI o 6 :C oo o G3o ii E6) o oq l(! EoEo)(9 JI o oloot @ 6 G3 ii E6) ooool(! EoEo(9)L o oot 6; ii EGJ o oo f(! 6oEooJI o 6 :c oo.Eo 63 $ ii EG) o ool(L Eoco(, JI E goEoot o UJ.,1oo xiioo.E oU' eo oo E Eopootr -.tILooo x ILoo'i oar, eo oo t! o oot Glt- ooG s\ o s cs (, Eopoox, o l 6o) = s o- Eo EoooLFe @ oNoo o oc6 Eo g 6 cqoo-ooo (,o E;oe,o 6o- -c =iPz GFbcC! so G G t4 GoT o oc ,No ooo(L Ec6E.oo6 s ooEo6(! oo(lt o E =(L 6o oa 6o) o looo = oNo-N NoN. Eo Eooout-t Eo Eooo IFt ooNoo o @oNoo o oEo ooGoo =o oc =ooo o,ooc) =6o oo E oooEo Eo q Elo GoEoc =o ocaoo E=;q Efo oo)Eoo f,o '6 ooooo o o o loE=3L L Eo co'6 ocoo(!IU) o (L a Ee op6oaf (L Ia E tropoot G Eosoot o) (5o = Ia 6o = @ o- ooo- ooEooo IFd EoEoC)o(L t @oNo o @oNoo o oEf(L 6oI o oloo 6 o oEl(L 6oI o o =oo(, EoL;o ooo oto Go o oEa(! 6oI o) o) e oE,o- 6o o ofo oEo!;o oo oa4E o(, a. I0- GoI a. ESq. GoI o) (5o = @No_ ooEooo o- t (o oNoo o oE(5 ocN6 oo-o6o oooE-- =oogooaoEf 6oCCo.s A=E( o! o o .C.N € 6 .cooaogo ocoE uoEgoo =q Ef(L 6o =gf oc'too Ec E€65E5cqooCC EE .gooE EEoo Eo9o! =P6-aE>EP.EofcoIJJ 6o o 6oo oo u.J 6u Iao\po uto ot G!bpc oEGI o oo oGo =>sC'Otrs.eEoi9-llJ o'>g)ED .. drdfiE-Bo\IEo.Ec (E tr Jo =5oot Ef 6o) = o f oo o) 6o = If oo = o =6o = o =qoo = Il oo) = of 6(, o f 6o = o f oo = Ia oo = Il 6o = o l 6o) o l 6o o f oo = I =Go = El Go = o f 6o) o f Go = Ef Go o) 6o = o) 6o oC?o o o too @oq @oq $N o\N \N u?oN IN q N oc!t qo qo ooo @co @9o Noq N o@o aoo N Eo Eq o(! =t Ec)Eooo (L =t EoEooo(! =d EoEooo(L =d ooEruoo (L =t ooEooo(! E DoEooo(L t Eo Eo(,o(L =t po Eooo(L =t Eo Eo)ooL d Eo Eooo(L =d Eo Eooo(L =t Do) Eo)oo(L t E(, Eooo(L =t oo Eruoo(L =t Eo Eooo(r =tr oo Eoo)oI =t !o Eooo =t Eo Eooo(L E. Eo) Eooo(L =e. oo Eooo(L =E. Eo Eooo(L t oNq :to $ oN\t to $ oN $\'o s oN\' to oNj $o toN$ $o $oN$ so oN$ to soN *o $oN$\'o oN$ {'o oNs \to toN$ :lo $oN \to oN \to soNs $o oNt to t oN\t $o $ oN$ to oN$ to toN{ so $oNt so oolIL 6ocol, o E6) coo oo)I o6o Eoo cIo o Eoc oo =(L Eoc()(9 o EoJ coo ooltr ooo Eo Co'o o o o,c oo lI 6oco0 oE6J Eoo ool! ooo Eo:.) EooEo o oc a oo f!L EoEo(9 oE6) coo Eof I o(!q Eoo cIoEo ooE oo (! Eoco(, oE(s) Eoooooftr oooEoo Eo'o Eo ooC oo fr-6oCol) oE(5) coo oo2I oGoEoi.) co6 o ooc ooo lL EoEo(9 oE6J Eoo ooaI o(!oEoo coo o o oc oo l(L Eocoo q E6J Eoo oofr oooEoo Eo'6 o Poc oo)(L 6oco(9 oE6J cooooolL oooEoo coo o) ooc oo lIL6oco(., oE6J Eoo oolI oGoEoo EooEo ooc oo lrL6oEo(, oE6) coo oolL o(!oEoO co'6 Eo ooc oo fI Eoco9 aE6J coo oolI oooEo3 co6Eo o o)E oo f!L Eoco)l9 aE6J Coo oolt oGoEot) EooEo o o)c oo lL6oc(,(9 oE6J coo o)o =I o(EoEo co,o E0) o(,c oo f(L 6oE(,(9 oE6J coo oo:I oooEo co'o Eo ooc oo f(L Eocoo oE6J cooaoo)u GoEoO Eo E o o)c oo-L EoEo(9 oE6J Eoo oolI oooEo Eo6Eo ooc oq-(L Eo)co(9 oE6J coo o)olL oGoEoo coo o o o)c oaoq f]. EoCo oE6) coo oo)! oooEo:.) co E 0) ooc oo fL Eoco(9 oE6J coo oo =L oooEoO coo o Pc)c o oo l(! Eoco oEoJ coo EofI o6oEoo co'o o Poc o oo f! 0ocot oEGJ co Iol! 6o EoJ coo 0) I0)tr o oo)ood dl 6 = o3* ii E6) o oo f(L EoEq)(, JL o (, ot G3$ ii EoJ o oo:(r EoEo)oJL o o s o Eb o 6Bo ii E6J 4 o oo-(r 6oCo(9 JI o o=oot d) 6 o3 @ iiE6J o oo =(L E rucooJlL o Got GBo iiEo) ooooaI 6ocooJL o o c oo i5 63o iiEoJ o, oo (! Eoco Ju o ()aoot (D 6 63o iiEoJ o f(r EoEoo)L o 6ot 6 =o iiEG)t oaoo f(r 6ocoo)L o o E oo i5 a 63oNitEGJ{ o ooao- E OJco(9 JI o oloot (D 6 6 =oN ii.E(!Jt ID oo l(r Eocc)(.,)L o 6ot 6BoN iiEoJ{ o ool(L Eoc0)(9 JL o o c oo.!o o)oiiEoJ o ool(L EocC)(9 JL o ofootr co G = 6 =oiiE6J o oo f(L 6oEooJu Q 6otr p o3o d. EoJ oooo fo. Eo)qoo)L e 6 E oI6 o3o Eoa o oo-(L Eo)Eoo)L o olgo,t d) 6 o;o soa o oo f(L EruEoo)I o 6()d. 6;o g oa o oo f(I EoE0)(, Ju o 6 s o Ei5 ol G; g'6.a oooo fI Eogoo)L o ol6ot dl o = 6; g'a U' o ool(L EoEooJr o ood o3 6,=oU' o oo =(! EoCo JI e 6 E oo i5 6 =N 6aa o oo =o_ foc(,o)I o o =oo,t co o = o3 N 6.=oa o oo =(! Eoco) JI qb oNot,|e0- 6 oEq o; Go Eoaoq 6- E=o5coooCC EEoo.EooE EEoo) vtB Iiu,\Fo tuo Eoli l!g !bIt o Gtt o oo JoGo =>s(ro 6,9oi IIJ E>9!,,B6,dCEuJ ruL3o\TEo-= tr(! =o =.Y(,oE ob oaooG0. oa (!o = o f oo = o f (5o = I =q (Eo = oaoGo = olooo = o fo6iu = EIa(!o = I) (Eo = EfoGo = o fo(!o = o l (!o = o a(!o = o fo(!o = oao(!(, = o fo6o = Ef oo = Ea (!o = o foGo = o fo(!o = oa (!o = o f oo = Noa No N Nqo No?o @qoN oqo ood F.q NN @ oN (o c,N oq{N F.q @ Nq @ Nc.{<lN \'qo tI@ qoN q N o N o @o (oq NN (oINN EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(! =d DoEo,oo (L =t E0,Eoooc =d EoEooo(L =d. EoEooo(L =t ooEooo(L =d EoEooo(L =t otu Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t EoEoooo =d. EoEooo(L =t !oEooo(L =t 1'q) Eooo IL =g. oo Eo)oo(L =t Eo Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo(L =d Eo Eooo G =d Eo Eooo IL =tr Eo Eooo(r =E Eo Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo(L =t soN$ \to soN t $o oN i*o * oN\t*o YoNrf $o {oN* to $oN$ \to $oN$ to toN* :fo $oNt\'o soNt \to oNi \to soN* $o $oN$ to oNt{o \toNt to \toNt\'o \toNt rlo \loN\t rto ooNo o @o6too o !toN\' $o o oa)L E0)c0)9 a E6J coo goaI o6o EoJ Eo6 c) I0)Erl oo f(L Eoco(, oo E6J Eo)ooIDo:L o(,o Eoo co)oEo o oc oa fL Eotr0), a EoJ troo 0) o2L oNa EoJ trII 0) o 0)tr q)ooo)L Ec)EC)I oE6J coo oof L o6oEo) E0)oE 0) o oEll oo =L E()co9 oEoJ Coooo)o =! oooEo:) co,6Ell) ooc 0)ooa fL 6 !)tr0)Ioa EoJ oo 0) o:! or!a Eo) trqo 0) o 0)trII ooo fIL6oCo)(9ooE(,J coo oofL o6aEoo C!uo o) o o)E ooo fL Eo)c{)(9 oE(!J coo oolL o6oEoo Co'o o) o o,E ooo f(r Eoco(9 oEGJ coo Eo =I o6oEoo g .ooEo ooc 0) oo f! 6 (ncc)9 oEoJ EooooolI o6oEo-) E0)0tro o 0)E oo =t!6 oCoo oEoJ Eoo oo)L o6oEoo C .!9oEo ooE 0)ooIlL 6q, 0)2ao EI!J Cooo0) o2L o6o Eo) trI9 0) o 0)Cx 0)ooo fL d otr0)Ioa Er5J trooqoolI oNo EoJ trq) o 0) o 0)tr oooaL Eoco(9 oE(!J coo oofL o(5oEoo q .ooEo ooc ooo l(L 6 oEoo oE(!J ooooolI o6oEoo C.ooEo ooc 0)ooo fL E0)tr0)I o EoJ troo 0) o2! oNo Eo) trI9 !) o !)tr oo lIL Eo)co(9 oE(!J coo oolL o6aEoo C !Po o o 0)c oo l(L Eocoo oE6J coo Eo =l! o6oEoo Eo'o o Poc 0)o P fL E0)trot oEoJ coo g o =L DNa Eo) trq) o 0) P 0)c o oa =I EoEo9 oE6J coo Eo =! o6oEo) cooEo Ioc oo =(r Eoco(9 oE6) coo EI l! oooEoocoo o Ioc oooo fL E 0)cq) I oE6) coo Io:I o6oEo) Eoo Eo Ioc e oot 6 =N .goo o oo D(L 6ocooJL o 6 s oo.=o 6 = g'aa o oo f(! Eoco(, Jr o o)6ot co G =o 6B 6.!oo o ool(! EoEooJL o oot G3o .gqo o oof(L Eoco(9)L e oos oo i5 6;t g'aa oooo1I EoEo(2 JI o oofgoG, dl 6 = 6;\t .goo o oo flr EocooJL o 6 o)t 63{ 6.=oo o) oo lTL EoEc)oJL e 6oE o Ei5 o G3o 6.:oo o ooa(L 6(,c6)oJr o ofgot d) o = oBo o.!oo o oo)(r EoEoo)L o 6od o 6;o 6.=oo 0)ooa(L 6 o)co(9 JL o G c o E6 o o3o 6.!oo o ool(L Eo o)(9)I o ofqot @ o =q o3o 6.=oo o oo l(r E c)co)(9)L o 6od o 6 =6 6.=oo (, oo f(L E d, o,oJL o 6 c o E i5 6;o .goo o oo (I 6ocoo)u o oloot dl 6 = 6 =o E'ao o oo f(! 6o oo)u o 6od t4 6Bo 6.=oo oooo f(L 6ocooJL o o s o E i5 o 6 =oN 6.=oo o oo lTL6 0,c(,(9 JL o ofqo,E trl 6 =o 63oN 6.!oo o oo lo-6 0,co)(9 JL o 6ot o 6;oN 6.=oo ID oo f(L 6 o)Eo)(9 JL o Gos o Ei5 ln o3 N 6.!oo ooo f(L Eoco)(9 JL o olqot co G = <t, o3 N G.=oo o oo f(L EoE0)oJL o Got o 6 =N .goU) lu oo f(L 6 o)Eo(9 JI 5 oe e!a o Gotoa-oq =Ef oE't(! U' Eo :$ oEo Eal> E5E5cooocc EEQA.EooE PE(9o Eo9gr+LO>F6_o6 Pi!ofEOIIJ Eo oiOIOIol>iolol I.IJ I I os,G =o oo JoGo =>s(JoCQ.qEC'Ti=.5 rrJ b>9g).E(,6CEur trlsBo\IEo-=c'6 tr Jo =5oot 6B s6:rrr,\Fo6o Gil,!r!ll:e, o: Go = o fo6o = o f Go = o l 6o o l oo = o f oo = El 6o = o f 6o = o f oo = oo==oooo=> o =Go = o l oo o f oo oa Go = Ef 6o = E =6o) = o =oo = o =6o = oa Go = of Go = ol(,o Nqo oo @N q @N qto @N @N + N.qoN N.qoN o{aq ON rfq $N N\N al'N t\tN oq N @oqoN @oqoN so oo?oN oc? N qo E() Eooo(L =t Eo EoooI =t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(L =e. Eo, Eoo,o(L =t ooEooo(! =t ooEooo (L =t !oEo)q)o L =t EoEo()o(! =t EEooEEoooooo(!(r tt EoEooo(! t EoEooo (L =d DoEooo(! =t Eo)Eooo(! =t EoE()c)o (L =t EoEooo(! =t EoEooo (L =d EoEooo (L =n EoEo()o (L E. o(, Eo(,o (L t ooEooo I =E. @ oNoo o @oNo o $oN$*o $ oNs $o toN \t $o $oNtf \to @oNoo o @oNoo o soN$ $o @oNoo o @oNoo o $oNtf \to soN $ so $oN!t $o soNtf $o soN I*o soN$ $o soNt to soNs to s oNs rto s oNt Io oN* $o oo-L Eocoo q EGJ Eoo o)o:L o6oEo(.) C.9o o ooc o oo)(! EoEoo o E6J coo ooaL (EoEoo co'o o ooc o oo lL Eo)Eo)I o E6) coo oo =! o6q Eo) co)otr0) PoE o oq-L 6ocoI o EGJcoo oo: ! o6oEol) cIo Eo ooc oaoal 6 0tr0,I oa E6J Coo 0)o2! ooa Eo) Co Eo o 0,Crl o oo fr EoE0)I o E6J coo Eo-I o(!oEo) EooEo o o)crl oo =(L Eo)co)(9 o E6) Eoo Eo =IL o6oEo c(,'6 o) Ioc oo =(L Eo)co(9 o E6) Eo,o oof tL o6o Eo co'6 (, ooE a oo)L E0)co o EoJ Eoo o of L o6o Eo -) co)g 0) IotrII oolrL Eoco(, o EGJ coo o o =tr o6o EoO c.qo o Poc oolL EoEo9 o EGJ cooooof ! o6q Eo:) Eo0tro Poc oo =!L Eoco o Eo) coo ool I o6o Eoo co)otso, Ioc @ oolL Eo)Eo o E6J coo oof I o6oEo -)co6Eo Pocrl oo =(! E(,co(9 o E6J coo Eof L o6oEoo co'6 o Ioc oo f(L Eoco(9 o E6J coo Eof L o(5oEoo cooE(, ooc 0@oo)L E0)c0, oo EoJ coo Eol ! o6oEo -) co)oEo Ioc ool(L EoEo(9 o EGJ Coo o o =lJ- o6oEoo co'o o PoC U oLaL E 0) oI L ENJ troo o o =L oNa Eo) Cqo 0) P0)trrl oo)!!6oCo(, o EoJ Cooooo =tr o6o Eoo cIo o ooE oo f(L Eocoo o EoJ coo ooltr o6 Eoo E.9oEo ooc oo =IL6ocol,,qo EoJ coo oo:I o6o Eoo coo c) ooc aoo fL6oco(, o E6J coo oo:L o6o E O E.9o o ooc o lEac oo i5 6 =NN .gqo o oq a(L Eocoo Ju o ofood d) 6 G =NN 6oa oooo l(! EoEoo JI o (! ot 63NN E'ao o oo f(L 6ocoo)L o G E oo o o 63oN E'aa o oo fI Eoco)lL o o(, =ood dl 6 =o o3oN 6.=oa o oo)(L Eo o(9 JI o Got GBoN .goo o oo f(! EoEoo)u o 6oE oo.!o oB$N .Eoo o, ool(L 6 o)co)oJL o o):qot trl o = 6itN g'do o oo =(L 6 o)co(9 JL o (! otr 6 =sN E'ao o oo fo-6oco(9)L o 6oc oo.!o p G3oN g'ao o oo =(L EocooJL o o =oot dl G = (!3oN E'ao oaoo-(L 6ocoo)L o GoE G3oN .gqo o oq f(L 6oCoo)u e s E oo.=o G3 @N .Eoo o oo f(L Eoco)(9 JI o oaoc)t c0 o = oBoN .Eoo o ool(L Goco(9 JL o o c)t (E B @N 6.=oo o oo f(I 6oco)(9 JL o G s o .go G =NN .Eoo o ool(L 6oEoo)u o oagod d) o = Eo3NN .goo o oo f(L Eoco)o)L e Got !4 G; NN .goU) o oo f(L E o)co(9 JL o G c oo.!o 6 =@N g'ao o oq f(L Eocoo)L o ofoot d) o = G3 @N g'6. U) o oo l(L Eoco(9 Ju o (Eot a 6 =@N g'6. U' o oo l(r EocooJu o G oc oo.Eo 6 =oN g'6. U' o oo f(L EoEooJu ob oootrrGo- €o{ e!o; Gotoa.oq 6- E> EEg=caoocc EAoo.SoqE PE(,o o.cGs o o6' JoGo =>s(rotrQ.eF(r* uJE>!,g|EoE uJ t!rBo\IEo-= tr .E tr)o =Yoot 6B&ItU'.\Eio utoEot E E6ot qb oo ooo0- ooaq o;aotoo.oq E =6o = o,l Go = Ef 6o) = oa Go = I =6o = o- 6o = o a Go El 6o = El 6o = o =oc) = o =oo = o f oo = o foGo = o f Go = o f 6o) = I) 6o = o) 6o = o =Gq) = o =oo = Ia 6o = Efo6o = o f 6o = Noq NN Noq NN oo @ No @ No @ NqoN @c! NN @c! NN c,!oN oN N aN N o$oN Nq N NN N @o\t s @ N @c'l @c!o oc? @ qN EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(r =tr EoEoooL =t Do) Eooo o- =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo EIDoo(r t ooEooo(L =t !oEooo(L =t o(, Eooo(L =d EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(L =d DoEo)oo L =n EoEooo (L =n EoEooo (L =tr EoEooo (L =t EoEooo& =t EoEooo(! E. EoEooo(r =t EoEoC)o (L =d EoEooo(r t $ oN$ $o oN$ to \toN\t to $oN $o soN$ $o \toN to \f oN* $o t oNrf $o toN* $o $oN I so toNt o $oN !t so toN $ $o $oNt \to $oNt \to soN $ \'o toN$ $o oN to voNs rfo oN\t to oN* $o s oN* so oo fIL EoCo(9 oE6J coo ooltr oGoEoOco Eo ooc oo f(L 6 ruco(9 oE(,J coo o)o =L o6oEoo c.oo o ooc ooo)!r Eoco(, oE6J coo oofI o6oEoo co6 o ooE oo lI 6oco(, oE(EJ Eoo@oo2L o(!oEooco'6 Eo ooE oo fI Eo,coI o ENJ coo oo =! o6oEo:-) cootro Poc o oo fL Eo)co)9 o E6) Eooa Eo,! o6oEo) Eo6 E0) ooE o oo f Erl)co a E6J coo oo =! oooEo:) Eo6 Eo ooc oo =(r Eoco(9 o EoJ goo ooatr o(EoEoo Eo)oE(, ooc @ oo f! 6 c)co o EG) q 0)o oo =L oGoEo.) cooEq) ooErl o oq =I G rucq)I @o EoJ co)o oof ! oGoEo) EooEo ooc D oa lL F 0)tr 0)I l ENJ troo o o2L oNL Eo) C0)o 0) o oc q oo fL 6 0)co9oo EoJ trooooo:I ooEo) co =0) ooc o oo =! Eocru o E6J c(,o (,o =I o(EoEo) coo ru ooc oo lo- 6oco(9 o E6) goo oo:L oGoEoo cooEo ooE o oo fr 6oco o EoJ goo oof I oGoEot) cooEo ooE o oo a! 6oEoI o EoJ Eoo o)o =! oGoEo Eo)oEo o(,c a oo ft 6oEoI o EoJ coo (,o =I oGoEo) cooEo ooc oo l1- E()g() o EGJ Eo oo2! o(EoEo cru6E0 ooc @ oo l! Eoco)9 o E(,J Eoo o)oaI o(5o Eo) cooEo oocrl oo l(! EoEoo o EGJ Eoo oolL o6o Eoo c.oo o Poc o oo lL Eo)Eo9 o E6J coo oo =I o6o Eo) cootro Pocrl oo f(L EoEo(9 o E6J coo Eof L o6o Eo E .ruo (, ooc o ofooE co (! = G =oN o.=oo o oo f(! Eoco(,)L o 6ot 6 =oN g'6-a o oo-(L EocooJL e 6o5 oo i5 ID 6;o 6,=oo o ool(! Eoco(9 JI o o) =qod d] 6 = 63O .goU' o oo f(L Eocoo JL o 6ot (E3o .gaa oaoo I EoEoo JL e 6 E o Ei5 6 =oo G'aa o) oo)I Eoco)L o oo =oot dt 6 = 6aoo 6oa ooool(! E co(9 Ju o ootr 6;o 6.=oo o ool(! Eoco(,)L e 6 5 oo.=o o3 o 6.:oo o oo =(L EoCoo JI o qolood. dt o = o3 6.=oo C) ool(L 6oco(,)L o oot 63 6.!oo o ool(L 6ocoo JL o o 5 oo i5 o 6;N 6.=oo o oo)(L 6oco(9)u o ofgot co 6 = 6; No 6oo o oo l(L 6 o)Eoo JL o sod o3 N 6,a o o oo l(r Eoc()o)u e 6 5 oI i5 o 63t G.=oa o) oo a(L Eoco JL o ofooE. co 6 = 6;$ 6.=oo o oo l(L 6oco())L o 6ot 6;s 6.=oo o oolIL Eoco(, JL o G s oo.=o 6;o 6.=oo o oo = Eocoo JI o o,got co 6 = 6 =o 6.=oo o oo f(L Eoco(, JL o 6ot 63e .goo o oo =(L Eocoo JL o o c oo.!o 63 @ .qoo o oo,(L Eoco Jl! o olootr o 6 = G3 @ E'6.o o oo =o- EoEoo)tL l6 Ei6totrutoEot t:eb0f o!G =o o E)o(!o =>:aJoc$.oso+t=6 rrJ b>9glB o6trtruJ ,Lt L8o\IEo.E .Eo tr5o =.Yoot os o ottao- a o{{o; Gotoo'oII o f (Eo = ol Go o =a(5o = I =o(5o o a Go o =oo o- (5() o la(!o Ef 6o o f 6o = o =6o o =(!q) = I N qoN qoN n aiN o ciN o oN o\NN o\NN o\NN oq NN @cNN Oq NN po Eooo(L =t Eo E0)q)o IL =t Eo Eoo)o(L =t Eo E(, o)o(L =t Eo Eo o(r =t Eo Eq)oo o- =t Do) Eoo)o(L =t Eo Eooo(! =E oo Eooo(r tr Eo Eoo)o(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t po E oo(L =t @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o o oo =I6oEo o EoJooofoc EJJ c9)J cooEo o c)E o oo l!L6oco(9 o E(5Joooooc EtU csrJ cC)o o Poc o oo f(! 6oco(9 o EGJ C)o.oooc EuJ c,s,J co'o Eo ooc oooo l(L Eoco()oo EoJoo.9ooc EuJ c .s,J co'6 o ooc o oo lL 6 0)tr 0)t o E) 0)oslotr EIJ C 9rJ C0)o =o o 0)Erl o oo l 6oco o E(!Joooooc Eul tg)J co)oEo Po)c o ooa(L Eoco(, qo EoJoE.oooc EuJ c.s,J c.oo o Poc O oo fL oC 0)t a Eo)ooIloC E! C 9)J trIc o P 0)crl o oo lL EC)co(9 o E6Joo,oooc Et! c .9)J c .c)o o Poc oaooa(I EC)co() o E6)op .oooc EuJ t .9)J c .c)o o Poc o oo fIL Goco(9 o E6)ooIooc EuJ Es)J cqoEo PoC 6oco(, o E6)oE.9ooc E U.J E .9)) E.9o o ooc o 6ac oo.!o G =o aiaoo f(I 6ocooo TU e o) =oot d) 6 = 63o o oo f(! 6oEooo u.t o 6ot 6 =o o oo =(! Eocru(9 ouJ o 6 s oo.=o o3od o oo =(! Eoco(, ouJ o C)f ot d) G G3oo ii oo f(I 6oEoootu o oot G36o oooo a(]. GoEooouJ o o 5 o.=o 63 q) oo a(L EoEo(9 o uJ o ao =qot co 6 =q 6] (,aoo f(! EocooouJ o 6ot 6; C, oo f(r 6ocooo [rJ o o c oo.!o 63N o oo l(r Eocooot! o o5oot c0 6 63N o ool(! 6oEooouJ o 6ot o3N (,oool(! EocooouJ t! opoot o f oo = E =6o = o f (5 Eao6o o =(tro = ola6o = Il 6o) o f oo of 6o = o f oo = c! N Nqo rq Nq @qrt rt.:$.:oc! $ qo qo EoEooo (L t ooEo(,o(! =t Dc)Eooo(L =t poEooo(I =t ooEooo(! =t oC)Eooo(L t EoEoo)o(L =t Eo Eoq)o o- t Eo E(!)oo(L t po Eooo(L =tr $oN$ \to s oN\t Io q oN *o oN *o oN\t to $oN o oN$ $o oN$ so $oNs $o oN$ so a oo-I Eoco'I o E6) cooaooJ ! o(!o Eo) coa o oocrl oo f(). Eocoo q E(5J coo ooltr o6a Eo C) cc,o o o oc oo lrL Eoqo(9 oE J coo oolI o6q Eoo cI Eo Poc a oo fL6oco(, aoE(5J Eooooo =L oGoEoO co'o o o oc oo a! Eoc(, oE6J E(,o oof I o6oEo3 Eoo Eo o oE o oo f0- EoEo(9aoE6J coo oo =I o6oEooco o Eoc oo lo- E o)Eo oE6J Eo)o oo =I o6oEoo c,q o Po)E o ooa0- EoEo(9 oE6J Eoo oofL o6oEo(.) c.oo o PoE oo =!L E()c C)()aoE6J cooooofI o6oEoo Eoo o Poc oo lL EoEoo oE6J cooa EolL o6q Eoo c.9o o Poc Q ood o =@ g'do o oo fo- Eoco(9)u o 6 E oI i5 63N 6'a U> o oq =(]. EoEo(, JL o oofood dl 6 Br .Eoa o oo fI EoEooJI o Got G3N o'6.a C) ool(! 6oco(9 JI o 6 E oE6 6 =@ 6,=oo o oq =o- Eoco(, Ju o o-ood dl 6 =a 6; @ 6oa o oo f(L E C)co JI o 6od lt, 6; @ 6oa oooo f(L Eocoo)I o 6 s oo.=o 63o 6.=oa o oo =(! ]noco Jr o o =ooi dl 6 = 6;o .Eoa o oo =o-Eoco JI o 6ot ll 6 =o 6oa o 8o fcEoEo(,)I oll.|-tt4q. G.Joo's oat, Go o(9 C-ts qoc't 6 .9 ooo EoEoEco 6 =o6o 6fqc66coE Eo.g oo oc't 6o oocuJ =C =octGo o 6oo oo uJ o Gt o oo Jo(!oE>s(Jetrq.9Fo+i=s rrJ 6>!,Er .a o6ctrul trl L8o\ EBo-=c (E tr Jo =.Y(,ot E)o6o = o f (Eo o =oo o a 6o = o f oo = o a (!o Ia 6o = o =oo o f Go = o f (!o = E- 6o = Ea 6o = o =6o o) 6o = o f oo = El 6(, = o l oo o =Go = o: 6o = o f 6o = o =Go o f 6o Na? N Na? N Nc? N Nq N Nq N Nq N @qoN @qoN @qoN $oo soo oo @o(oN @a? @N @q @N o o o oo @ o @a@ @a@o @a@o o\N 9 Eooo(L =tr EoEooo(! =t Eq) Eo)oo(L =t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo) Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =tr Eo Eoooo =tr Do Eooo (L =t Eo Eooo(I =t Eoeoc)o(! =d o(, Eooo (L =d EoEooo (L =d Eq) Eo)oo I =n EoEo()o (L t EoEruoo(I =E EoEoo)o(! =d Eo)Eoo)o(! =t EoEooo(L =t EoEo)o(L =tr EoE0)oo (L =tr EoEooo(L E ooEooo(! t @ oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNo o ooNoo o @oNoo o oNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNo o @oNoo o @oNoo o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o o ooan o oo lr 6oc o)9 oE6Joooooc E UJ Es,J c0) Eo ooE o oo aL6 oco oE6Joo.oooc EuJ c .g)J c.9o o ooc o oo = 6 (1,co9 o EoJooofoc EIJ E9)J cooEo ooc o oo =r Gocol, o EoJoo93oc EJJ c9)J coo tso) Poc o) ooarL 6 q,co o E6Joo,oooc EuJ E.s)J c.9o o ooc o oo-(I 6oco(, o E6)oE.9ooc E LrJ c.9) Eo'6 E(, ooc o ooat- 6oco o EGJooI3oc EJJ tq) J EooEo o ll)c ooo at]. Goco(9 o EoJoo.oooc Eul t.9,J cq) o PoE ooo lL 6oco o EG)ooI3oc E! c9)J co)oEo Poc o o lI 6ocol,ao EG)ooo oc E UJ c9)J cooEo P0)c ooo a(! 6ocoo o EGJooIooE EuJ c,s,J c.ooEo Eoc o oo f(! Eoco(, o E6Jo .oooc E[! E.g)J c.9o o o o)E ooo f0- Goco)o o E6)oE.oooE ElJJ E.s,) c.9o o ooc 0) e fL G otroI o E6JoooloE EIJ Es,) co)otro Po)Erl o oo l(! 6oco(9 oo E6)oo,9ooE EuJ E.9)J co'6 o ooc @ oo)L 6oEo o E6JooIloc E.u c9)J coo c) ooc o oo f 6 OJco oEoJ(,ooooc- E UJ c9l) co6Eo o q)c o oo =L6ocru(9 oEG)oo.9ooc E uJ c.9)J Eo'o Eo o oq o) oo)(I Eocoo oEGJoD.oooc E UJ E.9)) Eoo o o oE ll) oo lL6ocoo oE6Joo.oooE E l,tJ c.9)J C,qo o PoE ru oo l! 6oEoI q E6JooI3oE E JJ cs,J cootro Poc 6oEoo q E6)oE.9ooc E UJc.9)J c.oo o) o oc o 6 s o Ei5 (!3o id oo =o- Ec)co ouJ o o)q c)n dl 6 6 = a,oooII 6 oco oUJ o oot o G3 tioool(! 6 ocoooUJ e 6 c oo o 6cIoopcEofEoo o 6B d oo f0- Eoco(9ot! ofqot (o o =Ec.ooo.!pcEo.1Eoo 6 = ai oo,(L Eoco(,o^ul= o 6ot Eco oIEcEo.f Eoa 6 =o 0) oo f(). E ocooouJ o oac oo i5 o =$ iri oq l(r Eoco ouJ o o)lgon (l) o = GB bi o f(L Eocooo LrJ o 6ot oB$ bi ool(L Eolco(9 ouJ o 6 c o Eo o GBo ti ool(L EoE(,(9 oUJ o oloot (D G = G3o ai oo l(L EoE(,(9 ouJ e Gon oBo d oo =(I E0)c0)(9 oTU o 6 5 o E i5 o G B @ bi o)(r EocoooLIJ o ruloo)t dl G =a(!i @ bi ool(L EoEooo LrJ o 6oe. o3 @ ii oo =(L Eoc(,(9 oUJ o 6 5 oo.=o 63N a, oo f(L E0)co(, ouJ o olqot dl 6 = o]N C, oo,(L Eoco(, oIIJ o 6od o3N (,ooo =I Eocooo uJ o G c oo i5 G3@ o) oo f Eoqooo uJ o ofgotr (D G G3@ at oo f(]. Eoco o tJJ o (! o)E. G3@ iri oo f(! Eoco(9 o tIJ o 6os o E6 6Bo in ooa(L Eoco(9 o TU 0a o o OrGa- oq{!o;aotoaoq ob IGu, B !t lu&Eot E!i tEod --c = o)c't 6o Ec hEE5cqooCEE;oa.E .oOE PEoo oo9o!Eo)>Eo-a3 Pi!ofcoIIJ Eo o 6o rU oo uJ o GI o oo,oGo =>s(Joc$.eFoi IJJ o'>r9g,.3 odtrtruJ u.l-8o\ e$o.: tr (U c Jo =5oot qs o oqtE0- o =(Eo = o fa6o = o f Go o f 6o o-o0) o, Go = oa (!o = o f 6o = cl 6o = If 6o oa 6o = o f oo = o f oo = o =oo = o f 6o = El 6o = o l 6o) = o l 6o = o Go o =Go = o fa6o = Il 6o = o\No o\No oc? @ @o @ oc? @ o $ o os ro NN Nq NN NcNN @a? @ oc? @ oa?Nqo Nqo N@d @q{' (oq\t q $ (oo?t @o?$ Eo Eooo(L =t oo Eooo(L =d EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(! =t ooEooo(L t EoEoo)o L =t Eq) Eooo (L t ooEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =d EoEooo(L =t poEooo(L =t EoEoq)o IL =n ooEooo(I =t EoEooo(I =t EoEooo(! E EoEooo o- =g. Eo)Eoo)o (L t EoEooo(L d EoEooo(r =tr E(, Eooo(! =t o Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =E ooNoo o ooNoo o ooNoO o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o o oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o (o oNoo o (o oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o oooo = o oo f(L Eoco(, o E6)oo.9ooc EIJJ E.s,J co'6 o o(,c 0)ooq f E otr0)I oo EoJ 0)osfDC EIJ Ce)J Cqo o P0,Crl o oo ft 6 o)Eo oE(5J oooooE E uJ cs)J co0tso ooc o oo fIL EoEoo oE6Joo.9ooc E I.IJc.9)J cooEo o oE o oo fo- Eq)Eoo oEoJoE.9ooc E uJc.s,J cooEo o oc o oo =L6ocoi9 oEoJ ruooooc E UJc9)J cIo o o oc oooo l(L 6oco(9 aoEGJoo.oooc Et! c.9)J E.9o o Poc oooo fI 6oEoIaoE(!JooIfoc EJ E9)J cIItro PruE oqoo f!L6oEo oE(5Joooooc E UJc9)J coo o PC)c C) oo fI 6oco9 oE(5Joo9loE EIJ c9)J EI9 o Poc oqoo l(! 6oc(, oEoJop .oooc EUJ c.stJ c.9o o Poc o e fL 6 0)coI o Er!J ooIlotr Erl c9)J trqo o ?oc oqoo fL 6 o)co @oE(5JoooloE EIJ cs)J cootr0) Poc oooo fL6oco(9 aoEo)oE.9ooc E[! c.s)J c.qo o Poc o oo l 6ocoI oE6JooofoE EJJ cs)J Eootro Poc o oo l!L6oco oE6)oooooc EuJ Eg)J qo6Eo o oc o oo-L Gocoo oEoJoo.9ooE E UJ E.s,J Eo'o o o oc oaoo f(L Eocoo oEo)oE.9ooE EuJ E .9)J Eo'6 Eq) ooc o oo-0- EoEo(9 q E6JooIooE E LJJ 9)J Eo6Eo ooc o oo fo- Eocoo q EGJoE.9ooc E tJJ .9)) EooEo ooc oooo =L 6 oEo5 o EoJ ooIlotr E! tr 9)J c0)o=0, o 0trx EoEo(, o EGJoE.9ooE Eul ! .9)) Eo'6 o) ooc o oauod co o = o =o q) oo =(L Eoco(9ouJ o 6ot (5 =o aiaoo I Eoco(9 oul e (E E o(, 5 6cooo:9c Eof Eoo 6 =N ai oo ft!6oEoooL! oagot rD G =6Eo=oE Ec Eo,] Eoa 6 =N oooo =L6ocooot4c o 6(,i EcoFoo.=pE Eo.lEoa a (5;Nti oo f(I Eocoooul o 6 s o EE 63oN id oo f(L Eo)Eo(, oUJ o ofooE. ao 6 = 6 =oN il) oo f(! Eoco(, ouJ o 6ot 63oN C, oo =(r Eoco(9 o[! o G E t)o o (! =0 ai oo f(L Eoco(, oul o oaoot dl 6 = (E3o ai oo f(! EoEo(9 oul o 6()t (5 Bo ai oo:(I Eoco(, oul o G s oo E o3 @ti oo fo Eo)co(, otll o ofuod dl 6 = (E3 @ ili oo fo- Eoco otIJ o God (,3o id oo lo- Eoco(, oul o (! E oo.=o (53N oi ool(I Eoco(, otll o oo-oot d) 6 (!3N ai oo:(L EoEoooIU o 6ot 6;N ai ool(L Eoco)ooIU o 6oE oo o 63 @ C, oo =(L EogooouJ o o =u0E co 6 63 @ C, oo =(r EoEoootU o 6 0t 53 @ o oo =(L Eoco(,ouJ e 6 s oo =o 6co oo =pc Eo Eoo 6;o oooo f!L 6ocooo LJJ c0 (E =(!c.ooo.EpE Eo.fEoU) 63o C) oo =(L EocooouJ o oeqTo;aotoa.oq qC EEE5coooCC E=oo.EoaE PEoo o G =o og o(!o =>s(JoCQ.9Fo+ rJJ b>9c|.so6 ul ru-Bo\IEo-= tr Gc o =!oot o f oo = o: 6(, = o l 6oi = E- 6o = Ef 6o = I =6o = o f 6o o f oo o f o() o) (!o = El (5o El 6o = Ef 6o = o) 6o = o f oo o =aGo o f oo = E =oo El 6o = oqo ntN$ ntN$ \N oq N\t @q N\f @o @6 naN$ oaN* @ol @6 oIN{ o9Ns Nc!oo Nq s Nq @odo oI oa? t ooq o EoEooo =t poEooo(! =t EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(r =t ooEooo(! =t EoEooo(r =t 3oEoo)o(L =t EoEoo)o o- =t EoEooo(r t EoEq,oo(! =t ooEooo(L t !oEoo)o =t EoEooo (L t EoEooo(L d EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo o- =t EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(! =E s ost to s oN o oN o o soNrf $o vos\t rfo $oN o o t oq\t r+o toe{*o oN o o $oN \t $o soNrf $o soN o o {oN t $o voNs $o oN o o $oN{' so \f oN\t $o v oN o o $ oN$ \to t.ooooo o E6J cooago)I o6o Eoo co'o Eo o oc Eoooo o E6J coo oolL o6o Eoo EooEo o oc 6'o ooo o E6J coo oolL o6o Eoo cooEo o oc t.6oq)oo o E6J coo oo =I o6o Eoo co'o o o(,c Eoooo o E6)coo Eolu o6o Eoo Eoo o o oc Eooooao E6J coo Eof L o6o Eoo coo o o oc E .ooooU' o E6J coo oof I o6o Eoo co'6 o o oc a.6oooo o E6J coo oolI o(5o Eo() cooEru o oc EoooU) o E6)coo oolL o6a Eoo co'6 Eo o oc Eoooaao Eo) Eoo ool L o6o Eoo c'o o o oc E.qoooa o Eo) Eoo o o =L o6o Eoo Eoo o PoE a .(5oooa o EoJ Eooooofu o6o Eoo coo o Poc Eoooaqo E(5) Eoo oo, I o6o Eoo co'6 o Poc its'6ooa o EoJ Eoo oo I o6o Eoo c.(,o o P(,c E'6ooU) o E(!J coo oo=tr o6o Eoo E.oo lu PoE G'ooqa o E(!) Eoo 1l)oatr ooo Eoo E .!qo o Poc E'6ooo o E(EJ cooaooftr ooo Eoo c.qo o o oc E'oooo a E(!) Eoo ooatr o6o Eoo c.qo o o oc Eoooo aE6J coo ooftr o(Eo Eoo E.oo o ooc o 6 s oo i5 6; @6loN.o o oolooE 6 6 = 6 =@o{oN.o o 6od ul o =@o{oNo o 6 E oo i5 6; @c\o N o oloot (D 6 =lrl 6; @N-o N o 6ot 6; @o{o N o 6 as oo i5 o 6; @N-oN ^i o aoloot (D 6 = 6!oN.oN6i o 6ot lrl 6; @N.oNsi >6 =O Eo(,ooJl! o G E oo b ltl 6;oryoNai >6 =O EoooaJt! o o =uo)t lll 6 =q, 63oryoryN;6 =o EoooaJl! o 6ot ;oo!oN"N o 6 E oo 6 63No- c,lN o ao)q 0)t o 6 = 6 =No- N.N o 6 c)t 6 =No- N.N e 6 E oo, i5 6 =oo6ic\N o aofqod dl 6 =a 6 = NN.N;63o E'6ooaJL o 6od (5 =oosio{N o 6 s oo i5 a (!;oc,l 6lN 6 =o E'6ooaJI 6 = E'6(,ooJL 6 =o EoooaJI 6 = EoooaJu ;G =O EoooaJL ;6 =o EoooaJI >6 =o EooooJL ;G =o EoooaJu 6 = EoooaJI 6 =o Eoo)oaJI 6 = E'6ooaJL 6 =o E'6ooaJI 6 Bo E'6ooaJI ;6Eo E'6oooJI g EooooJL ob o ! oE,G0- o oe6{ 6; Go Eooot J|.l.o toa G -J\ Gooaat, G o oot I =6o = o f oo = If 6o o oo o l 6o = If 6o 0 fo(!o (oqt oc!s oc!{oc,{ool$ oc!t oc1t Eo Eooo(! =E Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo(r =d EoEoooL =t EoEooo (L =E. EoEooo (L =t ooNoo o @ oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o o oo l o oo fI Eoco o E6Joo 5oE E! cq)J c C)otro ooE oaoo l(! 6ocoooo E6JoE.9ooc- EUJ c.9) co'6 L-o ooc oqoo fI G C)co9ao E(EJoo9aoc EJ cs,J cI Eo Eoc 0) oq a]. 6 q)cd)I o E6J 0)oofoE EJJ E9)J cq,otro ooc oo f(r E o)coooo E6JoE.9ooc EtIJ E.g)J co o ooc q) oo lL 6oE0)t a EoJ 0)o9f c Erl c9)J Eo6 o o 0)cll o oo lrL6oEo(9 oE0J q)o9ooE E uJ c9)J Eo6Eo o o)c o ooaoo o 6(,t cco=oo.!pcEo.aEoo 63 @ C) oo lI Eoqo(,otu o 6 c oo.=o (! =o aiaoo f(L EocooouJ o oloot (D 6 6Bo o oo =(L EoEooouJ o 6ot 6 =o irioool(! Eogo(, o!J q 6 c oo i5 6EoEoo EEEo.l Eoo G =o ti oq f(! Eoco(, o uJ q) =uox. dt 6 6cooIEcEof Eoo o =o iri oo =o-6oco ou.l c o 6ot EcoFoIEcEo.f Eoo o3o ci oo =(L Eoco o uJ =c =oc't 6a OCf> 6EE5coooccEAoa.EoqE PE(,o o(!oo oo ul o !GI o oo o(Uo =>s(JoCQ.9&(r$ ur6>99rEo.dtrtruJ tIJ-Bo\TEo-=c .E trfo =5oot p f Go o l 6o = o f oo = Il (!o = oa 6o = o fo6o = o l Go = Ef oo = Ia Go = ) 6o = o f 6o o lo6o o- 6o = o o6o o fq6o) = o f oo = o =ooo = o fq6ru = o l 6o = o l Go E =oo = Ia oo = El Go o ao6o = o f 6o = o fo6o = o o6o, o fo6o oao6o = o lo6o = @oqo\t @oqo$ @o(oo oaN$ oaNsf \No @oni{' @qN\t \No @c!oo @qoo Naon \oO o\oo Ne N Nc? N Nqo Nqo @qoN oa?o oIo @q @N oq qo oq $ qo qo qoN q N o N EoErl)ooc =d EoEq) rl)o o- =d EoEooo(L =tr EoEo)oo(L =n EoEooo o_ =t EoEooo(! =d EoEooo(]. =t EoEooo (L =n ooEooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L d Eo Eooo (L =t Eo Eooo(L =tr Eq) E(,oo (L t Eo Eooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t DoEooo(L =d EoEooo (L =n EoEooo(L =tr DoEooo (L =t EoEooo(L =t Eru Eooo (L =n EoEooo(L =E oo Eooo(L Eo Eooo (L n Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t po Eooo (L n oo, Eo)oo o- d oo Eooo (L =t Eo Eooo(L =t soN $ $o soN o o oN* $o $oN $ tfo oN o o t oN $ o $ oN $ \fo oN o o s oN l'*o oN $ {'o t oN o o { oNt \to oNs{o oN o o @ oNoo o s oN$ \to t oN{ to $ oN o o $ oNv so $ oN $ so t oN o o oNs to oN $ so oN o o oN $ so oNs o t oN o o s oN $ so t oN$ to s oN Qo E'6ooo oE6) cooIo =L o(5o EoO co'6 o ooc Eoooa oEG) coo oolI o(5o Eoo coo (, o o)c z .(5o(,oo oE(,J coo o)oft! o6o Eoo co'o o soc z(!'6ooo oE6J cooooo:I o6o Eoo c .o)o o ooq E'6ooo oE6J cooo Eo =I o(5o Eoo c.oo o ooc P6'oooa oE(!J coooo,L oooEoo Eo'o Eo ooc aG'oooaaoEGJ Eoo oo =l! oGoEo() coo o, o o,c a.ooooa oE(!) coo oofl! o6oEoo coo o ooc Eoooo oE(!J E0io o)ofl! oGoEoo coo o ooc Eooaaqo E(5J Eooooo =It o6eEoo coo o PoE i ,Eoooa aEGJ goo ooft! o6oEoocoo o goc Eooo-o oE(!J qoo ooflr o6oEo(, Eoo o PoE tG'oooaaoE(!J coo oo =I o(5oEo() co'6 o ooc ao'6 oooooE(,J trooooolL (!oEoo Eo'6 Eo ooE ao'6ooa oEGJ coooofL oGoEoo Eo'o o ooE Eoooo oE6J coo oofI o(Eo Eo(J o'6 Eo ooc a6oooU) oEoJ coo EofL o(5o Eoo E .ruoEo ooc 6oo)oU' oEo) Eoo Eoau o(!o Eoo c.9oEo ooc 6oo)oo oE6) Eoo oolL ooo Eoo c.qoEo ooc EoooU) oE6J coo EolL o(Eo Eoo c.ooEo ooc a6oluoo oEo! coo oolL o(Eo Eoo E.ooEo ooc Eoooo oE6) coo EolL ooo Eoo c.9oEo ooc E'6oooooE6J coo oo =I ooo Eo c.ooEo ooE Eoooo oE6J coo Eo-I o(!o Eoo E.ooEo ooc 6oooU)ooE6J coo EolL o(Eo Eoo g .tpoEo ooq E6oooU'ooE6J Eoo EolL oGo Eoo c.9o o ooC EooooooEo) coo Eolu o6o Eoo E.ooEo) ooc Eoooo oE6) coo oo =L o(5o Eoo E.ooEo ooc EoooU) oEoJ Eoo EoaL (!o Eoo E.ooEo o()E 6oooU) oE6J coo EolL ooo Eoo c .tpo o o q)E o o =ood d) 6 = G =oNoN. N;6 = EooqoJL o 6od G3oN.oryN >6 = E'6oooJI o 6oc oo i5 t6;ooloNo;GBo a6oooo)L o oagoE co 6 = 6;oo{oNo;6 = Eoooa JI o ootr G =nNoN.o >6 =o Eoooo JI o o s o .go o GBNoo $ >6 =o G'6 o)oo Jr o ofootr (D G = G3Noo s;6 =o Eoooo JI o 6 o)E. !\ 6BNoo s >oB E'6ooo JL o 6 E oo i5 6Bo{- @N.o;6 = E6'6ooo)I o ofgotr d) 6 = 6;o{_ @N.o;6 = t6'6ooo)I o 6od 63o$- @N-o;oE E'6ooo)L o 6oE o .qo 6BNo-oN. @;63 E .(EoooU' JL o o =god d) G = G3No 6N. @ i6 = Eoooo Jr o Got IE =NooN. @;6 =o Eoc)do JI o 6 c oo i5 6; o 6 s oo.!o 6;o o ofoo ID 6 = t63o o 6 o,t 63o o o q o .go GBt o o =oot d] 6 = G3 o G o)t G3t o 6 s oo.:o 6; o ofuot dl 6 = 6 = o God. 6 = o 6 s oo.!o E6;o Eo6oEE6o i6oooa JI o olqot dl 6 = E63o E!6oEEoo tso!l)oa)L e Not 6;n E-GoEE6o EoooU))L o 6 s oo.=o 6; N doGoEc6o 6oooo)L Q ofuot d! 6 = 6i N EoGoEc6o EoooU))L o oot 6; N Eosq)Ec6(.) E6oooa JI 6n6EDcGo Eooqo)tL 6o6EEE(5o a.ooo)oo JIL Go(!oEcGo E'oooo Jl! goo o)EcGo io'6 q,oo)L EoooEcEo E'6 ooa JL goooEcoo E'oooa JL EoGo€c(!o Eoooa)L gooooc6o i'6oooa JI go6oEc6o EoooU' JL E!GoEc6o 6'o ooa JL ob ob oooa. oaGao; Gotoaoq =E =oc (5a Ec k=E5cooocq EEQd.E.q PEoo Eo9o=qo>EG-(,5 PiEofEOtIJ Eo o 6oo oots!.I o ED.s Io\Eo 6oE(t EGoot oEoE o oo =ooo =>sC'Ocs.qFC'}t= ci lrJ 6>9g,.s o6EFul uJ-Bo\}Eo;:tL= ,_co tr =oE .Yootr oa 6o = o =Go) = o) 6o = E- Go o: 6o E-o6o = o f 6o = o f Go = o l 6o oa 6o = If 6o o f 6o o fqoo = o l oo = o f Go = ol (5o = o f oo = ol Go = o 6 11) = o l 6o = Ef 6o = El 6o = oa oo = oa (Eo = o f Go = ol 6o = E =6o I =6o = of 6o = o =6o @q NN o!@ oa@ Nq N Nqo Nqo Nc! N Nqo Nq0 @qoN oc?o o o $ o @oq*@oq\t oq\'N NI@ Nq @ Nc!\'N sqo q @ qoN q N o(Nqo oo @N I@N q$oN (oN EoEoooc =E EoEooo(! =d EoEooo(L =t Eo Eo)oo(L =t Do Eoo)o()' =d p C) Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo n Eo Eo)oo(L =t Eo Eooo o- = D(, Eooo(! t EoEooo(r =t EoEq)oo(L t Eoeooo(L t !o Eooo(I t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =d Eo) EIDoo(L =t Eo, Eo(,o(! =t EoE0)oo(! =d q) Eooo o- =d ooEooo(L t !oEooo(L =d EoEooo rL =d EoEC)c)o (L =t EoEooo (L =t Eo)Eooo (L d !o)Eooo (L d EoEooo (L =t EoEooo o- =E. { oN$ $o :toNrl $o soN o o t \t oN* $o t t $$$ oN\t \to oN* o s oN o o t s t q s s @ oNoo o o oNoo o soN o o soN* $o soN t $o $oN o o oNt*o oN o o oN $ $o oNs \to oN o o oN\t $o oN* \to oN o o oN\t \fo oN\' \to oN o o oN $ \'o oN\t o oN o o oN:f $o oN\' \to oN o o Eoooo oEG) Eoo oo-L oooEoOcoo o ooc Eoooo oEG) Eoo ooafL oGoEoo co'o Eo Ioc E'6o a oE6J coo oo2r o(5oEoo Co'o o ooC Eoooo o E6) coo oofL o6q Eoo Eo'o o ooE Eoooo o E6) Coo ooat! oGoEoo EooEo Poc Eoooo o E(!J co oo=tr o(!oEoo c .c)o o Poc G'oooU' o EoJ Eoo oof L oooEoo c.qo o ooE E'6oaoo E6J coo oolr o6oEoo c.oo o ooE E'6ooa o E6) Eooaool L o6oEoo c.9o o ooc 66ooo o E6J coo oof L o6o Eoo c.9o o ooc 6oooo o E6J coo Eo-I o6o Eoo co'o o ooE 6oooo o E6J coo EolL o6o Eoo Co'o o ooc Eoooaoo E6J coo Eo =I o6oEoo E.oo o o oE 6 ooaqo E6J co ooau o6oEoo c.9oEo ooE 6'6ooa o E6)coo oolu o6oEoo €.9oEo ooc a6'6ooo o E6J cc)o oolL o6oEo(.) c.oo o) ooc 6'6ooo o E6) c o oolL (!oEoo c.9o o) ooc Eoooo o E(!) coo oolu oooEoo c .q)oEo ooc E'6 o)oo o EoJ coo oolL o(!oE(, c0)'o o P0)c E'o o)oa o E6J c 8ooo:I oooEoo co'o Eo Po)c 6'6ooo o E6J Eooaoofu o(!oEoo c.9oEo Ioc a6oooo o E6J coo oolI o(!oEoo c.oo o) Pq)c 6'6ooa o E6J coo oolL oooeoo c.9o o) Eoc 6oooo o E6J coo oolu oooEoo E.9o o ooc Eoooa o E6J coo oo =L o6oEoo c .c)o o ooc Eoooo o E6J coo oo =I o6oEoo c.oo o oq)c EoooU' o E6) coo EoaL o6oEoo c .!Po o ooc E'6 ooo o E6J coo Eol L o6oEo c.qo o ooc Eoooo o EoJ coo oo =L o6o EoO E.9o o ooc Eoooo o E6J Eoo oof L o6o Eoo co'o c) o oc o G s oo.!o 6Bo Eo(!oEE6o Eo0)oa)tr- o o)oot d) G = 63o ido6EEc6o E'6ooo JL o ood o3o itiDsoEc6O Eo(,oU')I o 6 s oo o (! 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E oEo G3a,EI 6o E,6 q)o(r') JL o oloot d) o 6] @ o GoE. o oB @ o (! c oo.=o o3o o oo-6(,n dt o = t63 o oot 6Bo o G c oo i5 G3oN!c.9)Eoo E'6ooo)L o c)loot dl 6 6]oN!E.9, 6o a6'o c)ooJL o oot 63oNIE.o 6o E'oooo)L o (o c oo o o =NN!E.s,E6o E'6 q)ooJI o ofgot d) G o3NNuc.s,Eoo E'6oooJu o Got G3NN,E.9)tGo E'6ooo)L o 6 c o E i5 6 =oN,E.9,:6o E ooo)L o ofoot d) G 63 N!t.9)B6o Eoooo)u o 6ot (!3 NuEg oo E6o()ooJI Eg 6o 6'6ooa Ju ,c.9' =6o Eoooa)r E.9)S6o 6'oooo)L tI Go E'ooooJI Eg Go 6 ooo)L Eg (so E'oooa)L EI 6o tooooU'JI Eg Go EoooaJL EI Go i.6oooaJI EI oo 6'ooooJI !E.9) =oo E.6'6oooJL t.s,:6o 6'6oooJu E.9):oo 6'6 o)ooJL E.9, 6o E6'6ooo)I t.9,B6o E ooo)u ob o6 ooG0. =cl oc'toa G- hEc5cooocc E=o6.SooE PE(9o o Goo oo UJ 6oq \o; Gotoaoq o !Gs o oo JoGo =>:(rocso9o.i=6 rrJ b>r9g,E odEIuJ trJ o\IEo.=c (E trfo =.Yoot U'b sao B6fioEoE:EatiI El 6o = o- Go = Ef (5o = o,a6o = o f Go = o =6o o f 6o = o a oo Ia Go o f 6o o f 6(, = o f 6o = o a oo = oa oo = o l oo = o f Go El oo = El (!o = El Gc) = o =6o, = o)o6o o- 6oE o oo = Il (! C) = El Go = of (!o = oa 6o = o f, 6o o f 6o = Ea 6o = o{NaoN F.aoN @ao $q $N $q*N N\No asN $ $N @o.io @oqoN aoqoN oq NN oa@ o!@ oqoN oco oo?o ts\N a N 1$N aIN @oqoN @og ON ts \N \N o1@N Nc,{ N Nc! N EoEooo(L =E, po Eooo(r =t E(, Eort)o(L =t Eo Eooo(L t Eo Eooo o- =E o(, Eooo(! =t ooEooo(r =t EoEooo (L =n poEooo (L =t poEooo (L =n UoEooo I =t E0)Eooo(I =E. 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E Eo E(!'ooooJI o o c o .go o3o ato6 E .Eo E'6ooo)r o ofgot d) o = o =o o!6 E Eo E'6 o)oo)L o 6ot G3o o!6 E .Eo E'6 oooJI o 6 c oo.Eo (!] @ a,o6 E .Eo E'oooo)L o ll,loot d) 6 = o3 @ (,o6 E .Eo a6'6ooo)I o GoE. G =@ {,o6 E Eo a6'6 c)ooJL o G E oo i5 G =oN biE6 E Eo E'ooooJI Q olood (D 6 = G =oN id56 EEi5 E'6ooo)r o 6ot 63oN ti 6 EEi5 EooooJu o6 oN oE,G0. ose eo; Gotoaoc --cf oc'; 6o GCf> EE 63coooCE E=oo.SoO,E PEoo E@9.o!EiD>Fat>EP'EofcouJ its(_) o6oo ootsuJ !tbElG(DIso lltoEot Ee6e!L o o!, o ooLfoGo =>saJc .=$oi IJJ o'>!,g,.E o)dtrtrul uJ-3o\ EHo-= tr (E c)o =Lood o =o(, = o l 6o o f Go = o =6o o =qoo = oaa6o = Efq6o = o 5 oo = oa 6o = o f 6o = Ef 6o = o fq6o = ol Go = of 6o = of 6o = E =6o = o =6o = o =oo = o f oo = o f Go o =6o = o) 6o o- oo o f (Eo o l oo Il 6o = o fo6o = o f oo = o l Go = El (!o = o09\fo @oqoi @oqo$ o .to ooc,s oa?ot o\oo N No @c,loo @qoo No o\@ o\@ @qoN oqo ooo qo @e\t q{(oqoN oo oqo $q @09+ @q\' \tqo @oq $ @q $ @q NN oa@ !rl) Eooo.! =d oo Eo)oo TL =t Eo Eooo(! =tr Eo Eoo,o(L =t Eo Eo(,oI =t EoEooo (L =d. EoEooo (L t Eo)Eooo (L d EoEooo (L =t Eq) Eo(,o rL =t EoEooo(r =t ooEooo(! =t EoEooo(L =t !oEooo& =n EoEooo IL =E EoEoruo(L =t !oEo)oo(L =d ooEooo (L =t Eo)Eooo (L =t EoEooo(L =t Eo)E(,o)o(! =t Eo Eoo)o(I =tr Eo Eooo = Do Eooo o- =t oo Eooo(L t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eq)oo(L =t Eo Eoo)o o- =t Eo Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo(L =t \toN rt $o $oN$ o s {q :f oNt so oNv so oN o o $ oNs{o oNs o s oEo o oN\t rfo s oN\t \to oN o o s oq\t $o oNrt o \t oN o o *oN t $o {oN$ o $oN o o $oN$*o $oN$ \to oq o o oN{' o $ os$ $o oN o o r+ oN$ $o $oN$ so oN o o oNrt so oN $*o oN o o oN oN EoooaaoE(!J cluo() oltr o(EoEo(J cooEo Poc E'6ooo oE6J coo oo2L o(EoEoo c.oo o o C)q Eoooo o E6J coo ooaL o6o Eoo Co'6 Eo o luC Eoooaoo E(!J coo ooftr ooo Eo() co'6 Eo Pc)c t'6 luoa o E6J coo Eo2I o(Eo Eoo c.oo o oog Eoooo E6J coo ooaL o6o Eoo Eo'6 Elu o oE to'oooo o EoJ Eoo oo=TL oo Eoo cooEo o oc Eoooaao E(5) coo ooatr o6o Eoo co.o o Pluc Eooaa o E(!J EoooolI o(Eo Eoo co'o o Eoc E'oooa o EoJ coo Eo:L o(5o Eoo c .o)o o Poc Eoooo o E6J coo pol L o(!o Eoo c .!qo o Poc E'6 ruoa oE6) EooIo=I o(Eo Eoo c.oo o Eoq i6ooooqoE6J coo EolL o(5o Eoo c .!qo o ooC E'6oooooE6J coooo olL ooo Eoo c.o o o oE 6oooo oE6J coo Eof L o(!o Eoo c.oo (, ooc i6oooo oE6J coo oo)L o6o Eo(-) E.9o o ooE 6oooo oE6J coo oolL o6oEo(-) E.oo o ooc io'o q)oU) oEoJ coo oof I o6oEoo E.oo o ooE E'6 q)oo oE6J Eoooooa L 6o Eoo E.9o o o oE Eoooo oEo) coo@oo-L o6oEoo Co'6 o o oc Eooqo oEsJ Coo oo =!L o6oEo co'6 o ooc Eoooo oE(EJ coooC)o =tr o6oEoo cooEo ooc Eooqa oEG) Eoo ooftr o6oEoo co'6 Eo o(,c G'6ooa oE(!J Eoo oofI oooEo(J Eoo o ooc E'6oooqoE6J coo oofL oGoEooco'6 o Pq)c Eoooo oE6J coo EolL o(EoEoo c.9o o Eoa Eoooo oE6) coo Eo-I o(5oEo() c.9o o PoE Eoooo oE6J Eoo Eo =I o(EoEoo c.oo o ooC i.q q,oo oE6J coooofI o6aEoo c.9o o ooE Eoooa oEG) EoooofL o6q Eo(.) Eo'6 o ooE o 6 E oo.=o (! =oN Uo6E .Eo 6'6ooa)L o {) =o0g. d) 6 = (53 N oo6E .Eo Eoooo)L o 6od 6 =N ti5(! E Ei5 i.ooooa Jl! o 6 s oo.=o la o =\tN a,-6 E .Eo Eoooo)L Q (, =oot c0 6 = ([ 3rtN tio6 E .Eo 6oooo)L o 6od 6;$N atE6 EE5 EoooaJI o oot 63oN aio(5 EEi5 EoooaJlJ- o 6 s oo.=o G =@N tio6 E Eo 6'6oooJI o olootr co (! = (! 3 @N ai!6 E .Eo 6ooooJr o 6ot (5 =@N 66 E .Eo EooooJL o 6oc oo a (53 NN on6 E Eo i'(gooooJI o o)foot d) 6 = 6 =NN C)ooEE i5 EooooJL o 6oe 63 NN tiE6EEo 6'6ooU'JI o 6 E oo.!o 63 iriooo 6'6 0,ooJL o ofoot dl 6 o = irioo EoooaJL o Got G3 tioo Eoq,oU'JI o 6 c oo.=o q, s =N irioo(, i.qoooaJu e olgot (Il o (E B N ooo(, Eoooa)L o (EoG a o =N into(, EooooJL o 6 c oo i5 (!3 $ iriooo E..ooooU)JI o ofuot (It G = (E3 $ ciooo EoooaJl! o 6od. q (5 =s aiooo EoooU) Jl! o 6 s oEi5 tl G =o idoo(9 Eoo a)lL o o =ooE. c6 6 = G =o at0o(9 E'6ooa)L o 6ot 63o o!o(9 E'6ooaJI o 6 s oo.=o 6;6N a,!oo E'6oooJI o o)fqod dt 6 = 6;oN o o(, Eo{1)o(,)L o 6ot 6 =oN C)o _9(, 6oooo)L o 6 c oo i5 6Bo id-o(, E'oooU' JI o ofooE. 6 6 = 63o idooo Eoooa JL 6- c:6= 6=C@ooCE E=oo.EoaE PE(,o ob oa ooGa- o oe +o; Gatoa.oq =cf oc't(!a o6oo oo uJ 0 (u =o oo Jo(!o =>:(rotrQ.9&oi '{-_uJb>9o.sCELh[u ul-Bo\THo-= tr (E tr)o =.Yootr o l 6o = E) 6o = o) 6o E) oo = o fa6o = o f Go = Ea 6o o f oo = o fq6o o l oo o f oo = o =6o = If 6o o) 6o o f 6o o fa6o = o a oo o l oo = oa 6o = o f (!o = El (Eo, = I) 6o = o- 6o) = o =Gq, = o f oo = o) (Eo = I =6o = Efo6o) = o =6o o a 6o = oa(o (oqoN oIo oqo ono Is o + N\No a$N atN oq N @q N @@oN ai Nqo Nco qt @N @N @INN aa@ o1@ o6 o @qo @qo oa? @ @q NN @q NN Nqa oI@N EoEoooc t EoEooo(L =d Eo E 11)oo(! =tr oo Eooo(! =tr Eo Eooo =d Eo Eooo(L t Eo Eooo =t oo Eo(,o(L =t EoEooo(! t EoEooo(r t EoEooo (L =t poEooo (L =d EoEoq)o L n EoEooo (L d EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =d Ec,Eooo (L E. EoEC)oo (L =t o6) Eo0) L =t DoEooo =i. EoEooo (L =t EoEooo I =E. Eq) Eooo L =t EoEooo (L t EoEooo(! E poEooo(L =E. poEoc)o (L =t EoEooo (L =t E(, Eooo (L d EoEooo(L =d { oN o o oN\t{o $t s {oN o o r+:t $oN o o voN* 9o s j {q $s $$soNt so $s s s oN o o $oN\' <fo $oNrt $o oN$ so oN o o oN$ to oN$ $o oNs \to oN\t*o oN $ $o oN o o oN r+ to oN t $o oN o o oN{ $o oN tf $o oN o o oN$ to oN o o oN $o oN \to oN o o oN{ {'o oNs \'o E .ooooa oE6J coo ooftr oGoEoo cooEo ooE e6'6 o,oo oE6J coo Eo:r o6oE o c.9o o Eoc Eoooo oEG) goooo =I o6oEoo co'6 o ooc E.ooooa oE6J coo oo =I o6oEoo c6)oEo ooE a6'6 o,oo o E6J cod oo:I oGoEoo c.9o o Ioc E'6ooo o EG) coo oofL o6oEo(-) Eo'o o o ruc E'6 ooo o EoJ qq)o oolL o6oEoo Eo'6 o ooq Eoooa o EG) Eoo oo =L o6oEoo coo o ooE i.ooooa o E6J coo oo =tr oooEoO c0) o o o)c Eoooo o E6J Eoo ooftr oooEo() co'6 o o C)c 6'oooo o E6J Eoo ooftr oGoEoo E.qo o Po)E 6'6 o)ao o E6J coo ooftr o(EoEo c.ooEo ooc E'oooo o E6J cooaooftr (5oEoo c.qoEo PoC F6'oooo o E6J coooooftr o(!oEoo co)'6 o Po)c a.goooo o E6J coo ooftr oGoEo(J co,6 o ooE E6'o o,oo o E6J cruo oolI oGoEoo c.9 Eo ooc 6'oooo o E6J coo oo!r oGoEoo c .o)o o ooE eo'6 o)oo o EG) coo oo:I oGoEoo co'o o ooc E'6 o)oo o E6J coo ooftr oGoEoo co'o Eo ooc E'6ooo o E6J cooac)o:r* GoEoo co'o o ooC 6'oooo o Eo) Eoo oo:L oGoEoo co)'6 o ooE E. .6oo)oo o EoJ coo o)o:I o6oEo() c.oo o) ooc E'6ooooo E6J coo 0)olu o(5oEoo c.9o o Ioc 6oooo o E6) coo Eolu o6oEoo c.9o o Ioc Eoooo o EoJ coo oo =L o6oEoo co'o o PoE EoooU) o E6) coo o o =I o6o Eoo c.oo o ooE EoooU) o EG)coo ool L o6q Eoo co'6 o Poc Eoooa o EG) coo ool L o6q Eoo Eo'6 Eo ooE Eooqa o EG) Eoo oo-u o6o Eoo Eo'o Eo ooE E'oooo oE6J coo(, o=I o6o EoO cooEo o oE o 6od. Eo =o id!oo a6ooooJI o 6 s oEi5 lt, G3 UooEao a.ooooaJu o ofooi d) 6 63 Uooo fo 6'6ooaJL o ooE 63 uooD fo tooooU' JI o 6 s oEi5 G3o uooEfo i.ooooa Ju o o =oot dt 6 = G; Ioop ao 6'oooa)L o sot 6Bo Uoo =o E'6(,oo JI o o c oo E 6;\t uooo fo 6'6ooo)L o ofqod dl G 63 LooE fo E'6 ooo JI o GoE. o3$ uoo!fo E'6oo<t, JL o 6 E oE i5 o3o UooE fo Eoooa JL o of6oE d) G =o G;o roo-lo Eoooo JI e NoE. |,, 63o ooo fo i .(Eoooa)I o (! s oE i5 oBoNIooE fo Eoooa Ju o oloo,t dt (! 6] NIooElo 6'oooa)L o GoE. G3oNuooD fo i6'6 ruoa JL e (E E o .go o3 @NLooElo 6'oooa)L o of od (D (E 6] @NIooo f E'oooa JL o God 63 @NIooo fo 6oooa JL o 6 s oo 6 o3 uooE fo E.6'oooa JL o olron dl o = 6]oIooE)o Eoooa)L o ooE o =oIooE fo Eooqa Ju o 6 s oo,=o 6; Uooo (,n E. .(Eoooa JL o !u =q o)t dl o = 63 Uoooi on Eoooo Jl! o Goe. 63 Iooo ot i.goooo JlJ- o 6 s ooa 6 = Iooo ot Eoooa JLL o o =ooi dI 6 = 6 =$ LoooEot EoooaJL o oot 63s Ioo(,Eot EooooJI o 6 s oo.=o 63 o IoooEot EooooJL o oaqoe. d) G =o 6 =o UoooEo E'6(,ooJI oh oq ooG0- ooe eo; Go Eoaoq =cfooc'5oo G- h=E5coooCC EEoa,EOqE EE(9o oq9o!qc)>tro-U'q g' i!ofcoulEo o Goo oo LrJ 6 ED I$toxEo qt oEoT E E6pc o!(Us o oo)oGo =>3(Joc$.eFoi IJJ b> -c,g).E9E uJ t{-Bo\IEo.=c'6 tr o =!ooE, ob ooq otrG0. 6 trot,oot o f 6o o =oo = o f ([o = o l 6o = E) 6o = o- 6o = o =6o o oo @ o @ o oIov oIo$ @qo$ o\No !o Eooo o- =t oo Eooo(L E. oo Eoruo(L t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo) Eq)oo(L =t Eo Eq)oo(L d. EoEooo o- =t @oNoo o @oNo o @oNo o @oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNo o cgc3oo o E6Joo.oooc E LrJ t .sr) co'o o ooc EIc;oo o E6JoE.oooc EtlJ E.s,J cooEru ooc Egc3oo q E6JoE.9ooE EuJ G .9)) EooEo o o)E cgcto q E6JoE.9ooc EuJ E.9) cgq =oo o E6JoE.oooc- Et! E .9)) tIc3oo o EGJoE.9ooc EuJ E .g)) c.qE3oo o E(!JoE.oooc E IJJ co EooEo PoE EooEo Poc Eo'6 Eo Poc c.oo o soc Gooaah o o s o .go oBo o oagot dl G = 63o o 6ot 6Bo e o E oo.=o 63 o* !ql 6l&le >l6: -66in =1tr.1. 616;l;-l- o G c oo i5 6 =N,t .9)E3ooouJ s .9)E =ooo LIJ ,Eg C3oooUJ E.qq BooouJ I[. -lEol o clc;;oooooou.l u.l !gc3ooouJ 6oq ao;aotoaotr o f 6o = EfoGo = o l 6o = o, oo = o f oo = o =6() o =Go of 6o, = ol 6o = I) 6o o =oo o f Go = o f (oo = o l 6o = o ao6o = El 6o = E) 6o o f Go = Ef oo = o l oo = o l oo o l 6o = o @N o$o @N @N qort :tc!o \tc!o oqo \oN \oN @ oo o oN o: N N\N$ oodo oIoo o@d{ @qo @qoo @qt t \'.: EoEooo(! =t E() E()c)o (L d DoEooo =d poEooo(! =t EoE()oo (L d EoEooo d EoEooo(I =t EoEooo(! =t Eo Eooo(L t Eo Eooo(L t !o Eooo(L =t E(, Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =d EC) Eo)oo(L =t Eo EoooL =t oo Eooo(I =t Eo Eooo =d Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eruoo d Eo Eooo(L =t Eq) Eooo(L =t p() Eooo(! =d soN o o s oNst $o oN $ $o oN o o \' oN* so $oN$ to oN o o oN$ to oNs \'o oN o o \t oN$ $o * oN\t $o $ oN o o * oN* !to \t oN:f $o rl oeo o rf oNj so rt oN so $ oN o o t oNrf $o toN$ o $oN o o Eoooo o EGJ Cooooof L (5o Eoo E.oo o o oc E'oooa o EG) coo oo =tr o6o Eoo Eo'o o o oE E'oooo oE6J coo oo2L (!o Eoo cooEo Ioc 6'6ooo oE6J coo oof L o6o Eoo co'o o) o oc E'6ooU) oEo) Eoo o)oatr o6oE o qo'6 o o o)c Eoooa oE6J cooaoofr o6oEoOcooEo Poc G'ooqo q EGJ coo oolL oooEoo c(,o o Poc E'6(,oo oE6J coooo =L oGoEoo c.9 o ooc 6'6ooo oE6) cIooolL o(!oEoo c.oo o ooc EooooooE6) coooofL o(!oEoo c .q)o o ooc iooooo oEoJ qoo oofL o6 Eoo E.oo o ooc Eoooo oE6J qoo oofu o6oEoo E .!9o o ooc a66ooU' oEo) Co)ooo =L o6oEoo c.oo o ooc 6'6ooo oE6) goo oofu o(EaEoo c.9oEil, ooE Eoooo oE6J coooo f L o6oEoo E.9oE-o ooE Eooo(, oEG) Eo)o oo =L o6oEo E.oo o ooc E'6ooU) oE6J qoooo)I o6oEoo E.9o o ooE 6'oooo oE6J coo oofL o6oEoo E.oo oi ooc 6oooo oEG) coooofL o6oEoo c.oo o) ooE a(E,o luoU' oEo) coo oo =u o6oEoo cru'o c) ooc in'oooo oEoJ coo oof lJ- o6oEoo g .9o o ooE Eoooa oEG) Eoo ooaL o6oEoo qo'6 o ooE o 6ot 63o LoooEot E.(!oooaJIL o o c oo.=o 63 @ IoooEox. E'6ooo)L o o =qoE .o E = G3 @ IoooGod EoooU'JI o 6ot 63 @ Uooo ot a(!'6ooaJL o o c oo i5 63 @ iloooEot Eoooa)I o ofoot co G = G =@ IoooGoE. E'6oooJI o 6ot G3 @ UoooEot 6'ooooJu o 6 E oo.=o o(! 3o IoooEod 66q)oa JI o oaoot dl o = o3o uooo ot to'o ooo JL o G (1,t 63o Uoo(, ot Eoooa Ju o 6 c oo i5 6BoN IoooEot Eoooa JI e olood dl 6 = 6 =oN Looo,Eon i.(!oooa)lL o 6otr q (E 3oN IoooGot Eooaa JI o 6 c op o fr6 BoN LoooEot E .Gooqa JTL o ofgod dl G = i63oNuooo od >Eoooa JI o 6ot (! 3 N Uoo()qt Eooqo Jl! o o c o .go (! 3 @Nuooood. i(!'o ruoo JL o ofuot dl G = n(5 3(oN Uoooot a(Eoooa Jl! o oot t(E 3(oN Uooo ot 6oooa)L o 6 s oo.=o (E!ouooo ot aG'6ooa JL e oaooE. dt o =t4 (!;ouooo ot E(!'6ooa Jl! o Got o3o Uoooot Eooao JIL =c =oc.; (5a Gc=i E= 69caoocc EEOaE,,oEp!oo EoQo! =PG-aE>Eg) a!O=EOI]J Eo o 6oo ootsuJ dD.='aat, ho qt oEoI E Eoo& osGt o oo JoG(, =>soo .6' Roi luJ b>9g,€odtrtrul ur -B6r\IEL=c .E tr =o =.l(,ot o f (5o, = oa 6o = If oo = o) 6o) o f(,o = o =6o o-oo = I =(5o = o f 6o) o f 6o o =6o = Ef oo o f (Eo o =6o o l 6o = oa 6o = o lo6o = o f oo El oo = o =6o = o)a6o = oa 6o) = o l oo o =oo = o =6o) o 6o = o l 6o = El oo = o f 6o = o 6o o\No o\N sq N scN q N oq @o oc? @o oo? @ Nqo Nqoo Nqoo oq N\l ocNt q N o a? $$ qo*qo$ qo$ oqoo ooqo ooqoo @ oio @ o @ o N\N* N\N$ N\ts$ EoEooo(L =d EoEooo(L =d EoEruoo(L tr ooEooo(L t Eo Eooo o- =t Eo Eru(,o(! =t Eo Eooo(L =E. Eo E(,oo(L =t o Eooo(I =d Eo Eoooc =t Eq) Eo(,o (L =t EruEooo(! =tr EoEooo o- =t EoEooo (L =t !oEooo (L =d EoEooo (L =t Ec)Eo)oo (L =t EoE()oo(I =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L d DoEooo (L =t ooEooo(! =E EoEoo)o o- =t EoEooo (L =t poEooo(L E. poEooo (L =t Eo)Eooo (L =t !oEooo =d EoEo(,o (L =t po Eooo(L =d @ oNoo @oNo @ oNoo @ oNoo @oNo o @ oNoo o @ @ @ @ @ oNoo o o @ @ oNoo o @ @ @ @ @ o @ @ @ oNoo @ @oNoo @oNoo oNo o oNoo o oNoo o oNoo o oNo o oNoo o oNo o oNoo o oNo o oNoo o osoo oNo oNo oNoo oNoo oNoo oNoo o oNo oNoo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Egc3ooaoE6JoE.9ooc E LrJ E.s,J Eoo o o oc Egc =oo aE6)oE.9ooC E I,JJ E.9)J E.oo o PoE Eg c3ooqoEoJoo.9ooc E U.J t.s,) Eo'6Eo ooC Eg C =ooaoE6)oE.9ooc E LrJ t .91J coo o ooc cIc =ooao E6JoE.9ooc EuJ E.s)J c.oo o Poc Egc3oo o EoJoo.oooc EuJ E.s,J co o ooE tgc =ooqo EoJoE.9ooc EuJ c .9)J Eo'6 o ooc Egc3oo o E6) o)E.oo c EuJ c .grJ coo o ooc cgc.oo o E6Joo.9ooc EuJ E.s,J co'6 o Poc cg E =oo o E6JoE.9ooc EuJ E,9J c .!qo o) Pq)c !g CBoo q E6JoE.9ooq EuJ t.9)J c.oo c) PoE cg E3oo o EoJoE.oooc Et! c.s)J c.qo o ooE Egq Boo o E6)oE.9ooE EllJ E.9)J c.oo o Poc EIc;oo o Eo)oD.oooc Eul E.s)J c.qo () PoE Eg c3oo o EoJoE.oooc EUJ E.9)J E.oo o o C)c EIc =oooo EGJo .9ooc Eul Eg E3oo q EG)o!.9ooc Et! s.qc3oo o E6JoE.ooqc Et! E.qc;oo o EGJoE.ooqc EUJ s.gc3oo o EGJooo i5gE Etrl t.gc3oo o Eo)oE,9ooE E[! .gcBoo o E6Joo.oooc ElJJ Eo Egc Boo o E6JoE.9ooc= E LrJ E .9)J Eo'6 o ooc Egc3oo o E6JoE.9ooc E l,,lJ c.9)J coo o o o,c tIE3oo o E6Joo.oooc Er.! E.9)) cooEo ooc Eg E3oo o E6Joo.oooc E tJJ c.s)J co o ooc EgcBoo oEGJoE.oooc E UJs.slJ c.9o o ooE Eg EBoo oEGJo!.9ooc EIIJ E.9)J c.(,o o) ooc EIEBoo oEs)oE.9ooC EuJ E.9rJ E.oo o Poc sIc;oo q EoJ oE.9oocF E UJ E.9rJ c.oo c) Poc Eo Eo Eo to Eo s.oJ c.9o (, PoE co'6 o Poc E C)'o o goE E.9o o soC c.9o q) soc co'6 Eo ooc co'6 Eo ooE o o =qot co G = G3 N IEg E =ooo IJJ o 6ot G =N IE .9)E;ooouJ e 6o =oo.=o 63o o ofood dt o = (E =o o '6 ot a (E Bo o G E oo o 63t o olood (D 6 =6 =s o Got o G;\t o o c oo.=o o3o o (,foot dl (E o G = o Got o3o o o E o E i5 6; @ o olootr d) 6 = (5i @ o 6 C) GB @ o G s oo o (! =N o o)oot dl 6 = (E B o 6otr GB N e o E oo.=o (,3 @ o o)lood dl (s = G3o o 6ot (53 @ o G s oo.=o (!Bo o o)foot dt 6 = G3o o 6ot 63o,G.gg =ooouJ o 6 s oo 6 6 =oN !sgcBoooUJ o o =o(,x TD 6 = 63oN !EIc3oooUJ Q 6ou. 6;oN !EIc;oooUJ o 6 c oo i5 3oN !EgE3ooo UJ o oagoE. co 6 =,63 N I IE =ooo uJ o Got 6 =oN !EIc =ooo!J o 6 E oo.=o o =o!cIc;ooo uJ EIE3ooouJ Egc3ooot,ll Egc3ooouJ utg E3ooot! !tgcBooo UJ !cIc =ooouJ cIc =oooUJ IcIc3ooouJ !E.9)E3ooo tJJ t.s,E =ooouJ E.9)E3ooouJ c.q)Eaooo tJJ E.9)E =ooo tJJ c.9)E;oool,u E.oE3ooo tJJ E.oE =oootu !E.grE;ooouJ E.9) =3ooouJ EgE3ooo r,lJ tIE!ooouJ o@o$ ob o NootG0- oo beo; Gotoa.ot Ect> E5E5caooCE EAoo.EooE EEoo ob tGq\Fo q&Eo E EoI.t oE(!I o oo o(!o =>:aJoo9(ri uJb>9g,B a,d EEuBo\ ABo-=c.E tr)o =.Yootr o =o(,o = o =o6o, = oa Go = oao(5o = o l oo = of (!o I =6o oa oo = o f (Eo o =(5o = Ea 6o E =6(, = o f 6o = o =6o ol (5o = o foGo = o l (,o o) (!o = o) (!o = E- oo) = Ela6o = o f 6o = oa (,o = oa (5o = ol Go = E, 6o c =q6o o =Go = of (!o = ol (5o @oqo$ @oqo$ @ os o o$ a @q @ oc? 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E .9)J C .!PoEo ooC Eoooo o E(E)oE.9ooc EuJ E .9)J c.oo o PoE Eoooo o E(!)oE.9ooE EuJ c .q)J g .ooEo PoE Eoooooo E(!Jo€.9ooc EUJ E.s)J E.ooEo Poc i .qoo)oU) o EGJoE.9oocE E I,IJ !.g)c .!PoEo soc Eoooooo E(!)oE.9ooc E!J E.gJ E.ooEo soc Eoooo o Eo)oE.9ooE EUJ E.sJ q .9oEo eoc a.ooo)oo o E(E)oo,9ooc EuJ E.s,) c.!qoEo PoE i.goooU' o E(5)oE.oooc EuJ E.s,J c.oo o PoE Eoo)o U') o E(!)oE.9ooE ElrJ E .9)J g .!PoEo ooc Eoooo o E6JoE.9ooc E!J c .9)J g .ooEo ooE Eoooo o E6)oE.oooc E!J t .g)J qo'6 Eo ooc Eoooo o E6)oE.oooc EuJ E .g)J E.ooE(, ooE Eoooo o E6JoE.9ooc E!.1 E .9)J g .ooEo ooE a.gooo..t) o EoJ o)E.oooE EuJ E.9)c .!Po o ooC o olgot dl (! = (!3 N do _goEcoo ao'6oooo UJ o 6 E oI i5 o;o ooo(9 6'oooU)o LIJ I o2god d) (! = 63o o!o(9 6'o o)oaouJ o (5od 6;o oo -9(9 i6ooooouJ o (E oE oIi5 (5 BN a,!o(, a6oooooul o olood 6 6 = 6; N iD!oo EoooaouJ o 6otr 63N C'oo(9 EoooaolrJ o 6 s oo.9o 63$ oooo iG'6ooaouJ o ofoox. ao o = o3$ C'!oo a6'6 ooao!J o 6ot o]a a,oo(9 aG'6oooo tJJ o 6 s oo.:o o 6Bo o! -9(9 Eo'ooooouJ o oloot dl 6 = o]o C'oo(9 i.Goooao lJJ o 6ot 63o oooo Eooo"oot! _o 6 s oo o 6; @ o,ooo t.Goo)oao TU o !Dlg o)t dt 6 = 6; @ o,oo(9 EooooouJ o 6otr 6 =@ aioo(9 EoooaoUJ o oos oo i5 6; @ iu!o(9 Eoooao IJJ o oaoot dt 6 = 6;6 C,oo(9 a.6oooao UJ o 6on 63o C'ooo t6ooooouJ o o s oEi5 o3o uoooGoe Eooooo LrJ o ofo0)t dl (, =q (,3o uoooEod. E.6o(,ooo uJ o 6ot q o3o uoooEon z6oooooUJ o 6 s oo.=o (! BtfuoooGod 6,6 ooooul e ofgod d) G = G3 $uoooGod E,o 0)ooo UJ o 6ot 6B $uoooEot E'o oooo UJ o o 5 o .go 6; @Tooo on a.6oooooul o ofoIDd dl (E = 63ouoooEot Eo()oU'o UJ o God !,63ouooo od ;6'o od6ou] o o s o .go 6; @uoooEc)t a.6ooooouJ o ofootr d) G = 6i @uoooEotr EoooaoUJ ab o oBtGo- 6 oe6Eo; Gotoo-ot =gf oE't(! U) 6- 6=65CAooccE=o6.=ooE PE(9ru EoQo!Eo>F6-at>EPa5ofcoutGo o 6oo oo UJ 6 E| I0at, bo qr oI s:E Etb E o (!I o oo,o(Eo =>s(ro !,9(rit=o rrJ b>!,l,,eodEtrUJ UJuBo\IEo-= tr (E tr =o =.Y(,ot ob o NoU,G0- o a 6o = o lo6o = o rN Eo Eooo LFd Eo Eooo LFt $ os$*o $oNv o o6oE o =oso =otr =o) 6 6 E(!oE o =oEo =otr =oJ 6 6 o EoooqN co .o oo uJ G c oo i5 EGo o;oEa =oL 3o oq N o=I (E o, I o 6 =c ooagotr (D 6 E(!oEo;oEa =-o=tr,}Eoc aoq 6 io o Gotoa.ot G trottooE a-Eroooi EGo o:o ooEGo Eo:o U,ioti =o.J o foGo o fa6o = o looo Ela(Eo NNN oN No N p() Eooo LFt EoEooo l!Fn oo Eooo tLFt !o Eooo IFt oNs so oNv so oN\t*o * oN$ $o E6o o;ota =o rL 3o) G 6 E6oE o;oca Botr;oJ G (! EooE o =ota 3oI =oJ G o ! oc o =oto 3oL =oJ(5 6o o Eoo6\ Eoo oo uJ 6 E oo.=o E6c)t c);oto;o I =o o: 6lI 6 C)E c)(5 c( ofoo)Y D G o60)Eo =oct) =-o!I,}Eoc e EoooN coo'Eootr ofuot d) (! =E6oE o)Boto =oI 3o =Eooo: 0)=! 6or oG E c 6ov o6ocoBoEo =o ! =o t! opoot q. E)loN EGotoio at, 6EGo!oio ut !oIIio-t E =(! o) o fa6o = o lo6o = o =6o Noo oN o@N ts@ EoEooorFtr EoEooo IFt !oEooo LFt EoEooo LFt $ oN\t $o os o oN$ $o $ oNtf $o EGoto3oEoiotr =oJ 6 6 !6oEo3oto 3otr =oJ 6 6 E6oso3oEo =otr =oJ 6 6 E6oto =oEo 3oG =o) 6 6 o Eoooq coo oo UJ 6 E oo i5 oGoco;oco 3 -9L =o )q 6aL 6 0) E o o E( 0)f50)Y D o =oN0)coioct) i^o!lI,}Eq9 e Eooo Co9 oo uJ o =oo)t dt 6 =o(E(,co =oco 3.9L 3o o Eoooq 6lL Go I o)GB c 6ot o(Eoto =oco 3o I 3o oa 6o o fo6o o:@oo ol (Eo = Nocio oqN N\sN oq EoEooo (L =t E(, Eooo (L =t p(, Eooo (L =t EoEoooc =t oN{' $o oN\l $o \' oN$*o $ oN\t rfo o6 o;oI 3oJ 6aE o6 o =oI 3oJ 6aE o6 o =oI 3oJ 6aE o6o ior 3o) 6 o Eooq co .o oo uJ 6oc oo i5 o g o) Bo I =o o Eooq 6fL 6oI o6 =c ofoot (D 6 =o 6 lu Bo I =o o Eooq Eoo o .!uuJ ofuot o 6 =o 6o 3 -9I =o o Eooq ElI 6(, ! o6 B E 6ot o6o =o L =o 6 EoEootr 6 troEoot a.EDolo F EGo oio u, €Gotoiocu,!olL lo-l lo F o G o eo G o :o lL!oJ E(.)q)oo o E6JoE.9ooc EuJ t.9)J co'6 Eo o o rl)d o 6 =@Uooo ot t6'oooo oa 6o If 6o o f 6o oa (5o = N sN rqo oq N@ o6l @N EoEooo (L E. ooEooo (L =t ooEoc)o(! =t EoEooo =t soNt $o s oNt $o s oN $ $o oN {o o6o 3oI;oJ 6qc o6o =oL 3oJ o c o6o;oL 3oJ (! c o Eo Bou;oJ 6oc o Eoo u?o .>coo oo uJ 6 E oo i5 o6o 3-9I 3q e Eooeo 6fI 6oI o6E c oaqot dl (E = o6o;.9lJ- 3o o Eqoqo coo'Eolu IJJ olorut dl (5 =ogo;oI 3o o Eoooo E =u 6o 6 B C 6ot ogo =oL 3o 6 otoot roo o G o eo Eo :o tl_ io-I GC5> E=E5CAooCE EAoa.E .o PE(,o Ea9o+.Eo>FG-aE PitrofEOIIJ Eo o Go o oo oGo =>:ctoCE6.r Ioi rF_u.t d>9g|B CE uJ u.l-Bo\IEo-= tr(! trfo =.Ya)ot E tropoox. El 6o = o fo6o = o =6o o f oo = El 6o = Elo6o Efo6o = o fq6o = o Go = o q6o o =Go = o l oo = Ila6o Ea 6o = o Jooo = o o6o = o foGo = o l oo = o f oo) = o fo6o = o3q6o = Il 6o = rl N. $ N-o@@ o@@ N N. N N. onN. ooN. ooo- ooo- a@N o@N o o- oq oNo- oNs- N@rf N@tt @N@ oN6 o@ o@ EoEooo LFd ooEooo IFt EoEooo LFt EoEooo l!Ft Eo Eooo TLFt EoEoll)o tr-Ft !oEooo lJ-Ft E() Eooo lJ-Ft EoEooo lJ-Ft o0, Eooo tLFt Eo EooorFt Eo Eooo LFt Eo Eooo LFt Eo EooouFt Eo Eooo LFt Eo Eooo LFt Eo Eooo LFd Eo Eooo LFt Eo Eooo LFd E(, Eooo IFt EoEooo tr-Fd EoEoooIFt @oNoo o @ oNo o @oNoo o ooNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o ooNo o ooNoO o @oNoo o (o oNo o (o oNoo o (o oNo o @oNo o @oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o o GoE o GBoElo 6oE .9 oo o6ot o (53oE =o 6(,c .o oo o Go o GEoEao 6oE .9 o -g o GoE o G3oEfo 6ot .9 oo o(!ot o63aE =o 6oEo o-g o(soE o63oE =o 6oEo.E o -g o)(,q)E o(!3oE =o 6o)!o.E oo o (Eoc (, (!ioE =o 6oE .o oofi o GoE o G =oEfo 6oE .9 oo (, 6oc o)(,3oE =o 6oE .o oq) oooE o (5;oEfo 6oE .9 oo o GoE o (53oE =o 6o .o oo o)(,oE o G =oE =o 6oE .o oo o GoE o(!3oEfa 6ot .9 oo ooo o(!i Efo 6oE .o oo o) GoE o(,3oEfo soE .o oo o(!oE o G =oEfo 6ot .o oo o(!oc o6;oElo ooE .o o _g o)ooE o6ioEfo 6ot .9 oo o 6q,E o63oE =o ooE .o oo o 6oE o6;oEfo 6oEo o -e o 6ot o6 =oElo (EoEo o-g o Got o GteE Iq- oot o GoI ot! = o c -96oooo coEo 6co .oF I =(L I oEo-;o o 6os =oa E .96oooo coEo 6d) .!9FI3TL I oEoT;o o c _96(9 o@ooo66o oFI =(!I oEoI 3o o 6aE =oo c -96o @oooo66o .oFT =(LIaoEoI 3o Q c36ooooo E =(]. 6oL ooEc oF- =(rI oEoI Bo I G s =oU) c -96ooooo Ef(L 6oI ooEc oF-tso-- oEoI Bo o E -9ooooo EoEoo6o N oF-B(rI oEoI Bo o 6 c hoo co 6o,ooo qo)Eo 6c0 N .oF- =(LI oEoI 3o g 9GIoof o0)r c)oc(! 6o)Y,o oIrloooff ! I f !foo)EoE 3o- oE -96(,ooo (,oIooc6o'6oto oeUJDoo5o N oFI =(LIC o-ETot!c =;oo o co6oooo (EoIoooEooao N .oF I =(!I oEo- =o l N E ot)ocI6t o) N0)E ot ooofl\ I E LE oo EoE;o o E _e6o6ooo Ef(! oo IEoofo N .oF I =I L oEoI =o 6 s =oo cI6() 6ooo Eft! GoIooolo N IIIELI oEoI =o- o EoE(,ooooog(!(9 N .oF I ts(rI oEoI =o o 6as =oo co6(,0oooo, Eo(, N .9FIBlLI oEoI;o ogo6oaoo ooIooE6 .ooot .o oo uJ ooEs N oFI =(LI oEoI;o- co6i90oo oo!ooE(! 6ox.o oo uJ ooos N lu I B!LrE o-ENoi!c ==oq o c.9o()ooo 6oI 6(9 ooEs N .oF I =(LIooEo-;o = G c on @cI6Iooc oo! GI oooE N 3 I II oEo! =o o co6(, 6nooE)(L oo- ooEs N .oF I =(!I oEoI =o =oU) EoEooooo Ef(L (to! ooEs N .tPFI ts(L- oEoI 3o ob obNoElG0- 6oqot; Gotoa.ot o f 6o o oo = ts o EoEooolrFt EoEooouFn $oN$ to oNt rfo E6ot o)3oto =otr =oJ 6 (,oc E6oEo3oEo 3otr;oJ(! 6q _l Eoo DDn cfoEooT oofoot D 6 E o(,oc o,;oqt) 3oI =q o Eoooq N ofl! 6o- o63 E 6oE E6oco;oEa =oL 3o Ec 6363caooCE EEQA.EoaEoo9o(9o Eo9o!E it)>Eo- ?EPiro=COtIJ E(J osGs o oo fo(,o =>so6trQ.9Foit=65-ITJ E>9g,s6tEtruJ rurBo\IEo.=c (E tr o =.Yoot Gt; Eta4\$ B fi,. qb o6NotrlG0- E =6o o) 6q) NNN. to$- oo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t @oNoo o oNoo o oocoo =Ioo oog coo o EoEoEooo.EC.gE=co3ocoE3e'=coaEE ooEooIaoo oo Ecoo o oog oEooocoota! 6!oooc iaea o oi=t6(L oocoEoEo(L oEo I -9oc =o EoI 3o o N otrE 6(L ooEGEoEo(L o EoIooc =o Eo- =o oE Eo; aotoCLot o 1 6(, = o) Go o f 6o = o) 6o = oa Go = Ef 6o = o l 6o o =oo = oa 6o = oaa6o = ol 6o = Ia 6o = o fo6o = o =6o oa oo = o =oo = o a Go = El 6o) = El 6o) = o fo6o Noo- No@- (oo-@o- N@@- N66- @@o- o@o- oo@- oa@- ota- o$o- N6o_ Noo- oo(o- @@@- $N'-:N'1 @ .c- @ $- Eo Eooo LFt !o Eoo)o lLFt EoEooo LF&. EoEooo LFt EoEooo IFt EoEooo LFE. EoEooo LFt EoE(, ruo LFt EoEooorFt EoEooo LFd EoEooo LFE EoEo)oo LFt EoEo)oo LFt EoEc)oo IFt EoEooo IFt o0)EooouFt E(!) EooouFt EoEooo(! Ft EoEooo l!FE EoEo o IFt @ oNoo o @oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o (o oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo oNoo @ oNoo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o o oNo o @ oNo o @ oNoo o @ oNoo o @ oNo o @oNoo o @oNoo ooo o GoE o (E =o Efo ooEo o -9 o6o o63o Eao (!oE .o oo o6oE o 63o Eao 6oEo oo o Go)E o)(! =o E =o o0)Eo oo (, GoE o 6Bo Efo (,oEotro "g o6q)c o 6;o Elo(, o)E .o oo o6ot o 63o Elo 6oE .9 oo o6oc o 6;o E =o 6oE .o oo o6oE ru 6 =o E =o 6(,c .o oo o6oE o 6io Elo (!ot .9 oo o6oE o 6;o Elq GoE .9 oo o6ot o 6;o Elo (!o! .9 oo o(!ot o 6 =o Elo Goc .9 oo c)(!oc o 6;o Elo Goco'tr oo) o6oc o 6;o Elo ooco oo ooot os!o Efo Go!o o -9 ooo! o 6;o Efo (!oto.E oo o)6oE o 63o Efo (!oco'tr oo) o6oE oo!o Efo ooE .9 oo o6oE o G =o Eao 6o .9 oo o oo o co6oooogo Eo G(D .oF I =(I ! oEo ! =o e o E =0)o E _9 6oooo co Eo) 6coo oF-B(rI oEoI;o cIo(,ooo ooIooco 6otoEoo UJooo-oo oFI3rrr oEoI;o- E _9 G(9ooo 6oIoog G '6oto.E o -guJEoo =oo otr I =(LrE o-ECotIC3ioo o coEoooo 6oI G(, Eooloo .q)FI =o-I o EoL Bo e 6 s =o,a Eo60ooo Go! Gl.,oool3o g I ELE o EoE Bo o EoEooooo Ef(r GofEooaoo oF- =(Iroo Eo-;o 6 ==ot) co6'I oo 3o EfL 6oEooofl n 3 E !E o EoE 3o- o co E(9ooooo6 6(,o oF- =(!I c) EoI 3o o 6 E =oo co Eoooooo66 o oF- =(!I o Eo-;o oCI6t oo) N0)E ootr6I 0)Eo oI IJ ooo = I E LE 0) E E 3o^ co6(, ooo oorooE6I oV 9 oo L! oooc oF =3LTe o-ENolIi =!OC o c -96(9ooo 6oI Go ooEco oF- =(r = o) EoI Bo o 6 c =oo q -96(9ooo 6oI o(9 ooEc c)F- =oI o Eo ;o o cI o(9ooooEl(! 6oI ooEco .oFI B(L- o Eo! 3o I N ==0)t) tr 9o oo)o E =L r!oE ooo = 9 E LE 0) EoE 3o c.9 6(9 ooo (,oIooc6 !2 oto'E oo uJ oo E .ot-I ts0-E (, Eo! Bo- co6(9ooo ooIoocG !2 ot ,9 oogJ ooos .qFI Bre o-ETo'';IC3ioo o oc -96oooo GoI Go ooEE .9FI tscT o EoI 3o o (! c oa c -96(9ooo (!oI o(9 ooEs .oFI BI- o EoI;o G o oot it IItlttttll-I tEI loI loI lcI tG lol E I EIE l$l sl':ltIti rlol oIrr=lgl ii l,5l Stglrl3l o L$ls o- =af5E5cooocc EEoo.EoqEqrogo(ro EaQo!Ein>tr6-ot Piuofco rJJ ii tb IGan\Fo {r6Iot Eglnp E o GI o ogJoGo =>:oo d,9(,G s-uJ5>9!r, Eo6fiE-8o! EHo.= tr (E trfo =I(,otr o6 oN otrtGo- 6 6{6 * o Gatoa'oq 6 Eog tooc. o o(!o = o o$0, = o o Eo Eoooo =u o0) Eo,0)o o- t @oNoo o (o oNoo o 69o.!oEcozo3oc-obOFgg Eeo.EEEd.p6io_toD-c ts.NEOgo =Eo(!c-oEa6G.:ooeoE.gFO6F CE6=Bi €c;qolt, i!E=o!OC=:o!Ei3.r6hoE(;.E6.!E!6+tto( Ei6.:oqe0o.:FT6! (!o\ o EoIoo sos6Too s o tr.9oocoo CLElo- 6oE ooo oGo-oEEoCLfoEo I -!go5 o ot,GIl CLE =o- Got o(DG!oo(L oEGoCLloEoI -eo5 6^ EiE5cooocc EEo6.EooE EE(,o e (o 0)Fc(!IIE(! EoE0)o-(l, EoI -!9o EooEoI =c q )E t-6o od @ o-o oto_ Eo EoooltFt Eo EoooLFd oo EoooLFd @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o o L Lo.E od)tr 6o Eo)EuJ r1)Eo-Eolo6acG = =o o oEfL GoIo.E oo UJ 6o ooEtJJ oEoIE E =o6 c6 =Bo o ooEc =l!o(!(9 oa ooEuJ oEoI Ep =o6fc6 =3o .Etot, Oot to So,aS G- G an ho llJ rao oT!o =c oIoot fc E =c t\oo od o$o_ (\No @ EoEC)!)oltFd EoE()oo l!Ft Eo Eooo l!Ft @oNoo o @oNoo o @oNoo o o l!so.E oo uJ o0, EoIoo E6ouloEo!o EEo6 cG =;o o oo(!c =l!o(E(, oo Eo-Eo E6ollJoEo! Eo fo6fE(!E 30) o o E =.L (!o)- oo EoEEo 6 6oUJoEoTEoao6fc(E =;o E Eot, 6oG o.c(Es o ooL oIEo =>3(,Scs.9F(r*l=6Es>9El.Eo6CFt;o\}EOEo.- tr .E tr Jo. .Y(,ot EpI(,&IC EEo e6gtu oo o lo =IEoIoo s ob o6 oolG0- 5 oc E; GotoQ.otr o Eo- =(:occ o:_OLo-f, Eiolo).!.Lr96al,(ss Eo Eq,(,o o- =d {oN o o -g oooo oo =6 6s=];oEg =co Eoo(!oo o coEoo6ood. oo(, oolooT oEo(,s 'oJ 6E opootr oEooG a.otioE E 3oEcs oEoo ;oJ 6EEopoot o G.Eo Go =o oIco G.N o Go = o EoI o6 N Eo Eooo(L =t ooN o o 9o eb6E BE tsEOY66boEOgBo= 6o5EoEo: =o3boo LE 5.Qg6- ESoooo6o e=aOEE o EoFo.Notoo =o E EoPooe. o G 'tro Go =o oI o G o Go = oEoos,oJ GEtopoou so G o o Esso G Es ru EoI g ^A=(:occ 8ao-5, E!o(ohcEr96=(,8 3 E(, Eooo(L =t $oN o o go (E f .g s o q .9 -gls 63 @ o =ooE 'oJ oEtopoot oEo I o: =(:cCF 8eo-f,6qEI OCo.!CL;96iDRo B E0) Eo)oo(L =t toN o o co -gfq .g oo o co -gl E o -9I o G Stos .G =so G Sto oEooE 'oJ o5copoot co G Sto oo IL so GItot (, Eo I E =o*=oCF BbE-1t EEoftONctr'r96t(/)cg E(, E(,(,o(I =t $oN o o qo -gl .Eo.E'6 o c.9 -6foE o.E'6oo oEoos,oJ GEtopootr o EIu, E} oo o GIta oEog ;oJ GE opootr o oot Io (D t Io(, oEo ! c! si =C:C EE 8Lo-f, E!o(6nE.E =g(E=,(s !o Eooo(L =t $oN o o IooE EE o)E o g,ooo EEoEF oEoog =oJ 65topooG 6 ooo G o E gooo oEoI e =c.oCE EA€-l, EE @Go.\CL'r9ot(r( * Eo Eooo(r =d toN o o o.E6o o coF6 Ec Eo6oo @ oEooE 3oJ G5EoBoot to E to Gota sp) (!oao o Eo(JE 3oJ GEEo =ootr o EoI =Gc Beo-f,6qEL OCo.lCLr96=I'Rc = EoEoooc =t @oN ooo o 6o.s, o da Poc o coEoo -oood o6oo'E ot o Ec E= 6=coooCC EEod.EooEoo9q)O lt) ::sp I:JIoE,:,t: ,*. ,,t, otr+:$.lt*t E!tit o.Cog o oo o(!o =>s(ro .9Sot rrJ b>9g,s9E 'iE-8o\IEo-= tr(! c Jo =.Y(,ot ob oo otlGq- o Eo(J ;oJ GEco =ood 6oq E;aotoa.otr o G Ill, oa.q o GIt4 oa a- oa (Eo = E =otr:o.cE 8ao-=,EEosONC.E';9 6:(r( * EoEooo (L =t $oN o o E(!oc 0)3ot e EIEo- o3oa;oL;oJo o Eoo ;oJ 6j3Eopoot EGot $oqat,!o ]L:o-lo ooioIl- o f 6o = =C:cEE BEo-f. CL o(o.!CL;qG=yJ(ss !oEooo (L =t :foN o o ogo(, ool6 o eo6o ooa6lr o oeogE,oJ G5 opoot oogo ooIGso ooloIl. oEogE 'oJ G5tropootr o) EoI o Eo- ot o rl f =61=Col: o = El.S E BblBbo-lE-I rlf IgsIEE 6 6l O Go)Nl o!C gl C Lr ql t Io!l G!D Olg) cot oEI E Eo EoooIL =t Eo)Eooo(L =x. @oN ooo @oN ooo ooUJ) 6a Ioc o =iI E.9)Jo uJ oo.E oah Go oo o ooad]ouJJo o o = i! E.s,JouJJ o EoI E =oH=o.cE BAE-l, EEOCONc=';q(si(/) ( * Eo Eooo(L =e @oN ooo oJIto 6o Ioc e qo =d))lro oEoo ;oJ GTEopoot oEogE]oJ Gj:to =ooe. J|r.o oa' o-IootoU, ao oo oEooE]oJ Gj:Eo =oot o f o(, = g rf;:CCEo:-oco- EE OGo_\CL5qGi:/t ( * !o Eq)oo(L =t toN o o (Eoo (,ooE l .o o-9 ooG IL B) Got o .Gootoo(!c fL N luEoI oEoI c!^,=S:cgE o:_OLo-f,o!cl o(o-!CLr96iIDCc B c: ^A=d:cCE E:-OLo-l,Ejo(o.!CLr9ot,i Eo Eooo(L =t oo EoooI =t toN o o {oN o o oEooE,oJ 6Eopoou o G t4 ot G co 6 =o.c of oc 6o of o Eosaoso .E6oo E.9 -gf E o =oo o oc 6oo ofo o ll) fooo = gsi =C!oCE EAo-f, EEo(o-\EL'=9Gt(r(o = Eo Eoo)o(r =t \toN o o 6oo E(,E Eo E o G o EoEFYooot oEooc 'oJ 65troEoot Gqo ot\q G tao ot\! Goo o(, o Eo(,E 'oJ GEcoBood E G Got =E5 oc'tGo Ec:e EE65COooccE;o6.EooEp!oo "eIa0 ENt-o* ;{D E o.cGl, o oo oGo =>s(rotrs.eFoi IIJ ts>9qlB o6CEUJ qIrBo\ =ElL=c (E tr =o =!(,ot o =o6o = C:e*:ccc 8LE-fr EE@GONC.E'= !!6tU'G{5 EoEooo(L =t toN o o o --Y C.9 6oaEl,tJco 6E0)oqoo ooc ob oo ogrGo- o GE s6; Gotosq oEo(, ;oJ o Eotoo =o otoo = Efo(!q) = =(rcccoaOLo-=.E;o(o.!CL;qoit(s Eo Eooo(L =t \f oN o o clt,EooGo E o C'oc o(! =.o oo o coEoo(soot o(toI o6Boh o Eoo ;oJ 6EoPoot o EooE!oJ 65Eopoot E o(, o) = g EE=ccq BAE- EECL o(5N.'E65ut(s EoEooo(r =E toN o o .=Go E o GoE o 6 =o o -!! o GoT o G =to Got o s o 6oot ooo-o6 =o = Eo ooG a.otr o Got o s L-'o GoT o .G = Ec:a E=o=coooCE EAo6.EooEgEoo oN o o o o Ico=C' oso.g(! N o cls o oo JoGo =>:aJ6trs.oF.Jta=(! IIJ E>9g,EoEfiErBo\IEo-=c a6 tr =o =--(,otr ob o ouGq. E =ooo = o =o(Eo = oqod) oNoo EoEooo o. =d !o Eooo o- =E. toN ot-o ttoN o o --voE,.E oo Poc =I6 CD.c oo Ec,c e 66lt,cof.o(! .EEoo5 EEotoo =ooE a!o o q,c o YooE oU' ooE 0oa6tiao tsoooc E Eo!ooEcoz toN ot-o o 6ooco .o G .sE6'6, (EEcoE6 E ct)coaot EY dooa. G optoU' EIo(!l EtotooG Eoz G totooE o =ooo = E =o(E c) = $,tNo- 6t(\lo- Ed) E(, c)o o- =t Eo Eooo o- =t $oN o l'-o toN o F.o E' .EEao o6oE'.E o e =x.9.L E6o C;.sEao o6o(, o ot!oEl,toq Io EoEsoq o lt) .Eo o6)d o EoC'}.E o e c.9coeoc =oTG =aGt,Eoooa CD.EEaod o E(, CD.E c) EIsg qoq oNoo IL GE oEooqooNoel( E Eot U!oE o =o(!o = o =ooo = ooo_ ooo. EoEoc)o .L =t !,o Eooo o-Etr toN o F-o !toN o No o.EEoo oNoo ofvo'6. -!u6o E,.cEod oNoo oNoot eo oo lf _o o .EEooc. oN(,o o c.9 Eo,zoE or!o =E(!t,Eoooo oEoo0,t 0,Nc,p oE.Ep o oo o TEo.>:(rotr{.eFC'}I=oEs>90€9EfirrBo\IEo-- tr .E tr =o. -toot qb o oE,Go- 6 oe6{!o;ootoa.otr o troPoot Eo2 =LL ioE S 6toE = rtr Cia cia ooo o E() Eooo(! =tr €o Ec)oo(L =t :toNo $ oNo ocEoo o oo o ood Eooioof coo 3o ocEoo o, E oEI oot6oo Eo o o c.9of ocoo 3oz ood. oo o o ot oon Eo 6 Eot,ooe oz oo G Uo o c; @oci EoEooo o- d EoEooo(L =d oNo oNo co o ! s Gts E.9ol coo =o c.oo f c o =?_Io o c.eof coo Boz c.9o f E 6 o Eo oE c.9 Gfs 6 ooq ooo*ooe 6 otoot oz o G to G =o G Iu, oo cia ooc; @oc; EoEoooI =t ooEc,oo(! t \t oNo :t oNo co -ol so ootcoEol co() !o co -g =Eo ood Eo o o E.9o = Eoo 3()z goFo: s .o oo o o od. co 6l so oo E copooEcoz o G St4 o sGooc o G to oa oo o l oo El 6(, = oN oo o EoEooo lJ-Ft EoEooo IFE. EoEooo LFt soN o $oNo v oNo o(!oG o 6Bo.E o -9o c.ooEo Ioc o(!oE o 6;o.E ooo c.qo o PoE o(!oE o 6 =o ooo E.oo o ooE G Eoo =EE(,o6o c96o @oCoo OJo o IuJooJ o6oI OL6,7zoq Bq-= o .coool6=Cop o E.9ooo Co 6oo orl,utoJ o6oI 9=6,3zoq 8cil= 6 .c_Eo a EFcop o co6oooco Goo o LuJooJ o6oI g!6,3d OU- 8,fi= E copooG.coz o GoI o s G soE tooq o Got o s Ef 6o = @ EoEooo LFd soN o oE o3 oEoE EooEo o(,c 6 Eoo6o o f G9$ EI a6c q)Es)I o I UJ =aN'67 gOOE61G:>( o.: 6i-q E topoot troz toG(' qa !toqr!(9 o t4.G =qo oo G coE tooq o t4 soo oo oa oru = @o Eo EoooLFt toNo Loto(E 3 oEoo coo o ooc o.ooEotuuJ o5 3Io 6(, O^t=,9) , b8u.SuJq=;1cOs gEooEq@=G-ETsiE! =[ .g troPood Eo2 .a =ta u,G(, o t4G =t4o o(,) G opooc eoGt4 soo oo o- 6o = $o Eo EooouFtr oNo eoc 63 oGoEc.9o o IoE obo oo€ EIo .o oo uJ AFE:.s, , bc L.:lrJ gE:c!qOC LIo0EOq=6- =.!Ei<! =t 6 ot,ootr oz € =Iao oo IJJ ostoG =oo 6o G oE t4otq ocu,G =oo oo E =6o = os EoEooo LFt rfoN a q)E 6] o oo co'6 o ooE (,-oo,E oo I.JJ od =Ioo.E ootr b^c=.9,-i.6fiu.Su!.=;olqOg g!ocEVo=6- =sE!E!ET 6 (,p oou. o = oo =too oor! o U,Gi u,o oo G op tooq o q soo oo o l 6o) = o EoEoo)o LFd $oNo oE G =o)co() oco'o tU E.9I !ot€6fo 6o ooc oc-(!oI oo3I oo uJoO 6,gt-o9E =E-o-Paq<6L ='ao>Ornit12roz>L!o,E-OG'6C iEoUCEC.sr a Eq9o!Eo>F6-ot g' i!ofcoIIJ ?Bo 6 gotooG oz o taG =too oo Go o oo(o to.Gaoo 6(-) 1A['6Eo =q EG EOt! s E Eopc, o GI o ooL oGo =>s(Jotrs.sFos IJJ b>9g)E odtrtrUJ UJ-3o\ EEo-= .=o tr =o =Ioot oD o oE)Ga. 6 troEoot o2 o oe +o;ootoa'ot Gto GosoE oo u,t,o oo\t q Eoooea Eoo Eooo q) a o 'ooo oa 6 c- >.soi 6;>to,otc('t 6o 6ac- >.qota: EE6cOEc!t6,o co 6lo6oI =t c,9 -cfoGo(! =t oNo \t oNo f6 o ooEoooo(,o oox oa-o0o(ar =(oa o-o(E(or90 ^I:r(t! Io o ooEoooc)oo oox oo-oc6Caq =coa E>ocEco!oo ^I[> o cooa co(, 3oz o oo Eoooo6 coooI o EI(,n oooo EooEo,6 coooI E copoo G.coz ooto ea. oo!o o og 6IL Eout|,o CL o(, Eoo t Eoa o\N \N ooEooo (L t !o Eo,oo t oNo $ oNo Eo6oo'Eo oE o coc oooGo .E oaEE() goo.E Eo.E-NCx> o(, 6 ruoEo oc o ococ ooo(Eoc o>oo(, gog, IoELnq o c.9of coo =oz oaEocoo o -Eo ()t oaDocooEogo.9) o E cotoou oz No!>to(oq:i(!((, \OE>foco!N>_CNCt o ci E 11) E C)o)o (L t EoEooolr =E. r+ oNo $ oNo E o Eo ooN o ooxo E o6o6o o: 6q ET 6. =d6yE:o!o!E! E o Eo 6oN o o)oxo ,c 66qoo o:>(6q EI 6r dv 6!o!E! o EBG o>ooott e E.9o: coo Boz c.9=EE6toGoGo o ooo o Eo ot c.o--oo6 '6ooNo o ooo otE E)\o\o!o GoErtoqii Eou,|,os o(.) oI ot Nq @$ Nq @$ poEooo(! =d EoEo0o(! t oNo oq o 2oooaoEE6 o oo Eoocoo Eoo!{(Odi-i6SfcE': =<i)yEIcc o; o ooolooE6 oo oo Eoocoo3oo!X(Odij6S =co; o)iEIc( o; o coFof Eoo 3o)z oxG .E ,6 oE'6 l o EIot o G .E '6 oE'6 l 6 otood o2 Eoa Eoa oN(o oN(o EoEo)oo (L =t EoEo)oo(I =t i' oNo s oNo oE sfoo ooo(!o .q o=Eoe oa oo Bo c)E -6loo ooooo .E o)ZEoIo(, l oo 3o o E.9of coO Boz o=EoeEo f o Bo Q Eo od o=EoeEo l oo 3o o*G Go!o oii !ot4|,o a. oo 6 troEoot o2 o'ooooo a 6 >.9o6>!9g6CP8't(!a Eo 6fo6o(L =E. oNo o JOo_-o.q 6fo9ogBv9E Euiooo>cooEg9 b6,=cb*o>6f'EOoo9>"*o C =c!!!o( oPco=c -oc Sor= c o =o ot c.oo)E(1,too)oEr.Ij .= ooq Eo Eo oi= a,oEo 5u,qoa*o.J .sq Eou,utos o(, E tro =ootrco2 o oIEo ot,SE o GEou,toos oo .s Eov,u,oa oo 6 oItooucoz cia rtr 6o sq oq EoEooo(r =d. Do)Eoo)o (L =n oN o oN o 3oEE =E -!!oEo (! Eoc.9of Eoo;o o3oEct =)oo= E.oo = cooio ioE S,i}ot : e n Eo co o = Coo;oz o =oEE o =f coo o EoEol coo 3oz ;oEE oa itr do oNaI o@q{ Eo EoC)o(L =d. Do,Eoq) (L =d $oN oNo 3oEc;Eoo Eo (!oo Eo o ;oEC; =)oo?-a I o) o oEo !Eo ot 3oEE o =fcoo--o IEo ot ioEc GA => EE69*ca oocc EEOa.c .oOE PE(9o =c =oc't6o Eo9o+Eo>EaE pGofqo IIJ Eo o6oo oo ul a ot,oot,coz osop o oo fo(!o =>s(Jocs.gFoi rrJ b>9ED .aLX6,6trtrul ul -Bo\tEo.= tr(! tr Jo = -Eoot oa o! oE)G0- oEo(,o o=o o'oooao:o E c- >.soi>!6r 6co(c(., oo 6 c- >.sota.:gE 6coccctGo co 6lo6 (L =t c.9 -6)o6o(L =t { oN t oNo EooEEoooosEE6 E lE.E o oE.Eoo.EoCo Eo l E oEEoo c)os Ec6 (E.E -E.g o oc oo.coco Eo l o Eo = oEoo]c.oo = coo 3oz otooc =l c0 o- o Eo fo oEooo3t =oz€ Eo ot oEoo .E =fd) oE o o{ io; Gotoaot 6 tropoodcoz G to ood Eoz o'6oaoo=o oG'6 o)o o=o E c- >.9oEz.:6F>,Eoqoqc9't6o ts c- >.9oi>:6;>EotOLCCt6a co 6 =oGo =t co 6loGoo d oNo \toNo E'6 oEEoooo 6 EcG E lE.E o oc'Eoo.coco Eool E'6 oEEoooo 6 Ec E alE.g o oc.Eoo.coco Eo = o G vt o ar, o Eo fo oEoo =c.oof coo 3oz oo6Io6o_E.9 6 =c o Eo f(.) o!oooBd oz o5 o ou ooGvo6(! co G =E o€(r, trl E 5a o o o t4 E)trE Ia o'ooo o=o o'6 il)o o=o G c->.!ot EJ6aPIt6t) 6a >.9oiz':6F>,iotocCCt6a E.oo foGo(L =t c.o Glo G (L =t *oNo \toN 6ooEEoooosEE6 E oaE.E o oc.Eoo.coco Eo l E'6 oEEoooo .g !Eo E lD.E o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eoof e Eo fo oEoo;qo of coo Boz o ._cN6 o Eoalo o)EoooBn =oz od o oi oc,N 6 G otooE oz o'6 q)o oa o'6oo oa o c?>.!oiz':6F>'iacocCC =6o G >.!ot 6;>,iacocc('=6o co 6fooo (L t co olooo (L =t {oNo oNo E'6 oEEoooo 6 Ec6 E lE.g o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eoal E'6 oEEoooosEq6 E afE.= o oE.Eoo.Eoco Eo l o Eo =o oEoo3co o = coo 3q,z o,E!6Eo .oox o Eo fo oEo o3t =oz od o ot o.EEoEo .9 o o Go o a4 U) E a G otood oz o'o o)o oa o'ooo oa G c->,!oi 6;>dAEo(E('=6a E c- >.qot >t= oqCL't6a c.o(! looo (L =t c.o (5 foo() (L =t \t oNo \toNo 6 Eopoottoz ooq ooo o U, EooEEoo 0)o G Ec6 (5'tr lE,s o oc oo.soco Eoqa Eo o)EEoooosEc6 G.E fD,E o oc oo.Eoco Eool o Eo fo oEoo3c.ooa coo 30)z oot oo o Eo =o o)Eooo3t =oz 06 EIot ood oo gt EG a4 o oxUr o a4otrE sa .o=ooo o6 o'ooo oa G c.>.!ot 6;>dacPI =o't) N Ec>.9oi GF>,i6COEEC =6a co 6ao6O (L =t co GloGo =t toNo rq oeo EooEEoooI(E Ec6f'E =E.c o oc oo.Eoco) Eo f EooEEoooPG Ec6 E.E )E.E o oc oo.Eoco Eo a o Eoolo oEooBco f goo =o o. ecoo oE o Eo lo oEoooBd =oz od Eo o .9.Icoo oE 6 co =oodcoz o'6oo o--o o'6oo o=o 6 c- >.soi>:6F>EAEocCC'5 GU) o c->.!oi.!Gr>dalOCC(tGo g .9 G:o(!o(r =tr c.o Gfo Go (L =t \toN st oNo 6ooEEoo(,oo Ec6 (E.E =E.c o oc o)o.coclu Eo f EooEEoooo(! Ec6 E.E ofE ._c o oc.E oo.Eoco Eo a o Eo fo oEoo;c.9o, coo;oz co oo Eo ql o Eo =o ruEooo3t =oz od Ee 0)t E.9oo6o ) oo oo o oqo5t46o =G o EE t! cosootcoz co oo oo oSa too StoGo =G o E! o l Go = op 6o = ro @@N NC? @oN Do)Eq)oo o_ =d ooEooo (L =t oN { oNo ,E6 ! o E 6c.9cll,coo ooo(!o .c .c6!o GoCoEcoo o o E Eo o EF6cIco Eoo ooo6o E Egoo (E coocooo .9o e coEol oEoo =oz c E!osco!coo o Io o EIod .coEo(! Co!Eoo oo oo ?_cl og't Go Ec EEE5cqooCEE=oo.E.qOE PE(,o oeto€U'Iatt & $ EeEot o.c(U!, o oo)o(Uo =>saJo .oRo+ tuE>9o.E6rdEtrUJ UJ-3o\IHo-= .G o =-t(,ot ob oa oEGq- o oeo E o Go Eoa.oq .9'ooo o 6 Goc->.!oiz.!6;>d6co(c(', 6o E.9 G o6O(L =t \'oNo 6'o o EEoooo -gEc6 (!.E o =E.E o oc.Eoo.Eo)co Eo o Eoofo oEoo;Eo of ocoo 3o2 g t! Eot,oot Eoz o oo st o'6oooo a Eoc- >.Eoiz.:6;>Go,ptt6t) .o(! fll(Eo IL =tr toNo E'o o EEoooosEc6 o.E =E.g o oc.E(,o.Eo) o Eool o Eo fo coEoooc(! =ooc TTJ .ooo 6 (, tropooe Eoz E Ei =\ Po ulg Eno G a4 co oE)a G-\Po II G co =ooc Eoz oE'6oooo=a 6 c. >.soiz.:6;>Goto!c('t6a g .os =l,oo(! =t \toNo 6'6 o) EEoooo 6 EE6 G.E fE.s ooc ooE'o, Eo Eoof o Eo loo.Ec.9 .oEEooo Eoo EEoooo .gEc(! G.E ofE.E ooc.EooE'o, Eo t! tropoo& toz ot oo6 E Eo(Joq t! ot,ooEtoz o'ooq o--o E >,!oi 6;>GOEoscr'5(,o c.9sfll6o(r =d soNo E'6 o EEoooo -gEc6 (!.E ofD.c o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo: o Eo foo.EE.9 .!2. E Eooot E fEc oE'ooo o=o .o'6oo o=o 6 >.9oi 6;>Eo,6qcc5Ga d Ec>.!otz': EEoEocC(5(5t, C.9 -gflloo(! =t E.9slll6o (L =t \toN \toNo Eoo EEooooo EE6 ([.E lE.E o oc.Eoo.EoEo Eo f 6'6 o EEoooo 6 EE6 (!.E fE.E o og.Eoo.Eoco Eo l o Eo fo oEoo3c.oof co(, 3oz oooooEoooI o Eoolo oEooo; d. =oz oo eotr ooooEoool! (, ottooe, tro = o'6ooooo oE'oooooo 6 >.!oiz':6F>Eato!E('t(,o 6 >.(oi 6;>EaCoeE('5 Go c.9 Gfo6o(! =t C.9 6f.!:6o(! =t <t oNo itoN EgoEEoooP(! Ec6 6.E fo.E o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo f EcoEEoooP(E oco 6'tr E.E o oE.Eoo.Eoco Eo f o Eo =() (,Eoo =E.oof Eoo Boz coEo ooE o Eo fo q,Eooo3t =oz 06 eod EoEo eoE oIDo EsEooos.s Eotaq ea. oo G Eo =ootr Eoz oE'6ooooa oEooo oa G >.!oi z. l6;>GqEo!cr't(!o 6oc- >.9ot>!6F>Eo,oqcc't(5 U) C.9 G =o6o(L =t .o(, fo(to(L =t rtoNo $oNo G coBooe. Eoz 6 so(, q EooEEoooo 6 EE66 fo.s o oE oo.EoCo Eo) tooEEoooo 6 EE(! 6 fE.c o oc rUrU.EoEo Eooa o Eoofo o)EooBc.9ol qoO 3oz o co o Eo lo oEooo =t =()z od Eo od o Eo o o o o a' !ototoo a. oo oE'ooo o)--o o'ooooo=U) 6 Er>.soi>:sj6Co(C(t6t) 6ac- >.Eote:6;>d6CocC(to,o c.9 6al26o(r =t coa -g =lloo (L t \t oN t oNo t! tro ood troz o G ta Gi o ao EpoEEoooP(5 oc6 6.E fo.E o oE oo.Eoco Eo f EsoEEoooP(! Ec(! E fE o oc (,o.coco Eo l o Eo =o oooo;c.9of Eoo =oz CoEo f c 6 o Eo fo oEoooBt =()z o5 =o ot co (, =oc G o'6oo o?-o oooao o 6oc->,soi 6F>EoEo!clt6a 6 c->.!oia.: 9EaCoCE('5oa co -6fll6o(! =t c.o(, lo(5o (L =t * oNo $oNo E Eo EEoooo6 Ec(! 6 olo.= ooE oo.EoCo Eo = Eoo EEoooosEc6 o.E )E.c o oc.Eoo.goco Eoof o Eo l(.) oEo(-) 3Eo ol Eoo Boz c.9 -g- Eo Eoo o Eo lo oEooo3tr =oz od o ot coE(,) sot oo Ec EEE5coooCEE=oo.EooE PEoru ,:::', l'i qSSG t! toAEfi.e EEssiE-6EErsaFEro o!(Es o oo fo(Eo =>saJocQ.9Fo+ rrJ b>r9g,B o6CEur uisBo\IEo.=ct! tr =o =!l)ot ob oI o.,,G0- o '6o o=a oEooo c) a 6oc- >.soi 6;>GAEo!E(tGo G .E ob6 oE't (Eo E.9 -slo6o TL =d co -g =o 6o& =d $oN $oNo EeoEEoooPG !E6 E'E =!,E o oc.Eoo,EoEo Eo f .geoEEooq) PG Eco E =E,E o oc.Eolu,Eoco Eoo = o Eo ao oEoo =EoEof coo =oz Eo(J E(5Ioo(,og (5 o Eo fo o!ooo =4 =oz o5 Eo od EooE(!Ioo(,og (E o oa \o o Goto oq 6 tro '6od Eoz o 'ooo o--U) o '6oo o--o 6 >.!ot 6;>daco(c( =6t) 6o >.soi OF>Eac.'c-( =6a E.96fo(!o .L =d co 6lo(!o TL =d \toNo toNo 6'6 ruEEoo ruo "gEE(s (5.E o =E,E o oE.Eoo.coE() Eo = E'6 rl)EEoo {uo -gEE6 (5.E olE.c o oE oo,EoEo Eo = o Eoofo ()ooo =c.9of oEoo 30z E(, o3o(L c6 o Eo f() !uEooo =d =(Jz€ Eo oE Eo)oBo(L c6 o oo G\ooooeGoo st G otoou oz o,6 oo o U) o'ooo o=a 6 c- >.Eota':6F>,Eq,oSrcs't (5o 6 >.8ot L=O.>'iOE6tCCt(!,a E.9(5 ItGo(r =t E.96 ooo(L t * oNo t oNo 6ooEEo oo -gEg(5 E fE.E o oc oo.Eoco Eoal EooEEoooo ,g !E(, (E.E lE.E o oc (,o.EoEo Eo l o EoofO oEoo Bcoo, co() =oz 6 cooEG o Eo fo o!ooo3d C)z 06 Eo od E cooE6 sEoolotGIIdst (! o€ood. oz 6o oo GIIosT o'6ooao=a o'oooq o=o 6 c. >.soi 6;>d6lo(C(t(5,o 6 c- >.soi 6;>rioto!CCt(5t, g .9(! =o6o(r =t c.9(!-ll6o o- =t \t oNo t oNo EooEEooooo ECG G ofE.c o oE oo,EoEo Eoql EooEEoooo6 EcG 6 afE.E o oc oo.goEo Eoof oooo t o Eo fo oEoo =EoEof Eoo =oz oEooo F6oo(5 o Eo fo o!ooo3d =oz 06 Eo ot ooooo Fgoo(, o'6ooao2o o'6oo o=o 6oc- >.soi 6F>dAEorclt(,o 6 c- >.soiz':6;>rioto(C(., oo C.o (E fll6oI =t q .9 G)ll5o o- =t { oNo {' oNo EooEEoooo 6 EE(, o.E fE.c o oc oo.coEo Eo a 6ooEEoooo _6 ECG 6.E =E.E o oE oo.Eoco Eoof e Eoofo oooo3Eo of co(-) =q,2 o.N Eocoo o Eoofo oEoOo =e. =oz 06 Eo oe o.N EoEoo (, co ooE o2 o'ooo o=o o'oooq o=o 6 c->.!oie! EEo,o!c!'t(!o 6 c- >.!oi 6F>da9o!cl't(!o co=o fl:6oI =t E.9o fll6oc =t \t oNo \t oNo 6o(, EEoooo .EEE(5 (!.E olo.c o oE oo.Eoc(, Eo l EooEEoooosoEG G.E fo.E o oE oo.EoEo Eool o Eo fo oEoo3c.oof oEoo =oz oo o Eo fo oEooo;tr =Oz od Eo ot oo o.! o ooIJJost IE Eo oot Eoz oaQost o'ooo o tn o'6ooooa Goc- >.(oi>!9;6co(C(t6a 6 >.qotz.!OF>E6COCc(;6a c.o6 =o6o(r =t co -glo6o(L =g. oN {' oEo G EoItoot oz ,tos oiot- (E'6 oEEoooo6 EE(5 6 :o.g eoc.Eoo.goco Eo) EooEEoooo lsEE(E (!.E afE.E o oE oo.=oEo Eo l o Eo fo oooo3E.oo = coo 3oz c6IolJ- o]oFo.soo o Eo ao oEooo =d =oz oa o ot c6Lor oBoFo.Eoo o'6oooo=a a'ooo o?-a Goc->.sotz':gE 6Eocclt6t) 6 c->.!ot GF>dAEo!c!'5(!o E,9 _g =o6o (L =t c.oo =o(!o(! =t \t oNo !toNo Eo o, EEoooo -gEc6 o.E o =o.c o oc.Eoo.qoco) Eo l EeoEEoo(,P(5 Ec6 E'Eq =E.E o oE.Eoo.coEo Eoo = o Eo ao (,Eoo =coEo= coo =oz oI Eoo N o Eoqfo oEooo =t =oz o5 EIot q o Eo() No 6 otood oz 6o coo Nooo st o!6s Lo o E Jo(!o =>s(roCQ.9Fot rJJ b>99,sod LSul ru L8o: =dobio-= tr .E trfo =vooE ob oN oE,Go_ o'6oo o=o o'ooo o=o 6 >.9ot>! 9Eq,o9CL't 6a E .E oio q'too c.9 6fll6o(I =E. c.9 (5 looo(! =t oN o s oNo EooE Eoooo -6oE6E.E fE ._c ooc oo.coco Eool 6 oE Eo oo 6 EE6E afE ._E ooc 11)o.gocC) Eool o Eo fo oE o =c.9o = Coo!oz o Eoafo oEooo =t oz 06 Eo otr Ioq e!o; Ga Eoaoq G tro?oou oz so sI o'6oo o=a o'6oo oa s c. >.!oiz':6;>G6co!c\ (5a 6ac- >.!oi>:6;>,io,bCcc =6It c.9 6lo(!o(L =t c.o 6 f Eo (L t oN o oN o .qooE Eoooo 6 EEG E fo .E ooc.Eoo.soco Eoaf .qooE Eoooo 6 EC66 fE .E ooE.Eoo.coco Eo l o Eo fo oEoo =c.9of acoo Boz lFtr E .f Eo o Eo =o oEoooBt oz 06 o ot fFt E.: E E 6 Eo ootcoz o'6oooo--o o'6oo o=o 6 c- >,8otz':9E6cDCec'toa 6 c->.!ote': EEacPItGo co 6fooo(r t Eo 6fo6o(! t v oNo $oN E tro =oot oz o st 6 oE EoooI6pco E lo.c ooc oo.coco Eo = 6ooE Eoooo 6€c(! E l!,c ooc oo.EoEo Eo f o Eo =() oEoo;c.oo = co =oz o oo6Io6 o Eo @fO ooo o;t =oz o. Eo ot O ! oooIo6 51-q E '=EoIo s\ oEooo o=a o '6oq o=a ooc- >.9oi>:6;>,iOEolCCtGo G c? >.soi>:o;>doto(c(., 6a E.oo =o6 (! =t C.9 G =o6o(r =tr oNo s oNo 6ooE EoooP6 Ec(E o.E lE.c o oc oo.coco Eo f 6ooE EoooI(5 EEo o.C fE .E o oc oo.Eogo Eo) o Eo lo oooo3coFof co =oz o I (,t o Eoq =o oEooo;t =oz od Eo otr o - oE E tropoot troz o st I oo s\ o 'ooo o=o Eoooao a 6 c- >.!oi 6;>ria,o(c(.; 6(n 6 c- >.9ot>:6F>Ea9OECL;6'/) c.oo fg6o(L =t c.qo f 6o o- =t s oNo oNo 6ooE EoooIG Eco o.E lE .E o oc oo.coEo Eo f 6ooE EoooP6 Eco G.E afE .E ooc oo ._coco Eoof o Eo =o oEooBEo o = coo 3oz dEoo d uJ E .9) o Eo lo o oOo3t =oz 06 Eeot pcoo o tu .9 G otooe. oz ri oo oi!II.!. tDto s\ o '6oo o a o 'ooo o=o o c- >.9otz':gE AEogCL'5 (Eo 6 c- >.!oi 6;>Ga,OCc(tGo c.o 6 =ll6() (L =t c.9o-o6o(L =t s os s oso 6 oE Ee oP6 Ec(5 E o-E.c ooc oo.coco Eo l oo oE EoooP(! EEo E l! ,E ooc oo.EoEo Eo = o Eoq =o oEoo3co of coo 3oz >o ooot (5o o Eo fo oEoooBtr =oz od EoEoE ho oooE. (!o E EoBooE, Eoz 6 Eo ootr oz o'6ooao=a o '6oqoo=a 6 c->.!oi 6;>Eato_Lcrt6U) o E. >.soi 6;>,i6cOEcr't 6a co (5 foo() (L =t E.9 6 =o(!o(L t soN s oNo 6'o oE Eoooo G Ec66 fE .E ooc I .Eogo Eoaf 6o oE EoooP(! Eco E f .c o oc'Eoo.EoEo Eo a Go.Io sr o Eoo)O oEoo =qoo =qcoo Boz o El(L 6c) o Eo lo o!ooo =t =oz od Eo oE, o Ef(r oo g oooq GoTo st o =ooo oo o'6oooo=a 6 c. >.!ot gEqtoscr'5(!o ft c- >.soia': EE6cOCc('t 6a co Gao(Eo(L i c.9 6)o 6O(L =t soNo oNo 6'6 oEEoooP(! EcG o fE.E o oc oc'Atco Eo f poEEoooo 6 EE6 E oaE.g o oc.E C)o.goCo Eo l = Eo fo oooo;coEof coO =oz o ElrL 6oIoo foo o (5 =Ecfo Eo f) ooC)oi =) a =o oa o EfL !!D E oo fot) 0) 5iotrloic --ql oq't6U' (oC => 6=E5coooEEE=oo.= .oOEo69o(ro r! o oot oz c,q. a- Go oeIoar,{o GiE ooo st o GI o oo JrttGoE (,c.9o UJ E'I oc IJJ o =oL tr(! c Jo =.Yoot qb oa oE)G0- oo{ Eo; Gotoaoq E tropoou.troz o'6ooooa 6 c->.!ot 6;>Gato!c('t(!o co l9fo6o(L =t oN o oE5ocoF6.9)':o oL EE oo o oeG,t s o oL oEf EoE6o'E E tro =oot oz o'6ooao=o o =ooo o=o o '6(,ooo6 6ac- >.q SE P8 =6o 6 >.!oi G;>G6cosc\'= 6o 6 c->.!oi 6;>E6coccc';oo co 6f (5o(L =t c.9 6lo GO(L =t c.o _6)ooO(L =t oNo oN o oN o 6'6 oE Eoooo o Ec6E'E fE.c ooc oo.Eoco Eo, 6ooE Eoooo (5 oc6 E'E =E ,E o oc oq,.coEo Eo- c0)E.s =qoc.9 fo .t2Eo .EEfE.E Eo Eo(! .q) c.9) oEo o Eo 3o oEo =qo=of coo Boz c .9) o)Eot Eo o Eo,O oEooo =t =oz o5!o.:ot c .9) oEot Eo ,} e =o 0d c.s) oEot Eo E EoPootcoz a'oooao a o'6oo o a o'ooo o--o G E?>.!oi>!o;>';OEo!CCt6a Gac.>.!oi>!6;>doto(c('t 6a 6ac. >.!ot>\!gf 6Eo(c( =6a qo (! lo(!o o_ =t E.o Glo6o(r =t Eo Gfo Go(! =t $oN O oNo oN o o ElocoF6o .= Pfo E ooo6oo 6ooE Eoo o)o o EE6E'E fE ,E ooE oo.EoCo Eoa, 6 oE EoooooEc6E'E fE.c o oc.Eoo.coEo Eo = o Eo oE, ==oot goEoosootq El o Eo fo oooo =c.oof oEoo 3oz oEgooloEa o Eo -o oEoOo;t =oz 06 eot c)EgoofoEl (! otooe oz oE'6ooo o) a o'ooo o=a G c->.soie.:6;>,iqe6(c('t 6a (, c->.9ot>: 9E6cOECL't 6o q.9 G fo6o(! =t q.o (E1oo (r =t soe oN o Eo o ococ f.9 oooco -(5oo, o o o Eoo;o Go .E o o.=ocooo(! oGo o =g.Eoooo6oo Go -I! Go o Etro Gat o -_o od. Eo oo o =oooco6E.ot o (L occ) e Eo od EoEoo6ootooovoo(! oYc o o '6oooo=o o '6oooo=U' o c- >.soi>:sjoto(c(t(!a o c->.!oi 6F>,iOEOLCC56a co (5 fo(,o(r =d E.9 6lo Go(L t oN o oN .gooE Eoooo 6 EE(, (5.E lE .E ooE.Coo.coEo Eo f o'6 o)E EoooP6 EEG6 a =E .E ooE oo.EoEo Eo a o Eo fo oEoo3EoEoa Eoo;oz o El(! 6o-oooJJ.o6 o Eo =o oEooo3t oz 06 o rut o El(L 6oIoooJ o6 E EoBootr Eoz o 'ooo o a o '6ooao=o 6 >.!oiz'!GF>'i ocECtG't) 6 >.!otz':c;>Eoto!CC5oa c.oo =ll6o o- =t E.9 Gfooo(! =t toN o oN o G'6 oE EoooPo EcG6 fE .E ooE oo,coEo Eo l .(5ooE EoooP(! Eco c a!.c o oq'Eoo.Eoqo Eo f o Eo lo oEooBE.9ol coo;oz oEa(LoL o Eoo =o oEooo;t =oz 06 Eo ot oEf(LoI a.EIo. GoT a.oo.J{o So st G EoEootr oz o'6oo o=a o'ooo o=a 6aEc>.!oi>!O.>'iaCosc! 6t) ft c- >.soi 6;>,ioao!c('t 6a c.o (E)ooo(r =t co 6ao (5 (L =t $oN o $ oNo .qeoE Eoooo6 EEG E fE .E ooE oo.=oco Eoof 6'6 oE Eoooo 6oc66'E @ao.c ooc oo.coco Eo l Q Eo =o oEoo3Eoo) Eoo 3oz E6tLoL o Eo lo ooooo;d =oz od EIot cGLou a. EIa-os6 st =E =oE't(5a ,':,,,:,,:: llt;llllilr r )).-t; :::::: ,lilllilirt:lllllll]i ,,, l:'-.:::::: ; l] lllli :::. ...,.... .:. ::: :::: it1ll1l1ttuli ::.,:::: :*].]:: t6$.d Ec hE69caoocc EEo6.=oqE EE(9(1) Eo9o:Ei)>C6-ot Ei!ofEOUJEo o Goo Eoo ul 6 o ood o2 G|.l. oso sI o (Es o oo oGo =>s(ro o9(r+ rJJ 5>99,s6,6trtrul uJ -Bo\ EBL= tr(! c Jo =Ioot ob oo oErGt oos +6 oao Eoa'oq o'6oo o=o o'6oo o a E c->.!oiz':N;>dotD(c('t 6o G .E oa(5 oc'5oo co (! fo Go(! tr co o fooo(L =t $ oNo rf oNo G tropoou, Eoz o G to Eoo EEoo IDP(, ocoii'Eo =E.c o oq.Eoo.Eoco Eo = Eeo EEoooo(, Eco E'E =o.c o oc'Eoo).Eoco Eo = o Eo fo oEoo =coFof coO;oz qo=6fos o o Eo:o oEooo3 E. =Oz od Eo ot co 6l s o oEooo o=o o'6oo o-_o 6oc- >.9ot 6F>,EoqoqCL't(5a 6 c->.!oi>:c;>Eo,o!cctGV' qoE -g)o6o(! =t c.osflloo(L =t !' oNo \l oN Eoo E Eoo rl)o .gEcG (5.E olE.c o oc.E(,o.Eoco, Eo = E'o o E Eoo o)oo Ec6 E.E o-E.E o oc ooc'6)co Eo = G o o Eo =o oEoo;Eo oa coo;oz .gco EE oo(ta o Eo =C) oEoooit =oz€ EoEotr .gco EE oooo E Eopootrcoz o'6 ruo o=(!) o'ooo o=a 6 c->.!oiz.: 9EaCo(C(5(En o c?>.!ot 6F>EaCocC(t(!o E.9 (Elo Go(! =E. c.9 6fooo o- =t t oNo $ oNo 6oo E Eooooo EE(! E fE.g ooc oo,EoEo Eool 6o(, E Eoo(,o 6 EE(5 (! lE.g ooc oo.EoEo Eo l o Eoofo oEoo;c.9o) coo 3oz oa o Eoofo oEoOo3t =oz od Eo ot oa E topood Eoz oI uoo- q 'ooo o?_o a'6oo o=o 6 c- >.soi>:O.>dotolCC't 6o 6 c- >.soi>:o;>Goto(C('t 6a co o fo6o(! =t Eo G-ooo(r =n r+ oN s oNo EeoE Eoooo 6 EcG6 aE ,E o oc'Eoo.Eoco Eo = EeoE Eoooo (5pc(, E lo.c ooc.Eoo.coqo Eo = o Eo =o oEooBcool co() Boz oo =oL o Eo ao o!ooo =t =oz oa =o od c,oo =oI o =ooo o o a'ooo o=o 6 c- >.s!i o;>,ioEo!cr't 6a 6 c- >.9ot oF>tEoEo9CL't 6a c.oo =ll6o(L =t co G fo6o(r =d s oNo $ oNo E troBoou.coz os i EeoE Eoooo 6 EcG6 oaE.g o oE.Eoo.Eoco Eo = EeoE Eoooo 6 EcG o fE.c o oc'Eoo.coEo Eo f o Eo =o oEoo3c.oo= co(.) 3oz oI -to E: o Eo fo oEooo3tr =oz od Eo otr or E=3o El Eq9o:qA)>EG-ot>=Pir(rlcouJ6o E EoBoou. Eoz (oo =os aoo = o'oooq o=U' o '6oa o 6 G c->,!oie: 9E6ao(c(t(5't) 6oSc>.!oi>:6;>';oeOCc(t6a c.o 6 =ll6o(! =E c.e Glll6o(I =d t oNo oNo t! oEoot o2 6 oo- EeoE Eoooo (5 oE(, E lE.c ooc (,o.EoEo Eooa EcoE Eoooo(! Eg(! 6 lE.c ooc.Eoo ._EoCo Eo f o Eo fo oEoO; Eoo) coo =oz oo =o Ef o Eo fo o!ooo; d. =oz€ Eo od oo =o E) o '6oo o o oE'6oo o=o 6oc- >.9oi o;>rio,olCC56a 6 c.>.!oia:G;>G6Co(C('toU) C.9 6fooo(L =t co .Gloo(J (L =d \t oN o oNo 6o o)E Eoooo -goc66.E q =E.q o oc.C 0,o.Eoco Eo l (!'o oE EoooPo EcoE IE.: ooc.Eoo.soEo Eo f o Eoofo oEoo;EoFo CoO 3oz oo =o)E o Eo f(.) oEooo3d =oz od Eo on oo =oc E troPootr Eoz o'ooo o6 oEooo o=a 6 >.!ai 6;>,iato!cr't6a E c- >.sDiz':siaC6CC('5(! U) c.96aoGo(L =t g .9 -g)o 6o(L =d soN o I oN oo 0)EEooooooc66.E =o.E o oc.E(,o.=oco Eo l .(,g luE Eoooo (5pE6 o :E.g ooc oo.coco Eo l o Eooao o)Eoo3coo = coO;oz oo Eo6 =E Eoo 6o'-Io -!9 l EoolJ ooo)o3 Y, EJz a Eo o Y, oo Eoooa E EoJ =N Eo c) o oo- o oo oo = 6- E=E5coooCE EEoa.EooE EE(9o 6 ot,ood oz .:l Eo,';.:"': E ing6Gt6EES$EutENs'iSE SEg3 ,s-, E o os o oo fo(!o =>s(Jocs.oF(r+t=6 rJJ 5>9c,.3o6fiE-Bo\}EOBo.= tr (E c Jo =!ootr oh ooltoolG0- 6oe eo; Gotoaoq a'ooo o o o'6oo o=o 6 >.!oie:6;>GqEo!cr,6o 6o.E ob6 oE't 6o E.9o fo(!o(L =E. c.9 6fo Go(L =E. soNo soNo 6 Eo =ootcoz ot4 oE oo ooo € 6ooE Eoooosoc6E'EoaE.E o oc oo.coco Eo = 6ooE Eoo ruPoEc6ii olE.E o oE oo).Eoco Eo f o Eo =o oEoo;E.9of Eoo 3oz ocoEEoo ooo o5o(! o Eo fo o)ooooBtr =oz 06 =o oE ocoEEoo ooO.! o5oG o'6oo o=a o'ooo o o G @ >.!oi c;>GacocE(,6a oq >.!oi G;>d6co(c('5 6a co (5 fo Go(L =E. co 6fo Go(L =t $oNo soNo 6'6 oE Eoooo G Ec6E'E =E.E o oc.E ll)o.Eoco) Eo = 6'6 oE EoooosEc6E'Eoa!.c o oE o)o).coco) Eo l o Eo a(-) oEoo3E.9of ocoo;oz Ioo o 6oq6 uJ I"JJ o Eo lo oEooo3t =Ozo Eo ot Ioo o 6oq6 uJ uJ E opoou. Eoz E copooGcoz o,6 oo o)--U' oEooo o=a o E?>.!oi L:6.>doto(c('5oa G c- >.9 a.:g€ acOECL't Ga c.o (5 lloo (L =i. g.9 6a 12oo(r =E. toNo oN 6'6 oE EoooosE 6E.E fE .c_ ooc.Eoo.Eoco Eo l 6'6 oE Eo ooo Dc6E'EolE.c o oc'E o)o.coco) Eo = o Eo fo oooo3E.oo?qcoo 3oz coEooo od o.o Co e Eo lO oDooo3d =oz od =o otr Eo ooo otoo co o oo o aoq.Ir{l!l! o eoEN:cot o'ooo o=o o'ooo o?-o 6 c.>.soie.:o;>Gaco(c(toJ' 6 c->.9ot>: 9EgE ccto,',' c.o G-g6o(L =d q.9o fll6o(L t soNo s oNo 6 soE EooooooE66.E olo.c o oc.Eoo.coco Eo l .(5goE Eoo o,o -gEc6 (E.E fE,g oo 'E o)o).coEo) Eo f o Eoqlo opoo3E.oo = Eoo 3o2 Eoo oo ILoc'6coEco o Eo ao o!ooo;t =oz OU Eeot coo o(! oc'6coEco o'ooo o=o o'ooo o=o 6 c->.8ot>: EE6cocc(toa 6 c->.!oia.:6;>GgE c('5oa c.9 G ll6(.)(! =d c.o (E =o6o L =t $oNo oNo 6ooE EoooPoEco6 lE.E ooc oo.Eoco Eo f 6'6 oE EoooPoEE6E.E lE.E ooc oo.Eoco Eo l Q Eo =o oEoo =E.9of coo 3oz oL EGL o Eo!Eo o Eo,o oEooo3t z 06 Eo ot oL coI ooEoEco E ot,oot oz Eooo6o a- Ur to oEsoo o GotD:trot G otood Eoz oEooo o o oEoo)o o o 6 c->.!ote':G;>,igE c(tGa 6 c->.9otz.:9E6coqCL'toa E.9o llGo(L =d E.o (5lo6o(r =t toNo soNo E Eo =oot Eo2 os GooE Eooog(! oEoE o)E.E o oc.Eoo.qoEo Eo = 6o(, E Eoo q) P(, EEo6 fE.g ooc oo.goCo Eo l o Eo =o oEoo =E .oof coo =oz oL o oo Eo o Eo fo oEoooBd =oz o5 o ot ou o ooo Eo oos ,t ototro! o(J Eo GoEt:trot o'ooo o?-a o '6oo o=a G c- >.!ot 6;>dalo!c('t 6a 6oc- >.9oi>:6F>Eo,OLCCt6a c,9 Gfo6o(L =d c.o (5 =ll6o(! =t oNo oNo E Eopoot Eoz oaa oah 6'5 oE EoooIoEE66'q )o.c ooc oo.EoEo Eo) 6ooE EoooP(, EE6ii of!.E ooc oo.coco Eo- o Eo = oEoo3qoEol qcoo;oz rl)oo =oU' No o Eo lo oEo C)oBe ()z€ Eeot ooofoa No oEooo o--o oE'o o)o o u) Eqc- >.9Dt>:6F>,Eo9OECL'toU' 6 c->.!oi>\! E€6co<c(56a C.9(! llGo(! =d c.9 -6lo(!o(L =t toNo *oNo 6'o oE Eoooo6 Eco6 fE ,c o oC ooc'6t o Eo .qooE Eoooos EE(! (!.E -E.c o oE.Eoo.coco Eo f o Eo fo o)Eoo;Eoao = Eoo 3oz oE E.9)J -coo o E'6(! o o o Eo lo lt)Eooo3n =(Jz 06 Eo ot oc E.9))o6o o c'6 (L o (! Ecc>E=E5coooCC9doa.EoqE PEoo Eo9o:EO>tr6-ot Pi!O=EOu.t 6o o Goo oo uJ $.98i(DGe(4ETfiEEEsinE3E 1.1TEEAFO$8t& oEGI o oo oGo =>saJotrs-oFo+ rrJ 6>9ED ..o5fiE-8o\IEo.=c (E tr =o =.Ya)ot qa o ti ooaa- a'ooo o=a o'6(,ooo o 6 c- >.9otz.! 9Eo9oqCLt6,J) o ;o >o ooc't 6a c.9 6fo Go(L =d c.9 6looo(L =t $oNo {oN o .(5ooEEoooPo Ec6 E ofE .c_ o oc oo .Eoco Eo f 6 soE Eoo rug G Eco o.E fE.E o oc oo .Eogo Eoof e Eo lo oEooBE.oof Coo 3oz oooE()(nooE.9) o Eo fo oDooo =t =(Jz 06 Eo ot oooEoooat.9 oE6E 6;aa tsoa.ot E copoot Eoz o '6oo o=o o '6oo o=U) 6 c- >.9ot 6F>dac6cEC't Ga 6 c- >.!otz':6;>E6cPIt6a g .9 Gall6o(! =e c.9 G =ooo(L =d oNo oNo o'6 oEEoooo l9oc6 E lE.s o oE.Eoo.Eoco Eo f .oo o)EEoooo 6oc6 E.E lo.c o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo f e Eo lo o)Eoo3coFof Eo 3oz oof ooo E-(L 6o o Eo lo oEo(Jo3t =oz 05 Eo 0n ool ooo E =(L Go gooaEooa.U, .9,Iso eotr oq o o1tooucoz o '6oo o=<h oG'6ooao=a 6 c->.soi>:o;>Eo,o!cct6o 6 c. >.so?.iO.>,ioto(c('t 6o c.96)o(! C)(L =E c.o -gfo(!() L =t $oN toN o 6'6 oEEoooo6 Eco (E lE.E o oE.Eoo.coco Eoof 6 oEEoooo 6 EEG E afE.E o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eool o Eo fo oEoo =co ol coo =oz EoLo goo(! tU uJ o Eo lo oEoooBt =oz 06 o ot c6Io 6oo(5 UJul oa-It4oo a. 5a- Got o GoID oq 6 oEood oz o'6oo o (D o'6oo oa 6 c->.! >:6;>,iacocE('t 6a 6 c->.!oi 6;>d6cPI;6a co 6lo(!o(L t co (! fo6o(L d IoNo toNo 6 tro =oot troz 6 coo o g ar, 6'6 oEEoooo G Ec(! 6 =E.c o oc oo.goco Eo l .(5eoEEoooEG Ec6 o.C afE.E o oc ooc'6,co Eo: o Eo fo oooo;c.9ol oEoo =oz 6 cooq .qofooc=Go e Eoof() oDooo =t =C)z od Eo ot E coo E.oolooc=(Eo Gu- o G oa. Ea IJJI o GotD:troc o'ooo o--o o'6oo o=u, c c- >.9ote':CF>E6aOECL't oo 6 >.!oi 6F>d6EoCCltoo c.oo fo6o(L =t E.9(5aoGo(r =t oNo \l oso .qooEEoooo G EE6 E'E fE.c o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo a 6'6 oEEoooPGpc66 fE.g o oc oo.EoEo Eo f o Eo lo oEooBcoof acoo =oz coo oIEGo:EoE Go o Eo lo oEooo =d =oz od Eo ot coo o(L EGoIoc oo 6 troPoou, tro2 oEooo oo o'6oo () o 6 E. >.soi>:gEo9olCCtGo 6ac- >.!ot.:O.>doto(C(t6t) E.9(! fll6o(! =t c.9 Gfooo(). =d $ oNo $oNo ,GeoEEoooP(! !c6 6'E =E.C o oc ooc'6)co Eo) .qooEEoooE(! pcG i6 fE.E o oc ooc'6, Eo Eoof o Eo fo oooo =Eo of coo Boz oL co o Eo) (,Eooo3n oz o5 Eo rut oI c6 oooo Eq. EGot E)tr Go IL o GoIDtoq 6 tropood troz G ot,oot troz .9=ooo o=o o'6oo o--U' G c->.!oi GF>'iotocC('toa E c->.!oi Ei6CPI't6a co 6looo(L =t c,9l!lo6o(L t $oNo oN 6ooEEoooo 6oc6 (5.E olo.E o oc.Eoo.coco Eo l EooEEoooo G Ec6 E'E f!,E o oc,Eoo.EoEo Eo f o Goa. st! o Eo lo o!oo;c.9oa coo 3oz Eo a o6 oo6 o Eo)o oEooo3t ()z€?-o ot Eoo o o 6oo6 qos GIL o goU!+ot ol.l- tGI .9'ooo o=a Eoo)o o=o 6 c. >.soi 6;>Gato!c('t 6a 6 >.9ot>:6F>E ocCC'5 6a E.9olo G(.) (L =t c.9 .gao6o 0- =t oNo \' oN 6oo EEoooo -goco E o)E.= ooc oo.cogo Eoof Eo o) EEoo it)P(5 Eco6 afp ,E o oc ooc'6,co Eoaa o Eo lo oEoo;c.9of Eoo Bo2 oL c6L o6oo6 o Eo ao oEooo3 E. =oz od Eo od oL cGL o eooo Ec E=E5coooCC EEoa.EooE EE(ro so,oact o En Ea s EE6I' & o Gt o oo)o(Uo =>s(Jo .oRo+rts_uJE>9q,E 9E uJ ,nrBo\ BBo.= .sa! tr =o =J(,otr ob o oUrGq- oEooo o=o oqooo o=a 6 c->.!ot 6;>riAEo!E\'t Ga 6 c- >.Eoi 6F>Ga9o!cl (5,a go (! ? EO(L t c.9 G,o6o(L =t s oN s oN E o1coot oz qotoat4Go E o E Eoooo 6oc E =E.c o oE oo,coEo Eo f Eoo E Eoooo6 Ec6 E'E =E.c o oc tuo.coco Eo f o Eo lo oEoo3EoEo = coo 3oz o oo o E 6 o Eo fo oEo()o3tr oz o. o ot o oo (5(, E 6 6 o '6ou tro2 €r'---1 6tl atl Gtl sII otlI lo oI i\ EI iE EI to oI l(4 sI tE q I toI iEI toI lt,tI tG I tGI t=I lr|t I oI t:ltt ttt] otHq[.Hl(JI EI+ tat otet ilt$l Et.{=I !|{,i.iIHELt tlt Et il,s I EiuJtEl *t 8tELlEl o o'6oo o=o o'o ruo o=o Eqc.>.!otz'! EE6CoCC('too 6ac->.!oi 6F>daCO-Cc!tGn c.o(s =o G (L =d c.9sao Go(L =t oN $ oNo 6'6 o E Eoooo .EEE6 E'E =!,E o oE'Eoo,Eoco Eo = 6'6 o E Eoooo 6 Ec6 E.E qf,E.E o oc oo.cocc) Eo f o Eo = oEoo =c.9of coo 3oz o(5 o.s, otr ooop o o Eo f oEo(.)o3t oz od Eo q)t o(! o.9' q,t ooop o E o oot oz o'oooaoa o'6oo oa 6 c- >.9oi oF>E6cocCCtoo 6 >.!oiz':G;>d6cocCC5ot) c.oo fo(!o =t C.9 6ao(5o (L =e. s oNo oNo E co!oo G. o2 ooooo G +- Eoo E EoooosEE6 6.E fE.= o oc oo.Eoco Eo a Eoo E Eoooo 6 Ec6 E.E fo.E o oc oo.Eoco Eo f o Eoaao oEoo; Eoo =qcoo Boz o6ooo G o Eo f(.) oEooo3& =oz o5 Eo ot ooooos oqoE) ot ooaE o,4 so GoErEot E ot,oot oz o'6oo oa o'6oo oa 6 E.>.!ote: EEaCocC('too E >.!oiz':c;>G6CoCC('t(5o CoE6looo(L =t c.o 6 =o(5o (L =t $ oN oNo 6'o o E Eoooo -gEc6 E.E afE.E o oE oo.EoEo Eoo = 6'o o, E Eooooo Eq6 E'E =E,c o oE.Eoo,coCo Eo f, o Eo =o oEoo]c,oof coo 3oz co 6o.s, otooo o6 o Eo lo o!ooo =tr =oz€ IoE. q .96o.9) otoo6 oo o'6oo o=a o'6oo oa G >.!oiz.:c;>'i6lo(C('t 6o E >.qoiz.!o;>';6coCCL'too E.9 6fo(5o(L d E.9 6fo(Eo (L =t oNo oN Eoo E Eoooo G EC6 E aE.E o oE.Eoo.EoEo Eo a Eoo E Eoo(,o 6oco E =E.c o oE.E o)(, .coco Eo = o Eoo-o oooo3coEol Eoo Boz c.o6o.s, ot oc e Eo fo oEooo =t =oz oa =o oE. c.9 6o.9) ot o! E copootcoz o'6oo o=a o'6oo o=q, 6aE. >.soi>:6;>G6to(C(t6t) o c- >.sot >! O.>,iot6CCCt6o E .9 6fo G(.) =d c.9 6-o Go (L =tr oNo oNo Goo E EoooosEE6 6.E fE.E o oc oo.Eoco Eo f Eoo E Eooooo Ec6 E =E.c o oE.Eoo.coco Eo f o Eo f() oooo;qo f Eoo =oz 6o)3o.a c 6 .qp Ef Q Eo aO o!ooo =t =oz€ o ot 6o =o.l C 6 .9.p E = Eo Eo.D oq o o o qotn:trot G oEoot o2 Gol,4.A q Go E t o GoEr ot E o ood oz t4ot4Go o'6oo o?-a o '6ooao=o 6 c- >.8oi>:9€aEolCC;5a 6 c->.!oiz.:G.>d6CoCC('t Ga c.oolo(!o(L =d c .o(! =ll6oo =t toNo *oNo .qooE Eoooo G EcG6.E fE .E ooE.Eoo.Eoco Eoa: EsoE Eoooo6 EE(5 (5.E lE .c_ o oc oo .c_oco Eo l o Eo lo ooo() 3Eo o = coo 3oz o 6o o ul E.s, o Eo-o oEooo =t oz od Eo (,t oo6o tJJE.s) Ec 6Bo=cqooCC EAoa.EoqEaogruoo o G1' o oo oGoE>s(JotrE.9Fo+i=o IJJ E> -c,g|Eo6trtrul ul*8o\;iol:o.= tr (E trfo =sootr q5 o !otrlGq- Ef oo o =6o = o f (!o = o f oo = o) 6o) = E)o6o oa 6o o $ o*oots ooN ooo- ooo- oooo !oEoo)o(! =t EoEooo(L =d EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =e. Eo Eooo(). =d Eo Eooo(L t Eo Eooo(r =t oNo oNo $oNo soNo oN $ oNo s oNo 0)o E.gE oN N oEo c6 co o co ooE.gE oNN (E E i6 qoFo co Coo E.6o oo $N E .fEo E c6 go G Eo Coo E.6E a N E .fEo E tr6 coFo co, ooE.go N @o oo 6 cG qo o co oo E.6E Nt @o oo 6 c6 co (, Eo ooE.gE o!ttl oo6 g o c6 co GFco EoEo5 qcoO 3oz oo E,gooN N I o co 6 co oc.o Eoc .q) - o E P c)t (,o E.oD oN N IEo coEo c(, oco'o Eoc .91 qoaof cot)ioz oo Eoo oI N Ico co 6 co oco6Eoco o Eo o)E o) lu E.gEoo$N Eo Eo G Eo oEo'o o E.s) Co o = coo 3o2 o)o E,gD N$ @oIEo, co 6 co oco'o Eoco I Eo od oo E.gE N$ @o Eo E.9o Eo oc .!PoEoE .9r 3oz oo E.op @$il Ico c.oo =co oc.oo 0)c.9 0 oe at;aa Eoo.ot o 3 =o E" 6E opootto2 Eoo o o o o\q oo Eo ErI t4 GII o (, tropoot tro2 o o oo ut Gu- olaGo = o l 6o) = oNo- oNo- EoEC'oo(! =t EoEooo(! =t toN $oN c6 co -g Eo oo.cco; .9 6 Eo f(, o (, E co c6 cos Eo oo.E o =o 6 Eol(! o o 6 co o co o- Eoo 3oz -!!6 EooEo G co -!!!G EE Eoo o aEeot o)6 Eooco 6 co) -9o(E EEgoo ol 6o = ol 6o = o =oo = of 6o) = Eao6o o)a6o o =oo o l (Eo = o o @ot @o Noo Noo o@t- o@$_ Eo)EoooI =t ooEoooI =t !o)Eo)oo =t !oEo)ooI =t ooEooo(I =t E(, EoooI =t ooEooo(! =t EoEooo(L =t oNo oNo oNo oNo oNo soNo $oN {oNo o(, E.(,E oNN o E io c.9sf .g oo E.(!E N N 6 E c6 coF-gls CooE.qE 6o \tN E .fEoE c6 coEl9I _c ooE.qE 6 \'N EaEoE c6 coF6f ._c (, o E.oE Nt @o oo -o E6 E.o 6fI o, 0) E.oo N\t @o oo0 Eo E,o 6 =.e ooE.qE o\tI oo (5 g xo c6 coE6l .s o)q) E EE o\'il oo G g xo E6 Co 6lc o co of coo;oz ooE.aE N N E6oc (! fo e Eeot ooE.qD oN N E6oE o fg o coEol coo 3oz ooE.oE eo$N E6 oc ol .s o o ot ooE.op ao N Ho oc olI e Eo o- oEoC) 3oz ooE.qE N$ @o eG oE=6fc o o otr ooE.qE N* @ co oc 6lc o c.oof coo Boz ooE.q! o$I Ho oc=-olI o Eo ot o ru E.6E 6 il Eo oc=o: .s o 3 =o E') GEEopooE Eoz o :, =o E' E Eopqot Eo2 Ef oo of (!o = N o No EoEo,oo (L =t E(, Eo)()oI =t toN {oNo o(!oE oooo.coco) Ef=fo oGo.EE o o oE o(!oE oo!o .Eoco Ea=fo o(,o,EE o o oE o o Go Iooao El o *(Joao U,sur o E.9of coo;oz oEF oooE Ioo!o.Eoco 6:=l.9o o aEo ot oEF oooEvoo!o.Eoco 6 f=l.9o .T E) G Sg o t4 Glr G Eopoox. oz oa 6o @ Eo)E(,oo(! =t o oN @ oo 8foE - 9bgEE Eo o>9 i!83 c Oi*$I-E X3$:o oE EeE EE 3 EEEoEb F83. =E OP,: E;e 3egH--; :>c 6.! Q= ELI,,, EG E,,,:o a. tt LIIoo c o a.E ool(L tGE -_cf oc't(!a Ecq>Eis=EOooCC9eoa.EooEp! oru o 6oo Eoo LrJ ti Oto.tutIataE& g xEI6od oE.EE o oo 5oGo =>s(Js .oRo+ rL_lTJ E>9,c,E9"8fiE-Bo\IEo.= tr(! Jo =.Y(,ot qb o otrtG0- 0oa e!a; Goto CLoq o troBoot oz of 6o a\to-N E(, Eooo IFt $oN o o6oJ ooIg --3c(, oco oEo EoooEoq) IIJ oEo6> oacaOE o E6ooN @ eo oco GcEEoo .9 oo o N otr a,Ep o G o =6ot oz G co '6 otr tro2 o f 6o = o) =6o = oo(o @o^ N EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(! =n soN $oN ob! GIoE EoJo(, E6aq 6t) o ocJJd; 35EoJJE-ots-gF IIJ oilu.vl!o EeEE:oECouJoo EEOEocE6Oo\o@E@6lt=no>LO6c6.3 BhcOrrJ IaJc> :EfiEI1.3]qEE o .9FIobr E'6 oEEoO .9 oo o N .gFuobL G'5 oEEo(, .9 oo oEE't(' o EaIbtll E) Iooo oE'6oq o=a o'ooo o) a o c.>.!oi sioto(C(., 6a 6 >.9ota:oF>t=acoCCLt6o co 6lo6o(L =t Eo 6)o6o(L =t $oN o I oNo o6; GoEo o coEcoo EoF6oo.E E Eo Goc E'6 Eo o6 =GoEo o coocoocou6 o,o.E o Eo GoE E'(! oo o Eoaof coo;oz eooo E 6o o aEo ot bo oo E Go G Eopoot Eo2 oooo{a. o '6oo oz<h o '6oo o)--(^ 6 c- >.soiz.:o;>,i6Co(c(t6,o 6 c- >.soia.:6;>Goto!cl,6o Eo olo Go(L =d co Gfo Go(L =tr toN $oN E.9 6oo Eo oo o(!3 o3 E=i = 6o o c.o 6oo'Eo o oo oo; o] E=; =E6ooo o Eoof coo;o oooo Io: o EIot ooooooI E =3o CD 6 Eopoot tro2 o Gao GoI Elc Got o G = oI oooai EoEooo (L =t $oN co Eo o oEfo Effo6 b'6 E o o o ocofgo o6,g6 o co --o o oE =o Ef =o6 '6E o o 'EE Eofuo oo.gs o =o o, GEcopoot Eo2 qo a o otEo ll.oeG s u,q. Ia. G ot,oodtoz oo Gi{oo oo eo o s{oot,o Ef 6o = o f 6o = oory oory Eo Eooo(I t Eo Eooo(]. =t \t oNo :f oN oo 6; oo o oc.oo o oo 63 oo o.2 oc .!Pob-o E.9 o C.9oa coo 3oz Eo G3Ioo o.> og .qoEo .9 o Eo ot Eoo3xoo o oE.oo oE.9 E 2 =o ED 65 oE'i5otr tro2 hoo{f oI. o: = o ooEo alr o'6ooaoa 6 >.!oi-:G.>'i6loCC('56a co 6:ooO(L =t oo Goo .cco 3oc ooc .9. oo o E oco,3oE OCE$o; 6s>cc.!9t o oL c6 oo6o c.oco oo6o o =o ED E Eopoot o2 soNo ooE.gE @$il oo G 6 xoiG o Eo ot ([, c)E.6D o$il;Eo co 6 go o a o o uo u-oao'tr s t4sGlJ- --cl oc'= 6a 6- c>EiE5cqooCE EAoa.EoqE PEoc) EoQo:Eo>F6_o6 EirofcoU'E C) o6oo oo ul 56oEoIa TE6 $ Eeoot oE(E!, o oo 5oGo =>sC'OCE.s&oi uJ6>9gtE odfiE-Bo!IEo-= '6 tr o =.Y(,ot ob os\ooG0- oo{ N B o ao tsoa.otr of 6o = El 6o = (ooo Ntfo EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(L =tr soNo $oNo EE.960ofoo EP E>9vPeEEREvlEt,ooEo)EEJ]o6E:o.9. APo=C-U=>=o-EOON EE IJJ Lc i<96 ! -c E6o qgt EIoE-Ego;odoc9E 67f;gLqC6i6T>.Eo-or(q!U=>JOrccoincESUJU 9t o o o I(,Noo L ooo c Eoo C6 F 6 EoE Eo o oo il 6 UoNooL ooo Eo Ga c6 F G'o oE Eo E =oo = o fqGo = o f oo, = o f 6o = o l 6o = Ea 6o = oa 6o o foGo = @o$- F-N N No o(oo-F- o oo6{oto$ oto+ ooo ^i EoEooo (). =d EoE(1,oo(L d EoEooo L =t EoEooo(! =d EoEooo& =n EoEooo .L =t ooEo)oo(L =t !(, Eo)ruo(I =d \t oNo $oN s oNo $oN oNo soNo s oN m ToNo o.E oooc-qr=tr3 E*r6G(r>l6E; *6i>o E9a+o >-E6.i-() (6 _d0=rd.(!: E o.!54tr= d\g o ..LocH5i EOL! b!- QAaE I =o! o.C ooEOa--=o3oL!EOoq?s 3= asE!(,o:>- Eoo!EA:fi =.s-o(G a! C'n-!El -o E=FgI5 oto 9a>.= c ^LOE'-39 LO,uJ ds = Qd-oE9Fo! -E-s,EE-.=-PB!a =8gf -oox d,k E66\.7 PPfPi,Er-8 ES8 !D >.= E EEoooOH= AiEE!Eqbio cE , E [:toE o ! o -8o-EsuEoa)EOEN' 6=E:.oqs akg6;.!cEauJal_o iG.:p9io E!E8t6b9(J E.>!aoJ (qo! 'ilc E fr!c 9!th u o.E oooc-o-E; EE 66+:.rqo8?!>o;ea+o>:cc!t!ota9{'5*r b.6 IEF OEo!6q:o=i O1rqoc 'nf! EO.rrJ d!e dl-oE !Fo! .9EoocEo-E=o30gEqru;f6q=. E5fDoa oo.! E AiizE_o(q()ro -roc:E6dEF9x o*r 6:-cIbi, :3 e.i-fg EOLlJ d!- dd oE !Fo! o o FgEolB E8E6OtBgekEo?!HPP=e6Etlt;8 EE8 !D >= EE3v i!ta6Eb9aolrEE*ItsEtoE o; o :*EgOoEoa)E _!U6o =eu=L>#at 6856;cEtri._i5 EG.:p9iO:EE8f6b9oE->E!oJ dc.rao E= E H!c 9!PE Z o oocoo!q6F .lPo ==I3Io .9 oo uJ oE (!3 .!2o GooE Eo o o o qoo c(5Foo .Eo l =Io .o oo trJ os (E3E.tDo6'6 o)E Eo Ic6F _go .Eo IooieoEo 6otro .o oot! oE o;s;-O E'p8.o>EFtrooo o o EfoooEEfi Io .9 ooul ot G;E .12.o Eo q) E Eo o o ocooIq6Foo ==l E Ioo(5o oE N =E ..4o 6'6 oE Eo o oo cooxE6F -go.EU)\ E-o (!o oE G;E ..2o 6's oE Eo ooo ljE6Foo.go v_o6t>6c.o(t <t)iIoo(5(9 q)! 6 =E.oo 6'Poo-E.cO .Q.-' o ocfoooEc =iIo (,(, oE 6 =t ..2o 6's !l)E Eo E tro =oou. Eoz o oo u. Go oE oooo oo|r t! oEooG, Eoz o l 6o = oa 6o ooN- @ N o_oo oo)Eooo (L =t EoEooo(! =t $ oN s oNo E Eopooc. Eoz o*ooo oxooo E6IaI oot!ooElg6: iY6^6A>coob:sctuJ uJ APo=OEE(JLucE-o!;s rl) ooo E6o)oo'Eoo uJoo odlqeff6,16i>C9.9o!trtluu AE o:o;E.LlJ dc-oa+s o oF o.N c6o(o EE6 o $ o UoIooo E(!o U)o o.9 o N oF o.N c6o @oco o rf o U(,xooo E6o U'o'tr oo oGto s oa Goo E Eoooo.ttoGicoo E =6o = o- Go = oa 6o = e(o ao-F oNo-o oooo Eo Eooo LFd Eo Eooo(! =t EoEooo.L =d toNo *oNo $oN E(to)i6()! E=3Eo co (5 ,Eo Eoo .o o .!9 uJ oEo'6> b5cCOG cooco oru Eooo o -!!l,tJ ocooEuJ E.s, co ocooogoo .o oo uJ oEo'6 uJc.g) ::.: 5.ooG0 6,' e E6oo @ Eoo co 6c5Eo(_) o o -!u o o.Na fI Eo)ogo oo coo .o oo o o.No =oI Eo oEoFoo cooo.E oo =cf oc't6o Ec k=E€coooCC EEo6.EooE EE(9o Eo9oiEo>tr6-o6 pi5ofcotIJ Eo o Goo oo uJ o !Gp o oo =oGo =>so6 .oEol UJE>E'o.3odEtruJ uJrBo\ EEo.= tr (E o =5o0t qb o6\oq, Gq. 6 trotoot oz o =oo = o =(!o = o@@ @o6 EoEooo(L =t oru Eooo (L =t soNo oNo -c E6nC-!vg> E99o EEcl .EB9ooco= E9ebg-geoe>:p=9itrb AEcooooEi E&J -s(E, 8I E Eoo c6 G6 oE Eoi.)t,oE.6cfEoo G.:6E o:o:c:JCatcc9EECJltrci9)E Gg o oo o o oIogoo.E od. ooo qo 6o g EF6ooE Eo o oo lt o Logoo od. ooo o 6o qgF EooE Eo 6oeGt6; GoEooot o Eo '6 od troz G Go.E) rtr (,o.E) @o q @ EoEooo(! t EoEooo(L =d s oNo s oNo o 6oEogoo'- E .EoE(5 Eoo o loEoc'o -goo o tJJ c=Bo Gdoo6oo'Eo oqE'io ,Eo -g6 ,E o coo>!o.:c'icid.: EZ/qu ooGo o co Eo ot oc E .9rJo 6ooul o .>Eo Eeot ooqoo oc6q foooo ooEo6oo o o f (!o = o f (!o = o =oo = o)l 6o = osN o $ni ooo- @N@-o EoEooo(! =t EoEoooc =t Do)Eq)oo(! =t EoEooo (L =d soN soN $oNo ioNo oo aGE 3ogco6 =o>o( Osoc Gq:!6: EE'ac>Co! 9.o .lJ o>;oc5sqsE.rr3 3i oo;q EtcoOI(!: =EO(9co!ot ETf,C6g 6:bcelbsc:uri oc5s6(t-:( 96 oo;6cto .EEoo =oo;o-tsd6!q4Nc .oiFGt!(uJfl)sai6r'6( rrJ tE:Pi oo;6,;eOEg?ETo-6cEEo-thoSe; =3o(fco:rl ea !({;vc oc6s0sE.JJflqt PE 2 6o oooo oot oa6r; g: ccoooo:.) 3 oEgoo =o Q ooao ooo il o6t oe6; ol=x coooooo 3 ogEoG =o o 6E a ooo o6t ozoI oi oFx coEoooot3 o.=Eoo o 3 6E oooo il o6v ozo! ii g ^c oooot) t,:-3 (,sEo(! Eo G opooG. Eoz o oG-oa o oG =oo o troBoou oz E =oo = o l Go = o fo(,o oNN N oo@ $N@o Dq) Eo)oo (L =d ooEooo (L =t EoEoooc =t toNo oN o $oN o EE(555.ooocl-o9o!No.,ovtr>ollNVOoSIriooo)oE 6Ef>o--(E6tr-oE >.E9co=E:agc4!Uo9(JEgg!96 oEIoIogg =q- -c3s6.sq, IIi Dao+ E;3cEE >€ b! !c dEC!o=q3 iE o; .95foooNE r,lo,robIoo9NED=-o5>!EoFo5 =co.-3E-}|o-v2 A€o() Eg, a:5troOT9otrorJ6 adi =cd o eGo o jo @N il o Ioc5Goo.g =oIEo(! f E .9 oq) o joo ,ocE(!oo.qpoIEoo foc .o oo o L jooN il !oE5(!oo.Epo-Eo G fs .9 oo G (Eo .EJ IE GoC = aoNo @sioN EoEooo l!FE. EoEooo LFd soN $oN oEoF 3oJ LFt 6 coo o(!oI 6o;o q oEoFEo =LFt 6 coo ooo- 6o;a C o o EoF 3oJ o.Ico() o(!oI oo3o Fc o oEoFEo a.Ico() o(!oI 6o3U' Ec G copoo& Eoz 66 oo toqoo o =(5o = oa oo = o =o6rl) = oo ooo- N oNo_ Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eluo)otL d *oN soN *oN O oo .9o ooo il o z.9oOo0w C>9rr EEoot-co3r!rootr g9 ogLOG-691.Eo-oo U=>;OqcoON'^ oaEEguJ[€ -sC.-er B E E.oE€t6 E? Ea!P9 CG 8B.EOOE E9OLEO6t69>.so-iD6CFLU=>=OLcoON EEulr FET c E6o E6 o6 o)E Eo-)oo 6fu GDi c,Ed.rc!JJ+ o.EOoh-dESIJU !2' Cfa o oo il o UoNoor ooo go(!o c6FEo oEEo o il oo uoNq) EI ooo c Eoo cgF 6IoEEo o Gco.NoI UoNoor ooo coooc6F E'6 oE Eo l',rlr'sq iE> tE= IE5 I co Ioo IECE=oa.= .ooE IgEoo l, --clooc'= 6a oo9o!Eo>tr6-a6>EParo=EOuJE(_) o6oo oo tIJ 56os6E.:Q tE6 $ !!6t.t o ot o oo ooo =>:aroc$.9Fott=o rrJ 6>9g,.Eo6EtruJ turBo\IEo-=cl!c =o =.Yoot qb oN!oo)Go- coF coF N NN Eo) Ec)oo (L =t Eo Eooo(L =t oNo oNo ooo-o il oE.9=DEoo G c.c Eo oo0GCx(Olo(o(>cooo: eiitDL -to: ooo-o 2oc.o7-Ecoo.=6 (s.c E c) oooocYGoj6cOG>coc .oEO '-=Es.OL -to= o C)o6 o6oooco IE f c0oooo il o o oo oGq oocotg fooooo ,.i F a oE6{ o; aotoo'oq E oEoodtoz o l-s 6o o Esoo GE sol-oE)G{aGa- p) oo(, E Eot-- o'6od o--q) o o NoN 6 c- >.qot 6F>d oqEL't 6a !oEooo(! = Eo Eooo(r E co 6-o(5 (! =t oNo 9oNo $ oN oE oooo Eoo6 LrJ oo 5 o ogEE E69-c9Ebao 6= P a;''6 9oo-: o6=Eox o.=oG6 oEOtrgr; o oioo!E EEEoEpa dOE a996.:.=E oE€ 8o!oo 9_EE'!8,s5 ^ o?66rcgs[ [o q-ay!g;iq E.F i o.gEooo goo6 uJ oo.!E oo Ec o oc oooo =goo6 o EIot ooooo o-o E6oo6 o o!Jo o.c6ooo Goo6 tIJ o .go oo.=Ec G Eotood oz 6 oEoou.troz oEoc)o o=o 6 c- >,9oi>:6F>E6CoccC5Gn c.9sfll5o(L =t $oN 3Eo ocooE LrJE.9) o :E ooooo eoaG llJ E) ooo o f 6o = o o- o(, Eooo (L =t oN ooo EoEFoo6EE6oo(L 6oo@ 6 o EotFEoa(5o oc6ofooo o 6 oEocF Q)o6 EE(!oe(L 6E(o @ o9c G Eot,ootr oz Goo to Ho G too o t\E Goo oo o =6o = @$s EoEooo(L =t $oN o oEoocE 3 oN 6 o-ccocO+.. EJ'<!!o r!c !co-Eo,o>qdl!(e! 8so;8i o 6 coo O F(! (L :EF(L Eo 6o oEGoloo 6 trotood oz o =Go = 6 c->.!oiz.: 9Eoto(C('t 6a E.9 6lo(!o(L =t oN c,9o Eo co=o=YE -o)o coO!E6 Eo o c.9 G Eo EoEo--YE -go cooEcG Eo o o co(J o Gt,o oGh ! o6o Eo(.) 6 ot,oottroz El 6o oqo@ E(, Ec)oo LFt oN og ruo o c .c)o o) ooc e o ruc'6 lo6 .goo =Ecop E "9 a c o oF uJuJ ogo.s, o E Eopoot Eoz (t o1- IU UJ(.) o eotDtoq G oEootroo EoEl:eoq oa 6o o f 6o o-oq) = oo vo N Do) Eoo)o o_ =t €oEooo L =t ooEooo(! =t $oN oNo soNo oo .9oaoo il o iloEfE E:6loo9oao:V Eu9oEOEil6Po5 Ee GOIEdO G.=(,E p=o; UO AEcOo .9)o,t EE Fgi c E6-ooo-E9L.c Eu9oEOcllb9o=o:gv Egoo 6,=I/)E P=oic:uJ6aeEo)3g= E&J E,8 i co=g loEcoo 6c.Eto(t!cE.Eo,tEOEa+i OLoz>cPioccv '!EOFc-.o .soc!trotIJ EE,.s, E o oo il oo Uo6oo od ooo co 6o c EF EeoE Eo o lt oouo Eoo'E q) E. ooo Co 6o coF6ooE Eo o Eco.No! Io6oo'E ot ooo c E6o cgF6o o)E Eo =cl oc't6o E- h=E5cqooCC EAoa.EooE PEoo Ea9o!iD>tr6-o6 PoofcouJEo q) 6oo Eoo ul .,sr6ot5S{ET s6* Esbot osot o oo foGo =>:(Jotrs.9Fo$i=6 rrJ b>r9g,E o;ctUJ qJ o\IEo.= tr (E tr Jo =5oot o oE oE,G0- oq ! 6;ao Eoo.oe G otoot troz Eoooo.s taa.E5o- Got s a- GoT coF coF CoF coF @oN oN ooN a EoEooo(! =tr EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(! t Do)Eluoo (L =t * oN oN oNo oNo ooo- @ ll o Efo 6o,c NE co (,o-6g;ho;ok >cocqotI.gEU,JJ. -to:== ooo- o Efo 6o)t 6,E Eo oo- XEo;ohgj .lP cocEAt!, -to:== g aoooo-o o Elo o9 -o6YcO =QEOeoq,P E'A OEG:oj>c09oE39o!; 3p E l dloooo I o Elo 6Ooocc GC-ftE;o; 9,A6LYEo>OEoaa YA6a'6o UJl} E_o9 o ooGoGoooE @ TE f coooo- @ il:oEo =o.Eooo 06oc 6oI (IIF o oo6 oGooo,EaTt f cooo0o ooo o ,Eooo odo ,E6oI (LIF EfI)ooqo oC6 c foooq6 ooo oc 6o:)o,5, P8EO6*9H:orOfo =E;i7 c a d)ooo-o I ocG El dt oooo I:ooo =oc6ooEod, PEE(6lth ^0EE G o1,ootcoz G oEoot oz coF G oo o) a coF ON E c- >.9ot>:6F>E6CocCC., oa o@o EoEooo(! =t c.9 6fooo o- =E EoEooo(! =t oN oN oNo ooo E() oEoooJo E =(L ooI oo foaDcae o(!;EcfEo ooo fo ocfI o Efo 6o)E oc.oo L!c .9) ooo co,oooooJo E = GoIoIfoo oo3EcfI oo sot4E o (D GoI a,tr t GoI o oooJEo o ^oEo =o.gEoo o5ocF6o! EcfI(, (r- o oo foaEcIo o ciEf(r (!oI:oEo =o.c6oo o5ocE6o! oElI(, rLt o ooo)E0)oo:oEo =o.c6o o5oc 6o,I EclIo (L? ! tol-!ot,)GIoGa- a E o- Go+a. E5a- Got o 'o()o o=a o 'ooo o?_a 6 c- >.!oiz':6F>d PE 6o G c->,!otz': 9EaCoCc(,' (Eo c.9o lo Go(L =t c.9 Gao Go o- =t oN $ oNo G copootr Eoz E o o G =ao o E oo Go o Eoo o FGoo(! JJoE6 o6 B c)coePC5E)i <d>oEEo.g9v,rh 9'E o FGooG IJoco o6 0)Eo =oco_JT =3<9 a.(, ET9u, rJh 9E? a' I JJJJ oooYo6 ooq t, ooN coEIfqo :o G ) J.G Sc e o t= UJ UJo Eooo -oo aoNa coEg =qo 6ooE (.) i.).o-_c Eoooo{ go o E oo Go o Eoot 6 ot,oot oz o 'ooooo?-o o 'ooq o=a oEooo oa o 'ooo o=U) o '6oo o=a o 'ooooo=o o 'ooo o=o o 'ooo o:-a G c- >,!oia!g€oeolC('t 6a E c. >.s0?>:6.>G6coCC('too 6 >.9oia.:gE 6EO-CE!tGo 6 c->.!otz':6;>,i6CoCc(,; (5a 6 c- >.9oE >EaCoqCL'= 6o 6 c- >.9otz':gEaEOLCCt6a o c->.!oiz.:6;>Ea,o(CC,' 6U' o-oc->.!otz': 9E6CPIt(! D C.9 -olo 6o(L t c.oo =oo(, (L =t c.9 Gao 6oI =t E.oo fooo(! =t E.o Glo G (L t co Gfo Go(! =E. c.oo fo 6o(). =t. E.ooaooo o- = s oN { oN toNo t oNo $oN o oN o {oN o \' oN O ooooo oco 5Eoo <g>(cco(oLFCuJc..,Ar!i-t e: ba:ccJIC{s Dooo(-) ,! ocoP,oEoo <E>( q(.9! FO llJ (c.E.gs N: bai:c,c LlJ ctrl r oooo:.) ! oCo ocoI otc(97i9! JJ=cC6v;, r:bi =ccJJC{r ooooJ = oco =oEo) dreno+5gE!IJEeCA!F,\: b& clJc{rc EoooO oc.9--oEoO(.C<-!>!Pi,QOo; uJi .96 LCog :Cu.:ul; Eoooo oc.o--oco(.)c-c<s AEEr.qco; uic-..94r.! N-LEoC u.r SLrl ; ooooJ oEotsoco.) <€>c9iaA9=,au! 9tE.! .c09-t c!=IJ; EoooO.! oc.o -_Dco <E>(oi .o'qO+EIUoE.,.s, tTN N; oO,.U,= !{E JJ JJi.) oosoG!-ooEo :1.o oEoooc6 E l r)ooo oo i l_))=a'oF E.q Uulo ooooo(!(, oco i^o (EEoooc g f d]oooo@: 3o (-) : E:E.g IJJ uJO Eo U) =Eo:o GEq ooE E f dlooo o@ c3oo=e'6F E,c uJt!o Eo l, o,o xo (!to .9oc6 c loooooo : 3 i.) o= EIE.q oo6 oG(! oocoxo GcooIc o,N co)Eo =oo ^too' vo>trEuc Ll.J ooo oG(Loo.sU) ^o Gtq oot o.N EoEo'=oo i<Co'<6oEbi:Euc[r uJ uJo Eo ,o o,o:o (!coo Ec o)N coEo5oo ^3 i.) o=-'6r s,e I'J u.tO ErU o --oo:ooocq o Ec o),N coE.gloo) x 3o (-) =6o'E .g 5 coF EoF o{@N oo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t oN $ oN ooo- @ oco =oooE&8i.Go- -o6=!cEao; o=3eox36>9oCVo-6:EEOr -to= oooo I Lo o9E:EQccococ.:ocE 6.E.EqE.o<P=gE6co.3. oil o-'6: TG0r-to: o oo6o6ooo.EaItf dt oooo EE6 El (D ooo @ O F o oo6oGaoo.co UEf llt ooo^o lt EcG t f d)oon-o I o =cf oc'=6o qC E=E5coooCC EEo6.EoqE PE(9o Dq9o5.g o,>tr @3 g) a!o=EOriJ Eo sc!o "Et,IaE6 G6 ti E E6I o GI o o E)oGo =>s(JotrQ.9Foi luJ B>9E,,todetrul ru.8o\IHo-Ec(! o =.Yoot qb oo\oBrGa- o! aI $o o o EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =d. soNo soNo c6 E.9oo5o Ic(E o.= Ecooo o oco =o El! .9oo.E6 oEfoE.ooo6o Iq(5 o .Eo Eooo o oErufqolr 0)o.6 G to;ooo otoo tl i-o EfoEc6oc6 o I o o oc9oo- d"EO,rg:6> o =oooooEoo il ;ioo Efo EE6 E6 o ! oo.=o o^CLo-floqoc+=9cO,..9:6> €oa€ +6; Gotosq 6 Eotood. oz aa. Sq ! Gto eo ssoo'toxo oIEo |r. dreG s eoo = (., 'o tuoo(,=o 6 c- >-Eot 6;>,EgECL,(Et) coF _6lo(!o(L =t $oNo oEfo (5oEoo fo o G; oco,ocI!t.9)I oF uJuJ I JJJJ:.) Lcf ! ccc-oo :1.ooo o EooooEoocF(Eo I o6 lc t! o!,ootr oz ooIoa4(o G =oa. Sa. GoT a. Ia- GoI o,6 oo o=U' Goc- >.soi 6F>GoEo!clt(!,n c.9(! fo Go(r d $oN oEfo (!oE;oE c EooEo o66 (5 oco0 JJEII .iglOC -cJJE!. o .oF uJ uJo ^ooo =o.Eooo odoE=6oI oEf(! 6oIEruoo() Id G Eo =ood Eo2 --cf oc'toa !19 rri:!::::,:, i]:i];::::j::ffi;,\l:'a:a:::: ::::::::::::=: ::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::..:: ::::'::::::::: ffi IEooooo=o o'6oo o6 o'ooo 0)=U) o'6oooo=o o'6oo o=a o'ooo o=U' o 'o luo otsU' o '6oo o 6 oE'ooo o) o o '6ooo 6' o o 'ooo o=o o 'ooo lu=o 6- EE65coooCE EE00'EooEoa)9o(9o 6 c- >.soiz.!6;>Eo,OECLt(!o ii .Ec>,!ot>:sjoto!c('t(,o 6 c. >.!oi o;>ri6CPIt6,o 6 c- >.!ot o;>E6Co!cr5Go 6o >.soiz.!6;>riato!c\'= 6U) 6 c- >.9ota'!6;>,8o,o!CL't 6o 6 c->.!ot SEgEC('t Go 6 c. >.!oi GF>,i6co(C('t Ga oo.Ec>.9oE o6) 6cP8'5 (5a oo >.Q o6, 6=oOCO't(!a 6o >.9oE o6)>EacP8't(,a o >.9oi o6,>EaCP8't (5 <lt Eo9o!EO>Ea6 Pi!ofcotJJ 6o r&:l :::=::::: t:: :'::',:::t. ,j*::,: =..t....' &tu:1t::..!':.:::- rd'rs{'] :::::: ::::::::: ,.,:::.::::::: :r:::::::::: ,,::il:::::: .?,t;:::,, i;:::::a.:i'!!:j:a {$ry ::::::::::: ::::::::..::::. f,ffi f,4ffi ,:: ::ti.irrl :::::::::::::::: lsi# EB tt*.: :::::,:::::t:: l::: ::lit::: ...t...=..ta:soEI' .f&r" fi: &: co (5 foGo(L =t EoE6 =ll(so(L =t E.9 .Gfo(!o(r =t co ofo (Eo(L =tr q.o -gfl:6(-) I =t g.9 .afll6o(L =t E.9 G ft:6o(L t Eo(, lo(5o(L =d co (E:o Go(r =n Eo (! o Go.L d co (E fo (Eo(L =t co (5:o(!o(! =t o 6oo oo TI oNo o oN @ oo $oN DoN(o oo soNo voNo toN soNo $oN o oN o oN o soN o =6o Efo oocooC' o60tLooEOOEoaE>CoaCo:o+E= uJ c0gooo =o_6 orvt=o.. oq=HE .=(,o Eo s(,c rl)o6vo(!0o-qorIoc.gooi Pa.q:o<LEt!eccoc =cc,i 3orvi=c:.. o IIJ ! ooooo 6o E =o Goc Eoo ,a -tt aicr19oo;ts(JJ 'i c.s,! .idLC9q JJ(JJ( ol!ooo =(!a E =o 6oc Eo o =i"t o1CL!Pao= uacoi !: NtrLCocl=cuJ(uJ( .=(,oEo 6oE rl)o6vo8so(65c!6fr>:oic 9-E.y> uJdECocfc_6 -@OVi==:.. dr=LrJ ! .=(EoEfq 6oEoo6Io,90og6:cL6t>:P..9!o<5E[! c(cc.9q =L:uctvi=rur+ru! ooooo ,=6oEfo (,oE Eoo a ?-E.aa>fl ^cESuJfc9< --dLCocFcU(LIJ (I E!uooo ,=ooEfo (,ruE Eo a --Eaa>l 5t'^oESuJtc..9-i sidLCocFct!(lu( L.=6Iootro =EofPO E='ol!Eh5:$E olL-E':,h; >co6coE9Etrco -o-s,8ro--@ 0IrrfloArloc +38ii ai oo E'6.= o6EOfoo€ sdE!o3O"E6o\ool!EOL-P56;>co6coEo> fico -oE,8Id tj@ -lloAi:o "',roiH8i ooo,QO:96!9.=E(E5Loo-oEELOEop= 9FOo ,t€>+9Lo'p; EE g)+ -f-d]IqoH-EsuI@ If{r,j oo)o@66ga gO6Eo€EL AE69PEEt,EE 2bo>oat*dtf PPuJtq+ ?=-dl-oE8oLIJ Of{r go .Eai-oo6toooca r fdloooo(o ,-oEo =oCA6-oo: 06 .goF.E riJftuiO()I'.o<6 aH aEo =oc-6-i3: od .goF.-c LtlE u]oC) YoEE riH =o ,Eo,^o(!so .!PoE'6 c foooori@ ooo =oc^o-o'9f{E oi:c'E IJ.EltIv <Er9 =a't))-o (5caoo 6 c =I)ooo oo ---oo i-oo6EoIoE6 clooooo(o ;iooo =oco=o,o6 o5r;.sCFE!rouIC tc)!r9 ooE6:o 6coo EEe El d) ooos@ :ooo =oc^6-ioO: od .9oF.E r!6 u]o(j Yo<E o-H ooc6 o 6Eoo EE Ef c0ooort@ i-oEo =oca6:6l oa .goF.EI6u.OC I'Yo<i o-fr --oa ^oo(Etao Eg t =d!ooori@ oooEoEoo-o,or06boi=c'E lIJElrrv JC\o -ar> aEo =oEoo-o,ON06boi:a'E [.!6Io ;"iIv fE*2 oo(!sq oog El dloood@ =oa Yoct,:o (,EoooEo dori= PUJ: l,rJ;-oorrElOoO8E>ooOc-6u,Y6{> 6EEL(!NO-!'ioEP -o!6 E,co:o(,-oooEo lJOlDi= EH ;'(J6r ,{ExoooEE>6oO.c36r,qh oab9E.gI C'Nov !'YoEP o-8 =Eo:o (E o(,ogeE' co.OeF 3.H3o ll g ^doQooOE>Eooc!o;OL 06s P€El.ON fEr> =ooxo@6 oooge E, tr .!qeFPul 3? ll g ^'6XLg8o=|>fooc!o3OL D5S P€EFONIt <5_'6!> Eoooo{. TLg oa S0. oota Sq. Got o.coI o oo =oGo =>s(Jocs.9F(r* uJ6>9g|.8 6,dctrur t{sBo\IEo-=c (E tr =o =.Yoot o5 ooboOtGq- ooe E; ootoo.oq Ifooo = No@ !oEooo(! =t oN oa ,x EoFo-E,E o oxo E.96 oco o'6' E E.9of oEo 3o o co G oqot o'6' =Coof Eoo Boz o fxi!coofEc E otootcoz eIxli o o5Ec E) .9*t o ox1! E EopooG. Eoz o =6o = @to Eo)Ec)oo (L t oN o o(5o 6 Eo UJJ oEoxoEoF6 oco, o'6' E coof Eoo;o o oktl.| o c.o (5 ocot o'6-' =c.ooa Eoo Bo)z o6I 6 =JL a'6oo o o oEooo o=o G >.!ot o;>'ioto(c('toU) 6 >.!otz'!6;>daCo(C(t6'J) E.9 6lo(,o(L =e. c.96fo(5 (L =n oN o oN gooFEfo E. EooFEfot o EooFEfoEcGtd Eeot)dta EcoO oc(!olooooEo o EooF olo Ec6til Eo ot)d)a EEoo ocoo)ooo 6 oooc,6 o oIo E tropootcoz o 'ooo o=a .9=oo o a o >.9otz.:c;>Eo,OLcc'= 6a o >.soiz.:OF>Eoto!cC =6D co 6fo6() (L d co 6fo (E (L =d oN o voN o =xEoc EIo ,cEo6oo .ct'o coo oc6o =ooo Eooq EooFEfo tF' o Eoos Eo oE E Eo(.) ocoo)oo o EooFE =ooc6tE Eo ot E co(-) ocoo)oo Qcoo o Gsooooo oo E troBootcoz E copootcoz o faoo = N$ EoEo)oo (L =t oN Eoo EofE (!oE66Ecoo fE c.9s;,6: cLlo-o.>coccOCOE=(o:ot e oo o oxur o oo 1 qo-(! ocot o6-'Eqoo = Eo) 3oz 6 Eo,oc-Es)J o ox o oo\o Ga.Sooo o oo o '6oo o=a o c- >.9 >=Oo>E6CP8't 6a Eo 6lo(!o(! d. $oN 6t -g6=!-oo= E€8.93so6bB20 EcE- =oB5 P'=fox! gO.o "'OocE=-oo!-"C6\oooo-a9]E o Eo ot Eco()o .EEg (E G co anotrcoz o 'ooo o=o 6 c- >.!oiz':o;>EaeOCE(t6a Eo Gfo(!o(L =t $oN oo ,9, oc6 Eoo o Eoooc Es,JEI 6EoE-ga! E9OEcco0ec EFiD( o Eoofo Eo ot E coooc Eo =coF(5 .s E =6oqo o tooo Er Gaoo oo G q)t,oot oz o6Iooo oo 6 tro!,oox. oz o 'o o)o o o 6 >.9o6 a6,>E P8., (Eo C.oo)o (Eo(L =t oN o ooc ooEO 3qE8G@bEo= HE dP!cBorO8€obc-oE5oooo6oroEE 3$ r8 &Ect!iEt<eq o oo EooEG Esoo oLI o o ot E coooc Eg 6oEooco E E oa o=a 6 >.qot 6F>t=6CoqCL., oo .9 G =o(!o(L =d $oN co;oc'6 _go() oo6 foo o =(, o 6.o;.E:bE 9sai. = t!.op o Eoo:o oo Eooo o6:oo,to =oo(L o co Ec E5E5coooCCE=o6.SooE EEoc) Eo9o:EO>tr6- 9.Eg) a[o=coutE 6 troEooc. 'o z o .S ETtll o o. oEoo o Eq Stta o I€t 6o o G = It6a|stt!a E 8:na EI6ot o.c(!s o o E oGo =>:L'OCQo9oti=ou5>9q,s 9E ul uJrB0,: EBo.= .Eo tr oE Ioot ob o botrtsq. I oe6 +o;ootoCLoq 6 copootcoz o'6()o oo 6 c- >.9oi CF>dacocCC56o c.o6loGo (L =d voNo a EoulJ Eoo ooaE oc!o=O=o0OF d.:o=EC-Go-c: a2iio:ocOc-gco-ox Eg e E ,q,E3oo Dq) o) o)E.)(Da E q)t o) l .xLoIU o I )(Eoa tD o o =oa G Ro oo oooEo o G Eo E copood oz o'6 q)o o=a o'6oo o--a oEooo o=a Goc- >.qot>:gE gE E9 oa G c- >.soi>!Or>Eot6LCCt6t) 6 c- >.soi>:Or>doto('t 6a co 6fooo(! =d c.oo lo6o (L =d E.o (E =o6 (L t oNo oN oN Eo,E6 =ocooo l Eo UJJ ciE6JoulJ c.TB;o.Y O=oa EFo.!o: 6ooc- o=C+6C*qcls,aE= EEOI-.so=OCa=8coEtrLo9 o?f:6E6cvu9-2.rjo6uJa Eo =6=ocooo lEouJJ o =.xLo UJJ cgc3-oao=ECoda\o!o-o; o .E Booa Eoo)s EE c)t oEGJ o uJ o ot!) oto Eo ot o l .xuoul o Eg c =ooEC) c)ooE. Eo od oa .xIotll our-JogsG Go o(! E copoot Eoz otlJ.Joo G eoEoo oE'ooo 0)o G c->,!oi c;>EaCoCE('; (Eo c,o -g? E()(r =t. rf oNo co I) E =oc li0)oG G3 6 o f .xuc E fEc o coo f .xI =oz L- od o fxiIcoolEc 6 ot,ooe, oz co o5t oo G Es Go oo o'6oo o?-o 6 c- >.9otz':6;>E6coCCCtoo co 6lo(!o 0- =t \t oN o)oo 6] 6 ciEo ,c;o o)EoEIoo o o E6)c Booa Eo ot E6JoEoE GoEo o'ooo o=a 6 c- >.s!i>:9;6co(C('t 6o Eo 6looo t oNo e o =.xLEo =p GI =o ot JIooE(!) co)o ool L o6o Eo E oEood oz IfxE o, oEo Go!o(J og G I eo oo a,o oo o a 6 >.soia.: 9E6c6CCCt6a E F6loo (L =t \t oNo ooo 6; o (, =.xuop oI itso =.9 Eo o) o Eo od o f .xI =-o op(!I Eo =.o Ego o oEoot troz J\ooo G I go oo E oE'ood oz s =g o! Gt GoEg G oooo G 5 eosoo E =6o = oa (!o = o l Go o l 6o = El 6o = o =5o o f oo of Go = o@t oN(o o@-o@s ooo- ooN.o@t No@ po EC)oo(I =d EoEooo (L t EoEooo(! =E. ooE C)0)o (L =t EoEoo)oL =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t DoEooo(L =E. oNo oN o t oNo oNo $oNo $oNo oN \t oNo oo oocooouJJ o.Eoxoc.o 6 oco o'6-' Ec.oof cood>:gi c9)JoooIou.lJ oEo oco o oc E o(!-' Eco>E>o^io CVoOO;=9i Eo:oooIoulJ o o oco 6 oco o'6-' E>>o>A^o=--alEAoOO3=9: oooacf!J IoxoEo 6:>roiEE9gqi3r>d6rE;3i c!8d;lo( oru ooo fco uJJ oEo)xoEog=oocoON.il6V E'o;FL EE foE}t40 3&ip o E ooo lootuJ o'-o oc FG-dtcoooLN6n'Oo E= EEo>]G!=qic6o;iod;-o; o6(L 6 =o t".!J o'-o oE EG oc E o'd E coE=Pc-ot'CVoOC>:9, o6!- GEc JJJ oEo q) EoFG oEo o6'E Eo= o^io@llCAooo3:9E e cooocoE. oo =co=ol Eo 3oz o f .xL Eoo ooc6oouJ co 6 oco/ o6': Coaol Eo 3oz Boo oax! EIJooo !34c EoF6 ocot o o-' =qool coo;oz Eoo I o)lxI EIJEooIo-U= ]oz E @r o l .xuo Fp^o=o.o-oE>E6C3:o:G:8do.coc(L> oEo.9E! o;Oc14 ,s o 6-'Ecooa coi.) Boz ll E)x! 6;oNox.oo-1-L5i Efc;3:Jlc EooN o'6-' =co of coO 3oz =ooN o f .xL 63o6oto 8eb,.98F=o>oEUJO =co 6 ocot o'6-' =Eo ol acoo =oz =oo 0)l .xIIoo(r 6EouJ Eo 6 ocot o 6-' cIol coL) =oz 3oo lt o l !YoG!_ 6B34c o)c.; Go 6^ FEE5cqoocc EAoa.EoqE PE(9o Eo9o!.gE aE>Egi!ofEOul 6o oooo oo ul G ot,ooE oz I6Is{tta E$SPn's}E !: -JibBEt,n o o!, o oo =o(Eo =>sClotrQ.oso+ IJJ E>9,g,B EE uJ t!sBo\IEo-> tr (E )o =.Yoot ob oNbotrrs0- o'6oo o=a =ooo o a o'ooo o a .o=ooo o=o o'6()o o=a o'ooo o6 ooc? >.Eoi 9E6coccc'5 6.D G c->.!ota:O.>dAEOCc(tGa o >.9 a6)>E oQEU't Ga 6 c- >.9o6>=EgaCoo't(!a 6 c- >.qt-E sgs5COt6a 6 c- >.!ot o;>EotbtC('t 6o c.9 6lo6O(r =u c.9 .gfo6o(! =t c.oo =ll6o(L t E.9 Gaooo(! =d co 6looo (L =d c.9 6lo Go(L d s oNo $ oNo s oNo oNo oN soN ooE 6la UJuJopc6oE -s39t?E(6=E< olEC(.) =o-t .gcfc*cE- e_Eo:avOEul=UJE?! uoE6fo uJ uJoocG oEq? o:E-iET3; o=9sE;(E E-e-t 6:a7oi fr??i cc QcJO 8Ec6gEc-*.q s-E 5EIULCOO $Er ==iSE t>.E: EE f E3€dE I_ocBE EEG'o;:f,v.Ou iil3f(JE !- c! EoEGlo- UJO[!-O:bo,.- 8_:EF-go^o@q .x q) cEofs=8dOE- Ga;8toccEE; EOi-ts n83t--E.s,.s, i D()Eo =oci IIJ IIJJ >YO$I..N OLc,E8 Eg-OoE! o3 6.=f=o k; 3 8toco E E=EEg EEEoIE__Eq,q) u?? c E6Jooc6Eo o!IO-c E9gCoEoooLg? 9> B!33oufr 8€ =so; =Lf,ur!lJLJr.c o ooc6EoEo(L E .9)I uJ uJo Eo od q E6J coo(, ol Lo o oo6 G =oo IEo)t uJ uJo Eo ot oE6J Eoo oo:Io o E.o Eooo aofc coo Eo od oE6) coo oo!uo o ol .x o EG @ 6d)c.9) Eo ot oE6J coo oolu @ o olxEoEG @ il 6oE.s,I E od oE6J troo Eol L @ o oEGoo Ef Eo (L Eo ot oEoJ Coo ooluo 6oe eo; Go EoaoG E Eopoou troz Eooo Eoitl.6l\oo r! s Goco(9 o'ooo o=a o,6 oo o?-o .9'ooq o=o o'6oo o=o 6 c- >,!oiz.:6;>G6Co<c(t6t) 6 c- >,9ota:6F>Ea,o9crt6a 6 c->.!oi>:o;>'ioEo(CC't 6o 6 c->.soi 6;>doto(C('t 6a c.o 6 =o (E L =t co 6loooc =t co 6lo6O(r =tr c.9 6fo6o CL =t oNo s oNo s oNo oNo $ oo Eo (o .x coE o c=3 Uo6-oo fE ciE(! cIIs'!i oo-E.6O ocE8-obE6;lx-2o;aoO l!E: c il oo6L GEd) !; G3 @N il oE6J Ec coz EIo G Gooz6 6 B I coEoaEo oo(! G =oE6 o o f .x o EG 6c0E .9)I)d]a eot o f .xL Eoo Eol Lo 3 oaxo EG (o il 61) cs,I Jrl,1, Eo oI I =xI cooaoo:!o o P6Ec6o Eo ot Jd)o E =.xI coo oo:Io o oEoot Eo ot Jdlo q E6J c(,oaoofro ooo ,6 o GEo E oBoodcoz o 'ooooo (/) o 'ooo o=a o'ooo o)=a o'6oo o=a o'6oo o--a 6 c- >.9ota.: 9E6coCCCt6't) 6 c- >.!ota:G.>GaCoCC(too c c->.!oi>i6t>d6aoCE('too 6 c- >.9ot 6F>daCoCCL (Ea 6 >.!ot2.:6;>,iaCo!c!t6a E.9olo6(J(r t E.9ofo GO(L =g. Eo G:o Go(L t co 6 =o (Eo(I =t co 6lo6o(L =d soN soN o s oN s oNo $ oNo lo =ccoo G Eoo6 go E6J la- lc^=cco=i:-(G. 6szo -a = =cf E.goICo= FJrrc 6cq0c( -Qo^IgEx!i;! o!cf 6<aao; COtFo9l( :o oo6E.o o =ciE6 oIoF $ a=olF,6( OC6ttra:iot6'Iv: 1c;:oCtJ.xl o E s6ooz ut 6 Eo il coEolo Eoo6 6BoE6 q I oo6L o6TD ui GE @N lt q EGJ Gc Eoz o c.og o)oo fof,E Eoo Eo ot oE6J coo o oluo o oaxEq Eo @ 6cos.9)I o ot oE6J qoo oo) Lo o o fxEq EG @ il 6oE.9 = o od oE6) go oo)uo o oE6EE. Eo oE. oEoJ Eoo ool Lo o E 6Ec6o EI ([,t oE6) co ooa Lo ooo EoSIL6l-oo G S eo oo G Eo ootr tro2 oooeoI\!)l\oa G I Go oo G Eopootcoz ot GI Go =EG a4oo q. o(J EG E5 Go o(9 o'6()oo oa oG'6 oo C)--o 6oEc>.9oi>: EEotOLCCt6a 6 c->.!oi 6;>daCgI'5(!o E.oo =ooo(L t co 6 =o6o(r =i * oN soNo o ooooo .coo foo fE 6 Go?oSpt6rI.! 6co:>(rEg(Oto!ol ^"d =ooo oo6 63 o =.xLop oI6o t(!aooa o -g(5dl .oEo oo UJ Eo o)t I =o(L op (!-Go =E6aoo l o o l .xL Eo od I =a(! o =6I Eo =toaoIf =cl oc't6a o- E= 6=-cqooCC EEoa.EoqE PEoo EoQo+qo>Eo_ 3Egr a!OrcotIJ ?6o s6I+5a EEs0} Ego E o (Ep o o E)o(Eo =>s(JotrQ.oHo+ 9-]JJ E>9g,'s 6rdEE-B0r\IE(LE .so trfo =!ootr ob o bo.l}ea- Gog = o '6oo o=o N 6o >.!oi 6F>'iOEOLclt6o poEooo(! t E.9 6fo(,() (L =d $oNo soN oCE !o6 ._coq Es E o oofE ocooEoc .9, ooc'6 .lE cocp7 ao 'r.l fi o Eoo ouE(5oE oEo6-oIEP =xo Eoooctr.EEU ohO+ECoc-ot U: o Eo ot q .91o o oJ ECc6EoouJ o Eo ot c .9)o?- t!ot! ooe +o;aotoa.ot 6 copoot oz oIU.Joo G 5 eo oo o = o 'ooo o=a 6 c- >.9oia.! 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UJA i:: o Eo on E.s,o oE5(Eooo =5o o I,JJ o o od c.9o ocoooo6 0, =ouJ out.Jog G Go oo o = (!C => E5E5caooCC EEQA.E.g E!o() EaQo!Et)>FoE>E91(5ofEOuJ6o o Gp Lo oo =oGo =>s(JotrS.9Foi IJJ o'>r9os0r;ETrto\IEo-= '6 fo =!oot oa oaa ooGt oE N+o;ao Eoa.ot o loolt o =(!o = (,l Go = o f oo = o f (Eo = o fo(!(, = o a 6o o =(!o = o l (!o = o l (so = o l 6o = o- Go E) 6o = o fooo = E) (5o N@- @@N. @ \t$N. @ ooo oNo-N o@N. oN o$oNoo oN- N oNoo soo- @N o$N (oo{{ @No- N ooo-6 EoEooo LFd. EoEooo IFt EoEoo)o IFn oo Eooo LFd Eo EoooIFt Eo EoooLFn E0) EoooIFd Eo Eooo LFt !o Eooo LFd Eo Eooo IFt EoEooo LFt EoEooouFE EoEooo lJ-FE. 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