HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150430DSM 2014 Report.pdfApril30,2015 VA OVERNIGHT DELIWRY r;1-'t,L'- ' - - 201 South Main. Suite 2300 ?B!5 &PR 30 [\l'{ 9: 0l salt Lake city, ut"n s+ttt l,_t.. , ' I i.Jl iLiTi':- "' "' ii'='.-: r''' i''! Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Re: Annualz0l{Idaho Demand Side Management Report Dear Ms. Jewell: Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") hereby submits for filing seven (7) copies of the 2014 Annual Demand Side Management Report, pursuant to Order No. 29976 from Case No. PAC-E- 05-10. The Company respectfully requests that all formal correspondence and requests regarding this filing be addressed to one of the following: By E-mail (preferred): datarequest@pacificorp.com By regulator mail: Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Blvd., Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 For any informal questions, please contact Ted Weston, Manager, Idaho Regulatory Affairs, at (801)220-2963. Sincerelv- e^^lSyv^,*r'lf(- Director, Demand Side- Management Enclosures ROCKY MOUNTAIN POI'IIER A DIVISION OF RAOFICORP i.'i:flr1it11 2$t5 fiPt? 30 Et{ 9: 0? lJr'i,,.-, i:i., . i ,, l iLl;I : :',1,,:,,'tl,.lli,r Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report January 1,2014 - December 31,2014 Issued April 30, 2015 ROCKY MOI.|NTAN POYI'ER, [ct's um tfie onsnrcrc on. Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Table of Contents Page 3 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Table of Contents Low Income Energy Conservation Education ..................26 Non-Residential Energy Efficiency ..................29 Program Management............... .................. 30 Program Administration ............. ................ 3l Infrastructure .............. ............. 3l Evaluation. .............33 Communications, Outreach and Education.. ......34 Customer Communications .........34 Program Specific .......34 FinAnswer Express and Energy FinAnswer/waf/smart Business............... .........35 Evaluations ....................37 Page 4 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Abbreviations and Acronyms CFL CAPAI DSM EICAP GWh HVAC IDHW IRP kwh LED LIHEAP MW PCT PTRC RIM Schedule 191 SEICAA TRC UCT Lrsr or Arnnnvr,q.TroNs AND AcRoNyMS Compact F luorescent Lighting Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho Demand-Side Management Eastern Idaho Community Action Plan Gigawatt-hour Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Integrated Resource Plan Kilowatt hour Light-emitting Diode Low Income Home Energy Assistance Megawatt Participant Cost Test Total Resource Cost Test with 10 percent adder Ratepayer Impact Measure Test Customer Efficiency Services Rate SouthEastem Idaho Community Action Agency Total Resource Cost Test Utility Cost Test Page 5 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Executive Summary Exrccurrvn SUMMARY Rocky Mountain Power ("Company") working in partnership with its retail customers and with the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (o'Commission") acquires energy efficiency and peak reduction resources as cost-effective alternatives to the acquisition of supply- side resources. These resources assist the Company in efficiently addressing load growth and contribute to the Company's ability to meet system peak requirements. Company energy efficiency and peak reduction programs provide participating Idaho customers with tools that enable them to reduce or assist in the management of their energy usage while reducing the overall costs to the Company's customers. These resources are relied upon in resource planning as a least cost alternative to supply-side resources. This report provides details on program results, activities, expenditures, and Customer Efficiency Service Charge - Schedule l9l ("Schedule 191") - revenue for the performance period from January 1,2014, through December 31,2014. The Company, on behalf of its customers, invested $3.2 million in energy efficiency resource acquisitions during the reporting period. The investment yielded approximately 12.7 gigawatt-hours in first year savingsl and approximately 2.6 megawalts of capacity reduction from energy efficiency2. Net benefits based on the projected value of the energy efficiency program savings over the life of the individual measures are estimated at$2.2rnillion3. The cost effectiveness of the energy efficiency portfolio from various perspectives is provided in Table 1. The Company also offers an irrigation load management program to agricultural customers in the state of Idaho. The ldaho Public Utilities Commission ordered that the costs for this program should be system allocated therefore, these costs are not recovered through Schedule 191. Additional information on the irrigation load management program is provided later in this report. I Reported savings at generation 2 See Appendix I for explanation on how the capacity contribution savings values are calculated. 3 See Table I - Utility Cost Test Net Benefits. Page 6 of37 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Executive Summary able ffecti Ene Effi Portfi ti Includi Benefi- Uost B rveness c olto ( lnc lns Non-bnersv Benetlts Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits Total Resource Cost Test plus l0 percent (*PTRC") - total resource cost with the addition of environmental and non-enersv benefits4 Ls9 92,323,30s Total Resource Cost Test (*TRC")'1.45 sl.777.650 Utiliw Cost Test ("UCT")o 1.69 $2,234,424 Participant Cost Test ("PCT")'4.10 $8,461,876 Ratepayer Impact ("RIM")"0.54 ($4,734,470) The energy efficiency portfolio was cost effective based on four of five standard cost effectiveness tests for the reporting period. The ratepayer impact measure test was less than 1.0 indicating near-term upward pressure was placed on the price per kilowatt-hour given a reduction in sales. Annual performance information for 2014 cost effectiveness is provided in detail in Appendix 2. On November 13, 2014, the Commission approved the consolidation of Electric Service Schedule No. 140, Non-Residential Energy Efficiency and canceled Electric Service Schedules: No. I l5 - FinAnswer Express; No. 125 - Energy FinAnswer; and No. 155 - Agricultural Energy Services. This report consolidates the program results previously reported separately under each of these three programs into one program hereafter referred to as wattsmart@ business. The Company, working with its third-party delivery administratorse collaborates with the following number of retailers, contractors, and vendors in the delivery of its energy efficiency programs in the state of Idaho: o The TRC plus 10 percent includes a benefit adder to account for non-quantified environmental and non-energy benefits of conservation resources over supply-side alternatives. ' The TRC compares the total cost of a supply-side resource to the total cost of energy efliciency resources, including costs paid by the customer in excess of the program incentives. The test is used to determine if an energy efficiency program is cost effective from a total cost perspective. u The UCT compares the total cost incurred by the utility to the benefits associated with displacing or deferring supply-side resources. ' The PCT compares the portion of the resource paid directly by participants to the savings realized by the participants. 'The RJM examines the impact of energy efficiency on utility rates. Unlike supply-side investments, energy effrciency programs reduce energy sales. Reduced energy sales lowers revenues (see UCT) putting upward pressure on rates as the remaining fixed costs are spread over fewer kilowatt-hours.9^' See program specific sections for backgrounds on third-party administrators. PageT of37 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Executive Summary able2 - Enersv Efficie/-Etticrency lntrastructure Sector Tvpe No. Residential Upstream Retailers 8 Aooliances Retailers )') HVAC'' Contractors l8 Insulation Contractors 20 Low Income Asencies 2 Commercial and Industrial Liehtins Trade Allies 67 TIVAC Trade Allies 36 Motors & VFD Trade Allies 38 Ensineerine Firms 22 r0 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Page 8 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Executive Summary 2014 PnnronnrANCE Program and Sector level results for 2014 are provided in Table 3 I I . Table 3 Idaho Program Results for January 1,2014 - December 31,201412 See Appendix 3 for breakdown of program expenditures by category. t'Program development forthe Home Energt Report program occurred during 2014 in parallel to gaining general support for offering the program in Idaho. No reports were mailed in20l4, therefore no savings were claimed and only minimal costs were incurred. 12 The values at generation include line losses between the customer site and the generation source. The Company's line losses by sector for 2014 are 11.47 percent for residential, 10.75 percent for commercial,7.52 percent for industrial and 11.45 percent for inigation. Page 9 of 37 Prosram kWh/Yr Savings (at site) kWh/Yr Savings (at senerator) Program Exnenditures Low Income Weatherization (21)s2.320 s8.319 $ 182.097 Refriserator Recvcline ( 1 I 7)652.505 727.321 $ 110.601 Home Enerw Reoortine $20.473 Home Enerw Savinps (118)4.8&.284 5.422.023 $922,206 Total Residential 5.569.109 6,207,663 $ 1.235.376 wattSmart Bus iness Asricuhural r.771.62:t.974.441 $ 489.s78 wattSmart Business Commercial 3.793.14C 4200,86:$ 837.589 wattSmart Business Industrial 276,492 29729C $ 397.201 Total wattsmaft Business 5.841.2s7 6.472.595 1.724,368 Total Enersv Efficiencv 11.410.366 r2.680.258 2.959.744 Commercial & Industrial Evaluation Costs Res idential Evaluation Costs Low Income Enerry Conservation Education Outreach & Communications Technical Reference Library DSM Central Total System Benefit Expenditures - AII Programs $ $ $ $ $ $ $ I10,695 93,900 25,000 4,ggg 14,488 13,309 3,222,115 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Regulatory History Rncur,^q,roRY HrsroRY During the reporting period the Company filed a number of compliance and/or informational reports, updates and requests with the Commission in support of the Company programs. The following is a list of those filings: o On November 7,2013, in Case No. PAC-E-13-15, the Company filed for approval of a one-time customer credit to refund over collection of Schedule 191 Customer Efficiency Services rate ("Schedule l9l"). The refund was approved by the Commission in Order No. 32967 on January 23,2014 and the refund to customers was completed in February 2014.o On February 28,2014 the Company posted the public notice for updates to the Home Energy Savings Program after reviewing changes with Idaho Staff. The changes were effective April 13, 2014.o On April 28, 2014, pursuant to Order No.29976, the Company submitted its 2013 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report.o On NIay 22, 2014, in Advice No. 14-01, the Company filed for approval of tariff modifications to Schedule ll7 - Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program. The Commission approved the request on June 23, 2014 with an effective date of July l, 2014.o On July 7, 2014, in Case No. PAC-E-14-07, the Company filed an application requesting the Commission rule on the prudency of the Company's demand-side management ("DSM") expenditures for calendar years 2010 through 2013. Commission Order No. 33188 issued December 3,2014 found that the Company's DSM expenditures for 2010- 2013 were prudently incurred.o On August 22, 2014, in Case No. PAC-E-14-08, the Company filed an application requesting authorization to consolidate Electric Service Schedules: No. ll5 - FinAnswer Express; No. 125 - Energy FinAnswer; and No. 155 - Agricultural Energy Services, with modification, under a new Electric Service Schedule No. 140, Non-Residential Energy Efficiency, and cancel these three Electric Service Schedules effective November l, 2014. Commission Order No. 33178 issued November 13, 2014 approved the Company's application effective the date of the order.o On December 9, 2014, pursuant to Order No. 33188 in Case No. PAC-E-14-07, the Company filed compliance tariffs to remove Schedule 8 from Schedule l9l. Meetings with Idaho Staff The Company consulted with Idaho Staff throughout 2014 on the following matters: Februarv 18.2014o Reviewed the one-time bill credit which began February 1,2014;o Provided an overview of program performance; o Previewed the 2013 Annual Report and the upcoming Prudency Filing; Page l0 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Regulatory History o Presented residential program updates (See ya later, refrigerator@ and Home Energy Savings);o Presented a proposal to consolidate business programs into one wattsmart Business program;o Discussed the possible introduction of a Home Energy Reports program in Idaho. July 28. 2014 - Phone Conferenceo Discussed the proposal to cancel Schedules 115,125, and 155 and to consolidate them under a new Electric Service Schedule No. 140. August 13.2014o Reviewed the 2013 Annual Report and the Prudency Filing for 2010 through 2013 DSM expenses;o Presented a proposal for a Home Energy Reports program in ldaho;o Provided residential program updates (See ya later, refrigerator and Home Energy Savings);o Provided an update on the status of the proposal to consolidate business programs into one wattsmart Business program;o Presented an enhanced communications plan for Idaho and proposed campaign messaging;o Provided an update on Load Control Programs;o Provided Idaho highlights of the Conservation Potential Assessment;o Reviewed evaluation reports for the See ya later, refrigerator and Home Energy Saving programs and the current evaluation schedule. Page 1 I of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Regulatory History Schedule 191, Customer Efftciency Services Rote Balancing Account Summary In Case Number PAC-E-05-10 (Order No. 29976) the Commission approved the recovery of all DSM program costs through Schedule 191, with exception of the expenses associated with the irrigation load control program''. Schedule l9l charges appear as a line item on customer bills. The Company books eligible DSM program costs as incurred to the balancing account. Schedule 191 balancing account activity for 2014 is outlined in Table 4. Table 4 Schedule 191 Balancing Account Activity * December 2014 total accrual Column Explanations: Monthly Proeram Costs: Monthly expenditures for all energy efficiency program activities. Monthly Net Accrued Costs: Monthly net change of program costs incurred during the period not yet posted. Rate Recovery: Revenue collected through Schedule l9l. Carryine Charee: Monthly "interest" charge based on "Cash Basis Accumulated Balance" of the account. The current "interest rate" for the Accumulated Balance is I percent per year. Cash Basis Accumulated Balance: A running total of account activities. A negative accumulative balance means cumulative revenue exceeds cumulative expenditures; positive accumulative balance means cumulative expenditures exceed cumulative revenue. Accrual Basis Accumulative Balance: Current balance of account including accrued costs. r3 Commission Order 32196, in Case No. PAC-E-10-07, ruled that costs associated with the Idaho Irrigation Load Control Program should be system allocated not situs assigned to Idaho customers and recommended the Company treat the benefits ofthe program as a system resource for cost recovery purposes. Monthly Program Monthly Net Rate Cost Accrued Costs * Recovery Cash Basis Accrual Basis Accumulated Accumulated Balance Balance (e84584) $ ( 476,9s5 $ 628206 s29227 $ 682,376 s97g9t $ 739,82s 504,178 $ 6r,9,U3 339,629 $ 486,468 (49,327') $ 138,788 (35s,e64) $ ( (359,405) $ ( (379,76r) $ (109,3 (383,121) $ 131,348 Balance as of l2l3l/13 199,728 $ 277p55 $ 267,760 $ 272976 $ 170,588 $ 325J54 $ 193,932 $ 213,804 $ 315,637 $ 2nAA $ 224,967 $ $ (78e) $ (2ll) $ 4r9 $ 469 $ 459 $ 351 $t2t $ (16e) $ (2e8) $ (308) $ (3r8) $ $ s $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ (35,032) $ (274,741) $ (97,033) $ r,184,7e4 $ 1,8e7 $ (21s,906) $ (1l,3ls) $ (203,781) $ 23,832 $ (264,860) $ (18,826) $ (4e0,453) $ 41276 g (583,010) $ 91,181 $ (520272) $ (nA72) $ (3l8J7e) $ 13518 $ (243J10) S 244926 $ (228,009) $ Page 12 of 37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planning Process Pr,a,xxnc Pnocrss Integrated Resource Plan The Company develops a biennial integrated resource plan ("IRP") as a means of balancing cost, risk, uncirtainty, supply reliabilityideliverability and long-run public policy goals.ra The plan presents a framework of future actions to ensure the Company continues to provide reliable, reasonable-cost service with manageable risks to the Company's customers. Energy efficiency and peak management opportunities are incorporated into the IRP based on their availability, characteristics and costs. Energy efficiency and peak management resources are divided into four general classes: Class I DSM (Resources from fully dispatchable or scheduled firm capacity product offerings/programs) - Capacity savings occur as a result of active Company control or advanced scheduling. After customers agree to participate, the timing and persistence of the load reduction is involuntary on their part within the agreed limits and parameters. Class 2 DSM (Resources from non-dispatchable, firm energy and capacity product offerings/programs) - Sustainable energy and related capacity savings are achieved through facilitation of technological advancements in equipment, appliances, lighting and structures or sustainable verifiable changes in operating and maintenance practices, also commonly referred to as energy efficiency resources.o Class 3 DSM (Resources from price responsive energy and capacity product offerings/programs) - Short-duration energy and capacity savings from actions taken by customers voluntarily based on pricing incentives or signal.o Class 4 DSM (Resources from energy efficiency education and non-incentive based voluntary curtailment programs/communications pleas) Energy and/or capacity reduction typically achieved from voluntary actions taken by customers to reduce costs or benefit the environment through education, communication and/or public pleas. Class, l, 2 and 3 DSM resources are included as resource options in the resource planning process. Class 4 DSM actions are not considered explicitly in the resource planning process, however, the impacts are captured naturally in long-term load growth patterns and forecasts. As technical support for the IRP, a third-pafty demand-side resource potential assessment (Potentials Assessment) is conducted to eqtimate the magnitude, timing and cost of energy efficiency and peak management resources.ls The main focus of the Potentials Assessment is on resources with sufficient reliability characteristics that are anticipated to be technically feasible and assumed achievable during the IRP's ZD-year planning horizon. The estimated achievable energy efficiency potential identified in the 2015 Potentials Assessment for Idaho is 468 1a Information on the Company's integrated resource planning process can be found at the following address: http ://www.pacifi corp. com/es/irp.htm I rs PacifiCorp Demand-Side Resource Potential Assessment For 2015-2034, htto://www.pacificoro.com/es/dsm.html. Page l3 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planning Process gigawatt hours (GWh) by 2034, or 20 percent of projected baseline loads.16 By definition this is the energy efficiency potential that may be achievable to acquire during the 20-year planning horizon; prior to screening for cost-effectiveness through the Company's integrated resource planning process. The achievable technical potential of Class 2 (energy efficiency) resources for Idaho by sector is shown in Table 5. The 2015 Potentials Assessment indicates that approximately 4 percent of the achievable technical potential for the Company, excluding Oregon," is available within its tdaho service uaea.'8 Table 5 Idaho Energy Efficiency Achievable Technical Potential by Sector Sector Cumulative GWh in 2034 Percent of Baseline Sales Residential 184 2lo/o Commercial 195 29% Industrial JJ l2o/o Irrieation 18 t0% Street Lishtine I 34o/o Demand-side resources vary in their reliability, load reduction and persistence over time. Based on the significant number of measures and resource options reviewed and evaluated in the Potentials Assessment, it is impractical to incorporate each as a stand-alone resource in the IRP. To address this issue, Class 2 DSM measures and Class I DSM programs are bundled by cost for modeling against competing supply-side resource options reducing the number of discrete resource options the IRP must consider to a more manageable number. The evaluation of Class 2 DSM (energy efficiency) resources within the IRP is also informed by state-specific evaluation criteria in the development of supply-curyes. While all states generally use commonly accepted cost-effectiveness tests to evaluate DSM resources, some states require variations in calculating or prioritizing the tests: . Utah utilizes the Utility Cost Test (UCT) as the primary determination of cost effectiveness. Idaho, Oregon, and Washington utilize the Total Resource Cost (TRC) test and consider the inclusion of quantifiable non-energy benefits. Oregon and Washington, in addition to considering quantifiable non-energy benefits, apply an additional llYo benefit to account for non-quantifiable extemalities, consistent with the Northwest Power Act. 'u Ibid, volum e 2, page 4-2. '' Oregon energy efficiency potentials assessments are performed by the Energy Trust of Oregon. 't Volume l, Page 4-2, PacifiCorp Demand-Side Resource Potential Assessment For2015-2034. Page 14 of 37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Planning Process Unless specified as above, the Total Resource Cost test is utilized as the primary determination of cost effectiveness in the resource planning process. However, the Company evaluates program implementation cost-effectiveness (both prospectively and retrospectively) under a variety of tests to identiff the relative impact and/or value (e.g. near-term rate impact, program value to participants, etc.) to customers and the Company Page 15 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Peak Reduction Program Prlx RnoucuoN PRoGRAMS Peak Reduction programs assist the Company in balancing the timing of customer energy requirements during heavy use summer hours; deferring the need for higher cost investments in delivery infrastructure and generation resources that would otherwise be needed to serve those loads for a select few hours each year. These programs help the Company maximize the efficiency of the Company's existing electrical system and reduce costs for all customers. Irrigation Load Control The lrrigation Load Control program was offered to irrigation customers receiving electric service on Schedule 10, Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service. Participants enrolled with a third party administrator to allow the curtailment of their electricity usage in exchange for a participation credit. For most participants, their irrigation equipment is set up with a dispatchable two-way control system giving the Company control over their loads. Under this control option, participants are provided a day-ahead notification in advance of control events and have the choice to opt-out of a limited number of dispatch events per season. A summary of the program performance, participation and cost effectiveness results for the program period of June 9,2014 - August 15,2014 are provided in Tables 6 and7. Table 6 lrrigation Load Control Program Performance Total Enrolled MW (Gross - at Gen)290.4 Average Realized load (at Gen)162 Maximum Realized load (at Gen)177 Participation Customers 190 Participation (Sites)1.185 Table 7 Cost Effectiveness for Irrigation Load Control BenefiVCost Ratio Total Resource Cost Test plus l0 Dercent Pass Total Resource Cost Test Pass utiliw cost Test Pass Participant Cost Test N/A Rate Paver Impact Pass Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the lrrigation Load Control program in Idaho is also responsible for the lruigation Load Control and Cool Keeper programs in Utah. For each Page 16 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Peak Reduction Program state the program manager is responsible for managing the program administrator, the cost effectiveness of the program, contracting with program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes to increase participation. Pro gram Administration EnerNoc administers and manages the Irrigation Load Control program through a pay-for- performance structure and is responsible for all aspects of the program. Load Control Events and Performance There were four control events initiated in 2014. The date, time and estimated impact for each event is provided in Table 8. Table 8 Irrigation Load Control Events Date Event Event Times Estimated Load Reduction - Idaho at Gen (MW) 7/10/14 I 4pm-8pm -177 7lt4/14 )3pm-7om -163 7/17/14 J 3om-7om -l6l 7/23n4 4 3pm-7om -147 Evaluation No evaluation activities occurred during 2014. PagelT of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Exnncv ErrrcrnxcY PRoGRAMS Energy efficiency programs are offered to all major customer sectors: residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural. The overall energy efficiency portfolio includes five programs: Home Energt Saver - Schedule ll8, Residential Refrigerotor Recycling - Schedule ll7, Low Income Weatherization - Schedule 21, Home Energt Reports, and wattsmart Business - Schedule 140. Program savings and cost results for 2014 were provided in Table 3. Additional program information is provided belowle. RrsrorNuAl PRocRAMS The residential energy efficiency portfolio is comprised of four programs, Home Energt Saver, Home Energt Reports, Residential Refrigerator Recycling and Low Income Weatherization. As shown in Table 9, the residential portfolio was cost effective based on four of the five standard cost effectiveness tests for the 2014 reporting period. The ratepayer impact test was less than 1.0 indicating that there is near term upward pressure placed on the price per kilowatt-hour given a reduction in sales. Table 9 Cost Effectiveness for Residential Portfolio (lncluding Non-Energy Benefits) Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits Total Resource Test plus l0 percent 2.15 $ 1.553.202 Total Resource Cost Test r.98 $ 1.314.604 utilitv cost Test 1.79 $1.056.707 Participant Cost Test 6.60 $4.603.319 Rate Payer Imoact 0.52 ($2.21s.s39) Home Energy Saver Program The Home Energt Saver program is designed to provide access to and incentives for more efficient products and services installed or received by customers in new or existing homes, multi-family housing units or manufactured homes for residential customers under Electric Service Schedules I and 36. Program participation by measure is provided in Table 10. '' The energy efficiency measures report is provided in Appendix 8. Page l8 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Table l0 Eligible Program Measures (Units) Measures 2014 Total Units 2014 Total Participants 2014 kwh @site Central Air Conditioner Equipment J J 285 Duct Sealing - Manufactured Homes 14 t4 45.738 Efficient Gas Furnace with Electrically Commutated Motor 10 l0 5,280 Heat Pump 7 7 39.087 Ductless Heat Pump 2t 2l 73,500 Electric Water Heater 1l l0 r.377 Heat Pump Water Heater 1 881 Clothes Washer 287 286 35,269 Dishwasher 104 104 4.525 Freezer 1 1 94 Refrigerator 26 26 2.231 Evaporative Cooler 9 9 3.154 Insulation - Attic 36.973 24 38,729 Insulation - Floor 900 I 2.178 Insulation - Wall 6.970 4 9-176 Windows 3.1 l0 25 9.197 Light Fixrure t7 -773 971 42s-576 CFL Bulbs 53.887 5.389 967.822 LED Bulbs 622 622 19,222.51 wattsmart Starter Kits 7 "512 7.512 3.180.964 Grand Total 128241 15.040 4.864284 2014 Home Energt Saver program perfonnance results are provided in Table I l. Table I I Long-term Cost Effectiveness for Home Energy Saver Program Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits Inc luding No n-energy benefits Ex c I uding Non-e ne r gr' b e nefi ts Total Resource Cost Test plus 10 percent 2.76 $ l.658.077 2.50 $l,412,806 Total Resource Cost Test 2.53 $1.444.081 2.27 $1.198.810 Utility Cost Test 2.32 $1.217.758 2.32 $1.217.758 Participant Cost Test 5.79 $3.938.667 5.49 $3.693.396 Rate Paver Impact 0.55 $-1.754"127 0.55 ($1.754.127\ Page 19 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Home Energt Saver program in Idaho is also responsible for the program in California, Utah, Washington and Wyoming and the New Homes program in Utah. For each program and in each state the program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the program, identiSing and contracting with the program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set out in the tariff. Program Administration The Home Energt Savings program is administered by CLEAResult. CLEAResult is responsible for the following: o Retailer and trade ally engagement - CLEAResult identifies, recruits, supports and assists retailers to increase the sale of energy efficient lighting, appliances and electronics. CLEAResult enters into promotion agreements with each lighting manufacturer and retailer for the promotion of discounted CFL and LED bulbs. The agreements include specific retail locations, lighting products receiving incentives and not-to-exceed annual budgets. Weatherization and HVAC trade allies engaged with the program are provided with program materials, training, and regular updates.o Inspections - CLEAResult recruits and hires inspectors to verify on an on-going basis the installation of measures. A summary of the inspection process is in Appendix 4.o Incentive processing and call-center operations - CLEAResult receives all requests for incentives, determines whether the applications are completed, works directly with customers when information is incorrect and/or missing from the application and processes the application for payment.o Program specific customer communication and outreach A summary of the communication and outreach conducted by CLEAResult on behalf of the Company is outlined in the Communication, Outreach, and Education section. Infrastructure The total number of participating retailers participating in the program is currently 28. The current count of participating retailers by measure group is provided in the Table 12. Detail of participating retailers is available in Appendix 5. Table l2 Participating Retai Iers2o Liehtins Retailers Apoliance Retailers HVAC Contractors Weatherization 8 22 l8 20 'o Some retailers/contractors may participate in the promotion of more than one measure group so the count of unique participating firms is less than the total count provide above. Page20 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Proqram Changes In2Dl4,the Home Energ,t Sovings program was modified to include:o wattsmart Starter Kits with ENERGY STAR@ lighting and WaterSense@ products, depending on the customers' water heating type.o Direct install duct sealing for customers in manufactured homes with forced air electric furnaces. Evaluation In January 2014, a process and impact evaluation was completed by a third party evaluator for program years 201l-2012. The primary objective of the evaluation report is to determine the extent to which participants in the Home Energy Savings program reduced their energy consumption due to the program. Secondary objectives are to report on customer satisfaction, program awareness and motivations for participation in the program. The results of the evaluation can be viewed at www.pacificorp.com/es/dsm/idaho.html. The Company's response to the recommendations and web link to the evaluation report are included in Appendix 6. Home Energlt Reports Program development for the Home Energt Report program occurred during 2014 in parallel to gaining general support for offering the program in Idaho. The program's implementation schedule was estimated to be between 12 and 18 weeks. No reports were mailed in 201421 therefore no savings were claimed and only minimal costs were incurred. This program is designed to better inform residential customers about their energy usage by providing comparative energy usage data for similar homes located in the same geographical area. In addition, the report provides the customer with information on how to decrease their energy usage. Equipped with this information, customers can modiff behavior and/or make structural equipment, lighting or appliance changes to reduce their overall electric energy consumption. Program Management The program manager overseeing Home Energt Reports program activity in Idaho is also responsible for the program in Utah, Washington and Wyoming as well as the See ya later, refrigerator program in Idaho, California, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. For each program and in each state the program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the program, identiffing and contracting with the program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set in each state's compliance requirements. 2r Reports launched beginning in January, 2015. Page2l of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Pro gram Administration The Home Energ,t Reports program is administered by Opower. Refr ig e r at o r Re cy c lin g The Refrigerator Recycling program, also known as'oSee ya later, refrigerator," is designed to decrease electricity use through voluntary removal and recycling of inefficient refrigerators and freezers that are a minimum of 10 cubic feet and a maximum of 32 cubic feet in size. Participants receive a $50 incentive for each qualiffing refrigerator or freezer recycled through the program and an energy-saving kit which includes two CFLs, a refrigerator thermometer card, energy- savings educational materials, and information on other efficiency programs relevant to residential, commercial and industrial customers. Participating retailers receive an incentive of up to $20 for each qualiffing refrigerator or freezer picked up. In the third quarter, the program was expanded to include pickups from business customers and retailers. Program participation by measure is provided in Table 13. Table 13 Eligible Program Measures (Units) Measures 2014 Total 2014 kwh @ site Refrigerators 480 492.912 Freezers 137 141.577 Kits 567 r 8,016 Total 1.184 652,505 2014 Refrigerator Recycling program performance results are provided in Table 14. Table 14 Long-term Cost Effectiveness for Refrigerator Recycling ln 2014, more than tempered glass were 80,210 pounds of metal, 12,340 pounds recycled as a result of the program. In of plastics, and 1,440 pounds of addition, the capture, recovery or Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits Total Resource Cost Test plus l0 Dercent 1.54 $60,130 Total Resource Cost Test 1.40 $44.609 Utilitv Cost Tesl 1.40 $44.609 Participant Cost Test 0.47 ($172.148) Rate Paver Impact N/A $430.3ss 22 Participants in See ya later, refrigerator prcgrarr, incur no costs. Page22 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs destruction of more than 683 pounds of ozone depleting Chlorofluorocarbons (greenhouse gases) and Hydro fluorocarbons, commonly used in refrigerants and foam insulation equates to approximately 1,497 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Program Management The program manager responsible for the Refrigerator Recycling program in Idaho is also responsible for the program in Califomia, Utah, Washington and Wyoming and Home Energt Reports program in ldaho, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. For each program and in each state the program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the program, identifying and contracting with the program administrator through a competitive bid process, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set out in the tariff. Program Administration The Refrigerator Recycling program is administered by JACO Environmental ("JACO"). JACO is one of the largest recyclers of house-hold appliances in the United States. The Company contracts with JACO to provide customer scheduling, pick-up, incentive processing and marketing services for the See ya later, refrigerotor program. JACO's process ensures that over 95 percent of the components and materials of the discarded appliance are either recycled for beneficial uses or eliminated in an environmentally responsible way. The remaining 5 percent can then be productively used as "fluff' to facilitate the decomposition of biodegradable landfill material. JACO is responsible for the following: . Appliance Pick-up - JACO handles all customer and field service operations for the program including pick-up of refrigerators and freezers from customers, transporting the units to the de-manufacturing facility.o Incentive processing and call-center operations - Customer service calls, pick-up scheduling and incentive processing. . Program specific customer communication and outreach - Working in close coordination with the Company, JACO handles all the marketing for the program. The program is marketed through bill inserts, customer newsletters and TV, newspaper and online advertising. As part of the program control process, the Company contracts with a third-party independent inspector to conduct ongoing oversight of the program's appliance recycling process, from verification that the units being recycled meet the program eligibility criteria to verifying they are being recycled and that the program records are accurate. A summary of the inspection process is included in Appendix 4. Infrastructure Page 23 of 37 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Residential Programs A crew from Salt Lake City, Utah, picks up uni* collected through the program in Idaho and transports the units to a JACO facility in Salt Lake City for disassembly and recycling. Evaluation No evaluation activities occurred during 2014. Low Income Weatherization The Low Income l{eatherization program provides energy effrciency services through a partnership between the Company and local non-profit agencies to residential customers that meet income-eligible guidelines. Services are at no cost to the program participants. Total homes treated under the program in 2014, as well as the type and frequency of specific energy efficiency measures installed in each home, is provided in Table 15. Table l5 Homes Receiving Specific Measures Participation - Total # of Completed/Treated Homes 4t Number of Homes Receiving Specific Measures Attic Ventilation ll Ceiling Insulation 24 Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs 40 Duct Insulation T2 Floor Insulation t5 Furnace Repair 26 Health & Safety Measures 24 Infiltration 37 Refriserators 5 Replacement Windows 23 Thermal Doors 28 Wall Insulation 4 Water Heater Repair 4 Water Heater Replacement Water Pipe Insulation 35 2014 Low Income Weatherizationprogram performance results are provided in Table 16. Page24 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs Table l6 Cost Effectiveness for Low Income Weatherization BenefiUCost Ratio Net Benefits Total Resource Cost Test plus l0 percent 0.72 ($50.632) Total Resource Cost Test 0.67 ($s9.713) Utility Cost Test 0.50 ($91.288) Participant Cost Test N/A $234.297 Rate Payer Impact 0.34 (s174.891) As shown in Table 16, the Low Income Weatherization program ex-ante results suggest the program was not cost effective based on the five standard cost effectiveness tests for the 2014 reporting period. This is largely due to a decrease in number of homes served and measures installed by approximately 45 percent where program cost decreased only by I I percent. The Company will review program measures with its associated unit energy savings assumptions to ensure program cost effectiveness going forward. Program Management The program manager who is responsible for the Low Income Weatherization program in Idaho is also responsible for the program in Califomia, Utah, Washington and Wyoming; energy assistance programs in ldaho, California, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming; and bill discount programs in California, Utah and Washington. The program manager is responsible for the cost effectiveness of the weatherization program in each state, partnerships and agreements in place with local agencies that serve income eligible households, establishing and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions set out in the agency contracts and state specific tariffs. Pro gram Administration The Company has contracts in place with Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership ("EICAP") and SouthEastern Idaho Community Action Agency ("SEICAA") to provide services through the low income weatherization program. These two agencies receive federal funds allocated to the [daho Department of Health and Welfare ("IDHW") and administered by the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho ("CAPAI") through subcontracting non- profit agencies. Energy efficiency measures are installed in the homes of income eligible households throughout the Company's service area by EICAP and SEICAA. Company funding of 85 percent of the cost of approved measures is leveraged by the agencies with the funding received by IDHW. By contract with the Company, EICAP and SEICAA are responsible for the following: . Income Verification - Agencies determine participants are income eligible based on CAPAI guidelines. Household's interested in obtaining weatherization services apply through the agencies. The 2014 income guidelines can be viewed at Page25 of37 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Residential Programs /www. idahocommunitvaction. ore/pro grams/weatherization-html/weatherization- assi stance-pro eram-income- guide I ines-html/o Energy Audit - Agencies use a United States Department of Energy approved audit tool to determine the cost effective measures to install in the participant's homes (audit results must indicate a savings to investment ratio of 1.0 or greater). o Installation of Measures - Agencies install the energy efficiency measures.o Post lnspections - Agencies inspect 100 percent of completed homes. IDHW and CAPAI also inspect a random sample of homes. See Appendix 4 for verification summary.o Billing Notification - Agencies are required to submit a billing to Company within 120 days after job completion. The agencies include a form indicating the measures installed and associated cost on each completed home along with their invoice. Evaluation The Low Income Weatherization program was evaluated in 2014 by Smith & Lehmann Consulting. This firm was selected through an RFP process and completed the evaluation in January 2015 forprogram years 2010,2011 and20l2. Low Income Energt Conservation Education Commission Order No. 32788 dated April 12, 2013, ruled that the Company's funding of Low Income Energt Conservation Education should be $25,000 annually. These services are provided by EICAP whose main office is located in Idaho Falls, and SEICAA whose main office is in Pocatello. They target the Company's customers that receive Low Income Home Energy Assistance ("LI[fiAP") funds. EICAP, SEICAA and the Company staffdiscussed the allocation of the annual funding amount and the agencies determine the efficiency measures they distribute each year. EICAP receives $13,250 and SEICAA $l1,750 for a total of $25,000 prior to the beginning of their 2014/2015 LIHEAP program year. While the conservation education activities do result in energy savings, the savings are not considered when calculating the performance results of the Low Income Weatherization program, other energy efficiency programs or portfolios results.23 The agencies provided a conservation education curriculum to households and reported the following activities and program specifics for 2014: EICAP SEICAA $l1,750 800 CFLs (13w): $1,960 650 Power timers : $7,800 Staff labor: $1,990 $13,250 250 Window kits: $562.50 300 CFLs (l3w/2 pack): $585 300 CFLs (23w13 pack): $861 23 Order No. 32788 Page26 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs 250 Weather-striP : $322.50 200 Power timers: $2,400 300 Smart strips: $5,250 Shipping: $150 To be spent in 2015: $3,119 Households served: 659 287 Distribution EICAP: A total of 1,977 measures were distributed. Measures purchased included window kits, CFLs, weather-stripping, power timers and smart strips, and allowed participants to choose three measures. Because of cost, a participant could pick between the smart strip or power timer and two of the other items. The smart strip was the favorite, then CFLs and 50/50 on the window kits/weather-stripping. EICAP did not track the number of each specific measure distributed and did not have an inventory of any measures purchased prior to 2014. SEICAA: A total of 322 CFLs and 124 power timers purchased in 2014 were distributed. Measures purchased in2013 were also provided to households including 549 shower timers and 537 night lights. Kits purchased in 2010 (102) that included I compact fluorescent light bulb (13 waff), I compact fluorescent light bulb (19 watt), I compact fluorescent light bulb (23 watt), l0 outlet gaskets, I kitchen aerator, I refrigerator temperature card and I night light were given to participants in 2014. SEICAA reported that as of February 1,2015, all the 2010 kits have been distributed (final4 distributed in January 2015). Program Design EICAP: Educate Rocky Mountain Power customers about how to conserve energy and understand their bill. SEICAA: Reduce electricity usage and monthly bills for participants of the LIHEAP program. Target Audience EICAP: Rocky Mountain Power customers receiving energy assistance. SEICAA: LIHEAP recipients that have not had weatherization program services are a priority. Households can also be identified through SEICAA's other programs. The Company may refer customers for possible participation using current LIHEAP income guidelines as the first criteria. Gause Prosram's Success in Meeting Goals EICAP: Acceptance of energy conservation tools after education. SEICAA: The program's success will be gauged through periodic reporting and the response from the participants through surveys. Indicate How Company Funds are Used EICAP: Tools that encourage energy conservation. Page27 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Residential Programs SEICAA: To purchase energy conservation measures. Funds are also used for educator salaries. Describe How the Program Benefits Participants EICAP: Households receive useful tips and tools to help them save energy while applying for LIHEAP. SEICAA: Households are educated on how they can reduce kWh usage through behavioral changes as well as the installation and benefits of the energy conservation measures they receive during LIHEAP intake. Page2& of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs Nox-RrsrDENTrAL Exrncv Errrcrrxcv The commercial and industrial energy efficiency program portfolio was consolidated into a single Non-Residential Energt Eficiency program, Schedule 140, which became effective November 13, 2014. The programs that were consolidated include FinAnswer Express, Agricultural Energt Services and Energt FinAnswer. The consolidated Non-Residential Energt Efficiency program is promoted to the Company's customers as wattsmart Business. The data below for the year is provided for the commercial/industriaUagricultural portfolio with results by measure group to capture all of the Non-Residential energy efficiency activities for the year. Projects completed in the current period by customer sector are provided in Table 17. Table 17 Pro C Sector 2014 Total Apricultural 40 Commercial 530 Industrial 2l Total s9l Program savings by measure group is provided in Table 18. Table l8 Installed Program Measures (gross kWh/year at site) Measure Groups 2014 Total 2014 Total Cookins Eouioment I 1,644 Dairv 2 37,696 HVAC l0 34,900 Irrieation JJ 1,531,552 Liehtins 505 2,166,199 Motors 24 1,346,613 Pumps 2 43,838 Refriseration t4 678,816 Prosram Total 591 5,841,257 Program performance results for 2014 are provided in Table l9 below. Page 29 of 37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs Table 19 Cost Effectiveness for Non-Residential Energy Efficiency BenefiUCost Ratio Net Benefits Benefit/Cost Ratio Net Benefits Includes Portfolio Costs Excludes Portfolio Costs Total Resource Test plus 10 Dercent 1.32 $827,889 1.38 $938,s74 Total Resource Cost Test 1.20 $520.833 1.26 $631,518 utilitv cost Test 1.6',1 $ 1.235.504 1.78 $ I .346.1 89 Particioant Cost Tesl 3.02 $3.858.557 3.02 $3.858.5s8 Rate Paver Imoact 0.s6 $2.46r.r44\0.57 (s2-3s0-4s9) The wattsmart Business program is intended to maximize the efficient utilization of electricity for new and existing non-residential customers through the installation of energy efficiency measures and energy management protocols. Qualifring measures are any measures which, when implemented in an eligible facility, result in verifiable electric energy efficiency improvements. Services offered through the program are: . Typical Upgrades: Provides streamlined incentives for lighting, HVAC, compressed air and other equipment upgrades that increase electrical energy efficiency and exceed code requirements. a a Small Business Lighting: Provides enhanced incentives for lighting retrofits installed by approved trade allies at eligible small business customer facilities (This offer was added in November 2014). Custom analysis: Offers energy analysis studies and services for more complex projects. Energy management: Provides expert facility and process analysis to help lower energy costs by optimizing customer's energy use. (This offer was added in November 2014.) Energy project manager co-funding: Available to customers who can commit to an annual goal of completing a project resulting in a minimum of 1,000,000 kWh per year in energy savings. (This offer was added in November 2014.) Program Manaqement The program managers overseeing the business energy efficiency program activity in Idaho are also responsible for the programs in California, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. For each state the program managers are responsible for the management of the program administrators, cost effectiveness, identiffing and contracting with the program administrators through a competitive bid process, program marketing, achieving and monitoring program performance and compliance, and recommending changes in the terms and conditions of the program. Page 30 of37 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Non-Residential Programs Program Administration The program is primarily administered through two channels that are differentiated based upon customer needs. The first channel generally targets typical opportunities which serve small to medium sized business customers and to lesser extent large business customers. Administration is provided through Company contiacts with Nexant, Inc. ("Nexant") and Cascade Energy ('oCascade") who manage trade ally coordination, training and application processing services for commercial measures and industrial/agricultural measures respectively. The second channel targets large energy users who generally have multiple opportunities for energy efficiency improvements, such as those that require custom analysis, is administered by internal project managers allowing for a single point of contact to assist customers with their various opportunities. Nexant and Cascade are responsible for the following: o Trade ally engagement to help increase and improve the supplier and installation contractor infrastructure for energy-efficient equipment and services includes identification, recruiting, training, supporting and assisting trade allies to increase sales and installation of energy efficient equipment at qualifying business customer facilities.o Incentive processing and administrative support - includes handling incoming inquiries as assigned, processing incentive applications, developing and maintaining standardized analysis tools and providing program design services, evaluation and regulatory support upon request.o Custom analysis and project facilitation for small/medium customer projectso Inspections - includes veri&ing on an on-going basis the installation of measures. Summary of the inspection process is in Appendix 4. Intemal Project Managers are responsible for the following: o Single point of contact for large customers to assist with their energy efficiency projects. o Large customer outreach and education of energy efficiency opportunities.o Providing custom energy efficiency analysis, quality assurance and verification of savings through a pre-contracted group of engineering firms.. Managing engineering firms to ensure program compliance, quality of work, and customer satisfaction.o Managing wattsmart Business projects through the whole project lifecycle. Infrastructure To help increase and improve the supplier and installation contractor infrastructure for energy- efficient equipment and services, the Company established and developed trade ally networks for Iighting, HVAC and motorsA/FDs. This work includes identifying and recruiting trade allies, providing program and technical training and providing sales support on an ongoing basis. The current list of the trade allies who have applied and been approved as participating vendors are Page 3l of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs posted on the Company website and is included as Appendix 7 to this report. In most cases, customers are not required to select a vendor from these lists to receive an incentive.2a The total number of participating trade allies is currently 102. The current count of participating trade allies by technology is in Table 20. Table 20 Participating Trade Allies2s Lighting trade allies HVAC trade allies Motor and VFD trade allies List dated 3-19-2015 67 36 38 Given the diversity of the non-residential customers served by the Company, a pre-approved, pre-contracted group of engineering firms are used to perform facility specific energy efficiency analysis, quality assurance and verification services. Each customer's project is directly managed by one of the Company's in-house project managers. The project manager works directly with the customer or through the appropriate Company account manager located in Idaho. Table 21 lists the engineering firms currently under contract with the Company. Table 2l En ins Fineenng r trms Ensineerins Firm Main Office Location Abacus Resource Manaqement Company Beaverton. OR Brendle Group Fort Collins. CO Cascade Enersv Ensineerins Cedar Hills. UT Comnression Ensineerins Com Salt Lake CiW, UT Ecova Portland. OR EMP2.Inc Richland. VA Enersy Resource Inteeration. LLC Sausalito. CA Enersv and Resource Solutions North Andover. MA EnerNOC Inc.Portland, OR EnSave" Incomorated Richmond. VT ETC Group. Incorporated Salt Lake City. UT Evergreen Consultins Group Beaverton. OR Fazio Ensineerins Weston. OR kW Ensineerins. Inc.Salt Lake Citv. UT Lincus Incomorated Temoe- AZ Nexant. Incomorated Salt Lake Citv- UT OEI Enersv Manasement. Inc.Beaverton, OR RM Enersy Consultins Pleasant Grove. UT Rick Rumsev. LLC Ammon.lD 2a Customers receiving Small Business Lighting incentives do need to use an approved contractor selected from a competitive request for bid process. " Some trade allies may participate in more than one technology so the count of unique participating firms is less than the total count by technology. Page 32 of 37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Non-Residential Programs Eneineerine Firm Main Office Location SBW Consultins. Inc.Bellevue. WA Solarc Architecture & Ensineerins. Inc.Eusene. OR Triole Point Enersv Portland, OR Evaluation During 2014, an independent third-party process and impact evaluation of the Company's non- residential programs for program years 2012-2013 was in the process of being completed. The results of this evaluation work will be available in 2015. Page33 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication CouvtuxICATIoNS, OurRna,cH AND Enuc.q,rtox The Company utilizes eamed media, customer communications, paid media and program specific media in an effort to communicate the value of energy efficiency, provide information regarding low-cost, no-cost energy efficiency measures, and to educate customers on the availability of technical assistance, services and incentives. wattsmart is an overarching energy efficiency campaign with the overall goal to engage customers in reducing their energy usage through behavioral changes, and pointing them to the programs and information to help them do it. C usto mer Co mmu n icatio ns As part of the Company's regular communications to its customers, newsletters across all customer classes promote energy efficiency initiatives and case studies on a regular basis. Inserts and outer envelopes featuring energy efficiency messages and programs have also been used on a consistent basis. In 2014, the Company also issued two newsletters focused entirely on seasonal energy efficiency information targeted in the fall and spring. The Company also utilizes social media, such as Twitter and Facebook to communicate and engage customers on DSM offers and incentives. ln2014, the Company initiated a wattsmart advertising campaign. Program Spectftc All energy efficiency program marketing and communications are under the wattsmart umbrella to ensure a seamless transition from changing customer behavior to the actions they could take by participating in specific programs. Separate marketing activities administered by and specific to the programs ran in conjunction with the wattsmart campaign. Home Energy Savings proqram Information about the Home Energy Savings program is communicated to customers, retailers and trade allies through a variety of channels. The main areas of focus in 2014 included website enhancements, new wottsmart Starter Kits and duct sealing for manufactured homes. The website enhancements in April improved navigation, streamlined content and made it easier for customers on mobile devices and tablets to find information and apply for incentives. In June, the program launched the wattsmart ENERGY STAR@ lighting and WaterSense@ heating type. Customer communications for the kits included direct mail, email, website and social media content, Facebook advertising, newsletters and bill inserts. The communications were successful in driving kit Starter Kits in Idaho. These kits come with products, depending on the customers' water Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Communication orders. The email to 16,425 customers had a high open rate of 43%o and a click-through rate of l5%. Three weeks of Facebook ads also generated 84,791impressions. To build awareness about incentives for cooling measures, the program communicated to customers through bill inserts, newsletter articles, point of purchase material, website and social media content, and retail and trade ally training material. In September, a group of targeted customers living in manufactured homes received a mailing with information on free duct sealing offered through a local participating trade ally. Refrieerator & Freezer Recycling The Company promotes the See ya later, refrigerator program through informational television and digital display advertisements and other customer communications. In 2014, the program garnered 278,950 impressions. Breakdown of impressions by media type is shown inTable 22. For the summer and fall, the Company developed a new creative campaign with a magic theme to highlight the newly increased $50 incentive along with the convenience of having your old fridge recycled. For maximum exposure, these same messages and artwork were used in direct mail, digital advertising, email, social media, website, bill inserts and newsletter articles. The Company also provided information about the availability for businesses to participate through Idaho chamber outreach and added program information to the business section of the website. Table 22 See ya later, refrigerator Program Communications Channel 2014 TV 128.000 Disital Disnlav 150.950 FinAnswer Express and Energ), FinAnswer/paflsmart Business During 2014, communications reminded customers to inquire about incentives for lighting, HVAC, compressed air, irrigation and other energy efficiency measures. Radio communications encouraged business customers to make energy efficiency upgrades and print ads featured case study examples from program participants which were repurposed in social media. Quarterly eblasts and digitat search ads directed viewers to the company's website.26 This was in addition to customer direct contact by Company project managers and corporate and community 26 www.44ryg.com Page 35 of 37 Rocky Mountain Power ldaho Report Communication managers, trade ally partners, articles in the Company newsletters, Chamber newsletter outreach and content on the Company website and on Facebook. watlsmart Business program consolidation became effective November 13, 2014. With the consolidation, the incentive process was streamlined and an enhanced lighting retrofit offering for small business customers was added. Irrigation Energy Savers also became part of the wattsmart Business program. All the marketing materials were updated for the program change (overview, brochure, irrigation brochure, applications, catalog, case sfudies, energy management, small business lighting) and added the materials to our streamlined website. The Company continued to utilize a wattsmart "open sign" for businesses and approved vendors to display. Customers were photographed with the "open sign" and the photos were used in the print advertising, case studies, newsletter articles and on Facebook. The program's breakdown of impressions by media type is shown in Table 23. Table 23 Impressions by Media Type Communications Channel 2014 Radio 294,800 Print 181.196 Eblasts 3.650 Disital Paid Search 62.198 Page 36 of37 Rocky Mountain Power Idaho Report Evaluations Ev.nr,ultloNs Evaluations are performed by independent external evaluators to validate energy and demand savings derived from the Company's energy efficiency programs. Industry best practices are adopted by the Company with regards to principles of operation, methodologies, evaluation methods, definitions of terms, and protocols including those outlined in the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Program lmpact Evaluation and the California Evaluation Framework guides. A component of the overall evaluation efforts is aimed at the reasonable verification of installations of energy efficient measures and associated documentation through review of documentation, surveys and/or ongoing onsite inspections. Verification of the potential to achieve savings involves regular inspection and commissioning of equipment. The Company engages in programmatic verification activities, including inspections, quality assurance reviews, and tracking checks and balances as part of routine program implementation and may rely upon these practices in the verification of installation information for the purposes of savings verifications in advance of more formal impact evaluation results. A summary of the inspection process is included in Appendix 4. Evaluation, measurement and verification tasks are segregated within the Company organization to ensure they are performed and managed by personnel who are not responsible for program management. Information on evaluation activities completed or in progress during 2014 is summarized in the chart below. Summary of the recommendations are provided in Appendix 6. The evaluation report is available at www.pacifi com.com/es/dsm/idaho.html Program / Activities Years Evaluated Evaluator Progress Status Home Energy Savings 20tt-2012 The Cadmus Group Completed Low-Income 2010-2012 Smith & Lehmann Qr 201s Energy FinAnswer 2012-2013 Navigant Consulting Q220ts FinAnswer Express 2012-2013 Navigant Consulting Q2 20ls Page37 of37 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POMIER AotvFCIil0f PAoflc0RP Appendix 1 Explanation of Capacity Estimates 20t4 Enerw Efficiencv Prosrams The MW reported savings of 2.57 (at generation) for energy effrciency programs during 2014 represents the summation of estimated MW values made available through the Company's business and residential energy efficiency programs; calculations for the business and residential programs differ. The Company's business programs MW contributions are based on engineering estimates of capacity values for installed measures; project unique factors are individually calculated for custom projects while deemed factors are utilized for prescriptive measures. These calculations are based on actual installed measures in the reported year. For 2014, it is calculated that 0.86 MW of capacity contribution were made available through business program energy efficiency acquisitions. Specific hours during which business program measures contribute MW capacity are dependent upon several factors including specific business operations and general economic conditions. For the residential programs, an energy to capacity factor is utilized to calculate the MW savings made available through these programs. The energy to capacity factor utilized in the calculation (2.41 MW in 2014 for each average MWh of energy efficiency acquired) is the same as the average load profile factor of energy efficiency resources selected in the 2013 IRP, i.e. the average peak contribution of the energy efficiency resource selections across all measures and sectors. The utilization of this factor in the MW calculation assumes that the energy efficiency resources acquired through the Company's residential programs have the same average load profile as those energy efficiency resources selected in the 2013 IRP. Utilization of this factor in determining the MW contribution of energy efficiency programs for 2014 is detailed in the table below. Line Description Value 1 First year EE program savings acquired during 2013 6,208 2 Average MWh value (line I I 8760 hours)0.71 J Peak MW contribution of 2014 EE acquisitions t.7t As demonstrated, it is estimated that the residential energy efficiency program acquisitions in 2014 contributed l.7l MW of capacity contribution. As with the business programs, when these savings occur on an hourly basis is dependent upon several factors including energy usage patterns of residential customers. Together, the 0.86 MW's estimated for the business programs and the l.7l MW's estimated for residential programs make up the2.57 MW savings value of energy efficiency programs. ROCKY MOUNTAIN POI'VER ADtlnEtON OFRTCTHOOf,P Appendix 2 Idaho Cost Effectiveness Table of Contents Portfolio and Sector tevel Cost Effectiveness ....................... 3 Program Level Cost Effectiveness......... ...............7 Home Energy Savers Program.... .....................7 Refrigerator Recycling (See ya later, refrigerator)......... ...................... 14 Low Income Weatherization.......... .................17 wattsmart Business.... .................... 19 Page2of.24 Portfolio and Sector Level Cost Effectiveness Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness for the overall energy efficiency portfolio and component sectors, based on2014 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall energy efficiency portfolio and the two sector components. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM test. The memo consists of the following tables. Table I -Utilitylnputs Table 2 - Portfolio Level Costs 2014 Table 3 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Portfolio Type Table 4 - 2014 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 5 - 2014 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) Table 6 - 2014 C&I Energy Efficiency Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - 2014 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - 2014 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Including NEBs) Discount Rate Residerrtial Line Loss Commercial Line Loss Industrial Line Loss Irrigation Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/kf{tt)(base year 2014) Commercial Energy Rate ($&Wh)(base year 2014) Industrial Energ;5r Rate ($/kwhxbase year 2014) Irrigation Energy Rate ($lkwhXbase year 2014) Inflation Ratel 6.88o/o 11.47% 70.75"/" 7.52% 17.45o/o $0.1049 $0.0866 $0.0698 $0.0886 Lm% 1 Future rates determined using a L.9% annual escalator. Page 3 of 24 Table 2 - Portfolio Level Costs 2014 Commercial and Industrial Evaluation Costs Residential Evaluatisr Costs Low Income Energy Conservation Education Outreadr & Communications Wattsnart Technical Reference Library DSM Central Total Costs t.52 1.59 t.32 $110,68s $93,900 $2s,000 *4,989 $14,488 $13,309 $262,372 Total Portfolio Total Porffolio (ktduding NEBs) C&I Programs Residertial Programsr 1.95 Residential Programs (trduding NEBs)1 2.15 1.38 1.r15 1.20 LN 1.98 1.69 1.69 1.67 7.79 1.79 0.54 4.01. 0.54 4.10 0.56 3.02 0.52 6.30 0.52 6.60 I Lrcludes additional costs of $20,473 for the Home Energy Reporting program. Table 3 - BenefiUCost Ratios Table 4 -2014 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Coet Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Reverrue Impacs ($AWnl $3,955,735 66,002,194 $3,955,735 $5A?6,W $3,222,7t6 $5,456,540 $10191,009 $5,456,,s40 $2,730,801 $10,947,406 $0.0574 $0.0s74 $0.0468 $2,046,459 $1,500,804 $2,2U,424 -$4,7y470 $8,216,605 1,.52 1.38 1.69 0.54 4.0t $0.0001ls178 Page 4 of 24 Table 5 - 2014 Total Portfolio Cost-Effectiveness Results (Includi Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resotrrce Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($&Wn) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) RatelmpactTest (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Liferycle Revmue lmpacts ($&Wn) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Coet Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) RatelmpactTest (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revenue Impacts ($/k!Vh) $3,955,735 $6,279,040 $3,955,735 $5,733,W $3,222,1.t6 $5,4s6,540 $10,191,009 $1455,540 $2,730,801. fi11,192,677 $0.0s74 $0.0s74 $0.0468 $2,323,305 97,777,6fl $2,234,424 -$4,7U,470 $8,467,876 1.r[5 t.69 0.54 4.1,0 $0.000115178 7.20 L.67 0.56 3.02 $0-000051248 7.77 t.79 0.52 6.30 $0.000072012 $0.0640 $2,549,724 $33n,613 $827,889 $520,833 $1.,235,504 -$2A61,14 $3,858,557 1.32 $0.0640 $0.01161 $0.0464 $0.0461 $0.0458 $2,549,724 $3,070,557 $1,83s,0s3 $3,070,557 $5,531,70t $3,070,557 $1.,908,474 $5,767,031. $1,348,224 $2,624,581 fi1,276,3s6 t.95 $1,38,224 $2p85,983 $7,037,758 $L,329,276 $2,385,983 $1,056,707 $4,601,521 $2"385,983 -$2215F39 $822,327 $s,180,37s $4358,048 Table5-2014C&I Table 7 -2014 Residential Portf olio Cost-Ef f ectiveness PageS ol24 Total Reeourae Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder UtilityCostTest (UCT) Participant Cost Test (PCT) $r,w224 $2901,U27 fi7,s53,202 $1329,276 $2,385,983 91pfi,707 95,425,66 $4,603"319 Page6of.24 Program Level Cost Effectiveness Home Energy Savers Program Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho Home Energy Savings Program, based on 2014 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost- effectiveness results for the overall program and for the 6 measure categories. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35oh andEast Residential Lighting 4SYoload factor decrements. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM test. The memo consists of the following tables. Table I - Home Energy Savings Inputs TableZ - Home Energy Savings AnnualProgram Costs Table 3 - Home Energy Savings - Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - Home Energy Savings Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - Home Energy Savings Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - Home Energy Savings Energy Savings Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - Home Energy Savings HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 9 - Home Energy Savings Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l0 - Home Energy Savings Manufactured Home Cost-Effectiveness Results Table I I - Home Energy Savings Weatherization Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 12- Home Energy Savings Appliances Non-Energy Benefits Table l3 - Home Energy Savings Appliances (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 14 - Home Energy Savings Energy Savings Kits Non-Energy Benefits Table l5 - Home Energy Savings Energy Savings Kits (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 16 - Home Energy Savings Lighting Non-Energy Benefits Table l7 - Home Energy Savings Lighting (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l8 - Home Energy Savings Program Cost-Effectiveness Results with Non-Energy Benefits Discount Rate Residential Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($lkwh)(base year 201,4) lnflation Ratel 6.88% ll.4V/o $0.1049 1.90o/" I Future rates determined using a L.9% annual escalator. PageT of24 Appliances Xnergy Savings Kits HVAC Lighting Manufactured Home Weatherization Total $762 $24,030 $56,031 $82,120 $2,t49 $67,799 $24,897 $34,582 $806 $2s,A3 $1,044 $32,919 $85,582 $266,903 8t% lW% 700o/o ta0Yo 100y" 95Yo 1.00o/o $17,772 $42,563 $66,084 $82851 $226,002 fi104,522 fi28,875 $98,823 fi102,2u w4,s22 $/r,39% $s08536 $5,740 $31,e68 $s,7N $24',t161 $58,855 $35,161 $569,627 $922,206 $822,327 $0 $0 $o $o $o $o $0 $0 $0 $o $o $0 $o $0 Appliances Energy Savings Kits HVAC Lighting Manufactured Home Weatherization Total 43,232 3,\80,964 121,977 r,473,094 45,738 59,279 4,964,284 Appliances with NEBs Energy Savings Kits Energy Savings Kits with NEBs HVAC Lighting Lighting with NEBs Manufactured Home Weatherization Total Total (with NEBs) 0.3s 0.49 7.04 7.89 0.95 1.30 t.42 1.56 1,.21, 2.s0 2.76 0.69 0.69 6.22 6.22 1.18 1.01 1.01 7.42 1.29 2.32 2.32 35,009 3,180,9& 1,21,,977 \,413,W4 4s,738 56,315 4,853,097 0.32 0.45 6.40 7.?5 0.86 1.18 1.30 7.42 1.10 LU 2.s3 l00o/o 7$Yo 63% 66"/o 1.00% 100% 75"/" 35,009 2,48,0,697 76,845 932,&2 45,738 56,375 3,627,237 0.36 0.86 0.36 t.u 0.64 25.21 0.& 27.00 0.56 1.96 0.41 2.U 0.41, 2.91, 0.49 11.53 0.48 3.50 0.55 s.49 0.55 5.79 1,4 9 20 8 18 30 9 Table3-HomeEne Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios bv Measure Ca Page I of 24 Level Cost-Eff ectiveness Results Table 6 through Table I I provides cost-effectiveness results for all 6 measures. Table 5 - Home Energy Savings Appliances Cost-Effectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Liferyde Revenue Impacts ($AWt) Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revenue Impacts ($ikWnl Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resotrrce Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Ratelmpact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Liferyde Revenue Impacts ($&Wn) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $941.,154 $2,353,960 $1.,412,806$0.03s7 $0.03s7 $0.0349 $941,|il $922,206 $3,8%,091 $822,327 $2,139,9il $2,739,964 w,139,964 $4,515,723 $1,19&810 $1,217,758 -$1,7v,t27 $3,693,396 2.27 2.32 0.55 5.49 $0.00005701s 0.65 0.3s 0.32 0.69 0.36 0.86 $0.000001091 1,9.3-t 6.N 6.22 0.& 25.21 $0.000026249 0.06 Page9 of24 $0.2619 60.2619 $0.1.227 $90,875 $32,238 $90,875 929,{7 942,563 $29,307 $81,595 $29,n7 $66,084 $56,903 -fi58,637 -$51,568 -fi13,256 -$52,87 -$9,181 Table 7 - Home Energy Savings Energy Savings Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results $0.0124 $0.0124 $0.0128 $2r9,663 $1,545,651 $1,325,988 7.04 $219,663 $1,M,737 $1,185475 $226,002 $1,,405,1.37 $1,179,136 $2,212,718 $1,&5,137 -$802591 $104,522 $2,635,400 $2,530,878 (2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35%) (2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35%) Table 8 - Home Energy Savings HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results (2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35%) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revenue Impacts ($&Wttl Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate tmpact Test (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Liferyde Reverrue Impacts ($ftWft) Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($lkWtrl Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.1401 $0.1401 $0.1030 $134,386 $127,794 $134386 $775,tn $98,823 $716,177 $207272 $776,1n $r02,2u fi200,921. -$6,592 -$18,210 fi17,3s4 -$91,G35 $98,638 $ttg,66s $72,t368 $3,979 -w74,907 $924,592 0.86 1.18 0.56 1.96 $0.000001321 11.30 1.18 1.01 0.41 2.82 $0.000024691 1.05 1.42 1..42 0.49 11.53 $0.000000760 0.00 (2013 tRP East Residential ins 48olo) $0.06ss $0.065s $0.0769 $39s,106 $set106 $463,99s $1,142,875 $508,s36 $514,771 w7,974 $467,974 w7,974 $1.,433,128 1.30 Table 10 - Home Energy Savings Manufactured Homes Cost-Effectiveness Results $0.0597 $0.0s97 $0.0s97 $3t,968 $49,926 [31,968 $45,388 $31,968 $45,388 $92,437 $45,388 $5,740 $66,208 $77,9s8 $73Ate $13,419 -w,ug $60,468 7.56 Table 9 - Home Energy Savings Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results (2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35%) Page 10 of 24 Table 11- Home Energy Savings Weatherization Cost-Effectiveness Results (2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35%) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate ImpactTest (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($&Wn) Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Ratelmpact Test (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revenue Impacts ($/l<Wftl Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0578 $58,855 $75,981 $17,126 $157,1!$ $75,9t37 -$81,175 $3s,161 $1,23,t62 $88,001 50.0797 $0.0797 $69,1ss $83,s79 $69,155 $75,9u7 fi90,87s $44,189 $90,875 $41,258 $42,563 fi29,307 $81,695 $29,n7 $66,084 $68,854 $1.4,424 w826 -$46,686 -949,677 -913,2s6 -$52,fi7 92,770 1.10 1.29 0.48 3.50 $0.000000782 't.75 0.49 0.t15 0.69 0.36 1.04 $0.000001091 19.37 In addition to the energy benefits reported above, appliances, energy savings kits and lighting in the Home Energy Savings program offer significant non-energy benefits (NEBs). Table 12, Table l4 and Tablel6 details the non-energy benefits for appliances, energy savings kits and lighting respectively. Clothes Washers $41..64 $11,951 PTRC, TRC, PCT Table 13 - Home Energy Savings Appliances (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results $0.2619 $0.2619 s0.1.227 Table 12- Home E (2013IRP East Residential Whole House 35%) Page 77 of 24 Table 15 - Home Energy Savings Energy Savings Kits (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results Basic Kit 1 Basic Kit 2 Best Kit 1 Best Kit 2 Better Kit 1 Better Kit 2 CFL Kit LED Kit 923.61 w.14 $23.13 W.6 fi23.6L $4*.ra $3.08 $2.60 $0.77 $1.18 $0.65 $2.76 1,047 3008 51 282 42 124 2769 189 43,601, t02u6 273 v9 $24,720 $132,773 $1,1 80 $12,312 $992 $5,473 $8,529 $491 $33,573 $12,137 $177 $963 PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC,lRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT PTRC, TRC, PCT Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Liferycle Revmue Impacts ($/kWnl Discounted Participant Payback (years) CFL General CFL Specialty LED General LED Specialty $219,563 $1.,732,121. $1.,s12,458 9219,663 91,591,@7 $1,371,9M $226,002 $1.,405,137 $1.,179,1.36 $2212,778 $7,Ag',rr' -$802581 $1.04,522 $2,82t,870 $2,717,348 $0.0124 $0.0124 $0.0128 7.89 7.?5 6.22 0.& 27.00 $0.000u6249 0.06 (2013IRP East Residential Whole House 35olo) Table 15 - Home Page 72 of24 Table \7 - Home Energy Savings Lighting (with NEBs) Cost-Effectiveness Results (2013 IRP East Residential Liehtine 48%) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Coot Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) RatelmpactTest (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revenue Impacts ($&Wft1 Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revmue Impacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0357 $941.,t54 $2,599,231, fi1,658,077 2.76 $395,106 $s6't,622 $1.66,51.6 $39t105 $514125 $rr9,7t9 $463,995 $467,974 $3,979 fi7,742,875 W7,974 -9674,907 $s08,s36 $1.,479,979 $97t,443 $947,1y $2385,?-35 $7,W,O81 9922,205 fi2,139,964 $1,217,758 $3,8%,091 $2,139,9U -$71il,127 $822,327 $4,760,994 $3,938,667 $0.05ss $0.06,55 s0.0769 1..42 $0.0349 1.30 1.01 0.41 2.91, $0.000024591 1.05 2.53 2.32 0.55 5.79 $0.000057015 0.65 Table 18 - Home PagelS ot24 Refrigerator Recycling (See ya later, refrigerator) Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho See Ya Later Refrigerator (SYLR) Program, based on2014 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall program and for the 3 measure categories. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35% and East Residential Lighting 48o/oload factor decrements. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM and PCT tests. The memo consists of the following tables. Table I -SYLRInputs Table 2 - SYLR Annual Program Costs Table 3 - SYLR Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - SYLR Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - SYLR Refrigerators Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - SYLR Freezers Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - SYLR Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results Refrigerators Freezers Kits Total Discount Rate Residential Line Loss $9,250 $2,657 $338 $1L244 6.88"/" 11.47y" Residential Energy Rate ($/k\ fh)Oase year 2014) $0.1049 trflation Ratel 7.90Yo 1 Future rates determined using aL.9% annualescalator. $0 $o $o $o $0 $o $o $0 $43,3e3 $72,44 $1,s86 $57,43 $8,201 $23s5 $300 $1ops6 $20,600 $6,090 $3,368 $30,058 figt,u3 $23,ffi6 $5,s92 $110,601 Table 1- SYLR In Table2-SYLRAnnual Page 1.4 ot 24 Table3-SYLRSa Refrigerators Freezers Kits Total 492,91.2 141,577 1.8,076 652"505 266,t72 67,957 18,016 35\145 7 5 6 7 1.40 1.44 0.47 r.la $0.000007201 Refrigerators Freezers Kits Total 700v, tffi% 700% l(J/Jo/o 492,972 ul,sn 1,8,01,6 552,505 1.53 1.m 1..26 1.40 1.68 1.10 1.39 1.54 54o/o 8% l00Vo 54o/o 1.53 1.00 1,.26 1.$ $110,601 $170,731. $110,601 $155,210 $110,60L $155,210 9327,3s8 $1st210 $0 $430,3s5 0.49 0.47 O,M 0.qt nla nla nla nla Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource CoetTest (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) $0.0574 $0.0574 $0.0574 $50,130 w,@g $M,609 -$772,148 $430,35s 1,.54 Liferycle Revenue Impacts ($AWnl Discounted Participant Payback (years) Table 6 through Table 8 provides cost-effectiveness results for all 3 measures. nla Table 4 - BenefiUCost Ratios Table 5 - SYLR m Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Page 75 of 24 Table 5 - SYLR Refrigerators Cost-Effectiveness Results (2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35olo) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kVVh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $81,443 $137,r79 $81,1t43 9724,7M $81,443 fi124,708 fi254,822 $124,708 $0 $341.,673 $0.0528 $0.0s28 $0.0528 $ss,73s w,265 $43,26s -$130,115 $341.,673 1.68 1.53 1.53 0.49 r.la $0.0000051142 nla Table 7 - SYLR Freezers Cost-Effectiveness Results (2013 IRP East Residential Whole House 35%) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($lkWttl Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resotrrce Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (ReD Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revenue Impacts ($/kWftl Discounted Participant Payback (years) $23,566 $25,807 $23,fi6 $23,#l $23,566 $23,467 $s6,6ss $23,461 $0 $7s,02s $5,592 fi7,74s $.5,592 $7,041 $s,sez $7,04L $15,881 $7,047 $0 $13,657 $2,241. -$10s -$10s -$33,194 $7s,025 fi2,754 $llso $1,450 -$8,839 $13,6s7 1.00 1.00 o.4t ^la $0.000001946 r.la 1.26 1,.26 0.4 rVa $0.000000432 nla 1.10 $0.0801 $0.0611 $0.0611 $0.0611 1.39 Table 8 - SYLR Kits Cost-Effectiveness Results (2013 IRP East Residential Page76 of24 Low Income Weatherrzation Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho Low lncome Weatherization Program, based on2074 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost-effectiveness results for the overall program. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 20 I 3 IRP East Residential Whole House 35oh load factor decrement. The program does not pass any of the cost-effectiveness tests. The memo consists of the following tables. Table 1 - Low Income Weatherization Inputs Table 2 - Low lncome Weatherization Annual Program Costs Table 3 - Low Income Weatherization Savings by Measure Category Table 4 - Low lncome Weatherization Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 5 - Low Income Weatherization Non Energy Benefits Table 6 - Low Income Weatherization Program Level (with Non Energy Benefits) Cost- Effectiveness Results Discount Rate Residential Line Loss Residential Energy Rate ($/klVhXbase year 2014) Inflation Ratel 1 Future rates determined using a 1S% annual escalator. 6.88Y, 11.47o/o $0.1049 1.W" Low Lrcome Weatherization Total Low Lrcome Weatherization Ao&f $16,455 $16,455 $13,260 $13t50 $1,688 $1,688 $1s0,694 $182,097 $1s0,6$( $$as9t 52,320 52,M 52,320 523e0 52,320 52,320 Table 1- Low Income Weatherization In Table 2 - Low Income Weatherization Annual Table 3 - Low Income Weatherization Pagel7 of24 Table 4 - Low Income Weatherization Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revenue Impacts ($Awftl Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Reverrue Impacts ($/kVVh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.246s $0.2465 $0.2465 $0.2465 $03455 $0.2465 $782,097 $99,889 $182,097 $90,809 $1.82,097 $90,809 $265,7W $90,809 $0 9234,297 -$82,207 -$91,288 -$91,288 -$174,891 $234,297 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.34 nla $0.m000202s nla 0.72 0.67 0.50 0.34 nla $0.00000202s nla In addition to the energy benefits reported above the program offers significant non-energy benefits (NEBs) in the form of health, safety and repair costs as shown in Table 5. Table 5 - Low Income Weatherization Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Health, Safety and Repair Costs $31.,575 PTRC, TRC Table 5 - Low Income Weatherization Program Level (with Non Energy Benefits) Cost-Effectiveness Results $182,097 $13],464 $182,097 fi122,3u $182,097 $90,809 $265,7W $90,809 $0 $234,297 -950,632 -$59,773 -$91,288 -$774,897 $234,297 Page 18 of 24 latattsmart Business Navigant estimated the cost-effectiveness results for the Idaho Wattsmart Business Program, based on 2014 costs and savings estimates provided by PacifiCorp. This memo provides the cost- effectiveness results for the overall program and for the eight measure categories. Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2013 IRP east system T0Yoload factor decrement. The program passes the cost-effectiveness for all the tests except the RIM test. The memo consists of the following tables. Table I -Utilitylnputs Table 2 - Annual Commercial and Industrial Program Costs by Measure Type Table 3 - Annual Commercial and Industrial Savings by Measure Type Table 4 - Benefit/Cost Ratios by Measure Category Table 5 - Wattsmart Business Program Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 6 - Wattsmart Business Lighting Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 7 - Wattsmart Business HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 8 - Wattsmart Business Motors Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 9 - Wattsmart Business Irrigation Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l0 - Wattsmart Business Refrigeration Cost-Effectiveness Results Table I I - Wattsmart Business Dairy Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l2 - Wattsmart Business Pumps Cost-Effectiveness Results Table l3 - Wattsmart Business Cooking Equipment Cost-Effectiveness Results Discount Rate Commercial LineLoss Industrial Line Loss krigation Line Loss 6.88o/" lA.75o/o 7.52% ll.45o/o $0.0886 1.90o/" Commercial Energy Rate ($/kWhXbase year 2014) $0.0866 Industrial EnerEIy Rate ($lkwhXbase year 2014) $0.0698 Irrigation Energy Rate ($lkWh)(base year 2014) trflation Ratet I Future rates determined using a 73% annual escalator. Table 1- Utili Page 19 of 24 Table 2 - Annual Commercial and Industrial m Costs Measure C Lighting HVAC Motors hrigation Refrigeration Dairy Pumps Cooking Equipment Total $68,s73 $196,637 937,025 $1,105 $3,168 $,597 $42,629 $122,239 $23,016 $48/1t|3 fi139,027 $26,777 $21.,489 fi6t,620 $71,602 $1,193 $3,422 WM $1,388 $3,e7e $749 $sz $14e $28 $184911 $530,242 $99,839 5305,974 fi697,2s6 $8,006 $14310 $93,025 $336,265 9774,9N u51,625 $75,10s $197,720 $8,930 $15,739 $2,888 $10,806 $3s0 w7 $659,258 $1,724,368 $89,046 $1,435 $ss,355 w2,958 $27,904 $1"550 $1,802 $6,8 $240,118 $870,64 w,E77 $299,s94 M91,755 $179,097 $28,994 $8,483 $931 $7,908,474 Table 3 - Annual Commercial and Industrial 2,172,079 u,028 1,312,969 1,493,2ffi 667,857 367il 42,743 l,@3 5,695,320 Measure Ca 73o/" 73% 73/o 73o/o 73o/o 73o/o 73/o 73lo 73"/" 1,531,572 241675 952,099 7,@2,857 479,945 26,652 30,995 1,762 4,129,958 Lighting HVAC Motors Irrigatiur Refrigeration Dairy Pumps Cooking Equipment Total 2,'1.66,198 34,9W 1,346,613 7,531,552 678,816 37,6% 43,838 1,&4 5,847,257 98o/o 98% 98% 98% 98o/" 987o 98"/" 98% 987" 1,4 15 15 11 15 12 t2 10 1,4 Page2O ol24 Table 4 - Benefit/Cost Ratios Lighting I{VAC Motors Irrigation Refrigeration Dairy Pumps Cooking Equipment Total Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource CostTest (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Liferyde Reverrue Impacts ($ikVVh) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Reverrue Impacts ($/kVYh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) 92,439,039 $3,377,613 $938,574 $2A39,039 $3,070,557 $631"518 $7,724,368 $3,070,557 $1.,3M,1.89 g5A2t,ot6 $3,070,557 -$23fl,459 $1,908,474 $5,767,031, $3,858,558 $7,022,629 $1,259,706 L.23 0.82 1..75 1.31 1.65 4.6 1.56 0.72 1.38 7.L2 0.75 1.60 7.79 1.50 0.60 t.a 0.55 1.26 t.64 LA 2.1,8 1.67 7.92 1.05 1.85 0.99 7.78 0.55 0.s3 0.s9 0.58 0.57 0.r18 0.54 0.43 0.57 2.57 7.41 4.48 2.76 4.00 t.2t 4.60 1.67 3.02 $236,4n $722,073 fiM7,386 -$952,970 $1,366,375 7.26 t.78 0.57 3.02 $0.000048943 l-72 1..64 0.55 2.57 $0.00001981u 4.60 $0.0612 $0.0512 $0.0433 $0.0674 $0.0674 $0.04s9 1.38 Table 6 through Table 13 provides cost-effectiveness results for all eight measures. $1,0n,629 $1,14,il2 $697,256 $7,7M,642 fi2,097,552 fi1,14J,642 $870,6M $2,237,018 Table 5 - Wattsmart Business m Level Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 5 - Wattsmart Business Li Page27 of24 Table 7 - Wattsmart Business HVAC Cost-Effectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Liferyde Revenue Ionpacts ($&Wfrl Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact Test (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Revenue Impacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) No Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate Impact ?est (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) $0.106s $0,1065 $0.0ss8 fi27,317 $22,423 $27,377 $20,384 $14,310 $20,384 $38,195 $20,384 $28,977 $40,94s -$4,894 -$6,932 56,074 -$17,811 $71.,968 $808,047 $7U5s8 $734,s88 $rc4,sa.8 $1,340,689 fi347,557 $274+099 weg323 -$s06419 $7,041.,095 $830,110 $t96,869 w54,645 $127,4W 97s4,64s $303,020 we,6&5 -w53,734 $1,356,466 $864,711 0.82 0.75 1,.42 0.53 1,.41, $0.000000346 nla 1,.75 1.60 2.L8 0.59 4.48 $0.000009834 2.61 1.19 t.67 0-s 2.76 $0.000014706 $0.0455 $0.0465 $0.0340 $0.0703 $0.0703 $0.0s02 w60,490 w0,4x) $336,26s $1,241r08 $299,594 $633,24t ff33,241 $451.,625 $1308,379 fi491,755 1.31 Table 8 - Wattsmart Business Motors Cost-Effectiveness Results Table 9 - Wattsmart Business tion Cost-Ef fectiveness Results Lifecyde Rwenue Impacts ($ltWn) Discounted Participant Payback (years) Page22ot24 Table 10 - Wattsmart Business Refri on Cost-Ef fectiveness Results Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource CostTest (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) RatelmpactTest (RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Liferyde Reverrue Impacts ($/kWtl Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) RatelmpactTest (RIM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecyde Reverrue Impacts ($/kwh) Discounted Participant Payback (years) Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT) Rate ImpactTest(RM) Participant Cost Test (PCT) Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWfrl Discounted Participant Payback (years) $0.0s06 $0.0505 $0.0396 9252,487 $416,7U w2A87 $378,895 $197,720 $378,895 w2,685 fi378,895 $179,097 $71.6,304 $1.64,297 $120408 $1.81.,175 -9283,790 $537,208 1.50 1..92 0.57 4.00 $0.000005511 2.55 0.66 0.60 1.06 0.48 1,.21, $0.000000437 1,2.94 1.42 1.85 0.54 4.60 $0.0m000413 nla 7.65 Table 12 - Wattsmart Business Pumps Cost-Effectiveness Results $0.1.177 g0.ltn $0.0666 $0.0s12 S,0.0512 $0.0393 $27,834 $18,433 $27,834 916,757 $1.s,739 $1.6,7s7 w,730 $16,757 $28,994 $35,119 $74,070 $22,008 fi14,A70 $20,N7 $10,806 $20,007 w,9{34 w,N7 $8,483 $38,988 -99,401. -$71,076 $1,018 -$77,y73 $6,1.2s $7,938 $5,937 $9,201 -$16,977 $30,505 1.55 Table 11 - Wattsmart Business Page23 of24 Table 13 - Wattsmart Buginess Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) + Conversation Adder Utility Cost Test (UCT)$0.0720 $@7 s538 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$1,502 -$9 ffi $szr Discounted Participant Payback (years) Page24of24 L{ooo C)+l CBOhp aOh$ J.r lFr oi =e.Il-{C)g X rI] Edt-'tbool-{ R.,{ ca XEtrogg UCte1.6EF = Nro@.o ! xi n .!NN @ N E @N @ ui oq qr@r $oq qo G oq oq €o ! EuG C ooFqo G:ou r\doh o! Foo Ns)${rrq @$Nn c(odl @r cio; oqo xx(Eocc co-E6.g _i,fFrg ooFqc oocqq ono oq @ o@do.1 N !d FoF N d @ oq q ho o di@e. h €oxia .i ts tsddort ooE>6'E.L C-<9rg -EEPo>o=6< o ui@q @ @I o@ oq 6FF @n gbs Es-9udgE Gq{ €r oqrod? @ o(( I4 4 on @qN$.i @o c oq! Nod cc(c ooF dt N {otsqooa,l = J6 -o E! @v)aooqN 6 @oo @ N\ \6 c( V ol o N €x ( tstoa@ cco @u-)ooq r dtOl'.t n +!qcdt @u)oooq o oa ..1 N NoloN\ aao6@.F 53j,q+ tsq F E-66 FEcl.o.= .: €E ooci o) ts oNuiod,| tsNN ood\ o dioo @@N oul rd! @N o@.1 oqooq hN 0g oao oul N tr ai o ot: @o<t 6 h coF!o 5E tsq @@q @s x x o@ r NqoNnloN6 n,x oo) NaoN @,ioN NNo NnNFqa€ xcI x oqoe d {,x, odlo dl r qi @*. NF$6@d c 7rx, oq o@o € o Nq aoo q oq6 .,i EgEoc @ E EoJ ] c oc )oc @] c.! o 5 u o u o3 g 6 oE EoI q u aj cE c o U o3 c Ec ccq d e ccrq Ec uc G u a Uo EoT o G oc!c Efid c.9 ot Go3o Eo c =o oEo-!Uo Eoc; E l E E t q I i oL eF .9E o odU E.9 a,Eu .9E o E coE oE Eo G Eu o o,g oE a G G oo '6 E o ,ot E o E oE Eo o,6 o GE G t c o o EGE o .96tod o.;,o GE o E6uoq G o 6 oF ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOIJI'ER AOVESI0FmfficonP Appendix 4 Idaho Measure Installation Verifications Idaho Measure Installation Verilications Low Income Weatherization All projectso All measures are qualified through US Department of Energy approved audit tool.o 100 percent inspection by agency inspector of all homes treated, reconciling work completed and quality (corrective action includes measure verification) prior to invoicing Company.o Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho (CAPAI) and state inspector follows with random inspections.o Company program manager joins CAPAI and state inspectors during their monitoring session. Home Energy Savings Site inspections by Program Administrator staff for the following retrofit measures. Inspections are performed on >:5 percent of single family homes, ):5 percent of manufactured homes, and 100 percent of multifamily projects. o Duct sealingo Duct sealing and insulationo Gas furnace with electrically commutated motor (ECM)o Heat pump best practices installation and proper sizingo Heat pump tune-upso Heat pump water heaterso Insulationo Windows No site inspections are conducted for the following measures. However, all post-purchase incented measures undergo a quality assurance review prior to the issuance of the customer/dealer incentive and recording of savings (e.g. proof of purchase receipt review) and eligible equipment review. Additionally, customer account and customer address are checked to ensure the Company does not double pay for the same measure or double count measure savings.o Central air conditionerso Clothes washerso Electric water heatero Evaporative coolerso Freezerso Heat pumpso Ductless heat pumpso Ground source heat pumps o Refrigerators No site inspections are conducted for the following measures, which are delivered via an upstream, manufacturer buy-down model. Promotion agreement contracts are signed with manufacturers and retailers to set incentive levels, final product prices, and limits to the total number of units that can be purchased per customer. Program Administrator verifies measures for product eligibility and correct pricing. Pricing is also verified by Program Administrator field visits to retail locations.o CFL bulbs. LED bulbso Light fixtureso Room air conditionerso Advanced power strips Customer eligibility for wattsmart Starter Kits is verified using the customer's account number and last name and cross-veriffing with the current PacifiCorp customer database. Refrigerator Recycling Company hires an independent inspector to phone survey > 5 percent program participants and to site inspect > 5 percent of program participants in order to verifying program participation, eligibility of equipment, that vendor pick-up procedures are followed (equipment is disabled at site, kits distributed, etc.) and to survey customer experience. wattsmart Business For projects delivered by third partv program administrator Lighting projectso Retrofits - 100 percent pre- and post-installation site inspections by third party consultant of all projects with incentives over a specified dollar amount. Project cost documentation reviewed for all projects.o New construction - 100 percent post-installation site inspections by third party consultant of all projects with incentives over a specified dollar amount.. A percent of post-installation site inspections by program administrator of projects with incentives under a specified dollar amount. Non-lighting proj ects (typical upgrades/listed measures, custom measures)o 100 percent of applications with an incentive that exceeds a specified dollar amount will be inspected (via site inspection) by program administrator.o A minimum of a specified percent of remaining non-lighting applications will be inspected, either in person or via telephone interview, by program administrator. For Compan], in-house project manager delivered projects Lighting and non-lightingo 100 percent pre/post-installation site inspections by third party consulting engineering firms, invoice reconciled to inspection results.o No pre-inspection for new construction All Programs As part of the third-party program evaluations (two-year cycle) process, the Company is implementing semi-annual customer surveys to collect evaluation-relevant data more frequently to cure for memory loss and other detractors such as customers moving and data not be readily available at evaluation time). This will serve as a further check verifring customer participation and measures installed. Additional record reviews and site inspections (including metering/data logging) is conducted as part of the process and impact evaluations, a final verification of measure installations. ROCKYMOUNTAIN POfVER A DNVtStoil 0F mofl@RP Appendix 5 Home Energy Savers Retailers 20t4 Table of Contents Table 1: 2014 Participating ldaho Upsfream Retailers ....................3 Table2: 2014 Participating Idaln Downstream Retailers ...............3 Table 3: 2014 Participating Idaho HVAC Trade Allies ...................4 Table 4: 2014 Participating Idaho Weatherization Trade A11ies.......... ................6 Table 5: Percentage of 20l4lda1rc Applications by Category ........6 Page 2 of9 Table lz 2014 Participating Idaho Upstream Retailers Store Name Citv CFLs LEDs Fixtures Ace Hardware #14355 Rexburg { Broulim's Fresh Foods #l Montpelier Broulim's Fresh Foods #2 Rexburg ./ Dollar Tree #3691 Rexburg Downey Food Center #l Downey Thomas Market Inc. #l Malad City { Walgreens #9918 Rexburg ./ Wal-Mart #1878 Rexburg ./{./ Table 2: 2014 Participating ldaho Downstream Retailers Retailer Citv o d ru o U **() G! B oo () clil) L() ct o Lo(l) rD () ooOo GIooGI rI] ()L X tL E()N() 0)LIL Lo (BLrubo 4rod L()tro ! oO tood o GI og !o dqtr ,+l G)a $oN o o. oEo&oz Ace Hardware #14355 Rexburg ./ Best Buy #944 Idaho Falls ./ Bingham & Sons Fumiture and Appliance Rexburg ./{ Blacker's Home Fumishings Idaho Falls {{ Denning's Showcase Idaho Falls {{./ Do It Best - Stronks and Sons Ashton { Do It Best - Yellowstone Rigby { El Gene's TV and Appliance Rexburg ./ Falls Plumbing Supply Idaho Falls ./ Ferguson Enterprises Inc Idaho Falls { First Street Plumbing Idaho Falls ./ Home Depot #1802 Idaho Falls n {,v {{./ Lowe's #1906 Idaho Falls ./././^/./ Northgate Appliance Idaho Falls ./{ Rocknacks Hardware Plus Idaho Falls ./ Sanders Fumiture Soda Springs ./ Sears#2278 Idaho Falls ./{{ Sears #3290 Rexburg {,/ Page 3 of 9 Retailer Citv o aGI 0() o O **Lo 0ci B A L(l) GIo 'JrL(l) G! o oo E] oooO() '.=G, orGt r! o xh ()No()Ltrr Lo GIL(l) bo ,Eo& L(l) o !troU oo& o (d otr ,oo frl dou) t ot\I qtro atroE(l)&oz Thomas Electric & Furniture Malad City { True Value #10217 Montpelier { U&I Furniture Preston { Wolfe Lighting #l Rexburg ./ Table 3: 2014 Participating Idaho HVAC Trade Allies Trade Allv Name Citv () EAa H (-) U Lrl) o € oU ct oU ooc (l(l) U) o o tro R, a0tr € 00tr Cd(.) C') o)a ko ooU() s, ood 14 ()oGI E fri0(,() oao troUatr Or GI(u oo aov)! oo ()E(t a0a E E a c,() oo ooEtr oL aotr N U) €tro (, d tr oo o(d Or 6ooAtr Or frl0)E iilfo,aIo Fa Pi GIo trooLC) co(,) A il (t C) otG, ut)r a Or (,() 00o () o a aOr CI() +oN q o aE()'oo&oz Alpine Heating & Air Conditionins Idaho Falls {{{ Conan Heating, Inc.Idaho Falls { DuctzofWA & ID/Ductz of Post Falls Post Falls { Excellence Heating & Coolino Idaho Falls ./ First Call Jewel, Inc.Idaho Falls {^/{./{ Hallmark Exteriors Ammon ./ Home Energy Experts Clearfield { Page 4 of 9 Trade Ally Name cia tro Eo)dH U Q () o oUk (U IoQ bo (goa oaA o (d =q { bI) (go(h o o C)ooU c) 'Ecl oa(t E] G)o(0 tr tr rO(, trooL() oOo il (t G) ()oL aE oo o1'(d hI)a o E Ai iRo o)oL o(/) Etr oL bo N u) € o a! d oo oG! 0. qomatr Pi frlo) **o Io Fotr)a G! 0.) oq o) coUotr o. (do ot aO o0a a o. d() Jr o6c) o no Or (do =oN tr qtro a Eo G)&oz J. Ransom Heating Inc Preston { JM Mechanical Hyde Park { Johnson Brothers, Inc Idaho Falls Malad Heating and Coolins LLC Malad Citv ./ Master Tech LLC Rigby ./ Mountain Valley Heating and Air Conditionins Wellsville Palmer Heating and Coolins LLC Idaho Falls Quantum Engineering Idaho Falls ./ Sermon Service and Electric Idaho Falls ./ Sprinter Heating and Hydronics Rigby Young Electric Heating and Air Inc Idaho Falls { Page 5 of 9 Table 4: 2014 Participating Idaho Weatherization Trade Allies Trade Ally Name City o (t q o tro d qg oor! o (O O (g B -9tr + N o o. (l) o& z Advanced Insulation Idaho Falls BDI Insulation of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls Bi-State Siding & Window- ID Lewiston BMC West - Idaho Falls Idaho Falls I Campbell's Quality Exteriors Idaho Falls Cardall's Insulation - Logan Logan ,/ Classic Remodeling Ogden Ductz of WA &ID[Dtctz of Post Falls Post Falls ./ Eco Insulation- Idaho Pocatello First Call Jewel, Inc.Idaho Falls Go Green Insulation Caldwell Green Acres Home Improvement Idaho Falls Hallmark Exteriors Ammon Hansen Paint & Glass Preston High Country Glass & Mirror St. Anthony Holeshot Plumbing Ammon Home Energy Experts Clearfield Newt Construction Idaho Falls Precision Glass And Aluminum, Inc.Pocatello Rocky Mountain Insulation-Idaho Pocatello Table 5: Percentage of 2014ldaho Applications by Category Customer City % of All Applications % of Appliance & Fixture Applications % ofHVAC Applications %o of Manufactured Homes Applications o/o of Weatherization Applications % of Kits Applications IDAHO FALLS 19.640/o 27.37%35.42%100.00%3s.19%17.860/o REXBURG 16.84o/o 11.21%4.l7Yo 0.00o/o 7.41o/o 18.05Yo RIGBY 12.600/o 15.94o/o 6.25%0.00%ll.ll%o 12.060/o Page 6 of 9 Customer City %of All Applications % of Appliance & Fixture Applications % ofHVAC Applications Yo of Manufactured Homes Applications o/o of Weatherization Applications % of Kits Applications AMMON 8.11%72.95o/o 8.33o/o 0.00o/o 3.70o/o 7.27% SHELLEY 6.10o/o s.60%12j0%0.00o/o tt.tt%6.12% PRESTON 5.00o/o 4.660/o 6.25o/o 0.00%5.560/o 5.060/o SAINTANTHONY 4.31o/o 1.89o/o 4.17%0.00o/o 7.41%4.740/o MALAD CITY 1.97o/o 1.46%2.08o/o 0.00o/o 1.85o/o 2.06Yo FIRTH l.8lo/o 1.60%0.00%0.00o/o 3.70o/o 1.85o/o ASHTON .690/o 0.58%0.00%0.00%0.00%1.920/o MONTPELIER .50o/o 0.80%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 1.650/o SUGARCITY .39o/o 1.38%0.00%0.00o/o 1.85o/o 1.40o/o IONA .l8o/o 2.40%2.08o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.960/o MENAN .l60/o 1.31%0.00%0.00%1.850/o l.l3o/o MCCAMMON 0.81o/o 0.00o/o 2.08o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.96% UCON 0.78o/o 1.09o/o 0.00Yo 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.730/o TETON 0.77%0.29/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.87% LAVA HOT SPRINGS 0.73o/o 0.36Yo 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.81% FRANKLIN 0.73o/o 1.09o/o 0.00%0.000/o 0.00o/o 0.680/o WESTON 0.73o/o 1.02o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%3.70o/o 0.67Yo RIRIE 0.690/o 1.09%0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.63% PARIS 0.60%0.07o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00%0.71o/o FISH HAVEN 0.59o/o 0.150/o 0.00o/o 0.000/o 0.00%0.68% DOWNEY 0.560/o 0.22o/o 2.080/o 0.00%7.85o/o 0.60% DUBOIS 0.52o/o 0.29o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.57% ROBERTS 0.520/o 0.360/o 2.08%0.00o/o 0.00%0.55% BEAR LAKE WEST 0.50%0.29o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.55Yo LEWISVILLE 0.49o/o 0.360/o 0.00%0.000/o 135%051% GEORGETOWN 0A7%0.15o/o 0.00%0.000/o 0.00o/o 053% ARCO 0.460/o 0.07o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.530/o SODA SPRINGS 0.460/o 0.15o/o 0.000/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.52% NEWDALE 0.43o/o 0.15%0.00o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.49% GRACE 0.42o/o 0.29%0.00o/o 0.000/o 0.00%0.45% DAYTON 0.38o/o 0.44o/o 0.00o/o 0.000/o 0.00%0.37o/o TERRETON 0.38o/o 0.22o/o 4.17o/o 0.00%1.85o/o 0.37o/o BANCROFT 0.34o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00%0.00%0.41% ARIMO 032%0.22o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.35o/o BLOOMINGTON 0.31o/o 0.36%0.00%0.000/o 0.00%0.31% PARKER 0.29%0.15o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.32o/o CLIFTON 0.28o/o 0.15o/o 0.00o/o 0.000/o 0.00%0.31o/o Page 7 of 9 Customer City %of All Applications % of Appliance & Fixture Applications %ofHVAC Applications Vo of Manufactured Homes Applications o/o of Weatherization Applications % of Kits Applications HAMER 0.260/o 0.44%2.08o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.21o/o BASALT 0.24%0.15o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.27o/o BLACKFOOT 0.22o/o 0.15o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00%0.24o/o ST CHARLES 0.22o/o 0.22o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00%0.23o/o BENNINGTON 0.270/o 0.15o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.23o/o MONTEVIEW 0.18o/o 0.220/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.7o/o DINGLE 0.140/o 0.15o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00%0.5o/o CHESTER 0.13o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00Yo 0.60/o OVID 0.13o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.6% HOWE 0.12o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00o/o 0.5o/o MARYSVILLE 0.llo/o 0.00%0.000/o 0.00%0.00Yo 0.3o/o SWANLAKE 0.10o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.2o/o KILGORE 0.09%0.00%0.00%0.00o/o 0.00%0.o/o THATCFIER 0.09o/o 0.l5Yo 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.08% MUD LAKE 0.08%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.09o/o BERN 0.060/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.07o/o DYKE LAKE 0.060/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00o/o 0.070/o OI{YX 0.060/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.07o/o SHARON 0.060/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00o/o 0.07o/o SPENCER 0.060/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00%0.07o/o LANARK 0.040/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.05% ALEXANDER 0.03o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00%0.04o/o STONE 0.03o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.04o/o TRAIL CREEK 0.03o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.04o/o BEAR LAKE SD 0.03o/o 0.00o/o 2.08o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.03o/o CENTRAL 0.03o/o 0.070/o 0.00%0.00%0.00o/o 0.03o/o HOLBROOK 0.03o/o 0.07o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00o/o 0.03o/o LIBERTY 0.03o/o 0.07%0.00%0.000/o 0.00%0.03o/o BENCH 0.02o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00Yo 0.03% EAST SHORE 0.02o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.03% GENEVA 0.02o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.030/o MTER 0.02o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.03% OXFORD 0.02o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0-00o/o 0.03o/o ROBIN 0.02o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00%0.000/o 0.03o/o WOOD CANYON 0.02o/o 0.00o/o 2.08o/o 0.00%0.00%0.01o/o BLAZER 0.01o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00o/o 0.01% CLEVELAND 0.01o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00Yo 0.00Yo 0.07o/o FISH CREEK 0.01o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.01o/o Page 8 of 9 Customer City Yo of All Applications % of Appliance & Fixture Applications % ofHVAC Applications ohof Manufactured Homes Applications %o of Weatherization Applications % of Kits Applications LEADORE 0.0 %0.00o/o 0.00%0.000/o 0.00%0.0 o/o LUND 0.0 Yo 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00%0.0 % MEADOWVILLE 0.0 %0.00%0.000/o 0.00%0.00%0.0 % THORNTON 0.0 %0.00%0.00%0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.0 % TOPAZ 0.0 o/o 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.000/o 0.0 % TURNER 0.0 Yo 0.00Yo 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.00o/o 0.0 Yo VIRGINIA 0.0 %0.00%0.00Yo 0.00%0.00o/o 0.0 % EMERALDBEACH 0.0 Yo 0.00Yo 2.08o/o 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00Yo Page 9 of 9 ROCKYMOT'NTAIN POWER AOVEtot{0f R[gmRP Appendix 6 Idaho Program Evaluation Recommendations and Responses Idaho 2014 Evaluations Program Evaluation Recommendations and Company Responses Evaluation reports provide detailed information on the process and impact evaluations performed on each program, summarizing the methodology used to calculate the evaluated savings as well as providing recommendations for the Company to consider for improving the process or impact of the program, as well as customer satisfaction. Outlined below is a list of the programs, the years that were evaluated during 2014 and the third party evaluator who completed the evaluation. Program evaluations are available for review at www. pac ifi corp.com/e s/dsm/idaho.html Program Years Evalueted Evaluator Home Energy Savings 2011-2012 The Cadmus Group Company responses to the program recommendations contained in the 20ll - 2012 evaluations are provided below. The third party evaluator's recommendations and Company's responses are provided in the below Tables: Table I Home Energy Savings Evaluation Recommendations Evaluation Recommendations Rockv Mountain Power Action Plan In order to remain consistent with the Uniform Methods Project (UMP), Cadmus recommends using the lumen equivalency methodology outlined in UMP protocol to determine baseline wattages for future program years. The program uses commercially available baselines as recommended by the Uniform Methods Project to determine the baseline for each replacement CFL and LED wattage; savings are determined per lamp based on this replacement data. Commercially available baselines are determined using both the recommended lumen output buckets as indicated by ENERGY STAR as well as actual program data gathered from redeemed bulbs. To further enhance the program administrator's methodology for calculating and minimizing CFL leakage, review the confidence surrounding geocoded addresses to ensure that store locations are accurately mapped. Also, consider using Rocky Mountain Power's actual service area territory The data used in the retail sales allocation tool, which is used to minimize leakage, is reviewed on a regular basis to ensure accurate mapping of store locations and utility service territory. Evaluation Recommendations Rocky Mountain Power Action Plan boundary to refine the model. Review options for how best to understand and track the impact of EISA for 60- and 40- watt bulbs in 2014. Some states have allowed utilities to stagger changing the baseline for bulbs impacted by EISA. The program continues to monitor bulbs sales to understand trends in the market. In order to reduce the number of rejected applications, incorporate as many of the best practices stated in Appendix M into the HES incentive forms as deemed cost-effective. Cadmus suggests prioritizing the following: Keep the incentive form length to a minimum. Encourage trade allies to fill out the paperwork through training or bonuses to decrease the number of rejected applications. Utilize a paperless application process for all incentive applications. Paperless online incentive applications are available for all appliance measures. Paper based incentive applications have been revised and are now shorter. Training trade allies on filling out paperwork correctly is ongoing. ao.F{ C)E6 $-{Fa$A t-{()Oi6l. tr{a =m .a-)t-{(B Ea+)+)d B f:. X. t-{Etr C)gg =F2, =o =B>EHLr lLl E B=EETL = Energy Efficiency Al I iance ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOII'ER The following is a list of contractors, distributors and other businesses participating in Rocky Mountain Power's Energy Efficiency Alliance displayed in random order (unless sorted by the use0 based on the search criteria selected. This listing is provided solely as a convenience to our customers. Rocky Mountain Power does not warrant or guarantee the work performed by these participating vendors. You are solely responsible for any mntract with a participating vendor and the performance of any vendor you have chosen. An asterisk (.) indicates Rocky Mountain Power Outstanding Contribution Award winning trade allies in 2009, 2010, 2011,20'12 andlor 2013. Searcf Criteria: Selected State(s): Specialties: Business Type: Search Results.' 107 - Date and Time: 04/23/201510:55:24 AM ldaho Lighting HVAC - unitary HVAC - evaporative Motors and VFDs Controls Building envelope Appliances Office Equipment Food Service Compressed Air Farm and Dairy lnigation Other -ANY_ Northsrn Lights Electric LLL 3473 E. 20th N. UnitA Idaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 208-757-9473 Amerlcan techanical Sysytems Servlce, LLC 7530 South State Street Midvale, UT - 84047 Phone: 801.428-0400 Website: www. ams-ut. com Young Electric, Heating & Alr, inc. 1573 W. Sunnyside Road ldaho Falls,, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-357-1899 Website: www.youngehainc.com Spsctrum Energy Solutions 8050 N Palm Ave #106, Fresno, CA - 9371 1 Phone: 559-438-2700 Website: www.speclrum-nrg.com Green Planet Company 63 East 1 1400 South #257Sandy,UT-84070 Phone: 801-980-1518 Website: www. greenplanetcompany.com Specialties Business TypeControls Contractor HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting DeslgnTek Consultlng Group, LLC Specialties Business Type 1600 w. 22oo s. compressed Air 83ill33l'[n r'- Salt Lake city, uT - 84119 HVAC - evaporative Phone: 80'l-255-5449 HVAC - unitarv \l/ebsite: www.designtekconsulting.com gg6lng Motors and VFDs Specialties Business Type Farm and Dairy Contractorlrngatron Engineering Firm Motors and VFDs Other: consultant Other: Other Specialty Specialties Lighting Specialties Contols HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Business Type Contractor Business Type Contactor Join Date 04t01t2009 Join Date 11t30t2012 Join Date1A03nU4 Join Date 11t1'U2013 Join Date 04t't012014 Join Date 05t07t2014 Join Date 10t2112013 Projects Completed 8 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Proiects Completed Projects Completed Specialties Appliances HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary LightingMotors and VFDS Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Gompressor - Pump & Servlce, lnc. Specialties 3333 w. 24oo s. com,ressed Air Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-973-0154 Website: www.compressor-pump.com O20la R*ky lounbln PMr,. dlvl.ion d P.cilC@ .nd p.n ot XldAmrlqn En.qy Holdlng. Cmpny Energy Efficiency Al I iance ROCKY MOI'NTAIN POYVER Gustave A. LaEon Company 1395 Northgate Mile ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone:208-522-3270 Website: galarson.com RilE, lnc 8685 WState St Boise, lD - 83714 Phone: 208-853-2968 Website: rmeinc.net Bastlon Technologies, LLG 175 W 7065 S Midvale, UT - 84047 Phone: 800-328€024 l/ttrebsite: www.bastiontech.com Harrls llechanlcal lntermountain 1925 South Milestone Drive Suite E, Salt Lake City, UT - 84104 Phone: 801-433-2640 Website: www.hmcc.com Ehctrlcal Wholesale Supply Go., lnc. - Corporato 1355 FremontAve ldaho Falls, lD - 83405 Phone: 208-523-2901 Website: www. ews@inc.com Candle3 LLC 6385 Corporate Dr. Colorado Springs, CO - 80919 Phone: 719-930-9099 Website: www.candle3. com Consolldated Electrlcal Dlstrlbutors* - Logan, UT 636 N. 600 W. Logan, UT - 84321 Phone: 435-752-8905 Pacheco Gompany LLC 3646 E. Summer Hill Salt Lake City, UT - 84121 Phone: 801-541-3375 Website: www.pachecoco.com Archltectural Nexus, !nc. 2505 East Parleys Way Salt Lake City, UT - 84109 Phone: 801-924-5000 Website: www. archnexus.com H4 Deslgn & Consulting P.O. Box 10545 Bozeman, MT - 59719Phone: 406-522-7700 Network Gonsulting Servlces, lnc. 563 West 500 South Suite 245, Bountiful, UT - 84010 Phone: 801-295-7555 Website: http:/ rvww. ncsi. us Specialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Lighting Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Join Date ProJects09/0112008 Gompleted Join Date Projects1U14nU4 Completed Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Business Type Join Date ProjectsDistributor 0713012014 Completed Manufacturer - Rep 12Other: consultant SpecialtiesConfols Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Farm and Dairy lnigation Lighting Specialties Lighting Other: Other Specialty Specialties Appliances Building envelope Confols HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Office Equipment Specialties Food Service Specialtiesffice Equipment Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Manuhciurer - Rep Businese Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business TypeArdritect Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Architect Contraclor Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Join Date0'v27t2014 Join Date 09mn012 Join Date 11t2112014 Join Date 03n6t2005 Join Date 02t12nu5 Join Date 08t18t2014 Join Date 07t0'U2013 Join Date o4t2912013 Projects Completed Projeets Completed null Projects Completed Projects Completed 58 Projects Completed Projects Gompleted Proiects Completed Projects Completed O2Ol4 Rety hunbln Pffi,. dlvltlon ot Prcmc@ ind panof Xltudon En.Oy Holdlnga CmFny Energy Efficiency AI I iance VROCKY MOTJNTAIN \Por,ER Alloway Commerclal Llghtlng 1420 Grove Street Boise, lD - 83702 Phone: 208-344-2507 Website: www.allowaylighting.com PVE, lnc 1M0 North 2200 VGst, Suite 100 Salt Lake City, UT - 84107 Phone: 801-359-3158 Utah Yamas Controls lnc.t 13526S.110W Draper, UT - 84020 Phone: 801-990-'t950 Website: www.utahyamas.@m Green Cr€atlvo LLC 533 Airport Blvd., Suite 212 Burlingame, CA - 94010 Phone: 866-774-5433 Website: www. gc.lighting.com Harris Lighting Products 1405 W. 800 N. Preston, lD - 83263 Phone: 208-852-2890 Norbryhn Equlpment Company 3711 E. Newby St. Nampa, lD - 83687 Phone: 208-465-5700 VUebsite: norbryhn.com Valley lmplement 213 West 8th North Preston, lD - 83263 Phone: 208-852-0430 Website: valley-implement.com Titan LED - North Logan 6,41 E 2200 N North Logan, UT - 84341 Phone: 801-784-8260 \A/ebsite: www.titanled. net Lennox* 1008 w2780 s Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-556-61'14 Website: lennoxcommercial.com Allrrd's lncorporated - Logan O42 North 1000 West Unit# 104 Logan, UT-84321 Phonet 435-774-1200VGbsite: www.allreds. net Patriot EIectric, Heatlng & Air lnc. '1347 E 1500 N Terreton, lD - 83450 Phone: 208-680-7345 Website: www.facebook. com/PtriotElectricHeatin gAir Specialties Lighting Specialties Conhols HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Specialties Lighting Join Date Projects0912612012 GompletedI Business Type Distributor Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Distributor Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Joln Date 07n9t2013 Join Date 01t21t2013 Join Date 06t25t2013 Join Date 04t0'U2007 Projects Gompleted Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 41 Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Specialties Lighting Specialties HVAC - unitarv Motors and VFDS Specialties Controls lrrigation Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Join Date Projects0510112012 Gompleted Business Type Join DateContractor 1210512012 Business Type Join Date Manufac'turer - Rep 07108D014 Projects Gompleted null Projects Gompleted 4 Projects Completed Specialties HVAC - unitary Specialties HVAC - unitary Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Business Type Join DateDistributor 1110'112005 Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Join Date Projects0511112011 Gompleted Join Date Projects0812612014 Gompleted 1 Energy Efficiency Alliance ROCKY MOIJNTAN FOWER Loeb Llghtlng Services 1800 E Sth Ave Columbia, OH - 43219 Phone: 800-866-5616 JRW & Assoclates, PLLC 1 1 52 Bond Ave Rexburg, lD - 83440 Phone: 208-359-2309 Advanced Llghtlng, lnc. - ldaho 3099 south 1030 west Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-972-9530 Codale Electrlc Supply, lnc - Casper 3131 Wood Court Casper, VUr'- 82601 Phone: 702-261-8900 Website: www.codale.com Gooper Llghtlng 1 't 21 Highway 74 South Peachtree, GA - 30269 Phone: 770-486-3092 Website: www.cooperlighting.com Electrlcal Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Rexburg 899 Jetstream Dr. Rexburg, lD - 83440 Phone: 208-356-7282 Website: www.ewscoinc.com Verlsmlc Software lnc. 65 Enterprise Aliso Viejo, CA - 92656 Phone: 949-270-1903 x 4736 Website: www.verismic.com Smart Building Solutions 2876 South 460 West Salt Lake City, UT - 84115 Phone: 801-733-6000 Website: www. intellivex.com Amerlcan Eloctrlc Company, lnc. 78 West 13775 South, Suite I Draper, UT-84020 Phone: 801-254-0782 Website: www. americanelectric.cc Mark Clary 2302 West 8540 South West Jordan, UT - 84088 Phone: 801-233-0882 Elec{rlcal Wholesale Supply Go., lnc, - Drlggs 83C Rocky Road lnd Lp. Driggs, lD - 83422 Phone: 208-354-1228 Website: www.ewscoinc.com Join Date Projects0612712013 Completed 1 Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Building envelope Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Office Equipment Other: Other Specialty Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Office Equipment Other: Other Specialty Specialties Appliances Building envelope Confols Lighting Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Specialties Lighting Specialtles Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Distributor Business Type Architect Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Join Date Projects03/16/2015 Completed Join Date Projects1012112013 Completed Join Date 04t28t2014 Projects Completed Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Other Business Type Distributor Manufiac{urer - Rep Business Type Contractor Business Type Architect Business Type Distributor Projects Completed ProJects Completed 21 Business Type Join Date ProJects Manuhcturer - Rep 1211312012 Gompleted Join Date Projects0912212012 Completed 20 Joln Date 01116t2013 Join Date o3to4t2015 Join Date 0/,t06t2015 Join Date 08t08t2013 Join Date 09t22t2012 Proiocts Completed Projects Completed ProJects Gompleted Energy Efficiency AI I iance VROCKY MOUNTAIN IPowER Conan's lnc. 429 W. 18th Street P.O. Box 2253, ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone:208-522-3372 Rocky Mountain Electrlc - ldaho Falls 6698 N. 25th E ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 208-587-9682 x 6 Preclsion.Paragon [P2] 23281 La Palma Ave Yorba Linda, CA - 92887 Phone: 7'l 4-386-5550 Website: www.p-2.com Restaurant and Stor6 Equipment Company 230 West 700 South Salt Lake City, UT - 84101 Phone: 801-364-1981 Website: rescoslc.com Clark's Quality Roofing, lnc. 334 W. Anderson Avenue Salt Lake City, UT - 84107 Phone: 801-266-3575 Website: clarkroof.com Nullte Electrlc LLC 3570 Brookfield Ln. Ammon, lD - 83406 Phone: 208480-9990 Website: nourlsited.org Royal Englneering, lnc. 2335 S. State Street Suite'100, Provo, UT - 84606 Phone: 801-375-2228 Website: www.royaleng.com Englneered Systems Assoc., lnc, 1355 E. Center StreetPocatello, lD - 83201 Phone: 208-233-0501 Hatch Llghtlng 4't33 N 45 E ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 208-200-3000 Bradl6y Englneerlng 382 Walnut Street ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2862 Website: www.bradleyengineering.com Electrical Equipment Company 540 W. 20th st. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402Phone:208-5224732 Website: electricalequipment. com Engineerlng Economlcs, lnc. 780 Simms Street Suite 210 Golden, CO - 80401 Phone: 800-869-6902 Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Contractor Business Type Contractor Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Other: Manufacturer Business Type Distributor Join Date Projects0211212015 Gompleted Join Date Projects0812712014 Completed Join Date Proiects0311312013 Completed Join Date Projects1U15nU3 Completed Specialties Lighting Specialties Appliances Food Service Specialties Building envelope Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary LightingMotors and VFDs Specialties Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS Specialties Lighting Spccialties Lighting Specialties Lighting Other: Other Specialty Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Business Type Contractor Join Date Projects09t1912012 Completed Business Type Contraclor Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date Projects0812612014 Completed Join Date Projects1213112014 Completed Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Distributor Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Business Type Engineering Firm Join Date ProjectsUnln$4 Gompleted Join Date Projects0510612014 Completed 2 Join Date Projects0912212012 Gompleted 8 Join Date Projects0110112012 Completed Join Date Projects0112012014 Completed @2014 Rocky iiounbln Pomr, r dlykion o, P.clllco.p .nd p.fr o, MldAm.dc.n En.{y Holdlng. Conp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance ROCKY MOLhITAIN FIOTI,ER Van Boerum & Frank Assoclates 330 South 300 East Salt Lake City, UT - 84'l'l l Phone: 801-530-3148 Website: www.vbfa.com Honeywell lntemational 2371 S. Presidents Way Suite A Salt Lake City, UT - 84120 Phone: 801-978-7136 Website: honeywell.com ilountaln West Mechanical 2336 W. 5200 S. Rexburg, lD - 83440 Phone: 208-356-0370 Website: www. mountai nwestmechanical. com Lewls Corporation' 15136 Hunziker Pocatello, lO - 83202 Phone:208-238-1202 Website: lcorp.com Electrlcal Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - BlacKoot 560 Jensen Grove Rd. Blackfoot, lD - 83221 Phone: 208-542-4995 Website: www.ewscoinc.com Electrlcal ilarketing Solutlona (DBA)EilS 21 39 S \A/est Temple Salt Lake City, UT - 841'15 Phone: 801-869-1445 Website: http://emsreps.com/ LEPCO (Leonard PetroloumEqulpmont ) P.O. Box 170219 Boise, lO - 83717 Phone: 208-336-1 1 55 Coolerado Corporatlon 4700 W. 60th Ave., Ste. 3 Arvada, CO - 80003 Phone: 303-375-0878 Website: coolerado.com Electrlcal Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Pocatello 220 West Maple Pocatello, lD - 83206 Phone: 208-233-1362 Website: www.ews@inc.com Hussmann Corporatlon 1385 W2200 St Salt Lake City, UT - 84 1 't 9 Phone: 805-458-7615 Website: hussmann.com Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialtiee Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Speclalties HVAC - unitary Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Lighting Specialtles HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Business Type Contractor Business Type Distributor Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contractor Projects Completed Projects Completed 2 Projects Completed Business Type Architect Engineering Firm Other Business Type Conbac,tor Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Contractor Join Date 01t0'U2012 Join Date 05/0112006 Join Date 03t17t2014 Join Date 08/01/2008 Join Date o9t22t2012 Join Date 1213',U2014 Join Date 09t2412012 Join Date 01t14t2015 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Gompleted Projects Completed null Projects Completed null Business Type Join DateDistributor 0310112007 Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Joan DateDistributor 09n212012 Specialties Business TypeConbols Manufacturer - Rep Food SeNice HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Projects Completed Energy Efficiency Al liance ROCKY MOt'NTAITII POWER Wheeler Electric 469 West 16th St. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-522-1906 Website: wheelerelectric.com Green Llght ilational, LLC 1001 South 400 East Orem, UT - 84077 Phonet 801-722-8677 Website: www. greenlightnational. com HD Supply Facllities Maintenance, Ltd. '10641 Soipps Summit Court San Diego, CA - 92131 Phone: 858-83't-2231 Website: www. hdsupplysolutions. com Hlgh Country Heatlng 3939 E 240 N Rigby, lD - 83442 Phone:208-745-7021 Wbbsite: www. modemphe. com Electrlcal U\lholesale Supply Co., lnc. - Home Llghting 650 W. Sunnyside Rd. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2300 Website: www.ewscoinc.@m Tlrrellt Electrlc, lnc. 770 E. Sunnyside Rd. ldaho Falls, lD - 83404 Phone: 208-524-2456 Royal Wholesale Electrlc - Logan 917 W 600 N Ste 101 Logan, UT - 84321 Phone: 435-752-7692 Website: royalutah.com Felt Llghtlng lnc. 1220 East 3300 South Salt Lake City, UT - 84106 Phone: 801-484-8571 Website: www.bl0ighting.com Slka Sarnaltl lncorporatedt 2881 South 900 West Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-575-8648 Website: usa.sarnafi l.sika.com Colvln Englneering Assoclatas, lnc. 2'14W300 N Suite 200, Salt Lake City, UT - 84103 Phone: 80'1-322-2400 GE 664 East 1 300 North Pleasant Grove, UT - 84062 Phone: 801-785-8838 Website: www. gelighti ng.com Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls Farm and Dairy Food Service Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Appliances HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialtles Lighting Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Building envelope Business Type Contractor Business Type Confactor Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Contactor Business Type Distributor Business Type Contrac,tor Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Join Date 0110'U2007 Join Date 02J'.t8t2015 Join Date 01t22t2014 Join Date06n8nu4 Join Date 09t22t2012 Join Date 03/01t2009 Join Date 01/09/2008 Join Date 11t27t2013 Join Date 11101t2011 Join DateMl29nU3 Projects Gompleted 5 Projects Completed 23 Projects Completed Specialties Controls Lighting Business TypeArcfiitect Engineering Firm Projects Completed Projects Completed null Projects Completed 1 Projects Completed '15 Projects Completed,| Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Business Type Join Date Manufacturer - Rep 091C/.12014 Specialties Contrds HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Other: Other Specialty O20la RGky hunbln Pffi,. dlvl.lon of P.clfiCm .nd FnotXldAmdqn En.Oy Holdlngc Cmp.ny Energy Efficiency Alliance VROCKY MOUNTAIN Ieou,ER DlVl Energy, LLC 191 North 290 West Lindon, UT - 84042 Phone: 801-243-18't1 Valley lmplement 2570 N Main Logan, UT - 84341 Phone: 435-787-1 586 Website: valley-implement.com LDP Aseoclates lnc. 3908 Smith Ranch Rd Eagle Mountain, UT - 84005 Phone: 801-597-0618 Website: http:/ mi/w. ldpassociates.com/ D&S Electrlcal 363 West Chubbuck Road Pocatello, lD - 83202 Phone: 208-731-370'1 BKJ Holdlngs, LLC 3458 E Fairway Lane Spanish Fork, UT - 84660 Phone: 801-636-5969 Ovation Engineering & Consultlng 1 I "13 N Victoria Way Salt Lake City, UT - 841'16 Phone: 80 t -871 -0900 D.W. Electrlc 4565 E. Tsth N. Rigby, lD - 83442 Phone: 208-681-7006 YESCO LLC - Young Electrlc Sign Co. - Salt Lake City, UT 1605 S. Gramercy Road Salt Lake City, UT - 84104 Phone: 80'1464-6454 Website: www.yesco.com All Amerlcan Lighting lnc. P.O. Box 2996 ldaho Falls, lD - 83206 PFonet 208-237-21A4 WHW Engineering lnc. 8619 Sandy Parkway #101 Sandy, UT - 84070 Phone: 801-466-4021 Electrlcal Wholesale Supply Co., lnc. - ldaho Falls 3140 McNeil Dr. ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-523-2800 Website: www.ews@inc.@m Pete's Llghtlng 227 S. Johnson Ave. Pocatello, lD - 83204 Phone: 208-233-0220 Specialtles Lighting Specialties Controls Farm and Dairy lrrigation Motors and VFDs Specialties Other: Other Specialty Specialties Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Lighting Specialties Controls Lighting Specialties Lighting Specialties Appliances Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Lighting Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs Specialtles Lighting Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Other Business Type Contractor Business Type Architect Engineering Firm Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Business Type Contractor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Business Type Engineering Firm Businesa Type Distributor Join Date 0'U2312013 Join Date 12t05t2012 Join Date 12t01t2008 Join Date 01/06t2015 Join Date 12t0812014 Join Date o5t0112011 Join Date 09t22t2012 Join Date 03t0'u2010 Join Date 0212312015 Join Date 09t22t2012 Join Date 09/01/20'10 Proiects Gompleted 60 Projects Completed null Projects Completed Projects Completed 43 Projects Completed Projects Completed ProjecG Gompleted 1 Projects Gompleted 62 Projectg Gompleted 4 Projects Completed Projects Completed 20 Projects Completed 1 Join Date 06t2712014 Specialties Lighting Business Type Distributor Energy Efficiency Alliance YffiHM(ruNrArN Englneerlng System Solutlons DBA SpecialtiesES2 Airpliances 4943 N 29 E suite A Building enveloPe Bateman+lall, tnc.' '1405 Foote Drive ldaho Falls, lD - 834;02 Phone: 208-52$268'l \A/ebsite: www. bateman-hall.com Consolldated Etectrlcal Dlstributors* - ldaho Falls 865 Pancheri ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone:2Q8-523-2022 Catalyst LED Llghtlng Solutlons 2817 N 12th Sr Coeur d Alene, lD - 83815 Phone: 480-789-3773 Website: http:/,vww.catalystleds.com Optlca Energy Managemont, LLC '1772 Ross Dr Ogden, UT - 84403 Phone: 888-442-4866 Website: www.opticaenergy. com ldaho Falls, lD - 83401 Phone: 208-552-9874 Wbbsite: www.es2eng.com Electrlcal Support Servlces LLC 1037 E 1400 N. Shelly, lD - 83274 Phone: 208-251-6022 Platt Electrlc Supply'- ldaho Falls 919 Pancheri Street ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone: 208-5246171 Case, Lowe & Hart, lnc. 2484 Washington Blvd. Suite 510, Ogden, UT - 84401 Phone: 801-399-5821 Website: www.clhae.com Town & Country Electrlc, lnc. 1223 1'tth Ave. North Nampa, lD - 83687 Phone: 208-467-2148 Website: town-and-country-electric.com Mldgley-Huber, lnc.' 2465 Progress Drive Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-972-501 1 Website: Mi gley-huber.com Trane' 2817 S. 1030 W Salt Lake City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-48&0500 Website: www.trane.@m Specialties Lighting Specialties HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Specialties Confols HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDS HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Farm and Dairy lrrigation Lighting Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Building envelope Compressed Air Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Lighting Specialties Other: Other Specialty Specialties Lighting Business Type Contac{or Business TypeDistributor Joln Date 0a18D014 Join Date o9t2412012 Join Date05rc1nu4 Join Date 04t11t2013 Join Date 0510812014 Join Date 03t12t2015 Join Date 01t0'u2009 Join Date 05t1712013 Joln Date 01/01/2009 Join Date 05t01t2007 Join Date 03/01/2005 Projects Gompleted Business Type Distributor Manufac'turer - Rep Business Type Distributor Other: Energy Management Company Business Type Engineering Firm Business TypeConfactor Business Type Distributor Business Type Architect Engineering Firm Buslness Type Contractor Business Type Manufacturer - Rep Buslness Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Projects Completed 14 Projects Completed Projects Completed 11 ProJects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 1',! Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Gompleted O20la Rocky tounhln Pomr, . dlvlllon of P.cmco.p lnd Fi ot MldAm..l{n En.Oy Holdlngr ComFny Energy Efficiency Alliance ROCKY MOI,JNTAINF(IYER Energy Management Corporatlon* 501 West 700 South Salt Lake City, UT - 84101 Phone: 801-366-4100 Website: emcsolutions.com Johnson Gontrols, lnc." 2255 Technology Parkway WestValley City, UT - 84119 Phone: 801-946.4059 ESL Vlslon LLC P.O. Box 58565 Salt Lake City, UT - 84102 Phone: 801-415-5177 Website: www.eslvision.com tcKinstry Essention, LLC 112 N. Rubey Dr. Suite 200, Golden, CO - 80403 Phone: 435632-8433 Website: www.mckinstry.com Skyvlew Electric lnc 2299 W Omni Dr ldaho Falls, lD - 83402 Phone:208-542-0321 RealWlnWn, lnc. 1926 Arcfi Street, 4F Philadelphia, PA - 19103 Phone'. 21 5-7 324480 x 349 Website: www. reahilinwin.com Eco Safe Lightlng 4600 NW Camas Meadows Drive, Suite 210 Camas, WA - 98607 Phone: 360-567-1 923 Website: http:/Aivww.est- lights.com/about-uY TreeFrog LED, lnc. 7594 North Sransea Court Eagle Mountain, UT - 84005Phone: 801-372-8720 Website: www.treefrogled.com Aspen Engineering andEnvironmental LLC 140 Aspen Circle Park City, UT - 84098 Phone: 435-565-1 535 Website: www. a2+llc.crm Total Energy Electrlcal/Full Spectrum Services 121 E. 38th, #'106 Boise, lD - 837'14 Phone: 208622-9977 Website: www.fu llspecservices.@m Specialties Lighting Specialties Building envelope Controls HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Specialties Lighting Join Date Projects1011112012 Completed null Specialties HVAC - unitary Motors and VFDs SpecialtiesConfols HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitiary Motors and VFDs Specialties Controls Lighting Specialtles Building envelope Compressed Air Confols HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary lnigation Lighting Motors and VFDs Other: Other Specialty Specialties Lighting Specialties Appliances Building envelope Confols Food Service HVAC - evaporative HVAC - unitary Lighting Motors and VFDS Office Equipment Specialties Lighting Business Type Distributor Business Type Contractor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Distributor Manufacturer - Rep Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Business Type Other: Energy Effciency lncentive Administration and Consultation Business Type Distributor Join Date05t01t20u Join Date 06n112007 Join Date 01t13t2013 Join Date 0u12t2014 Join Date 02t01t2009 Join Date 10t't4t20't3 Join Date 0211112013 Join Date 07n9/2013 Join Date 03t18t20'13 Projects Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed ProjecG Completed Projects Completed Projects Completed 6 Projects Completed Projects Gompleted Projects Completed Business Type Distributor Business Type Engineering Firm Business Type Contractor Energy Efficiency Alliance -ROOffU(IIfiATI\PorrH LerrnEbcHc,LLG speclal0cs 8$ilHit * {gEPrlE E[m*P.O. Box 2871 Lighting Pocabllo, lD-83mO 1 Phone: 20&237-2058 Sfa ioctrbnl.h la..tm|on CttcIlC..D ..{rrro,Idln{ol En OrH*ft!.CoF.r, odrr{ CB€ t-'t €ao HJa CCo h() trO.F{ O E E]hbot<OtrE] oo X.F{€trogg qh o oO)Gq. ooaNe!o; aatoaoq go cio oo N$N Nq osi EoEooo LFt EoEooo LFt E Eooo LFt oN$ $o oN{ $o oN $ $o oog coo co 6f .c ooE G c oog co Eo 6l .c ooE G c oog co(.) E.o 6 =.E ooE 6 c o EoooocF6oI L L .9 oo uJ ooL co 6f c o Eo aocF6oIoEa(L ooIo oo uJ ootL co 6 =c o Eo aoE 6oI6coNo oo uJ ooL co o =c 6 il, =o(,il. o Gt oo IL o G St, oa ;o oU)oo uU) ga G cia E oa oq o.:qo oo?o-oci oc)Eooo lJ-Ft EoEq)oo IFt EoEooo IFt EoEooorFE. Eo)Eooo LFt EoEooouFE. EoEoo)o IFt EoEoo LFt oNs \'o $oN $ :fo s t s oN* $o s oN$ o oN\l $o oN $ oN\' oN:t \to\to \to oo EEo() co(, a .g .o 6 o c oo6 coO co G)o.E .9 o 6 c oo6 Coo Eo ol ,E .9 G G c oo6 coo co Gf .c .o o 6 c E c Eoo coF6 f .co 6 6 c 6 c.Ioo coE(5 fo.E .9 G 6 c GqcIoo c.9 6l .go 6 Goc o E Eoo c.o6 f .co 6 6 c o Eo aoq=o(,IIr .9 oo I.JJ E c.9 6loC o Eo aoc 6o-o Ef(L (!oI .9 oo LrJ o E.o 6 =C o Eo ooc=ooI EcoNo.E oo uJ o c.o 6 =c o () o E?-3 (!oI G() o c.9 6loc o Eo ooc 6oIu r .9 oo[! o E =o)a o E.ol!f E o Eo U'ocE6o!oEl(r (5oI .9 oo u.t G s =oa o c.9 -gf c o Eo ooc 6oI EgoN .9 oo uJ 6 E 5o)a oE Eo E c o o oE=] Go 6(, Gac =oa oE co 6f c 6 troEoou o G Stn o o G 5t, G goEo(,t 6i:l! UI C) o Go ED+o)q 6 o G o.Dtoq 6 trotoot o oot6oNoo u- oGo€ =ta toGo o toG =oo oo 6 o toG =t4o oo o f oo = @o Ec)EC)oo IFt oN$ so os 6 =oEoo co'o o Pq)c o obo .o oo tJJ o5 =Io 6(, oc.9) I oLUJ =c! oE GB oEo .g otto(,d oboo oo UJ€ =IataG(, oGoGt 6oG oo o oB =too oo 6 (,tlo(,c o l oo = $o EoEooo LFt * oNt $o 0)Eo6 =oEo co'6 o g C)E G(, ca =Ia IJ.I oo UJ IoG =oI oo o oG =ooc oo l oal o95 EloEooI 0)Es)E oIrl N D o)E o oco El 6o = $ Eq) Eooo IFt oN :fo oE G3 oEo co'6 Eo ooc f c)h3oEooIs I3oEoo) .u ocq) I o !JJ =ryo oE 6 E oco --cl o.E Ga GCt> EEE5caooEC EEo6't .9@E PEoo Do9o!Ein>tro6>EpasolcoIIJ Eo ooo() oots I,JJ 6 trot,ood o.E oo UJ€ =tao r,o lU o taGioo o() 6 o qG =oo oo o-cc,s o oo oc,o =>E(rocs.9N()i qlE >9osodetuJ lurBo\IEo-Ec Gc)o =-lootr bb o olneq. noaN{6 o ao oaoq t! trotoot Y Ju-o Ul El -l o-oo oa Go = oN oN EoEooo LFE. EoEooo LFt s oN$ $o oNrt $o o o q)3o(L Eo)oc6 D o u, o3o&DoocoE o G s oo.!o oc'6coa oc(5o oo o o o3o(! !ooco E o (! c oc3o oc'6coo oc(Eo =ooo o o o3o(L EooEG E 6 (,E6ot gcaaSooo oa t4 o!o0.EoI G Est4.s v, o:oa. Eoo G E o =6o o- 6o = o o EoEo(,o LFn EoEo(,o IFt oN\t $o s oN{' o q.C o oBo(L Eooc6 E o o oBo(L !o)oc6 E o G c oo i5 oE'6coa Eoo) o'Ea o)3o(LEooc6 E o 6 s oE3o oc'6coo !oo) o'Eo o]o(LEooC6 E E Eot,oo& g, o oah!Go-l a tt, oio0.Eoo G ! to.g t, oioo.!oo G E (! opoot o, Go = oa oo, = oo oo E EooouFt Dq) EooorFd $oNt{o oNs*o o'Eo o;o(! Eooc(E o o.E o oBo(L Eooc(! E tr too t4 o:o\ olo\too sE e o c oo.!o oc c()U't o a oBo(! EooE(! D o 6os oc =o oc'6coo d. o.E a o3o(! Eooc6 E cia qa oa N @ $a+ ooo Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo t Eo Eooo(L E NoNoN @o N oNoN @o N oNoN @o N .oF BoEc; ooG f Bo o C N otr BoEct oo6 =3o =E C N otr 3o!ct oo6 ]o =6 c o Eo U'ocF6o Ir I .o oo tlJ Nc!o l N .9F 3oEc o Eo u,oE oo =o El(! 6oI .9 oo uJ Nc!o) N otr;ooc o Eo aoc 6oI EEoN .o oo uJ Nqo f N otr 3o!c o c(, =ototr oE6:oE Soio! S oo ltr oU) tsoa q N oq @ oi oo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =n oc) Eoc)o(r =t N oNoNoo N oNoN @o N oNoN @o .!9F 3oEc =ooo 3o o C .c)F 3opc; ooo f 3o G c .9F 3o!E; ooo l;o o c o Eo o oE (!oI I Lotroo uJ oqof .9F 3oDE o Eo ooc ooIoEf(I 6o .E oo u.J oqof .oF;ooc o Eo ooc 6o) I EEoN .o oo uJ oc?of .9F 3oEc5 E Eot,oot oi: 6io! t 6IoE S cio G Eio <oo oo oN N 6i so oi oci EoEooo LFt E(, Eooo LFt Eo)EooouFE E(, Eooo IFt * oN\t $o $oN$ $o $oNt o soNs {'o oog Co(.) c.9 6 =a.c 63 Ga oo Ecoo c,9 G = ,E 63 6 oo6 coo c.oo l .E 63 6a oo6 qoo c.9 Ga .E G3 6 o Ec) ooc 6o! I u .9 oo uJ Gts co -gf E o Eo ooE GoIoEa(L Go-o.E ootr 6 =EoFG =oc o Eo aoc 6o I EcoNo.E ooui 63 co (Ea E o o oE 3 6oI oo o =c.o6l G (,E6od o G o Gi so GI!, tsoU) ts Eo cio NaN N 6i EoEooo LFt EoE oo IFn E(, E(,(,o IFi oN$ \to $ oNt :fo $oN$ {.o 6 .ce!oU' c.9 6) .E ooE 6 E o .g+oo C.9 Ga .c oo o c E .E$:-oa c .96l .c ooE 6 E o Eo ooc 6o L L .E oo uJ 6 s oa oor Eo G =c o Eo U'oc=ooIo El(L 6o .9 o!J 6 E =oa ooL c.o6) c o Eo ooc 6oItEoNo oq) IIJ 6 E =oU' ooI Co (! a c =cl oc'too Ecf> E=63-cooocc E=oa.SooE EEoo Dq9o!CO>Eo-a3>EPi6ofcoul 6o o 6oq) ooEuJ bp}tg,\Eo {toEoE t! E6.(} d o-c(Es o oo oC'o =>Pootr{.9N()+tEo rrJ b>9oe 616rtruJ t{-B(r\ EBo.= tr .E tr o =Ioou hb o oE'Gq. bo ri\ea; Gotoaoq o f 6o o f oo o f oo o di oN.t o@N c)Eo(l,ouFt EoEooouFtr DoEoq)o IF N oNoN @o N oNoN @o N oNoN @o .g tr(,po(,d o G Iq ot G o3 ofEoc .9.x(, o6l ,c Eq(! 6o o] olEoc 'xoo6 =.cEE(E (Eo o3 o =EoC 'x oo6l .goEG Go o o E=3I Io'E oo IJJ qo 6l C €o.tr6oa of o o o loE--;I Lo.E oo UJ q .o 6l s 06oc 6oa of o Eo ooc oo-q E =(! 6oIo.E oot! C.o6 f c 06o.E6oa f .g tropoot o f 6o o a 6o = o N o@ ooEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t oN* $o oN{ $o Ec, o,Eoooo 6ooo ooo6Eo Eo o.cEooo Egoo6 oE _g6 .c EoE(! E o o =Loo s_ ooo- N ooooo EooG o Loooo-O ,c ooooo.z EooG o o E oo Eoot G oE t,oq o) ooo 6 goto(,t o oooI G oa. slu tr) ooo o f 6o = o =6o = sqN !t oq $ N oo,Eooo =t DoE(,oo 0- =x \t oN $o soN so o6phGH-P6ecsoo =;E10 JobC.6 @.>:, o_5o +9's=oY6acPb =96ro6>6p-9f Nt'o EoG 5oEOQ< =E>p3=:3_o3-;LNis:E+s !oaQs)E,, =3 iosipEi Ho ! o Eoo Eodl (, od! gY oE oa Pq)c o Eoo EocoN o C)d) v oc'toa Poc E c(,p oot .g trotoot El 6o o- 6o = oao$ Noo@N po Eo C)o (L =d EoEoo)o(L = oN\t $o oNs o irEGEb6o=coOEcq,!pYO =€0_c '^6v<9p ltgffe BbPE+3 =EYOaQoF =qa> Eg Nt'ogooco!5P;E>q1--0=^(I:o-o35JJN;s3E+3 tExoaQPEu =sIosi BEE^Lv j H:.E E s o EoIcod) odl =!. oE't 6o PoE o EoIc6d]N oodt --Y o.c 6o ooE Y o q,agt a E 0.E G EIc .9-l o f Go = o f o(, rfcN* o(o N EoEooo(! =n ooEooo(r =d oN $o s oN\t to ot'IgoGcoEo =EIG =e(!hoxoo.c o=dE(Jv =:+9,s =ol6 QCPb =e6Co6>!p-gf N jIg @a6E-obPCEoo =e =5o=:&-o .3 -; LN() !; >oPE+H =EvooQo. e3o=>(!c,oPo o Eooc6co o'66dl =Y o.c 6a ooE o Eooc6co N _o 6dl =Y oE't 6o ooc t! tr(,Eoot YothGa tr, a E 0.!EGg} t) -J o g(,to(,t Yolu-to) tD .J Ec EEE5coooCC EE .EoqEpi(ro t,6 aaD\Po,ioEo E Eoot 0 (Us o oo)ooo =>EC'A .9ioit=o rrJ b>rgo.EAEEtUT UIrBo\ 'i0iio.=c (E tr o =!()ot, bb o oE,Go- aoaNeo o Gatoo'oc G ottoog. cG\ooG II- o G ss E =oo = so ci p C)Eooo LFt soN $ $o EE6EoFG6 ,E oo o(!o o,o E--3o E =o 6o- -c3iPa E96C o oc :Eo ooo(LEc6coE -66 s oooE(L ocoo Ef(L 6o Eg(,poot o G G u, GIo a 5q- GoIa Iq. Got o fo6o o f 6o = oN@- N NoN* !o Eooo LFd. Eo EoooIFd {oN* to $oN* to o Elo 6c)c o-o EElooo o (5c f 6 De o o.E o 0)E0)co oEfo 6ocoo)o ocfoot= =o Elo 6 Eoo =oo 6oo6oo o (, o fot=;I L Eo c.o o coo(L Io o (L Io EI oEgool IIo 6 opo(,t oo ota EE oo a. Es0- ooI a. E o. GoI E- (!o = Efooo = o, 6o = o a 6(, o f oo q .o G E c No o NN(o-t @N@- o @@ e @oo- N @@ o Ec) Eoo)o IFE E(, EooouFt Eo, Eooo LFd po EooouFE Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(L d :foN$ \to oN$\'o oNs*o {' oNs \to N oNoNoo N oNoNoo oElo 6oEoo lo '6 o oooc 5 (! !ooo o-C oootoco oEfo 6oEoo lo 6o oo6c f =ooIo o ot9otroco oEfo 6ocoo lo 6o o)ooc l =ooooo o o -gotoco oE =o 6oc o,o =o '6 o oooc l Goooo .C oooEc)co oc6oc E o9o6o ooE=3oo6oofa Elo 6oC.o.9 ECo! oE6oc! oo o6q o)oE=3 o)o6oofo Elo GoCao.9 cc OU o o (, c 3 L ILo'E oo UJ .oF c.o o Eooo E)(L 6o o o o aoc B L Io.E oru IJJ .9F E.9 oco o El(! oo o () c BI TLo.E o t"rJ N .9F q .9 o cooo El(! oo o o o =oE Bu Lo ootu N .oF Eo'a o Eooo Elo- 6o Q oEN o5 N EooFogo ooc=3 otr oo6oolq Ea!L 60) o o,E,! 06 G ,EooFogo odlc= =N .9F oo6oofo ElrL 6o (, trtoto(,t qt4o oto a sq. oora Sa. GoI t! trotoot q, EoI to IJ6 6E Eacil,soox. o f oo o l 6o o f Go = o N@No N@No lc Eo Eooo IFt Eo Eooo IFd oN $o \toNv to \t oN *o o;o =Eoc .axo o o o It) Yo3 ofooC I o)o .6 =c oc-GT NgOEot J(ot o3 oaEocF.o oo -o=,cEc6 Eoo c) so s t4 o G o .>co o)F 6 s o C) o oc 6oa olo oEoI EE =o6lc6 0) oaaIJ o9 oa =o 5 o!E,6qo;/)+a! !1,cg(EToctu.O+oc =0o; r(c?E! oc66oa oF 6ac oo o o E6o)o ofo oEoIo9a H;Et GU oqtoU' a 5q. Gota Sq. Go o) oo o f 6o = o l oo = o f 6o = oo NN 6i o N o@o6i Eq) Eoo,o LFt p 0)EooouFt ooEo)oo LFt !oEooo LFd. N oN oN @o N oNoN @o N oNoN @o N oNoNoo oB o =Eoc .t2xoo Ga .c EE66o o)EEoo =c E(! o3 looE .a o 6c) oaEoo6 f .c_o(! IoB o,EoE 'io6o ofEpo6f E o(! o3 oapoc .9.xo6o o () o E=;L I G(, co(!l c€o.E 6oa ol I Jtrz =! Io o0) IJ o aloooa c g L c oE60),) o, e o o-oc=3L Io o.g uJ o)ooo6f c (, rL co oc 6c)o ol ocFooIoEa(! 6o I .o oo uJ oao Eool cTo(L coo.EC6o-al-co; Ec Ei G=CQooEEE=oo.EoaE PE(9() aE 5|iar,Lpofiotot E{E[ot og, (E3 o oo)o(Eo =>s(ra .oNOs- rrJ b>r g)osodfiEsBo\}EoiirE tr (E c =o =-t()otr o l (!o = E, 6o = Efq6o = o) Go o =6o) = o fo(Eo = o foGo = o fo(,o = oa (,o = o l (so = o f oo = Efooo = o f 6o = o 6o = o (!o = o foGo = o f (!o = Noq N ooo ooo Nq N Nod No 6 @qoN o o oqo soo (o oqrf @oq$N o\N o\N ooN q F- EoEooo(! =d ooEooolL =t EoEooo.L =d E0)Eooo(L =t E0)Eooo(L =t Eo)Eooo (L =i EoEooo(I t EoEooo(r =d EoEooo(! =t EoEoq)o(L t E(, Eoil)o(I =t EoEooo(! =E EoEoo)o (L =t EoE!l)oo (L =d EoEooo (L =d !ruE{)oo (L =t EoEo)oo (L =t \' oNt to \' oNrl{o { oNt*o $ oNrt*o \t oNrc*o { oN\t*o \' oNtt !to t oN <t !lo $oN$ to :t oN\t to \t oNtt*o rioN t !to toN t qo $oNt{o tfoNt to toNt to *oNt to uooI fL s 0) 0)tol ENJ Cooo0) o =L oNL Eo) C0)o 0 o c)I o oa aL E 0)c0toa ENJ troo Eo =I oNoEo) c0)6 0) o 0)tr o oo =L EoEoI o E(,J Eoo Eof I o(5oEo) co)oEo) o o)E oo f(L Eocooao E(!J coo Eof L oGoEoo cooEo ooc 0ooo" lL E 0)tr[,IoL Er5J troooIo:! oooEo) tr0)o o o otr o oa fr E0)coI o EoJ EoooEolI oooEo) Eo)oEo ooE o oo =]- EocoIoo E(tJ cooooo =! o(!oEo:) cooEo ooE oooL lL 6 0)CoIoL ENJ trooo0) ofL oNo EoJ C0)o E0 o 0,tr oooo lL E 0)tr 0)Ioa ENJ Eooo0)o =I ooaEoJ troo q) o q)tr o oo =I EocoIqo E(tJ cooooo =I o6oEo:) cooEo ooE oaoo fI Eoco9 o E(!J coo oo =! o(!oEo) cooEo ooE oooo fL E 0)cq) oo ENJ troooo o =! oE E J tr0)o Eo o otr o e =L Eoco9oo E(,J coooEo =! o(,oEo:) co)oEo ooc oooa L EoC 0),oo ENJ trooooofL oIEo Eo) tr0)o E0) o otr o oa-L EocoI @o ENJ coooEo =! oooEo) EooEo ooc oo (L EoEo(, ao E(5) EoooEo =L o(toEoo c(,oEo ooc EluEo(, o E(tJ cooooo =L o(5oEoo EooElt o c,c o 6 s o Ei5 o = ii E6f o oo f(! Eocoo)IL o ofroE. d) o = o = ii E6J oooo f(L EoEoo)L e oq,t E63 ii E6) oqoo f(L Eoco(9 Ju- o 6os o Ei5 6; 6. E6J oqool(! EocooJlr o ofo0)t c0 (! = o3o ii E6J o od f(L 6 oEooJl! o 6ot o3o ii E6J ruooo f(L EoE(,o Jl! o (! s oIi5 o!\i a E6Jt o ool(L Eogoo Jl! o oaqot d) G =lt o3$ ii Eo)t o oo f(L EoEo)(, Jlr o 6oE. a o; !' ii E(!Jt o oo)(L EoEoo)L o 6oE oo i5 tt 6;o ii E6)t o oo =(L EoEo(, Jl! o o =oot dt (! = 6;o it E(!Jt o oo f(L EoEo(, JI o ood o]o ii E(sJt o ool(L Eogoo Jlr e ooE oo 6 o 6Bo ii E(5Jt q) oo fIL EoEo)o Jl! o () fo'ot d! (E = !1, 63o ii E([Jt !u oo-(L EoEo(, Jl! o 6od ll, 6 =o ii E(!) o oo f(L EoEo)(,)lr o (,os o Ei5 !1, 63oNii E6J4 o oo =(L EoEo)(, JI e !ufgot d) (, =tl E3oNii E6J lu oo =(L EoEo)(, Jl! bb o5oBGq. hot +o o Gatoa,oc (! tot,ood, do oa. G -,1ootot4 GIoo E trotloot olll -.ttoo x u-oo.E oaa GIoo r! copo(,c Jtr_ooo S .x\og To3t, Fo o(! 6^ E>EiE5coooCC EEoa.EooE PE(9o o;oE =oUJ E =oooc f o6o LrJlL +soo o o.o co =ouJc= =oo6c =L (!o o!os o ooL o.Eo =>P4., otrQ.oNOr- rrJ b>9o'3o6etru.t ru o\IEo-=c (E c =o =-l(,oE, oa Go oo aa66oo== E =Go = of 6o = ol (o o) = of Go = o =6o = o5 6o of (!o = o: 6o = o l 6o = E =6o Efooo = o I Go = o a (,o o f 6o = o f 6o = o,a6o o ! 6o = oa Go = o f (!o = o N oc!\'qo qo Io @Io ooo NoqN oo ot ooo ci Noo Noo Nq N Nqo Nqe @qoN oqo oc?o NcNN @ oN @ oN EoEooo(L t poEoc)o (L =t EC)E 0)oo(! =E. EoEo)0)o(L =t Eoeooo(! =t ooEooo(! =g. EoEooo(! =t oo Eoc)o o- t po Eooo(L d Eo Eooo(L =d. Eo Eooo(L t Eo Eooo(L =d Eo Eooo o- =t Eo) Eooo(L =d oru Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(r =t oo EoooL =t p o) Eooo(L =E. oo Eooo(! =t EoEoooI =i EoEC)()o(! =tr poEooo(! =t voN $ \'o s oN\' $o $ oN $:'o * oN\' $o oNt $o $oN *o toN $o oN$ \lo oN$ +o $oN$ $o oN\t $o oN$ o $ oNs $o \t oN* to os\l $o toNt $o toNt $o $oNt\'o s oN$ $o s oNs to $ oN$ $o $oN $ $o o oo l oo f! EoEo o EGJ cooo0ol I o(5o Eo :.) cqI o ooc oolI Eocol9 o E6J cq)oIof I o6o Eoo co6 o o oc qooo fL6ocoo a EGJ coo o) oftr o(!o Eo(.) co,6 Eo Po)c oo l Eoco(9 aoE6J c 8 oo)L o6oEoo c.9o o o oc oaoo fo 6 oco(9 oE6J coo oof L o6oEo() co'6 o ooc oq a(! 6oCo ooEoJ coo oofL oGoEoOcooEo Poc oo f(! Eoco)o oE(!) Eoo(, oftr oo Eoo cooEo Poc 0ooo l 6 0)c 0)I o E J tr0)o 0) o =L or!o EoJ coo 0) ooc ooo lrL EoEo(., oE(!J Eoo o)o =L ooaEoo c .c)o o ooc aoo l(L Eoco)o oEGJ coo o)olL o(!oEoo c.il)o C) Potr oo l(L E o)Eo(9 oE(EJ coo oo)L o(5oEoo g .9o 0) o q)c ooooaL Eoco)I oE6J coo oofL o6q Eo-) Eootro ooc oo =IL Eoco(9 oE6J cruo oo)L o6oEoo q .qo o ooc oo =(L E o)co(9 ooE6J coo oo)u o6q Eoo C .!Po o ooc o oo = 6 o)co oE6) Coo oo =f oooEoo co6Eo ooc oo fL6oco(, oE6J coooo =L oooEoO co,6 Eo ooc oo f(l. 6 oco oE6J coooo ftr 6oEoo Eo'6 o o o)c ooo)(! Eogooo EG) gooooftr oGoEoo co,oEo ooc oo lL Eo,co(,qoEoJ coo oo:L ooaEoo c .!qo o, Poc oo f Eo)co o E6J co oof! o6oEot) c !qo ts(, ooc oqooaL Eoco)Ioo E6) Eo)o o)o =I o6oEo cootro ooc goc C)(9 E6J coo oo-L o6oEoO co'6 o ooc o 6oE. 63oN ii EoJt (, oo f(! Eoco(,)r o 6 E oo.=o 63oii E6J o oo a(! E oco(9 JL e o)fqot .o o = 6]o ii E6Jt oqoo l(! Eoco(, JI o 6ot GBoii EG) o oo =(! EoEo)o)u o N c o E i5 63o g'6.o oooe f(! EoEooJL o o =got dl 6 = 6 =o E'6. U) o ool(L 6 o)coo Ju o 6 0)t o 6Bo E'aa o) ool(L 6oco(, JI o 6 s oo,=o G3 6.=oa oooo)(L Eoco(, JL o ofoo)t d! o = o3 6oa o oo f(L Eoco(, JL o 6ot Eo; 6oa oqoo)(L E(,coo)L o 6 s oo.=o o3 N 6oa c) oq fc Eoco)o JI o oloot dl G GB N 6.=oa o oo fTL EoCo(9)L o oot G3 N 6.:oo o oo l(L EoEoo)u o 6 s oo o G3 O o.=oo o oo f(L E0)goo Ju o oaood d) G = FN3 .Eoo o oo l(!toEo)o JI o 6ot 63 E'ao oaoo a(! 6oco(9 JL o o c oo 6 6 =$ E'6.o o ool(L Eoco(9 JL o olgot co 6 a 63t g'6. U' oaoo f(! Eocoo Jl! o 6od 6 =$ 6'6. a o ool(L 6oco(, JL o 6 s o Ei5 63a 6.:oo o o)(! 6oco(,)r o ofooE. co o =lt o3o 6oa o oo)(r Eoco(,)r o Go o3o 6.=oa c) oo f(L 6oco)L bb oaoE,Go- boaNq o o Go oa.oq Eaf> E5 EY-cooocc E=oa.t .gAE 6Eoo v,6 lltaDxso utoEoT E Etnoq, o Gs o o(,L)oo(, =>s()osq.9NOr-tE(5rF_UJE>rgE'}odfiE-Bo!IEo.. .E )o =.loot b oNo.)Gq. so i\q oioo oaoE o l 6o = ol G() o f Go o l Go = Ef 6o = o fa6o o f Go = o f 6o = I)o6o = Ifo6c) o =oo o f Go = o l 6o) = o l Go = Ef 6o = 6) f oo o f (!o oa Go = I =6o o f 6o o la6o o 1o(!o o +N NI@ Nqo Nc! $N sc@ soo qoN or or @ctsN oI@N q @N oN f..a@N N\N asN a N ocNo @oqoN @oq N tq EoEo0)o(! =t ooEooo(! =t EoEruoo(! =E. EoEooo L d Eo)Eooo (L =t EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(! =t Eo Eoo)o (L =t Eo Eo,oo(! =e Eo Eo)oo (L t Eo Eo)oo(! =d E(, Eooo(! =d Eo) Eooo (L t oo Eooo(L = Eo Eoo)oI =t Eo Eoo)o(! =E Eo Eo)oo(! =tr Eo Eo)()o(L =t Eo Eooo =t Eo Eooo(L t Eo Eoq,o(L =t EoEooo(L =t oN *o toN$ \to oN{' to oN\t $o soNt \'o {oNt \to soN *o oNt r+o tl oN\t*o oN\t $o oN\' to $ oN* $o $ oN $ $o oN* $o oN $o s oN $ <.o \t oNs \to \t oN *o \t oN\t o { oN\t o oN\t so $oN$ o o ool oo =I6oco o E6J coo oo2! oGoEoo Eo)oEo o o,E oo- fL E0)tr0) o E6J coo o o)I o6o EoJ co0tro o c)c ooaIL E(,cruo oE6) coo oo2L o6o Eoo cooEo o oc oo f(L Eocoo oEoJ Eoooo =I o(Eo Eoo c.oo o Poc oo)IL EoEo) oEoJ cooooof I o6o Eoo cIoEo o oc ooo l(! 6oEo(9 oEGJ Coo o)oatr ooo Eoo co'o Eo ooc ooo l(r Eoco(, oE6J Eoo ooftr ooo Eoo co'6 Eo ooc o oo lL E0)co oo ENJ Eoo 0)of I oa EoJ cooEo o oc! aooo aIL E(,co(, aoE6J coo oo:L ooo Eoo cooEo o o)c ooool(L Eocoo oE6J Eruo oo!u oGo EoO co'o Eo o o)c oooo f(L Eoco(, q E6J Eoo oo:L o(!o Eoo coo o o(,c oo f!L Eoco(, oE6J coo oo:L oGo Eo co6 o ooC o oo fL Eocoo oE6J Eoo oolI o(Eo Eoo c.oo o Pc)c oo a(L Eoco(, q E6) Eoo oolL o(Eo Eo() c.oo o ooc oq f!- Eogo0 oEoJ coo Eo)I o6 Eoo cIoEo Ioc o) oo) Eoco,(9 oE6J cooooofL o6o Eoo c.qo o) Poc oo =(I 6ocoo EGJ coooofL o6aEoo Eo'o o ooc o oo fI6oEo0 oE(!J Eoo oo =I o6o Eoo co6Eo, ooc ooo lL Eocoo aE(!J coo ooatr oooEo co'6 o ooc oooo lL E0)Cot a ENJ Eoo 0)o:L ooa Eo) Eo o ooc o oo lL Eocot o E6J co)o oo =! oooEo) co Eo ooc Eocoo o E6J Eoo Eo =L o(soEoo c.9oE() ooq o o c oI i5 6 =o 6'aa o oo fo- GoE()(9 JI o oC)foot d) 6 =o 63 @ E'do o oo f(L 6()co(, JlJ- o 6ot G =o 6,:oa o) oo =(L E ()co(9 JL o G E oo.:o o3o .Eoo o oo)(L EoEoo)L o o =ood dl (! = 63o E'do o oo =(L E(,cruoJL o 6oE. 6;o .goo oooo f(L EoCooJL o o E o Eb 63oN 6'a U> o ool(I E Coo)r I ofoot d) 6 = o3oN 6 oa o oo:c EoEooJL o 6ot o;oN 6aa o ool(! EoEo(9 JL o 6ot 6; N G'aa o oo f(! Eoco)(9 JI o 6 rut 6; NN 6'aa o oo f Eoqo(9 JI o G c o Ei5 6BoN 6'ao o) ool(! EoEo(9 Ju o olqo o o o;oN 6.=oa o oo l(L Eocoo)u e 6od 63oN 6.:oa o)aoo f(! EoEoo)u o oot o3 N 6oa o oo lo- Eoco(9 JI o 6 s oo.:o oB @N .goo o oo =(L 6ocoo Ju o oofoot d) (! = 6B @N .Eoo o ooa(L 6ocoo)u o (Eot 63 @N g'ao o oo =(! 6oc()o JL o 6 s oo o 6; NN g'6.o o ooa(L Eoco(, JL o oauod d) 6 = 6 =NN g'a U) o oq a(L Eocoo)L o 6ot 6]rN 6.:ao o oq:(! Eog o)o)I o G c o Ei5 o3oN 6oa o oo f(! Eocoo)I =E: o.c 6o GCf> EE G3cqooCC E=o6.EooE PE(9o Ea9o5EiD>Fo-U'3 Pi!ofcouJ6o o(!oo FootsuJ tlB .E}tttt\Po ruoFo E E6ot o !Gs o ooL)ooo =>Pa)aES.9N()r-t=a IIJ E>i9E,,B6,6ctrul lU-Bo\IEGE ,EGc,o =Ioo E, ao o€otr,Go. o a 6o = o) oo = o l 6o = oa 6o = oa o() = o f Go = o faGo = o f oo = o f Go = o a Go o-oo = o f Go = o f (Eo o a oo = o f Go o f oo = ol Go = ol Go = Ef oo = Il 6o = El 6o = Ea (5o = o ciN oqoN oqoo Noq NN N@niN oo d; Na? @ No @ NqoN @c! NN @c! NN c,{ N oN N @\ N oa@N Nc,l N Nc,! N @qs .:.:@ N @c! Eo Eo,oo CL =t Eo Eooo =t ooEo0)o (L =t EoEooo 0- E. poEc)oo(I =t ooEooo(! =E. EoEooo(! =d EoEooo(! t EoEooo(I t EoEooo(I d EoE0)oo(I t Dq) Eooo& =4 oruEooo (L =t ooEooo (L =t oC)EoC)o (L =t !oEoo)o (L =E. E0)Eooo (L t oo)Eooo (L t oc)Eooo (L t Ec)Eooo (L =t ooEooo (L =n Dc)Eoc)o (L =t soNtt {'o oN$ rfo oN o $oN $ so oN $ so $oN$ \to $oN$ $o oN $ o oN so oNrf $o oN $o oN\t so oN \f $o s oN\t $o oN$ $o s oN$ to s oNs $o oN$ \to $ oN $*o s oNs*o oN *o oNv \to o oo = oo)L6oco(2 q E6J coo ooftr oooEoo EooEo oog oo =(L Eoco(9 o Eo) coo oolI oGoEoO c .t9o o o oE oo =I Eoco o EGJ coo o of ! o6o Eo) co6Eo o oc oq =IL6oco() oE6J coo ool I o6o Eoi.) EooEo Poc oo f(! Eocoo oE6J Eo ooatr ooo Eoo Eo6Eo Poc oo f(! Eoco(9 oE6J cooq(, oltr ooo EoO E .olo o o oc oo f0_6oco 19 E6J coo ooaI ooo Eoo co)oEo o oE oa f0- GoEoo q E6) coo oolr-i Go Eo c.9oEo ooc oo ft_ 6oco,I oE6J c0)o o of ! oo Eo) E0)oEo o oq qoq l0- Eoc0,(, q E6J coo o ol I o6o E o cooEo Po)c oo l0- EoCooao E(!J co)oooo=L o6o Eoo coo o Po)c oo f(L Eocoo o EGJ coo oo,L o6o Eoo co'6 o o o)c oo f(L Eoco(, oo EGJ qoooool L o6oEoo co'6 o o oc oo lrL EoEo(9 o E6) coo EolI oGoEoL) coots(, ooc oo =(L Eoco(9 o EoJ coo Eo =L oooEoO c.9o o) o oc ooo lt- Eocru o EoJ coo Eol! oGoEo:) cqIEo ooE oo lrr 6oco(9 o E6) ce oo)I oGoEoL) c(,otso o oc oo lo- 6oEoo o Eo)coo ool L (!oEoO c .0)o o ooc oo l(! EoEoo o E6)coo ooau GoEoo c .c)o o ooc oo l(! 6oEo(9 o E6)co ool L GoEoO c .o)oEo ooc oo =I EoEo o E6J coo ool ! oGoEo) cI E o) ooc goEo)o o E6)coo oolL (5oEoO c.9o o ooc o ofoll)E. o G = GB @N 6.=oa o oo)(L 6 C)g o)o) TL o G o,t 6] @N g'ao o oo =0- E oEooJL o G c o E i5 63oN 6aa o ooa E ocq)(,)L o o) =qoE (D G = G3oN 6 oa o oo l(r Ec)cooJu o oot G3oN 6.=oa o ool(L Eoco)L o o c oo.=o 63o .goo o ooa(L Eoc(, JL I oloot d 6 = 6 = 6.=oa o) oo =(L Eoco JI o God. 63o 6 oa o oo f(L Eoco)I o 6 c o.=o o3oo 6.:oa o) ool(L E o)coo)t! o olqot dl o = 63oo 6,=oa o oo lo-6 o)cq)(, JL o 6oE, o3oo 6aa o ool(L E o)co(9 JL o G c oo b 6] o .goo o oo f(r 6oco JL o ofUod co 6 =o 6 =o g'ao ooI f(I 6occ)oJL e GoE. 6 =o g'6.o o oo fo-6oEc)o)r o 6 s oo.=o G3No E'ao o oq fo- E oEoo)r o olood d) o G3No .Eoa o oo f(L i6 ocooJL o '6 ot o =N .goo o, oo =(L Eoc(, JL o 6 E oo.=o 63\t 6.!oU) o oo f(L Eoco)L o olood. m 6 = 63\t 6.=oo o oo f(L Eoco(,)I o 6ot o3$ 6oa o ool(L Eoco(,)lL o 6 c oo.=o 63o 6.=oa o ool(L 6oco(,)u o oloot m 6 63o 6.=oa o oo l(L Eoco(,) TL hotq o; Gatoooq Ec EEE5CAoocc E=O6.EoaE PE(9(1, Ea9.o!EiD>tr6- 3EPauofcoIIJ Eo bb:Ect,\Fo ql oEo& E Esot o (!I o o(,L o.Eo =>p()o .9No+ lrJ E>9!,, Eo6fiE-Bo:IEo-= tr a! c Jo =!(,ot bb ooo66q- boq Nq o o o oaoq G oIoo,x, o l oo = El (5o = o) 6o) = o f 6o o f, 6o = oa oq) oa o() = o) (!o = oq N oqoN oqoN oq NN o9NN @c! N q N oq N Do Eo)oo o- =t Eo Eooo(L =t o{, Eooo(I =d Eo Eooo(l- =t Eo Eooo(! =i Eo Eooo(! =E. Eo Eooo(L d Eo) Eooo(L t s oN$ $o \t oN\t !to toN$ o *oNrt $o toN $ $o $oN $ $o {oNrf $o oN!t so 0ooo f EocoIoo EoJooolotr EIJ c 9)J c0)o 0 o 0)crl oaoo =L 6 c,co(, o E(!Joo.oooE E[! c ,s,J co,oEo ooc o oo =(! Eocoo q EGJoEoboc Eul E.s)) co'6 Eo Poc o oo fr-6 oco|9 o E6JooI3oE EJJ Es)J cootso Poc o oo a(! 6 oco(, q EoJoE.9ooE E UJ c .9)) co'o Eo ooc oooo ft6 oEo:9 o E6)ooI3oc EJ csrJ EooEo ooc o) oo frL6 ocoo o EGJoo,9ooE ElrJ E .s)J E0)'o Eo o o)E oooo l(! 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EocooooE6J coo oo)L ooo Eoo co'6 o ooc o oo = E0)coI aE6J coooIo =I ooq Eo) c0)o=o o 0)c oo lL Eocoo oE6J goo oof LL ooo Eoo co'o Eo g c)c o ooaI 6ogoI oEGJ Eoooo =! oooEo) cIItro Iog 0) e lL 6og 0)tooE6J Eoo oo =L oa EoJ trqI 0) P 0)tr q, oo l)- 6q)co9 oE6J coo o,oa! oooEo-) Eootro Poc oo fI Eocoo oE6J coooooftr o6oEoo c.ooEo Poc ooe fL E0)C0,9qa EoJ trooooo =L ooo Eo) Cqo o P C}C oo fL6oEo(, oE6J goo oo =[- oooEoo cIoEo Ioc oo f0- Eoco(, oE6) Eo)o oo =tr oooEoO c.oo o Po)E t) oL fL G o =o, a EtrJ Coon0 o =L ora Ec) C0)5 D PI rl o 6od o =o goo o oo =o- E oco(, J L o 6os oE i5 (53 @ 6'a U) oaoo f(I EoEooJI o oofoot dl 6 = 63 @ 6.=oa o)aoo l(I 6oco(9 JL o 6otr oB @ .goo o ool(! EoEo(9)L o 6 E oo.!o o3N g'ao o oo =(L Eocoo JI o olood co o = o7F g'ao o oo =(L 6 ruco(, JI o 6ot 63N g'6.o ooI(L 6oEo(, JI e 6 s oo.=o 63 @ E'ao o ool(L Eoco(,)u o ofooi dl 6 = 63 @ .goo o ooa(! 6(,cruo JL o 6ot E63 @ .Eoo o ooa E o)cooJL o 6 s oo.!o 63o goo o oo l(]. Eoco(, Ju o ofoot ao 6 = 63o .Eoo c) oo-(! E o,co(, JL o 6ot 6 =o 6oo o oo f(I 6ocooJu !,li Iat,\Fo lu,&no Ee6o[ Ec k=E5coooCC EEQA.EooE EE(9o ooQo!ciD aEo6 Pirofcour6() oooo oo uJ o-c(I,s o oo)o(Eo =>Poo .9N(J s- IIJ E>rgo.3AEfiE-Bo\IEGEc .E tr o =goot bn oo oE,Go- o) (Eo Efo6o = o f 6o = o l 6o = o lo6o = If oo = o looo = o a oo = o l 6o = E =6o = o f 6o o =ooo = o f Go = oa oo = o f 6o = E =oo = o =Go o f oo = o f 6o Ia 6o = Ela6o = o f 6o = oq NN qoN qoN o N $c,{oN tf!oN oq N $qo $qo oqoN NqoN N@ CiN ooq @N @ooo oq @ Oc@ N\@ o + o so Nqo N\@ oa?o ooEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =d EoEooo I =t ooEooo(L =t Eo Eoq)o (L t E(, Ec)ooI =E oo Eooo(! =0a Eo Eooo(! =E. Eo Ec)oo(L =d Eo Eooo(r =i. Eo Eooo(L =t Eo E(,oo(L t Eo Eooo(L =t !o Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo o- =t Eo Eooo(! d EoEoo)o(! =t poEooo(! =d EoEooo (L =t EoEoq)o (L t !oEo)oo (L =t DoEq)oo I =t <f oN$ so oN t <fo t oNt to t oN $*o * oNs o * oN $ $o $ oNrf o $oN{ \to $oNt \to $oNt rto soN$ to $oN$ $o $oNs $o $oN$ to \toN$ o $oN\t so $ oNl' so $ oE\t $o $ oNrf o soN \lo oNs*o soNs $o o oo =L Goco(, oE6J o)E.9ooc E- E uJ E.q)J cooEo o oc o oo =I 6()EoI oEGJooI3oc E JJ ts,J cIo o oo o oo lL 6 oco(,aoE6JoEIooc E EuJ E.9,J cooEo goc o oo =L6oEoo o E0JoE.9ooc EuJ c .s,) c.oo o ooc o oo-(r 6 o)co(9 o E6Jo .oooc E UJ t.s)J Co'6 Eo ooE o oo lL 6oco(, o E6JooIooE E UJ Es)J cooEo o(,c o o l(! 6oCoo o E6JoE.oooc EuJ E .q)J co'o Eo Ioc o oo lI 6oEo :9 o EoJ 0)oofoE- EJJ cg,J cIoEo ooc 0)ooo fL 6oc0) oo E6J c)ooloc E-! Eq, J co)o Eo ooc ooo fL 6ocoo o EG)oE.9ooc Eu.l c .9)J c .o)o o ooq o oo f(L 6oco(9 o EG)oE.9ooE E LrJ c .9)) c .o)o o ooc C)aoo,L 6oEo0 o EGJoooooc EuJ cs,J coo o ooc c) oo fL 6oEo)9 o E(!Joooloc EEJJ cs,J cooE() ooc ooq f(L 6oEo o E(sJop.oooc EUJ c.9,) c.9o o ooE ooo,L 6 c)Eq)I o E(!Jooo5oE EJJ c9)J cIo o ootr o oa aL 6ocoIoo E6J 0) 5otr E! cq)J co6Eo o o)c o oo f(! 6ocoo o E6JoE,9ooE EUJ E.g)J co'6 Eo o o)c o ooa(! EoEoo q E6JoE.oooc EuJ E.g)J coo 0, Poc 0) oo lL 6oE0)5 a EoJ c)ooloc EJJ E9)J Eootr0) Pocrl o oo lrL GoEll)(9 oE6J oo.oooc EuJ E.s,J c .!Po o Poc 0) oa)L 6oE0) qa EoJ q,ooloc EIJ cs,J c0)o o) ooErl o oa =IL6 o)co(9 aoE(5Joo.9ooc EtIJ c,s,) c.9o o ooc o 6ot E63 N o oo =(L EoEoootU o 6 s o Ei5 o o3o d ool(L Eoc(,(9 ouJ o o)fuon dl 6 = 6] iti oo =I EoqooouJ o oot GB at ool(! Eoco()ouJ o 6os o.=o 63* ooool(L Eoco(,ouJ o olood ao 6 = 63$ itiqoo l(L Eocooo[! o 6oi to3$ iri oo =(L EoEooo LU o o c oo.=o o;o hi oo f(! EocoooIrl o ofgoE d] 6 = GBo id ooa(]. Eoco(9 ouJ o 6od tsoBo iri oo)(! Eocoooul o G c oo i5 !1, o =@ id ooa(! Eoco(9 oUJ o o =got d) G =a 6 =@ d oo a(! Eoco(9 ouJ o 6ot o =@ d oo-(r EoEooouJ o ood o =N ai o a(! EoEo ouJ l N =o0) =l 6Eo I Etr Eoa E0)t) (! BN bi oo f! Eo)co9fIJ (J =qot dl (! =6coFo -Ep EEo.l Eoo =63N o) oo f(! 6oc(,(9 ot4c o Got 6c.9oo.=pEEo.l E0)o 63N (, oo =(L Eoco)(9 oul e 6 E oo.=o 6 =N (, oo =(L 6oco(, o uJ o oofoot ao 6 = 6 =oN (, oo = Eoco o uJ o 6ot 6; N o oo f(L Eocooo uJ o 6otr GBo ai ooa(L Eluco(9 o uJ o 6 s oo o G3N ti ooa(L Eoco o tJJ so Neo; aotoa'oq =Cf octo<t> Ec EEE5c@oocc EAQ6.=ooE@o9ooo Ea9.o!EiD>F6-at PiEofcouJ6o o 6oo oo UJ tt.E EIEta\Eo luo Eo tttioI o GI o o6'L)o.Eo =>P(Jocq,ONo+tEo IIJ E>9g,.EE8etuJ lu-Bo\ EEq.= '6 c)o =!oot so o o6Go- bot +o oootoa,oq ; Eq,Eoou oa (Eo o f Go = o =(5o = ol Go = @ f (!o = Elo(!o = o l oo = o f (5o = o) 6o = o fo6o = @o! @o oaN$ @aN!t \N6 6q Nt @o? Nt oq @o naN$ atNs @q @ EoEooo (L =d EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =d EoEooo (L =t EoEoo)o (L =d !oEooo (L =d EoEooo (L =t EoEooo& =d ooEooo o- =t $+I ${{tf t $$oNt rto oNt $o oN o o oN$*o oNt to oN o o oNtt $o oN !t tlo oN o o oN t $o EGooo(n o Eo) Coo oofu oGoEoo cooEo ooc a(,'o IDoU)oo E(EJ Eoo oolL o(5oEoo EooE(n o o)c 6'6ooU) o EGJ Eooaoo =u o(!oEoo co'o Eo ooc Eoooo o EG) coo oo =u oGoEoo c.ooEo ooc toooooqo E(5J coo oolL o(5oEo(-) Eo'o o o o)c 6'oooooo E(!J goo oof I o(,oEo(-) Eo'6 o o o)E EoooU' o EGJ goo oof L oGoEoo co'o Eo ooc ii'oooU) o EG) Eoo oo)u o6oEoo E.9oEo ooc i.qoooo o EGJ Eoo Eolu o6oEoo c.9oEo Eoc i .(5oc)ooqo E(EJ coo oo =L o6oEoo c.oo o Poc o 6 s oo.=o 6; @N.oNo o oo-ood dl (! =ofr6;oN.oNo o 6ot o 6; @NdNo;g E'ooooJr o 6 s o .go 6;@o!o st;g o EooooJu e oo=q() E. dt (, = 6;oNo 6i o Got o o;oN.o ni o 6 s oo.=o 6; @N.oNsi o ru =got dl (! =q 6; @ryoNsi o 6ot 6! @oqoNsi e 6 s ogo o 6BoN.oN6i >oEo EoooooJL ;6E Eoooo)u ;g o E.6oooo)L ;6Eo E'6oooJr g 6ooooJr g Eoooo)u g o 6oooo)u 6E Eoooo)u =cf oc 6a ,:::, ::::::: l.,l :,:,, [,':;i]lii:t l''. ..,:' [:,,.:::::::::: [...:]:.:;;:':: i,:',: ' [: '' : "': 1' 1,.',,r] l' [ ', ,,,,,'.:,,, [,,::,::"::' [:::::,::,.': Il', [ :' :,':.',:::: ['::,,.::::.::: [ :: ,,:, ,:: [,:: : .,:'::: : [, :', ':.'l::::::',:': l,' , ,,.t,, , t::::::::::::: [:::, :.,:,,,, E': ::::':: [,,:,::::.: [,,.],;.,'l lgICfilhts I q-lts1I E,t5i*t;fqfoItl[$ Ef 6o = o l 6o = E) 6o = oaqGo = ol Go = Efo(,o = Efo6o) o =q6o = o f 6o o fo6o o3o6o = o o6o = o l oo = o faoo) 6^ E=E5coooCC EEoo.EooE EE(,o oC?o ood o(c:t oq $ @c!o oq\t oq :f @c!o @oo @o,o sIrt @o @o Ig? tt Eq9o!Eo>Fo6>=g) a[ofcortJ 6o Eo Eooo(! =t Ed, Eo)luo(L =t Eo Eooo(! =t EoEooo (L =d EoEooo (L =t €oEooo(r =t EoEooo (L =E. EoEooo .L =t EoEo(,o (L =t EoEooo (L =E. ooEooo (L =t EoEoo)o (L =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t ooo(, ootsUJ *oNs :to *oNt tfo $oNt $o oN**o {oN\t $o toNt to {oN* so $oN $ $o $oNt to soN !t $o oN !t $o oN$ =o $oN $o t oN\' to oooo =(! EoEoo o EoJoE.9ooc EIU E .9)) EooEo ooc oooo f!!6ocoi9 o E6JouIooc- EuJ cs)J qooE0) Poc o oo fL 6oEoo o E(!Joo.oooc EuJ s.sr) coo o oog o oo fL 6oco9 o E6Jooofoc EJJ Eg,J CooEo ooc oooa fL 6 0)cot o E6Joooloc E,J cg,J tr(,o 0) ?oc oooo =IL 6oco(9 o E6Joo.oooE Er"! c,s,J c.ooEo Poc ooo f(L Eoco(, o EoJoE.9ooC .E ul E.9)J c .!9o o Ioc oqoa fL E 0)trq)toa ENJooIfotr EU traJ trII 0) I0)trrl oooo fIL Eocoooo EoJoo,oooc E uJ c.9)J E,oo (, Poc ooo lI 6oco9 o E6JooofoE E.ll cs)J qo9 o PoC 0)ooalL d 0,C0)Ioa E Joo9lotr E! Cs)J trIo 0) o 0)C q) oo fL E 0)co)I o E6J o)ooloc eE! 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N Nc! N EoEooo (]. d EoEooo(! =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(! d EoEooo(! =t oo)Eo)oo(! =t EoEooo(! =tr EoEo)ooL =d Eo Eooo (L =t Eo Eooo(! =d Eo Eooo(L =d EoE(,oo(! =t Eo Eooo(r =t oo EoooL =d EoEooo u. ooEooo (L t EoEooo(! =d Eo Eooo (L =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L t EoEooo(! =tr Eo EoruoL =t poEooo(L t Eo Eooo(L t Eo E(,oo (L =t Do Eo)oo (L =d Eo Eooo(L d po Eooo(L t Eo Eooo(L t E(, Eo)oo (L =t oN$ \to $oN o o $ oN \t $o IoN Q*o soN o o oN\t*o oNs $o oN $o oN o o oN\t so oN* $o oN o o \t oN o * oN\t qo $ oN o o \t oN{ $o s oN$ 9o t oEo o $oN $*o oN $*o oN o o oN $ tfo oNt $o oN o o oN $ so $oN\t o $ oN o o oN o oNs o soN o o Eoooaoo EoJcoo ooftr oGo Eoo Eo'6 o o oc E'6ooo o E(!) coo ooftr ooo EoO Eo'6 Eo o oE a6ooooooE(!J cooooolL o6o Eo(.) co'6 o, Poc Eoooo oE6) coo oofu o6 EoO E.9o o o c)E 6'ooqa oEG) coo oo =tr oGo Eoo qo'o o ooc i'6'oooa oE(!J co)oq(, o2I o(!o Eoo co,6 Eo o oc E'oooo oEG) tooooo oE6 tooooo oE6 6oooo oE6 Eoooo oE6) a6oooo oE6J E ooo oEoJ cooooo)L o6o Eoo coo o ooc E'6ooo oE(5J E 11)o o lu (Eo Eoo cil)oEo o {,c E'6oqoooEG) coo ooftr oGo Eoo Co'6 Eo ooE i6'6ooo oE(EJ co)o(, o:I ooo Eoo co,oEo ooE E'ooao oEGJ goo oofr oGo Eoo co'6 Eo ooE a6'6ooa oEoJ coo ooftr o(!o Eoo co'6 Eo ooE Eooqo oE(!J coo ooatr 6o Eoo Eo'6 o ooc t.ooooa oEo) coo oo =tr ooo Eoo co'6 o ooc 6'ooq U> oE(!J a6'6oao oE(!J E'6ooaooEG) E'oooa oEo) e .(5oooaooE(E) G'6ooa oE(,) coo ooftr oGo Eoo co'6 o ooE G'ooqa oEG) qoo ooatr oGo Eoo co'6 Eo ooc E'oooa oEGJ Eoo oo =tr oGo Eoo co'6 o ooc E'oooa oEG) coo ooatr oGo Eoo co'6 o ooc aG'6ooo oE(EJ Eoo oo:L o(!o Eoo co'6 Eo o oc goo oofr oGo Eoo coo o ooc coo o)olL o6o Eoo cooEo Poc coo oofL o6q Eo(.) co'o Eo Poc coo oo-L o6oEoo co'6 o Poc Eoo oolu ooo Eoo cooEo Ioc coo o,olI o(!o Eoo coo o ooc coo ooftr oGo Eoo co'o o ooE coo oofL o(!o Eoo co'6 Eo ooc qoo ooltr ooo Eoo co'6 o ooc Eoooooftr o(Eo Eo() co'o o ooc Eo)o ooftr o(!o Eoo cq)'6 Eo o oc o o =ood d) G = 63oN !E.q);6o a.GooooJL o Got G3oN Ic.q,E6o E6'oooU'JI o (E E o EE 63oN,E.9) =6o EoooaJ Lr- o o)otud dt 6 = 6]oN,cg 6o a .(Eo0,ooJI o 6ot o] N !-.s, =6o i.(,o(,oo)I e 6 ll)d G =$N,E.9) =6o 6'6ooo)L o o c oo b o o3 @Nut.s,;6o t'6'6ooU' JL o o:6ot d) G =ltl o3(oN tE.9) oo 6oooa)lJ- o Gon (!3 @N,cg 6o t6oooa JL o o c o Eb G =NN,EP oo Eoooo JL o o:qot (D G =o G3 NN tE .91Boo Eoooa JTL o God o G =NN,E.glEoo 6oooa JL o 6 s oo.=o oBout.o56o z6'6ooa JL o oforutr dl 6 = o3o !E.g 6o E'6()oo Ju o Got G =o,E.srE6o EooooJu o 6 E oq) i5 6 = o ofood c0 G = 6; o God 6i o (! E oo b 6;s o o =qot (Il 6 = 63 $ q, a6EEb i.qooaoJI o 6ot 6 = aio6EE i5 a.ooooo)u e G 5 oo.=o 6;n o oloot (Il 6 6 =o q,o6EEo Eoo)ooJL o 6ot 6 =o oio6EEb t.6oo,ooJI e 6oE oo i5 6; @ o ofgot (D 6 6 =@ o 6ot 6; @ o G c oo i5 63 oN C'E6EE6 t.oooooJI o ofoot dl 6 = 6 =oN Uo(5 EEi- a.oooooJr o ooE. 63oN aio6EE i5 EooooJL o)!GEE6 Eooo(./))L oo6EE i5 e .(Eo(,oU' JL ai!6E .Eo E'6oooJL aio6EE i5 EooooJL o!6EE i5 EooooJu oo6EE i5 EooooJL oo6EE i5 Eoooo)L -9o6EE6 a.ooooo)I --c =o.c 6o Ec E=E5coooEC E=o6.=ooE PEoc) Ea9o!Eo>F6- 3Eg) a!ofcouJ6o oooo oots TIJ cia .=IttanxP6 aocot ::Ea6ot o !(us o oo fooo =>P(roc$.eNot IIJ E>9g,.8E8trtrul rusBo\tBo.=c (E tr =o =!oou ab ob oo,Gq. E- 6o = o f oo o f oo = E, 6o = oa oo = ol Go = o f 6o = o fooo o l 6q) = o f oo = o f Go = ol Go = o =(5 o) = Ea 6o = El 6o = Ef 6(, = Ifo6o = o f 6o = o f oo = o f 6o = o: Go = o f (,o I- (Eo = E) Go = Ia (5o = Ef 6o, = o =o6ru o fo6o = o) 6o = o f 6o = @o9to @oqo{ @oqo\t +6 Oc?o!t oa?os o\oo \No @qoo @c!oo No o\@o ONc;o @ ciN oq @ o d $qo @oqs @oq $ @qoN oIo oqn \tqo @oq$ @oq$ \'qo @oq $ @oq $ @cNN oa@ EoEooo(L d DoEooo(L =t Eo)Eoo)o(L =i EoEooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =tr Eo Eluoo(! =t Eo) Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =d Eo) Eooo(L =t oo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo E 11)oo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =d Eo E(,oo(L =t po Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L n Eo Eooo(L =d po Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =d Eo Eooo(L =E Eo Eooo(L =t Eo, Eoo)o(r =t !o Eruoo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =t EoEooo(r =t EoEooo(r =E EoEooo (L t $oN$ \to oN $*o oN o o oN$ rto t \'st oNrf \to $ oNrf $o oso o $oNr+ \to toN$ $o *oN o o \ioN\t vo t voN o o $$t 3 $$oN o o soN{\'o $oN so soN o o t $$$toNt{o oN$*o oN o o oN o o oN$ $o oN*\'o oN* o oN o o oN so oN so oNt $o oN$ $o oN o o oN$*o E'6 r1)oa o E(EJ EooIo =tr oooEoo Eo'6 o) Poc EoooU) oE6J coooooaI o(EoEoo cooEo o ruc Eoooo oE6J coo oo)u o6oEoo Eo'o o ooE e6'6ooa oE(!J coo EofI o6o Eoo c.(,o o Poc Eoooo oE6J Eoooooftr o(!oEo(.) co'6 o ooc io'oooo oE6J coooo =u oGoEoo cooEo oog E'oooo oE6J coo oofu oGoEoo coo o ooE i6'6()oU' oEoJ Eooq(, o =I o(5oEoo co'6 o o c)c 6'6(,ooooEoJ qooo(, oaL o6oEoo c.9o o ooc E'ooqo oEG) qoo oolL o6q Eooc.qo o o luE E ooo oEoJ Eoo luolI o6oEoo c.oo o o(,c E'o c)oa oE(EJ EoooooaL o6oEoo 6'ooaa oEGJ Coo oolL o6oEoo G'ooqo oEoJ qoooolL o6oEoo a6'6ooo oE(!J coooo)olI o6oEoo Eoq)oo oE6) Eo)oooofL oooEoo e6'oooo oEo) coo oolI oGoEo(-) E'6'6 o)oa oEo) co,o (, o =I o6oEoo c.qo o ooc E .Goooo oE6J coooolL oooEoo coo o ooc Eoooo oE6) cooooofu oooEoocoo o ooc P.goooo oE6) C 8oo:I oooEoo co)'o Eo ooc t6'6 0)oaaoE6) Eoo (, o)I o6oEoo c.9o o ooc 6'6oqa oE6J CoooolL o6oEoo c.9o o ooc G'6oqa oE6J CoooolL o6oEoo c .o)o o, ooc E'oooa oEo) coo oo)L o6oEoo c.9oEo ooc a6'6(,oa oEo) coo o)o)L o6oEoo c.oo o ooc 6'6ooa o E(EJ Eoo o)olI o6oEo(.) c.oo o o o)c E'6ooa oEo) coo oofL o6oEoo c .!9o o) o luE E'6ooo oEoJ Eoo oofL o6oEoo c.oo o o(,c 6oooo o E(5J coo Eo L o6 Eoo E.9o o poc c.9o o ooE c .o)o o o o)c c.qo o o o)c c.oo o ooc Eo'o o ooE co,'6 Eo ooc o o s oo.=o 6 =N oo(! EE i5 a.6ooqaJL o c) =oot dl 6 (!3oN oo6EE i5 a.(!oooJI o God. FG =oN inEoE .Eo z6'6oooJL o 6 s o .go 6; $N qto(E E E i5 to'6 iuoa JL e o,aoot c0 6 o =N a,o6E E i5 E .(5oooa JI o 6od G3\tN o-6E Eo Eoooo Jr o oot (53oN iri66E .Eo i .Go(,oo JI o 6a =ooo 6 =@N biE6E .Eo E'6ooo)u o ofooE dt o =!4 6 =oN ipoGE E i5 to'6ooo JL o Got 6; @N inEoE .Eo E'6(,oo JL o 6q E oo.=o 63NN oE(E E Ei5 Eoooo JL o o =got co G o 63NN iJ!r! E .Eo Eoooo JL o oot 63NN ido6E .Eo a6oooU)JI o 6 5 oo o o = o ol6ot ad 6 6] o Got I o3 o 6 E o .qo 6]N o ol ot ao 6 = 6BN o 6ot 6 =N o G c oI i5 E63$ o olro)t dt 6 6;t o 6ot 63t o G 5 oo.=o 63o (,oo(9 e6'6ooo JI o (,fqot ao 6 6 = o Got 6 =o o 6 s oo o oBoN ooo(, 6'6ooo JL o oloot ao 6 63 @N iDoo(, t6'6ooo)L e 6ot 63oN oooo E'o c)oo Jr o o E oo a 63o C'o -9(, E ooo)L o ofooE (D G = G3o o!o(, Eoooo)I ()oo(, E'6 ()oo Ju o! -9(, 6'6ooo)L (,o -9(, E'6ooo JL o6 _9(, a(5'oooo JL oooo E'6ooo)u iDoo(9 Eoooo)L ooo(9 i.([oo)oo JI o! -9(, E'6ooo)r oo -9o 6'5ooo JL cto _9(, E'6ooo Jr on -9(9 6'6 rUoo JL boq Nq o i,Go oaotr =Ef oc't Ga Ec b=E5cooocc EEoo.EooEp!oo oq9o:EO>tra6>EPi!olcouJ6o o Goo Foo uJ oEi €u:o, !P6fi(!t.I E Ebot o G's o oo oGo =>9(JotrQ.9NrJtt=outE>9E'}odfiE-Bo\IEo.E .E )o =Iood Ef 6o o l (!o cfa6o = o f Go = o f (!o = o)a6ru E =oo) = o =(!o o f Go o: (!o = o fa(5o = o l oo = o f 6o = o l 6o) = o l 6o = o l 6o) = o)a(!o = Ef 6o = o l 6o = I =6o = Efa6o = E =6o o =6o of Go o f oo = o =oo = o a oo o: (5o ol Go o f (Eo o9@ oqoN oqo oelo oc!o oa? $ oo? $ NN Gi a$N a N oIN o@dN @@oN .i Noo Noo q+o @N @N @INN oa@ o$.;o@o @qo @co oa? @o @cNN (oqNN Nq6o oodN EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(r =E ooEooo (L =n EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L =d Do)Eotuo (). t EoEooo(I tr EoEooo(L =d ooEoo)o(I =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo(L =e. ooEo(,o (L =t EoEooo(L =d ooEooo (L =t EoEoo)o(! =t ooeoc)o(r =d EoEooo(! =t ooEoo,o (L =t Do,Eo(,o(! d ooEooo(r =& DoEooo(! =u EoEruo,o(! =t EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(! E. ooEooo (L t E(, Eoo,o(! =d !o)Eq) o)o o- =d ooEooo(! =t !oEo OJo(! =t ooEooo (L =t soN o o s oN\t o oNt o oN o o *oNt $o rt oN $ $o i oq o o $ oN$ so $ oer+ $o s oN o o oNrt so oNt to oN o o oN\t $o oN* to oN o o rl oN$ so t oN\t $o toN o o oN o $oNs <lo \' oN o o oN $o oN$ so oN o o oNs \to I'oNs to *oN o o $ oN\t $o $oNs*o Eoooo o EG)co ooltr o6o Eo co'o Eo o o,E e6'6ooo oE6J coo c)o2L o(Eo Eoo coo o Po)c Eoooo oE6J cooo Eof L o6o Eoo c.9o o o oE Eooooa oE6J coo oof L o6o Eoo c.9o o ooc zo'6ooaqoEoJ E(,o o,o)tr o6o Eoo co'o o o oE E.qoooo oE(!) qooooo!L oGo Eo(.) cooEo ooc e.Goooo oE6J coo oofI ooo Eo() cooEo Poc 6'6ooo oE6) coo Io-u o6o Eoo co'o Eo P(,c E'6 oo(t oE6) coo oolL oso Eoo EooEo Ioc E6'6 o)oo oE6J Eoo oolL oGo Eoo EooEo Ioc (!'oooo oE6J cC) ooo2I ooo Eo() cooEo ooc a6'6 o)oo oE6) Eoo oolu oGo Eoo EooEo ooC E'oooo oE6J coo ooEL ooo Eoo cooEo P()c its'6ooo oE6J Eoooooftr ooo Eoo co'6 o o o)c Eoooo oEoJ EooaC)oftr 6o Eoo Eo'6 Ec) ooc i.(!oooo oE([J coo o)o =tr o6o Eoo co'o o ooE Eoooo oE6J Eoooool t.qoooo oE(!) Eoo oo = t.qoooa oEG) coo oo5 a.ooooa oEoJ c(,o o o= E'oooa oEG) Eooaoof L o6o Eo() c.oo o ooc 6,o oqa oE(,J coo oof L o6q Eoo c.9o C) ooc E..6oooa oEoJ qoo oo =I o6o Eo(J E.oo o ooc Eoooa oEoJ Eoo oo =I o6o Eoo c.oo o ooc a,ooruoo oEoJ coo oo =L o6q Eoo c.9o o ooc E'oooa oE(!J coo Eof L o6o Eoo c .c)o o ooc Eoooa oEG) Eoo Eolu o6o Eo(J c.oo o) ooq 6'oooa oE(!J coo oof L o6o Eo(-) c.oo o ooc Eoooa oE(!) coo oofu o6o Eoo c.(,o o ooc a ,(5ooqa oEoJ c 9l oof L o6a EoO c.9o o ooc ooo Eo E .ruo o ooc o6o Eoo Eo'6 o ooc o6o Eo c.9o o ooc L ooo Eoo c.qo o ooE o 6oE 6;o aioo (9 6'oooaJL o G c o E i5 G3 ! oE)o EooooJr o o =o(,t dt 6 = 63 uoo!)o E'6ooo)L o 6ot 6 = Iooo lo a6'6()oa JI o 6 s oo.=o 6 Bo Iooolo a6oooo)I o ofgot d) 6 = o3o UooDlo EooooJL o 6oE. o =o IooE)o Eoooo)L o (! c o Eo o oB$ UooE fo 6'6ooo)L o ofgot d) o o = UooE =o E ooo)L o oot o o3$ UooE = a .(EooooJL o G c oo.=o G3o ooE fo EooooJL o olrot dt 6 = o3o UooDlo a .(Eoo)ooJL o 6oE. 6 =e IooE)o EooooJL o 6 c oo.!o 6 =oN IooE)o E ooo)r o ofuo d) 6 63 NuooElo 6'6oqa)I o 6ot a 6]oN Iooo fo E.6oooa)I o 6 c oo i5 E63 @N !ooE fo 6oooa)I o (, foot dl 6 = 63 @NuooD fo E6oq)oa)L o 6q)n 63 @NuooD =o E'6 o)ooJlt o 6 :C oo.=o 6 =oIooo fo E'ooooJL o olood dl o 6BoIooE =o 6'ooooJu o 6(,t 6; uooo =o t6'6ooo)L o 6 s oo i5 6 = ToooGot E oooJL o ofqoE. 6 6 = o = uoooEoE. E'o ruoU)JL o 6ot 63 uooo o,t E'6ooo)L o 6 E oo o 6 ={' UoooGruu. E'6oooJL o ofuot co 6 = 6;$ UoooGot f'6ooo)u o 6ot o 6 =* uoooEot E oooJL o 6 s oo i5 6;6 IoooGoE E'6ooo)u o o=oot to 6 6 =o uoooEo,t E'6oo(, Ju hh oo oErG0- aq Se o; Gatoa.oq =Ca oE't Go Ec E=E5cqooCC EEo@.EooEod9o(9() EoQo5EO>tr6-a6>EP'Eo=coIJJ Eo oooo oo t! Iia lta,xgD 6 rrloFot E Ebot o-c(EI o o6' ooG' =>E(ro .oNo+ 'L_rrJ b>i9g,.E0rdfiE-Bo\ EEo-=c (s c o =Jootr bb oN otrt6q. E =6o) = o =6o = o =Go = o l oo = o looo = ol Go = of (!o @q @o @qo @oo N\ N N\ON \tN @ @o oo) Ec)oo(r =t EoEq)oo(L =d EoEooo(L t oruEooo(L t oiuEooo(L =i EoEc)oo (L =d EoEooo (L =d $s s oNs $o oNt to oN\f to oN* rto oN* so oN\t to oN \t $o tg E;oo o E(!)oE.9o c EUJ E.9) C .!Po o ooc EIc]oo o E(5JoE.oooc Et!-.91f .iuoEo ooc tgcBoo o EG)oE.oooc EUJ E.9)J Eo'6 Eo ooc Egc3oo o EG)oE.9ooc ETU Egc3oo o EoJoE.9o c Etrl Egc3oo o E6JoE.9ooc Etu cgcBoo o E6)oo.oooc EUJ E.9)J Eo'6 o ooc g .s)) Eo'o o ooE E.qr) co'6 Eo ooc E.s)J co'6 Eo ooc o 6 c o .go (5 3o o oaooE. d) G = (! Bo o 6oE. 6Bo o 6 c oo i5 6B o o=got dl 6 = 6B o 6 c)t 6; o 6 s oo b 6 =N Ic =ooouJ !tIc =ooouJ !IE =ooouJ c .9.E =ooouJ cIc]ooouJ ,cg C =ooo LrJ !cIc =ooouJ aoaN{o;aatoa.oc E Eopo(,t o fo6c) = oa oo = E) 6o = o fa6o = o f Go = E- 6o Ea 6o) o l Go o f Go = o f oo El 6o, = El 6o = El 6o = El 6o o f 6o = o f oq) = o =6o = o l Go = o f Go = o f oo Ef oo = El 6o = oo(oN q $o @N @N qo$ {c!oo $c!oo oqoo \oN \oN o oo @ o,N o oiN N\N$ oqoo oqo oqot (oq o oq o @qs \t':$': EoEooo(L tr poEooo(r =d EoEooo =t Eo Eoooo =t Eo) E(,oo(! =t Eo Eoq)o(! d Do Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =e. Eo Eooo(L =E. Eo Eo)(,o(L n Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eo)oo =d Eo Eooo(L n Eo Eo,oo(L =d Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eo)oo(L =n Eo Eq)oo(L =t Eo Eooo o- =e. Eo Eooo o- =e. Do) EoooL =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(! =t $ oN o o s oN$ $o $oNrf $o *oN o o tc oN\' $o $ oN$ to {\t st \'\f oNt*o \t oN o o \t oN *o \t oN$ $o \t oN o o {t \,\t \,$oN o o oN$ \to oN $ so oN o o oN $*o oNt \to oN $ !'o oN o o oNs to oNs \to oN o o t6'6ooo oE6) coo oofu o6oEoo co'o o) ooc EoooU' oEGJ EooooofL oooEo C0'6 o ooc EoooaooE6J coo oofr o(!oEooco'6 Eo P0)c E'6ooo oE6) cooa EolL o6oEoo E .q)o o) ooE EoooU) oEG) EoooooaL o6oEoo Eoooa oEGJ co,oo() oltr oGoE o Eoooa oEo) coo ooftr oooEoo E'6 o)oo o E6J coo Eo =I o6o Eoo E'6 o,oo o E6J cruo (, lL o6oEoo c.9 o Poc E'6ooo o E6J co oolL o6oEo c.9o o Poc 6'6ooo o E6J coo oolL ooo Eo(-) c .q)o o, o ruc Eoooo o E6J CooIoau o6o Eoo E.9o o ooE E'6ooo o E6) coo oolu o6q Eoo c.qo o ooc 6'6ooo o E6) coo o)o:L o6oEoo q .0)o o) Poc E'6ooo o Eo) coo ooaL o6o Eo q .oo o) o ruE E'oooo o E6J coo oolL o6o Eoo 6'6ooo o Eo) coo oolu o6o Eoo a6'6 o)oo o EoJ co)o oo =L o6o Eo(_) i6'6 o)oo o E6J coo oo =L o6o Eo(_) E'6ooo o E6J co oolu o6oEo 6'6ooo o Eo) Coo Eolu o6oEoO E6oooo o E6J coo oolI o6o Eo co'6 o ooc coo o ooc cooEo Po)c c.ooEo E C)E c.9oEo ooc c.oo o Poc E.ooE(, o c)c c .c)o o o c)E c.9o o ooc g .o)o o) ooE E.ooEc) ooc o Got 63o IoooGot E'oooo)L o 6 s o .go a 63o IoooEotr E'6 oaa JlL o o)food. co 6 = 63 @ Uooo o)n EooooJI o oot 63 @ Loo(,Got Eoooo)u o 6 5 oo.=o 6; @ rooc)Eot 6'o ooCI' Ju o oloot d] 6 63o o 6 c)t o3o o 6 s oo i5 G3o I oluoE (D 6 = o3o UoooEot G'Eooo JL e 6ot G =o Uooo od E'6ooo Ju o 6 s o() i5 o GBoN Iooo ot 6'oooo JL o ofooE. @ o =o oBoNuooo ot E'6ooU')u o 6 rut o3oN Looo ot E'oooU) Ju o G s iu E 6i N Ioo(, rud E'oooo JL o c)aood (D 6 = G3oNrooo ot E'5ooo JL o 6od o3oN Uooo ot its'6(,oU' JL o o c o() 6 o 63 @N IoooEod E ooo Ju o o)ootr 6 o = oB @Nuooo od E'6ooo)I o 6ot G =@N IoooEoE. G'6ooo)L o N c o EE o3o UoooEot its'oooo)I o of od dt G = G3o LoooEltr)t 6'6ooo)u o Got G3ouooo od. a6'6ooU')L oooGot i.ooooa JL oooEot Eoooo Jr uooo ot G'6ooo)L oIU -Jt4a EG.J Ggoao G^ 6= 60caoocc EEo6.E.q 96oo Ea9.o!iD>trG-oE PiuofcoIIJ Eo o 6o() =o IIJ aE[ eo\so uroE(t E El!oq o (!P o oo foc,o =>P()otrQ.9N9v-a=o luJ d>9q,.E6EfiE-Bo\ EEo-= .G o =-lood bb oa otrtGo. so i\ i\6; Gotoo.oq o o6o = of 6o = o) 6o = o f 6o = o fo(,o = o =6o o ao6o = o f 6o o l oo Elooo o fo(!o = o f (!o = o =q6o = o fq6o = o fo6o o) 6o = o =6o o f oo = o f oo = E1 oo = E) oo = o lo(,o = o) (!o = o)ooo = o fq6o = o fo6(, = o) 6o o fo6o = o f 6o = o f 6o = @q @ Nqoo 6c! @o @c! @ q N ou?oo oqoo NINo ooqto ooq $ $C? @o N * N':\' @oq N\t Nao\t Nao* o 6i$ N\o N\o a Nqo Nco Nos @a? @ @q @o Oqoo o\@t o\@t \@\t Ioq @s EoEooo(L =d oo Eo)ruo(L =d oo Eooo(r =tr Do Eooo(I =E. Eo Eo)oo(L =d Eoeooo(L =t Eo Eooo(]. =t EoEooo(r =t Eo EC)ooo =d Eo Eoooo =t oo Eooo(r =n Eo Eooo(! =t Eq) Eoo)o(L =E Eq) Eooo(L =t EoEooo(r =t !oEooo(! =t EoEoo)o(! =t Eo EoooI =E Eo Eooo(L =t Eq) Eq)oo& =t EoEo(,oc =t EoEooo(! =t EoEoo)o(r =t ooEooo(L d EoEooo(! t EoEooo(! t Eo)Eooo(! =t poE(,oo(! t od)E(,oo(L =t EoEooo(L =t toN$ $o toNt to toNtc so soNs \,o \t t $ oN\t $o soNt so t t {s $s $$$t I $$oN !t vo {t t $$$t $oNt \to soNs $o oN\t o oNrt oNrt oNt oN$ oNt oN$ oN !t oN\t oN\t to oN r+ $o oN$ so oNrf to oN I so oNt oN $ oNt oN*oN t $o oN t $o oNs \to$o o \to o o o o $o o o o so E.9) =;ooqo E(5Joo.oooE EuJ E .9)J E.9o o) PoE E.gc =oo o E6J o,E,9oocE EuJ E .9)) co'6 o ooc Egc =oo o EGJoE.9oocE Et! E .s)J co'6 Eo ooc Eac3oo o EG)oE.9ooc E LrJ E.9) c.9oEo ooc Eg E3oo o E6J o)!.9ooc El,rJ E.9)) co'6 o ooC EIc;oo o E6JoE.9ooc ElL,l E.s,J co'o o ooc Egc =oo o E6JoD.oooE .E uJ E.9)J co'6 o) ooE cgc3oo oEoJoo.oooCF EtJJ E.s,) cooEo ooc Eg C;oo o E6JoE.9ooc E I,JJ E.s,) EooEo ooE Eg C;oo q E(!JoE.9ooc E LrJ E.9)) cooEo ooE cg E3oo oE(EJoE.oooE EuJ c.9,) co)oEo o o)c Egcioo o E6JoE.9ooc E LrJ E.9,J cooEo ooc g EBoo oE6JoE.oooEE EuJ E.9)) cooEo o o)E tg E3oo o EoJ o)E.9ooc EuJ c.9)J cooEo ooc cg E =oo oE6J o)E.oooc EuJ E.srJ coo o) ooc Egc3ooaoEoJoE.9ooE E LrJ E.9r) Eo'6 o ooE Egc3oo o E6JoE.oooc EuJ E.9)) co'6 o ooc Egc =oo o E6JoE.9ooc EuJ t.9'J Eo'o o ooc EIc;oo o E6)oE.9ooc E U.J t.glJ co'o Eo Eog gIc3oo o Eo) o)D,9ooE =EuJ E.9)) Co'o o) ooc tgc3oo o EoJoE.9ooc ElJJ s.9)J Eoo o ooc Egc;oo o EoJoE.9ooc EUJ Eo cgc =oo oEoJoE.oooc El,u co EgcBoo oEoJoE.oooE EuJ Eo EgcBoo oE6JoE.9ooE EuJ E.9)) Egc =oo oE6JoE.oooc Eu.J .qlJ EIc =oo o EoJoo.oooc EuJ E.9,J co'6 o ooc cgc3oo o EoJoD.oooE EuJ E.g)J coo o ooE cg C3oo oEoJoE.oooc EuJ E.9,J coo o ooE Eg C3oooq EGJoE.9ooc EuJ E.s,) coo o ooc EooEo ooc co'6 o ooE co'6 o ooE co'6 o ooc co'o o ooc o o)3ood dl 6 = 6;N o God oBN o 6 E o .go (! 3 o ofoot dl 6 6;o o God o;o o 6 c otu.=o 63$,E.s,EBooo uJ o o =uoE. o G =,63s !t.s) =3ooo LU o 6ot o o3{ IEIE =ooo UJ o 6 s o .go o3o IEg C;ooo IJJ o qo =goe. co G = G3o,Eg c Booo LU o 6 o)d o(, 3o !!.gc =ooo UJ o 6 E o .go (!;o, .9c =ooo r.I'l e oaqod @ G = G3 ,Egc;ooo r,rJ o Got o; @ !c.qq;ooo uJ o 6 c oo.=o o3N IE.gE3ooo uJ o oaoot d) G = G3N E.gE3oootu o ood 6;N Ic.s,E3ooo I,IJ o 6qc o(, i5 o] @ !s.s)EBooo!J o oo)qot (Il 6 = 6] @ !sgc3oooUJ o 6od. 63 @,E.9) ==ooouJ o 6 s oo i5 6;o utgc3ooouJ o ofooE dl 6 = =6 Bo s.s,E3ooo!J e ood s3o,E.q,EBooouJ e 6 s oo i5 o =oNuG.9,E =ooouJ o ofooE. (D 6 = o3oN !s.9)EBooo!J o 6ot 6 =oN g .q)EBoooUJ o o s o(, E 6] Nut.9,E3ooolrJ e o =uod dl 6 = 63oN,E.s,EBooouJ o 6ot 6 =oNuE.s,E3ooouJ o G a5 o i5 6Bo !E.s)E =ooolrJ Eg E =ooouJ ,E.9, =Booo[! cgc]ooouJ Egc3ooouJ ,Egc3oooUJ =c =oc'= 6(n 6-ll EEE5cqoocc EAoa.SoqE EE(ro o6oo oo t! o!Gs o oo,oa!o =>3(Joc{.oNo+l=o r.rJ ts>9g|.8 9ELSul utrBo\IEo.=c .Ec =o =-toou t: Etio & ah oo ooGq- iltli]l ,,:.:.: irriIil11i u.!r t:,:,t, ::6.::x:TD:o: *l ::,iE:::E.l n&T}:I o fo6o = Ef G0) = o 6o = Ef(!o = o fosrU = o f 6o = o-q6o = ol (5o = o fo(so = o f oo = o =qoo = o faGo = Ea (E(, = E =(,o = o l (!o = o fo(,o = o fo6o = o l 6o = o l 6o = o =6o = o f 60) = Ef Go = Il (5o = o =(5o = ol (E(, = o fo(,o = o f 6o = o) 6o = Efo6o = E =oo $oq6$ ooqoo q tsN nNN oq @N @q @ oq @ N\@ NqoN NqoN oq @N Nq @o NIo \o$ oo(o 6q @ N\@ oqtt nq\t (ono (oqo @qo tq $ oq N oq @ oq @ c{N(o o@+ 6q\t @c!s Eo Eo)oo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =d Elu Eooo(L =d. Eo Eooo IL =t EoEooo(r =t EoEo)luo (L =t ooEooo o, =t EoEooo(L =d EoEoo)o(r =t EoE(,(,o(r =E, EoEooo(r =d orUEoo)o (L t EoEooo(L =tr EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(]. =t EoE(,oo(! =t EoEooo(L d EoEooo(L d EoEooo(L =n EoEo,oo(L =E EoEooo(L =d Eo)Eoluo TL =n E(, Eooo(L =tr EoEooo(! =t EoEoc,o(! =E EoEooo(L =d. EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(L t EoEooo lL =d E() Eoo)o (L =t t t $$s s v oE* $oNt to $oN$ o oN $ so soN$ \to soN t $o soN$ so soN t $o oNt to oN I \'o !'oN$ t'o soN $ $o toN$ to \t oN{ $o $oN $ \fo \t oNt :to oNs \to oN$ to oN$ :to oN t :fo toNt \to !t oN\t rto t oN\t r+o t oN{ $o oNrt to oNt to oN\i oN{oNs{o oN* rfo!to to <fo Egq =oo o E6JoE.oooc E-IIJ c.s)J c.ooEo ooc Eg 3oooo E(EJopoi5oc EuJ E.9)J cil)'6 Eo EoC Eg EBoo o Eo)oE.9oog .E LrJ E.9rJ coo o o o)c tg CBoooo EoJ OJE.9ooc EuJ E .9rJ E OJ'6 Eo) ooc EIc;oo oE(!Jq)E.9ooc E T'J E.9)) c.oo (, IoE Egc3oo oE(5Joo.oooE E UJ E.9)J Eo'6 o ooq Eg E3oo oE(!)oD.9oog E LrJ t.g)J coo o oog Egc;oo oE(!) o)E.9ooc EIIJ .s,J cooEo o oE Egc =oo oE(sJ 6)E.9ooc E UJr.s,) EooEo o oc tgc3ooooE6)oE.9oocE.E uJ E.g)J Eo'o Eo o o)c E.g E3ooooE6JoE.ooqc Et! c.sJ co'o Eo o oc Egc;oo oE6Joo.9ooE E trJ E.9)) c.qoEo o oE tgc =ooooE(!) o,!.9ooc .E uJ E.s,J Eo'6 Eo o o,c cgc;oo oE6J 0)D.9oocE E uJ .s)) coo o o 0)c i.ooooo oE6JoE.9ooc ! E uJ c.gJ cooEo o oc Eoooo oE6)oE.9ooc E LrJ E.sJ cooEo o oc t .EoooooeE6J oE.oooc Et.l c.s,J co'6 Eo o (1,c i.6oooa oE6Joo.oooc EIIJ .s,) co'o o o oc Eo()oa oE(5JoE.9ooc E UJ E.s,) cooEo o oc e.qooda oE6)oE.9ooc E LrJ E.9)J cooEo o o)c a.Eoo)oo oE6JoE.oooct E uJ c.9,J cooEd, o 0)c i.6oo)oo oE6JoE.oooc E-IIJ c.s,J co'6 Eo o oE Eoooo q E6)oE.9ooc E EuJt.9)) c .19o o o()c EoooU)ooE6JoE.9ooE .E uJ t.e)J c .!9o o o luc Eoooo oE6JoE.oooc E UJ E.9)J c.9oEo o oc E .(,o(,oo oEoJoE.oooc Eul c.s)J E.ooEo o oc t.gooooooEoJo!.oooE .E UJ E.g)J E.oo o, o oc EoooU)ooE6)oE.9ooc E Eul E.9)J Co'o o) g luE Eo0)oo oE(t)o!.9ooc EuJ E.9)J E.oo o Poc Eoooo oEGJoE.oooC Euls.q)) co'o o o oE o ofrot d) 6 =o(!3o !Egc3ooouJ o 6ot o 6;e,Egc3ooo LrJ o Gos oo.=o q 6;(o#EIE;ooouJ o ofrot dl (! = (E 3 @ IEgc3ooouJ o 6od o 6; @ Igg C3ooo LrJ o o c o Ei5 6 =N !E .9) =Boooul o (,lqot dl o = 6 =Nucgc3ooo TU o oot 6B NuE.9c3ooouJ o G E oo.!o 63 @uc.9c]ooo[! o oloo)tr d! o = (! =@ !EIc;ooo I.IJ o 6ot o3 @ !E .gEBooouJ o G s oo.=o tG;o IE.9c3ooo uJ o qolooG d) o = 63opc.9E3oooul o oot o 6 =o !E.qc;ooout o 6 E oo i5 o3 N hio -goEc(!o 6oooaoUJ o o =o0)t d! (! = g(,3 N irio6oEE(!o 6'6 0,oao[! o oot (!3 N ido6oEc6() a.aoooaoul o G c oo i5 G3t ido6oEcGo EoooooI! o ol6ot (D 6 = (!;\' ido.goEcoo 6oIDoU)ot! o (E od to3rf ido-sooc(,(J aooooaoUJ o 6os oo i5 a (E;o id--goEEGo 6oooaoul o ofoot 6 G = G3o hio -goEEGo E6ooo-ooI! o (5ot (o3o ido -go)EE(5o io'6ooU'oul o 6 {)n q o =o idoo(9 i.ooooaotu o (!qc oo i5 o 63N iriooo E.qoo,oao uJ o ofootr dl o = 6;N bioo(, 6'ooo.aoIIJ o 6ot 6;N ooo(9 a.(!oooao[U o (E 5 oo i5 6;\t 6oo(9 i.(!oooooul o o=oot (D 6 = 63* 66o(9 E.ooooaotu o Got 6 =* ai-oo Eoo)ooouJ ao i\q o o Go Eoooc 6- Ei Gl- cqoocc EEoa.EooE EEoo o !Gs o o(,L o(Eo =>EC'Ocs0,Noi lrJ E>9g,.8 6rdtrFuI ql rB6r\lEo.= tr .E tr,o =v(,ot sb oo ooGo- Ef Go o f 6o o f 6o o f 6o No C; q N N\@N oI Eo Eooo(! =n Eo Eooo(). t Eo Eooo(L t Eo Eoo)o(L =t s oN \to oNs o s oN$*o \t oN{'*o o 6o 3oL 3o) 6 o6o BoL =o) 6 o6 o 3oL 3o) 6 ooo 3oI 3oJ o o Eooq co .9 o .o)UJ G c oo i5 o6o 3ou;o o Eqoq 6fL 6oI o6 =c oloot d) 6 = o6o =oL =o o Eooq coo'Eootr oa od. dl 6 = o6o 3oI 3o o EooI olI o(, I oG =c 6 o)t o6(, ioI;o t! oooot h ot +o; Go o>aF&+EGo oio a4 io u-to.I EGo oio a4 !o ILlo -,1 o lo6o Elooo I =6o I =6(, N N Nqoo oo ai@ Dc! @N Eo Eooo(! =tr Eoeooo(! =tr Eo Eooo(! E !o Eooo o_ =t oN $o oNv \to oN$*o soN$ so ooo 3ou BoJ 6 o6o 3ou 3o) 6 ooo 3oI BoJ 6 o6 o;oI BoJ 6 o Eoooo Eoo'Coo UJ 6 c oo o o6o 3or 3o 3 Eooqo olI GoI o6 B c ofoox. o 6 o6o 3o I Bo e Eooqo coo.E oo UJ olood d) G = o6o 3oI 3o o Eoooo E =L 6o I oo =c 6 o)t o6o 3oI 3o E trotoo&. E opo(,d a.grq o Goqo o Go ioIL!o-l I)6 o Go o G o ioll-io.J o =Go o l (5o = o f 6o) = oa oo = ol 6o = ol 6o = ol 6c) = Ef Go = of 6o = o =oo o =Go = o) (!o = o l 6o = o l 6o = o a (!o o l 6o = o: 6o = $+oN \tN q NN oq NN @c!oN N9$N Na N {aoN @ \l @ o?o r+.t N t.q N N c; N\ N N\oN \tN EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo (L =x. EoEooo(! =t ooEooo(L tr Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =t Eo Eooo o- d Ec) Eooo(! =t Eo) Eooo(! t Eo) Eooo(r tr Eo Eq) o)o(! t Eo Eruo)o(! =t oo) Eo()o(r u Eo Eooo(! tr Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(! =E, oNt $o oNil so oN$ to * oN\t to oNr+ o oN$ $o oN $o oN\t \to {' oNs \'o $ oN {o soN\t*o toN${o *oN$ \to $ oN \to $oNt so $oN${o soN o Eoooo oEGJo!.qooc E I.JJ =.s)) cooEo o oE Eoooo oEG)oE.9ooE EuJ E.s,J co6Eo o oc a.6oooa oE6)oE.oooE EuJ c.9)J C.9oEo Poq Eoooo o EoJoE.9ooc EUJ E.s)) Co'6 o ooc Eoooo o EG)oE.qooE EuJ E .9)J EooEo ooc Eoooo o E(EJoE.oooc Et! E .s,) c.(,o o ooc Eoooo o E(!)op .9ooc EUJ E .9)) c.9o o Poc to'6ooa o E6)oE.oooc E UJc .9rJ c.oo OJ PoE e.oo()oa o E6)oE.oooc EuJ c .q)J c.9o o o oE a.6oooa o E6J()E.9ooE EuJ c .g)J a.9o o Eoc Eoooa o E6JoE.9ooc ELrl E.g) c.9o o ooc a,ooooa o E6)oE.oooE EuJ E .9)J c.oo o Poc Eoooa o E6)oE.9ooc EUJ E.s,) c.9oEo Ioc EoooU' o E6JoD.9ooc Eul c,s,J c .o)o 0) Pc)c EoooU) o E(!Jo!.9ooc EuJ c .9)) c.qo o Poc E .6oooo o E6JoE.ooocE E I.JJ c .9,J c.oo o ooc Eoooo o EGJoE.9ooc EUJ E .9)J c.qo o Ioc o o o,d !t, 6Bo idooo E.EooCI'otrl o God E63 @ (,ooo E'6 luqoouJ o 6 :C oo.=o o; @ o .9(, Eoooootu o oaqot d) o o GB@ iDoo 6'6oooo LrJ o Got 63o it)ooo EoooaouJ o G E oo.=o 6;o Uooo ot t.oooooouJ o ofooE. d) 6 = 6;o uooo od. E'ooooo LrJ o 6ot 6 =o UoooGo,t e .GooooouJ o 6 s oo b 6 = To oGot Eoooooru o ofood d) 6 = 63 IoooEoE Eoooootu o ooE. !r, 6 =t' UoooGo EoooooIIJ o 6 s oo i5 o 6]o Uooo ot Eo 11)ooo tJJ o ofooE Co 6 = 6Bo!ooo oE EoooooUJ e o o)E. a 6 =ouooo oE EooooouJ Q (! E oo i5 !/, 63 @uoooEot a.qooooouJ o oaoot (D 6 = 6] @ Uooo ot Eooooo u.J o 6ot v, 6; @IoooEot Eoodoo l,lJ =cl oEt6o Ec EE ErecoooEE EEoo.SooE PE(ro Eq9of,qo>tro-U'3 PiEolcouJ6 oooo oo uJ oBsIEto so llJoEo E!bo& o os o ooL,oGo =>s(rotr{.9hOr- rF_UJE>rgPio6EEuJ rurBo\IEo-=c Gc o =,x(Jou hh o NobGq. ho Ne6 oao oa.oc o =o6(, = o a 6o = o =oo = l 6o = @I@o coN N .rN @ao !oEo,oo o_ t EoEooo(]. t ooEo)oo(! d EoEooo(! t $ oN\t{o * oN\t \fo {oNrt o oN:f so o2G .9 6 oEoEF o c o2G .9o oEoEF G c o G .9 6 oEoEF 6 c o 6 .o 6 oEoEF 6 E o coo'Eoo UJ o c oo.!o o.>G .9 6 oEoc e EaL oo I o G =c ofoot trl 6 =o2o .o 6 oEoc o coo o 11) uJ ofoot dl 5 =o26 E6 @oE q)E o 6fL GoI oo =c 6od o2G .o 6 oEot o f oo I)aoo = o fooo = o-(! o) = oo NN N @ EoEooo IFt ooEooouFt EoEooo LFd EoEo0o IFt oNs $o \t oN\t so * oN\t $o oN:t \to D6q)Eo3ocU) 3otr 3o)o 6 c E6oGoBoca 3otr]o)o 6 c E6oE Boca 3oL =) G o c o6oEo3o!a 3ou BoJo G c ? E ooori cc E o TJ Goc oo 5 o6oEo;oga Bo ! Bo oo ni 6fI soI o6 =c olqot () 6 =o(! o)E o);ocU)B^o=tr,}Eq9 o EoooqN c .o oo UJ olqod (I) 6 =E6oc o)Boco =ou 3o o Eoooq N o,fL 6oI oo =E 6ot E6ocoBoco Bou =o .gg a,toiot 6 cto =ood o G o G tao oct- o s o GooE o E Qs Eao o:o ta oEGo o:o t4 io u-!o -T El 6o) = o lo6o o fa6o o l oo = NNN N N@ N EoEc)oouFd EoEooouFt EoEooouFt DoEoo)o IF oNi $o soN$ to oN $ $o toN $ o E(!q)Eo =oEU) =otr 3o)o o E E6oto.oEU' Botr =o) G 6 c D6ruco3o o =otr 3 J G 6 c E6so BoEo;otr =oJ G o E e Eooo\ Eoo oo uJ G c oo 6 E6oc(,3oco Bou Bo o\ 6f! ooI o)6 B c o)lqot o 6 =o6o)c o)3ocU'B^o=tr,}Eq9 o Eooo\ co .o o(, uJ ()1oot dl 6 =o6oco =oEo 3o L Bo o Eooa\ o)r GoI oo =E 6oE. Eoo! o)3oEo 3o L;o t! E(,Eooc EaOrhN !(!o oio€a4 6EGotoio 3aIoII!o -J o f 6o = o a 6o o f oo I) Go = ro oN o@N No EoE(,oo IFt E(, E0,oo IFE. EoEooorFu. EoEo()o LFE. oNt $o oN$ $o oN$ $o $oN o EGoE o)3oEo 3otr 3o) 6 6 c E(! c)E ([, =oEo =otr Bo)o o c E(5oEo3oEo =otr =J G 6 c !GoEoBoEU) 3otr 3oJ G 6 c o Eoooq g o oo u.J 6 s oo.=o DGocoBoEa 3oL 3o c? 6a! 6o)I o G E olqoI ! 6 o(E(,co3oct);^o=I,3Eoc 3 Eoooq cc Eoo .u ofqot o 6 = e Eoooq (,fL 6o =o63 c 6ot o6oco =oco =o L 3o G cotoou. oUIoq tGoGolot, EGosoio ID:otr!oJ I) 6o ofq6o = El 6o) = o f Eo o\t oo soN NN !o Eo,oo o_ t Eo Eo)o)o(L E() Eo)oo(L t Eo Eo)oo (L t $oN$ tro * oN\t \to soNt rfo oN $ $o o.:G .9 G o EoEF6E BE6oE oBoEa Botr =o) G (E c o26 =6 o Eo!F Gs=3 !6oEo3ota 3oL Bo) 6 6 C o) G oFo o EocFG E=3EGoE o3oEo =otr 3o)o 6 c o26 .9 G o EoEF6 E--3E6oto3oEo 3oI 3oJ 6 Goc 6 E oo 5 o:6 o 6 oEo5 + Eooq o6oEo^3=o'E>trzBoOO 6g o) =uot dl 6 o26 .9 6 o EocF+ Eooo-o6r6-oo br =fooc-oa;9OGLs xz -aofoot 6 G =o 6 o 6 o EoEF+ Eooq E6oEoa3=o,6i3c-9cU'E as o6 =c oot o2G .9 6 oEoEF + Eqoq E6oEo3oa otiio:Eu>G6s =c =oc't(! ct) 6^ Eio=caoocc EEoa.EoaE PE(9o !q9.o!EiD>tr6- 3.EPirOlEOtIJ Eo o6oo oo TIJ b6)oartxHot:trrotot Ep6ot o (!g o oo,oGo =>3Ootr$.9N(r+t=ora- -IIJ E>9o.EAEEIuJ ru.8o\ EEo.=c .E trto = -loot eh oNNoE)aa. o =6o = o l oc) o o EoEooo LFt EoEc,oo IFt oNrf $o $oN vo o.!oGsq)!-q3"5 EE.95AFb6>fcO 6;o9 ae iico-COi.E6.NFO-Qofco6,E:.,6 =66.= aacoE.9FO;c ocaa8g E". =c;'2oi!6=aqoc=-oE a!6kotO 6.NFO-QolcooE_oSFAG.=aqE9lo.Ytso5!E o c.o o gooo Ea(r 6of ooo os o)E6ooloEo Ioo5 o oE6oolo El(L 6oI ooG oo CLoE6oq oEoIoo5 hoeNeo; Gotoaoq G cotood a. So- GoI o otooct o otoo = t! c(,Eo(,E, eE 0. GoItotno o a o otooto otoo = o =Go = o EoEooo IFt soN\t{o =t! E= =ooc f a6ot!fL<(+E o\( oi cc.9coif( .=ao.E 6!oico0E;OC o o oc=ioooc lL o(9 ooG oo(L o)D6ool o)Eo oo5 G tUt,ood o o ! oo{ G soo o otooGt o otoo = Efo6o = E =6o = ol 6o oN oo EoEooo IFE. EoEooo IFtr ooEooouFE. N oNoN @o N oNoq @o N oNoNoo oooE o 6]o oru o, c.()o o, ooq o Go)E o 6 =o ooo co'o o) o o)c o)6q)t o 6;o.E ooo c.oo o) Poc e o Goo o cI6oo@ o 6oo o IuJoqo o)ooI o6Eo o.9 o cI 6oo*oo:t o) 6oo o IuJ $qo o)oo 0,o =o oo o E -96oo@ooo o 6Io o I UJooo 11)6oI 0)6 =.E o o got,oot ooot o atto Got o G = E {,po(, x, o f Go) = o f 6o o (Eo = o f 6o = E =6o E =oo o f Go = o f Go o l oo = o l 6 0.) = o@ @no Nto- oo.:@t@ @-@ o@ N @@@- Noo Eo Eooo IFd oo Eo)ooIFt ooEo0)oLFt €oEo)c)o IFn EoEooo LFE. EoEooo LFE. EoEq)oo IFE. ooEooo IFt E(, Eo)oo IFt EoEooouFE oN$ o $ oN$ to soN $ $o oN $o s oN $ \lo soNs $o s oN\t{o s oNv o voNs{o s oNs \to o(!oc o)6;oEfo GoE .o o -g oooE o G;o Efo 6o)Eo oo) o(!oE (, 63o Elo ooco oo o Got o6Bo Eao ooEo oo o Gq)c o63o Elo GoE .o o(, o6oc o6;o Efo Goc .o o -g o6oc o6 =o E)o 6oE .9 o o(!ot o6;o Elo (!oE .o o "(, o)(!q)c o)6; Efo Goc .o o -g o Gq)E q) o;o Elo Goco o.o o GoI o Gaa I0. GoI o Got o Gt oEl!oo6oEEf ooI ooI c EIGooNo oo o=:. 'C?cB! (l, EoIo(, o(, oo6clI Eo.9 UJ oco6o0No;eO'rc-.9bEtoIJI:>.=ao co 6ooJ o'Eoc c)EoIoo 6o ! oo ac -96ooNo oo otr I BtL- .9oc oEoI Eo(!oIoEa(]' ooI c .9oooNooo C'!tr,.E -c=tEE oEo E oEoIooooIo oo uJ6coN co6ooNooo o!F.'cr.sB!L> oo (Eoccf (,o F (5oI c co 6ooNcGc o69co- _C-.!9iE(,, ( I: =,tL= o EoIoo6oTooGc l! Eoo JJ c 9Goo cGE o6-OL ol,cr.! EE i! -C o os oEoIooooI 6I co6ooNcoc o6oo oL 'cr.sB!L: () EoIpo6oIoE =IL ooI oco 6ooNcoE o6-OLO',cF.s EtFC oEoIEo GoIo.E oo uJ EcoN co EooNcot o EeO' 'cF.9 6!\FC L.B;EI 6C => 6EE5caooec EEoa.EooE PE(ro ItT[ iG(t,\pt[ uloEo t:e6o q.' o-c(Es o oo oa!o =>3(Jocq.9Noi +-uJE>9o.Eo6EIuJ rusEo\ EEo.= '6 tr o =-toou EsEI6-vcoooccgE .EoO,Ep!oo bb o oooo. bos Eiaotoo'oc o o =o oo =0,oo.>3aroEN.9NoiE()Es>9o€o6ct -'Uo! EEo.= E .E trfo. .l(,ot hh o oE,G0- hs i\ +\o; Gatoa.oq oEoI oEoI =d:(cto:-OLo- OEC(-E@(o.!CLr9oiaso o!ai=(:Ccr 8ao- =rEEo(o.!crr9(5= :/D Co3 EoEo)oo (L =d EoEc)oo (L tr $ oN o o s oEo o BoEE; Eo o oooo oo,o =6c=;;oEc E co Eoo6qo o BoEc E E oo o co Eoo6q o)t -ooo!loo N o Eo(,c]oJ 6Etropo(,e o o(,Gooq io! t q:o! t oEoI oEoI o @o EoEooo(! =il EoEooo(L =t soN o o $oN o o o f 6oE cooEo ooco 6 .Eo b6 oooc '6o(, 9o EE YOyo EEEY66boFG 9Eo_s 6o53oE :o d5,oo 60).EdESooo!Xo Ey 6C.-fooFE e o .=6oot c)Eo o coE6.NoE6o =o o Eoog,oJ GEtopoog. o G o Got o Eot o GN oc Goi o EooE 'oJ GEEopo(,d o o Eso Eo G o o E I o: =co.F 6Co-f, EE4(o.\EL;9/)(* Do Eo)q)o(! =t $oE o o co 6a .c 6 o c EGf s 6 =o o Eoo! 'oJ GEcopo(,t o G It4 Gt o GIqt o Eo- c:si=(:ccE o:_OLp-)t E;OCo.!CL>:Gi,i !o EorUo(L =t rc oN o o Eo 6l .c oo o co 6) s ooI o EooE 'o GEtrC'porUn Eo G Sta oo u- o G o o) EoI :;i =G:dEE BAo-f, E!@(o.\CLr9otO(ss Eo Eooo(L t oN o o c.9 6a .EoE'6 e coFsf@c oc'6oo o EooE 'o G5cq,po()t Eo GIto o) oo Eo G Stn o EooE;oJ 6Etr(,poot oEoI o ==(EF 8bo-fl eE@co.! =96=/)co3 Eo Eooo(L =t $ oN o o ooE EE o)c o ooo EEoEF o o(^)t so o 6Ec5o(, oeoo ;oJ 6EE(, =oot 6 ooa G o hq ooa oEoI c: =CcEE BAo-:,e! 4(o.!CLrgoi,Cs Eo Eooo(r =d $oN o o o.E 6o o co 6 =EE 15o6oa @ (, Eootr]oJ 6Etr()po(,u oEooE oJ 6i3co =oot oEoI Ef =G:oCF 8aE-fl EE@co\CL'r9 6=(/) (o3 ooEooo(r =d oN o o o 6o.9) o 6a Erug e EoEoo6E.otr ogoo'- ot o o G .T S6 Goah IEl Goaa Ec k=E5cqoocq EE .SooEooPo(ro =Ef oc'; (5 U) Da9o!Eo>tr6-ot>Eg) a!olcouJ6 C) o 6oo EootsuJ I so 6 Eo B-6to Eo(ls:'* ,1.o.rl Ea6o & o os o ooL oGo =>P(lotr{.qNo+t=oEs>rgg,E 6rdtrFuI lU-8o\IEo.E E (E c =o =!(.,ot o o6 og'ac o l 6o = o:o4:o 8aE-f, EEo(o_\CL'r9 6=(/) (oB EoEooo(L =t oN o o .=6oo o) GoE oo =.o oo Q 6oo)t o GoI o6Bos hote o; Gotoooq oIoo ;oJ oEo I e ^i=c:ccE otOLo-l, EEo(o.!CL;g ARc3 EoEooo(! E. \' oN o o o6 Bo.go o6 o o I co 6l c o.9o- N aaoq o Go o G =o Got o GI o Eo(,tr ioJ o l Go = =d=0,EEolOL f,E!c(,-Eoqo.lCLr96aadC = EoEooo(! E. oeo o E6oEo;oE e E6o I o =oEo 3oI 3o)o co G Ita oa at o G 5q oad (, Eoo ;oJ !Got oto t4iou.!o.J o ooiolt- of 6o = ^,=(:cEE 8to- =lEE o(ohC;;96i,{ Eru Eoo)o o_ =d $oN o o ooo6 oof6 o o 6o ool6I o o Eo(,c !oJ o Go ootGu- o oo]ou- oEoI 6: ^a cF, E=-OLE-=,EECL.-Eo0o.lE!';9ctOc0 EoEoo)o(L =t oN o o )uo G U) o oc o ocEc.9J cooIo) I ol 6o = o = =6:oEtr Eao- 6trcO @GONEE;96!v) <s = oq) Eo)o)o E. \' oso o (, EooE 'oJ E!c(,pood o ooGaoq EoEoo6EIoo6E l .9 oo o EoEoo6ootoo6c fL NN o Eootr,oJ o f (E o, (:: --c:C c9 8aE- ()scC OGONcEr96=,(s EoEooo(L =E. oN o o ooo oo6c l .9 o Q) o '6oo,t o)o6c-I N (, EooE 'oJ GEc(,Pooc Go-oq oo(! slr_ E aot o Eo! (, Eo! o:aZ =Grc 8ao- =tEEo(o.lELr9otl){s o:ai =dro.F o:-OLo-l,o!c(-E@(o.lE! =96t(,(d EoEo)oo(L d ooEooo(! E. * oN o o * oN o o co 6a .E ol o.E6o oa o co Gf coc 6oocoEG =s o oa o o.E(5oo olo @ o E0os 'o GEtro =oot o 1 6o = o = =c=c.sE BAE-f, cq'-=OCo.\CL';9oi(/) (o B EoEoo)o(! =t oN o o 6 oEoE EoE o G oEocF +(oot o Gto ot Bo Goaa (,5a E) oIo o Eoo ;oJ o Eooc 'oJ GEgopo(,t G too o t\ 6 G tooE o l- E Goo coo =Ef o.c 6a Ec E5Er-co99geoo.EooEpr (9 o) Eq9o!Eo)>EG-o6 Poo=EOIIJ Eo o Goo oo uJ s "EG*o G*oEo.t *oal E Eoo{ 0ta!I o oo Jo(Eo =>9o6tr$.9Noi IIJ E>i9g,.E 6,6CFUJ TI-Bo\IEq.= 'E c)o =.YooE o JoGo = o: EE:cCE 8a!r- EEOGoic'E'=g(E!ul(3s BE!)oo o- =t voN o o o Yc.9If1'IJJco o Eoocoopoc o^ E5E5coooccEAo6.-.9qE EE(,q) 6b oo obGq. 5os{o o Ga oo.oq o EooE 'o 6t oBoa,G E o o o it o EoIoot o f@(Eo = q:ai =d:dCC D:_OLtr- =rE!o(cr -tCL';g(5arr({ o0,Eooo(L =d \t oN o o coEoo(Eoo o (EoE o 6;o o -!2 o coEoo(!6.od ooo-o6 =otr o o(,sto G EoEoot osos o o E ooo->3ClstrN.o N-(ril=aEs>rg0sdtsETur turBosIEo.-c tEc =o =-l(,otr EIEoq Go.6G o Got o .G =o G6I o G = {ta oN ooGq. Efo6il) = o fo6o = oc!oc) oc!oc) E0) Eoc,o o- =tr EoEooo(L =d !toN o F.o *oN o o =voEDE'too o !q =! oE't Go oog e oooEo =o G .E Eoo E EoEo E c og)E 6.t) poc o =o CDc (!al, ooE 6o r(\ s6ieot &oq GEEo =oo+Eo2 .E Eo!ooctoz EfoGo = ststo. Ed) Eit)0)o o- =t noN ot\o oa EEopop EoE G Ef E Eopo E c;g ooE o Eo CD'Eo o 66o .E.2 lt .E .=Eooa 6 Eopoo ED.EEooE. o EoCD.E o x d(t oe' EG ogto.A aocoo o =oGo = ot6oo = N(\to- olc,to- oo E(,c,o o- =d EoEooo o. =t ioN ot\o rtoN o F.o d.so Bo o EoE'.E o o =.9CL -!9G E c;E (-, oE o Eoa,.E o o CD,=oaoE. o 6oCD.E o o c.o EoEos ovo =Eot,cood)ah c, .Eo Botr o E()c,'Eo 6 g\goE oi!o6 Goq uo G ob+oE E Eopooc o =o(!o = EfoGo = ooo- ooo- EoE(, C'oI i Eo Eooo o- =d {oN o No toN o tso ED.EEoE oNoo ofx.9e _9'6 o ci.gE Uo oNoo oiao ,t uo o ,[ o o.EEooE, oNoo e Eo Eoeos o (E =aoEcoooU' oCoo{)t (,No0, 6^fic:Et6=coOCDF.EEEoot.EoO,E PE(,o o.cGs o oo o(go.>3(l6ES "sN(, iiEo uJE>9p*o6CFuJ ru sBo\IEr-c6 tr Jo =!(,otr sh o6 oE)oq. h oq Nq a; ootoaoq E tro =oot tro2 li!oE a }ot = oo E oo ooc; ooo po Eooo(r =t Eo Eooo o_ =tr oNo * oNo ocEoo ru =o()Eo oot oooiooa co 3o ocEoI o) ooEE oot Eo Eeo o EoFol Eoo 3oz oot oo o Eo 0t oot Eg(, =q It,t tro2 qo oo qo @Io EoEo0o I =t EoEooo(! =t l' oNo voNo Eo _g 5 6Ec.oo) aEoo;o Eo o f c G ==Io o c.oof Eo() Boz c.9 (Eas 6 o Eo (,t co Gl s 6 ooq ooo*ooq E tr(, =oot tro2 o G to Gi o GI|, cia cia oooci @oc; EoEq)oo (L =d. EoEooo (L =t $oN o oN co o f E .o ootEo f acoo =o E.96l c .9 ood Eo o o c.9 f acoo 3o)2 Eo (! f c o oo o o oe. g .o(!a c o Eoo E g to =ootcoz o l (oo = o l oo o l 6o, oN oo ooE(,oo IFt ooEooo LFt EoEooo LFt $oN oN o oN o o (EoE ru (E B .9 oo co'6 b-o ooE o GoE oo3 .o ooq) co'6 o o oE o Got o G3o ooo co'6 o ooc 6 Eoo a6FEoo o co6oo@ oGoo oI LIJooJ o6oI OL G')aOl- 8zil: 6 .cEo l6 coE'd E c _9ooo$Coo Eo oL uJ\toJ o6oI OL 6'7doq 6sil= 6 Eooof 6-coo6o co6ooo o6 Eo o I JJo; o6 C) !bo 6t3ae3 6o co G tt, q s oot o G Iq Eg(, =ooi tro2 o a Go = @ DoEooo LFd. oN o oc (5 =c)coE co'o C) ooc EEEop o o.o o(, od =o G(, oc.s,I oI uJ =eN'ei6 gOOEtr4 6:E; o.=<-oo;a,9 o Got oo =G o! tooq o(!o o Gt G oEoodco = oGo€ =ta taG(9 o taG =tno oo G oE ot 6 o G =o oo o =oo @o Dru Eooo IFt oN c)ca6Bac)coE co'6 Eo ooE oio .9 ootu od =Io G(9 O^E=.9) ,Tab8[.Suq=:c!cOC gtoocaq=6- E.Sar.ol!E!E8 6 goEoot oz oa, =ta toGo o t,G =t4o oo G ot t4oq eo t4G =6o oo El 6o = 6 EoEooouFE. soN o ot o =ocoo co'o o ooc oao o i,9 06 EIoo o.9ul A-c:s,,Tibt[.Eu!E;hl aOC qIo0EUq=6- E.Ta9osc!-ot 6 trot,oot oz oa =\ag oo IU o tnGiqo oo G c6ttaoe 6 o t4Gt oo oo o 5 oo = t EoEooo LFd s oNo o oE 6 =oEoo c.oo o o oc c)bo .9 oo IJJ 06 E!oo'-ootr O^E=.q, 5Bu.9uq=;naOs !EocEqa=6- =.soF.ol!t! 6Cl Ecopood Eoz oaI oo ooII ostaot tao oo G oE tooq 6o taG =oo oo o) oo oo EoEc)ooIFt soN o oE G3 oEoo oc.9oEuJ E I Eo (!lo 6o ooE oc 6oI Ig oEoo uJoO 6,CE*OOE =s-o-Pco<gu a>O ,n,t.!J u.loz>IIJo,c-om'6C EOIJJ trii.9) a OCf>i hE 63caoocc EEo6.t .9AE PEoo Eo9.o!qo)>FG-a6 PoolcoIJJ 6 .gcopoo4coz o ,aGtqo oo Go o oo o G =oo oo t6osa:re 6 Egt {tl E Eso[ oE(Es o o E Jo GIo =>3(roc$.o N'(J r- 'L_r.rJ b>rgg).8 o6EtruJ lU-Bo!IEGE .s(E tr o =Ioot bo oo oo6q. E tr(,poq,u Eoz IoqNN\6; Gotoo-oq sEo Gta o!sooqqo o o .s !ov,to ea. troo o'o()q o=o ooao o 6 c->.!-( c;>E6cocCL't 6a 6 c- >.!oie:gE acocc(t6a C.9 -g)ll6o(L =E. C.9sfll6o(! E. soN soNo lo o ooEooEoc)o EoxE oa-oc60aq .=c oa 9>OcEcOEac u> Io o Iq Eooooooooo E oo-ocGO-dt =coa 9>OcEco!ac ^![> o coo = coo]oz o oo EooEo6 coooI o Eo ot o oo Eoooo EcoooI (! ot,oottroz oto6o e.EooEo o ooos .s Eototoo a. oo E tropo(,d Eoz E Eoo s Eoo oN N oN N EoE([,oo I =t !o)Eo)oo (L =t oN o soN o oogooE Eoc6 ococ ooogo c o)>uoo 6ooEo oELEC;> oo6ooEooEo o Eoc ooo.go E oiUoo6ooEo oE.Fd;) .s !oqq esEoo o Eool coo;oz oaEoc oo o Eeot oaDocooEo Eo.9) o Ecopoox.troz NOE>iOLo!6>-(GC Not>,to(oo6>_(6C(9 d o EoEooo(I =t EoEooo(I =t oN o soN o EE o Eo 6oN o oooxoc ooo6o o:>C6q ET -gc-a! o!b! E o Eo GoN o oo o ,E 'o6o6o o=>('6q Ei -gc EIE!o:o!E! o EEG g oooqt o co ol co =oz c.o?-EEo '66o6o o ooo o Eeot c.o EEo 'o(!o6o (, ooo qI oE Noat No @$ EoEooo (L =d EoEooo (L t soN oN o o eooE)ooE(! oo oo EooEoo3 ruor{'iOa]j5ifcE'; aihec( o; o ooolooq6 o oo Eoogoo =ooLxftOai-i6s5Eo- i, !; EEFC OF o c.oo= coo 3oz q) 6 .c.=6 o)E f o Eo od. o 6 .c.=6o =f Eoo Eoa oN @ oN @ EoEo)oo (L =t EoEo,oo (L t $oN o $oN o o=E 6loo ooo6o .c o=EooEo = oo 3o o=E -g =oo) o o)oGo .c o oo Eo = oo =o o c.9ol ocoo;oz o=ooE El oo =o e Eo od o=EooEo l oo 3o G troPo(,t Eoz o{G GoEoIo !ot,o ea. Eoo E g(,pooe,coz o '6 c)oao=o o c->.9o6 9E,6CP8't Ea c.9 6lo6o(L t oNo o, JO E-6o 6foqog3v9E caooo> -Eco.os.9obc.=Eb*o>6='EuooI >-.+cE=czl!o( o9co=c Ec!o= c o Eo ot c.9o-Eoto :)EcuJ Eo ooo Eo o =IEao EoItnooo*o-t.s Eototnoa oo E Ea,poog, Eoz o g Eo oto tco.\ GEoottog oo Eooooa oo Ecopo(,d, Eoz oo oo sq o c! EoEo)o)o (L =d EoEooo (L =t $oN o oN 3oEE =!onEo (5 Eoc.oo = Eoo 3o ;oEg ='=oo-- E.oo =ocoo]o io EIo:oE s o oEo Eoo cooioz o =oEc5 o ==dlo o Eo ol co(, 3oz ;oDc 6 (,t,oou. troz :oE =oioE = oa ttr oa oNarl o@q $ EoEooo (L n EoEoooo =t oNo s oNo 3oE.c3o _go Eo 6oo EIo 3oE.E3 =foo=o Eeo e o Eo IEo od ;oEc o ='= dl o-_ouEo ot 3oEc --cl oE 6a Ec E=65EaooEC EEo6.c .oOE EE(ro oq9o:EO>Fo_o8 PisOfcoUJEo o 6oo Foo ul IDtto ,Eyt eEC Eh ct ItEEott o !(t,s o oo =ooo =>3(rotrq-oNOw- rL_IIJ E>9g,.EdEfiE-Bo\IEo.E tr .E c o =!ootr Ib oo oooq. oNi\{o o Ga oa.oq o 'ooo o a Eooo o o 6 -Ec>.!oiz': 9E6CoCC(to 6 c- >.9oiz':6F>d oCCLtGn c,oo =ooO(]. =t c.o G?iio(L =t $ oN $oN Eo o) EEoooo -gEE6 E o)E.g o oc.Eoo,.coco Eo f E'o o EEooooo DEG c'E lo.E o oc.Eoo.coco Eo) o Eo fo oEoo3co o = coo =oz oEaoc ==d) oc o Eo fo ()ooooBt =z oa o q)t o)-ao.s =fdt c)t o coT'oot o2 6 tr()poot troz o aoaoa o'6 C)o oa E c- >.9ot 6F>,; OE't 6a 6 c->.!oi 6F>d6CocCCtGo c.o(! =ooo(L =tr c.o0 =12o(-) (]. =t s oNo oN .oo o)EEooooo EE66.E lE.g o oc ()o,Eoco Eo l Eoo EEooooo Ec66 )E.c o oE.Eoo,Eoco Eo f o G S t,l t Ia o Eo)o (,Eoo3co ol coo 3oz ooG!ooLqo o f o Eo =o oEo(.)o =t oz 06 IoIooo o6(r coEo =E o aD trlcE o oco o a4o t a q o ta 6 otootcoz o'6 c)o o(t o'ooo o c) 6 c- >.9oiz.:6F>,iaCoCCCt6,a 6 c->,!ot>:gE 6EoCcCt(!o c.o Gfo Go(L =d. c.96looo(L t \t oNo l' oNo 6poEEoooP(! Ec6 E fE.E o oc oo,coco Eo f 6 E() EEoooP(! Ec66'E f-.c_ o oc oo,coco Eo = g) E o o Eo =o oEoo =co of coo 3oz o,ENE o Eo fo ooooo3 E. =oz od r-o ot o.EN6 .9=ooo o a .9'ooo o)6 6 c->.!oi>:o;>,iotosc! =6a E c->,!!ia':o;>GaaOCc('t 6a co 6lo 6o(! t co 6lo6O o- t $oN o $ oNo 6 (,t,ooe, Eoz E) !G a4 o oxur o aa 6ooEEoooo 6oE(E E fE,E o oc.Eoo.gocc) Eool 6 oEEoooo 6ocG6,E a!.g o oC oo.cocID Eo a o Eo aO oooo3 co of coo =q)z o .c_p6ca o x a Eo ao c)oo()o]t oz o5 Eo o)E. o.EEGca .Eo o,6 o)o o)a oq'6oo oo 6 >,(oi sjaco(c('t Go 6 E. >.9oia:gE o,OLcCtoa c.o 6? i3 G =d E.9 G =o 6o(! =E. s oNo oN o .o () E Eoo lugo Ec6 E.E fE.E o oc'a o)o ,Eoco Eo- 6ooEEoooo -gEc6 c.E -E.g o oc oo.Eoco Eo l e Eoqlo oooo3coEol coo 3oz oot6o o Eo fo oEooo;t =()z o5 --o od ooE Eo 6 Eopo0,d oz oot ooo o a4 o) E ta oEo()o oa oE'ooo oa 6aE. >.9oi G;>EAEocCCtGn 6 c->.!oiz': 9E6cocCCtoo c.ooloo (L =t c.9 GfI6o(L =t v oNo $ oNo 6 oE Eoooo6 Eco6 aE.g ooE oo.coco Eo l G'5 oE Eoooo G Ec6 E fo.c o oc oo .EoEo Eo l o Eo fo oEoo3c.oo- coo 3oz .9.o coo ruE o Eo lo oEooo3t =oz oU Eo (,d .9o coo oE 6 (,t,o€,t oz q o oo o o ta esto Go =G o EE Eooo o--a o'6oo oa 6 c- >.soi>:Or>Goto(CCtGo 6 c?>.!ot-:EfotolC('too c.9 Gfo Go(L =tr c.o 6ao(!o(L =d oNo oNo 6'6 oE Eoooo 6ocG E =E,c ooE'Eoo .Eoco Eoof 6'6 oE Eoooo6 ECG E lp .E ooc'Eo)o.coco Eo f o Eo fo opoo;c.ool co 3oz c.9o -9Eo ol o Eo lo o!ooo;t oz od Eo oi. c.9ooEo a 6 ot,o(,d E0z o oo oo to aq e Go =Gco bE{ oa (5o = o =6o = ts @@N Na? @@N oo Ec)oo(L =E, Eo Eooo(L =t $ oNo toN ,Ego () E=GEo Eocoo ooo6o .c .c6EoocoEcoo o o ,_Ego oEF6co co Eoo ooooq =E6oo6coocoo o o o co o, coo 3(,z .cgEo6 coEcoo Eo o Eo ot c EEo6copcoo o oo --cf oc't 6o (!Cf> E5E5cqooCC EEQA.E.qAEp!oo EaQo5EA)>F6_a6>Eg) a!ofcotIJ Eo o) 6oo ootstu s!lo tt:r&t{ti6 6t Eahot o (EI o oo,oGo =>s(Jos{.9NOr- LlJ E>90.3o6CEu, lU LO(r\tKq-E 'd c 0 =Io0t hb o oE)Gq. eoaNeo; Gotoctotr oEooo oa 6 >.9oi 6;>E ocE(tGo co -ofll6 (L =t t oN .qcoEEoo P(5 EE(! 6.C fE.E o oE oo.Eoco Eo = o Eo lo oEoo =coo = coo Boz o, t $ oN o Eo fo coEoo6c6 =ooc TUo .g copo(,e. troz EooEEoo o)P6 !co6.E fE,E o oc oo.coco Eo f .g copo(,d troz o o (^) st .g copootcoz oE'6 q)o o?-o o c- >.8oi EE6c6ccq't6o co 6fooo(L =t $ oNo Eo o, EEooooo Ec66 lE.E o oc c,ru.coco Eo) o Eo =oo.cC.9 .9. E Eooo o'6oo o=a 6 a- >.soiz.:sjalo(c(,= 6a Eo o foooL t \t oNo Eoo EEooooo EC6 E.E fE.E o oc oc).Eoco Eo l o Eo looE.E .9 .12. E Eooot .ggopo(,t troz E) oo E oooq oo oa-.ii o EoE)G G =\Po ]U o'ooo o--o 6 c- >.9ot>:6F>EOEOLEC =6a c.oo fooo(L =t \' oNo 6oo EEooooo EE66.E fD,E o oc oo,coEo) Eo l o Eo foo.cco'6 .q EEooot E ofEc 6 ottood oz E)c o oooq G ttIE i; o oB)G G =\Pol! oEo(,o c)o o'6oo oo E c- >.soi>: EEato(E('t(!a 6 c.>.!oiz.:6;>ti6lo!cr;6't) c.oo looo(L =d c.9 Gfooo(! t * oN \t oN 6o 6) EEoooo G Ec6 6.E fE.E o oc oo,EoEo) Eo l Eoo EEoooo G Ec6 E.E aIE.E o oc.E o.Eoco Eo l e Eo lO oEoo3co o = cooioz o IoEo(.) ol! o Eo lo oEooo3 E. =Oz od Eo ot o EoEoooL .gcoT''6 totcoz ototao a. ooos ,*il !tutataoa oo .gcot'6odgoz o'6oo oo o'6oo oo E c- >.9ot 6F>E6coccc't6a 6 c->.!oiz':6;>E6cocc(t6,o c.o GfoGo(L d. c.oo looo(I =t $ oN \l oNo 6'o o EEoo o)o G Eco6,E )E.c o oc oo.coco, Eo a 6'6 o EEoooo6 Ec6 E'E =E.c o oE oo).coc(, Eo l o Eo-o oEoo =c 'ao) coo =oz coEo ooE o Eo l ooo o3t =oz 06 eot coEo eoE o'6oo o=a o'ooq o=a 6 c->,!oi 6;>dacocc(5(E,o E c- >.soi 6;>d6c PE'toa c.o(5 =o6o(! =t c.9 GfoGo(! =t $ oNo t oNo E'6 o EEoooo G EE66.E aE.c o oc oo.coco Eo l E'o o EEoo o)oopco E.E lp .E o oc oo.coca) Eo) o Eo fo oEo() 3c.9o = coO 3oz E co o Eo fo oEooo3 E. =oz oa Eeot 6 co .!9 copo(,d Eoz o '6oo o o oE'6oo o=tl, 6 c- >.sot>:o;>doto(CC'= 6o 6 c. >.s!ia:gG oeo(c('too co 6fo6O(L =t c .9 -g =126oL =t oN $ oNo 6 co =ooc troz o Gtoc Gt oGa4 E'6 o EEoooo 6 Ec6 (E.E =E.c o oc.Eoo.coco Eo l Eo() EEoooo 6oc66.E fo.E o oc.Eoo .c_oEo Eo f o Eo =o oEooBc aof coo 3oz q .9ols 6 o Eo ao o€o()o;d =oz 06 Eo ot co=6ls 6a o ooii !otoooa Eoo o ot,ooE oz o G ct o s ooq o 6 o 'nooao--a oE'ooo o o E c- >.9otz':6F>,Ea9oqEq't 6(h 6 c- >.q-ta:OF>G occc,' Ga Eo 6aooo(L d c,9 G)l16o(! =t oN o *oNo E Po)E Eoooo 6 Ec6 (!.E =o.c o oc.Eoo.coco Eoal 6oo E Eoooo G Ec66 aE.E o oc oo,Eoco o Eo ao oEooic.9o) Eoo 3oz c.9(!asoa oo e Eo lo oDo(,o3t =oz od Eo ot co _o =5o oo =cI oc't 6o Ecc> E= o=-coooCE EEoa.t .9qE PE(9o Eo9o+qo>F <DE PauolEOIIJ Eo ooo o, =oo UJ bo{!*ditatBE6 as E e6oq. o (Es o oo oa!oE>sooc{.oFOv- rF_IIJ E>9o.3AEctrul lUsBo\IE GE .=G tr o =!ootr o( otr,Go- 6 troEoot o2 o'6oo o=U) o'6oo o=U) 6 c->.!oiz.:6;>dot6lCCt6a E .g oaG o.E 6o c.o(, fll6o 0- =d c.9 (Eaooo(! =t oNo oN EooEEooooo Ec6 E fE.E o oE oo.EoEo Eoaf E'6 oEEe oo 6 Ec6 E.E fE.E o oc.Eoo.coco Eo l oo GlIoo sI o Eo =o oEoo3co of coo =oz cooE6L (,o6 6 o Eo o (,oooo =n =oz 05 Eo ot EooE6lLo(-) oo6 6 h otao o Ga oaoq o'6oo o=(./, o'6oo o--U) G >.!ot>:6;>Eo,D(c(5Ga G >.9oiz':6F>Eo,OLcc 6a c.o l9fo6o(! =t c.oo fo6o TL =d $oN oNo 6ooEEoooo 6 !E6 E.E fE.s o oc oo.EoEo Eo f E'6 oEEooooo EE6 E.E fE.E o oc oo.soEo Eo f o Eo =() oEoO3coaoa coo;c)z ooo3o(r co o Eo ao oDooo3t =oz€ EI(,t Eoo =o(r c6 (, co =6otco2 s Do o!oa. EG$o st o'ooo o--o o'ooo o=U) G c- >.soi 6;>GotosE\'toU) o cr >.(oiz':G;>G6aPI5Go c,o6fo6o (L =d c.o6)o6o (L t oNo oNo 6ooEEooooo Eq66.E olE.E o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo l E'6 oEEooooo Dc6 E'E fE.c o oc oo,coco Eo f o Eo lo oEoo]Eo oa coo 3oz oo Eo(.) co o Eo lo oEooo =t =oz o5 Eo ot ao coocG G cot,oo4 oz o'o o)o oo o ooo oo 6 c- >.9oi OF>G6coccctoo 6 C- >.9oi CF>EacocE(too c.96? (5o (L =t c.o =o6o (L =d $oNo soNo 6ooEEoo ruoo Ec6 E'E =E.c o oE.Eooc'6) co Eo f E'd oEEoo o)o 6 Dc6 (!.E fE.E o oc.Eoo.EoEo Eo f e Eo lo o!oo3goFol coo Boz -9o oo gooG e Eo lo oEoooid =oz 06 o ot oEooo gooG q o oo Gu.o st |! Eo =oodco2 o'o o)oo (l) a o'ooo oa 6 c- >.soi 6F>daCosEItGa 6 c- >.s!i G;>,iaCPI., Go c.o -ofo6oI =d c.o -6)o6o o- =t $ oNo oNo E'6 oEEoooPG Ec6 E fp .E o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo l 6ooEEoooP -goco E'E aE,c o oE'Eoo.coco Eo l o Eo)() o)Eo 3coFo = coo 3oz o,NEoEoo o Eo f oEoOo3d oz od Eo ot o.NEoEoo ooooo eoa.G Uro st 6 E{,pood o2 o'6oa o=a o 6oo oa E c->,!oiz':EJaEoCC('t Go 6 c- >.9oi 6F>daC PEtGn coa6lo6o (L =t c.q6lo6o(L =t $ oN s oNo EooEEoooo(, Eco E JE.c o oE oo).coco Eo f EooEEoooP(5 Ec66 fE.c o oc'Eoc).Eoco Eo a o Eo lo oEoo;cool acoo =oz o Eo =o oEooo =t =oz€ Eeod. oo o o oo UJo t 6 Eo,pood oz o'ooo o=o o'ooooo=o o c- >.9ot L:9E6coCCC.; 6o 6 >.soia:c;>daCoCC(t6o co 6lo(!o (L =e Eo o fo6o& t soN oNo 6ooEEoooo 6oc6 E.E fp .E o oc.E()o.goco Eo = EooEEoooPG EE6 E,C aE.E o oE.Eoo.Eoco Eo, o Eo fo oEoo;c.ooa c o 3oz E6Lor o]oFo .c_oo o Eo foaoooo3 d oz od o (,t c6uoL o3oFo.cEo ooeo s+ 6 trotooccoz o 'o o)o o=o o'6oo o)zU> 6 c?>.!oia:6.>E6coCCC;6o 6ac- >.!oi 6;>daCoCC('toa a.9 6lo6o(L =d c.9o =ooo(! =E. $ oNo soN Eoo EEoooo(! Ec6 G.E aE.E o oc oo.Eoco Eoaf 6'o oEEoooo 6 EE66.E a)o.E o oE oo.Eoco Eo l o Eo =o oEoo3co ol coo 3o)z oo coo a o Eo lo oEo()oBt =oz od EIod. oo Eoo No Eou-os o:ol-I oooo st 6 Eo!ood oz o 'ooo o=a 6 c.>.!oia:9;aCPI't Go c.F -g,ooo(! =E, v oNo 6'o o E Eoooo6 Ec6 o.E )o.E ooc.Eoo,coco Eo) e Eo =o oEooo; E. =oz€ Eeot gt o oo ooo t Ec EEE5cqooCC EEoa.EoqE EEo11) gt6o oI&tt!iE&tt Ec6ot o os o ooL)ooo =>P(Jo .gNoitEo IIJ E>rgg'*odfiE-Bo!IEo-= tr Gcfo =Ioot so o oooo. o'6oo o=a o '6oo o=o E >.!oi-.: 9EqEOECL't 6a E .c o>o oc't 6a c.o -g=o 6o(L =t c.o -gfo 6(.) (L =t oNo toNo 6o(, EEoo(,o (E Ec(, 6 fE.c o oE'Eoo.coco Eo = Eo o) EEooooo EEG G fE.c o oE'Eoo.coco Eo f o Eo lo oooo =E.9ol coo 3oz g o Eo lo oEooo =tr =oz oa Eo ot hoeN{t;oa oa.oQ .g cot,6 (,d Eoz sao s o'6 o)o (,=a oEoo,o o=U) 6 E. >.soiz.:9€o9o!CL5G,o 6q >.!oiz.:6;>G s2c(t(5It co 6loGo(L n co 6-o (5() (L =t voqo oNo 6oo EEoooo 6 EEo6 fE .c o oC.E ()o.qoco Eo = 6o o, EEoooo -9EE(E 6 )o.E o oE'Eoo.coEq) Eo f o Eoofo oEooBE.ooa ocoo =oz fFt Ef Eo o Eo ao oEooo3t =(-)z€ =o od. =FE. Ef Eo .g tro =oot troz 5t-tr EI o*o sI .g c{,t,6 (, x.goz oEooa o=U' o'o(,o o=c) 6qc- >.9oi o;>Eo9OLCC5oo 6 c. >.soi 6;>Goto(c('t (Eo co 6fo(Eo(L =n c.96lo 6o(L =tr toNo soNo 6oo EEoooo -gEEo E aE.c o oE.E oo.EoEo Eo f 6oo EEoooo 6 Ec66 =E.c o oq oo.Coco Eo = o s sT o Eooao o!ooBc.9ol coo 3o2 o IooG o$ o Eoolo oEooo3t =oz o5?-o ot o I o'6oo o=o o'6oo o=o ooE. >.sotz':6;>,ioto(c('t(,o 6 c- >.9ot 6F>l-oqoqc9'toU) E.96fo(Eo(L =n Eo (! fooo(! =E. toNo $oNo Eoo EEooooo Eco6 f!.E o oc 0o,Eoco Eoo = E'o o EEoooosEcG E.E lE.E o oE.E c)o.Eoco Eo = o Eo fo oEoo =coof Eoo;oz o I os o Eo =o oEo()o;t oz 06 Eo ot o ! ot o'oooooo oEooo o=o 6oc- >.!ot 6;>daao(crt6a o c- >.soi 6;>,iOEolc!5(!o co 6fo(so(L =t c.96loGo(L =tr toNo soNo 6o o) EEoooo G DcG6 fE.E o oc'Eoo.qoEo Eo = E'6 o EEoooPooc(! 6 fE.c o oE.Eo().coco Eo = d oo sI o Eo fo oEoo3Eoof coo;oz Ecoo dEtu t.s) o Eo fo oEooo3d oz 06 Eo ot Ecoo d uJ c.s, (! Eopoou oz o st o o(, st G c(, Po(,ucoz oE'ooo o U) o'6oo o--o 6oc- >.9oi 6;>,Eo,o!cc56o 6 c- >.sot 6;>Gato(c(tGt) coEo-o6o(L =E c.9 6loGo(L d toN soNo .(!ooEEoooo (5 Ec(E E lE.s o oc'E(,(,c'6)co Eo l EooEEoooo G Eq(! E aE.g o oE.Eoo.goco Eo f Goto st o Eo lO !)Eoo;c.oo) EoO 3oz-rl) ooo)g. Go o Eo fo oEoooBt oz o., o ot ao ooot Go o'6oo o)=o oEooo oo 6 c->.!oi 6;>d6Cocc('t6o 6 c- >.9ot 6F>E6CogCL't Go co o foGo(! =E. c.96foGo(L d $oNo toNo 6oo EEoooo (E EcG 6 fE.E o oE oo.EoEo Eo f EooEEooq)PG !cG c ofE.E o oE.Eoo.EoCo Eoof o Eo =o ooooBcoo=ocoo;oz o Ef(L oo o Eo fo oEooo;t =ozo o otr o Ef(L 6o .s! copooe, troz o '6oo o=o o'ooo o o 6 >.!oiz.:si6CPIt6t, o E. >.9oi>: EEo,o!CL5Go E.9 6fooo(r =d c.9 -gfll6o(! =tr oN $ oNo E'o o EEoooIo Ego (!.E lE.E o oc.Eoo.EoEo Eo a G'6 o EEoooo -gEc66.E fE.E o oc.Eoo ._EoCo Eo f = Eo fo o!ooBCo oa ocoo Boz oEao (Eo!oo foo o 63Ec-o Eoof:.) ooot)o; x, =t)zd =o ot oEa!- 6oIoo foo o 6 =ocfo,h. a. o. GoIo sI --cloog'toa oq9o!.E n)>tr6- 3.EPa!ofcoIUEo o-c.E =o oo =oGo =>3(ro .9NOr-+-IIJ E>rgo'EodfiE-Bo\IEo.= .s(E g o =voot G- k=65eooocc EAo6.EooE EE(,o hh o oo,Gq. boq q o o Go oaoc E Eot'6 il)Ecoz =ooo o a o E?>.soi 6;>,iatosc\,' (!o co 6fo6 (L =t $ oNo .gcoPootgoz tuo a o oSUo u-oaG s oE =ocoF6.9, .=o oL EE I oL oEl(L co 6o.E co ,Sst'tu q, -lE G{o -.t oo =Eo GCl)'t o '6oo o=o o,o oooo?-a o 'ooq o)=U' 6oc- >.9oia:gEo9OLCLt6V) 6 c- >.!otz':c;>G6cOCc(',oo 6 c- >.9ot 6F>E6Eoccc't Go c.9 Gfo6 (! E. c.9 Gaooo(! =E. Eo ofo Go(! =E. \toNo $ oNo * oNo oo () EEoooo 6 ECG o aE ._E o oc'Eoo,EoEo Eo f .oooEEoooo 6 Ego E fE.g o oE-Eoo,coco Eo = coEg fooco fo IoocolEq do coFGs, cI ooo o Eo)o oEoo =qoEof coO Boz c.9 oood. Eo o Eo lo opoOo =t oz 06 Eo oE. E.9 oEot Eo ,} o EIot c.9 oEot Eo (! tro =o(,t troz 6 opo{,d oz o'o ruo o--o oG'6oooo?-U' o'o o)o o=a 6 c->.!ot 6F>EacocCCtoo 6 c->.!oiz':6;>Eacocc('t Go E c->.!!i 6;>,i6cOCc(., (!o qo 6lo(Eo(L =t Eo 6foGo(L =d co olo 6() (L =t $oN $oNo toN oEf,o co 6o.:E'5oo ooo6qo 6'6 oEE ooPG Ec6 E.E f-.E o oc.Eoo,Eoc(, Eo l 6'o oEEooooo EcEii =E.E o oc.E o,o.goco Eoa) o OEIot E'=oot coEoo6ooEoEf o Eo)O ooooic.9 l coo =oz o!goofoE) o Eo fo o!oooit =oz o5:_ otsoE, oEgoo oEf ETttoEoq o 6\U, o GtrlI o tropoocco2 '6 o,o oa o'6oo o=o 6o >.!otz':6;>d6co(c('t oo Eqc- >.9-t 6F>':6cOECL't 6o c.o G =o6o(! =d E.9 G foGo(! =d toN $oNo Eo o ococ lo ooocoGoo o.zo ocoo =o GoE o o ocoooo ooo ovE,Eo o)o6oo Go -It G o q. o GtD e OEIot Eo U)o o =oU'oc'6 G6.(,t o.z(L ogo o -EIot c C) EooGootoo6 o6(! o c o o'ooo o=o o,6 q)o o=a E c. >.soi 6;>G6ao(E( (!U' 6 c- >.9oiz':6;>EatOLCCt6a c.9 -g)ll6oc =d coEGfooo(! =t $ oNo toN .Go() EEoooosEc6 E.E olE .c_ o oc oo.goco Eo f .qooEEoo o)oo Eco (!'E =E.c o oc c)o.coEo Eoal o Eo fo oEoo3co f coo =oz oE)(L Go-oooJJ.o)6 o Eo lo ooooo3 E. =oz€ Eo od oEl(L (,o-oooJ o s .g tropoo4goz o'ooo o=U> oEooo o=a 6 c- >.soi>:E;>Eo,DLCCt6a 6 c.>.!ot>: 9E6cOCc('t 6o c.9 Gfo Go(L =E co 6lo6o (L d oN oN EooEEoooo 6oc(t N'E fE,E o oE.E(, o).coco Eo f Eo o)EEoooo 6oc(E c.E lE.g o oc oo.Eoco Eo f o Eo f o!ooBc.9of coo 3oz oE =(L ou o Eo l ooooo3t oz 06 EIot oEf(LoL a ESq. GoIaoo.J{o So st 6 qosoot troz g E o.os6 st oEooo o o o '6oa o=a 6 c- >,!oi 6;>dato(E('t GU' o c- >.9ot>: 9Eo=o9CL't 6U) CoF -o =llo (! =d Eo 6 =o6(J (L =t oN oN E'E (1, EEoooo6 Ec(E o )E.c ooc.Eoo.Eoco Eo f Eeo)EEoooo -oEc6 (E.E ofE.c o oE oo.coEo Eo f o Eo a(.) oooo3coaol Eoo 7oz c6uou o Eo lO oDooo3 d. =oz o' Eo (,t E6IoL Ec EEE5CQoocc EEoa.EoqE EE(9o E Eot'6 {,d coz ulsoE UrIQt€ E6Efi..oF*B3{I o-cG's o oo foGo =>:C'OCQ.9Noi rrJ b>9g)s odfiE-Bo\IEo.E tr (E c Jo =gootr bb ob ooGq- o'ooooo=a o'ooo =a 6 c- >.soi 6;>,iOEOLCCtoU) 6 .E !a6 oE't 6a E.q G fll6o(L =t E.q G =o6o.L il r+ oNo soeo 6'6 oE EoooP(5 EE6 (5'Eo =o.c ooc.Eoo.coco Eo = .(5coE Eoo oPG Ec6E.E fo .E ooc oo.EoEo Eo = o Eo fo oEoo3q .ool coo Boz co -gf E o o Eo lo oEooo =tr =oz 05 Iot cos)oE xo bo s +o o aa Eoaoc E c(,po(,trcoz a'ooo o=o oEooo o=o G c- >.!otz'!6;>Eo,OCE(t(,o 6qc- >.!oi 6;>G6ao(cr;6n Eo -gfo6o(L =t E.9 6 =o6o(L =t t oNo oNo .(5ooEEoooo(! EqG E -E.c ooc oo.goco Eo l .(5coEEoooo (5 oE(! (!.E o =E.c ooc oo.coco Eo- o Eo fo oEoo3Eo of Eoo;oz .qgoE E oo6a o Eo:o oEooo]t =oz od Eeotr .(EEoE E oo6a co G Io xoa o G ottrtoq (! tro =oog, oz o 'oooo 0) o o€'6ooao=o G c- >.!oiz.!Gi>GatOCE('t G(^ 6qc- >.9oiz': 9Eacoccc'5oct) E.9 .gfo G(, (L =t co,u -gao6o(L =t oNo $oN .(5ooEEoo(,oo Ec(! E lE.c o oc.Eoo.go o Eo f .qooEEooooo Ec(! (!.E fE .E ooE oo.EoEo Eo f o Eo fo oEoo;Eo o) Eoo 'oz oo I Eo lo o!ooo =t oz 06 Eo od oo G o ootG a4 o G oatEoq t! tro =ooG, Eoz a 3o o o = o '6()ooo a o 'ooo o=o 6 c? >.8otz':gE 6cocCLtGo 6 c? >.soi>:G.>d6coccct6o c.9 6lo Go(L =d co 6fooo(L E soN o $oN .(5o 0)EEoo o)oo Ec(E E a:E.c ooc oo.goco Eool G'6 oEEoooo 6 EcG6 fE.g ooE.Eoo .Eoco Eo f o Eo)o oEoC)]EoFol co(J =oz oo =oL e Eo f(-) o!ooo;t =oz oa Eo ot oo =oI .E Eopo(,e, Eoz o '6oooo=a oEooo o=a 6 c- >.soiz.:G;>E6cocc('too Goc. >.!.oiz.:o;>Goto(c('toa E.9ol(, Go(L =t co G =oo(J (L =t $oN o $oN o'6 0)EEoooo (E EE(E 6.E o)E.c ooc oo .Eoco Eoql .qooEEoooo 6 Eq(! (!.E fE .E ooE oo.goco Eo f o Eo fo oEooBg .9of Co(,) 3oz oI c 3oE = o Eo fo oEoooBt =oz€ Eo ot oL E 3oEf eoo =oso o o = .g troso(,trtoz 6s I a. s0. 6 o o = oE'6oo o=a o 'ooo 0)=a 6oc- >.sni>:6;>EoeOCc('t6o E c- >.9oi 6F>,=6coccc't 6U' c.9 6ao(!o(L =t C.9 6lo Go(L t $oN soNo .qooEEoooPGEC6 (!.E lo .E ooc.Eoo.EoEo Eo l .qooEEoooo(! !c(! E olo .E o oE oo.Eoco Eo l o Eo fo oEoo3coo = Eoo 3oz oo =oEf o Eo =o ooooo;t =(.)z 06 Eo ot q oo =oE = .g trru =o(,tcoz o'ooo o=o o 'oq)o oo 6qc- >.9oiz'!6;>E6cOECLt(E't) 6 c- >.sot 6;>Goeo!c(t6o E.ooflloo(! =E. co (! fo Go(L =d $oN o toN o 6ooEEoooo6 EcG6.E l! .E ooc oo ,Eoco Eool (Eo 0)EEoo(,oo EEo(!'c lE.c o oc oo .Eoco Eoal o Eo =o oooo3E.oo = co() =oz oo =ot o Eo fo oEoooB e. =oz OU Iot oo =o 6 o o =a. Es0. 6 o o = .gco =oot troz oEooo o=a o'6oooo=o o CF>.!oi 6F>EoeOCc('t(,o 6 E. >.soi 6;>,ioto!c!'t6o c.eo =ltGo .L =d c.9 -glo6o o- =t $oNo \' oNo 6o 0)EEoooo (E EE(5 (E.E fE.c o oc oo.coco Eo 1 6 soEEoooP6 Ec6 6'E =E .E ooq.C c)o .Eoco Eo = o Eo lO oDo(-);qo=of Eoo 3!uz oo =oo(! f E Eoo =6o.E o o .!u l =c olJ ooo)o; Y ) a o 0)Y oo =oD trl E Eo))tro-o oq b o o =o o 6 o o = QC EEsocqoocc E=oo.EooEp8(9o o Goo Eoo uJ .gc(, Po()c =oz o o-to G I oo5 Go'= o (,o ltJ oo- o GI o o6'L oGo =>pC'Oc$.9No+ IJJ E>og,E 6'EEE o\IEqE tr a!c o =!oot hh oo otrG0. oE'6oo o=o oo o o 6 c- >,q.ft>:GF>';6coqCL'5oo 6 .c !aG oE'5(!U' co 6fo Go (L =E. co 6fooo (L =t oNo $ oeo 6 o,t,ood, oz oto oE oo ooo .0 E'6 o EEoooo 6oco o,E fo,c ooc.E(,(,.coco, E'6 o EEoooo6 Eco E l!,E ooc.Eoo),coco) Eo f o Eo lo oooo]co=ol co Boz oaEoEcoo6oo odoG o Eo fo6Eo(-)o3t =c)z 06 Eo ot o) cruocoo ooo €oG bo NaoiGo oaoc o'6oo o=o o'ooo o=o N >.!oia':o;>dqE6(c('too o c- >.9oi>:o;>d6coccctoo q.9 Gao Go(! =d Eo G =o Go(! =t oNo soNo E'6 o EEoooo6 Ec66 E.E o oc oo.coco Eo) E.6 o EEoooPG EcGs,E fE,E ooE 0o.coEo Eo = q oo r|'lru o Eo fo oEo(J =q .9of oEoo 3oz Ioo o EooG LrJ uJ o Eo- oEooo3t =oz€ Eo ot Ioo ogoo(5 uJ uJ E tropoon coz oE'6oo o--a .9=ooo o=a 6 >.9ot>:OF>Ea,o!cc'; 6a o c- >.sot 6;>Ea9olcc =6a c.9 -6 E6oI d c.9olll6o(! d oN $oNo 6'6 o E Eooooo EE6 E,E =E,c ooc ooc'6, co Eo f E'6 o EEoo(,o o EcoE.E qlE.c ooc oo.Eoco Eo f oo oo o Eo l oEoo]E.9ol co() 3oz coEoo .9) ot .9.o Co o Eo lo opooo =tr oz oa Eo ot Eo oo.s) od. o =ooo o--o o'6oo o=o 6 c?>.9oiz.:6F>daC PE't Ga 66.Sc>.!ot gE aCPI't(!th c.o 6) EoII =t c.9 6lo6o(L u oN oNo EcoE Eoo o)o G ECs6'E =E ,C o oc,Eoo,Eoco Eo f 6'6 c)E Eooooooc6E.E =o.E ooc oo.Eoco Eoaf o Eo l oEo() 3c.oo) coo 3oz coo o(Lo.E EoEco o Eo a ooooo =t oz€ Eo oE. coo o o.c EoEEo o'6oo o o =ooo o=o 6 c->.!oie':gE 6aocC('t Ga 6 c- >.9otz':9E oqCLtoa c.o6lo6 (L =t c.o 6lo6o(L =t oN $oNo E opo(,d Eoz oos Gu- ot4coE oo EeoE Eoooo G EE66'E -!.E o oc,E o)q) ,Coco Eo l E'6 oE Eoooo o Ec6E.E fE.c o oc oo,coco Eo f o Eo f o)oo 3c.9o = co();c)2 oI cou oaq ruECo o Eo lo oEoOo =tr =oz€ EIot oI EoL o EoEco t o =ood coz ootat4o (L tr, co! ooso GotDtoq oEooo o=a o'ooo o o 6 c- >.9otz':9E6CocCC'toa 6 c->.soiz.:c;>daCocE(tGa c.9 6fo6o(L =tr c,9 6fo6C)(L =t ToNo $oN E opood Eoz os ot4ooa oo EpoE Eoooo(! Ec6E'E fE.c o oc oo.Eoco Eool E'6 oE Eooooo EC6E.E a =E.g ooc oo.=oEo Eo l o Eoafo oEoo3co of Coo =oz or o oq Eo e Eo fo o)Dooo =d =oz o5 Eo otr oI o oo Eo o'ooo o a o '6oo o=o E c?>,!oiz': 9EatOCcCt6a 6 ,E oaG c.9 GaooO 0- =d. co 6lo6 (L t s oNo oN o'o oE Eoooo l9oc6 E o)o.E ooE oo.Eoco Eo I EooE Eooooo EcoE.E -E.c o oc oo.Eoco Eo: o Eo lo oEoo3coFo- coo =oz o)oo =oa No o Eo f() oEooo =t oz oo Eo ot oo0loa No E Eopoou,goz G trot,ood oz o Ga4 o oq-b o =ooo oo o'6oo o=U) 6 C.>.!oiz':6;>,iaeo!c('5 6a 6 c- >.soi>:6z>d6Co(C(tGt) co GaooO =t c.9 6lo 6oL =t j oN $oN .qooEEoooo G Ec6 6.E,o.E o oc oo.goco Eo f 6'6 oE EoooP6 EcG E fE .E o oc oo.EoEo Eo f o Eo a(, o)Eo(, 3c.oo) coo 3oz ocFEo =o)oo o .co(L o o o Eo fo oDooo3d oz oa EIot oc E.q)Jo6a o c'6(L o 6 oaa ot4 oo o G oEr:tr otr =cf oE't6a 6- c>EEE5caooCE EEo6.=ooEp6 (9o) EOQo€Ea)>F6_ 3.EPi!ofcor!G(-) o Goo oo I,JJ (r't,o€ut{ a EOt 6T E!atoq o Gs o o(, o(Eo =>PootrQ.9NO:- OE>0o.3odfiE-Bo\IHo.=c (E c o =.tooc, ab oN ooao- oEooo o=a o'6oooo=(h 6 c. >.!ot G;>G6cocc(too 6 ,c o.G oE,= 6o co 6)oGo (L t co 6 =oG (L t oNo oNo 6oo EEoooo (5pcG E ,E.E o oc oo.Eogo E'o o EEoo c)P6 EEo E afp .E o oq oo.Eoco Eo fq o Eo f oEooo3E =oz€ o oE. 9.ooo Eoooo E.9 o Eo a() oEoo3c.9 ol coo Boz ooo Eoo)oo E .9) aatq S o Go oa.oc E c(,3oot troz ooq o=o .o=oo o=a 6 c.>.!oi>:O.>E6cOCc(5oo 6 c- >.8oiz':gE 6c PEt J' c.96foGo(! =E. co 6 =o(!o(r =t oN oNo E'6 o EEoooo(! EcG E f!.E o oc oo.coco Eo l 6'6 o EEoooo G EcG E afE.E o oc oo.soEo Eo l o Eo =o o!oo3 Eo o = coo 3oz o)of o)ooE =(L oo o Eo ao oEoooBt z od Eo ot oof oooEf{L oll) ooaEooa.ltt ttrIco GoEl) oq E Eopo(, G, Eoz o'oooooa o'ooo o=a o c- >,soiz':6;>Goto(c('t 6o o .E !b6 o.E g .oo lll6o(r =n C.9 Gao6o(! =d oN oNo G copo(,d oz Gu-o G oa.I UTl! E'o o E Ea C)o G Ec6ii.E lE ._c o oc oo.goco Eo l E Eo EEoo o)o(! oc6 E fE,c o oc oo.coco Eo l o Eo ao oEoo =c.9o- Eoo Boz E6Lo F Eoo6 uJ uJ o Eo =o oEooo =n oz 06 Eo od c6Lo goo uJ uJ oeSooas so. aot o G oClr,toq '6oo o=o o'ooo o=o 6 c- >.9oi 6F>d6coccc =6tt, 6 c- >.!oi 6;>d@9OCCC,' 6o c.oo fo6o (L =t E,9 G,o6o& =e. oNo $ oNo Eco =oon troz o ooso o ta Eoo E Eo oo 6 Ec6E lo.E o oc oo.Eoco Eoal Eoo E Eoooo 6 EE6 E =D,c o oc'Eoo.coco) Eo f o Eo lo oEoo3Eool coo 3oz 6 cooc.oofaoc oo o Eo fO oEo o3 E. oz 06 Eeot 6 cooc.oo =ooc 6o o'6oo ()--o =ooo o=o 6 c- >.!ota! ESacocc(,' oo 6 c- >.!oi-:6r>G6tOCc('t 6a c.9 6 =o6o (L =t c.9 6fo6o(L d oNo oNo Eoo E Eo oo6 Eco E )o.E o oc oo.Eoco Eo l G'o o) E Eoooo o EE6 E =D.c o oE q)q).coco) Eo a o Eo)o oEo =c.9of Coo;oz Eoo o (L EGoIoc 6o e Eo =o o)Do(-)o;t =oz o5 Eo ot coo o)(r EooIoc 6o f opood. oz oo totoo 0. !GoI E)E so IL co G oE!toq aEooo o a o'6 o)o o a 6 c- >.Eota':9E6coqCL'5oU) 6 c- >.9ot gE 6Eoccl'toa c.9o,o6o(L =d c.o 6fo6o (L n oNo $ oN Eoo E Eoo o)o 6 EcG E fE,E o oc,Eoo.Eoco) Eo f Eoo E Eooooo Ec6 E )E.c o oc oo.EoEo Eo a o Eo l(, oEoo3coo = coo 3oz oIL co o Eo lo oEooo =t oz 06 Eeot oI cG E opood oz 6 {,ttood Eoz o'ooo o=a o'6oo o=o 6qc->.!ota:6F>,;a9o!cl;6'i) 6 c- >.soi>:6;>r;otOLc(t6lt) co olooo (L t Eo 6 =o(5o (L =t oNo oN o'o o, E Eoooo -goc6E o)o.c o oc c)C).Eoco) Eo l Eoo E EoooooEc66.E )E.E o oc oo.Eoco Eo l o Eo lo oEoo;co f coo Boz Eooa ogoo6 o Eo ao o!ooo =t oz oa Eo ot Eoaa o6ooG qossGIL o G q)gttoq o '6oo o=o o 'o o)o o=tn 6 >.!oi-i6.>dqEo9't 6a 6 c- >.soi>: 9Eoe6(c('t6o Eo 6 =o Go o- =t c.o -gfo6 (L =n oN t oNo .qooE Eoooo6 Ec6 E )E.E ooc.Eoo.Eoco Eo) 6 soE Eo C)PG EcGE.E fE.E ooc.Eoo.Eoco Eo f o Eoof oooo! C.9of Eoo =oz oI c6I ogooo o Eo)o oEooo =d oz 06 Eo ot oI EoL o Eoo6 GCf> EEE5CAoocc E=ooC .r@E PE(,o 6 tro =ood,coz os ,i o G oa.G ut o Goo)toq q!'ot: atS{ a Eu Gi Eroq o (EI o oo Jo(Ilo =>Paio .9N(r+ fuE>!,oeodtrtrul rlJL8o\IEo.E tr (E tr)o =!ootr bb oa eo)oq. E tropood coz aottNtt Ntt tttvtl oI l" ;t l! EI t,a tt lo ot lI e"t tot tEI tot ttDt teI tGt t=l t\f tot t!I toIol {tPl otFi c t glrtot of-9t :turlEt..t=I ll i.itxtctH9IOI Etfl .stcltrt el,f I Bl€LEI O oo o/-o o'6oo o=o 6a >.!oi gJ 6CoCc('t 6a 6 c- >.!oi 6F>'iaCoCc('= 6a E.o G =oo (L =i co 6lo Go =d oN o soN o E'o o E Eoooo -gEc66.E fo .E ooc oo.goqo Eo f E'6 o E Eoooo(! EE66.E =E,c o oc oo.Eoco Eo f o Eo l oEo 3coaof Eo 3oz Ioo 6(9 E 6 o Eo fo oEo(.)o;d =()z 06 o!o,t_ Ioo o Eg EcoE'6 o4coz o oEooE,goz E'6oo o=o E'ooo o--o 6oc. >.!oi>:9f6eo(C('5 Ga 6 c->,!ot>: EE6CoCcL =(!o c.9 Gfooo 0- =t c,oo-oo (! =t oN o $oN o E'6 o E Eoooo -oDcG6'E lE.c o oc oo.EoEru Eo a E'6 o E Eoooo -gEc6E.E fo .E ooc oo.Eoqo Eo f ooa o Eo l(_) oEoO3co=of coo;oz oooo ot ooop6 o Eo lO oEooo;t oz od Eeod o6oo ot ooop o tootoato Go s st .e eotDtoq o '6 o)o o) a o '6oo o a 6 c- >.9 -Gz.:G;>E6cocCL5Ga 6 c->.!-tr 6;>Eoto(C('t Ga c.9 Gao6o 0- =t c.oo o6o(! =t soN o voN G'6 o E Eoooo o DE6 E'E fE.c ooc oo.EoEo Eo = .oooE Eoooo6 EcG E ao .E o oc.Eoo.Eoco Eo l o Eo fO oDo(-)]c.oof Eoo =oz oooooo o Eoo-o oEooo!t oz€ Eo ot oooooo E cot'6 oc,coz o 'ooq o--o o '6oo o=a 6 c->.soi 6;>'iaEo(C('t (Ea G c- >.9ot>:6F>'io9DLCC'toa c.o Gfo6o(! =t co o fo6(J(! =t soN o toN o 6'5 o E Eoooo -oEc6 G.E fE ,E o oc oo,Eoco Eo a itsso E Eoo o)ooEc6 c.E fo .E ooc oo.EoEru Eo f Q Eo fo o)EooBE.oof coo 3oz coEg q)o'E od oo6Io6 o Eoo-o ruEo o;n =oz€ o ot co g o)o'Eotoo6* 6 ooooo G o. o Goo'totr E EoE'6 od Eoz E Eopood Eoz o 'o OJo o--a ooo o a G c.>.soi-:6;>Gato(C('toa 6 c- >.9oiz':6;>EotDCC(to't) co 6lo6o(! =t c.9o fo6o(! =t oN o soN o E'o o E Eoooo (s oc6E'- fE.c ooc oo.coq ru Eo t'6 o E Eooooo-c6 6.E fE .E ooc oo.EoEo Eo l o o o Eo fo oooo3 c.9iI coo 3oz co 6oo od oc o Eo lo oEooo3 d =oz€ Eo oe. go 6oo oe. oE o G otD+otot,}GtoG0. o G oEDtot oG'60o o=a o'ooo o=a 6 c- >.9ot>:gE 6CoccltGn 6 c- >.!otz':6;>d@eo(c(,; 6a co 6fo GO(L n c E6 lo6oI =E oN $oN Ec(,pootrgoz Go =q .J- .qooE Eoooo 6oEG E o)o .E ooc.Coo.Eoco Eo f EooE Eoo o)os !c66'E fE ,E ooc oo,EoCo Eo a o Eo lo oooo;cooa Eo =oz Go3o.! c G .9.p Ea e Eo lo o)Eooo3 d. =oz od Eo od Go3a c G .op E = Eoiuo o=a o'ooo o--o o c- >.soi 6;>EaCoCC('5oa 6 c->.!oi EEato!'too co -g-ll6o(L =t c.oolo 6o(L t oN oN 6poE EoooosEE6 c.E,E.E o oC oo ,Eoco Eo: 6ooE EoooPGpc66 fp .E o oc.Eoo,Eoco Eo l o Eo lo oEooBc.9of goo 3oz o 6o oE LrJc,9 o Eo)O oEooo3 E. =oz od =o od o GO oEuJt.s, -_Cfooc't 6 CD 6- EEE5cooocc EEoo.EoaE PE(ro o6oo Eoo uJ Eo9osIEo>E i .g E(, =oot Eoz |,q)t4Go dEtlJ trrI so GoEDtoq a6o v,IoEaC 6 at EebC't o (Ep o oo o(Eo =>PCro .9NOr- UJE>rgo.3odfiE-Bo\TEo.Ec (E c =o =:(Jot oh oo obGa. o o i\ao o6o oaot E = E tr(,poox. tro2 o S o G o o f oo = o =oo = o f 6(, = I) 6o = Iao6o = o f 6o = o) oo = o $*ooN onN ooo- ooo- ooodi EoEooo (L =E. ooEo()o L =t EoEooo(! =E. EoEooo(! =E. Eo)Eo)oo(! =t EoEooo(! E. Eo)Eooo(r =t oNo s oNo s oNo t oNo soNo oN o oN o oo E.qE oN N oEo c6 E.9 6Ec(, oo E .GE N N oE c6 c.o6Eco) ooE.gE 6 N E.lEoE cG c.96 co ooE.q! oo$N E.lEoE cG c.9 6 Eo o o)E.(!E N*oo oo 6 c6 c.o6 co ooE.qE Ntoo oo 6 c6 E.9l! co oo E.g! @$il o,P(! Exo tr6 c.o6 co co of Eoo 3oz ooEao oN N Ico co 6 co oCo6 oEo o Eo ot ooE.oE N N IEo co 6 co oEo oE.q) q .9o5 Eoo 3oz ooE.qE oosN IEo coFG'-co ogo'6 oE.9^ e cEo ot ooE.qo oo N iio EoEs Eo oco'o oE.9, c.ool coo =oz ooE .oo F.rfo iio c.os Eo, oEo,6 c)cg,- Q Eo od ooE.qE Nt @ IEo c.9 G co oEo'6 q) c.9) ]oz o o)E.6o o{il i:o c.o (E c(, ocoo C)t.s, o EcoEoo4coz o o o(.) tn GI oa oo = o f Go = oNo- oNo- !q) Eooo (L =t EruEooo (L =t oNo $oN c6 Eo G co) oo.csot o GEofG o -(l, eco oc6 co o co oo.cto- .o (E Eo f(5 o -9o co o c.ooa coo Boz o6 cooEoF6 Eo) oo6E Egoo o Eo on o6 cooco (E co ruooE Egoo o l Go = o f 6o = o f Go = o f 6o = o) (5o = E =6o = El 6o = Ef oo = o t o $ @@ @@t tso ts0 o(ot- o@t- EoEooo (L t EoEooo(I =t EoEooo (L =E. Eo Eooo (L t EoEooo (L =d !q) Eooo (). =t EoEooo (L =tr EoEooo (L =E. s s s {s oNo oNo oNo oNo oNo oNo oNo oNo ooE.gE oN N 6E c6 Eo oao.= CooE.gE N N 6E c6 co (!l oo E.gEo $N E =Eo E tr6 EoEGlo,= oo E.gEo sN E =Eo E E6 EoEGlo.= CooE .6E N$ @o oo -g c6 coEol .9 CooE .6E N$ @o o)o -g E6 Eo=olg o(, E.(!E o$il oo(! g ru c6 coEol e ooE.qE @til oo 6 g o tr6 Eo o fg o c.ool coo 3oz oo E.6E oNN c6 oc 6 =I o Eo ot oo E.6E N N e6 oE 6fe o c.9ol Eoo =oz oo E.qE oosNc6 oC 6 ao o Eo ot oo E.qE sosN E6 oE 6-o.= o coEol coo =oz oo E.oE N\t @o;6 oE (s =o.= o Eo od oo E .G! N\' @o;6 oc 6 =o.= o coo) coo 3oz oo E.op o\til I6 oc (! ? .E o EIot oo E.gE @\til;G ocE(, fo.! o ==.9o 6Eco =oodco2 E ! = E tr(,pootco2 E =6o = o =6o = N o N o Eo Eo(,o (L =t oo E(,(,o (L t $oN $ oNo o 6oc!oooo.coco6 ==fo.Eooo.cEo o (, E o 6o xoooo.goco6 f=fo.Eooo.so o o oE o o Go{(,o(t G I o i:*ooa o co o = coo 3oz oE=ooo oo0o.coco EJ=l.oo o o ot oE oGoE oooo.coco6)=f.9o .! o} Gso o ID G\ o f 6o = oo Eoeoo)o(L =t soNo afo5E- 9bgEE o- !oo e>!l ---'E 3 c atG96b-lc o6ii -e +;E O.C saEEE:.E88oEb E83,=t o.P: EEoOa= a 3EHa;;>E 6> QE o o aol(L 6E 6 Eopooe,toz a. a4 E)Iq. G 34 Eo .SIbllJ q,o Eo 66o "a-sgr'I6 .t Eb ct E EEot 6- EIEr-coooCC EE .gooE EEoo ot.Es o oo oGo =>3(rors.eNoiEoluE>99,.3dEctruJq-Bo\}ToiBo.-c'6 c5oE -lood ob oo ob6q. o tro =oodcoz o f Go = o*o- N Eo Erl)ooLFt $oN E6oJ GoI E=;E0) oE.9 6.co Eooo.E oo UJ oco'6> odcaOE o E6ooN @ ;o coF(5 .co Eooo oo ao Nq o; Gotoa.oc o =6ru = eosN Eo EoooI =t tt oNo IosIo oo!ooEolu NI ot) oocrJ oco0 rl c9) o N oF oEp (, .9 oo .g tr(,Eo(!tcoz .g E(,po(, e, Eoz oa (Eo = Il (5o o@o @@ai Eo Eooo(! =t Eo Eooo(L =t soNo toNo o.L 6'6 oE EooEoE6)o 6o ooEuJ !2>o!'6LE.!uJl -l-oc =lt ollz.vIo EpEE:oEcouJoo 3=OEOEE(EosruoEo6ttfAfyEO6c6.3 >E BECEur8 >JP> 3$tsIuoi Eti o .oF IoaL6'o oEEoo .9 oo o N otr UoiL E'6 oEEoo .9 oo oEE o o E.sIBl{ E,Etooo o 3 =: Ec(,poox,coz o G o e GoI tr, Got o Gt o'6oo o--o o'oooaot-o E .Ec>.9ot gE 6CoCCL'= 6a 6 c- >.8ot 6F>,EaEo!cc =6a E.96loGo(! =E. E.o6)o6o(! t $ oNo $ oNo oo3 6oco o coEcooEo Goo'Eo Eo 6oE E'6 Eo oo3 6oco oocopcoog .9 Eoo'Eo Eo ooE E6Eo o c.9ol Coo 3oz ao ooo 6o o aEo ot ao ooo oo o'6oo@o=a oE'6oooo=a 6q >.9oi 6F>'iaCo(CLtoo dqc->.!oi L: >daCoCC(t(!,) c.9($ foooc =t c.96loGo(L =t rq oNo { oNo c.9ooo o o o.Eo o6; o3c't =E Eooo CoEGoo o o o'Eo o)63 o);Et =E6ooo _o coEo: coo;oz oooo Eo = e o ot oo6o Eo = o ==o o Ecopood, Eoz o f f qo o IosUo u_oaG't s toa. Str aI @oooi D0, Eooo(L =t il oN Eo =o o o Efo El =o(Et6o o o o oEolg E oog G o co o o oE =o Eflo6 .a6o o o.Ep oEoloI oo.go ooo(,6a{ =co G otDtoq o 3 =fo o( EcosooVcoz o o6o = oa 6o = ooN ooN. EoEooo(! =t EoEooo(L =d $oN oNo o)o63 oo o ogo'o os.s) o o63 oo o, oco)o o)E .91 oo G!*ooqo G =t(,ooo .,1 e co=o = co(.) 3oz oo6; oooo ocoo o .qT o aEeot oo6 =oo o.> ocooEo E,9T o 'o rUooo=a Eoc- >.9 6F>Eaqo!CC't 6a co o-llGo (L =d * oNo oo 6oo ,Cco 3oc ooE a,' ()o o 'Eo ocofgo5doc=(i6: OU E.!9, o oL c6 ()ogo c.oco oo 6o o 3 =.9 C,) GatroEood, troz o o\q oIrotoaG sI Glt 6^ EE65eooocc EEo6.EooE EEoo toN O ooE,gE otil q,o 6 g xoi6 o ?-o od oo E.g! @$il i:o Eo s Eo oEo'6 q) o !(!s o oo o(Eo =>3(JotrQ.oNo-i=o IIJ E>9grEor6Etrul lU-Bor\IEo.E tr .E c)o =-toot o oE,G0- Ef 6o o fa6o = @o N\to Do) Eooo(L =t oo Eoo)o(! =t $ oN t oNo E9.oooolooEolYr E>9vOotrv-O idraoqoo) =o)6E E:t) .939 O=--U=>3o-troON-o =c)rl lL c !<s,3ii z. EooaEgFE'6 c) Eso;odEOOF E9g!LC6i69>.9a-oCfii >]o-qcON'-cEgulIci.s, E o o o UoNo)C) L ooo cooooEgF EYoEEo o o I a IoNoou ooo co 6o cgF EIoEEo boeNa!o o6o oaoq 6 cotootco2 o oot Goo E Eooo o oori o- Go = o loGo = o =6o o fo6o = o fa6o o l Go o l Go = Ef 6o = @o$- NN N No o@q N o o N. @$ t o$@{ o@osi Eo Eooo (L tr Eo Eooo(L d Eo Eooo (L t Eo Eo)oo (L =t Eo Eooo (L =t po Eo()o(r =t po Eooo (L =tr Eo Eooo (L =t oN oNo $ oNO v oNo $ oNo t oNo $ oNo s oNo 3oooc-o-E=EE.E;9666=aao?;, g^ oa-- I:O Eg, B^€ fi5E -(J 66..O b.6 > 6 E 9.9o.!+oo=4a=;bEE:0E3E!s.Urdo - da-oE q+o: o,E oo)coo- E}oL!EO0 6;!f6i3i ssE!(/)ay>- !ool H lr-o0qo !I'to ErEerE oto 9)-ga6:Ee!0::tF.uJ 6-! - O0-oE !+o! Er0E,EEtr =98': i =6rc6o=f ^odloEE' 3!Ho9=ei;0il-P' sE8 9>E E 38ooo 3s=rEeui ! [sxoE o !; oi-: IooEOo6E.9D-=ooEO66o=EB.(,o!E'e3 i6B!c<!u.g i-o;6-:o ei6ErE8i6b9()o->EioJ (EE:'if( E $Ic Q!oE.i+os 3oooC-o--= 6o 66+.2, E3*,)-: =9.i=r'9i uoiE?{IJEtd.6!trF (Eog =o-5=i0=: Hs!Eo.rJ6!- ot-,E !Fo! .E ootoo- pBOgEO 6;fGol.E6*U)iz ooi s 0lL!cEE8t9:!ocIESS : o_d -9,fra6:bEs0E:E(!'rrJ d .g- duoE !+o! oFo-cFqEolE EEE6Or--* *kEo{!HoQr Pi,EuwR EHF e >.= L6OE E9ooov 6Ed6EEgb I:EoE&EtoE @:+ oi- i p ocoo6 =.9o-=ooEO6o uE83.@e!Bk!6 B.!cEtUJt4y -o;.9--igryro !- Ed*6b9Oo->E -2OJ C5E:'-f(E6: 'JJb:c 9!.s,E.; -OY o o ocoo c6Foo =l =l3Io .o oo uJ oE o3E .9.o EIo,EEo o o o coo c6F ruoco 5!o .o oru uJ o 63c .9.o Eg Q)EEo c6Foo.co to6ta6c.9o u)+ o .9 oo u.t o 63Eqi50E'p8. o>EFEOoo o oEfoooEc =I =Ioo oo uJ oE oBE.qo E6oEEo o o o Eoo E6Foq ==iIo 6(, oc 63t.9o E'6 oEEo o o o Coo cGFoo.so: =Io 6o oE o3E _qo Eo oEEo ooogc6FooE6 Jo6d.aoE.o Gof!o 6o ot 63t.9o E9oo-E.cOo; o oEfoooEc =iIo oo oE G3E.9o E6oEEo .g Eopood Eo2 o taG!c6o Go ot oo o tnGi o Ea 6o = o f 6q) o@N-o N o-o EoEooo(r E. EoEo OJo (L =t oNo oN E tro =o(,t troz o*ooo EGo 3h o) .sSulU 0 oo) =5o t)I q Ucq d;14IrrNA6Z>cooil.8 lJI>c o= CEtrclJcC. 0) oo) E6o t)o o IJ C) 6o'rqef6^6Z>cocb! !u>c o+0ttrCJJ(c-o=== o oF o,N coo @EE6 o $ o UoIoo() Eoo U'o.E oo o N oi: o.N q6o @oE6 n $ o Io ooo EGoa .9 oo o =aGo o f Go o)o6o = o@@-ts oNo 6 ooo- Eo)Eo)oorFt EoEo(,o(! =t EoEooo(L =t s oNo oNo oN o oooJ 6oI = =co cco 6so EooI oo tU oco6> od<aOE Eo o C.9oocoOo.C oo[! oco'6 E UJE.9 cq) o coFoo coo .o o .!u UJ oc.(,o uJE.9) o cooo @ co) ocoF6c5 Eooo oo o o.No =L co oco=oo cooo o -g o o .No 6I Eo oc.9oo coo .o oo =cf oc't 6o Ec:t E5E5EOooCC EEoa.EooEp6(ro !o9o!EO>tr6-o6 PoofEOIIJ E(-) o) 6oo ootsUJ a o 6!!& t! El' (ri !boq o (Ep o oo Jo(!o =>Pooc$.9NoitEo IJJ E>9E'lB6rdfiE o\ EBo.= tr a! tr o =!(Jotr hh o !obGq. ho Nq o i,Ga Eoo.otr .g Eopoog. Eoz o fooo = ol Go o@@ o@ Eo Eooo(L =d EoEoo)o(L =n <loN toNo EI6@OFPvg> E99o Erg .Q8uooco: E95:o6 !-gaae>:o:o=c:uJ6 AEcoooo,:: EeJ -g(:s, 8I c E6o c6: 6p oEEoi.)ooE6cIEro 6.:-oF ptolE;JEatqco.9otECxtrcl9rE o 6 oIo6oo'-otr ooo co Go c6F EeoEEo o oo I o Uo6oo'Eot ooo cooo c6F EcoE Eo (,lu = 6oc: @o q @ Eo Eooo(! t Eo E!Uoo(L =t *oN {oNo o6oEo Eoo.E o .Eo E(! EIoo fo oCo6o Eotu E=;oo6oEo Eoo'E EocE'to .gD -g6 ,E o coa>To.:c'i6id,:d;.qu o co EIotr ocEE .9)Jo C'ool,lJ o co Eo od o crUo oc6oaoooooo(,Eogoo.E o .g tr(,po(,t troz trt ctD .J otoGoE6 GotDtoq cl CD -t ol (5o o) (5o = Ea 6o = o f 6o) o$N o N ooo- @N@o Ed) Eo)oo IL =t oo Eo)oo(L =t Eo Eooo(! t Eo Eooo(r =t :foN $oN \toN \toN oo c6 c--3occo(E o>o(-!Oro(ECoql!q: EEac>(ot 9.o L!c>;occ-OI0s utt-sPE oo;c;i 8i(5:>EO(9co!o= ii! 3E 6:6ceibs rJJ toc6r'6 !tE-:! E,6 oo;ot-- =o .EEo(! =oo;.!9 : 6!a!ol Nc .oiFGUJ(uJjOoai6r'6! lrJ 3gi oIcG EieOTE?EEo-GC>3o-eho€o:tsd6(fcg:rul o: Jl(!:vc oc6s8sts-:g9E s 6o oooo oox. ooaoI; oF coooooo ooEEo6 =o o 6o _oooo il oot ozo! ij ()F:.>Eoo.9ooO o,Eso6 o o 6o o oo6 o Gt oeG- si oF^coEoooo o,EEo6 =o 3 6o oooo il o 6r oz6I ni I-: ccoooot) 2 octo6Eo o =Go o =o() oa oo = oNN N @oo \tN@- a Eo Eo)0)o(]. =d. Eo Eo)oo(L =t Eo Eooo(L =tr $oNo \foNo $oNo EE6s =ooocf-o9obNo.,ovI>ollNVDOE;rooc)oEE](50f>r--(!GqNE>.Eo-o=i:>!u E!!U6oc) ED!EcEs,6 ocEoIog (5 f 3s6.oE!UJE E: o;d.o.otsEa!>Q bEEb aECto=03EE s,ft ob)oooN'E ll6^OEiloo9NEo2-o5>l!6oqEE=co.-3E-}!#p A€ooEs, aEco.qr,9oEOrJJ 6 E,E t o joaN I o uoc66oo.cpo Iooo =Eo.E oo o Ejo !o.co6oo.cooIpo -g)oc 'troo o ujo @N il,oc-6oo.EEo-Eo -gl Eo o -!! .gte,po(,t troz o oG =oo otr oa =oo .ggopoog, Eoz Go .E) Goq = a@No oqNoN Eo Eooo LFt Eo Eooo LFt soNo \toN .g E(,poq,e. Eoz o o oo oEoF =oJtrt-d E co(, o GoI 6o3a c oEoFEo) =lrFt 6 coo o GoI 6o3a =c e oEoF;o) 6 Eoo o 6oI oo) =U) c e oEoF !o = E Eoo o(!q)I oo3a E o ato ElEEo\!o GItoc o aGoo Eot Ef Go = El 6lu = o fooo = too_ ooo- N @N- DoEoo)o(L =t Eo Eooo o_ t Eo Eooo(r =t toNo \t oNo oNo oo .9,looo il o o c9ooo$v E? ;oiie99 CG a-oJOoog5 E9g! LO6-v95.Ea-ooC-!= >;OLEOON- oa Esj -s(E,8 i E,E€Bd E? EaooE_cO5*oo EE6of>gL LO6E69>.9o-OoC-!=>3o-coONgE JIL 5H€ =x d Eo(!o E(E F EooEEooEo Gfg 6oi cri6.rc!ruS OLc(on'-( EEIJJ U-,.9i o o@ il oo IruNoou ooo co(!o cgFEoo EEo o I oa U(,Noo I ooo cI6o cgFE'6 oEEo o EcoN.Eo-!oNo Eu ooocoooc EFEo oEEo =c =ooc't 6U' Ec EEE5coooCE EEoo.EoqE EEoo, Eo9o+Eo>F6-ot>EP.!ofcoUJEo o 6oo EootsUJ o.cGs o oo =ooo =>P(ro .oROr-tEo rrJ b>rgg|.8oEEtruI ulrBo\ EEo.=c(! c o =Iootr 5tto:t*'I lii lif,y''], E s al sG bot bb o !oE,Go. coF EoF N NN ooEooo(L d EoEooo(r =d t oN $oNo ooo- O il c)c.o--Ecoo '6 6.c Eo ooc6C!Go:GCo( >cOC .q:O:=EU,OL-Eo=== oooo (l)c9!_ocoo 66E Eo ooc6EY(o:6COC >coo 9: EaO! -to: o oo6oGoooEo LEl(!ooo @ il o F o oo6 o6oooco Uc =ooo6o o F boeNq o; Go oaoe 6 troPoot troz oIs eo o E o(, G ot\otr)G*(,a0. trl ooo Eo coF o'5oo o!-o ooo NoN 6 c->.!ot>:6.>riaqOLcct6a EoEo)oo(L =d EoEooo(L =t c.o 6foo(-) (L =E t oNo $ oNo $ oNo o.qEooo gooo UJ oo i5 o oo E E6.9 eE #o q= PABaPEo.! oo=!oY o.:oG6 oEOCgE6 0 oioO!iE EE Eo6D^ oo=-n E E 8.8oq_Q>.! o Ee it E.PI ia 9-ao-o9;J E5A: o.c6ooo G ooo uJ o .g! oo.!Ec o o.c6ooo Egoo6 o Eo oE. o6ooo(L o goo6 o ouJo oc oooo 6ooG uJ oo.!o o EE 6 tropoodcoz o'6oo o=o o c->.!oi o;>r;6coCC(tot) Eo o fo6o(! t * oNo _9Eo oc.oo uJ E .9) o o t ooooo goaG ut trl ooo 6 opoiOt oz o l 6o) o o_ EoEooo(! E. * oNO o oEotFooGE E EoIo_ GEe s oEoc oo oo ocoo =ooc o 6 oEocF o)ooE E6oo 6o @@o @Q. o o olc ooo 6 tro =oo&, tro2 o: oo = os$ EoEo)oo(! =u. $ oNo oooc c=; o) .N 6 9>ccOCot<tF(o-'(L( L(irto-o>6:6:!l c>8i 8! o E cooo F(!oIF(! Eo odl ocoo)oo G too o 1- o Goo o l-E Goot oo o =6o 6 c->,!oi>:9Eoto(CCtoo co (5 =o6o(I =t oN co 6 Eo Eoco=YEo E Eoo Eco Eo o c.96 co coEo--Y Eo Icoooc6Eo o rUto(, e. o2 6 gop 6ot tro2 El 6o = oqo@ EoEooo IFt :foNo ogoo.E o cooEo o(,c o ll|lllt) G oE taot l oc loo soo-6-co9(, oa,1, c g JJ JJI o6ooEo o G o o o Y o G cs El 6o oa Go = o-oo = oo so N $ €o Eooo =d EoEooo(! =G, o(, Ec)o,o (L t $ oNo oNO toN oo .9olo oo il o iloEaE ES6foo9oEo:V6>pi}9oEOEI69)5 Ee60IE6O 6,=,Dh P=oic:!6 AEE(,o .9)O":EOIE ox (+x o cc6-oo Eg E:9ii9oEOcllb9o= EE60qo G,=(/)k pa93fib AEco.o .g)o,E:5&I -LC.-s, 8 E c,9g loEcoO 6co. oq!do.Eo.!E(6trl!o: 6L6t>(Pio(cqrrJ E OFE-.9 .!o(Eor.rJ Ic,.9) i o oo I o Uogo .9) od ooo cooo cgFE'6 o EEo e lt oo Uo 6oo og. ooo Eo 6o E EFEo oEEo o 6EoN.C o! Uo 6o.9) ot ooo c E6o cgF EcoEEo =cfqoE't 6a Gc =rE5o=-cooocg EEoa.EoqEpi(ro Eq9.of,Eo>tr 3EP6olEOIJJ Eo o 6oo oo UJ o6o o:l& t 6 6} eood oE(Es o oo JoGo =>Poo .oNlJ v- luJ E>9)aD .abEEFul qJuB(r\lEo.E tr (E tr Jo =!ood. s5 o obGo- o g e)t,oot oz botNq o it6a oaoe !o ooo.t qa.tr 0. aot a.E 0. Got 6 It,t,oox. troz EoF EoF coF goF @oN @N ooN oo Eo Eooo(! =t oo Eooo =E oo Eooo(! =E oo Eooo(! =t s oN oNo oN s oN ooo-o il o Efo 6oE 6c Eo c)o-c95hc+ohhcEaot9.EEU,t!. -to=;= oooo o Ef 6c)c Gc Eo oo- Ec6+ok>cPc.oE.o .EtscuJ- -to= c l d!ooo- @ o Elo 6ooco -G6vEO EOoo;E EA oc6>o!>(!9oE39ci UJ; E-o!, cl d) oooo I o El 60ooc( 6cCG EoaEga 6Lo>6:o(! b6'om ur{l E-o: G toL Go a. 0. aoT e ooG oooooct) LElooooo ll:oooEoc oo 06oc ooI !L!F o oo6 o6o o,oco UE f d]ooa-o :oEo =oc ooo odoc GoI IF E =I)oooo EE(! E =1)ooo-o looo =oc 6ooood'oOcOEOfif;6:.or- -9to q)Z LE) dl ooo- fl EE6 E) (Doos-o il:oEo =o.EEooE06' PE=(6ith o- -g-!F.: coF oE C)o oa coF oN 6qc.>.!oiz.:6;>,ia<o(c('=6a ooo Eo Eo)oo CL =d c.9 6lo(!o(L t Eo Eooo(! =t oNo oN oN ooo Dq) o oooJoEf(! 6oI oo aoa!E-e Co63oE =oo ooo fo oc)I q Efo Goc ocIotrIJ E9) ooo EooooooJ El(L 6c)I 8)oa o G =Ecfe o ooo) Eo oo loEo =o.cEoo od ocE6oI pcle(, (L o oIloU)oclo(, A Ef(L 6oI o)Eo o.cEo() odoc 6oI EclI(, (r o oooJcc,o:(,oo =o.c6o 06 oc 6(, I Ecleo (L 6 It,poa,ncoz oo oa4 !c5o(, a. E 0. Gota 0. GoI o'o c)o oa o'ooo q) a G c- >.9oi 6F>d occl =6o G ,EC>.!oi 6;>d6agE =6o Eo 6loo(.) 0- d. c.96ao(E (L t $ oNo $ oNo .g Eopo(,t Eoz ! G o Gt o o o ! oo Go o EEoo o 6oo6 uJoc6 o6 E oco!_9aoi.); <o PNocouE; E=s,E Eq6 o6E oc,9--oco_ot-0<y aqdz'.6 u, b; EJ .9) t o UJ uJ oooo6Looc6 @o)N coEI =qo iooE i.) i.)aG=c- -L e .9F UJ I,IJo Eo a =oo ao,N EoE,9fgo cq)o =O oi6--c 0 6o)o o6 oEooo o a o'6 q)o o=o o'6oq o=o oEooo o:U) E6oo oZo oE'o o,o o=o oE6o)o o=o o c?>.!oi c;>Gaeo!c(,' 6a G c- >.9oiz':6;>Eo9o9CL,, oa 6 c- >.9oi 9E6c PE56a 6 c? >.(o?a:G.>GaC PE',6a G c.>.!-i o;>GalPI'=6a o c- >,9oi 6;>EaCoCEC =6o G c?>.!ot 6;>daCoCc('t6a o c->.!oia!Gr>GaCoCc('=6a c.9oao6o o- E. E.o (E)ooo (L d co 6ao Go(L =t Eo 6lo Go 0- t c,9 6lo6o d c.9 6-oGo (L t E.96aooo(L t E.9 6aooo(L =t oNo oN oN s oN oNo $ oN oNo oN Eoooo oco Ecoo<[ olE(.99 EIlu(-cAo+. ,j: bai:c,cLuc Nv. Eoooo oE.o--DEoO <E>C ccOC'6cEa[!c-.EEu+,-!N: b&i=c'cIJJ C!{ !t ooooo ocI--ucoo drca3!Ei,uJ=cZOs+- Doooo oco =DcoO dr5t,0:EouJ=c7..g) q ci:oui:c IJJ '!!s =oooo3 oEo 6Eo:J(-(,7 >!8i9coi lJ; E.ef .a6(-tJJ'!{i ooooo oco 6co!)g <iirtcL9aottscu'a c.,9)t7i N.LCoq u.r !U; DoooO oEo EEoO <E>cP!.9. a.9=qcU0 E-,.9r 6r.! oC u.r !ul; ooooo oE.9=ocoO <E>o cl.oap= LrJ i E,t?N N+LCoO :cU=uJ; 6aECcLIJ C[lr o ooooc'6 UJuJo o)o6o6(Looc6,io, 6co -9oc'd Ea dlooo a 6g o o= Is'Ec -f U.JL!o Eo a --oa;-oa6Eoooc6 E5oooo o@ 6g o -'6- E.q uJ LrJO Eo a =ooiio sEooo,c El d]oooo(o :g O O! 6o'E .g oo6 oGLooc't) Io 6coooc oN Eo Eo =oo i:<C)' bi:Euc[r oo6 ooILooE,o xo 6Eooo E o)N co) E+luo Ctcu,<ovcDi:EucI IJJ LrJo Eo o =Eo ^oo6Eoooc o,Na Eo E.ga o 63 O o=-'6r'E .0, uJt!o Erl) o --EU):lt) 6EooIE o.N co E.g =go c3 O o= Ec'Eo -f E EoEoo4 oz Eoooo{ eo o E oo Gq o E Eoo bG 5g,\ooo coF coF @ @N EoEooo(L E poE oo (L t oN voN ccc-o LoCoEcocc(o}.( -o6;tritc.o- o=g,E o=gE >9o'CVo-SEE(OL -to:+* oooo il oc-.o9EHoiiEOOGoo:o6E6! =aE.o<+l 3;6GO H6oO oICVo-OEtsGOg-Eo=;:; o oo6 oGo -eo.Eae =d)ooo_o Ec6 El d)ooo_ @ ,i F e oo6o(Eooocn IEaoooo-o il oc6 E l dlooo-o I ;i( --cl oE't 6a Gaf> E=E5cooocc EEoa.EooEgEoo oU,o E, o 6 i, 0t ehoq. o.cGs o ooL)o(EoE>PLlotr{.9Noi 5-rJJ b>i9g|.8 6rdctrut'rl.8or!tBo-= tr6 5o =.Y(,ot hb ob ooaq. aoNta o; aotoaoc Ec(,pootgoz o I o @ oo EoEooo(I tr ooEooo(L E. \t oNo oNO EG E.9qq Go Ic6oc cooo,2o ocoluouoD.q 6 oEfoo.oooo O I c6oE 6 Eooo,:o coaoc) L c)o.6 6 as tq D GtoEG o st 6o 5 o o oE o)3ooo oEoo lt ^o ElopcG cG o - o o oco-fLo- fc drSa,.E; 6i uo;ooo ocoo il: o E1ooco co i.) I o t 3co-otoc 'E9cO..g:6> o'ooo c)a 6 c- >.9o6 ge 6CoQce5oo C.9 6fo Go (L =t oNo o Elo oocoI =o oo3 oc.qo IIJE.9I oFt! u.J (,I tJJtiJ Iclooooo ^ooo oc oo oc6oc 6oI o 6I l-- -L o'ooo oa E c->.!ot sj6Co!cr't(!o $ oNo oEaq ooc 3oE EgooE I c)oG 6 ocq) I J.lcpr=JogCoc-cJCJJt EFo!6.9OF9ub!: 6' =JL{tE ooo-oo ^OJEo oc ooo€oc oo oE1(r 6^o!I. E.9o l (Eo (L d .gcoE'6od,coz ooIoa4{o G =oa I0. Go\a sq. GoI (! (,Eoou coz Eoooo{o G =Il. s os 0- GoI s 0. ooT 6 opoiUtrcoz =ooo C)a 6 c- >.9o6 EE6CP8tG,o E .o Gaooo(L =d. $ oN oE-o oo)E 3oG Egoo.E o o!G 6 oc.()o lrJc.s,I ,j oorcur8uJ- !gooo{ lr_ s Gq)t o ,9F uJ uJo c,oo =oc ooo 06oc 6oI oEfrL Go oooo IV o 'o ruo o--o o '6oo o a a'6oooo--o E oo oo o'6 o)o oa Eooo oa o,o oo o=o o'ooo o=tt o'-oo o--o o'ooo oa o'o o)o o=a o'ooo oa o c. >.sot>:6.>Galo!c!'toa 6 C-c >.9oiz':9€aEOEELt6a E c- >.soiz.:9EaCoCC(tGo 6 c.>.!oi gE 6fPI't6a E c->.!oi 6F>,ia,o!cC'=6o 6 C.>.!oi>: EEaEo(CC =6a o cr>.!Di>:gfoto(C(tso G Ec>,!oi>:sjoeo(C(tot) Ec->,qo6a\o6r>Es5cQ't 6o 6 c->.9oii SE,6CP8'=6a o c->,9t-E EE,6CoQEU't6a E c- >.QtrE E .E,aCOQEV'=6a co 6-o6 (L =d c.oo =o(!O o- d co Glo6oI t c F6-ll6o(r =d c,9 6 =l2oo(! =d. c.o 6foo (L =n c.o -ofooo(L =t c.9 GfoGo(L =t c,9 6looo o- =d. co 61o6 (! =t c F6l EoI =t Eo G fo(!o(L t $ oNo oN $ oNo $oNo q oNo soN $oN soNo 3oN \t oNo t oNo $ oNo =ooEfq GoEoo6 oGCLgoIocScoi>coAc9iE:!dtcoc =c_(rc ov-EJJ3Ii '6 q E =o 6oc0o6 o600-4ofoc,EOoi oac,9:o<E= LrJ ccco.99IU c.i 3oVi:a UJ4rrJ! oo6oo!6o Efo GoE Eo n o-nt. OIcC9ao= !acoF .j cc LCoc:c !(JJG oo6oo 6o Elo (5oE Eo o =bg>oP€9ooE !a E.s)i!= ni co LOoo:o JJOJJ@ .!ooEao GoEoo6 oA!o oco* 63 o*c9:o< llJ c0cooo =o-@ .or vF!uJ9r!! '6 oE-o o(,Eoo6 o AEc o(E4E!63>!Pr 9_E LlJ caECoc =cNE .ovFEuJ9U! o .0)ooo 6q Eao ooc EC' o =-oo!aic; -c .lJ 5Es,i JCELCoc:c JJCJJ( Eoooo,=6q Elo oC)c Ec) o --6.o7 -go)c= -0EO uJ5 Es)i!: ^idLCocl=cL!(IJJ ( E.:c:ootro=Eo= -oE:OLEh9DdEolL6N 6;>co6cOEo> Eco-oEBId-@ cI,rflorA<i=o c,,, -!U cF8! oEc'6 .=oo EOfooo E3EOo; ETESooLDOL-P56;>EoccoEo> Ec0 -oa3r@-@ -lli:o ",',,ouH 8i ooo,QO:p'os q.=E6 =Loo-odEo=E?;Eog3Ll.Oa F€>+9L6r PPuJ6 9+ -f^(DIo6e uJ@ gl{'ri ooaq69$-oLOcEo€E.AT6RP!_aEO9oE32b ,OE0*bsg; !6 s)t -@_o E8-oJJ@lJ rr:oEoiio 6cooo,E E =coooo a@ 6Eo =oct Er 06.goF.S u-ErOC .o<i,;o-E goEa o GEooo.E Ef dlooo o@ xooo =o .c_ co3l oa .9oF.El.rtroC Yc<;';o-k fELi =oo:o(!coooE'6 El d)ooo oo ooo o.E6o-o,OFodboi:c'E IIJ3!{Iv oc-o-o'OcodEoi:E'EII3!!Iv fE +y^ =E.o ,:-l'c) 6toooc'6 g, cooooo@:opo = oogoxoa6cq ooc t loooo o@:ooo =oc^ E; lU .goFEUJ6uJo(JI'.oi3 -oIO oo.go^o 6Eoooc El cooooo@:ooo =oc^6-:3^ D6 .9oFE u.r6r!OOI,_o<6 ^oIo =oU':o 6Eoooc cf cooooo@:oEo o.S6o-o'o-06a oi:E' =lI3l!I9 <q +y^ =o^o 6co(,oc t =coooo0o ^oEo o.E6o-o'Oio5toi:c' 3)+ <F o.g o9)EO =rcr JO(I)t= 8!+oX 6v )lI:ooO EE>6oOE=6u ,q L, odb9EEu6NO-I,_o<P -or6 go,Ea o (!co goc6 o oEoooEo triooi:quJPUov6r il=A: ^oooo! >5 oQE}6L.qhvs16;OEEI(!Nov )-oiP -oI6 E-U):o 6cqo E9e .E dl .96F8.H3? IL ^6g8OE ==oocO =BorohodS s€EFf: <5 o-E oo oa6Eoo E9sts, d).q6F3.H39 ll u ^6e8op ==oocO6=oIohooS P€ 6;-ONI$ fEo.E GCt> E5 ErecoooccEEo6.EooE PEoo 66o .E6:l& Eo Egt Ct E E6ot o oI o oG' 5o(Eo =>P(rocq.9No+ IIJ E>rgg|sodtrFuJ lUsBcr\IEq.E c (E tr Jo =Ioot bb oo!oBGq- o f 6o = tso@ EoEooo(L =t soN o o f Ec.9o =o ,E .ooxoE.o 6 oco, o'6-' Ec,oo =qcoo Bo o E.96 oEotr o'6' =c.9 ol Eoo =o2 oa .xIcoo =pC 5o N +o o Go oaoq E Eopood, Eoz o x u- o (, E EI tll -l o oxt! o =6o @$o Eo) Eooo(L =t soN ooo 6 Eot!J o oxoco G oco o G' E Eool oEoo 3ru o coE(! ocot o'(E' =Eo of oEoo;oz oG(L 6 tsJL .E tr(, =ooE tro2 o 'ooooo=a o '6oooo a 6qc- >.soi 6;>,iotolCCtGo 6o.Er>.!oi 6;>,isiC('too E.96foGo(L =t c.o6 =o6o(L =d *oNo soNo sooF Gfot EooF Elot e EooF E =oEE6td Eo ot Jdla Ecoo oc6qloooo.E o o Eoc)F 6foEco E.d Eo ot)d)a Ecoo ocoofooo 6 J|r'() tr, tD -I o oxUI oo(, ,=o o t! Eo GEE(, =ootgoz o'6oo (,=o o'6oo o-_o G c- >.!oi>:c;>Golosc\.; 6o 6 c. >.!oiz.:G;>Galo(c( =6o c.o (Elooo(r =tr c.o (Elooo(L =t \' oNo \t oNo o a x oC trIo =oo(,oo =oaCot, oCoCfoo) Eoo C EooF E)on Q oo oo oo o Eoog o od E coo oc6o =oo o EooFEaoEcGdE =o od 6 Eoo oc6oloo P oo\o aa.Iooo 6o oo o l (,o = Nto Eo Eooo(! =d. t oNo qoooool oo E(! E oo =E Ess:;,6: E[Io-OL>(occG(qE5(o:o! e oo oIoxUoo oo o coFGoEo)E o'6' =Eo of cooioz E EooogEs.q,J .9ox o'6oo oo E c->.9o6 od, aCP8't 6a E.9 G =oGo .L =d t oNo 6c 6 6=E-o o= E€E.e*gobb*20EgE-=oB=p€ =9x= LO'9ogsEE=-oo.: -.C6\oooo-aQ]E o oo 6o ot) o eoE, 6 gooo.EE.9) =6 oEooo o=a 6ac- >.soiz.:s€aCoEcltGt) .9(, lo6o(L =t \toNo ooI oc 0 Eoo o Eo:)oc =E9)J Eo 69oE! =l=( E9OEcco0 JcE; b(5+ o Eo fo o ot E coooC E.9)J C.9 G .EE =6o o 6 tropoou. troz clt,I(, q o oo oEoooo 0)--o ooc->.qt-E 9E,6cP8't(!o cos)ll6oI =d soNo oOEcP oo=o3gESOObEa= EA AP EEfOOEob 6kEooooop96.= aEeg &8cLOAEP<aa o oc o o ot 6 Eo()oc=t.q,;6oEooEoE \t oN o Eo fo ooGxo6c o(, food E =q E(r Ec EEE5caooCC EEo6.EooEE!oo) Eo9o!,EO>tro-o3 g) a[olEOuJ6o o Gs o oo oGo =>P(Jotr{ .=No+i=o IIJ E>9g).E 616fiE-B0r\ EBo.= tr (E tr Jo =.Yoot bb oN oE,Gq. bo i\q o o Ga oQ.oe o'ooo (,=o 6 c- >,!oi 6;>E6cOEcr5oa Eo (! aooo(L =t soNo olEouJ) qooooo: ocvo=8tocPE 6.:Ci:cc'-co- ,=do='=to=ocOEoc-o,pd Ec o EIc;ooEo ooo)t Jdlo Eo ot If .xuoul ooq, ,=ofo (! Ett, 6E opood troz ottJ-log GE ES G o oo 'ooo o--o o'ooo o=o E'6oo o=o 6 c. >.soi 6;>da<o(c( 6't) 6 >.!ot oF>GaEoCc(toa 6 c- >.9ot>:6F>E oqCL't 6U' c.o 6fo(,o(L =t c.o 6lo(!o(L t c.9 (E foo() (L t oNo oNo oNo EoE6fq Eooo =Eo UJJ cfE6)o LrJ)c'T EiO-oE oE6,.So: c-! 6oIg+ o=C+6c-c?FoEE= aE]E BEOC O.8aLLo9c!oo OE5c'ttp- Qe!ildJJE ooEofq cooo o=EoirJJ E:xIo UJJ cgc3r ococ3Eo.!o-o; o .s =ooo6oo5 Eo (,t oE6J o uJ o oUJJ oEo L-o ot o l i!ouJ o Eg cBooEoa oooE. Eo ot o .xIo uJ E Eopootgoz 6tlt-loocG Es GoE(,o oE'6oo o=o 6 c- >.!oi Ni>G6loCc(,' 6a c.9 6lo Go(L =t {oNo co o- E 3oc uto,o6 G3 o oa iIc.9olEc o cool .xL 3oz EIot o f iIc.oolEc Ec(, =o(,g, Eoz o (, ! oo G EI Io oo o'6oo o=o o c- >.!oi 6F>,ia,OLcqt6a c E6 =o6(J (L =t soN ooo 6 =6 ct Eo .cioo oEocooEo Q o E6) .s 3o o eot oE6J o)Eo 6oEo EcoEootr tro2 o!0 GoEoooo G E qo oo o'ooo o)--a 6 c- >.9oie.:6F>Eo9OECL'toa Eo -gfo6(.)(! =tr soN E .>co o fxEo =o(,E of E coo EofL6,t6yth oc o o =iIEo)tE 6I IoE JLooE6J coo oo =L o6o Eo o'6oo o=U) ooc- >.sai>:o;>,i6cOCC('t Ga E.9 .6lll6o(! =d oNo ruo6 (5 =6 Ef .xL o,p 6I Eo =.9 Eo 0) o eot o =.xL =IO op 6 6o =.oEoo E tropood troz J\ooo G I G o oo E tro =ootgoz -o ot Gt G o =o EG ooo(, G E gocoo E tropoot Eoz 6 o xI! o f 6o o fo(!o = ol Go = o lo6lu = I =q6o = o f Go = o f 6o = o =6o o@ oN@ oo':o@ ooo- o@Ndt o@ No@ Eo)Eooo .L =d EoEooo(I =d EoEooo (L =n !oEoo)o(]. =d EoEooo (L t EoEooo(L =t EoEooo(L =tr !oEoo)o(L =t oNo oNo :' oNo oNo toNo oNo oNo oNo oo ooC6ooUJJ o o oco 6 oc E o'6' Ec.9o = coo( =:ot cofoooIf IJJ s oxocI6 otro o 6-' E Co> 9c =cCVoOO 9i gIJoo.9Io LUJ oEoxoEo 6 oqo odEc>o>*o i- allE^OoB=9: ooE =oo uJJ o.EoxocoE0G:>ioi 9g .qiGT:t6rEEei c!:8d 3_gru( 6 E ooE foo [rJJ o'-o oEog5occco6itr6V'E'c EEo>]CE}QEL(od =-o; 6 E oooaoo UJJ oEo oco 6- ccocg6 baEo ct9Eo>PS =t.27L(oiodi-o; o6(L G3o uJJ o'Eo oEoF6 oc E o,d E EoE>o>Po-o@EVoOo ==9: o6I 6 E a JJJ oEoxoEo 6 oE E oaEco= o-i6alC oOC>:gt l Eo G ocot o 6-' =Coo = co) 3oz o-xIztro/) qoE(! -)lU coFo ocot o'6 =co oe coo 3oz Eoo ol =lxtirt -tEIsrlJlolololrlolu.l ol Eo G ocoE o'6-' EE.ool coo;oz =oo il o fxiI E .s)JEool!o^ru= =oz EoN o: Io g-o=oo_ot 6(>)o>6; Pd .q .so(0-> 8ED' riCc "1 ,c o'6-' =coo)Ecoo Boz =ooN il ol .xL (! BoGoto Ee6,oEp.!fho>oELIJ O o'(!' =co oa Eoo;oz =ooN o f .xI (, BE(!od.o Eeo'oEo9lho>oETIJ C =c.9 G oEot o6' =cIoa Eoo 3oz Eoo of ! ooc- 6 E3JJ qo (! ocot o'6-' =c.9of coO 3oz Eon il ol .xLvooL 6 Bo14c l'Ec h= o=CQoocc EAoa.EoqE 96(9o o(,oo oo ul oEoI o oo o(U(, =>Poo .9N():-tEo rrJ 6>rgg|.E odfiEuEo\IEo.= tr a! cfo =.Eood bb oa oE)Gq. oEoq)o o=o o '6 ruo o -_o o '6()o o)?-a Eoooq o at) o 'ooo o=a o '6oo o a E c- >.9ot>:6F>,i6cOCcl't 6a 6 c- >.soiz.:6;>,;acocc(t6o E c->.9o6 66, 6CP8'too i6 C- >.Q-E Eg6cP8't Go G >.9 Go>E6coOCO't Go 6 c->.!oiz':G;>'iacocCCtoo co 6? Eo(L =t Eo 6lo 6o(L =tr Eo 6 =o 6o(L =d Cosfo 6o o- =E. c E6 fo 6o(I E c.o 6lo 6o(I t $ oNo \' oN \t oNo \t oNO oNo oNo po =(!latu u.JoocGo Eq? R;EC6=E!o!E.go!(Lt-=.OC -c-cE-o!Ell 6:fzAcul;uJt()n ooE6ao uJt!oocooEat ot P-t gi>To.go=oio; P'.C E-g-t G: O. H??! CEt!uJo 8Ec6g.ctr-E.e 3.E E,EIq o6OE -oo !!q!.SFaz sE+ EEf; P:t -octsE tEdrEd:OUJ:H3tOD F- E! aoE(!lo-uJouJ-oa*O..-3!EF.go^o@.q Xo c-o6lE>3sOE - 6ati= E.gToccr:tk=;EOi:Edtooco(I!__c .9.s) i DoEGfoci IIJ -[l>?6$-..N qLcrh8e3!20 Of6'>is'6 E; E eIoEo5 Fik=;E.o 6\E@tooo6[€ :r',, E -- C E6JooE6 EobcLO_cLoc =gLCoEocg? g= EX Bdi0ar B€Eq6:t!Ou HIOr-c o ooc6Eoto(! E.9I uJt!o Eo ot oE6J Eo c)oftro o oo6 GBEoofEoE. uJ UJ Eo ot oE6J Eoo oo=tJ- @ o c.9 Eooo fofc Eoo Eo ot oE6J Coo ooa lJ-o o olxEo EG @ 6coE.9)I Eo otr q E6) Eoo oo =r! @ o oaxEo EG @ il odls.s,- Eo od. oE6J qo aooftr @ o oE6Eo E .f E(, (! Eo ot oE6J Eoo oofI @ ooeN +:oi6o oaoc 6 trot,6 C)t troz oo o oS\6l- oo G S G o oo o '6 o)o o U) o 'o o)o o--a o 'ooo o=a o 'ooo o=U) E c. >.!otz':6;>daCPI., 6a 6 c- >.9oi 6F>daCoCECt6a 6 C.>.!oi 6;>daCoCc(,' 6o Eoc- >.soie:6;>GaCgI't 6o co 6fo 6o o- =E. co 6fo 6o o- =t Eo 6lo 6o(L =d Eo 6looo(L =t t oNo t oN * oN $ oNo f E cf EG cICo= it( 6co(E,qo ^Tthx!6: C)6SCJ o;gO =FEIf0?(i( @oooo lE ciE6 cIoF $'!t oo-E.6O OE PH oE6'l-= ?o;:90=-XS q il oo6L sod) liEo3 @N I oE6J E.c Eoz Eo o oEooz ui E =oI E.oofEEq,oo 6;oE6 a olx o EG o (!D cII J!t) eoY o fx! Eoo oo2!o e Elx o Eoo I otr c9) I Joo eox. o fxI coo oo =Io o E 6Ecoo o ot Jcoo o f .xL Eoo ooftro o Eoot o ot Jd)a oE6J go oo =tr @ oooEof6 GEo 6E opotou, oz o(,tooo lLht\ (,(, G E Go q,o o'ooooo--a .q'6oo o=o o'ooo o--o o'6oo ([,a o 'ooq o a 6ac- >.9oie.:gEo9olC(5o,o o c.>.!oi>:6.>';6CPI 6t) 6 c?>.!otz':6;>G6CPI.; 6a 6 Ec>.!oie':6F>d6CoCE!t6a G .Ec>.!ot 6;>'iaCoCc(,= 6U) c.o(! lo(! (L =t co 6)o6o(L =i c F6lo 6O(L =E. co 6fo 6o t co 6 f Eo(I =t \toNo $ oN t oNo $ oN $ oNo lolc coo Gc og 6 EoE6J lo- AEv( c(o=i:-(Ec 6sz7 6f =cf E6 T.co=FJ $C aCo0E'qo ^!9tx! e)Ei a1 o; sO'=F EIf(iCi:o ooGqo = cfEo o-oF $ ,;Cq-E.6C OE OFci.-do:6''\v: Is =:oCal.x; EIo _66oozi G =oI Eo=o)Eo oo(E o3oEo c I oo6I (5 6c0 o; G =@N il oE6J Ec co2 o c.o6 o)oo =o =c coo Eo ot oE6J coo oo =tro o oa Eo E6 @ Gd]-.9r- Eo ot oEo) coo oofro o o, .xo E6 @ ll G(D .9I Eo oE. oEG) coo oolLo o oE6Ex. Eo ox. oEGJ Eoo oolLo o o GEc6o Eo C)t oEoJ coo oolLo .g EoE'd od Eoz o'ooo o--o o'6 0)o o=o 6 c- >.soi 6;>r;otOLC('t Go 6 c->.!oi N;>'iaCoCE('=6o co o =o(Eo (L t c.9 6fl26()(r =n oNo $oNo o ooo -go .gEo =oa l E G Ed)io_!Pi6rI.!o(o: =irE6aOoo!4J =ooo ooo 63 C') .xlJ-op 6 6o =ts6ooIl o s (Edl .oco oo lJJ ?-o ot o(L op (EI Eo =E(5ooa f o o =.xlL Eo ot I =a(L op 6I Eo =E6ao9. = ogtoooII|.bt- q,(, G EI G q, q,o Eo9o5Eiu>FG-o3 Pauo3EOuJ6o .s coE,6 rOdto2 i' =tas.oE G{ Eo 6=8E.= t,Ul-.niECEEEEE.:}t f. S!!=Pgpt&E oE.Ep o oo o(Eo =>PlJo .oNo+ IJJ b>9g,so;etUJ lUrBo\IEo.=c'6 tr o =vt)ot hb oo obGq. ts Goc = o '6oo o--o 6o.cJ o =oo N 6 c->.9oi 6;>EotOLCCt6a N Ns EoEooo (L =t co 6lo Go(L =t EoEooo (L =t EoEooo (L E. $oN o $oN o $oN o oN occ6coo E q EG coo oo = ocoocoEpqxooE6ocacg, 50 '4t o co ooEGo.=oE'6 6qo c,9 =o EooOC.E .EEo oh P?o9 oEo>IJJ : o o)o =g E G .goc cg co IofEoc .9xoo.Eq!lclot9t-cOF14i oo6 o E 6 .c o E6 cI opc6o.Eoc .9. c)oc'6 (5oo o TIJ o Eo o)t c.s,a c) oJ ECc6coouJ o Eo c)t E .9ro -- UJot! o Eo ot c.9,o o.EoGObofg 6 o uJ o Eo on c.9 U> oCoo C)o6a o o uJ eotao; Go Eoa.oc .gc(, =ootcoz olu-too G EI G o o(9 Co = o'6oo oa 6 c->.9oE>: 9€aCP85oo E.9 6f 126(J(! =e. t oNo oco Eo oo l E c;E c.s,) EoF9u'= _qEIf( :06>Occ0o(o.5cEoIz! E.Eo-a4.it o Eo lo EI c,t oc c .9)J 8q6c cf 6oco(, co .gc(,pooe,goz o Io oocR E G oEoo o = € g rOtoot oz oEooooo--a o 'ooo o=a 6 c. >.!ot 6;>d6co(C('t 6a o c- >.qot cF>li6aoECL't 6a c.oo f Eo(L =t c.oo fo 6o(! =t oNo oN o.EEGfo o o Coo.c Eo fo oEE6o=,>iOEE! EFo: EEo= oc; 6lo o o Eooc Eo fo ooc6ot>:r9OEE! OEa1alo: o t =ozoc E.q)J o)o6Y 6 o Eeodog c.9)Joo6to6 o'6oo oa 6 c- >.9ote':6;>Eo9OLcl;(5,o c.96loG(.) (L =d oNo o.cE6lg o o Eoo.s Eo fo oocGo; EEEE OCE.:o)o= o t =z 6 Eoooc c.s,J EE6oc E .9)J o.Eo 6 tr(,po(,t troz o '6oo o a o 'Ioo o=o I'6oo oa ,9=oo)o o=o o,o oo o?_o o'ooo o U) G c->,!oie':9E6CDCact6t) 6 c- >.!otz.:6;>daE6cE(,Go E c- >.9 a=Eg6cP8't 6a 6o >.9 Lft5o 6CP8't oo 6 >.9 -6>= Qo 6CoOcO'too E c->.!ot 6;>da<PI't Go c.9 6fooo 0- d co 6lo(so (L t c.9olo6o(I =t c.9 Gaooo(L =t E =(E fo6or! =t E.o6loo (L =n s oN t oN oNo oN $oNo $oN Cs,I otoso;g'i sIE!9aEuMU;cotECfr(d, UJf; IJJ -(Jq 1',qsr:o!etI{l^c E.9=6fo uJuJo Ec6oEau o= P-EKFE; o=9EE;i3 E-o!E} 6==va.auJ;uJkoc EqPr cE8E 6Ee,'E9p€;!G96< XE Pe E -OqE,O E EPo o-q!o- -- od-90 S 5 ";-> e€EEI c oE&:.; E Ee EsEoc-==OOSOofOur E E rrr tlJ -Q.9 FE:T Eo =6)g UJOuJ-o:rO.,-8!EF.go^o@-q-o.Xo ciol5>3dOE - 6aEJ=EsToEc;EEx!cEJ2 q88t-- Eooi == c ooE6aOOt!-lrJ >969Ia!OLc'E8o9E6 of 6:=x9'6 E" EsioE(fE?ii;EO:hb toO-a-- E9q)( e E -66ooz li 63 o I E.oofEo oo6 (! 3q Eq o c.9 ocoo N F_@ Eeot)d)o o f i! coo oo:uo e E =Eo) (L uJ uJo EI(,t.)dlU) ol .xI cc)oqoo) Io o o Eooo Eo (,t Jdla o =.xI coo Iofu @ o E =.xoE6 @ Gd)c.q)I Eo od J(Ito If .xr ce ooftr @ o o f EoEo I 6 c0!.q)f Go od Jdla El .xI Eoo o oatr @ o oEGoe o oe.)coo o E6J Eoo o ol I @ BI ED.J o o E) ED -t o6oco o (, Eo 6Etropoot oz oooo o ILol- oo G tr eo oo o '6oo o=o G c->.!otz':oi>d6CoCE(., oa qo 6lo Go(L =t oNo GogGqEEO(o6 P€ at= =6XE o-cc)ad E3c*o6=oEFao6ov EHo.c 3.EtroGO99Ph Eo o oEooz oi 6 =o il Co oaEo oo6 63o Eq o oE6od Eo on o E6J coo pofL @ --cf oc'toU) Ec E5E5caooEg EAoa.EoqEgE(9o Eo9.OLEa)>F6-at Pi!o=EOIIJ Eo oooo oo UJ lal'oEDit&tG Eb 6l Itebot oE(EI o oo Jo ato =>P(Jo .qNoi utb>9g,'EE8trtruJ ql o\IEq.E tr (E tr o =voot o f 6o = o l o() = ol (Eo E) (5o = I) (5o I)o6o o) 6o = o f Go = ol Go I =Go, = o{o- No o No '1 ooo-o N o @t.o- o @_ N NoN. $ aN N@. Eo Eooo LFt oo E()oo IFt Eo) Eooo l!Ft Eo Eooo l!Ft !o) Eruoo l!Ft E(, Eo(,o rLFd €o)Eoq)o IFt EoEooouFt ooEooo LFt EoEooouFd \' oNo !t oN \toNo $oN \toNo oNo rt oNo $oNo $oN o toN o EEEE==9b6o6oc.g'-oE=EaJc E3OEEO E3odcq'=op; aB60EI,6t{otr!o pE -C>9E; Oo =o=po! FE-ooaoI9> odo6 -o9goPco'=o &3 6O<o5e5E!oo!rtE(lpE oEsol:eod EEEEl=9b6oooc.EofEarc E3ocEOE:oAca=o'pt* b860E: ,, E€ !otr! (9 grt cEiol:N66 Oo =o=po! FE -6 !6olE> lloo6tstsgO€oo3co'=o &_e ^O SE F,EUoo!ran E ciEE oEEol>N6d E 6; -a)E8 =cESOo6Ccd8r JOb:sE5tro BE pqco Eoo0(o!o 3e =69c6!oE9,q;: qF E EEe =E!loLO Es, olo>oo -oo6otsEouO9_Ep8 =o=o96Eo!oEe =6t6EEiOEC 15 pE o,= ?cEE3;A PE =o59o= E,g-ooAolE> 9(l)o6 LO9oro!co pg ^O6!EJJ "EUoo9rncclEi oEiol:q, o d oro =o=9o= P8-ooAofQ> 96o6EEgO9oo!CA =o E_a 6O<oEet E',oo9'qEcLpi oEi93i-od E5-cEEg8 ooOEcd'-f EpJA b:8EEEo EAposo Er'Eo)Lo Ee =6y,c6!otr! 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I uo3ooo2og Ioo =oo6aE Eot) =6oE eoo cI Eo)o ot Uo) =ooo ot Uoo =oool E EoO6tlOF.o6CEOG-!qO=o: o'6oo o=a 6 c->,!oia!6F>Ea9o!CCtGa c.96foGo(! =t soNo coo oof o coo ooc6o.coc 'xooo -goo ) o Eo ot Jd)o c .9)o --tuot! 6cfi EEE5coooccE=oo.SooE €E(9o oootr'6 =o 6 Eo 6E =opo(,t troz 6l,Po{l!EE!c}E$st=lr $g otGI o oo)oGo =>Pa)o .9N(r+i=6 luJ b>9o'3c.E uJ rl o\ EEo-=c .E tr o =!ood sb o booGq- bo{Neo o Go oa,oq olo(5 o) = o fa(!o = o) 6o = o f oo Il 6o = o fo(s o) oa (!o = o =o6o = o =q6o = o f 6o = o aoolu = o f 6ru = Efooo = Elo(,!u = o) (5o = @@N- @ t\t\@ ooo oNo.t ooF--oN ot@ oF- d oN.!cN oNoo $oo- @N @ N @o\t$ @No- N oo-o No- N EoEooo LFtr Eo EooouFt Eo Eoc)ouFd EoEooo LFt EoEooo LFt EoEooo IFt E(, E(,oo LFt Ec)Eooo LFt Eo EoooIFt Dq, Eoo)orFd Eo Eoo,orFd Eo Eo(,ouFd oo EooorFd Eo Eo OJorFt ooEooo LFt \toNo $oN o oNo soNo oNo rf oNo s oNo $oNo $oN o soN o soN o $oN o toN o toN o oN o OE =o =Eo= FE-apdo=q> -96o6EtsLIU€crEPca,*&5 ^o<o#e 6EUoo9a4 E cip: o E.iof>e6A qro =0)E9o= E,g -oaaol4> odo6EE gO€or€co EgE,- 6OE: i,Eu.oog 3;E oEEol>!!6d !_o)96 foooEq,G.= .!f E>g8f .!!LOOEooEo Effe8,=dt-9Ero Es 3EU -ocoEc .* eEotr E _-35!loc EEEE .9b6o(Eoc.E'-qofEa)c E3OE EO E*odco=op* 686e =L.,cPioo9oE!o sriq.! -rEiI:;14od tuE =c)=9<)= F8-a odo:9> o6o6EEgO9oo€co =o &_d ^O105B F,EUoo9ft c cE-Et o E.iol>I{O0 Eq; -Q EE =cg8oo6cc'6'-f Earo b:a9bEo b! EOco ioo(ro LOte>6,'ci:0oE! 5Piop Eo6e EEEE)=.9bE)o6oc.S EfEaJc E3OEEO E3Dac6'=op* 68iio =i..5E(EEEo pEa.! -L=CSP;YOO Pc =o =Eo= FA-o odofQ> 96o6EELOPooP =tDoa 99o: =lJsEapQ9 tnEc E-pE oSE9.?;YOC EEPE )P_9bEo6oc.E olEaJC E3OEtro E3oAca 88.t6-ooo E: .,5€(oE! I qrio.9 -sEist;!loo glc =o =Eo= 8,8FO odol 3podo6 sO9orE_Oc6<oARLe 6OEO EB 5E ioo_c't E clsrE =EE?: laloo E 6; -!P EE =cEsoo6.cca'-l EOJO b:s9b EBaaco Eo'0ao LO€e =dY)c6(otr!,q;Eos E voc EEIEa=9bE;O6oc.E-oofEarc E3OEEO E3oAco;opi -oOg9:c9!oo9otr! 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