HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120620Revision to DSM 2011 Report.pdf‘ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A OIVISON OF PACIFICORF 201 South Main,Suite 2300??Y!20 iJ !C:SaltLakeCityUtah84lll m :C’June 20,2012 - -.‘-j’ VIA OVERNIGHTDELIVERY Jean D.Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Boise,ID 83 702-5983 Re:Revision to the Annual 2011 Idaho Demand Side Management Report Attn:Jean D.Jewell Commission Secretary PacifiCorp (d.b.a.Rocky Mountain Power)hereby submits for filing an update to its 2011 Demand Side Management Annual Report,pursuant to Order No.29976 from Case No.PAC-E 05-10. Since filing the 2011 Demand Side Management report the Company has identified two corrections to the report and one correction to the appendix: 1.Report changes:Updated participation number of Customers &Sites for Irrigation Load Control program (table 5 page 15); 2.Added incentives paid to table 13 Low Income Weatherization Performance; 3.Appendix changes:Updated the low income section,(page 7 tables 1 and 2) administration charges have been reduced from $200,719 to $18,240 and incentives have increased from $0 to $182,479. For any informal questions,please contact Ted Weston,Manager,Idaho Regulatory Affairs,at (801)220-2963. Sincerely, L Lccv ,,r effrey K.La’sén Vice President,Regulation &Government Affairs Rocky Mountain Power 2011 Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report —Idaho Revised May 24,2012 Table of Contents Introduction and Executive Summary .4 2011 Performance and Activity 6 Company Filings with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission 10 Outreach and Communications 12 Peak Reduction Program and Activity 14 Energy Efficiency Programs and Activity 17 Residential Energy Efficiency Programs and Activity 19 Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Programs and Activity 28 Summary of 201 1 Results 34 Balancing Account Summary 36 Cost Effectiveness 37 Appendices 39 2 Table of Tables Table 1:Total Portfolio Performance 4 Table 2:Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Results 6 Table 3:Program Evaluation Timeline 9 Table 4:Load Management Portfolio Performance 14 Table 5:Irrigation Load Control Program Performance 15 Table 6:Energy Efficiency Portfolio Performance 17 Table 7:Commercial &Industrial Energy Efficiency Portfolio 18 Table 8:Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio 18 Table 9:Home Energy Savings Program Performance 19 Table 10:Home Energy Savings Measure Performance 20 Table Ii:See ya later,refrigerator®Program Performance 22 Table 12:See ya later,refrigerator®Results 22 Table 13:Low Income Weatherization Performance 25 Table 14:Conservation Education 27 Table 15:Energy FinAnswer Program 28 Table 16:Energy FinAnswer by Measure Type 28 Table 17:FinAnswer Express Program 30 Table 18:FinAnswer Express by Measure Type 30 Table 19:Agricultural Energy Services Program 32 Table 20:Agricultural Energy Savers by Measure 33 Table 21:Revenues (Schedule 191)by Customer Type 34 Table 22:Expenditures (Schedule 191)by Customer Type 34 Table 23:Energy Efficiency kWh Saved by Customer Type 35 Table 24:Balancing Account Activity (Schedule 191)36 3 Introduction and Executive Summary Rocky Mountain Power (the “Company”)working in partnership with its retail customers and with the approval of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the “IPUC”),acquires energy efficiency and peak reduction resources as cost-effective alternatives to the acquisition of supply- side resources.These resources assist the Company in efficiently addressing load growth and contribute to the Company’s ability to meet system peak requirements.Company energy efficiency and peak reduction programs provide participating Idaho customers with tools that enable them to reduce or assist in the management of their energy usage,while reducing the overall costs to Rocky Mountain Power’s customers.These resources are a valuable component of Rocky Mountain Power’s resource portfolio and are relied upon in resource planning as a least cost alternative to supply—side resources. Rocky Mountain Power currently offers seven energy efficiency and peak reduction programs in Idaho.In 2011,costs associated with these programs were recovered through the Customer Efficiency Services Rate Adjustment (Schedule 191),with the exception of the expenses associated with the irrigation load control program1.The results of Rocky Mountain Power’s Idaho energy efficiency and peak reduction programs for the reporting period of January 1,2011 through December 31,2011 are summarized in Table I below. Table 1:Total Portfolio Performance2 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT 4.354 3.958 2.228 1.733 4.870 NA NA NA (Note:See notes for Table 2 for explanation of Gross Savings and line loss assumptions) Overall first year energy savings for 2011 achieved through energy efficiency programs, decreased approximately 26 percent while Customer Efficiency Services expenditures decreased 27 percent. ‘The Idaho Public Utilities Commission,in Case No.PAC-E-10-07,ordered that the costs associated with the Idaho Irrigation Load Control Program should be allocated as system costs and not situs to Idaho. 2 Savings and expenditures from school projects completed under the Idaho Office of Energy Resources Energy Efficiency Incentives Agreement were removed from the PTRC,TRC and PCT cost effectiveness calculations and results.See Appendix 1. System Benefit Revenues Collected System Benefit Expenditures (excludes Irrigation) Total Expenditures including Irrigation MW of Participaton Load (Gross at Generation) kWh/Yr Savings (Gross at Generation) kWh/Yr Savings (at Site) $5,356,975 $2,574,217 $11,898,261 281.4 Portfolio Cost Effectiveness Levelized Cost ($/kWh) Lifecycle Revenue Impact ($/kWh) 9,660,007 8,821,524 4 At the end of2011,the Customer Efficiency Services balancing account had an unfunded balance of $1,564,182. Rocky Mountain Power’s energy efficiency and peak reduction portfolio level performance for 2011 was cost effective across all five cost effectiveness tests. 5 2011 Performance and Activity Program and Sector level results for 2011 are provided on the following table3.Program Schedules are noted in parenthesis in the table. Table 2:Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Results kWhIYr Savings kWhIYr Savings Program Program Units (at site)(at generator)Expenditures Low Income Weatherization (21)100 228605 251,363 $253,809 Low Income Education Program (21)168 22,848 25,123 $42500 RefrigeratorRecIing(117)710 943,176 1,037,069 $107,033 Home Energy Savings (118)7,978 2,544,602 2,797,917 $613,890 Total Residential 8,956 3,739,231 4,111,472 $1,017,233 EnergyFinMswer(125)1 9,727 10,634 $18,303 FinAnswer Express (115)70 2,219,662 2,426,668 $632,813 Total Commercial 71 2,229,389 2,437,302 $651,116 Total Energy Efficiency 8,821,524 9,660,008 2,363,302 Energy Efficiency Eluation Costs $210,915 Total System benefit Expenditures -All Programs $2,574,217 Irrigation Load Control Expenditures (Schedule 72 and 72A)$9,324,044 Total Idaho Program Expenditures $11,898,261 Energy FinAnswer (125) FinAnswer Express (115) ,gricuItural Energy Serv,ces (155) Total Industrial 13 2 7,978 7,993 478,200 14,311 2,360,393 2,852,904 521,501 15,607 2,574,126 3,111,234 136,064$ 67,910$ 490,980$ 694,954$ Savings values in this table are shown prior to any net-to-gross adjustment.The values at generation include line losses between the customer site and the generation source.The Company’s line losses by sector are 9.96 percent for residential,9.33 percent for commercial and 9.06 percent for industrial.These values are based on the Company’s 2007 Transmission and Distribution Loss Study by Management Applications Consulting published in October 2008. 6 Major Trends and Activities In 2011,the Company’s energy efficiency program performance decreased across all customer sectors on a kWh/year basis compared to 2010 results.Residential savings decreased by 16 percent,commercial by 35 percent,and industrial by 30 percent (including agricultural sector), respectively. Expenditures related to energy efficiency program delivery decreased in 2011 as compared to 2010 by 27 percent.At a sector level,the residential sector expenditures decreased by 37 percent and commercial and industrial sectors decreased by 17 percent. Results of the irrigation load control program reflect program changes agreed to in a stipulation between the Company,Idaho Irrigation Pumper Association and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff,approved by Commission Order 32235 on April 27,2011.The order froze program participation to existing participants and the participants were required to either reduce participating loads by 18 percent or accept an 18 percent reduction in the incentive value.Of the 283 megawatts of connected load in 2010,258 megawatts participated during the 2011 control season (as measured at the customer meter). Cost Effectiveness Consistent with the requirements outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Company and Idaho Commission Staff the Company provides cost effectiveness results utilizing five cost effectiveness tests: 1.PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC) 2.Total Resource Cost Test (TRC) 3.Utility Cost Test (UCT) 4.Ratepayer Impact Test (RIM) 5.Participant Cost Test (PCT) The PTRC (also referred to as the TRC +Conservation Adder)is a variation of the TRC test.It includes a 10 percent benefit adder to account for non-quantified benefits of conservation resources over supply-side alternatives.This is consistent with Northwest Power Planning and Conservation Act. The TRC compares the total cost of a supply side resource to the total cost of an energy efficiency program resource,including costs paid by the customer in excess of the program incentives provided.This test is used to determine if an energy efficiency program is cost effective from a total cost perspective. The UCT,also referred to as the Program Administrator Test,compares the portion of the resource costs paid directly by the Company.This test is useful in determining the cost effectiveness of the resource from the Company’s perspective;however it does not account for the portion of the cost that is borne directly by customers. 7 The RIM test determines the impact an energy efficiency program has on rates.The ultimate objective of an energy efficiency program is to encourage customers to use less energy,thereby reducing energy sales.The RIM test accounts for the cost of lost revenues to the utility associated with kWh sales reductions.The net impact of these reductions can put near-term upward pressure on rates even when total costs are lower with a successful energy efficiency program than with a supply-side alternative.One challenge with the RIM test however is that its more sensitive than the other tests to differences between long-term projections of marginal costs and long-term projections of rates,two cost streams that are difficult to quantify with certainty. The PCT test compares the portion of the resource cost paid directly by participants to the savings realized by the participant.For the PCT test,bill savings are the realized benefit of energy efficiency rather than the avoided supply-side costs. The results for each test are provided at several levels: 1.Overall portfolio level,consolidation of all Company delivered programs 2.Load control and energy efficiency program portfolios separately 3.Residential and non-residential energy efficiency program portfolios separately 4.At the individual program level Results of the cost effectiveness tests are included in the summary overview for each program. Further details including key inputs and assumptions for each of the cost effectiveness tests are provided in the cost effectiveness section of this report. 8 Program Evaluation Rocky Mountain Power’s Program Evaluation Timeline (Table 3 below)provides a summary of the scheduled completion of program evaluations. Table 3:Program Evaluation Timeline Anticipated Program Evaluation Year Year(s) Program Type Status Complete Evaluated Evaluator Process andLowIncomeWeatherization Complete 2011 2007-2009 CadmusImpact Process andHomeEnergySavings In Process 01 2012 2009-2010 CadmusImpact Process andSeeyalater,refrigerator®In Process Q1 2012 2009-2010 CadmusImpact Process andEnergyFinAnswer In Process 2012 2009-2011 NavigantImpact Process andFlnAnswerExpress In Process 2012 2009-2011 NavigantImpact Process andIrrigationEnergySavers In Process 2012 2009-2011 NaiigantImpact As noted in Table 3,the Company completed a third-party independent process and impact evaluation for low income weatherization for program years 2007 —2009.Findings from these evaluations will be key inputs to ongoing program design considerations as well as inputs to future cost effectiveness determinations. 9 Company Filings with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission The Company made several filings with the Commission regarding its energy efficiency and peak reduction programs during 2011.Summary information concerning these filings is provided as follows: On January 20,2011,Rocky Mountain Power filed an application with the Commission requesting prospective changes to the Dispatchable Irrigation Load Control program,which is administered through Schedule 72A.This matter was subsequently assigned to Case No.PAC-E 11-06.Through the application,the Company proposed adding language to the tariff to control participation,in an effort to address adverse impacts to the distribution system.The Company also proposed changing the opt-out or liquidated damages penalty from a variable market price for energy structure to a penalty that results in a decrease in participation credits or participant incentive for each opt-out over 1 per season.Other proposed changes were minor administrative adjustments to tariff language.Ultimately a stipulation was entered into by the Company,Idaho Irrigation Pumper Association and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff to set the operating parameters for the 2011 —2012 control seasons.The stipulation provided for the following changes in the operation of the program: •For 2011 and 2012,the parties agreed that program participation would be targeted to achieve 232 megawatts of participation load.The company would work to reduce program participation from the 2010 level of 283 megawatts by 18 percent to approximately 232 megawatts.The Company would work with participants to identify the approximate reduction necessary to achieve an 18 percent reduction.Participants without the ability to identify an 18 percent reduction by segmenting pumps would receive a payment equal to 82 percent of their available participation credit incentive. •Incentive payments for 2011 were reduced by $1.45 per kilowatt per year to reflect system constraints. •The Company committed to invest a minimum of $1.3 million in capital improvements to identify and install equipment needed to reduce the constraints on the distribution system prior to the start of the 2012 control season. •As part of the annual irrigation report,the Company agreed to complete a review of circuit loading and recommend any needed changes or investments for the following years’irrigation season to continue to address circuit load issues. •The dispatch program season was changed to June 1 —August 31 of each year. •During 2011 —2012 program seasons no new Program participants or additional existing participants load will be accepted into the program. •At the discretion of the Company and by agreement with selected customers,the Company could require the manual operation of selected pumps during control events. •Opt-out provisions were modified to reflect the loss of participation credits rather than market prices. On February 28,2011,the Company submitted its 2010 Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Balancing Account Review with the Commission. 10 On April 27,2011,the Commission issued an order approving the changes incorporated by the parties in the stipulation. On April 29,2011,the Company submitted its 2010 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report with the Commission. On April 29,2011,Rocky Mountain Power filed an application with the Commission seeking authorization to suspend future program evaluations for Schedule 21,Low Income Weatherization Services Optional for Income Qualifying Customers.This matter was subsequently assigned to Case No.PAC-E-1 1-13.On January 18,2012,the Commission issued an order denying the Company’s request. 11 Outreach and Communications The following outreach,communications and promotional activities occurred to support Rocky Mountain Power’s energy efficiency programs in 2011. Home Energy Savings program Two bill inserts for the Home Energy Savings program featuring ENERGY STAR®ceiling fans and high efficiency heat pumps. New point-of-purchase materials were developed in 2011.These items included in-store banners for big box retailers,compact fluorescent lighting (“CFL”)cardboard kiosks,CFL booklet,CFL shelf flap,appliance table tents,appliance/lighting danglers and room air conditioner box stickers. A “blue envelope”promotion ran from September 19 to November 15 encouraging the purchase of qualifiing dishwashers,clothes washers and refrigerators.A total of 135 applications were received as a result of this effort. In October and November,a retail sales associate promotion ran in an effort to increase appliance redemptions prior to Black Friday. Two direct mail postcards promoting heat pumps and insulation were sent to approximately 1,100 customers in November. New resource manuals,pocket guides and fact sheets were provided to retailers along with key Home Energy Savings program information. See ya later,refrigerator® Newspaper ads for the See ya later,refrigerator®recycling program ran in Idaho Falls, Pocatello and Rexburg papers during spring months.Digital ads through Yahoo and other websites were also a part of the program communications. Three inserts were included in Idaho residential customer bills (April,June and August). In October,residential customers received a mailing with a refrigerator magnet encouraging them to recycle their old refrigerators or freezers. Energy FinAnswer &FinAnswer Express Ads encouraging businesses and organizations to upgrade lighting in advance of changes in federal fluorescent lighting standards ran in Idaho Falls and Pocatello newspapers and in the Idaho Business Review in May and July.A new handout was also developed to educate customers on the lighting standards changes. On May 3,Idaho trade allies were invited to a breakfast to learn about the resources available to help them save energy and money for themselves and their clients with the FinAnswer Express program. 12 Irrigation Load Control Customers on Rate Schedule 10 received a mailing in February with information on the prescheduled and dispatchable load control options.A follow up letter was sent in April to inform customers of program modifications. General Communications Rocky Mountain Power included energy efficiency messages in radio,print and digital ads as part of its ongoing Customer Awareness campaign that ran throughout the year. Residential customers in Idaho received Rocky Mountain Power’s Voices newsletter in bills in January,March,April,May,July,September,October and November.Each issue covered energy efficiency information and tips as well as other service related topics. Other newsletters such as Energy Insights,Energy Connections and Energy Update reach community,business and government audiences on a quarterly or monthly basis.Newsletters included energy efficiency stories geared toward commercial,industrial and agricultural audiences. Rocky Mountain Power has developed a variety of brochures and event materials with information on energy efficiency programs and resources to help customers save money. Customers can visit www.wattsmart.com for information on energy efficiency incentive programs,tips and other resources to save energy and money.This information is also accessible through our main website at www.rockymountainpower.net. Rocky Mountain Power’s Idaho Twitter account (@RMP_Idaho)is used to promote energy efficiency programs,recruit customers and inform customers with tips. Additionally,Rocky Mountain Power’s wattsmart Facebook page (www.facebook.com/ rockyrnountainpower.wattsmart)points customers to energy efficiency programs and provides conservation ideas. 13 Peak Reduction Program and Activity Peak Reduction programs assist the Company in balancing the timing of customer energy requirements during heavy use hours;deferring the need for higher cost investments in delivery infrastructure and generation resources that would otherwise be needed to serve those requirements for a select few hours each year.These programs help the Company maximize the efficiency ofthe Company’s existing electrical system and reduce costs for all customers. Programs targeting capacity related resources are often specific to end use loads most prevalent in a given jurisdiction,such as the agricultural pumping loads in the Company’s Idaho service territory.The Company offers two peak reduction programs in Idaho;a pre-schedule and on-call or dispatchable irrigation load control program.For the purpose of this report the two programs are being combined and evaluated as one program. Table 4:Load Management Portfolio Performance4 kWUnderControl (Gross -AtGen)281,362 Realized Load (Gross -AtGen)178,850 kW Under Control (At Site)258,000 Realized Load (At Site)164,000 Total Expenditures $9,324,044 Participation Credits $6,074,644 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program Cost Effectiveness Pass Pass Pass Pass NA Decrement values are considered confidential on load control programs.Cost effectiveness ratios and inputs will be available under a protective agreement.A “Pass”designation equates to a benefit to cost ratio of I or better. 14 Irrigation Load Control (Schedule 72 and 72A) Irrigation Load Control (Schedules 72 &72A)is offered to irrigation customers receiving electric service on Schedule 10,Irrigation and Soil Drainage Pumping Power Service. Participants allow the curtailment of their electricity usage as prescribed in Schedules 72 and 72A in exchange for a participation credit.For most participants their irrigation equipment is set up with a dispatchable two-way control system giving the Company control over their loads. Participants are provided a day-ahead notification in advance of control events and have the choice to opt-out ofa limited number of dispatch events per season. A summary of the program performance,expenditures,participation and cost effectiveness results are provided in table 5: Table 5:Irrigation Load Control Program Performance MWUnderControl (Gross -AtGen)281.4 Realized Load 178.9 Expenditures -Total $9,324,044 Participation Credits $6,074,644 Program Operations Expense $3,249,400 Participation (Customers)728 Participation (Sites)2,165 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program CostEffectiveness Pass Pass Pass Pass NA Major Trends and Activities The Irrigation Load Control Program was available for 52 hours from June 1 to August 31.The program had the estimated potential to curtail 196 megawatts of load on July 18,the peak day. In 2011 Rocky Mountain Power had three load control events.The first load control dispatch was on June 29 and was estimated to reduce peak system load by 168 megawatts in Idaho.This curtailment represented 69 percent of the potential 245 megawatts of available load control customer’s peak demand. The second dispatch occurred on July 7 and was estimated to reduce system peak 160 megawatts.This curtailment represented 62 percent of the potential 2586 megawatts of available load control customer’s peak demand. The third dispatch was on July 11 and was estimated to reduce the system peak by 165 megawatts.This curtailment represented 64 percent of the potential 258 megawatts of available load control customer’s peak demand. Demand fluctuates month to month.June’s undiversified demand for load control customers was 245 megawatts. 6 July’s undiversified demand for load control customers was 258 megawatts. 15 Idaho load control events for 2011 achieved 62 percent to 69 percent of the available participant peak load. To comply with the settlement agreement approved by the Commission on April,27,2011, Rocky Mountain Power studied the distribution system to determine which circuits were affected the most by the Irrigation Load Control Program.It was determined that fourteen circuits on seven substations were most susceptible to high voltage issues relating to the program.Rocky Mountain Power engineered a solution to the problem by replacing manual capacitor banks with automatic sensing capacitors that would turn on and off automatically to maintain acceptable voltage levels.On these 14 circuits,46 automatic switched capacitors were installed and 59 manual capacitors are being removed.This work is scheduled to be completed before the start of the 2012 irrigation season. Cost Effectiveness The program was cost effective from all perspectives.Decrement values or avoided costs are considered confidential on load control programs.Cost effectiveness ratios and inputs will be available under a protective agreement.A “Pass”designation equates to a benefit to cost ratio of I or better. Plans for 2012 The program will be implemented during 2012 in accordance with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Order 32235 dated April 27,2011. 16 Energy Efficiency Programs and Activity Energy efficiency programs deliver sustainable energy savings by improving the efficiency of equipment such as motors,lighting and cooling equipment.Energy efficiency is also delivered through improved weatherization of existing buildings,improving the design features of new facilities by ensuring they are constructed to exceed code.In the industrial sector,improvements in industrial equipment or processes can also improve energy utilization and deliver long term energy efficiency resources.Replacement of existing functional equipment,replacement of equipment at the end of its useful life and improvement opportunities all provide opportunities to deliver energy efficiency resources.While each type of opportunity has unique challenges, improvements in these areas all deliver long term energy savings over the life of the installed equipment. To deliver resources from these different opportunities,the Company offers six energy efficiency programs;three targeted to residential customers and three targeted to business customers.The programs are designed to work in a coordinated fashion and provide complementary services (i.e.recycle an existing refrigerator after buying a new Energy Star model)or different incentive options (i.e.,Energy FinAnswer incentives at the time a project is completed).Some programs or program features are specifically designed to capture lost opportunities (the Design Assistance provision in Energy FinAnswer),while other programs target retrofit or replacement opportunities in existing structures (i.e.,FinAnswer Express and Home Energy Savings). Results for the 2011 Energy Efficiency Portfolio are presented in the following tables: Table 6:Energy Efficiency Portfolio Performance System Benefit Expenditures $2,363,302 Energy Efficiency First Year Savings kWh/Yr (Gross at Generation)9,660,007 Energy Efficiency First Year Savings kWh/Yr (at Site)8,821524 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT PortfoIioCostEffectieness 1253 1.139 1.627 0.696 2.149 LeeIid Cost ($/kWh)$0.0770 $0.0770 $0.0539 Lifecycle Revenue Impact($/kWh)$0.0000360 17 Table 7:Commercial &Industrial Energy Efficiency Portfolio System Benefit Expenditures $1346,069 C&I Energy Efficiency FirstYear Savrngs kwh/Yr (Gross at Generation)5,548,536 C&t Energy Efficiency First Year Sanngs kWhIYr (at Site)5,082,293 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Portfolio Cost Effectiness 1.296 1.178 1.813 0.794 1.655 LeeIid Cost ($/kWh)$0.0762 $0.0762 $0.0493 Lifecycle Revenue Impact ($/kWh)$0.0000178 Table 8:Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio System Benefit Expenditures $1,017,233 Residential Energy Efficiency First Year Saiings kWh/Yr (Gross at Generation)4,111,471 Residential Energy Efficiency First Year Savings kWh/Yr (at Site)3,739,231 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT PortfolioCostEffectiness 1.202 1.093 1.413 0.588 3.221 Leelized Cost ($/kWh)$0.0780 $0.0780 $0.0604 Lifecycle Reenue Impact ($IlcWh)$0.0000232 18 Residential Energy Efficiency Programs and Activity Home Energy Savings Program (Schedule 118) The Home Energy Savings program (Schedule 118)provides a broad framework to deliver incentives for more efficient products and services installed or received by Idaho customers in new or existing homes,multi-family housing units or manufactured homes.The program is delivered through a third party administrator hired by the Company.Program information is available to the public at the program’s web site at http ://www.homeenergysavin gs.net/ldaho/idaho horne.htm I and can also be accessed through http://www.rockyrnountainpower.net/env/epi.html,the Company’s Idaho energy efficiency program website. Summary of the program results for 2011 are provided in the table below: Table 9:Home Energy Savings Program Performance kWh/Yr Savings (Gross -AtGen)2,797,917 kWh/Yr Savings (At Site)2,544,602 Expenditures $613,890 Incentives Paid $232,149 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program Cost Effectiveness 1 .476 1.342 2.115 0.689 2.511 Levelized Cost ($/kwh)0.0640 0.0640 0.0406 Lifecycle Revenue Impact ($/kWh)$0.0000117 19 Details of 2011 measure level participation and savings are provided on the following table: Table 10:Home Energy Savings Measure Performance kWhIYr Unit Savings Measure (coss -At Home Energy Savings Measures ment #of Units Participants Site) Clothes Washer-TierOne(1.72-1.99MEF)Units 14 14 3,188 Clothes Washer-Tier Two (2.0 +MEF)Units 1,165 1165 283,193 Clothes Washer Recycling Units 0 0 0 Dishwasher Units 316 316 12,881 Evaporative Cooler (Portable)Units 0 0 0 Evaporative Coolers (Permanently Installed)Units 3 3 975 Electric Water Heater Units 58 58 5,261 Room AC Units 0 0 0 Refrigerator Units 350 350 34,125 Insulation -Fttic sq feet 88,673 83 136,974 Insulation -Floor sq feet 969 3 6,439 Insulation-Wall sqfeet 3,823 5 4,949 ‘Mndows sq feet 9,037 63 20,152 CAC (15 SEER)Projects 2 2 192 CAC Install Units 0 0 0 CAC Sizing Units 1 1 67 CAC Tune-Up Projects 1 1 30 DuctSealing-Electric Projects 0 0 0 DuctSealing-Gas Projects 0 0 0 HeatPumpUpgrade Projects 2 2 1,622 HeatPumpConversion Units 4 4 12,588 HPTuneup Units 1 1 505 Ceiling Fans Units 17 11 1,819 Fixtures Units 110 40 10,120 CFL-Specialty Units 1,273 127 43,219 CFL-Twister Units 57,286 5,729 1,966,304 Totals 163,105 7,978 2,544,602 kWh/Yr Savings at Generation 2,797,917 (Note:CFL participation is assumed at 10 CFLs per participant.) Major Trends and Activities The Home Energy Savings program savings in 2011 decreased 78 percent in non-CFL measures but increased 128 percent in CFL measures.This resulted in an overall decrease of 24 percent as compared to 2010. The largest decrease in non-CFL participation was seen in weatherization measures.The contractor feedback indicated that overall sales were down compared to 2010 due to economic 20 instability and very mild summer weather.Additionally,appliance sales slowed after the exhaustion of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)funds. Special per bulb CFL pricing was instituted in 2011 which contributed to the achievement of 100 percent of lighting goals in Idaho by the end of the year.The program also partnered with Fluid Market Strategies and the regional Simple Steps program that helped contribute to increased savings of 816,000 kWh,which represents nearly 41 percent of lighting savings for 2011. A marketing campaign,which provided incentives to the sales associates in order to drive customer participation,was conducted in the last quarter of 2011.The campaign’s goal was to promote appliance measures such as dishwashers,clothes washers and refrigerators and resulted in a total of 135 applications received from the top retailers such as Sears,Denning’s,and Home Depot.This promotion contributed significantly to appliance savings for the program.A similar promotion will be considered again in 2012. Cost Effectiveness The program was cost effective from all perspectives except the Ratepayer Impact Test. Appendix I provides detailed inputs used in the cost effectiveness analysis of this program. Program Evaluation See comments under the Program Evaluation heading in the 2011 Performance and Activities section of this report for evaluation activities related to this program. Plans for 2012 The program is focusing on targeted retailer outreach in 2012,as six retailers in Idaho account for 80 percent of appliance redemptions.Program staff is also focusing on the Qualified Weatherization Contractor Network and bringing new trade allies onto the program.By co branding,placing product,and co-sponsoring promotions,the program expects to increase participation. 21 See ya later,refrigerator®(Schedule 117) The Residential Refrigerator Recycling Program (Schedule 117)is available to Idaho residential customers through a Company contracted third-party program administrator.Older refrigerators and freezers which are less efficient,yet operational,are taken out of use permanently and recycled in an environmentally responsible manner.The program’s objective is to permanently retire these older and less efficient refrigerators and freezers from the market and recycle the units in order to avoid their re-entry or resale on the secondary appliance market.Program awareness is generated through mass media advertising channels as well as Company communications such as the program’s web site,bill stuffers,and customer newsletters.In addition to free pick-up and a nominal cash incentive,participants receive an energy efficiency packet consisting of two ENERGY STAR®-certified compact fluorescent light bulbs,a refrigerator/freezer thermometer,and energy education materials. A summary of the program results for 2011 are provided in the table below. Table 11:See ya later,refrigerator®Program Performance kWh Savings (Gross -At Gen)1037,069 kWh Savings (At Site)943,176 Expenditures $107,033 Incentives Paid $21,300 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program Cost Effectiveness 1 .945 1.768 1.594 0.579 NA Levelized Cost ($/kWh)0.0418 0.0418 0.0464 Lifecycle Revenue Impact ($/kWh)$0.000006024 Details of 201 1 measure level participation and savings are provided on the following table: Table 12:See ya later,refrigerator®Results Refrigerator Per Unit Savings oss Savings Recycling Measure Unit Count (kWhIYr)(kWhIYr) Refrigerator 542 1,149 622,758 Freezer 168 1,590 267,120 Total Units Recycled 710 889,878 Energy Savings Kits 658 81 53,298 Total (At Site)943,176 Total (At Generation)1,037,069 22 Major Trends and Activities Program participation in 2011 decreased approximately 10 percent from 2010 (in terms of unit volumes).A direct mail campaign in October involved approximately 20,000 pieces,and resulted in strong Q4 program activity. Environmental Attributes In terms of the impact of the program on the environment,processing the 710 harvested units resulted in the recycling of more than 44 tons of metal,7 tons of plastics,1 ton of tempered glass,the recovery or destruction of more than 300 lbs of refrigerant,and the destruction of more than 400 and 100 lbs of CFC-11 and HCFC-141b,respectively,contained in foam insulation. Cost Effectiveness The 2011 See ya later,refrigerator®program was cost effective from all perspectives except the Ratepayer Impact Test.Appendix 1 provides detailed inputs used in the cost effectiveness analysis of this program. Program Evaluation See comments under the Program Evaluation heading in the 2011 Performance and Activities section of this report for evaluation activities related to this program. Plans for 2012 Goals in 2012 call for 1,000 units to be collected and recycled.Based on successful experiences in late 2010 and late 2011,direct mail will be used again in the May-June time frame.The retail element,begun in 2011 at national chains such as Sears and Best Buy,will be expanded to include R.C.Willey and stand-alone “mom and pop”stores.In addition,cross promotional opportunities with the Home Energy Savings program will be used in retail stores (e.g.,through point-of-sale flyer placements). 23 Low Income Weatherization (Schedule 21) The Low Income Weatherization Services program (Schedule 21)is available through a partnership with Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP)in Idaho Falls and South Eastern Idaho Community Action Agency (SEICAA)in Pocatello.These partnerships allow for leveraging of Company funding with federal grants available to EICAP and SEICAA,increasing the number of homes served.Rocky Mountain Power’s funding in 2011 provided rebates that covered 85 percent of the cost of approved energy efficiency measures. Income eligible households receive energy efficiency services at no cost.Participants can be either homeowners or renters residing in single-family homes,manufactured homes and apartments. Table 13 summarizes the program results for 2011.Program expenditures totaled $253,809. Funds received by the agency from other sources (state or federal funding)are not included. Rocky Mountain Power’s program provided funding towards the weatherization of 100 qualifying homes in 2011 with an average program cost per home of $2,538. 24 Table 13:Low Income Weatherization Performance kWh/yr Sangs (5 Site)228,605 kWh/yr Savings (Gross -PGen)251,363 Expenditures $253,809 lncenties Paid $182,479 Participation -Total #of Completed/Treated Homes 100 Number of Homes ReceMng Specific Measures Ceiling Insulation 37 Floor Insulation 30 Wall Insulation 6 Duct Insulation/Sealing 9 tic Ventilation 29 Infiltration 57 Water Pipe Insulation and Sealing 88 Water Heater Repair 5 Water Heater Replacement 1 Furnace Repair/Tune-up 36 Furnace Replacement 6 Health &Safety 43 Replacement Windows 37 Thermal Doors 36 Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs)97 Number of Specific Measures Replacement Refrigerator 13 Total Program Costs PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program Cost Effectiness 0.817 0.742 0.742 0.429 N/A Le.eIized Cost ($/kV’Jh)0.1263 0.1263 0.1263 Lifecycle Reenue Impact ($Ik\M,)$0.000005332 Results without additional data request costs PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program Cost Effectiness 0.957 0.870 0.870 0.469 N/A LeelizedCost($IkWh)0.1078 0.1078 0.1078 Lifecycle Renue Impact ($/kWh)$0.000004542 Major Trends and Activities Weatherization completions in 2011 more than doubled compared to 2010 program activities. The Low Income Weatherization Program tariff was revised as of December 28,2010, increasing the Company’s reimbursement from 75 percent of costs on approved measures to 85 percent,and annual funding was increased from $150,000 to $300,000. 25 Cost Effectiveness An evaluation of Low Income Weatherization Services Optional for Income Qualifying Customers program was completed in 2011 by a third party administrator for program years 2007 through 2009. The Company recognizes the importance of the Low thcome Weatherization Program and the benefit to the customers by reducing kWh usage and helping to make participant’s bills more affordable,as well as increasing their comfort.However,as described in the Low-Income Weatherization program evaluation,due to many factors the third party evaluator determined that the program was not cost-effective. Program Evaluation See comments under the Program Evaluation heading in the 2011 Performance and Activities section of this report for evaluation activities related to this program. Plans for 2012 We anticipate 2012 weatherization completions will be fairly consistent with 2011 results. 26 Conservation Education Rocky Mountain Power committed to provide a total of $50,000 for an energy education component for the Low Income Weatherization program (Schedule 21).This commitment was made through a stipulation dated April 16,2009,in Case No.PAC-E-08-0 1.The Company provided $7,500 in funds for energy efficiency kits to be distributed through the Conservation Education component in May,2010,and a total of $42,500 in May,2011 to Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (ETCAP)and South Eastern Idaho Community Action Agency (SEICAA)to cover their expenses in providing these services. The Conservation Education is designed to provide a group education session and an in-home education session to participants,as well as an energy efficiency kit with easy-install measures. The energy efficiency kits include one 13 watt CFL,one 19 watt CFL,one 23 watt CFL,ten outlet gaskets,one kitchen aerator,one refrigerator temperature card and one luminescent night light.The agencies began offering these services in May,2011. A total of 168 households completed the conservation education component in 2011.Since it is designed to reach 500 households with the $50,000 funding,it is very likely these conservation education services will continue through 2012 with the monies provided in 2010 and 2011. Table 12 summarizes the program results for 2011.No savings are reported from behavioral changes that may have resulted from the education sessions. Table 14:Conservation Education kwh/yr Savings (At Site)22,848 kwh/yr Savings (Gross -AtGen)25,123 Expenditures $42,500 Completed households 168 Major Trends and Activities The development of the curriculum and implementation of the conservation education component for Rocky Mountain Power customers was delayed as staff from the Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI),EICAP and SEICAA were focusing on the implementation of the Idaho Power education program.These services were offered to our customers beginning in May,2011. Plans for 2012 We anticipate that 2012 Conservation Education completions will be approximately the same as in 2011 or greater.As of December 31,2011,there were 332 kits remaining of the 500 Rocky Mountain Power funded in 2010. 27 Non-Residential Energy Efficiency Programs and Activity Energy FinAnswer (Schedule 125) The Energy FinAnswer program is offered to commercial (buildings 20,000 square feet and larger)and industrial customers.The program provides Company-funded energy engineering, incentives of $0.12 per kWh of first year energy savings and $50 per kW of average monthly demand savings up to a cap of 50 percent of the approved project cost.The program is designed to target comprehensive projects requiring project specific energy savings analysis and operates as a complement to the more streamlined FinAnswer Express program.In addition to customer incentives,the program provides design team honorariums (a finder fee for new projects)and design team incentives for new construction projects exceeding current Idaho energy code by at least 10 percent. A summary of the program results are provided in the table below: Table 15:Energy FinAnswer Program kWh/Yr Savings (Gross -At Gen)532,135 kWh/Yr Savings (At Site)487,927 Expenditures $154,367 Incentives Paid $42,932 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program Cost Effectiveness 1.657 1.507 1.928 0.857 2.615 Levelized Cost ($/kWh)0.0563 0.0563 0.0440 Lifecycle Revenue Impact ($/kWh)$0.00000 1387 Details of 201 1 savings by type of measure are provided on the following table: Table 16:Energy FinAnswer by Measure Type Energy RnAnswer kWhIYr Savings (at site)by Measure Type Compressed Jr 128,051 26% Lighting 14,241 3% Motors 302,120 62% Refrigeration 43,515 9% 487,927 28 Major Trends and Activities A total of 18 Energy FinAnswer projects were completed in 2011 compared to 10 in 2010. Program specific energy savings decreased 67 percent and expenditures decreased 58 percent during 2011 compared to 2010.The Company continues to market the program through its Customer and Community Managers and network of trade allies in concert with the FinAnswer Express program. Cost Effectiveness The 2011 Energy FinAnswer program was cost effective from all perspectives except the Ratepayer Impact Test.Appendix I provides detailed inputs used in the cost effectiveness analysis ofthis program. Program Evaluation See comments under the Program Evaluation heading in the 2011 Performance and Activities section of this report for evaluation activities related to this program. Plans for 2012 Continue to monitor actual and forecasted participation and assess the potential impacts of program modifications similar to those implemented in other markets. 29 FinAnswer Express (Schedule 115) The FinAnswer Express program (Schedule 115)is available to Idaho business customers excluding those served on Schedule 10,which are eligible for program services through the Irrigation Energy Savers program.The FinAnswer Express program is available to help customers improve the efficiency of their new or replacement lighting,HVAC,motors,building envelope and other equipment by providing prescriptive or pre-defined incentives for the most common efficiency measures listed in the program incentive tables.The program also includes custom incentives and technical analysis services for measures not listed in the program incentive tables that improve electric energy efficiency.The program is designed to operate in conjunction with the Energy FinAnswer program.Although incentives available vary,the program provides incentives for both new construction and retrofit projects. The program is primarily marketed through local trade allies who receive support from Company provided sales and training team.The lists of participating vendors posted on the Company website include 21 lighting,32 HVAC,27 motor,and 4 other equipment trade allies. A summary ofthe program results are provided in the table below: Table 17:FinAnswer Express Program7 kWh/Yr Savings (Gross -At Gen)2,442,275 kWh/Yr Savings (At Site)2,233,973 Expenditures $700,723 Incentives Paid $356,726 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program CostEffectiveness 1.175 1.068 1.868 0.732 1.624 Levelized Cost ($/kWh)0.0816 0.0816 0.0466 Lifecycle Revenue Impact ($/kWh)$0.0000155022 Details of 2011 savings by type of measure are provided on the following table: Table 18:FinAnswer Express by Measure Type FinAnswer Express kWhIYr Savings (at site)by Measure Type Lighting 1,584,337 71% Non-Lighting 649,636 29% 2,233,973 Savings and expenditures from school projects completed under the Idaho Office of Energy Resources Energy Efficiency Incentives Agreement were removed from the PTRC,TRC and PCT cost effectiveness calculations and results.See Appendix 1. 30 Major Trends and Activities Participation from customers in the government and education sectors was strong in 2011, accounting for almost 70 percent of program’s energy savings. On May 3,2011,Rocky Mountain Power provided lighting and mechanical/non-lighting program training in combination with the Northwest Trade Ally Network (NW Tan)with technical lighting training in Idaho Falls.Forty-one individuals attended the program training. Cost Effectiveness The program was cost effective from all perspectives except the Ratepayer Impact Test. Appendix 1 provides detailed inputs and assumptions used in the cost effectiveness analysis of this program. Program Evaluation See comments under the Program Evaluation heading in the 2011 Performance and Activities section of this report for evaluation activities related to this program. Plans for 2012 The Company plans to continue to provide marketing and trade ally outreach to target customers with TI 2 fluorescent lighting to provide information on changes in federal lighting standards coming on July 14,2012.Site outreach is continuing for trade allies with more resources and field staff visiting the area including lighting technical specialists and non-lighting mechanical outreach trade ally coordinators.These field visits are specifically designed to support the local trade allies with project closure and processing the applications for incentives. 31 Agricultural Energy Services (Schedule 155) Agricultural Energy Services,marketed as Irrigation Energy Savers (Schedule 155),was available in 2011 to Idaho irrigation customers taking retail service on Schedule 10 through a Company contracted third-party program administrator.The program design is intended to be the energy efficiency complement to the Irrigation Load Control programs offered under Schedules 72 &72A. The 2011 program included the following customer service and measure components: •Equipment Exchange —Provides new standard sprinkler nozzles,gaskets,and drains to replace worn equipment on hand lines,wheel lines and solid set sprinklers systems. •Pivot and Linear Equipment Upgrades —Incentives are provided for certain pivot and linear system measures including sprinkler packages,pressure regulators,and drains.The list of prescriptive incentives is not designed to be exhaustive and other pivot measures are eligible for incentives if energy savings can be calculated and the customer incurs costs to make the changes. •System Consultation —This service provides a simple site specific audit of a customer’s irrigation system to promote irrigation water management and identify energy savings opportunities.This consultation provides information prior to a full pump test. •Pump Testing —The pump test includes directly measuring pump lift,flow,pressure,and electrical demand and is performed after the pump has been screened and the owner’s financial investment criteria understood. •System Analysis —The program provides energy engineering to help growers quantify the costs and savings of their system efficiency upgrades.Often these upgrade decisions are made in conjunction with operational production change considerations impacting a growers equipment needs.Incentives are based on a standard formula tied to costs and first year energy savings. A summary of the program results for 2011 are provided in the table below. Table 19:Agricultural Energy Services Program kWh/Yr Savings (Gross -AtGen)2,574,126 kWh/Yr Savings (At Site)2,360,393 Expenditures $490,980 Incentives Paid $224,890 PTRC TRC UCT RIM PCT Program Cost Effectiveness 1381 1.255 1.743 0.899 1.506 Levelized Cost ($/kWh)0.0757 0.0757 0.0545 Lifecycle Revenue Impact ($/kWh $0.0000046450 32 Details of 2011 savings by type of measure are provided on the following table: Table 20:Agricultural Energy Savers by Measure8 Agricultural Energy Savers kWh/Yr Savings by Measure Type (at Site) Equipment Exchange &Pivot/Linear Upgrade 1697,132 72% System Design 663,259 28% 2,360,391 Major Trends and Activities The 2011 savings and expenses were 6 percent and 23 percent,respectively,lower compared to 2010 program savings and expenditures. During 2011,101 site visits were completed to obtain system information used in either a system consultation or an energy analysis evaluation as a part of the Agricultural Energy Services Program.During the same year,21 post installation inspections were completed to verify project installation and energy savings. The following outreach and event activities were completed for the program in 2011: •Maintained a booth at the Eastern Idaho Ag.Expo and Potato School January 18 —20,to promote the program and provide program information to customers. •Maintained a booth and met with customers at the Rain For Rent customer appreciation day in Idaho Falls on February 24. •Maintained a booth and met with customers at the Valley implement customer appreciation day in Preston on February 24. •Met with each of the program participating dealers and provided a summary report of incentives provided to their customers through the program,provided updated program applications and information,and answered program related questions. Cost Effectiveness The program was cost effective from all perspectives except the Ratepayer Impact Test. Appendix I provides detailed inputs and assumptions used in the cost effectiveness analysis of this program. Program Evaluation See comments under the Program Evaluation heading in the 2011 Performance and Activities section of this report for evaluation activities related to this program. 8 Table totals may not add up exactly due to rounding 33 Summary of 2011 Results Table 21:Revenues (Schedule 191)by Customer Type Table 22:Expenditures (Schedule 191)by Customer Type (Note —Table 22 does not include Irrigation Load) Industrial Public Street & Highway 0.5% 34 Table 23:Energy Efficiency kWh Saved by Customer Type Industrial 35 Balancing Account Summary Energy efficiency and peak reduction activities are funded by revenue collected through Schedule 191,Customer Efficiency Services Rate on customer bills.Expenses for energy efficiency programs are charged as incurred and booked to the balancing account.The balancing account activity for 2011 is outlined in the table below. Column Explanations: Table 24:Balancing Account Activity (Schedule 191) Monthly Program Costs —Fixed Assets:Monthly expenditures for all energy efficiency and peak reduction program activities. Accrued Costs:Program costs incurred during the period not yet posted. Rate Recovery:Revenue collected through Schedule 191,Customer Efficiency Service Rate. Carrying Charge:Monthly “interest”charge based on “Accumulated Balance”ofthe account.The current “interest rate”for the Accumulated Balance is 1 percent per year. Accumulated Balance:Current balance ofthe account.A running total of account activities.If more is collected in “Revenue”than is spent for a given month,the “Accumulated Balance”will be decreased by the net amount.A negative accumulative balance means cumulative revenue exceeds cumulative expenditures;positive accumulative balance means cumulative expenditures exceed cumulative revenue. Accrual Basis Accumulative Balance:Current balance of account including accrued costs. At the beginning of 2011,the unfunded balance was approximately $3.846 million and decreased by approximately $2.282 million during the year.The unfunded balance at the end of 2011 is $1.564 million which includes the accrued cost. Balance as of 12131110 $ January February March April May June 3,845,843 Monthly Program Cost -Fixed Assets Accrued Costs $94,913.02 - $222,587.37 - $242,913.84 - $213,813.93 - $174,180.12 - $193,591.58 - Rate Recovery $(418,081.55)$ $(338,071.76)$ $(310,853.16)$ $(284,248.86)$ $(351,043.79)$ $(455,326.01)$ Accrual Basis Accumulated Balance Carrying Charge 3,070.00 2,890.00 2,816.00 2,761.00 2,660.00 2,479.00 July August Septem ber October Noem ber December 2OlOtotals $138,269.01 $220,093.03 $184,203.33 $103,080.76 $255,997.43 $626,340.83 CashBasis Accumulated Balance $3,525,744.00 $3,413,149.61 $3,348,026.29 $3,280,352.36 $3,106,148.69 $2,846,893.26 $2,202,249.50 $1,704,340.84 $1,319,776.16 $1,033,991.58 $937,787.57 $1,183,201.68 -$(785,015.77)$ -$(719,628.69)$ -$(570,028.01)$ -$(389,845.34)$ -$(353,022.44)$ 380,980.18 $(381,809.72)$ $2,669,984.25 $ 2,103.00 1,627.00 1,260.00 980.00 821.00 883.00 380,980.18 $(5,356,975.10)$24,350.00 1,564,181.86 36 Cost Effectiveness Introduction The cost effectiveness of individual programs operated by the Company for 2011 are calculated using actual expenditures and reported savings.Cost-effectiveness is provided at the individual program,load management portfolio,residential energy efficiency portfolio,non-residential energy efficiency portfolio,combined energy efficiency portfolio,and overall energy efficiency and peak reduction program portfolio levels.Deemed savings estimates where applicable were the same as those used in the planning estimates. Energy savings shown in this report are gross savings and the impact of line losses is indicated with an at “site”or at “generation”designation.Line losses are based on the Company’s 2007 line loss study.Net-to-gross assumptions are consistent with planning estimates.The energy savings attributed to each program are shaped according to specific end-use savings (the hourly calculation of when energy is used for the various end-use measures from which the savings are derived).Program costs and the value of the energy savings are then compared on a present value basis with the Company’s 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)calculated decrement values for energy efficiency resource savings and avoided capacity investments.The energy efficiency resource decrement values are fully shaped to represent the 8,760 hourly values that exist within a calendar year.By matching the hourly savings with the hourly avoided costs,both energy and capacity impacts of energy efficiency savings are recognized. The costlbenefit analysis of the load management programs are based on the avoided value of peak or capacity investments.For purposes of calculating program cost-effectiveness no energy savings are included for the load management programs,only a shift of when the energy is used away from the peak load hours.The five California Standard Practice Manual cost effectiveness tests were utilized in the cost benefit analysis for both energy efficiency and load management programs.Further details are available in Appendix I. 37 Key Assumptions for Cost Effectiveness Calculations: Cost Effectiveness calculations for programs and measures (or measure groups)within each program will be detailed in the tables in Appendix 1. Global Assumptions used in all cost effectiveness calculations include: Assumption Value Source Discount Rate 7.17%2011 Integrated Resource Plan Line Losses (Idaho Specific) Residential 9.955%2007 MAC Line Loss Study Commercial 9.326%2007 MAC Line Loss Study Industrial 9.055%2007 MAC Line Loss Study Key elements that go into the cost effectiveness calculation for each program include: •KW/kWh Savings Gross •Administrative Expenses •Incentives Paid •Total Utility Costs —including administration and evaluation •Gross Customer Costs •Net To Gross Ratio •Measure Life •Avoided Cost/Resource Decrement Value Please reference Appendix 1,Cost Effectiveness 2011 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report for additional information on the key assumptions and inputs for cost effectiveness calculations for each program. 38 Appendices: Appendix I —Cost Effectiveness 2011 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report Appendix 2 —2011 Idaho Irrigation Post Peak Report 39 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER A DIVISION OF PACIFICORP _________ Appendix 1 ______ Cost Effectiveness 2011 Idaho Energy Efficiency and Peak Reduction Annual Report Rocky Mountain Power Revised May 24,2012 Table of Contents Portfolio and Sector Level Cost Effectiveness 3 Program Level Cost Effectiveness 5 Home Energy Savings Program —Schedule 118 5 Refrigerator Recycling (See ya later,refrigerator®)—Schedule 117 6 Low Income Weatherization —Schedule 21 7 Energy FinAnswer—Schedule 125 9 FinAnswer Express —Schedule 115 10 Agricultural Energy Services (Irrigation Energy Savers)—Schedule 155 12 2 Portfolio and Sector Level Cost Effectiveness The overall energy efficiency and peak reduction portfolio and component sectors were all cost effective on a PacifiCorp Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC),Total Resource Cost Test (TRC), Utility Cost Test (UCT),Ratepayer Impact Test (RIM)and Participant Cost Test (PCT)basis. Decrement values are considered confidential on load control programs.Cost effectiveness ratios and inputs will be available under a protective agreement.A “Pass”designation equates to a benefit to cost ratio of I or better. The following table provides the results of all five cost effectiveness tests. Sector and Program Level Cost Effectiveness Summaries: The cost effectiveness results for the sector level are aggregations of the costs and benefits from the component programs.The inputs and assumptions that support these results are contained in the program level cost effectiveness results. Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No 0.0770 $3,346,269 $3,812,916 $466,647 1.139Adder UtilityCostTest(UCT)0.0539 $2,531,717 $4,119,958 $1,588,241 1.627 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$5,917,306 $4,119,958 ($1,797,348)0.696 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$2,232,929 $4,799,498 $2,566,569 2.149 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$0.0000359843 2011 Portfolio and Sector Cost Effectiveness Summary 2011 Total Portfolio including Load Control 2011 Total Energy Efficiency Portfolio 2011 C&I Energy Efficiency Portfolio 2011 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio 2011 Irrigation Load Control Cost Effectiveness Test PTRC 4.354 1.253 1.296 1.202 Pass TRC 3.958 1.139 1.178 1.093 Pass UCT 2.228 1.627 1.813 1.413 Pass RIM 1.733 0.696 0.794 0.588 Pass PCT 4.870 2.149 1.655 3.221 NA 2011 Total Portfolio Fr To Cost 1 e Conservafion Adder $4,194,207 3 2011 C&I Energy Efficiency Portfolio Levelized Benefit/Cost $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Ratio Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC)÷ 0.0762 $1,830,179 $2,371,120 $540,941 1.296ConservationAdder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No 0.0762 $1,830,179 $2,155,564 $325,385 1.178Adder Utility CostTest (UCT)0.0493 $1,358,529 $2,462,606 $1,104,077 1.813 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$3,100,143 $2,462,606 ($637,537)0.794 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$1,527,679 $2,527,670 $999,991 1.655 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$000001 78050 2011 Residential Energy Efficiency Portfolio Levelized Benefit/Cost $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Rao Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC)0.0780 $1,516,090 $1,823,087 $306,997 1.202÷ConservationAdder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)0.0780 $1,516,090 $1,657,352 $141,262 1.093NoAdder Utility Cost Test (UCT)0.0604 $1,173,188 $1,657,352 $484,164 1.413 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$2,817,163 $1,657,352 ($1,159,811)0.588 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$705,249 $2,271,828 $1,566,578 3.221 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$00000232203 4 Program Level Cost Effectiveness Home Energy Savings Program —Schedule 118 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho Home Energy Savings program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2011 costs and savings estimates.The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP 35%east residential whole house load factor decrement. Table 1:Home Energy Savings Annual Program Costs Home Improvement $105,210 $12,068 $36,119 $153,397 $44,886 HVAC $9,368 $1,074 $2,950 $13,392 $8,436 Total $342,461 $39,281 $232,149 $613,891 $585,597 Table 2:Home Energy Savings Savings by Measure Type Lighting 2,009,524 103%2,069,809 85%1,759,338 5.0 Appliance 351,561 161%566,013 86%486,771 14.0 Home Improvement 168,514 75%126,385 87%109,955 30.0 HVAC 15,004 99%14,854 86%12,774 14.0 Total 2,544,602 95%2,777,062 86%2,368,839 Table 3:IRP 35%Load Factor Decrement Appliance $219,494 $25,176 $136,216 $380,886 $267,439 Gross kWh Realization Adjusted Net to Gross Net kWh Measure Savings Rate Gross Percentage Savings Life Savings Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC)+ Conservaon Adder Adder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No 0.0640 All Measures AC IRP 35%LF Decrement Levelized BenefitlCost $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Ratio $967,338 $1,428,143 0.0640 $967,338 $460,806 $1,298,312 1.476 $330,974 Utility Cost Test (UCT)0.0406 $613,890 $1,298,312 $684,422 2.115 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$1,884,943 $1,298,312 ($586,631)0.689 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$683,949 $1,717,612 $1,033,663 2.511 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$00000117448 Discounted Participant Payback (years)1.93 1.342 5 Refrigerator Recycling (See ya later,refrigerator®)—Schedule 117 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho See-Ya-Later Refrigerator program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2011 costs and savings estimates.The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP 35%east residential whole house load factor decrement. Table 2:See-Va-Later Savings by Measure Type Table 3:IRP 35%Load Factor Decrement $7,902 $2,853 $0 $10,755 Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No Adder 0.0418 $96,489 $170,610 $74,121 1.768 Utility Cost Test (UCT)0.0464 $107,034 $170,610 $63,576 1.594 RatelmpactTest(RIM)$294,767 $170,610 ($124,157)0.579 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$21,300 $369,026 $347,726 17.325 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$0000006024 Discounted Participant Payback (years)0.22 Table 1:See-Ya-Later Annual Program Costs Marketing and Utility Admin Program Incentives Total Utility Net Participant Program Management and Costs Incremental Development Administration Cost Refrigerators $995 $5,178 $56,730 $16,260 $79,163 Freezers $286 $1,488 $16,301 $5,040 $23,115 Kits $75 $391 $4,289 $0 $4,756 Total $1,357 $7,057 $77,320 $21,300 $107,033 Freezers 267,120 Kits 53,298 Total 943,176 Gross kWh Realization Adjusted Net to Gross Net kWh Measure Savings Rate Gross Percentage Savings Life ____________ Savings *1 103%641,441 49%311,740 5.00 69%184,313 57%104,321 5.00 91%48,501 100%48,501 6.60 93%874,255 53%464,562 Total Resource 0.0418ConservationAdder $96,489 $187,671 $91,182 1.945 6 Low Income Weatherization —Schedule 21 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho Low Income Weatherization program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2011 costs and savings estimates. The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 medium IRP 35%east residential whole house load factor decrement.The results for a second scenario with reduced evaluation costs are also presented below. Table 1:Low Income Weatherization Annual P’ram Costs Table 2:Low Income Weatherization Annual Program Costs —Reduced Data Request Costs Table 4:Low Income Weatherization Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No Adder 0.1263 $253,809 $188,430 ($65,379)0.742 Utility Cost Test (UCT)0.1263 $253,809 $188,430 ($65,379)0.742 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$438,998 $188,430 ($250,568)0.429 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$0 $185,189 $185,189 N/A Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$00000053322 Discounted Participant Payback (years)N/A Low Income weatheñzation I $159411 $1 $37,150 I $182,479 I $253,809 I $0 I Low Income weatherization $15,941 Utility Admin Administration Evaluation Incentives Total Utility Net Participant Costs Incremental Cost $18,240 $7L $182,479 I $216,666 I Table 3:Low Income Weatherization Savings by Measure Type $0 I Low Income weatherization Gross kWh Realization Adjusted Net to Gross Net kWh Measure Savings Rate Gross Percentage Savings Life Savings 228,605 I 65%I 148,593 100%I 148,593 I 25.00 I Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC)+ Conservation Adder All Measures AC IRP 35%LF Decrement Levelized BenefitfCost $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Ratio 0.1263 $253,809 $207,273 ($46,536)0.817 7 Table 5:Low Income Weatherization with Reduced Data Request Costs Tc CostTe Conservation Adder 0.1078 $216,666 $207,273 ($9,393) Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No Adder 0.1078 $216,666 $188,430 ($28,236)0.870 Utility Cost Test (UCT)0.1078 $216,666 $188,430 ($28,236)0.870 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$401,855 $188,430 ($213,425)0.469 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$0 $185,189 $185,189 N/A Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$00000045418 Discounted Participant Payback (years)N/A 0.957 8 Energy FinAnswer —Schedule 125 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings ofthe Idaho Energy FinAnswer program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2011 costs and savings estimates.The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP 69%east system load factor decrement. Table 1:Energy FinAnswer Annual Program Costs Table 3:IRP 69%Load Factor Decrement Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No Adder 0.0563 $197,570 $297,691 $100,122 1.507 Utility Cost Test (UCT)0.0440 $154,367 $297,691 $143,324 1.928 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$347,371 $297,691 ($49,679)0.857 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$114,846 $300,270 $185,424 2.615 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$00000013874 Discounted Participant Payback (years)3.17 Table 2:Energy FinAnswer Savings by Measure Type Gross kWh Realization Adjusted Net to Gross Net kWh Measure Savings Rate Gross Percentage Savings Life Savings Commercial 9,727 91%8,852 75%6,639 Industrial 478,200 91%435,162 75%326,372 Total 487,927 91%444,014 75%333,010 15 15 Total Resource Cost Test (.I RC)+ Conservation Adder 9 FinAnswer Express —Schedule 115 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho FinAnswer Express program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2011 costs and savings estimates.The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 IRP 69%east system load factor decrement. Commercial $182 $67,063 $44,644 $166,233 $354,692 $632,813 $1,311,514 Industrial $1,298 $4,051 $8,165 $52,362 $2,034 $67,910 $5,820 Total $1,480 $71,113 $52,809 $218,595 $356,726 $700,723 $1,317,334 Table ib:FinAnswer Express Annual Program Costs —PTRC,TRC,and PCT Perspectives [merciaI $182 $67,063 $34,153 $127,168 $278,438 $507,003 $638,226 Industrial $1,298 $4,051 $8,165 $52,362 $2,034 $67,910 $5,820 Total $1,480 $71,113 $42,318 $179,530 $280,472 $574,913 $644,046 96%I 2,130,876 I 76%I 1,619,465 I Table la:FinAnswer Express Annual Program Costs —RIM and UCT Perspectives Evaluation Engineering Utility Admin Administration Incentives Total Utility Net Participant Costs Costs Incremental Cost Table 2a:FinAnswer Express Savings by Measure Type —RIM and UCT Perspectives Commercial I 2,219,662 I 12 Industrial 14,311 96%13,739 76%10,441 12 Total 2,233,973 2,144,614 1,629,907 Table 2b:FinAnswer Express Savings by Measure Type —PTRC,TRC,and PCT Perspectives Gross kWh Realization Adjusted Net to Gross Net kWh Measure Savings Rate Gross Percentage Savings Life Savings Commercial 1,695,962 96%1,628,124 76%1,237,374 Industrial 14,311 96%13,739 76%10,441 Total 1,710,273 1,641,862 1,247,815 12 12 10 Table 3:IRP 69%Load Factor Decrement Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No Adder 0.0816 $938,487 $1,002,175 $63,688 1.068 Utility Cost Test (UCT)0.0466 $700,723 $1,309,218 $608,495 1.868 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$1,788,881 $1,309,218 ($479,664)0.732 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$847,429 $1,376,046 $528,617 1.624 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$000001 55022 Discounted Participant Payback (years)5.30 Cost Effectiveness Inputs at the Measure Level Rocky Mountain Power and Idaho Office of Energy Resources (OER)has an Energy Efficiency Incentive Agreement in place for completion of public school projects.The Agreement provides for a cooperative relationship to maximize the use of federal funding to promote and execute additional cost effective energy efficiency measures in public schools within the Company’s territory.Because the participant costs reflected total project costs which included non incentivized measures from the Company.All associated costs and energy savings from the school programs were removed from cost effectiveness tests for PTRC,TRC and PCT perspectives T eCostTestç Conservation Adder 0.0816 $938,487 $1,102,393 1.175$163,906 11 Agridilitural Energy Services (Irrigation Energy Savers)—Schedule 155 The tables below present the cost-effectiveness findings of the Idaho Agriculture program based on Rocky Mountain Power’s 2011 costs and savings estimates.The Utility discount rate is from the 2011 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). Cost-effectiveness was tested using the 2011 medium IRP 20%east system commercial cooling load factor decrement. Table 1:Agriculture Annual Program Costs Marketing and Utility Administration Evaluation Incentives Total Utility Net Participant Program Admin Costs Incremental Development Cost System Design $685 $6,294 $67,531 $261 $81,692 $156,462 Total $2,438 $22,398 $240,326 $928 $224,890 $490,980 Table 2:Agriculture Savings by Measure Type Equipment Exchange&1,697,132 I 100%I 1,697,132 74%I 1,247,392 I 5.00 System Design 663,259 100%663,259 74%I 487,495 I 7.00 Pivot/Linear Upgrade I I I I Total 2,360,391 I I 2,360,391 1,734,888 Table 3:IRP 20%Commercial Cooling Load Factor Decrement All Measures AC IRP 20%Commercial Cooling Levelized Benefit/Cost _______________ $/kWh Costs Benefits Net Benefits Ratio 1 Total Resource Cost Test (PTRC)+0.0757 $681,662 $941,267 $259,605 1.381ConservaonAdder Total Resource Cost Test (TRC)No Adder 0.0757 $681662 $855,697 $174,035 1.255 Utility Cost Test (UCT)0.0545 $490,980 $855,697 $364,718 1.743 Rate Impact Test (RIM)$951,431 $855,697 ($95,734)0.899 Participant Cost Test (PCT)$565,404 $851,354 $285,950 1.506 Lifecycle Revenue Impacts ($/kWh)$00000046450 Discounted Participant Payback (years)2.82 Equipment Exchange & Pivot/Unear Upgrade $1,753 $16,104 $172,796 $667 $143,198 $334,518 $207,940 12