HomeMy WebLinkAbout19500214Certificate No 182.pdfBF'-jRE THE PUBLIt' UTILITIES ,:jOMVISST(' OF T:4E STATE OF IDAHO IN THE MATTER OF APPLICATION OF UTAH POWER AND LIGHT COY.PANY FOR CERTIF'ICATE OF CON VENI~ CE j\N D NECESSITY IN THE COUNTY OF TETOv' , ) IDAHO . . . . CASE NO.F-1468 C&RTI fI CA rB ~o. 197 A!JENDL~G CERTIFICATE NO. 182 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, tha~ the public con ve~ience and necessity requires, and ,,111 require, that Utah POWter ;Y. Light Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, construct, own. maintain and operate alectric distri- button lines and service extE'msions from its connected. system in Teton 'County to certain areas in teton County, Idaho, to-wita Teat portion of Township 5 North, Ranges 43 and h4 East, B. B. ~ ~., in said Teton County lying west of the T3ton River. and to supply electric service in said areas, and that said Utah Power &-. Light Company, its successors and assigns, exercise the rights and privileges that have been, or may hereafter be, grant8d by any franchise or franchises ccver- lng said distribution lines and service in Teton County, Idaho, which have beeD or may h~reafter be, issued to said Utah Power 'i. Light Company, its successors and Cissigns, by said County of Toto!"i, stata of Idaho, the exercise of such rights and the privileges undar such franchises to be, however, sl.lb- ject to the rules, orders and control of this Com~ission as to linea, service and factI! ties. This Certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the F'ind- ings and Order of this Corf::misston in the above entitled matter, made and entered on the ll:tth day of February, ,19)0" to which reference is hereby. . made. DONE in o?en session at Boise, Idaho, this 14th day of February, 1950. VV. B . J ommISiloner B. Auger on9r ATTEST: ,\rilliam D. Fox ecretary