HomeMy WebLinkAbout19460522Certificate No 182.pdfBiPORE TO PUBLIO UTILITIES COMJeI88IOI or THE STATE or IDAHO IN THE MATTER or APPLICATIoN 0' THE UT.f'J1 .?OWER & LIGH' COMPAN1 F'OR, CER'lI- f:'IT. "'" f":"::":"\~'"'it,"t' ,.r~.t1'~'\t.~1'" 1"i'r.'r;"C"'~r .-, J i . .....,. '",0' V 11 ., .1..:.; ; . r-;,~ HJ .:.:" . \. 11 .. ~ .." .I~"J .... ... ... I?1 l'hT:. COUNTY CF ttETON , I;)~ftiO. CAB!: NO. F-1332 CERr.tIFIONrE NO. 182 .., IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, that the public convenience and neOoas1tl :require. and will requ1re, that Utah Pow.. " Ugh'Companr a oorpora!1on, its ~ooeesor. ~nd assigns , con6truo', own, ~ntaln and operate eleotr1o distribution l1nes and servioeextension. t~. 1tl oonneote~ ~ystem 1n ~adiBon and Fremont Oount1.. to oe~t~1n areas 1ft Teton Count1. Idaho, to-wit: That portion of Township. 6 and 7 North. Rp~e East and Town8h1pe 6 and 7 North Range 44 ~as B. & M., ln, BAld Teton County, 11 ftI we.' ot theTetoD R1vor, and to 81q)Pl1 electrlo 8 ervloe 1 n Iud E~r8a8 , and that 8ald UtahPo,,;er & Light Oompany, ita suooessors and B.881gD8, exerolee ther1Bht8 and privileges th~t haV. been, or hereatter be , granted b7 ~n1 franchise or tr~nohlseA covering ~~14 distribution 11nes and 88rvl08 in Teton Ool1ntY', Id~. , ~ ,!hloh h:~~:G he3n, or r!!ay' hereafter be 1ssued to aa1d Ut"ph PoHer & L1~ht CompRny, ita eucoeaeore and a881p8. b1 Bald County of Teton , State ot Id~~, the exerols8 of sueb r1ght8and the pr1v11eges under suoh tfanoh1e8s to , however subJec. \0the rule., orders and control or this Comm1ae1on as to In.l, ser- viae and facilities. Th18 Certit1o:;te 11 predicated upon and lssued pureu&n' to. the Findings .'tnd Order of th1s Cotfh111ss1on 1n the c\bove en-tl tled matter, made and entered on the 2204 dal of Me~, 1946, to whichreference 18 ~erebj made. 1946. Done in open seaslon at Boise , Idaho, this 22nd ~~ay of May, OTlNELLldiiit B. ,MJaEftI 1 1 18 'I dommfealoner . 1 If. 11. JOYI . mm e n e lQUISg BR!,,~'l'r.t HBJ !iw