HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401210Certificate No 165.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIE3 COillAISSION ~~ ~~~ ~ ... .... 10.' ...' ~ - L. ..) J,r"" IN THE MATTEP OF THE A??LICA- TIJN OF UTAH ?~JWER .AND LIGHT COK~ANY FOR A CEnT! ?ICATE OF C)N"P,t.JTrM :T;:A~!'I\'"';""~cT,,",1""'t ' . Ja4lo ~. .-:.. -",~1i ~ .. i..Ho..l.;' - .!; ... n CLARK COUNTY, IDAHO. CA,BE NJ. '-1229 A~~ u. .;...;.. !! ,t';......,J ~1 It 18 hereby certified that the public convenience and neee58i ty requires e.nd w111 require Utah Power and Light CO:'1':1&D1, a public service corporation of Salt Lake Ci ty, Utah, with its Idaho offices at Idaho Falls, Idaho, ita successors or assigns, to construct, maintain, acquire end operate a gen- eral electric system !Qr supplying electric1 ty for l1ght, heat, power and other purpJses to the inhabitants, tirol, institutions, schools. oolleg.. and corpora t1ona in the entire area of which 1 now the County of Clark and wholly within said County or Clark, state of Idaho. and for sald purpose to exercise all corporate rights under franchises now held , obtained or applied for in sa1d County or Clark, Statf;' of Idaho, and to exercise all r1ghts and yriv11ege" and authority now given public service corpora- tlons under laws f;lxlstlng,' or those horeafter enacted, b:)th Federe, and state, for rurn1shtng electricity to the people, business firms, colleges, sch~ols and corporations wholly within the County of Clark, utata af Idaho. This ccrtlflc~te issued ?ursuant to the rec:)rd, findings and Jrder in the joint :;,!' combined hearing in Case No. '-1;228 and No. '-1229 issued on December lOth, 1940, by this Comm1ssion to which ret~rence is hereby made. 1940. A 1'T EST t DONE AT BOISE, IDAHO, this 10th c~ay ot Decembnr, J. W. C~PNELL?resident 1;\ G""'-~~ u" 'T'~ l:.I:,.;;Q. .;/J..; "...... ,.. Com:niesloner T~ ~'. ". : 1 Commissioner ~"'\V ~... 'iJ ~Secretary ~;29 Cvu.. )(o~