HomeMy WebLinkAbout19401210Certificate No 164.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COWAISSIOI OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IN THE 1~TTER OF THE AP?LI. CATION Of. UTAH POW~~R AND LIGHT COMPANY FOR CERTIFI- CATE OF CONVENI ENCE AND NECESSITY IN THE VILLAGE OF DUBOIS, CLARK COUNTY. IDAHO. CASE NO. '-1228 CERTIFICATE NO. 164 It 1s hereby certified ths.t the public convenience and nee.ss! ty requires and will require Utah Power & Light Company, a public service corporation of gait Lake C1 ty, Utah, with its Idaho office at Idaho ?alls, Idaho , its successors and assigns to acquire, constr~ct, maintain and operate a sub- station and general electric system tor supplying of electric1 tor light, heat, power and other purposes to the Village ot Dubois and the unincorpora ted town of Spencer and the Un! tad States Sheep Experiment Station and grounds, and to persons, firms, business . and corpor~t1ons beyond the 11mi ts and adjacent to said village of Dubois, said town of Spencer and said United states Sheep Experiment Station, all in Clark County, state of Idaho, and tor said purpose to exercise all rights and privileges that have been gt ven, or ~h1eh may hereafter be gt van to the Utah Power & Light Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns, by the Vl11B.ge of Dubois, the people of Spencer in said Clark: County, Idaho, and exercise all rights. privileges and authority under the Federal and state law of the state ot Idaho now in effect or hereafter enacted. This certificate 1s pred1ca.ted and issued pursuant to the findings and Order of this Commission in this matter under joint app11ea tion, Ca se No. '-1228 and No. F.1229 entered on D8cember lOth, 1940, to which reference 1s hereby made, this artifice. te be1111 for the towns only and adj acent tar!'! tory, while Case No. F-121::9 applies to the Count~r of Clark, State of Idaho, the findings and :)rder cover tng b)th app11ca t1ons. DONE AT BOISE, IDAHO, this 10th day or December, 1940. \-'# ~)W'e'f . ~'; . ~J..f- .President tt' ';~: Y;\ "",p 11' ~;r A .. .6 'a 11. rr (\ t:I ,~..." L!;... ,j"" ~. ;..Ii.J. J.I!I.O ommfSiIoner ".. t\f"t1!:t ... Commi s s 1oner ATTESTs ". B. JOYSecretary r:: ;;);;)8 Cvd l(p~