HomeMy WebLinkAbout19381201Certificate No 148.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLlC UTILITIES COt~?'I8SION OF 'fHE STATE OF IDAHO In the Matter of the Applia~ tion of UTAH PO~ER & LIGHT caMP AllY for 8 Certificate of Conven1enoe and Neceasi ty in the Village or Iona, Bonneville County, Idaho. CASE NO. 1-1182 CERTIFICATE NO.148 IT IS HEP.EBY CERTIFIED, That the public convenience and necessity require, and .ill req;.l1re, the Utah Po\,er &I Light Companrt a corporation, 1 successor. and assipa, to C0J18truct, maintain and operate a general electrical system for the supplying of eleotriclt1 for light, heat, power and other purposes to the Village of Iona, Bonneville County, Idahot and the inhabltants thereof, find to exercise the rights and privUegea that have been, or may hereafter be, lssu€'.d to the Utah Power &: Light CompM.7, 1 successors and assigns, by the said Village of Ions, Bonneville County, Idaho. THIS CER1'11'ICATE is predlce.ted upon and lLJsued pursuant to the finding. and order of this Commls8ion in the above entitled matter made and en tered on the tlJ' of Decemb er A. D. 1958, to which refsrence is hereby' made. DONE IX OPEN SES5IOI at Bo1Ee, Idaho, th18 Jay or Jecemper A", D. 19M. HLhRY HOLDENl'resldeht J. Vi. CORNELL ommiSSloner ( SEAL)M. REESE HATTP.Bl~UGH. Commissioner'; t ATTEST:Jj. B. JOI~ ~Q('I'Y'O+O""'"