HomeMy WebLinkAbout19380912Certificate No 147.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES OO0188I01l OF THE StATE OF IDAHO In the latter ot the Application UTAH PO'WER & LICHT COJeAHY for a Certificate of Convenience and 1808S8! ty in the Village St. Charles, Bear Lake Countj', Idaho. CASE NO. F-U77 CERTIFICATE NO. ...1!U..-. IT IS HEB.E:EY CERTIFIED, that the publio convenlen~. and necessi t;y require, and win reClulre, the Utah Power & Light Companr, a corporation, its aUQoessora and assigns, to construct, maintain 8.'1d operate a general electrical 51.tea tor the luppl71nl or electric! tJ for light. heat, power and other purpose. to the Vinage ot St. Charles, Bear Lake Couaty", Idaho, and to the inhabi tan ta thereof, and to exero1ee the r igh"ta and pri vile lee that hay. be.. or may hereafter be, issued to the Utah Power It Light Cos- paR7, ita 8ucca.Sora and 8881gB., by the said VUlage or St. Chari.., Bear Lake County, Idaho. THIS CERTIFICATE 18 predicated upon and 1esued ptU'lU8Dt to the findings and order of this Co8alsaloD in the above entitled matter mad. and entered on the 12th day of September, A.D. 19~, to ,..hl~h lP...f'erenoe herebJ made. OOIE IN OPF1I SESSIOI at Boise, Idaho, this 12th day of September, A. D 19M. 7/i3!? .,.