HomeMy WebLinkAbout19370823Certificate No 139.pdfBDOU '1BI PUBLIO U'l'ILITD8 omoaSSION 0'1 '1'JD STAB IDAHO 111 'l'D lU.ftD OJ' THm APPLICA'flOB or tJ'.Wi POUR " LI GIll COMP .&NY FOB A. J:ft.urICA!I or OWRilEHC:& AND NEO ISSI T!' IN TD C I '1'!' OF RI GBY. J uJrlDWOR COUNT!. IDAHO. OASll NO. - / j &' IO.1D NO. /37- IT IS IDmIBY ~1J"Dm. That the P\11Il1. eonftn18noe ..4 .....1'" require., and will requ!I'., the Utah Pow.. .. LiP" Oamp..,', . ooJ'Porat1oa, it, RCM.lora and "Iigna to c0D8tnot, -1Jttah and op...'. . ...nl electrical .,.te1l tor the supplying of eleetr1o1 '" for 11p., heat, powu and. other purpo.e. to the C1t7 of Rig1)7. 1.ft.non 00uD.'tt. Idaho. a4 the iDhab1 tanta thereor, and to ex.rei.. the r1g1Lta an4 pl'1'rt18p8 that bave b..n. or mal hereafter be. 188U8d. to 'the Uteh Power ar. L1gJit 0-.p8ll1, 1 te INCOa.sar8 and a..igna 'b7 the Oity of R1gb7, 1.tter8011 CouatJ. Idaho. 'lmS CER'lIJ'ICAD, 1. prec11eate4 upon and 1...4 pur8U8Dt to tbe tindings and o:rde at this Comni..lon in the abOTe entitled matter ma4. and en tered on the )..3 d&7 ot 1137, to which reterence i. her."" made. DONB IR OPD S!5S ION at Boi.., Idaho, this . :1)daJ of ~ f 111' . II. !'-;'?y~ CODD:1.. 1 onU' sm.)