HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300414Certificate No 125.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITI1S O18Q:~ION or THE STATE OF In. H In the Matter of the A:pplieation of UTAH POOR & LIGRr COMPANY tor a Certificate of Convenience and Ne- cess! tJ' i11 the Village of George- town, Bear Lake county, Idaho. CASE NO. )'-761 CERTIFICATE NO. 125 It 1s hereb7 certified that the public convenience and neeessi require, ani will-require, the Utah Power & Light Com.p8D7, a corporation, ts successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate a general electrical system tor the supplying of electricity tor light, heat, power and other purposes to the Village of Georgetown, Bear Lake Count,., Idaho, and to the residents thereof, and to exercise the rights end pri ,,11eges tha't haTe been, or J1J8:I hereafter be, issued to the utah Power & Light Coxpa"" its successors and assigns, by the Count1 ot Bear Lake, Idaho, and by the Village ot Georgetown within said count,., subject, how.Ter, to the rules, orders and control of the COII81ssiol1 as to service and tacili ties. This certificate 18 predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and order ot this CO1l8188io11 in the above entitled matter made and entered on the 14th day of April, 1930, to which reference is hereby made, DCI1E IN emf SESION at Boise, Idaho, this 14th day ot April, 1930. ~ ~ ~//:Z