HomeMy WebLinkAbout19290917Certificate No 121.pdfBEFORE TE:B roBLIC UTILITIFS COMMISSION or TEE STATE OF IDAHO IN THE MATTER ar THB ""PPLICATION 0'8 TEE UTAH POWER &. LIGHT COMPANY FOR A CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY IN THE VILIAGE OF GRACE BANNOCK COUJII'1'~, IDAHO. CASE NO. F-726 CERTIFICATE NO. 121 It is hereby certified that the public convenience and nee.ss! tJ' require, and will require. the Utah Power & Light Company, a corporation, i t8 suece8sors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate a general electrical system for the supplying of electricity for light , heat J power and other purposes to the Village ot Grace J Bannock Count,., Idaho, and the residents thereof, and ot the territory adjacent and contiguous thereto, and to exercise the rights and privileges that have been, or may hereafter be, issued to the utah Power & Light Company, its succe.sors and assigns. by the 8aid Village ot Grace, Bannock County, Idaho. This certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and order of this Commission in the above entitled matter made and entered on the 17th day ot September, 1929. DONE IN OPEN SE3SION at Boise, Idaho, this 17th day of September, 1929. . ~-~ ~ ~.~ QJl1 ;# ~- ~J C s 1 ers.