HomeMy WebLinkAbout19261223Certificate No 111.pdfBEit)RE THm mBLIO tnILITIES SSIO!l OF THE S~ OF ID4JI) In the )latter ot the Application ot UTAH pown &: LIGHT COKPAliY tor a Certificate ot Convenienoe and Necessit7 in the Village ot Baaalt, B1ngttAM County, Idabo CASE 1m. 1'-631 CERT IFI CATE NO. 111 ,. , It is hereby certified that the public convenience and necessity require, anel will require, the Utah Power &: Light Oompazq, a corporation, 1ts IUCC..80ra and assigna, to 00118t1'l10t, maintain and. operate a general electrical s78t- tor the supplying of electricity for light, heat, power aud other purpose. to the Vllla.ge ot Baaalt, Bing'h~M County, Ic1abo, and all residents of a&1d. village, and to exerci.e the rights and pri'Yilegea that have been, or may hereafter be, issued. to the utah Power &: Light Com- ~, i t8 successora an4 assigBs, by the said Village ot Basalt. !his certificate i8 predicated upon and issued parsuant to the f'inci1uga and order of' this OCJmrni 8s10D. in the above anti t1e4 matter mad. and. entered. the 23rd ot Dee_bar, 1926, to which reterence i8 hereby ms4e. DOD 1:1 OPEN smSSIOJf at Boise, Id8.ho . this 23rd. day ot Dee_ber, 1926. ----- l~f 1~h -L d." 4L' Commi ssioner8.