HomeMy WebLinkAbout19231113Certificate No 104.pdfBEFOBI T1DI PUBLIC UTILITIES 001mISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. In the Jlatter of the Application of UTAH POWER Ie LIGH~ COJ4PANY tor a 081'- tificate of Convenience and Necessity in the Village of kimo, :RA:nno ck County, IdaJ1o . CASE NO. F-532 ("ERTIFICATE NO. 10' It is hereby certified. that the public convenience and necessity require, and will require, the Utah Power Ie Light CompaDJ', a Corporation, ts successors and assigns, to oonatruct, maintain and operate a general eleotriO(8ystem for the supplying of electricity for light, heat , power and other purpo.e. wi thin the pre.ent aDd t11ture corporate 11m! t8 of the village of Arimo, Bannock County, Idaho, am to exercise the rights and privileges that 'tDS:I be granted bJ &:1J.'8 franchise which .y hereafter be issued to said Utah Power i: Light Compa111' by the said Village of .&rimo.The exerci.. 8uch right. and privileges under such franchise, to be howe,..r subJect to the rule., orders and control ot the commis8ion as to 8ervic8 and facilities.. DONE IN OPJlr SESSICli at Boise, Idaho this 13th day of No'V'8mber, 1923. h~l- c:7-0//~ 4~ COmmi8 aioner 8