HomeMy WebLinkAbout19220620Certificate No 101.pdfa.w.l1UILIO UlILftDS couuISSIC8' OlP !8 9!.d.I 07 m.o -000- Ia t188 Ka't.1' of the .A.pplloatloa of ,. Sh8118, Lll1a' ,. Power OO lat4. t for . 0."1:118.t. of Co...18I1O. &84 ..o...lt, 1& ,. 01',. 01 81181187uI th8 001l8tl.. of 1088"'1118 aaI1.".-. all 18 t. St.,. of 14.. OJ.SB 10. 1'-6" CD!I:rIOAD .0. 101 --000-- l' i. 18ft'b,. 0." 11184 ,bat ,- pn"A' awl flatv. p1t11o 00-_18.. ... _a...it, 1'e.1I'.. .. w111 "qalft ,. S_1187 L181* ,. Pow.1' OO~t I.". t it. au....ora &III ..'18a't to tUDallh 8180t1'1o&1 ""10. to 'M Cll, of S_1187 UIl to o8na1a portio. of ".... aad. BOU8Y11le 00118188 , 811 1. .111 8t... of 14&0 . aid Ilth8b lt... 'UNed &III of 'amtor.r o.dJpouI theret. ta1~ .., oa aU 4etem1Jl84 1a Or-I' .0. "21 1a C- "0. :r-l11I.... .,. thl P11'bllo Utill'le. 00BlD1..1on at '18 S'ate of I4ao 011 ,he 16.1t 4., of .&.p1'11, 1917 . tor ~.tolpa1t --mal ... 40..t1o put-po,.,. '0 00... .'not open,. 8114 -1a'a1a ..h .D.nalou '0 1'. 81eotrio&1 "" ..., '."Jo. 0' 8ai4 01', &D4 'he IfthaJtlt... '.r_f &114 'en1tGrJ' 00.1..... 'hento IIIIF raqulN . UII .Z8I'Oi.. 'h. r1_. aa4 prlTl1e... of .., Ir i.. trI'88 a4 to 8&14 8PP 11 ow 'bJ 8&14 oi t, Of Shell.,. 8D4 .&14 GOUDt 18. .,..... &D4 lo8D8Y111. for _ala '."108 withiA nail t.rritor, t 811'b.18O'haw.",. to the n1e., N8Q1atiou. ol'Cl8r. 8Dfl....l of the hbllo Util- 1t1.. 00811..1011. of 'hi St.t. of Ilaho .. to thl 1'8&80lI&bl..... ot tJa ral.. "8R1a'lou t rat.. u.cI olJarp. tor aa4 the .qua.,. ot Rob ..nlo.. Do- 111. Opu S...10A at 1018., I4ao 011. thl 20th 4ar of 3'1UI8. 1922. ATTE aecretaJ7,eJh.