HomeMy WebLinkAbout19200629Certificate No 96.pdfBEFORE THE pUBLIC UTILITI:E5 COMMISSIC1.1\f OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. ----------- In the Matter of the Applioation of the Ashton and Sto Anthony Power Company for a Certificate of Convenience and Neoessity to ~tend its Transmission Lines to the Village of Drummond Fremont Coun ty, Idaho , and imn~diate vicini ty, and furniah said Village with electrical energy for lighting and po~r purposes. Case No. ~-305 Certificate No. ------------ It IS :H.EREBY QEl1TIFIED , under and :p~sua.nt to Order No. 700 dated. at Boise . Idaho , on the 29th day of June , 1920 . that the convenience and nooessi ty of the public require and will require that the Ashton and St. Anthony Power Oompan~ render electrical service for power , light and other use , to the people of and the village of Drummond , Idaho and those residents of the immediate vicinity of said village and along the transmission line necessary to reaCh said village from the present nearest point reached by the lims of the Ashton and St. Anthony ?ower Company.This oertif~ate does no~ authorize the Ashton and St. Anthony Power Comp3.ny to extend its lines for the purpose of rendering such service or to purchase or acquire any line or lines built for sooh purpose , until further order of the Commission in the premises. The said Ashton and St. Anthony Power Company is authorized to apply for and accept such franchises as nay be necessary or convenient for the rendi- tion of' such service , subjeot , however , to the rul as and regulations cC the Commission as nOW existing or as may hereafter be put in forc64 DONE IU OPEX SIDSION at Boise , IdahO , this 29th d.a~: of June , 1920 ... Er? ers