HomeMy WebLinkAbout19200329Certificate No 92.pdfBEFORE nE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. ------------------ In the Matter ot the App11cat ion UTAH POWER &: LIGHT COMPANY , author-izing It to obtain and exercise the rights ot a franchise trom CaribouCounty, Idaho. CASE NO. f-339 CERTIFICATE NO. quire and will require the Utah Power & Light Company, its successors It Is hereby cert ified that public convenience and necessity re- tor the supplying ot electricity tor light . heat power and other purposes ~ aBsl~s , to constroct . ~lntain ope~te a ~~ral electrical system within tM pre8e~ ~d tmure ccryorate l1~t. ot tM Co~y ot ~ribou State of Idaho . and to exercise the rights and privileges that may be granted by any franchise which may hereafter be issued to said Utah Power & Li~t Co~~ by tm said Co~ty ot ~rioou , tm em~is. ot ~h ri~h orders and control of the Commission as to service and tacilit1e8. ~d ~ivile~a ~er such tnooh1se , to be , M~er s~~eot to tM rolea, Done in open session at Boise , Idaho , th1s 29th day ot Karch , 1920. : ;;,..-- ", ..:" .. ,. 1e. ,/ "--,' ' ,.. ;/' / i s 81 oners.