HomeMy WebLinkAbout19190909Certificate No 80.pdfBEFOBE fT'""-" PUBLIC UTILITIES CCiaiISSION OF -,m 'STATE OF '(J).UfO In the Matter of the A.pp~1catloD of Utah Pov.er 8; Light Company tor a Certificate of Oonveniet1C8 and Necessl ty in the 'tillage of Weston Frankl in C oun ty . Idnho . C~IFIQA~ NO.aO. CASE NO. ~97 ****** 000****** It is hereby certified that the present and future public convenience and necessity require and will require Utah Power & Light Company to furnish electrical service to the village of .leston, Franklin Oounty, Idaho and the inhabitants thereof and of terrlto~ contiguous thereto , for municipal , commercial and domastic purposes; to construct o~rate and maintain such extensions to -i ts electrical system as the service of said village and the inhabitants thereof' aDd of terri to17 contiguous thereto may re.... quire am to ey",ercise the rights and privileges of art9 franchise which m~ be here~fter granted to said applicant by said village for such service , subject however , to the rules , regulations orders and control ot the Public Utilities Commission ot the State of Idaho as to the reasonableness of the rules , regu:Iations rates and changes for end the mequacy of the service furnished. Done in open session at Boise, Idaho on the 9th da7 of September ,1919. /: iL-- ' .("'" ;i"~ / -::.~ j:;,/ ~ l1/ ~(). !:;~ by"l/'