HomeMy WebLinkAbout19160620Certificate.pdfBEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMl S5IOH OF THE STATE OF IDAHO. In the Matter of the !'pplioatiol1 of the Utah Power &: Ligb. t Oomp~ for Certificate of Public Conven- ience and Neoessi ty in the Village of Downey" Bannock County, Idaho. . Oase No. F-139 Order Ho.358 CERT IF ICA.TE THE PUBLIC UT ILIT IES coma SSIOlf OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, hereby certifies and orders that WHEREAS, There has been filed with this Commis sion in proper form the verified petition of the Utah Power &: Light Company, a Maine corporation, appl7ing tor a certificate of this Commission certifying that the preseDt anc1 future public convenience and necessity require the exerci.e b7 said Petitioner ita successor. and assigns, of such rights and privileges as haTe been and are granted to it by that certain franoaise which was granted to it and its successors and &Ssigns by the Village of Down~, in Bannock County, Idaho, on or about March 7, 1913, which franchise permits the construction, mainte- Dance and operation by the said Pe~itioner, its successors and assigns, an electric generating, transnission, and distribution system within the corporate limits of said Vill818; and, WHEREAS, This Oollll1i ss ion has found, after an examinat ion of said Petition and a sufficient hearing, that the said Petitioner is an electrical public utility corporation, authorized to do business and doing business in the State of Idaho; that said franchise was granted to said Petitioner on or about March 7, 191a., which date was :prior to the taking effect of the Public Utilities Act of the State of Idaho; that said Petitioner commenced construo- tion work within said Village of Downey on or about May l, 1913. which date was a180 prior to the taking effect of saId Public Utilities Act, and that on or about March 9, 1914, which date was 8ubsequent to the taking effect such Public Utilities Act, said Petitioner commenced to operate its electrical system within siid Village and to snpply electric current therein, all under said franchise, relying in good faith upon its validity and effectiveness, al though no certificate of public convenience and nece88i~ had been issued; and, WHEREAS, said Petitioner has ever since said last date continued to supply electric service under and in reliance upon said franchise; and, ~~RAS , said Petitioner was and 1s able financially to give good service and adequate to supply the electrical requirements of said Village, and said Village i,s')loca.'ted in t.~l'!t0J7~-1d1ioh is non-oompetitlY6 and which haa not heretofore ~~is not now served by any public utility of a like character Petitioner but is located contiguously to to sai~APet it loner' s general' electrical ~stem; BOW THEREFORE. This cert,ificate and order is hereby issued, to take effect upon its issuance, rati~ing and confi~ing the above mentioned franehis8 granted to said Petitioner by the said Village of Dawney, Bannock County, Idaho, on or about March 7, 1913; certifYing that the public convenience and necessity has and does require the exercise by the said Petitioner, its successors and assigns, of the rights and privileges contained in said franchise, and the right of the said Petitioner,its successors and assigns (under Section 48 of the "Public Utilities Act", as amended by Chapter 62 of the Laws of 1915), to construct, maintain and operate its said electric lines and system, together with all necessary or desirable equipment, apparatus and appurtenances ao as to give the said service wi thin the Village of Downey, is hereby cart ified to and confirmed. Dated thi s 20th day of June, 1916. - 130, fl). 35~ fZ. A: ioner.