HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupplement to Annual Report FERC Form 1.pdfP*<-t Y ROCKY MOUNTAIN PO'VER A DMSION OFMOF|COiP ir,r9a:V Lu .,:i ;1'l i .-J F,i i2: 06 :i : !.1' . ... 1.. I i-';,,:_i; liSSlOl\i May 25,2022 VIA ELECTRONIC DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilities Commission I l33l W Chinden Blvd. Building 8 Suite 20lA Boise,ID 83714 Attention:Jan Noriyuki Commission Secretary Annual Idaho Form I Report -2021 Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits for filing with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission the Annual State Form I report for202l. It is respectively requested that all formal correspondence and staffrequests regarding this matter be addressed to: By E-mail (preferred): By regular mail: datarequest@Pacifi Corp.com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Any informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at 801-220-2963. S 1407 W. North Temple, Suite 330 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Re: $-r"^-O SVP, Regulation and Customer/Community Solutions ANNUAL REPORT IDAHO SUPPLEMENTTO FERC FORM NO. 1 FOR MULTI-STATE ELECTRIC COM PANI ES INDEX Page Number Title 1 1 2 3-6 7 I 9 10 1-1 13 2 Statement of Operating lncome for the Year Electric Operating Revenues Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses Depreciation and Amortization of Electric Plant Taxes, Other Than lncome Taxes Non-Utility Property Summary of Utility Plant and Accumulated Provisions Electric Plant in Service Materials and Supplies Data provided in this report is consistent with the unadjusted data reflected in the @mpany's December 2021 Results of Operations report for the ldaho jurisdiction, which was filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission April 29, 2022. For turther information regarding ldaho's 2021 financral results, refer to the December 2021 Results of Ooerations reDort- Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ Aresubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Y0 May 25,2022 of Report Oec.31,2021 STATE OF IDAHO STATEMENT OF OPERATING INCOME FOR THE YEAR Line No. ACCOUNT (a) (Reo Page No. (b) ELEgTRIG UTILITY Current Year (c) Previous Year (d) 1 UTILITY OPERATING INCOME 2 Ooeratino Revenues (400)2 3'16.570.722 31o.249.279 3 Ooeratino Exoenses 4 Ooeration Exoenses (401)3-6 147.569.125 149.2'.t9.U7 5 Maintenance Expenses (402)3-6 17,630.189 22.003.675 b Depreciation ExPenses (403) t'l 7 52.915.878 40,448,993 7 Amort. & Deol. of Utilitv Plant (4(X-405)7 2.768.770 2.250.896 8 Amort. of Utilitv Plant Aco. Adi (406)155.682 430.583 I Amort. of Property Losses, unrc@vered Plant and Requlatory Study Costs (407)2.707.228 884 10 Amort. of Conversion Expenses (407) 11 Taxes other Than ln@me Taxes (408.1) tz'8 9,860,050 9.794.1U 12 lncome Taxes - Federal (409.'l)(4.608.770)6.259.389 13 - Other (409.1)1.016.710 2.576.412 14 Provision for Defened lncome Taxes (410.1)26.724.2s9 19.880.650 15 Provision for Defened lncome Taxes - Cr. (41 1.1)(18.880.668)(34.808.620) 16 lnvestment Tax Credit Adi. - Net (411.4)(44.3371 (250.976) 17 (Gain)/Loss ftom Disp. of Utility Plant (41 1.6, 41'1.7 . 42'll (152.662)(128.641) 18 Gains from Disp. Of Allowances (41 1 .8)G\Q) 19 TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of Lines 4 thru 1 8)237.561.450 217.676.472 20 Net utility operafng lncp,me (Enter lotal ot line 2less 19)79.009.272 92.572.807 ('l) Oepreciation expense associated with transportration equipment is generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construclion work in progress. (2) Payroll traxes are generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 1 E IoocT!-m =mz-.t 1. R€port bolow operating revgnues for eac*r prescrib€d &count, and mandactursd gas rsv€nu€s in on Reporl numb€r of custom6rs, columns (f) and (g), the basis of meters, in addition to lhe numb€r of flat rate accounts; gxc€B that ufiere separato meter Eadings arc add€d for billing purpos6, one custom€r 3hould bo for each group cf mot€rs added. The a\€rage of cugtomers means th€ avsrags of trelvo tigures at the cloo€ ofeach morth. 3. lf incrsas€s or decreas€s from previot s period (colunns (c), (€), and (g)), ars not d€rived ftom prevlously ropofted figwes, e)plain any inconsistonci$ in a footnote. 4. Commorcial and lndustrial Sales, Accourn 442, may ba classified according to the basis of classiricdion (Smallor Cornmtrcialmd Largts or lnduslrial) regularty rJs€d by th€ rsspond€nt if such besis of classificatbn i8 not generally gr€ater than 1000 Kw of demand. (See Accourt 442 of the Uniform System of Accdnts. belain basis of classmcdion in a foctnde). 5. See p€gs 10&109 of FERC Form No. l, lmportant Changtss During Period, for importanl n6rv tenitory added and important rate incrrsases or docreesos. 6. For lines 2,4,5,6, and 7 see pagp 3O4 d FERC Form No. I for amounts i€lating lo mbilled revonu€ by accounts. 7. lncludo unm€tered sales. Pro/id€ details of such sales in a foolnots. numb€f To@oN Name of Respond€nt Pacilicorp6a Rocky Mourtain Portr Ittris Itrl l(2) A Bubnissih REport ls: _X An Original Oate of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Maf 25,N2. Yed of Rsport Oec.31,2921 ELECTRIC OPERANNG REVENUES Account IOOI OPERATING REVENUES ME('\WAI I HiJUKUUULU AVU. NU. (,F UUU I UMEKU TEX MUN I TI Lire No. (al Title ofAccount Amount for Year (a) AmoJnt for Previous Y6r (c) Amount for Yeer (d) Amount for Previous Year (e) Numb€r for Year (0 Numb€r fd Previous Year (s) I Sabs cf Electricitv )1440) Resid€ntial Sales 85.641.541 81.215.009 781.386 740.986 70.018 6A 196 3 14421 Commercial sd lndustrial Sales 4 Small (or Commorcial) (Se€ lnstr. 4)46.256.805 43.4't8.904 532 108 494 075 9762 9423 5 Lare (tr lndustriell lse lBtr 4l 16l aao a!!166 013 SO ,2 ?!A 2.2%.4U 5.725 5.686 6 t.{44) Public Str66t and Hiohwav Liohtino 531.1 89 523.056 2.742 2.711 114 ,115 7 Ll45) Oths Sals to Public Adhtrities a [446) Sales to Railroads and Railwavs 9 1448) lntsd€mrtmsntal Sales 10 TOTAL Sales to LJltimate ConEumers 2e4 310 (x]9 2gl 171 o39 3 55r 449 3 53r 206 R5 6tO 83.420 11 ftl4il Salesftr R€sale 9.S3.341 10.071.67 llt lil llt fit 12 TOTAL Salas d El€ctricitv 304 2e3 350 301 21) 3t]6 3 55' 4A!)3 53! 2m a5 610 83.420 l3 lLoss) (449.'l ) Provision for Rat6 Rstunds (185.389' 14 TOTAL Revenue Net of Prov. For Refunds 304.293.350 301.056.917 3.552./lEg 3.534.26 85.619 83.420 15 OlhsromElim Reeres l6 l45O) Forfeitod Discounts *o.202 451.084 17 l45l) MismllansG Servie R6vmm 130 87t 97 521 ta 1.L53) Sale of Vlrater and \ rater Powsr 517 42'.1 19 i4541 Rent frffi Electric PmD€rtv 5AA fi4 650 163 )o :455) hter&oartmontal Rents 21 456) oths Elecfic Revenuss l t t8l 638 7 992 A7? )) ?3 TOTAL Other OD€ratim Revsnu€s 122ns72 9.',192.*2 24 TOTAL Electric Operatinq Rsvsnues 316.570.72 310.249.279 (r, rq a @mpEre rEr q m nunmr or @$omera ano Megawa[ nours solo on a lolat coanPany basis s3e pages 310 - Sales for Resals of lhe 2021 FERC Fom No. l. Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Year of Report Dec.31,202'l ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES . IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes Line No.Account (a) Amount lor Cunent Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 1. PO\A/ER PRODUCTION EXPENSES 2 A. Steam Power Generation 3 Ooeration 4 (500) Ooeration Supervision and Engineering 758.762 922_925 5 (501) Fuel 40,092,965 43,997,856 5 (502) Steam Exoenses 4.107.383 4.362.502 7 (503) Steam from Other Sources 328.666 424.7U B (Less) (5(X) Steam Transfned - Cr I (505) Elec{ric Expenses 50.728 87,977 10 (506) Miscellaneous Steam Power Expenses 't ,708.811 3lU.020 11 (507) Rents 25.611 26.977 12 TOTAL Ooeration (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 11)47.072.926 53.257.O21 13 Maintenance 14 (51 0) Maintenance Supervision and Enoineerino 292j33 469,581 15 (511) Maintenance of Structures 1.084.949 1.795.260 16 (512) Maintenance of Boiler Plant 3.671.819 4.046.307 17 t513) Maintenance of Electric Plant 1.727.il1 1.526.532 18 (514) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Steam Plant 621.411 545,021 19 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 14 thru 1 8)7,397,883 8.382.701 20 TOTAL Power Produc{ion Expenses - Steam Power (Enter Total of lines 12 & 19)54.470.809 61.639.722 21 B. Nuclear Power Generation 22 Operation 23 (517) ODeration SupeMsion and Enoineering 24 (518) Fuel 25 (5'19) Coolants and Weter 26 {520) Steam ExDenses 27 (521) Steam from Other Sources 28 (Less) (522) Steam Transfened - Cr 29 (523) Elec'tric Exoenses 30 (524) Miscellaneous Nuclear Power Exoenses 31 (525) Rents 32 TOTAL ODeration (Enter Total of lines 23 thru 31) 33 Maintenanceu{528) Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 35 {529) Mainlenance of Sfuc{ures 36 (530) Maintenance of Reador Plant EquiDment 37 (531) Maintenance of Electric Plant 38 (532) Maintenanc, of Miscellaneous Nuclear Plant 39 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 34 thru 38) 40 TOTAL Power Produciion Expenses - Nuclear Power (Enter Total of lines 32 & 39) 11 C. Hydraulic Power Generation 42 Operation 43 (535) Ooeration Supervision and Engineering 565,398 556,676 44 (536) Water for Power 13.116 8,901 45 (5371 Hvdraulic Exoenses 251.757 274.978 46 (538) Electric Exoenses 47 (539) Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses 1_055.124 't.116_416 48 (540) Rents 104.689 101 .953 49 1.990.2.O5E.924 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 3 Narne of Respondent Pacificorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Dec.31,2021 of Reporl ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES . IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived ftom previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Lrne No.Account (a) Amount tor Cunent Year (b) Amount lor Previous Year (c) 50 C. Hvdraulic Porer Generation (Continued) 51 Maintenance 52 (541) Maintenance SuDervision and Enoineerino 21 23 53 (542) Maintenance of Structures 53.239 39.849 54 (543) Maintenance of ReseNoirs. Dams. and l hterwavs 50.387 81.084 55 (544) Maintenance of Elec'tric Plant 1 00.879 96.'139 56 (545) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hvdraulic Plant (1.173.3801 2.125.945 57 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 52 thru 56)(968.8541 2.U3.040 58 TOTAL Porrver Producfion ExDenses - Hvdraulic Power (Enter Total of lines 49 & 57)'t.o2't.230 4.401.t 61 59 O. Other Porver GeneEtion 50 ODeration 31 and 17.488 20.072 )Z Fuel 20.305.998 14.485.247 t5 (548) Generation Exo€nses 941.356 1.121.191 54 (549) Miscellaneous Other Pourer Generalion Exoenses 489.563 489.51 3 35 (550) Rents 545.876 270.23'l 36 TOTAL Ooeration (Enter Total of lines 6l thru 65)22.300.241 '18.386.254 at Maintenance 38 (551) Maintenance SuDervision and Enoineerino 39 (552) Maintenance of Structures 168.416 249.609 7o (553) Maintenance of Generation and Elec{ric Plant 1.183.715 917.252 71 (554) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Other Power Generation Plant 177.432 166.612 72 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 68 thru 71)1.529.563 1.333.473 73 TOTAL Pou/er Prcduc'tion ExDenses - Other Pourer (Enter Total of lines 66 & 72)23.429.444 19.719.727 71 E. Olher Power Suoofu Exoenses 75 12',t65750 37 005204(555) Purchased Power 76 (556) Svstem Control and Load DisDalchino 26.276 34.775 77 (557) Other Expenses (l)6,537,540 6,498,197 78 |TAL Other Power Supply ExDenses (Enter Totial of lines 75 thru 77)48.729.566 43.542.176 79 TOTAL Power Production ExDenses - (Enter Total of lines 20. 40. 58. 73 and 78)128.051.445 1 29.303.589 BO 2. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 81 Ooeration 92 (560) ODeration SuDervision and Enoineerino 567.584 478.309 B3 (561) Load DisDatchino 974.306 975.221 34 (562) Station Exoenses 184.543 155.271 85 (563) Overhead Line ExDenses 69.035 59.424 B6 (564) lJnderoround Line ExDenses s7 (555) Transmission of Eledricitu bv Olhers a 172 2958.917.193 88 (566) Miscellaneous Transmission Expenses 129,071 174.050 39 (567) Rents 14E.899 126.877 ,0 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 82 thru 89)10.990.631 10.181.447 31 Maintenance ,2 (568) Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 47.149 53.770 93 (569) Maintenance of Struc,tures 330.737 322.149 )4 646.168 641 .1 86 35 (571) Maintenance of Overhead Lines 949.1 32 938.017 e6 (572) Maintenance of Underoround Lines 3.9't 7 13,'t 59 )7 (573) Mainlenance of Miscellaneous Transmission Plant 5.192 1't.028 38 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Totial of lines 92 thru 97)1.982.295 1.979.309 t9 12.912.926 12.160.756 r00 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENt'ES t01 t0.2 Ooeration Suoervision an(51 9.1 56 512.165 t03 581 680,997 638,335 - (l ) The ldaho amounts in Account 557 Other expenses are $5,701 ,540for the current year and $5,662,197 for the previous year However, theese amounts have been increased by $836,000 because of the impact of the 2020 Protocol Adjustment. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 4 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountiain Power This Report ls:(1) X An OrQinal(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Year of Report Oec.31,2021 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES. IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Llne No.Account (a) Amount lor Cunent Year (b) Amount lor Previous Year (c) 1U 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES (Con$nued) 105 (582) Station Exoenses 283.336 355.123 106 (583) Overhead Line ExDenses 246.128 352.766 107 (584) Underoround Line ExDenses 108 (585) Street Lishtins and Sisnal System Expenses 15.432 14.O23 109 (586) Meter ExDenses 't 35.969 17'.t.664 110 (587) Customer lnstallations Expens€s 982,368 875,855 111 (588) Miscellaneous Distribution Exp€nses 26,667 28,853 112 (589) Rents 39.680 44.408 113 TOTAL ODeration (Enter Total of lines 102 thru 1 12)2.929.733 2.993.192 114 Maintenance 115 (590) Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 421.724 339.178 1't6 (591 ) Maintenance of Structures I 17.008 126.061 117 (592) Maintenance of Station Equipment 487.336 774.8',t6 118 (593) Maintenance of Overhead Lines 3_487.986 3.925-734 119 (594) Maintenance of Undersround Lines 1.134.449 865,726 120 (595) Maintenance of Line Transformers 59,425 50,894 121 (596) Maintenance of Sheet Liqhtinq and Sisnal Systems 04,087 76,955 122 (597) Maintenance of Meters 28.197 41.082 123 (598) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Distribution Plant 481.938 370.628 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 115 thru 123)6.282.150 6.571.074 125 TOTAL Distribution ExDenses (Enter Total of lines 113 and'1241 9.211.883 9.564.266 128 4. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 127 Ooeration 128 [901) Suoervision 95.800 96.089 129 (902) Meter Readinq ExDenses 2,'t94,133 2.061,465 t30 (903) Customer Records and Colleclion Expenses 1.851.006 1.919,620 t31 (904) Uncolleclible Accounts 959.356 403.578 132 (905) Miscellaneous Gustomer Accounts Expenses 115 1.',t52 133 TOTAL Customer Accounts Exoenses (Enter Total of lines 128 thru 1 32)5.100.410 4.481.904 1%5. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES 135 ODeration 136 (907) Supervision /.23l,28 137 (908) Customer Assistance Exponses 10s.094 1 18.131 138 (909) lnbrmational and lnstructional Expenses 't 57.636 233.823 139 (910) Miscellaneous Customer Service and lnformational Expenses 54 74 140 TOTAL Cust. Seruice and lnformational Exp. (Enter Total of lines 136 thru 139)266,761 352,056 't41 6. SALES EXPENSES 142 Ooeration 143 (9'l'l) SuDervision 14 (912) Demonstratino and Sellino Exoenses 145 (9 1 3) Advertisino ExDenses 146 (91 6) Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 147 TOTAL Sales Exoenses (Enter Total of lines 143 thru 146) 148 7. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 149 Ooeration 150 (920) Administrative and General Salaries 4.288.305 4.33/..892 't51 (9211 OfEce Suoolies and Exoense 626.256 926.025 152 (Less) (922) Administrative Expenses Transfened - Cr,(2.121.833) 153 1.4,{3.310 1.112.475 154 343.849 365.482 155 1.4"8.259.600 156 7.322.399 6.357.885 157 (1 ) Pensions and benefits expense is associated with labor and generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 5 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Year of Report Dec.3'1,2021 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO Ltne No.Account (a) Anounl lor Current Year (b) Amount lor Previous Year (c) 't57 7. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES (Continued) 't58 (92n Franchise Reouirements 159 (928) Regulatory Commission ExDenses 1.46,7.201 1.334.975 160 (929) Duolicate Charoes - Cr (6.865.878)(6.862.8531 161 (930.1) General Advertisinq Expenses 442 838 162 (930.2) Miscellaneous General Exoenses 135.738 125.18'.1 163 (931) Rents 73.il2 133.406 1An TOTAL Ooeration (Enter Total of lines 150 thru 163)8.188.733 13.966.073 165 Maintenance 166 (935) Maintenance of General Plant 1.407.152 1.394.078 167 TOTAL Administrative and General Expenses (Enter Total of lines 164 & 166)9.595,885 15.360.151 168 I U I AL Electnc Operaflon and Maintenance Expenses (Enter Total ot l|nes 79, 99, 125, 133, 140, 147, and 164 165,199,314 171.222.722 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Page 6 SUMMARY OF ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO Line No. Functional Classifications (a) Operation (b) Maintenance (c) Total (d) 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 Power Production Expenses Eleclric GeneraUon: Sleam Power Nuclear Power Hydraulic -Conventional Other Power Generation Other Power Supply Expenses Total Power Production Expenses Transmission Expenses Distribution Expenses Customer Accounls Expenses Customer Service and lnformational Expenses Sales Expenses Adm. and General Expenses Total Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses 47,072,926 1,990,084 22,300,281 48.729.566 7,397,883 (e68,8s4) 1,529,563 54,470,809 1,021,230 23,829,U4 48.729.566 120.092.857 7.958.s92 128.051.1149 10,990,631 2,929,733 5,100,410 266,761 8.188.733 1,982,295 6,282,1s0 1.407.152 12,972,926 9,21 1,883 s.100,410 266,761 9.595.885 147.569.125 17.630.189 165.199,314 STATE OF IDAHO -ALLOCATED (1) Depreciation expense associated with lransportation equipment is generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construc{ion work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 7 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Povrer This Report ls: (1) : AnOriginal(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Year of Report Dec.31,2021 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF ELECTRIC PLANT (Accounts 403, 404, 405) (Except amortization of acquisition adjustments) A. Summary of Deprecialion and Amortization Charges Line No.Func-tional Classifi cation (a) Depreciation Expense (Account 403) fll (b) Amortization of Limited-Term Elec{ric Plant (Acct.4(X) (c) Amortization of Other Electric Plant (Acct.405) (d) Total (e) 1 lntanqible Plant 2.742.531 2.742.531 2 Steam Production Plant 19.2U.8il 19.204.864 3 Nuclear Production Plant 4 Hvdraulic Production Plant - Conventional 1.7'.t6.U1 17.260 1.7y.'.t01 5 Hvdraulic Production Plant - Pumped Storage o Other Production Plant 1 1.750.765 1 1.750.765 7 Transmission Plant 7.436.716 7.436.746 B Distribution Plant 10.221sil 10.221.3* I General Plant 2.585.308 8.979 2.594.287 10 Common Plant - Electric 11 TOTAL 52,9't5,878 2,768,770 55,684,648 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Year of Report Dec.3'1,2021 STATE OF IDAHO - ALLOCATED TAXES, OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES ACCOUNT 408.1 (rl KINU UI. IAA AMUUN I 1 Prooertv 8.947.930 2 Other 912.120 3 4 5 b 7 B I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total ( Must aqree with Daqe 1. line 1 1.)9.860.050 (l) Payroll taxes are generally charged to operations and maintenanoe expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 8 o Iooc!!-m =mzI 'oooo @ Nam6 of Respond€nt lui' Roport ls: -X An Original_ A rBsubmissbn lffi d Report Da, Y0 ,202.PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mounlain Power Yearof Report De.31.2021 Location D6cription D6scription B€ginning Balanc€ (c) Acquistion (d) Retirement (o) Transfer (0 Balere at End of Y€r (o) 1 IDAHO FALLS POLE TREATING PLANT Fm I .nd 5Atl7 5,4a17 )MAI AD PI ANT SITF AND WATER RIGHTS Land Riohts 33 33 3 GEORGETOWN PLANT LAND Fm I and 110 tlo A I AVA DFVFI OPMFNT Land Riohts 1.271 '1.274 5 MENAN SUBSTATION SITE Fe€ Land 55 55 6 IICON S]TF . CATFRCORNER TO I.-ICON SUBSTATION F* Land 2A 2A 7 OLD DUBOIS SUBSTATION SITE Fm I arYl 75 75 a EAST RIVER SUESTATION SITE Fm Land 13712 '13.742 9 NORTH MONTEVIEW SUESTANON STTE F* Lend 32e 324 10 MONTEVIEW SUBSTATION SITE F* Lard 618 614 11 UUD LAI(E SERVICE CENTER Fs Lsnd r7.915 17.915 '12 Tolal Nm{rtilitv Prmilv 8E.495 88.495 of Respondent Report ls: Rocky Mountain Power (1) -L Anoriginal(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Year of Report Dec. 31,2021 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Line No.Account (a) Amountfur Cunent Year (b) Amountbr Previous Year (c) 1 UTILIW PLANT 2 n Service 3 Plant ln Service (Classified)1.709.164.594 1.656.883.332 1 5 6 Comoleted Comlruclion not Classifi ed 33.521.327 41.035.931 7 Exoerimentd Plant undassifi ed 8 Total (Enter Tdel of Lines 3 throuoh 7)'t.712.6As.921 1.697.919.263 I Leas€d To Others 10 Held for Future Us€84.055 606.721 11 12 {cquisition Adiustments 8.012.792 8.280.065 't3 Totel Lnilitv Plant lEnter Totel of Linm 8 thmuoh 'l2l 1 75(l74276,4 1 706 806 049 14 Accumuleted Provision for Deorccietion- Arnortizetion & t}eolelion 592_150.422 554.762.192 15 N€t Lrlilitv Plant (Enter Total of Line 13 l6ss Lin6 14)1. t58.331.946 't.148_(M3.557 16 DETAIL OF ACCUIULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION, ATORT]ZAIOT{ AIiID DEPLETION 17 ln SeNice 18 Deorecistion 545,626,523 512.940.617 19 20 Arnortization of Und€mround Slorae Lend and l-rnd Riohts 21 Arnortization of Oher tnilitv Ptant 39.051.464 38.063.37t 22 Total ln SeMce (Enter Total of Lines 18 throuoh 21)5U.677.947 551.003.99'l 23 24 Daorecietion 25 Amdizstion And DaDlstion %Tctal Leased to others (Enter Total ol Lines 24 and 25) 27 Held for Fulure Use 2A Depreciation 29 Amortization 30 Tcilal Held for FutuE us (Enter Tdd of Lines 28 and 29! 3'l Abandonment of Lea3es (Nelural Ges) 32 Accumulated Provision for Assel Acouisition Adiustm€nt 7.772.435 7.754.501 33 TotalAccumulated ProMsions (Should Agree Wrth Line 14 abow) (Enter Total of Lines 22, %, 30, 31 and 32)592 n5,0 422 sfi.762.492v (1) Capitalized lease a$ets are nc,t induded in rate base; lhey ar6 included in op€rding expense as rent expense. (2) Conslrudion VUcrk ln Process ("CWF ) is not induded in rate bas€ end il is not essigned allocation facioB until it goes into service. On atotal compeny bsis, CWP was $1,131,734,692 at December 31, 202'1. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 10 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Year of Report Oec.31,2021 ELECTRTC PLANT rN SERVTCE - STATE OF IDAHO (ALLOCATED) n addition to Account 101, Electnc Plant ln S€rvlce (ghsslfied), this scneduE indudes Account 1OZ, Elecrlc Plant Purchased or Sold, Account 103, Experimental Electric Plant Unclassified and Account 1 06, Completed Construc{ion Not Classified-Electric.) 1. Report below the original cost of electric plant in service according to prescribed accounts. 3. Credit adjustments of plant accounts should be enclosed in parentheses to indicate the negative effect of such amounts. 2. Do not includo as adjustments, conections of additions and retirements br the cunent or the preceding year. Line No Account (a) Beginning Balance (b) Balance at End of Year (o) 1 1. INTANGIBLE PLANT 2 5Ul 3 12.142.487 4 48.264.ils 5 Totd lines and 59.184.766 60.407.032 6 7 P.oduc{ion 8 31[5.320.854 5.071.936 I 311 55.338.383 10 312 266.365.s29 240.618.520 11 313 12 314 57.69 52.425.058 13 315 24.15 23.484.535 14 31€1.728.543 15 TOTAL Sleam 419.98 378.666_975 16 H. Nudear Hrooucilon PEnt 17 18 321 19 20 21 22 23 TOTAL Nudear Produclion 24 JCtiOn Plant 25 2.153,126 26 331 16_39 1fl_'.t23.213 27 29.598.047 28 water vwreels. Turbines. and G enenators 6,31 4.142.367 29 (334 4,92,4,EO6,O2Z 30 I 141.r,72 31 1,/1.454,934 32 TOTAL Hvdraulic Production Plant (Enter To(al of lines 25 lhru 31)62,419,721 u. ulner Hrooucllon Htanl 34 (340 2.E26.058 35 (34'l 15,31 15_O71 _833 36 u2 9l 90E,EO7 37 I Prime Movers 19,4,421 222,929,500 I'',AA rGenerators 31,32,721342 39 (345 40 1,;1.353.908 41 269.4 301.O21.660 42 |. AL TTOOUCUOn rlant [trIrrEI r UEr Ur [116 r J, ZJt OZt Ants q t I /42,1UU,356 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 11 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Pourcr This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ Aresubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Year of Report Dec.31,2021 ELECTRIC PI-ANT lN SERVICE (Gontinued) STATE OF IDAHO (ALLOCATED) Line No.Account (a) Beginning Balance (b) Balance End of Year (q) 43 3. TRANSMISSION PI-ANT 44 17.492.U7 45 't7.522.634 19.682.999 46 131,628 554 139.210.022 47 (354) Towers and Fixtures 034 82.961.521 48 POleS ano Fxtures 59.416 67.435.822 49 Overhead Gonductors and Devices 88.63't.330 50 J3a 22Q 213,630 51 597 502,425 52 Roads and Trails 000 672.314 53 416.803.310 il 4. DISTRIBUTION PLANT 55 (360) Land and Land Rishts 903 1.907.246 56 50r 537 4.216.954 57 38.256 43.494.882 58 59 (364) Poles, Towers, and Fixtures 63E 101.Et{,647 60 41.785 43.396.412 61 11.672 1 12.674.510 62 JO'31.258.339 33,232,U0 63 (368 E10 89,E50,744 64 (369) Services t45 49.818.8E8 65 Ja!Meters 20.515.727 66 371 lnstallations on Customer Premises 170.534 170_600 67 /372 on Premises 68 (373 920 642,715 69 of 55 thru 611 401.976.165 70 5. GENERAL PLANT 71 oov 80 658.656 72 Structures and lmDrovements 18.392.116 18.868.731 73 391 rOffice Furniture and Equipment 964 4,525,4U 74 10,550.304 75 272 949.(X8 76 394 )ment 3.633.727 77 rrYo 2.O7i 2.091,442 78 17,024 16.990,692 79 27.791.957 29.133.975 80 ovo 242 356.650 E1 802 87.758.859 82 118 110,872 83 E5.716 E7.869.731 a4 't.656.883 't.709.164.594 E5 102 Electric Plant Purchased 86 LesS 87 103 88 (106) Plant Unclassified 931 33.521.327 89 I U IAL EleCrrC Plant rn SeMoe 263 1.742.685.921 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 12 STATE OF IDAHO -ALLOCATED Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Po,ver This Report ls:(1) X An Originel (2) _ A resubmbsion Date of Report Da, Yr) May 25,2022 Y€ar of Report Dec. 31. 202'l MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 . For Account 1 54, report the amount of plant materials and operaling supplios under the primary functional dasgifications as indicatBd in column (a); estimates of amounts by funclion are acceptable. ln column (d), designate the departTent or depertnenE which use the class of material. 2. Give an eplanation of important inventory adjustnents during the year (on a supdemental page) showing general dasses of material and supplies and the \rarious aoounE (operatng e)eens6, dearing accounts, plant, 6tc.) affec{6d - debited or crediEd. Shofl separately debits or creditg b stores oeens€ dearing, if applicable. Line No. ACCOUNT (a) tsalance B€ginning of Year (b) Balance End of Year (c) ueparvnent or Departm6ntg Vvhich Use Material (d) 't 1 1.349.1 86 Electic 2 Fuel Stmk ExDenses undistribuled (Account 152) 3 Residuals and Extractod Products (Account 153) 4 Plent Mebriels and Oo€ratino Suoolies (Account 154) 5 Assioned to - Construction (Estimat6d)'10.080.035 Electric 6 Assioned b - ODeratbns and Maintsnance 7 Production Plant (Estimated)3.532.879 Electric 8 TEnsmission Plant (Estimeted)38.041 Elecfic 9 Distribution Plant (Estimated)651.529 Electic 10 Assioned to - Other (50.8461 Elec'tric 11 ToTAL Account 1t4 (Enter Total of lin€s 5 thru 10)14.251.638 12 Marchandis fA6unt 155) 13 Other Matarials and Suoolies (Account 1 56) 14 Nuclear Matarials Held for Sale (Account 157) (Not apdicable b Ga! Utilities) 15 Stores ExD€nsa Ljndistlibutad (Account 163) 16 17 18 19 20 TOTAL IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Paga 1 3