HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013Idaho Annual Report.pdfREC E IlU'I D ?0lq HAY 30 Pt{ 12: 25 tDAt{rr f;;;:j.,ll UT lLlTl t:J Cr:ii'.{l'1 ; ;31 C :i 201 SoudlMeln,Suht2300 S.h talc Clry,t tah 8.f lll May 30,2014 VA OYERNIGHT DELIWRY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re: Commission Annual Idaho Form I Report 2013 Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits for filing an original and seven (7) copies of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Annual State Form I report for 2013. It is respectively requested that all formal correspondence and staff requests regarding this matter be addressed to: ROCKY MOUNTAIN#s"- By E-mail (preferred): By regular mail: datareque st@Pacifi Corp. com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Any informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at80l-220- 2963. Sincerely, llYtt^^Q! Vice President, Regulation & Government Affairs ANNUAL REPORT IDAHO SUPPLEMENT TO FERC FORM NO. 1 FOR MULTI.STATE ELECTRIC COMPANIES INDEX Page Title Number 1 Statement of Operating lncome for the Year 2 Electric Operating Revenues 3 - 6 Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses 7 Depreciation and Amortization of Electric Plant I Taxes, Other Than lncome Taxes I Non-Utility Property 10 Summary of Utility Plant and Accumulated Provisions 11 - 12 Electric Plant in Service 13 Materials and Supplies Data provided in this report is consistent with the unadjusted data reflected in the company's December 2013 Results of Operations report for the ldaho jurisdiction, which was filed with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission on April 30, 2014. For further information regarding ldaho's 2013 financial results, refer to the December 2013 Results of Operations report. Paqe i Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec. 31 , 201 3 STATE OF IDAHO STATEMENT OF OPERATING INCOME FOR THE YEAR -rne tlo. ACCOUNT h) (ReD Page No. tbl ELECTRIC UTILITY Cunent Year lcl Previous Year tdt 1 UTILITY OPEMTING INCOME 2 )oeratino Revenues (400)2 321,558,043 292.780.112 3 )Deratino Exoenses 4 Ooeration Exoenses (401 )3-6 16'1,012,610 150.042.101 5 Maintenance Exoenses (402)3-6 25.052.464 24.940.846 t)Deoreciation Exoenses (403) (r)7 33.658.982 3'.t.977.302 7 Amort. & DeDl. of Utilitv Plant (404-405)7 2.425.873 2,565,715 8 Amort. of Utilitv Plant Aco. Adi (406)323.322 335.815 I Amon. ol Property Losses, unrecovereo Plant and Requlatorv Studv Costs (407) 10 Amorl. of Conversion Exoenses (407) 1'l Taxes other Than lncome Taxes (408.1) (21 8 8,173,201 7,555.365 12 lncome Taxes - Federal (409.1 10.376.817 776.217 't3 - Other (409.1)1,998,545 il5,757 14 Provision for Defened lncome Taxes (410.1 28.634.681 33.796.893 't5 Provision for Defened lncome Taxes - Ct. (411.1 (18,099.980t (7.929.250 16 lnvestment Tax Credit Adi. - Net (41 1.4)(213.5581 e16.217 17 (Gain)/Loss from Diso. of Utilitv Plant (41 1 .6. 411.7 . 421\4.636 (45.488 18 Gains from Disp. Of Allowances (41 1 .8)(1.690)(3.155 19 TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of Lines 4 thru 1 8)253.345.903 234 441.901 20 Net utrlrty operatrng lncome (Enter I otat ot line 2less 19)68,212,'.t40 58,338,211 (1) Depreciation expense associated with transportation equipment is generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. (2) Payroll taxes are generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Paqe 1 =zc =v JJ1-at ilJ =cl--alo tLc cz (9 : -.Jln nIllE:( (,I ! E n J.l z J.l !I,I ziI r.lI -(Eoo:>89aE O- =>z9(L o)@-tr6 t-oro 6 o)$u? 1o (o(o (') Git- (f, o,iIr (o NF- ag o (E tro !6oo o-cE(!Iooo =t t!!,Lo Eo o:(, o oll E tr o-tr o ,! o -go Eoo(! oIr - ctz E olI-otr UJlI- G'ooaoE o -gauootr o og(!o G'o a.tooo(lt CLooo .!2o(\,.lt (! CL Eo o or (E^-o ogE>az oo\@|f, o(.o a? @ Nqo loN @@\NIr (ooNNt- (o @\(\tt- .(E5os> -A^rfoo o-F><Eo- (cra(c lI,)t-(c (oN l.-(osi (oo) NioaN O)sqN I*(\t(o F- q (r) NNq N rod NN(o. N ro. (v) (E c) .o^IPc =o E ooc@ tr (\l (f,qt-(t,st (f)o:q(o(oaN c)u? N (ortq Nq(r) (otq N(ori (o$(o- N(o- (f, L(uoq)ts>cl,^ff()o o-ts><E(L (Y)(\lc! @c? o)(o o@o)tO)Nt-(t) rr,(\(')-lo\t(')- (orr) @@c@O)\t (o o?(D q (oN o(oq $aO) t@ul (oao6N t@ro_ (Os-o@N roo)o)- 1oo\i (o N. F-o Nro (')o (o t- (\t6ooioq 6N(? 6 c?N N o@N-(\to)N (Eo €6 Efo E o@qrt(\ol o)N t*(oq (o(o oi(") t\t*.t stt 6iN |f,o,o, c.i@s O)od I o)N 'oroF-d(oaO) sirtr c.j@o)ci (v) sr-F-(ooo)o (o (')6{ CDroro i-@c\! o)(t oo)c)(ri(c Nct- o(\lorit. ot O)(oc1\it-ro cj (9\to @rr)ro- GI(f, E =ooo o -qF =.o o -9lrJ oo -9(Ea oo(E.n E Eopootr oss o -goq) E o::Esoco Ec) () E Eoo (\ts t osooU) =.ooo EEoo o (g Eo triosooa =o ofEE o oE'6J o:E ,9J o =E.9IEc(E 0)c, U) .9 -o=0- $\ts .h .q o-cf .9Ef(L o o -9(E U) c, o lr)\ts o (E E(ototroo1'(Eo oto o -9(E U) @t:+ o -g(Ua6coE (!oo:c, os co\ts a o E =ocooo(! .E =o oooaJ FoF o (Uo{)x. o o -96U) F-tt =.o o -9IJJ o .n -eoaJ FoF ahEE =oE.o(!t o c.9.a o(L oi\tsf oooJ oEEf ox. olLteo. o (,zo =co ot J FoF oo =Eo ox. oE Eooo o-co o Efoo.9,ooc,=oEoLr olf,s o():co o)too E0,U)ofoocs d,o!2 = ra,s 0,3oIL o (E BEco oo =o -gtE U) (o(,s Eooe(Lo on) IJJ Eo Eot tros oEotr .EcoEE(!ooE'os roro:t 6ofEo ot .9 o -glU o-co (oro:f oo Eo oEo EGooo o oJ FoF ar,o5co otoc (E oooo.E o -9lrJJ FoF Pc; =z N (o rt ()(o t\@ o,o N (o \t ro (o I*@ o)C(\6l (\(\(r)(\sfN Page2IDAHO SUPPLEMENT E gB 5" ;E EE H9 T s ;Efi:E Ex 7E9op :- tr(E()0,0, lg-@ xE o o= .!l 6 E oL O-c I: &eBs; {s H,EHIE E* 6gEEt $E E'-f;3€ *tg ==E:-a EE {^P?€ B E,ifrP ?9.9=9E 3 cgEs E5e -:3EE65.6 E";2 8* 3 ^E9.E-o c)o-e E_ E; sisB'EI = a6 >(tr EO x. :9 E-o ..L:flfE' Erbp E o EE EE*fls Ea g E AEEE d --E:!{ Ro'= o* o,Y X -E 3-geEga EfriE€EAAEt{e:e gsie fgEfEEE*: *:;E€EE AE Pog9 Ic u (E 3; ,$o g,gI otE'8 $ g . H EE E: BE?; eiE;Fb IE €I EEfi H EE gE flBEEe! 9 ie Eb E gEEEiEFE #fi E fi *r5€o-O o!l =E-(, !p'HtSs aE€€. gx E Otr o 5- O..tsN O (5 6 O c E.")o-^&xt5 6(Joo oC'$ trfoo(,, v,ut =z IJJ ttluoz F truJo.ooEFo IJIJIJJ st tssH Es ri ficE .9a6.9.cE.o!iog -Egb<<o&xl I .t2i-N -vv 6) =o(Lctr8ECEofo-oE=tr s-.xoov r! o9EdtroflTflE Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.31,2013 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Ltne No.Account (a) Amounr Tor Current Year (b) AmounI lor Previous Year (c) 1 ,t. POWER PRODUCTION EXPENSES A. Steam Power Generation Operation '5O0) Ooeration Suoervision and Enoineerino 1j22A97 1,',t63,702 5 (501) Fuel 52,054,639 47.445.074 t502) Steam Expenses 2.724.795 2.541.675 7 t503) Steam from Other Sources 275.411 248,983 B (Less) (504) Steam Transferred - Cr. 9 (505) Electric ExDenses 245,02',1 236,888 10 t506) Miscellaneous Steam Power Expenses 3,413,599 3.450.539 11 t507) Rents 30.777 24.109 12 TOTAL Ooeration (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 11)59.866.739 55,1 1 0,970 13 Maintenance 14 (510) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 454,880 387,787 15 [511) Maintenance of Structures 1,861,103 1.543.174 16 5't2) Maintenance of Boiler Plant 6.403.408 6.565,087 17 (5'13) Maintenance of Electric Plant 1.929,081 2.128,478 18 [514) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Steam Plant 916,863 739,1 33 19 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 14 thru 18)11,565,335 11,363,659 20 TOTAL Power Production Expenses - Steam Power (Enter Total of lines 12 & 1 9)71.432.074 66.474.629 21 B. Nuclear Power Generation 22 Operation 23 [517) Ooeration Suoervision and Enoineerinq 24 t518) Fuel 25 t519) Coolants and Water 26 '520) Steam Exoenses 27 (521) Steam from Other Sources 28 fLess) (522) Steam Transferred - Cr. 29 (523) Electric Exoenses 30 t524) Miscellaneous Nuclear Power Expenses 31 t525) Rents 32 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 23 thru 31) 33 Maintenance 34 (528) Maintenance Supervision and Enoineerino 35 (529) Maintenance of Structures 36 [530) Maintenance of Reactor Plant Equipment 37 t531) Maintenance of Electric Plant 38 (532) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Nuclear Plant 39 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 34 thru 38) 40 TOTAL Power Production Expenses - Nuclear Power (Enter Total of lines 32 & 39) 1 C. Hydraulic Power Generation 42 Operation 43 f535) ODeration Suoervision and Enoineerino 468.559 286.433 44 [536) Water for Power 12,260 8,178 45 (53il Hvdraulic Exoenses 248,786 259.299 46 (538) Electric ExDenses t7 1539) Miscellaneous Hvdraulic Power Generation Exoenses 1 062 803 1.216.251 18 (540) Rents 66,706 40,227 19 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 43 thru 48)1.859.114 1 .810.388 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 3 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ Aresubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec. 31, 2013 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Ltne No Account (a) Amounr Tot Cunent Year (b) Atllount t(JI Previous Year (c) t0 C. Hvdraulic Power Generation (Continued) 1 Vlaintenance )2 '541) Maintenance SuDervlsion and Enqineerinq 31 24 ;3 '542) Maintenance of Structures 71,728 50.'t7'l i4 '543) Maintenance of Reservoirs. Dams. and Watemavs 142.211 126.952 t5 '544) Maintenance of Electric Plant 180.424 1 20.039 i6 :545) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant 265.981 178.494 a7 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 52 thru 56)660.375 475.680 i8 TOTAL Power Production Expenses - Hydraulic Power (Enter Total of lines 49 & 57)2.519.489 2,286.068 t9 D. Other Power Generation i0 Jperation 1 '546) Ooeration SuDervision and Enoineerinq 27,840 22,487 )2 '547) Fuel 20,5 1 8,965 23.051.944 )3 '548) Generation ExDenses 893,842 1,059,667 )4 '549) Miscellaneous Other Power Generation Expenses 653,457 552.092 t5 '550) Rents 263.453 217.529 )o TOTAL ODeration (Enter Total of lines 6'l thru 65)22.357,557 24,903,719 i7 Maintenance i8 '551 ) Maintenance Suoervision and Engineerinq i9 1552) Maintenance of Structures 187.941 't39.290 to '553) Maintenance of Generation and Electric Plant 1.092.827 1.567,296 I '554) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Other Power Generation Plant 193.676 119,540 t2 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 68 thru 71)1.474.444 1.826,126 t3 TOTAL Power Production Expenses - Other Power (Enter Total of lines 66 & 72)23.832.001 26,729.845 74 E. Other Power Supplv Expenses 75 1555) Purchased Power 41,370,787 31,524,371 76 '556) Svstem Control and Load Dispatchinq 89,326 93,988 77 '557) Other Exoenses (1)3,957,329 3,635,593 78 TOTAL Other Power Supply Expenses (Enter Total of lines 75 thru 77)45,417.442 35,253,952 I9 TOTAL Power Production Expenses - (Enter Total of lines 20, 40, 58, 73 and 78)'143,201,006 130.744,494 t0 2. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 1 )peration \2 '560) Ooeration Suoervision and Enoineerino 386.645 336.338 33 '56 Load Disoatchino 594.216 520.941 ,4 's62 Station ExDenses 't87.971 181.461 ]5 '563) Overhead Line Exoenses 21.920 17.340 l6 '564) Underoround Line Exoenses t7 '565) Transmission of Electricitv bv Others 8,526,795 8.658,365 l8 '566) Miscellaneous Transmission Expenses 258,270 224,692 l9 '567) Rents 170.947 91.024 )0 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 82 thru 89)10.146.764 10,030,161 1 Vlaintenance ,2 '568) Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 99.778 15't.151 )3 '569) Maintenance of Structures 268,786 272,112 )4 '570) Maintenance of Station Equipment 629,243 694.473 )5 '57"1) Maintenance of Overhead Lines 1.'t 60.705 1.250.858 )6 572) Maintenance of Underoround Lines 4.498 s.o23 t7 '573) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Transmission Plant 32.O21 167.112 )8 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 92 thru 97)2.195.031 2.540.729 ,9 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Enter Total of lines 90 and 98)12.341.795 1 2,570.890 00 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 10'1 peration 02 t580) Ooeration SuDervision and Enoineerino 603.236 694.82',l, 03 561) Load DisDatchinq 5E5,967 610,556 (1) The ldaho amounts in Account 557 Other expenses are $4,097,748 for the current year and $3,776,012 for the previous year. However, the amount for each year has been decreased by $'140,419 because of the estimated impact of the Klamath surcharge situs plus hydro embedded cost differentials. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 4 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.31,2013 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Ltne No.Accounl (a) Amounl ror Current Year (b) Amoun[ ror Previous Year (c) 104 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES (Continued) 105 582) Station Expenses 387,985 3't2,818 106 '583) Overhead Line ExDenses 328.040 155.81 1 107 584) Underqround Line Expenses 13 't08 '585) Street Liohtino and Sional Svstem Expenses 9,535 10.432 109 586) Meter Expenses 390.430 366,757 110 '587) Customer lnstallations Expenses 575,018 644,431 111 588) Miscellaneous Distribution Expenses 169.129 260.409 1',tz '589) Rents 63,040 22,103 1't 3 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 102thru 112)3.112.380 3.078.151 114 vlaintenance 115 590) Maintenance Supervision and Enqineering 304.146 182.613 116 '591) Maintenance of Structures 84,806 45,457 117 592) Maintenance of Station Equipment 1.016.848 802.842 118 '593) Maintenance of Overhead Lines 5,030,822 s,139,862 119 594) Maintenance of Underground Lines 679.723 592.752 120 '595) Maintenance of Line Transformers 48.395 42,528 121 596) Maintenance of Street Liqhtinq and Signal Systems 159,756 180,346 122 '597) Mainlenance of Meters 441.7',14 438.011 123 598) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Distribution PIanl 130,913 62,028 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 115 thru 123)7.897.123 7.486.439 125 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Enter Total of lines 1 13 and 124)11,009,503 10,564,590 126 4. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 127 )Deration 't28 '901) Suoervision 95.544 100.596 129 902) Meter Readino ExDenses 1.652.785 1.663,819 130 [903) Customer Records and Collection Expenses 2,126,110 2,180,565 131 1904) Uncollectible Accounts 1.118.478 748.572 132 t905) Miscellaneous CustomerAccounts Expenses 4,515 5,288 133 TOTAL Customer Accounts Exoenses (Enter Total of lines 128 thru 1 32)4.997.432 4.698.840 134 5. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES 135 Coeration 136 1907) Supervision 12,902 11,665 137 1908) Customer Assistance Expenses 4.524.195 5.816.787 138 1909) lnformational and lnstructional Expenses 120,310 117,754 139 i910) Miscellaneous Customer Service and lnformational Expenses 4.560 7.909 140 TOTAL Cust. Service and lnformational Exp. (Enter Total of lines 1 36 thru 139)4,661,967 5,954,1 1 5 141 6. SALES EXPENSES 142 Cperation 143 19'l'l) Suoervision '144 1912) Demonstratino and Sellinq Expenses 145 191 3) Advertisino Exoenses t46 1916) Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 147 TOTAL Sales Exoenses (Enter Total of lines 143 thru 146) 148 7" ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 149 Joeration 150 i920) Administrative and General Salaries 4,558,173 4,350,434 151 1921) Office Supolies and Expense 506.054 510.61 1 152 lless) (922) Administrative Exoenses Transferred - Cr.(1,728,860 (1,578,1681 153 Outside Services Employee I 2E3 743,OEz t54 1924) Property lnsurance 467.339 620.798 t55 5) lniuries and Damaoes 2.153.664 2.893.'t 't 3 156 26) Emolovee Pensions and Benefits 157 (2) Pensions and benefits expense is associated with labor and generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 5 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.3'1,2013 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (ContiNued). IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Ltne No.Account (a) Amounr Tor Current Year (b) Amount ror Previous Year (c) '157 7. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES (Continued) 158 '927) Franchise Reouirements 159 928) Requlatory Commission Expenses 1 .210.656 1.194.237 160 929) Duolicate Charqes - Cr.(255.012\,(281.081 161 930.1 ) General Advertisins Expenses 91 288 162 '930.2) Miscellaneous General Expenses 446.910 423.647 163 '931) Rents 318.917 324.844 't64 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 150 thru 163)8.593.215 9,201.805 165 Vlaintenance 't66 '935) Maintenance of General Plant 1 .260.1 56 1,248.213 167 TOTAL Administrative and General ExDenses (Enter Total of lines 164 & 166)9,853.371 10.450.018 168 I L,, I AL trteCInC Uperauon anq Marnrenanae Expenses (trnrer r orar or llnes , v, Yv, r zc 133, 140, 147,and1671 186,065,074 174,982,947 IiUMMAKY L}F E,LE,U I l(IU UI-trKA I IUN ANU MAIN I ENANUE E I-ENUEU . IUAHU Line No. Functional Classifi cations (a) Operation (b) Maintenance (c) Total (d) 169 170 '171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 Power Production Expenses Electric Generation: Steam Power Nuclear Power Hydraulic -Conventional Other Power Generation Other Power Supply Expenses Total Power Production Expenses Transmission Expenses Distribution Expenses Customer Accounts Expenses Customer Service and lnformational Expenses Sales Expenses Adm. and General Expenses Total Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses 59,866,739 1,859,114 22,357,557 45.417.442 11,565,335 660,375 1,474,444 7'.|,432,074 2,s't9,489 23,832,00'l 45,417.42 123.500.852 13,700,154 143.201.006 10,146,764 3,1 12,380 4,997,432 4,661,967 8.593.215 2,195,031 1.260.156 12,34'.1,795 11,009,503 4,997,432 4,66't,967 g 853 371 16't .0't 2.61 0 25.052.464 186.065.074 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 6 STATE OF IDAHO - ALLOCATED Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) 3 An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.3'1,2013 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF ELECTRIC PLANT (Accounts 403, 404, 405) (Except amortization of acquisition adiustments) A. Summary of Depreciation and Amortization Charges Line No.Functional Classifi cation (a) Depreciation Expense (Account 403) (r) (b) Amortization of -imited-Term Electric Plant (Acct. 404) (c) Amortization of Other Electric Plant (Acct. 405) (d) Total (e) ntangible Plant 2.295.2'.t6 2.295,216 Steam Production Plant 9,068,033 9.068.033 Nuclear Production Plant Hydraulic Production Plant - Conventional 1,587,464 16,99s 1,604,459 lydraulic Production Plant - Pumped Storage Cther Production Plant 7.202.840 7.202.840 lransmission Plant 5.884.',171 5.884.'t71 )istribution Plant 7.613.345 7.613.345 3eneral Plant 2.303.129 1 13.662 2.416.791 0 Sommon Plant - Elecfric 11 TOTAL 33,658,982 2,425,873 36,084,855 (1) Depreciation expense associated with transportation equipment is generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 7 \ame of Respondent racifiCorp Jba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ Aresubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.31,2013 STATE OF IDAHO -ALLOCATED TAXES, OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES ACCOUNT 408.1 (r) (1) Payroll taxes are generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress IDAHOSUPPLEMENT PageS (IND OF TAX qMOUN I 1 )roperty 7.375.235 f,ther 797.966 7 10 11 12 13 l4 15 t6 17 t8 t9 20 fotal ( Must aqree with pase 1, line 11 8.173.201 (E(l, oEcru 6; (E(,oc -g(ud! N (otro (o 6al o {t-c.l 1oro N(\t loN Nsi-ri @(\l(o @ (o ro o F- ercC(c(\ Nlor()-t c,o^ (U F cocoo =ot E.9A^'=9 Eo ooc -g(Edl EDO.E .co)od! N C?rtro (,(a o si-(\t r.(,lo i-(\roN (\stl\ri 4nc c (c lo o?t- (rac(lh (\rr)lo.t =o o. (,,ooo EcoJoolL oE.9t EtrG) !E(EJoolr oE.9t EcGJ !cGJooIL !coJooLL oE(!JooLL !c(lJ oolJ- !cj ootr !cj ooU- !cj cctr Ec(t octf Eo ct ooIt)oco (EooJ Fz 5o-oztr finF IJJ -Jo(Lo -J-JtroI o aFIo e.t IJJF 3o2 IJJFaFz 5ooI = oz 5Fz5(L2 =oFuJoe.ouJ(D Fz IU =(LoJ IU IJJo 5 utFozotr FU)@fU)z zUI = zIF FU)g)fU)zooloFtUIze.oodUIF () uJF U)zoC)l IJJFozotr EU)dlfU)LodllooJo IJJF U)zotr Fodtlo d LrJ tFct) Irl lrJFazotr F.t)dlla Bul IJJFzo =IFto7 UJFozoF Fotr!f,a BlrJ IJJFzo = GlLFzucuC t lJ.u]tv 1 E zIF Fu E d =czvlr IITgIF Eooo (L =f troz EoF N (t st l.}(o N dl (,o (\(v) EecL ;-&x o('! Etioo N z:)ooo tulo.otrLI f, F:)2oz E eeqHb8e ficg c.oo6.occo)-o'=fIO EPCLb<<CL&xl I ..2i-N-v9 ll,Boo-CEgEEEofo.oE=t' e_.= oov a! oI EdE H3z o-E Page 9IDAHO SUPPLEMENT {ame of Respondent)acifiCorp lba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ Aresubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Y0 May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.3'1,2013 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Line No.Account (a) Amount for Cunent Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 1 UTILITY PLANT n Service Plant ln Service (Classrtred)1.441.048.502 1.371.292.054 ProDertv Under Caoital Lease (l) Plant Purchased or Sold 7.538 Comoleted Conslruction not Classified 5.319.856 3.020.379 Exoerimental Plant Unclassifi ed Total (Enter Total of Lines 3 throuqh 7)1,446,368,358 1.374.319.971 -eased To Others 10 leld for Future Use 2.665.375 2.450.892 't'l lonstruction Work ln Process (2) 12 risition Adiustments 9.876.012 9,676,636 't3 Total utilitu Plant (Enter Total of Lines 8 throuoh 12)1.458.909.745 1.386.447.499 14 \ccumulated Provision for Deoreciation. Amortization & Deolelion 50't.997.615 468.260.695 15 Net Utilitv Plant (Enter Total of Line 1 3 less Line 14)956.912.130 918,186.804 16 DETAIL OF ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION 17 n Service '18 Depreciation 465,831,626 434.623.703 t9 Amortization/Deoletion of Producinq Natural Gas Land And Land Riohts z0 Amortization of Underoround Storaoe Land and Land Riohts 21 Amortization of Other Utility Planl 28.838_231 26.773.961 22 Total ln Service (Enter Total of Lines 18 through 21)494,669.857 461.397.664 23 -eased To Others 24 Deoreciation 25 Amortization And Depletion 26 Total Leased lo Others (Enter Total of Lines 24 and 25\ 27 Held for Future Use 28 Denre.i2ti^n 29 Amorlization l0 Total Held for Future Use (Enter Total of Lines 28 and 29) 1 Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas) ,2 Accumulaled Provision for Assel Acouisilion Adiusimenl 7.327.758 6.863.03'l t3 Total Accumulated Provisions (Should Agree With Line 14 above) (Enter Total ofLines 22.26,30,31 and 32)s01 .997.615 468.260.695 ,4 ('l) Capital leases are not included in rate base. (2) Construction Work ln Process ('CWIP) is not included in rate base and it is not assigned allocation factors until it goes into servic€. On a total company basis, CWIP was $1,321,622,138 and $1,250,513,185 at December 31,2013 and 2012, respectively. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 1 0 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.31,2013 ELEGTRTC PLANT lN SERVICE - STATE OF IDAHO (ALLOCATED) @ctricPlantlnService(Classified)'thisScheduleincludesAccount102'ElectricPlant,urchased or Sold, Account 103, Experimental Elec{ric Plant Unclassified and qccount 1 06, Completed Construction Not Classified-Electric.) 1. Report below the original cost of electric plant in 3. Credit adjustments of plant accounts should be service according to prescribed accounts. enclosed in parentheses to indicate the negative effect of such amounts. 2. Do not include as adjustments, conections of additions and retirements for the cunent or the preceding year. Line No.Account (a) Beginning Balance (h) Balance at End of Year (o) 1 1. INTANGIBLE PLANT 2 30 Orqanization 3 (302) Franchises and Consents 10.833.604 11.040.822 4 (303) Miscellaneous lntanoible Plant 38,163,145 38.647.367 5 TOTAL lntansible Plant (Enter Total of lines 2, 3, and 4)4E.996,749 49.66E.169 6 2. PI.{OUUU I IUN l'tAN I 7 A Steam Production Plant 8 f310) Land and Land Riohts 5,663,658 5.807.674 I 13'l Struclures and lmorovements 61 rl29 421 62.659.234 10 (312 Boiler Plant Equipment 248.653.206 255.248.E1E 1 t313 Enoines and Enqine Driven Generators 12 (314 Turbooenerator Units 58,777,176 61,350,255 13 [3 1 5) Accessorv Elec'tric EouiDment 28.903.801 29,809.255 14 316) Misc. Power Plant Equipment 2.O84.230 1.931.656 15 TOTAL Steam Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 8 thru 1 4)405,1'11.892 416,806,892 16 B. Nuclear Production Plant 17 (320) Land and Land Riqhts 18 1321 Structures and lmorovements 19 t322) Reactor Planl Eouioment 20 (323) Turboqenerator Units 21 321 Accessorv Electric Equioment 22 (325 Misc. Power Plant Eouiomenl 23 TOTAL Nuclear Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 17 thru 22) 24 C. Hydraulic Production Plant 25 33(Land and Land Riqhts 1.908.254 't.943.039 26 r331 Structures and lmorovements 1,033,597 1.927.433 27 [332) Reservoirs. Dams. and Waterwavs 27.755.479 29.242.308 28 (333) Water Wheels, Turbines, and Generators 7.304.722 7.495.198 29 (334 Accessorv Electric Equipment 4.545.66'l 4.737,064 30 Misc. Power Plant Eouioment 143.369 146,392 31 l'336) Roads. Railroads. and Bridoes 1.O72.109 't.233.668 32 TOTAL Hydraulic Production Plant (Entar Total of lines 25 thru 31)53.763.'t9'l 56.725.102 33 D. Other Production Plant 34 f340) Land and Land Riohts 1.764.287 1.800.599 35 [341) Structures and lmDrovements 9.977.601 10.261.553 36 1342) Fuel Holders. Producls. and Accessories 656.625 689.773 37 [343) Prime Movers 152.720 124 159.'.t72.OO7 38 344) Generators 2',t,476,035 19,415,529 39 [345) Accessorv Electric Eouipment 15 162 142 15.489.759 40 f346) Misc. Power Plant Eouioment 755.585 753.319 41 IOTAL Other Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 34 thru 40)202.s12.439 207.582.539 42 r \,, I AL rroouclton rtanl [trnter r orar or [nes I cr zot ozt alru + t )661,387,522 oo t, t t.+,cJJ IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 1 1 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ Aresubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.31,2013 ELECTRIC PLANT lN SERVICE (Continued) STATE OF IDAHO (ALLOCATED) Line No.Account (a) Beginning Balance (b) Balance End of Year (o) 43 3. TRANSMISSION PI.ANT 44 ) Land and Land Rights 12,043,248 13.999.007 45 Structures and lmprovements 'l 0.361 .E10 11.424.654 46 ) Station Equipment 105,201 ,488 1 11,652,385 47 354) Towers and Fixtures 60.051.644 74.806.568 48 55) Poles and Fixtures 40.E13.549 43.236.560 49 ) Overhead Conductors and Devices 55.336.026 64,901,390 50 ]57) Underoround Conduit 2u1,395 207,236 51 1358) Underqround Conductors and Devices 455.284 465.302 52 359) Roads and Trails 704,380 739,747 53 IOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Total of lines 44 thru 52)285,168,824 321,432,849 54 4. DISTRIBUTION PLANT 55 Land and Land Rights 1.428.574 1.494.314 56 361) Structures and lmprovements 2,170,752 2,163,513 57 l(362) Station Eouipment 29.O40.254 29.192.380 58 p63) Storage Battery E 59 (364) Poles. Towers. and Fixtures 72,486,081 75,038,449 60 l(365) Overhead Conductors and Devices 34.952.923 35.382.778 61 366) Underoround Conduit 8,391,301 8,580.532 62 l(36il Underqround Conductors and Devices 25,097,643 25,624,217 63 l(368) Line Transformers 71 .365.31 9 73.647.322 64 369) Services 31,784.412 33.345.1 60 65 l(370) Meters 13,510,047 13,584,414 66 371) lnstallations on Customer Premises 168.075 169.054 67 372) Leased Prooertv on Customer Premises 68 (373) Street Liqhtinq and Siqnal Systems 625,650 6/,0,226 69 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Total of lines 55 thru 6E)29',t.O21.O35 298.862.359 70 5. GENERAL PLANT 71 t389) Land and Land Riqhts 566.943 690,614 72 (390) Structures and lmDrovements 16.519.9E3 17.198.400 73 (39'l) Office Furniture and Equipment 5.047,057 5,052.904 74 [392) Transoortation Equipment 6.889.797 6,928,112 75 393) Stores Eouioment 769.1 55 781.783 76 t394) Tools. Shoo and Garaqe Eouipment 3,682,837 3.802.794 77 [395) Laboratory Equipment 2j26.165 2,112,433 78 396) Power Ooerated EouiDment 10.653.822 1.054.941 79 t397) Communication Equipment 19,371,831 22.649,386 80 t398) Miscellaneous Equipment 376.72',1 378,685 81 SUBTOTAL (Enter Total of lines 71 thru 80)66.004.31 1 70.650.052 82 t399) Other Tanqible Property 18.713.613 19,300,520 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Total of lines 81 thru 82)84.7'.t7.924 89,950,572 84 TOTAL (Accounts 101)1.37'1.292.054 1.441.044.502 85 [102) Electric Plant Purchased 7,538 86 lLess (102) Electric Plant Sold eoz 87 [1 03) Exoerimental Electric Plant Unclassified 88 106) Plant Unclassified 3.020.379 5.319.856 89 TOTAL Electric Plant in Service 1,374,319,971 1,446,368,156 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 12 STATE OF IDAHO --ALLOCATED Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) J_ An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 28,2014 Year of Report Dec.31,2013 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 . For Account 154, report the amount of plant materials and operating supplies under the primary functional classifications as indicated in column (a); estimates of amounts by function are acceptable. ln column (d), designate the department or departments which use the class of material. 2. Give an explanation of important inventory adjustments during the year (on a supplemental page) showing general classes of material and supplies and the various accounts (operating expense, clearing accounts, plant, etc.) affected - debited or credited. Show separately debats or credits to stores expense clearing, if applicable. Line No. ACCOUNT (a) tratance Beginning of Year (b'l Balance End of Year (c) Depanment or Departments Which Use Material (d') =uel Stock (Account 151)'t4.980.437 Electric 2 Fuel Stock Exoenses Undistributed (Account 152) 3 lesiduals and Extracled Products (Account 153) 4 ,lant Materials and Ooeratinq Supplies (Account 154) 5 Aqcidna.l 16 - c^nqln nfion lFstimeted'l 5,457,804 Electric 6 Assioned to - Operations and Maintenance I Produc.tion Plant (Estimated)6.260.126 Electric I Transmission Plant (Estimated)40.363 Electric 9 Distribution Plant (Estimated)716.568 Electric 10 Assioned to - Other 444,572 Electric 11 TOTAL Account 1 54 (Enter Total of lines 5 thru 1 0)12.919.433 12 \rerchendise /Amlrnl 1 551 13 Jther Materials and SuoDlies (Account '156) 14 {uclear Materials Held for Sale (Account 157) (Not applicable to Gas lfilities\ 15 Stores Expense Undistributed (Account 163) 16 17 18 19 20 TOTAL Materials and SuDDlies (Per Balance Sheet)27,899,870 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 13