HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012Idaho Annual Report.pdf201 South Main, Sulte 2300 Sah take City,l,.ltah 84lll May 31,2013 VA OVERNIGHT DELIWRY Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Attention: Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Re: Commission Annual Idaho Form I Report 2012 Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp, hereby submits for filing an original and seven (7) copies of the Idatro Public Utilities Commission Annual State Form I report for 2012. This is being provided with PacifiCorp's annual FERC Form l. It is respectively requested that all formal correspondence and staffrequests regarding this matter be addressed to: ROCKY MOUNTAIN HSYE#* By E-mail (preferred): By regular mail: datarequest@Pacifi Com. com Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomatr, Suite 2000 Portland, OR97232 Any informal inquiries may be directed to Ted Weston, Idaho Regulatory Manager at80l-220- 2963. Sincerely, %.fud/er,u*/u- Jeffery K. Larsen Vice President, Regulation & Govemment Affairs ANNUAL REPORT IDAHO SUPPLEMENT TO FERC FORM NO. 1 FOR MULTI.STATE ELECTRIC COMPANI ES INDEX Page Title Number 1 Statement of Operating lncome for the Year 2 Electric Operating Revenues 3 - 6 Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses 7 Depreciation and Amortization of Electric Plant 8 Taxes, Other Than lncome Taxes I Non-Utility Property 10 Summary of Utility Plant and Accumulated Provisions 11- 12 Electric Plant in Service 13 Materials and Supplies provided in this report is consistent with the unadjusted data reflected in the company's December 2012 of Operations report for the ldaho jurisdiction, to be subsequently filed with the ldaho Public Utilities ion. For further information regarding ldaho's 2012financial results, refer to the December 2012 Results Operations report. Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 29,20'13 Year of Report Dec.31,2012 STATE OF IDAHO STATEMENT OF OPERATING INCOME FOR THE YEAR .ine ,lo. ACCOUNT ht (ReD Page No. h) ELECITTICUIILI IY Cunent Year (cl Previous Year d) UTILITY OPEMTING INCOME 2 )peratino Revenues (400)2 292.780.'t12 267.166.558 3 )peratinq Expenses 4 Ooeration Exoenses (401)3-6 1 50.042. t 01 137.926.867 5 Maintenance Exoenses (402)3-6 24.940.846 25.539.882 o Denrenirfion Fxnanses 1403) (l)7 3',t.977.302 29.880.262 7 Amort. & Deol. of Utilitv Plant (404-405)7 2.565.7't 5 2.445.909 I Amort. of Utilitv Plant Aco. Adi (406)335.81s 323.669 I Amon. oI Hropeny Losses, unrecovereo Plant and Reoulatory Study Costs (407)9.725 0 Amort. of Conversion Expenses (407) ,|Taxes other Than lncome Taxes (408.1 )8 7,555,365 6.925.157 2 lncome Taxes - Federal (409.1)776.217 (1 1.388.181 3 - Other (409.1)645,757 $g'.t.752 4 Provision for Defened lncome Taxes (4'10.1)33,796,893 42.020.540 5 Provision for Defened lncome Taxes - Ct. (4'l'1.'l (1 7.929,2501 17.024.472 6 lnvestment Tax Credit Adi. - Net (41 1.4)o't6.2't7'Q',t4.038 7 (Gain)/Loss from Diso. of Utilitv Plant (41'1.6. 4'11.7.421\(45.488'08.879 8 Gains from Diso. Of Allowances (411.8)(3.1 55'(10.336 19 TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of Lines 4 thru 1 8)234.441.901 215.4'.t4.353 20 NeI UIilrIy Uperalrng tncome (Enter totat ot line 2less 19)58.338.211 51.752.205 (l) Depreciation expense associated with transportation equipment is generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. (2) Payroll taxes are generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 1 !z) Yr.lL l)Y JJE ? D)) L)jz I( lJl'n 'n v.f I:( (,n J.l E 'n J.llz J.l J.lI,n z(t .l,JI LC'oo,:>834EO-h't29.(L t-ao t-h (o6tq ao Ntlo cc (r)(orr,. r- (f,(orr)-r\ (r)(oro N G o ! ooo oa G,t! o = EG 2o Eo a c o o! E E oE o! o o E Eoo G oIt ; o- ol!odIrIlr(\l c,NoE ooottoE o oooo C)o a!)ooE"oCLooopo6.Cl EGqEo o o (!^-o otzE> =z o)@r-ro No1() ai ott6c G(c c) c.iIr (9 <.it- o aiN L(Eoob>Eo^==€)oo-F'>AE o_ N@o.| o) N No ritrt (\l(a! $iFN I(\t(\ u:Nc\t{c craNct,te orr)e!ottai (E(, €6.E: o E c|(c(F(c .o(\t 1-.(v)t @6) o,ioa(\ o{(l (\ l'-(\tqt- u? (v) tr(\lqt- u? (r) t-NqF lori bEF>co^frooo-E't<Eo_ ( cl c1latc (7'ooi(")od(, o,1oc! (\,tt F.(\ F C c(o.{ tt-q,oC.,ld(v)N ooOJ F.\tociN $(odu)o,td|l)N t(o- (o 1O(\tdrON t-o.(o t o(ao rca orcgi rc N1Oq!t(r:N (( Gc((((c la t- o,oioo) @ @!oro C,@ F(o(\l C'(.) 96 fo E (aNo.l @(a oi@ o@olrcot- F.(') lo(\ C? |l)sailo q(( C'((o{ @ ol O)q (oN @(oq{t oi tcou? (oao@N toro- (ot-o@N roO)o)" 1.)ott (o c!t-o Nro ('j@ <i N 6t6q o)oq @Nroci a?N nt cio\(\,to,N c o(,o o(, i= 'o (, -gIU oo -goa t, -s( U,(EEC =U,otr ci o -9(! U) .E .2 !,EEco (E'6 oE Eoo N$ !t oE oo@ =G'6 o E Eoo o (! EU) c oc o,q,o .(I, o EE o 0)E, C'J c =.c .9 E3E .sIIc(\ o s U.c I d{Is oo oE = ott,0-o ooEU) oco lott @ g =(Ett,E(u o!,oe (oto oI(q U) (o!t$ o -9oo t!tr() E Go0)E c, o*s o(, E =ocooo C' E =o o -g(to -J FoF or!ood o o -gG U) l.-!ls '6 o -9lrJ oo -gC'o) FoF o c =odo Gt o c.90 o o- oit{ o anoJ o!,c =ot oILj e0- o ozo tr(, o)iJ FoF ooftrc) d)doc gooo 0)E,o oc =ooo6Eo=oEotL olos oIcd) q, u.(l,o.E o)U)o,o(,tr -g CJo ..2 (,s Io(L () (!3Eco o) (g =o -gGU) (olo* Eooooo o -gtJJ Eo cod tr.clS oco G. (gc(, Et.l,ooPc, E roros Icc cc c c3u c.c c (clas o(, cd) ot C,c Ec,oo oEoJ FoF oofco, ot. E,c (E o)ooo o -9uJJ FoF tsJ1 (\6.'s ro (l N @ o,o (\(.,t ro (o N @ o oN (\(\C'N tc.l .EFtr EH 5- (E- t! EX EC O.Y Oo U>r fg EE I+E b g ;Es:E fr-= oro- eo EEEolU -9.q =E o o= .sa (U E oL O.E I.o QEoo:= dc E-g,ooE HEEI-e, fri EEEEE fi E d"E,tsg tE t^H,EeBE,EE EEilP,A;:EE; BE3SE5: Hifi e.i'(Usr.E-o oecH6(D trtr E q -"* s-a€gE' EE: E7 EE EEi;sga ef EE=E 6 lE=!! Ro.'= 9?=.oE 5 E E BlEfrfr EEEEEE;E3EH.gEEp8,3EteE:E cjiE fgEtEsE;E *:?agEE aE . EH q'; Po g,PI orE'e E g . t EE EE BEE; e=Effb Ig EIEEfr g EE sEsBEtgE E;€ gE E gi EEEEEE8: = g 6E;g E O t (! o:F oO.O oll=EE ! &'Et&'t AEE€.trx EoEOf- CL.YN O (U G o C !N!?-&Noo 6(Joo) oC't c o(,.J U'UI3z IJJ u.tt(, = tuIo-ooEFoUI lrl E(ogiF rAR*cao€= c.oo6.oCE ED .O eoE:CL6<<o.&xl Io'= ^^ go(Lcco.) '= CEofo.oE=tr e-? =ooPECEHgzo-a Page2IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 29,2013 Year of Report Dec.31,2012 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPEMTION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Ltne No.Account (a) Amounl ror Current Year (b) Amounl ror Previous YeaI (c) 1 1. POWER PRODUCTION EXPENSES A. Steam Power Generation 3 )peration '500) Ooeration SuoeMsion and Enqineerinq 1.163.702 't.136.223 5 '501) Fuel 47,445,074 44.247.651 1502) Steam Expenses 2.541.675 2.234,646 :503) Steam from Other Sources 248.983 224.863 'Less) (504) Steam Transferred - Cr. 1505) Electric Expenses 236.888 245,538 0 :506) Miscellaneous Steam Power Expenses 3.450.539 3.088.298 1 '507) Rents 24j09 16,269 2 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 1 1)55,110.970 51 .193.488 3 Vlaintenance 4 '510) Maintenance SuDervision and Enqineerino 387,787 372,965 5 '511) Maintenance of Structures 1.543.174 1.382,596 6 :512) Maintenance of Boiler Plant 6,565,087 6.394.205 7 '513) Maintenance of Eleclric Plant 2.128.478 2,337,812 8 l5'14) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Steam Plant 739.1 33 780.425 9 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 14 thru 18)1'1.363.659 11.268.003 l0 TOTAL Power Production Expenses - Steam Power (Enter Total of lines 12 & 1 9)66,474,629 62.46',t,491 1 B. Nuclear Power Generation a2 )peration l3 '517) Ooeration Suoervision and Enqineerinq t4 '518) Fuel 25 1519) Coolants and Water l6 '520) Steam Exoenses 27 '521) Steam from Other Sources l8 :Less) (522) Steam Transferred - Cr. 29 '523) Electric ExDenses ]0 '524) Miscellaneous Nuclear Power Expenses ,|1525) Rents ,2 TOTAL Ooeration (Enter Total of lines 23 thru 3'l ) )3 Maintenance ,4 1528) Maintenance SuDervision and Enqineerinq 35 1529) Maintenance of Structures 36 '530) Maintenance of Reactor Plant Eouioment 37 '531) Maintenance of Electric Plant 38 :532) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Nuclear Plant 39 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 34 thru 38) 40 TOTAL Power Production Expenses - Nuclear Power (Enter Total of lines 32 & 39) 41 C. Hvdraulic Power Generation 42 )peration 43 '535) ODeration SuoeMsion and Enqineerinq 286.433 221.894 44 '536) Water for Power 8.'t 78 15.088 45 :537) Hvdraulic Expenses 259.295 216.602 46 '538) Electric ExDenses 47 '539) Miscellaneous Hvdraulic Power Generation Expenses 1.216.251 1.429.739 48 '540) Rents {11 40.227 Q3.701 49 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 43 thru 48)1 ,810,388 't,859,622 (l ) The previous year amount represents differences between accrued and actual rents. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 3 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 29,2013 Year of Report Oec.31,2012 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. LIIIE No.Account (a) Amounl ror Cunent Year (b) Amounr ror Previous Year (c) t0 C. Hydraulic Power Generation (Continued) i1 Maintenance i2 1541) Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerin0 24 111 t3 1542) Maintenance of Structures 50.171 60,358 i4 1543) Maintenance of Reservoirs. Dams, and Waterwavs 126.952 142.349 t5 1544) Maintenance of Electric Plant 120.039 149,633 i6 f545) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hvdraulic Plant 174.494 173.535 i7 TOTAL Maintenance {Enter Total of lines 52 thru 56)475.680 526.026 i8 TOTAL Poi\€r Production Expenses - Hydraulac Pou€r (Enter Total of lines 49 & 57)2.246.064 2.385.648 t9 D. Other Power Generation '0 Operation i't f546) ODeration Suoervision and Enoineerino 22.487 25.184 s2 t547) Fuel 23.051.944 23.M7.O43 )5 1548) Generation Exoenses '1.059.667 900,491 t4 f549) Miscellaneous Other Po\i,er Generation Expenses 552.O92 1.247.434 ,5 1550) Rents 217.529 249.249 56 TOTAL ooeration (Enter Total of lines 61 thru 65)24.903.719 25.469.441 )7 MaintenancE i8 1551) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering ,9 1552) Maintenance of Structures 1 39,290 172.203 7O 1553) Maintenance of Generation and Electric Plant 1.567.296 639.759 1 1554) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Other Po\,\€r Generation Plant 1 19.540 280.297 72 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 68 thru 71)1.426.126 1.092.259 73 TOTAL Pofler Production Expenses - Other Polver (Enter Total of lines 66 & 72)26.729.845 26.561.700 74 E. Other Poiler Suoolv ExDenses 75 1555) Purchased Porer 3',t.524.371 24.335.808 z6 1556) Svstem control and Load DisDatchino 93.988 102.'.t94 77 i557) Other Exoenses {2)3.635.593 3.628.554 78 TOTAL Other Pouer Supply Expenses (Enter Total of lines 75 thru 77)35.253.952 28,066,556 z9 TOTAL Poilrer Production Exoenses - (Enter Total of lines 20. 40. 58. 73 and 78)130.744.494 119.475.395 t0 2. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES Coeration 12 1560) Ooeration Supervision and Engineering 336,338 333,377 t3 :561) Load Disoatchino 5)O 94'l 571.202 ,4 1562) Station Expenses 18'l .461 155.120 l5 i563) Overhead Line Exoenses 17.340 15.179 ,6 '564) Underorouncl Line Exoenses t7 :565) Transmission of Electricity by Others 8,658.365 8.133.914 ,8 1566) Miscellaneous Tmnsmission ExDenses 224.692 209.'.112 l9 :567) Rents 91.024 149.387 )0 TOTAL Ooeration (Enter Total of lines 82 thru 89)10.030.161 9.567.291 )'l Vlaintenance ,2 '568) Maintenance Suoervision and Enoineerino 151.151 120.745 )3 :569) Maintenance of Structures 272.112 26A.314 t4 1570) Maintenance of Station EouiDment 694.473 658.084 )5 '571) Maintenance of Overhead Lines 1 250 858 1 ,310,730 )6 :572) Maintenance of Underqround Lines 5.023 9.933 t7 '573) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Transmission Plant 167.112 94.142 )8 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 92 thru 97)2.540.729 2.461.988 )9 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Enter Total of lines 90 and gB)12.570.490 12.O29.279 00 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 01 Peration 02 560) Ooeration suDervision and Enotneenno 694.421 649.347 03 i61) Load Dispatching 610,556 614,959 (2) The ldaho amounts in Account 557 Other expenses are $3,776,012 for the cunent )rear and $3,768,974 for the previous year. However, the amount for each year has been decreased by $140,41 9 because of the estimated impact of the Klamath surcharge situs plus hydro embedded cost difierentials. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 4 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original (2) _ Aresubmission Date of Reporl (Mo, Da, Yr) May 29, 2013 Year of Report Dec.31,2012 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Lrne No.Account (a) Amounl Tor Current Year (b) AMOUNI TOT Previous Year (c) t04 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES (Continued) t05 '582) Station Exoenses 312,818 293,829 t06 '583) Overhead Line ExDenses 155.81 1 271.277 t07 '584) Underoround Line Exoenses 13 57 t08 '585) Street Liohtino and Sional Svstem Exoenses 't0.432 10.720 t09 '586) Meter ExDenses 366.757 448.147 0 '587) Customer lnstallations ExDenses 644.431 385.849 1 '588) Miscellaneous Distribution Expenses 260.40S 217.474 2 1589) Rents 22.103 25.280 3 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 102 thru 112)3.078.151 2,916,939 4 ttlaintenance 5 '590) Maintenance SuDervision and Enqineerinq 182,613 204.244 16 '591) Maintenance of Structures 45.457 94,266 17 '592) Maintenance of Station Eouipment 802.842 960.436 118 '593) Maintenance of Overhead Lines 5.139.862 6.145.803 119 '594) Maintenance of Underoround Lines 592.752 754.616 120 '595) Maintenance of Line Transformers 42.528 41.458 121 '596) Maintenance of Street Liohtino and Sional Svstems 1 80.346 179.304 122 '597) Mainlenance of Meters 438.011 413,405 123 '598) Mainlenance of Miscellaneous Distribution Planl 62,028 19,978 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Totial of lines 115 thru 123)7.486.439 8,813,510 t25 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Enter Total of lines 113 and 124\10.564.590 't1.730.449 126 4. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 127 Operation 128 t90 Supervision 100,596 1 13.007 129 .902 Meter Readino ExDenses 1,663.819 1.739.592 130 (903 Customer Records and Collection Expenses 2.180.565 2.268.732 13'l t904 U ncollectible Accounts 748.572 319.048 32 r905 Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Exoenses 5.288 7.739 33 TOTAL Customer Accounts Exoenses (Enter Total of lines 1 28 thru 1 32)4.698.840 4.448.',t',tB 134 5- CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES 135 Operation 136 (907) Supervision 1 1,665 1't,662 137 (908) Customer Assistance Expenses 5.816.787 6.274.552 138 [909) lnformational and lnstructional Expenses 117.7il 1 97.305 39 f910) Miscellaneous Customer Service and lnformational Expenses 7.909 7.067 140 TOTAL Cust. Service and lnformational Exo. (Enter Total of lines 136 thru 139)5.954.1 't 5 6.490.586 41 6. SALES EXPENSES 42 3Deration 43 1911) Suoervision 44 1912) Demonstratino and Sellino ExDenses 45 i9'l 3) Advertisino Exoenses 46 i91 6) Miscellaneous Sales Exoenses 47 TOTAL Sales ExDenses (Enter Total of lines 143 thru 146) 48 7. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 49 JDeration 50 :920) Administrative and General Salaries 4.350.434 4.208.s97 51 1921) Office Suoolies and Exoense 510.61 1 524.652 152 :Less) (922) Adminislrative ExDenses Transferred - Cr.1.578.1681 (1,638.094 153 )23) Outside Services Employee 743.O82 563.573 154 ProDertv lnsurance 620.798 1.151 .145 t55 lniuries and Damages 2.893.113 4'.t1.3U 156 Empbyee Pensions and tsenelts l3l 157 (3) Pension and benefits expense is associated with labor and is generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 5 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 29, 201 3 Year of Report Dec.31,2012 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) - IDAHO lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnotes. Ltne No.Account (a) Amount Tor Current Year (b) Amounl lor Previous Year (c) 57 7. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES (Continued) 158 1927) Franchise Reouirements 59 :928) Reoulatorv Commission Expenses 1.194.237 1,851,079 60 1929) Duolicate Charoes - Cr.(281.08'tl (344.216', 61 1930.1) General Advertisinq Expenses 288 302 62 1930.2) Miscellaneous General Expenses 423.U7 878.170 63 1931) Rents 324.844 308"234 64 TOTAL Ooeration (Enter Total of lines 1 50 thru 163)9.201.805 7.914.826 65 Maintenance 66 f935) Maintenance of General Plant 1,248,213 1,378,096 67 TOTAL Administrative and General Expenses (Enter Total of lines 164 & 166)10.450.018 9.292.922 68 tutALtrteclncLrperauonanqMarntenanceExpenses(trn(er torat orilnes /Y,YY, tzc, '133,140,147, and 167)174.982.947 163,466,749 SUMMAi<Y UT ELtrt. I KIU LJTtri<AI IUI\ ANU MAIN I trNANUtr E,\T'trNSES. IUAHU Line No. Functional Classifi cations (a) Operation (b) Maintenance (c) Total (d) 169 170 't71 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 rower Production Expenses Electric Generation: Steam Power Nuclear Power Hydraulic -Conventional Other Power Generation Other Power Supply Expenses Total Power Production Expenses Iransmission Expenses )istribution Expenses 3ustomer Accounts Expenses lustomer Service and lnformational Epenses Sales Expenses \dm. and General Expenses Total Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses 55,110,970 1 ,810,388 24,903,719 35,253,952 11,363,659 475,680 1,826,126 66,474,629 2,286,068 26,729,845 35-253.952 117.O79.O29 13.665.465 130.744.494 10,030,161 3,078,151 4,698,840 5,954,1 1 5 9.201.805 2,ilo,729 7,486,439 1.248.213 12,570,890 10,564,590 4,698,840 5,954,1 15 10.450.018 150.O42.101 24.940.846 171.982.947 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT STATE OF IDAHO - ALLOCATED Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls: (1) 3 An Original (2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 29, 201 3 Year of Report Dec.3'l,2012 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF ELECTRIC PLANT (Accounts 403, 404, 405) (Exceot amortization of acouisition adiustments) A. Summary of Depreciation and Amortization Charges Line No.Functional Classifi cation (a) Depreciation Expense (Account 403)(r) (b) Amortization of -imited-Term Electric Plant (Acct.404) (c) Amortization of Other Electric Plant (Acct. 405) (d) Total (e) 1 ntanoible Plant 2.461,836 2.'161.836 Steam Production Plant 8.690.523 8.690.523 {uclear Production Plant lvdraulic Production Plant - Conventional 1.392.958 18.268 1.111-226 lydraulic Production Plant - Pumped Storage )ther Production Plant 7 035374 7.035.378 Iransmission Planl 5,277,365 5,277,365 )istribution Plant 7.390.758 7.390.758 3eneral Planl 2190.320 85,611 2.275.931 10 lommon Plant - Electric 'l TOTAL 31,977,302 2,565,715 34,54:1,017 (,l) Depreciation expense associated with transportation equipment is generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 7 {ame of Respondent )acifiCorp lba Rocky Mountain Pov\rer This Report ls:(1) X An Original(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 29, 2013 Year of Report Dec.31,2012 STATE OF IDAHO -ALLOCATED TAXES, OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES ACCOUNT 408.1 (r) (1) Payroll taxes are generally charged to operations and maintenance expense and construction work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT page 8 KIND OF TAX \MUUN I 1 ProDertv 6.875.609 Other 679,756 7 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 't7 t8 t9 20 fotal ( Must aqree with paqe 1 , line 1 1.)7,555.365 6q, oEtruJ 6; o c,C'c(E6co t- c?*lo (r)(',o \tt-c\{ lolo t-GI l4F Ntft\ai 6NG) ao (o ro o) F. cc|l:c(c(\ Nroro+ o)o^ gF coE^oo'ac,t o Eo oocs(o c0oo .E .s CDo,c0 N a?t (f,o c tt\c! |{,ro t\(\(F tlt- c: @Nc) @ @ r.) o)t- c(l4c Gn (\tlolr)+ co o- (.,oc)o !cfi, -Joot! oE.o&. Ec(!J Ec(t o Cll @E.o&.EcoJ !c(EJoolr <,c(E -JoG'lL !c(l ootr EEc ooLr EtroJ(,oIL Ec(EJo(,Lr E'c(UJ o)ol'L E j oo1r coo'cooooco (!(,oJ Fz 3oozF TJJilF UJJoIoJ -Jlro- o oFIo e.tu,lF =oz uJtoFzIILo 3 5 C2 ;z dz =CF lJ.gdcIc Fzul =(LoJtu ulo I IJJFazoF FU)6foz z uJ zo F- Fq c0fazoo:loFtuJztoot IJJF (J ulFozoo-) uE U,zcF F(/, s c.!cs Ec- 1r.lEozoF Fod)fU)uu.l uFU) lrl I.JJtozoF Fod)lU) 3IJJ IUFzo =-Fto2 uJtozotr FU)cofU) 3 tJJ uJFzos u uJFzuJo lJJo d lJJa uJYIol zotr FU).0fU)JJozY u,J =utIUtIL Eooe(L =:)goz EoF C4 t |o @ r\o ct)o (\l (r) ^LN&{o(o (! (,o, c) (\. zfo(,o E UJo-oc,A F = =zoz E.oCLC= & >-H E8R*eao3= c.9oE.oCEo)-oso BrCLE<<CL&-l I6 tr est go(L EC€Eccofo.oE=d. g? = oov ,\ o9 EtrE ,fi$ Page 9IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) -X_ An Original(2) _ A resubmission uate oT Kepon (Mo, Oa, Y0 May 29,2013 Year of Report Dec. 31, 2012 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Line No.Account (a) Amount for Current YeaI rb) Amount for Previous Year /c) UTILITY PLANT n Service Planl ln Servicc (Classified)1 .37',t .292.054 't.278.470.306 Prooertv Under CaDital Lease (1) Hlant F,urcnaseo or !'0lo 7.538 60 Comoleted Construction not Classmed 3.020.379 3.853.389 Experimental Plant Unclassifi ed Total (Enter Total of Lines 3 throuoh 7)1.371.319.971 1.282.323.755 -eased To Others 10 leld for Future Use 2.450.892 2.345.964 1 lonstruction Work ln Process (2 risition Adiustments 9.676.636 9.326.654 Total Utilitv Plant (Enter Total of Lines E tnrouoh 1.386.447.499 1.293.996.373 14 ccumulated Provision for Depreciation, Amortization & Depletion 46E,260,695 438.676.479 15 Net Utilitv Plant (Enter Total of Line 13 less Line 14)91 E,1 E6,E04 E55,319,E94 16 DETAIL OF ACGUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AT{D DEPLETIOT{ 17 n ServiceIFlenraaiafian 434,623.703 406,670,6E9IAmortization/Deoletion of Producino Natural Gas Land And Land Riohts l0 Amortization of Underoround Storaoe Land and Land Riohts Amortization of Other Utilitv Plant 26.773.961,25.514.648 Total ln Service (Enter Total of Lines 16 throuqh 21)461.397.664 432.385_337 23 -easeo to utners 24 Depreciation 25 Amortization And Depletion 26 Tolal Leased to Oihers (Enler Total of Lines 24 and 25\ 27 {eld for Future Use 28 Denrecirlian 29 Amorlization 30 Total Held for Future Use (Enter Total of Lines 28 and 29) \bandonment of Leases (Natural Gas) t2 ccumulated Provision for Asset Acouisition Adiustment 6.863.031 6.29',t.142 ,3 Total Accumulated Provisions (Should Agree With Line 14 above) (Enter Total of Lines 22,26,30,31 and 32)468.260.695 438.676.479 14 (1) Capital leases are not included in rate base. (2) Construction Work ln Process ('CWIP) is not included in rate base and it is not assigned allocation factors until it goes into service. On a total company basis, CW|P was $1,250,513,185 and $1,203,547,965 at December 31, 2012 and 2011 , respectively. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 10 ELECTRTC PLANT lN SERVICE - STATE OF IDAHO (ALLOCATED) ln addition to Account 101 , Electric Plant ln SeMce (Classified), this schedule includes Account 102, Electric Plant )urchased or Sold, Account 103, Experimental Electric Plant Unclassified and \ccount 1 06, Completed Construction Not Classified-Electric.) 1. Report below the original cost of electric plant in 3. Credit adjustments of plant accounts should be service according to prescribed accounts. enclosed in parentheses to indicatethe negative effect of such amounts. 2. Do not include as adjustments, corrections of additions and retirements for the cunent or the preceding year. Line No.Account (a) Beginning Balance (b) Balance at End of Year (o) ,|1. INTANGIBLE PLANT 2 1301) Oroanizalion 3 Franchises and Consents 12,348,290 10,833,604 4 ) Miscellaneous lntanqible Plant 34.676,769 5U,1 0J,1 4C 5 TOTAL lntanoible Plant (Enter Total of lines 2, 3, and 4)47.O25.O59 48.996.749 b 2. PRODUCTION PLANT 7 A Steam Production Plant 8 110) Land and Land Riohts 5.449.U2 5,663,658 I i311) Structures and lmDrovements '5.O',t1.O74 61.029.821 10 f312) Boiler Planl Eouioment 226.939.392 248,653,206 11 l1 Enqines and Enqlne Driven Generalors 12 314) Turboqenerator Units 55.773.974 58.777.176 't3 f 31 5) Accessorv Electric Eouipment 25.O54.476 28.903.801 14 (316) Misc. Porrver Plant Equipment 1 ,955,412 2,084,230 15 TOTAL Steam Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 8 thru 14)370.223.970 405.1 1 1 .E92 16 B. Nuclear ProOuctton Plant 17 320) Land and Land Riohts 18 t321) Structures and lmorovements 19 322) Reactor Plant Equipment 20 l(,3z:,Turboqenerator Units 21 Accessorv Electric Eouipment 22 Misc. Power Plant Eouioment 23 TOTAL Nuclear Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 17 thru 22) 24 C. Hydraulic Production Plant 25 330) Land and Land Riqhts 1.526.407 1.908.254 26 331) Sfuctures and lmDrovements 8,257,204 't't.033.597 27 l(332\ Reservoirs. Dams. andWateMavs 20.855,441 27,755,479 28 l(333 Water Wheels, Turbines, and Generators 6,982,153 7,304,722T@) Accessorv Elec.tric Eouioment 3.843.522 4.545.661 30 Misc. Power Plant Eouioment 137.952 143.369 31 ) Roads. Railroads. and Bridoes 9E7,035 1,072,109 32 TOTAL Hydraulic Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 25 thru 31)42 549 714 53,763,191 33 D. Other Production Plant 34 340) Land and Land Riohts 't.694.096 't.764.287 35 341) Structures and lmDrovements 9,594,210 9,977,601 36 '342) Fuel Holders. Products. and Accessories 627.458 656,625 37 '343) Prime Movers 146.093.667 152.720.124 Generators 20.639.914 21.476.035 39 t(34{Accessorv Electric Eouioment 't4.583.123 15.162.182 40 t@4t ) Misc. Power Plant EouiDment 724.867 755.585 41 TOTAL Other Production Plant (Enter lotal ot ltnes 34 tnru 40)r vJ,vc /,JJc 202,512,439 42 I U I AL ].TOOUCUOn Hlanl (Enler I Oral Or llnes I C, 25, JZ, antJ I t )606,771,019 ool ,JU /,CZZ IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 1 1 ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE (Continued) STATE OF IDAHO (ALLOCATED) Line No.Account (a) Beginning Balance (b) Balance End of Year (o) 43 3. TMNSMISSION PLANT 44 '350) Land and Land Riohts 11,100,527 12,043,248 45 '352) Structures and lmprovements E,61 1,943 1 U,JOI ,b1U 46 Station Equipment 94.301.208 105,201,488 47 {) Tovr/ers and Fixtures 57.500.191 60 051 644 48 Poles and Fixtures 37,754,951 40,813,549 49 '356) Overhead Conductors and Devices az,1zz,1zt 55,336,026 50 '357) Underqround Conduit 190.993 201.395 51 Underoround Conductors and Devices 437.992 455.284 52 '359) Roads and Trails 678,904 704,380 53 l-oTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Total ol lines 44 thru 5z 262,99E,E37 2E5.168.E24 54 4. DISTRIBUTION PLANT 55 Land and Land Riqhts 1.383.048 1.428.574 56 t6 Structures and lmorovements 2,'.t21,244 2,170,752 57 '362) Station Eouioment 28,523.545 29.040,258 58 1363) Storaqe Battery Equipment 59 364) Poles. Towers, and Fixtures 68.038.927 72.486.081 60 ) Overhead Conductors and Devices 34.462.333 34,952,923 61 ]66) Underoround Conduit 7,E52,19€E,391,301 62 '36il [Jnderoround Conductors and Devices 24.535.345 25.097.643 63 368) Line Transformers 69.5't4.987 7't.365.319 64 ) Services 30,457,924 31.7U.412 65 )70) Meters 13 315 347 13,510.047 66 171) lnstallations on Customer Premises 169.110 168.075 67 :372) Leased Property on Customer Premises 68 ]73) Street Liohtinq and Siqnal Systems 618,579 625,650 69 TOTAL Oistribution Plant (Enter Total of lines 55 thru 6l z6u.wz.c6c 291,021,035 70 5. GENERAL PLANT 71 '389) Land and Land Riqhts 557.322 566.943 72 structures and Improvements 17,091 ,940 16,519,983 73 39 Office Fumiture and EouiDment 4.464.253 5.047.O57 74 '392) Transoortalion EouiDment 95.134 889.797 75 1393) Stores Equipment 775.331 769.'t55 76 ]94) Tools. Shoo and Garaqe Equipment 3,604,487 3,682,837 77 (395) Laboratory Equipment 2.127.283 2.126.165 78 10.296.420 10.653.822 (397) Communication Equipment 16.277.446 '19.371 .83 1 354,1 33 374,721 SUBTOTAL (Enter Total of lines 71 thru 80)62.443.749 66,004.311 82 1 c57 18.713.613 83 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Total of lines 81 thru 82)80.682.806 84.717.924 84 TOTAL (Accounts 101)'t.278.470.306 1.371.292.054 85 102) Electric Plant Purchased 60 7,53E 86 Less (102) Electric Plant Sold 87 (103) Exoerimental Electric Plant Unclassified 88 106) Plant Unclassified 3.8s3.389 3,020,379 89 TOTAL Electric Plant in Service 1,262,3iz3,t55 1 ,3 t4,319,9 t IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 12 STATE OF IDAHO -ALLOCATED Name of Respondent PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power This Report ls:(1) -L Anoriginal(2) _ A resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) May 29, 2013 Year of Report Oec.31,2012 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1 . For Account 1 54, report the amount of plant materials and operating supplies under the primary functional classifications as indicated in column (a); estimates of amounts by function are acceptable. ln column (d), designate the department or departments which use the class of material. 2. Give an explanation of important inventory adjustments during the year (on a supplemental page) showing general classes of material and supplies and the various accounts (operating expense, clearing accounts, plant, etc.) affected - debited or credited. Show separately debits or credits to stores epense clearing, if applicable. Line No. ACCOUNT (a) Datanw Beginning of Year (b) Balanca End of Year (c) Lrepanment or Departments Which Use Material (d) Fuel Slock (Amunt 151)t6_434.289 Elec.bic 2 Fuel Stock Exoenses LJndistributed (Account 152) 3 Residuals and Extrac.ted Products (Account 153) 4 Plant Meterials and Ooeratino SuoDlies (Account 154) 5 Assioned to - Construction (Estimated) 6 Assioned to - ODerations and Maintenance 7 Production Plant (Estimated)7.070.043 Electric 8 Transmission Plant (Estimated)244.428 Eleciric 9 Distribution Plant (Estimated)4.497.297 Electric 10 Assioned to - Other 5.909 Electric 11 TOTAL Amunt 154 (Enter Total of lines 5 thru 10)11.417.677 12 Merchandise (Account 155) 13 J(her Materials and Suoolies (Account 156) 't4 Nuclear Materials Held for Sale (Account 157) (Not applicable b Gas utilitiesl E Stores E)@ense Undistributed (Account 163) 6 7 I 9 20 TOTAL Materials and Supplies (Per Balance Sheet)2E.251.966 Note: Materials and operating supplies assigned to construction are included in he amounts assigned to opeEtions and maintenance amounts above. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 13