HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010Idaho Annual Report.pdf~ROCKY MOUNTAINPORA DIIO Of PAClFl RECEIVED 20 lJ JUN - I MUD: f 8 201 South Main. Suite 2300 Salt lake Cit. Ut 84111 June 1,2011 VI OVERNGHT DELIVERY Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Boise, ID 83702-5983 lÂG--& Attention:Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secreta Re:Commission Annual Report 2010 Rocky Mounta Power, a division ofPacifiCorp, hereby submits for filing an onginal and seven (7) copies of the Idaho Public Utilties Commssion Anua Report 2010. PacifiCorp's anua FERC Form 1 was filed May 31, 2011. It is respectively requested that all formal corrspondence and sta requests regarding ths matter be addressed to: By E-mail (preferred):datareguest(fPacifiCorp.com By reguar mail:Data Request Response Center PacifiCorp 825 NE Multnomah Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 An informal inquines may be directed to Ted Weston, Idao Reguatory Manger at 801-220- 2963. Sincerely, Je~~~~I~ Vice President, Reguation Page Number 1 2 3-6 7 8 9 10 11 -12 13 ANNUAL REPORT IDAHO SUPPLEMEN;6~ FERC FORM NO.1 RECEIVE D MULTI-STATE ELECTRIC COMPANIES lOl I JUH -I AM 10: , INDEX Tite Stament of Operating Incoe for the Year Elecric Operating Revenues Elecmc Operation and Maintenance Expenses Depreciation and Amortiztion of Electric Plant Taxes. Oter Than Income Taxes Non-Utilty Propert Summary of Utilty Plant and Accumulatd Provisions Electric Plant in Service Materials and Supplies End of period balance were use in 2010, which is consistent with th May 2011 general rat case. Average balancs were use in 2009, which is consistent with the 200 annual reult of operations. puc FORM 559 (11000) (12196)Pagei Name of Res Thi Re Is:Dat of Rep Yea of RepPafiCo(1) .. An Orinal (Mo, 08, Yr)db Rocy Mon Pow (2) _ A reubmisson May 27, 2011 De. 31, 2010 STATE OF IDAHO STATEMENT OF OPERATING INCOME FOR THE YEAR ELECTRIC UTILITY Line ACCOUNT (Ref) No.Page No.Currnt Year Preus Yea (a)(b)(e)(d) 1 UTILITY OPERATING INCOME 2 Ooeratino Revenues (400)2 255,46,933 232,599,319 3 Ooratino Exse 4 Oiitio Exns (401)3-6 141,144,205 131,123,707 5 Maintennc 402)3-6 24,216,765 20,753478 6 Dereon Exse (403) (1)7 27991,n8 23,075,971 7 Amort & 0e1. of Utlit Plant (404-405)7 1,865,146 1552,n3 8 Amort of Utilitv Plant Ac. Adi (406)334000 278175Amo. of Prope Los, Unre 9 Plant and RegulatOry Study Costs (407)29,48 280737 10 Amor of Coversn Exnse (407)-- 11 Taxes other Than Incoe Tax (408.1)(2)8 6,417,971 5,041,687 12 Inc Taxes - Federl (409.1)(24,66,111 (10,134 445 13 -oher (409.1)(2,9125371 (1343396 14 Provision for De Ince Taxes (410.1)56,078937 4589390 15 Provision fo De Incme Taxes - Cr. (411.1)(19,354,047 (18,372660 16 Invtment Tax Creit Adj. - Net (411.4)(221,63 (190,629 17 (Gans) fr Disp. of Utlity Plant (411.6)-- 18 Lo fr Disp. of Utlity Plant(411.7)-- 19 (Gans) fro Emissio Allowncs (178,662 (215,192 20 (Gans) Los on Sale of Utintv Plant (109,33 (51,349 TOTAL Utilit Opng Exse 21 (Enter Total of Une 4 thru 20)2101903,955 197,692,765 Net Utlity Operang Income (Enter Totl of 22 line 2 le 21)44,560,978 34,90,554 (1) Dereti expns asat with transon equipmnt is generaly chrg to oprans and maintenance expse and cost wo in prore. (2) Payrl ta are gelly chrg to ops and mainteanc exns and costn work in prore. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Pai 1 l enci:i:Iis:~ Na m e o f R e s p o n d e n t Th i s R e p o r t I s : Da t e o f R e p o r t Ye a r o f R e p o r t Pa c i f i C o r p (1 ) ~ A n O r i i n a l (M o , D a , Y r ) db a R o c k y M o u n t a i n P o w e r (2 ) _ A r e s u b m i s i o n Ma y 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 De c . 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 EL E C T R I C O P E R A T I N G R E V E N U E S ( A c c o u n t 4 0 ) 1. R e p o r t b e l o w o p e r a t i n g r e v e n u e s f o r e a c h pr e s c r i b e a c c o u n t , a n d m a n u f a c t u r e d g a s r e v e n u e s i n to t a l . 2. R e p o r t n u m b e r o f c u s t o m e r s , c o i u m n s ( f ) a n d ( g ) , on t h e b a s i s o f m e t e r s , i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e n u m b e r o f f l a t r a t e ac c u n t s ; e x c e p t t h a t w h r e s e p a r a t e m e t e r r e a d i n g s a r e ad d e d f o r b i U i n g p u r p o s e s , o n e c u t o m e r s h o u l d b e co u n t e d f o r e a c h g r o u p o f m e t e r s a d d e d . T h e a v e r a g e nu m b e r o f c u s t o m e r s m e a n s t h e a v e r a g e o f t w l v f i u r e s at t h c l o f e a c h m o n t h . 3. I f i n c r a s e s o r d e c r e a s e s f r o m p r e v i o u s p e r i o d ( c o l u m n s ( c ) , ( e ) , an d ( g ) ) , a r e n o t d e r i v e d f r o m p r e v i o u s l y r e p o r t d f i g u r e s , e x p l a i n a n y in c o n s i s t e n c i s i n a f o o t n o t e . 4. C o m m e r c i a l a n d I n d u s t r i a l S a l e s , A c c o u n t 4 4 2 , m a y b e cl a s s i f i a c c d i n g t o t h b a s i s o f c l a s s i f i c a t i o ( S m a l l o r Co m m e r c i a l a n d L a r g e o r I n d u s t r i a l ) r e u l r l y u s e d b y t h e re s p o n d e n t i f s u c h b a s i s o f c l a s s i f i c a t i o n i s n o t g e n e r a l l y g r e a t e r th a n 1 0 0 0 K w o f d e m a n d . ( S e e A c e o u n t 4 4 2 o f t h e U n f o r m Sy s t e m o f A c c o u n t s . E x p l a i n b a s i s o f c l a s s i f a t o n i n a fo o t n o t e ) . 5. S e e p a g e 1 0 8 - 1 0 9 o f F E R C F o r m N o . 1 , I m p o r t n t Ch a n g e s D u r i n g P e r i o d , f o r i m p o r t n t n e w t e r r t o i y a d d e d an d i m p o r t n t r a t e i n c r e a s e s o r d e c r e a s e s . 6. F o r l i n e s 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 , a n 7 s e e p a g e 3 0 4 o f F E R C F o r m NO . 1 f o r a m o u n t s r e l a t i g t o u n b i l l e r e v e n u e b y ac c u n t s . 7. I n c l u d e u n m e t e r e d s a l e s . P r o v i d e d e t a i l s o f s u c h sa l e s i n a f o o t n o t e . IN OP E R A T I N G R E V E N U E S ME G A W A T T H O U R S S O L D AV G . N O . O F C U S T O M E R S P E R M O N T H Li n e Ti t l e o f A c c u n t Am u n t fo r Am o u n t fo r Nu m b e r fo r Nu m b e r fo r No . Am o u n t f o r Y e a r Pr e v i o u s Y e a r Am o u n t f o r Y e a r Pr e v i o u s Y e a r Ye a r Pr e v i o u s Y e a r (a ) (a ) (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) 1 Sa l e s o f E l e c t r i c i t y 2 44 0 ) R e s i d e n t i a l S a l e s 61 , 5 1 1 , 5 0 6 59 , 2 4 7 0 2 9 70 5 , 1 2 8 71 6 , 3 4 9 56 , 8 4 2 56 , 4 3 0 3 44 2 ) C o m m e r c i a l a n d I n d u s t r a l S a l e s 4 Sm a U ( o r C o m m e r c i a l ) ( S e e I n s t r . 4 ) 28 , 3 3 9 , 9 7 5 30 , 4 3 4 , 2 4 4 39 4 , 1 3 2 43 4 , 9 9 3 8, 3 9 4 8, 0 8 2 5 La r g ( o r I n d u s t r i a l ) ( S e e I n t r . 4 ) 11 6 , 2 3 7 , 7 5 4 96 , 6 0 5 4 1 6 2, 2 2 4 , 4 5 1 1, 8 0 1 , 7 8 9 5, 5 3 7 5, 5 4 5 6 44 ) P u b l i c S t r e t a n d H i a h w a v L i a h t i n a 47 0 , 8 8 1 47 2 , 7 0 0 25 8 3 2, 5 5 6 20 9 22 4 7 44 5 ) O t h e S a l e s t o P u b l i c A u t o r i t i e s - - - - - . 8 44 6 ) S a l e s t o R a i l r o a d s a n d R a i l a y s - - - . - - 9 44 8 ) I n t e r d p a r t m e n t a l S a l e s - - - - - - 10 TO T A L S a l e s t o U l t i m a t e C o n s u m e r s 20 6 , 5 6 0 1 1 6 18 6 , 7 5 9 , 3 8 9 3. 3 2 6 , 2 9 4 2, 9 5 5 , 6 8 7 70 , 9 8 2 70 , 2 8 1 11 44 7 ) S a l e s f o R e s a l e 29 , 8 1 2 , 4 9 0 32 , 2 4 2 , 3 5 2 (1 ) (1 ) (1 ) (1 ) 12 TO T A L S a l e s o f E l e c t r i t y 23 6 , 3 7 2 , 6 0 6 21 9 , 0 0 1 , 7 4 1 3, 3 2 6 , 2 9 4 2, 9 5 5 , 6 8 7 70 , 9 8 2 70 , 2 8 1 13 Le s s ) ( 4 4 9 . 1 ) P r o v i s i o n f o r R a t e R e f u n d s - - - - - . 14 TO T A L R e v e n u e N e t o f P r o v o F o r R e f u n d s 23 6 , 3 7 2 , 6 0 6 21 9 , 0 1 , 7 4 1 3, 3 2 6 , 2 9 4 2, 9 5 5 , 6 8 7 70 , 9 8 2 70 , 2 8 1 15 Ot e r O p e r a t i n g R e v e n u e s (1 ) F o r a e o m p l e t e l i s t o f t h e n u m b e r o f c u s t o m e r s a n d M e g a w a t t h o u r s s o l d o n a t o t a l 16 45 0 ) F o r f i t e d D i s u n t s 40 6 , 9 3 0 41 1 , 3 4 2 co m p a n y b a s i s s e e p a g e s 3 1 0 - 3 1 1 o f t h e 2 0 1 0 F E R C F o r m N o . 1 . S a l e s f o r R e s a l e . 17 45 1 ) M i s c e l l a n e o u s S e r v c e R e v e n u s 10 4 , 3 4 2 17 0 , 3 9 4 18 45 3 ) S a l e o f W a t e r a n d W a t e r P o w e r 15 8 61 7 19 45 4 ) R e n t f r m E l e c t r i c P r o o e r t 73 8 , 5 7 1 74 6 , 2 8 6 20 45 5 ) I n t e r d e p a r t n t a l R e n t s - - 21 45 6 ) O t h e r E l e c t r i R e v e n u e s 17 , 8 4 2 , 3 2 6 12 , 2 6 8 , 9 3 9 22 23 TO T A L O t r O p e r a t i n g R e v e n u e s 19 , 0 9 2 , 3 2 7 13 , 5 9 7 , 5 7 8 24 TO T A L E l e c t r i c O o e r a t i n g R e v e n u e s 25 5 , 4 6 4 , 9 3 3 23 2 , 5 9 9 , 3 1 9 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of RepoPacCorp(1) .l An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)dba Rock Mountain Powr (2) _ A resubmission May 27, 2011 Dec. 31, 2010 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES - IDAHO If the amount for previous year is not derived frm previousl reported liure, explain in footnotes. Line AmOUnITOr Amunt fo No.Accunt Currt Year Previous Year (a)(b)(c) 1 1. POWER PRODUCTION EXPENSES 2 A. Steam Power Generatin 3 Oiiti 4 500) Ooeration Suoeivision and Enoineering 1,216,976 1,086,939 5 501 Fuel 40,818,209 35,154,665 6 502 Stem Exoese 2328,516 1,809,879 7 503 Steam frm Other Sourcs 231,811 204,218 8 (Less) (504) Steam transferred. Cr..- 9 (505 Ele Exenses 259,358 199,838 10 50 Misceßaneous Steam Power Exenses 2,907,791 2,213,516 11 (507 Rents 20,499 22,869 12 TOTAL Operatin (Enter Totl of lines 4 thru 11)47,783,160 40,691,924 13 Mainteance 14 510 Maintenance Supesion and Enainrina 391,128 305,774 15 511 Maintenanc of Strctre 1,542,233 1,160,095 16 512 Maintenance of Boler Plant 6,834,649 4,798,961 17 513 Mainteanc of Ele Plant 2,35,498 1712,848 18 514 Maintnance of Misclaneous Steam Plant 730,302 648,040 19 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total oflnes 14 thru 18)11,854,810 8,625,718 20 TOTAL Power Production Exoense. Steam Power (Enter Total of lines 12 & 19)59,637,970 49,317,642 21 B. Nuclear Power Generatin 22 Ooeration 23 517) Operation Suoeivision and Enaineerino -. 24 518) Fuel -- 25 519) Colants and Water . 26 520) Steam Exoenses -. 27 521) Stem frm Other Sourc -- 28 Les) (522) Steam Transferr. Cr... 29 523 Ele Exoeses -- 30 524 Miscllaneous Nuclr Power Exoenses .. 31 525 Rents -- 32 TOTAL ODeratin (Enter Total of lines 23 thru 31)-. 33 Maintenance 34 528 Maintenanc Suoerision and Enaineeng -. 35 529 Maintenance of Strctures -- 36 530 Maintenanc of Reactr Plant EQuipment -- 37 531) Maintenance of Elecri Plant -- 38 532) Maintenance of Mlsßaneus Nucear Pla -. 39 TOTAL Maintenance (Ent Totl of lines 34 thru 38)-- 40 TOTAL Power Producion Exns - Nuclar Power (Ent Total of line 32 & 39)-- 41 C. Hydrauli Powr Geration 42 Ooeratin 43 535 Oiitin Suoesion and Engineering 231,54 476,467 44 536 Water for Power 12,85 14,733 45 537 i Hvraulic Exns 208,781 178,632 46 538 Ele Exoeses -- 47 539 Misclaneous Hvdraulic Power Generati Expenses 1,524,996 893,500 48 540 Rents 7,105 9,313 49 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 43 thru 48)1,985,286 1,572,645 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 3 Name of Respoen This Repo Is:Dat of Reprt Yea of RepPacfiCo(1) .J An Orinal (Mo, Os, Yr) dba Roc Mountain Power (2) _ A rebmisn May 27, 2011 De. 31, 2010 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENACE EXPENSES - IDAHO If the amont fo prvious yer is no deri fr prioly re figure, explain in foots. Lin Amuntio Amont fo No.Accnt Currnt Year Pre Yea (a)(b)(c) 50 C. Hvraulie Po Genration (Conue 51 Maintenanc 52 541 Maintnance Suoeision and Enainerina 28 4283 53 542 Maintenance of Stctre 86,574 61282 54 543 Maintnance of Resoirs, Darn, and WatrwayS 118,611 81,256 55 54 Maintenance of Elec Plant 98,989 76950 56 545 Maintenanc of Misclaneos Hydraulic Plan 160,682 128,915 57 TOTAL Maintanc (Enter Totl of lines 52 thru 56)4686 352686 sa TOTAL Pow Proucon Exse - Hvdraulic Pow CEnt Totl of li 49 & 5n 2,450,150 1925331 59 D. Oter Powr Genraon 60 ODerati 61 54 Ooratin Suoervisn and Engineeng 21,706 16,092 52 547 Fue 27,432,58 26,647050 63 54 Generon Exse 88,99 790943 64 549 Mislaneous Oth Powr Gen Exse 1131,910 94101 65 550 Rent 215,389 94,492 66 TOTAL Ooetion (Entr Totl of lines 61 thru 65)29,687,564 28,494678 67 Maintce 68 551 Maintnance Suoeision and Engineering -- 69 552 Maintanance of Stcture 75.087 n,422 70 553 Maintance of Generaon and Elec Plant 54,507 746,65 71 554 Maintnc of Misclaneou Oter Powr Gen Pla 132,922 66,504 72 TOTAL Maintanc (Enter Totl of lines 68 thru 71)752,516 890578 73 TOTAL Pow Prouc Exse - Otr Pow (Enter Tot of line 86 & 72)30,440,100 29,385,256 74 E. Ot Pow SuoolY Exns 75 555 Purcse POW 25,682,68 25,479,413 76 556i Svstm Cont an Load Disino 53108 7688n557Oter Exns 1')3,442812 5,36,703 78 TOTAL Ot Pow S nse (Entr Total of line 75 thru m 29178,60 30,921,002 79 TOTAL Pow Proucon Exnse - (Entr Totl of line 20, 40, sa, 73 and 78)121,706824 111549,231 80 2. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 81 )ø-atin 82 56 Ooera Supervon and Enoinrino 305,113 30,104 83 561 Loa Disøina 62564 47334 64 S6 St Exns 128,60 76481 185 563 Overh Line 7,276 12,44 86 564 Undergun Line Expese -- 87 565 Transmission of Eleccity by Otrs 8,301,06 5,95,869 88 566 Mislaneous Transmisson Exoense 257,707 121,493 89 567 Rent 79,432 84,121 90 TOTAL Entr Totl of lines 82 thru 89)9,704,839 7,031858 91 Maintnance 92 S6 Maintnanc Suoeisi and Enginering 60,759 1,600 93 S6 Maintna of Strre 282,638 206145 94 570 Maintnanc of Stn Eauior 610,841 535,580 95 571 Maintnanc of Ove Line 1160,475 99,067 96 572 Maintnanc of Undrond Lines 2,232 2,620 97 573 Mantnanc of Misclane Trasmssion Plant 16,551 9240 98 TOTAL Maintenanc (Ente Totl of lines 92 thru 97)2153,496 1751,452 99 TOTAL Transmision Exnse (Entr Totl of lines 90 and 98)11,858,335 8,783310 100 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES 101 Ooetlon 102 580) Ooetin Suoervisi and Enaineerina 686,229 945,04 103 (581) Load Disøchina 636,783 622,00 (1) The Idao amont in Accun 557 Oter exp ar $3,583,231 fo th curr year and $2,505, n9 fo th prvis year. Howver, the amnt fo th cu year has ben de by $140,419 beus of th esmate impa of th Klamth surcrg situs plus hydro embeed oot difftils. The amunt fo the preious yer ha be incr by $2,85,925 beuse of th esmate impact of tha embe co difls on Idaho relt. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 4 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Reprt PaciCorp (1) .. An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)dba Rock Mountai Power (2) _ A resubmission May 27, 2011 Dec. 31, 2010 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES -IDAHO If the amount for previous year is not derived from previously repored figures, explain in footnotes. Line Amount for Amount for No.Accunt Currnt Year Previous Year (a)(b)(c) 104 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES (Continued) 105 582) sttion ExPenses 240,728 209,928 106 583) Ovad Line Exiinses 194,882 302,758 107 584 Underaround Line Exiinses 23 - 108 585 Street Liohtina and Sianal Svstem Einses 9,702 9.587 109 586 Meter Expenses 330,502 305,876 110 587 Customer Installations Exiinses 399,341 448,940 111 1(588) Miscellaneous Distrbution Exenses 214,478 332,391 112 1(589) Rents 15,901 31,021 113 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of line 102 thru 112)2,728,569 3,207,553 114 Maintenance 115 590) Maintenance Suiirvsion and Engineering 269,871 383.076 116 591 Maintenance of Strctures 158,151 153,547 117 592 Maintenance of Staion EauiDment 802,702 877,853 118 593 Maintenance of Overhead Line 5,153.152 5157,927 119 594 Maintenance of UnderarOund Lines 687,240 733,133 120 595 Maintenance of Line Transformers 40,949 50,037 121 596 Maintenance of Strt Liahtina and Sional Systems 156,790 132712 122 597) Maintenance of Meters 352,659 347,618 123 598) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Distrbution Plant 76,749 112,223 124 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 115 thru 123)7,698,263 7,948,126 125 TOTAL Distribution Exnses (Enter Total of lines 113 and 124)10,426,832 11,155,679 126 4. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 127 Oiiration 128 901) SUDervsion 96,567 110,843 129 902) Meter Readina Expenss 1,758,856 1,682,422 130 903) Customer Records and Collecon ExDenses 2,228,34 2,226,934 131 90) Uncollectible Accunts 681,857 472,261 132 905) Miscellaneous Customer Accunts Exiinse 6,380 9,391 133 TOTAL Customer Accunts Exnses (Enter Total of lines 128 thru 132)4,772,00 4,501,851 134 5. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES 135 Operation 136 907) SUDervision 10,210 11,106 137 908 Customer Assistance Exiinses 6,911,450 6,641,783 138 909 Informational and Instructonal Einses 206,745 177,38 139 910 Miscellaneous Customer Service and Informational ExPnses 3,489 5,819 140 TOTAL Cust. servce and Informational Ex. (Entr Totl of lines 136 thru 139)7,131,894 6,836,097 141 6. SALES EXPENSES 142 ODeration 143 911) Supervsion -. 144 912) Demonstina and sellina Exnses -- 145 913) Advertsino Exenses -- 146 916) Miscllaneous Sales ExDenses -- 147 TOTAL Sales Expenses (Enter Total of lines 143 thru 146)-- 148 7. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 149 ODeraion 150 920\ Administrative and General Salaries 4,647.563 4,940,778 151 921) Offce SUDDlies and ExPense 584,476 593,038 152 Less) (922) Administrativ Expenss Transferred - Cr.(1,64,124 (1,322,151 153 923 Outside Seices EmDlove 54,433 564232 154 924 Propert Insuranc 1,352,459 1,225,216 155 925 Iniuries and Damaaes 492,077 379,998 156 926 EmDlvee Pensions and Bene -- 157 IDAH SUPPLEMENT Page 5 Name of Respodent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) .l An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) dba Rocy Mountain Power (2) _ A reubmission May 27, 2011 De. 31, 2010 ALLOCATED ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES (Continued) -IDAHO If the amount for prvious year is not derived frm previously reported liures, explain in footnotes. Line Amount tor Arnunttor No.Accunt Currnt Year Previous Year (a)(b)(c) 157 7. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES (Continued) 158 927 Franchise Reauirements -. 159 928 Regulatory Commison Exns 1,440,351 647,365 160 929 Duplicte Charaes - Cr.(355,237 (174,852 161 930.1) General Advertino Exnses 1,181 1,827 162 930.2) MiScellaneous General Exenses 799,408 742,887 163 931) Rents 309,676 267,761 164 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of line 150 thru 163)8,172,263 7,866,09 165 Maintenance 166 1(935) Maintnance of General Plant 1,292,816 1,184,918 167 TOTAL Administratve and General Expenses (Enter Total of lines 164 & 166)9,465,079 9,051,017 168 lUI AL Elecnc uperation ana Maintenance Exnses (Enter Totai Of lines 79, 99, 125, 133,140,147, and 167)165,360,970 151,877,185 SUMMARY OF ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENCE EXPENSES - IDAHO Line Functonal Classifications Operation Maintenance Total No.(a)(b)(c)(d) 169 Power Producton Exnses 170 Elec Generation: 171 Steam Power 47,783,160 11,854,810 59,637,970 172 Nuclar Power --. 173 Hydraulic -Conventional 1,985,286 464,864 2,45,150 174 other Power Generation 29,687,584 752,516 30,44,100 175 other Power Supply Expenses 29,178,604 29,178,604 176 Total Power Producton Exense 108,634,63 13,072,190 121706,824 177 Transmisn Exnses 9,704,839 2,153,496 11,858,335 178 Distribution Expenses 2,728,569 7,698,263 10,26,832 179 Customer Accunts Expenses 4,772,00 4,772,00 180 Customer Servce and Informational Expenses 7,131,894 7,131,89 181 Sale Expens -. 182 Adm. and General Expenses 8,172,263 1,292,816 946,079 183 Total Electc Operation and Maintenance Expenses 141,144,205 24,216,765 165,360,970 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 6 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) .. An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) dba Rocky Mountin Power (2) _ A resubmission May 27, 2011 De. 31, 2010 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF ELECTRIC PLANT (Accunts 403,404,405) (Except amortization of acquisition adjustments) A. Summary of Depreation and Amortization Charges Line Depreciation Amortization of Amortization of Functonal Classifition Exense Limited-Term Eleric oter Electric TotalNo. (Accunt 403) (11 Plant (Acc. 404)Plant (Acc. 405) (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Intnaible Plant 1,776,627 1,776,627 2 Steam Prouction Plant 7,233,712 7,23,712 3 Nuclear Producton Plant .. 4 Hvdr8ulic Producton Plant - Conventional 958,506 968,506 5 Hydraulic Producion Plant - Pumoed Storaae -. 6 oter Producton Plant 6,527,876 10,240 6,53,116 7 Transmission Plant 4,338,348 4,33,348 8 Distrbuton Plant 6,907,280 6907,280 9 General Plant 2,026,056 78,279 2104,336 10 Common Plant - Electc . 11 TOTAL 27,991,778 1,865,146 -29,866,924 STATE OF IDAHO - ALLOCATED (1) Depreation expense assciate with transportation equipment is generally charged to operations and maintenance expese and constructon work in progress. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 7 Name of Respondent This Report Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacfiCorp (1) .1 An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)dba Rocky Montain Powr (2) _ A resubmlsion May 27, 2011 De. 31, 2010 IKIND OF TAX AMnllNT 1 Propert 5,815,185 2 Miscllaneus 602,786 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total ( Must agree with page 1, line 11.)6,417,971 STATE OF IDAHO -ALLOCATED TAXES, OTHER THAN INCOME TAXES ACCOUNT 408 1 (1) (1) Payroll taxes are generally charged to operatins and maintenance expnse and construction work in progre. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 8 ~:Io (JC\l\l Iñs:m ~ Na m e o f R e s p o n d e n t Th i s R e p o r t I s : Da t e o f R e p o r t Ye a r o f R e p o r t (1 ) . A A n O n g i n a l (M o , D a , V r ) Pa c i f i C o r p (2 ) _ A r e s u b m i s s i o n Ma y 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 De e . 3 1 , 2 0 1 0 db a R o c y M o u n t a i n P o w e r NO N - U T I U T I L Y P R O P E R T Y ( A C C O U N T 1 2 1 ) i t l e g i n n i n g t l a i a n c e Ac q u l S t l O n . R e t l 1 e m n t . Tr a n S f e r Ba 1 8 n c e a t t : n a O f y e a r Lo c a t i o n D e s c r p t i o n De s c r p t i o n (c ) (d ) (e ) (f ) (g ) 1 ID A H O F A L L S P O L E T R E A T I N G P L A N T Fe e L a n d 54 , 3 1 7 54 , 3 1 7 2 MA L A D P L A N T S I T E A N D W A T E R R I G H T S La n d R i a h t s 33 33 3 GE O R G E T O W N P L A N T L A N D ( 1 2 1 ) Fe e L a n d 11 0 11 0 4 LA V A D E V E L O P M E N T ( 1 2 1 ) La n d R i g h t s 1, 2 7 4 1, 2 7 4 5 ME N A N S U B S T A T I O N S I T E ( 1 2 1 1 Fe e L a n d 55 55 6 UC O N S I T E ( 1 2 1 ) - C A T E R C O R N E R T O U C O N S U B S T A T Fe e L a n d 27 27 7 OL D D U B O I S S U B S T A T I O N S I T E Fe e L a n d 75 75 8 EA S T R I V E R S U B S T A T I O N S I T E ( 1 2 1 ) Fe e L a n d 13 , 7 4 2 13 , 7 4 2 9 NO R T H M O N T E V I E W S U B S T A T I O N S I T E ( 1 2 1 ) Fe e La n d 32 8 32 8 10 MO N T E V I E W S U B S T A T I O N S I T E ( 1 2 1 1 Fe e L a n d 61 8 61 8 11 MU D L A K E S E R V I C E C E N T E R Fe e L a n d 17 , 9 1 5 17 , 9 1 5 12 AR C O T R A N S M I S S I O N S U B S T A T I O N A N D O F F I C E Fe e L a n d 1, 7 4 0 1, 7 4 0 13 AR C O T R A N S M I S S I O N S U B S T A T I O N A N D O F F I C E St r u r e s 35 , 6 5 3 35 . 6 5 3 14 TH R E E M I L E K N O L L S U B S T A T I O N Fe e L a n d 26 , 0 5 8 26 , 0 5 8 15 To t a l N o n - U t l i t v P r o o e r t 15 1 , 9 4 5 . - - 15 1 , 9 4 5 \ll CD Na of Respoìl This Repo Is:Da of Rep Yea of RepoPaor(1) .. An Oriinl (Mo. Da, Yr)dba Rocy Mon Pow (2) _ A reubmis May 27. 2011 De. 31, 2010 SUMMAY OF UTILITY PLAT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION, AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Line ""IIUUlllIUl No.Accunt Currnt Year Previous Year (a)(b)(e) 1 UTILITY PLANT 2 In service 3 Plant In Service (Clasfied)1,226,417 776 951,922.513 4 Prooert Under Caoitl Lease (1)-- 5 Plant Purchase or Sold (271420 776296 6 Comolet Coston not Classif 30191 562 4095461 7 Exrimental Plant Uncfied -- 8 Totl/Ente Totl of Line 3 throh 7l 1256337918 963780938 9 Lease To Otrs -- 10 Held for Future Use 64154 580625 11 Cotrct Work In Pro 57988197 91972,627 12 IAmuisitn Adiustm 9634085 7980 380 13 Totl Utilitv Plant (Ente Total of Lines 8 throah 12)1 324,604,354 106,314,570 14 Accmulated Provisio fo Deortion, Amrtizon & Deet 437,1613:32 367.92695 15 Net Utilitv Plant (Ent Total of Line 13 les Line 14)887,44 022 696387612 DETAIL OF ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION, 16 AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION 17 In Servce 18 Deoreaton 40 547 397 343017 043 19 AmortzaonlDoleton of Proucina Natural Gas Land And Land Riohts -- 20 Amzaion of Underorou Storae Land and Land Riohts -- 21 Amrtzaion of Oter Utilit Plant 24,449758 20,158701 22 Totl In servic (Enter Total of Line 18 throh 21)430997155 363,175.744 23 Lease To Ot 24 Deoreation -- 25 Amortion And DeDietion -- 26 Total Lese to Otrs (Ente Totl of Lines 24 and 25)-- 27 Held fo Future Use 28 Deorati -- 29 Amorzation -- 30 Totl Held fo Future Use (Ent Total of Lines 28 and 29)-- 31 Abandnment of Lease (Natral Gas)-- 32 Accmulated Provision fo Ast Acuision Adiustt 6164,177 4751214 Totl Acmulated Provisions (Should Agre With Line 14 above) (Enter 33 Total of Lines 22, 26, 30, 31 and 32)437161,332 367926,958 34 (1) Capitl lease are no indud in ra base. IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Pa 10 ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE. STATE OF IDAHO (ALLOCATED) (In addition to Accunt 101, Electric Plant In Service (Classifid), this scule includes Accunt 102, Electc Plant Purchased or Sold, Accunt 103, Exerimental Electc Plant Unclassified and Accunt 106, Completed Constructon Not Classifed-Electric.) 1. Reprt below the original cot of elctric plant in 3. Credit adjustments of plant accnt should beservce accrding to prescrbe accunt.enclosed in parethess to indicte the negati effct of such amounts. 2. Do not include as adjustments, corrons of additons and reirement for th currnt or th preceing year. Line Balance at End ofNo.Accunt Beinning Balance Year (a)(b)(g) 1 1. INTANGIBLE PLANT 2 301 Oraanization -- 3 302 Franchises and Connts 7,710,760 12,828,755 4 303 Miscellaneous Intanaible Plånt 28,106,698 33,191,350 5 TOTAL Intnaibl Plnt (Ent Totl of lines 2, 3, an 4)35,817,458 46,020,105 6 2. PRODUCTION PLANT 7 A Stam Proucton Plant 8 310 Land and Land Riahts 4,870,169 5,804,271 9 311 Strctre and IInDrovement 42,067,263 55,770,852 10 312 Boiler Plant EQuipment 155,381,489 212,958,535 11 313 Enaines and En!ine Driven Generators -- 12 314 Turbooenetor Units 41,644,648 54,261,442 13 315 Accsory Electric Equipment 18,604,762 25,176,402 14 316 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 1,417,423 2,011,487 15 TOTAL Steam Proucion Plan (Enter Totl of lines 8 thru 14)263,985,754 355,982,989 16 B. Nuclar Production Plant 17 320 Land and Land Riahts -- 18 321 Strcture and Imorovements -- 19 322 Reactor Plant Eauioment -- 20 323 Turbooenerator Unit -- 21 324 Accssorv Electc Eauioment -- 22 325 Misc. Power Plånt Eauioment -- 23 TOTAL Nucear Proucon Pla (Enter Tot of line 17 thru 22)-- 24 C. Hydraulic Production Plant 25 330 Land and Land Riiihts 1,012,879 1,581,128 26 331 Structures and Improvement 4,852,448 6,828,113 27 332 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways 15,508,390 19,759,456 28 333 Water Wheels, Turbines, and Generators 5,440,601 6,804886 29 334 Accssory Elecric EQuioment 2,824,176 3,638,534 30 335 Misc. Power Plant Eauioment 121,058 142,884 31 336 Roads, Railros, and Briaes 775921 987,967 32 TOTAL Hvdralic Proucion Plant (Enter Tot of lin 2S thru 31)30,535,473 39,742,96 33 D. Other Producton Plant 34 340 Land and Land Riahts 1143,789 1,749,855 35 341 Strctures and Imoroments 6,669,510 9,440,302 36 342 Fuel Holders, Products, and Accori 496,431 654,376 37 343 Prime Movers 99,032,854 152,143,781 38 344 Generators 14,710,230 20,999,396 39 345 Accory Electric Equipment 9,249,857 14,208,191 40 346 Misc. Power Plant Equipment 491,526 737.294 41 TOTAL Oter Prouction Plant (Enter Total of lines 34 thru 40)131,794,197 199,933,195 42 i U I AL t-roauClon t-iant (t:nter iotal Of lines l:J, ¿;" ;'¿, ana 41 J 426,315,24 595,659,152 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 11 ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE (Continued) STATE OF IDAHO (ALLOCATED) line Balance End ofNo.Accunt Beginning Balanc Year (a)(b)(g) 43 3. TRANSMISSION PLANT 44 350 Land and Land Rights 4,985,691 10,986,331 45 352 Strctures and Improvements 3,963,04 7,435,711 46 353 Sttion Eauipment 62,349,650 93124,902 47 354 Towrs and Fixres 22,318,694 37,874,819 48 355) Poles and Fixtures 27,850728 36,288,171 49 356 Overhead Conductors and Devices 36,808,896 47,141,966 50 357 Underground Conduit 163,00 197,278 51 358 Underground Conductors and Devices 381,263 452,430 52 359 Roads and Trails 581,508 702,011 53 TOTAL Transmisson Plant (Enter Total of lines 44 thru 52)159,402,476 234,203,619 54 4. DISTRIBUTION PLANT 55 360 Land and Land Rights 1,295,303 1,361,267 56 361 Strctres and Improvements 1,493,953 1,501,905 57 362 Station Eauipment 26448,68 28,317,005 58 363 Storage Battery Eauipment -- 59 36 Pols, Towers, and Fixre 59,208,06 64,357,54 60 365 Overhad Conucors and Devices 33,561,563 34,389,397 61 366 Underaroond Conduit 7,255,335 7,627,151 62 367 Underaround Coductors and Devices 23,436,44 24,047,521 63 368 Line Transformers 64,719,406 67,761,455 64 369 Servces 27,232,773 29,049,197 65 (370 Meters 13,860,550 13,96,243 66 371 Installatins on Customer Premiss 164,985 169,333 67 372 Leased Propert on Customer Premises -- 68 373 Street lighting and Signal Systems 600,185 615,773 69 TOTAL Distrbuton Plant (Enter Total of lines 55 thru 68)259,277 ,246 273,161,793 70 5. GENERAL PLANT 71 389 Land and Land Right 527,617 565,759 72 390 Sture and Improvements 15,692,289 16,769,60 73 391 Of Furniture and Eauipment 4,496,220 4,493,317 74 392 Transportion Eauipment 6,369,557 6,632,157 75 393 Stores Eauipment 801,723 790,976 76 394 Tools, Shop and Garaae Eauipment 3,261,288 3,597335 77 (395 Laborato~Equipment 1,911,683 1,965,924 78 (396 PowerO~rated Equipment 8,903,079 9,138,419 79 1(397 Communication Equipment 13,185,206 15,655,299 80 1(398 Miscellaneou Equipment 331,206 380,319 81 SUBTOTAL (Enter Total oflnes 71 thru 80)55,479,868 59,989,108 82 (399) Other Tangible Propr y 15,630041 17,383,999 83 TOTAL General Plant Enter Total of lines 81 thru 82)71,109,909 77,373,107 84 TOTAL (Accunts 101 951,922,513 1,226,417,776 85 Less)(102) Electc Plant Purchased 7,762,96 271,420 86 Plant Sold -- 87 103) Exrimental Electric Plant Unclassif -- 88 106) Plant Unclassified 4,095,461 30,191,562 89 TOTAL Electric Plant in Servce 963,780,938 1,256,337,918 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 12 STATE OF IOAHO -ALLOCATED This Reprt Is: Da of Report (1) .. An Orina (Mo, 08, Yr) (2) _ A rebmisson Ma 27, 2011 Nam of ResndenPafiCorel Roc Mont Po Yea of Rep De 31, 2010 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1. For Accunt 154, repo th amount of plan matal and openg suppies under the primary funclonal clascaons as indiced in COumn (a); esma of amounts by funcn are acble. In column (d), desiate the depaen or depment whic use the clas of matal. 2. Give an exanat of import inve adjustme during the ye (on a suppemen pa) showng gera clas of maerial and supplie and th vaous acnt (opeing expse, Clring acunts, planet.) aIed - debi or crted. ShOl seatydeb or crit to stor ex clearing, if apicable. Una No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 alanc Beinning of Year (b) Balanc End of Year (c) 11,691,641 meorDertme Whic Use Materal (dElec ACCOUNT (a) 6,108,375 196,228 4,709,470 12,762 11,02,835 8ece Eleri Elecri Eleric 15 16 17 18 19 20 TOTAL Maters and Suppies (Per Balanc She)22,718,476 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Pag 13