HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003Annual Report.pdfINSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING THE FERC FORM NO. GENERAL INFORMATION I . Purpose This form is a regulatory support requirement (18 CFR 141.1). It is designed to collect financial and operational information from major electric utilities , Licensees and others subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. This report is also secondarily considered to be a nonconfidential public use form supporting a statistical publication (Financial Statistics of Selected Electric Utilities), published by the Energy Information Administration. II. Who Must Submit Each major electric utility, licensee, or Prescribed for Public utilities and Licensees submit this form. Note: Maj or means having, in each of the three previous calendar years, sales or transmission service that exceeds other , as classified in the Commission' s Uniform System of Accounts Subject to the provisions of The Federal Power Act (18 CFR 101), must one of the following: (1) one million megawatt (2) 100 megawatt hours of (3) 500 megawatt hours of (4) 500 megawatt hours of hours of total annual sales, annual sales for resale annual power exchanges delivered, or annual wheeling for others (deliveries plus Losses) III. What and Where to Submit (a) Submit this form electronically through the Form 1 conformed paper copies, properly filed in and attested, to: Office of the Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE. Room 1A Washington, DC 20426 Submission Software and an original and six (6) Retain one copy of this report for your files. Include with the original and each conformed paper copy of this form the subscription statement required by 18 R. 385.2011(c) (5). Paragraph (c) (5) of 18 C.R. 385.2011 requires each respondent submitting data electronically to file a subscription stating that the paper copies contain the same information as the electronic filing, that the signer knows the contents of the paper copies and electronic filing, and that the contents as stated in the copies and electronic filing are true to the best knowledge and belief of the signer. (b) Submit , immediately upon publication, four (4) copies of the Latest annual report to stockholders and any annual financial or statistical report regularly prepared and distributed to bondholders, security analysts, or industry associations. (Do not include monthly and quarterly reports. Indicate by checking the appropriate box on Page 4 , List of Schedules, if the reports to stockholders will be submitted or if no annual report to stockholders is prepared.) Mail these reports to: Chief Accountant Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE. Washington, DC 20426 (c) For the CPA certification, submit with the original submission, or within 30 days after the filing date for this form, a Letter or report (not applicable to respondents classified as Class C or Class D prior to January 1, 1984) : (i) Attesting to the conformity, in all material aspects , of the below listed (schedules and) pages with the Commission's applicable Uniform Systems of Accounts (including applicable notes relating thereto and the Chief Accountant's published accounting releases), and (ii) Signed by independent certified public accountants or an independent Licensed public accountant certified or Licensed by a regulatory authority of a State or other political subdivision of the U. S. (See 18 CFR 41.10-41.12 for specific qualifications. FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-99)Page GENERAL INFORMATION (continued) III. What and Where to Submit (Continued) (c) Continued Schedules Reference Pages Comparative Balance Sheet Statement of Income Statement of Retained Earnings Statement of Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements 110-113 114-117 118-119 120-121 122 -123 When accompanying this form, insert the Letter or report immediately following the cover sheet. When after the filing date for this form, send the letter or report to the office of the Secretary at the indicated at III (a). Use the following format for the Letter or the Letter or report, demand that it be varied. submitting address report unless unusual circumstances or conditions, explained in Insert parenthetical phrases only when exceptions are reported. In connection with our regular examination of the financial statements of for the year ended on which we have reported separately under date of . We have also reviewed schedules of FERC Form No.1 for the year filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, for conformity in all material respects with the requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory commission as set forth in its applicable Uniform System of Accounts and published accounting releases. Our review for this purpose included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. Based on our review , in our opinion the accompanying schedules identified in the preceding paragraph (except as noted below) conform in all material respects with the accounting requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as set forth in its applicable Uniform System of Accounts and published accounting releases. State in the letter or report, which, if any, of the pages above do not conform to the Commission requirements. Describe the discrepancies that exist. (d) Federal, State and Local Governments and other authorized users may obtain additional blank copies their requirements free of charge from: Public Reference and Files Maintenance Branch Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE. Room 2A ES- Washington, DC 20426 (202) 208-2474 to meet IV. When to Submit Submit this report form on or before April 30th of the year following the year covered by this report. V. Where to Send Comments on Public Reporting Burden The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1,217 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street N. E., Washington, DC 20426 (Attention: Mr. Michael Miller, CI-1); and to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503 (Attention: Desk Officer for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). No person shall be subject to any penalty if this collection of information does not display a valid control number. (44 U. S. C. 3512 (a) ) . FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-99)Page GENERAL INSTRUCTIONSI. Prepare this report in conformity with the Uniform System of Accounts (18 CFR 101) all accounting words and phrases in accordance with the U. S. of A. (U.S. of A.). Interpret II. Enter in whole numbers (dollars or MWH) only, except where otherwise noted. (Enter cents for averages and figures per unit where cents are important. The truncating of cents is allowed except on the four basic financial statements where rounding is required.) The amounts shown on all supporting pages must agree with the amounts entered on the statements that they support. When applying thresholds to determine significance for reporting purposes, use for balance sheet accounts the balances at the end of the current reporting year, and use for statement of income accounts the current year I s amounts. III. Complete each question fully and accurately, even if it has been answered in a previous annual report. Enter the word "None" where it truly and completely states the fact. IV. For any pagels) that is not applicable to the respondent, omit the pagels) and enter "NA, " "NONE," or "Not Applicable" in column (d) on the List of Schedules, pages 2, 3, and 4. V. Enter the month, day, and year for all dates. Use customary abbreviations. The "Date of Report" included in the header of each page is to be completed only for resubmissions (see VII. below). The date of the resubmission must be reported in the header for all form pages, whether or not they are changed from the previous filing. VI. Generally, except for certain schedules, all numbers, whether they are expected to be debits or credits, must be reported as positive. Numbers having a sign that is different from the expected sign must be reported by enclosing the numbers in parentheses. VII. For any resubmissions, submit the electronic filing using the Form 1 Submission Software and an original and six (6) conformed paper copies of the entire form, as well as the appropriate number of copies of the subscription statement indicated at instruction III (a). Resubmissions must be numbered sequentially on the cover page of the paper copies of the form. In addition, the cover page of each paper copy must indicate that the filing is a resubmission. Send the resubmissions to the address indicated at instruction III (a). VIII. Do not make references to reports of previous years or to other reports in lieu of required entries, except as specifically authorized. IX. Wherever (schedule) pages refer to figures from a previous year , the figures reported must be based upon those shown by the annual report of the previous year, or an appropriate explanation given as to why the different figures were used. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- DEFINITIONS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- I. Commission Authorization (Comm. Auth.) -- The authorization of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or any other Commission. Name the commission whose authorization was obtained and give date of the authorization. II. Respondent -- The person, corporation, licensee, agency, authority, or other Legal entity or instrumentality in whose behalf the report is made. FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-99)Page iii EXCERPTS FROM THE LAW Federal Power Act, 16 U.C. 791a-825r) "Sec. 3. The words defined in this section shall have the following meanings for purposes of this Act, to wit: .. . (3) "Corporation" means any corporation , joint-stock company, partnership, association, business trust, organized group of persons, whether incorporated or not, or a receiver or receivers, trustee or trustees of any of the foregoing. It shalt not include 'municipalities, as hereinafter defined; (4) "Person" means an individual or a corporation; (5) "Licensee" means any person, State, or municipality Licensed under the provisions of section 4 of this Act, and any assignee or successor in interest thereof; (7) "Municipality " means a city, county, irrigation or agency of a State competent under the Laws thereof unitizing, or distributing power;... (11) "Project" means a complete unit of improvement or development, consisting of a power house, all water conduits, all dams and appurtenant works and structures (including navigation structures) which are a part of said unit, and all storage, diverting, or forebay reservoirs directly connected therewith, the primary line or Lines transmitting power therefrom to the point of junction with the distribution system or with the interconnected primary transmission system, all miscellaneous structures used and useful in connection with said unit or any part thereof, and all water rights, rights-of-way, ditches, dams, reservoirs, Lands, or interest in Lands the use and occupancy of which are necessary or appropriate in the maintenance and operation of such unit; district, drainage district, or other political subdivision to carry an the business of developing, transmitting, "Sec. 4. The Commission is hereby authorized and empowered: (a) To make investigations and to collect and record data concerning the utilization of the water ' resources of any region to be developed, the water-power industry and ~ts relation to other industries and to interstate or foreign commerce, and concerning the location, capacity, development costs, and relation to markets of power sites; to the extent the Commission may deem necessary or useful for the purposes of this Act. "Sec. 304. (a) Every Licensee and every public utility shall file with the Commission such annual and other periodic or special reports as the Commission may be rules and regulations or other prescribe as necessary or appropriate to assist the Commission in the proper administration of this Act. The Commission my prescribe the manner and form in which .such reports shalt be made, and require from such persons specific answers to all questions upon which the Commission may need information. The Commission may require that such reports shall include, among other things, full information as to assets and Liabilities, capitalization , net investment, and reduction thereof, gross receipts, interest due and paid, depreciation, and other reserves, cost of project and other facilities, cost of maintenance and operation of the project and other facilities, cost of renewals and replacement of the project works and other facilities, depreciation , generation, transmission, distribution, delivery, use, and sale of electric energy. The Commission may require any such person to make adequate provision for currently determining such costs and other facts. Such reports shall be made under oath unless the Commission otherwise specifies. "Sec. 309. The Commission shall have power to perform any and all acts, and to prescribe, issue, make, and rescind such orders, rules and regulations as it may find necessary or appropriate to carry out the provisions of this Act. Among other things, such rules and regulat ions may def ine account ing, technical, and trade terms used in this Act; and may prescribe the form or forms of all statements, declarations, applications, and reports to be filed with the Commission, the information which they shall contain, and the time within which they shall be filed... - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- General Penalties - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- "Sec. 315. (a) Any licensee or public utility which willfully fails, within the time prescribed by the Commission to comply with any order of the Commission , to file any report required under this Act or any rule or regulation of the Commission thereunder, to submit any information of document required by the Commission in the course of an investigation conducted under this Act . .. shall forfeit to the United States an amount not exceeding $1,000 to be :ixed by the Commission after notice and opportunity for hearing. . . " FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-91)Page iv FERC FORM NO. ANNUAL REPORT OF MAJOR ELECTRIC UTILITIES, LICENSEES AND OTHER IDENTIFICATION 01 Exact Legal Name of Respondent 02 Year of Report PacifiCorp Dec. 31 2003 03 Previous Name and Date of Change (if name changed during year) / / 04 Address of Principal Office at End of Year (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, OR 97232 05 Name of Contact Person 06 Title of Contact Person Henry Lay Accounting Director 07 Address of Contact Person (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 825 N.E. Multnomah , Suite 1900 Portland, OR 97232 08 Telephone of Contact Person,/nc/uding 09 This Report Is 10 Date of Report Area Code (1) 00 An Original (2) 0 A Resubmission (Mo Da, Yr) (503) 813-6179 04/30/2004 ATTESTATION The undersigned officer certifies that he/she has examined the accompanying report: that to the best of his/her knowledge, information, and beliefall statements of fact contained in the accompanying report are true and the accompanying report is a correct statement of the business and affairs of the above named respondent in respect to each and every matter set forth therein during the period from and including January 1 to and induding December 31 of the year of the report. 01 Name 03 Signature 04 Date Signed Richard D. Peach etJ f2L (Mo , Yr) 02 Title 4- /21 /0 ft-Chief Financial Officer Title 18, U.C. 1001 makes it a crime for any person to knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. FERC FORM No.1 (ED. 12-91)Page 1 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dec. 31 2003(2) n A Resubmission 04/30/2004 LIST OF SCHEDULES (Electric Utility) Enter in column (c) the terms "none, " " not applicable," or "" as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit pages where the respondents are "none " " not applicable " or "NA" Line Title of Schedule Reference Remarks No.Page No. (a)(b)(c) Generallnformation 101 Control Over Respondent 102 Corporations Controlled by Respondent 103 Officers 104 Directors 105 Important Changes During the Year 108-109 Comparative Balance Sheet 110-113 Statement of Income for the Year 114-117 Statement of Retained Earnings for the Year 118-119 Statement of Cash Flows 120-121 Notes to Financial Statements 122-123 Statement of Accum Comp Income, Comp Income, and Hedging Activities 122(a)(b) Summary of Utility Plant & Accumulated Provisions for Dep, Amort & Dep 200-201 Nuclear Fuel Materials 202-203 Electric Plant in Service 204-207 Electric Plant Leased to Others 213 Electric Plant Held for Future Use 214 Construction Work in Progress-Electric 216 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Electric Utility Plant 219 Investment of Subsidiary Companies 224-225 Materials and Supplies 227 Allowances 228-229 Extraordinary Property Losses 230 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs 230 Other Regulatory Assets 232 Miscellaneous Deferred Debits 233 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes 234 Capital Stock 250-251 Other Paid-in Capital 253 Capital Stock Expense 254 Long-Term Debit 256-257 Reconciliation of Reported Net Income with Taxable Inc for Fed Inc Tax 261 Taxes Accrued, Prepaid and Charged During the Year 262-263 Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits 266-267 Other Deferred Credits 269 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes-Accelerated Amortization Property 272-273 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 2 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dec. 31 2003(2) n A Resubmission 04/30/2004 LIST OF SCHEDULES (Electric Utility) (continued) Enter in column (c) the terms "none " " not applicable," or "" as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit pages where the respondents are "none " " not applicable," or "NA" Line Title of Schedule Reference Remarks No.Page No. (a)(b)(c) Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes-Other Property 274-275 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes-Other 276-277 Other Regulatory Liabilities 278 Electric Operating Revenues 300-301 Sales of Electricity by Rate Schedules 304 Sales for Resale 310-311 Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses 320-323 Purchased Power 326-327 Transmission of Electricity for Others 328-330 Transmission of Electricity by Others 332 Miscellaneous General Expenses-Electric 335 Depreciation and Amortization of Electric Plant 336-337 Regulatory Commission Expenses 350-351 Research, Development and Demonstration Activities 352-353 Distribution of Salaries and Wages 354-355 Common Utility Plant and Expenses 356 Electric Energy Account 401 Monthly Peaks and Output 401 Steam Electric Generating Plant Statistics (Large Plants)402-403 Hydroelectric Generating Plant Statistics (Large Plants)406-407 Pumped Storage Generating Plant Statistics (Large Plants)408-409 Generating Plant Statistics (Small Plants)410-411 Transmission Line Statistics 422-423 Transmission Lines Added During Year 424-425 Substations 426-427 Footnote Data 450 Stockholders' Reports Check appropriate box: I!I Four copies will be submitted No annual report to stockholders is prepared FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 3 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp This Report Is: (1) 00 An Original(2) 0 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, , Yr) 04/30/2004 Year of Report Dec. 31 2003 GENERAL INFORMATION 1 . Provide name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account and address of office where the general corporate books are kept, and address of office where any other corporate books of account are kept, if different from that where the general corporate books are kept. Richard D. Peach, Chief Financial Officer 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 2000 Corporate books are kept at: 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232-4116 2. Provide the name of the State under the laws of which respondent is incorporated, and date of incorporation. If incorporated under a special law, give reference to such law. If not incorporated, state that fact and give the type of organization and the date organized. Incorporated on August 11, 1987 in the State of Oregon. 3. If at any time during the year the property of respondent was held by a receiver or trustee, give (a) name of receiver or trustee, (b) date such receiver or trustee took possession, (c) the authority by which the receivership or trusteeship was created, and (d) date when possession by receiver or trustee ceased. Not Applicable Not Applicable. 4. State the classes or utility and other services furnished by respondent during the year in each State in which the respondent operated. The Company is a regulated electric company operating in portions of the states of Utah, Oregon, Wyoming, washington, Idaho and California. The Company conducts its retail electric utility business as Pacific Power and Utah Power, and engages in electricity production and sales on a wholesale basis under the name PacifiCorp. 5. Have you engaged as the principal accountant to audit your financial statements an accountant who is not the principal accountant for your previous year s certified financial statements? (1) 0 Yes...Enter the date when such independent accountant was initially engaged: (2) 00 FERC FORM No.1 (ED. 12-87)PAGE 101 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp This Report Is: (1) 00 An Original(2) 0 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04/30/2004 CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT Year of Report Dec. 31 2003 1. If any corporation, business trust, or similar organization or a combination of such organizations jointly held control over the repondent at the end of the year, state name of controlling corporation or organization, manner in which control was held, and extent of control. If control was in a holding company organization, show the chain of ownership or control to the main parent company or organization. If control was held by a trustee(s), state name of trustee(s), name of beneficiary or beneficiearies for whom trust was maintained, and purpose of the trust. Scottish Power pic Scottish Power NA 1 Limited (10% controlled) Equity Investment Scottish Power NA 2 Limited (90% controlled) Equity Investment PacifiCorp Holdings, Inc. (100% controlled) Equity Investment PacifiCorp (100% controlled) Equity Investment FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 102 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Year of Report Dec, 31 2003 This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)(2) nA Resubmission 04/30/2004 CORPORATIONS CONTROLLED BY RESPONDENT 1. Report below the names of all corporations, business trusts, and similar organizations, controlled directly or indirectly by respondent at any time during the year. If control ceased prior to end of year, give particulars (details) in a footnote. 2. If control was by other means than a direct holding of voting rights, state in a footnote the manner in which control was held, naming any intermediaries involved, 3. If control was held jointly with one or more other interests, state the fact in a footnote and name the other interests. Definitions 1. See the Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Direct control is that which is exercised without interposition of an intermediary. 3. Indirect control is that which is exercised by the interposition of an intermediary which exercises direct control. 4. Joint control is that in which neither interest can effectively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where the voting control is equally divided between two holders, or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning of the definition of control in the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of each party. Energy West Mining Company Glenrock Coal Company (a)(b) Percent Voting Stock Owned (c) 100 100 Footnote Ref. (d) Line No. Name of Company Controlled Kind of Business ,"'/ .::,:::,' :1 Inlng Mining Mining Interwest Mining Company Pacific Minerals, Inc. eafffi8bms.h~~~m~~tal!Reme~i~~C)J1COi . R~CifiG()rp:J!:UtlJr!~~netatiQrys,,!rjqr . . Mining Mining 100 100 , Mining 100 66. Environmental Services , Rain Forest Carbon Credits 89, 100 PacifiCorp Investment Management, Inc Management Services for PERCO ~ ~; ." . : T Financing Company11 ~ . d ,Financing Company 100 100 100 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 103 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dec. 31 2003(2) 0 A Resubmission 04/30/2004 OFFICERS Report below the name , title and salary for each executive officer whose salary is $50,000 or more,An "executive officer" of a respondent includes its president, secretary, treasurer, and vice president in charge of a principal business unit, division or function (such as sales, administration or finance), and any other person who performs similar policy making functions. If a change was made during the year in the incumbent of any position, show name and total remuneration of the previous incumbent, and the date the change in incumbency was made. I Line Title Name of Officer , S~l.ary No.for Year (a)(b)(c) President and Chief Executive Officer Judith A, Johansen ~E~~I~~l~1J~~~r~ Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Andrew P. Haller ~l&_" ~~". ~!f";1; : "'~i~2 ~6'J!.. .. ." ,.. -.,,~ " - Secretary Senior Vice President Michael J. Pittman ~.i~~iBi~!((,;gqg Senior Vice President A. Richard Walje _fti~~~1i~ Senior Vice President Robert A. Klein ~ti~~~~~~~t~ Executive Vice President William D. Landels Executive Vice President Andrew N. MacRitchie Executive Vice President Matthew R. Wright Senior Vice President Barry G. Cunningham Senior Vice President Donald N. Furman Senior Vice President Robert A. Moir Senior Vice President .11. "'"'" :'" ~"l~"1lf"~~L ~,)!!~~Jj~;\,;7~;'~. Vice President Jeffrey K.Larsen Vice President Donald D. Larson Vice President Emest E. Wessman Chief Financial Officer ~~$t1~1~fc~~~~~.Ii~iJj Treasurer Bruce N. Williams FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 104 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Date of Report (Mo, 03, Yr) 04/30/2004 Year of Report Dec. 31, 2003 This ~rt Is:(1) ~An Original(2) nA Resubmission DIRECTORS 1, Report below the infonnation called for conceming each director of the respondent who held office at any time during the year. Indude in column (a), abbreviated titles of the directors who are officers of the respondent. 2, Designate members of the Executive Committee by a triple asterisk and the Chainnan of the Executive Committee by a double asterisk, L.llJ~Name (an!l.llUe) or UlreCtOr t-'nnClpal Business Address PacifiCorp Board of Directors: Ian M. Russell, Chair ** Judith A. Johansen (President & CEO) *** William D. Landels (Executive Vice President) 12 *** Andrew N. MacRitchie (Executive Vice President) 15 *** Matthew R. Wright (Executive Vice President) 18 *** Barry G. Cunningham (Senior Vice President) 21 *** Michael J. Pittman (Senior Vice President) 24 *** A. Richard Walje (Senior Vice President) 27 Nolan E. Karras 30 .,.. ~~~1Iimjlll~ll~!'lrl:~~ 33 \1J~;;~,~~~111.);2?1Ii:;I:I&$illjl.;)itlllliiill.;i\~ 825 NE Multnomah, Ste 200034 PorUand, Oregon 97232 1 Atlantic Quay Glasgow, Scotland G2 asp 825 NE Multnomah, Ste 2000 PorUand, Oregon 97232 201 South Main, Ste 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84140 825 NE Multnomah, Ste 2000 PorUand, O~ 97232 825 NE Multnomah, Ste 2000 PorUand, Oregon 97232 201 South Main, Ste 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84140 825 NE Multnomah, Ste 2000 Portland, Oregon 97232 201 South Main, Ste 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84140 4695 South 1900 West #3 Roy, Utah 84067 825 NE Multnomah, Ste 2000 PorUand, Oregon 97232 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-95)Page 105 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Date of Report 04/30/2004 Year of Report Dec. 31, 2003This Report Is: (1) 1!9 An Original (2) 0 A Resubmission 1M ORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR Give particulars (details) conceming the matters indicated below. Make the statements explicit and precise, and number them in accordance with the inquiries. Each inquiry should be answered. Enter "none, " " not applicable," or "NA" where applicable. If information which answers an inquiry is given elsewhere in the report, make a reference to the schedule in which it appears. 1. Changes in and important additions to franchise rights: Describe the actual consideration given therefore and state from whom the franchise rights were acquired. If acquired without the payment of consideration, state that fact. 2, Acquisition of ownership in other companies by reorganization, merger, or consolidation with other companies: Give names of companies involved, particulars conceming the transactions, name of the Commission authorizing the transaction, and reference to Commission authorization. 3. Purchase or sale of an operating unit or system: Give a brief description of the property, and of the transactions relating thereto, and reference to Commission authorization, if any was required. Give date joumal entries called for by the Uniform System . of Accounts were submitted to the Commission, 4. Important leaseholds (other than leaseholds for natural gas lands) that have been acquired or given, assigned or surrendered: Give effective dates, lengths of terms, names of parties, rents, and other condition. State name of Commission authorizing lease and give reference to such authorization. 5. Important extension or reduction of transmission or distribution system: State territory added or relinquished and date operations began or ceased and give reference to Commission authorization, if any was required. State also the approximate number of customers added or lost and approximate annual revenues of each class of service. Each natural gas company must also state major new continuing sources of gas made available to it from purchases, development, purchase contract or otherwise, giving location and approximate total gas volumes available, period of contracts, and other parties to any such arrangements, etc. 6. Obligations incurred as a result of issuance of securities or assumption of liabilities or guarantees including issuance of short-term debt and commercial paper having a maturity of one year or less. Give reference to FERC or State Commission authorization, as appropriate, and the amount of obligation or guarantee. 7. Changes in articles of incorporation or amendments to charter: Explain the nature and purpose of such changes or amendments. 8. State the estimated annual effect and nature of any important wage scale changes during the year. 9. State briefly the status of any materially important legal proceedings pending at the end of the year, and the results of any such proceedings culminated during the year. 10. Describe briefly any materially important transactions of the respondent not disclosed elsewhere in this report in which an officer director, security holder reported on Page 106, voting trustee, associated company or known associate of any of these persons was a party or in which any such person had a material interest. 11. (Reserved. 12. If the important changes during the year relating to the respondent company appearing in the annual report to stockholders are applicable in every respect and furnish the data required by Instructions 1 to 11 above, such notes may be included on this page. PAGE 108 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SEE PAGE 109 FOR REQUIRED INFORMATION. FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 108 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) PacifiCorp '2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec 31 2003 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR (Continued) Franchise agreements renewed or newly adopted in 2003: Renewal Date Expiration Date Fee % (Fee attached to franchise agreement) California None None Ore Moro 20030204 2023 02 04 5 franchise Weston 20030709 2023 0709 5 franchise/1.5 license Grass Valley 2003 11 03 2023 11 03 5 franchise Scio 20031117 20231117 5 franchise Klamath Falls 20031117 20131117 5 franchise/3.5 license Creswell 2003 1208 20131208 5 franchise/1.5 license Utah Hooper 20030220 2023 03 01 Castle Valley (new)20030319 20230319 Provo (transmission)20030715 2008 07 01 Minersville 2003 09 02 2018 09 02 Cedar City 20031217 2013 12 17 Washin ton None omin Bear River 200301 14 2028 01 14 0 franchise None. The Company is in the process of selling the Naches and Naches Drop Plants to the United States Bureau of Reclamation. Water rights, buildings and equipment were turned over to the Bureau of Reclamation on March 10, 2003. The plants ceased operations on October 15, 2003. Land rights are still under negotiation. None. None. The following paragraph was extracted from the Company s Form 10-Q filing dated December 31,2003: At December 31 , 2003, the Company had $800.0 million of committed bank revolving credit agreements, including a $300.0 million facility, with a three-year term that became effective June 4, 2002, and a $500.0 million facility that became effective June 3, 2003, with a 364-day term plus a one-year term loan option. The interest on advances under these facilities is based on the London Interbank Offered Rate (LiBOR) plus a margin that varies based on the Company s credit ratings, As of December 31 , 2003, these facilities were fully available, and there were no borrowings outstanding. IFERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96) Page 109. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) PacifiCorp i2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec 31 2003 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEARCContinued) At December 31 , 2003, the Company had $225.0 million of commercial paper obligations outstanding, with maturities of less than one year. Authorizations for up to $1,5 billion outstanding at anyone time in commercial paper and other unsecured short-term debt are as follows: Oregon Public Utility Commission, Docket No. UF-4120, Order No. 98-158, dated April 16, 1998. Permits issuance of unsecured short-term promissory notes to and borrowings from commercial banks under revolving credit agree- ments or other borrowing arrangements. Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Docket No. UE-980404, dated April 8, 1998. Idaho Public Utility Commission, Case No, PAC-03-, Order No, 29374, dated November 5,2003. On September 8 2003, the Company issued $200.0 million of the 4,30% First Mortgage Bonds due September 15 2008 and $200,0 million of the 5.45% First Mortgage Bonds due September 15 2013. These bonds contain covenants consistent with the Company s other series of First Mortgage Bonds. The Company used the proceeds for the refinancing of short-term debt incurred to fund redemptions of long-term securities. Authorizations for these long-term debt issuances are as follows: Oregon Public Utility Commission , Docket No. UF-4167, Order No, 99-786, dated December 23,1999; amended November 13, 2001 , Order No. 01-965. Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Docket No, UE-991745, dated December 8 1999. Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Docket No. PAC-03-, Order No. 29238, dated May 14, 2003. None. During 2003, wage increases went into effect with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 57 Power Delivery (Utah, Wyoming, Idaho) of 4 - 6%, Local 57 Generation of 5 - 5.5%, Local 125 (Washington Oregon) of 5 - 7.5%, Local 659 (Oregon, California) of 4.5 - 5,66%, Local 415 (Laramie, Wyoming) of 3%. Wage increases went into effect with the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), Local 197 (Coos Bay, Oregon) of 3% Local 127 (Wyoming) of 3%. FinanciallmDact Total $ 4 758,982 $ 1,686,363 $ 1 714,656 $ 1 501 223 $ 11 917 $ 45 169 $ 1,502 884 $11 221 194 IBEW 57 (UT,WY,ID) IBEW 57 PS (UT ID) IBEW 125 (WA OR) IBEW 659 (OR CA) IBEW 415 (Laramie, WY) UWUA 197 (Coos Bay, OR) UWUA 127 (WY) IFERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96) Page 109. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) PaeifiCorp I (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dee 31 2003 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR (Continued) The entire following section of information was extracted from the Company s Form 10-a filing dated December 31 2003: From time to time, the Company and its subsidiaries are parties to various legal claims, actions and complaints, certain of which involve material amounts, Although the Company is unable to predict with certainty whether it will ultimately be successful in these legal proceedings or, if not, what the impact might be, management currently believes that disposition of these matters will not have a materially adverse effect on the Company s financial position or results of operations, On May 7, 2002, the Company filed a request to recover replacement power costs of $30.7 million, resulting from the outage of the Company's Hunter No.1 generating plant, and a proposal for recovering deferred net power costs of $60.3 million. In December 2000, the Wyoming Public Service Commission (the "WPSC") authorized the deferral of net power costs, On March 6, 2003, the WPSC denied recovery of the Hunter No.1 replacement power costs and the deferred net power costs, The Company filed a petition on April 4, 2003 for rehearing of the decision. After a public deliberation on May 30, 2003, the WPSC denied the petition, and the order denying rehearing was issued on July 15, 2003. On August 8, 2003, the Company petitioned the Laramie County district court to review the WPSC decision. On September 22, 2003, the district court certified the case to the Wyoming Supreme Court. The Company filed its opening brief with the Wyoming Supreme Court on January 6, 2004. Beginning in summer 2000, market conditions in California resulted in defaults on amounts due to the Company from certain counterparties in California. In addition, in December 2001 , Enron Corp. ("Enron ) declared bankruptcy and defaulted on certain wholesale contracts. The Company previously provided reserves for its California exposures and its Enron receivable, net of the effect of applying the master netting agreement with Enron, in the aggregate amount of $14.3 million. The Company is a party to a FERC proceeding that is investigating potential refunds for energy transactions in the California Independent System Operator and the California Power Exchange markets during past periods of high-energy prices. The Company previously established a reserve of $17.7 million for these refunds. The Company s ultimate exposure to refunds is dependent upon any final order issued by the FERC in this proceeding. On June 25, 2003, the FERC terminated its proceeding relating to the possibility of requiring refunds for wholesale spot-market bilateral sales in the Pacific Northwest between December 25, 2000 and June 20, 2001. The FERC concluded that ordering refunds would not be an appropriate resolution of the matter. On August 25, 2003, the FERC granted rehearing of its June 25, 2003 order. On November 10, 2003, the FERC issued its final order denying rehearing, Several market participants have filed petitions in the court of appeals for review of the FERC' final order. On June 26, 2003, the FERC issued a final order denying the Company s request for recovery of excessive prices charged under certain wholesale electricity purchases scheduled for delivery during summer 2002 and dismissing the Company s complaints, under section 206 of the Federal Power Act, against five wholesale electricity suppliers. On July 3, 2003, the Company filed a petition in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for review of certain aspects of this order. On July 28, 2003, the Company filed its request for rehearing of the FERC's order, which was granted on August 27, 2003. The FERC issued its final order denying rehearing on November 10, 2003. On November 19, 2003, the Company filed a petition in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals for review of the FERC's final order denying recovery. On November 20, 2003, Morgan Stanley Capital Group,lnc. filed a petition in the D.Circuit Court of Appeals for review of the FERC's final order. On December 9, 2003, the case was transferred to the D,Circuit Court of Appeals for consolidation of the two appeals. In May, 2002, the Company, together with other California electricity market participants, responded to data requests from the FERC regarding trading practices connected with the electricity crisis during 2000 and 2001. The Company confirmed that it did not engage in any trading practices intended to manipulate the market as described in the FERC's data requests issued in May 2002. On June 25, 2003, the FERC ordered 60 companies (including the Company) to show cause why their behavior during the California energy crisis did not constitute manipulation of the wholesale electricity market, as defined in the California Independent System Operator and the IFERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96) Page 109. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) PacifiCorp (2)A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec31,2003 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR (Continued) California Power Exchange tariffs. In setting the cases for hearing, the FERC directed the administrative law judge to hear evidence and render findings and conclusions quantifying the extent of any unjust enrichment that resulted and to recommend monetary or other appropriate remedies, On August 29, 2003, the Company and the FERC staff reached a resolution on the show-cause order. Under the terms of the settlement agreement, the Company denied liability and agreed to pay a nominal amount of $67 745, in exchange for complete and total resolution of the issues raised in the FERC's show-cause order relating to the Company. The FERC must approve the settlement before it becomes binding on the parties. The Northwest Power Act provides access to the benefits of low-cost federal hydro-electricity to the residential and small-farm customers of the region s investor-owned utilities through the Regional Exchange Program. The Bonneville Power Administration ("BPA") administers the Regional Exchange Program in accordance with federal law. The Company passes these benefits through to its Oregon, Washington and Idaho residential and small-farm customers in the form of electricity bill credits. Pursuant to settlement of the Regional Exchange Program for the current rate period, the Company s residential and small-farm customers are entitled to annual benefits of approximately $118.0 million for the period 2002 through 2006. Several publicly owned utilities cooperatives, and BPA direct-service industry customers have filed petitions with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals seeking review of BPA's decision to settle the Regional Exchange Program with the Company and the region other investor-owned utilites. Certain of these parties have threatened suits in the U.S. courts to enjoin collection of certain benefits. The Company has been actively involved in negotiations to settle these outstanding lawsuits. Unfortunately, these efforts have been unsuccessful, and the Company expects that the dispute cannot be resolved through settlement. An adverse decision by the courts could reduce the level of benefits paid to the Company s residential and small-farm customers. Since these benefits have no impact on the Company earnings, and adverse decision reducing the level of these benefits would not have an effect on the Company consolidated financial position or results of operations. The Company operates the majority of its hydroelectric generating portfolio under long-term licenses from the FERC. These licenses are granted by the FERC for periods of 30 to 50 years. Many of the Company s long-term operating licenses have expired or will expire in the next few years. Hydroelectric facilities operating under expired licenses may operate under annual licenses granted by the FERC until new operating licenses are issued, Hydroelectric relicensing and the related environmental compliance requirements are subject to a degree of uncertainty. The Company expects that future costs relating to these matters may be significant and consist primarily of additional relicensing costs and capital expenditures. Electricity generation reductions may also result from additional environmental requirements. As of December 31 , 2003, the Company had incurred approximately $105.7 million in costs for ongoing hydroelectric relicensing, which are included in assets on the Company Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet. The Company expects that these and future costs will be found to be prudent and recoverable in rates and, as such, will not have a material adverse impact on the Company consolidated results of operations. In June 2003, the Company entered into a settlement agreement to remove the 6-megawatt ("MW") Powerdale project rather than pursue a new license, based on an analysis of the costs and benefits of relicensing versus decommissioning, Removal of the Powerdale dam and associated project features, which is subject to FERC and other regulatory approvals, is projected to cost $6.3 million, with removal to commence in 2010. In June 2003, the Company submitted a draft license application to interested parties for a 90-day review for the 151.MW Klamath hydroelectric project in southern Oregon and northem California. The Company also submitted a final license application to the FERC for the Prospect Nos. 1 , 2 and 4 hydroelectric projects in Oregon, totaling 36.MW. The FERC is expected to complete its required analysis over the next two years. On July 25 2003, the Company received a new 50-year operating license for its 4.MW Big Fork hydroelectric project located on the Swan River in northwestern Montana. There were no challenges to this license, and it became effective upon issuance. On November 18, 2003, the FERC issued a new 35-year operating license for the 185.MW North Umpqua hydroelectric project in Oregon. On December 22, 2003, the FERC issued a new 30-year operating license for the 84.MW Bear River hydroelectric project in Idaho, The Company and other parties are seeking IFERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96) Page 109, Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) PacifiCorp I (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec 31,2003 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR (Continued) clarification/rehearing on certain elements of the licenses, which appear to be inconsistent with their respective settlement agreements. In addition, organizations that were not parties to the North Umpqua settlement agreement have requested rehearing on other elements of that license advocating removal of one of the North Umpqua project's dams. Both the Bear River and North Umpqua projects are operating under the new FERC licenses during the clarification/rehearing process. In addition to the projects' capital and operations and maintenance expenses associated with the new licenses, the Company may be committed, over the lives of the two licenses , to fund a total of approximately $69.0 million for environmental mitigation and enhancement projects on behalf of third parties. These commitments are contingent upon final acceptance of the licenses by the Company. During calendar year 2003, the Company filed rate cases before the commissions in the states of Utah, Oregon Wyoming, and Washington , which included each states' portion of the relicensing costs associated with the hydroelectric projects where new licenses have become effective or are close to being issued by the FERC. In Oregon and Utah, the rate cases ended in a commission approved settlement, and the commissions did not contest the hydroelectric relicensing costs. In Wyoming and Washington, the recovery of relicensing costs is contingent upon the outcome of the rate cases. The Company is subject to numerous environmental laws, including the federal Clean Air Act, as enforced by the EPA and various state agencies; the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments; the Endangered Species Act of 1973, particularly as it relates to certain endangered species of fish; the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, relating to environmental cleanups; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976; and the Clean Water Act, relating to water quality. These laws could impact the Company future operations, Contingencies identified at December 31, 2003 principally consist of Clean Air Act matters, which are the subject of discussions with the EPA and state regulatory authorities. In addition to these laws, the U. S. Congress is currently considering several proposed bills that could create enforceable limits on electricity plant emissions of sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and mercury. The EPA has proposed or intends to propose new regulations that could also impact emissions. These requirements may require additional control equipment to be installed by 2008. The Company expects that future costs relating to these matters may be significant and would consist primarily of capital expenditures. The Company further expects that these and future costs will be found to be prudent and recoverable in rates and, as such, will not have a material adverse impact on the Company s consolidated results of operations. The Company is providing information about certain of its generating plants to the EPA in a cooperative effort to seek a mutual, comprehensive solution to air-quality issues as they relate to such plants generally. The Company is also discussing air-quality issues with state air-quality regulators. On April 21 , 2002, a failure occurred in the Swift power canal on the Lewis River in the state of Washington. The Cowlitz County Public Utility District owns the power canal and associated 70-MW hydroelectric facility ("Swift No. ). The failure impacted, but did not damage, the Company-owned and -operated 240-MW Swift No, 1 hydroelectric facility ("Swift No.), which is upstream of the Swift power canal. The overflow spillway was modified upstream of the Swift No, 2 failure to allow restricted operations of Swift No.1. The Company continues to seek ways to mitigate any shaping limitations and to recover any business losses. It is currently estimated that Swift No.2 will return to operations during the first half of calendar year 2005. Swift No.2 reconstruction must be completed before unrestricted use of Swift No.1 can resume. Swift No.1 is estimated to retum to full operations during the third quarter of calendar year 2005. The Company will be working cooperatively with Cowlitz Public Utility District to expedite reconstruction efforts. The full impact of the Swift power canal outage and plans for repair of the Swift No.2 facility are currently under review. The Company is seeking reimbursement from Cowlitz County Public Utility District of the Company's expenditures associated with the Swift No.2 failure, including canal modifications and energy replacement costs. This event is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company consolidated financial position or results of operations. 10.None 11.(Reserved) IFERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96) Page 109. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) PacifiCorp I (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec 31 , 2003 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR (Continued) 12.The following paragraph was extracted from the Company s Form 10-0 filing dated December 31 2003: Utah On December 17, 2003, the Utah Public Service Commission (the .UPSC") approved a stipulation allowing an annual increase of $65.0 million, representing a 7.0% average price increase. The increase in customer rates is effective April 1 , 2004. A stipulation on rate spread and rate design was filed with the UPSC on January 7, 2004. On January 30, 2004, the UPSC approved the stipulation , which will result in a mechanism to collect the previously ordered price increase. The following paragraph was extracted from the Company s Form 10-0 filing dated December 31 2003: Oreaon On August 26, 2003, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (the .OPUC") approved a settlement of the Company general rate case filed on March 18,2003. Under the settlement, base rates increased by $8.5 million annually on September 1 , 2003, resulting in a 1.1% average price increase. The settlement also eliminated a $12.0 million offsettable merger credit for the period from January 2004 to December 2004. A nonoffsettable merger credit will be reduced from $6,0 million to $4.0 million, and the Company anticipates amortizing the credit to return the full amount to customers by December 31 , 2004. The following paragraph was extracted from the Company s Form 10-0 filing dated December 31 2003: WvomimJ On May 27, 2003, the Company filed a general rate case with the WPSC to recover rising costs (including insurance premiums, pension funding and health care costs) and requested an increase in the return on equity to 11.5% to compensate the Company for general risks relating to the western United States utility environment, as well as some additional risks relating to multijurisdictional operations, The Company has requested an annual increase of $41,8 million, or 13,1 %, in base rates to take effect in March 2004. On December 23, 2003, the Company filed rebuttal testimony in this proceeding, which lowered its requested annual increase to $38.6 million, Hearings in the case were completed in January 2004. During the hearings, the Company's requested annual increase was further lowered by the WPSC to approximately $34.9 million. The Company expects an order by early March 2004, with new rates taking effect in late March 2004. The following paragraph was extracted from the Company s Form 10-0 filing dated December 31 2003: On September 26, 2003, the Company filed a request to establish a power cost adjustment mechanism (the PCAM"). This mechanism will reduce the regulatory lag associated with recovery of net power costs, which are defined as fuel and wheeling expenses and wholesale sales and purchases. The mechanism is proposed to become effective April 1 , 2004. The PCAM includes two components: (1) an annual update that recovers forecasted net power costs through a surcharge, and (2) a deferral mechanism between customers and shareholders that shares variations in adjusted actual net power costs from forecasted net power costs. Since the base net power cost rate will be established in the current general rate case, the first adjustment to the base net power cost rate under the PCAM would be April 1, 2005, when the new forecasted net power cost would go into effect. Also beginning in 2005, the Company would make a filing by July 31 of each year to set the PCAM deferral rate to recover from, or retum to, customers any costs deferred during the prior deferral period, Hearings in the PCAM case are scheduled for March 15 to 16, 2004 and an order is expected in early April 2004, The following paragraph was extracted from the Company s Form 10-0 filing dated December 31 2003: Washinaton On December 16, 2003, the Company filed with the WUTC for a general rate increase of $26.7 million annually, or 13.5%. The Company s objectives are to recover higher power costs; recover increases in insurance, pension health care, infrastructure and security costs; increase authorized return on equity to 11.25%; and receive approval for the proposed interjurisdictional cost allocation protocol, In addition, the Company is requesting that the WUTC adopt the findings of a prudence review of generating resources acquired since the last Washington general rate case. The WUTC has adopted a procedural schedule requiring testimony from the staff and other parties in June 2004 and the Company s rebuttal testimony in July 2004. Hearings are scheduled to begin on August 30, 2004. IFERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96) Page 109. Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) PacifiCorp (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec 31 , 2OQ3 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING T~ YEAR (Continued) The following paragraph was extracted from the Company s Form 10-Q filing dated December 31 2003: California The California Public Utilities Commission (the .CPUC") issued a final order on November 13, 2003 approving two stipulations in the general rate case and finalizing permanent rates. The order grants an additional annual increase of $2.8 million effective December 1 , 2003, Combining this order with the interim increase authorized in June 2002 results in an overall annual price increase of $7.6 million. This represents a 13.6% average price increase, The following paragraph was extracted from the Company s Form 10-Q filing dated December 31 2003: DeDreciation Rate Chances The Company received approval through general rate cases or separate proceedings from all state commissions for changes in the Company s rates of depreciation. Effective April 1 , 2003, the resulting depreciation rate changes reduced total Company annual depreciation expense by approximately $26.0 million, which includes removal costs, and may ultimately result in lower future revenues or offset anticipated price increases. Effective April 1 , 2003 the Company implemented three accounting methodology changes: Pavroll Tax Accountina Chance Prior to April 1 , 2003 the Company charged payroll taxes to account 408.1 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income. This included payroll taxes for both capital and expense labor. Beginning April 1 , 2003, the company began charging payroll taxes to functional FERC accounts, This has the payroll taxes and labor accounted for in the same FERC account. Since the Company has a fiscal year ending March 31 , this change was implemented effective April 1, 2003 which is the start of the Company s fiscal year. The impact on the 1 st QTR would have been as follows. Functional Classification 1st QTR Steam O&M Hydro O&M Other Generation O&M Other Power Supply Transmission O&M Distribution O&M Customer Accounts Customer Service A&G Total OMAG Other Income & Deductions Total Other Income & Deductions 541,660 293,659 792 488,861 109 638 223,207 066 806 84,207 627 236 461,067 984 984 Total Payroll Taxes 468,051 IFERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96) Page 109. PacifiCorp This Report is: (1) ~ An Original I (2) A Resubmission IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR. (Continued) Date of Report Year of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04/30/2004 Dec 31 2003 Name of Respondent Vehicle Decreciation Accountina Chanae Prior to April 1 , 2003 the Company charged vehicle depreciation to account 403 Depreciation. Beginning April 1 2003, the Company began charging vehicle depreciation to functional accounts. Since the Company has a fiscal year ending March 31 , this change was implemented effective April 1, 2003 which is the start of the Company fiscal year, The impact on the 1 st OTR would have been as follows. Functional Classification 1st QTR Steam O&M Hydro O&M Other Generation O&M Other Power Supply Distribution O&M Customer Accounts Customer Service A&G Total OMAG 310,326 99,600 441 720 764,227 170 608 610 190,701 Total Vehicle Depreciation 190,701 Distribution. Transmission & Customer Services Cost Center Chanae As part of the Company's ongoing organizational development , a review of administrative Distribution Transmission, and Customer Service costs such as accounting, budgeting, and general support expenses was completed to determine accounting treatment for these costs. The review showed these costs now directly support the Distribution, Transmission, and Customer Service organizations and should be charged to those functional areas. Since the Company has a fiscal year ending March 31 , this change was implemented effective April 1 , 2003 which is the start of the Company s fiscal year. The effect of this change on the 1 st QTR would have been as follows, Functional Classification 1st QTR 154,726 318,464 010 983 332 225 (19,816 398) Transmission O&M Distribution O&M Customer Accounts Customer Service A&G Total OMAG IFERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96) Page 109. This Report Is: Date of Report (1) IZI An Original (Mo , Yr) (2) 0 A Resubmission 04/30/2004 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS)Ref, Balance at Page No. Beginning of Year(b) (c) Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Year of Report 2003 Line No. Dec. 31 Title of Account (a) UTILITY PLANT Balance at End of Year (d) 200-201 12,875,185 187 13,391 609 608 200-201 323 348 493 340,357 627 198 533,680 13,731 967 235 200-201 301 630 066 611 642,430 896 903 614 120 324 805 202-203 202-203 896 903 614 120 324 805 122 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-03)Page 110 Utility Plant (101-106, 114) Construction Work in Progress (107) TOTAL Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines 2 and 3) (Less) Accum. Provo for Depr. Amort, Depl. (108 111 115) Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of line 4 less 5) Nuclear Fuel (120.120., 120. (Less) Accum. Provo for Amort, of Nucl. Fuel Assemblies (120, Net Nuclear Fuel (Enter Total of line 7 less 8) Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines 6 and 9) Utility Plant Adjustments (116) Gas Stored Underground - Noncurrent (117) OTHER PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS Nonutility Property (121) (Less) Accum. Provo for Depr. and Amort. (122) Investments in Associated Companies (123) Investment in Subsidiary Companies (123. (For Cost of Account 123., See Footnote Page 224, line 42) Noncurrent Portion of Allowances Other Investments (124) Special Funds (125-128) TOTAL Other Property and Investments (Total of lines 14-19-21) CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS 224-225 940,934 171,144 982 107 283,187 695 360 030 977 391 260 883 997 84,354,345 302,481 171 596,466 172,905 -43,022 590 389 871 655 280 155 319 998 491 39,564 131 323,105 158,757 53,546,693 550,850 647 642 56,582 10,813,746 150 791 505 862 253,211,896 228-229 79,414 689 431 040 173 880 813 227 227 227 227 227 227 202-203/227 228-229 224 599 447 000,000 344,611 270 987 245 503,510 329,990 321 261 519 188 69,561 552 509,235 178,610 994 249 130 838,000 550,989 204,941 760 Cash (131) Special Deposits (132-134) Working Fund (135) Temporary Cash Investments (136) Notes Receivable (141) Customer Accounts Receivable (142) Other Accounts Receivable (143) (Less) Accum, Provo for Uncollectible Acct.-Credit (144) Notes Receivable from Associated Companies (145) Accounts Receivable from Assoc, Companies (146) Fuel Stock (151) Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed (152) Residuals (Elec) and Extracted Products (153) Plant Materials and Operating Supplies (154) Merchandise (155) Other Materials and Supplies (156) Nuclear Materials Held for Sale (157) Allowances (158,1 and 158. (Less) Noncurrent Portion of Allowances Stores Expense Undistributed (163) Gas Stored Underground - Current (164. Liquefied Natural Gas Stored and Held for Processing (164,164. Prepayments (165) Advances for Gas (166-167) Interest and Dividends Receivable (171) Rents Receivable (172) Accrued Utility Revenues (173) Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets (174) Derivative Instrument Assets (175) 227 Year of ReportName of Respondent PacifiCorp This Report Is: Date of Report (1) IZI An Original (Mo , Yr) (2) 0 A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec. 31 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITSlContinued)Ref, Balance at Page No. Beginning of Year(b) (c) 2003 Line No. Title of Account (a) Balance at End of Year (d) Derivative Instrument Assets - Hedges (176) TOTAL Current and Accrued Assets (Enter Total of lines 24 thru 53) DEFERRED DEBITS Unamortized Debt Expenses (181) Extraordinary Property Losses (182. Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (182. Other Regulatory Assets (182. Prelim, Survey and Investigation Charges (Electric) (183) Prelim. Sur. and Invest. Charges (Gas) (183., 183, Clearing Accounts (184) Temporary Facilities (185) Miscellaneous Deferred Debits (186) Def. Losses from Disposition of Utility PIt. (187) Research , Devel. and Demonstration Expend. (188) Unamortized Loss on Reaquired Debt (189) Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (190) Unrecovered Purchased Gas Costs (191) TOTAL Deferred Debits (Enter Total of lines 56 thru 69) TOTAL Assets and Other Debits (Enter Total oflines 10,54,70) 842 074,890 926,224 520 35,807 597 580,785 230 230 15,371 861 797,847 232 511,120,463 573 981,490 719,710 459 800 386,085 123,677 170,184 912 233 123,117 377 695,115 352-353 636,219 398 006 234 821 569 788 505 765,378,895 817 883 137 10,678,238,212 11,036 028,928 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-03)Page 111 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Year of Report 2003 .. . This Report Is: Date of Report (1) IZI An Original (Mo , Yr) (2) 0 A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec. 31 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITS)Ref, Balance at Page No, Beginning of Year(b) (c) Line No. Title of Account (a) PROPRIETARY CAPITAL Common Stock Issued (201) Preferred Stock Issued (204) Capital Stock Subscribed (202, 205) Stock Liability for Conversion (203, 206) Premium on Capital Stock (207) Other Paid-In Capital (208-211) Installments Received on Capital Stock (212) (Less) Discount on Capital Stock (213) (Less) Capital Stock Expense (214) Retained Eamings (215, 215., 216) Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidiary Eamings (216. (Less) Reaquired Capital Stock (217) Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (219) TOTAL Proprietary Capital (Enter Total of lines 2 thru 14) LONG-TERM DEBT 933,226,675 108 963 300 42,037,474 939 900 721 665 529 617 122,308 274 401 297 250-251 250-251 252 252 252 253 252 254 254 118-119 118-119 250-251 122(a)(b) 256-257 256-257 256-257 256-257 532,823,464 362,888,000 54,590 616 384 891 149 670 Bonds (221) (Less) Reaquired Bonds (222) Advances from Associated Companies (223) Other Long-Term Debt (224) Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt (225) (Less) Unamortized Discount on Long-Term Debt-Debit (226) TOTAL Long-Term Debt (Enter Total of lines 17 thru 22) OTHER NONCURRENT LIABILITIES Obligations Under Capital Leases - Noncurrent (227) Accumulated Provision for Property Insurance (228. Accumulated Provision for Injuries and Damages (228. Accumulated Provision for Pensions and Benefits (228. Accumulated Miscellaneous Operating Provisions (228. Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds (229) Asset Retirement Obligations (230) TOTAL OTHER Noncurrent Liabilities (Enter Total of lines 25 thru 31) CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES Notes Payable (231) Accounts Payable (232) Notes Payable to Associated Companies (233) Accounts Payable to Associated Companies (234) Customer Deposits (235) Taxes Accrued (236) Interest Accrued (237) Dividends Declared (238) Matured Long-Term Debt (239) Matured Interest (240) Tax Collections Payable (241) Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities (242) 27,621 393 381 108 11,410,326 224 983,255 153,816 276 549 898 262-263 167 895 000 285,185,856 400 155 107 952 516 662 25,154 000 819,945 171 539 801 072 533 752 Balance at End of Year (d) 933,226,675 463,300 281 084 029 270,144 664,367 224 955,259 296,:356,552 764,569 610 60,000,000 51,872 535,780 820,085,702 462 560 742 390 12,230 424 430,367 542 054,337 65,056,481 540,913,734 225 000,000 271 890,617 19,608,243 757,417 20,952 162 718 526 55,045 018 520 947 695 787 279,890 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-D3)Page 112 This Report Is: Date of Report (1) !ZI An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) 0 A Resubmission 04/30/2004 Dec. COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (LIABILITIES AND OTHER CREDITSXContinued)Ref. Balance at Balance at Page No. Beginning of Year End of Year(b) (c) (d) Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Year of Report 2003 Line No. Title of Account (a) Obligations Under Capital Leases-Current (243) Derivative Instrument Liabilities (244) Derivative Instrument Liabilities - Hedges (245) TOTAL Current & Accrued Liabilities (Enter Total of lines 34 thru 48) DEFERRED CREDITS Customer Advances for Construction (252) Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits (255) Deferred Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant (256) Other Deferred Credits (253) Other Regulatory Liabilities (254) Unamortized Gain on Reaquired Debt (257) Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (281-283) TOTAL Deferred Credits (Enter Total of lines 51 thru 57) 272-277 158.833 779,667 712 496,295 152 820,064 85,448,300 59,731 246 142 523 028 311 142 590 544 008 882 377 788 036,028 928 39,095 738,107,564 375 732 592 266-267 745,506 93,368,420 83,021 329 139,612,334 398 530 538,258 635 860,404 754 10,678,238,211 269 278 TOTAL Liab and Other Credits (Enter Total of lines 15,23,32,49,58) FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-03)Page 113 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dec. 31 2003(2) n A Resubmission 04/30/2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenue and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another Utility column (i, , m, 0) in a similar manner to a utility department.Spread the amount(s) over Lines 02 thru 24 as appropriate,Include these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility Operating income, in the same manner as accounts 412 and 413 above. Report data for lines 8, 10, and 11 for Natural Gas companies using accounts 404.1 , 404., 404.3, 407.1 and 407. Use pages 122-123 for important notes regarding the statement of income or any account thereof. Give concise explanations concerning unsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material amount may need to be made to the utility's customers or which may result in a material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases.State for each year affected the gross revenues or costs to which the contingency relates and the tax effects together with an explanation of the major factors which affect the rights of the utility to retain such revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to power and gas purchases, Give concise explanations concerning significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year Line Account (Ref.)TOTAL No.Page No. (a)(b)(c) (d) UTILITY OPERATING INCOME 2 Operating Revenues (400)300-301 533 716,464 3,419 509,252 3 Operating Expenses 4 Operation Expenses (401)320-323 099 586 984 2 013 451 930 5 Maintenance Expenses (402)320-323 262 191.746 257 529,377 6 Depreciation Expense (403)336-337 356 099,545 368,266 698 7 Depreciation Expense for Asset Retirement Costs (403,336-337 8 Amort. & Depl. of Utility Plant (404-405)336-337 53,952 761 789 397 9 Amort. of Utility Plant Acq. Adj. (406)336-337 479,353 507 086 Amort. Property Losses, Unrecov Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (407) Amort. of Conversion Expenses (407) Regulatory Debits (407.872 701 997 525 (Less) Regulatory Credits (407.020,510 184,686 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes (408.262-263 .~I=C.=~=Income Taxes - Federal (409,262-263 - Other (409.262-263 I~Jtli\.\~'.t~~~;t1~8J:~ Provision for Deferred Income Taxes (410.234, 272-277 228,862 158 24,405 982 (Less) Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Cr. (411.234, 272-277 169,961 205 38,263,254 Investment Tax Credit Adj, - Net (411,4) 266 940,091 854,863 (Less) Gains from Disp. of Utility Plant (411. Losses from Disp, of Utility Plant (411. (Less) Gains from Disposition of Allowances (411.585 037 566 761 Losses from Disposition of Allowances (411, Accretion Expense (411,10) TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 24)067 999,905 939,833,557 Net Util Oper Inc (Enter Tot line 2 less 25) Carry to Pg117 line 27 465 716 559 479,675 695 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 114 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dec, 31 2003(2) nA Resubmission 04/30/2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR (Continued) resulting from settlement of any rate proceeding affecting revenues received or costs incurred for power or gas purchases, and a summary of the adjustments made to balance sheet, income, and expense accounts. 1. If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this Statement of Income, such notes may be included on pages 122-123. 8. Enter on page 123 a concise explanation of only those changes in accounting methods made during the year which had an effect on . net income, including the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used in the preceding year. Also give the approximate dollar effect of such changes. 9. Explain in a footnote if the previous year's figures are different from that reported in prior reports. 10. If the columns are insufficient for reporting additional utility departments, supply the appropriate account titles, lines 2 to 26, and report the information in the blank space on page 123 or in a footnote. ELECTRIC UTILITY GAS UTILITY OTHER UTILITY Line No.(e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 1 ' 533,716,464 3,419,509 252 099,586 984 2 013,451 930 262,191,746 257,529,377 356,099,545 368,266,698 952 761 789 397 479 353 507 086 872 701 997 525 020,510 184 686 105 934 524 123,964 333 113,289 157 566 061 13,196,799 18,140,816 228,862,158 405 982 169,961 205 263 254 940,091 854 863 585,037 566 761 067 999,905 939,833 557 465,716,559 479,675,695 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 115 Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Dec. 31 2003(2) EjA Resubmission 04/30/2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR (Continued) Line OTHER UTILITY OTHER UTILITY OTHER UTILITY No.Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Previous Year (k)(I)(m)(n)(0) (p) FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 116 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Year of Report Dec. 31 2003 This ~ort Is: Date of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR (Continued) (Ref.) Page No, (b) Line No. Account TOTAL Previous Year (d) Current Year (c) ! ~.-.. ."....--.- .. ... ",.. ,. .." ' ".. ....'.. -'-------'-,----'----.--'- .--. .-. ..----.. -.--------'---'-'--. (a) 27 Net Utility Operating Income (Carried forward from page 114) 28 Other Income and Deductions 29 Other Income 30 Nonutilty Operating Income 31 Revenues From Merchandising, Jobbing and Contract Work (415) 32 (Less) Costs and Exp, of Merchandising, Job. & Contract Work (416) 33 Revenues From Nonutility Operations (417) 34 (Less) Expenses of Nonutility Operations (417. 35 Nonoperating Rental Income (418) 36 Equity in Eamings of Subsidiary Companies (418. 37 Interest and Dividend Income (419) 38 Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction (419. 39 Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income (421) 40 Gain on Disposition of Property (421. 41 TOTAL Other Income (Enter Total oflines 31 thru 40) 42 Other Income Deductions 43 Loss on Disposition of Property (421. 44 Miscellaneous Amortization (425) 45 Miscellaneous Income Deductions (426.1-426. 46 TOTAL Other Income Deductions (Total of lines 43 thru 45) 47 Taxes Applic. to Other Income and Deductions 48 Taxes Other Than Income Taxes (408. 49 Income Taxes-Federal (409. 50 Income Taxes-Other (409. 51 Provision for Deferred Inc. Taxes (410, 52 (Less) Provision for Deferred Income Taxes-Cr. (411. 53 Investment Tax Credit Adj.Net (411. 54 (Less) Investment Tax Credits (420) 55 TOTAL Taxes on Other Income and Deduct. (Total of 48 thru 54) 56 Net Other Income and Deductions (Enter Total lines 41, 46, 55) 57 Interest Charges 58 Interest on Long-Term Debt (427) 59 Amort. of Debt Disc. and Expense (428) 60 Amortization of Loss on Reaquired Debt (428, 61 (Less) Amort. of Premium on Debt-Credit (429) 62 (Less) Amortization of Gain on Reaquired Debt-Credit (429. 63 Interest on Debt to Assoc, Companies (430) 64 Other Interest Expense (431) 65 (Less) Allowance for Borrowed Funds Used During Construction-Cr. (432) 66 Net Interest Charges (Enter Total of lines 58 thru 65) 67 Income Before Extraordinary Items (Total of lines 27, 56 and 66) 68 Extraordinary Items 69 Extraordinary Income (434) 70 (Less) Extraordinary Deductions (435) 71 Net Extraordinary Items (Enter Total of line 69 less line 70) 72 Income Taxes-Federal and Other (409. 73 Extraordinary Items After Taxes (Enter Total of line 71 less line 72) 74 Net Income (Enter Total of lines 67 and 73) 465,716,559 119 204 117 361 265 913,107 13,237 633 162,393 832 492 943,773 106,001,420 977 838 131 607 005 340 340 636 476 590 049 136 927 334 141,153,859 479,675 695 472 306 235,565 651 863 978 56,384 402,234 636,130 878 807 109 171 362 514 294 132,559,205 773 728. 581 716 96,848,716 100,656,704 262-263 349,138 193,725 262-263 262-263 957 265 246,742 234, 272-277 679,661 593,867 234, 272-277 226 715 980,029 065,260 611 997 706,429 065 143 608,930 ~---- 340 340 220 390 392 670 074 022 423 718 389 714 053 030,045 432 882 260,303,998 216 477 704 223 270 934 666 130 5,462 357 718 159 067 572 506 584 023 629 673 293 764,492 221 520 133 1,470,993 ,.......,.----- i " " ,. " ," '.' .., 991 994 262-263 470 993 ~~~~r~l'$tli~;g~~ 912,751 215,564,953 991 994 135,492 856,502 219,663,631 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 117 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Year of Report Dec, 31 2003 This ~ort Is: Date of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR 1. Report all changes in appropriated retained earnings, unappropriated retained earnings, and unappropriated undistributed subsidiary earnings for the year. 2. Each credit and debit during the year should be identified as to the retained earnings account in which recorded (Accounts 433, 436 - 439 inclusive). Show the contra primary account affected in column (b) 3. State the purpose and amount of each reservation or appropriation of retained eamings. 4. List first account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings, reflecting adjustments to the opening balance of retained earnings. Follow by credit, then debit items in that order. 5. Show dividends for each class and series of capital stock. 6, Show separately the State and Federal income tax effect of items shown in account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings. 7. Explain in a footnote the basis for determining the amount reserved or appropriated, If such reservation or appropriation is to be recurrent, state the number and annual amounts to be reserved or appropriated as well as the totals eventually to be accumulated. 8, If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this statement, include them on pages 122-123. Ine No.Item (a) UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 216) 1 Balance-Beginning of Year 2 Changes 3 Adjustments to Retained Eamings (Account 439) 9 TOTAL Credits to Retained Eamings (Acct. 439) 15 TOTAL Debits to Retained Eamings (Acct. 439) 16 Balance Transferred from Income (Account 433 less Account 418. 17 Appropriations of Retained Eamings (Acct. 436) 22 TOTAL Appropriations of Retained Eamings (Acct. 436) 23 Dividends Declared-Preferred Stock (Account 437) 24 Preferred Dividends (Various Series and Rates) 29 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Preferred Stock (Acct. 437) 30 Dividends Declared-Common Stock (Account 438) 31 Common Dividends 36 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Common Stock (Acct. 438) 37 Transfers from Acct 216., Unapprop. Undistrib, Subsidiary Earnings 38 Balance - End of Year (Total 1 37) APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 215) 214 402 560 I . .. .. ... . 614 333 -4,614 333 . ... . . . i . 120,418,804 120,418,804 025,694 333 . . FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 118 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Year of Report Dec. 31, 2003 This ~ort Is: Date of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS FOR THE YEAR 1. Report all changes in appropriated retained earnings, unappropriated retained earnings, and unappropriated undistributed subsidiary earnings for the year. 2. Each credit and debit during the year should be identified as to the retained earnings account in which recorded (Accounts 433, 436. - 439 inclusive). Show the contra primary account affected in column (b) 3, State the purpose and amount of each reservation or appropriation of retained earnings. 4. List first account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings, reflecting adjustments to the opening balance of retained eamings, Follow by credit, then debit items in that order. 5. Show dividends for each class and series of capital stock. 6. Show separately the State and Federal income tax effect of items shown in account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings. 7. Explain in a footnote the basis for determining the amount reserved or appropriated. If such reservation or appropriation is to be recurrent, state the number and annual amounts to be reserved or appropriated as well as the totals eventually to be accumulated. 8. If any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this statement, include them on pages 122-123. No.Item (a) mount (c) 45 TOTAL Appropriated Retained Eamings (Account 215) APPROP. RETAINED EARNINGS - AMORT. Reserve, Federal (Account 215.1) 46 TOTAL Approp. Retained Earnings-Amort. Reserve, Federal (Acct. 215. 47 TOTAL Approp. Retained Eamings (Acct. 215, 215.1) (Total 45,46) 48 TOTAL Retained Eamings (Account 215, 215,, 216) (Total 38, 47) UNAPPROPRIATED UNDISTRIBUTED SUBSIDIARY EARNINGS (Account 216. 49 Balance-Beginning of Year (Debit or Credit) 50 Equity in Eamings for Year (Credit) (Account 418.1) 51 (Less) Dividends Received (Debit) 53 Balance-End of Year (Total lines 49 thru 52) . . 575,811 575,811 029,270,144 665,529,617 162 393 664,367 224 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 119 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp This ~ort Is:(1) ~An Original (2) A Resubmission STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04/30/2004 Year of Report Dec. 31 2003 1. If the notes to the cash flow statement in the respondents annual stockholders report are applicable to this statement, such notes should be included in page 122-123. Information about non-cash investing and financing activities should be provided on Page 122-123. Provide also on pages 122-123 a reconciliation between "Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year" with related amounts on the balance sheet. 2. Under "Other" specify significant amounts and group others. 3. Operating Activities - Other: Include gains and losses pertaining to operating activities only. Gains and losses pertaining to investing and financing activities should be reported in those activities. Show on Page 122-123 the amount of interest paid (net of amounts capitalized) and income taxes paid. (a) 1 Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities: 2 Net Income 3 Noncash Charges (Credits) to Income: Depreciation and Depletion Amortization of (provide details in footnote): 22 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities (Total 2 thru 21) 34 Cash Outflows for Plant (Total of lines 26 thru 33) mounts Deferred Income Taxes (Net) Investment Tax Credit Adjustment (Net) Net (Increase) Decrease in Receivables Net (Increase) Decrease in Inventory Net (Increase) Decrease in Allowances Inventory Net Increase (Decrease) in Payables and Accrued Expenses Net (Increase) Decrease in Other Regulatory Assets Net Increase (Decrease) in Other Regulatory Liabilities (Less) Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction (Less) Undistributed Eamings from Subsidiary Companies Other (provide details in footnote): 575,388 920,120 -42,272,200 16,973,244 29,958,036 63,193,172 641 258 943,772 418,704 fg~it~?~:'.j~t:;z~~~t~!~'(g~ 828,490,079 Cash Flows from Investment Activities: Construction and Acquisition of Plant (including land): Gross Additions to Utility Plant (less nuclear fuel) Gross Additions to Nuclear Fuel Gross Additions to Common Utility Plant Gross Additions to Nonutility Plant (Less) Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction Other (provide details in footnote): 630 149,975 630,149,975 Acquisition of Other Noncurrent Assets (d) Proceeds from Disposal of Noncurrent Assets (d)12,034 393 Investments in and Advances to Assoc, and Subsidiary Companies Contributions and Advances from Assoc. and Subsidiary Companies Disposition of Investments in (and Advances to) Associated and Subsidiary Companies 091 527 Purchase of Investment Securities (a) Proceeds from Sales of Investment Securities (a) FERC FORM NO.1 (ED, 12-96)Page 120 4, Investing Activities include at Other (line 31) net cash outflow to acquire other companies. Provide a reconciliation of assets acquired with liabilities assumed on pages 122-123. Do not include on this statement the dollar amount of Leases capitalized per US of A General Instruction 20; instead provide a reconciliation of the dollar amount of Leases capitalized with the plant cost on pages 122-123. 5, Codes used: (a) Net proceeds or payments. (c) Include commercial paper. (b) Bonds, debentures and other long-term debt. (d) Identify separately such items as investments, fixed assets, intangibles, etc. 6. Enter on pages 122-123 clarifications and explanations. escnp on ee nstruc Ion 0, or xp anation 0 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp This ~ort Is:(1) ~An Original (2) A Resubmission STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (a) 46 Loans Made or Purchased 47 Collections on Loans 56 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Investing Activities 57 Total of lines 34 thru 55) 59 Cash Flows from Financing Activities: 60 Proceeds from Issuance of: 66 Net Increase in Short-Term Debt (c) 67 Other (provide details in footnote): 70 Cash Provided by Outside Sources (Total 61 thru 69) 78 Net Decrease in Short-Term Debt (c) 85 Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 86 (Total of lines 22 57 and 83) 88 Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 90 Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Year Net (Increase) Decrease in Receivables Net (Increase) Decrease in Inventory Net (Increase) Decrease in Allowances Held for Speculation Net Increase (Decrease) in Payables and Accrued Expenses Other (provide details in footnote): Long-Term Debt (b) Preferred Stock Common Stock Other (provide details in footnote): Payments for Retirement of: Long-term Debt (b) Preferred Stock Common Stock Other (provide details in footnote): Dividends on Preferred Stock Dividends on Common Stock Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities (Total of lines 70 thru 81) FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 121 Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04/30/2004 Year of Report Dec. 31 2003 mounts (b) 396 980 000 055 631 454,035,631 168 231 107 500 000 792 540 120,807 145 720 272 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Date of Report 04/30/2004 Year of Report Dec. 31, 2003 This Report Is:(1) An Original (2) 0 A Resubmisslon NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Use the space below for important notes regarding the Balance Sheet, Statement of Income for the year, Statement of Retained Earnings for the year, and Statement of Cash Flows, or any account thereof. Classify the notes according to each basic statement providing a subheading for each statement except where a note is applicable to more than one statement. 2. Furnish particulars (details) as to any significant contingent assets or liabilities existing at end of year, including a brief explanation of any action initiated by the Internal Revenue Service involving possible assessment of additional income taxes of material amount, or of a claim for refund of income taxes of a material amount initiated by the utility. Give also a brief explanation of any dividends in arrears on cumulative preferred stock. 3, For Account 116, Utility Plant Adjustments, explain the origin of such amount, debits and credits during the year, and plan of disposition contemplated, giving references to Cormmission orders or other authorizations respecting classification of amounts as plant adjustments and requirements as to disposition thereof. 4. Where Accounts 189, Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt, and 257, Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, are not used, give an explanation , providing the rate treatment given these items. See General Instruction 17 of the Uniform System of Accounts. 5. Give a concise explanation of any retained eamings restrictions and state the amount of retained earnings affected by such restrictions. 6. If the notes to financial statements relating to the respondent company appearing in the annual report to the stockholders are applicable and furnish the data required by instructions above and on pages 114-121 , such notes may be included herein. PAGE 122 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SEE PAGE 123 FOR REQUIRED INFORMATION. FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 122 Name of Respondent This Report is:Date of Report Year of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) PacifiCorp (2)A Resubmisslon 04/30/2004 Dec 31 2003 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) See supplemental filing. IFERC FORM NO.(ED. 12-88) Page 123, Name of Respondent This ~ort Is:Date of Report Year of Report PacifiCorp (1) An Original (Mo, Da, Yr)Dec. 31 2003(2) nA Resubmission 04/30/2004 STATEMENTS OF ACCUMULATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, AND HEDGING ACTIVITIES 1. Report in columns (b) (c) and (e) the amounts of accumulated other comprehensive income items, on a net-of-tax basis, where appropriate. 2. Report in columns (f) and (g) the amounts of other categories of other cash flow hedges, 3. For each category of hedges that have been accounted for as "fair value hedges , report the accounts affected and the related amounts in a footnote. Line Item Unrealized Gains and Minimum Pension Foreign Currency Other No.Losses on Available-Liability adjustment Hedges Adjustments for-Sale Securities (net amount) (a)(b)(c)(d)(e) 1 Balance of Account 219 at Beginning of Preceeding Year 2 Preceding yr. Reclassification from Account 219 Net Income 3 Preceding Year Changes in Fair Value 122 308 4 Total (lines 2 and 3)122 308 5 Balance of Account 219 at End Preceding Yr/Beginning of Current Yr 122 308 6 Current Year Reclassification From Account 219 to Net Income 7 Current Year Changes in Fair Value 29,779)862 731 8 Total (lines 6 and 7)29,779)862,731 9 Balance of Account 219 at End of Current Year 529 862,731 FERC FORM NO.1 (NEW 06-02)Page 122a Name of Respondent This ~ort Is: Date of Report Year of Report P '(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) Dec. 31 2003aci I orp (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 STATEMENTS OF ACCUMULATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, AND HEDGING ACTIVITIES (f) Other Cash Flow Totals for each Net Income (Carried Total Hedges category of items Forward from Comprehensive (Specify)recorded in Page 117, Line 72)Income Account 219 (g) (h)(i) Line No. Other Cash Flow Hedges (Specify) 122,308 122 308 122 308 832 952 832 952 955,260 FERC FORM NO.1 (NEW 06-02)Page 122b Name of Respondent PacifiCorp This ~ort Is: Date of Report(1) ~An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION. AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Year of Report Dec. 31 2003 (a)(b) Electric (c) Line No. Classification Total 1 Utility Plant 2 In Service 3 Plant in Service (Classified) 4 Property Under Capital Leases 5 Plant Purchased or Sold ~- --------------- I-. ---------_._-- ------------------- -. ---~-- ~_. 214,419 723 697,610 260,525 214 419 723 697,610 260 525 6 Completed Construction not Classified 7 Experimental Plant Unclassified 8 Total(3 thru 7) 9 Leased to Others 10 Held for Future Use 11 Construction Work in Progress 12 Acquisition Adjustments 13 Total Utility Plant (8 thru 12) 14 Accum Prov for Depr, Amort, & Depl 15 Net Utility Plant (13 less 14) 16 Detail of Accum Prov for Depr, Amort & Depl 17 In Service: 18 Depreciation 19 Amort & Depl of Producing Nat Gas Land/Land Right 20 Amort of Underground Storage Land/Land Rights 21 Amort of Other Utility Plant 22 Total In Service (18 thru 21) 23 Leased to Others 13,232 856,808 232 856,808 559,020 340,357,627 157 193 780 13,731 967 235 611 642 430 120,324 805 559 020 340,357 627 157 193,780 731 967,235 611 642 430 120 324 805 24 Depreciation 25 Amortization and Depletion 26 Total Leased to Others (24 & 25) 27 Held for Future Use 28 Depreciation 29 Amortization ~-- 530 530 30 Total Held for Future Use (28 & 29) 31 Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas) 32 Amort of Plant Acquisition Adj 33 Total Accum Prov (equals 14) (22 32) 530 530 63,450,755 611 642,430 63,450 755 611 642,430 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-89)Page 200 Name of Respondent PacifiCorp Gas This ~ort Is: Date of Report (1) ~ An Original (Mo, Da, Yr) (2) A Resubmission 04/30/2004 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION. AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Other (Specify) Other (Specify) Other (Specify) Year of Report Dec. 31 2003 Common ~---~-,-,--~-,-=~------j .. . ' =---C. --------------=--- ~~---- =~~-'----'-------'---=------ . ... .. .. .... . . .. .. .. . (d)(e)(f) (g) (h) Line No. : .. .' . .. .. .. . .:...~--'-'..._-~-----==-----------~- .~...~-_. ,-- , c_._ ,-,,-.......-..--...........-,-- -,-,---"-,--~=",---"-,--.~----~"",,,, ~-----~--,~~c----,----._..i. ' .. .. .. .. . .. . . . .. ... .. . . .. .. .. . .. .. ... .' .. . .. ... '. ..'. .. .. .. . .. . . .' .. .. .. ... ... . .. .. .. .. .. . I .. . .... . . .. .. ... ... ... . .... .. ... . .. .. ..... .. .. .. . .. .. ... . . . . . .' ... '. .---------------------- FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-89)Page 201