HomeMy WebLinkAbout19951005_1.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING October 5, 1995 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance at this time were:  COmmissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Gary Richardson, Ron Law, Randy Lobb, Bev Barker, Bill Eastlake, Jim Long, Stephanie MIller and Myrna Walters.  Also in attendance was Bob Dunbar. Commission President Ralph Nelson called the meeting to order. Items from the October 5, 1995, published agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1.  Regulated Carrier Division Agenda dated October 5, 1995. Item 1 was approved. 2.  Jim Long's October 2, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Idaho Telephone Relay Follow-Up Report and Funding Level Recommendation. Commission Action Required: 1.  Does the Commission concur with the increase in funding levels to the new Staff-recommended amounts of 3 cents per access line and $.00045 per billed intra-state toll minutes or 2.  Or would the Commission prefer Mr. Dunbar's recommendation of 2 1/2 cents per access line and $.0006 perminute of billed intra-state toll? Commissioner Nelson said he thought the staff recommendation was fine. Commissioner Smith said she wanted to equalize contribution between toll companies and local exchange companies.  Would go with staff recommendation.  Asked if staff took into account the fact that the bidders were low? Jim Long said they did.  Also corrected 1.50 to 1.52. Approved staff recommendation. 3.  Don Howell's September 29, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Closure of the Valley Link Complaint against U S West, Case No. USW-S-95-3.   Commissioner Smith moved approval of closing the case. 4.  Birdelle Brown's September 22, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Silver Star Telephone Company letter dated September 19 to Revise Universal Service Fund Surcharges Effective October 1, 1995 and, 5.  Birdelle Brown's October 3, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Citizens Advice ID-95-06 to Revise Universal Service Fund Surcharges Effective October 1, 1995. Approved. 6.  Scott Woodbury's October 2, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. UWI-W-95-2  Certificate Amendment    Exchange of Service Areas w/Garden City. In review, Scott said, two interventions have been filed.  There was no opposition to the Homeowners intervention.  On Boise City intervention, United Water has been opposed.  Staff believes the City should be granted intervention.  The Commission has been liberal in the past.  If they get far outside the scope, commissioners can bring them in.  They are a customer of Boise Water.  It will be an issue in a future rate case.   Commissioner Nelson said he thought the response of Boise City was good.  Would grant the intervention. Scott Woodbury said there have been numerous comments filed.  Many of the customers requested a hearing.  Would suggest that we determine further procedure in this case at a prehearing conference and notice all the parties. Commissioner Smith asked the purpose of the prehearing? Scott said to determine what procedures should be followed.  Have not received all responses to production requests.  Technical aspects could be done by comment and schedule a public hearing in order to get public testimony.  That is one way.  Other is to set it for public hearing and have testimony prefiled.  That would be the purpose of the prehearing. In any event think parties have wanted to participate in any discussion.  Should be done at sometime. Commissioner Smith said in her mind, we are going to hearing.  If there are negotiations to change the issues, etc., would go with a prehearing conference but if it is just to set dates, don't see a prehearing being necessary. Scott Woodbury suggested staff could contact the parties and attempt to work out a schedule for testimony and hearing. Said he was not sure that the proposal before the Commission is the one that United wants to go forward with.  They are not opposed to phased-in rates but they have not made an amended filing. Commissioner Smith suggested that the Case Chairman determine what to do.  If there is a purpose to the prehearing that is more than picking a date for the hearing, it is fine with her. Scott Woodbury will discuss it with the parties.   Gary Richardson commented he had told callers to pool with the association that has already been granted intervenor status. Meeting was adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 11th day of October, 1995. ________________________________ Myrna J. Walters, Commission Secretary mjw 1991005.min