HomeMy WebLinkAbout19911025Reading Rebuttal.pdfo D/N/IS \TRIGHT TREMAINE Law Orucrs 7oz Wesr Ioauo Srnmr Surre 7oo ' Borsr, Ioexo 837o2 (zo8) 38-8zoo Prren J. RrcnennsoN (zo8) 38-8216 October 25, 1991 Ms. Myrna Walters Commission SecretaryIdaho Public Utilities commission 472 W. WashingtonBoise, ID 83720 Re: Case No. IPC-E-90-20 Dear Ms. Walters: Enclosed please find an originalRebuttal Testimony of Don Reading, Ph.D.referenced matter. #;*-q zs- iIECEIVEil M 1'ILED il 31 ocT 25 Pn 'l 56 i;AHO PUiJLIE UT i LITIES CSM},{ISSIOH ,8 L)ozln*-, o and nine copies of thefor filing in the above- me. PJR/kac Enclosures .€!*Richardson ff you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sincerely yours, DAVIS WRI Fe,x: (zo8) y8-8299 ANcnonaor, Alesre ' BrlLrvur, lVesntNcron ' Los ANcnlrs, CeLtronNta ' PontLeNo, OnrcoN RrcHleNo, liUesxrNoron ' SrarrLr, lWesnrrcroN ' lVesnrNcroN, D.C. o o RECEIVT;D E i: 1LED N t1 ocT 25 Pn tt 56 ; .''iii0 i:'JILiC u;r'-irirs co I'it'{ I s s I c ll BEFORE THE IDAIIO PUBTIC UTII.ITIES COI{UTSSION IN THE U.ATTER OF IIHE APPI,ICATION OF IDAEO POWER COI,TPAIIY FOR APPROVAI., OF E}I INTERCONNECTION TARIFF FOR NON UTIIJITY GENERA- ATION-SCHEDUIJE ?2 cAsE NO. IPe-E-90-20 REBUTTaL IESTTIIONy OF DON READTNG, ph.D ON BEHAI,'F OT IHE INDEPENDENT ENERGY PRODUCERS OF IDAIIO oo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1L L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 O. What is your name and address? A. Don Reading, 131-1 North LSth Street, Boise, Idaho. O. Are you the same Don Reading who earlier presented direct testimony in this proceeding? A. Yes, I am. a. What is the purpose of your rebuttal testi- mony? A. I am here to respond to certain statements and allegations appearing in the direct testimony (on reconsideration) of Dr. Robert M. Spann, a witness in this proceeding for Idaho Power Company. My primary purpose is to correct errors in Dr. spann's representa- tion and interpretation of incremental costs and of my direct testimony concerning that concept and its applica- tion to the present case. I wiII also register my disagreement with his characterization of the Company's efforts at incremental cost analysis. Fina11y, I will point out serious omissions in Dr. Spann's references to the testimony of Dr. Peseau in Case No. IPC-E-89-11. My silence on other parts of Dr. Spann's testimony does not in any way imply my agreement. O. First, would you explain what is erroneous in Dr. Spann's description of your approach to incremental costs? READING (Di-Reb) IEPI 1 o A. Yes, we were trying to determine the incremen- tal costs to IPCo for PURPA interconnect facilities. It sras our hope to accomplish this task without forcing the parties to undertake an expensive, detailed study that would, in the end, sinply corroborate our conclusions. AIl the data we used were those supplied by the Company. They weren't perfect for the job (for example, the base data used for the calculation of the monthly O&M charge reflected the costs associated with total Company overhead distribution lines rather than just the costs for lines and interconnects for PURPA power projects). However, w€ concluded that the figures were reasonable for an approximation of the costs. In addition, the cost to find the exact numbers would overwhelm the value of the results. (In this same vein, it is interesting to note the Company's witness Willmorth rejected Staff witness Faul's |ttiltingt' proposal because it would create rran administrative burden. rr [Willmorth Direct, p. 8 . ] ) Dr. Spann says that rrBoth Idaho Power and Dr. Reading are trying to estimate the incremental annual O&M expenses which are incurred by Idaho Power Company when Idaho Power Company is interconnected to a CSPP. tr tp. 7.) He is only half right. I was trying to make such an estimate. But the Company came up not with incremental costs but with average costs. The evidence is clear that READING (Di-Reb) IEPI o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 L8 L9 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 O o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 \4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 Idaho Power tras only attempting to use average costs. For example: The O&It{ charges proposed in Schedule 72 only recover Idaho Power's average cost of oD€ra: tion and maintenance of ecruipment and facili- ties of a similar size and type to those provided to QF's. The O&M percentage charge includes physical maintenance as well as an allocation for taxes, insurance, and other overheads that are legitinate costs paid by the Company. [IPCo Reply Cornments, p. 3, emphasis added. ] It was clear to us from this passage as well as from our review of method that the Company was calculat- ing monthly o&M costs on an average, not an incremental basis. a. Dr. Spann claims you are, ttattempting to divert attention from the real issue by portraying the dispute in theoretical terms .rt tp. 6.1 What is your response? A. Again, he is only half right. I am portraying the dispute in theoretical terms -- average cost versus incremental costs. But this is not a diversion.' The difference between these two approaches is real enough. READING (Di-Reb) IEPI 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 l_5 15 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 o o There is a sad tendency these days to stretch the meaning of words. I had hoped economics has yet to reach this point. An economist cannot just define a figure as Itincrementalrr without support. The terms rraverage costtl and rrincremental costrr are well defined by the discipline of economics. They are terms of art. Proper use must meet that standard. Although I have used the terms as they are recognized by the economics profession, the Company has not done so. Because the Company,s figures, ds f have noted, were the ones we had to start with, the best proxy we could find for fixed costs (which are included in average costs but excluded frorn incremental costs) $/ere the Company's A&G cost figures. I was careful to point out in my direct testimony that we used these figures not because they would give us mathematically precise incremental costs, and not because A&G costs are totally unaffected by interconnection decisions, but because they are less affected by those decisions than other costs and thus removing them is the best available method for estimating incremental costs, short of doing an expensive study. That is why I used relative and qualified terms like rrmore consistentrr and rressentially fixed.tr tp. 9.l a. Can you point to any support for this claim? READING (Di-Reb) IEPI 4 oo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A. Yes. Dr. Spann cites the testimony of Dr. Peseau in Case No. IPC-E-89-11 to attack the exclusion of A&G expenses from my incremental cost calculations. He correctly notes that Dr. Peseau finds some increase in A&G costs resulting from purchased power. What he fails to note is 1.h:t tha i nr:rea <o i q, nn'l rr alrnrrt ;l th i rd what it would be if the same amount of power were added internally. That is, contrary to Dr. Spann's assertions, Dr. Peseau's testimony supports my claim that purchasing from CSPPs saves the Companv money in A&G expenses. According to Dr. Peseau, there is an avoided cost of $44.13/kw (a reduction in A&G expense) and an increase in A&G expense from an equivalent purchased power source of $f s.75/kw. The net savings to the Company, if Dr. Peseau's regressions are accepted (as Dr. Spann apparent- Iy recommends), is $28.28/kw. So the Company saves 652 of its A&G costs when it buys power from CSPPs. This is the difference I was trying to capture by removing A&G expenses from the incremental cost calculations. This is also the difference the Company ignores when it charges company-wide A&G costs to CSPPS. a. Finally, do you agree with Dr. Spann,s claim that his nsurveyrr of NW power companies supports IPCo,s leve1 of charges for o&M expenses? READING (Di-Reb) IEPI 5 oo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 L3 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 A. No, Dr. Spann's survey does not teII us much. Of the ten utilities included (the Company counts eleven, but PP&L and UP&L are the same company), only three charge at the same level as IPCo. One charges at a level half of IPCo's, five charge at the actual cost leve1, and one does not charge at aII. In short, 7OZ of the sample does it differently. This is hardly overwhelming support. a. Does this conclude your rebuttal testimony, prefiled on october 25, L99L? A. Yes, it does. READING (Di-Reb) IEPI 6 o o CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 25th day of October, L99L,served the foregoing REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DON READING, Ph.D ON BEHALF OF THE INDEPENDENT ENERGY PRODUCERS OF IDAHO, Case No. IPC-E-90-20, upon all parties of record in this proceeding by themethod indicated below, and addressed to the following: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. WashingtonBoise, ID 83720 Larry D. Ripley, Esq.Legal DepartmentIdaho Power CompanyP.O. Box 70Boise, ID 837O7-OO7O Barton L. K1ine, Esq.Legal DepartmentIdaho Power CompanyP.O. Box 70Boise, ID 83707-OO7O Gary A. DahlkeR. Blair StrongPaine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke & Miller 1200 Washington Trust Financial Center Spokane, WA 99204 Tom Dukich Rates & Tariff Administration Washington Water Power CompanyP.O. Box 3727Spokane, WA 99220 John M. ErikssonUtah Power & Light Companyl4O7 North West TempleSalt Lake City, UT 84L40-0001 W. F. MerrillMerrill & MerrillP.O. Box 99LPocatello, ID 83201--0091 James FeII, Esq.Stoel, Rives, Bo1ey, Jones & Gray900 Sw Fifth Ave., Suite 23ooPortland, OR 97204 x Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MailTelecopy (Fax) x Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MaiITelecopy (Fax) x Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MailTelecopy (Fax) x Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MailTelecopy (Fax) x Hand DeliverU.s. MailOvernight MaiITelecopy (Fax) x x x Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MailTelecopy (Fax) Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MaiITelecopy (Fax) Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MaiITelecopy (Fax) Gregory N. DuvallUtah Power & Light Company424 Public Service Building 92O SW Sixth Ave.Portland, OR 972O4 A.W. BrownA.W. Brown Company, Inc. 34L6 Via Lido, Suite F Newport Beach, CA 92663 C. Tom Arkoosh Roden & ArkooshP.O. Box 2L1OBoise, fD 83701-2110 o Hand DeliverX U.s. MaiIOvernight MaiITelecopy (Fax) x Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MailTelecopy (Fax) o x Hand DeliverU.S. MailOvernight MaiITelecopy (Fax) ? By son