HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950710_3.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING July 10, 1995 - 1:30 p.m. In attendance at this time were Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Marsha H. Smith and Dennis Hansen and staff members Don Howell, Birdelle Brown, Tonya Clark, Gary Richardson, Bev Barker, Stephanie Miller and Myrna Walters Commission President Ralph Nelson called the meeting to order. Items from the July 10, 1995 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1.  Regulated Carrier Division Agenda dated July 10, 1995. Commissioner Hansen moved approval of the RCD Agenda.  Other commissioners concurred. 2.  GTE Advice 95-07 to Reduce Rates on Business and Residence Line 800 Services. Approved. 3.  GTE Tariff Advice No. 95-9  Advanced Credit Management System. Commissioner Smith said this filing reminded her that U S West wanted to use credit agencies, some time back.  We allowed it for a test period, didn't remember hearing back.  Is this the same thing? Bev Barker replied that GTE's was different.  Did get a report from U S West - got stats but not an analysis.  Absent that, we would have to evaluate what was submitted. Said this would not require rule waiver and they are not proposing to take action except on the behavior of the customer. Commissioner Nelson questioned 10% of the customers' bills exceeding $200. Bev Barker said that was right. Commissioner Hansen said he had a question about what the company would do if a customer exceeds the limit?  What dollar amount?  What if they run up a $1,500 bill?  Is it just verbal or is it written that they have a $200 or $300 limit or can they control that? Bev Barker said when a customer applies for service, if they are going to place a limit there, they will contact the customer by mail and tell them what will happen if they exceed the limit.  If they do exceed that, they will get an 8-day notice that if they don't pay 80% of their credit limit, then their toll usage will be restricted.  There are at least two notifications that a person would get assuming the first month something would happen. They will get a continual reminder. Birdelle Brown said they monitor it on a continuous basis.  If it is done on GTE's equipment, they can keep a close watch on the toll business. Commissioner Nelson asked about the U S West report? Bev Barker said there wasn't an analysis in it.  Has been working with GTE for over a year - wonder if this wouldn't be a better system for U S West. Bev will check on U S West's trial period  - checking the timing on it. Commissioners approved the GTE filing. Bev asked if it should be on a trial basis? Commissioners said no - just approve it.  If there are problems, commission will hear about them. Meeting adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 11th day of July, 1995. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary 071095.min    -2-