HomeMy WebLinkAboutHRGNTC.docx(text box: 1)BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR AUTHORITY TO INCREASE ITS RATES AND CHARGES TO RECOVER DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT/ CONSERVATION EXPENDITURES. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-97-12 ISSUE IDENTIFICATION NOTICE OF SCHEDULING NOTICE OF HEARING On November 26, 1997, the Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power; Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) in Case No. IPC-E-97-12 for an Order approving an increase in the electric service rates to allow for the accelerated recovery of Idaho Power’s outstanding demand side management/conservation (DSM) expenditures. A Notice of Application in Case No. IPC-E-97-12 was issued by the Commission on December 18, 1997.  The Company proposed effective date of January 1, 1998, was suspended in Order No. 27294.  A prehearing conference in Case No. IPC-E-97-12 was held on February 20, 1998.  The following parties appeared by and through their designated representative or attorney: Idaho Power Company FMC Corporation Industrial Customers of Idaho Power Idaho Citizens Coalition Rate Fairness Group Larry D. Ripley, Esq. Conley Ward, Esq. Kelly McConnell, Esq. Al Fothergill Paul L. Jauregui, Esq. The following issues were identified as being “at issue” in Case No. IPC-E-97-12: 1.$1.1 million general administration costs built into rates 2.Amortization period 3.Return 4.Payoff option 5.Prudency 6.Allocation 7.Rate design 8.Appropriateness of accelerated depreciation and recovery in advance of stranded cost issue determination in the context of electric restructuring. Pursuant to agreement of the parties and the Commission the following scheduling was adopted: April 6, 1998 April 27, 1998 May 4, 1998 May 18, 1998 Discovery request deadline Discovery response deadline Prefile deadline, Staff/intervenor direct testimony Prefile deadline, Company rebuttal testimony Pursuant to agreement, all prefile dates are “in hand” dates.  The prepared testimony and exhibits must conform to the requirements of Rules 266 and 267 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure.  Reference IDAPA The parties are apprised that discovery is available pursuant to Commission Rules of Procedure, IDAPA  The parties should coordinate discovery requests and responses so that they are able to comply with established prefile deadlines. Pursuant to further agreement of the parties and the Commission, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a public hearing in Case No. IPC-E-97-12 is scheduled for TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1998, COMMENCING AT 9:30 A.M. IN THE COMMISSION HEARING ROOM, 472 WEST WASHINGTON, BOISE, IDAHO and continuing if necessary on Wednesday, May 27, 1998, at the same location.   DATED at Boise, Idaho this                  day of February 1998.                                                                                                                                       DENNIS S. HANSEN, PRESIDENT                                                                                            RALPH NELSON, COMMISSIONER                                                                           MARSHA H. SMITH, COMMISSIONER ATTEST:                                                                  Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary vld/N:IPC-E-97-12.sw COMMENTS AND ANNOTATIONS Text Box 1: TEXT BOXES Office of the Secretary Service Date February 27, 1998