HomeMy WebLinkAbout19950407_1.docx MINUTES OF DECISION MEETING 9:00 A.M., APRIL 7, 1995 In attendance were Commissioners Ralph Nelson, Dennis Hansen and Marsha H. Smith and staff members Joe Cusick, Syd Lansing, Belinda Anderson, Keith Hessing, Birdelle Brown, Weldon Stutzman, Lori Mann, Gary Richardson, Randy Lobb, Scott Woodbury, Terri Carlock, Dave Schunke and Myrna Walters.  Also in attendance was John Souba from U S West. Commissioner Nelson announced that an election was held on Monday, April 3, 1995, as required by the statute to elect a Commission President for a two-year term, commencing that date.  He will now be President for the next two years. Commission President Nelson then conducted the decision meeting. Items from the April 7, 1995 Agenda were discussed and acted upon as follows. 1.  Mary Friddle's April 3,1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. GNR-M-95-2  Request for Waiver of Hours of Service from Idaho Power. Commissioner Smith moved approval of the matter.  Commissioner Hansen seconded - so approved. 2.  Regulated Carrier Division Agenda dated April 6, 1995. Commissioner Smith moved approval of this item.  Other Commissioners concurred. 3.  Lori Mann's March 31, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Case No. GNR-T-93-13; Statewide EAS Investigation. Commissioner Nelson commented - will have to make a decision on the next procedural move.  It appears we have to move to having a hearing. Commissioner Hansen commented - in looking over this study, feel like we are ready to have a hearing on the staff report.  Feel we should try to marrow it down to one or two areas.  Feel it is fairly broad.  Think we need to develop what a necessary and essential service that should be provided without a toll charge and have that criteria raised and developed so its standard throughout the state.  Would like to look into the competitive alternatives which may benefit the customer in addition to the EAS.  One other area - the cost associated with EAS, hearing in that area is needed.  Talk about call volumes, maybe that needs to be looked at.  In summing it up, community interest needs to be developed. Commissioner Nelson said he agreed those are things that should be looked at.  Have parties develop them in a hearing. Commissioner Hansen continued - if we expand beyond that it is going to be so big that we can't zero in and develop a model for the entire state in the future.  Said that was just a couple or three areas.  If we once had a model put together when discussing these areas, perhaps the whole plan could come together.  That is just what he was thinking. Commissioner Smith agreed that was a good idea. Commissioner Nelson asked about a timeframe? Commissioner Smith said some parties have already filed testimony, others have filed comments, could choose date for first round of testimony and then rebuttal, responsive filings and then set up hearing as quickly as we can.  We have already been at this for about 2 years.  A lot of people have got expectations and every day we take is another day of bureaucratic delay to them. **Decided to pick dates that are acceptable to the commission. Commissioner Hansen said we receive all these letters and input.  Calling patters for the state, we are looking at setting out a model or system that will be in place.   Commissioner Nelson said the end result is to make some decisions on the expansions of routes, etc. but we can't do that until we have our criteria established (parameters). Belinda Anderson clarified  - this is not route specific, it is just Commission policy at this time. Commissioner Smith said she didn't expect any route specific decisions to be answered until next year or the end of this year.   Had some things she wanted the order to include:  thought that parties who were concerned that the staff didn't consider costs when it prioritized routes, were legitimate.  Recent experience has shown that the need shown by the public can be very compelling but if the price tag is beyond whats responsible, we have to say no.  Can't imagine setting up criteria without cost.  We would like parties to recommend the amount of cost and how the Commission should consider those costs in the process of determining EAS routes.  Seemed to her that at some point in the process we have to look at cost and would like to know when we do that and how.  It has to be a factor.   For those who were arguing that competition is going to help people, especially in these short haul toll routes, would like examples.  Said frankly she was not a believer.  We have had a lot of years of experience.  If they have examples that can convince her, have them at the hearing.  It is going to be a hard sell. Also, her other thought as she read what has bee filed to date, the GTE plan seems to be working well up north so she is interested in parties recommendation on whether this would be an option in lieu of EAS and whether that would be preferable.  It would give customers the ability to choose the size of their calling area and paying accordingly and giving them control over what they are paying and the size of their calling area.  That is another interest she has. Commissioner Nelson said one of the questions asked in the decision memo is what we do with existing EAS requests? Would assume existing requests and petitions yet to be filed will be generally rolled into this case, hopefully to be disposed of more or less simultaneously.  Then they would be looked at "route specific" time. 4.  Scott Woodbury's March 28, 1995 letter to Myrna Walters, Secretary, Idaho Public Utilities Commission, proposing that case No. INT-G-99-3 be closed. Commissioners agreed the case should be closed.  Should close it by Minute Entry. 5.  Birdelle Brown's March 28, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  U S West Advice 95-02-N to Introduce a New Digital Switched Data Trunk and Revise Rate Stability Rates and Termination Policy to be Effective April 11, 1995. Commissioner Smith moved approval of this item - other commissioners concurred. 6.  Belinda Anderson's March 30, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  U S West South's Tariff No. 95-02(S) filed March 24, 1995 to Eliminate Universal Service Order Codes (USOCS). Commissioner Smith moved approval of this item - other commissioners concurred. 7.  Terri Carlock's April 4, 1995 Decision Memorandum re:  Pacificorp's Request for Authority to Issue up to $125,000,000 of Junior Subordinated Debentures in Exchange for Shares of Outstanding Preferred Stock. Commissioner Nelson asked Terri Carlock if this currently was a good rate - 8%?  Asked if last year she recommended 4%? Terri explained the difference.  This does reflect current rates, but she is recommending a cost comparison.  Not knowing costs to implement the change is why she asked for the cost comparison. Commissioner Smith moved approval.  Other commissioners concurred. Commissioner Hansen moved adjournment of the decision meeting. Meeting adjourned. Dated at Boise, Idaho, this 11th day of April, 1995. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary mjw 040795