HomeMy WebLinkAbout20031201Said Updated Testimony.pdfIPC- E-93-1 0 N ov. 28 , 2003 Updated Testimony of Gregory W. Said for Idaho Power Exhibit No.6 = 126 pages of Current Applicable Tariffs (see case file) ~~ECEIVED illfoiLED 0 2nO3 NaV 2B AM 9: iiUbLj(' UTILITIES COr-1i"HSSION BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IDAHO POWER COMPANY, THE NEW VILLAGER CONDOMINIUM )ASSOCIATION, INC., A NON- PROFIT IDAHO CORPORATION AND ITS MEMBERS, INDIVIDUALLY, peti tioner, CASE NO. IPC-93- vs. Respondents. IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY GREGORY W. SAID please state your name and business address. My name is Gregory W. Said and my business address is 1221 West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. By whom are you employed and in what capaci ty? I am employed by Idaho Power Company as the Manager of Revenue Requirement in the Pricing and Regulatory Services Department. please describe your educational background. In May of 1975, I received a Bachelor of Science Degree with honors from Boise State Uni versi ty. 1999 I attended the Public Utility Executives Course at the University of Idaho. Please describe your work experience with Idaho Power Company. I became employed by Idaho Power Company in 1980 as an analyst in the Resource Planning Department. 1985 the Company applied for a general revenue requirement increase.I was the Company witness addressing power supply expenses. In August of 1989, after nine years in the Resource Planning Department, I was offered and I accepted a position in the Company s Rate Department.Wi th the Company s application for a temporary rate increase in 1992, my responsibilities as a witness were expanded.While I SAID, Di Idaho Power Company 11/30/03 continued to be the Company witness concerning power supply expenses, I also sponsored the Company s rate computations and proposed tariff schedules in that case. In 1994, I was asked to become the Meridian District Manager for a one year cross-training opportunity. In 1995 I returned to my position in the Rate Department. In October 1996, I was promoted to lead a team of analysts in the newly reorganized pricing & Regulatory Services Department, formerly known as the Rate Department.In tha role, I became the Company contact for line installation disputes concerning Company compliance with tariff provisions. As the Manager of Revenue Requirement, I continue to be the Company contact for Idaho Public Utili ties Commission line installation disputes. Do the tariffs of Idaho Power Company address the provision of easements? Yes.Rule C, Service and Requirements, item 7 includes the following requirement:The Customer shall, wi thout cost to the Company, grant the Company a right of way for the Company s lines and apparatus across and upon the property owned or controlled by the Customer, necessary or incidental to the supplying of Electric Service and shall permit access thereto by the Company s employees at all reasonable hours. SAID, Di Idaho Power Company 11/30/03 what is the rationale for having the customer provide an easement or Right of Way at no cost to the Company? The cost of acquiring easements or Rights of Way in order to provide service to customers of Idaho Power Company would ultimately be included in the Company revenue requirement and would be subj ect to recovery through the Company s rates.By requiring that the customer receiving service provide at no cost the easement/Right of Way necessary to provide that service, there is no upward pressure on the Company s rates. Have you prepared an exhibi t tha demonstrates that the provision of easements/Rights of Way at no cost to the Company has been in existence for qui some time? Yes. Exhibit 5, consisting of 34 pages, includes tariff provisions concerning Rights of Way dating back to 1937.The provisions have always stated that Rights of Way would be provided by the customer at no cost to the Company. Does the current tariff provide for either overhead or underground service to residential customers? Yes, it does. please describe the Company standard for underground serVlce. SAID, Di Idaho Power Company 11/30/03 Standard underground service on the Idaho Power Company system consists of a pad mounted transformer connected to underground service conductor which is connected to an above ground meter. Have you prepared an exhibi t that provides the history of underground service provisions? Yes. Exhibit 6, consisting of 126 pages contains tariff provisions for underground line installations from 1960 until now.Exhibit No.6 is divided into 3 sections:The Company s current applicable tariffs start on page 1, the applicable tariff revisions for 1960 through 1997 start on page 15, and the applicable tariff revisions that occurred between 1997 through the implementation of the current tariffs start on page 71. Initially, the tariff language concentrated on the difference in cost between distribution facilities placed underground as opposed to facilities placed overhead. Customers were responsible for paying the cost differential. In March 1972 tariff language,Underground Facilities " were defined and included either submersible transformers or surface-type transformers mounted on concrete pads. January 1976, tariff language no longer included submersible transformers in the definition of Underground Facilities. Would the provision of new underground service that includes placing the transformer underground be SAID, Di Idaho Power Company 11/30/03 desirable to the Company? No.As Mr. Nielson has stated and the tariff language affirms, the Company has made the transition from having only overhead distribution facilities to the current standards for underground distribution facilities with pad mounted transformers.The Company did place transformers underground for a period of time, but has discontinued doing so. What relief is the Company requesting that the Commission provide in this proceeding? The Company believes that the Commission has the authority to determine appropriate provisions for service of residential customers.The Commission should rule that for the New Villager Condominium Association, Inc. to receive residential service from Idaho Power Company the association must provide appropriate easements/Rights of Way to allow for pad mounted transformers. If the Commission did not rule as you have suggested, but rather required the Company to place transformers underground, what would your recommendation be? If the Commission were to rule that underground service to the New Villager Condominium Association, Inc. was to include transformers placed underground, I would recommend that the Commission recognize that this is a nonstandard underground service and as such SAID, Di Idaho Power Company 11/30/03 should be paid for by the customer. What would you recommend as the amount that New Villager Condominium Association, Inc. would pay for this nonstandard service? Based upon Exhibit 4, the cost that the New villager Association should pay is $58,995.At a later point in time, should the company need to replace any of the transformers, including the standby transformer, another assessment would be appropriate. Would this be all that you would suggest requiring of New Villager Condominium Association, Inc. No.I would also suggest that the Commission require that New Villager Condominium Association, Inc. grant a Right of Way that would allow temporary utilization of above ground transformers during periods of time when failures prevent the Company from being able to serve the New Villager Condominiums from the nonstandard New Villager system as a condition of providing electric service. Does this conclude your testimony. Yes, it does. SAID , Di Idaho Power Company 11/30/03