HomeMy WebLinkAbout19920402Application.pdfIrIILITIES APR Z. COMIUISSIONBET'ORD IEE IDAEO PIIBLIC INIEE MATTEB OF TIIE APPTJCATION OF IDAIIO POWEB GOMPAI{IY FOB ATITEORf,TY 1lO SEI,I.. TTS HAII,UT TT RBINE r:r.r:gltsIc GENERA1I1OR CASE NO.IPGF,.92.9 NCIrICE OFAPPIJCATION ) ) ) ) ) YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that on March 9, L992, the Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power; Qernpan/) filed an Application for authority to sell its turbine electric generator (Hailey Turbine) located approximately two miles north of Hailey, Idaho at the Wood River Substation. According to the Application, the Hailey Turbine is a General Electric Frame 7, model MS 7001 B (C), dual fuel turbine electric generator with a rating of 49,580 kW. The equipment proposed for sale includes the fuel handling equipment, two auxiliary transformers, the carbon dioxide fire control unit, the waste sump, the 4.16 kV auto transfer unit for starting, all special tools, spare parts and manuals as well as the turbine generator unit itself. The Company notes that on February 6, 1974, in Case No. U-1006-89, by Order No. 11315, Idaho Power was granted a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the construction and installation of the Hailey Turbine. The original purpose for the turbine $,as to provide increased reliability to the Hailey-Ketchum-Sun Valley area. According to the Company: sldaho Power has now completed constr-uction of a second 138 kV transrnission line, and that line has been in operation for over a year.s Idaho Power contends that problems involving availability of fuel and the local environmental impact at the present site have forced the Company to omit the Hailey T\rrbine as a resource for planning purposes from Idaho Power's current studies for new resource planning or avoided cost determination. Because of this, the Co-pany contends, the sale of the Hailey T\rrbine will not affect Idaho Power's sAppendix A' loads and resources assessment established by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission in Case No. IPC-E-89-11, Order No. 23357, setting avoided cost rates for power purchases from PURPA qualifying facilities. NOTICE OF APPLICATION -1- Idaho Power asserts that it would have no need for the Hailey Turbine until the year 2002 at which time it would be nearly 30 years old. By that time, the Company contends, the turbine will be outdated and would require additional improvements in order to be useful. Furthermore, Idaho Power states that an economical supply of natural gas for delivery at the present location is not available. In order to obtain lower natural gas prices, Idaho Power contends, the Company would have to guarantee the rninimum operation of the turbine at a 20Vo annrual plant factor. This would force the operation of the turbine when less costly alternatives are available such as Idaho Power's share of the Bridger, Boardman and Valmy generation units. The Company states that it is also hesitant to utilize the turbine because of complaints received from local residents regarding excessive noise and vibration when the turbine was utilized in the past. In addition, if the machine were to operate ZOVo of the year or more, the Company states that it would have to add equipment to reduce the amount of air pollutants exhausted into the Wood River Valley atmosphere. Finally, the Company states that, if left in place, the Hailey Turbine would require ongoing maintenance in order to keep it in operating condition. Idaho Power estimates that a capital expenditure of $10 million would be needed to relocate the turbine to a site near the main gas pipeline, to refurbish the unit as required for increased operation, to install air pollution control equipment required at a new site and to provide all the electrical equipment to connect to Idaho Power's transrnission system. The Cornpany states, as of December 31, 1991, the net book value of the Hailey Turbine for revenue requirement purposes was $1,926,391. Thus, Idaho Power contends, the turbine has been essentially depreciated for income tax purposes. Idaho Power proposes selling the Hailey Turbine for not less than $8 million. The sale may be accomplished by competitive bidding, a modified form of competitive bidding or a negotiated sale. The Qernpan/ concedes that the Cornrnission has jurisdiction to determine how the proceeds of the sale will be booked for revenue requirement purposes once the turbine is sold. Upon the sale of the turbine, the Company asserts, it will file with the Cornrnission notifrcation of the sale of NOTICE OF APPLICATION -2- the turbine, the sale price, the income tax consequences of the sale and a request for an accounting order The Company has requested modifred procedure of the handling of its Application pursuant to IDAPA 31.A.23. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that any persons desiring to intervene in this case for the purpose of becoming a party, i.e., to acquire the right to cross-exarnine witnesses and to make and argue motions, must file a Petition to fntervene with the Cornrnission Secretary on or before Monday, April27, 1992. The Petition to Intervene must comply with Rule 5 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (RP&P), IDAPA 31.A.5. the Petition to Intervene shall be accompanied by a written Statement of Position stating, in general terms, the Petitioner's position concerning Idaho Power's Application. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that all persons who do not wish to become parties to this action may file written comments or protests to the Application with the Cornrnission on or before Monday, April 27, L992. YOU ARE F URTIIER NOTIFIED that all proceedings conducted in this case will be done so pursuant to the Cornmission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, IDAPA 31.A. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Company's Application has been filed with the Cornrnission and is available for public inspection during regular business hours of the Cornmission office. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that proceedings in this case will be held pursuant to the Commission's jurisdiction under Title 61 of thre ld.aho Code. DATED at Boise, Idaho, this /s/ day of April 1992. BP:vldA.I-475 -3- - COMMISSION SECRETARY NOTICE OF APPLICATION