HomeMy WebLinkAbout19901217Application.pdf/7F46' iilc E tyli)BARTON L. KLINE LARRY D. RIPLEY c/o Idaho Power Company P.0. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2674 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company Street Address for Express I'lail: 1220 West Idaho Street Boise, Idaho 83702 FAX Telephone No. (208) 383-2336 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR APPROVAL OF AN INTERCONNECTION TARIFF FOR NON-UTI LITY GENERATION i,LEo il ilJ 0ic 1? fin 10 0? iuAtJ0 I,U;L!i Ui I t-lT,ES C0tJ ti{ I S S i* tl BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION cAsE N0. IPC-E-90-20 APPLICATION At the present time, Idaho Power Company (the Company) does not have a tarjff providing for the jnterconnection of a non-utility generation facility to the Company's transm'ission/distributjon system. To date, the terms and conditions for each interconnectjon have been jndivjdually negotiated although the terms and condit'ions are substantjal'ly similar. Now that the Company has gained experience jn this area, the development of a schedule directly addressing these interconnections will s'implify the process and ensure that all non-utility generators are treated under standard terms and conditions. The Interconnection To Non-Utility Generation tariff, Schedule No. 72, js fjled to provide for uniform tarjff treatment for interconnect'ions. To avojd confus'ion with the Company's Ljne Extensjon Tariff, Schedule No.7l, Schedul e 72 has been ent'itled an Interconnection Tariff for Non-Util ity t (( l Generat'ion. Where possible, in drafting Schedule No 72, the Company has utiljzed Schedul e No. 71 provi s'ions. Schedule No. 72 is a netl tariff filing with an effective date of February l, 1991. Three copies of the Company's proposed Schedule No. 72 are included in additjon to those attached to this App'lication. It is requested that cop'ies of all not'ices, pleadings and orders be served on the fo'l 1 owi ng: Barton L. Kline Lega'l . Department Idaho Power Company P.0. Box 70 Bojse, Idaho 83702 Lamy D. Ripley Lega'l Department Idaho Power Company P.0. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83702 In the event the Commiss'ion determines that a hearing should be held on th'is matter, the Company, in an effort to expedite the Commissjon's determinations, 'is prepared to proceed immedjately to public hearings. Attached to this Appfication is the direct testimony and exhibit of Gregory lrl. Said, Rate Analyst for Idaho Power Company. The tarjff filing will not generate any significant revenues, but the tariffs are required due to the changing service requ'irements of Idaho Power Company jn the State of Idaho. WHEREFORE, pursuant to RP&P 12 and S 61-307, Idaho Code, Idaho Power Company requests that its tariff filing of a new Schedule No. 72be permitted to become effective FebruarJ l, 1991.t: DATED in Boise, Idaho, this /4 day of December, 1990. I Counse or a o Power Company ( ( AFFIDAVIT STATE OF IDAHO County of Ada G. l.l. Said, being fjrst duly sworn, deposes and says that he 'is a Rate Analyst for Idaho Power Company; that he was primarily respons'ib1e for coordjnating and obtaining the jnformation necessary to make thjs filing; that he was primarily responsible for the drafting of Schedule No. 72 and that h'is testimony js true and correct to the best of hjs information, knowledge and bel ief. ) ) ) ZaA G. ll. Said SUBSCRIBED AND Sll0RN To before me this Mo^y of December, 1990. (NoTARTAL SEAL)Notary c or Idaho Residing at Bo'ise, Idaho ,-)i CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I In an effort to expedite the Commission's consideration of the Company's Appljcation jn this proceeding, I certify tha! a_true and corregt.copJ of the Application of the Company with attached Schedule 72, together with the testimony and exhibjt of Gregory }J. Said were mailed to the individuals set forth bel ow: Gary L. Montgomery Marcus, Merrick & Montgomery 737 North 7th Boise, Idaho 83702 Richard Baxendale Associ ate General Counse'l Boise Cascade Corporation One Jefferson Square P.0. Box 50 Boise, Idaho 83728 R. Michael Southcombe Clemons, Cosho & Humphrey' P.A. 815 }Jest }lashington Boise, Idaho 83702 J. R. Simplot CompanyAttn: David HawkDirector, Energy Management Services 999 Ma'in Street P.0. Box 27 Boi se, Idaho 83702 James N. Roethe Pi i 1 sbury, Madj son & Sutro P.0. Box 7880 San Franci sco, Cal i forni a 94120 Gretta Spendlove, Esq. Bonnevjlle Pacific Corp. 257 East 200 South - Su'ite 800 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wamen B. Nelson RTD Hydro Projects 3410 Montvue Drive Meridian, Idaho 83642 Helen Chenoweth Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Consulting Associates, Inc. Suite 102 1843 Broadway Avenue Boise, Idaho 83706 Roy L. Eiguren Peter J. Richardson DAVIS t.,RIGHT TREMAINE 350 North 9th Street - Suite 400 Boise, Idaho 83702 R. Scott Pas'ley Assistant General CounselJ. R. Simplot Company 999 Main Street P.0. Box 27 Boise, Idaho 83702 Owen H. Orndorff ORNDORFF & PETERSON 1087 UJest River Street - Suite 230 Boise, Idaho 83702 Ron tlilliams IMHOFF & LYNCH 1607 }lest Jefferson P.0. Box 739 Boise, Idaho 83702 Bob Mooney, Presjdent AB Energy Corp. P.0. Box 6640 Boise, Idaho 83707 Ken F1ake, President Energy Special jsts, Inc. 5225 W'i1ey Post l,lay - Suite 190Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Carl Myers Myers Eng'i 750 Warm S Boise, Ida Vernon F. Ravenscroft, Presjdent Consulting Associates, Inc. 1843 Broadway - Suite 102 Boise, Idaho 83706 JJ^Dated ,q day of December, 1990 , P.E. neering Co., P.A.prings Avenueho 83712 rt 1S ne