HomeMy WebLinkAbout19910131Order_No_23548.pdfOEdfU tfia secrcrarv -Sirvlce Date JAN 31 1991 BEI'ONE THE II}AEO PT]BLIC IIMLTilES COMIUISSION IN TEE MATIER OF lEE APPIJCATTON OF IDAEO POWEB @MPAITY TORAPPROVALOFAIVWON TARIF:F F1OB NON.IIILITTG72 CASE NO,IPGF-90-20 oRDER NO. 23548 ) ) ) ) ) ) On December L7, 1990, Idaho Power Company (IPCo, Company) filed an Application with the Idaho Public Utilities Cornrnission (Commission) for approval of an Interconnection Tariff for non-utility generation (Tariff Schedule No. 72). The Company rlequested an effective date of February 1, 1991. Previously, the terms and conditions for interconnection of a non-utility generation to the Company's transmissioD/distribution system have been indi- vidually negotiated, although the terrns and conditions have proved to be substan- tially sirnilsl. The Company contends that now that it has gai''ed experience in this area, the development of a schedule directly addressing such interconnec- tions will simplify the process and will errsure that all non-utility generators are treated similarly under uniform and standard terms and conditions. As proposed, the Schedule No. 72 Tariff applies to the construction, upgrade, relocation, or removal of transrnission and./or distribution lines and equipment necessary to safely interconnect a seller's generation plant (and seller fui:nished facilities) to the Company's system. The tariff addresses cost (valuation), construction and transfer of interconnection facilities, together with associated payment obligation for such facilities, and related operation and maintenance obligations and expenses. The tariff also addresses vested interest refunds. oRDER NO. 23548 1 {i The Company has submitted direct testimony and exhibit in support of its Application. The Company contends that it will primarily recover costs and not realize any signifrcant revenues from implementation of its proposed tariff. lhs Qemrnission by Notice of Modified Procedure issued December 27, 1990 indicated its intent to process the Company's Application by written submission rather than by hearing. The deadline for filing written commenls or protests with respect to the Qernrnission's proposed use of Modilied Procedure in Case No. IPC-E-90-20 was Friday, Januar5r 18, 1991. A W. BBOWNPRCIIESI On January L7, 1991 A W. Brown (Brown) frled a timely protest (cornplaint) in Case No. IPC-E-90-20. Brown, the developer of Sunshine No. 2, a small power project located in Lemhi County, disputes Idaho Power's contention that the Company will not realize any significant revenues from irnplementatiou of its proposed Schedule 72 tariff. Characterizing Idaho Power's practices in this area as predatory and monopolistic, Brown contends that the Company has realized siguificant profits from charging inflated construction costs for interconnection facilities. By overcharging with impunity and. escalating the cost of interconnect facilities, Brown contends that the Qernpan/ is then able to increage related operation and maintenance charges. Brown further contends that many of the interconnection and maintenance costs Idaho Power seeks to charge PURPA QFs are (to the extent that such charges would be incurred by IPCo if the Qernpan/ was to generate the power themselves) imperrnissible under federal statute and are not "interconnection costs" as defined by FERC in 18 C.F.R. $ 292.101(7) and allowed in $ 292.306. oRDER NO. 23548 -2- t To support his position, Brown cites a chrouology of events related to his development of Sunshine No. 2 and the firrstration that he experienced in dealing with IPCo. In opposing Schedule 72 Brown contends that it makes no sense that IPCo be perrnitted to control the t1rye and sales prices of standard switch gear. Brown also disputes the reasonableness of basing standard operational and maintenance fees on equipment costs, when there is no proved direct relationship. Brown requests in its filing that the Qemrnigsien direct IPCo to pay retribution for the difference between the stated $19,000 cost of switrhing equipment installed in its Sunshine No. 2 facility in 1987 and the alleged $4,500 worth of such equipment plus what it characterizes as subsequent fees charged by the Company for non-existent maintenance plus interest. The Commission recognizes that Brown has raised what is ostensibly valid criticism regarding aspects of the Qsrnpanf's proposed Schedule 72. The Company is directed to file a written response to such criticism in this docket on or prior to lhursdan February 28, 1991. That portion of Brown's filing, however, which relates to its development of Sunshine No. 2 and interconnection with Idaho Power and the related claim of overchargrng and request for refund is more appropriately handled in a separate complaint action. We will therefore copy the frling of A. W. Brown into a separate docket, Case No. IPC-E-}L-L, and treat it as a formal complaint, styled as A. W. Brown, Qemplainant v. Idaho Power Company, Respondent. The Cornrnission Secretary is accordingly directed to issue a Summons in the new case. IEPT COMMENIS On January 18, 1991 timely comrnents in Case No. IPC-E-90-20 were filed by the Independent Energy Producers of Idaho (IEPI). oRDER NO. 23548 -3- l I IEPI while expressing general agreement with the need for and the format of IPCo's proposed Schedule 72, raises specific concerns and recorttrnends the following changes: Divesteit int€rest refrmd time period (fiye years) iB artiEcially short. IEPI can see no rationale, stated or implied, for establishing a vested interest refund that is shorterthan the term of the underlying QF. Powei Sales Agreement. 15e Company's neasune of the co6t of interonnedion facilitiee is inappropriatc.IEPI contends that interconnection equipment for purposes of O&M obligation and vested interest refunds should be valued at actual construction cost and not IPCo's determination of "construction costs". Dispoeition of interonnection equipment at the termination of the contract IEPI contends that the QF who has paid for theconstmction, installation, operation and maintenance of interconnection equipment mayhave an interest in its disposition at thetermination of the Power Sales Agreement, aninterest which may vary rrnder different post contract termination scenarios and which should bespecifically recognized and accoynrnodated for in Schedule 72. The recornrnendations of IEPI regarding proposed Schedule 72 are deserving of consid.eration and response by Idaho Power Company. The Qernpan[ is directed to file a written response to IEPI's cornrnents in this docket on or prior to Thursday, Febrnrar5r 28, 1991. In consideration of the criticism and cornvnents filed by A. W. Brown and IEPI in Case No. IPC-E-90-20, our decision requiring the Company to respond, and because the Cornrnission itself desires additional time to consider and deterrnine the issues presented in this Application, we find it reasonable to 1 2 3. oRDER NO. 23548 -4- (i suspend implementation of the proposed Tariff for a period of thirty (30) days plus five (5) months from the proposed effective date of Febmary 1, 1991, or until such earlier time as the Cornrnission may enter its order. Reference lda.ho Code $ 61-623. The Cornrnission reserves judgment on the appropriateness- of processing the Company's Application under Modified Procedure, i.e., by written submission rather than by hearing. Reference IDAPA ORDEB In consideration of the foregoing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the proposed implementation of an interconnection tariff for non-utility generation (Tariff Schedule No. 72) iD, Case No. IPC-E-90-20 should be, and hereby is, suspended for a period of thirty (30) days plus five (5) months from Febmary 1, 1991, or until such earlier time as the Cornrnission may issue an Order accepting or rejecting or modiffing the Application in this matter. IT IS FIIRTIIER ORDERED that Idaho Power Company respond to the frlings of A. W. Brown and Independent Energy Producers of Idaho as more particularly described above on or prior to THU&SDAY, E:EBBUABY 28, 1991. 0RDER NO. 23548 -5- t I DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Qernrnission at Boise, Idaho, tlhis 3o* day of January 1991. J,PBE H.ONER ATTEST: J. SW:nh/O-t294 0RDER NO. 23548 -6- SCHEDULE NO. 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON.UTI L ITY GENERATION AVAILABILITY Throughout the Company's serv'ice area within the State of Idaho. APPLICABI LITY This schedule applies to the construction, Upgrade, Relocatjon, or removal of transm'ission and/or distrjbutjon lines and equipment necessary to safely interconnect a Seller's generation plant to the Company's system. DEFINITIONS Additional Aooljcant: A person or ent'ity whose request for electrical connectjon requires the Company to utjlize existing Interconnection Facil'itjes whjch are subject to a Vested Interest. Comoanv: The Idaho Power ComPanY. Construction Cost: The cost, as determined by the Company, of Upgrades, Relocation or construction of Company furnished Interconnection Facji'it'ies. Disconnection Eou'ioment: Any devjce or combination of dev'ices by which the Company can manua'l1y and/or automatical'ly interrupt the f'low of energy from the Se'ller to the Company's system, including enclosures or other equipment as may be requ'ired to ensure that only the Company will have access to certain of the devices. Fjrst Energv Date: The date when the Seller begins delivering energy to the Company's system. Interconnection Facilities: A'll facilities which are reasonably required by prudent electrica'l practices and the National Electric Safety Code to'interconnect and to allowthe delivery of energy from the Seller's generation plant to the Company's system,'includ'ing, but not limited to, Special Facil'it'ies, Disconnection Equipment and l'letering Equ i pment . I DAHOFiled - December 14, 1990 Effect i ve Order No. 23631 Attachment Issued by IDAHO P0WER COi'1PANY D. H. Jackson - Vice President, Distribution 1220 Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho IDAHO POWER COMPANY I.P.U.C. NO.TARIFF NO. lOI SHFFT NO 27F IDAHO POWER COMPANY l T SCHEDULE NO. 72 Conti nued) Meterjnq Eoujoment: Equipment required to measure, record or telemeter power flows between the Seller's generat'ion plant and the Company's system. Relocatjon: A change in the location of existing Company-owned transmission and/ordjstributjon lines, poles or equipment Seller: A non-utility generator who has contracted or w'ill contract with the Company to supply energy. Seljer Furnished Facil'itjes: That portion of the Interconnectjon Facjl jties provided by the Seller. Special Fac'iljtjes: Add'itions or alterations of transmission and/or distrjbution l'ines and transformers, including, but not ljmited to, Upgrades and Relocation, to safely interconnect the Seller's generation plant to the Company's system. Transfer Cost: The cost, as determjned by the Company, for acceptance by the Company of Seller FurnjsheU Facjlities. Upqrades: Those improvements to the Company's exist'ing system which are reasonably required by prudent electrical pract'ices and the National Electric Safety Code to safely'interconnect the Seller to the Company's system. Such improvements include, but are notlimited to, additional or larger conductors, transformers, po1es, and related equipment. Vested Interest: The claim for refund that a Seller or Additiona'l Applicant holdsin a specific portion of Company-owned Interconnection Facilities. The Vested Interestexpires five years from the date the Company completes construction of its portion of the Interconnection Fac'i'lities unless fu'lly refunded earl ier. ssueFiled - December 14, 1990 Effect i ve . H. Jackson - Vice President, D.istributionD 1220 Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho SCHEDULE NO. 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION ( cont i nued ) COST OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES All Interconnection Facil'ities provided under this Schedule will be valued at lhe Company's Construction Cost and/or the Transfer Cost for vesting pur.posbs'as well as for operation and maintenance payment obl igations. PAYI,IENT FOR INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES Unless specifically agreed otherwise'in the Fjrm Energy Sales Agreement between a Seller and Company, Sel)er will pay all costs of interconnecting a Facility to the Company's system. Project specific payment provisions will be set out in the Firm Energy Sales Agreement between Seller and Company or thg agreement implementing Schedule 86 (Cogeneiation and Small Power Production Non-Firm Energy) orits successor schedule(s). CONSTRUCTION OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES The Company will construct, own, operate and maintain all Disconnection Equipment, Metering Equipment, Upgrades and Relocation. Seller may construct, jnstall, own, operate and ma'inta'in all other agreed upon Interconnect'ion Fac'il'it jes. The Seller may retain ownershjp of Seller Furnished Facilities or may transfer them to the Company. TRANSFER OF INTERCONNECTION FACILITIES (A) Transfer at First Enerqv Date: if the Seller desires to transfer and ldaho Power desires to accept any Se'ller Furnished Facilities at the First Energy Date, the following will apply: (1) Prior to the beg'inn'ing of construction, Seller shall cause the contractorthat is constructing the Se'l'ler Furnished Facil'it'ies to provide the Company with acertjficate naming the Company as an additiona'l insured in the amount of not less than onemillion dollars under the contractor's general liability policy. (2) The Company will provide Seller's contractor w'ith construction and material specifications and wil'l have final approval of the design of the Seller Furn'ishedFacilities. (3) During construction and upon completion, the Company will inspect the Seller Furnished Fac'ilities to be transferred to the Company. The cost of such inspect'ionwjll be borne by the Seller. F'iled - December 14, 1990 Effect i ve D. H. Jackson - Vice President, Distributjon 1220 Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho IDAHO POWER COI,IPANY {I I.P.U.C. NO. 25. TARIFF NO. IOI ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 27H SCHEDULE NO. 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTILITY GENERATION ( Cont i nued ) (4) If the Seller Furnished Fac'ilities meet the Company's design, material and construction specificatjons, are free from defects in materials and workmansh-ip, and the Seller has provided the Companywith acceptable easements, b'ills of sale and assurance against labor or materials Ijens, the Company !111 acce_pt ownersh'ip effective as of the First Energy Date. In the bill of sale, the Seller will warrant to the Company that the Seller Furnished Faci'lities are free of any liens or encumbrances and wjll be free from any defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the First Energy Date. (B) Subseouent Transfer: If, after the F'irst Energy Date, the Seller des transfer and Idaho Power desires to accept any Se]'ler Furnjshed Facjl jt'ies, the fowjll app'ly: 'ir il es to owi ng ( 1) The Company wi'lf inspect the faci I i ti es proposed for sal e to determ'ineif they meet the Company's design, material and construction specifications. (2) The Company will determine the Transfer Cost of such facilities. The Transfer Cost will be equal to the depreciated Construction Cost the Company would have incurred if it had originally constructed the facilities plus the cost, if iU, ofbringing the facil itjes into compl iance with the Company's design, materjal and construction specifications. Depreciation of the facilities proposed for transfer w'ill be determi ned on the same bas'is as the Company depreci ates i ts own f ac i I i t'ies i n accordance w'ith the appropriate FERC account numbers for the type and size of line or equipment'involved. The time period used for the calculation of the depreciated transfer cost w'ill extend from the First Energy Date until the agreed upon transfer date. The Transfer Cost will be paid to the Company jn cash at the time of transfer. At the sametime, the Company will pay the Seller in cash an amount equa'l to the depreciated Construction Cost. (3) As a condition ofthe Company's acceptance, the Seller will provide the Company with acceptable easements, bil'ls of sale and acceptable assurance against labor and material liens. The bill of sale will include a warranty that the transferredfac'iljties are free of all ljens and encumbrances and will be free from any defects'in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of transfer. (4) Effect'ive as of the date of the transfer, Company will operate and mainta'in the transferred facil ities. Fi ed - December 14, 1990 D. H. Jackson - V'ice Pres jdent, Di stribution 1220 Idaho Street, Boise, IdahoEffecti ve IDAHO POWER COHPANY r' { I.P.U.C. NO. 25. TARIFF NO. IOI ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 27I SCHEDULE NO. 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION ( Cont i nued ) VESTED INTEREST A Seller's e'ligibility for a Vested Interest refund will ex'ist for five years after the date the Company completes construction of its portion of the Interconnection Facil'it'ies. 1. The Company will provide a refund payment to each Seller holding a Vested Interest in Company-owned Interconnectjon Facilitjes when an Addit'ionai Applicant shares use of those Interconnection Facilities. 2. The refund payment wi'!1 be based on the following formula: Refund = L i near Footage Rati o xx Connected Load/Peak Generation Ratio Original Interconnect i on Cost a. The Linear Footage Ratio is the'length of jo'int1y used SpecialFacjlities divided by the length of the vested Speciai Facilitjes. b. The Connected Load/Peak Generation Ratio is the Connected Load or Peak Generation of the Add'itional Applicant divided by the sum of the Connected Load or Peak Generation of the Additjonal Appficant and all other Connected Loads and/or Peak Generation on the Special Facilit'ies. c. The Origina'l Interconnection Cost is the sum of the Company's Construction Cost and any Transfer Costs for the Interconnection Fac'ilities to which the Additional App'licant intends to connect and share usage. 3. The Additional Applicant wjll pay the Company the amount of the VestedInterest refund(s). Additjonal Applicants mak'ing Vested Interest payments are in turneligible to receive refunds within the S-year limit described above. 4. Vested Interest refunds will not exceed 100 percent of the refundableport'ion of any party's cash payment to the Company. 5. Vested Interest refund payments may be waived by notifying the Companyjn wrjting. IDAHO F'i'l ed - December 14, 1990 Issued bv IDAHO POWER C0MPANY D. H. Jackson - Vice President, Distribution 1220 Idaho Street, Bojse, Idaho E ffect i ve 'IDAHO P0WER C0MPANY ( t I.P.U.C. NO. 25. TARIFF NO. IOI ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 27J SCHEDULE NO. 72 INTERCONNECTIONS TO NON-UTI LITY GENERATION ( Cont j nued ) OPERATION AND I',IAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS AND EXPENSES The Company will operate and maintain Company furnjshed Interconnection Fac'il'ities as well as any Seller Furnished Facilities transferred to the Company. In considerationof such operation and maintenance services, Seller wi'll pay the Company a monthly operation and maintenance charge equal to a percentage of the Construct'ion Cost and Transfer Cost paid by the Sel'ler. The percentage js 0.4%for 138 kV and 161 kV facilities and 0.7% on facil ities below 138 kV. The cost upon which an ind'ividual Seller's operat'ion and maintenance charge is basedwill be reduced by subsequent Vested Interest refunds. Additional Appljcants who are Sellers will pay the month'ly operation and ma'intenance charge on the amount they paid as an Addi t i ona'l Appl i cant. Seller Furnished Facilities not transferred to the Company wiIl be operated and maintained by the Sel'ler at the Seller's sole risk and expense. Fi I - December 14, 1990 D. H. Jackson - Vice res i , D'i stri buti on Ef fect'ive 1220 Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 'IDAHO POWER COMPANY r{ I.P.U.C. NO. 25. TARIFF NO. 101 ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 27K