HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900605Intervention Petition.pdf, BErAn IDO PUBLIC UTILITIES 00.101 /.scp~o ti II Tn MATTER or. TD .APLICATION OF IDAH POER co. ) rOR A C:iTIrICATE or PUBIC COWINDCE AN NielS. ) SI'l lOR THE RATE BAIll OF Tn MIER HYOELECTIC) PRECT. OR IN TU ALTERATivæ Ai', DB:ERIIIATIOI or ) lU1M STATUS lOR THE miD HYELECTRIC PRECT. ) HECE\VED il CAE 10. IPCJ&.~Q. 0 PftITIOI :i MD~*,lì 81~ r U~' l i r.. ¡ l¡,HO r'bL.\'J , ",qq¡sc1("¡'i :"-.-:. t1 T\ E-') Cv r:1 r~l - .- '"; l vti CO,.;IØ. Idah CòuUJer Affairs, Inc. (ICA). hereby reque~ting th~y be allowed to Intervene in this case in accordance with Rule .s of the Cbllssion' s Råes of Practice . Proceedure, an states as follow: ICl\ is concerned that it this request is granted in whole or in pat, that O'l iiembers. bei ouso.ers of Idah Power Cò., could experienc aD increase in their electrical servce rates. IOA has been granted InterTention status in prior proceedings held before thls Còllssion in the past aDd feels it has the exprience an knledge to participate in this proceeding in an intel1ent and orderly maer. ICAide.ires to subllt testima, cro.s exaIne witnesses an otherwse partic- ipate in this hearng to the exent that it. lillted resources WUL allo; Therefore " to not grant ICA Intervenor status could .eriou17 iJai,r ICJ' s ability to effectively represent its membership in this imprtant matter. lCA'wiU be represented by Mr. Haold ~ mes, 316 ritteenth Avenue Sou.th, I..a, Idah 836.5, and lCArequests he be served with aU docwents fUed with the Oòllss1on b7 Idaho Power Co as well as al other Intervenor Paries to this cae. Dated at i Ka Idaho 836'1 June 4, 1990 Respectfully subllttecl, ISUM .AAI, DC. (ICA) ~_Ai/,/ iild c: lB.~iaai lat1Dal Re.ources Commttee '111s is to certify that I have on June 4, 1990. maecl the original an seven copies of this docWlent to the Secretary of the IPUC an two copies to the legal departmentof Iclah 'ower at, their corat. o~oise, Idaho 837,'07' Dated. at: lama Idaho 836'1 " . JtJune 4, 1990 -"'ïi