HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900919Reply Statement.pdf../~g-?=? í~ECEI 'lED DAVIS WRGHT TRMAE !LED rno pm ~ 31 LAw OFFICES '0 ~tP 1 JEFFERSON PLCE' 350 N. 9TH, SUITE 400 . BoISE, IoAHg'g37'd:t ..9 (208) 336-8844 PETER J. RICHARDSON u l ld".L.tv rrES COMMISSiON 1-0 September 19, 1990 Ms. Myrna J. Walters Commission Secretary Idaho Public utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Re: Reply Statement of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power to Idaho Power Company's Response Case No. IPC-E-90-2 Dear Ms. Walters: Enclosed is the original and seven copies of the above referenced Reply Statement of the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power. Would you please file the same? If you have any questions concerning this filing, please do not hesitate to contact Peter Richardson. Sincerely, 2£au~ Secretary to Peter Richardson np Enclosures FAX: (208) 336-8833 ANCHORAGE, ALSKA . BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON . Los ANGELES, CAIFORNIA PoRTLD, ORGON' RiCHLAND, WASHINGTON' SEATTE, WASHINGTON' WASHINGTON, D.C. . Grant E. Tanner DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE 2300 First Interstate Bank Tower 1300 SW Fifth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 241-2300Fax: 778-5299 Peter J. Richardson DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE 350 North Ninth Street suite 400 Boise, Idaho 83702 (208) 336-8844 Fax: 336-8833 .HECEllED 0 iLED nL-. ~)J SE? 19 piri ~ 31 o MI 0 11) if n, I r'.. w l-V: ilCC ('1"'l"l~."" l 'Lv V Ul~tr~ ," C'.'I ();,Il,I l v,~q U'l BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICA- ) TION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY ) FOR AUTHORITY TO RATE BASE ) THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED FOR ) THE REBUILD OF SWAN FALLS ) HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-2 REPLY STATEMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE COMES NOW, the Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (ICIP) pursuant to the N()tice of Opportunity to Submit Written Comments issued by the Commission Secretary on August 23, 1990, in the above enti tled matter, and provide herein their Reply to Idaho Power Company's (Idaho Power or Company) Response in this matter. Page 1 - ICIP' S REPLY STATEMENT TO IDAHO POWER'S RESPONSE .. I. IDAHO POWER ATTEMPTS TO IMPROPERLY BIND FUTU COMMISSIONS Idaho Power's Application and its response to the Statement of Position of the ICIP demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of rate making principals. Idaho Power asks this Commission to bind some future Commission to include in the Company's rate base predetermined construction costs. The ICIP therefore respectfully requests that the Company's Application be dismissed in its entirety. Dismissal would not be warranted if the power company were merely seeking a certificate of convenience and necessity for construction work on the Swan Falls facility.Dismissal is warranted because Idaho Power has conditioned the application on receiving a favorable ruling on rate making treatment for its future investment in that facility. II. THE COMPANY'S ATTEMPT TO LIMIT THE METHODOLOGY BY WHICH FUTU COMMISSIONS REVIEW INVESTMNTS MUST BE REJECTED In its Statement of Position the Industrial CUstomers of Idaho Power (as well as the Commission Staff) suggested alternative methodologies for limiting the dollar amount that may be included in Idaho Power's rate base once the Swan Falls construction is completed.For example, the ICIP offered the following alternative: Idaho Power's avoided costs still provides a benchmark as to the reasonable cost for Swan Falls. The ICIP Page 2 - ICIP' S REPLY STATEMENT TO IDAHO POWER'S RESPONSE .. submits that, as with Milner, the Company's avoided cost should constitute the ceiling for any rate making recognition of Swan Falls. Statement of Position and Issues of the ICIP at page 9. In response, Idaho Power challenges the ICIP and Commission Staff by asserting: Those Parties that desire to contend that the Commission's Avoided Cost Determinations for Idaho Power Company can be utilized to calculate Idaho Power's investment for rate base purposes should file their specific proposals as to how that calculation would be performed by a date to be set by the Commission. Response of Idaho Power Company at page 6. Idaho Power misses the point.This Commission may not obligate a future Commission to a particular rate making methodology.Prior to rate basing a particular investment, the Commission must make a determination that the facility is used and useful and the investment was prudent. Using the published avoided cost rates as a ceiling may be, under today's circumstances, a valid methodology by which to judge power::ompany investment in new generating plant. It may also be a methodology that will likely produce a reasonable result at some time in the future. It is, however, just one possible measure of prudency.The Idaho Commission has the authority to find that, under today' s circumstances, a particular methodology for determining the reasonableness of an investment is or is not appropriate. The Idaho Commission cannot find that a particular methodology will, by law, be reasonable at some future date. A ruling as to the Page 3 - ICIP' S REPLY STATEMENT TO IDAHO POWER'S RESPONSE .. appropriateness of rate basing Idaho Power Company's investment in Swan Falls would be a premature endeavor that has no legally binding effect. III. IDAHO POWER CANOT ABDICATE ITS MAAGEMNT RESPONSIBILITIES Idaho Power is attempting to have the best of both worlds. It is, in essence, seeking insurance that before it makes an investment, the Commission will allow that investment to be recovered in rate base. Idaho Power's proposal eliminates all risk to its stockholders of imprudent or untimely decision making in the board room. Idaho Power is attempting to move the entire risk of such decision making to its ratepayers, many of whom do not hold an equity interest in the power company. The return Idaho Power recovers on its investment includes a measurement for "risk." One of the most significant risks an electric utility assumes is the commitment to construct new generating facilities. Idaho law is clear that a regulated utility may only earn a return on those facilities that actually provide a service to its customers. If the Swan Falls facility proves to be an imprudent investment (for whatever reasons), a future Idaho Commission will be called upon to determine the extent that investment should be disallowed for rate making purposes. Absent significant amendments to the Idaho Pulic utilities Law, nothing Idaho Power or the Commission can do today will change that Page 4 - ICIP' S REPLY STATEMENT TO IDAHO POWER'S RESPONSE , ... fundamental fact. The Commission's decisions concerning Idaho Power's investment in the Valmy plant demonstrated a willingness on the part of the Commission to require the ratepayers to share some of those risks. In addition, the Commission has already admonished Idaho Power to proceed with care on the Swan Falls project. In Order No. 19623 issued on April 24, 1985, the Commission warned: We put Idaho Power on formal notice that it acts under its own peril for costs associated with the Swan Falls rebuild until such time as the Company is prepared to submit its definitive cost estimate and to demonstrate that the proj ect will be cost-effective. As we stated in the -197 case, the year of "hell-or-high-water- financing" is over. The ratepayer should not be at risk if management commences construction before it receives a definitive cost estimate, or before it has an approved water right, or if it fails to study reasonable alternative projects, or if the project itself is not cost-effective compared to power that is readily available from competitors. Order No. 19632 quoting Order No. 19121. As can be seen, there are a myriad of issues that must be addressed. None of those issues, however, include a commitment by the Commission to rate basing a facili ty that has yet to be demonstrated to be used and useful. IV. DISMISSAL OF IDAHO POWER'S APPLICATION IS THE ONLY REASONABLE OPTION OPEN TO THE COMMISSION Idaho Power's Application, as noted above, is tied to its attempt to seek preapproval of rate making treatment of its potential construction costs. Because of the conditional nature Page 5 - ICIP' S REPLY STATEMENT TO IDAHO POWER'S RESPONSE .. of Idaho Power's Application, a new application to begin construction on the rebuild of the Swan Falls facility would be required, leaving rate making treatment of that facility to be considered at the appropriate time. For the reasons set forth above, Idaho Power's application must be dismissed in its entirety.In the al ternati ve, the Commission must limit the scope of Idaho Power's Application to a determination of whether authority shall be granted to Idaho Power Company for the construction on the rebuild of the Swan Falls facility. DATED this I q~ day of September, 1990. Respectfully submitted, DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE Page 6 - ICIP' S REPLY STATEMENT TO IDAHO POWER'S RESPONSE .. CETIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this I ei~ day of September, 1990, served the foregoing REPLY STATEMENT OF THE INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF IDAHO POWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S RESPONSE, Case No. IPC-E-90-2, on all parties of record by hand delivering a copy thereof, to the following: Michael S. Gilmore Brad M. Purdy Idaho Public utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83720 and by mailing a copy thereof, postage prepaid, to the following: Larry D. Ripley, Esq. Legal Department Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 David H. Hawk, Director Energy Natural Resources J .R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boise, ID 83707-0027 Steven L. Herndon, Esq. Legal Department Idaho Power Company P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 James N. Roethe, Esq. Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro P.O. Box 7880 San Francisco, CA 94120 Harold C. Miles Idaho Consumer Affairs, Inc.316 15th Ave. S. Nampa, ID 83651 R. Michael Southcombe, Esq. Clemons, Cosho & Humphrey 815 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702-5590 R. Scott Pasley Assistant General Counsel J .R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boise, ID 83707-0027 Afton Energy, Inc. c/o OWen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson 1087 W. River st., Suite 230 Boise, ID 83702-7035 By CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - PAGE 1