HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900827Comments.pdf../¿.5"?7 BErOR!, THE IDAH pu:C UTILIJI COSSION HECEIVED Ml o Pll i ¡LED IN TBI KATER OJ TD APPLICAIOI or ID POWER ) COMPAl lOR Al1HOITl TO RAEBASlTD IWESTMENT) REQUIED fOR TD REBUI Of TIE SWAN rAL .HO)ELECTRIC r ACIDTl ) CAIFNO. IPC-90-2 90 AUG 27COlS or ID CONSUM AlfAI, DC., \' iJ f"¡ P u'l 1,: li' G"'¡ ior'\i i L , . u:U;L;T~y~¡ com NO, Idaho Consumer Mfdrs, Inc. (leA) by and thrugh its intervenor representative, Hr. luold cr. Hiles, 316 rifteenth Ave. South, Nampa. Idaho 836.5 submi ts the following comments an data information for this COmmssion's consid- erationre1ative toOâse 10. IPC-E.90-2 in compliance with the IPUC's notice of Au.t 2), 1990. We,' have made a breakdow of the water flows at the Muph;. Idaho USS gague for the water years 1961 through 1989, the years we';deem most appropriate since they more accurately reflect the 'impact on the Snake River tlows of"..àiih lit ir- rigation puming since 1961. We used the followng catagories ot Snake~River tlowsi Sw rals yreement tlows ot 3,900 cts r lpril 1st through October' 31tl to be able to generate 7.91 ~ ot electricity at 26.2 tt ot head. MlJlUJ da tlow average tor these ", 29 water years ot 5826 cts capable ot generating 11.90 IW. However, when ve computed the generating capability tor each indvidUâ year the result was 11.97 ~ at the 26.2 head, tor a gain ot .07 IW. Maum daily tl~ average tor these 29 water years was computed to geneate 41.93 IW. at n.o tt 'ot, head; computed.oi 'an, aiua basisvea...t .34 .. There?were 12 years out of the 29 when the average miri daily tlows yer~be- low 5,600 cts, but this average vas greatly influenced by the sWIr irigation tlow.~Apl 1st through October 31st. therewas only one:èyear (1988) when the UWJI daly nov wasn't sufticient to generate the 25 ~ rated generation capacity ot the"proposed Swan rals re- build plant. The result ot this very preliminar study might indcate it would be wise for IPC to consider rebuildig this structure to accommdate aiditioftl1-I..atti"UDt. late date. or instal one or two more812.; ~ ints now, since W8" don't kn :i1/ I the 25 tt da will âllov larger than 12.5 * unts to be installed. (ICA', exhibit 11) (1) . .Wedon1t presume to be out.engineering IPCwho have competent h;dro elec. trica engineers. Perhaps they anticipate recapturing the spilled water at the Swan rals dam in their BtowneeRenrvoir. However, since IPC is required to drawdovn Brownee Reservoir tor spring tlood control, a requirement of their rmc:eitherlicense, f\motication of this nood control requiement, which in our view is no non-essential due to the build ot the 'ederil dam on the . Columia and SDe Rivers since the bad nood on the lower Columia River at Vånport, Washington in about 1926, or morecgenerating unts in IPC's upstream dams below Shshone rals / seems reasonable. Therefore, we otter the opinion that hyo generated electricity is going to become more viluable every year in the tast developing Western states!. probably more valuable than some agricu1tural crops irrigated by high lit water pumed trom the Snake River, especiily it irrigation electricil rates are based on tul cost ot service in IPC's territory, and not a subsidised rate as in the past. iiectricity is a product tor sale just the same as potatoes, sugar or wheat. an the Southwest is a viable market for any temprary surplus IPC power which can be sold above the tull cost ot production by IPC. This willt'e.u¡Jial true by the time the Swan 'alls dam is competed, in view ot the fact IPC at times purchases ør'~ges SPA poeii; also the Canadian Entitlement Alocation Agneement between BrA and Canada will expire at the end ot this decade. This r.ethction in Canadan poer to the Northwest will mae ill hyo generated poer even more" desirable an valuable. An since we believe it is imperative to make uieot our opportunties to generate power trom a non-polluting renewable resource. now is the time to:_ __ take advantage 'f .'jl cts tlows in this reach of the Snke River. The construction ot hyo generating tacilities is not likely to become an less expensive per KW of generating capacity in the forseeable future, when computed on an aDDuilzed basis over the life ot a !! constructed hyo plant, 80 to 100 years. ~o poer will be 1Ih less expensive than therma poer, which this commssion and IPC have',- stated in the past is our option in the forseeable tuture; however, in this regard we teel they are not putting enough emphasis on conservation possibilities. A run of the river hydro plant will be far less environment ily damaging than a coil plant, an its output far more marketable anhere: in the Northwest or Southwest. (2) ..We teel there have been man lost opportunties tor h;o generation on the sne River trom American rills to udincludng Hells Canon in the past, and we are ooncerned that no more of these opportunties be lost. Mr. C. E. Sissel of IPC on March 31, 1982 applied for a water permit to the Idaho Department ot Water Resources (IIM) for 6550 cts additionil to the ùread decreed 9450 cts, main a totil of 16,000 cts tor the Swan J'alls Da rebuild, ap. A;td7-plication l 02-7379. (leA's exhbit;~page 2). Hoever since the average ma- mum daily flow for the water years 1961 through 1989 was 27,945 cfs, we teel IPC even then wasn i t considering the ful hydraulc potential of this reach ot the Snake River in its Swan rals rebuild plans. ot even more concern to us than thediydraulic capacity ot the Swan 'alls Da rebuid is th~~uture ot IPC's water rights tor this tacility. It is indsputable that IPC very foolishly compromised its decreed or licensed water rights ot 9,450 cts to provide water pumed trom the Snake River for high lift agicultural ir- gation projects resulting in diminishing sumer Snake River stream tlows, as the USGS' irater recor4smeasured at its Muphy gague over the past 29 water years will show. (Judcial notioe ot these records is requested, a copy ot which has been tur-il".Dished the IPC and the IPUC; ilso see leAl s exhibit:J page 2) The revision of the'tormer agricultural policy )2C to Policy D adopted by the Idaho Water Resource BOard, IW, published December 12, 1986, troii which we quote in par l IlIdaho Code Section 42-20)C: limits the rate ot new development in the basin above the Muhy gauging station to 80,000 acres in any tour year period. Therefore, the maxmum development to the year 2020 assumng no water supply con- *#/Y3strdnt ie 700,.000 acres. (leA exhibit :b). In addition, the "public interest cri- teria" adopted by the IW~~ in the past and by the man agriculturil development interests, weildig such strong politicil power in the Idaho Legislature '. much too strongly slanted toward adtlonala¡ruultural development to believe that this development will not occur an the water to irrigate these acres will come trom the Snâke River or the+'Snake River Plain acquier. In tact, we,.teel and our feel- ing is shared by others that the agricultural interests in Idah. particul.arly the ()) ..well organzed agricultural development interests, want to control al the water- in al ot Idaho's stream "1n perpetuity". Henoe, we teei IfC's hyo water rights could be in jepordy. aWe oall thecommssionls attention tof'roposal we tound tloating aroun in a IWD meeting Mr. Hiles recently at tended which was after the adoptioR ot the IlState Water Planll by the IW; published December 12, 1986, and subsequently adopted by the Idaho Legislature, which gives it the torce ot law, as we uner- stand it. We quote, in part trom this printed proposal, IW existing and tuture rights to the useot water tor power purposes, however appropriated or evidenced, are and shall be subject to the condition that such uses will not conflict with ,"'":,:.,;.:., depletions in the tlow ot the waters ot the natural stream and its tributary sources trom whioh such water is or m~ be used tor power purposes, and wi not permit or intertere with the subsequent upstream diversion an uses ot such waters tor other4~ beneticiil purposes. II ~ endquote. (see leA exhbit .J Since the RS9032 proposed Act did not define its term "aeneticiil purposes", we assume it meant agricultural use. Therei'ore, singling out water for power purposes (or hydropower generation) in the proposed ACindioates to us that hyopower is not very high on this proposil's list ot beneticial uses. Also, it appears the author or authors of this propoa. Att, attorneyls for the IPUC didnlt believe it had become Idaho 1. so tar, do not regard Policy LC ot the Idaho State Water Plan, "Beneticial Use' of Waterll to include hyopower generation,. nearly as high as agriculturil use'. which incidentaly is a very high consumtive usec,ot water. . mentioned at the prehearing conference tor c-ase No. IPC-J;90-2 on AUgust 22nd, Hr. Hiles pointed out some ot the restrictions in the iam Direotor' s order ot .Ail 10, 1989. stated in the issued permit 102-7)74, which IPC applied for on Kach )1, 1982. !eread condition'S into the record, but we would like to again quote it, liThe water right acquired uner this permit shil be junor an subordi- nate to al rights ('e1lis aded) to the use"ot wa1ìr from the Snake River an sources tributar thereto upstream from Swan ralls dam within the Sate of Idaho that are:iniated later in time than the priority date of this permit and sha not (4) ..give riseHto any right or claim against tuture rights to the use" ot water within the state ot Idaho iniated later in time than the priority of the permit." end quote. (see. IPC's application tor Swan J'ills Rebuild, attatchment #2) Although condtions 18 and Sl apparantly limit the permit to the terms ot the Swan rals agreement, we wonder wh; restriction is was inserted in the permit in the first place it it was not intended to impair the USe ot the ),900 an 5.600 cts mentioned in the Swan ralls agreement at a later date. Theretore, the question of sufticient water to activate the Swan rals rebuild generators to produce the 25 IW ot poer may be in question. Wi water to oper- ate this plant have to be be bought trom irrigators' (Sorb ot rough on IPC's rate- payers It IPC has to buy back water it allowed irrigators to purloin trom them in the tirst place, donlt you thinkf) ot irrigated land When about 170,000 acres"in IPCI s territory were set aside in 1985, aocordng IPC i S,=' Vice-President, Logan Laam's testimny to Congress, in i 987, (see. Congress. ional Record ot November 9, 1987. (which we incorporate into thil5 statement of posi- tion by reterence), in our opinion it is not in the public interest to put any more new land trom the public doma into additionil agriculturil development it water to irrigate it is going to come either from the Snake River or pumed trom the Sne River plain acquier, least ot il in low water years. In conclusion, it appears to us either Idaho Water law has to be modiied to more specificaly state or be interpreted to mean that hydto electrioal generation located on Idaho streams, where these hyo plants will not causeenvionmentil damge that canot be reasonably mitigated, are"'also beneticial users ot water. and are in the public interest. Hoever since an event is not likely to occur in the near tuture, the IPUC should set irrigation class rates to retlect the tull cost ot servce tor ai classes of customers an inverted ratel5 tor new electric space heat customers, at least. In addition, based on the low Snake River tlows for the water years ot 1988 and 1989 and the tirst nine months ot ti. 1990 water year, the IPUC should impse a moritorium on new electrical irrigation hook-ups simiar to the one imposed in the low water year ot 1977. (5) ..Wë feel the IPUC start is better qualified to review the construction con- tracts that will be let tor this project than we, as well as the quility of the construction work to be done, conseq,uently we leave these matters to their good judgment. We" do have a concern that the recreational tacilities as proposed in the application are not entirely adequate, and since we have observed ma people visiting an using the Swan ralls tacilties go down stream as well as usg the grassy picnic area near the present residences, as well as the boat launching facilties dowstream trom the dam, wlirecommend that additional picnic facil- ities and rest r04U be provided in the shaded area downstream. trom the dam. At this point, we'JIve tor the adoption ot the the exhbits included with this statement and the inclusion ot this statement an exhibits in the record of this case'. Respecttuly submitted, COJl t te e Dated at i Nama, Idaho A.ugust 27, 1990 This is to certif that On Aùst 27, 1990 we han delivered seven copies an the originil ot this documnt to the Secretar ot the IPUC ilong with a copy ot the flS water records at the MuhT gague tor the water years 1961 through 1989. an t.WO copies ot this document an a copy ot the USGS water records at the Mupa gage for the water years 1961 through 1989. Also ,wemaled a copy of this document, tirst class postage paid to il the parties ot record, per the list turnished us by the seere of the IPUC. Dated at: Nampa, Idaho August 27, 1990 (6) j'~1__~$~lt~~ilc;Æ~ ;:Ít~j71bi;;:?ot 6 pao1. .~~l_~f/l)Cfi~i.zkd~ftt. q~M , ~..~:!t~~_ 4r¡æ k/E.5 ,t,r2.. :?£L XI ' f#Ef ~~ ,lh~a5_l!__,,~~,._... ø;3t~;;d~¿,:, o~to :lI . v=..f .J= :J~2l=fA~rf, 1r:.6~ .'j~QtiJt:J.i,2'J''l4 ' .~iZ~~_uA i tt- ",."..,. ., "" .,.u,. '..., , 4710 col ¿kc.Jft::l~ lb¿t:-~j -; u. ,/~i.~_L!&'~ .;'70()c.~~ gLQ£ t. .~.t~&f~.=: ~.1~~:_.d: /f63 49()lJC~/l¿6';Zf;b l . r&£L,-; u__-,tj~'d -\------e .dæoces i~,3 tift X +1&:#-£_.=. .. ,1£&..."". Irb/ .~1Ø!f;~1¿6.). K, rk~+ , = î17gf~ ~Z7bJLxl~;¿£t t.1kgf .: e,JiMU.. . II!. -rV:3~oa 671,xrft:l. f~Û d- ~7~;:rV' /1/£ 0 fliP C-f?'l ¿6¥.~ft: /1,92 Kf-=:: ,.,~~r7-L!Lu-.· i ¡ i 1-XJi--v.u7 f/j.69() ~.- 'l.(.&f-é Xi 9:' _EU;:_~.,L5l,7-_t1/¥,~' 6t..l)c-jj~~OHt, 1(..ßf. ::~wøi~fæ- .l1tb2J9tJLEjf;~.m 'l · rha. = iZ1tAÜK , '. ., · .11" .t . 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I'~ ß#bC-KsX ,;2dl £iÝ. , 72: If-f", ,Pll,;L/' ~ i, . //i~ /'¡~e.j fI l¿Y88Lfr-r last; LWL'Y1;j~' 1JL m-te)-j ¿a)' l.SWftr/ f$//~ f1~~ iY~Vè Z'!1 h1YV 1I/'l¡?1~?Yj)9-;/J Plow ,/1, 9l/lW Maj 1'?L-1l JJa./ Ij f/~Y' tCrllllf' . j,,. r"ft~~ 'l f~r t;/¡4 J /~ff (? )-'~"' c e. J; e -t WL.e ?( -bh ~ he-a. rJ. cf ~,,. f-t= .t M ~ fi. ,. s w:he~ b~~1i "e.~.-l" ;P~"r.s w,1 II be ope)"ad/?Ji. &~e- ~ e. ad ,. S -red IA e-J f- )-~n1 ~~, ~ -f. -t l) ;i;¡ () ft) .d~~"j ?1ef:Ð:iPCS ~Jee.t."n. cal e"~/?J.u-,.: ì 'Y c~ d-rI ~ ~ f -t)¡,'.. ß--\T e c; l I/ø~ J: IA ,I Je- C Fs ~ C ItJ " c.f--t. ?~ r .sec.ø~ t: f'ê := lie ¡IiAi; D )-/leacl ;r f :: ~-f-f" c i ~ '1 c.) -- ,. ,.~mirw~ôf ., 4 Pages Page 1'~~.. CASE NO. ipW9O.. .,ICJ Form 202 3/78 Ident. No. 02-7379 STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho 1. Name of applicant Phone 383-2200Idaho Power Company Post office address P a Box 70, Boi se, Idaho 83707 2. Source of water supply which is a tributary of Col 11mb; a R; verSnake River 3. Location of point of diversion is % of % of Section 18 Township 25 Range iL B.M. Ada County, additional points of diversion if any: lots 10 and 11, Section 18, T 2$, R F, 8M, Ada and Qlo'yhee Coiinties 4. Water will be used for the following purposes: power generat; an .1an 1 to Dec 31 (both dates inclusive) to (both dates inclusive) to (both dates inclusive) to (both dates inclusive) Amountß.550 cfS for lcfs or acreèat pe annum)Amount for lcts or acre.feet per annum)Amount for lcts or acre-feet pe annum) purposes from purposes from purposes from Amount for (cfs or acre-feet per annum) purposes from 5. Total quantity to be appropriated: a.cubic feet per second and/or b.acre-feet per annum.6550 6. Proposed diverting works: a. Description of ditches, flumes, pumps, headgates, etc.Power plant, replace~ent of existing spillway, and upgrading the existing pOlierhol,se to serve as a dam with di scontir¡iiance of ali prQli~nt operati on b. Height of storage dam 25 feet, active reservoir capacity 900 acre-feet; total reservoir capacity 900 acre-feet, materials used in storage dam: Period of year when water wil be diverted to storage Jan 1 (Month/Day) c. Proposed well diameter is NA inches; proposed depth of well is to Dec 31 (Month/Day)NA feet. inclusive. 7. Time required for the completion of the works and application of the water to the proposed beneficial use is 5 years (minimum 1 year - maximum 5 years). 8. Description of proposed uses: a. If water is not for irrigation: (1) Give the place of use of water:.L Range -- B.M. (2) Amount of power to be generated: 17,835 of Section 18 Township 2S horsepower under 24 feet of head. (3) List number of each kind of livestock to be watered NA (4) Name of municipality to be served NA , or number of families to be il \ \ i 1 supplied with domestic water NA (5) If water is to be used for other purposes describe: NA ''I '",..~ NO. IPC..&;90-2 "";"'C.,,,,:., ''''¡¡or. .Bii NO..- ot 4 Pages Page 2 b. If water is for irrigation, indicate acreage in each subdivision in the tabulation below: NE%NW%SW%SE14 ) TWP RANGE SEC.TOTALS NE%NW%SW%SE%NE%NW%SW14 SE%NE%NW%.SW14 SE14 NE14 NW%SWY.SEY. l . . Total number of acres to be irrigated c. Describe any other water rights used for the same purposes as described above. Water Ri ght N'o. 02-2032, Old No 14362 (4,000 cfs, priority - 7/29/19); Water License, August 4. 1911. signed by A F Robinson (1840 cfs. priority - 1/17/00) Water License dated August 6. 1911 signed by A E Robinson (1460 cfs. priority 4/17/00); CT Decree - Trade Dollar vs' --. et aJ. (2150 cfs - priority 1/17/00) 9. a. Who owns the property at the point of diversion Idaho Power Company b. Who owns the land to be irrigated or place of use NA c. If the property is owned by a person other than the applicant, describe the arrangement enabling the applicant to make this filng 10. Remarks This application is for water to be used in Idaho Power Company's planned rehabil itat. nq, reconstructi n90 rennov ati ng, and upgrad i ng of its Swan Fa 11 s Project. Power generation is to be increased from 10 MW to 25 MW without raising the dam or reservoi r surface e 1 evati on. To do thi s. Idaho Power Company wi 11 utilize 16,000 cfs total, 9,450 cfs of which is already under license or decree. i \ \ \11 lI) --'~-~. C1Sf; ,NO. IPC;o¡'90-2.~/.,.ie "EAIT NO. ~ot 4 Pages-.. Page, I L Map of proposed project: show clearly the proposed point of diversion, place of use, seclion number, township and range number. I I I I I i I .¡ I I I I IIIIIIIIIIII___.1:._____..______-L___I ___.L__~----t-------i------T------+:._- I I I 1 IIIIII IIIIlI I I I I I 1I--i I I L-f---i I I i---- : iIIII I I i :J4~s~i i I I i 15 i i I---t----___L~_~___L___\£_J-'UD:~___¡----I--f -___L___ i i I I IIIII ~ EJ. i iiRANt-i 1 i i E ST:i !i I I I I I :I 1 I I I i tt+-- i 1 I I I I I I -r-N'- i----j----___.J______..______-1___i ----l ___..___ I I I I ---ì---I i I I I I I I I I I ~, I I I 1I ~~ -~I___,L-_.__L_--i --___--r-- I I I I j :i I I I I 1IIIIIIIII___.J______.1___----1---I ___..___----j------ì-------l- i I I IIi"I I I I I I ~~ :i 1 I !!i :l I I I i ,-;" i I I I1iII.,~' : iIiI I I 1 I ---~-"--+---I 1---r---___L___---L---t---r------1----i-___L___ i I I 1 I ~~O,I 1.. !: i IIII I . :..,.. ;s' i I I !i I 1 I4 \,~ '. I I I I :I p\:. ~\,o~' I ilIII l. T, , Cõ ~.liLr 01' PVC~CNiIIi---J-.:-- ~~ ~~1 ___-1_---___-1___:-I - ~--iL' -"i! 'SE:_ ---1--,-----ï---- I I I I I i I LoT I . :i IIII I : \.Tt i .. \\: 1II\0.. 1\ i i I 'l¡ I!I I I IIII1I-t~, : i 11I1I1---'1---___-L___:-:._-L___---T------+----~-t- ~+--T--t-~i I 1I1III I I I I I I I 1 I I I ,b.: i I I i I I :I l ..i ~:IIII1IIIIIII111I__,-L---I ----t----I ____L__.~---r--~----L--_---r------1----:.---i----~ I I I I I I I I I 1 1 IIII : I 1IIIiI I 1 i I I i I 1IIIII I i I ~ :i I I I 1 . 1I--,~-¡-----__-1____I ---¡--r+-- --,-~--- ---j--,~---,-'-----,._--- I I 1 I I I :i I I IIIIII I : III---'-1--.--.,---,-t---- I '-~-t--- -------! r--'-¡.~- i IIII I I i I ' , IIII ,i I iIiI i I1---+------L---i ---¡---r---t------r---r---t-------T---i i ---T--- I I I I I I : i i I . I I I I I I I i Scale: 2 inches equal i mile BE IT KNOWN that Ihe undersigned hereby makes application for permit to appropriate Ihe public walers of the Stale of Idaho as herein set forth. e ,-E_ P ~U- (Applicant) C E BisseII Vice President - Power Plant Construction and Operations ), ì . CA I" , NO. IPC-i-90~ lCA,enn NO.;í;. --'. -"-'--~~'.'-"'~-~-""--~'--' .......-......._--_.._......,_..._-_........" ':,,~OLiçy 5D - Snake River Agriculture \ ,It , i. IT is, THE POLICY OF IDAHO THAT APPROPRIATED WATER HELD IN TRUST ~, t~ . r BY THE STATE PURSUANT TO POLICY 5B i LESS THE AMOUNT OF WATER;,l..'l. 'J~i ,~. t~~ECESSARYTO PROVIDE FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE DCMI USES. AS I SET l ~:':FORTH IN POLICY 5C i SHALL BE AVAILABLE FOR REALLOCATION TO MEET ;!EW AND SUPPLEMENTAL IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS WHICH CONFORM TO.,,~ " . ::~¡, IDAHO CODE 42-203A, 203B, 203C, AND 2030. r¡4:Y;'~1~ \ , \ This .policy allows for new and supplemental agricult.ural development through the reallocation o.f water held in, trust by the stâte. The 1982 State Water Plan allocated wate minimum level 0 new rrigation eve opment.-_L8_S-0, 000 acres' plussuppiementa~aLer for 225,-000 acres by the year~2020 ove~h~ \iichexisted in 1975. Thfspo11cy tes~trds-ne-9'azallocationsdStnce tfiere are nõ acres specified in that the type, location, and amount of use is unknown as is the effect of the evaluation c,alled f9r in Policy 58 prio.r to reallocation.' ,. During the eight-year period from 1975 to 1983, about 140,000 acres of new development occurred within the basin.While the amount of new acreage varied signi fican,tly from year to year, the, av'erage was approximately l7 ,.500 acres. Data' are not available to estimate the number of acres that received supplemental water during this period. , Idaho Code Se'ction 42-203C limits the rate of new develop- ,. ment in. the basin above Murphy gauging station 'to 80 ,000ri',acres ,in. i any four yeärpe'riod. _Therefore, the maximum'"developmenttothe" . year 2020 above Murphy gauging station assuming no water supolv', . " · constrai t is 700,000 acres. Cri teria placed on the reallocation of hydropower rights, limits on the rate of new- development, .piùsth~requirement that approval of new storage projects thatciivert water'between November 1 and April 1 from the Snake River between Milner Dam and Murphy gauging station must mitigate the impact of diversions on hydropower generation (Policy 51), will undoubtedly limi t development to less than 700,000 acres. . ~. ~ .' ,."." 0,- "' .' .-' "., :' ,i ...'1 ..,;- 31 1 " .ClSl NO. ipC.m.90-2 ." ~-" Itbi t No..- of 4 Pages Page 4..'\ Received by_-1_ Date_~~ Time_~~~2.~ Preliminary check by_tf" Fee $_~~I.,:~::",_~~'æ~c: Receipted by_~ Date '- 1/ 'è7. Publicalion prepared bYjp.,_ Dole 4/29/82 Published in Idaho Statesman \- (;...-\:\"00 ~"",s Publication dates ___5/6_..5/13/82-,,_ ____--,__ Publication approved~ Date~~____ Priority reduced to Reason____ Protests filed by: SOlith Bord of Cotrol, C&e Project by Roderick B. Woo, Attorney -?~k~_w,.ikd"'~Vl, JOl'Jb/'1W_ Copies of protests forwarded by--p Hearing held by_ Date Recommended for g denial byj)j?_____ ACTION OF THE DIRECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES This is to certify that i have examined Application for Permit to appropriale the public waters of the State of Idaho No,, and said application is hereby i, Approval of said application is subject to the following limitations and conditions: a SUBJECT TO ALL PRIOR WATER RIGHTS, b, Proof of cOnstruction of works and application of water to beneficial use shall be submitted on or before c. Other: ,19_. 2, Denial of said application is for the following'reasons: Witness my hand this _ day of 19_. Director 1..-- . t ..CAE.. NO. IPC.i.90-2 . lOA EXIT NO. 4 "if RS Cr/J 3 ?- A:\ ACT (. FORMALLY UIPLEMENTING THE PROVISIONS OF ID.-VlO CONSTITUTION, ARTICLE 15. SECTION 3 TO THE EFFECT THAT THE STATE 1-IAY REGULATE AND LUIIT THE USE OF WATER RIGHTS FOR POI\'ER PURPOSES BY ANENDIÌ\'G SECTION 42-205, IDAHO CODE BY THE ADDITION O~ A NEW SUBPARAGRAPH (4) TO PROVIDE THAT ALL RIGHTS TO TIiE USE OF !VATER FOR POWER PURPOSES ARE SUBORDINATED TO SUBSEQUENT DEPLETIONS IN STRE~1 FLOWS FOR OTHER BENEFICIAL PURPOSES. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Idaho: Section 1. That Section 42-205, Idaho Code, be, and the same is hereby amended by addition thereto of a NEW SUBSECTION. to be known and designated as subsection (4), and to read as fo 11 ows: .. 42-205 (4) SUBORDINATION OF WATER RIGHTS FOR POWER PURPOSES TO DEPLETION FOR OTHER BENEFICIAL PURPOSES. It is the intent of the legislature to subordinate the' use of '''ater for pO\,¡er purposes under the pol ice power of the state for the optimum use, of water resources in the public interest. aAll existinand future ri hts to the use of water for o'''er ur oses hO\\ever appropriated or evidenced, are and shall be subj ect to the condition that such uses will not conflict \\Ï th depletions in the flow of the waters of the natural Stream, and its tributary sources from \\'hich such water is Or may be used for po\\'er purposes, and will not revent or interfere with the subsequent upstream diversion and use of such waters for other beneficial purposes. ~- Section 2. An emergency existing therefore, which e6ergency is hereby declared to exist, this act shall be in full force and effect on and after its passage and approval. ". W~ ~ Iq¡'1 13-1715. C. J. SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM Strike Reservoir near Granel View, Idaho Lat 42°56'45", long 115°58'35", in sw1, sec.34, T.5 S., R.4 E., at dam on Snake River, 1 mile elownstream from Bruneáu River and miles southeast of Granel View. Records available, March 1952 to September 1961. Remote registering water-stage recorder in channel leading to Grand View Irrigation District CanaL. Datum of gage is at mean sea level (levels by Idaho Power Co.). ",,eservoir is fornied by eerth-fill and rock-faced dam. Storage began in February 1952. Total capacity, 250,000 acre-ft at eleva- tion 2,455 ft (top of spillway gates), of which about 50,000 acre-ft is controlled sto,rage. Water is used for power generation in plan t 0 f Idaho Power Co. Elevations and area-elevation curve furnished by Idaho Power Co. Oct. Nov. Dee. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sent. , 31, 1960........................................30............................................. .31............................................. .31;1961.... .................................'28......... ...................................31............................................. .30..............................................31..;...........................................30..............................................31............................................. .31............................................. . 30.............. .... .......................... October 1960 to September 1961 Elevat iøn ' _Contents(feet' ' (acre-feet)2,453.95 242,2002.453.16 236,5002,453.60 239,7002,454.21 244,200-2,454.28 244,7002,454.45 245,9002,453.73 240,6002,454.12 243,5002,453.97 242,4002,454.54 246,6002,454.65 247.4002 454.59 246 900 Month-end elevations and total contents at 12 p.m., Date 13-1725. Snake River near Murphy, Idaho Location.--Lat 43°17'30", long 116°25'12", in SE1, sec.35, T.l S., R.l W.. on right bank '41, miles dowstream from Swan Falls power- plant and 7% miles northeast of Murphy. Drainage area.--41,900 sq mi, approximately. Records availab1e.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to September 1961. ~.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gag. is 2,271.17 ft abova, mean sea level, datum of 1929, supplementary adjustment of 1947 . prior to Sept. 7, 1914, Itaf~ gag. and S.pt. 7. 1914, to Sapt. 30, 1935, wat.r.ltag. record.r, at lit. 3\ mil.' up.tr.am at dat\l _ 9.,79 ft higher. Extremes.--Maill discharge'during-year, 15.300 cfs Oct. 15 (gage height, 6.32 ft); minimum, 5,270 cfsApr. 18 (gage height, 3.15 :;,f~). min1mi. daily S 980 sf. July 20, . i f+' 1912-6l: MaillI1 discharge, 47.300 cft June 22. 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in us..); minill recorCleel,,;3,900 cfs July 9, 1949 (gage height. 2.53 ft); minimu daily, 5,440 cfs Aug. 4, 1914. ' Remrks.--Records excellent. Flow regulated by many reservoirs upstream. Between this station snd ststion at King Hill, f1i; is çregulated at,Swsn Falls powerplant snd C. J. Strike Reservoir (see above) and by gravity and pumping diversions. Diversions for ),i:rigation"of about 1,.630,(1('0 acressbove station.tt1o~' ~.._'\ %., ¡;~\~,-'. ~ Discharge,' in cubic feet per ..cond. water Y"'''' OCtober 1960 to September 1961 Day i. '2 : 3 4 5 OCt. Nov. 8.970 9.3807.9 6 0 I," 9.2 30 ;'8.040 I, 9.4 6 0; 8.240" 9.4008.680 8.850 Dec. ,Jan. 8. 7 4 0 " 8.4 5 ,.7.5808.710 9.5208.4208.6508.3007.870, . 8.7408.0408.0708.7108.650 8.9109.0::0,9.060*8.6508,850 8,5408,770 ~:i¡g8,100 8,0707.6608,8208,5908,5108,540 63.720 8,507 523.100 8,1908,1007.3508,510 8.1307.840, 8,3907.4908,910 8,1007.5208,0408,1007.520 6.9408.1308,0407.6408,100 7.7207.5507.4908,5907.640 8,1607.5508,1007.9307.9808,07046.270 7,944 488,500 Calendar y..r 1960. Ma 12,400 Water year 1960-61: Ma 10,300 * Discharge measurement mad. on this day. Min 6,170Min 5,980 Feb.'ll7.8707.6407.840.a 8,1608,2208,1308.130*8,160 8,1308.1308,3608,5108.100 7.8108.3608.2408,2708,040 8.3008,2408,3008,3007.580 7.4007.9808,680 26.8708,102 450,000 Mean 8,343 Mean 7,609 Ma. 8,5108.5607.9008,a 207.230 7.7207.3207.5807.9806.940 7.0308.2406.910* 7.7.030 7.0307.8408,0108,3606.970 7.aOO7.5207.4607.6908.240 AnI'. 7.1407.0607.5207.6408,040 8.1008.1907.8707.6907.320~7.8707.0307.7.030 7.0:3 07.140*7.0607.6407.140 7.1107.1107.0807.) 8 07.080 MaY~6.910*6.8006.8006.850 6.770 6.6 SO6.5906.5106.540 6.5906.5906.5706.5906.910 6.6506.6 SO6.6506.6806.680 6.6806.5406.5406.4506.340 7.380 7.080, 6.~ 108.:330 ~140 6.3107.030 7.170 ~7.~ 80 7.380 6.3107.9~0 7.030 6.310 7.960 ---------- 6.:3 1037.0 ;¿ 0 : 0 4.34021.480 7,646 7,383 6,592 470,100 439,300 405,300 June6.3106~~6.3106.310 6.2606.2606.6506.9106.850 7.000* 6.5706.'7107&6.710 6.8806.'l 706.650*6.4 SO6.480 6.5106.5906.8006.5906.800 6.5106.4306.4 )06.4006.400 97.150 6,572 391.000 JuLY 6.3 'l06.3706.3106.2606.090 6.0106.0306.0306.0106.120 6.260 6.1 SO6.260 &.05106.030 &.0" 06.0106.0106.010*,~ 6.0306.2606.1506.1506.090 6.2306.5707.0307.0306.4306.400¡"'''ovv ¡ 6,219 382,400 Aw. 6.5906.5906.5 lQ. 6.5 06.820 6.7106.6806.6206.6206.590 6.6507.0607.2907.2907.030, 6.8006.7406.7706.8806.820 6.7706.7706.8006.8807.640 6.8507.0006.7406.7707.080*7.060 11.990 6,838 420,500 Sent.~7.2307.4907.5207.400 7.3 '107.2607.1707.3807.780 8.1907.5508.1007.6908.010 7.5208,0708,220à.070ip60 8,770*8.1007.8708.100e.040 80130800107.8107.7207.400 7.778 462,800 , " ,0 6 8.770 7," 9.850a 8.3909 7.66010 7.690 II 8,68012 8.9401.*10.20014 10.~0015 10.300 6.9408,5409.5509.3209.490 9.5508,5907.0g0 8.6 0,9.700 LS 9.170 9.4 9017 7.980 *9.61018 9.32 0 9.5 5 019 8,910 8.800?O 9.140 6,940 21 9.380 .,,'8.1 3022 9.140 9.670 23), 8.620 9. 7 ~ Q,'24 7.960 9.26025 9.2 6 0 8,1 90 . . d26 . ',;9.Ò:S 0 9.1 2027 9.0 6 0 8,1 0028 8.910 8.42029 9.260 9.67030 7.260 9.67031 õ1 ----------:68.08074.2108,845 543,900 Total MeanAc-ft J 8,936 531,700I I Ac-ft 6,056.000 Ac-ft 5,509,000 it .W'1P~ /1/,?-. SNAKE RIVE MAIN STEM 13-1715. C. J. Strike a.'.rvoir n.ar Grand View, Idabo Lat 42°56'45", long 115°58'35", in SW\ ..c.34¡T.5 S., .R.4 E., .t cl on Snake Riv.r, 1 ..ile dow.tr... fr01 Bruneau Riv.r .nd 7..il.. .outb...t of Grand View. R.cord. .v.ilab1., Marcb 1952 to S.ptem.r 1962. Ret. r.g18t.r1ng wat.r-.t.g. r.cord.r in cbannd l..ding to Grand View Irrigation Di.trict Cand. Datum of gag. i. ae ..n .ea 1.vd (l.v.ls by Idabo Pow.r Co.). R..ervoir i. formd by ..rtb-fill .nd rock-f.c.d cl. Storage b.gan in F.bruary 1952. Totd cap.dty, 250,000 .cr.-ft .t .1.va- tion 2,455 ft (top of spillway g.t.s), of whicb about 50,000 acr.-ft i. controll.d storag.. W.t.r 18 u.ed fot power g.n.ration in plant of Iclbo Pown Co. E1evationa and ar.a-.1.vation curv. fur..18b.d by Id.bo Pow.r Co. ' Oct. Nov. Dec.J.n.F.b. Mar. Apr. May JuneJuly Aug.S.nt. Montb-.nd e1.vation. .nd total co..t.nts at 12 n .... Date 31, 1961................................;........30...............................................31......;........................................ 31, 1962.........................................28...............................................31...............................................30...............................................31...............................................30...............................................31...............................................31...............................................30.. ... .. ..... . ... ....... .. Octob.r 1961 to Bente..b.r 1962 E1.v.tion Cont.nt. (f..t) (acre-fe.t) 2,454.49 246,2002,454.16 243,8002.454.42 245,7002,454.67 247,6002,454.16 243,8002,455.00 250,0002,454.96 249,7002,454.53 246,5002,454.10 243,3002,454.47 246,100 2,453.66 240,100 2 454.02 242 700 13-1725. Snake Riv.r near Murphy, Iclbo Iecation.--Lat 43°17'30", long 116°25'12", in SEl; ..c.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., on right bank 4\ ..H.s downstr... from Sw.n Fall. power- plant ...d 7% ..il.s northeast of Murpby. Drainag. .rea.--41,900 sq mi, approximately. Records avaHable.--August to Octob.r 1912. August 1913 to S.ptemer 1962. Q!.--Water-.t.ge r.cord.r. Datum of gag. 18 2,271.17 ft above mean sea 1.ve1, datum of 1929, .upp1ementary adjustment of 1947. Prior to S.pt. 7, 1914, staff gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sspt. 30, 1935, wat.r-stag. recorder, at dt. 3% ..Hes upstream at d.tum 9.79 ft bigher. Extremea.--Maill d18charge during ye.r, 21.700 cfa May 3 (g.ge beight. 8.23 ft); min1i, 6,230 cfa J.... 27 (gag. h.igbt, 3.31ft) ¡ ..in1im c1ily. 6.170 cf. Sept. 9. 1912-62:' Maimum d18cbarge, 47,300 eta Jun. 22, 1918 (gage beigbt, 13.95 ft, dte and datum tben in use); ..ini,.,, recorded, 3,900 cfs July 9, 1949 (gag. beight, 2.53 ft); minillm daHy, 5,440 cfs Aug. 4, 1914. !!...R.cord. .xce11e..t. Flow regulated by many re.ervoirs up.tream. Between tb18 station and station at King Hill, flow 18 r.gulat.d at Swan Falls powerpla..t and C. J. Strike R.s.rvoir (..e abov.) and by gravity and pumping div.rdons. Diversion,S for irrigation of about 2,140,000 acr.. (1960 d.termination) above atation. Discbarge in cubic feet per aecond water year October 1961 to September 1962,,Dav Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.Mav June July Auii.Sept.1 ~8.360 7.750 7.980 8.220 ~14.500 15.600 12.30C ~7.69 7.29027.520 8.560 7.490 7.960 ,,3.90 9.970 14.300 19.400 10.400 7.14 8.10e 6.88038.450 8.590 7.610 7.660 7.380 9.550 14.300 19.300 11.800 7.11~7.66(6.77047.900 8.540 7.580 7.810 7.520 9.610 13.200 16.000 13.600 7.11C 7.72(*7.98057.870 8.540 8.300 7.870 8.040 9.610 13.900 19.100 in 7.110 7.78(9.550 6 8.040 8.560 8.100 7.750 *3.070 9.580 14.000 15.000 11.900 7.060 7.90 8.77078.190 8.540 8.040 7.840 8.070 9.140 13.700 12.300 *9.970 6.910 m 7.29087.400 8.590 7.840 7.750 8.040 i0.9OO 14.100 12.400 9.290 6.97C 7.14097.780 8.540 7.780 7.660 8.160 9.140 12.200 11.500 8.650 6.910 8.19 6.710108.560 8.540 7.960 8.450 9.200 11.200 12.300 13.100 8.590 7.060 7:7.460 11 8.480 8.510 8.010 8.240 14.000 11.000 11.900 8.970 7.460 7.030 1.38C 8.160128.390 8.390 7,720 7.980 ~10.700 12.400 12.400 9.200 7.000 7.580 8.970138.650 8.240 7.400 7.380 15.300 10.200 *11.900 11. 700 8.510 6.970 7.40C 9.140148.880 8.220 7.720 7.750 14.800 9.760 11. 700 10.600 8.160 6.940 7.93C 9.060158.540 8.270 7.780 7.960 11.400 9.910 11.600 11.500 8.130 6.850 8.04C 8.390 16 8.540 8.420 7.980 ~9.820 10.500 11.800 12. 700 8.270 ~7.69 7.290178.360 8.360 7.840 7.380 10.400 9.730 12.200 11.400 8.510 6.740 7.84 8.770188.300 8.330 7.550 7.400 8.010 10.500 12.000 9.000 9.490 7.580 7.58 8.820198.390 8.220 7.870 7.640 9.550 10.100 11.300 10.300 10.200 7.060 7.20 8.620208.480 8.240 3.360 7.720 7.720 10.300 10.200 ~10.200 7.030 7.61 8.590 21 8.330 8.270 ß.7.290 7.610 11.000 10.700 9.170 10.200 7.000 7.20C 8.620228.590 8.240 7.960 8.190 7.290 12.100 9.060 9.820 8.850 7.000 7.69a 8.510238.540 8.540 7.400 7.720 7.780 11.600 9.760 10.200 9.460 6.970 7.720 8.740248.540 8.300 8.190 8.200 8.160 13.000 *11.000 9.580 9.120 *6.970 7.580 9.670258.770 8.240 7.930 7.600 8.560 13.400 9.430 12.200 8.970 7.030 8.070 9.350 26 .9 8.270 8.100 7.350 9.400 12.400 9.230 13.600 8.910 7.290 7.580 9.200278.850 * 8.360 8.010 7.060 9.550 13.100 9.120 11. 700 8.330 7.080 7.900 8.940289,000 8.590 7.660 7.030 8.910 15.800 8.850 14.800 8.240 6.910 8.450 9.350297.660 8.330 *~7.080 -là 10.800 15.400 8.540 6.940 8.560 9.380308.560 8.040 7.810 7.380 ----------15.300 12.000 14.800 8.300 7.200 8.480 9.670318.390 ----------7.840 7.980 ----------12.300 -----...._--12.100 ---------7.580 8.360 ----...._....- Total 258.390 251.740 243.490 239.620 265.350 345.540 353.450 393.390 286.750 218.930 242.450 253.080Mean8,335 8.391 7,855 7,730 9,477 11,150 11,780 12,690 9,558 7,062 7,821 8,436Ac-ft 512,.50 499,300 483,000 475,300 526,300 685,400 701,100 780,300 568,800 434,200 480,900 502,000 Calendar year 1961: Max 9,060 Water year 1961-62: Max 19,400 Min 5,980Min 6,710 Mean 7,465Mean 9,184 Ac-ft 5,405,000 Ac-ft 6,649,000 * D18charg. m.asur_nt made on th18 day. J, .J '1I~~/1b3 . SNKE RIV MAIN STEM 13-171S. C. J. Strik.' Re..rvoir near Grand View, Id.ho ",t.t'42.S6'4S".'10na llS.S8'35".j'1..SW~ ..c.34,T.5 S., R.4 I., at ci on Snak.Ri".r"l.,U. dow.tr.am from Brunea Ri".r. 7 .,Ue. '.outhea.t 'of Grand'Vi_, and"492.0 .,il.. up.tr.. fro., IIth of Snake River. Record.availabl., Karch 1952 ,to Setemar1963. Ret. reai.tarina water-.tai. r.cord.r. DatUI of iai. 1& at ..n .ea 1.vel (l.v.la by Idaho Pow.r Co.). ....rvoir 1& fo..d by earth-fill and rock-fac.d ci. Storaie b.gan in F.bruary 1952. Total capacity. 250,000 .cre-ft a,t el.- vat10n2.45S ft (top of .pillway iat..). of which about 50.000 acre-ft i. controlled stor.... Wat..1& ua.d for power ieneration 1n plant of Idaho Power Co. 11evatiolU and ar.a-el.vation curve furn1&hed by Idaho Power Co. Fiiure. given herein repre.ent totalcontenta. Apr. Kay '31 Jun 30 July 31 Aug. 31S. t .30 '", 13-1725. Snake River near Murphy, Idaho Locatton..-Lat 43.17'30". 10na 116"25'12". in SEl ..c.3S, T.l S., R.l W., on right bank 4~ .,ile. dow.tream fro., Swan Fall. power- plant. 7\ .,ile. northea.t of Murphy, and 453.5 .,ile. up.tream from iiuth. Drainage area..-41.900 .q mi. approximtely. Record. availabl..--Au\lt to October 1912. Augu.t 1913 to September 1963. li...Water-.tale recorder. Dat\l of iea. i. 2,271.17 ft abova mean .ea level, datum of 1929, .upp1ementary adju.t..nt of 1947. Prior to Sept. 7. 1914. .taff iaie and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-.tage recorder, at eite 3\ mil.. up.tream, at datum9.79fthilher.." ", , 1i...l!x1i di.charg. during year. 28.00 cf. Jun. 23 (gag. height. 10.09 ft); minill, 6,340 cf. July 8 (gaae height. 3.38ft); min1i dai~~iit 59() cf.- l\ 26í rJlx='lh " , '., ~1§12.6JI 'Ma h.charge, 47,300 cf. Jun. 22. 1918 (gage height. 13.9Sft, ett. and datUI th.n in u..); ..1ni_ recorded, 3,900 cf...llily 9, 1949 ~gag. height, 2.53 ft); "inill daily, 5,440 cf. Aug. 4, 1914. ~...ø..corda excell.nt exc.pt::tho.. for p.riod. of no gage-height record, wh1ch are good. FløWr.gulatedby many r....voir.,:upatream. Batwean th1&stationand.tation at Kina Hill, flow 1& regulat.d at Swan ,Fall. powerplant and C. J. Strike ø....rvoir '¡(.e. abov.) and by gravity and puiina diver.ion.. Diveraion. for irrigation of about 2,140,000 acre. (1960 determinatio", above .tation.j;.. i,'-~? H"10-;".'i,'D1achargav in cubic feet per .econd, water year October 1962 to, September 1963DeyOct¡ '-,'Nov. "Dec,Jan.Feb.I" Mar.Aor.Mav June July Au...Seot.r 9,490':9.730 9.790 '., 9.230 15.400 8.820 7.350 8.480 8.330 9.430 7.140 7.870.~~10.200"ll 9.260 ~17.400 8.130 7.260 8.620 8.360 9.320 7.200 7.93010.400.U.OOO 9.200 J. 9.120 17.400 7.550 7.230 8.800 11.900 8.390 7.400 8.220 .c~' 10.300~ ,7.930 10.100 ." 9.120 14.000 7.690 7.260 8.740 10.800 7.400 7.400 8.24010.6P9~6,770 .!9.120 14.600 8.650 7.900 8.450 10.700 7.550 7.750 8.190, "6 9~496!9.380 9.970 J_', 9.1.40 11.900 9.400 7.610 8.220 12.600 7.030 7.980 8.190"~"~9.850 9.97Q 9.350 9.380 *9,460 7.870 7.810 15.400 6.820 7.720 8.190'8 9. 20.9.760 9.350 J, 9.260 8.850'~8.850 * 6.940 20.000 6.620 7.810 8.1609'9.910 10.800'.9;460 .:; 9.140 9.320 9. 00 8.220 7.140 20.600 7.400 7.520 8.220tÔ.*10.400,10.400 9.380:9.230 8.800 9.090 . 9.460 7.140 21.500,7.430 8.i.30 8.270,"'',,'. '""ii 9.940 10.400 9.140 '.9.650 8.100 8.540 9.910 7.140 22.700 6.680 7.720 8.0401210.000 8.880 á.910 a 8.850 9.260 9.940 10.800 7.900 23.200 6.910 6.940 8.160l310.300 9.120 9.820 a 8.5,50 9.230 9.260 10.200 9.910 23.600 6.740...~7.9801410.100 9.850 9.320 ,a 8.250 8.680 9.580 10.600 14.900 24.500 6.940 . 8.390 8.450159.940 10.600 9.520 a 8.650 8.540 ,8.560 9.940 .i 23.700 6.710 7.640 8.070 1'6'9.430 10.200 9.350 8.330 8.270 8.650 9.760 18.200 21.100 6.650 7.640 7.9601710.500 10.300 9.030 8.590 8.540 8.940 J.16.300 *22.700 ~7.610 8.6801810.500 9.230 9.140 8,940 8.010 8.620 10.400 *15.200 25.200 6.680 7.080 9.1701910.400 9.260 9.170 a 9.050 8.560 7.900 9.520 14.000 24.700 7.000 7;640 l~;~g2011.000 9.320 9.320 a 8.850 8.710 8.070 8.540 10.400 24.000 7.430 7.460 21 11.000 9.200 9.260 a 8.700 8.480 8.070 7.460 13.800 24.500 7.140 7.260 9.2302211.300 8.910 8.770 *a 8.350 8.510 8.160 8.560 9,430 .ß *7.110 6.940 9.5202311.400 8.940 8.740 8.850 8.450 8.100 7.520 8.070 26.900 7.260 7.350 8.9102411.200 9.230 9.000 8.590 8.420 7,400 7.690 7.000 25.400 7.230 7.380 9.6402511.000 9.520 9.520 8.390 1.7.380 8.940 8.160 22.500 7.080 8.190 9.170 26 10.900 9.320 9.060 ~7.980 7.960 8.770 .é 19.200 7.140 8.160 9.0902711. 700 9.170 9.290 8.160 8.040 7.550 8.070 7.660 18.900 6.910 7.930 9.4302811.000 * 9.970 8.800 8.300 8.800 7.870 7.980 8.040 17.500 6.650 7.060 9.4902910.600 9.290 8.740 8.190 -7.690 9.200 8.540 15.400 6.770 *7.980 9.5203010.600 9.490 8.590 9.140 ---------~8.540 9.120 14.900 7.870 7.660 9.2603110.600 ----------8.510 9,490 ----------7.350 ----------8.770 ---------7.400 7.660 ----------Total 322.820 290.920 28á.480 274.440 279.590 261.530 262.310 307.970 587.890 224.280 235.750 261.090Kean10,410 9,697 9,306 8,853 9,98S 8,436 8,744 9,935 19,600 7,235 7,605 8,700Âc-ft 640.300 577,000 S72,2oo 544,300 554,600 S18,700 520,300 610,800 1.166,000 444,900 467.600 S17,700Calendar year 19621 Max 19,400 Water year 1962.63t Max 27,100 Kin 6,710 Kin 6,590 Kean 9,591Kean 9,855 Ac-ft 6,944,000 Ac-ft 7,134,000 * Di.charge mea.ur...nt made on this day. a No gege-height record. ~~rI4!l . SNAKE RiVI! HAIN STE 13-171S. C. J. Strike Reservoir near Grsnd View, Idho Lat 42'S6'4S", 101 llSoS8'3S", in SWl; s.c.34, T.S S., R.4 E., at da on Snake River, 1 iiile dostrea frOl Bruneau River, 7 iiilea southeast of Grand View, and 492.0,liiles upstrea frOl lIuth of Snake River. Records avsilab1e, March 19S2 to Septemer 1964. Remte registering water-stage recorder. Datui of gage is at iiean sea level (levels by Idaho Power Co.). Reservoir is formed by earth-fill and rock-faced da. Storage began in February 19S2. Total capacity, 2S0,000 acre-ft at ele- vation 2,4SS ft (top of spillway getes), of which about SO,OOO acre-ft is controlled storage. Water is used for power generation in plant of Idaho Power Co. Elevations and area-elevation curve furnished by Idao Power Co. Figures given herein represent totalcontents. Date Oct.31,1963 Nov.30 Dac.31Jan.31,1964 Feb.29 31 Date Apr. 30, 1964 May 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Se t.30 13-172S. Snake River near Ilrphy, Idaho 12.--Lat 43°17'30", long LL6°2S'12", in SBl; sec.3S, T.1 S., R.1 W., on right bank 4l iiiles downstream frOl Swan Falls power- plant, 7\ iiiles northeat of Ilrphy, and 4S3.S miles upstream trOl aith.Drainage area.--41,900 sq iii, approximtely. Records availab1e.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to September 1964. ~.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft above iiean sea level, datui of 1929, supplemntary adjustment of 1947. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, staff gage and sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder, at site 3\ iiiles upstream at datui 9.79 ft higher. Extrems.--Maii discharge during yea, 31,000 cfs June 25 (gag. heisht. 10.67 ft); iiini.., 6,400 cfs Oct. 4 (gage height, 3.41 ft) ;~iiinii daily. 6.740 cfs JU1i 19.112-64: Haf._ discharge,7,300 cfs June 22, 1918 (gage height, 13.9S ft, site and dstuii then in use); mini..11 recorded, 3,900 ds July 9', 1949 (sage'heiht-, 2.S3 ft); iiinii daily, S,440 cfs Aug. 4, 1914. Reiiarks.--Records axcell.nt. Flow regulated by ainy reservirs upstre... Betwaen this station and station st King Hill, flow is regulated at Swan Falls powerp1ant and C. J. Strike Reservoir (see above) and by gravity and puiing diversions. Diversions for irrigation of about 2,140,000 acres (1960 determination) above station. Discharge, in cubic feet per second water year October 1963 to September 1964, Dav Oct.Nov.Dee.Jan.Feb.Mar.Apr.May June Julv Aue.SeDt. 1 9.380 9.730 9.970 9.490 9.170 7.960 lL600 17.600 9.350 .2 6.770 ~ 8.480 2 9.320 e.10.000 9.260 8.940 8.330 lL800 17.700 9.260 9.000 6.940 8.480 3 8,970 9.550 9.820 9.140 8.880 8.800 12.700 17.600 * 8.220 8.190 8.240 8,650 4 8.540 9.490 9.760 9.320 9.090 8.820 10.500 20.300 7.720 8.040 7.460 9.430 5 8.740 9.550 10.900 9.200 8,850 9.060 9.790 20.800 9.700 7.840 7.260 8.540 6 ~9.350 8.910 9.730 9.060 10.000 9.820 2L700 9.520 7.810 .6 8.450 7 8,330 9.140 9.550 9.320 8.390 9.120 9.640 ~10.600 7.550 7.230 8.240 8 8.510 9.380 10.500 9.380 ed 8.540 9.170 20.900 lL600 7.000 7.200 *8.330 9 8.450 9.380 10.100 9.090 8.770 8.300 ~2Ll00 12.600 7.640 7.690 8.450 10 8.540 9.290 9.520 8.850 9.350 9.060 * 8.650 18.900 14.300 7.110 7.200 8.300 11 *9.030 9.320 9.880 8.680 9.090 8.680 8.770 18.200 16.300 7.000 7.290 8.680 12 8.850 9.200 9.550 9.030 8.970 * 8.850 9.610 18,000 13.700 7.140 7.610 7.980 13 9.640 10.000 9.850 8.970 9.060 8.480 9.200 16.300 16.200 6.910 7.380 8.540 14 9.140 10.100 9.670 9.580 8.970 8.010 9.060 15.600 18.800 6.940 7.400 7.900 15 8.540 10.000 9.700 8.800 8.420 L..9.580 13.900 17.800 7.460 7.640 1& 16 9.000 9.910 a 9.820 8,800 8.390 8.970 9.000 16.300 19.000 7.110 7.380 8.240 17 9.230 9.820 aio.l00 9.140 8.480 9.200 9.350 14.700 20.100 7.380 7.580 8.240 18 8.910 10.300 a9.540 .e 8.800 9.030 9.460 16.300 24.700 6.850 7.580 8.130 19 9.060 10.100 a9.740 8.800 8.770 9.170 17.400 15.100 24.000 ~7.350 8.240 20 9.320 9.790 a9.530 9.550 9.290 9.850 18.600 14.300 26.800 6,820 7.400 8.420 21 8.590 9.670 a9.510 10.300 ~9.200 17.400 lL700 23.500 6.800 7.400 8.480 22 9.320 9.970 a9.830 lLl00 9.060 8.850 16. 700 lL200 28.900 *6.800 7.490 9.030 23 8.970 9.850 ll0.000 10.400 9.120 9.230 16.900 lL600 29.400 6.820 8.010 8.680 24 9.550 9.880 9.610 9.820 8,710 9.090 17.900 lL900 29.600 6.820 7.400 9.200 25 9.320 9.790 9.550 9.490 8.620 9.260 19.100 10.800 *~7.140 7.430 8.880 26 9.970 9.910 9.730 9.140 8.680 9.120 18.900 12.200 29.000 6.940 7.580 8.940 27 9.550 *9.970 9.790 8. 770 8.330 9.000 1.~20.800 6.770 7.320 9.060 28 9.580 9.610 9.200 8.970 9.200 9.120 *19.100 lL200 17.300 6.940 6.910 9.120 29 9.430 9.850 9.520 *9.170 9.230 9.200 18.300 9.640 lLOOO 7.610 7.640 8.880 30 8.850 10.100 9.820 9.430 ----.._----9.380 18.400 10.500 8,330 8.4éO 7.200 9.260 31 9.200 ----------9.640 9.290 ---..----_..19 ----------9.700 ---..-----7.960 7.490 .._-------- Total 80.160 a90.940 302.610 288.570 257.480 278.060 394.820 477.220 528.600 229.220 230.950 256.940 Mean 9,037 9,698 9,762 9,309 8,879 8,970 13,160 15,390 17,620 7,394 7,450 8,S6SAc-ft 5SS, 700 S77,lOO 600,200 S72,400 S10, 700 SSl,SOO 783,100 946,600 1,048,000 4S4, 700 4S8,100 S09, 600 Calendar year 1963' Max 27,100 Min 6, S90Water year 1963-64: Max 30,SOO Min 6,740 Mean 9,777 Mean 10,430 Ac-ft 7,078,000 Ac-ft 7,568,000 * Discharse measuremnt aide on this day. a No gag.-height racord. 1Vit~/ql6 SNAKE RIVE MAIN STE 175 13-1715. C. J. Strike Reservoir near Grsnd View, Idaho IAt 42'56'45", 10na 115'58'35", in SWli sec.34, T.5 S., R.4 I., at da on Snake River, 1 iiile cItr.. frOl Brneau Rinr, 7miles southeast of Grand View, and 492.0 iiil.s upstream frOl iiuth of Snak. Rivu. R.coda avail.b1e, Karch 1952 to s.pt.mu 1965.Reite regist.rina watu-stage recorder. Datui of gag", is at men sea level (levla b7 Idao Powr Co.). Reservir is formd by earth-fill and rock-faced da. Storag'" began in Febrry 1952. Total capacity, 250,000 acn-ft at .Ina-tion 2,455 ft (top of spillwey gates), of which abot 50,00 acr..ft is controlled storage. Water is used for poer g..ustion inplant of Idaho Powar Co. llevstions and area-elevatio cue furnished by Idaho Powr Co. Fi¡es given herein repres.nt total co..tents. Month-d e1evst 11evation(feet)2,454.02,454.02,454.0 2,454.0 2,454.1 2 454.0 Date Oct. 31, 1964 Nov. 30 Dec. 31 Jan. 31, 1965 Feb. 28 r 31 Apr. 30, 1965 Kay 31 June 30 July 31 Aug. 31 Se t.30 13-1725. &nake River __ !lrphy, Idaho ~.--lAt 43'17'30", 10na 116'25'12", in SI\ sec.35, T.1 S., R:1 W., on right bank 4l miles dotr.. frOl Swn Falls pow- plant, 7% miles northes.t of !lrphy, and 453.5 mile. up.tr.. frOl IIth.Drainaie area.--41,900 .e¡ mi, approximtely.Record. availab1e.--Augu.t to October 1912, Augu.t 1913 to Septemu 1965. §!.--Water-.tage recordu (digital). Datui of gage is 2,271.17 ft above men .ee level, datu of 1929, supp1_ntery adju.tmnt of 1947. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, .taff gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, watu-.tag. recorder, at site 3l mi1ea up.tre. atdatuii 9.79 ft highu. J!tr""..--Melli dischan. clurin year. 38,309 cf. De. 24 (gase heig. 12.30 ft, fr floodmk)'; mini_, 6,340 cf. Aug. 4 (gageheight, 3.38 ft) i min1i claily! 6,590 cf. July 18.,1912-65: Kaiiii di.charge, 47,300 d. Jue 22, 1918 (gage heigt, 13.95 ft, sit. anc datum t1i in uee); mint. r.corcled, 3,900 cf. July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft); minii claily, 5,44 cf. Aug. 4, 1914. ~.--Recorcl. excellent except tho.e for period of no gage-height recorcl, which are goocl. now rag1atecl b7 -DY r..ervira up- .tream. Between this .tation ancl .tation at Kina Bill, flow i. ngu1atecl at Swn Fall. power1ant' ancl C. J. Strike Re.ervir (.e.aboe) and by aravity and puming diversions. Diversions for irrigation of abot 2,140,00 acna (1960 c!termnation) abo atatio. DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1964 TO SEPTEMBER 1965 DAY OCT.NOV,DEC.JAN.FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JULY AUG,SEPT, 1 ~11,100 11,200 11 ,700 20,400 210000 2i 22.500 11.000 10,10b 7,90 8,220 2 11,200 11 ,800 11.200 19,800 23.300 10,000 22.200 10.900 10,200 7,75 9.050 3 8,900 ll 11 ,900 12.400 18,700 22,800 9,190 23,400 12,200 11,200 8,01 110960 4 9,470 12,400 12,100 ll 16,500 *~11 ,200 ~~9.860 8,22 9,530 5 9,620 11,700 11 ,800 11 ,100 18,100 22,500 10,200 23,700 13,400 13,300 8,45 8,270 6 .9,530 11,900 11 ,000 11 ,900 17,600 21,800 11 ,500 20,000 12,200 15,200 8,270 , 7 9,140 all,900 11 ,300 12,000 18,80Q 22,700 11,800 21,500 10,900 10,600 9,020 80510 ,8 9,260 aii,500 11 .200 '12.000 18,800 22,900 12,900 21,100 11,600 9,680 8,900 *9,350 9 9.110 aii,500 10.200 11.700 18,900 22,400 14,100 23,000 11 ,100 9,560 8,330 8,960 10 9,080 a11,800 10,900 11,400 19.200 22.000 13,900 210300 10,900 8,960 8,420 9,200 11 9.290 all,300 11,300 11.100 19,200 21,500 15,100 23,100 10,600 70670 7,780 9,080 12 9,590 all,700 11 ,000 12.000 18,100 22,600 17,700 20,100 10,500 7,670 7,980 9,440 13 9,560 al1,400 11 ,000 12,100 18,200 21,800 210900 15,200 11,200 8,930 8,450 8,720 14 10.300 *a11.500 10.800 11 .500 18,400 22.600 21,500 16,400 11,600 8,070 8,990 9,230 15 10,000 11.300 2i 11.400 18.600 19.900 *i.15,600 11,800 7,750 8,870 8,690 16 9.860 11,200 9,770 12.300 17.900 20.200 20,700 11.300 12.100 7,350 8,450 8,780 17 9.770 11.200 10.500 12,800 17.900 21.500 21,900 13.700 12.200 7.610 8,81C 9,470 18 9.680 10,700 10.100 11 ,500 17.700 20,400 21.800 * 12,000 11,900 ii 8,480 9,560 19 9,800 12.'100 10,600 11,300 18.000 19,700 20,700 11,500 11,700 6.650 9,650 10,400 20 9,860 11.500 10,300 11.700 18.400 14.800 20.500 ~10,800 7.260 7,260 , 21 9,920 11,700 11 ,500 13.000 20,400 12.700 20,900 9,950 10,600 7,380 ~iO,40 22 10,000 11.500 11.200 12,900 18.200 13,600 21,100 9,890 10,800 *7,170 9,650 1i.oo 23 10,500 11,500 825.500 14,000 20.200 14.500 21.000 11 ,900 9,500 8,420 9,410 10,40 24 10,600 11.900 a35.000 15,900 20.100 14.500 21,100 11 .600 9,680 7,520 9,680 10,30 25 10,400 11,900 a31.200 15.500 21.600 14.700 21,600 12.500 i.7,430 9,590 10,20 26 10.700 12,400 *&19,000 *14.900 22.800 13.800 22,100 12,000 9,410 7,960 9,560 9,77 27 11,100 10.400 16.200 14.300 23.200 12.500 22.500 11 .500 10,000 7,260 9,350 10,10 28 11.000 12,100 16.800 16.500 22.000 11,600 22,500 11,600 * 11,200 8,040 9,140 9.98 29 10.900 11,400 14.400 21,900 --10.800 210900 11,300 11 .300 7,720 80540 9.59 30 g:~gg 11.800 14.000 ~~:~gg -----11.700 23.000 10.500 10,300 7.870 ~9,77 31 -----10.900 -----9.100 ------9.710 ----7.840 9,110 - TOTAL 307,490 348,000 4230910 415.600 537.700 569.700 536.440 493.800 335,240 268'8~~269,85~2U,22 ME;AN 9,Y19 11.600 13.670 13.410 19.200 18.380 17.880 15.930 11,170 8.67 8,705 9,44 AC-FT 609,900 690.200 840,800 824.300 l,067M 1.130M 1.064M 979,400 664,900 533,200 535,200 561080 !l CALENDAR YEAR 1964 WATER YEAR 1964-65 AC-i'T 7,976HAC-FT 9,501HMAX 35.000MAX 35.000 MIN 6,740MIN 6,590 MEAN 10,990MEAN 13.120 * D1acharg. mea.ur_nt _de on this clay. a No aage-height record. H J!res..cI in thou.anda. id o o oo o o o o o o 4i o ~~/q..SNAKE RIVR HUN ST 13-1715. C. J. Strike Reservoir near Grand View, Idaho Lat 42'56'45", long 115'58'35", in SWI: lec.34, T.5 S., R.4 E. on left bank, at du on, Snake River, 1 mila dowstream from BrneauIliver, 7 miles southeast of Grand View, and at mile 492.0. Records available, llrch 1952 to Septemer 1966. Rete registering water- stage ncorder. Detum of gage is at mean sea level (levele by Idaho Power Co.). Il..erir is for..d by earth-fill and rock-f.ced du. Storage b.gan in February 1952. Total capacity, 250,OOOacre-ft at eleva- tion 2,455 ft (top of spillway gates), of which abot 50,000 acre-ft is controlled storage. Water is us.d for po.r generation in plantof Ida Pow.r Co. in.vations and area-el.vation curve furnish.d by Idaho Power Co. Figures giv.n herein represent total contents. Month-.d elevat 0 8 and c ntents at 2400 OCtober 965 to Se tember 1966ElevationContentsElevationContentsDau(feet)(acre-feet)Date (feet (4(,re- feetOCt.31, 1965 2,454.23 244,300 Apr.30, 1966 2,454.52 246,400Nov.30 2,451.42 224,200 lly 31 2,454.84 248,800Dac.31 2,454.76 248,200 June 30 2,454.62 247,200Jan.31,1966 2,454.70 247,800 July 31 2,454.56 246,700Feb.28 2,454.30 244,800 Aug. 31 2,454.48 246,100lir.1 2 454 5 2464 e 30 2 9 24 400 13-1725. Snake Iliv.r near Imrphy, Idaho Leation.--Lat 43'17'30", long 116'25'12", in SEl sec.35, T.1 S., 1l.1 W., On right bank 41: mile. dowstream from Swan Falls powerplant, 7% miles northeast of Murphy, and at l8ile453.5. Dralnage ana.--41,900 S'l mi, approxl.tely. Records availab1e.--August to OCtob.r 1912, August 1913 to September 1966. 5l.--D1gital water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft above mean see level, datum of 1929, supplemntary adjustment of 1947. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, staff gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, graphic water-stage recorder, at site 3I miles upstream åt datum 9.79 ft higher. OCt. i, 1935, to lir. 15, 1965, graphic water-stage recorder at present site and datum.J!trema'--MaiPlm dischrge duing y..r. 20.000 ofs Jan. 7; (gage height, 7.87 ft); min1i, 5,490 cfs June 7 (gage height, 3.13 ft); minimm daily. 6.210 cfs May 12..1912-66: 1l1i discharge, 47,300 cfs June 22, 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in use); mini1l recorded, 3,900 cfs J..iy 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft); mini1l daily, 5,440 cfs Aug. 4, 1914. Ilemrk..--Ilecords excellent. Flow regulated by many nservoirs upstream. Between this station and station at King Hill, fl"" isresulated at Swan Falls powerplant and C. J. Strike Ileservoir (see above) and by gravity and puming diversions. Diversions for irrigation of about 2,140,000 acres (1960 determination) above station. DAY OCT.NOV.DEC.JAN.FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JUi.y AUG.:iEPT. 1 9,740 LZ,400 1Z,700 15,500 15,400 14,500 8,6Z0 7,390 ~6,430 7,379 7,810Z9,890 LZ,600 T5 15,400 15,400 14,600 8,650 7,Z60 6, ZO 6,460 7.900 8'01039,980 LZ .600 13,300 15.400 14.700 14.800 8.330 7.370 6.Z80 6.530 7,590 8.540410.100 13.Z00 14.000 15,300 14.600 a.800 10.800 7,ZOO 6,750 6,5Z0 7,460 8,07059.830 LZ.700 13.900 B,400 14.100 15,600 11.000 7.150 6,340 6,530 7.Z30 8.010 6 10.500 12,200 131 700 15.400 13.300 15.700 11 .200 6.720 7,060 6,550 hi 8.63079.770 13.000 16,600 17,300 ii 14.100 10,600 6,610 6,530 6.550 7.750 8,630810.000 12.Z00 19,ZOO 17,200 15.600 14,900 10.600 6.350 6.690 6.450 7.690 8.51099,770 13'300 ir 17,300 14.400 15.400 10.000 6.Z50 7.080 6.390 7.320 7,75010~13.100 19.000 15,600 15.600 13.600 7.600 6.Z60 7.060 6.390 7.140 7.Z00 11 10.100 LZ.500 18.300 16.100 15.400 10.700 6,920 6.230 7.040 6,370 7.060 8.160LZ10.500 120300 18,ZOO 16.600 15.300 10.100 10.Z00 6.Z10 7.060 6;6.970 8.5701310.000 13.900 18.000 16.500 14.500 10.Z00 9.850 77 7.160 6.4Z0 ~7.6601411.000 13.100 170400 170300 14.900 9.980 8.750 6.710 7.410 6.370 6.970 7.8401510.100 131100 17.Z00 17.700 15.500 11 .500 8.630 6.580 6.980 6.400 6.970 8.690. 16 11 .000 LZ.500 17.700 ~15.500 10.Z00 6.930 6.560 6.970 7.230 7.260 8.7201711.700 LZ .400 17.900 17.300 15.500 10.300 6.900 6.550 7.050 7.070 7.350 8.9901812.500 13.900 170500 18.Z00 15.500 10.300 6.730 6.520 7.370 6.780 7,490 9.Z901911.900 13.700 18.Z00 17,ZOO 15.500 10.100 6.6Z0 6.5Z0 7.000 6.590 7.350 8.240ZO11 .900 13.600 18.100 17.Z00 15.500 14.000 67 6.590 6.450 6.560 7.3Z0 8.930 Zl lZ .ZOO 13.500 17.000 16.800 15.500 131 700 7.5-50 6.680 6.450 6.500 7.290 8.7502211 .800 13.900 18.000 15.800 15.600 12.900 9.540 6.580 6.430 6.560 7.110 8.870Z3LZ.700 11.800 18. ZOO ~15.500 LZ .900 8.910 6.570 6.470 6.590 7.060 8,630Z4LZ .000 12.900 170800 16.100 15.500 11 .800 7.710 6.370 6.540 6.640 7.170 8.660Z513.000 ~16.Z00 17.100 15.600 11 .100 7.550 6.300 6.4ÖO 7.140 7.550 8.630 Z6 LZ .900 14.500 17.900 15.900 15.700 10.000 7.470 6.Z80 6.470 &.870 7.4&0 8.&00Z7LZ .500 11.800 1& .400 15,500 ï4 10.100 6.900 &.250 6.440 7.430 7.430 8.540Z8LZ .600 11.700 16.800 15.500 14.400 8.140 701Z0 6.Z70 6.490 .l 7.5Z0 8.48029LZ .30e 13.Z00 16.900 15.900 ------7.800 7.550 6.300 6.470 6.950 7.640 8.54030LZ .600 ~16.300 15.400 ------8.510 7.4Z0 6.300 6.4Z0 6.990 7.900 8.&9031".700 ------, 5 .600 15.400 ------8.540 --.._--6.Z90 ------7.350 7.640 ------ TOTAL 347.0Z0 387.900 5Z0 .400 506,ZOO 4ZZ.300 371.870 Z53.380 Z04.940 ZOl.930 Z07.740 2Z9.000 Z52.640MEAN11.190 LZ.930 16.790 16.330 15.0aO 12.000 8.446 6.611 &.731 6.701 7.387 ;i.4Z1AC-FT &88.300 769.400 1.03ZM 1.004M 837.600 737.600 50Z.600 406.500 400.500 41Z .000 454.Z00 501.100 DISCHARGE. IN CUBIC FEET PER S~tUND. WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1965 TO SEPTEMBER 1966 CALENDAR YEAR 1965 WATER YEAR 1965-66 MAX 35.000MAX 19.Z00 MIN 6.590MIN 6.Z10 MEAN 13.600 MEAN 10.700 AC-FT AC-FT 9.850M 7.746M II ~pre..ed in thousands .1. .1Y~~l1b7 SNKE RIVER MAIN STE 13-1715. C. J. Strike Reservoir oear Graod View. Idaho Lat 42'56'45", lao¡ 115'58'35", io SW\ sec.34, T.5 S., R.4 E., 00 left baok, at dam 00 Soake River, 1 mile dowostream from Rruoeau River, 7 miles southeast of Graod View, aod at mile 492.0. Recordi available, March 1952 to Septemer 1967 (discootioued).. llmote registerio¡ water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is at meao sea level (levels by Idaho Power Co.). Reservoir is formed by earth-fill aod rock-faced dam. Storage begao io February 1952. Total capacity, 250,000 acre-ft at elevatioo 2,455 ft (top of spillway gatei), of which about 50,000 acre-ft is cootrolled storage. Water is used for poar geoeration 10 plant of Idaho Power Co. Elevations aod area-elevation curve furoished by Idaho Power Co. Figur..s giveo herein represeot total cooteoti. Month-end elevations and contents at 2400 OCtober 1966 to Se tember 1967 Date Elevatioo Contents Date Elevatioo Contents (feet)(acre-feet)(feet)(acre-feet) October 1966 2,454.30 244,800 April 1967 2,454.50 246,300 Novemer 2,454.21 244,200 May 2,454.58 246,900 Decemer 2,454.00 242,600 June 2,454.75 248,200 Jaouary 1967 2,454.10 243,300 July 2,454.57 246,800 February 2,454.17 243,900 August 2,454.40 245,500 March 2 44 245 500 Se tember 2 454 80 248 500 13-1725. Soake River near Ilrphy, Idaho Ipcatioo.--Lat 43'17'30", loi 116'25'12", io sE\ sec.35, T.l S., R.l W., 00 right baok 4\ miles dowoatrea from Swao Faiil powerplaot, 7\ milea oortheast of Ilrphy, and at mile 453.5. Draioage area.--41,900 sq mi, approximately. Records available. --August to October 1912, August 1913 to September 1967. Q!.--Digital water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft above meao sea level, datum of 1929, iupplemeotary adjustinot of 1947. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, staff gage aod Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, graphic water-stage recorder at site 3\ miles up- itrea at datum 9.79 ft higher. Oct. i, 1935, to lIor. is, 1965, graphic water-stage recorder, at preseot aite aod datum. Extremes.--Maximum dischar e durin ear 24 000 cfi Juoe 20 a e hel ht 8.87 ft . mloiii, 5,430 cfs Feb. 20 (gage haight, 3.15 ft); minimm a y, t c s Apr. .i§iz-61: Max mu discharge, 4~l300 cía June 22, 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in use); minimm recorded, 3,900 cfi July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft); mioiii daily, 5,440 cfs Aug. 4, 1914. ~.--Record8 excellent. Flow regulated by many reservoirs upstream. Between this station and station at King Hill, flow 1s regu" lated at Swao Falla powerplaot aod C. J. Strike Reiervoir (iee above) aod by gravity aod pumping diveraioos. Divaroiooi for irriga- tion of about 2,140,000 acrei (1960 determioatioo) above itatioo. DAY OCT,NOV.DEC.JAN.FEB.MAR.APR.MAY JUNE JULY AUG. ~SEPT. 1 9,080 8,6BO 9,090 7,900 9,060 B,900 7,330 7,520 8,550 15,900 7,130 7,780 2 9,020 9,240 9,210 7,900 9,150 8,220 7,260 8,340 8,610 14,100 7,310 7,270 3 9,050 9,200 9,070 7,600 8,610 9,460 7,860 8,430 8,600 11,300 7,160 7,270 4 9,650 9,170 9,000 8,400 7,930 7,100 9,020 8,000 8,580 10,100 6,920 7,710 5 9,050 9,210 9,030 8,400 8,480 8,150 8,420 7,120 8,860 9,960 6,960 7,780 6 9,620 9,290 8,670 8,400 8,580 7,920 8,380 6,710 9,830 9,760 7,220 7,430 7 8,840 8,970 8,500 8,100 8,230 8,190 8,220 6,970 10,800 9,000 60930 7,650 8 9,170 9,130 8,660 8,100 7,740 6,930 7,880 6,790 11,100 8,760 7,120 8,210 9 9,250 8,910 8,960 8,100 7,980 7,740 7,430 7,920 11,400 8,970 7,200 8,510 10 8,710 8,600 9,020 8,500 7,480 7,890 9,080 7,480 11,900 9,840 7,270 8,630 11 8,740 9,220 8,740 8,200 8,090 8,120 8,490 6,850 11,700 9,790 7,620 B,190 12 8,970 9,170 8,5;40 7,780 7,740 7,9,50 6,600 7,930 11,700 9,900 7,810 8,250 13 9,090 9,340 8,660 B,080 7,560 8,080 8,050 7,340 llt200 8,060 7,140 8,180 14 9,200 9,140 8,660 8,110 8,100 8.680 7,420 7,970 11,200 7,160 7,180 8,520 15 10,100 9,190 8,740 8,300 8,650 8,550 7,860 7,530 10,300 7,410 7,460 8,480 16 9,690 8,990 8,630 B,490 8,550 7,730 6,550 7,040 12,800 6,590 7,090 80600 17 9,570 8,910 8,530 B,910 7,450 6,790 6,500 7,370 11,100 6,590 7,690 8,880 18 9,630 8,930 8,590 8,590 7,840 7,400 7,320 7,360 11,300 6,560 8,150 8,730 19 9,600 8,770 8,720 8,610 7,390 8,120 7,020 7,390 16,200 6,580 6,730 8,670 20 9,550 9,000 8,730 8,410 7,710 7,720 7,510 7,360 23,000 6,550 7,120 7,870 21 9,360 8,920 8,410 8,280 7,820 8,050 7,400 7,260 22,300 6,720 6,750 8,270 22 9,630 á,860 80930 8,380 7,590 7,980 6,420 7,200 22,100 6,870 7,020 8,460 23 9,430 8,800 8,780 8,580 7,940 7,960 6,840 7,480 21,200 6,600 7,300 8,630 24 9,750 8,820 8,510 10,800 8,270 8,070 6,930 8,880 17,800 6,800 7,630 9,190 25 9,650 8,670 8,130 9,170 7,440 7,490 7,940 9,550 18,200 7,110 7,070 9,090 26 9,860 8,790 7,770 9,030 8,050 7,390 6,680 9,490 14,400 6,560 7,280 7,350 27 9,750 8,530 8,100 8,820 8,360 7,860 7,230 8,950 14,000 6,940 6,880 8,880 28 9,520 8,620 8,600 8,810 8,670 9,670 7,110 7,950 13,600 6,880 7,410 8,290 29 9,560 8,740 8,600 8,660 ----8,080 7,040 8,720 12,900 6,680 7,490 8,340 30 9,530 8,840 8,300 8,450 ----8,25Q 7,470 8,890 14,000 6,730 7,780 8,680 31 9,010 -----8,300 8,870 ---7,870 -----8,330 ------6,640 7,760 --- TOTAL 290,630 268,650 268,180 262,730 226,460 248,310 225,260 242,120 399,230 257,410 225,580 247,790 MEAN 9,375 8,955 8,651 8,475 8,088 8,010 7,509 7,810 13,310 8,304 7,277 8,260 MAX 10,100 9,340 9,210 10,800 9,150 9,670 9,080 9,550 23,000 15,900 8,150 9,190 MIN 8,710 8,530 7,770 7,600 7,390 6,790 6,420 6,710 8,550 6,550 6,730 7,270 AC-FT 576,500 532,900 531,900 521,100 449,200 492,500 446,800 480,200 791,900 510,600 447,400 491,500 DISCHARGE, IN CFS, WATER YEAR OCT08ER 1966 TO SEPTEMBER 1967 CAL YR 1966: TOTAL 3,477,460 WAT YR 1967: TOTAL 3,162,350 MEAN 9,527 MEAN 8,664 MAX 18,500 MAX 23,000 MIN 6,210MIN 6,420 AC-FT 6,897,000 AC-FT 6.272,000 11V~~/1(Pg ii SNKE RIV MAIN STE 13-1725. Snake River near Murphy. Idaho iecation.--i,t 43.17'30". 10,, 116.25'12". in sEI..c.35, T.l 5., R.l W.. on right bank 4\ mil.. down.tr.am from Swan Fall. powerplant, 7 mil.. iirthtia.t of Ilrphy. .nd at mil. 453.5. Drdnase ..ea.--41,900 .'1 mi. approxilltely. hcord! .vdiabl....Augu.t to Octob.. 1912. Augu.t 1913 to S.ptemer 1968. i!.--llital water-stag. reco..dar, Datu of gage 18 2,271.17 ft abov. men .ea leval, datum of 1929. .uppl..ntary adju.t..nt of 1947. hio.. to Sept. 7, 1914. .taff gage .nd Sept. 7, 1914. to S4t. 30. 1935, graphic water-.tag. record.r, at .ie. 3. milea upstream .t cltum 9.79 ft high.r. Oct. i, 1935, to Mar. lS, 1965, gr.phic wat.r-.tage r.cord.r, at pre.ent dt. and datum. 1!.--iis. di.cha..g. duri.. y.... 20.400 d. Jun. 20 (g.g. height. 7.80 ft); miniim, 5.490 cf. Apr. 18 (gag. height, 3.20 ft); iìnim daily. 6,04 d. May 13.1912-68: Maiim di.c ... 4730 cf. Jun. 22 1918 .. h.i ht 13.95 ft. ait. and datum then in u..); mini..m r.cord.d, 3,900 da July 9, 19 gage haig t..5 ft) i mins. daily. 5,44 cf. Aug. 4. 1914.. &ø.--hcorda exc.llent. Flow ragulatia by IIny re..rvoirs up.tream. Between this .tation and .t.tion at King Bill. flow ia ragu- i.tia at Sw.n Falla powlant .nd C. J. Strike Re.ervoir .nc by gr.vity .nd puming dberaio...Div.raion. for irrig.tion of .bout 2.140.00 &cr.. (1960 clterintion) .bov. .t.tion. OISCI'ARGE,IN CFS,WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1967 TO SEPTEMBER 1968 DAY OCT NUV DEC JAN FER MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 8,(,20 11,100 11,(,00 13,300 10.(,00 13,900 7,&50 &,610 7,430 6,520 7,010 8,950 7-9,600 11.300 11,700 12.&00 10,300 12,100 7,350 (,.370 7,200 &,530 7,3&0 7,990 3 8,970 11 ,200 12.500 12,700 10,(,00 10.500 7,580 6,340 6,790 6,940 7,340 7,270 4 10.200 11,400 11.800 12,bOO 10,700 10,&00 8,480 (,,780 &,670 7,000 7,270 8,990 5 10,200 11,700 11.800 12,700 11 ,000 12,300 8,460 &,470 6,640 6,620 7,060 9,020 &9,310 '11,900 12,300 12,500 14,300 12,800 7,900 &,530 7,250 (,,970 7,250 8,420 7 10,700 12,300 12,200 12,500 8,790 13,200 7,6&0 6,510 9,300 (,,700 7,230 8,5&0 8 10,900 11 ,500 11 ,600 12,100 10,(,00 12,100 7,8&0 6,450 8,960 6,&30 7,310 7,710 9 9,610 12,000 13,400 12,100 10,100 9,400 7,520 6,450 8,980 6,480 7,140 8,380 10 10,600 1 it 800 12,600 11 ,900 12,100 7,000 7,840 6,4&0 9,800 6,460 7,460 8,480 ~ 11 'J,300 11,800 12,200 12,300 12,100 7,160 8,090 6,420 10,400 6,480 6,940 8,490 12 10,100 11,900 12,700 14,300 12,200 7,360 7,780 6,440 8,840 6,500 7,420 8,430 13 10,900 11 ,600 13,200 12,000 12,200 7,020 7,340 6,040 9,010 6,520 7,350 8,410 14 9,370 12,200 12,(,00 ,12.200 12.000 7,520 (,,830 6,050 9,240 6,660 8,400 8,290 15 9,930 11,600 11,700 10,500 11 ,500 7,800 6,850 6,270 8,510 7,230 9,950 8,220 16 10,700 11,700 11,700 12,200 10,900 7,660 7,170 6,300 9,650 7,200 9,030 8,080 17 9,660 11 ,200 12,100 13,300 11 ,400 7,630 7,650 6,270 9,450 7,150 8,980 8,430 18 10,500 11.100 13,600 13,400 12,600 7,660 6,820 6,330 13,500 6,580 9,280 8,240 19 10,000 11,500 ,13,100 12,100 14,000 7,430 6,940 6,480 17,600 (,,620 10,100 8,400 20 10,000 11 ,400 12,800 11,700 11,700 7.570 7,100 6,970 111,500 6,720 11 ,400 8,340 21 10,200 11,500 13,300 10,400 13,400 7,580 6,990 &.590 13,100 6.540 11 ,900 9,140 22 10,400 11,600 13,200 10,800 14,400 7,560 6,910 6,570 10,000 6,550 11 ,900 9,600 23 10,400 11,400 13,200 11,000 15,800 7,380 6,890 6,620 8,860 6,540 11,900 9,260 24 10,500 11,700 13,200 10,700 14,500 7,27h 6,810 6,670 7,760 6,610 lit500 9,040 25 10,500 12,100 12,600 10,400 14,300 7,250 6,850 6,790 6,820 7,040 10,500 10,&00 2&10.1100 11,300 12,100 10,400 15.200 7,270 7,000 6,1110 &,710 6,830 9,600 9,7/,0 27 10,1100 10,600 12,900 10,900 15,100 7,370 6,950 6,780 6,620 7,170 10,100 8,950 211 10,700 10.900 13,400 11,100 14,700 7,400 6,910 6,640 6,610 6,850 9,840 9,360 29 10,600 10,900 13,300 11.400 14,800 7,550 6,940 6,580 /,,570 6,830 9,140 9,810 30 11.300 10,600 12,700 11.400 7,510 6,7/,0 6,590 6,500 6,960 9,090 9,670 31 11.200 13,200 11,000 7,250 6,880 6,750 9,050 TOTAL 31&,570 344,800 390,300 368,500 361,890 270,100 219,880 202,060 273,270 209,180 275,800 262,290 MEAN 10,210 11,490 12,590 11.890 12,480 8,713 7,329 6,518 9,109 6,748 8,897 8,743 MAX 11,300 12,300 13.600 14,300 15,800 13,900 8,480 &,970 18,500 7,230 11,900 10,600 MIN 8.620 10,600 11,600 10,400 8.790 7,000 6.760 6,040 6,500 /,,460 6,940 7,270 AC~FT (,27,900 (,83,900 774,100 730,900 717,800 535,700 436,100 400,1100 542,000 414,900 547,000 520,200 CAL YR 1967:TOTAL 3,386,560 MEAN 9.278 MAX 23,000 MIN 6,420 AC-FT (,,717,000 WTR YR 1968 :TOTAL 3,494,640 MEAN 9,548 MAX 18,500 MIN 6,040 AC-FT &,932,000 SNAK RIVER ~IN STEM 13-1725. Snake River near Murphy, Idaho LOTION.--Lat 43°17'30", long 116°25'12", in SE. sec.35, T.l S., R.l W., Ada County, on right bank 4.2 miles downstream from Swan Falls powerplant, 7.5 miles northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5. DRAINAGE AR. -- 41,900 sq mi, approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder., Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft above mean sea level. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, non- recording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 miles upstream at datum 9.79 ft ,higher. AVERAGE DISCHARGE. --~6 years, lO, 730 cfs (?, 774,000 acre-ft per year) 1 15-year base period (1952-67), 10,070 cfs. EXTRES.--Current year. Maximum discharge. 38,600 cfs Apr. 25 (gage height, l0.08 ft)i minimum, ~,710 cfs July 8, 131 minimum gage height, 3.39 ft July Ij minimum daily. 6 760 cfs Au 7. . Period of record. Maximum discharge, 47,3 0 c s June 2, 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in use) i minimum recorded, 3,900 cfs July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft)i minimum daily, 5,440 cfs Aug. 4,1914. REMARKS.--Records ~cellent. Flow regulated by American Falls Reservoir 260,5 miles upstream (see sta 13-0765). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. At times, practically entire flow is diverted at Milner during irrigation seasons. Surface-water diversions and ground-water withdrawals for irrigation ofabout 2,140,000 acres (1960 determination) above station. REVISIONS (WATER YEA) .--WSP 1737. 1933 (M). Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) 3.5 6,6504.0 8,1006.0 14,300 8.0 20,800 9.5 26,500 DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1968 TO SEPTEMBER 1969 DAY 1 2 3 It 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 13lit 15 9,1309,3109,1909,5309,1t00 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 21t25 262728 29 30 31 TOTAL MEAN MAX MIN AC-FT 9,5109,9009,5809,3709,550 9,51t09,5609,8109,6209,650 10,20010,60011,00010,90011,900 12,00012,200 12,50012,000 11 ,800 11,20011,10011,600 11 ,60G11,80011,700 326,B10 10,51t012,5009,130 61t8,200 OCT 11,90012,30012,50013,20013,100 12,60012,60012,000 lit, 300 11,900 13,50011,70013,90012,80013,300 12,1t0012,60012.30011,20012.200 11,1t0010,90011,100 12,70C11,200 10,600 11,1t0011,500 11,1t0012.600 367,10012,24011t,300 10,600728,100 NOV 10,30011,500 11,70011,00012,900 12.1t0012,30012,1t00 11,30012,000 12,00011,800 13.1t0012,600 12,500 12,1t00 12,,50013,70013,90012,100 12,30012,300 12,1t0012,50012,200 13,90013,90013,70013,10012,90013,000 386,90012,48013,90010,300767,400 CAL YR 1968 : TOTAL 3,523,780 WTR YR 1969' TOTAL 1t,516,610 DEC 12,800 12,20013,700 li, 90015,600 13,50016,80012,50016,10015,000 14,20015,30018,1t0019,10020,100 19,1t0016,80017,90018,300 17,1t00 20,50024,30023,60019,60017,700 18,50020,60020,10018,40018,70017,700 539,70017,41024,30012,200l,070M MEAN 9,628 MEAN 12,370 JAN 16,70016,30016,90017,60018,600 18,00015,80017,800 17,1t0015.100 11,30015,70016,10016,50016,600 17,20015,20016,70016,20016,100 16,20015,90016,90015,900 15,1t00 16,1t0016,600' 16,200 463,30016,55018,60015,100918,900 FEB 16,10015,20016,10016,100 16,000 15,50015,80016,20015.70015,800 15,30015,700 16,ItOO 15,1t00 15,4011 16,1t0015,70016,40016,10016,500 18,1t0017,90017,00016,800 19,1t00 20,30020,90022,30022.00019.00019,600 53L,400 17, litO,22,30015.2001,054M MAX 18,500 MAX 26,000 MAR 23,60021t,50022,80022,000 20.1t00 15,80017,50015,10012,30015,100 13,900 li, 100 lit, 800 13,1t00IIt,700 12,900 11,000 9,61t09,92011,600 12,00013.50017,30023,80026,000 22,50019,70022,900 22,1t00 21t,1t00 519,56017,32026,000 9,61t0 1,031M MIN 6,040 MIN 6,760 APR 23,600 18,BOO17,700 IB,ItOO19,500 17,1t0018,60017,300 IIt,ItOO11,100 13,50010,60013,00010,10011.100 11,1t0011,20010,8009,16010,700 10,70010,7009,5209,60l)9,710 9,3109.1t809,0509,0509.280 9,1t1t0 391t,20012,72023,6009,050781,900 MAY 9,1t209,0908,910 9,21t09,360 8,580B,7508,2708,5209,510 9,690 10,3009,9509,9309,510 9,0509,080 8,31t0 8,31t08,1t00 7,990 8,0008,070 8,,1t008,280 8,68010,700 9,1t009,6509,320 270,7309,021t10,7007,990537,000 AC-FT 6,989,000 AC-FT 8,959.000 JUN 9,310 8,91t0 8,21t07.3707,570 6,9006,8707,1308,2608,350 7,8806,8507,1406,8606.850 6.9207,1007,3806,9307,370 6,9106,9207,3707,3307,060 6,9306,9707,5807,6807,3607,910 230,21t0 7.1t279,3106,850 1t56,700 JUL 7.850.7,510' 7,1t507,1006,950 7,5207,9207,lt007,1707,570 7,2908,2807,7607,2606,900 6,8706.7607,1206.9107,110 7,2307,2007,4207,,1907,120 7,01t07,1307,0007,0507.3307,650 226,0607,2928,2806,760 1t1t8,,400 AUG SEP 7,9708,1t307,9207,8207,580 8,1107,9607,9608,1208,130 8,3008,5508,2607,8508,160 8,8108,1t908,7508,6708,690 8,9609.8209,980 10,1009,880 10,3009,7009,2108,9609,170 260,6108,68710,3007,580516,900 . AI £1- .. ¡.lf~/14/)184 (j . I'SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 13172500 Snake River near Murphy, Idaho . LOCATION.--Lat 43'17'30", long 116'25'12", in SE~ sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, on right bank 4.2 miles downstream from Swan Falls poerp1ant, 7.5 miles northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5. DRAINAGE ARA.--41,900 sq mi, approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft abve mean sea level. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, non- recording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 miles upstream at datum9. 79 ft higher. AVERAGE DISCHAGE.--57 years, 10,730 cfs (7,774,000 acre-ft per yearl; IS-year base period (1952-67), 10,070 cfs. EXTRES.--Current year' MAXimu disçharge. 26.400 cfs May 24, (gage height, 9.88 ftl; minimum, 5,920 cts July 20 (gage height, 2.84 ttl. m~imum daily, 6,510 cts JU1~ 17.Period ot record. Max um dIscharge, 47,300 cfsune ~2, 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in use); minimum recorded, 3,900 cfs July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft); minimum daily, 5,4~0 cts Aug. 4,1914. REKS.--Records excellent. Flow regulated by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 miles upstream (see sta 13076500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. At times, practically entire flow is diverted at Milner during irrigation seasons. Surface-water diversions and ground-water withdrawals for irrigation ofabout 2,140,000 acres (1960 determination) above station. REVISIONS (WATER YERS) .--WSP 1737. 1933 (M) . Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per secondl (Shifting-control methd used Nov. 16 to Jan. 26, Apr. 17 to June 22, July 31 to Aug. 20) 3.0 5,2704.0 8,100 6.0 14,300 8.0 20,800 9.5 26,500 DAY 1 2 3 4 5 8,9508.9308,6109,1709,490 OCT DISCHARGE, IN CU81C FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1969 TO SEPTEMBER 1970 JUN 9,86010,1009,24010,1009,B50 9,0509,7809,20010,1009,080 9,4309,99010,3008,9609.500 9,5709,6509,7509,7809,780 9,7509,7509,7409,5309,230 9,1909,4209,3009,3009,280 287,5609,585 10,3008,960570,400 NOV 9,190 9,78010,90010,60010,300 10,50010,1008,97010,00010,700 10,20010,1009,8709,7009,750 9,7809,7109,3509,3509,690 9,5109,7909,6809,4709,630 10,0009,7709,5909,6309,4809,150 304,2409,814 10,9008,970603,500 CAL YR 1969 TOTAL 4,331,530 WTR YR 1970 TOTAL 3,964,630 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9,8909,9709,9809,7309,670 9,940 10,0009,6509,8409,030 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9,5509,6209,8309,83010,100 9,79010,40010,80010,30010,200 26 2728 2'1 30 31 10,400,1,570 10,40010,40010,2009,690 TOTAL MEAN MAX MIN AC-FT 303,'1309,80410,8008,610 602,,800 DEC 9,9109,660 '1,6609,5909,980 11,10011,00010,700 10,400 11 ,600 10,80011,50012,00011,70012,900 13,80013,40013,50013,500 13,300 13,30013,50016.50016,00016,200 12,90014.00017,00015,90013,10011,400 389,80012,57017,0009,590 773,200 MEAN 11,870 MEAN 10,860 JAN 11 ,600 12,00012,700 11,700 11,000 11,60011,700 11,300 11 ,000 11 ,000 11,70014,40014,70014,70014,700 11,20014,40011,10011,10011,200 11,30010,80011,1009,99011,000 8,0607,4207,470 321,94011,50014,7007,420638,600 FEB 7,5207,3307,7608,0307,140 ,1,9909,7309,420B,8209,400 9,8209,060 8,960 8,5208,520 8,7208,5308,7808,3607,200 7,0607,8408,2208,3007,110 7,4008,750B,2708,450B,6008,130 25'1,7408,379 9,9'107,060 515,200 MAX 26,000 MAX 24,600 MAR 7,0007,8107,000 7,0'10 8,100 8,0407,1408,7809,560 11,500 13,80013,20012,80012,50011,300 13,60019,30019,10017,50015,600 14,00014,00012,90010,800 '1,710 9,4709,4409,86013,00017,400 3'H030011,710 1'1,3007,000696,800 MIN 6,760MIN 6,510 APR 17,10014,80014,700 14,100 14,100 13,90012,70012,400 14,000 15,900 17,80021,60023,70017,70020,200 18,40017,80014,90016,20014,500 15,10015,70020,30023,40019,300 19,40022,00021,00022,300 19,40018,900 543,30017,53023,70012,400l,078M MAY 17,60018,10017,20016,40017.700 12,2009,4108,3908,3608.100 10,00010.7009,680 10.200 18,100 21,30024,60024,40023,10020.800 18,40016,90016,30011,00010,900 8,1008,9608,1309,20012,400 426,63014,22024,6008,100846,200 AC-FT 8,592,000 AC-FT 7,864,000 13,10019,40021,200 20,00015,500 8,8709,3508,2508,5707,350 6,5106,5407,7206,7406,6,50 6,5706,5106,6506,6806,540 6,9706.6506,6806,7106,740 6,7706,9707,3506,9706,9707,140 274,6208,859 Zl,ZOO6,510 544.700 JUl 7,1407,1707,1107,3507,260 7,2607,5207,0907,0207,130 7,0807,4507,7407,5907,340 7.1807,0607,0407,0507,010 6,9707,0106,9706,9906,990 6,9607,0107.0407,0607,0307,140 221,7607,1547,7406,960439,900 AUG SEP 8,310 8,,2108,3608,0108,370 8.60010,1009,~nO9,230 9,ZOO 8,6109,3809,120 8,9409,220 9,9109,5009,4609,4309,370 9,7509,70010.3009.8109,880 10,1009,89010,0009,8809,860 279,8109,32710,3008,010555,000 i1t~~1' 7I (Í '" "'", LOCATION.--Lat 43°17'30", long 116°25'12", in downstream from Swan Falls powerplant, 7.5 SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM Snake River near Murphy, Idaho DRAINAGE ARA. --41, 900 sq mi, approximately. SE~ sec.35, T.l S., R.l W., Ada County, on right bank 4.2 miles miles northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5. PERIOD OF RECORD. --August to October 1912, AUgust 1913 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft above mean sea level. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, non- recording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 miles upstream at datum 9.79 ft higher. AVERAGE DISCHARGE. --58 years, 10,820 cfs (7,839,000 acre-ft per year); l5-year base period (1952-67), 10,070 cfs. EXTREMES.--Current year: Maximum discharîe, 35,000 cfs Air. 28 (gage height, 12.21 ft); minimum, 6,430 cfs July 13 (gage height, 3.14 ttl; minimum dai y, 7,030 CfS Ju y 254 Period of reOord: Maximum discharge, 47,300 cfs June 22, 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in use); minimum recorded, 3,900 cfs July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft); minimum daily, 5,440 cfs Aug. 4,1914. REMARKS. --Records excellent. Major regulation by Amrican Falls Reservoir 260.5 miles upstream (see sta 13076500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irrigation of aboút2,590,000 acres of which about 701,000 acres are by withdrawals from ground water (1966 determnation). REVISIONS (WATER YEAS) .--WSP 1737: 1933(M). DAY 1 2 3 4 5 'hß9010,0009.~90 '1,540 'I. ?¡;O Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) 6,9708,32013,900 20,40027,30034,300 neT DI~CHARG(, IN cueic FEET P(R SECOND, W~rER YEAP OCTOBER 1970 TO SEPTEKBER 1911 JUN JUL 23.30021,100 21,90020,10019,600 12,t,O'"12,70010,300 10.300 10. '100 10.?00 10. (;00 11.300 1 I. ~OO11,900 11,50012.10011.20011.50013.400 12,50012.30012.60012.60012,600 12, BOO12.50011.90013.20013,400 13.40012.50013.60012,70012.700 363.30012.110 13.60010.200720.600 'WV 12.60013,100 1 l. 30012.60013.700 14,200\l,50014.10017.50015.500 i 5, 500U.l0013.'10014.300 14,300 14.000 13,90014.90013.90014.200 14.70013.60012.400 14,500 13.900 14.00015.20015.40015,30015.40015.300 441.80014.25017.50012.400876.300 CAL YR 1970 TOTAL 4.228.150 WTR YR 1971 TOTAL 5.775.620 6 7 8 9 10 9,810 '1.7509,540 'I. ~IO9.330 11 12 13 14 15 9.810 10.50012.50011,90010.900 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12.50012.20012.20012.20013.000 12.50012.40013.00013.20012.400 12.70013.000 12.40012.30013.00013.000 TOTAL MEAN MAX MIN AC-FT 354.15011.42013.2009.280702.500 riEC 15,400 15,40015,500 15,500 13,800 11,9001,.90014,70015.50016.000 14.00015,50016,80015.60015.100 15.40022,00028,10032.90030.400 26.50020.00020.30019.60019,000 18.40018.20018,10019.30018.60018.000 568.400 18.340 32.900 11.900 1,127M MEAN 11.580 MEAN 15.820 JA\j IB,50,) 18,4DO 18,900 18.BOO17,100 17 .00017.00017,20011.30018.600 IB.20016.'10018.20017.80018,300 18.30018.10017.90018.100 17 .900 11.50017.600 11.30017.50015.600 \13.50013.50012.800 484.50017.30018.90012.800961.000 MAX 24.600 KAX 33.600 FER 10.'10012.200 I, ,(,00 12, 'jOO 13 .400 14.60012,900 13.40013 .000 13,HOO 12,90013.00013.20013,80013,500 12.60012.900 13 .10013.70014,100 13.80013.30016.00013.10019.400 14.700 17,50016.80018,90016.80021.800 444.20014.33021.80010.900881.100 flAR ,4,80028,50028,60027,70025.300 25,90025.10021.70026.80028.900 30.00029.90030.70030.300 29.500 2'1.20029,100.26.60029,10030.800 29.80029.00028.10028.20029.200 29.300 33.30033.60031.80031.600 868.40028.95033,60024.800 1.122M MIN 6.510 MIN 7.030 APR 29.00028,700 2A,500 2B,OOO27,900 27,900 29.2ÚO 2'1,800iO,20030,100 30.10030,500 31'¡OO30,000 31,100 30.30030.70028.60028.60028.400 25.80027.10027.00027.20025.300 19.90020.20021.90020.90019.50017.700 841.20027.14031.10017.7001.669M MAY 17,600 19,100 18,300 23.70022.800 23.50023.80024.70023.50021.500 19.90019.00017.70018.10018.800' 17.40019.20020.00017.50014.400 14.20015.80016.80014.20014.800 15.80017.50018.00020.70021.300 569.60018.99024.70014,2001.130M AC-FT 8.387.000 AC-FT 11.460.000 14,20015,z00 14,30013,40013.900 11.10010,1008.1207,1607.510 8.4607.2707.3707.2707.140 7'¡107.1307.2307.1307,030 7.2807.5007.5207.5007.3107.190 340.89011.00023.3007.030676.200 7,1607,100 7,1301,2701,290 7.3207.2607.2607.2907.500 1.4507,3307,4307.4801.470 7,4707,2807,4107.5507.420 7.4207.5407.1507.1407.380 7.6107.3207.3207.3707.6808.130 228.9307.3858.1307.10045...100 AUG SEP 8,2408,9608,0507,990,. 8.620 8.5308.860 8,h209,1909.130 9,4508.3708.580 8, aiO8,730 8,3409,0308,7108,5808.950 9.2109.9209.9809.5909.540 9.1709.4109,8609.8309.800 270,2509.0089.9807,990536,000 1V4P~. SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 13172500 Snake River near Murphy, Idaho LOCATION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NW\¡NE\¡SE\¡ sec.35, T.l 5., R.l W., Ada County, on right bank 4.2 miles downstream from Swan Falls powerplant, 7.5 miles northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5. DRANAGE ARA. --41, 900 sq mi, approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD. --August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft above mean sea level. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, non- recording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 miles upstream at datum 9.79 ft higher. AVERAGE DISCHAGE.--59 years, 10,910 cfs (7,904,000 acre-ft per year); 15-year base period (1952-67), 10,070 cfs. EXTREMES.--Current year: Maximum discharge, 31,700 cfs Mar. 3 (gage heisht, 11.15 ft); minimum, 6,890 cfs Aug. 20 (gage height, 3.26 ft); minimum daily, 7,050 cfs July 19,20. Ii Period of record: Maximum discharge, 47,300 cfs June 22, 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in use); minimum recorded, 3,900 cfs July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft); minimum daily, 5,440 cfs Aug. 4,1914. REMAS.--Records excellent. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 miles upstream (see sta 13076500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irrigation of about2,590,000 acres of which about 701,000 acres are by withdrawals from ground water (1966 determination). REVISIONS (WATER YEARS) .--WSP 1737: 1933(M). DISCHARGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND,WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1971 TO SEPTEMBER 1972 DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUl AUG SEP 1 10,200 19,800 20,100 17,600 ,17,700 25,700 26,10C 18,900 11,000 13,300 7,600 8,270 2 13,000 21,800 20.100 17,700 17,500 20,600 25,300 18,400 10.900 11,300 7...00 8,340 3 14,500 21,200 20,000 18,000 17 ,000 22,700 26,000 19,500 10,400 9,830 1,360 8,010 4 17,"00 20,800 18,800 18,100 15,900 28,400 27,100 19,400 9,9..0 8,640 7,620 8,540 5 17,200 21,900 19,600 16,500 16,000 22,800 26,100 18,100 11,500 7,330 7,620,_8,840 6 15,600 21,900 17,900 15,000 15,000 21,100 25,600 16,900 11 ,300 7,4"0 7,580 8,540 7 17,500 21,400 18,500 15,6CO 16,10'J 23,500 24,600 16,600 13,800 7,530 7,400 9,780 8 17,200 Z1,7CO 17,700 16,500 17,000 23, 800 24,500 17,900 16,700 7,420 7,600 8.760 9 17,500 22,100 17 ,900 16,600 17,5QC 22,700 25,100 17,100 '19,200 7,330 7,600 9,890 10 17,700 20,800 17,400 15,400 16,700 22,900 25,600 15,800 23,100 7,440 7,550 8,510 11 19,300 21,000 18,000 16,000 17,400 24,500 26,800 13.900 25,700 7,420 1,510 9,730 12 18,400 19,400 17,700 14,100 18,000 25,100 26,100 15,100 25,700 7,420 7,440 10,500 13 18,500 18,100 18,ItC li, 900 19,100 24,700 27,600 13. 100 25,600 7,330 7,600 10,300 14 18,100 17,100 18,300 16,800 18,600 22,700 27,900 13,400 25,300 7,250 7,580 10,200 15 18,300 15,500 16,700 15,200 18,400 18,800 27,900 15,500 24,600 7,200 8,030 10,100 16 17,600 15,800 16,200 16,300 19,600 18,100 28,700 17 ,200 21,300 7,220 7,580 10,300 17 19,000 18,500 15,300 18,000 19,200 16,700 29,200 15,700 20,700 7,160 8, iao 10,300 18 19,500 20.800 16,400 16,900 19,200 17,200.28,800 13,400 20,100 7,100 7,550 10,700 19 19.300 20,300 17,600 20,300 20,500 18,200 27,400 11,600 19,800 7,050 8, 3 It 10,300 20 20,000 21,400 18,000 25,800 20,000 17,700 26,400 12,100 17,600 7,050'7,800 10,200 21 20,300 21,300 16,700 20,400 19,10"18,400 25,900 13,800 15,500 7,080 8,420 10,3002220,400 20,300 16,900 22.700 19,200 18,600 25,400 16,900 16,200 7,100 8,320 9,7302320,400 19,500 17,100 25,200 19,6:10 20,700 24,100 20,300 16,300 7,330 8,220 9,910 24 19,400 19,100 17,900 24,700 18,300 21,300 23,400 18,100 16,100 7,270 7,780 9,7802520,000 19,400 18,300 20,800 19,500 23,400 23,200 15,800 13,600 7,290 8,420 9,730 26 20,600 20,100 17,300 19,600 19,200 25,000 23,600 18,700 13,200 7,....0 7,970 10,5002721,200 19,300 17,200 20,200 19,600 25,300 22,000 19,900 13,200 7,400 8,320 10,600 28 21,100 19,500 16,700 18,600 20,400 25,100 21,800 18,200 13,600 7,290 8,370 10,7002922,400 19,6GO 16,200 17,300 25,700 26,000 19,600 18,100 15,800 7,290 8,440 11,1003022,800 19,500 14,100 18,000 27,900 19,500 17,900 15,800 7,270 8,760 10,9003119,200 17 ,900 17,200 27,800 13,700 7,380 8,440 TOTAL 573,600 598,900 546,900 566,000 537,000 697,400 761,300'511,000 513,540 239,900 244,400 293,360 MEAN 18,500 19,960 17,640 18,260 18,520 22,500 25,380 16,480 17,120 7,739 7,881t 9,779 MAX 22,800 22,100 20,100 25,800 25,700 28,lt00 29,200 20,300 25,700 13,300 8,760 Ihl00MIN10,200 15,500 14,100 14,100 15,000 16,700 19,500 11,600 9,940 7,050 7,360 8,010 AC~FT 1, 138M 1,188M 1,085M l,123M l,065M 1,383M ltSl0M l,OlltM I,019M 1t75,800 1t84,800 581,900 CAL YR 1971 TOTAL 6,335,770 MEAN 17,360 MAX 33,600 MIN 7,030 AC-FT 12,570,000 WTR YR 1972 TOTAL 6,083,300 MEAN 16,620 MAX 29,200 MIN 7,050 AC-FT 12,070,000 M Expressed in thousands. fid;~1Z3 SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 13172500 Snake River near Murphy, Idaho LOCATION.--Lat 43°17'31., long 116°25'12., in NW~NE~SE~ sec.35, T.1 S., R.l W., Ada County, on right bank 4.2 mi (6.S km) downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast of Murhy, and a~ mile 453.5 (729.7 km). DRAINAGE ARA.--41,900 sq mi (10S,500 sq km), approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) above mean sea level. Prior to Sept. 7,1914, nonrecording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.9S4 m) higher. AVERAGE DISCHAGE.--60 years, 10,940 cfs (309.S cu m/s) 7,926,000 acre-ft/yr (9,770 cu hmyr); IS-year base period (1952-67),' 10,070 cfs (285.2 cu m/s). EXTRES. --Current year, Maximum discharge, 21,900 cfsmaximum 'gage height, ,. . m; minimum isc arge, or 0.S53 m); minimum daily, 5,910 cfs ( cu s u y , . Period of record, Maximum discharge, 47,300 (1,340 cu m/s) cfs June 22, L91S (gage height, 13.95 ft or 4.242 m, site and datum then in use); minimum recorded, 3,900 cfs (110 cu m/s) July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft or 0.771 m); minimum daily, 5,440 cfs (154 cu m/s) Aug. 4, 1914. 179 (gage height, S.25 ft or 2.515 m);cu s Jul 14 (gage height, 2.80 ft RERKS.--Records good. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstream (see sta 13076500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irriga- tion of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 sq hm) of which about 701,000 acres (284,000 sq hm) are by withdrawals from ground water (1966 determination). REISIONS (WATER YEA) .--WSP 1737: 1933 (M) . DAY TOTAL MEAN MAX MIN AC-FT . 1 2 3 4 5 11,20012,10011,10011.7001,,000 12,700 14,800 17,40018,20018.300 Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) (Shifting-control mèthod used Oct. 1 to Feb. 24) 5,560S,240 13,900 8.010.0 20,40027,300 OCT DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1972 TO SEPTEMBER 1973 JUN 19,000 18,200 18,700 19,10019.000 18,70017,900 18,10019,00018,500 17,10016,80017,80018,90019.100 18,80018,60018.60018.60018.500 18.800lS,30017.S00 17.40017.100 17.30018.00016.80018,10017,500 546,10018,20019,10016,800 1,08314 NOV 13,900 16,80019,50019,40018,900 lS,OOO17,50015,40016,80017,600 17,40017,80017,50017.00016.300 16.10016,20015,50016,40016,100 17,60017,800lS.00020,30020,500 19,80019,700 19,40.018,80019,70018,500 550,20017,75020,50013,900 1,09114 DEC 18,10018,30017.20017.400 17 ,100 14,20013,70016,80018,00014,600 15,20015,900 16,70018,30018,600 17,20016,90019,40019,80019,400 19,00018,60019,10019,20017,100 16,20017,40016,20015,60015,300l',SOO 531,30017,14019,80013,700 1,05414 CAL YR 1972 TOTAL 5,977,300 MEAN 16.330 WTR YR 1973 TOTAL 4,657,040 MEAN 12.760 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 19,100lS,60018,70017.70019.200 19,90019.300 19,60019,60021,100 20,30020,200 19,400 19,40018,900 M Expressed in thousands. 26 27 28 29 30 31 16,60012,30010,90013,00016,400 17,400 JAN 17,60016,60015,30015,40015,400 16,50016.60016,50018,10019,000 19,00019.000 18,900 _18,401('17,300 16,40016,90016,70015,50015,200 15,30015,30015,50015,40015,400 16,00016,70017,300 467,20016.69019,00015,200926,700 MAX 29,200 MAX 21,100 FEB 17,70018,20019,20016,700 17 ,SOO lS,500 17,SOO 17 ,400 16, SOO 17 ,300 15,80015,50015,50015,60015,900 15,900 16,90016,000 17 .00016,300 15,90015,40015,60015,50015,500 14,40014,40012,200 12,10011,500 10,900 491,20015,B5019;20010,900974,300 MAR 11,30012,20014.00013,20013,200 12,80013,800 1-4,60013,30014.400 14,30015,00014,40016,20015,900 lS,70020,60019.000 18.50013,700 15,300l',900 14,70014,40014,000 10,90010,30010,50010,50012,200 426,800l',23020,60010,300846,600 MIN 7,050 "'IN 5,910 APR 11,60012,6009,6009,4009,130 9,0607,3207,9208,1607,5~0 7,9307.7007.8407,6907,970 7,8207,5207,7807,3207,800 7,860 S,2807,9107,5107,790 7,7407,4608,0707,350 7,4107,470 254,5908,21312,6007.320505,000 MAY 7,4407,4307.4307,4507.390 7,4207,170 7,4207,2007,230 6,7506,7006,6706,7106,830 7,6708,3708,3207,9407,730 7,3507,200 6,6406,7406,780 6,6006,5006,2106,0506,070 213,4107,1148,3706,050423,300 AC-FT 11,860,000AC-FT 9,237,000 6,0606,1706,1506,1106,060 5,910 5,9205,9305,9405,920 5,9205,9105,9606,0206,200 6,0706,2106,1506,1506,250 6,6906,870 7,1707,1307,360 7,0306,9906,8006,820 6,8306,760 197,4606,3707,3605,910391,700 JUL 6,7206,7406,660 6,8306,800 6,8,306,7006,6506,7306,730 6,6406,5406,4606,2706,540 6,4106,2006,2006,3206,610 6,7106,6806,7406,8306,560 6,8407,2007,3307,0906,8607,100 207,5206,6947,3306,200411,600 AUG 8,8608,6208,64010,1009,910 9,500 10,3009,2908,4709,460 254,1608,472 10,3007,060504,100 SEP 7,060 7,3808,7008,0508,300 8,5S0s,oio7,7907,4907,880 8,1507,5508,1108,0907,820 7,9908,8908,2008,4208,550 517,10016,68021,10010,900 1,02614 ?!a/~~"'7Lir "1. SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 13172500 Snake River near Murphy, Idaho LOTION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NW~NE~SE~ sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada ~2J~78km~~ downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast of DRAINAGE ARA.--41,900 sq mi (108,500 sq km), approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage.recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) above mean sea level. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecord~ng gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 m) higher. AVERAGE DISCHAGE.-~61 years, 10,990 cfs (311.2 cu m/s) 7,962,000 acre-ft/yr (9,820 cu hm/yr); 15-year baseperiod (1952-67), 10,070 cfs (285.2 cu m/s). County, on right bank 4.2 Murphy, and at mile 453.5 EXTRES.--c~rrent year: Maximum discharge, 31,800 cfs 901 cu A r. 24 minimum d~scharge, 5,740 cfs (163 cu m/s) u y gage e g . t or(167 cU~/SI July 21... " Perl ?f record: Maximum discharge, ,47,300 (1 340 cu m sl cfs June 22 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft or4.242 m, s~te and datum then in usel; min~mum recor c s cu J 1 9 1949 ( h . h 2ft or 0.771 m); minimum daily, 5,440 cfs (154 cu m/sl Åug: 4, 1914. s u y, gage e~g t, .53 RERKS.--Records good. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstream (see sta 13076500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irriga-tfion of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 sq hm) of which about 701,000 acres (284 000 sq hm) are by withdrawalsrom ground water (1966 determination). ' REVISIONS (WATER YEAR) .--WSP 1737: 1933(M). Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) (Shifting-control method used Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 19, 31, Feb. 2 to June 15, June 24 to July 7) DAY 1 2 3 4 5 8,9409,1308,7008,Z708,510 5,560 8,240 .13,900 20,40027,30030,800 OCT DISCHARGE, IN CU8IC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCT08ER 1973 TO SEPTEMBER 1974 JUN 9,Z709,8809,4309,6909,770 9,8BO 11,00010,10010,300 10,400 10,8009,670 10,80010,400 ia, zoo 10, iao10, zoo10,50010,50010,300 10,500 10,50010,50010,50010,900 10,50010,40011, zoo10,90010dOO 309,39010d10 11, zoo9,Z70613.700 NOV 10,90010,70010,50011,000 11 ,400 11,600 11 ,400 11 ,600 1 Z, 400 1Z,600 LZ,8001Z,60013,10011,40011,800 11,70011,80011,80011,90011,900 1Z,OOO 1Z,OOO LZ,OOO1Z,10011,800 LZ,OOO11,30011,500 10 ,40013,30013,300 366,60011,830 13,30010,400 727,ZOO CAL YR 1973 TOTAL 4,006,370 WTR YR 1974 TOTAL 4,990,890 M Expressed in thousands. 6 7 8 ') 10 11 12 13 14 15 9,000 ,8,760 "9,OZO8,8609,770 9,9109,770 9,8509,690'1,430 16 17 18 19 20 21 2Z 23 24 25 9,1909,880 9,5309,370 8,R40 '1,2909,0509,1209,2909,210 26 27 28 29 30 31 9,2709,6409,2908,9209,6409,000 TOTAL ~EAN "'AX MIN AC-FT 266,7409,2509,9108,Z70568,700 DEC 1Z ,00011,40010,20010,200 11 ,600 12,00010,900 11 ,600 11,600 11 ,000 llt90011,200ia, ioa11,500 1Z, 000 14, iao14,60014,900 15,ZOO13,500 13,600 LZ,500 11 ,800 11 ,6'00LZ,500 LZ,60012,00010,900 11 ,80012,30013,400 376,500 12,150 15,20010,100746,800 MEAN 10,980 MEAN 13,670 JAN 13 tiOO13,500 14,ZOO 13 ,80014,700 15,00014,50015,300 15,80016,000 14,60014,80015,50015,90015,400 15,40015,40014,800 16,ZOO19,500 16,700 14,50013,70013,50015,000 16,60016,10017,700 427,200 15,260 19,50013,i00847,400 MAX 20,600 MAX Z'I ,000 FEB 16,50015,700 15,ZOC Ib ,900 17 ,80C 19,60020, soc20,400 24,30023,800 23,'100Z4,100 23 ,bOO24,80025,600 25,800 Z9,ZOO27,50027,30026,100 26,30025,40e24,00023,40023,900 21,ioe 16,000 13, boe15,90014,70U20,800 672,70021,70028,20013,600 1 ,334~ ~AR 22,40025,20025,40024,80025,100 25,40025,20024,700 24,90022,600 22,80024,30024,20027,i0027,600 Z6,80025,10024,90024,50027,800 26,00025,20028,10029,00025,900 25,i0025,50025,00022,80027,200 760,bOO 25,35029,0002Z,400 1,509M ~lN 5,910~IN 5,900 APR 25,30024,50024,00022,10022,700 23,00023,30023,700 23,200Z3,200 23,00023,10024,00022,40022,000 21,30020,300 18,bOO18,20016,800 17,300 16,20016,700 16, zoo16,700 15,70015,60015,80016,40014,20014,800 620,30020,01025,30014,200l,230M "AY 16,40017,40016,60017,10016,700 16,20016,20015,800 16,50016,500 16,50016,50015,70015,10014,700 12,00010,30012,20011,600 11,600 11,700 11,60012,90015,50015,500 15,50015,20014,60014,60014,800 443,50014,78017,40010,300879,700 AC-FT 7,947,000 AC-FT 9,899,000 15,00015,50015,50014,00014,500 15,40013,30012,4009,290 '1,510 7,8608,700 7,9707,9707,400 6,8106,2206,2406,3006ti60 5,9005,9206,3006,3806,300 6,Z20601906,i60 601606,1905,970 273,7208,83015.5005,900542,900 JUL 6,0806,3006,4106,5706,650 7,190 6,6806,7306,6507,000 7,2107,3007,2707,1906,650 6,6806,9206,8706,7306,760 6,9706,9506,9206,920 70190 7,2107,0506,9206,7606,8406,950 212,5206,855 7,3006,080421,500 AUG 241,1208,0378,8906,970478,300 7,0006,9707,0007,0307,460 7,540 7,4807,4307,4301,510 1,7607,1007,9508,1408,300 8,7308,7308,8908,5908,510 8,4908,8608,6508,5108,810 8,3808,2708,2708,3008,430 185 m);cfs SEP 'JYøIt" /t1 SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 13172500 Snake River near Murphy, Idaho LOATION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NWkNEkSEk sec.35, T.l S., R.l W., Ada County, on right bank 4.2 mi (6.8 km) downstream from Swan Falls powerplant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5 (729.7 km). DRAINA ARE.--41,900 sq mi (108,500 sq km), approximately. PERIOD OF RECORO.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) aboe mean sea level. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 m) higher. AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--62 years, 11,040 cfs (312.7 cu m!s) 7,998,000 acre-ft/yr (9,840 cu hm/yr), 15-year baseperiod (1952-67), 10,070 cfs (285.2 cu m/s). EXTREMEs.--Current yeari Maimum discharge, 28 200 cfs minimum discharge, 5,580 cfs (158 cu m/s) Aug.(162 cu m/s) Aug. 1, periOd of record. Maximum discharge, 47,300 (1,340 cu m/s) cfs June 22, 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ft or 4.242 m, site and datum then in use), minimum recorded, 3,900 cfs (110 cu m/s) July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft or 0.771 m)¡ minimum daily, 5,440 cfs (154 cu m/s) Aug. 4, 1914. RES.--Records good. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstrl'am (see sta 13076500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions abve station for irriga- tion of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 sq hm) of which about 701,000 acres (284,000 sq hm) are by withdrawalsfrom ground water (1966 determination). REVISIONS (WATER YEAR) .--WSP 17371 1933(M). DAY 1 23 4 5 6.7 8 9 10 11 12' 131415 16 17 18 1'920 21 2223 2425 26 2.1 2429 30 31 lOTAI. MlAN MAX MIN AC.,F' OCT 8.8609.130~.1609.0208.700 Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per seoond) 5,5608,24013,900 20,400 27,300 30,800 DISCHARGE. IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1974 TO SEPTEMBER 1975 12.40012.50012.70012.40012.500 12t10013.00012.900 110900 110200 10.60010.60010.80010.70011.000 10.80011.30012.100 15.10015.100 10.600 11.80010.300 12.40011.400 12.40012,00011.90012.000 l2.200 369.30011.98015.10010.300712.700 NOV 11080012.20012.80013.10014.000 14.80013.10013.700 12.80013.300 12.50013.40014.100 13.80013.800 13.70014.60014.000 13.40013.200 14.30013.00013.00012.500110400 ..lt50015.70014.50015.00015.00013.900 4l'.90013.48015.70011.400828.900 DEC JAN 14.20014.00013.50013.90014.100 15.00015.00017.000 15.10015.300 FEB 13.90013.80014.20014.90014.600 14.90014.80014.80014.80014.800 15.30015.90015.60016.30017.900 16.00015.20015.30015.40015.300 13.20013.10015.40015.30014.900 14.40014.600 14.900 419.50014.98017.90013.100832.100 MAR -IS.70016.90018.70016.90016.400 16.10016.70017.30015.70015.300 13.80012.60012.400oll.90012.100 15.20013.50013.10015.60020.000 22.20021.90021.70021.10021.100 22.60024.10022.30022.50022.400 2CibOO 548.40017.69024.10011.9001.088M APR 2Oy10022.40022.20019.100ii.200 15.70020.20018.800 1'8.80018.$00 18.20018.30019.60025.20026.700 2fJt300 25.40025.700?,6.40025.900 26.10026.10025.30025.70025.100 23.10024',980 2'3.iOO23.90025.700 680,90022,70026.7001$,700 1,351M MAY 2$.20025.30025.00022.60020.900 23.80023.90023.60024.10025.100 26,20025,60025.80023.20022,400 21.70024,40025,90025,50024.500 24.40023.70'024.90023.10022.600 22,10023.10023,10021,70021.40020.900 736.30023.75026.20020.9001,460H JUN 20.700 ,¡21.60020,10019.80019.800 21lt700lS.80019.400ia.400 18.300 17.900n,300 1'1'.100ltt,30013.200 10\,100la.l00U.300 11.000 11 ,800 9.350lh20012.200 16.20014.700 14.70013,4008,8309,811',,750 453.84015.13021,6008,750900,200 CAL. YR 1914 TOTAL'5,128.600 MEAN 14,050 MAX 29.000 MIN 5.900 AC-FT 10.170.000WTR YR 1975 TOTAL 5,059.410 MEAN 13,860 MAX 26.700 MIN 5,710 AC-FT 10.040,000 7.940 'h81O9.6709,3509,590 9.9lD lIÎ.50010,50010.900 10,.600 10.60011.30010,40010.40010.900 1 OtSOO10.80010.400 10"BOO10.400 10,80012.20012.600 120400 12,/50012.300 323.240--lih43012,8007,940 641.100 M Expressed in thousands. lli.l00 14..70014.70014.50014'.700 14,70014.70014.60014,50014.500 14..70014.7001..70014,10013.900 13'0900 14,00014.40013.70013.80013.900 449,60014,50017.00013.500891.800 JUL 90320ltt1406.6106.9507,UO 7.7607.360,7,.860 7.,9806.630 7.2207.4007.8807.1707.420 7.0306.6006,6106.3906,240 6.3906.3806,3206.2806,230 6,1705,9305,9105,8905,1705.750 212,7006,8619.3205,750421.900 AUG ~.7106.2506.3606,5407,240 6,.7206,330li.8706.1706.800 6.5606,5206,290 6.4206.340 6.2806,5306,5406.6207...80 7,UO, 7,210, 7,200 7.0507,380 7,2707.2906.9407,0307.1807.180 208.4106,7237...805,710 413'''00 SEP 7.070,7.5208.1808...208.5"0 8.0707.9706,730 709607,380 7.2807.4607."07,7308,260 9,1208.2608.130 8.1108.500 8.7009.4709.390 8.8809.300 9.120 9.0309.190 9,0709.040 249.3208,3119.4706.730494,500 .1V~340 SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 13172500 SNAK RIVER NEAR MURPHY, ID LOCTION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NW~NE~SE~ sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right bank, 4.2 mi (6.8 km) dowstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5 (729.7 km). DRAINAGE ARE.--41,900 mi2 (108,500 km2), approximtely. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to OCtober 1912, August 1913 to current year. REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1737: 1933(M). GAGE.--Wàter-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) above mean sea level. Prior to sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 m) higher. REMARKS.-- Records ROod. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstream (see sta 13076500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irriga- tion of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 hm2) of which about 701,000 acres (284,000 hm2) are by withdrawalsfrom ground water (1966 determination) . AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--63 years, 11,100 ft3/s (314.4 m3/s) 8,042,000 acre-ft/yr (9,920 hm3/yr). EXTRES FOR PERIOD EXTREMES FOR CURRNT YEAR.--Maximum discharge, ~9,700 ft3/s (a41 m3/s) Apr. 12, 13 (gage height, 10.70 ft or 3.261 m); minimum discharge, 5,350 ft3/s (152 m3/s) July 17 (gage height, 2.92 ft or 0.890 m); minimum daily,5,~20 ft3/s (153 m3/s) July 17. Rating table (gage height,in feet,and discharge, in cubic feet per second) 2.9 5,300 8.0 20,4004.0 8,240 10.0 27,3006.0 13,900 11.0 30,800OISCI1I1RGE. IN CUBIC rEFT PER SECOND. WATER YElR OCTOBER 1975 TO 5F.PTEMBER 1976MEANVALUES OilY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MIIY JIJN JUL AUG SEp189M12"'0 13BOO 15400 15900 19700 24.00 26200 20000 ..5900 .¡6660,,7B40?9?40 I"AOO 15600 15200 16100 IA900 25200 "5800 20BOn 5530 B040 77303904n12400172no15500166001700025100247001920056607000724049080121;0 17600 15300 16500 17200 24700 2660U 16700 5710 7350 6700591101260016000163001630017400258002560016400557082306830Fo909/\12foO 17000 16900 16300 17800 25900 24200 15400 5560 B380 710071000011'100 17000 17600 14300 15400 25900 25300 13200 5590 7910 7440II9980125001720016500162001140026400261001730056307390809091090012noo17300151001710010500273002670017200561068407640in103001250017600lFo500172no1050028100266001560056406920739C11114001250017200185001700010300282002560016600565070108820I?12400 12500 16800 15"00 16200 11200 28900 25400 18800 5660 7020 1010013153001270017000151001690010BOO'29500 24400 IB500 5660 7020 10200141420012200lFo500163001650010400"B700 24900 1800n 5640 6490 105001512800119001660013600170001440028800"5900 18800 5670 5980 10200lFo1280n11000130001600017200inOO28400"5500 19400 55BO 7950 11000171420012200132001710016200192002890024700186005420814010900IA13FoOO13700155001670016500226002850025300168005450946011100191270n12AOO132001570017100242002730024600157005440875010400"0 13600 12500 14600 16400 15700 24800 28000 23500 14400 5510 8580 10900"I 1350n 13400 15100 15600 16100 2?400 27300,22100 12800 5620 8660 10700,,?1280n 15400 15300 15400 16400 23000 25800 22400 12000 5740 8540 10500?-3 1260n 15400 lf-l00 15900 16500 23100 "5700 23200 10800 6120 8660 1090024I ioon 15500 lFo500 15700 16300 23100 25800 23000 11900 5980 8900 II 1 00.?E;11400 15700 lFo500 15600 16900 23200 25300 22400 12200 5980 8650 110002¡:12Aon 15600 1¡:300 15800 16400 24400 23700 23000 9550 5830 8530 1 I I 00271220n15500lFo30n15800168002330025110022100847059508350112002A1410016AOO163001580017600239002760021900673060708260110002913600lMOO15500158001850024000281002270066506130735011000301290n156001f-900 15800 25000 27600 22200 6440 6390 7290 1060031132001580015900246002090065407940TOTAL3Fo8800404100496500494000480300580800806900753500444940178430242250287220MEANIiC¡OO 13470 16020 15940 16560 lA740 26900 24310 14830 5756 7.1US,-'JLMAX1530016AOO176001850018500250002950026700208006540946011200MIN8960110001300013600143001030023700209006440542059806700AC-FT 731500 80 I 500 984800 979800 952700 1152000 1600000 1495000 882500 353900 4B.QSO S6JlCAL VR 1975 TOTAL 5228370 MEAN 14320 MAX 26700 MIN 5710 AC-FT 10370000WTR VR 1976 TOTAL 5537740 MEAN 15130 MAX 29500 MIN 5420 AC-FT 10980000 Wat /97713172500S::ER::R::RS:::HY, ID LOCTION.--La 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in ~NE~SE~ sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi (6.8 km) downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5 (729.7 km). DRAINAGE ARE.--41,900 mi2 (108,500 km2), approximately. WATER-DISCHAGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1737: 1933 (M). GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) above mean sea level. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 m) higher. REMARKS.-- Records 900d. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstream (see sta 13076500),. Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irriga- tion of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 hm2) of which about 701,000 acres (284,000 hm2) are by withdrawalsfrom ground water (1966 determination). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--~4 years, 11,Q70 ft3/s (313.5 m3/s)8,Q20,000 acre-ft/yr (9,e90 hm3/yr). EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 47,300 ft3/s (1,340 m3/s) June 22, 1918 (gage height, 13.95 ftor 4.242 m, site and datum then in use); minimum recorded, 3,900 ft3/s (110 m3/s) July 9, 1949 (gage height, 2.53 ft or 0.771 m); minimum daily, 5,120 ft3/s (145 m3/s) June 30,1977. Dec.4 ( age height, 7.55 ft or 2. l01 m);eig , 2.70 ft or 0.~23 m); minimum daily, DISCHARGE. IN CUBIC FEET PER SECONO. WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1976 TO SEPTEMBER 1977 MEAN VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC .JAN FEB . MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP I 10300 12000 14600 11900 12300 10300 7780 6.270 7110 ~5270/5710 ~6730210800121001390012100124001060081406190684052705920676039750131001580012300117001060092406300616054806000670041130012000184001190011800111009000657060505530605065205113001190011200122001170011200935069506050608060806160 6 118,00 12300 17300 11800 11200 11300 8460 7050 62Z0 6050 5970 58407125001190015900l1löOO11400117007240616063505970587065208135001140015700116001130010700759070007670595060306300912500124001570011900113001170063807160624058206190660010123001250015700116001120011200592075106650571063006730 11 13300 12300 14200 11600 10900 11500 7380 6810 7480 5630 6240 649012132001130014300111+00 10900 11300 6410 7050 7510 5630 6270 654013-t4700 11400 13700 11100 12000 10900 7270 7050 7590 5610 6110 657014147001190013000111+00 11100 10000 7110 6890 7590 5320 6050 64901513300126001360011100118001150063806600754053006030"54"..,- 16 13400 12400 13300 11100 11300 11100 6620 6270 7430 5300'5950 64301713000129001160011200111001010068406\130 7270 ~5920 654018,13100 12100 12700 11200 11300 9880 6870 6000 6760 5740 6920191320012400121+00 11600 11300 9800 6700 6130 6680 5370 5790 7000ZO12400'12800 12300 12600 9770 8380 6320 6:;40 6380 5350 5740 6600 21 12000 1~500 12800 11800 9510 7480 6570 7000 6130 5450 5690 730022'11600 . 12400 12100 11800 9720 8920 6620 6780 6190 5450 5660 7130231140012700116001190010100102006600665061605530579071302411600137001160011900102001010065406080603054305950751025 -11400 12700 11700 12000 9930 9590 6870 7300 5950 5760 5820 7300 26 11400 11900 12700 12100 9640 9100 6650 8050 5740 6030 67&0 724027114001350011900121009910873059507:;70 5500 6160 6780 743028111+00 15200 12000 12100 9910 8620 6080 7JOO 5270 6460 6760 1700291160014900127001220099906240711051906080673076203012000147001200012300932062707000~5790 6700 7700311180011700122009100713057406730 TOTAL 377950 377900 424100 366100 306690 316010 211390 212JOO 194850 175370 1119330 205040MEAN1219012600136801183010950101 YO 704b 684d 6495 5657 6107 6835MAX'14700 15200 18400 lZ100 12400 11 700 9350 8b50 7670 6460 6780 1700MIN97501130011600111009510748059206\100 .~5270 5660 5840.~FT 749700 749600 841200 727300 608300 626800 1+19300 421100 386 347800 375500 406700 CAL YR 1976 TOTAL 5448290 MEAN 14890 MAX 29500 MIN 5420 AC-FT 10810000WTR VR 1977 TOTAL 3357630 MEAN 9199 MAi(18400 ""IN 5120 AC-FT 6660000 .. ~ 'T 'Y~99 1r~~!~8'SNAK RIVER MAIN STEM . 13172500 SNA RIVER NEAR MUHY, ID LOTION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NWkNEkSEk sec.35, T.l S., R.l W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi (6.8 km) downstream from Swan Falls powerplant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5 (729.7 km). DRAINAGE AR.--41,900 mi2 (108,500 km2), approximtely. ~~",.., . d.E": WATER-DISCHAGE RECORDS PEiüOD OF RE~.--AugUst to'octob~~~;~~ugust 1913 to current year. . '¡-c-""-- REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1737: 1933(M). GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 m) higher. RES.-- Records ~ood. Major regulation by American Palls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstream (see sta 13076500) . Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for, irriga- tion of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 hm2) of which about 701,000 acres (284,000 hm2) are by withdrawalsfrom ground water (1966 determination). AVERAGE DISCHAGE.--65 years, 11,040 ft3/s (312.7 m3/s) 7,998,000 acre-ft/yr (9,a60 hm3/yr). EXTRES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 47,300 ft3/s (1,340 m3/s) June 22, 1918, gage,height, 13.95 ft (4.252 m), site and datum then in use; minimum recorded, 3,900 ft3/s (110 m3/s) July 9. 1949, gage height.2.53 ft (0.771 m); minimum daily, 5,120 ft3/s (145 m3/s) June 30, 1977. minimum discharge, 4,860 ft3/s (138 m3/s) (149 m3/s) July 17., Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) (Shifting-control method used Oct. 1 to Dec. 22) DAY 2627 28 29 30 31 TOTAL MEAN MAX MIN AC-FT 1? 34 C; 7480 7030 7030 7570 1700 2.84.0 5,0408,240 6.08.0 13,90020,400 OCT DISCHARGE. IN CUbIC FEET PEH SECONO. WATEk YEAR OCTOBER 1~77 TO SEPTEMBER 1978 MEAN VALUES 7910179078101780 ' 7111 0 7480 76707"7076607850 1750 71110 7650 7600 7490 78bO 8180 81008100 1680 79207960 80108150 8380 86408390 8610 86208360 238890 79638640 7480473800 CAL YH 1917 TOTAL WTR YR 1978 TOTAL " 7 Il 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 c; 170n 74811 7540 7350 73811 7430805n 79707970 795/1 1" 17 III 19 20 8001117607730 789/1 7780 ZI22 Z3 Z4 25 7590 7920 8050 7650 76711 7970 7840 7920 7950 7700 170/1 238750 1702 8050 7030473600 foOV 83008310 112808050 A130 8~508240 8380 83608210 8320 1'0308270A420 9140 1040098909070 78110 8190 8430 1970 82707860 8190 80008300 8140 11320 B410 8190 260420 8401 104007800 516500 29157403239140 DEC 80008190 80&08110 8030 81908240 7~9079208410 849.) 8410 8650 8050 8110 8160 10~00 1080091008300 8840 80S07970 8b20 9H,O 910089208920 8840 8730 8860 265940 8~79 10800 7~90 527~00 JAN 88408970881091608940 8430 8350 9430 109009450 86509640 819086508050 9050 8300 8970861\ 8140 83009080 8840 9320 9270 9130 9350 9880 250770 8956 109008050 497400 FF.1 93709510 9850 102009800 10200 10600 104009960 10100 10900 103009800 10900 1'(100 9750 10400 10400 10400in700 114001100011900 11'400 12300 1160010700 11600 12000 11000 11400 330940 10680 124009370 656400 MEAN 7988 MAX lZ700 ME AN 8874 MAX 17600 MAR ¡¿ZOO110001100010100 10500 10400 11400 14500 1290013500 1370013300 13900 13600 11800 12000 11700 12000 12100 11400 15800 11600 16700 16700 1bOOO 1bOOO 15Z00 15600 15"00 15100 403100 13440 17600 10100 799500 MIN 5120MIN 5270 APR 15000 15000l'..00 12:.00 11~00 10/00 141000 140101113..00 13'000 13100 11bOO 11-s00 l1"'Ou12/00 13~OO12!00 9-S20 1001008/60 9-SZu 91$00 12JOO 111:00 11400 11900 12bOO 11900 11900 11::00 11100 375800 12!20 150008760 745..00 AC-FT AC-FT MAY JUN 10700 8680 7540 7240 7270 6680740072107080 6840 7050 ilOOO 803n 14307430 7430 6700 5950 66006970 639n680068106540 6030 60005590 5960 5780 5780 209910 6997 107005590416400 57830006425000 JUL 54605470 5550 5430 6110 6340 6880 7160 66107000 5800563059106170 5830 562052705560 5380 5410 5380 5390 5510 6420 57bO 5720 5880 5750573058905960 18198058707160 5270 361000 ~62906030569057505940 61106290 5900 6140 60Z0 5720579058105990 63bO 6780658071707b40 7610 7530 7670 7480 b910 7120 68107030 6870 6790 6910 7050 203780 657476705690404200 (2.323 m); 5,270 ft3/s AUG SEP 6tl6U 6850 6840 68306980 845088009440 9490 9500 104009650 10600 12900 11400 110008510 8950 9070 9540 9730 10000 10100 10100 10000 100009920 8840 9630 8480 278860 9295 12900 6830 553100 " lÝ~J./ j ~;iy' /1~a3172500SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM ~3 SNAKE RIVER NEAR MURPHY, ID LOCATION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NW~NE~SE~ sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi (6.8 km) downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast'ofMurphy, and at mile 453.5 (729.7 kml. DRAINAGE AREA.--41,900 mi2 (108,500 km2) , approximately. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. REVISED RECORDS. --WSP 1737: 1933 (M) . GAG~.~-wa~er;st~ge7re~~~~er. Datum ~f gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. 3r~or. 0(5 e6Pk.), , nonrecording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site. mi . m upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 ml higher. RERKS.-- Recor~s good. Major.regu1ation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstream (see sta ~i0765~0)b' Diurna1 f1uctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irriga-on 0 a out 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 hm2) of which about 701 000 acres (284 000 hm2) are by withdrawalsfrom ground water (1966 determination). " AVERAGE DISCHAGE.--66 years, 11,030 ft'/s (312 4 '/) 7 991 000 /. m s '\' acre-ft yr (9,850 hm' /yr) . EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Ma~imum dis7harge, 47,300 ft'/s (1,340 m'/s) June 22, i918, gage height, 13.95 ft (4.252 m), site and ~a~um the~ in use; minimum recorded, 3,900 ft'/s (110 m'/s) July 9, 1949, gage height, 2.53 ft (0.771 m) i minimum dai1y, 5,000 ft'/s (142 m'/s) July 2, 6, 1979. EXT~S FOR.CURRNT YEAR.-.Maximum discharge, 24,400 ft'/s (691 m'/sl Jan. 13, gage height, 9.44 ft (2.877 m); minimum discharge, 4,640 ft'/s (131 m'/s) July 3 gage height 2 58 ft (0 786 m)' minimum daily, 5,00& ft'/s(142 m'/s) July 2, 6. ".. , ç,tgm L10f".-, Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) ~ :: Jli.5,; ~:~/' "iT6.0 DAY 1 ;. 34 C; 6 7 H 9 10 IIP 13 14 15 ..6..0 9100 10600 101009870 1/\ 17 1'1I" 20 11200 10400 10..0010500 10500 212? 23 24 ?5 10500 J 0"0010400 103009960 ,2/\n 2829 30 31 96109nO 1040011100 12100 12000 TOTAL "i:~N MAX MIN AC~F T 3042109811- 12100 6\110603400 CAL Y~ 1978 TOTAL ~TR Yk 1979 TOT AL 4970 859014300 8.09.0 2020023100 OCT DISCHARGE. IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND. WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1918 TO SEPTEMBER 1979 MEAN VALUES 8820 8990 tl340b910 7060 12700 12600 11900 1130011800 NOV DEC 11\100llbOO 11800 1270013000 1240\112700 11400 12600 12900 1360\1 11500 11600 12900 11900 1310u 1580022800 1780U15700 15900 1590U 1530014900 15500 15000 1400014600 1430013900 1380U 1360014000 13800 1400U 14700 441900 1425022800 11400876500 MEAN 9108 MEAI' 10b80 JAI'FEB 15500 1550015500 15500 15500 15500 1570016000lb500 15600 15500 14800 1550012600 15200 12200 15bOO 1400012700 13200 1330014500 14800 14100 13500 13600 15100 13600 16100 16300 15100 15200 1550015400 15900 16000 15700 1590015900 15900 15900 17100 16900 15700 17600 17600 1800018300 1880018500 17900 493700 159301!l00 13300979300 MAR APR MAY 8'l9U B96U 9160 8540 772\1 7bl08140 8030 711909420 8160 7750153071307500 792u 69706880 6910 7330 2424607821_ 9420 6880480900 AC-rTAC-FT JUN 76407500 7200 67006500 65006600 66006700 6700 64506300 6500 63006240 7010 823074707bl07470 6210 61806100 6830 7640 6940671065206660 6520 64406460 62406160 5800 JUL 5630 5000 522050505220 50005020 505050505080 50805110 505050805110 5080 54605490 5330 5440 5440544058005800 5740 1679605418 _ 62705000 333100 AUG 5910 6320 62706240 6130 6010 6050 61306050 6070 5110 613062106210 59605910 6910 8B80993010100 10400 93909190 95608960 8090 11008230 18601950 7750 1920 77207720 181080008060 239430 2386507724c: 195510100 93305910 6990 414900 413400 111 SEP 8140 8120 84008510 8190 8400 1580 69907360 1020 1240 730014101410 1080 83409330 88808170 1830 1330 1530 81101830 1890 8510 811083..08'008090 tl6t:0 9390 95609300 1'790 112uo12500 12000 11200 11400 10900 1100011900 11500 11600 12700 12700 1270012400 12600 12900 1300013000 1300012200 11700 119001270012500 13600 364600 12150131\0 10900123200 1?40013300 12800 12100 81120 10300 1?400 126001130013200 12300 11500 1060011t:00 1?700 111100 1160011900 127001?l00 I?OOO 1300012900 1250012400 10900 373520 1205013300 1'820140900 3543410 38911750 13100 12500 12900 13300 13300 12900 1300013000 402100 14360Ib500 12200197600 MAX 17600 MAX 22800 1780017500 16900 14300 10800 11800 11800 13400 1640018800 177001650017000 16100 16100 IblOO 15300 14'l0014600 13500 12100 1330013400 1340013400 13400 12500122009780 11000 432380 1441018800 'l180857600 MIN 5210 "IN SOOO 18bO 1.J60 7lbO1330 1::80lb40 1918406595 76405800392400 1028000 7733000 .1V~y/ jea'lito 114 . SNAKE RIVER MAIN STE 13172500 SNAE RIVER NEAR MURPHY, 10 LOCTION.--Lat 43.17'31", long 116.25'12", in NWi.NEi.SEk sec.35, T.l S., R.l W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi (6.8 km) downstream from Swan Falls powerplant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast of Murphy" and at mile 453.5 (729.7 km). DRAINAGE AREA.--41,900 mi2 (108,500 km2), approximately. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. REISED RECORDS.--WSP 1737: 1933 (M). GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 m) higher. RERKS ._- Records good. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 kr) upstream (see sta 13076'500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irrig~- ~ion of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 hr2) of which about 701,000 acres (284,000 hr2) are by withdrawalsfrom ground water (1966 determination). AVERAGE DISCHAGE.--67 years, 11,010 ft'/s (311.8 m'/s) 7,977 acre-ft/yr (9,840 hm'/yr). EXTRES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 47,300 ft'/s (1,340 m'/s) June 22, 1918, gage height, 13.95 ft (4.252 m), site and datum then in use; minimum recorded, 3,900 ft'/s (110 m'/s) Julv 9, 1949, gage height, 2.53 ft (0.771 ml; minimum daily, 5,000 ft'/s (142 m'/s) July 2,6,1979. EXT~S FOR CURRENT YEAR.--M ximum dischar e 29 000 ft' s m'/s) June 5, gage height, 10.95 ft (3.338 m);minimum, 5,580 s) Ju y 16, gage height, 2.92 ft (0.890 m). Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) (Shifting-control method used Jan. 20 to May 29) 5520 859014300 8.011.0 20200 29200 OISCHARGE.IN CUHIC FEEl PER SECOND. WATFR YEAR OCTOBER 1979 TO SEPTEMBER 1980MEAN VALUES OAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEf3 'lAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 8060 8910 8140 8480 7220 8430 7550 9220 22400 6180 6270 71602823089608310"610 1130 11430 7530 13100 23700 6520 6350 727038170891084507970722071'60 H60 13000 24400 6550 6270 6880481709930876078607380786078901100026200618061601210581209250803078307020711607950843027600638063008000 6 8170 919ú 8230 8450 7380 8030 8200,9500 27400 6380 6380 721078340910011650771107530851012700996028200655063007190882009080811079507610862013ÓOO93002800078906410113098280902086807690817085701150085102740067106320155010831082007113078308480882y13800953027100641063208370 11 8280 7410 7240 8ó20 7690 8200 13700 9840 2ó400 6100 6320 998012800076408230&450 7050 8230 12800 11900 23000 5910 621,0 973013809085708590848073001103012000130002020057106160101,0014803088808ó50837071ÓO73110113001510016600569061309900157810820079701190074407500114001700015900569060109250 16 8310 8280 7920 13000 7470 7720 11600 17100 14900 5690 6020 1020017857087407890122007190&570 12200 17300 12300 5770 6160 98101885108f-50 8000 10500 6930 7530 9840 17800 11200 5650 6210 998019896060ÓO6590102001040073609900ló40013000574064909210209011064308570967010200800079501450011400574069909500 21 8960 8650 8570 7670 10200 6930 7220 14000 11300 5170 6910 9420221000082808540"'480 10200 8820 82ÓO 13900 10300 5770 6770 9560239"'10 8430 7830 11540 9670 8140 8450 13000 8430 5740 6630 9HO2493308880628084508930840082001280095605740680093302594208880841108400620084508260148008590580067109960 26 9100 8880 7610 11430 114nO 8590 8370 18900 7950 5820 6710 930027896089907780114007&90 8310 8030 19300 7410 5960 6660 95002889ÓO8570845017110795079708260221,00 6770 6070 6550 85402989908"'50 8060 7550 8430 7190 7950 22500 6490 6270 6440 786030905064007500&200 7810 7890 23900 6600 6""0 61,10 811,03189906170828077502220063506600 TOTAL 267260 260420 254910 271020 235710 2S1930 291460 41,9190 510700 189370 199060 263140MEAN86218&81 tl223 6743 8128 S127 9715 14490 17020 6109 6421 8771'!AX 10000 9930 6760 13000 10400 6930 13800 23900 ~fl?OO 7890 6990 101,00MIN781074107240755070207190716081,30 6490 5690 6020 6880AC-FT 530100 516500 505600 537600 467ÓOO 499700 ~78100 891000 1013000 375600 391,800 521900 CAL YR 1979 TOTAL 3639010 I4EAN 9970 MAX 221100 MIN 5000 AC-l'7218000WTR YR 1980 TOTAL 3444180 MEAN 9410 MAX 28200 MIN 5690 AC-l'6832000 " .ji a:r ) e-ý 11 g I . SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 117 13172500 SNAKE RIVER NEAR MURPHY, ID-- LOCATION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NWltNEltSElt sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic unit 17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi (6.8 km) downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5 (729.7 km). DRAINAGE AREA.--41,900 mi2 (108,500 km2), approximately. WATER-DISCHARGE RECORDS PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1737: 1933(M). GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage, and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 m) higher. REMARKS.-- Records good. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstream (see sta 13076500). Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irrigation of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 hm21 of which about 701,000 acres (284,000 hm2) are bywithdrawals from ground water (1966 determination). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--68 years, 10,980 ft3/s (311.0 m3/s) 7,955,000 acre-ft/yr (9,810 hm3/yr). EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum discharge, 47,300 ft3/s (1,340 m3/s) June 22, 1918, gage height, 13.95 ft (4.252 m), site and datum then in usei minimum, 3,650 ft3/s (103 m3/s) July 7, 1981, gage height, 2.22 ft (0.677 mIi minimum daily, 4,530 ft3/s (128 m3/s1 June 28, 1981. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum discharge, 20,500 ft3/s (581 m3/s) June 16, gage height, 8.10 ft (2.469 m)i minimum, 3,650 ft3/s (103 m3/s) July 7, gage height, 2.22 ft (0.677 m)l,minimum daily,' 4,530 ft3 Is (128 m3 Is) June 28. u i SCl1A(lØE.IN CU.,lC FEE r PE" SlCONO.~ATE~YEAH DCTOHER 19110 TO SEPTEMIlER 1981 MEAN VALUES OilY OCT NOV UEC JAN FEB '-AR APR 'lAY JUN JUL AUB SEP 1 11'+'+0 1I'l20 10'+00 10300 9090 '1" 70 9'+90 12700 16800 '+580 5610 7130 2 11550 9090 10300 9860 9200 8920 10..00 10000 18000 '+610 5630 6880 3 827U 10900 10300 9!iI0 9320 84'+0 10'+00 7650 111200 '+61U 5800 6660 '+81SU H10U ll1UO \/\10 9290 7820 1u..00 7310 18300 '+830 5830 7230 5 7930 10..00 lU9UU "'d30 \i3¿0 6610 10300 6780 17900 5140 5880 7250 6 8210 12500 10900 1 U 1 00 91'0 7200 10300 5970 17500 5380 5690 6910 7 7960 11:;00 1l00~98;'0 d91l0 7250 111100 5550 16900 51'+0 5630 7930 8 1I0'+U 107UO 10bOO lU10U '.660 807u 1280U 5'+'+0 16800 5020 5610 75'+0 \I 7870 97'U 10500 9920 '11110 7650 9890 5'+0 16100 5190 5'+0 72'+0 10 7730 "950 9600 9090 8950 1111'+11 a\l50 5660 16500 5000 5610 7910 11 8130 llo90 9920 n20 87:0 h80'92(,0 5860 17700 5110 5770 8370 lC~7tl7U 81130 99'+U 91:30 7J10 7820 9930 6'+70 19200 5250 6020 9030 13 7900 8b'+0 10000 98\10 .,970 87.10 8920 7080 19700 5690 5940 9080 1'+1l11l0 10'+00 10100 1300U "930 77bO 8tl60 5660 19500 5220 5580 9250 15 8070 9740 10100 119..0 85':0 7900 8690 5580 19500 5000 5610 8880 16 8150 9'+00 10'+00 \1920 b550 7170 8860 5550 19500 5380 5690 8760 17 \10&0 10100 10300 101100 il5:;U 79UO 1'80 5660 1'+00 5160 5860 8750 18 9320 96\10 10600 \1770 llS50 7930 7b70 6360 8950 5190 5810 8650 1 \I 9000 1 U 1 OU 11830 H2O tl6'tU 79&0 '(20 '6720 7730 5300 5820 7860 2U 90&0 9llJIl 9800 "'11 0 d'+JO '1&i!1l 776U 6520 666U 5300 5930 8180 ê:\160 10200 J 0000 10300 75110 84411 tl270 7650 &220 ''+10 5990 8590 22 9&90 11300 10400 9ó\l'1 liO 10 IHi:O 10100 7960 6080 5330 5870 84(,0 23 9bOO 11 100 10'+00 9170 '11:0 ob'+O 12100 7390 5970 5380 6070 8510 2'+9370 10.,00 1 U 1 00 "'1:60 7960 b3JO 12700 8070 5610 538U 6350 9110 25 9490 10900 1 u1UO 11'+00 1l0'+0 69"0 13000 7560 5610 5'+10 6340 8800 2&8950 10300 10900 111130 /l00 7&20 15600 70bO 5""0 5550 6260 8390 21 6119U 11..&0 ill'JO J 0 1 00 13'+0 7000 1'\100 7310 '+910 6220 6200 9170~9520 10300 ..510 11830 75311 b270 1'300 9230 '+530 6'+0 6110 97110 29 9350 lL10U 10100 9370 101 UO 130UO 13200 ~"ä 5630 6160 9040 3U 9350 10"00 10000 8660 1000U 12100 141100 '+610 5580 6530 8980 31 9350 102UO 8\11l0 9i:30 15600 5610 6730 TOTAL 26dflú 30508U 320060 305100 235220 2443"0 3J6150 23\1820 379'+00 16'+070 183370 249530 MEA.,8b61i 1017U 103i!U "',,'+2 ..401 7ea2 10540 '136 12650 5293 5915 8318 MIIX 11690 12"00 ll1UO 1080U \1320 10100 15bOO 15600 19700 6'+0 6730 9790 MIN 7730 86'+0 9570 IlbbO ,,9'0 bno 7220 54'+0 '+530 4580 5'+40 6660 AC-FT 533000 605100 &3'+800 605200 4&6600 ,+tl,+bOO 627100 475700 '7 325400 363700 '+9'+900 CAL YR_lia 0 ToT ilL 35554'+u MEAN 971'+MIIX 21\200 MIN 5690 AC-FT 7052000 WTR YR 1981 TOTAL 3210tl50 MEAN 87111 MAX 1970U MIN 4530 AC-FT 63611000 )r¿tE j£iY I1Q! SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM . 13172500 SNAKE RIVER NEAR MURPHY, 10 LOCATION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NW\NE\SE\ sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi (6.8 km) downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi (12.1 km) northeast. of Murphy, and at mile 453.5 (729.7 km). DRAINAGE AREA.--41, 900 mi 2 (108,500 km2), approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD.--August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. REVISED RECORDS.--WSP 1737: 1933(M). GAGE.--Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage, is 2,271.17 ft (692.253 m) National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage, and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi (5.6 km) upstream at datum 9.79 ft (2.984 m) higher. REMARKS.-- Records good. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi (419.1 km) upstream. Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irrigation of about 2,590,000 acres (1,050,000 hm2j of which about 701,000 acres (284,000 hm2) are bywi thdrawa1s from ground water (1966 determination). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.--69 years, ll.2.,Qfi;3/s (311.5 m3/s) 7,970,000 acre-ft/yr (9,830 hm3/yr). EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Maximum dischüSe, 47,300 ft3/s, (1,340 m3/s) June 22, 1918, gage height, 13.95 ft (4.252 m), site and datum then in use: mi;.i:iJlu_~~,3~~5~gi....t3/s (103 m3/s) July 7, 1981, gage height, 2.22 ft (0.677 m): minimum daily. 4.530 ftJ/s (128 m'/š) June 28,1981. EXTREMES FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum daily discharge, 25,900 ft3 Is (733 m3 Is) May 13: minimum, 4,910 ft3/s (139 m3/s) Jan. 12, gage height, 2.83 ft (0.863 m): minimum daily, 5,970 ft3/s (169 m3/s) July 25. DAY TOTAL MEAN MAX MIN AC-FT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8610866086408690 9000 8720 90609720 9520 9520 10100 10300 10900 9260 10400 10100 972010300103009940 OCT DISCHARGE, IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1981,1° SEPTEMBER 1982 MEAN VALUESNOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 276810 9227 9970 8920 549100 CAL YR 1981 TOTAL WTR YR 1982 TOTAL 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 9660 994010000 10100 9540 10400 9800 9800 9720 94609150 299030 9646 10900 8610593100 9630 9430 94909260 9030 9320 90309170 8860 8810 8830 8890 10100 9170 8950 8580 9150 8640 8580 8410 9000 8920 8920 8920 8920 8980 8950 9170 9570 8950 8920 8950 9570 9030 8920 8980 900090009630 9970 9890 96309260 9490 9430 8750 9350 87009260 10200 1280011900 9970 9430 8720 7870 9290 9260 8980 8010 8410 285390 920612800 7870 566100 3178230 4504260 997082708150 90308920 773081008720 7960 8180 9060 8270 9150 8610 8610 9230 86908610 8640 8920 8890 9090 8720 8920 8980 8780 8240 9170 872088608380 269570 8696 9970 7730534700 MEAN 8707MEAN 12340 8350 7840 8410 8380 9090 8520 9350 8410 929010100 14000 19500 21900 16300 14600 1610018300189001520012000 120001150012000 333300 11900 21900 7840661100 MAX 19700 MAX 25900 8490 87509060 8610 8350 12500 13200 14000 14200 13000 12000 9770 10700 12700 13100 12500 13000 13200 13100 13000 13600 1370013000 12300 12000 11800 1160011000 10100 9100 9200 9770 14600 15800 1980020300 3976401283020300 9100788700 206002240022900 22900 23700 22800 2280023000 23000 21600 21400 22600 24200 23600 23600 25200 25400253002530024400 25600 24700 24400 24300 24100 24000 24000 23700 2300022900 70740023580 25600 206001403000 MIN 4530MIN 5970 714800 23060 25900 174001418000 AC-FT AC-FT 23000230002300022900 22500 230002420024800 24200 25200 25500 2570025900 25300 24600 24400244002470024500 24500 24300 22900 23000 2260022300 21600 204001740017800 1820019000 18400 .203002120020900 20200 20000 19300 19100 18800 17000 14200 11200 9430 9060 7870 9570 9350 10000 9520 9600 1010010000935010600 9920 390610 13020 21200 7870 774800 63040008934000 10200 11500 15300 11900 13700 14500 14600 13100 13200 12800 8750 97709230 9170 8720 10800 8580 8150 8350 7030 6640706060106140 5970 6010 6190 6120, 6120 68306450 289170932815300 5970 573600 9090 8980 9350 8980 9520 ÀUG 6580 7130 6900 7060 6300' 7070 7470 7420 7670 7740 7500 7370 67607090 6960 7150 8280 9770" 6560 6950 6760 73708440.8440. 8390 8110 7900 83708790.9640.9570,¡ 2375107662 9710 6300 471100 93 SEP 10100914089709300 9110 8850 89909210 9160 9670 9540 93409510 9740 111700 10700 10900107001070010600 10800 10800 10800 1070010700 10800 10800108001090011000 303030 10100 110008850601100 ..J/~ j e-a-~r,Ç$ SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM . 13172500 SNAKE RIVER NEAR MURPHY, ID LOCATION.--Lat 43.17'31-, long 116°25'12-, in NW~NE~SE~ sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right ban 4.2 .i downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi northeast of Murphy, and at mile453.5. DRAINAGB AR.--1,900 .i2, approximately. PERIOD OF REORD.--Auust to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. REISE! RECORD.--lP 1737: 1933(M). GAGE.-~ater-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, noarecording gage, and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi upstreaa at dab. 9.79 ft higher. REMAR.-- Records excellent. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi upstream. Diurnal fluctu- ation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irrigation of about 2,590,000 acres of which abot 701,000 acres are by withdrawals from ground water (1966 determination). AVERAB DISCHB.--70 years, 11,080 ft3/s, 8,027,000 acre-ft/yr. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF REORD.--Maximum discharge, 47,300 ft3/s June 22, 1918, gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in usei ainiaua, 3,650 ft3/s July 7, 1981, gage height, 2.22 fti minimum daily, 4,530 ft3/s June 28, 1981. EXTREMES FOR CORRMT YEAR.--Maximum discharge, 32,400 ft3/s May 6, gage height, 12.06 fti minimum, 5,850 ft3/s July 24, 25, gage height, 3.02 fti minimum daily, 6,360 ft3/s July 27, Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TOTAL MEAN MAX MINAC-FT 6350 7190 8600 1440023200 32200 DISCHAB, IN COBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1982 TO SEPTEMBER 1983 MEAN VALOESoc NO DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL 1200012000118001130011500 1130011300112001140011500 1320011800132001260010500 1210016100160001590015700 14800 162001620016200 16200 162001620016200 16400 1900018200 434200140101900010500861200 1820017700179001840018300 1880019600188001880018100 1880018200182001770018000 1810018400204002030020300 19900 19600 19900 19200 19000 1900019200188001830018300 564200 1881020400177001119000 1830019500193001780019800 1950019100 192001850018300 18400 18500185001860018900 1950019400195001950019300 1930019500 21300 19400 19800 18700 169001830017500 1840017900 586400 18920 21300 16900 1163000 18700 1880018800 18200 19400 1960019900 20500 20200 19600 19200 18200 18400 18800 18800 18400 1710016000 1700018400 183001820018400 1810017400 17500 17800 17200 17600 17300 17200 56900018350 20500 160001129000 17100 16700 16400 16000 16400 16800 16200 16100 15000 15500 16000 16000 16000 17200 18600 16900 16700 16100 15900 16000 1600015900160001600016000 16000 16000 16100 455600162701860015000903700 16000 16300 17400 18100 17200 16400 15500 15200 15200 14400 13700 13900 14200 15900 16400 16400 16200 13800 13200 12000 980010400108001110013200 137001620016800 1930018600 18200 46550015020193009800923300 19100 18400 17700 19500 19600 19700 20400 20400 20100 19100 19200 190001860017000 16600 15400 16800 17200 16600 16900 1720018000186001960019700 203002010021600 2300024300 5697001899024300154001130000 24100 25800 25400 25100 25600 30600 31200 30400 30500 30100 29100 29700 3080031000 29900 28900 28100 26700 25100 25300 25200244002330023300 23000 221002170021500221002220023100 815300 26300 31200 215001617000 22900 24900 24300 23300 23000 22900 22800 23300 23000 23200 23700 24200 2500025200 26200 26200 26700 26400 25900 23900 21500 187001910019300 18300 1610015500150001590016600 663000 22100 26700 15000 1315000 CAL YR 1982 TOAL 5280480 MEAN 14470 MAX 25900 MIN 5970 AC-FT 10470000 WTR YR 1983 TOAL 6103340 MEAN 16720 MAX 31200 MIN 636û AC-FT 12110000 17300 1800017200 18500 19900 20900 20100 17800 14800 14400 13100 1290012900 14800 16500 16100 16700 16200 15700 14100 12900 94807990 6600 7070 644063606610653068706530 411280 13270 20900 6360 815800 6610 7160 7450" 7540 7070 7100 8120 8080 7830 7930 8960 996090308470 9290 92408840 8450 8180 8370 8680 984010400 11400 10800 1100010900120009710 96709430 277510 8952 12000 6610 550400 AUG SEP 9150 9020 8990 8950 8980 9030 9340 10100 9520 8910 8930 90209230 9660 9680 9700909092909320 9240 10100 10600 10900 10900 10800 10800 10800107001050010400 2916509722 10900 8910 578500 SNAKE ~1VER MA1~ STE~217 13172500 SNAKE RIVER NEAR MURPHY, 10 LOCATION.--Lat 43"17'31", long 116'25'12", in NW1/4 NE1/4 SEliA ..~.35, T.l 5., R.l W., Ada Cou~ty, Hy~rolo;l~ Unit 17050101, on right bank 4.2 .1 doinstr.a. from S.an Falls oo..rplant, 7.5 .i north.ast of Murphy, and at mil. 4~3.5. ORAINAGE AREA.--41,900 .i2, appro.isat.iy. PERIOO OF RECORO.--August to O~tob.r 1912, August 1913 to current year. REviseo ReCOROS.--WSP 1737: 1933'04). GAGE.--~at.r-stag. recorder. ~atu. of gage Is 2,271.17 ft National GeOdetic V.rtical O.tu~ of 1929. Prior to Sept. 7, 101., nonr.cordlng gaga, and Sept. 7,1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, .at.r-sta~e recorder at sits 3.5 mi upstream at ..tum 0.79 tthhher. qe~ARKS.-. Records aood. M.jor reoul.tion by '..rican Falls Reservoir 260.5 mi upstr.... Oiur~al fluctuation C~US.O by hydroelectric ølants uøstream. Diversions above station for irrication 01 about 2,590,OCO acrei 01 w"iCh soout 7:1,SJ0 .cres are by aithdra.als from ground ..t.r (1966 d.termination). AVeUGE OISCHARGe.--71 y..rs'tt¡:I~t) f~;~:~'l 07,000 acre-ft/yr. HHE"ES FOR peRIOO OF RECORO.--"aximu'¡-discharge, 47,300 tt3/s June 22, 1918, ~age hoi;ht, 13.95 ft, sito and onum tron .n use; minimum, 3,650 ft3/s July 7, 19'1, gage h.ight, 2.22 ft; minimum .aily, 4,530 ft3/s June 25, 1031. EXTREME S FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Maximum discharoii 35,300 tt3/s Jun.1 il,gage height,12.35 ft;~inimu:n,5, ~ce Hl/s ,iu~ .¿!. , 9a~e h.ight,2.93 ft;minimum daily, 5,990 tt3/. Aug.2 j. Pating table (gog.hoight,in f.et,and d i ,charge,in cubic:feet per second) 3.0 5eOO 8.C 2J2:;0 4.0 8600 10.0 26800 6.0 14400 12. J 35100 01 SCHUG;,IN CU3IC i=E: T PER SECOND,WATEP YEAR OCTOBER 1983 TO SEDTEH!eR 19~ 4 "eAN VALUeS DAY OCT NOY O~C JAN FE'MAR APR "AT JUN JU~Ath;S!' ;, 1 11100 23700 20700 22700 23200 12200 2e500 ,'6CO 2geoo 100e;;131~0 ~ ~) 2 11000 22400 19700 22510 23200 12900 20400 27600 2! 1 00 1 a~oc 13500 00,) 3 11400 19700 18900 22200 23100 11600 21400 27700 2040'J 16900 14700 l~oJ 4 12300 17800 19300 22200 22700 11100 21400 29100 2eeOO 1620C 1 43~O 4,0 5 1300e 18000 19600 22700 21400 12100 21600 304eo 21400 14600 13300 ~'"J': ~12000 18200 17700 23600 20100 12300 21500 30900 25000 15700 13'00 1!"-'\..,...U,J...J 7 12S00 17400 H600 23400 19400 12300 2231)0 295eo 30200 15aoo 125eo ~.; 1 j a 13200 18200 18700 23900 19100 11400 22400 29700 308eo 1 ~70C ;300 'i"!2:: 0 13700 18200 20500 24700 17900 11300 22600 23100 32100 ' 145CC 8970 ¥ ~ 5;: 10 13500 19000 21500 24800 HOOO 13300 21300 28100 32600 lHca 8490 970;) 11 13400 20400 21500 24700 15500 13700 23400 Z6000 34 ~OO 1 !80e 77eo 913;) 12 14000 20100 22800 24700 13100 ~14600 25000 26700 34400 1280e 7no Q21 :: 13 16400 20200 22400 24500 14700 14300 26400 27400 34400 9620 7HO hlJ 14 16400 20300 22800 24200 13~00 11100 25000 28500 34000 920C'82~C Y7~t) 15 16400 20100 22500 24300 1c200 11500 26300 25ilOC 34000 92:0 ~OOO 10SC~ 16 13900 20100 22000 23800 15400 13300 27200 30600 34600 ~BO '~11700 17 16100 20700 21900 21000 15400 13100 28200 33100 3510:7600 ~ HO 10jC\O 18 17100 22100 22100 22700 15500 14300 30100 34800 34900 722e ~~10700 19 17500 22500 23100 2~600 13400 13900 30500 34900 34S0'6940 9420 'l'HeO 20 18300 ZHOO 2H'0 22300 12700,13900 28100 34800 34600 624' -9510 9; ~ 0 21 19000 22800 22200 22100 10600 14400 26300 34700 32600 7300 9000 10600 22 19700 21000 21400 22100 10300 ..1.1800 23;)00 345eo 33300 taao 5600 H6C 23 20500 21400 18400 22100 11000 14200 23000 34500 32600 S40 5~90 1 :)2') J 24 20800 23100 18700 22100 12900 15700 22,00 34500 32200 10000 8460 1130,j 25 20800 22000 19600 22100 11200 15100 24500 34500 310')0 101ca !890 nz::. , 26 23100 20700 20600 23500 12100 15100 30700 34500 3040C 1420 9400 104CJ 27 23200 21000 21200 23800 12200 13900 31900 34200 2770e 9200 1010e 1~900 26 24700 20900 21300 23200 12200 12900 32000 33200 22000 92%0280 12S0C 29 23600 21800 21400 23200 12300 17500 30aoo 33900 18800 9230 937C 11')00 30 23100 21500 22000 23200 20000 29900 32eeo 19ne 9740 940C 11')CO 31 23700 21800 23400 20400 311CO 11 eoo 9110 TOTAL 525400 615700 651700 720900 456800 430200 762600 968700 922400 35221e 302640 :!!JS~~v "SAN 16950 20620 21020 23250 15750 13880 25420 31250 307511 11360 9763 10200 "AX 24700 23700 23800 24800 23200 20400 32000 34900 35100 19000 14700 13200 ''l~11000 17400 17700 22100 10300 11100 20400 26700 1!800 6240 5990 73eo AC-FT 1042000 1227000 1293000 1430000 906100 853300 1513000 1921000 1'30000 698600 600300 606yOJ CAL YR 198~TOTAL 6314340,MEAN 17300 MAX 31200 MIN 6360 AC-cT12524000 WTq YR 1984 TOTAL 7018230 MEAN 19180 MAX 35100 MIN 5990 AC-FT13921000 Not.. --No gag..-helght recol"d :lee.10 to Jan.18, May 24,25,Au;.15. W aL J-e /1 f. 131.72500SNAK RIVE MAIN STEM SNA RIVE NEA MUPH, 10 .LOCTION.--Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NWl/4 NEl/4 SEl/4 ..c.35, T.l S., R.l W., Ada Count.y, Hydroloiic Unit ~~~~~~03, on riiht. bank 4.2 mi dowst.r.am from Swan Falls pow.rplant., 7.5 mi north.aat. of Murphy, .nd at mil. DRAINAGE AR. --41, 900 mi 2, approximat.ely. PERIOD OF RE.--August. to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. REISED REORS.--WSP 1737: 1933(M). GAGE.--Wat.r-stag. r.corder. Datum of gaie ia 2,271.17 ft aby. National G.odetic Vertic.l D.tum of 1929. Prior to Sept.. 7, 1914, noo.cording iage, and Sept. 7, 1914, to S.pt. 30, 1935, wet.r-stage record.r at site 3.5 mi upst.ream at dat.um 9.79 ft. hiiher. RE. -- Estimated daily discharies: June 18-21. Racords iood. Major regulat.ion by American Falla R.s.rvoir260.5 mi upstr.am. Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydro.l.ct.ric plants upstr.am. DiY.rsiona aboy. station forirriiation of about 2,590,000 acrea of which about 701,000 acrea ar. by withdrawals from ground wat.r (1966 determination) . AVEGE DISCHAE. --72 yeara, 11,240 ft 3/., 8,143,000 acr.-ft./yr. EXTRS FO PEIOD OF RERD.--Maximu diacharg., 47,300 ft3/s Jun. 22, 1918, gage height, 13.95 ft, sit. anddat.um then in use; minimu, 3,650 ft3/s July 7, 1981, gag. h.ight, 2.22 ft; minimu daily, 4,530 ft.3/s June 28, 1981. EXTRES FOR CUNT YE.--M.ximu discharge, 23.900 ft3£l Oct 25, iai. height, 9.18 ft; minimu, 4,540 ft3/s June 23, iai. height, 2.65 ft; minimu daily, 4,940 ft Is Jun. 24. DAY 1 2 3 4 5 12000 12100 11500 10900 11300 Rating table (iaie height, in fe.t, and dischari., in cubic feet p.r a.cond) 2.74.0 4670 8250 6.0 8.0 10.0 14000 20000 28700 DISCHAGE, IN CUBIC FEET PE SECOND, WATE YE OCOBER 1984 TO SEPTEMER 1985 ME VALUES OCT 22900 22300 21900 21700 20800 20300 21400 20900 20900 20900 20900 20900 21600 20800 21000 21200 21100 21200 21100 21000 21000 21500 21600 21700 21700 21900 20900 21100 22400 22400 641000 21370 22900 20300 1371000 NOV 22800 22300 21500 21700 19500 18700 19500 19300 18700 15000 13300 14500 14400 14400 14300 12500 9960 12700 11700 12800 11400 13400 15200 15300 15500 17500 20300 17800 18000 19300 19300 512560 16530 22800 99110 10 i 7000 CAL YR 190A TOTAL OOA0200 WT YR 1985 TOTAL 5253000 6 7 8 ,; 9 10 13100 15900 16000 15900 15900 11 12 13 14 15 15900 16000 17400 18200 19200 16 17 18 19 20 19500 21100 22300 22000 21800 21 22 23 24 25 22300 22200 22300 21300 23000 26 27 28 29 30 31 21500 22600 22200 22100 22200 22600 TOTALME MA MIN lIC'I'T 572300 18460 23000 10900 ii:i~OOO DEC 19300 19300 18800 18700 17500 17500 18500 18400 18600 19000 18700 18600 18700 18500 18500 18600 18800 19300 19000 19000 19000 19000 ,19300 19400 18900 17800 17500 17800 19400 19100 19200 579700 18700 19400 17500 11~0000 H1AN MEAN JAN 19200 19000 18200 18400 19400 19800 19500 19400 18800 17100 17000 17000 17100 17100 16900 17100 17100 16800 16800 16500 16500 17000 17300 18500 16600 16700 16200 15700 492700 17600 19800 15700 innoo 18980 14390 FEB 15700 14400 14000 14900 13100 12500 11500 11900 12200 11900 12300 13900 15700 16500 17300 17600 11800 18100 14700 13100 13800 15700 15800 15800 15900 15900 17200 18700 20100 19600 19100 476700 15380 20100 11500 114 ~~OO MA MA MA 20200 22400 22000 22500 21700 22800 22900 22100 22000 23100 21700 20800 21100 20200 21600 21700 20400 20300 19500 19500 18600 18600 18700 18100 16100 17000 16900 15800 15400 14200 597900 19930 23100 1UOO llAliOOO 35100 23100 AP 13600 11400 9510 8880 8580 9400 10300 11200 11300 11300 13300 18300 20400 20400 19800 20000 20900 18200 15800 15300 14100 14200 12300 10300 8080 7260 7630 8470 8480 9470 10300 398460 12850 20900 72110 7110300 MIN MIN MAY 12200 15500 15600 14600 14300 13000 9750 7460 7590 7100 244000 8133 15600 41140 4A4000 5990 4940 JUN 5490 5560 5510 5710 5550 6590 6150 6070 5800 6910 7340 8150 7150 9130 8500 7030 6360 5600 5780 6830 6280 6530 7880 5800 5600 6720 6050 6610 6400 6160 5310 5750 5160 4940 5050 6810 6650 6930 6980 6950 5420 6390 5610 5400 5510 6860 7610 7480 7010 7690 6700 200550 6469 7690 5490 307000 AC-FT13782000 AC-FT10419000 JU 229410 7400 83AO 11130 4~~000 AUG SEP 1560 8110 7910 8000 7680 8360 8860 8860 9560 8480 6690 6990 7530 7060 6700 8790 9110 10300 11300 11300 6130 7160 7790 7400 6290 12000 11700 11500 11100 10900 6200 7430 7370 7600 7650 10800. 10900 11200 10600 10200 7900 7380 7530 7510 7580 10300 10500 10500 10400 9770 7580 8220 7960 8340 7000 7160 10200 10300 10200 9750 9980 307720 10260 12000 83110 1110400 289 W2~/ J. I~!~VE~INSTFM 13172500 SHA RIVE NEA MURPHY, ID .311 LOCATION.--Lat. ~3.17'31", lonS 116.25'12", in HW\NE\SE\ aec.35, T.l 5., R.l W., Ada Count.y, HydroloSic Unit 17050103, on riSht. ban 4.2 mi downatream from Swan Falla poerplant, 7.5 mi nort.haast. of Murphy, and at. mila453.5. DRAINAGE AR.--41,900 mi2, approximataly. pERIOD OF RECORD.--Ausust t.o Octobar 1912, Ausuat 1913 to current. yaar. REISED RES.--WSp 1737: 1933(1'). GAE.--Wat.r-stase recorder. Datum of sasa is 2,271.17 ft abova National G.odetic Vartical Dat.um of 1929. Prior t.o Sapt. 7, 1914, nonr.cordins sase, and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, wat.r-stasa r.cordar at sita 3.5 mi upstr.am at datum 9.79 ft hish.r. RE.-- Estimat.d d.ily dischars.s: Jan. 1 to Fab. 26. Recorda iood. Major raiulation by American FallsRaa.rvir, 260.5 mi upst.raam. Diurnal fluctustion caus.d by hydroal.ctric plants upst.raam. Divaraions abov. st.ation for irriiation of about 2,590,000 acr.a, of which about 701,000 acres ara irrisatad by withdrawals from sround wat.r (1966 d.t.rmin.tion). AVEE DISCHAE.--73 years, 11,300 ft3/a, 8,187,000 .cr.-ft/yr. EXTRS FO PEIOD OF RE.--Maximu discharie, 47,300 ft3/a Jun. 22, 1918, ias. h.iiht, 13.95 ft, aita and datum th.n in usa; minimum, 3,650 ft3/a July 7, 1981, sas. h.iSht, 2.22 ft; minimum daily, 4,530 ft3/s Juna 28, 1981. EXTRS FOR CURNT YEA.--Maximu daily discharia. 33.700 ft3/a Feb. 21; minimu, 4,750 ft3/s July 18, sasa haisht, 2.73 ft;! minimu daily, 6,180 ftS/a July 18. DAY 1 2 3 4 5 10500 10300 10000 9920 9560 Ratini tabl. (iase hèisht, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) 3.0 4.0 6.0 5480 8250 14000 8.0 10.0 12.0 20000 26700 34000 DISCHAGE, IN CUBICttT PER SECOND, WATER YE OCTOBER 1985 TO SEPTEMER 1986 ME VALUES OCT 10100 10400 10300 10300 10400 12200 11600 11400 10900 10800 11300 10600 11100 12300 9630 10400 14500 13500 12700 12600 10800 11400 12000 11600 11100 11900 12300 12100 12800 16000 3411030 11630 18000 9630 892300 NOV 15500 15900 15800 15000 12800 12700 9580 8930 11500 11800 11200 10300 10700 9840 10600 12300 13700 12600 10900 11200 12300 11600 12000 12600 11600 12000 13300 14000 12900 13200 13500 38111:10 12310 15900 8930 757000 CA YR 1985 TOTAL 4573230WT YR 1988 TOTAL 5891310 6 7 8 9 10 9380 9700 9800 10300 10000 11 12 13 14 15 10000 10500 10100 10000 10200 16 17 18 19 20 11200 11100 10700 10100 10200 21 22 23 24 25 10200 9950 10000 10000 10200 26 27 28 29 30 31 10500 10700 10400 10300 9880 11720 TOTALME MA MIN AC-FT 315410 10170 11200 9380 8251100 DEC 13000 13400 12700 12100 12400 12500 12200 12600 12500 12200 12100 11900 11900 12000 12200 14000 14300 15000 14100 13600 14100 13500 12400 12100 12900 12800 12700 12900 12500 13900 1,5000 401:100 12950 15000 11900 798400 MEME JAN 15500 15000 14000 13500 13200 12200 12000 11800 11900 10500 12700 12500 13200 15000 16000 18000 20500 25500 29000 33500 33700 24700 20500 23500 25800 22000 20800 20600 517100 18470 33700 10500 1028000 12530 15590 FEl 20000 20100 20500 19500 18700 19700 19900 20400 24600 28300 27600 27400 27700 28200 28500 28300 24000 20400 16100 15700 15700 20600 27800 29700 30000 29600 30000 29600 30100 30000 30600 7511300 24490 30600 15700 15015000 MA 28300 30800 31100 30500 30400 30200 29600 29800 25700 22900 21900 23400 24000 23000 24900 26600 26800 26400 26900 27000 25800 26000 26000 23100 21100 24300 23700 23400 25200 25200 784000 26130 31100 21100 1555000 MA MA 23100 33700 APR 23800 24200 23900 24800 24000 24100 25300 24600 27000 27200 27500 28300 27500 27700 27100 25900 26900 26500 26300 26100 25900 23400 21200 20000 21400 23000 23300 23300 23500 22000 22700 768400 24790 28300 20000 1524000 MIN MIN ~Y 21800 20600 20700 21000 19900 19500 21100 20800 22200 22600 24000 24600 24800 23000 23500 23700 24900 24000 22500 21700 21900 21900 21900 22100 21300 17900 15600 13300 11100 10300 1I24200 20610 24900 10300 1238000 49~0 6180 JUN 8870 9080 7760 8420 8620 8500 9130 9150 8780 7880 6840 6950 6770 6660 7150 7440 7580 6180 6840 6750 6950 7500 7810 7950 7570 7770 235890 7603 9150 15180 4157500 JU 7390 6590 7040 7080 6690 237100 7648 8800 6490 470300 AC-FT 9071000 AC-FT 11289000 AUG SEP 6490 6510 6610 7200 7190 8770 8910 9340 9020 9130 7380 7220 7360 7610 7390 9100 9130 9480 9870 9620 7270 7420 7650 6860 7320 9910 9850 10600 10300 10100 7690 7290 8190 7370 8210 10100 10600 10500 10400 10200 8610 8800 8460 7480 7790 10400 10700 11100 11000 10900 8540 8570 8220 8230 8330 78~0 12800 12100 13700 14500 15800 317930 10600 15800 8770 630600 298 yY~j~/187 SNAKE RIVER MAIN STEM 13172500 SNAKE RIVER NEAR MURPHY, 10 LOCATION.-Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NW"/. NE "1. SE "1. sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi downstream from Swan Falls powerplant, 7.5 mi northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5. DRAINAGE AREA.-41,900 mP, approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD.~August to October 1912, AUgust 1913 to current year. REVISED RECORDS .-WSP 1731: 1933 (M) . GAGE.-Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.11 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage, and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi upstream at datum 9.79 ft higher. REMARKS.-No estimated daily discharges. Records good. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir, 260.5 miupstream. Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. Diversions above station for irrigation of about 2,590,000 acres, of which about 701,000 acres are irrigated by withdrawals from ground water (1966 determination). AVERAGE DISCHARGE.-74 years,11,290 ft'/s,8,180,000 acre-ft/yr. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-Maximum discharge,47,300 ft 'Is June 22,1918,gage height,13.95 ft,site and datum then in use;minimum,3,650 ft'/s July 7,1981,gage height,2.22 ft;minimum daily,4,530 ft!/s June 28,1981. EXTREES FOR CURRENT YEAR.-Maximum discharge,21,200 ft'/s Oct.31,gage height,8.40 ft;minimum,4,920 ft!/s Mar.23,gage height,2.79 ft; minimum daily,5,360 ft'/s June 2¡. Rating table (gage height,in feet,and discharge,in cubic feet per second) 2.5 4140 6.0 14000 3.0 5480 8.0 20000 4.0 8250 10.0 26700 DISCHAGE,IN CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEA OCTOBER 1986 TO SEPTEMER 1987 ME VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MA APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1 14700 20600 18600 17800 10000 8910 11900 8070 7270 5420 6040 8010 2 15700 19000 17400 17600 10000 8760 9510 7900 7430 5380 8200 7730 3 15900 17300 18600 18300 12000 9290 9630 8330 6180 6410 6680 7540 4 16400 15300 18400 18800 9700 8140 7260 7450 7460 6770 6330 8010 5 17500 14000 18500 17900 10300 7600 8030 7280 6350 5960 6960 7640 6 16900 9900 19000 17600 12300 10700 7420 7440 6830 5610 6330 7840 7 17300 9840 18300 17800 12800 9560 6990 6480 6450 6260 6830 8100 8 17100 10400 17800 18000 12900 8120 7920 6540 6830 6640 6330 8740 9 17100 13500 17400 18000 13000 8230 7490 5960 8360 5610 6420 8330 10 17000 16100 17900 18100 11300 8850 7650 5970 7070 6250 7100 8370 11 17400 15900 18000 17900 8700 9940 7740 6620 6780 6440 7190 8340 12 17900 15900 18000 17500 7920 9810 9230 5940 8130 7340 7050 8530 13 18800 17000 18000 16900 7690 7930 8980 6340 7090 6590 6600 8270 14 18400 16600 18400 18100 6740 7360 9920 6040 7220 7720 6880 8190 15 17800 16700 18400 17800 8060 10200 9940 6330 5930 6790 7300 8200 16 17900 16600 18600 17100 8620 8870 8890 6210 5940 6640 6990 8330 17 18000 16400 18000 16800 8900 9460 7370 6110 5730 6350 7340 8280 18 18500 16300 17900 15000 9510 8270 7680 6490 5410 7100 7300 9060 19 18600 15800 18000 14700 9640 6270 7950 7760 6030 6740 7570 8460 20 18800 16000 18300 14400 9990 7820 6640 8160 5910 8660 6540 9100 21 19300 16200 18800 13300 9660 9530 8760 8200 6400 8470 7280 9130 22 18700 16600 19100 12900 8870 7710 8000 6380 5390 8460 6330 9210 23 18700 17100 18800 11400 9270 6180 6740 7670 5740 8270 6670 9030 24 18800 17700 18100 11900 9550 7570 7090 7080 6670 7910 7360 9120 25 19200 17900 18200 11600 9910 7310 7530 7040 5360 7140 6760 8930 26 19200 18900 18800 11700 8920 7720 7030 8060 5940 7360 6880 8780 27 19200 18300 18100 12100 9160 6930 7040 7510 5950 7310 6110 8760 28 19300 18200 18000 12100 9180 9230 6950 7710 5370 7250 6960 8760291930018900180001100010400718077306440592073108920301960019100181001130010400692076706440683081108880312070017700108008900737060408370 TOTAL 559700 488040 565200 476200 274590 265970 241380 219840 194100 211640 216120 254590 MEAN 18050 16270 18230 15360 9807 8580 8046 7092 6470 6827 6972 8486MA2070020600191001880013000107001190083308360866083709210 MIN 14700 9840 17400 10800 6740 6180 6640 5940 5360 5380 6040 7540 AC-FT 1110000 968000 1121000 944500 544600 527600 478800 436100 385000 419800 42$700 505000 CAL YR 1986 TOTAL 6258060 MEAN 17150 MA 33700 MIN 6180 AC-FT 12410000WTR YR 1987 TOTAL 3967370 ME 10870 MA 20700 MIN 5360 AC-FT 7869000 If f; f£~-I./jr~~' SNAKE ~;~ER MAIN STEM \I..e a :r" 13172500 SNAKE RIVER NEAR MURPHY, ID .305 LOATION.-Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NW'/, NE'/, SE'l, sec.35, T.1 S., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit 17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5. DRAINAGE ARE.-41,900 mi', approximately. PERIOD OF RECORD.-August to October 1912, August 1913 to current 'year. REVI SED RECORDS. -WSP 1737: 1933 (M) . GAGE.-Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft above National ,Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage, and ,Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept.' 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 datum 9.79 ft higher. ' Prior to Sept. mi upstream at RES.-No estimated daily discharges. Records good. Major regulation by American Falls Reservoir, 260.5 mi upstream. Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroe1ectriê'p1ants upstream. Diversions above station for irrigation of about 2,590,000 acres, of which about 701,000 acres are irrigated by withdrawals from ground water (1966 determination). AVERAGE DISCHAGE.-75 years, 11,240 ft'/s, 8,143,000 acre-ft/yr. EXTREMS FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-Maximum discharge, 47,300 ft'/s JUne 22, 1918, gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in use; minimum, 3,650 ft'/s July 7, 1981, gage height, 2.22 ft; minimum daily, 4,530 ft'/s June 28, 1981. EXTRES FOR CURRENT YEAR.-Mximum discharge,.11,800 ft'/s Oct. 22, gaqe heiqht, 5.25 ft; minimum, 4,410 ft'/s Dec. 13, gage height, 2.60 ft; minimum daily, 5,320 ft'/s June 23. 25. Rating table (gage height, in feet, and discharge, in cubic feet per second) DAY 6 7 8 9" 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9790 11400 11400 10100 10200 2.5 3_0 4140 5480 4.0 6.0 8250 14000 OCT DISCHARGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEAR OCTOBER 1987 TO SEPTEMBER 1988 MEAN VALUES JUN 8870 9220 9210 9120 8950 9320 9120 8470 8800 8810 9210 8950 9190 9590 9300 9380 9460 9780 9780 9760 8320 8590 8680 9150 8450 NOV 9270 8990 9150 8560 9030 8350 8590 8720 9610 9240 9940 8800 7910 8880 8810 258990 8355 9900 5440 513700 DEC 8930 8340 9340 9820 9800 8480 6480 8500 9600 9440 9900 9820 7220 5440 7420 8650 7780 8720 8170 8550 8210 7570 7900 8290 8230 8090 8340 7720 8160 7850 8230 249380 8045 9150 7390 494600 JAN 7930 7900 8610 7820 8100 7910 7720 8010 8250 8290 7690 7390 9150 8290 8290 7740 8530 8030 7920 7730 8370 7530 8130 7760 8060 7890 7910 8010 8220 8220 7980 233890 8065 8660 7600 463900 FEB 8390 8660 7830 7600 7990 , 8420 8000 9030 7990 8150 MAR 8410 8290 7870 7760 6390 7900 8170 7350 6950 7690 7320 7480 7220 7220 7710 7160 8040 7910 7570 7260 7510 7120 6710 7680 8190 7220 223140 7438 8610 6550 442600 APR 6820 7080 6970 7170 7600 7670 6940 6760 7920 7850 7610 7230 7350 7520 7120 6990 7510 6910 8390 8030 8610 7580 7800 8100 7640 7210 7970 7280 6550 6960 210820 6801 8630 5500 418200 ..:...:. YR 198' 1'C7AL .'n 7~r'CO MEA 8699 1"_loX :880C :i::~. 5,360 AC-'E: 6298000 NTR YR 1988 TOTAL 2769200 MEA 7566 MA 11400 MIN 5320 AC-FT 5493000 26 27 28 29 30 31 10200 9900 9710 9510 9970 9810 TOTAL MEAN MAX MIN AC-FT 296280 9557 11400 8470 587700 8480 8410 8760 8920 8430 8770 8160 9770 9590 8970 265300 8843 9940 7910 526200 8070 7950 7710 8010 8060 8320 8450 8410 8090 8640 7700 7850 8220 7730 7990 8070 8100 8080 8100 7640 7860 8230 8070 8070 237690 7667 9030 6390 471500 MAY 6070 7280 7010 7690 7140 6170 7110 8430 8360 6980 7500 7310 6830 6330 6070 6300 6330 7300 6910 6390 6820 6120 5860 6200 6330 6670 6280 5500 6200 6700 8630 192830 6428 8500 5320 382500 8030 8420 8500 7280 7700 7650 7130 6740 6770 6690 6170 6090 5910 5970 6410 6060 5920 6160 6030 5710 6090 5660 5320 5440 5320 5610 6310 5520 6240 5980 183400 5916 6380 5430 363800 JUL 5990 5980 5900 6000 6050 5590 6000 6010 5960 6040 5830 5430 6380 5950 5790 5870 6120 5990 5860 6000 5500 5780 6010 5930 5690 6070 5880 6160 6180 6010 5450 195670 6312 7100 5570 388100 AUG SEP 5750 6290 5570 6280 6070 6750 6760 6830 7510 7150 6040 5830 6770 6020 6140 7110 6750 6850 7400 7000 6230 6420 6220 6110 6120 6860 7030 7880 7890 6910 6200 6740 6620 5960 6370 7470 6740 7340 7330 7370 6160 6320 6540 6960 6610 7620 8230 7920 8610 8360 7040 6030 6970 6110 7100 6080 7530 7520 7480 7630 7980 221810 7394 8610 6740 440000 322 /Clte¡JVa/~/~~ SNAE RIVER MAIN STEM 13172500 SNAK RIER NE MURPHY, ID LOTION.-Lat 43°17'31", long 116°25'12", in NW'/. NE'/. SE'l. sec.35, T.1 5., R.1 W., Ada County, Hydrologic Unit,17050103, on right bank 4.2 mi downstream from Swan Falls powerp1ant, 7.5 mi northeast of Murphy, and at mile 453.5. DRAINAGE AR.-41,900 mil, approximatê1y. PERIOD OF RECORD.-August to October 1912, August 1913 to current year. REISED RECORDS.-WSP 1737: 1933 (M) . GAGE.-Water-stage recorder. Datum of gage is 2,271.17 ft above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929. Prior to Sept. 7, 1914, nonrecording gage, and Sept. 7, 1914, to Sept. 30, 1935, water-stage recorder at site 3.5 mi upstream at datum 9.79 ft higher. RES.-No estimated daily discharges. Records good. Station equipment includes satellite telemtry. Major .,egu1ation by American Falls Reservoir, 260.5 mi upstream. Diurnal fluctuation caused by hydroelectric plants upstream. (Diversions above station for irrigation of a~t 2,590,000 acres, of which about 701,000 acres are irrigated by withdrawals from ground water (1966 determnation) . ~ AVERAGE DISCHAGE.-76 years. 11,200 ft'/s, 8,114,000 acre-ft/yr. EXTRES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-Mximum discharge, 47,300 ft'/s June 22, 1918, gage height, 13.95 ft, site and datum then in use; ml_~1"'11"".3,650 ft'/s July 7,1981, gage height,2.22 It; minimum daily,4,530 ft'/s June 28,1991. EXTRES FOR CURREN YEA.-Mximum dischrge, 16,100 ft'/s Mar.11, gage height, 6.77 ft; minimum,S, 160 It'/s May 23,gageheight,2.85 It; minimum daily,S, 710 ft'/s July 9.. Rating table (gage height,in feet, and discharge,in cubic feet per seCOnd) (Shifting-control method used June 5 to Aug. 23) 3.0 5480 5.0 11100 4.0 8250 6.0 14000 7.0 17000 DISCHAGE, CUBIC FEET PER SECOND, WATER YEA OCTOBER 1'88 TO SEPTEMER 1'89 MEAN VALUES DAY OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MA APR HAY JON JUL AUG SEP 1 7600 8080 8160 7700 7680 9590 9320 6600 6970 -5980~6640 8130 2 7810 8310 8540 7460 7770 8770 8460 6620 7240 -5740.-6810 65003762081408420792087408810781071106770--850 ..7040 77204771087907850851075709880889070606470""930-6590 752057840886076007590846010300866063006700609066607660 6 7790 8730 8170 7870 7200 9460 7970 6740 6820 6660 6750 7500775108530785076106830869094106440767062606690916087490777084607560715010300830066107340622070208170977507800838072107100103001080069506930-5710 -7120 8000107830885082408120737011700826070706760- 5730-6530 7910 11 7590 8850 8250 8090 7770 15300 8800 7370 6280 .-820 -6660 8420127700885078207810771011400910081'0 6400 6100 7770 8210137890887080508120721012300971087106540634069007910147430890080007810652011500941082506650648075008820157230801080107770841010600852068506440630079508860 16 8000 8480 8080 7490 8230 8990 8920 7670 6310 6510 7840 842017805082308170736083409360935076806040716079108370187720850081107710821087909180824060506610639080801983008370754082708290847089607870639068906770802020811082007740788010500919089807770-5930-6850 7310 9240 21 8290 8040 8360 7510 11600 8730 8830 7910 6130 6100 7320 903022890083908030748010500832089207470651061507580895023822084407860754098607980843067106330637076508970 24 7510 8390 7890 7460 9200 8590 8790 6920 6160 6400 7490 8850 25 7860 9100 8320 8190 9580 9140 8860 6450 6280 6270 8780 8680 26 8230 9230 7400 7860 8890 8610 8580 6900 6650 6560 7790 8610277780886078607690949010500853064106880655073808830288440862087407590995097208010646073906200875084102988508030867075508930689068806060705091108970 30 8490 8160 7860 7390 9170 5830 6810 ..5960 ..6860 8680 86203182507730767096407110651081'0 TOTAL 245790 254380 250160 239790 236130 '303030 260480 222130 197050 1'6250 229570 250540 MEAN 7929 8479 8070 7735 8433 9775 8683 7165 6568 6331 7405 8351 -7 MA 8900 9230 8740 8510 11600 15300 10800 8710 7670 7160 9110 9240 MIN 7230 7770 7400 7210 6520 7980 5830 6300 5930 5710 6390 6500AC-FT 487500 504600 496200 475600 468400 601100 516700 440600 390800 389300 455400 496900 CAL YR 1988 TOTAL 2698960 MEAll 7374 MA 9230 MIN 5320 AC-FT 5353000 WTR YR 1989 TOTAL 2885300 MEAN 7905 MA 15300 MIN 5710 AC-FT 5723000