HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900516Intervention Petition.pdfII TBI KATIR OJ Til APPLICMION 01 IDAH PO.... COMPAN) J'oa AUlBOTY TO RAE BASI TU DlISTME REQUIED J'oa ) TO REBUI OJ' Til SWAN J' AL miOIIECTC I ACILY . ) /5.-3/ HECEIVED 00 o GO llay 16 Pil111 39 CASI NO. IPC.1-90.. PUITION ¡ 191 ;i¡~ll~~i;ií :t¡ (1 i.f'..' . .-.. 11 C. V.'-J " "ftl V \.J . '..~ i'l COJmNOW, Idah Consumer Mfairs, Inc. (ICA). hereby requesting they be allowM .'B..ORE THE IDAH PUBLIC t1ILIIS COMMSSIOI. ILED to Intervene in this case in acoordance with Rule .5 of the Commssioiis RUles of Practice & Proceedure, an states as tollows i ICAt is conoerned that if this request is granted in whole or in part, that our members being customers of Idaho Power coulet experience an inorease'in the1releo. trioal servoe rates. ICI\ has been allowed Intervention status in various prooeedings held betore the Commssion in the' past and teels it has the knowledge and experieno. to participate' in this prooeeding in an intelligent and orderly JIer. lCA desires to submit testillri, oross examine witnesses and otherwse':? pario- ipate in this hearing to the extent that its lillted resouroes will allow; Therefore. to not allow leA Intervenor status oould seriously imp lCA's ability to effeotively represent its membership in this inirtant matter. ICA will be represented by Mr. Haold C~ Mies, 316 ritteenth Ave. South, Nam, Idaho 836.51. an leA requests he be served with all dooumnts filed with the Còiission by Idaho Power as well as al Intervenor Parties to this case. Dated at Nampa, Idaho 8)651 )fy 16, 1990 aespeotfully subll t ted, cOlSmm .AJ' AI, INC., (leA)-~ Haold a~ Mies-Cftairma-Inergy an Natural a.souroe.. CoJltt.e This is to certify that I have on Kay 16, 1990 han delivered the ongiand an seven oopies ot this dooument to the Secretary of the IPUC an two oopies to Idaho Power Co's legal departm.ent at their oorporate offioe hea uarters in Boise, Idah . Dated at Nampa, Idaho 83651 May 16, 1990