HomeMy WebLinkAbout19901015order_no_23380.pdf, "..~ l1. ti $e.--Y.~Øá- OCT 15 1990 BEFRE THE IDAHO PUBUC UT COMMSSION IN TH MATtE OF TH APCATION ) OF IDAHO POWE COMPAN FOR AUT- )ORl TO RATEAS TH IN )REQUI FOR TH REBun OF TH )SWAN FAL HYROELC PROJCT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN TH MA'IlER OF TH APCATION OF IDAHO POWE COMPAN FOR ACEBlIFICATE OF PULIC CONVCEAN NECE FOR TH RATEASGOF TH MI HYROELCPROJECT OR IN TH ALTETIA DETTION OF üEMP STATUS FOR TH MI HYRO-ELCTC PROJ CAS NO. IPE-902 CAS NO. IPE-90 ORDER NO. 2380 This order diects the paries to address legal issues common to Idaho Power's two applications regarding construction of hydroelectric generation facilities at Swan Falls and Mier through briefs and oral argument at hearig and further diects that an evidentiary hearg be held in the Swan Falls Case, IPC-E-90-2. BACKGROUN On August 22, 1990, a prehearg conference was held on these two cases. At that conference, the paries requested an opportunty to submit wrtten statements of position regardig legal or jursdictional issues. They have done so, and we have reviewed them. We now desire fuher briefig on three issues that we set forth below and alert the parties to be prepared for oral arguent on those issues at the hearg scheduled for November 27-28, 1990 in the Miner case, IPC-E-90-8. ORDER NO. 23380 -1- ,.. TI IS FOR DR' EFJG The Swan Falls and Miler projects lie before us with different legal backgrounds as well as the dierent factual backgrounds always associated with different plants. Neverheless, these projects are closely tied in time and may present overlapping legal or jurisdictional issues. For that reason, we ask the parties to brief the following legal issues in light of the facts of each project and be prepared to address them in oral arguent at hearing: 1. What is the legal authority for the Commssion to approve ratebasing of the Swan Fal rebuid before the rebuild is in servce? What is the legal authority for the Commssion to approve ratebasing for the Miler project before the project is in service? 2. What is the legal authority or propriety as a matter of policy of using avoided costs as a cap for ratebasin the Swan Falls rebuild? What is the legal authority or propriety as a matter of policy of using avoided costs as a cap for ratebasing the Miler projec? 3. Does the Commssion have authority to declare in the abstract that a certified plant or a plant by statute exempt from certifcation may be ratebased without yet knowing the cost of ratebasin the plant in retail rates? Does the Commssion have authority to declar in the abstract that a certifed plant or a plant by statute exempt from certifcation may be excluded from rate basing for a fied period in the futu without yet knowig the cost of ratebasing in retail rates? How are the rights of utility investors affectd in the implied interval created by such a decision? ORDER NO. 23380 -3- ~.. / / II / II II / / / II / II II / / II / / / II / / DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilities Commssion at Boise, Idaho, this /,?.u day of October 1990. ~~ç,'~PERRSHER, COMm=R iv~o~ ATTST: ~~RS~S~ftARY MG:nh/O-1167 ORDER NO. 23380 -5-