HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900924Packwood Direct.pdf, SNAKE RIVER . ~ 1¿/73 IDAHO POVVER COMPANY HYDRO POWER BOX 7 0 -B 0 I 5 E. I D A H 0 8 3 7 0 7 Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED SEP 24 1990 September 24, 1990 Boise, Idaho Mrs. Myrna J. Walters Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission Statehouse Boise, Idaho 83720 RE: Case No. IPC-E-90-8 Milner Proceeding Dear Mrs. Walters: Please find enclosed eight (8) copies of the Testimony and Exhibits of Messrs. Packw~od, Keen, and Baggs regarding the Milner Proceeding. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, LDR:mka Enclosures ..- CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 24th day of Septembert 1990, served the DIRECT TESTIMONY AND EXHIBITS OF WITNESSES PACKWOOD, KEEN, AND BAGGS to all part i es of record by hand deli veri ng a copy thereof, to the fo 11 owi ng: Afton Energy, Inc. c/o Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson 1087 West Ri ver Street - Ste. 230 Boi se, Idaho 83707-0027 R. Scott Pasl ey Ass i stant General Counsel J. R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boise, Idaho 83707-0027 R. Michael Southcombe, Esq. CLEMONS, COSHO & HUMPHREY 815 West Washington Boi se, Idaho 83702-5590 David H. Hawk, Director Energy Natural Resources J. R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boi se, Idaho 83707-0027 Peter Ri chardson DAVIS, WRIGHT, TREMAINE 350 North Ni nth Street Suite 400 Boise, Idaho 83702 Michael S. Gilmore (2) Brad M. Purdy Idaho Publ ic Uti 1 it ies Commi ssi on 472 West Washington Boise, Idaho 83720 and by causing a copy thereof to be del ivered by Federal Express to: James N. Roethe, Esq. PILLSBURY, MADISON, SUTRO 225 Bush Street San Franci sco, CA 94140 Grant E. Tanner DAVIS, WRIGHT, TREMAINE 2300 Fi rst Interstate Bank Tower 1300 SW Fi fth Avenue - Ste. 2300 Portl and, Oregon 97201 and due to the fact Mr. Mi 1 es had another commi tment I have caused the copy to be mailed to Mr. Miles at the following address: Harold C. Miles, Chairman Idaho Consumer Affai rs, Inc. 316 15th Avenue South Nampa, Idaho 83651 B~~ Attorney for Idaho Power Company _...~.... Idaho Public Utilties Commission Office of the Secretary RECEIVED SEP 241990 Boise, Idaho BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY FOR THE RATE BASING ) OF THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT)OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE ) A DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT STATUS ) FOR THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC )PROJECT ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT TESTIMONY OF JAN B. PACKWOOD CASE NO. IPC-E-90-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Q. A. A. .. Please state your name, business address and present position with Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power) . My name is Jan B. Packwood and my business address is 1220 W. Idaho street, Boise, Idaho. I am Vice President of Power Supply for Idaho Power. What is your educational background? I graduated in 1966 from the University of Nevada with a degree in electrical engineering.In August, 1984, I received the degree of Master of Business Boise stateAdministrationfrom University. Q.Please outline your business experience. I served four years as a commissioned officer in the United states Army, following graduation. My military experience included assignments as a Company Commander in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Vietnam as well as eight months of technical engineering with the Army Material Command.I am registered as a Professional Engineer in the States of Idaho and Nevada. I joined Idaho Power in 1970 as an Associate Engineer in the company's Central Division in Boise.My duties included designing electrical Packwood, Di 1 Idaho Power Company .. 1 transmission and distribution systems to meet 2 customer and Company needs. In 1973, I advanced to 3 Division Engineering Supervisor where I oversaw the 4 design efforts of a 12 employee engineering 5 department. 6 In 1975, I was transferred to Twin Falls as 7 Assistant Electrical Superintendent. A year later, I became the Electrical Superintendent and was responsible for all construction, operation and 8 9 10 maintenance within the Company's Southern Division. 11 ,I moved back to Boise in 1980 and assumed similar 12 responsibilities as the Electrical superintendent 13 of the Company's Central Division. 14 I became Manager of Substations in 1983 with responsibility for the mechanical, electrical,15 16 control,system protection and communication 17 functions of the company's generation, transmission 18 and distribution stations.In 1985, I became 19 Superintendent of Engineering with responsibility for all the non-generation engineering functions of20 21 the Company. 23 In 1986, I assumed the position of Assistant to the President and Chief Executive Officer with 22 24 special projects assigned by the CEO. 25 I returned to engineering and operations in Packwood, Di 2 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. .. 1988 as Senior Manager of Power Supply wi th responsibility for resource planning,system planning,high voltage lines and stations, generation engineering, wholesale marketing and contract development and administration. In 1989, I was elected to my current position as Vice President of Power Supply with ádded responsibility for power production, power operations, thermal generation and environmental affairs. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? My testimony will explain Idaho Power Company's participation in the Milner Hydroelectric Project. I will also explain the Company's request for the issuance of a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessi ty for the rate basing of the Milner Hydroelectric Project, or in the alternative, a determination of exempt status by the Commission. Questions concerning the financial arrangements wi th the Canal Companies should be directed to Mr. LaMont Keen, Controller, Idaho Power Company. Questions concerning the effect of rate basing the Milner Project should be directed to Mr. James L. Q. Baggs, Manager of Rates for Idaho Power Company. Please generally describe where the Project is Packwood, Di 3 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Q. A. Q. A. .. located. The Project is located in Idaho on the Snake River about 130 miles southeast of Boise, between the cities of Burley and Twin Falls. The project facilities extend from the existing Twin Falls Main Canal Headworks in Milner Reservoir to the powerhouse site where most of the new facilities are to be located. When was the Milner Dam originally constructed? Milner Dam was constructed in 1905 to provide irrigation storage and diversions. Who owns the Milner Dam? The Dam is owned jointly by the Twin Falls Canal Company, the North Side Canal Company and the American Falls Reservoir District Number Two. Three canals with their headworks adjacent to the Dam are fed from Milner Reservoir. The Twin Falls Main Canal (or South Side Main Canal) constructed in 1905 will be utilized for the Project.Its headworks is located near the left (south) abutment of the dam and it flows west near the Snake River for about 12 miles. Q.What water flows will be used to produce power? A.The proposed Milner Project will use Snake River flows that presently pass through the Milner Dam Packwood, Di 4 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. A. .. Spillway.Such flows occur during the non- irrigation season and at times during the irrigation season when there are flows in excess of irrigation diversions. The water will be conveyed in an enlarged Twin Falls Canal and diverted into a forebay and an intake structure, penstock and powerhouse.Head will be obtained through utilization of the difference in elevation between the Twin Falls Canal and the Snake River. What facili ties other than a powerhouse are required for the Project? other facilities required for the Project include modifications to the existing headworks, canal and bridge and a new control structure, tailrace channel, access road and transmission line. Q.When was the project originally licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)? On December 15, 1988, the Canal Companies were granted a license under Part I of the Federal Power Act (FPA) to construct, operate, and maintain the Milner Project to be located at the existing Milner Dam and Twin Falls Main Canal on the Snake River. The Project as licensed consisted of the Milner Dam and Reservoir, modifications to 6,500 feet of the Twin Falls Main Canal to increase i ts capacity, a Packwood, Di 5 Idaho Power Company .. 1 control structure on the canal that would di vert 3 the additional flow into a forebay, a penstock, a powerhouse located on the Snake River 1.6 miles downstream of the dam and containing a single 2 4 5 generating unit rated at 43,650 kilowatts, and a 6 1.4-mile-Iong transmission line. 7 The Canal Companies had informed the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that there was8 9 a serious concern for the structural integrity of 10 the 85-year-old Milner Dam and that failure of the 11 dam during the irrigation season could result in 12 near total crop failure on the 440,000 acres served 13 by the dam.Following a meeting with Canal 14 Companies and an inspection of Milner Dam, the 15 FERC i s Division of Dam Safety and Inspections 16 concluded that there was a high risk of failure at 17 the Milner Dam in the event of a seismic event 18 (earthquake). A complete dam failure could lead to 19 partial or total crop failure, since such a failure 20 would prevent diversion of water into the irrigation canal. The Canal Companies intended to21 22 use the revenues from the sale of electric power to 23 be generated by the Project to obtain the funds 24 necessary to strengthen Milner Dam and upgrade its 25 spillway.The Canal Companies contended that, Packwood, Di 6 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. .. absent these revenues, funding repair of the dam would result in severe economic hardship to many of the 7,500 Canal Companies i shareholders who depend on irrigation water from Milner Dam for their livelihood. Did FERC require further investigation as to the capacity of the Milner Project, even though a license was issued? Yes.Although the FERC issued a license to the Canal Companies based upon the construction of a single generating unit rated at 43,650 kilowatts to be located on the Twin Falls main canal, the FERC ordered that within one year of issuance of the license, the Canal Companies were required to submit a report evaluating the feasibility of also constructing a power plant at Milner Dam to utilize the power potential of the flows released to the bypass reach of the river below the dam and therefore not usable by the power plant to be located approximately 1.6 miles downstream. If the feasibility study showed that also developing a power plant at the dam would be economically beneficial, the Canal Companies were required to submi t a schedule and plans for also developing a power plant at the dam. Packwood, Di 7 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Q. A. .. When was Idaho Power officially included in the project by FERC? On May 2, 1989, the FERC issued an order adding Idaho Power as a co-licensee for the Milner Project. From and after that date the license for the Milner Project is now jointly held by Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Ltd., and Idaho Power with all conditions of the previous license being applicable to the three licensees. The license is attached as Exhibit 1. Have Idaho Power and the Canal Companies investigated the feasibility of increasing the capacity of the Milner Project? Yes. Idaho Power and the Canal Companies prepared the analysis required to determine the feasibility of increasing the capacity of the Milner Project. Based upon that analysis, Idaho Power and the Canal Companies have proposed to the FERC that a new powerhouse be constructed near the north abutment of Milner Dam and that a second unit be added to the main powerhouse 1.6 miles downstream of the dam. The powerhouse at the dam will consist of a single-propeller turbine which will discharge a constant 200 CFS when in operation with a net head of 50 feet.It will be coupled to a 1000 kVA Packwood, Di 8 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. .. induction generator. Maximum output will be about 770 kW. The turbine will be fed through a steel penstock coming off of an intake located on the reservoir. Gates to allow start-up and to unwater the unit for maintenance will be included. Provisions for release of the 200 CFS target flow when the plant is not being operated will be provided in the spillway. Based upon the new analysis, the turbines located at the Main Powerhouse 1.6 miles downstream will be vertical shaft Kaplan type directly coupled to the generators.The large unit will have a rated output of 46,000 kilowatts (kW) at a net head of 150 feet, a discharge of 4,000 CFS and a speed of 200 revolutions per minute (RPM).The small unit will have a rated output of 11,500 kilowatts (kW) at a net head of 157 feet, a discharge of 1,000 CFS, and a speed of 400 revolutions per minute (RPM). Q.As a result of the revised feasibility analysis, what action was taken? An Application to amend the license to conform the license to the feasibility analysis has been prepared, sent to relevant state and federal Packwood, Di 9 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. A. .. resource agencies for their review and comment, and filed with FERC. When did Idaho Power first become invol ved in the Milner project? Idaho Power and the Canal Companies ini tially entered into an agreement to explore the feasibility of power generation at Milner Dam in 1981.The Canal Companies were guaranteed a royalty with a net present value over the life of any development equal to approximately $5,638,000. At that time, the Parties were concerned about the integrity of the Dam itself and agreed to negotiate a common solution to the repair issue if necessary at a later date. Q.Was the Milner Dam in need of repairs? Yes. As a result of various inspections, it was determined that immediate repair was required to insure the structural integrity of the dam.The cost of necessary repairs to the Milner Dam is approximately $11,700,000. Q.What are the financial arrangements between Idaho A. Power Company and the Canal Companies? Mr. LaMont Keen will address the financial agreement between Idaho Power Company and the Canal Companies. Packwood, Di 10 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Q. A. A. .. What is the Milner Project ownership arrangement? Idaho Power and the Canal Companies have entered into an Agreement Regarding the Ownership, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of The Milner project. The Canal Companies will maintain the ownership of the dam, and Idaho Power will own the generation facilities. A copy of the Agreement is attached as Exhibit 2. Please discuss the timing of this proj ect. The Canal Companies were required by FERC to rehabilitate the Milner Dam during the 1989 construction season and .the source of funds available for that rehabilitation was to be the revenues derived from power sales.The Canal Companies had already received a license from FERC. Since the Project had to be constructed, Idaho Power was presented with a unique opportunity to participate with the Canal companies in the rehabilitation of the dam, thus securing the hydro power for the benefit of its customers. The timing of the Project, however, could not be deferred. Q.The Commission has required that Idaho Power Company submi t cost estimates on large proj ects . Please comment on this requirement. Large hydroelectric projects involve design and Packwood, Di 11 Idaho Power Company .. 1 construction which must be customized to the 2 particular site.As a resul t, preliminary 3 estimates contain many unknowns for both the final project layout and scope. Detailed engineering to finalize the layout and scope in order to obtain a 4 5 6 more precise estimate would resul t in extremely 7 high front end costs on all projects, and 8 significant expenditures would be made even if a 9 particular project is not built. Changes required 10 as part of the environmental and regulatory review 11 process could also result in the need to completely 12 redesign a project, thus radically changing the 13 original preliminary estimate. For most hydroelectric projects, the first major expenditure of funds, other than for 14 15 16 engineering design,is the purchase of the 17 hydroelectric turbines and generators. The design 18 and acceptance of bids for the Milner Proj ect ' s turbines and generators has been accomplished and19 20 Idaho Power is now able to make a cost estimate. 21 This estimate, which has been termed a "Commitment 22 Estimate", is the best estimate of the Project's 23 cost after the award of the contracts for the 24 turbines and generators plus an additional amount 25 of 5% to establish a cost ceiling for the Project. Packwood, Di 12 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Q. A. .. What is the effect of the commitment estimate under the Company's proposal? Idaho Power will commit to building the Project for the Commitment Estimate, as it may be adjusted to account for documented changes in escalation rates or scope.If the final costs exceed the "Commitment Estimate", Idaho Power will absorb the extra costs, and will include in its Idaho rate base only the actual construction costs up to the Commi tment Estimate. Please explain what you mean when you state the Commitment Estimate may be adjusted for changes in escalation rates or scope. If major inflation occurs, resulting in higher cost indices, the Commitment Estimate would be adjusted to reflect these inflated cost indices. Examples of possible scope changes which could affect the project ceiling are Force Majeure or acts of God impacting the construction, design optimization for which increased energy more than offsets the increase in initial investment, and foundation or site conditions significantly more expensive than indicated by exploratory drilling. Q.What is the current Milner cost projection? A.The Milner Project's costs are currently projected Packwood, Di 13 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. A. .. to be $60,333,900 at completion in 1992, with a dam reconstruction cost of $11,700,000.with an additional 5%, Idaho Power's Commitment Estimate for the powerhouse is $63,350,600.The cost estimates are shown in Exhibit 3. Updated Project cost estimates will be submitted to the Commission as part of the Company's Quarterly Report of Construction Projects and will include any scope or escalation changes. The final cost report on the Project will still compare the actual costs to the Commi tment Estimate. What is the Company's proposal if the Commission determines it will not issue an Order approving the Milner Project for rate basing? If the Commission determines that Idaho Power's investment in the Milner Project should not be rate based for revenue requirement purposes,the Commission should issue an order determining that the Milner Project has an exempt status. Q.Please explain the Company's proposal. The order determining the exempt status should be effective for a period of 20 years from the date of commercial operation to permit Idaho Power to enter into a long term sale of the energy to another utility. Packwood, Di 14 Idaho Power Company . . 1 Idaho Power would propose that two years prior 2 to the expiration of the order determining the 3 exempt status, Idaho Power would apply for a 4 redetermination of the status of the exempted 5 Milner Plant. The Commission, after notice, would 6 determine if the Order of Exemption should be 7 continued or if a Certificate of Public Convenience 8 and Necessity for the rate basing of the Milner 9 Project should be issued at that time. The order 10 determining the status of the generating plant 12 would be issued by the Commission wi thin one year of the date the application for redetermination is 11 13 filed. 14 If the Commission determines in the second 15 proceeding that a Certificate of Public Convenience 16 and Necessity for the rate basing of the Milner 17 Project should be issued, the Commission should 18 issue a Valuation Order for revenue requirement 19 purposes wi thin three months of the order issuing a 20 Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. 21 The value of the plant for revenue requirement 22 purposes in the 20th year will be based upon the 23 then reproduction cost new less depreciation. Mr. 24 Baggs will explain the rate making effect of this 25 proposal. Packwood, Di 15 Idaho Power Company 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. .. Does this complete your testimony. Yes it does. Packwood, Di 16 Idaho Power Company