HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900918Water Quality Certificate.pdf",' .. .~.\ \1 . ..r'8\'\\'V O.\,t..v .t. n.\ £.\) '". \ . - \'S\ \) ?)(j\j StS ti f\ ..C'. ~Il. Úv .~~ C_i. \. \~'\p,I" í.'Ü\'\\':)~"'" S C.JI"I'.," \\\tÜ \ \\,' . /~ffL~ LEIGHTON ANC SHE~L.:NE SUITE IO~ .-,_ FIL.:-~', r j' f 0- - ..,;1010 MAt;SACHUS~S ..VENUE. ~.W. .. r J NE SECRi:-~ WASi-IINGTON. C.C. 2000HS402:;'O SfP /8 pt, - ii".202-898-1122 r¡ 2: "li TELECOPIER: 202-998-0117 ;':'~9EF?41 ':. _., v . itEGU'L' -..::',::." .0.. .. I 14' r"f _,OJ \/C¡ 'M~'~/I"',,,,I.' '. i¿I ii ...... l~-, Septe ërJ~8, 1990 Lois D. Cashell, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 825 North Capitol Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 . Re: Project No. 2899-017 (Milner) Dear Ms. Cashell: On behalf of Idaho Power Company and supplementing its pending application to amend t~e above-identified license, we file herewith 15 duplicate copies of the water quality certification issued ~ay 8, 1990, by the State Of Idaho, Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Environmental Quality. Yours very truly, LEIGHTON AND SHERLINEd¿:~ by Lee S. Sherline Enclosures cc (by hand): Kathleen Sherman FERC, Room 1068 810 First Street, NE washington, DC ."..Srare of ~o IDEP,\R~NT OF HE.-\LTH .-\"-D \VE. :\R.: Divis' n of Erlvironrnenral Q~e;ìrv- ~~ ~- CSClL O. ANCFlUS.' ~ "AICHARC P. OONO'/ANOi 45 W. Sti St BOlte. Jdana 83 Kay 8, 1990 Hr. Oavid W. MeyersHaaaer.Environmental A£fairs Ida. Power Company Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 REFERECE TO: FERC l?rojec't No. 2899-003, Amended Application,'lin Falls & North Side Canal Companies, Milner Dam, Snake llve::, Twin Falls & Jerome Counties Idaho Dear M.. Meyers: We have reviewed the "Exhibit E" portion of the Federal Energy Reguatory Commssion amended application for license for the Milner Rycioelectric Project in T"tlin Falls and Jerome Counties,Idaho and submit the followinq conèi tions : .-.., -1 )The construction and operation of the hydropower facilities shaii be conduc~ed to insure compliance withIdaho Water QuaIl ty Standards and Wastewater Treatment Reguirements . ...../ 2) Pei:ent mcnitorinq anc: recordna eqipment shaii 1:e installed in the Snake Ri var bypass reach be law the dampowerhouse and below the ~ajor power plant tailrace todocument compliance with ,:amperature and dissolved oxyqenstandards. 3) Use of chemcals to demoss the intake canl for the main powerhouse must be controlled to insure that no adver~eimpacts on water quality in the Snake River occurs. 4) Spoils generated as a res~it of the construction should be disposed of away from the river and reservoir to assure water quality pro,:ac~ion. 5) Fuels and chemicals utilized in the construction shall be stored away from the =iver and reservoir to assure they do not enter the wata: in the case of spillage. .: ," '. .~'l .. Mr. Da.vid W. Meyers Maya, 1990Paqe Tw The main~enance of 200 cfs flow thuqh the powerhouse a.t the dashould. ~esul t in miniml impacts on water quality in the bypassrea.ch. As lonq a.s water quality imacts are minized duinqconstruction with consideration for post constrction imacts an the above conditions met, we ce~ify under Section 401 tht the project will comply with applicable requirements of Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and. 307 of PL 92-500 an will not violate Ida WaterGuili ~v Standards and Wastewater. Th1s certification does not imply approval of the activity by othra.gencies of the State of Idaho. ~cereiyi JfNa~AcbAdnistrator ;.-- t ,',.., ,..' m:jy cc : Lois D. Casheii i PERC Al Huey/Susan Hartin, DEQ Michael XCsters, CEQ-'lO EPA-IOO