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HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900912Response.pdfSNAKE RIVER ../¿ 7.L3 IDAHgCE~f?iWER COMPANY lLED 0 BOX 70 . BOISE, IDAHO 83707 HYDRO POWER SEP 12 prii 3 10 t~ì-lOPü E3 Ll G lES COMMISS¡Orl September 12, 19904:~ Mrs. Myrna J. Walters Secretary Idaho Public Utilties Commission Statehouse Boise, Idaho 83720 RE: Case No. IPC.E.90.8 Response of Idaho Power Company Dear Mrs. Walters: Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company's Response to Staff and Parties in the above entitled matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Sincerely,~ Larry D. Ripley Attorney LDR:mka Enclosures .. LARRY D. RI PLEY c/o Idaho Power Company 1220 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boi se, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2674 STEVEN L. HERNDON IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1220 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2918 RECEIVED 00 LED n ~W SEP 12 Pí~ 3 10 PU8UC ¡linES COMMISSiON Attorneys for Idaho Power Company FAX (208) 282-2336 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY FOR THE RATE BASING ) OF THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC ) PROJECT OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE ) A DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT STATUS ) FOR THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC )PROJECT ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-8 RESPONSE OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMMENTS OF STAFF AND PARTIES IN THE MILNER PROCEEDING At the prehearing conference held on August 22, 1990, it was agreed that the Commission Staff (Staff) and interested Parties (Parties) would be permitted to file statements of position concerning Idaho Power's Application in this proceeding. The Commission Staff (Staff), Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (ICIP), Afton Energy, Inc. (Afton), and Idaho Consumer Affairs, Inc. (ICA), have fi 1 ed such statements. The statements of Staff, ICIP, and Afton all raise legal issues which must be addressed by the Commi ss ion if the Commi ss ion determi nes that it wi 11 not permit the ratebasing of the Milner Hydroelectric Project upon completion of that project.It is the pos it i on of Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power) that the 1 .. issuance of a cert i fi cate of pub 1 i c conveni ence and necess i ty for a generat ion fac i 1 i ty is a determi nat i on by the Commi ss i on that the fac i 1 i ty, upon construction, will be included in the ratebase of the utility when determining the revenue requi rement of that utili ty. Under Idaho 1 aw if a utility has reasonably and prudently invested funds in a facility which is dedicated to the public use, that investment must be included in the utility's ratebase for purposes of determi ni ng the uti 1 i ty' s revenue requi rement. The issuance of a cert ifi cate of pub 1 i c conveni ence and necess i ty is a determi nat i on that the facil ity should be constructed and is dedicated to the public use. If a Cert i fi cate of Exemption is issued, the investment in Mil ner will not be recognized for revenue requirement purposes by the Commission. Since the faci 1 i ty wi 11 not be recogni zed for rate maki ng purposes in the State of Idaho it should be exempt from the jurisdiction of the Commission insofar as the sale of power from that facil ity is concerned. As counsel for Idaho Power pointed out at the prehearing conference, the difficulty with hydro projects is that there are two jurisdictions which claim authority. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) determines if a hydro facil ity can be constructed on the navigable waters of the United States and determines many of the construction requirements of the project. The State Regulatory Commission, in this instance, the Idaho Commission, also has jurisdiction over the facility as far as the issuance of a state certificate of publ ic convenience and necessity is concerned. If the Idaho Commission determines that it will not issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity, Idaho Power has proposed that the facility be declared exempt from state regulation for a period of time in order to meet the requirements of the FERC as well as the Commission. This period of exemption must be for a reasonable period of time (20 years) to permit Idaho Power to enter 2 .. into along term sale of the power from the Mi 1 ner fac i 1 i ty . If the Commission determines that Idaho Power should be issued a cert i fi cate of pub 1 i c conven i ence and necess i ty and therefore, Idaho Power's reasonable investment in the Milner facility should be ratebased; it is the position of Idaho Power that the amount to be included in ratebase, upon comp 1 et i on of the construction of Mi 1 ner, shoul d be the plant costs reasonably incurred in constructing Milner 1 imited only by the cap on ratebase that Idaho Power is willing to voluntarily impose. The amount of investment included in a utility's ratebase are the costs reasonably incurred by the utility. It is not appropriate to utilize some type of avoi ded cost cal cul at i on to determi ne ratebase investment. The Company does agree that the actual amount of investment to be included in ratebase can only be determined after construction of Milner is comp 1 eted. I f the amount, however, is below the cap proposed by Idaho Power and has been reasonably incurred, it is the pos i t i on of Idaho Power that th is amount must be recogni zed in Idaho Power's ratebase for revenue requi rement purposes. The ICIP is perhaps confused as to the effect of Idaho Power's Application on the rates to be charged Idaho Power's customers. The "ratebasing" of a generat ion fac i 1 i ty does not change the rates charged by Idaho Power. Admittedly, the inclusion of a generation facility will increase a utility's ratebase but it may not change the revenue requ i rement of that ut i 1 i ty . The revenue requirement of the util ity can only be determined in a proceeding where the utility's rates are subject to revision. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Idaho Power, in responding to the statements of Staff and the Parties, recognizes that all parties will be given additional time to fully brief 3 .. the issues that have been raised before the Commission makes a final decision. Concurrently with the evidentiary proceeding that is to be held in regard to the Company's Application for the Milner Hydroelectric Project, the Commi ss i on shoul d set a bri efi ng schedul e on the 1 ega 1 issues that have been ra i sed by the Staff and Parties. If Staff and Parties desire to contend that the Commission's Avoided Cost Determinations for Idaho Power can be utilized to calculate Idaho Power's investment for ratebase purposes, they should be required to file specific proposa 1 s as to how that cal cul at ion woul d be made by a date to be set by the Commi ss ion. Idaho Power woul d then be able to respond to such a content ion. Dated t Boise, Idaho s arr . Ri 1 e 'IAtow~ 4 .. CERTIFICATE OF SeRVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have this 12th day of September, 1990, served the foregoi ng RESPONSE OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO COMMENTS OF STAFF AND PARTIES, to all parties of record by hand delivering a copy thereof, to the following: Afton Energy, Inc. c/o Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson 1087 West River Street - Ste. 230 Boi se, Idaho 83707-0027 R. Scott Pasl ey Ass i stant General Counsel J. R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boise, Idaho 83707-0027 David H. Hawk, Director Energy Natural Resources J. R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boise, Idaho 83707-0027 R. Michael Southcombe, Esq. CLEMONS, COSHO & HUMPHREY 815 West Washington Boi se, Idaho 83702-5590 Peter Ri chardson DAVIS, WRIGHT, TREMAINE 350 North Ni nth Street Suite 400 Boi se, Idaho 83702 Michael S. Gilmore (2) Brad M. Purdy Idaho Publ ic Util ities Comission 472 West Washi ngton Boi se, Idaho 83720 and by causing a copy thereof to be del ivered by Federal Express to: James N. Roethe, Esq. PILLSBURY, MADISON, SUTRO 225 Bush Street San Francisco, CA 94140 Grant E. Tanner DAVIS, WRIGHT, TREMAINE 2300 First Interstate Bank Tower 1300 SW Fi fth Avenue - Ste. 2300 Portl and, Oregon 97201 and due to the fact Mr. Mi 1 es had another commi tment I have caused the copy to be mailed to Mr. Miles at the following address: Harold C. Miles, Chairman Idaho Consumer Affairs, Inc. 316 15th Avenue South Nampa, Idaho 83651 By~M¿ Attorney for Idaho Power Cómpany