HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900613Motion to Deny Afton Petition.pdf../..-7-19SNAKE RIVER IDAHO ~r.9EVVI\i¡:.f.\:ER COMPANY l\i_V ~b'.-i '.-.- LED gx 70. BOISE, IDAHO 83707 HYDRO POWER 80 JUN 13 furi 8 3;ke 12, 1990 ¡'\tO FUGUe LJT:LiTIES COMMISSION/2~ Mrs. Myrna J. Walters Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission Statehouse 80i se, Idaho 83720 Re: Case No. IPC-E-90-8 Dear Mrs. Walters: Please find enclosed for fil ing an original and seven (7) copies of Idaho Power Company's Motion to Deny Petition to Intervene Filed by Afton Energy, Inc. I f you have any quest ions, please feel free to call me. LDR:mmb Enclosures ~ -.. LED ryLJ o F~ECEiv LARRY D. RIPLEY EVANS, KEANE, KOONTZ, BOYD, SIMKO & RIPLEY c/o Idaho Power Company 1220 W. Idaho Street P. o. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2674 STEVEN L. HERNDON IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1220 W. Idaho Street P. O. Box 70 Boi se, ID 83707 (208) 383-2918 JllN 13 Aí1 ß 31 ~.., D ~ ¡ t\V ULiV t iTI'ES COf¡~t,îlSS ON Attorneys for Idaho Power Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY FOR A ) CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE ) AND NECESSITY FOR THE RATE BASING ) OF THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ) OR IN THE ALTERNATIVE ) A DETERMINATION OF EXEMPT STATUS ) FOR THE MILNER HYDROELECTRIC )PROJECT ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-8 MOTION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO DENY PETITION TO INTERVENE F I LED BY AFTON ENERGY, INC. COMES NOW Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power) and pursuant to RP&P 24. 7(b), herewith files its Motion in opposition to the Petition for Intervention filed by Afton Energy, Inc. (Afton), upon the following grounds: 1. Afton Energy, Inc. has also fi 1 ed a Pet it i on to Intervene inCase No, IPC-E-90-2, Idaho Power's Swan Falls Application. The Petition to Intervene Afton has filed in the Milner Application is identical to the Petition to Intervene that Afton filed in the Swan Falls Application, except that Afton .. changed the reference from "Swan Falls" to 'IMilner Dam", and in allegation number 3, added the verbi age ". . . based on 1 awful avoi ded costs and arms 1 ength negot i at ions." to the 1 ast sentence in that paragraph. I i. Afton's Petition to Intervene in the Swan Falls proceeding is attached as Attachment No.1, and Idaho Power Company's Motion to Deny fi 1 ed in the Swan Falls proceeding is attached as Attachment No.2. Also attached as Attachment No.3, is Commission Order No. 2300 entered in Case No. IPC-E-90-2. III. In Order No. 2300 the Commi ss i on permi tted Afton's i ntervent ion, but 1 i mi ted such i ntervent ion. IV. Based upon Afton's Pet it i on to Intervene fi 1 ed in th is proceed i ng and referri ng to Attachments 1, 2 and 3 as if set out in full herei n, Idaho Power Company objects to the intervention of Afton Energy, Inc., but recognizes that the Commission may desire to permit Afton's intervention on a limited basis as provided in Order No. 2300. WHEREFORE Idaho Power respectfully moves that the Petition for Intervention filed by Afton should be denied. DATED this 12th day of June, 1990. 2 .. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 12th day of June, 1990, I mailed a true and correct copy of the within and foregoing MOTION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO DENY PETITION TO INTERVENE FILED BY AFTON ENERGY, INC., postage prepaid and addressed as fo 11 ows: Afton Energy, Inc. c/o Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson Suite 230 1087 West Ri ver Street Boi se, 10 83702 Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson Suite 230 1087 West River Street Boise, ID 83702 /S/~~~ 3 .. --, r' ~ ~..~ ~~....~.. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO IN TH MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY AUTORITY TO RATE BASE THE INVSTMNT REQUIRED FOR THE REBUILD OF THE SWAN FALL HYDRO- ELECTRIC FACILITY. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) PETITION TO INTERVENE BY AFTON ENERGY, INC. CAE NO. IPC-E-90-2 COMES NOW, Afton Energy Inc., herein called "this Intervenor" and pursuant to this Commission's Rule 5, by this Petition requests leave to intervene herein and to appear and participate as a party herein, and as grounds therefor states as follows: i. The name and address of this Intervenor is: Afton Energy, Inc. % Owen H. Orndòrff Orndorff & Peterson 1087 West River Street Suite 230 Boise, Idaho 83702 This Intervenor will be represented by: Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson 1087 West River Street Suite 230 Boise, Idaho 83702 - 1 - Attaclint No. 1 " ".. Copies of all pleadings, testimony, exhibits, production requests, Commission Orders and other documents should be provided to the parties identified above. 2. Afton Energy, Inc. ("Afton") has built a Qualified Facility under the Pulic utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA") in Afton, Wyoming. Although the facility experienced temporary operating problems in the early contract years, it has now been rebuilt and is presently delivering approximately 50% more Dispatchable Capacity to Idaho Power than required under its contract. Afton's contract specifically allows Afton to make additional sales to Idaho Power and existing avoided costs from time to time. The filing by the Company for setting its proposed rate based costs may specifically impact the equivalent value of new resources such as the Afton rebuilt plant. To the extent Idaho Power's filing for rate based costs for Swan Falls are greater than its PURA avoid cost rates, such discrimination against Qualified. Facilities is prohibited under federal law. without an opportunity to intervene in this case, Afton and similarly situated Qualified Facilities are without any means to challenge Idaho Power's claims that new resources such as Swan Falls are "non deferrable." 3 . Intervenor believes that any rate based cost above existing avoided costs should be disallowed as a expense properly changed to shareholders. In the al ternati ve, Afton should be - 2 - , ._'.".. allowed to provide Idaho Power capacity and energy at whatever rate is set for Swan Falls for which ratepayers will be charged. 4 . This Intervenor intends to participate herein as a party, and if necessary to introduce evidence, cross-examine witnesses, call and examine witnesses, and be heard in arguent. The nature and quality of evidence which this Intervenor will introduce is dependent upon the nature and effect of other evidence in this proceeding. 5. wi thout the opportuni ty to intervene herein, this Intervenor will be wi thout any means of participation in the determination of the public interest with respect to the avoided cost rates and the rated Idaho Power proposes charging ratepayers for an unecessary new generating resource. Unless allowed to Intervene, this. Intervenor would be unable to participate in proceedings which may have a material impact on future electric production. WHREFORE, Afton Energy, Inc. requests that this Commission grant this Petition to Intervene in these proceedings and to appear and participate in all matters as may be necessary and appropriate; and to present evidence, call and examine witnesses, present arguent and to otherwise fully participate in these proceedings. - 3 - , c ..-'. Dated at Boise, Idaho this (p -t day Of~, 1990. By: H. ORNDORFF Attorney for Afton , Inc. CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I hereby certify that I have served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document upon the following parties in thisproceeding by: Larry Ripley Evans, Keane, Koontz, Boyd, Simko & Ripley c/o Idaho Power Company 1220 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, ID 83707 Steven L. Herndon Idaho Power Company 1220 West Idaho Street P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 Hand Del i very .. U.S. Mail Facsimile Transmission Certified Mail Federal Express DATED this 6th day of March, - 4 - "'i ....... ~. ~---. ---...... /~d' 3.-/' "'~ i / RECEIVED £I ~ =-!LED 0 \\ 90 ll8R 13 All.9 ~7 .. SIMKO & RIPLEY \~~ -'--~ --..~__A.:~ LARRY D. RIPLEY EVANS, KEANE, KOONTZ, BOYD, c/o Idaho Power Company 1220 W. Idaho Street P. O. Box 70 Boi se, Idaho 83707 (208) 383-2674 STEVEN L. HERNDON IDAHO POWER COMPANY 1220 W. Idaho Street P. O. Box 70 Boise, 10 83707 (208) 383-2918 Attorneys for Idaho Power Company (,0\ : :'AHO PUBL!C UTIUilES COMMISSION/:~ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY AUTHORITY TO RATE BASE THE INVESTMENT REQUIRED FOR THE REBUILD OF THE SWAN FALLS HYDROELECTRIC FACILITY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. IPC-E-90-2 MOTION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO DENY PETITION TO INTERVENE FILED BY AFTON ENERGY, INC. COMES NOW Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power) and pursuant to RP&P 24.7(b), herewith files its Motion in opposition to the Petition for Intervention filed by Afton Energy, Inc. (Afton), upon the following grounds: i. That Afton is not a customer of Idaho Power. II. That Afton does have a contract with Idaho Power, but th~~term and conditions of that contract are not an issue in this proceeding. Expanding these proceed i ngs to include an i nterpretat i on of the ri ghts and ob 1 i gat ions of the parties under the Afton contract, whether Afton has the right to sell additional Attaclnt No. 2 f¡ ...:. power to Idaho Power, whether Afton has any "new" capac i ty to sell to Idaho Power, and the impact of the rate basing of Swan Falls on the Afton facility are all issues which are irrelevant and immaterial to Idaho Power's application in this proceeding and will unduly broaden the issues in this application. III. Afton, which is not a customer of Idaho Power, has no standing to request the disallowance of any expenses as legitimate rate making items. IV. That there is presently pending before the Idaho Publ ic Util ities Commission, Case No. IPC-E-89-11, which proceeding is for the setting of avoided cost rates and the estab 1 i shment of such rates for Idaho Power. V. In addressing Afton's allegations set forth in paragraphs 2 and 3 to the extent that such all egat ions purport to set forth factual contentions, Idaho Power denies those allegations except for the fact that Afton has entered into a contract wi th Idaho Power and that contract is now the subject of 1 itigation in the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Ada. Any rights that Afton has to sell additional power to Idaho Power are set forth in its contract. VI. The Petition to Intervene filed by Afton does not show any direct and substantial interest in the proceeding and will unduly broaden the issues. Granting the Petition to Intervene filed by Afton is not in the public interest. 2 ... WHEREFORE . Idaho Power respectfully moves that the Petition for Intervent;on filed by Afton should be denied. For whatever reason, Afton has chosen not to be a participant in Case No. IPC-E-89-11. DATED this 13th day of March, 1990./S~~ CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 13th day of March, 1990, I served a true and correct copy of the within and forego;ng MOTION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY TO DENY PETITION TO INTERVENE FILED BY AFTON ENERGY, INC., postage prepaid and addressed as fo 11 ows: Afton Energy, Inc. c/o Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson 1087 West River Street Suite 230 Boi se, 10 83702 Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff & Peterson 1087 West Ri ver Street Suite 230 Boise, ID 83702 3 7" w:1i /st"r;::~~y ': ~'. . . 1 . .~~APR 18 1990 BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UT COMMION .. IN TH MA1-lER OF TH APCATION ) OF IDAHO POWE COMPAN FOR )AUTORI TO RATE BAS TH )IN REQUl FOR TH )REOFTHSWANFALHYRO- )ELC FAcn. ) ) CAS NO. IPE-902 ORDER NO. 2300 On March 6, 1990, Afon Energy, Inc., petitioned to interene in thi proceeding in which Idaho Power Company applied for authority to rate base its invetment in the rebuid of the Swan Fals hydroelectc facty. Idaho Power timely opposed Afon's Petition to Inteene. For the reasns stted in th Order we grant the Petition to Interene. Afon sell elecricity to Idaho Power under the Public Utity Reguatory Policies Ac of 1978 (PURA). It has one of the oldest agments with Idaho Power, and its output under the agreement quales for sales rates that are more favoable than cuent rate. However, accordi to Afn's Petitin, it is now delive 50% more dipatchable capacity to Idaho Power tha req under its agreeent, and these additiona sales are prced at subsequent, lower rates. Afon contends tht there is a relationship between Idaho Power's cost of the Swan Fal rebuid and the Company's cunt or futue avoded cost upon which the rates for sale of Afn's additiona outpt are based Idao Power oppose Afn's Petition to Inteene, contendig that the,issues Afn has identied are irrlevant and imateal to thi preeg and would unduly broaden the isses in the Application. Idaho Power contends that Afn, which is not a cutomer, has no stadig to reqest diowance of any of Idaho Power's exenditues as legitiate ratemak items. Idaho Power fuher ORDER NO. 23000 -1- Attahmt No. 3 . i '.' ::: . J . ORDER NO. 23000 .2. \:. ¡. '( .~ ,t" ,t" i ::_~ ¿..' .;. l'--... On the other hand, if Afn's arguents should prevai, Afon would be prejudiced by denyig its Petition to Intervene. The paries' rights can best be accommodated in this instance by allowig Afn to intervene. We do, however, agree with Idaho Power that Afon's intervention, if not properly lited, has the potential for unduly broadeni the issues in this proceedig. Accordigly, we will not permt the interpretation of the rights and obligations of the paries under the Afon contract to become an issue in thi case. Th is not the appropriate foru or proeeg for reIitigatig the disagrements assoate with tht agrment. The intervention of Afon is strictly lited to the queston of whether and to what extnt the investent in the rebuid of the Swan Fal facity should be included in - the rate bas of the of the Company., o RD E R IT is THREFORE ORDERED that the Petition 'to Inteene fied by Afn Ener, Inc. is herby grte, lite in scope as set fort in the text of this Orer. IT is FUTHR ORDERE that al pares in thi procg sere al paper hereafr fied in th matter on al other pares of red. Th Inteenor is rereste by the followi for puroses of serce: Afn Energy, Inc. CLO Owen H. OmdomOrdor & Petn Suite 230 1087 West River Street Bo, m 83702 .. ORDER NO. 23000 . -3- A " ,. " ..r.. IIIII IIIII 1/111 1/111 IIIII IIIII DONE by Order of the Idaho Public Utilties Commsion at Boise, Idaho, thi/1'~ day of Apr1990. .. , ~~PRSIDEN ~~:~NE. £e~1L~RA LSON, COMMSSIONE ATTST:~P~4!k'-/~WÄ æ, ~CRARY MG:dclO-919 .. ORDER NO. 23000 -4