HomeMy WebLinkAbout19901121Legal Memorandum.pdfl .,. BEFRETBE IDAHO PUBUC UT COMMSSdWE1VED fiFilED 0 90 NDU 2 CAS NO. IPE-902 i flPJ 10 1~ iDAHO PUBL'l'UT ,- . IvIi IES COMMfSS10f IN TH MArrER OF TH APLICATION ) OF IDAHO POWER COMPAN FOR AUT- )ORl TO RATEAS TH IN )REQum FOR TH REUI OF TH )SWAN FAL HYROELECTC PROJECT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) IN TH MA1TER OF TH APLICATION OF IDAHO POWE COMPAN FOR ACERTCATE OF PULIC CONVCEAN NECEIT FOR TH RATEASGOF TH :M HYROELCTCPROJECT OR IN TH ALTERNATIA DETRMATION OF EX STATUS FOR TH :M HYRO-ELCTC PROJECT CAS NO. IPE-90 LE MEMORAUM OFCOMMION STAF Order No. 23380, issued on October 15, 1990, directed the parties in the Milner and Swan Falls cases to address the three legal issues set forth below. response. Following is Staff's I . WHT IS TH LEGAL AUTORITY FOR TH COMISSION TO APPROVE RATE BASING OF TH Stf FALLS REBUILD BEFORE TH REBUILD IS IN SERVICE? WHT IS TH LEGAL AUTRITY FOR TH COMMISSION TO APPROVE RATE BASING FOR TH MILNER PROJECT BEFORE TH PROJECT IS IN SERVICE? The cri tical statute upon which most legal issues in this case hinge is Idaho Code § 61-626 which, in pertinent part, provides: No . . . electrical corporation . . . shall henceforth begin the construction of a . . . plant or system . . . without having firstobtained from the commission a certificate that the present or future public convenience and necessity require or will require such construction . . . . LEGAL MEMORANDUM OF COMMISSION STAFF -1- .. Staff interprets § 61-526 to require a utility to apply for and obtain a Certificate of Public Convenience and necessity prior to construction of a new plant.This statute thus applies to Milner, a new generation project, but not to Swan Falls, the rebui ld of an existing generating project. Further, and more importantly wi th respect to this issue, § 61-526 does not guarantee that investment in a plant for which a certificate has been issued wi 11 necessari ly be included in the Company's rate base upon completion.It only addresses the authority to construct the plant. Idaho Power interprets § 61-526 differently. It argues that the issuance of a certificate for Milner means that all costs reasonably incurred, up' to the Company's self-imposed cap, will necessarily be included in rate base once the plant is completed and put into service.The Company has framed its Application in this manner. Staff disagrees. Staff interprets the Company's Application, in part, as a Peti tion for a Declaratory Ruling by the Commission for an interpretation of § 61-526. Idaho Code § 67-5208 provides legal authori ty for making this determination. Declaratory Rulings by Agencies. --Each agency shall provide by rule for the filing and prompt disposition of peti tions for declara- tory rulings of the applicabi Ii ty of any statutory provision or of any rule or order of the agency. Rulings disposing of peti- tions have the same status as agency deci- sions or orders in contested cases. Staff believes this statute allows the Commission to address the issue of rate basing the plant. Staff believes that LEGAL MEMORANDUM OF COMMISSION STAFF -2- .. the Company's Application and subsequent arguments, if accepted, would force the Commission into an untenable posture. There are many events that could take place between issuance of a certifi- cate and the date of new plant put in service for retai i rate- payers, particularly if there is a 20-year delay between them. For example, there could be significant changes in energy generation technology making the certificated plant obsolete before it is dedicated to retail use. The Company's load could be drastically curtailed through the loss of large customers, thereby, making the certificated plant unnecessary. Staff concedes that these examples present extreme scenarios. Furthermore, it would not be good policy and it has not been the habi t of this Commission to issue certificates for plants and then arbitrarily refuse to allow them into rate base wi th findings of management/shareholder responsibi Ii ty for some of the costs of the plant. Sti II, it would be unwise for the Commission to unquali- fiedly preapprove a plant for rate base and place risks upon the ratepayers that should be borne by the Company shareholders. Staff is not aware of any specific legal precedents for preapproval of rate base for an uncompleted plant.This is a policy question that the Commission may address in a declaratory ruling. Staff asserts that the Commission should not preapprove Milner for rate base but limit its decision to whether to issue a certificate to authorize the Company simply to construct the plant, recognizing that in the ordinary course of events that LEGAL MEMORANDUM OF COMMISSION STAFF -3- .. rate basing of a reasonable cost of the project is the general rule. Although this analysis technically only applies to Milner, as a practical matter, given the Commsision' s past treatment of the Swan Falls rebuild, a similar analysis is appropriate there. II. WHT IS TH LEGAL AUTRITY OR PROPRIET AS A MATTR OF POLICY OF USING AVOIDED COSTS AS A CA FOR RATE BASING TH SWAN FALS REBUILD? WHT is TH LEGAL AUTORITY OR PROPRIETY AS A MATTR OF POLICY OF USING AVOIDED COSTS AS A CA FOR RATE BASING TH MILNER PROJECT? At the outset, Staff would like to point out that it is not necessary for the Commission to decide whether to use avoided costs as a cap on rate basing Milner at this juncture. This determination can and should be made after the plant has been completed. Should the Commission wish to decide the matter now, Staff would assert that avoided costs are a factor in determin- ing whether investment in a plant was reasonable. To the extent that actual costs for Milner and Swan Falls exceed the avoided cost rates, these costs could be presumed unreasonable subj ect to justification by the Company. PURPA is silent whether utili- ties may build their own generating projects at costs exceeding avoided costs.PURPA has not precluded state commissions from considering intangible benefits associated with given plants that may justify charging them to ratepayers at more than avoided costs.This is not the time to consider such argu- ments.Instead, those questions should be delayed unti 1 Idaho Power proposes to include the proj ect in rates. LEGAL MEMORANDUM OF COMMISSION STAFF -4- . . Furthermore, the Company should not be led to believe that any costs incurred up to the avoided cost rates wi I 1 be presumed reasonable. All costs incurred must be judged on their own merits. The Company should not be allowed to include unrea- sonable costs in rate base. IlIa. DOES TH COMISSION HAVE TH AUTORITY TO DECLA IN THEABSTRCT A CERTIFIED PLA OR A PLA BY STATU EXE FROM CERTIFICATION MAY BE RATE BASED WITH YE KNOWING TH COST OF RATE BASING TH PLA IN REAIL RATES? Staff rei terates that the Commission should not preap- prove rate basing of an unfinished plant. This does not mean, however, that a utility may not be told that its certificated project may be included in the Company's resource stack. The consequences of the failure of the Company to bring the resource on line or the risk that the plant may be rendered obsolete prior to completion should inure to the Company's shareholders, not the ratepayers. IIIb. DOES THE COMMISSION HAVE AUTORITY TO DECLE IN THEABSTRCT THT A CETIFIED PLA OR A PLA BY STATU EXE FROM CERTIFICATION MAY BE EXCLUDED FR RATEBASING FOR A FIXE PERIOD IN TH FU WITHUT YE KNOWING TH COST OF RATE BASING IN REAIL RATES? Staff has stated in prior briefing that the Commission has the option of issuing a certificate for the future public convenience and necessi ty.Such a certificate could contain language to exempt Mi lner from retai 1 rate regulation under the conditions requested by the Company in its alternative proposal. This does not mean that the Commission could or should preapprove rate basing of ei ther plant prior to the expi ration LEGAL MEMORANDUM OF COMMISSION STAFF -5- ... of the exemption period.Staff has recommended in testimony that, under this option, the Commission should not determine the amount or the means of determining an amount for rate basing until the time that the plant is put into service for the Company's ratepayers. IIIc. HOW AR TH RIGHTS OF UTILITY INVSTORS AFFECTE IN TH IMPLIED INTRVAL CRTED BY SUCH A DECISION? Assuming that the Commission opts to exempt Mi lner from retai i rate regulation, the Company should be allowed to operate the plant or plants in any manner that it desires. Under this scenario, it must be made clear that the Company's shareholders and not the ratepayers shall bear the risk or risks identified in this memorandum relating to the two plants.The Company should not be allowed to subsidize the costs of either plant while they are under exempt status. RESPECTFULLY submitted this j) 151-day of November 1990. 1? t)2L,/pMichael S. Gilmore 8 Brad M. BP:vld/B-136 LEGAL MEMORANDUM OF COMMISSION STAFF -1- .... CEIFiCAT OF SEVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 21st DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1990, SERVED THE FOREGOING LEGAL MERAUM OF COMISSION STAFF, CASE NOS. IPC-E-90-2 and IPC-E-90-8, ON ALL PARTIES OF RECORD BY MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: LARRY D. RIPLEY, ESQ. IDAHO POWER COMPANY P. O. BOX 70 BOISE, ID 83707 GRANT E. TANNER, ESQ. DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE SUITE 2300 1300 S. W. FIFTH AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97201 STEVEN L. HERNDON IDAHO POWER COMPANY P. O. BOX 70 BOISE, ID 83707 PETER J. RICHARDSON, ESQ. DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE 400 JEFFERSON PLACE 350 N. NINTH STREET BOISE, ID 83702AFTON ENERGY, INC. C/O OWEN H. ORNDORFF ORNDORFF & PETERSON SUITE 230 1087 W. RIVER STREET BOISE, ID 83702 HAROLD C. MILES, CHAIRMAN IDAHO CONSUMER AFFAIRS, INC 316 FIFTEENTH AVENUE SOUTH NAMPA, ID 83651 JAMES N. ROETHE PILLSBURY MADISON & SUTRO P. O. BOX 7880 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94120 R. MI CHAEL SOUTHCOMBE CLEMONS COSHO & HUMPHREY 815 W. WASHINGTON STREET BOISE, 10. 83702 DAVID H. HAWK, DIRECTOR ENERGY NATURAL RESOURCES J. R. SIMPLOT COMPANY P. O. BOX 27 BOISE, ID 83707-0027 OWEN H. ORNDORFF ORNDORFF & PETERSON SUITE 230 1087 W. RIVER STREET BOISE, ID 83702-7035 ~aL¿